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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi am River, opposite Waterl oo Soda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofflce, Waterloo, Or. Ibarra Direetwrj-, U. P. Church. Preaching very Sabbath, Mi 11 a. m. . and 7 p. ml bv Rev. S. Q. Ir vine. D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. M Prayer meeting every Wednessday evening. Eva.xgci.ical Chukch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m. , and 7 P. m. Sablvath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Holienbaugb, pastor. Conoukgational Church. Serricese-v-ery Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 8 ML Sabbath School At 2:3a Praver meetins on Tuuradav evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. EL Church. South. 3o vices held everv Sabbath at St Paul's M. K. Church. South, at 11 a. m. Sabbath School at 10 A. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. C. H. Canon, pastor. M. . Church. Preaohins every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 74 r. u. Sons service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, lie v. M. Judy, pastor. Prrsbvtkriah Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m, Prayer meeting every Ttr&rsday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condu pastor. Christian Church .Preaching everySab tnth at W, C. T. U. Hail. st 11 A.H.& 7:30 r, m. Suoday School at half past 2 o'clock r. m. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at VV. C. T. U., HalL Sabbath School immodiateiy after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T G Brownson, pastor. The great streagth 111 remedy ana nerve umic i the legilunete re- xull of tr twenty years of practical experience, aad cure with unfailing certainty Nervous and : hSK-ai debility, srnii ual weakness, speirniaanr boess pros uto.-eboea, missions, I p o tency , hausted vitality, pre- ture uecune anu loea ut manhood in all iU oomphcaUOM ana mm wuwro cause produced. It enriches and purtBea U blood strengthens the nerves, brain, muscles, digestion, re prodoctive organ and physical and mental faculties It Mops any unnatural, debilitating drain upon the system, preventing involuntary losses, debilitating dreams, seminal loaaes with the urine, etc.. so de structive to mind and body. It to a sure sll nlnstnr of alt kidney and bladder complaint. It runts Ins no injurieus ingredients. To thoee suffering from the evil effects of youthful indiscretions, a speedy, thor ough and permanent cure is Ol'ARANTtEU, 1-rice Ri 50 per bottle, or five bottles In case, with full di rections and advice, flO. Sent secure from observa tion to any address upon receipt of price, or C O. IX, oberd only of DR. C D. SALFIELD, tl Kearney at.. Ran rranetsee. Cat Consultations strictly tonndswllal by letter or at ffl -e FREF. For the canvenienca of patients and in rder to insure perfect secrecy I have addopted a pri ate at -treat under which alt packages are forwarded. TRIAL to show its merits, will be sent to say one and age. applying by letter, stating hie symptoms Communication strictly confidential, Dr. SPINNEY, NO- 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Chronic aad Special YOTJ1VC MEN t it ho sat be itrrrnunc from ff effete of youthful foiliea or huiacretion, will do well to avail thsinsrlves of this, thegrealest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY wiii guarantee to forfeit S500for every case Snssliisli) weakness or private ilisnass of any kind or finn-e which he undertakes and failg to care. HIDDLC- ttiCD ME. There are many at the age of thirty 8 ve,Xo sixty who troubled wita too frequent evacuation of tne btad trinarr deoosi ropy tod sometimes -mall particles of albumen will appear. jc the color will be of a thin milfcieh hue, again ckamr bsg to a dark sxui torpid appearance. There are many BMW who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which i the secpnd stage of seminal wesknsss Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, sad healthy restoration of the geni to-urinary organs. Omca Hoc 10 to 4 sad 0 te 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 . n. Consultation free. Thorough exminaUec nd advice, $5. For private disease of short standing s roll coarse medicine sufficient for a core, with all instruction, will be nt to any address co receipt of 110 00. Call w .Jdress, DR. SPDrXKT et CO., 71 So. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cat To the Unfortunate ! DR. GIBBON'S Dispensary. 00 KBABVT ST UCO corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. .Established in 1S54, for the treatment of Sexual (sad Seminal Diseases, such fas Gonorrhea, Sleet, : I rl rtsue, Sy pblll in si 'its forms, Impetenry Seminal Weakness, night locse by dreams, pim plea op the face and logs of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and -afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor ha traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various noepi ials there, obtaining great deal of valuable lnionaa tfB, which R9 competent to impart to those in need of bis services. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unlcaa be effect a curs. Persons at a distance HAY HE ( I KED 4T HOME. All coi munications strictly confidential. You see no one bu . the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1857, San Francisco. vl5n43 RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM ano SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAVE OPENED a Branch Office and Supply House st Cor, Front vid Taylor Streeta, Portland, Or,, where they will sarry in stock Portable aad Stationary Saw Mills, Portabla Tt action and Stationary engines and boilers. "New MAseillon' threshers, horsepowers, etc., etc.. write for illustrated catalogue sent free address (nam ag this paper.) Bt7g8ELAft Co., Portland, Oregon. PATENTS Obtained, and all other bosinessTIn tits U Office attendeded to for moderate fees. S. Patent Our office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Offic, and we en obtain Patents in less time than those remote trom Washington. Send modle or drawing. We advise as to patent sMlity free of charge ; snd we make no charge unless we obtain patent. W refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of aioney vraer uiv. ana to ometsis of the U. 8. Patent Office, For circular, advice, terms, and efereuoes e actual clients In your own State or county, sddrese C, A. 8NOW&CO. OPPosita Patent Office, Washington, D . Farm far rale. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rass. Comfortable dwelling, good uthouses. Cheap? Inquire at this office. ' M If U.-I KfB . ' nail II l liuies '--- ex?, often accompanied by a engirt smarting or bumma; tie and a weakening of the system in a manner e patient cannot seoount for. On examining tke lo a roDV sediment will often be found for Infants (ts.oriis.iroiiiotcs litr'Ho" ami ovoivuiiH-H Fiutuh'i;i'v. l un.Ujia- tfoa, Sv ur stomach, Diarrhoea, and Eeverishness. It Bafftues health and natural sUvp, without morphine "Crwtoriii is no v.lliil(iptodtoChiirtrvn that I NQORttRSjSd UasKiiixTixr to any prvscnpUou known toiii?" 11. A. Ahciiku, M. t.. Si Fortlaml Are.. Brooklyn, N Y. CENTAUR LINIMENT -an absolute euro lor Itheuma- t ism, Sprains, Hums, liulls, Vc. The most Powerful and Pene trating Pain-relieving and Healing Itcmcdy known to man lrt)j I.! ' Notice. To all whom it may co-icttm : NOTICE is hereby given that by an or der of the County Court, of Unn county, Oregon, made and entered of rec ord In the County Clerk's olUce of ttaid county, on the 12th day of March, lsM.the undersigned was duly appointed and now is the legally qualified ami acting execu trix of the last will and testament of Charles M Tindall, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. And all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the under signea executrix at tier residence about four miles northwest of Sclo in said coun ty. Dated this 4th day of April, 1884. Ruth adkmaIikdau, Powell it Bilyku, Executrix. Attorney's. "HEALTH AND HOWE." Port Chester H. T. CIRCULATION 63,000. Edited by W. H. U7.LK, M. D This is large eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hints on health, dietetics, aud every realm of mederu science that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy. Subscription Price 50 cts. Per Year. Address- DR. W. H. HALE, 'Health and . Hum.-. ' Port Cboter, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber of the DRJUorttAr who pays up or in advance. G. COHN & BltOe, 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. for the workin? claw Send 10 cent for ulge. and we will mat! free, a ruyal valuable bos of temple good that will put vou in the way nf mak ing mure money in a few days than you ever thou lt possible st any ouaineea. capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the lime or la sitare time only. The work U tifii,erally iv: -1 to both sexes, young arid old. You can easily earu from 50 cent to S5 eery eveumir. That all who want work may teat the business, we make this u-.i.arii.iui ed offer ; to all who are not wcil mu.M we will send f 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Kull particulars, dimtioiui, etc , sent free, Frtunc will be made by thoee who give th -ir wh de liuw to the work. Grrat success atMoliitelv suie. i . : delav. Start now. AdJreaa tBHRS A Co , I'ortU'id.Uaiuc. OR, LIEB1C Prl.ile flaprary, 400 Geary St., Sian Fra:cicu Cal Conducted by qualified Physician alio burgeons regular jrraduale. t'J The Oldest pecialiaU iu the I'nitcd Stale, life-long eaperience, J rftct melttcd and pure medicine, ii urt tpttoy and ennanent cures of all Pritate, . brt nic and Nervoua Diataat Affection of the Blofid, Skin, Kidney, Bladder. Kruptions, Vlcer, Old Sores, Swelling of the Olads, More Mouth, Throat Bone Pains.perrnanent'y cured and eradi cated from the system for life. NEKUOIM Debility, Impotency, Seminal Lossea, Sexual Decay, Men tal and Physical Weakness, Failing Memory! Weak Eyes, Stunted Ds velopment,Imediuienta to Marriage etc., from excess or y onthful falliea. or any cause, sjieedily, safely and privately cured. Vou us. Middle-Aged and Old men, and all who need medical skill and experience, comrult the old European Physician at once. Ilia opinion cost nothing, and may save futuie misery and shame. When inconvenient to Uit the city for treatment, medicines can be seat everywhere by express free from observation. It is self-evident that a phyaician who gives hi whole attention to a class of diseases attains ereat skill, and physicians through out the country.knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known irood remedy i used. The Doctor ace anu experience make hi opinion of supreme importance. mm these who call see no one but tne lh ctor. Con sultations free and sacreuly confidential. Case which have failed in obtaining reliefjelsewhere espec ially solicited. Female dlscsas stsmsasfully treated. The Doctor wilt scree to forfeit fl.OOj for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hour, daily .front a. m. to 4 p. m., 6 to evening ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send for the Sanitarisl Guide to Health, sent free. Address ss above LIEBIC'S. Wonderfal Germsn Invlgoralor Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses from th system, tone the nerve, strengthens the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to H'-aitn and Haptnneas. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Proatatorrhea with IJyperaethesia, which require peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig In viicorator is the only positive cure for ProoUtorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liebig Dispensary. Frtee ef In vlgorater, Case of six bottles $10. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patient. To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A mt Bottle 4,1 ven or seat Free. Consultation free aud private. Call or address LIEBIG DISPEWSABV. 400 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal. Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, four block up Geary Street from Kearney, Mam entrance through Dispensary Drug Store, Summons. In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Linn County : SBCopeland, Plaintiff. , s f Cyras ffestlake, Defeidant. j To Cyrus W($tlahr, tJie above namsd De tndant i In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff in the above entitled action, now on file in the office ef the Clerk of said court, on or before the first day of the reguiar June term of said court, to be begun and held on the first Monday the 2nd day ef June, A. D., 1884, in the Court House in Linn County, Oregon, after publication of this summon for six suc cessive and conseeutive weeks, or judgment will be taken against you for want thereof, for the sum of one hundred and nineteen and 25-100 dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from Sept, 18th. 1883, and for costs and , disbursments of this action to be taxed. This summons is published by order of Hon L Flinn, Judge of said County Court, which order bears dateof April 9th, 1884. L. H. Moxtanye, Attorney for Plaintiff. f! and Children. What (fives our Children chicks. oun'H toeir fi'vrr . iiinfcoi a them si pen: la. Tla Oawl Whon bnliloa f rot and cry by turns, What cures tliftr colic, kills Uirlr worms. Put Cantor!. What nuloklv ourem t'ottatipatlon, Hour Stomttvli, Colds, ltnll:ostlon, Hut Cast or! it. Fitrowell thon to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil ami I'arvfiurlo, am hi llAll Cnslorlat TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. , nt From th.-so souroes arise thms lourths of the diseases o the human race. Toaee srmptotns tntUoate their eztsteaoo i Appetite, Dowels eoitln, 0tek sch. rullnees after eAtlug, aver rsertton of body as mind. Bra of food, IrrttahdUtf of tamper. Low spirits, A ffaellM of faavf us; neajleeted aoma dtstr, lrealues, FlutteHng at the li art. Dots before th eve, hist i the eyes.tilgniy col ored iirine, comfrTl PAT I OJf7 And de mand the use of a rrumty that acufdUeotty on the Llvor. AsaLivarmedlctnsTtUTT riAVUi nave no equal. Their aouon on toe Sidneys and akin Is also prompt j rumov tag all imparities through these three seay rngrr of ttse system,' producing appe tite, sound digostinn, ngular stooUjk clear skin anda vigorous body. TCTTf FftXU cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with dally work and are a perfect TITUS HAIR DYE. Grat Hair or "Whisrkrs changed i. stantly toROUMWT Black hyastuyle ap liltcatlon of this 1tk. Sold by Druggists, or sent by e sprees on receipt of St. Offloo. 44 Murray Street, New Tfork. TOTTt MANUAL OF USEFUL RtCEIPTS FBEL THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CUREf-- Mhust SmtSStSM -Pale la aU ese tae fciwyy . sssjaal esseetsi sesBjSasd essJUMHisMstjiBoetssssWi tira. ttrst r rwatarw, imu 4 VLfSSjteSmr of Che CRWRRATITR eftOANO ewer, teat vUsdltr. Uek efoerve IWwe mm4 vteyesv m c.tlaa wsakasw- awi ail theM Stussn T a r saaal aatar. free whatever eaes. the eoaUattowe t i-ssSsrs th e sautak about thu an 1 appliance. sm s ABDOMINAL SUPPORT! f. TO THE LADIES: g Ka Aa a pair of xta--uc Koot ! i rwllaf udesra of al 1 powerful mgrlle tore a?ltae mL ttMS amS IimfSymsftAsBjR; mfj rrhaa f? P Stes. UtCthl te the BeetA For all form of Fisaels Dasswd bv a vthinir brtorw ln wataadaauros f power and vHn Mn Prloo of eKker Bell with Vacnetie rwt SatterM. 1 Reatby xpraC.O. I . ux! r i untnaUoa aUoww. or 10. on receipt o price. In order-tsar, srwd ;jkStaefsfu Reeitwsnsss as a la letter at our rws. CMtrmrat are ai amWr cloiaia;, lMfvfvi end shoeld h hotd their mxmm-formmr, s3 a tor th "New fjnwrtwrw tS?VeSaal wtlA Uwu AtAQNKTOIf APPUANCI SC. DR. ALLEN'S raiYAYE DISPEtSAKT. SH Keaniy Street, Saa Praaelsee, OsL, EsTtsusjiSD res tiis Scissriric ass srsasr Ccas or Cuaosic, Nsavovs axti Hrccut. DtausRS. , THE EXPERT SPECIAUST, nil. AI.I.EV, AH IS WK1.1, KNOWN, IS A It KO Ular irraduatcd Physician, educated at Swrfnin Culleireand I nivarsitv if Mithuran. Ha huiU..u. a iiietime to thestddv of the trelment and cur of disease within hi specialty. And middle-aged men. who ore suffering from the effects of youthful iudiacretion or excesses in ma turer vears, nervous and physical debility, impo tence, lost manhood, confusion of Ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, deapondency, pirnpla on th face, lose of energy and memory, frequency of urinat fasT, etc. AtaTiiemember the Doctor has s Vegetable Com pound, the reult of many years special practice and hard study, which under his special advice has never failed of miccess in the cure of Lost manood.prostator rhea, etc. NV HOSPITAL KYPEB1KM K Havini z been Hiirgcou In charge of two leadinar hospital) enables me iopi ritit to treat all nrivat r.nM excellent results. 1 wish it nnH..r. stood that I do not claim to perform impoasibllti, or te have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim umy vu d a sKiiuui ana suoceseful Physician Surgeon, thoroughly informed In my specialty DISEASES OF MAM. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion, of their complaints no experimenting. I will guar antee a poaitire cure In every case I undertake, or forfeit S1.000 Consultation in office or hv Icttnr fr anu sinciiy private, unarges ressonahls. Thorouarh examination, including chemical aad analysis of urine and ad viae. Sr.. microscopical Office beur 0 to 3 daily, o to S evening 12. Call on or address 8 tin day v to ALLEN, earneystrc San Fran elsco, Cal. Notice of Assignment, Notice is hereby given that Thos. Monteith A Son, of Linn county, Oregon, hsve made a general.'aaaanment of all their property to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors under an act of the Legislature of Oregon entitled "An act to secure creditors s just divison of the estates of debtors who convey to assignees for the benefit of creditors" ap proved Oct. 18th, 1878. All persons having claims against the estate of said Thos. Mon teith & Son are hereby notified aad required to present the same under oath to the under signed at Albany, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice. Dated April 4th, 1884. R.S. Straiian, Assignee. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. $3,295,326 Premium income.. 2,607,189 Safe, reliable and quick to pay In case of loss. ABCHJMONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, WlTHDDTMaiOffi. 'li mh-'w RffRSw Ssaa. svwisss. I SBSIIISJ SawetlM Gt Batterte tfcav ste sssseftee reaJhsssMef the .. Pett. fSmtJTn SS sse 1 1 4 Ir. . Btnn aaS tkwc f pllssi mm Oeratlt Awt eatasL both a a carwatve waist reney, seM worst over th tx&mTihu'ici are worn at all ao Sis sua. 5w jJJlVeJlts FRIDAY MAY 16, 1184. OLD IWim IMST OFRRATORS. The delicate imtruaonU of e tele graph office ere net indispensable to coRtmunioRtiog bj telegraph. The Morse alphabet may bo reed by tboee familiar with it by hearing, eight, teste aad feeling, Ita dots and dashes may bo expressed by anything the! will make a sounder, by a stick of wood in the air.or by a light in the dark. There are some outioue instances of telegraph ing without key, relay and sounder. About twenty years ago Col. J. J. 8. Wilton, this oity, then an active tele graph superintendent, was on a tour in the southern part of this state. It was a season of floods. Large portions of the country adjacent to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers wort inundated, end the wreckage had included the washing away of many Bailee of poles and wire. It became necessary to ootnmuaieate with a point on the Missouri bank of the Mississippi river by telegraph. The fertile invention of Col. Wilson directed that a locomotive be run to the Illinois bank. Mounting the foot-boerd he grasped the valve end soon the shrill screams of the loeomotive whistle wore beard by the listening operators on the other shore, whistling out Wilson's message in the 'ong end ehort sounds of the alphabet familiar to them as that of their primers. Communication wee kept np in this wey for ecvetel hoars. A train on a Western railroad several years ago not with e terrible acotdenl miles from eny station. Among the pemengeis was a young telegrapher. Hie ready mind took in the situetton, end elimbing the nearest pole, it was an easy matter to out the wire, end using the two ends aa a key sent a message for help. T receive the reply waa a more difficult teak. Here again the young man's invention eteod in good stead and spurred him on to aa exhi bition of nerve thet is rarely met with. Admonishing the distant operator to send slowly, ho placed the cut ends o the wire upon hie tongue, end by the strength of each shock to that delicate member mede out the letters till the message was complete. The young man's sense of teste was deetroyed end re turned only in a weakened degree after two or throe years. A rich eitiieo ef Sea Francisco owes big life to his knowledge of telegraphy atquirtxi meny years ego. Wandering over Southern California ae a proopoo tor, ho wee captured by a bead of Mo, ican desperadoes. They carried him to da abandoned hacienda.and with mock lag cruelty eat him at their table to feast, before, aa tbey told him, they killed him. The prisoner recognised among hie captors en old companion, si so en operator, who had gone to the bad a little time before. The recogni tion waa mutual, but neither dared to sd drees the other. The canti vo'e quick wit improvised e sounder out ef hie knife end fork, end, while to the others he eppeered playing with them, hie cry for assistance wee read and under stood by hie old-time comrade. They formed in tail wsy a rdan of escape. sr which wee eueceeefully carried out. There happened to be aa operator oa board of a email coasting schooner which wee cast on n Florids reef ia each a position thet escape frees the ship and aid from the shore ware both out of the question during the night ef the wreck. Throughout the long hours of suspense he kept up communication with another operator en chore by means of a lantern, aad word of hope, of sym pathy end encouragement passed beck end forth until dey dawned end mede possible. The United States Government ia eeveral of ita lighthouses bee she Ian terns arranged so as to emit lnJ and short flashes of light, which form car tain letters of the telegraphic code. This is a method of distinguishing the beacon, which is easily understood by a little practice. Chicago Inter-Ocean. SUOBTS eN FRIVILE4.XS OS FARHFRS "Justice" in epeakiag of farmers ya: 1. They have ten votes to eeven of all other occupants. 2. They have votes enough to easey any election. 3. They can effectually put an end to the extortions of railroads, which take one bushsl ef every two-the farmer 4. They can put tea farmers ia Cbn- and the State Legislature for every one they now bare. 5. They eea make their owa laws ia all the stoma: 6. They eea secure the same pay ment per hour for hand work thet is demanded by brain work. 7. They can have all the comforts aad luxuries now enjoyed by the clas ses which prey upon them. 8. They can combine themselves into a compact body. 9. They can eo-operate,caa stand by one enother, and if they do so can rule the world or 10. They can continue to be the dull drudges they beve been, the prey of every cunning politician, lawyer end speculator in the land. The dress of the different orders of Monks is the same as that ef the low est orders of the popolatiao at the time the orders ef the papulation were founded. BOBS St ATI BBS. The white elephants are not Sismese twias. Now is the Spring tia-'em ef life, so get merried. Would training a goet be oelled, working in butter 1 "The meiden mid, go not," end ho staid aad she stayed. If El Mshdi hss eighteen wives he must be used to fighting. The man thet blows out the get must have a screw loose somewhere. Patsrfamilias says that the house held Spring overhauling uiually cleans him out. Mr. Turnipseed is the neme ef the Mayor of Seleeville, Ohio. He prob ably Is a growing man. Queen Poms re ought to be e leeder of fashions. 8he is at the head ef the Society Islendn. The largest circular saw is in use in Michigan, end is competing success fully with divorce lawyers. A men must bo oepable ef penetreU ing Kgyptien darkness who can see Soglead's rights in E gypt. Why is e washerwomen like e nevi gator T Bene use she spreads her sheets, creel a the line, and goes from pole to pole. Prof. E. Stone Wiggin claims the eartbqueke. He is welcome to it if be only puts it carefully awey where it won't turn up egein. A camel will work for en ven or eight deys without drinking. In this be dif fers from some men, who will drink seven or eight dsys w ibcot working. Tbe following is from the London Punch : Why is an elepbnt like e biick T Because he can't climb e tree. Tbe tree, moreover, leaves in 8iriog, and tbe elephant leaves with lit gerie. Pbcsba Towle, of Newaik, N. J is 103 years old, snd she ts ih la' men living upon Whom Washington imprinted a fatherly kies. Sb is prob ebly the last woman that soy mn will kies at tbe present time. A juvenile inquirer waa looking at some of tboee pictures of an.-, e ii which only heads and wings are vuihu, aad after a few minutes' reflection, be geve voice to bis thoughts as follows : "Well mamma, bow do tbey sit down t ' An Illinois town was sg ita led ever the discovery of a new metal eeveral times heavier than lead. It was found ia the heuee of a newly married couple. It tanas oat aow to be the first effort of the bride at bread making. "There is only one fault to be feond with the stock at our bouse," eaid yourg flush the other day, "tbey ere always too wall deoe." "Letui cheage places," replied hie Shorts, "they ere always rare enough where 1 live." Employer (to wild end reckless clerk ) "Themes did I not tell you tbst I would give yen e better position ii you left off drinking V Clerk "Yes, sir." Employer "But I understand that you wore drunk egsio Isst night." Clerk ."Very true, air, bat I '-as only entertaining your offer." "Too drank too much wine at din- to-day, George." "Oh no, my love ; yon ere certainly mistaken." 'Then why did you rave so when you were taking e nap on tbe lounge T" "That is exp'ained easily enough. My bead wee reettog on ou oresy pil low." It Is said at a Boston seance a tor rowing widower succeeded in establish ing communication with hie wife, who had paeeed into the spirit land from the Hub. Tbe man inquired if she was happy, and if she liked her new eur which ebe replied : "Well, deer, it ie very charming aad lovely, aad all that, bat of coarse yoa know, deer, it isn't Boston." O The Bursas' Otrma Is Is. sued March and Bent, each lyeart Sit pages, SJxlU inches, with over 3.SOO illustrations a whole ph tamsrallcry. Gives whole- sals prices direct to eontumert on sll goods tor personal or family tote. A ens now to order, and gives exact cost of every thing vou use, eat. drink, wear, or hare nan with. Them invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mats acts of the world. We will mail a cony Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO- esr A S8 Wmmmtk Ai (CONQUEROR,) A SPECIFIC FOR MT EPILEPSY, SPASMS, COKVULSfQNS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS OAMGE, ALGHOKQLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUSNESS, SICK KEADaGHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIYENESS, !KMEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES JUT 1.50 pwtottU. ltoUb7AUdnStrti.--eB(f triarrespoudence freely ssswered by Physicians. jftB-IJr.S. A. Richmond Med Co., Proprietors. Srt. 0Toesey3x. XCo. (M) 4Tor tsstlaionlsls sad circulars seed stamp. SaailGTON a CO., Ageats, lu Prsselsefr. SMAMTAk. CLRICIS FACTS The household roll of the Countess of Leicester for the year 1205 gifts the lady's washing bill from January to June as fifteen ponce. Io Indie, the presents from a brideV parents are not dlsplsyed at the brlde'r bouse, but are soot to thst cfth bridegroom by servants wlio march through the streets ia procession. Tbe great auk which Is now ox tinct was very common slong th coast within a century, but the ls blrd wss killed on an Island near Ice land In 1844. In 1874 a French steamer founder ed off the coast of Japan, at a depth of twenty-five fathoms, and its Japa ntet freight wont to the bottom. Eighteen months afterwards divers succeeded in recovering a large amount of lacquer ware of good qual ity. It was found that, notwitnstan ding the long time It had been under weter, the woodwork, the gold paint logs and the lacquer coating were in an admirable state of preservation, while tbo locks and ornaments made of silver had changed color and were nearly ruined. IU SOt At 14 PLATVOBII Tbe Sstnorraey of (IwiUU tA Otssb, In sd, iiociars: first Thst we fsvur ih furMlur of sll unraall mlrtnni miul wmgtm rosul sjrmtiU and I ha opening o I lbs Is ixl to solUsatatit snd occupant? by tsess en llllsd to lh baiMrilt ot Iba various land laws of ths I mud states. IsouiMt TUst ws are In tavor of th passage by ngrsw of laws tuade lu lbs Ititarset t lit poupia, regulating In ur slat uiatsaisrw, and also stata laws, controlling ana regulating Jaraa and frvtabta uon all transportation linca, anfl preventing dis rum na tion in lave of or against rns or places. Third That we leok with alarm upon tbe unau thorised aaausnptlon ul Kr and juriadUtion .f Uulud States ivuru la interfarrtng with fBrrs ! lecung tbe revenue of tbe state ot Oregon. fourth Tbst we are In favor of the avirtgage las law, and believe the principle of taxation ouncla!d therein la uorreet, and ought to he euatalneu firth -That we favor the paeaasre ef such lewa In relation to tbe sskwessnent and rothx-tlem of laxee as will ism lis tbe ssevissnerjl and taisliuu ,4 propen euuai and uniform throughout tbe state, and de 10.0.I the strut enforcement of such laws when en acted. Sltth That the powar ret.t.rted by the ltder corssUtuvioii upe congress to neit tar S lane W gleet, lor the sole and taclueive uree . f der revenues for the support 4 each jrovernmenl, , that the enaeUng of an) tariff law lor eny other p puss, such aa taxation o ooe Uses of ople t ., heneSt of any other class of people le as ent re I unwarranted by lbs rvnetitutiot. , as It le rwpugi ant to Justice and Inltslcsd to tbe general wclfarr, ,. .ea. therefore favor atntlfl lor reveua-, limited to the nereaeu lies of government ecooem.tcally edmlmei. red. and a g'aduai hut erletenl reduction of tbe axis ling protective duUes. Seventh -That tbe Improvement 'A .-ur ast har bors, the Columbia river end Ita tributaries, is of vllai Uuportaiw g to the eotmnerve of th j whole elal e of Oregon, and we earaee ly aafc that an adequate appropriation be made by our present congress to be gin tbe wash f tbe 1 oiumbia river bar Improvement, already too long nasrtsctsd. We also aak such ap propclallee for the QawMBS locfce Sg eiil Insure me r S)eedj cumpieUoA . also, w. aek edour repreeenie Uvea in congress a united cSort to secure a iherai appropriation lor the improvement and oiutlnua'loi. of tbe e..rk of improving the herb re of t equine bay, Coos bay snd tbs Vajutlis nf. Eighth That ws favor the eboliUen of the prl.oe. contract system, and the present colts trade m ducted nn Ibis onset, as SsglSflliig to the wage w..-k-ere of the country . Ninth- That for the purpnee of preventing grow lag frauds In our elections, and to preeetve th fruits of UW ballot boa, we fa or the aaeac of a rwgtetry law. Tenth Thai we are In favor of mors baeios' 'ten laws Quimby House. QUIIBY & HER8E7, Proprietors. or . 4 th snd C . fori land Or. One or the raamt and most oonaplete hotels in tireRoo. Conduct ed both bj American and European plane All tbe modern improvements. HO bed rooms, well fnraisued, lirbU and wel ventilated Kirt-.i . reeding riia, barber abep. An evs: r sal all latest eonvenleooHe. BOOKS sirieBltr.Arrhlierl,, Ballderst. Hstelilals)!, s ir. OiSBORN & ALEXANDER, 29 flavrket Ml., Ktan Frstnrlsro. HHef haDirs' Tools. Hardware, tad Jlarbinery. UaUlogus ef all or good seat tree on stvpllcsUoa W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAC0N8, HACKS. BUG CIE8, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, PATENTS MTTrTN a OO., otr the Bnrmrta Amsricas'. eon tinna to act aa Solictors for I'nteuta, Caveats. Trade karks. Copyright, for the United SUtcVOsasds. Boglaaa, VTSjaee, Uermany. etc Hand Book about Patents sent Iras, Thirty vcj years' expertenoe. Patent a obtained fhrooxh MUNITA CO. are noticed to the BciBNYirso Amkbjcx.v. the urgost. best, aad moat widely circulated sclent iflo paper. Xayeac Weekly. Balendld engravings said Interest Ing la formation, bpeetmen copy of the ncieaimo a lean sent free. . Addeese SIUNN & CO ect ySaVS-AW oflkSS. SU Broadway. Mew Vork, D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet S TJBSOEIPTION San Francisoo, Cal. 6 a week at borne, S6 outfit free. Pav abso luUly sure. No risk, CaplUl required ' 1 you want business st whioli persons o s , young or old, ean make great pay all th ". work, with absolute certainty, write fo ill s to H. Hallstt and Co.. Portland, Maine S2600. reod farm, ene mile west of Brownsville oa the road leading to Halsey, containing 102 acres, oak ridge land, seme fiae oak groves, all enelesed, 75 acres in cultivation, a young orchard and shrubbery ; good barn and fair house, two good wells with pumps, Price $2600, one years time on one half amount if desired, with security on premises. Call at premises or address D. A. Carter, Egan, Grant ooun ty, Or, JULIUS QRADWOHL Hat flie only exelnelve alert, or CROCKERY, CLA88,8ILVER AND CHINA WARa A Large assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sug one dozen:cup8 and saucers si.oo. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. THK'HIGHI'MT SABKGTPCE PAID FOR BO Remember: What I Say I Mean, diva Mi a Bi'L GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- 1I0FFMA -IHOPRIKIORS OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AM) DEAIJ5R8 IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, TobacooH, Groceries, T i c lsion Candies Nuta and Tropical Fruits. e Albany, ... Oregon, iNK I -OK BEIW JOHN BRIGOS' STORE. tyl T nil Ol aD Hri ANIr Ti WkWH HTKefh. UaH ON UAND Afl FI3CE Alt AKSC) KTM E;t q? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AUD RAJS'GES, Sa auf bousr 1st the Hllej. He TIN, SHEET IRON AND C0PPEF WARE tf try I KV II 111 TH 111 IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. AliSO, HE EEKPrs OSI HAND. A FULL ASSORTMENT Y OENUiNE GRANITE IRON WARE. I .Ii. II Ml rt fcls IO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEF 1 oMPKirnoa i nwrr htrkitt, albay, onzGtyy:. Repair work done at viSu25 c. c cs issr. rK.M.u : ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (8aooetuMn to C. C. Cherry.) sUcMiiistg, Millwrights, and Iroo Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX completed, and are now pretared to handle a 1 kinda of heavy work. We will manufacture feieam hJiirinw, tiri.Ht snd Saw MU1 Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Braes Casting. rarraasa ntsi: es saaaT ton r.. Special attention riven to repairing all kinda of machinery. Will alo inanufac lure the improved Chorry A White Grain Separator. tap ea BeJter ei- easee a Lstmber Versl. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf HERE AT LAST. Alter Leas aa Weary WaJtlwg BeUef Is Brwashlta) These rk. Reeel ll. "Well Hat," sued an Otanre county Phscian to s (xxnolaininj; lriah patieut some years ago, "for that pain In your chest you had better go bmc and pat wo a mustard plaster. I can't think this minute of ettythtria; better And by the way," added tbe doctor turning to a friend, "I wish sosnebody would invent a real goo 1 plssser something actually helpful Ur such caeea ae Pal s. Maybe Uvry will sometime, wheo tu too late lor me te use it." When BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER waa placed on the market about leu year ago tbe dot-tor's hope became a fact. Because of the rare medical virtues W nerval in It, lu rap d action and surereeulte, the Cap. ine to fast displacing the alow acting plasters of former days, for all aflevuot.s to which a plaster to aver applicable. Price SS cents. In the middle of the genuine to cut the word CAP CINE. Seahury A Johnson, Chemists, New York The Great English Reme- la a never faillus cure tor linrvous Debility, SSerainal Weakness, Exhausted I talitv, Bpertualorrhcsa, LanT MANUOSD, In potency, Paralysto, and all terrible eflrcU of Self Abuse, youthful felliea,and x cesses In maturer years such as lose of Memory, Lassitude, Ksstoslnn, Aver sion to Society. Dimness ot Vision, Noises in the Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and many other diseases leading to insanity snd death. DB.' BUN TIB will agree to forfeit Five Mandred Dollars tor a case of this kind the Vital es to ra ti ve (under his special advice and treatment' wi' not cure ar for anything impure or inju ious found a It. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases seaosss.u without mercury. Consultation free. Thorouga ex amisation and advice including mail sis of urine, Sb. Price of Vitsl Restorative.ll.M a bottle, or four times ths quantity $ sent to any address upon receipt of price or C. O. D, ebecurs from observation and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. . MINTIE, 11 Kearney street, San IVsjicisco, Cal. Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, lasting symptom, sex and age. Cmmuniuatious Strictly eoufidential. Dr, Mintle's Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures U kiuds of kidney aad bladder complaints,gononrfama, gleet, leouehorrhcsa. For sale by all druggists SI a bottle or six bottles for So. Dr. Mintie Dandelion Pills are tbe beet and cheap est Dyspepsia and Bilious curs in the market. For ale by all dnnrsrists. Barnes'' Patent Foot and Steam Power Scroll Saws. Circular Sates, Afortescra, Lathe, Tenoners, Formert, etc OSBOEN & ALEXANDER Sola Agents, 828 Market Street. San Francisco. Mechanics' Tools, Hardware and Machinery goods sent free on application. For Sale. One half block in eastern part of tbe oity with fair house and barn will he sold essay. & Si tso laaporia stnti ii.anuli.lur. reasonable figures. .OR. FELIX 5 Pre veal It Hue retnedv tniae jr jw of thoee d isesu-ca of tLf ii rexiairee do clmnp'- ai i or poisonous lu.-dicicee 1 When taken as a I rr it ie unreill' t r.Mm l.tit in tin- cute of ti.e alrrvrf Di:ri1c nalely alH let rA -iih Grrco rla rl (.'...t. sr.. g&rane :'. !.ji i. mie or p -eiil r-fuMl li e nion.J. Pnio I j 1: 1. i, r 1 . ;. . jirlO 4T box. or, 3 l.oif-n for f-.JIL W 1 it utj tuarstrtex-s iA-um! ii)' all SutlionteU fia-i r.ta. Dr. allx l.c Braii A e. Sale- VrojtT aeODASD. LAlik A C O.. Autiiurizt-i) Aev'T't. 1 i:ti ami. ili.i. OrJrrs by anal U1 receive prosapt attecticn. ATERVOTJS DEBIi .. T? '. ffl Jrna msTS sa.i tT3tA- Itta. E. C. West's Nebte a KZST, a euarantrod apeethc fi pees. Convulsion, rits. K tiaaaonL Nervous ProMrattc of alcohol or oberee?, "v aV.i f pnsssaon. Soften ing of the lire aatrity and leading to irisvry, 1' m t . Old Apr-, rnrrtrt decay st d c-.;h. La f 1 v. r in nOaor sex. involuntary lxxs. eid on-facea caused by evcr-exertion of theLtaii . ahise or ovcr4nduls'ncp. arb l.z ess taiis one month's treatment. $l.rta box. or six for Si-UU, snt by m.Tl nnpa:d r- m , 1 f 1 i;re. WE I-1 ARAXTEE MX i.r.s a to care anv ease. With each ord r r '. t r for six boxen, aecomparied with .- v .: Mud the purchaser our written m.-. fund th money if (he treatment does mi ' a cure, fiunnuteea isuni d ovly by WOODAItll. t I.AKk 4 CO "-Tia.lcaaLlo and "IXcteil r-ulx. -IRTI AMI, OltKCON. Orders by rna' '1 mi - e-.nnpt r.!'txlioo. IV LeBlrBaa'a fcaldea Balaaas e. I Cures Chancres, first and seomd stssres : Sores or. the legs and body ; Syphilitic atarrh, dUrasod s -alp awl all primary tonus I-the disease, kaoern "as Syp bills. Price, S3 pei bottle. LeBlrliats's Golden Balaam V S Cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic lUienmatidn, secoudary stages. Pains lu the Bone. I' Ice rated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Luni, etc, sua eradicates all diseases from the svxt. m a hether caused by bad treatment or abuse of mercury, leaviii the blood pure and healthy. Price, $5 per boiile . Sent everywhere, C. O. P., securely packed j-er ex pieas. r. r. Bi u tBi;h.t tsa., Agerjsss, i tee Sansome street, Corner Clay, son r ranctoee, California. e ALBANY (XiLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALii AN V, Oil. The Second Term ends un Thurs day, January 31, 1S83. F gf particulars concerning the course ot "Hudy and the pnee of tuition, apply to KEY. ELBEKT . i'OXDIT. Prentaeat. Aioany Bath House. THE UNDEKSIUNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the ciittens of Albany aad vl elm ty thst I have taken charge of this E?.s olieh m.nt, and, by keeping clean rooms and psyia ssrlot attention to business, expects tu suit si thove who may faror us with their patronage Hat lag heretofore carried on nothing but Flrst-Clas-i Hair Dressing Icons expects to p: 7e entire sstisf rtiea to al JBSrChUdien tad Ladies' H&ir neatly oa shampooed. JOS WEBBER. THE DISSEMINATOR. , Published every Saturday AT Ilarrisburg'Oregon, a TH A. 1 3ST JSditor AProprietor. GrC3r Bud ui. i r clrbrr fex. 85?