vlaMMjMMMMiMBMMMlMMMMMMM ... . ... ... . . .-. 1 WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREQOV. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santl am River, opposite Water- oo boda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible. at all seasons. Postoffice, Waterloo, Or. (link Btrceterr. U. P. Chukcm. Pweetnng every Sar.bath, itlU m. , nd 7 p. m. by Rev. F O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:90 r. if Prayer meeting every Wedneeaday evening RviNoit.nuL Church. Preaching on Sab- hath at 11 a. m. . and 74 r. u. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thars- day evening. J. A. Hollenbaugn, pastor, Cokorbgation alCucrch. SerYicesevery Sabbath at 11 a. ml and 8 r. u. Sabbath ffehnnl at Praver meetinu on of each week. J. W. Harris, paetor. M K f"HPRrH. South. Service held Kahhath At St. Paul's M. K. Church, South, at 11 a. k. Sabbath School at 10 A. at. eharp. Prayer meeting every Than day evenni. C. H. Canon, pastor. M. E. Chcrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 7 i p. h. Song aervice in the evening before sermon. Sabbath Scnooi t 2 30 p. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Prksbttkriax Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiu and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac 1L Condit pastor. Christian Church. Preaching every Sabbath at the Court House at 1 r o'clock A. M. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock r. at. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Cucrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at W. C. T. U., Hall. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O firownson, pastor. ,TBe great etreBtfc EeslaS remedy sad nerve I. .... . Ik. Li.itini&tA r. suit ol over twenty years lot practical experience, land cures with unfailing Iceitainty Nervous end BSMhal debility, setui bsI weakness, sprtnator- Irboea, proa taUrfrhuaa, IISMIl IIS impi) a- , Jssast vitality, pte- - ... t I. nl in il tu tana and from whatever It enriches and purines the blood vm hrmin. moeciee. dWssUon, re- prodaettVe organ sad physical sad mental lactuuea h stops any unnatural, debditating drain mm the system, preventing involuntary iumu., dreams, tW"-1 losses with the urine, etc.. so de structive to niind and body. It is a sure eluxdneur of all kidney and Madder complaints. It cantata no injuneus unrredicnu. To those winering from the evil effects of youthful indiscretions, a speedy, tkor oozh east permanent core is GUAJiAkTfiKp, Pitas S3 SO per bottle, or Are bottles in case, with full di rections and advice, 110. Sent secure from observa tion to any address upon receipt of price, or C. U. D., U be od only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, SIS Kearney St-, tan Fraacisee, Cat Consultations strictly toaSdenlial by tatter or at ftW FRKP. For the caareataaee of patients and in erder to insure perfect secrecy 1 bare sddopted s pri are sc-bess under which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. SoSctant to show its merits, will be sent to any ler, stating his symptoms and ilitaUj ssaliawtisl, se. Dr. SPIWEl , SO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all dtrenle and Special YOUNG MEN W eScts of vouthful follies or hutacrwtion, will do well to avail ilisiasalies of lata, tkwfiealest seen rer laid at the altar of suffering- bumanrty. vs. SPIN" NEY will enarantee to forfait $500for every esse Semiruue weakness er private disease of any kind or earacxer whicn he undertakes and tali- to cure. M1BDLE-ACE UKX. There are many at the age of thirty -Ove.to sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blsd often accompanied by a slight smarting or barnkur tie and a weakening of the system In a manner e patient cannot account fur. On examining the erinarr deposits a ropy sediment wiO often be found tad umetunes snail narticles of albumen will appear, r the color will te of a thin milkisb hue, again chang lac to a dark and torpid appearanos. There are many men who die ot uiis auncuHy urnoran oi ute cause, Da. S. which is the second stage of seminal will sruarantee a perfect cure in ail such cases, healthy restoration of the feni to-urinary organs. Onto Hoes- 10 to 4 sad 6 te 8 Sundays from 10 toll a. m. Consultation free. Thorough ezminattac nd advice, g&- For private diseases of short standing a foil course medicine sufBctaot for a care, with all lnatrocuoos, wOlbe nnt to any address on receipt of 10 00. CSJ1 aa-address, db sraniET st CO., 71 Kc. 11 Kearny St. San Fraoctaeo, Cat To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. KESKJIT ST OvO co rue' of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. i Established in ISM. for the treatment of Sexual land Seminal Diseases, sues aienerrbea, Cieet, - Slrlrtare,Sy etal tls in al lite forms, eaeetenrv ilnal Weaataess. niirht Usees by dreams, pirn pies on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cored. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various eospi- tali there, obtaining a great deal of valuable informa tion, which he iscompetent to impart to those in need of hU seryicee. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless be eSect a rare. Persons at a distsnes MAY BE CUtED AT HOME. All cor munications strict! v confidential. Yon see no one bu. the Doctor Send ten dollars for a packatre of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. marges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DB, J. V. GIBBON, Box 1957, San Francisco. vl6n43 RUSSELL & COS PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM SAW MILL ENGINES THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First Hands. HISWELL KNOWN IIOUSK HAVE OPENED Branch Office and Supply House at Cor, Front " ronuna, ur where they will carry in stock Portable and 8u.tiona.rv K. um. Pnrtahla TtaAt;A.. a cr a.ai . . .. ' w u.n .l owwonary engines and boilers Jl!7 JUon" threshers, hone powers, etc., etc. Write for illustrated catalogue sent free address (nam ng this paper.) El gSELL: A Co., Portland, Oregon. PATENTS ObtAlnwl anW .11 - Offl AiTr;r"D"inthU- 8- Patant - .v. niHiniw iees. wn(f l8oP.po,ite. tbe U" 8- Patent Office, and fom Washington; " tnoe r WUty free otcie'uo. 22 "nu liniuin nr rimwirirv iva &4..;.. we obtain patent. s refer her to OfflTi VT , omclul of the U. S. Patent u,,;...5?!.ular' tarms, and eferences "iram in your own HtAte or mnntv . A. 'SNOW & CO. Olipesitej Patent Office, Waahington, D larss for sale. One hundred and forty acre8j nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in col. livation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa. Comfortable dwelling, good outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this office. 9eWi eZsfasa&AeeaaBBr'nl Metal tolrtfUfrti mati. U S Senators Hon J H Sinter. Hon J N Dolph. v oiutreasinan M C ueorge. m Supreme Court Judges -J B Waldo, W P Lord, B Watson. Uovernor Z F Moody. Secretary of State R P Rat hart. State Treasurer-Ed Hlrftch. Sunt of Public Instruction K B Mo Elroy. a. a. a a a en era vn . i . circuit Judge loro amy w r jacise. Diet Atto, ney (3rd diet) W 11 Holmes. OOUNTT. County Judge L Flinn, County Conirs.-John Isom, S U Clay- pool. Clerk c 11 Stewart. Sheriff George Humphrey. Treasurer J II Peer jr. School Supt P A Moses. Surveyor D V 8 Reld. Assessor N 0 lkzier. Coroner Dr E. L. Irviue. omr. Mayor-J. L Hill. Recorder N J Hentou. Marshal X C Diokey. Treasurer 8 Seltenuaoh. Notice of Assignment, Notice is hereby given that Thou. Monteith Jt Son. of Linn county. Oregon, have made a generafrstljnnicnt of all thee? property to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors under an act of tne legislature ot uregou entitled "An sot to secure creditors a just divison of the estates of debtors who convey to assignees for the bedettt of creditors ap proved Got. 18th, 1878. All persons having claims against the estate of said I boa. won tetth 4 Son are hereby notified and required to present the same under oath to the under- sinned at Albanv. Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice. Dated April 4th, 1884. R.a Strahak. Assignee. J : ecutrix' Notice. To all ic.hotn il tmiy concern : "aTOTICE bt herebv given tbst by sn or 111 der of the County Court, of Linn county, Oreiron, made ami eutered of reo era in the Count v Clerk' ottlce of said county, on the 12th day of Mtrcn, 1884,tbe unoerelgned was duly appeinteu ana now la the lamilv uual tiled and acting execu trix of the last will aud testament of Charles M Tindstl, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. And sll persons having claims agajuet the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the under -algneo executrix at her residence about four mites northwest of s'clo in said coun ty. Dated this 4th day of April, IsM. Ruth Adeua Iispai i , Poweu. A lliLYKi, Kxecuttlx. Attorney's. C "uci i tu sun unuc ncH. I n Mil 1 numcs Port Chester H. Y. CIRCULATION 63,000. Edited by W. H. II.U- M, D This is Isrge eight page, forty column, monthly paper, and is devoted to every thing pertaining to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookerv. hints on health, dietetics, aud every tealot of modern science that lends to improve health, prevent disease, purity morals, and make home happy. Subscription Price 50 cts, Per Year. Address DR. W. H. HALE, "Health and Hume." aort Chester, N. Y. The above paper will be sent to every subscriber of the Demcm rat who pays up or in advance. AfwLafpfeF TTfc ,ur tne working class wVar eskwSWeslawsVwalBwsBw send lo rents far postage. Slid we will ntatl free, a royal valuable boi of temple good llial will pat voa in the wav of tnak tag more money in a few dars than you ever thour ht possible at any Dume. Capital not required. We will start Ton. Yuu can worS all the time or la eire time only. The work it ii'itrersslly ad'fpUxl to both sexes, young and t Id. 1 io can eavly earn from SO cents to $0 every evening. That all who want work may teat the biuincu.we make this unparapllei ed offer ; to all who are not welt satisSed we will send f 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, direction, etc , sent free, fortune will be made by those who give their wh'I ti:ne to the work. Great euccess absolutely euie. Don't delay. Start now. Address m:sjs a Co,, Portland, Maine in . DR, LIEBICi Si t n,ir uiiprnvir;, I . I 400 Cesry.nt., ban Vwictcj Cal CC Ct.r.dtul.! hr Otiliflnl PkHU.M aiid hurgcr.na regular graduates. AS 1 1. OUlest specialists in th I mud Stslts, life-loug ssMrnence, tftct ntil,c4 and pure medicine, u.turc tiy kid smsMssg cares f sll hiutt, 1 1 i . and h'enrove ISsts Affections of the Blood, Skin, KKlney, Blailder, K. upttona, I' leers, Old Sures, Swelling of tbe (J lads. Sore Mouth, Throat IVne Fains.permanent'y cured and eradi cated from tne srstem for life . SKKViet S IXbility, Impotency, Seminal Iosses, Sexual lscay, Men tal and i'bysical Weakness, Vailing Mi nv.rr, Weak Eyes, Stunted De- veloj nient,lmpdiueuts to Marriage ( . . . . . . . lit . ck,, irvni txtM or juuwiiii lasa, rrsny canse, tpeetiily, tafcly and privately cured. t ouog. Middle- tgrd and Old men, andall who need medical skill and experience, consult the old Kuvopean Physician at once. HU opinion costs nothing, and may are futuie misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by express free from observation. It is self-evident that a physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, and physicians through oat tbe country .knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedy is used. Tbe Doctor's sge arm experience make his opinion of supreme importance. SVThose who call see no one but the Dcctor. Con sultations free sad sacredly confidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases successful I y treated. The Doctor will seres to forfeit $1,000 for a case un dertaken, not eared, Call or write. Hours, daily, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., 6 to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Bend for the Sanitarist Guide to Health, sent free. Address ss above DB. LIEDIC'. Wantterfal termini In vigors (or Permanently prevents sll I n natural Losses from tbe system, tones the nerve, strengthens the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates tbe whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. SO many cannot get cured of Seminal owiiik to a com- said oanrt. to be begun and held on the first aronaay me una day of June. A. U.. 1884. in the Court House in Linn County, OregoB, after publication of tbi summon for six suc cessive and consecutive weeks, or judgment will be taken against vou for want thereof. for the sum of one hundred and nineteen and 25-100 dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from Sept, I8tb, 1883, and for costs and disbursmfnts of this action to be taxed. This summons is published bv order of Hon L Flinn, Judge of said Countv Court. which order bears dafceof April 9tb, 1884. L. li, Montanys, Attorney for Plaintiff. A . HBSSirrf i ne reason r- whiH mm .t JBB r6 withfJ $io1 Is servaH m MoBSBBBBBBBBBBBBB ToPJ AM Consfl aSMJ PriBS OwsM Dtapfl H tm lM r- wa jmm I Br ' To I Br jam m la .. uBs an1 mwuu it mwm mm ss Bl the tiUl IUU irmsBSSSBBBBBs aWBSWaaSSSPsaesBHSBBH Infants and Children Wlthoni Morphhse or Hmtrootbf. What Kivea our Children rosy cfteetts, Wlutt ciiwrt Uiolr f vtvers, niakwt ahem slecpi Tls Astoria. Waen llnhlos fmt. and cry by turns. What ourea tbnir wile, i kills ti hHr wiirms. Uut Castor la. What ouk-kly oiirrw Omstlpntlon, rVnir Si.mmoli. t'oUbt, Indigestion esiion ; Hut Castor!. Fhti'wvOI tlu n to Morihlno flyrupft, Castor 'lt and l'anvorio, and HallCaataHa. Centaur Llnlmeint.Aaiaay solute euro lor Rhonmotism, Sprains, Bums, Galls, Sic., and Ml ius t aabtaeous Paln-relievor. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER. Prom tb2faonroeearUSrA?oartba of the diseases the human race. Tneee symptoms Indioate their existence : Isses of Appetite. Bowels costive. Hie appmni ach. ftallaeea esertloa of body ear min or food. Irrttatdlltr of spirits. A reeling of bavlias; fleeted same deny, INaalaees, riulUrini at Use Heart. Dots before the eyeo. highly col or eA IJgtme, COHarTlPATIOW, and de mand the use of a remedy that acts dlreetry on the Liver. As a Liver med lolne T DTT pnXenavenoeiuaL Their aetlon on the Kidneys ana HSin is also prompt ; retnovinir all imnnritloa through ineeotni estaers of the srstewn," producing appc tlte. sound dhrewlon, J I'gS?fto ATfJ skin anl a vigorous bod v. TUTT'SJ rUtLJI cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with oaur wont ana are a perrons TUTTS HAIR DYE. OsaT Hair on Whisk: changed stanuy to a Gtoesr nuars i.v a single ap plication of this Ir k. Sold by prngghrta, or Sent by express on receipt or . Offloe, 44 Murray Street, NewTortr. mrt Maiaai er useful itMim rta. THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS - WARRANTED TO CURE?-'"r?. c - - - - wttlMetsssSMae -Fate la tee sew. s?Sy M4e; a, i1taiaai avsaesalskAl asssalssal assSa. im ASkaWeaerv Varaaamr of tb 6ftT.KKATfTC e ABDOMINAL SURTORTCa. TO TNE UDIESi-L-SS awoastlsw.PTss edApalr of IburaVete f set BaSUrtos save no awMrter aathe nslsf aadeara of alt tSsse neislslels Ts errya sewsefei sigrnie tWoo to us wirf use wmp mmm wr wwsnv eB wwe w mps aweww ww forms of Tu ' Anything before I iventaa. aotaaeasan Pries of ettfeaw Salt wlSagneue Too Bswhsriee. SI O. asntey wrm CO. l ,aad essmtnaiina AUoa arliiwaS eaw vtauaTl In urSsrUss. ssa4 maaaare eg fas letter At ot.r rUA. Uamirnu ar aoasSM to sll saws, are aader eiotatag, d for tbe "Saw Dspartwrwla ! afAUirsrrox appixawcki BIS Stal DR. ALLEN'S PBITATB DIPKNtnT. t krarny Streef, San IraarUro, Cat., esTACLiKiisD roa trts Kasxriric sse srsser Cvas or Ciiaoxic, Naavtes a.ho Rrscisi, Dissssas. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, II. A I. LEX, AS 13 WKI.I. KNOWS, IM A KK'i mm alar grvluaU d DiysicUn, educated al Howdoln College and L'nirersity of Michigan. He has devoted a lifetime to the study af the trelmcnt and curs of within his sertolty. And tniddie-sgel men. who nrs suffering from the eaecteoi youthtul indiscretions or excesses in ma turer rears, nervous and nhysfetl debility, Impo teoce, lost manhoos, confusion of Ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, deepoiu'eru-y, pimples on the face, loss el energy and memory, frequency of urinat- mg, ate. SarKemembsr the Doctor bss s Vegetable Com pound, the result of many years special practice snd hard study, which under bis snecial sdv lea has navar failed of success In the cure of Lost manoed,prosUUir raw, eve. MY UnxriTAL EXPEKIENCB. Having been surgeon In charge of two leading wwjw me u irvAi an private trouu with excellent results. I wish it distinctly nnd, stood ;hat I do not claim to perform imposeibiliies. or miracuiouE or supernatarai Dower. I claim a skillful and successful Phvalcian mnA n, tnorougniy informed in my specialty bis eases er SJAN. ppiying to me will receive my honest opinion complaints no experimenting. Iwiugaar i positive curs In every esse 1 undertake, or Sl.ooo. Consultation In office or bv letter fram rictly private. Charges reasonable. Thoroueh n.iln. I .. ..I . . .1 : ..i. I I a i TWf iiiuuuiiix eneuiieai aim microscopical is of urine snd advise, $S. hours v to s daily, 0 to 8 evening. Sunday 0 to u on or auuress DB. ALLEN', earoeystrs Ban Francisco, C . Summons. County Court of the Stat of Oregon mt uounty oj jLtnn : B Montague, Plaintiff. vs. ilmour. Defendant. R Gilmour, the above named defend- UK HAMB OF THE STATE OF egen, you are hereby summoned equired to appear and answer the laint ef the Plaintiff in the above en action, now on file in the office of iera or said court, en or befora th ay or tbe regular May term of said to be begun and held on the flrat ay, tne otn uav or Ma v. I8S4. in thn Court House, In Linn county, Oregon, after publication of this Summons for six consecutive weeks, er judgment will be taken against you for want thereof, for the sum of ninety-four and 65-100 dollars In U S gold coin, with interest thereon in like coin st the rate of ten per cent per an num, from Sept. 23rd, 1882 until paid, for twenty-five dol.'ars Attorney's fee, and for costs snd diebursments of this action to be taxed. This Summon is published by order of Hon L Flinn, Jndge of said Court, which order bears date of March 4th, 1884, FM Mir leu, L H Mont ante, Atty's for Pl'IT WITHOUT MeDIQKE. JssaW' U aoasa nl T i 1? . worn ovwr MS sssst to sjb ar aa taw asnwr waItaais AdsboAld aiwworaaaauaaaaowaor inmssr SaaSsal Tiwas. DO- - I ! FRIDAY APRIL 25, 1184. SgMATieN Iff BONK On the eighth of last month (Fob- uary) I was In Home, and visited the Carapo Han to there, the chief ceme tery of the city, adjoining the Church of 8a a Lore ti so, where toe lest Pope Is burled. Therein thli public cera- etery.a cremasorlum has been erected, nd one of the attendants told ma that In the previous four months for ty bodies bad been burnt there. The building resembles a small cottage. There la no high chimney, and the furnace la a very simple oven of fire brick. The fuel used It wood only. and at the coat of six francos an adult body la burned in about two boure Mo visible smoke and nothing offen sive escapes from tbe chimney, aa h la all consumed In a small mke flro at the lower part of the chlmneyjust aa la the more peefest apparatus built for the Cremation Society of England. The attendant told me that at first the. feeling was strongly against the new practice, or, rather, against the recent revival of tbe old practice, bat that new he and others employed lo the Campo Santo had expressed their desire that their own bodies should rather be burnt than burled. He aid that tbe feeling in Rome againat cremation woald probably be leas strong than in other places, because the modem Komana ware so familiar with tbe columbaria sad urns containing the charred remains of the old Komans.and that these were far leas repalsive than the decaying remnants in a burial ground, or In the walled up oella of one of tbe corridors in the Campo (Unto. aAtaV Jennie Llnd now Uvea In London. afS ana . a uen. urant no longer .cam on a crutch. Gladstone is urged to ccr-pi a j eer- age by tho London Lancet. Anthony Trullope made about $350, . 00 ont of his novels, and thought ho was only doing fairly well. Pi I nee Biamark haa once mere bo- coma beardless, and now wears only tbe white military moustache. Edwin About la aald to bo worth about $1,000,000. Wlo says it does not pay to be a French author. Salvinl la 1849 fought with Gari baldi. He no doubt discovered than that the leaden ballets .f tne enemy A .. I were not so aaosrerous aa the naner I bullets of tho critics. Stuart Rebson, tho actor, repreaeo- tstivea Ustnrea li Wi- f VirainU I -rmr-rn pw - wv VS V IMI S and Townihsml of Tiiini. anri dss. I tor Gorman of Maryland, were once pages In Congress. I Miss Hannah Simon of Newark was ninetv-snvan var ..Irl thss ntksir w -mrmmw m wwv wibj w w w assais day, and she waltzed tea minutes to celebrate the event. She evIdenUv I if not opposed to round dances I Laura Johnson, a Milwaukee girl, I not lone; sine rhnnnswl ir ha, flncr.r W SsSSBBI mm-mm assassassM with aa engagement ring upon It and aent If to hr in.or nlth avh. -i, bad bad a qoaraL Wbat a lucky ee- cape fur him! King Humbert of Italy suffers mnsbfrrm dyspepsia, md never takes food at tha family table. In bis prl- vate room ha eats just enough to bus- e.. ,.,e. uneswy is tne aigeation alsa 1 I TV ss -a a . e beneath a rown. Henry C. I rd, tbe railroad preal-1 dent of Cioclnuatl. waa one of eight brothers uh were graduated from Dartmouth College, while their father, the Rev. tiattta t. Lord, a president ef that loetltulion. W. H. Vanderbilt aaya he has no politics, and he might, perhaps, have added conscience. He u . -i t . be an old line Whig, hot now rotes for men rather than party. He believes 1 supporting our indoatrter, bat thinks that 1 28 en steel la outrageous. The milk In this cocoaoot te easily aeen. A vrortL WKix-e A Detroit business man who bad some property in Nevada left him by will hired a young man to go out there last Fall and look things ovor and make asale.or leave things in the hands ef an agent, lae trip occupied about four treaka, but the young man returned ia good health and with fair success. Ha did not reeeive that welcome he expect' ed, and after leaving the office he met one of tbe clerks and aaid "I don't know what the trouble is, but Blank didn't seem a bit glad to see me." "Didn't be V "No. On tha contrary, he acted ss sour and cross aa if I bad been under suspicion." "And you don't know why he didn't receive you with smiles ? ' "No." "Well, I hsppen to know. Has took Out an accident insurance policy tm your Ufa in bis own favor, and if you'd only been killed he'd has been 15, 000 ahead." Tbe first tame eattle were brougftt to America by Columbus ia 1493. They were first imported into Virginia in 1607, and into Massachusetts in 1624. Tne first hats were made Its Pavria by a Swiss in 144)4, and became frs-eona- ble after 1449, when Charles ell.f making a triumphant entry into Uonienr wore a red velvet bat with a plume fit feathers. She csti la "No" and stick to It far a time: She can also Bay "No" in such a low, soft eoiea that it means "Yea. ' She can sharpen a lead-pencil if you give her plenty of tisaa and plenty of penoili. She can paaa a display window of a dry goada store without stopping if she is running to oateh a train. Bba can danoe all night in a pair of shoes two sites too small for her and enjoy every minute of the time. She can appreciate a kiss from har husband seventy-five years after the marriage oeremony has been perform ed. She oan walk half the night with a oolioky baby in bar arms without once expressing a desire to murder tbe in fant. She otn Buffer abuse and neglect for years which one touch of kindness or consideration will drive from her recol- ssoiion. She oas go to church and after wards tell yon what every woman In the con gregation bad on, and in some rare instsneea can give yon a faint idea of what thO text was. She oan go to tbe theatre every evening and the matinee on Wednesday and Saturday . aud still possess sufficient V 9 strength te attend a Sunday night sacred concert. She oan but what's the use ? women oan do an thing or everything and do it well. She can do more in a minute tic an a man can do in an bout, snd do it better. She oan make tbe alleged lords of creation bow down to her owe sweet will and tbey will nevet know it. Misiaau el Tbe ancient Egyptian name for the oat wee "maew. Tbe ancient Unions used to inflict death by drowning in a quagmire. The custom of blockading an enemy's porta waa introduced by tbe Uatoh in 1584. Blue aud buff became tbe colors of the Whiga after the revolution of lGHX Bine waa the favorite color of tbe Co venanters. Tbe atudy of Greek was revived in sst em Europe in 1450 ; in France in 1473. It waa introduced at Oxford in 1491. Aloobol waa known to Raymond L,ully in the thtiteenib century, and s manufactured in France eirir in the fourteenth. The citv of Craoew. Foland, waa W w a fr the Polish duke, Cracns,who LMi Is TAA k iwil. ..f wuv v - Itha Franks. The feat of transmitting two tele- arsoh meeaases along a wire at one mm s v mm time was first accomplished by Dr Gioti, an Austrian, tn 1859. . . . S . s Tne name of Bonaparte appears in Florence and Genoa in tbe fifteenth eentary. bnauoh of tbe family set- er le M Corsica in the fifteenth. The Romans lotroduoed cock bgbuog to Eoglsnd. It was forbidden by Bdward III., Ueory VIII. and Crom well, and bt Queen Victoria in 1849 w w " The bettering ram, with other milt tarv implements, is said to bsve been I invented by rtemon.a Lacedaemonian, and employed by Petiole, about 441 B. C Sir Christopher Wren used a battering ram in demolishing the walls old St Paul's Cathedral. 1675. 8MIL0H'1 CURE WILL immediately relieve Croup, Whooping cough BroocbiUa. DR. H. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. serOQVe and residence In Mollwaiu's Block. Albany, Oregon. The Buyers' Gcidb It ls- I March and 8ept., earh ti 210 pages, 8i-m res. with over 3.30O illustrations a whole pic ture eallerr. Q ires whole sale prices dirod a connuMri on all goods for personal or tami'y use. i ens now to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, est, drink, wear, or havo fun with. These invaluable books con tain inforraatuaa gleaned from the mae sets of the world. We will mail a cony Free to any address upon rereipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. BeapeetmUy, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO asr ass waaaaa ai samMIIau S iiB'''EasiiSsia P S I IB 1 ' ais-trrn Pin e mm J 1 I I I V V I l 1 1 l l IIS Bffiv EICON OUGR OR ' ' - . . .- ' i w Tho oalg known tpttAfic far Kplkptlc Fiu.-fcft ear Also for 8pasms and Falling Bickneas.-ca Karroas Weakness quickly rcllcrvd and cured. Equalled by none in delirium of fever.ea Sis-Neutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Cores nglr blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. XUminates Bolls, Carbuncles and Bcalds.-s sja-Termaaently and promptly cures naralyst. Yes, It is a charming aud healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula aod Kings KvU, twin brothers. Chances bsd breath to good, removing cause. fWRouts biliousness and c lears complexion. Cbsrmlns resolvent and matchless laxative. It drives Sick Headache like the wind.- a jrContsias no drasUc cathartic or opiates. Promptly cores nhenmatlsm by routing it. -SO mstorcs me eiving prouernes to tne mooa. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous, dlsorders.-fca r-Ucllnble whan oil opiates fall.-aS. Jlefreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cores dyspepsia or money renndod.f: rap"F.ntlorscd fn u dtlnr by over fifty thousand Lr Ading phyalriiins in U. 8. and Europe besaing cieriryim-n in u. a. ana Europe mse4'S ot tne dsoou own it a eonntirror For sale by all leading druggists. tl.SO. ThsD S. A. Richmond Med. Co., Propr's. St. Joseph, Mo. ss For taatlmonials and circulars send stamp. UEDIWT3X 4 CO., Arsats, Has Fraaelses. Bbskelpeare la the author whose books are the most badly mutilated of any in tbe Cooper Union Library. A Now York doctor has becomi the Victim of s hitherto unknown disease whioh haa reduoed tbe pulsations of bis hesrt to twenty -six per minute. A young farmer recently plowed up an earthen jug containing 1900 half aaglea in a field near Island Shoals, Ga. t ia supposed that bis grand lather buried it before tbe llebellioo, during which be was killed. Four Cincinnati men, memUrs of a whist olub, recently sat down to play, and at the second deal each received a complete auit of cards. There was no stake on tbe game, and tbe gentlemen's characters are above suspicion. On one occasion tbe hero of the trag edy of "(Hdipus' was performed at Drury Lane by a man torally blind,and ia a Staffordshire company tbe heroes ef tragedy and tbe levers of comedy ware all played by an actor similarly afflicted. A London lady haa recently left ber home in Belgravia, and, after distribut ing ber wardrobe and jewelry among her f i lends, bss gone to the East-end to live, and is devoting ber whole time to persuading the poor to keep their rooms clean. In tbe time of lieory VIII. aod E l- ward VI. tbe cat bed raj ef St Paul was ruthlessly plundered by tbe crown, and now Valentia has a missal and certain vestments belongiog to the English Cathedral sod Zaragosa has a asjatiloal btch oost $14,000. The Metairie, the m ferhi mettle burying ground in Nosy Orleans, wa formerly a race our OWa I v a th- ionable c'ub. Th -. J. i (J Ljuisunus Lta- backbatlel when club, aod in rvue U -u course snd turur-d i a in Kz-iianaioi Dunn vli- i to testily beioi- b ay -t tee after all las RrpU'sl lit got through. 1 ii. i. I' source, be tbe last win mouy will male a u wsisui rsias su.i til. John's lAi'iuff, No. 0i, In hu.i. lock, -ml .Saturday of wacii ot mil Corlnibian Usica. No 17. eaiitn y a- 1st snd 3rd Saturday of each tnwiuii. Bey ley l.aj.ur, .No. a, atB Saturdays a aame place. Albany 1 -! . I. O O. Y. rHliM?da evetunaa at Udd Kuilowa Hall. Orgeana Kocaroj mrnt uteri every Snd aod 4 th Friday of aacb tooutii. W illamatte! Ne 5. A. O. U. W., Mola eveniOf, at O. K. ilall. gaiety I.tde, A O. U VV.. Tuesday enrnjra, lu Petersons Hail. KalsbU of Tytbiaa, Thnrlay eretiings St O. K. Hall. Cboaen Friends, at O. F. Hall, 1st aod 3rd Fridays of each month. Anclant order of United Templars, at O. F. Hall, let and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. in AtiBsre. Following are tbe Dksocsat's duly aa thorued agents to receive sabscriptions or mooey for the same I Labanon T L Wallace Harrisbarg Kam May Hrowuaville O. P. I'osbaw Halarv T. U Porter ishedd s K. A. WatU Sew W. K. KelJy JelTersuo & A. DeVaney rer aale- 9 pan ol hoe herses lor sale. Krght years old. One 16 and the other itil hands high A great bargain. Call on Wm Terhnne, i saues south ot Albany, lulortnatioo given at this ouW. RE TOU MDE miserable y India geetion, Constipation, Dissioeea, Loss of Appetite, Yellow 8kin? Sbllub's V.- aliaer po aiti ve cure. rer Three aud a half acres of good garden land,all fenced, house an J barn in western edge of tUe oity. VTlil be aold obeap al. at this orllce. nee Seres r Lead rwr uir One farm of 390 acrve t ileaiiaUv. Que farm of 135 aores One tract of 1611 acr.- One tract ot 80 aeVe One tract of 70 a One tract of 133 as s...i tracts. Will sell m let 'tuasit aurshaeai Will trade tor other pr-.n Call al thn office. $2600. Ueod farm, ens tniio west of Browns n . oa toe road leading to Halsey, containing 108 aores, oak ridge land, seme has oak grovt a, all enoleaed, 75 aores io cultivation, a young orchard aod shrubbery ; good here aod fair house, two good wells aith puiups. Price $2400, eoe years time on one half amouut if desired, with security on premises. Call at S remises or address D. A. Carter, Egaa, rant county. Or. IS8 EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. Cutting snd fitting by the new Taylor's 8yaUm. SPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. $66 a week at home, So outfit Ires. Par abso lutelv sure. No risk. Capital required adsr, you want business at which persons of her ss , young or old, ean make great pay all th meths work, with absolute certainty, writs lo artlcula s to H. HaLurrr and Co.. Portland, stains G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PATENTS OTTH a OCX, of the St'issTino Autoica w, on aas to act aa Solicitors for Patents, Caveats. Trade arks. Copyrights, for the United BtateaTanada. ngiaad, France, Germany, eta Hand Book about ta aent frets, Thirty-seven years' experience. ts obtains d Biro air ansa snroujro sunn a uo. are nou Tino American, we largest, nest, ana circulated sosentlflo paper. 3. a year endld engTavtrtss and interesting in free?ddUNN oT8ci umrM raien . WJ neeur. RM lOllllSttOaa lean sent JULIUS ORADWOHL 9 Haa the only selsjelve sleek af a CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AMD CHINA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby C&Tiages, lid a Ohijice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN CUP AND SAUCERS LOO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TBE M ABHETPCE PAID FOB K ' What I Say I GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- HOmiA rnoPRiBTORS or ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AUD OEALKS8 IN Imported and Domestic Cigan, Tobacco, Groceries, Ficviaion Candler Nuta and Tropica! Fruits. Albany, ! K HKUa IU OHN BRIOOS U. Tt FIK.VI flKKJfl Ha "'TMICNT ' UlUSI' tl te TIM, SKL IRtHi r l- v KKY DfclSCKIt'Jl. -N OCK HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. MA, Of WHICH HE OFFERS TO THJC PUBLIC! AT Pmrnea tuit nmn, CXMPanTTIOK. Repair work done at esasssl O. O CBKBBT. 11)11 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEBRY & PARKES, (Suoceaeora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinist, IMwrigtitg, and Iron Founders, w HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX completed, and are now d re oared to handle a 1 kinds of heavy work. We will muutacture Steam Ensrinea. Oriat and Saw atsl Machinery, and all kinds of Iron ana arses listings. r AtTKBSS ON SBBBT KOTtCE. Special attention siven to renairinsr all kinds of machinery. Will alao maonfao tore tbe improved Cherry st White Grain Separator. Saher sc-eBVce a asaaaher Tarsi. Albany, Or., Dee, 1, 1880. IStf i.0H THE SOUTH. 1 rsrrert t aaablaalloa st Ilk twe AtvaalasrsVI U) 11 ( ssrrrsi ss. 'There is no miatake about It," riaisrtud Dr H f Fkiwera, of UaiiaUu, Mutaun, "Draeuti's Ospcins rorotts riastars are una f tee neatest eossi ever pruduccd. Tbs) have twa kinds of aa ovar all others, t.u-h we nisy call ILe BBBBS SSt major. Kirst. Usry an c.'eaii snd plsasaat to ii. cr soiling tbt hands inr tae lint ot the Seo.iul, th ar quickly aud (wwertutly. 1 have int.. u.r i tn.. I'laotri 'U aiysU r r pn utuoaia, anu oh iu fi irnts tor Vsn Us diseases, sock as mill...., ...i. iswisalisi, . .- kalne) trouble, t c , aiid in all eases : t l.c, has lotlowsd la (rum three to (rt -eight aoars" Ur i lor' iiicfclj lulea taa a i it;- n Sf ural o4niun ikuiMsiHi. In his (t... -t.u. Hatiwat's Uatictne PnruUs Pissur ar, tk. i tuci external application ii. . . in-. Bm ease taiue cut la the eSBBk n t Hi c BSS ur. si. - w i.i i- 1 1. aii ; . v ,otk. ih divai Kuglish Reme dy. Is a never ratline cur lor Xarvous Debility. tMEatesl Wuakaess, Exhaastod VI- taht), 9psrniatorTboa, LasaT BAN Beets, bse potent-. Paralysis, and aQ uniM tSeets at Sell a I ut, p uthlul ivlbessnd . t teste It. msturer j ears such aa loss ol Mastery. Lassitude, Km We on, Aver sion to Society. Utmnsssof iViston, Nalses In tke Head; tke vital fluid passing unobserved into tbe urine, snd many other diseases leading to insanity and death. DB BHNT1B will seres to forfeit live Bend red Bel la re (or a case of this kind the Vital Mrs to ra ti ve (under his special advice and treatment'' wt not ears or (or anything impure or inju ious found a it. Dr. Mlntte treats all private diseases uooees.u without mercury. Consultation free. Th raun ex amluation and advice including analysis ol urine, Sa. Pries of Vital RestoraUve.il. 50 a bottle, er tour times the quantity f, sent to any address upon receipt of price or C. O. D, obscure from observation and in pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MSNTIE, U Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. Sample bottle tree. Sent on application by letter, stating symptom, sex) ud as Communications Strictly son Sciential. Dr, MlnUe's Kidney Remedy, Nsphrwtieum, cures aS kinds of kidnsy and bladder complain ta,gonorrkcsa, tost, leouchorrhcsa. Per sale by all draggists $1 a bottle or six bottles lor SG. Dr. Bin lis s Dandelion Pills are the best sad cheap est Dyspepsis and Bilious cure in the ssacket. For sale bv all dnurrists. SODA WATER, MINERAL WATERS, SPABKURai WISES AND ALL CABBBNATBD BEYER. I BS l ArrABATca, material anb a rcsso BIBS FOB MANVrasTrCBtlNfi. DISPBB8 IHV and BUTT LI XC, WITH PI LL INSTBt CTIBNS. Catalogue tent upon application, Tke Firm er JOHN MATTHEWS, First Area ae.tSih and STtkStreets, New Verb. For Sale. One balf block In eastern part of tbe city witb fair house and barn will be sold obeap. wfj 5te,faro lean. Sirs Ii a Dill. k JOSEPH. J.M Hi'.,- wTiU Swy AND i si m lsuMrta sbd rmssssail acfarurs AND COPPEh VrAbL OR TO ORDER. Also ctw trvvt. C ALL AT 71 FIRST tT REET, ALBANY, OREGON. reasonable figures. DR. FELIX LE BRUITS C3r3- arret ob vi re ess e. ore. r This ressadr besee iaiacicd c ef taeae aisssiss ef tLaOenrto- rsosures ae chance of Owt er erpoieoooee ssedieinra to Waen taken, aa a pre ft ia iMisssMi te naiisi i cuetsaet wat ia BBteajr in Use case at these feted with lb Go J boxes to ease Pries by bsA. : per bos. or. Ibexes for SSXI. W kwaed by sal satbariasdsMita. Dr. FelLa Le Bwaua A e. Bale HOODARD. t LABia sft CfA. Woelssals POST rORTLAND, ORKCOX Orders b aaaat aaal win iVERVOTJS PEBHsalTT '. BJUtit 1 Ao BSAia J n t for Hysteria. Bseeeas ura.s. rrewtrafsee car sr.. iiti s. Wakefulness, Kaatal Iv ike Brain rssaitiuc is tasarr. dceay a, d deat Old kea, rerraraeea. Loss tf i a, lnreluntary I oasaa. pi rl h ; ad by over-exertion cl r) i I i ver-tndalreur. 1 p-!i Ui coi Bn ireatsnent. f I.m I , r. r - t . srfam Mat by ma. 1 r.m . . 1 ' r.c ; VT K UHAH I !! 1 to evsre say eaaa. Wif fee six hoxsa. ai sssMl tke rreka aceo faad ehe asrawK . a ears, ftaarat- lot : J nrli JsyaDABD.Altt - ron-. END. mv i 7, n ' " Orders by r 500 health Letttcavae' 4.itre B-.Umem bo. 1 Cures chancres, flrst aud se-ood Bases : Sores oa tke lacs aud body . syphilitic atarrh, disaaaed a- alp sou ail primary forms I tbe disease, Known as hUia Price, S5 pei bvStk. LeBlehaa'a VsMcs Balsaas So. f byp Cures Taruary, Mercurial, Sypail.vic Rbei-mat secondary sUges, Pains in the Bone. UV Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps, etc, and eradicates all diseases Irom the sysu m helbi r caiukd bv bad troatniaiit or abase of mercury, leaving the blood pure and healthy. Price, B per bottle . Sent everywhere, C. O. P., seturely packed ir eg ptess. C- F. BirHABBB et re., Agents. 42? A 429 Bssanis street, Corner Clay, Han Francisco, California. A.JLBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Al.HtSV, OR. Tha Second Term ends on Thurs day, Jan nary 31, 1883. For particulars concerning the curses of ntudy and tke ssAce of tuition, apply to BRV. BLBBBT JT. CON BIT. Pr BjlBSats Aloany Bath House. fSHI UNDBKSltsNID WOULD RKSPECT X rslly iaform tke eitlaaas of Albany aod vt slaity that I have taksn charge ef tkis Establish S vat, end, by keeping eleaa rooms and payin gariot attention to business, expects to sait si Skese who may farer as with tkeir patronage Having keretofora aarried on aotalng bat ftrst-Olass S air Uressina Saloons expects ti rive r-sTCh Idler ad S Kampnnad satire satisf hod U Ladies' Rait neatly JOS WBBPVT. ssaardv VoTlks seat PsBaasT OiJJSl. Fron. i rtasreaska Vsttows PissssSsri ia asBter s ISlStASC. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Har risb org Oregwa TRA. IN Editor A Proprietor.