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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1884)
91 tmmt FRIDAY MAY 16, 1884. Democratic State Ticket For Congress HON. JOHN MYERS ef Clackamas county. For Supreme J udge HON. W. W. THAYER of Multnomah county. For Presidential Electors I B. ISON of Baker oountv, W. D. FENTON of Yamhill oouuty, A. C. JONES of Douglas county. Prosecuting attorney Third District, HON. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN of Linn county. Lion County Democratic For Senator J. K. WEATHERFORD, For Representatives HENRY CYRUS, L. H. MONTANYE, J. H. PEERY, HARVEY SHELTON, T. J. BLACK, F. A WATTS. For County Judge J. J. WHITNEY. For County Clerk J. P. GALBRAITH. For Sheriff J. K. CHARLTON. For Treasurer H. FARWELL. For Assessor E. E. HAMMACK. For County Commissioners AARON CONDRa, D. MEYERS. For School Superintendent D. V. a REID. Far Coroner A3A H. PETERSON. Hen J. K. Weatherford will be a fife, faithful representative of the peo. pie in the State Senate. He will be elected by a rousing majority. L. H. Montanye is a worthy citiseo, and wui make a useful member of the Legislature. Let us give him a good i a . vote. A W. Charlton, son ef J. K. Char!- ton, our candidate for 8beriiT ia the democratic candidate for Lake county, and like bis father, will be elec- ted by a large majority. F. A. Watta is a yoang man of ex- emplary character and wi'l make a worthy, valuable member of the Legis- lature. He is popular and will receive a large majorty. - I W Grant id the third term are again rising like a dark cloud to menace Re publican possibilities. Gen. Logan may not be much of a speller,but he can read the handwriting on the wall as well as any of his rivals T. J. Black is a man of good legists- tire ability an will use it without rs- serve to promote the interest of twvmU of Linn Mntr .51! fcJof unconstitutionality. We hope the elected by a good majority. The Ltnn county voter should not forget that our present efficient county treasurer J. H. Perry is a candidate for the Legislature, and that he is one of I natures noblemen and should receive! a large vote. m m m Remember for Congress Hon. John Myers,democratic candidate will speak at the Court House to-morro w (Seturdav) at one o'clock m. Let all demo - ' i P crats turn out to hear "Honest John." They are all looking to the tatooed man in tbe political museum as the per- soa; who will give them the meat trouble Harvey Sheltoa is a gentleman of reproach able integrity. He has serv ed several terms in the Legislature ana never oexrayea tne trust connued to him, and hence will be reelected by a large majority. The friends of Gov. Cleveland are qnietly perfecting arrangements to have paWns opsnly advocate the election a very strong representation of his f Thayer and Walker for Supreme and friends at tbe New York democratic Circuit Judges respectively, simply on state convention. The delegation to fche 8round of merit' Tbere are no offi Chicago will be for Tilden, first choice m n whlch khe v,Ue of an iodP and Cleveland second, unless the. plans ut TOte w reater than those erUin' now being formed should miaearry. Henry Cyrus is a man woo believes that public virtus and official integrity should be leading trials in the official conduct of all public servants, hence the people will elect bim to the Legis lature by a large majority. - Whon tbe people elect a man to an office they have a right to expect that he will give his time and attention to the duties of that office. f his Mr. Whitney will do, as be has never been derelict in any official station which he has been called to fill. His election is a foregone conclusion. Mr. J. P. Alford is the democratic candidate for Assessor in Benton coun ty. In the days of"Auld Lang Syne," Polk was a student in our school, and we then found him to be truthful, hon est and conscientious. He is also pos sess of fine discriminating qualities. We hope to see him elected. in di t sr TDK HOI I. Ia three weeks fifty thousand vottrs will be called upon to choose between nli'1te for eogWi upreme judge and other minor offices. Fir what purjose do we want a representative ia congress ? Manifestly to look gener ally after the interests of Oregon in that branch of the general government. Hence it is the part of good sense and good judgment on the part of voters to elect the man who under the eircura stances can do us most good. As be tween Hon. John Myers and Binger Hermann on the score of legislative experience, the advantage is all in favor ' Mr. Myers, he having served two or terms as State Senator from Clackamas county, while Mr. Hermann has served only part of one term. In practical ability and good sound sense Mr. Myers is the superior of Mr. Her statin. How welt and faithful Mr Myers will serve the people of Oregon in congress may be seen when we state that at each election when he w.u elec ted senator from Clackamas county, ht had a large Republican majority to overcome. But such was the abiding faith of the people cf that county in his ability and integrity that without regard to party they stood by him at the polls. Probably the strongest rea son why John Myers should be elected is the fact that congress is now strongly Democratic and will remain so for yeais to come. If we send Hermann to con gress he will be in the minority, and hence will not be able to do anything for us. Every one sees that George is not doing anything for Oregon, and it is owing largely to the fact that he is not in harmony with the majority in congress. Then let the people without regard to party elect Honest John My ere. The office of Supreme J udge is non partisan. It is a matter of no impor tance to nine-tenths of the voters of the state whether he be a Democrat or a Republican. The two leading, and, in fact, all sufficient tests by which voters will be governed in making choice for this office are competency and integri ty. The time has come when the peo pie demand a first class lawyer for the bench. We desire to place our suprem court on a level in point of ability and clean law with those of other state We want to make the opinions of our court recommend themselves to the consideration of the courts of other it tea, W. W. Thayer fills the re. quiaites of the above tests iu a moat Asa n satisfactory degree ,mwTer he 8Unds 8econd 10 noe in the ut His official integrity is above Pach. lie would add weight and worth to the decisions of our ceurt. His ripe experience as a practitioner places him above all others in point of fitness for the bench. No wonder.then that voters in large bodies without re arard to Daitv will vote for ex-Governor Thayer. One of the K jpubiicn eaudid ties for the legislature iu this county, says it was a strange thing that the legislature of two years ago, in passing the mort gage tax law, did not insert a provision in it to the effect that it was thereby he,d to 7 th ''en in order 10 Pr9Vent the s isw asms on ins g.ouna Republican County Central committee 11 ask this gentleman to resign bis place on the ticket, and place some one there who has some knowledge of the constitution of tbe state and the power of the legislature. When a man aspires to a higher po sition, the best possiblo test to use in determining his gratification for it is to aecertain bow well he has filled other stations. If he has filled tbem long and well, ts is a safe guaranty that be will do likewise in others. Mr. J. P. Gatbiaith has be - n the book keeper for tbe Brownsville woolen mill Co., for a long time and all speak in the highest praise for him. This will satisfy the people and they will elect him County Clerk on the second d.y rf June by 25fJ m,joritj The Weston Lealer says : It is a matter of satisfaction totally outside of -11 tti 'i d . i r P011"01 consiuerauou to near ive- snniasrswon oi justice. The people of the county desire a careful, painstaking, economical sort of man for sheriff. A. man Who will make all reasonable efforts to administer the duties of his office in the best possible manner, and at the least expense. A man who feels tb it when he is in office he is tbe servant of the people. For these reasons they will elect J. K Charlton sheriff on the 2. id of J tine. A man of stern integrity and purity of character is needed to take charge of the funds of the county. Horace Far well Ujust tbe man who tills the re quirements to a dot. Mr. Fdrwell is one of the early pioneers of the state. He now needs this position and tbe people will elect him county treasurer next June. We feel safe in saying that the Dem ocrats will elect every man on their county ticket this year, A Bartiiu. Thoro aro evidences cropping ont of tho columns of several republican newspapers of (he state, as well as (ailing from the .lips of local politi cians, of that party In this city, which how that a regular literary bureau has been established here to furnish editorial articles and correspondence for all the republican papers of the 9tato designed to. lay before the voters of the snUe,Judfe Fllnn's claims to be elected Supreme Judge. We see hese articles In several weekly as well as daily papers, all giving a sort of pedigree, so ts speak, of our fellow townsman, Judge Flion. As our readers, know several Republican newspapers refuse to support him and they all put it upon the ground of In- cornputency, Even our cotempory sf the Herald last week failed to notice the fsct that Judge Fllnn had even been nominated, There are all kinds of rumors afloat as to what course our contempory of the Herald will pursue, some alleging It will snake open war on Judge Fllnn while others say It will finally support him. Friends of Judge Fllnn say that If It makes war on him, a breach will be made In the party between the friends of Fllnn and otherRepubhcan candldatea and that tho war betwen these factions will be one to the knife. But whatever may be said of Judge Fllnn's qualifications for the Supreme Judgeship, tho qualifications of W W. Thayer his opponent are so well known that the question will never be raised agalnat him, and as the office is non. partisan many Republi cans all over the stats are declaring their Intention publicly to vote for him. UK. KxCITSMKST Quite a sensation and excitement were produced in this city Thursday, when the Herald, appeared upon the streets with the name of W. W. Thayer for Supreme Judge Instead of Judge Fllnn. The Herald has column leadsr In which It takes the position that tho office of Supreme Judge is non partisan and supports Thayer in place of Fllnn on the ground of the Incompetency of the tatter. The article is a strong one, though written in a very conserve tive strain. The Herald, though Re publican, also gives extracts from the Oregonian, Times-MutmUtineer, Town Talk, Welcome, Ashland T id Inge, and other Republican papers which op pose Judge Fiion on the ground of incompetency. ercmistt ArrsisTMEXTs Hon. John Myers, Democratic nom inee for Congress, will address the citi zens of Oregon at the following times and places : t Albany, Saturday, May, 17, 1 p. I liarrisburg, Monday, May 19, I p WW a a a at ar at 4 m. Eugene City, Tuesday, May 20, 3 p. HI. Lebanon, Tuesday, May 27, 4 p. m. 8cio, Wednesday, May 28, 1 p. in. Salem Thursday, May, 29, 7:30 p.m Opposing candidates are invited to be present and participate in the dis cushion of the issues involved in the canvass. The prohibitionists of Marion county held a County Convention, at Salem, last Tuesday, and nominated a full county ticket. Tbny endorsed three of the Democratic candidates for the leg islature, and one of the Republican candidates. Thoy si so endorsed the Democratic candidate for clerk, and the Republican candidates for county com missioner and J. N. Dolph and M. C. George sent a dispath to A. J. Marshall Indepen dent Republican and told bim net to allow his name used as a fusion candi date in Multnomah county for County Clerk. Bot he did notwithstanding tbe order of the bosses and was nomina ted. It was a strange coincidence that the ver; next day after a certain Republi can candidate paid a visit to Salem a daily paper of that city came up to the support of said candidate. Strange ! Tba Ltfuyette Itejhter says : "All of those Republicans who are opposed to the election of lawyers to office seem highly pleased with tbe nomination of Flinn for Supreme Judge." e i . .. x The schools of tbe county could not be placed iu safer bands than those of Prof. D. V. S. Raid. He is a very successful teacher and will make a most efficient superintendent. David Myers and Aaron Condra will be called to take charge of the affairs of Lioa county after the first of July as county commissioners. The people may rest assured that their affairs are in safe hands. Republicans sf Douglas County are frantically engaged in attempting to defend one of their candidates against the charge of being a minister of the gospel. Democrats and independent Repub licans of Multnomah C'junty nominated a fusion county ticket last Saturday. Tbe Standard and Northwest News both support it. E. E. Hammack is a man of fine ability and good judgment and will make a good assessor. Let us give him a good majority. UMOVf KSVILLK ITEMS BaowNSViLLBfOs., May 13th, '84. Editors Democrat : Tbi crops look better than at any eviou. year for some time. 7 pre Mr. William Mt.n vnnaon lava H.t I i mVil vii i ,tr m . , left for Ilia, in W. T., where he will Mr. David Dagleish, of l' inland, is in Brownsville on business, but will soon return. Miss Alios Hsuseman Is supplying the town with an abundance of rug patterns. Mrs. Shea and oaildrea started to Salem Saturday to visit their relativ es at that place. ax t v-i t t-i- j I urday to vslt frisods ; snd will probs- oiy remain two weess. Mr. A. K. Thompson and family will soon move from this olty to their farm above ttodavuie probably this week. a . t 1 . . . - m i Miss. Mary Coehow who is teaching school at Waterloo paid Brownsville a visit last Saturday. Mrs. Kinily Smith of Portland visiting her brother Mr. Croft. Mr A. C. Hauseman St i i gL T nnJ i: rk snd charges onlv business in wagon warrants all bis work and ohargss only about sixty per cent ef tbe old prices A concert will be given at the Bp- tist church next Sabbath School. Mr. U. dross snd family of Waterloo were in Brownsville visiting relatives during Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Edith Smith ia visiting Marion vjunty. ' & Mr. J. R. Merelock is imnroving bis property quits extensively this Spring. Mr. Waller Jack and wife started on a visit to Marion County this morning, Mrs. Cartwrigbt of Idaho is visiting relatives oi this place, sirs. U. ts a daughter of Mr. J. W. Waters of this I . m . 1 . .k. place. Mrs. L. B. Cochran returned home last Tuesday from Portland. Miss Ella Kelaey and Mr. Sloan of Harrisburg paid Brownsville a flying visit Sunday. Rev. C. Sperry, after a short tour through Umatilla county, returned last week, and will now move bis family thence this week. Their many friends and relatives in this place will miss them. On last Monday owing to the funer al and other reasons, the school meeting was not so well atended as usual, and the meeting adjourned to convene again on next Saturday at four p. m. Hon P. A. Moses. a. u. gave Browns ville brief but pleasant official visit sa. Monday, with his usual vim as Su perintendent he is working up tbe school matters of the County wherever x our reporter hsd the privtledge on m til . . .1 f lancing over the books kept by Mr. J. Oslbrsitb. Sec'v sf tbe Woolen w Wr Mills. Their accuracy, uniformity and general neatness apeak very lood for bim to all, who expect to vote for bim for County Clerk in J one. Mrs. Elisabeth Wilhoit died so laat Sunday. Ths deceased was s member ef tbe M. K. church ; was highly nee to J by alt : and met death wiissoi s shudder at the ripe old age of Seventy three. Rev. P. A Moses conducted ths funeral service. Last Sundsy Rsv. C. Sperry said from tbe pulpit of the Baptist church that minor distinctions are of secondary im portanee churches '-ill differ but al agree on one thing. A man to he sure for tbe kiogdom of heaven must be grounded on the Rook, Christ Jesus. i a e ine speaker does not eo muen approve ef the life, although under tbe garb of Christianity, that is one day helyt tbe oext day wicked ; one day up, tbe next down ; but that be prefers tbe even man whose life ir. rounded np in the faith and love of Christ Jesus. In s letter from our former fellow townsman, Mr. T. 8. Pillsbury, who is now at Centsrville, says : I am in this glorious land of wheat and wind sandwitched with alka'i and thunder. Although times are considered dull, Ceoterville does more traffic in one day than many other towns ef like size do in one month. Tbe scene in town is somewhat enlivened by tbe appearance of tbe noble Red Man as by nature intended, but by close sod familiar as socifttion witb beg meat and filth, be is some abadss darker than the red of his forefathers perbapa I should have said 4 fathers." He expresses himself as highly plsssed with the country in very many respects. assisstso rrsaa. HARRismRo, Oa., May, 14 '84. Eds. Democrat : Mrs. Durham of this place died sf consumption last Friday morning snd was buried on Saturday. She leaves two little girls aad a husband. Also Mrs.Bumpus died last Sunday evening of consumption and was bur ied en Monday afternoon. She leaves three little children to mourn her less and make their way in this world both motherless and father less. Ths mumps are very common here now, though generally mild. Some of the grown up children have had a severe time with them. R. A. Rampy of this pi ice started back to New York State f0r medical treatment, several days ago. Hen. J. P. Schooling is East of the Mountains again on buslneas.snd will remain several weeks yet. Ex-County Judge E. N. Tandy has Deen seriously indisposed for some time having to remain at home on account of it. The Nickie Plate Show came and went, and gathered up a few of the spare dollars ef this place. Perhaps tne most notable leature of tbe occas ion was that two young men deposi ted 84 dollars with the city Treas urer on the following morning for dis orderly conduct, drunk and bad lan guage. They were from a neighbor ing town. The school here still continues in a prosperous condition and large num bers for the time of year. We had a lecture here the other evening by Rev. Edwards, a mission ary in Hludoostan for ten years. D. M. Funk of this place was mar ried to Miss FleraSmith near 1 o )an- or last Sunday and returned hi m ) en Monday. The String Band paid their compliments by a serenade ar.d also the Brass Band by tbe tame si' pa a mr jeDcsaii., On., Msy 13th, 1684. 1. . . k " lhat . T fr,om ttnt. , . 1 t mis locality uu ma political situation i i . ... r i . mignc oe oi interest ts some oi vour Lders, 1 thought I would give you a might be of interest ts some of youi readers, 1 thought I would give you s few points. Politically speaking everv thins is quiet. There does not seem to be that, activity this eleetlon that was Mt. In fact, we Republicans don't feel as much interested this year as we were two years sgo fer this reason, that there is but out Supreme Judff6 to leot tnd OonejeeHaan, and so far as lM J ua9 ,B 0DOerned' lbftt a political office and a great many of us are going to vote on that quostion with I ralarcnr tsi mm i n.tim, .,..1 flnii.. o0y, mnj without regard to politics. There oueht to be n tvditi. n th Supreme bench, and as there ere two b All Republicans already there, we think .... that it sill be no more than lust and right to give the "Democrats one member SF of tbe Supreme Court, and for that rea- son ana lor tne rssson that the Demo cratic candidate is a man of unquestion ed ability and fitness, we propose to r ki II up wr ti TUVW IVI 4JII41 4 4.1JIJ. TW . . Hiior tor Supreme Judge. We think il is sn indication better thing, for us ts , , ...... em uir men ior omoea oi tnia aina, rather than to simply stick to tbe par ty. It will oomjiel the party to put out better men. RgrUUMCAX. Mm WonSrr mm. . a . . . Heme thoughtless p;o,l once in awhile run acres amUtak In a news- I paper when they became astonished nd show it to their neighbors snd talk about tbe fool of an editor who ean sot rsssj the following rrom tue uetroit rree rreu i "The wonder, Is, sot that mistakes eceur in newspapers, but that they oc cur so seldom, When the hurry in whloh a dally Journal is gotten up Is taken Into account, It seesaa astonish ing thata daily paper should sot be full sf blunders every Issue. People ad ru Ire the ingenuity of the asan whs, with tboussnda of bits of colored glass makes what Is known as the Roman mosaic. But tbe man spends years In bis task, and If he does misplace a few bite of glase the mistake peases unnoticed. The psgss sf typs I rem which a paper te printed are the most wonderful mo saics in existence. A pago contains hundreds ef thousands sf Salnute lead pieces, and If any of them Is misplaced or turned upside down, everybody sotlsee It in the psper, This extraor dlssry saosalc, which Is made every day, woe Id be one ef ths wssdsre of tbe world If we were net eo accustomed to it. Familiarity breeds ludiftereose." vrmm . aaihntr The following from U Walla Walla Jam mat presents the true state of affairs at Coeur D'Aleae : "l bs place is dead. All say that it is self-evident. Tbere is ae stir anywhere. Kven the saloon is ts complain dreadful, while the lodging houses are places of gaping empti ness. There are many "for rent" signs stuck ap everywhere, ner would it require much persuasion to i ml ace any business man te sell out The fact of the matter is tbe place has bad its boom and is suffering from tbe eeeaeqnent reaction. Diligent inquiry failed to develop any mining near Eagle. Th agieites will tell yea, that as soon as they eaa, they will work this famous creek and the gulches eat', their prosperity is assured, bot I am inclined to think tbe plane will not amount to moeh. So far as I can learn, ths rs has been very little gold yet feund in tbe vicinity of this place, all coming from else where and meetly from the gulches of Pritoh ard creek and in the vicinity of M nrrayville. Kvory particle of dost shown name from that neighborhood, and ths only reason why it is te be seen at Bag lo City at all is that this plane famishes tbe capital to purchase it. atate fair We have received the premium list for the State Fair for 1884, which begins on Sept, If. Good prises are offered for horses, cat tle, abeep, swine and poultry, farm products, Oregon manufactures, dairy products, bread eakes, milliners, etc. The premiums for the races are sufficiently large to cause gen. oral competition. Following is tbe list : Running, sweepstake for two year olds, one mile, $50 entrance, seeiety to add $3nt. Raaning, s weepstatea for all ages, 1 miles, 50, society to add 8200. Breeders trotting stake for 3 year elds, 1 mile ; entrance 845, $300 added. Running, all ages, $280 parse. Brooders stallion stake, 1 mile, $100 en trance, $300 added. Running, all ages, two miles oat, $800. Breeders trotting stake two year olds, mile and repeat, $30 entrance, $200 added. 2 .40 class trotting, $500. Banning consolation parse. $150, Trotting, free for all, $600. abtisml Ceastlpaf lea . Is a prolific source of misery and many Ills, giving rise lo Headache, Dullness, Fevers, i erveousness, Restlessness, Bil iousness, Indisgestlon, Poisoning of the blood, etc. The bitter, nauseous Liver mediolnes, pills, salts aud draaghte for merly used to relieve the sufferer, only aggravate tbe disease and sicken the stomach. All who are afflicted in that way, know tbe imports nee of a remedy pleasant to the palate, harmless in ita ature.and truly beneficial In Its action The trial bottles of Syrup ef Figs given away free ef oharge by our enterprising druggists prove that it Is all that oan be desired. Large bottles at fifty eenta or one dollar. Albaay Market Wheat 7io per bushel, S Oats 40 " Beef on foot, 3Xc. Hay baled, 2325 per ton. loose, 18 to 20, Butter 28 to 80 ots per lb. Eggs 16 cent per doc. Potatoes 75c per bushel. Pork 6H cts per lb. VeaL-7Hcperlb. Bacons hams, 15c. shoulders, 10c. sides, 13 Ho. Lard 18c par lb. In sq cans, 1414 Flour 6.00 per bbl. Chickens 8.50 per dos. Sugar San Franoiao 0, 12o. Mill Feed bran, 15.00 per ton. Dried Fruit aun dried apples, 13c. " plums, 12c. machine cured apples, 15c " " plums, 15. a soi OilalMM for ihcbibkm. To every subscriber to tho Dbmoosat whs paya up hh mibNorlptlon and con tinues his papnr, or pay In advance, we will have sent t- him the "Health and Home" one year, wltheut additional cost. The above paper in larife eight pago, forty column, monthly papor, nd' 1 full ef exoe'lent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this ohMce. The paper treats of health, ruarrUgo, social science, domestic medicine, bints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the paper sent to them will please ttate soat time of paying their subscrip tion. VHOi l it! no Ktatk ok Oskoom, KXKriTTIVM OKKH' iipi, b. l, 1MSI. ) HA I. KM, Fob To at, i. Whom it mat (Jon-kim: OSsVBBXM, Whereas, tho following Joint Hesolu tiou was duly adopted by both Houses of the legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon at the sessions or 180 and lKSi, to wit: "Ito It resolved by tho Hnste.tlii House (vinrurring.that the following ammilrnent to the ;onstitullon or the State of Oregon be and is hereby proposed : a inn i.i. 1. The elective franchise in this State shall not hereafter be prohibited to any citizen n account of sex. New, therefore, pursuant to said action pllatx'ft with tan provisions of Honate Joint Resolution No. V, adoi.Uxl by said !firlelattve Assembly at the aeoslen of HHi, providing for Ike submission of said amendment to me ponpie or tne male. Proclamation Is hereby made that tald proposed amendment to the (.onstllution of the Ntato of Oreaon will be submitted to the legal voters of the Mate ef Oregon for ratlln-atlou or rejerti in, at the ireneral election to be held therein on .Monday, th 2nd day or June, a. n., issi. Witness my baud and the groat seal of the ntato or Oregon hereto at- t.. a tached, this 12th day cf February A. V. 1SS4. V. Mooiiv.Oovornor. Attest : R. P. K 4 till ART, Secretary of State. MILLINERY. As I wish to leave Albany I will sell stock of goods which I havo on band Regardless of Cost. Anyone wishing good bargains will do well to call. Also have just received a lot of bate from New York called the "TORTOISE" Which are the very latest. M. Allison. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and S . M M m pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only b$ uaiapooia timber rnoe ana terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON d WEST. A 1 1 :i ii v Or saiXsaarssaTTDr. ABBEHETHY Hv oatng lb yeal Vitahtrr. lb Kin A ali RMtureuv. VITALIZER. TH K King ef all Known Remedies. RESTORED IT IS BEYOND A DOftlTTIIK MOST HKLIADLR, umTuI ami p.-mntii Tmc t ih reproductive organ of ootb ssssa known, ll sets dlractly opan lbs niruni, retain. It rosloTM debilitated tutu lion, of tbe principal orvane ( the body and asSSsSSasi as a Nervine. It u a powerful, permanent and de Urea l nod Apaordlslaf It ie en AlteraUTe aad Ap erient of xeellstit flne quality, ll relieves week sea aad paine In tba kidneys ; It prevent losses from tbe system from unnatural causa It cure frontal headache. pinilee on the face ; toe of mem ory, relaxed condition of Um aerveu aystcm.iodlgsa lion, sear etotnacb, diabetee, and all urinary trouble. Thoee who have failed te obtain a cure should ten mediately rive tbe vital laer a tria!. It is tbe King of all. It baa never failed In a single case. Tbe company will pay SM0 for a case It will not curs, Bo matter whether eompHcaUd er not. The combina Uon of the VilaJlaer la ejeh that It cure bath simple and complicated caeee. This is owinetos practical experience of SO years. Ir. A. A iV. will guarantee a permanent curs In every case taken under their roatment and special advice. Time required Is from one to three month treatment. If tbe great Vlialiter fall, the money paid for th remedy will be refunded or A'iOO forfeited. Call or write tor our Observation on Manhood, which will anable tbe mffersr to an war th nscesssry qutwlioos, so that each can hue tbe proper remedy forwarded suitable for bla irpcrlal as, c'oxsi LTnirx Faas t'oNrinsxruL- Price of the great Vltaliser, S2, or Six botllas snd case SI 0, HirmnssT SB Ovaa Must Casbs ssnt by sxrass on receipt of price or(C. o. D.) uffcnng from disease pet-ullsr to their sex, Invaluabl aid and atteedy rurs obtained. Our Female Monthly Pill are un surpassed as a regulator, gout on receipt of price, S3 00. 0r. AberaMhjr at Co . 1149 Market St., Ceraer Slath. Saa rraaelsee. Cel. gSTTako Market and Vaieacia Street Dummy Cable Cars from tbe Ferry, etc Strayed. A bay mare about ten years old. branded (8) an left shoulder (C 8 C) uu left hip, any person giriog infor- (CSC) mation as to her whereabeuta or returning the animal to us will be suitably rewarded. I MM, I IN N I N , . & CO. Albany May 5th, 1884. OWE NO MAN ANYTHINC. All persons knowing themselves indebted to tho undersigned are respectfully retwsft ed to call at once for settlement, as I mast make collections to meet my own obligations. A disregard of this notice will entail costs on debtors. Chas. B. Mosrraoiri. Lebanon, Nev. 6th, 1883, Wa hare spent ow f 100,000.00 in defending pur riirht to tbe Durham BuD a our trade-mark. 'Undoubtedly he i to-day tbe most valuable Hull in the world. Now it stands to reason that we couldn't afford to protect him eo Uioromrhly if BLACK WKL1VN BULL III HHAiVl to barco, of whloh be is the representative, wasn't tbo JUKHT Nmoklna Tobacco ever made. m The sales of BladrweU'a Bull Durham flrneklng Tobacco far exceed thoee of any other brand in tbe world, simply because it haa been, ia, and will be, the beat that can be made. All dealer have It Look for trademark of the Bull uu every packagu. FISHBUEN So General Agents for IRON TRIBUNE AND BUCKEYE WIND ENGINES. ft Buckeye FORCE PUMP Work a camy thrown sv eon aiHiil Mtreani. Has Porrlnlu Llne)st llsder. la eswstlf eS. Is Ins ehapewt and the beat fores Pnms la the world for d rep or ahallow W'llS. Thousands la ue? In rvtrr part ot She) I nltrd Mtates. Never frerxea In (he winter. Mend for rlren- ar ana prirr, lAI.hM WOOD 1M MPH. Ho-q; 1'JPl always on hand and furnished to erdnr. will be proesptly attended to by addressing us or calling at our place of business on i Htrroi, between Commercial and Front, Haiem, Oregon. State SEALED BIDS, Smiled blda will be received by tbe un- dersicnel Board or Dire'orsor Hrheol District No. Ti for the building a school bouee lor said District. Bids roust be di rected to J B lUberts, Albany, Oregon. Plans and sixx iflratl'ms may tie nun a tbe Drugstore of K W Lengdon, Albany. Blda received up to 1 o'clock, p. m., Satur day. May Ska, 1M. j If iWiiiKBT. i usirman. s. Can now. S J Afl'-HIUALD. Stock-Holders' Meeting. The annual meeting of tbe stfK-k-bolders of the Albany Farmera Co.. will be beld at their oflloe in the city of Albany on May tbe '4Kb. 1K84, at 1 o'clock, p m or said day tor the purpose of electing seven Director to serve for the next ensuing year, aud transact such other business as may come before lhn meeting, run repona will be given- A full attendance ia desir ed. i. F. 8m mo. Prea. D. Makskiblo, Sec. Sheriffs Sale. m th Circuit Conrtof tUt St'itr of Jrjom, for Linn rt,Hnttj. Tlie First National Bank, of Albany, Ore gon, Plat ut nr. vs. P A Preston and C H Preston, bis wife, Defendant's. VIRTUK OF AN KXKCUTION and ordwr of sale Isaued out of tbe f named court, in the above entitled Basse suit, t me directed and dallverad. I will on Saturday tbe 7lh dsy of June. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, st the Court llouee door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. ell at public auc lion for aab in band to tbe highest bi 1 der. the uiortgsged premises decribe4 in said order of sale as followa. to-wit : Be ginning al the south weal corn er of Simeon I Karl' donation land claim in Tj IX S R, 6 west, running thence west 10 GO chains ; thence north 80. east 10-10 chains; thence south 11-30 chains ; thence west 10 chain to tba plavs of beginning, con taining 10 ' scree ; also 3H acre in lite soutbet corueroriheb"a'inn land cUim of Isaac Me ire. described aa follows : Be- S inning at tbe aoutbweat corner of the onation land claim of Simeon D Earl In Tp 12,H Kb went, running thence north 10 M chains to tbe south aide of tbe county road; thence north 73, west 11 cbains; thence south 10 45 weal IS cbaina ; thence south St? west 15 50 cbains ; tbence south 7J W east 5-35 cbains to tbe Willamette River ; thence north 33 eaat 5 50 cbaina ; tbenoe north 30 east 9 cbaina ; tbence north 40 eaat 7 chains ; thence north 2-3ft cbaina to 'be place of beginninKll of amid landa and premise lying and being in Linn county, Oregon. Tne proceeds of sale to be applied ll rat to tbe payment of tbecoataand diabursment of suit taxed 'J5.75and accruing cost. Second to the payment to the plaintiff tbe sum of $80 Attorney's feaa and tbe further sum of $770.75 and interest thereon at the rate of tan per cent per annum from March 1 1th 181, and the overplua if sawfs he paid to tbe aid defendants, C S Preston and P A Preston their heira or aaaigns. DaUd this 0th day of May, 1884. tiBO. Hl'XPHRIT, Sheriff of Linn county. Sheriffs Sale. a fAe Citcuit Court of the State of Ore-jon for Lion County. W S Ladd and C E Tdton, Bankers and Partners doing businees under the linn name and style of I .add & Ttlton, Plaintiffs, vs. Hiram Smith, Mary A E Smith, his wife, Wesley W Briggs, Harriet Briggs, his wife, Q H Baber, Enoch Hoult, Jerry Hay, Mack Sommerville, U II Ward, Isaac Van Duyne, Catherine Wigle, Willoughby Churchill. Eli. zabeth Sommerville, Soicmon Cox, J H D HcDdersoo. H N Hill, George Bailey, J B Hill, D U Hill. Henry Kauache, I B Dawson, Elizabeth Martin, Nancy Carson rtllson. John Kaiser, Wintield Sommerville, E F IFyatt, Daniel McClain.Joseph Sommerville, John Sommerville, Samuel Swift, John Fos ter and R S Ban, Administrator ef the es tate of J M Thompson, deceased, Defend ants. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT0F EXECUTION and order of sale issued ont of the above named court, in the above entitled suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 24th day of May. 1884, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, ssll at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder, the real property described in said order of sale as follows, to-wit : Beginning sixteen (16) chains south of the quarter section stake on the north boundary lino of section twenty-two (22) Township lifteen (15) south Range four (4) west of the Willamette Meridian and running thence north five (5) chains ; thence north twenty nine (29) degrees west six (6) chains ; thence north thirty-eight (38) degrees west ten (10) chains and tweuty (20) links ; thence west two (2) and one quarter () chains ; thence north eeventy-niae (79) degrees west one (1) and three-quarters () chains ; thence south seventy (70) degrees west seventy-five (75) links ; thonce south eighty (80) links ; thence south twenty-nine (29 ) degrees east seventy three (73) links; thence south eleven (11) degrees eas. seventy-three (73) links ; thence south tbifty (30) degrees sast eighty (80) links ; thence south (13) degrees east seven-ty-oue(Tl) links; thence south ten (10) de grees east two and one-half (24) chains ; thence south thirteen (13) degrees east seven (7) chains and forty-one (41) links thenca south four (4) degrees east four (4) chains and sighty-three (83) links; thence east nine (9) chains and forty-two (42) links to the place of beginning containing fifteen (15) acres, more or leas, with the appurtenances. The proceeds ef sale to be applied first to the costs and disbursments ef suit taxed at $132 50 aud accruingcosts. Second to the payment to tbe Plaintiffs the sum of $500 fer the trouble and expense of foreclosing said mortgage. Third to tbe pavment to the Plaintiffs the principal snm of $10,000 U S. gold coin and the further sum of $725 07 in like gold coin as interest to March 12th, 1884, aggregating the um of $10,725.07 U. S. gold coin and accruing in terest at the rate of ten per cent per auoum from the 12th day of March, 1884. "Fourth out of the overplus if any there be remaining after making such payment as aforesaid, pay to the defendant Mack Sommerville the sum vf $93.55 and accruing interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and the overplus if any there be remaining pay over to the party or parties entitled thereto. Dated this 24th day ef April, 1884. Geo. Humfhbby, Sheriff of Linn county, Or, SCHOMAEER. THOl . N A 1sj im Due. tuna la Sigh Wine. btrong and Durable Will not SWELL, waatr os ATTIC l THE WISD, mmr - X AND FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS Parties desiring any article in our line FURNITURE. I havo the be, stock of furniture in city and w.ll sell ' the Cheap, Cheap,' Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In tbo city and tbe lowest price in tbe Valley. Come and aeo. Undertaking, A corn plate Mete ION. stock and Try me. can give 8AT13- PACT A. B. WOO DIN, ALBANY MAltBLE WORKS, STAIUER BROS. - Prspr:tsri 4 Ml AS V. OKI cov MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AJTD HEADS lONES Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. AImo. every varietv of cemetery other atono work done with neaoue and di patch. Special attention given to orders from Bll parte of this State and Washington Territory. All work warrant 1. 1 7:42 Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court o ike State of Oregon for the County of Linn : D P Porter as executor of tbe laat will and testament of S D Haley, deceased. Plain tiff. vs. S E Coop?r and Rsbeoca Cooper, Defend ants, Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU- tion and order ef sale issued out of the above named Court in tbe above entitled action to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday, tbe 24th day of May, 1884, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at tba Couit House doer, in tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon sell at public auction for cash in band to the highest bidder the real property heretofore attached in said action and deecribeti as followa to-wit : All of tbe right title and interest of tba said defendant Rebecca Cooper im and to Lots five (5) and six (6) in block 2 in tht eastern addition to tbe city ot Albany, Linu county, Oregon : as tbe same is described and designated upon the plats and surveys of said city, now on file in the Clerk' office of aaid couuty. Also the fallowing : The Mouth balf of the northwest quarter and tbo southwest quarter of section twenty .six ; and the north balf of tbe nortbvrest quarter of section Zi in Township 11, soQtb of range 3 wett of Willamette meridian in Linn county .Oregon : containing 320 acres, also the north half ef tbe northeast quarter of section 35, and the south half of tbe northeast quarter and tbe southeast quar ter of section 20 in Township 11 S R 3 west in Linn county, Oregon, containing 320 acres saving and excepting from aaid two last tracts 8 2-100 acres sold to tbe A 6 L R R Co. Also tbe south half of the dona tion land claim of Samuel and Rebecca Cooper, being parts of sections 28, 29, 32 and 33 in Tp US R 2 west in Linn oountv, Ore gon; containing 3l9i acres. The proceeds of sale to be applied to tbe payment to the aaid Plaintiffthesum offtlM 03 with inter est from tbe 11th day at March, 1881, at tbe rate often per cent per annum and the fur ther sura of $15 Attorney s foes and the further sum of $30,85 costs and accruing costs. Dated thia 24th day of April, 1S84. (iBO. llfMiMi-r V. SberiQ of Linn county, Or, Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing tin der tbe firm nsnie of Allen & Martin haa this day been dissolved by mutual eon si'i.t, J. A. Martin retiring. N. 11. Allen continues in the business, and'is authoriz ed to collect all debts due said firm, and is to pay all indebtedness contracted by them. Albany, Or , April Hth, 18, . N H. Allkn, J, A. MaBTiS, I take thia opportuni y of thanking all for the liberal palrongae extended us in the past and tossy that I shall continue the business st the old stand, and would renpectfullyitk the onuticuanoe of pa tronage of both old aud new customers. Ntiw goods will be received by every sfeamer until rav stock is completed,' which will be so d for bed cot?k pries, for and produce. N, ILAllbm Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given the co-partnership heretofore existing between L Senders and M Sternberg, under the firm name and style of Senders & Sternberg, of Albany h this day dissolved. All indebted to said firm either by account or note are requested to come and settle at once. The books are kept at the old stand and all accounts not paid with in thirty dsys will be placed ia the hands of an Attorney f r oallectjoa. April 1st. 18 1 1. Senders & Stbrxbzso. r in i i DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon, rOffice in Odd Fellows Euilding, ALBANY, CRZGON.