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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1884)
tmct&t STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IR THE WILLAMETTE YALLIT. pe ial business netkes in Loeal Uol umnse l& cents per line. Kegnlar Lacs noli- ea 10 rent, jajr line. l or legal and transient advertisement. 00 fer sq uare for the first insertion ,ss 'nts par eqoare for each snlseqeri Insertlo n 1 Kates Tor other advertisements made wri ' n application. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY ST STITES & NUTTING. MHIIMWIII F--in rnincrnt Building on Broartalbia Street. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION single copy, per year, advance.. male cioy. per year, at end of year lurls copy, six months single copy, three month single number f 50 8 00 1 60 75 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 83, 1884. NO 4:, S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State t i a (its PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1.. Kl.I N N. CHAMBRRLAIJf. FLINN A CHAMBERLAIN, ATTOB.KVS AT LAW, Alhnuj . Oregon. -Office in Foster's Brick BknA. fJB R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT MW. Albany. Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of tins State. AMU Bive special alleu'.ion to collections and prolate matter. M Office in Foster's now brick. tT L. H. MONTANYB. ATTOHNKYAT LAW, Notary Public. llbanj, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brisrirs store, 1st street. vUn2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY TCTMJCJ ATTORNEY AT LAW. IIB4M. OBH.n. ITILL PRACTICE IN AW- THE COfflRTB OF TI1K ? State ScUl attention gtVOB to WMWI " probate matter gsVt!fioe '.i. iVi.l Fell.' Temple. IseS! J C. POWKI.L. W- R- ILTBD POWELL & BIIA'KU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors iu Chauifjr Collections promptly made ouall point. Loans netiatei OO reasonable terms. Office in Foster s H. saw Vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorns? AM Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, WH1 pracMee in all of the Courts of thiS;at- AH business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Oiuhj in OToole's Block. E. W. lANCDON & CO., DRl'GGIHTS. Books. Stationerv and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices, CITT DRUG STORE, Kyi 4LISiY. OmEfcOX. FOSHAY & MASON, whole--. ax D snail Druggists and Booksellers, ALB.IXY, REGO.VT vl6n41tf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sbavine done with neatneni and sharp razor, wiii.-h are elavays kpt in srood condition, and hair cut in the very best style. J9H!i SCHMiER, LITEM, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany," Oregon. Uo-sot kept on reasonable terms. Horses and buggies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. SAX WA V L AO'DRY AND CHDU MERi'H XWSXQ BUSI NESS. Rice, tea and Japv.ese jrojd. Ladies underclothes, sold at bott-im prices. Contractor for China labor. g"ext to Citv Bank. HENG TENG-. Bost washing and ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door aoutb of Revere flime. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domesiic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard ball in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchandise household goods, etc.. at aiiftiou for any one in ti e cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN. SCIO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. DEALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Kep a full lire of jewelry. Watches and clocks repairei in first-class oruer. SCIO OREGON. We IU. MORROW, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. KEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE groceries, fresh candies, nuts, and all kinds of confectionaries, tobacco, cgars, etc , etc. Cash paid for produce ot all kinds. SCIO, OREGON'. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, hats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. 3Iain Street - - SCIO, OK. J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LE TTINGS SO LICITED. Plans and .specifications tur Dished on short notice. Don't omt II WOOD'S IMPROVED DIN DER,W00D'S MOWER, LA DELLE WAGON, I he woids "I-a Iblle" in French inear "the beauty." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, -AND- All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the unslersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Aeut for Frank Bros., Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURF BRINK & SON. iSutvesaors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, M iimu. tares and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that ihey manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on bsnri. a complete stock of all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bod rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is new pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work oo short notice. All work Is wer ranted to Rive satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but rteal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aiad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my piicea before purchas. ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold, "hop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS. Prop. DR. M. H. ELLIS. Physician and Surgeon. aarOflice and ro-ddence in Mcllwain's Block. Albany, Oregon. NEW BARBER SHOP. . JACK80H - - Proprietor. )pposile Revere House Shavin and hair dressing done in first' class hi i f. First-class bfftb rooms. Bat h for arlies and gentlemen f all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, ( or or . drat and Ellsworth Albany, Orcgoa. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. TJii new Holel is fitted up in flrat claas aty la. Table, (applied with the beat the market afford. Spring Boda in every Room. A food Sample Boom (or Com mercial Traveler. rjTFree Coach to mad from the BoteL.'Va MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLIHEET AND DRESS-MAKIH8. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's SysUm. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DRS. L W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O REQON. Offer their professional senrice to th. citizen of Linn and adjacent countii. Office and residence near Court Hrase. Call at Lang-don and Co's Drtijf Store. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democrat. otttce. REB GRBWN MILLS. ISOM, LAMING & CO., PROPR'S SEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. DR. J P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office a, residence on First Street be ween Eilswoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon fc Co's. Drugstore. Albany, Oregon. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlilt M eder never varies. A marvel ef puriety. trsnyth and wh.deaotiieucaa M r ecueinUil than 'In- ordtutr) Mnda, and HUH t he wild In un( i u i. .11 Ith t ba multitude on I . te it, abort weight, alum or phhali o'der. M only In van. Uoval I'taiN i Pjs tisa t o. 100 Wall Street, N Y. Tutteura A Positive Cure for Every Form of the Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. Til 1AM '! I I I m.s 11 .iir saw re BOBl thla Urv . I hava Iwrn a trrrtblc .i3 r r forycaraaith IJI.I and Ski 11 BaSMOT h Uu obhirod lo Khun puhllc darr by Icaaoii it my dla (biUtilliC ! ; h bad the Ixmt .li.l. l.tu. . b iwnt huUmf. m d-'llara and jft M real relief until I uaad th- GvUflaVa Ke.iltnl. the M tbl furlS er, Internalh , i, I t i;ti. ur tul 1 ntK ur Snap, lha Creat Wm 'urr and Skin Beaultftrni, ettrmalU . which (.. . of. . MM an. I iclt my .km I bloud aa pure aa a i blbre. ALMOST INCURABLE. Jaiura I:, Cmkm ll-uw, Kt Oriean. on oath, aaye, In 1 - Sa rofulutie 1 w broke out on my body untd I tut luaaa ( oorrup tion. Ktrrytbin known to the mnllrat ImmMS aaa trteal In vain. 1 MMSfM a mere wreck. At time rould not lift my hand to my head, rotltd not tut n iu bad . amain conatanl pain, and locked uixm life aa a curae. No relief oreurain tan yeare. In 1 0 I heart! m the utl. tira KemeUiaa. Unl them and waa perfectly ourrd. Saornto Wore I'. S. I'oiti, J. 1 f'ltA TOKO. STILL MORF SO Will lr Donald. 4 ' lVarbom Street. Cbl. uo PHaHQ aakniwlc.lea a eura u Kti.(..r halt iineuin. in nrw, lie. k. uwe, umi au.l leva lur aeventcn yaara , notable to turn, eet ..11 harda and koeca, t .r one y ear . not abla to belp himarlf lor eight car. 1 trted hundred. f rmclira ; dortora pruuvuiK hu caae hloaa, enu.auuntly cured by the Cultcura Kemollra. MORE W0H0RFUL YET. H. E arprairr, RaWafawaoa, s fH . umi of I'w.ruaia or lproeyr. "f twenty eara Btanuiiiu b Cutlrura ilemcillea The in-..t oaatafM ure on rat-ord A tlurtiav.iful d ar.lca frli frnan U'.m dailv l"h;al-tana and hia friend th .u.'' i b mu.t die liiire earots to before a Juatb-e i.( x',r 1 rj. 1 and lit 11. deraon'a moat prutnment citltcn DON'T WAIT. Writ to aa f If U. - tatiittiu! in full ..r dirart lo the rtt-a. AH arc atiaolutclt lru and pven without nor knoaldtf r U. luti .n. l. .1, t wait. Now is the liina leaaM . rr . pjfj tf llrh inf. 8ly, V tttttVKB, Inhrrltrd. 0MMrJaa. ami I'ni J- lii,(aMr -.f Ih. :l' nj, skin and U I . t ... V wi,t 1 mm if, S.ld a all lruirn.ta I'n. I'tU iira. .'O cent. . l'ott-r lru ail ReauUetit. SI ;, :.'. cut. btuiKau I'-j., Iiiatuh, Maaa. Dt AIITV 1 r K ' " " 1 "' ,,'b fku, Dt.HU I I l.laikl.-i -k. . IlKiuuhea. ua 1 utii ura S-ia. ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND machim: siii. KM 1HLINHCD IftOS. Bv A. F. CHERRY, situated at eoratw f First and MiuiLouiety Streets, Albany, Oregon. HavinK taken .barge of the above named Works, we are prepared to insnufacture Steam Engines, Maw and Glial Mills, Woed-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and lirass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm u a chlnery. ratter Making doae la all Its form. 16:1 lyi A. F. CHERRY A SON. asafWMiq Momg u V'l. 'oj;i;pi.-jji 'uoltw2l!ti -uv it'll lyuo, ) ..jud snid OliUVHXVO S.U3AV n-KU'-x X I2 oajjd '.Hi.iSSniri u Xq WW ' 8 8 B Ml ' 1 1 aM0l 1 ' 0 V J 9 V 0 ' f ,JQ .'.t -r in v. 1:1-1.1 aaSss1 orjt jn DW jaoi V pn poojn !!! 1 ' iu I uioj; Jlir!ii..j VJuop H pus ''?'''' jiujujf) 'qjjnv.) 'mn'iJtu """' '.'y.V 3yl J" ivmjdiWJ ' r tiiHiru 1 iul ayllWa ( jo unviMS U1 .WOBUaaa pun tn;aoj O) UIM.VS 01(1 W4tI. XtJ4tl pu. 'aA(K pUB quuuio'i M(1 jo iio).m .ti tp:uniijw Vlfi "l "' l iJttiit.iitf pun K9tJaW aVflBStfi 13 1 ued ajj74is s4jaXv 'At 1 (Si ;a pauo?(tj;Ai v. uu 'p'"''l p3t(!J3AudiU 40 ejiidtit tuoii 8iijjb m.m.i jps jo ojno o- w, vriiMV.i -vsravs x.aa.vv jo .muvUtv iajiI out a void ipsqA 'anpq mo 0 9uuioi Aiuc8uo itiiii di) jo auo ;un u unnviiMt a.ov on.L MMTUi "J Z '.tinji3aIsj mio op Aviu ilOHUmail jkui 3iidoii '.ioiaj .1 jnoi iv sjavj ok-icj 0j(d f 'XHilioq .Yi" tivqt uii u 'putin pni; 'up V Huii .aim .Hip UI,IM "! " I 'p-'-" !' J-iA'i UU(JlpOIU t ' . I I i-.n (.It jii.n,piov it tipa puuuiiuonaj f qafip. 'vriiH v.ivwiivs H1 jo wn oijj r S)nsaJ ewsii'j oinquuu J p 'iJuojts vi.ia .!.! pajplIII( V, pMJ f 4ll,J(..)XW Moll W 1( I! I'm 'paAojdm; auk.uS mp;.ii( puus8 Am pus 'usom aiutis aip Xq ioJti9 ospj ojal tlifooa pun qjjvtso Aye 'MV<lwp uy9 e.ip jo uoip.'iij.u jo suS8 i(. pun 'p.tAn'tiu ejaav SusH'-m pos J3Aj mi mil ioxv u J 'IJV '.BO I"1!) Oqt UIOJJ SOUI pSAO.Kl -mi e)i)adi8 A iv 'St.pag.fB puiuvu-eAoqs JOJ 1 X'llp: U1l)1,M I ..ll:.t. J.MIUOJ ll( oui uoHjal Uiojj pun '9mo joqio Aiivtu JO SOlUA.IwqO Aq 'V'l'liav.l VW1IVS H.UaAV JO OtlUA yti H 1 1 1 am 1 1 -UMop UUJ nwp pooS iiisihA Am pnu '.lood n: ,in.,'l,l a'iu i n3uo. puqjjvttia pun ipiisjiia .j.ia.s V niOJJ J9J3JJII8 V OSB STIM f IIIOlp j.iao aniipoi.) Ann jw.ii JIsajap. ppioy 'mi)t 'A -osu.ciiii o paiuiiq pun 'tqiipi 11; AppMOOVi O paq-'Mj q-iqAA 'wqm Am AlK(3dw ojom 8u;i:mjjs joiunq 8tii;m q)jojmouiiu isom ipiJA peiqno.11 At 1 jaiujAi 1WJ : iwiuniwf) '-oo Tf hmav '0 T '8IIKilIV : s.uoj (oj a .91IJai jjnof oinoadns .Mnqavaaviv ai? jo 'spilAV aSpnj )u,upita &v eqi jo aaq-,oaq pu '(a. Atov U Ajao.tu A"jp asaoni-neai 'spiiAV dC Z 'AI qx 3DN3ia3dX3 18PM A9H RKWN IK ll R 1 1.1 . London ii the centre of the woo) trade of the world. A traveller in Uieat Britain statra that in some eotion of Kngland there are the ssmo nigaa of dfesy and decline mm insv he oWervid in tho hll'side towns of Nhw KngUnd. There are hundred of thousands of acres of pretty good farming lends which c.n be hired at $fi per acre. A year age steel rail, aold at $10 a Ion ; at ptesenl, prices are $3.1 per ton. Diiriii tai psst winter a large pro portion of yming plyn la K annus were lost, the cu. leing sttributetl to thf extreme cold. Soft corn IMM unireraa'. ly ben reported aa giving poor piga. I.Mt yeartheie were 1M7 murderain the United States, ninety-three legal xtiMitiona and 1 1 1 men were lynched. The great tnaaa of the eople of Mexico are Indians. The ruling clasa ea are mainly Spanish. Italy haa 1,800,000 Immb treea wllkfa proiluco 1,2 CO. 000, 000 lemona .r anno in. Oreat Britain ha 100,000 acrea in apple rebxrds. Tln I ,;;t ig v a,t Pray Bentoo, s Mith Aweriaa, mki one pound bttf extract ft i ) 'U thirty -four po'indi of meat. About 13,000 trout and 1000 aal mon were put into a Hartford, Ot, reservoir some yeara ago. Whon the wjtt r was drawn off rroently few trout and no salmi. n were found ; but there thirty large, fat el that hail pr bably livod on trout until they were tirod of the diet. In the town of York, Mo., is a birch tree only about forty feet high, two roJs of whL'h have been aUo to lif, aoaie twelve incbra a block of granite c unputed to weigh twenty tons. The tree inatill growing, and the rock con tinue, to be raised and puahad anlr wise at the rate'of nearly mn inch a year. Oysters are worth xighty-fivu ceuta a dozen in KngUnd. An autopsy upon a valuable horse at Bridgeport, ('(., hh wed that death had been caused by pieces of zinc which he hadgnawel from tho lining of the manger and swallowed. Tbo authorities of France and Spain have aignel a convention fir laying a cable frjm tV- Ctnsry Ii4n U to The total nnmW of separate fsrma in the I oiled State, is 1,000,000, Val ued at $10,' (M),000,000. A hack driver iu Waahiogtou w.a fined 7-0 for running ever a lady. A Chinaman i. auidng for divorce in the New York court.. His wif., . young Knglinh irl ti !ini do waa married in Kogland, hti liafftol him for another ('binnman. Last year over 50,000 crossed the Atlantic to Kuroj'. A general exodus of (Jennie from Utah is contemplate! unle.s Cingresa takes ateps for their immsdiate lelteC New Jersey railroads own one-fourth of the taxable property in the State, md pay one-twelfth of the taxes. Before the Jeannette investigation csmtaitlee Chief-Engineer Melville ad mitted that certain of the officers had decided to take poison in the event of the exedition being brought face to face wiih caunibaliao). One thousand pound of atrictly "gilt -edge" butter aro sold every week in the Boat on market at from aixty to eighty cents jer pound. New York takes from 3000 to 4000 pounds at the same price, and in both citftes the de mand is not equalled by the supply. Four hundred and seventy thousand dollars worth of eggs were imported from Canada in three mentba of 1833. It coat $C6,22C er mile to build the Pacific railroads. The New Mexico Central has been built at a coat of $24 000 por miie. The latter was fully aa difficult to construct and as expensive. Stanley, the African explorer, is on his way back to Europe. The United States raise nearly half of the number of hog, produced in the world. Towa takes the lead, with 5, 107,445. The liability of the American peo ple for the public debt is $28.40 per capita ; at the end of the war it was $78.25 ; the interest liability ia ninety- five cents, aa against $4.29 in 1865. A city of mummies, 6000 in number, haa been discovered at Ekhoaim, Egypt. It is reported that English capitalists will build the Tehuantepeo Ship Rail way. It will be 130 miles, and oost all the way from $50,000,000 to $75,000, 000. Five years ir, the time for om pleting the work. Old tomato cans sell for fifteen coots a hundred in Newark, N. J., where they are put into a furnace and rolled out to be used by trunk makers. Out of 52,000,000 pounds of tea brought to New York last year Co0, 000 pounds wero condemned as unfit for use. About 1,000,000 tons of paper are manufactured annually in the world. The American Old Testament revis ion committee, after twelve years' labor has completed its work. fttMI KI, J. TltllKN The time has coma when the public character and moral worth of a candi date for president will be a atronger inducement to votera for auppoit than tbe mere fact that audi candid . le ia identified as a Democrat or a Hi publi can Intelligent votera will iunist on having a candidate who towers iu abili ty and statesmanship above party plat forms. They will demand that partita shall placs before them candidates whose character fir public irtue and administrative reform shall constitute hem a platform unto themselves A jMty and disposition to administer tlm government in :ho interest of tbe peoj )e will secure s stronger hold, by far, upon the minds of voters than meaningless platitudvs in party plat, firms. The approaahing Hlitical contest for the presidency ia a culiar one. When we take a survey of the preliminary movements of psitiex preparatory to nuking nominations at Ubio.go the Bjiectacle prutotl itself cd Ioguii,lbine Edmunds, Arthir, Sherman and other Republican candidates engaged in a life and death atrnggl, ising muney and all kind of eppllafioe'j to tsoore power in the convention t i mske their nom ination sure. Tim strnfr(e i. OM solely far place, power and spoils. While on the part of Democrats ot.e sentiment prevails. Harmony of thought and purpose reign supreme. Tbe purpose is to make Samuel J. Tilden tbe next president of tbe United Stales. The devotion to Tilden among all classes of Datnocruts is without a parallel in tbe history of American politic. He is without a rival. Tuere is no Democra tic statesman so ambitious as to strive again.t him for the ronination. It mattera little who ah all be elected as delegates, whether they be the frienda of Bayard, Randall, McDonald or Cleve land ; if Tilden. name should be placet before tbe Hih of July conven tion at Chicago, ibew de!aga'ea will at euco surrender their eiaonal prefer ence and help ajomioate a m-iu who ia a full, clear snd vigorous declaration ef platform, principle, and iolioy within himself. It may be that Mr. Tilden will not consent to he called from the pleasure, sod comf :u of private life to tske charge ef a government that needa relerm in every department, aad to te die Chief Magistrate of a people who ssdly need nducnti g up to that stand. r I ot reform that wo il l fi'i the measure t Mr. TUden's ideal go"ern merit, ho' if aush should be the caan the country ill know that Mr. Tilden'a motive in deoliuioj is id a selrlsb one. If Mr Tilden, before the meeting of the National Couventiou, sl.ould indi cate hi. ptttpOM to accept the great public duly mid burden which the party wish to impose, the convention will hsve little else to do beyond s formal ratification of the nomination already made in the minds and hearts of nearly every Demociat iu tbe land. Cigar smokers will bo interested to know tint cigar makers have a habit of fastening tbe "point" or amall end oi every cigar, after it has beeu wrap ped, by placing tbe end in their mouth, instead of using psste. Aa a great many of them suffer from constitution al disease which poisons the saliva, and the infection is by this means readily conveyed to the smoker, it seeroa to be desirable to be a little careful what one smokes. Verdi shuts hiinelf up In his studio for hours every day, and sotnetimos only leaves it to out and sloop. No one is permitted to enter it without tho master's porrai-dson, and It is thought there are a great many mus ical compositions that will not be made public during his lifetime. Having stolen ene Presidency aad bought another, the grand old party ia now tossing around to see if she cannot get this one on her ahape. There is a curious disposition on the part of some Republican leaners to oall Mr. Blaine's attention to the famous Mulligan letters. What doea it mean? If the young man who left the poem, "I want to be at rest," en out desk, will call in, we will see that he ia ac commodated. In forty-one counties in West Vir ginia the sale of intoxicating liquors is now prohibited by "local option." Conkling is mum. Perhaps the po litical situation afforda him much ailent fun. The trouble with Mr. Blaine'a crop is that it doesn't 'head out" well. It hasn't got the "pith." We believe that the truthful assay of the Blaine boOm would assay ons part gold to ninety-nine parts wind. Ex-Governor Bishop of Ohio, "Gid dy old Dick," as the "boys" call him, is tslking for tbe "old ticket," Beecher says he connot support Blaine in any event. This is hard ; the tattooed men ought to atand by one another. PLAIN TALK. om . riala Saajeefs. BY A Pl.AtM CHAI'. Money will buy anything from a bunch of pins to a persons honor The fact of the flrat ia entirely proper, that of Hi latter lamentable in the extreme. In tbe Hharen-llill diven e eae a wo men and her husband were that they had een the marriage contract between thepartlea to the aott, and the n it day admitted that they had perjured them selves, atatJng that they were to h. paid eeveral thousand dollars for a wear lux to tbe fact. This is next to committing murder, and if trus, both the purchaser and buy.r deserve an acquaintance with the In.lde ef seme dungeon for a long term of years. Truth is trifled with too much, many regarding their word even under oath of no more worth than a dead eat or a dude, and it Is time that the moat stringent meaurs should be resorted to to prevent It. a Next (e being I'realdeut or the United States la falling for several million dol lara. but when one can have both cast to his let, Oh, Croesus, how great is his glory -inch a msn Is Hiram Otvsjt, setter known as U H firant. A nam" familiar te every civilized person on the fsce of the globe, once receiving the praise ef many, again their condemns tlon. now connected with a failure, caused by illegllmate speculation. Hi. name will sink into oblivion surround ed by hues of sueh varied colors that not even an eipert engineer could tell them. Once a taan.r, then the general of a great army, afterward. President of fke leading nation of the world, and Anally a poor, roisershle, bu.ted, apooa latlon bankrupt Was there ever a parallel to it. V A nether great wreck, and one hun dred and forty souls sent Into eternity. The Florida aailing In mid ocean with 167 passengers and crew en board is run lots by the bark Panama, and in a few momenta both velsslnk and only a few are saved. What horrible tales ara told of those wha go dewn. The Buffering, the hsart rending scenes shook the nerves ef the at roagest Y.t this is but a repetition of a wreck as terrible ef but a few days or weeks previous, and will be repeated within s week or a month. Where so many human souls depend on the skill and care of a few mea. it la but right that the most atringeat regulations should be made which will tend to prevent many of these dlsasU ra. Physical enjoyment Is as necessary aa Intellectual enjoyment. A race or a game of ball ahould be encouraged as much as the reading ef a book. It rains without strength amount no .nor. to us than an auteiope without legs or a can dle atick without a can lle, although it may be said the latter i good te scrape swine with. They both go together and should he ei.rcieed alike- Boya should have a reasonable amount of fun ao long as rightly conducted, but should be careful net to make three meals in a day ei it, which is as bad as living on potatoes without meat to go with it Many seem to think hoodlum. Ism aad fun go together, yet this ia far from true, and we would urge en many young people to consider this seriously. PKataasALs. John Kelly of New York, the chtoi of tho Tammany brave, weighs 215 pound. John B. Gough delivered his first temperance speech ia New York forty years ago. Munro, the publisher, has just launched a yacht Chat cent $G5,000. Dime novels pay. Dean Mltchol says that the best furniture a young lawyer can put In his ofHce is a well-furnished head. Santa Anna's widow is living in of Mexico. She is forty-threo years of age,; though she looks ten years ol der. Aaron Burr's pistols, which are said to haveflgured in eleven duels, are owned by Mr. Ionls Hopkins of St Louis. James Gordon Bennett's income is estimated at $2000 a day. He is forty-five and the richest bachelor in tho world. Sir Michael Arthur Bass, who died recently in England at the ago of for-ty-nino, was head of tho famous En glish browing firm. Ool. Bob IngeraeU's log cabin on tbe Dersey ranch in Now Mexico will cost $800. He expects to have it finished by July 1. Col. Charles G. Hammond, of Chi cago, dropped dead while telling two friends that it was better to give to charitable objects during lifetime than by bequests after death. Ex-Senator Gwyn, who represented California in tbo Senate beforo the war, Is still hale and hearty at the age of eighty, and is enjoying his visit to the East very much indeed. Paul Dana, sen of Charles A.'Dana of the Now Yor c Sun, is called Young Sunshine. I He does not, however, give promise of following successful ly in his father's footsteps as a jour nallst. Richard HI., the night before the battle of Bosworth Field, when ho was slain, slept at the Blue Boar's Head inn at Leicester. The lour-post bod in which he slept on this occasion is still shown guests at the house. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, rmmaam-mm 4. KOITKD llV 1 II K Wouifn's Christian Trmiirfnnrr mion w. c. i i Tlieseeond annual meeting of the Wo- man's Christian Teuijieraooe Union of Oregon will be held at Albany, June 4th and r.ih, 'I hi ' invention is composed of uie Kxecullvn TO mbII'h, aSM delegate or each heal Union ; aho t.e delr sate a large frora each county and one delegate for every twenty BsBaben of auxiliary loeal Unions. We urge upon each local Union to see that delegates are Blotted at onea. No Union ean afford lo be withaut representatives to this yearly gathering. Matters of j real hnporlanc. m corns up for our consideration, and we need to lay plans fora eooeurt of aetiori Coring the oomlng year. Tbe usual reduction of eighty r eent will he made on season tickets. All Tern fieranea workers through out the State are eordlally Invited to le present HaW, II. H. Hikx, resident. Mss. ML II. f ' a. kt w it i 1 1 t, Secret arr wns 4 ntUM iitsrii: 'Ili (tllowifig- la from the pei of our Nation. I Pros iaV lie, Mr- Wil'anl ; "Mrs Foster If- i the CfBada ol IH74, is part ai d steel i f tkt W 0 T. U. She I ms never hswa aWi.t from one U the Wsfioeall ('onvei ti.,ns and her , nick bisin, ready and pointed utterance and taie km. !);.. f par liamentary f.jims have added Inoalcao bly to the auccess of ilt.-se gn-.i meet ings. There is not a S ate st il North in hi h our saajajs ia not to iy more powerful lima it would have been but for her logic and elcrpience. Whether making her famous two hours argu ment for the constitutional amendment, as she did nijjht after night for succes sive months in the Northwest, writing a treatise on that subject, as she hss lately doue. or following the intrica ies of debate m a eotw . t.on, snd cond.tct- ing prayer meeting between sessions, whether hiding the music of an out door meeting, answering Dr. Crhy at Tremont T-roi ie, p,,ston, pleading for Womsr.'s baiio' ia foa. or for prohi-1 bition in Washington, whether I living with ber boys t hom, or speaking in 1 the great UbrrJscle at Obautauqna, Mrs. Foster ia always witty, wise and kind snd thorough mi.treas of the eil- uatien. snd heat of all she loves the Ivord Jesus Christ arMnaaad Mxaia bond t. n:. kingdom on the esith " Shall we not trv to form ihe habit nf BMci6c prayer agasassl th aa losses when ever we go by ihaas T This Ka Mr?. Wi' line's ideation in her article on "faking out the h;.ir." OOB)M we not add t.- 'his a thesjght of prav.-r i whenever our r?a are pained by sight f the drunkard prayer lot thof e aho ' tave and sutler with him, as well as for j bis own imprisoned dishonored M ul I j A copy ef '() BS Wok," ofikial oran of the New York State V. C. T. V . has been teceived. The 1 .miliar names of Mrs. Margaret K Wit alow and Mrs. C C. A! ford appears as editor and pub lisher. It is a paper of six pages, pub lished monthly, and is attractive, hi ilit, aad deeply religious in ita tone. Wli -n will the Oregon Unions have such an ' organ Y The temperance cause bus sustained a great loss in the death of Dr. Willard Parker, our great advocate in the med ical ranks. Mrs. Butler, superintendent of de partment, "Iafiueneing Physicians not to prescribe Alcohol,'' has begun a vig orous work in New York by requesting the local unions to present tho follow ing pledge to all physicians : We, the undei signed physicians of the State of New York, pledge oursel ves not to prescribe alcohol as a bever age, or as a medicine, for our patients, except in cases of absolute necessity, where it is conscientiously believed no other article or remedy can be substi tuted. Ve also pledge ourselves to counsel families and individuals to hab its of total abstinence, on the ground of health and morality, as opportunity may offer. The saloons were closed in Cincinna ti last Sunday because they were recog nized as feeding the angry passions of the mob. But these passions have been fed at the same places for many previ ous Sundays, until the culmination which has startled the whole country. Would it not be well to close them f every Sunday for awhile as an experi ment ? If that works well, as it cer tainly will, then push tbe matter still further by closing them every night at 10 o'clock. After that it would cot be auch a terrible thing if they were to ije closed altogether. s From a communication received from Eugene we extract the following : Mrs. Leavitt haa done us great good. Her lectures were a rare treat. The crowd ed audiences paid marked attention, children and all. Her talk to the children and young people was especial ly to the point, and attentively receiv ed. Her discourse on prohibition gave great encouragement and was veiy op portune. We are thaukful that auch j a woman as Mrs. Leavitt waa selected by the National officers for woik on this cosat. After a very successful Temperance campaign in Kngland, Mr. Booth, tbe Amsrican (iospel Temperance Evan gelist, in about to sail for Australia to conduct a similar movement there. Ciocinnati has six milee of rumboles. ?ow York has seventeen, and Ixmdon tfiventy-lhieo almost a hundred miles in three cities. And what a road to tiavel : Flooded by scalding tears.lioed wilh broken hearts ! ! I'.mily I.. Mclaughlin bas been giving a eerts of addresses in Maine, in the interest of the Constitutional Prohibitory Amendment, which is to be voted uron by the citizens of that State in 8-ptemler. REMLlil CUKES , Rheumatism, Neuralgia, SewtHea, Lombafio. Backache. HeaOcfce. T Varr Hfaia.. rreei on ll iniua imilt run " !.- r aTa rfSrOaWs, DtrKUaaalall V I MKLi:a A. VOOtTIJCa CO- M M . '.ILCO I aw (.IS ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of roue-b. dressed anfi seasoned lnmber,laths and pickets kept Constantly On hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use Only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. DADIV43AV i ITTnOral Albany, Or DP. E.L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon; :4rofliee iu Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, OREGON. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of tbe diseases which eauae human suffering ret alt from deraag) avssa of Uie siM&acb, bowels, aal Uvar. Ay kb'. a : UAitric Tills act directly a pea th-e orgi:, and axe especially destfstca te cure iLe diseases caused by their derange '. including Constipation. Iwdigea tion. Ia-spepeJa. Headache, Dvaeatery, ana a bust ot other ailuiecU, (or all of which tber are a safe, ure, j rora; , aad pieasant remedy. The extonslve ate of these PlLLS bf eminent physician ia regalar prao Uee, sb n uoaiistakabiT th. esUBsatfoa ia which they are held by the medical prefes- ii'UI. Thee Piu.e are cotnpeuaded of vegetable uliKtanee. only, am! are abeolalety free frosa SB! aaal St any other injurious ingredleat. A Sufferer from Heads he writes : 'Arm's PlLLS are inTaloahte m me, and are my esswSaaa compaoioo. 1 hae bees a serere suirercr from HesMlache, aad year I'n i.i are the only thing 1 eoaid look te for relief. Oue de will quickly nsuTe my bowels and free my bead from pain. They am the ni--t aaTseuv. and the easiest pkysi. 1 aase l SI tsaasi. It i- a ileesar to me to r;..ik in their praise, and 1 always da as Wheu ocAasiou otfera. v. U f ioK,sf W. ! & Bra." Franklin St., hichuioinl.Va., June CI, 1SS3. " I hare used Ay Kit's Pims ta weather Y - instances as recommenced: by yea, sad have never known theru to fail to aocosaeUah t n desire 1 result We constantly keep theaa on hand at our home, and prise tbesa as a pleasant. -Kile, ami reliable fannl'. medietas). It'll UYSIKPSIA thev a.e tiiralushmT J. T. Havss." Mexi.i, Tcxa.', June IT, 1SS2. The Kf.v. kTaawcBl B. IIaslawk, writtag from .i. '. i., a "For sods, yean I' nt 1 have been subject to con-spsties, front vhich. iu spite of the as. ef meat us Mad., i aaShtwi insrssaiaa laaaarmaaSaea, amtil swats Bioniks age T bejjsn taking Ayi.k's I ii i.s. They have enurely corrected the cut-tire habit, aad have vastly improved my p-i:eral health." Avra's C'ATiiAsnr Pills cormt irrega btrities of the howls, stimulate th. appe t: to and digestion, and by their proatpt aad thorough action c'to toue aad vir t th. whole physical ecuoiny. I UEfAULD BT Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Muss. oat by all Druggists. YOUNG, OLD, ASO KIDDLE- rr e. All experience th. wssderf.l beneficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children with Sor. ayes. Bate AUCU. I F.sis. or any Ear, or any scrofaioaa or ryaa- llltic taint, may he made healthy aa.skrwng by its use. Sola by ail !raggisu ; 9b l bottle, f.r So. Tbe test evidence ta tho world of the runty and excellence of BlackweUs Bull Durham Siuokintr Tobacco is found in tbe fsct that ttio fame of this tobacco increases from year to year. This could not be tbe case if it were merely (rotten up to saB," or had any dubious or danircrou. if -dienta in it Amona: millions of users of all nationslitiex, surely sortie ene would find out if it were impure, injurioas or unpalatable. For IS ytwre this tobacco hss been acknowledfred to be the an m Uu cor hf, snd every year the Bull Durham brand grows more iopular, the demand for it wider, and sxuokt-r more enthusiastic over it delicious natural flavor Ask your dealer for it Get the treuuine trade mark of the Bull. Taw. is do mischief done shot. BlsckwelTs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco at hsoJ. I Ifl m ITKa T.M olKMAN rsvBn,,,fi am atsua I M II