The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 16, 1884, Image 3

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    Entered at the Post Odioe at Albany, Or
aw second-class mail matter.
EJItor aa4
rx r. sit ri i . KJitar.
Official Ooiaty aai City Paper.
Hm John Myers. Deui H'ratic nominee
for Congres-t, will speak to the people of
Lino county, on tha political isues of the
day, to-morrow,
SvTi hBAY, May 17, 1884,
at I o'clock, p. m., at the Court House, In
Albany, Everybody, men and wo mom
regardless ef politics are, requested to be
present and hear the man of the poop le.
The candidates on the Democratic ticket
for the vsrious county omces will address
the citizens of Linn county at the follow
tag times and places :
Scio, Wednesday, May 21st, ISM.
Miller's, Thursday, May 22nd.
Shedds, Friday, May 23rd.
Halsey, Saturday, May 21th.
HarrUburg, Monday, May 2tSlb.
Brownsville, Tuesday, My 2Tih.
Crawfordsville, Wednesday, M .y 28th.
Sweet Horns, Thursday, May 2tfth.
Leoauon, Friday, May 30th.
Albany, Saturday, May list.
Speaking to co.niir.MU' at I o'efeok p.m.
Opposing candidates arc respectfully in
vited to j in in tue dtuuait.i f the polit
ical issues of the day.
Br order of the Central Committee.
The Circa.
The Nickel Plate Circa gave twj exhi"
bitiens in tbis city on Monday last. In
the evening there was a full house, and
as that was the tim- we attended we can
only speak of then. For a crcus exhibi
tion in Oregon, where expenses are so
great, the one given was good .and ssveral
of the parts were superior. The feats of
Daisy Belmout on the rolling ball, and as
well her riding on a bare back horse, the
daring trapsze performance of Mr and
Mrs Bel men t, the contortions of the Healy
Brothers, the ladder performpce by the
three Irwin Brothers as well their cross
bar act, the cannou ball performance,
the riding of a bicycle en a tight wire
without counterbalance, were all rirt
class, while the donkey and the poney,
and Senator, added sauce to the affair ;
and the two lions, the tiger and the ele
phant were of great interest te these who
had never seen such animals. The whole
made up a good oircui entertainment, one
deserving of patronage. We were struck
by the gentlemanly, quiet tuanser in
which everything west offend this speaks
with that class of people who think all
circuses are terrible affairs anyway,
Saaday Seheel Organised.
Mr Judy assisted in organizing a
gab bath School at Trinity Chapel last
Sabbath afternoon. There were about
50 persons present The fbl lowing are
the officers -.
J Knox, Superintendent.
Miss Anna Price, Assistant Supt.
Goorge Geisendorfer, Secretary.
Everett Knox, Librarian.
Miss Lizzie Geisendorfer, Organist
Meeting on Sabbath afternoon at 3
o'clock, except the 3rd Sabbath in the
oar wit the OMea
When the Nickel Plate Circus left
Albany Tuesday morning, it took with
it two Albany be,7im East and Walt
Breen, not as two common fellowsrs,
but as two performer, operators in
somersets and trapeze acts, double acts
and single acts. This is an important
step far two young men to take, but no
doubt they have the "sand in the craw"
w'aich will give them success as ci reus
performer-. Bth are cew good in many
icaia n i 1 1 , au i suip9 evil 3Uitj
of the professionals.
Mitmry will Freaeh
On Thursday evening of last week Kev E
B Edwards, for Uu years a missionary in
India, delivered an address at the Coart
House, on Hindoostao and Bunnah, which
was quite interesting. Oa next Sunday
evening Rev Edwards will occupy the place
of the union meetings at the Coart House,
and deliver a sermon on his missionary work.
He is said to be as able, interesting speaker,
and deserving a good house.
Letter LUI
The roiiowing is the '.1st of tetters reran) alng
ia the Post Offlce. Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon, Mt 14 th, lS4. Persons sal tins tor these
bcters snuHt five the date on which they were
Allen, I R
Birdsell, J 3
Carey ,Joepn H
Craadei, Uriah
Hughes, Kdwin
McUy, F A
Hperry, John
Whitwell, W
B;lilinx, H A
Brunt:, W H
Crocker, I T
Funster, John
Miller, a F
Nichols, W H
Weller, Tbeedore
lee C'rosm.
The ladies of , the First Presbyterian
Church will furnish an ico cieam supper
and sociable, in the C. T. U. nail, on
Tuesday evening. May 20tb. Come early.
Come one. come all and receive a cordial
Secretary L. P. 8.
Bishop H. Db3, D D.. fro n Cleave
land, Ohio, will preach at the Evangel
ical church of this city oa next Wednes
day evening at 7:30. A cordial invlta-
ion is extended to all.
A l.ucky Flenaa.
In the vast amount of business trans
acted at the Baltimore, Md., Postoffice
Mr. M. V. Bailey, Saperintendentof the
Mails, is kept exceedingly busv, bat
somehow he linds a spare hoar or day to
go fishing, and from his experience he
gives his testimony, that St. Jacobs Oil
is the best remedy in the world for rheu
mat ism, sprains, sore feet and joints-
bruses, etc It is the remedy for fisher
men and gunners, who should always
keep a bottle en hand.
An apprentice to iearn the dress
making trade at the Misses Iiumbaugh
F M French, jeweler.
Make your yards look well.
Ico begins to be in demand.
Salem has a now telephone system.
Strawberries are preparing to get up.
Hens are oa the sot, and badly so tee.
Times are close east of tho mountains.
Hay is $15 per ten loose and $ 18 bailed.
T P Haokloman U now J. P. of East Al
bany. The Dsmoobat would like a regular cor
respondent at Scio.
Singing in Sanakript is not an accomplish
ment of an Albany audience.
Mr M Senders has moved his stock of
goods to tho eld Nolan store.
Tho Halsey BujU is running a continued
story, which is very thrilling.
Tho State Teachers Association will be
held in Salem June 30th and July 1st and 2nd.
Rev 2d Judy will preach at Skoals' sshool
house Sabbath at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Tho price of wool will not be largo, in fact
it will probably not exceed 17 ceuta per
A Kr vi ii, of Lebauou, has gone to tho Coer
dAlene mines with a stock of boots and
The largo number who attended the circus
would indicate plenty of money in the com
munity. E E Hea.mack has a large quantity of polo
fencing for' sale cheap, four miles below Ieb
anon. The printers of Salem will hold their an
nual picnic on the 6th day ef Jane. Look
out for tho Albany craft
On last Tuesday an Indian was killed
near Pendleton by two men named Henry
Baruhartand Frank Anderson.
Can any of our subscribers furnish us with
one copy of the Democrat ef August loth,
1SS3 ! Wo will pay 25cta tor it.
Miss Robinson, a lawyer from Boston, is
in tho Northwest, where she talks of locat
ing. May her stops bo northward.
Keep cool by going to Hoffman & Joseph's
and getting iced drinks, such as soda water,
pop, etc They manufacture tho best
Fine stock of dress goods and buttons at
Montetth at Seiteabaoh's, also satins in all
colors in new designs, Nans Voting, etc.
John Bland and Horace Mace wore killed
in a bar room fight at Lakeview last week.
Lskeyiew is evidently a big knifed place.
A cynic gives as a reason for prevalent
good health that patent medicines through
much adulteration are losing their effect.
Remember Louis Miller, of Albany manu
factures the best cart ever invented. Call
on him and get prices and see ons of his carts
Murphy and Manning fought in Portland
Monday evening with bard gloves. Manning
whipped, hot it was decided ia favor of
The Temperance Alliance at Oakville will
give a picnic en the 31 -it of thif month. A
general invitation is extended to all to bo
A friend across the river in Benton oonnty
proposes to ship his potatoes to San Fran
cisco uext fail by way of the 0. P. Wo
hope be may.
An elegaut gold plated band ring for 70
ceuts, stands acid test Send stamp for cat
alogue. Smith k Co., 724 J Market St, San
Francisco, Cel.
Ladies' and children's drosses mads to or
der. Cutting and fitting a specialty, at the
Misses Iiumbaugh, four doors east of S E
Young's Store.
J. K. Charlton will receive a largo vote
for Sheriff from all classes of people. He is
a reliable, honest, man, who will prove an
honor to the office .
Yaqnina Bay will get $40,000 to improve
it which is $100,000 less than the engineer
recommended. Those in charge should
make the best of it.
Butter is now 20c. a pound, for tha gen
eral ran, or 25c for gilt edged. It pays te
get the latter if one can find it Life with
out good butter is a failure.
To those desiring collections promptly at
tended to in Portland, we can commend
them to Wm Foley, a young attorney who is
reliable, honest and a pusher.
Mr L Walker, who has been Postmaster
at Woodland, California, for several years,
has purchased the Herald outfit in this city
and will take possession next month.
Eastern Oregon people have been swin
dled by eastern nurserymen. Some men who
will patronize as a practice strangers, instead
of fellow citizens, deserve being swindled.
Last week M Jacobs was elected Mayor of
Coryallis, E K Taylor. Recorder, Al Pygall,
Marshal, B F Irvine, Treasurer, P P Greffoz,
Thee Graham and II A Hemphill, Council -men.
Wm Settle, a highly respected citizen,
living near Lebanon, died at his home on last
Monday, at the advanced age of 84, leaving
behind him a good record and tho respect of
Parties for whom wo sent for tho Health
and Home should remember that oar order
has to go lack to New York state, and that
the journal is only monthly, so do not get in
a harry.
Broadhsad alpacas in all the leading
shades, the best goods in the market for the
money. J ast received a large quantity of
these celebrated dress goods, at Samuel U
Last Monday noon oar frieod E R Skip-
worth, at Shedds was met at the Post Office
with a storm of about fifty postal cards con
gratulating him oa the arrival of a girl into
bis family.
Attention is called to the ad. of Fish burn
k Schomakor in another column. This firm
is one of the leading ones in the state that
makes a speciality of pumps, etc. Write to
them for particulars.
A little Catholic boy presented to an Arch
bishop, shocked everybody by saying, "How
do-you-do, Arch." In Albany we have I. b's.
who speak as familiar to as good people as
even an Archbishop.
No other preparation so concentrates and
on monies mooa purirvinsr. vitalizing, on-
I ' LI J . .....
rich ing and invigorating qualities as Ayer's 1
Sarsapariila. Quality should be considered
when making comparisons,
A man named Jim Dobbins was run oyer
by a wagon loaded about 3500 pounds
of freight, near Colfax and it did not kill
him. He should be sent to Conzress. or
made Chief of Police of Portland.
Wm Moss was arrested a few days ago
near Priaeville, charged with passing coun
terfeit money. It is claimed that he did it
at the same time yonng Hamilton did, as
charged in the indictment against him.
Attention is called to the advertisement
of A C Hansmaa in another column. The
prices at which Mr Hausman offers to do
work in his line, are astonishingly low, and
speak for themselves.
We have just received the initial number
of The Practical E locator, a journal just
started at Portland in the interest of educa
tion. It is well gotten up, and deserves be
ing in the hands of all students and teachers.
Price $1 per year.
There are too many men In the world who
are all Is, and to hear many of them talk
ons would think they run tha universe, er
the aext thing to it. As a matter ef fact
suoh men as a rule can net even run them
selves. A Woman has boon foand who does no
want her husband to run for the Presidency.
Mrs Edmonds is bitterly opposed to it ; and
so is Mrs MoFlannagan opposed to her hus
band's running. These two are the only
oasss reported ,
Weed oa subscription is desired at this
oiUce, Would like some ash and oak as well
as maple and lr,and will allow regular mark
et price for good measure. Please come as
soon as oonveniont, for our pile ie lew and
tha nights are cool.
Following is the team of N, 2', which
will run in the hoee race to-day : Jas Halo
Millard Hays, Ueo 0 Wills, Geo U Piper)
Curt B PTton, H H Hays,Wm Daniel. Harry
Putnam, O H Blount M E Brink, E K
French, Fred Whittier.
The Methodists of Seattle are to build a
Dillon" ohapel to cost $2500. A $50,000
brick church will probably be commenced
by tho same denomination next year, The
naming of tho above after an old Albany
preacher is quite au honor and a deserved
A trap was sot tor a rat in a woodshed on
Washington Street ; but tho next morning
it was found in a neighbor yard, the fence
of whioh was cat proof, with tho oats foot
in it and a chain and large stick of wood at-
taohed to. There is much query as to how
it managed.
The following is themarket price of dif
feroat article iu Portland ; 3gl0 ; eggs,
20c. per doxeo ; flout, fancy, $4.75 ; coun
try brand, $4fu)K50 ; bran $19(120 ; ap
ples, $l.50($2 ; ham. Ifctf 15.-., hens $6 per
doz. ; serine chicken. $4. 50: wool. al.
ley, 1416e.
Last week we chronicled the amputation
of the leg of Mrs Hugh Harris, near this
city. It was thought at the time that she
would recover, but on the contrary she grew
worse, being in a weak condition in tho first
pUee, andfSaturday died from the effects of
her several afflictions .
'Ti. Dl. ti V. I si s a . .
niDuon v.iuu rrtuay night was
wall attended, and a good meeting wss held.
The address by Rov Brownson was different
fro the general run of temperance lectures
and contained many good tboaghU. Tho
musical and literary pait of the meeting
was bettor than usual .
It pays to raise good horses. I .ast fall a
gentleman near this city sold three for $820,
Setting $400 for one, $200 for another and
$220 for the other. As ho expressed it "It
costs no more to raise a good horse than a
poerooe. There is no reason why Oregon
should not be able to breed a 2:15 horse as
well as Now York or Illiooia.
The Hook k Ladder Company of this
city is doing its duty in tho way of marry.
ing off its members, during the last year four
or five having departed from single misery.
There are several more who should follow
suit and, ia fact, would, if the right ones
should propose. They are only waiting.
W , ."
muy tauies so mi re gray nsir u some
other person. Bat few care to try its effect
on their own charms. Nor need they, since
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents tho hair fioto
turning gray, and restores gray hair te its
original cokr, It cloasees tho scalp, pro
vents the formation of daodruff.and wonder
fully stimulates the growth of the hair.
A few days ago while C B Montague and
Frank Ballard were practicing with a revol
ver, Mr Montague aceidontly discharged bis
revolver on loading it, and the ball taking
its own course entered the fleshy Mart of
Ballard's leg, causing a very painful but not
serious wound. This occurred at Lebanon.
In judging of a circus ia Oregon it is hard
ly fair to make comparisons with Barn am
and Ferepaagh, which could not seeks half
their expenses here, but rather it should be
remembered that it is a difficult thing te
have any circus here at all, and under each
circumstances one is doing well as far as it
goes should be commended, if any circus
deserves commendation.
Since the instantaneous procets of photo
graphy the number ef pictures of babies, dogs,
and cats has greatly increased, the new style
rendering it quite possible te take the pic
tore of even a humming bird. Mr Fasten
has just placed in front of his art gallery a
new display of pictures, in which tho inno
cent phiz's of babies, smiling, laughing,
scowling, kicking, blinking, form a promin
ent part of the display.
Two men so drank that they could oot
walk a crack a rod wide wore soon on Broad -albin
Street last Wednesday taking off their
coats ready for action, Finally they clinch"
ed, and one went down as easy as an oyster
down a hungry man, and he rolled oyer and
over amid J the dust, contaminating tho dirty
earth with his foul breath. Neither one I
injured, except by the bad whiskey
they bad been imbiLiog,
To-day (Friday) will be a s-reat one amone
firemen and the friends of No. l's ia Albany.
Their picnic is the first one of the season in
Linn county, and should be attended by all,
of whatever denomination. We do not have
any too many holidays, and it certainly will
pay all to take a hand in the picking part
even if it costs them a nisk-el or two.
Although spring sowing is somewhat
bsekward certainly it is a fact that the
present out look was never better, the warm
weather of the last part of last and ths first
part ef this week giving the wheat an its
petus, wnicn win insure an immense crop
. . a ' a 1
in tne rail, as to pnoes though, we guar
antee nothing. One thing, though, farmers
shonld learn to base their time for selling on
a.1 a I t X a ..a I
sne aciuai em 100a ana not on wnat tney
wisn to obtain.
I here is rumor in circulation, says the
Jacksonville Timet, to the effect that tho
Central Picin: Cotajsiuy is about assuming
control f the (J. k '. il. IX., and that be
foic tbo 1st of July woia will be resumed on
both the California and Oregon ends and
connection made without delay. It is also
said that suspension of work this aide of
Redding, Cel., was as much ef a play to get
control of tbe Oregon system as it was to
bulldose tbe California Legislature.
According to the following from the Eu
gene j0urnl there is something in tho (Jo-ur
d'Alene mines af ter all : "Mr James Ebbert
has received a letter from the Cusar d'Alene
mines, informing him that his youngest
brother, Harrison Egbert, Marion Davis and
two of the Laird boys, all formerly residents
of this connty, have a claim in the mines
from which they have taken at four clean
ups 80, 40,90 and 70 ounces of gold,amouat-
tog at $18 per ounce to $4080. Marion Da
vis was offered at the first clean-up f 10,000
for his interest in thn claim, but rsfused to
The meanest practical joke yet reported
was that played last week on tho Coroner at
The Dalles. "Word came from Hood river
that a skeleton had seen found in the woods
soar Dr. Adams' plaoe. and reouestina that
an inquest be held, Dr Robbins
. A OF
being in
disposed requested the Justice from The
Dalles precinct te proceed to Hood river and
fulfill the statutory requirements' Ho wont
own oa tbe train, summoned a jury and
pgpeeeded te Dr Adams' residence,
and on
his arrival was pointed to a .skeleton in the
wiadew of the doctor's drag sto. a, whioh
has been there for a number years.
The brother of Y L Higgins, ef Harris
bsrg, was recently murdered in Washington
Territory. Tho fallowing from the Colfax
(latrtte is an interesting item in oooneotien
witlfthe affair. "V. I,. Higgins, of Harris
burg, Or., brother of tho man murdered
near Pullman, arrived in the city lost Thurs
day. Curiosity led him to the jail Sunday
morning, where ha had a look at Knelt, his
brother's alleged murderer. The Higgins
brothers bore a marked resemblance te each
other, one being mistaken for the other. A
short look autheed for Knott, when ho drop
pod his eyes, and oa being asked if he rec
ognised the visitor, replied u. the negative.
He was then asked if bo did not resemble
his brother, whioh brought tho admission
that their eyes were similar. Daring tho
remainder of the visit Knott only directed
side long glances at tho brother of (hs mar.
dered man.
Dr J TTato was in Albany over Sunday.
Isaac Yogel was in the city yesterday on
Binger on the Umpqaa was in Albany on
F M Wadsworth. agent at Silots, was ia
tho city last week.
Dr T F Smith, formerly of Albany is now
farming near Waitsbnre, W. T.
Hon (loo K Chamberlain. Hon R S Strahan,
Hon J K Woathorford, Hen W R Bilyea
and C E Wolvertoa, are at Dallas this week
attending Court.
Jos. Webber, Jr., the faithful representa
tive of J. W. O. (of rau's insurance agencies
ia Portland, was in the city fTodoesday en
hie way home from Southern Oregon.
Nick Wornimoot arrived from the Bay
last week and returned Wednesday. He re
ported work prgresiag rapidly, an 1 says
tho read is bound to go through. There is
pleoty of work there for all who wish te
Mr Temp. Robinson, of Harrisbarg gave
ns a call the first of the week on bis way te
Helena, Montana, whore ho has accepted a
position as Division Master between Helena
and Missoula, Montana. Ho has had a large
experience as a railroad man, and his services
will be valuable on tho N. P.
Mr A W Prnshaw, who has been with
Foshay k Mason, daring the past year, has
taken charge of tho drug store at Monroe, in
Benton county, and is now dispensing pills,
ague cures, ete ., to the sick of that com
munity. Archie is a reliable druggist, and
we heartily commend him to the people ef
Monroe and vicinity.
Tuesday we received a call from Mr
Weinman, a yooag man recently from Helena,
Montana, where be has been working in the
mines for seme fifteen years. He retained
on last Wednesday. From him we learned
that miners are receiving about $3.25 per
day of eight boar shifts. Mr. Wots man has
been working in tbo Drum Lemon mines,
which have already boon worked about six
hundred foot deep, and are yielding well.
Brought op in the mines ho if a piotate ef
what ooe becomes who makes the mine bis
homo. Came for nothing else, and, ns
beautiful as our Willamette Valley is, be
tbiahs it does not compare with the dull
quarts mines ef Montana, Ivory man te
his taste.
epnrass Inspires! hr m eeareily of lews.
A bey who baa been te a circus la like) a
monkey who ha seen himself In a look
ing glass, and there is no boons big enough
for htm.
A man with one talent and that for
tumbling, in like au eagle in a cage, when
be Is kept from it
It is an ox eel leu t thing te rjosssss great
physical power : but unfortunate ie the
man who can pall against a span of horses,
if be ie weak la the upper story.
The man who will leave his trade when
times ar dull and dig at anything far the
sake ef being at work is the one who will
The man, who, though in debt te all his
neighbors, will take bis wife and ton child
ren to tho circus, u worse than the fes who
will take tbo hut hen from ths widows roost
when hi don is already tilled with the fowls
from the yards of the rich.
A city full of strangers with nothing for
them te do is like a quart buoket with a gal
lon ef water in it Three quarts will ran
Mud throwing in polities is very properly
becoming a thiog of the past Tho mod rare
ly hits, aad is sure to dirty tho hands of tbo
thrower more than the faces of the victim.
"A new broom swoops clsan," bnt the old.
est wine is said to bo the the best, aad brooms
are frail affairs anvwav. Firemen and others
should remember this.
ldiea ulsters in linen nod mohair, also
toa nwt and latest styles of ladies spring
and summer garments.
Pioneer's Sterling
The annual meeting ef the pio
of Linn county will be held at SodavlHe
on Friday, the 6th dav ol June. 1884.
The object of the meeting I for the
election of President. Vice Preeident.
Secretary and Treasurer, and also the
promotion and Banlfestatlen of social
and geaera! feelings among its mem
bers, the meeting will continue Friday
and Saturday. By request of the com
mittee, the members ef the Association
will come prepared to camn on the
ground Friday eight. We
u,,,,,i.. i?
ai,vuva mm in imviuil vw nil.
Martin Payxe,
D. MaNBFIkld,
Oil and rereelaln Falnttag.
Miss Gertrude Walker will give In
structions in Oil and Porcelain Painting
to a few pupils at her residsnce on Lyon
street, tbreo dears north of the Depot.
Specimens of her work oan be aeen at
Foshay k Mason's Drugstore and at
Menteith k Seiteabaoh's.
New laces, embroideries, silk glove, Lisle
thread gloves, mitts, and a fnll assottment
of kid gloves in black snd oolor, in the Cole-
I brated Centomeri and Mather styles at
Monte mi & Seitsnbach.
Te subscribers at rrlnevlllo.
Many of eur subscribers at Prineville
have requested us to name some one a
Prineville to whom they could pay sub
scriptions. For the convenience ot all enr
subscribers at that place we have left ao-
couats at the office of J. N. Duncan who
I will receive aad reoipt for subscriptions
due or to become due to the Democrat
Best harness st J J Dobruille's.
Preaching service.
Kev I H Condit will preach in the
I chapel near Knox's Butte on Sabbatb.May
i 18tB at Pi m-
uuisn iicic To.OAr
To-day (Friday) Albany Engine Co. No.
1 will glvo their sixteenth annual reunion
and pionlo at Hnok Ismail's Grove, It
will be one ef ths liveliest events la the
htatery of the company, aad it will pay
every body to corns with well filled lunoh
baskets and atttend. $27d In prists will
be given away.
The feitewlng exosllent program has
been arranged, and wilt be carried out j
Members of the fire departments and
visiting firemen will meet at No. One's
Hall at ftgo e'v.ook where the preeeaelon
will form at 10 o'clock and march to the
grove where the following exerelses will
take place :
1. Mnalo by the Albany City Band.
2. Prayer by Kev Hollenbaugh.
8. Musio by the Band,
4. Address of Welooms by Mayor II Hi
of Ne. l's
5. Response by Hoa J L Cowan, of
Lebanon. '
6. Music by the Band.
7. Oration by Hon J K Weatherferd.
8. Music by the Band.
t, Contests as follows : Ladles race, $
yards, $2.54 ; seek race, 3 yards, i.5$
three legged race, $I.M ; fat mans' race,
$2.5$ ; boys race, (aader 10 years of age.)
$1.60; ollmblug greased pole, $3.60, etc.
Pionlo dinner. At 2 o'clock a match
game of base ball for a puree of $20 will
be played en the Third street grounds, Al
4 o'olook the following contests will take
place on First street ;
1. Content for steamers; throwing wa
ter greatest distance. Priae $110.
2, Contest for band engines; throwing
water greatsst dlatanoe. Prist $&.
$. Hook and Ladder race ; companies
limited to 30 men, run 200 yards, raise SI
foot ladder, man asooud to top and time
te bo called when ho grsnps top rung with
bis hand. Prlae. $5.
4. Hose race ; companies limited te 12
men, run 210 yards to hydrant, attach, run
off 260 feet of hose, an I got water ; alt
couplings to be mads and pipe to be put
en ; cart to carry 4 foot bete, ooupllags
to be made. Klrnt prtxs, $25. Heoond
prlae, $lo.
6, Foot race ; fo yards ; f . ee te all fire
men. Puree $lv-
In all the above con toots two or mere
teams enter, each company to uae lie own
The entire days festivities will etoee
with a PI re moon' Ball at Crawford's Opera
House, the largest and most com mod lone
hall In the eliy. Mnele by the Independ
ence string Band. Tickets, $1,50.
Meats Tear err
Miss Gertrude Walker will give Instruc
tion on the plane, organ or violin at her
resldeooe on Lyon street, three doors
north of the Depot Miss. Walker has a
medal from the Chicago Musical College
aad baa had four years ex per ion ee teach
ing in Oakland and Weedland.Cal. While
teaching in Oakland she was pianist ef the
Mexart Society and fallowing la an ex t reel
from the Woodland, Cel., "Democrat"
ehewlng how she was regarded aa a musi
cian in Cat "Mine Gertrude Walker, who
was formerly pianist ef tbo Handel and
Haydn Society In thle city and ban played
et a great many concert bore, w now
pianist ef the Moxart Society ef Oakland.
Referring to a public Praise !ervioo given
by the Society a few evenings oiaoe, the
Oakland Dally Tlseee," ia giving e notice
of the entertainment says : Tbe Society
te to be congratulated upon having secur
ed euch an accomplished aooompanUt an
Mien Walker, who is one of the finest
pianist iu thn city.' When rs IMnsSSMf
that Oakland is the second etty In sue In
the $xaie,wttb a population of about to.eoo,
and le foil ef good musicians, the t 'ove te
a very nice compliment aad we fool that
Mies Walker richly deserves It, not only
for her musical abilities, but for ber many
good qualities."
Indies', misses and children's, shoos, slip
pers and sandals ; groat variety at Moateith
A 8eiUabecb
Tuesday svening. May 13, 1884.
Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, and
Aids. Brush, Ifoodin, Brtggs, Menteith.
The committee on sewer in First Ward
given farther time to report.
Marshal Dickey reported that alleys sad
streets wore being cleaned ia aoeordaneo
with notice, aloe that property owners wore
graveling streets.
On motion it was carried that a man be
emnloved to examine street for sower ia
First Ward 10 reference to rooks in same.
w--0 - ,
Petition of C D Turner for tamo en breed-
albin Street granted, provided flume be cob
s true ted net less than ten foot deep and on
oast line of street, and bo kept ia repair:
The following bills wore allowed ! I C
Die key. $30.75 ; If J lien ton. $9.10 ; Rebt
Brown. 860 ; A D Roberto, $70 ! Stites A
Nutting. $3.80 ; John Maxwell, $17.99.
Tho following bills wsro referred t R D
Murray, $2.75 ; R R Crosby, $3 50 ; Robin
son A rest, $16.5$ ; I c Dickey, $33.50 ;
Peters A lllain, $12.65 ; N J Benton, $26.
Banding Wire,
Owing to the uncertainty in tbe amount
of Binding Wire to be need this seaeen,
there will not be any more Imported than
Is actually ordered. Those intending to
use it will have to send their orders to me
not later than June 1st. as much earlier
aa possible, as name will have to be order
ed from manufactories in tbe East, knd
orders must be sent in at once, for it to be
here in season-
Mnsleat Instruments.
J. H. Daniel n6w has a complete line
of musical instruments of ail kinds for
sale, consisting of the Mathusbek
piano, the Shoninger organ. Addles,
violins, guitars, ete., as well as the
latest sheet musio. His instruments
are all of the best grades, and are dot
the cheap traak), so that when you get
an Instrument of any kind you may
know that yon are getting one that will
last and hold its tune.
For Sale.
A set of oopper fer distillers, second
hand in first-class oondltion.wlll bo said
nhean. Enauire of John Brigars, tin
smith, Albany.
rLoi a roit sale
Tke best quality ef Magnolia XXX new
process Hour, for $4 per barrel, or f 1 per
sack. Said flour will be delivered to any
Tsit if ihtlvof Albanv. Call on tbe
undersigned at tbe Magnolia Mills,
Isaac B. Bban.
The undersismed Is now prepared to
supply anybody and everybody with first
class lumber. Bills of all kinds filled
promptly to order. Lumber dressed or
roush. 600.000 feet on band. Location
near Waterloo on South Santiam.
R, R. Humph bet.
(b fUnn, Sedge, John lsess
and S
1 I.' la pool,
The matter of the application ef Jas Mc-
Hargae and others for location of conoly
read was continued,
The application of John R Smith and
ethers for location ef oeunty read granted,
and Mile ordered paid,
Application of Otto Grim for alteration
of oounty road granted.
P Iwaak, Supt of Diet. No. 18, reported
that two bridges across Oak Creek were
completed according te contract and or
dered that warrant be drawn in favor of
fi'. John st Stone for $208 in full payment
f work.
Resignation of E R bklpwerth as Justice
of the Peace of Best Albany Precinct ao
copied and T P Haokloman appointed.
F M Westfall allowed 8800 feet of lum
ber. Ordered that $68 be apportioned to pur
chase provisions for family ef A D Gard
ner to be expended by J B Traak.
Coroners' fees over body of Charles
Flnlayaen allowed.
Ordered that J 5 Rioe be allowed te
purchase lumber to an extent sufficient
for Diet, $9.
lees la State vs Jacob M 1ler allowed,
Ordered that eennty furnish necessary
lumber, splkse, etc., and $80 for skilled
labor, for putting up and repairing the
second bridge across McDowell Creek.
Fees la location ef John R Smith road,
$lS,allewod,alee In location of Otto Grimm
A W Ntanard allowed 6868 feet ef lum
ber, Jea Lame, 000 foot ef lumber.
Resignation ef John If labels as Super
visor, accepted and J L Flo worn appoint
ed. Fees of Juryman and witneesee at special
term $18.46, allowed.
ai Mil auwKP,
Kuykendall, keeping P Potter
weeks $85.00
0 L Merrle, keeplogoounty poor 76.88
W Ii Dooaoa, mdao MroSlme 6.96
8 B Yeuog, scraper for Dim. 41 15.60
Robinson A Woot.lunsbor for Dint 14 16.62
J A Crawford, water root 6.69
J W Anderson, material aad wot k 4.00
J Gradwobl, sndse ... 14 99
Peters A Blaln, mdss 2 13
Mark Perry, Janitors fees . 166,82
L si Mestenye, Bra Harrle and
Ssl 4m9t ,,, ,mmn e 600
Us TK Co.. o tsM ........ 700
Jas Mady, meals for Jury M 16.00
J W Anderson, work and material 6.06
0 H Stewart, foes
Peters A Blaln. mdee 16
eo O Sears, Sbfl'e foes 76
PailSwsnk, Inspecting bridges 3.09
Sarah Mills, house rent for Mm Sitae 2. 40
Geo Humphrey, SnfTe fees 267.05
Morgan A De'Armond. lumber
6 56
Crawford A roller, lumber,
vv (oneway, lumber
m swanks, work on brttige..
L KHon, 1 months salary ..
........ ..........
S R Clay pool
see see
Oeorge Humphrey . .......
......... ........ aa
9T4TC W. C. T. V.
Following is the program for the State
W. C. T. C, whleh meets In this city
June 4 :
wsDsaaoar, josh 4,
Devotional ex ere tee.
Opening of Convention.
Roll eall of officers and mem bora.
Appointment of committee on creden
Roll eall ol delegate.
Add rem of welcome, member of Albany
Appointment of ootnmlttee on leeolu-
App ilntsaent ef oo nam I Ueo on plan ef
Appoiatosent ef committee on finance.
Appointment of oommlUee on courtesies,
tmuoox ssasiox.
Devotional exercises.
Reading of minutes.
Annual ad drees of Preeident.
Report ef superintendent of departments.
sxino session .
Address of welcome for eburebee Prof
J C Wyokoff.
Response address -Mrs M C Leavltt,
THOaSDft y, jr. is &.
Devotional exercises.
Reading ef the minutes.
Annual report of corresponding
Report ef Treasurer.
Election of oncers.
arTsasoos sbsmiow.
Devotional exercises.
Reading or minutes.
Report tf committees.
Miscellaneous business.
qoostion box conducted by Mrs LsMvlU.
nvsjiixo snsaiox.
Prayer. m
Lecture-Mrs M C Leavltt.
Boned lotion.
roltUeal apeaklag.
Hon. J. D. Lee and Hen. Rufus Thomp
son Rspublioan aad Democratic candidates
for joint Senator for Pol k and Benton conn
ties will address their follow citissns aa fol
Penydale, Monday. May 19th 1 o'clock, p.m.
Zona, Taeaday, May 90th, 1 o'clock, p. tn.
Independence, Wednesday, May 21st, 7:30
o'olook, p, m.
LewisviUe,Thursday,Mey 22nd, 1 o'olook,
p. in.
Kings Valley, Thursday, May 29ud, 7:30
e'cloek, p. st.
Summit, Friday, May 23rd, 1 o'olook, p.m.
Yaoniaa Us v. Monday. May 26th, 10
o'olook, a. m.
Philomath, Wedneaday, 28th, 1 o'clock, p.m
Corvallis. Thursday. May 29th, 7:30
k'olook, p. m.
Ginglos School House, Friday, May 30th(
1 o'olook, p. m.
Sew Sleets at Blnla a.
Last Wednesday L. S. Blain received a
Urge, and splendidly asserted stoek of suits
made from the Brownsville goods. These
goods are Justly very popular. Also a stock
of nobby suits from the East aad a superior
Use of stent's furnishing goods. Call and
examine them.
Twe building lots fenced near depot.
One house and let on Third Street. One
house and lot en Lyon Street, Inquire at
this office,
Per Bale.
A fine mare, 4 years eld, 16 hands high,
broke te work both single aad double, first
elass ia every respect. Inquire at once o
Burkhart Bros. s
We have a large lot of these machines now on hand which can b seen at the Sal'
install Drug Mtote building. Ibe machine has many
Patented by Mr. Esterlv that cannot bo had on other machines. Of the old binder
47 parte has been left nut aod only 7 i locos does the work thus making it thn
andean be operated by anyone not experienced In running machinery
The Raising and
(Eeterly's patent) by which the driver can, with one lever, raise and lower the entire
machine, an.i at the same time, with it and the tilting lever, fairly "shave tbe
ground" or cut a stubble nearly two feet high, without leaving bis seat
wbiob Is of great value and saves lime. We will keep a large
lot of extras ef every part of tbeae machines on
band. Call and see us.
Builders and Farmers
" .
Tho banger has s projecting lip and is used
racx wnen put up as s town and m HI not
The unaaratfBeS baa Inst rsopnwd his
M Shop nt
orfc la hi lis, at uruv that deft S
on. Tbe
grain nod all hinds A tana uradeos Is rwrr low, sad he
nan a tfuMl stuck of wagon limber .u r.ana, ;.u ta rwtmnag iwiu
and will bs ptoaood to mw hi. old friowds aod as saanj
tag aad he nrinvinssd that ha means to doencti what be sa :
ruling -hosts, old prio. per set, fc 00 New price I e OS
Spukeo and felloe, price 40 ti
Hickory AxteUoec, price 7 Ol " " 5 OS
w.oi ftteassssa nr eo M " i oo
W.uT botetara. price I OH 1 0
Contains, pries X 00 l M
hiiie eiae in the eawM proportion Alt work warranted rood aad nahsSinlfcsl.
iiuiiiiIii mm tent eiiml . aasMsnbsr the eld stand,
Koarii Baovssvnxa. Oa, April Soth, IBs I
Owing te the fact that tho W C. T. U.
State Conveutlon ia to meet in Albany the
first week In J une.tbe meeting of tbe Line
County 8. 8, Association, which wss an
nounced in last week 'a Dan oc rat will bo
indefinitely postponed. But as tbe con
stitution fixes tbe 1st Tuesdsy in June aa
the day for tbe Annual meeting, those
members of tbe association who can make
it convenient are requested to meet in tbe
U P Church in this city on June 3rd, at
2 p. m to consider the propriety of an
adjourned meeting this year, and to ar
range for tbe next aanual mooting. All
who signed the constitution last year are
members of the associstlon.
By order of tbo executive oommittee.
O. W. Grey,
Tho number of fine looking horses and
carriages is constantly improving in Oregon,
s fact to ho noted with pride.
SKIFWOETH. Oa Friday, May 9th, 1S64,
te the wife ef E. It. Skipworth a girl.
(CeegratuUtions by the bushel are ahow-
oring ia oa the happy fathsr. We are glad
te hoar all are doing well.
May Uth, 1834, by Rev T G Brownson, st
North Palestine chorcw-in Benton bounty.
Ma R N Williamson and Miss Kliza B
Cabtbk all of Benton count j.
home ei the bride, in Albany, luesday
evening. May 13th, by Rev T U Brown
sen, Ma, John W. Chamberlain and
Miss Eva Watson, both of Albany.
Ths Democrat sends hearty congratula
tions snd best wishes to the happy couple.
The receipt of a quantity of excellent cake
is acknowledged, whioh speaks for the cook
ing ability of the bride, which, combined
with other excellent qualities, will ensure
Mr. Chamberlain a moot estimable wife.
PAUL MARTIN. On May 7th, 1SS4, in
the Forks of the Santiam, by Rev Martin
Hickman, Mr Oeorob M Paul and Eliz
abeth C Martin all of Linn county.
FUNK SMITH. On May 11th, 1884, at
the residence of the bride's parents, in the
Forks of tho Santiam, by Rev Martin
Hickman, Mr Daniel M Funk and Flora
M Smith all of Linn' cos nty.
HARRIS In Albany, Or., May Uth, 1884.
of consumption, Ella, daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. J. W. Harris, aged 23 years, 8
We chronicle with sadness the end of a
pare, noble, womanly life. Ella Harris pos
sessed those Christian qualities which shone
in her daily life as well as in her professiens.
It is easy to flatter, but to those who knew
her theee words ouly begin to do her justice.
Lovable, she was loved by all ; virtuous, she
was respected ; womanly, she was admired
for the Qualities which made her so. There
sre women who have obtained the smiles of
ths world on account of dramatio or literary
talents ; but above this is the pure, true
woman, whose every influence is for good.
Such an one was the deoeaaed.
Miss Harris had been failing for several
years ; but not until about nve montas ago
was she confined to her bed. and since then
her lite gradually went out as the sand in
the hour glass runs down, until on v Wednes
day morning, when her spirit took its flight.
Her parents have the universal sympathy of
tbe whole community in this sad afflicUon.)
Lowering Device
I bis rut represents the Terry Wrongest
Irion Monger, and section of Wrought
Ksll, In position. The mil le far superior
l'o nny nam in use. It never dressy s or
P warps, hi al ways in good working order,
and snow, lee chaff" or stirS one not
kwTumuIatoon tbe track, ants tbe ease
...i.l. . . i . a " . . . -
w mi ran. ii requires no soon eves- it,
and any one can put it up 1 be rail In
made of one by 3-16 inch Wrought I rest.
In six sad eight foot stripe. The supports
sre twelve laches s part, and are sssiss
teed to hold tne heaviest daa
with wooden stripe. It cannot get off the
Sale by
Albany. Oregon,
the old stand, where he is prepared to do afl ttndsef
him sell, fully
Is w.liin to
hia prices to seat I
steak vi., uss a
F . a. B.
nsw once as wih to rive hiss a cnlL
and rrsrytaAftf
m at door of J v Armors' beacaaasua
Following are tbe speaking appointments
of Hon. G. E. Chamberlain aad C. E. Wei
Ttrton, candidates for Prosecuting Attorney,
Independence, Monday, May 19 1pm.
Dallas, " "7pm.
Sheridan, Tuesday, May 20, 1pm.
McMinotille, " " 7 30 pm.
Lafayette, Wednesday. May 21, 1 p m.
Amity, 7 30 pm.
Gervais, Thursday, May 22, 1 p m.
Silverteu, " ' 7 30 pm.
Sublimit v, Friday. May 23, 1 p m
Salem, " M 7 30pm
Jefferson, Saturday, May 24, 1pm.
Halsey Monday' May 2$, 1 p, m.
Hsrnsburg Monday, May 20, , ;30 p. m.
Brownsville Tuesday May 27, 1 p. as,
Lebanon Tuesdsy May 27, 1 p. m.
Scio Wednesday, May 28, 7 30 p. m.
Albany Thursday May 29, 7:30 p. m.
Improved farms in Linn and
eo unties in the heart of Ibe fir eat farming
distiict west ef the Rocky mountains. For
particulars address or call on
Au TVhsbxek,
Shedd, Li an Co., Or.
. -
Meaaj So lee a
Yv e are now prepared to make leans ia
any sums desired on improved farm land in
Linn and Beaton counties for any length ef
time not less than one year. 0
BcREB.tRT Baoe.
rhTalelans Prescribe la Epilepsy.
'I prescribe in my practice," Is the ex-
1 preasion used by Dr. J. A. Pat mo re, of
Riley Ind. He referred Samaritan Ner
vine, and further along says: "It cures
epileptic fits."-
Choice Styles
Comprising everything ne .v in Gentle
men's, Ladies', Misses aad children's
Specialties in fine Shoe., Medi
um and Common Shoes. Novelties
in Ladies', Misses and Children's
Shoas and Slippers,
Call and see the largest and best assort
ment in the elty.
Albany 3 Or.
agjas anaa'ap- .- ,