The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 18, 1884, Image 3

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    Koto red it tho PjsI at Atbtny , Or
UMcoDti claw mail matter.
F 11 II) AY APIUIj 18, 1884
Riot and Proprietors.
rnr.:i i MTriu. Kiiur.
Official County and Oity Paper.
a GMi i him i: 10:1 MUM Uiutit.
To ovory subscriber to the Dkm.k'
who pays up his subscription ami con
tinues liia paptr or p-iys in advanco, we
will havo sent to Mm the "Health and
Home" one year, without additional cost.
The above paper is a largo eight page,
forty column, monthly paper, and is full
of exce'lent reading matter. A copy may
be seen at this otlles. The paper treats of
health, marriage social science, domestic
medicine, hints on hoalth, cookery, etc.
This atifjrds our subscribers a ehauee to
get a good piper for nothing. Those de
siring the paper sen: to thorn will please
ktate so at time of pejitag their subscrip-
Great excitement wa canned iu the
city Friday evening by tlio report that
Charles B. Finlayson, who wan in the
jail awaitiug a second trial for the mur
derofMrs. Finlayson. the particulars
ef which are familiar to all of the Demo
crat readers, had committed suicide.
A large crowd was soon congregated
around the jail building, when the
truth of the report wa eonliriu d A
coroners jury was immediately called by
E It Skipworth. Esq., when t!:e follow
ing facts were ascertained. On going
toyouug l-'inlays n'scell a. six o'clock,
with his supper, Deputy Sheriff Smith
found it vacaut. Going through the
aisle to the back side of the jail, he wa
horrified to see yoiin;? Finlayson hang
ingby iiis neck to a rop, cold and still
iudeath. The sid" of the window was
toand broke, and this explained how
the rope had been obtained. He had
broken tbesldepiece of the window, got
ola piece of the rope, divided it hit
three strands, which ho tied together,
aa I then gains into the jail privy, a
low room, fastened ouc end to the iron
bars, above, tied the other end to his
neck, carl ed up bis legi and deliberate
ly strangled to death, showing a grim
determination to end life uoteft:i wit
nessed. No note was left uor was any
necessary. The jury found their verdict
in accordance with the above. Satur
day afternoen the body of Charles Fin
layson was buried iu tiie ctniotery near
this city, and it might be hoped that
all the horrible circumstances conuect
eJ with his life since the first of last
N jve nber may b? buried frith it.
Plain UrmarLt
High hats a-e in style. They will be
worn ljcaae they are fashionable, not be
cause they lock wed.
We hear it currently reported that sorae
One got "set down on" at tho It -publican
primaries last Saturday, and by a iar.e ma
The high rates of insurance under the new
esmpact system very aatenaUy makes many
business man kick, an 1 soms say tuey will
not insure. The highest rate is that of the
rajge on the south side ef F:rst bt-tweea
Ellsworth aad Broadalbin, Lelng . ;.' j 'on
the $100. The rate oa the brick ranges
havo been in :reasd from $1.85 to 1.40 and j
Henry IKard Eeecher says Oregon and
rFasllington are his particalar peti , but he
fails to say whether they aro Mrs Tiltons or
poodle dogs. Let es remark here that Ore
gon does not admit the petship.
The valley people would like to see a man
seat to Congress who will work for tho in
terests of the whole state, and the party who
puts up 8 sen a man will get their best sup
port. The oc3 of Justice of the Peace is an
important one aad certain'. y if a Justice can
be obtained who will reverse the Deady de
cision on the mertg-ige tax law. he should'
hd elected.
An ampirc in a base ball game cheering
far one of the sides is like a jadge vreeping
for a prisoner, and it may be depended he
will stretch the law when he eosaes to
charge the jury.
Some people need an earthquake to awak
en them, so some cities wait to bo burned
down before getting a fire engin;, and others
will not show any enterprise, uatii they tee
everything slipping from their grasp.
Xewspaper la ISSf.
From the edition of Messrs. Q eo. P
1 towel: & Cos "American Newspaper
Directory," nor in press, it appears
that the newspapers and periodicals of
all kinds at present issued in the United
State-) and Canada rea';h a grand total
of 13,402. This is a net gain of precise
ly 1,600 durin? -the last twelve months,
aud exhibits a.u increase of -VilS over
the tot;-l number published just ten
years sinoe. The increase in 1874 over
the total for 1873 was 403. During the
past year the dallies have increased
from 1,138 to 1,254; the weeklies from
9,062 to 10,028 : and the monthlies from
1,091 to 1,400. The greatest increaso is
in the Western States. Illinois, for
instance, now shows 1,003 papers in
place of last year's tocul of 9Jl, while
Missouri issues 604 iustead of tho 523
reported in 1S83. Other leading Wes
tern States also exhibit a great percen
tage of increase.
Farm and Harden ":u?:;:ii?.its.
I have on exhibition at my Warehouse the
P-lanet Junior Farm and tTsnJ&s fmplements.
Something that everyone making a garden
either in town or country wants. These are
tho most popular garden implements in the
United States.
Saxon EL Yousu.
Sfnsleal Iustrnmeat.V.
J. II. Dauiel now has a complete line
of musical instruments of all kinds for
sale, consisting i.of the Mathushek
piano, the Shoningt-r organ, fiddles,
violins, guitars, eta., as well as the
latest sheet uHisic ELis instruments
aro all of the besi grades, and are not
the cheap trasn, so that when you get
an instrument of any. kind you may
know that yon are getting oue that will
last and hold its tune.
Lumber ! Lumber i Lumber 5
The Waterloo .saw mill is lnv, prop trai
to sell fencing and boxing at 11. Sp3cia
terms ou orders far buildings.
r' II French, joneler.
Best harness at J J Dubruille .
E. 11. SWipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or.
The county jail is BOW empty.
TUey Kara a wolf oluh at Sdverton.
Hard ttmesare oauaod by expensive habit
300 tan games are in operation in Portland
4 tli of July celebratious begin to be agitat
"Kiss me it I fill Ad iep" is the title of a
ucw song
lit ad the address of Prol H I. Benson OB
our tirst page.
Portland will celebrate d .Mor.ition cay iu a
becoming manner,
Ammeu 's Cough Syiup euros oelds, coughs
bronchitis aud consumption
Coer D'Alene stories leuiu to circulate.
but ssjhSJ of them, wo believe arc tiotion
Miss I. I.eavitt list baeu speakiog iu I. inn
county lately on ths subject of temperauoe.
Last Monday was the anniversary of tho
shooting of Abraham Line hi bv Wilkes
Albany has the material for a good ball
nine. What is needed is drill aud lUjaain
Hurkhaita is the piaes to get your garden
vegetables of all kind kept c :itantly ou
Twenty one feet of water is claiutd eu
the bar at Yaquiua when th? ttdo is not
quite full.
Spring seeding is ucarly done, but as
usual some failed to get in their seed before
the rain oases.
The reulai SSOSting of the Y. P. T. Y.
will be held on April 25th at S:39 at the W.
C.T. V. hall.
In the game last Saturday btwoeu the
Corvaliis aud Albany nui -s the former olub
won by four meorea.
At the mooting o th- Blue Kibbou Cleb
last week addresses were delivered hv Bevs
Browusnn and Floyd.
Dio Circuit Court vhaOO m-ets hero next
week will onlv be for a few ca-ies without
jurors or witnesses.
Tacnma was visited by a big fire Sunday
morning,, in whieh nine builduigs were des
troyed. Total loss $175,000.
There are "2wr persons iu Beuton I'junty
between 4 and 20 years of age. No of pupils
enrolled, 1146, No. of teachers, 98.
At Burkharts grocery you can get caunsd
peaches for 30c per can, and tomatoes 6 cans
for $1, everything else in proportion.
The latest styles of dress go-ids can be
fonnd at Monteith A Seiteaboch a, if yon
want something nice give them a call.
Strawberries havo leo $1 a quart in
New York City, aad the supply would not
e ;-:a! thedernaad. They cam t from Florida.
The steamer "Yaquiaa" hie reached San
Francisco, and will s tea bo o.i its way to
the Bay. It will be a gala day when it en
ters. .
Uu Sr the ne r compact of insurance the
rate will be doubled oa some buildings and
in at least one OSSS it will be five times as
Washington Territory if changed into a
State should obtain its present name and
not be disgraced by such a cognomen as
Tacorr a.
Bad Johnson and crew brought a raft of
logs dosra the ITine SsStlS, reaching the city
the first of the week. B-st & Althouse take
his lags.
An elegaut gold plated baud ring for 70
csuts, stands acid test. See 1 stamp for cat
alogue. Smith Jc. Co., 7-; Market St, Sau
fe'raneisco, QsL have been received in Fort
land, and aro selling for .".y cents a small
box. Oae smell is all many people caa af
ford to purchase.
The first locomotive was ran oa ths Ore
! goa Paetfis on last Friday, the president T
E Hogg being at ths tiirettl . It rnn from
Ooeatta to Yaquiua.
Subject for next Sunday evening in the W
CTU Hall, at 7.30, "Baptism of tho Holy
Ghost." There will be no morning service
at the Court House.
A lively hail storm to k place last Tues
day, A great many of the atones weighed a
pound, according to the calculation of an
expert apothecary.
The coming of auramer warns the people
of the Valley to get ready to buy thoir aoda
water, small beers, etc, as well as groceries,
of Hoffaxaa & Joseph.
While grass is just becoming green iu the
Hast here evorything is far advanced, aud
nature has been singing her most flowery
zones for several weeks.
Wo are indebted to Messrs M A Miller
and F A Watts, Secretaries at the conven
tion held last Friday for minutes of the pro
ceedings of the convention.
It is stated by ths Sprague Herald, that
out of sixty votes cast by tho women at
Sprague last week, at the city election, thirty
nine voted the whiskey ticket.
The Nickel Plats Circus will open at Hose-
burg, May 3, 18S-4, aud thence will go north
through this Valley to Minneapolis. A
menagerie has been connected with it.
Go to Burkharts grocery to buy your
groceries, it is the cheapest place in town.
He sells golden C sugar 8 lbs for SI. best Rio
coffee, G lbs for 1, Hour $1.43 per sack.
The School Journal is tho name of a paper
just started at Dayton. W. T. It is well
gotten up, and wo wish it success. All in
terested in education should support it.
Cherry & Parkes are jast completing one
of the linest mills ever manufactured in the
state for a saw mill. Those desiring to see
what can be done in Albany should examine
The Saah & Blind factory of Hochstedler
& Warner is now run continually. Parties
anywhere in the Stats will do well to corre
epond with them before contracting for work
a thoir line.
i Counterfeit $20 silver certificates are said
to be ia circulation, but we have never had
the pleasure of an acquaintance with them.
Bills of such large denomination skip the
newspaper office.
The nomination of Mr J K Charlton for
Sheriff by the Damorats is a good ono. He
has friends all over the county who will, re
gardless of politics, assist in putting him into
the Sheriffs office.
Beware of peddlers who sell goods on sam
pies, whether earning from Portland or San
Francisco. Help build up your own com
munity by patronizing home merchants and
not irresponsible peddlers.
At the city election iu Eugeue last week
the temperance people's ticket elected one
Councilman, Marshal and Treasurer, while
two Councilmen aud the liecorder were
lected on tho citizens ticket .
The Post of Yaquina City says: "We
are on the eve of grand improvements here
on the Bay. A few days and the plans wil
bo completed, and then look Out for such a
rush of business as was not d;-earned of hers
a year ago.''
Last Sund ty was Easter. Among those
who celebrated it most were several boys
who feasted on stolen eggs in the fields west
of the city. Soma oue has said that "stolen
sweets taste best ;" if so , no doubt these
dime novel youths had a big time.
' f iw days ago J H Daniel the music
dealer, Sold oue of the Mathaahck pianos to
Postmaster Irving, S00 being tho consider
ation .It was one ef tho finest ever brought
to Albany, uortaiuly a tit instrument for tho
beautiful homo of its present owner.
Two weeks ago wo stated that mallard and
teal duok oo.ild bo killed until the tirst ef
May. BOSBS thought it was tho lirst of
April, as it was until two years ago, and
so cut out the item to protect them
selves with ; but tho law itself will stand
by them until tho tirst of next month.
The Baptist church will be formally dedi
cated on Sunday, April f7, Itov J 0 Baker
preaching the dedication sermon. Tho build
iug will hj contp'.stod by that timo, wheu ar
rangements will Ik) made f.r a very interest
ing service bringing into active use ouo of
tho plcavuitost chnrchrsiu tho city.
A man named Aithtir Flowery committed
suicide in Portland the lirst of the week by
taking morphine. Ho is said to hsvo been
sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment in
Washington Territory for killing a man
Several yean ago, at tin end of four yuars
lie was 'rd ue i Cd.-tviily his Ids has not
been a tlowery one, much leal his death.
Sjiring is now clothed in n turn's most
beautiful garments, making tho seutiinoutal
tst's heart Bop up and down with tho .novo
moat of a churn dasher, as he puts his gush
iug thoughts on paper and sends thorn to ths
editor. All poems on Spring containing not
over six tiues will ho pehlished, but any
thing longer will rsestTS a d.aorvod b.nisl
u tho waste basket.
One of the boit re 'otu ions reooi-ed
by any candidate beforo th; Dsmooratic
'ounty Convention, was that given a yoing
man whoso name was presented for Uerenor.
it was attted that ho "was born in Orcgnu,
married an Oregon wnnu'i, aud was raising
some Oregon children :" but all this elo
sjurnce was knocked in thi head, by his
positively dojiiuing to run.
Ayer's Carthartic Fills aro nited to SVOM
age. Itniug sugtr coato I tin y are esy to
take, ted thoegh nuld and pleasant in action,
are thorough aud nearchiog in rtfuct. Thoir
eflica iu al disorders of the stomach and
bowels m cortiliea t by eminent physicians,
prominent c!er;ynu . i, aud many of our best
Perfect soundncca .if bud slid fuiud is pos
sible only with pure blood, I.. ahag medical
authorities of all sitillaod couotrios oudorso
Ayet's Ssrsaj arilla as tho host bloodspurify
ing methciuo in ex-itance. It vastly increases
tho working aad proAluctiro posrers of hot
har.d hra.n
Evrrythiiig ioculiar or fanny i'as to le
sent to a eattaio I'ortlau I paper, so that
when a young man. about Bittern, was heard
to yell out tii- othsr niht "Ma coinn and
tuck the clothes around me," he became
scared nearly out of his wits wheu he was
told that it would certainly in tho
Oregon hens hivo shown enterprise even if
some of her citious do Dot. Kggs were v ry
scarce a few weeks ago, when they h?gan Idl
ing shipped here fr am SI I'aal This got oi:r
Oregon fowls on their ears and they hve
been laying at a t-rntic iste, mooting the
demands of tho pressn': market at a low
Itobinson .1 West's drive oi i gs put in aa
appearance lait Tuesday evening under tho
ohargo of Ted Cur ran, an 1 arj BOW saf!y
lodged ia tin "a!i;o-.ia. this side of tho
bridge. There are SAM aad a ha!f million
feet here and sheet half a million yet to eeest
down. Tho ilrivor have had BSS8T eipw I
onces, bat no seri jus a:--i dsn' i, we under
stand have occurred.
We hal a frieud say to u a few days ago;
"I nevor do anything tor a cold ; just wear
itofT." That ia Mofsdlegly dangerou ; one
might do that 19 times a:id the 20th time the
cold would settle Oa the !.inSs and loa i to
consumption, ami thus cut OBOS life .hurt
many years. It is not better and more awaoi
we, to go to jour druggist au i gt a bottis
of Ammen's Cough Syrup thai run any rik
at all.
Tho track has rrached a peiat less than
two miles north of Ashland, aud it is ex
pected that it will le at that placo in alxut
a bbksssss aue laat ircmicsurs oi any con-
1 l 't'L a. . I I.
aequenoe is being completed, but the bridge
over Mill creek, at the northern limits of
that town, will require some tins for its com
pletion, it is quite likely that it will be a
few months before trains are running t- l
larly and the tcrmiuui is changed from I -nix.
We hear complaint from smno quartets
that small birds are injuring tho frntt trees.
Now, we believe the truth is that they do
more good than harm. The nnmbcr of iu
octB which thoy kill is a big recompense for
the few bads they may destroy. They de
serve protecting SI mii .h as the plum tree,
and those who observe their livos, will as
certain that they are greator friends than
enemies. Annihilate them entirely and it
would be impossible to raise fruit of any
kind. They have their place in nature, and
t sheuld be respected.
At the Republican primaries Saturday the
following delegates were elected to the
Couoty Convention which meets next Tues
day, from the Albiny precincts. West Al
bany -II H Hewitt, A S Powell, W C
weedale, I) Froinan, Adam Settlomim, Arch
Moateith, P M lladlield and Robert Poster,
Sea. I-iist Albany E W Lingdon, Ans
Marshall, S A Dawson, Thos Fromsn, John
Foshay, J G Powell, W R Goltra. W M
Ketchum, Fred Muller. J F Backensto was
nominated for Justice from West Albany, and
A B Woodin from East Albany.
From the Yaquina Port we got the account
of two unfortunats accidents. It soys, "on
Monday morniu ouo of the men employed
by tho O Pit It VS. i the right of way.
nam id Fred MafSht'l -v , ;-e jipitatod from
the bank or blurt' at Itjoo's island, a distance
of twenty feet or mora, falling on to the
edge of his ax, which penetrated his hip to
the bone the full width of the ax, making a
'orriblo wound," an 1 "Sir J J Parker, w1k
has been ia the employ of the railroad at the
Summit, had the miafortune to break his arm
the other day by a falling timber. He has
been taken to his homo at Forest Grove."
The Democrat has insisted continually
that the Coeur d' Aleno mines are practical
ly a humbug. The following from the Mis-
soulian reassures us : Reliable gentlemen
recently from the mines report that the con
cern ia a humbug, aud that more people are
coming away than aro going in ; that ne gold
dust can bo bought, notwithstanding tho re
ports of claims beiug worked and $19 a day
to tho hand being taken out; that rich gold
quartz has been hauled on toboggans for the
purpose of salting claims ; that the diggings
could have been worked all winter had they
been worth working ; that while there may
be and probably is some gold there, the cost
of taking it out Will be as much as the gold
is worth.
The May number of Frank Leslie's Sun
day Magazine contains some particularly
notable articles, and is altogether most in
teresting and edifying.' The editor, T De
Witt Talmage, D D, has two articles "The
Arctie Martyrs" and "The Great Freshets"
"Cathedral of Our Saviour, Moscow," "Love
( and Life in Norway," etc., are prominent
featuros ef tli. numbor. There aro serial
and short staries-, essays, sketches, etc., by
Hov E Barrass, and other celebrated writers,
and miscellaneous articles, etc., entertaining
and rrploto with informstion, Single copy,
'.'o cents, or 50 a yoar, postpaid. Mrs
Frank LtfJle, Publisher, S3, Aft aud 07 I'ark
I'laoc. N.V.
At tho Democratic County Convention
hi Id in Corvaliis last week rosoultions wore
passed whioh showed tho convention to bo
iu favor of tho following : Kpial rights to
all, tho abolishment of tho National bank
system, regulating freights and fsrss ou
railroads by legislature, of a luw abolisliiug
tlio free pass systom, and making it a uiimo
to receive a pass by any piitdio otlicrr, of n
registry law.ot tho mortgage tax law, of tho
forfeiture of all unoarned laud grants, of
law providing that neither tho state or any
county pay uitorost on any of thoir warrants
or iudpbtediiOM unless they bo in bonds, ol
electing nous but houost, temperate men to
otlico, of having tho interests of tho Wil
lamette VnlUy recogui.od by our members
ia Cling retS, of sJeotieg men to tho logisla
ture who Uvor submittiiig a prohilnsory
aeMedeMBt to tho people.
Auyniio who roads tho following, clipped
from an exchuugo will nn doubt have his
heart tilled with pity for tho editor of a
newspaper. "A man who edits a newspaper,
is niuoh more a slave than a man iu any
other profession. Tho law is a jealous mis
tress, lut much mors so is journalism. A
niaii who binds himself to a newspaper has
a lous; tsietseos of monotonous drudgery.
A lawyer can havo a vacation, an editor can
not ho is a callev slavo chained to tho task.
When the timo comos ho must write. The
will must come to tho rescue. No sooner
does he gtt oio paper out than all ol his
powers are taied to got out auother, and ho
wilt fait hy tho roadside under tho load uu
ess ha has an everlasting spring of onthusi
asm in U:s In vsst.
Wo are takn to task iu tho hat isaus of
tho CkriMaim IftraU, for saying that "tho
interest in the union meetings at tho Court
House ou Sunday evcuinge sloes not decrease.
rttSjf have hoea thomesusof producing some
extra sermons, and ef makiug many realise
that the osstiiboni of ono church aro as much
entitled to the title of Chrittaiu as those of
another. The spirit displayed by the Cler
gymen in working toethor for a common
oauee is a commendatdo one." We aro asked
by tho Hentfd why the clergymen of tho city
do not lay aside their human iiaraesaud wear
the tills Christain alouo. Now a discrimina
ting public will make a distinctiug where
our cotemporary ds-i not. When the
terms Methodist. Proshyterisn or Baptist are
used, the pooplo will st oaes ny that tho
idea c-jfiveyed is sectarian. Likewise, when
tho word "Christian" is u ted as applied to
that reap--table chriatiaa denomination
known by that name, pooplo will juet aa
certainly aay that tho idea conveyed by ths
word ta sectarian. If tho ItaptmU, Mr tho
dists. and all other sectarian denoiaiuatious
should rejo.-t thoir present names aud all
adopt the name '' 'hristian" but retain thoir
present creeds and beliefs, would this satisfy
our cotemporary We ju lgo not. It ta
said "there ta nothing ta a uarne," ami fur
ther, that "a ro by any other name would
amell aa aweet," and wo think there is much
truth in these sayings. Tne christian cfear
ftctrr of an individual is not detcrmiued by
hia doSIQieieiaioeal title, but by hia daily
walk and Conduct. Ity their fruita shall j t
know thorn.
In the Spring the psUtioiOQ aays he'll win
or bust hia nose,
In ths Spring thai ahahby taayer win a auit
and buys some clothes
in lha prl!l, tila tirrg al.-ps and
ifitera, spatter and slops.
I tho Spring tho dudieh young man falls
w Uv0 aod tho .,u.stton pope,
too T J Buford, of ColVal 1 ' , waa married
to Miss Sarah It Nobles at Forest Grove ou
Aptd .'od. IS84.
Judge Burnott, of Coi fallal, called at the
Dfcaioi H vr office Tuesday, while oa his wav
" .
to Umj J Ictnocratic Stato Convention no
seasiou at The !al!cs.
Mr L Martin will bare to-morrow for
Aahland, near the suburbs of which placo he
has pun based a farm. He, w ith his family
will SOOe make that place thoir home.
Geo McKnightleft the lirst of the week for
I'riiKiville with tho stallion K lward Kverett
and a full blooded grey hound, which lie re
cently bought in Portland. He. will spoud
the summer about twenty-live miles north of
that place
On last Tuesday ovouiug Mr I, Martin and
Mr Oscar Blount were treated to a genuine
sirprtso party, at tin- reaideuce of the former,
tifty five friends, all told, appearing without
warning, aud making matters lively for
them, uutil tho midnight bdl was rung. A
lunch, which did honor to the caterers, was
served during the evening.
Hoots and Hbnni..
I have just received my Spring stock o
ladies, misses aud childreus shoes, which
have bought direct front the manufacturer
for cash, no middio men. I am perpared to
givo you better value for your money than
ever before, and show you tho best sssort
ment this side of Portland. I make apecialty
of the boot anil shoa business, aud buy in
quantities that enables me to compete with
any.houso op the Coast in quality aud price.
Call and see far yourself. No trouble to
show goods.
Samuel E. Yooxa,
Be Careful About Meadlng Thlsv
Prepared kaisomine can be used by any
ono, aud now ia the time to use it. Peters &
Blain have a stock, embracing all colors, a
splendid thing which yon should call and
examine.. They also have a fall stock of
rubber paint, and a large stock of garden
tools of all kinds, which they will sell extra
low in order to dispose of them.
Wo tako pleasure in informing the public
that our stock of ladiea, miss and children's
liuo shoes have arrived direct fiom Eastern
factories, and that being bought for rush we
are able to offer the trade the beat value for
the least money. Give as a call.
Card of Thanks,
Our thanks are due and hereby tendered
to the friends and neighbors who bo kindly
assisted us during the last illness of our
darling child.
Robert A. Munriir,
SrjsiK Murphy.
Knits .Made to Order,
Those desiring their suits made to order,
in latest styles, in first-class manner, should
call at L E Blain's and examine his lot of
samples. These suits will be good ones, and
Thot'ounty DensOOretiO Cenvontlon in
purstuimo to call met at thet ourt House
In Albany, OS last Friday, at 10 o'olook ,
u, in .
The Convention was Mailed to ordoi by
Hon J J Whltnoy, and Hon 11 HHtralian
w as oleeUsd temporary Oheirmao and M
A Mlllor Sooretary and f A Watts Assls
taut Uscrotary.
The folloorlag oeoaiaHtes ea credentials
was app. lut -d : J K Wo uhorlor I, ttea
May Rtld V ' 1 1 in . ii I.
wn porn.iitinnt orgaul. iilmi. W 11
Iblynii, and 0 It Moatagno wor apiirjtnd
tho rotuiiillleo.
On n . .lion sjfO II Monlugiifl.of l,nbsuou
a reces, of tweet minutes was laksii to
give the oommllians on oredOttttals and
erinaniil OTgaBKatlOQ timo In whl Ii to
At the oiid of such limn tbs ('onvetrlon
WOO egeln called to order, when the com
nilttoo on purinsnsut orgaalittinn report
ed that thy recommended that tho t-un
porary onii'urs art as tho eilicnrs of tho
I ' nuiieiit oigauixaltoii. Tbs report wn
adopted unanimously.
Ths eommlttro on crndeutlalsj n portnd
that they found the following pttreM en
tlllod tosoats iu i'i . Cotivontlou, an I the
repegt was duly adopted ;
BfPt llhseg W U Uilyeu, l K Weather-
ford. Ll.eudors, I ilayos, ii W HechaUdhr,
M iloiiatou, A P. Bloom, 0 Pry, W B Scott,
J S :htnesi .
Woat Albany I S Strshan, I I, Hill. J
Kogars, A BUvtns, J J Beard. H HaekU-
mau, ioo Chun, O C McKarhmd.
Brush Crook If f Hamilton, J L Nye
Brownsville WH Swank. P P Croft
John TjOST, A W Stanard, W P Warmoth.
II Crooka, Prank Jack. (W T Osobraa,
prosy. (
t 'rawfordavillo J H 111 wards.
enter M Parker, It' Payne, I. If SOtOf.
Franklin Butts II S udton, W ( M
bmald, J Bilyeu, (' W Ku hardaou,
Harrishurg V. Hoult.Saai-Msy, Jas RUoy.
I K Hsnry, Ooorgo Atford, Aaron Condra,
) V S KoiJ, tieorgo liouatou, Win Hrink-
lUlavj I t. Porter,
A S Batsett, J A
Beiith, c 0 Jsofcoee.
Mabe! J I. Stewart by O P xy.
Liberty Josso Barr, J.Jn Kirk.
I,ooanon C B Montana. ' H Bslstssj
Jonathan Burkhart. C Burkhart. 1'
Isusard, F. Keobler, M Miller.
Orleans Johnson Whito.
Santiam John Cyrus, H 'yru, ' Smith,
B Uurtenshaw, A H t'harltmi.
Sweet Home Win Itumbaugh, Wn Ab
Shedde F A Watts, Jas (jar rot I,
tabnett, Peter Bithor.
Syracuse I Miller, Prrry Adams, J II
Scio W Cyrus, Win II n ry. F P
leVauey, i W Huasakor. H Williams. Thos
Miller, Tuos (ioooinan.
Waterloo It Hu aplirey, Joaiah Barrel!.
M Harr.s.
I'ox Valley W II Lfieool i
The following oeeaasttteo on m iter of
bnalnoas was appointed . T L I'nrlor, I !
Miller aud P. K riuiuphrey. '
Ou motion, a commute on i aioolllllom
waa appointed, '-orisialing of tho fallowing :
W It Milveti, 11 9 Hamilton, J .hit UoS-
nott. W P W a; .no v.'i. M n n I'avuo.
Tba cotiuiitiieo ou order of biiaim re-
potted the following, which Waal duly
aoopted :
1. The nomination of ' didevtstes to at-'
tend the Democratic Stale 'on volition to!
bo held al 'I ho Dallen on April lVib.
i no nam nation or a an lluate tor
State Senator.
s. .n.:.. n of ; IToproaeetalls oo.
-I. Noininallou of oniiiy Judge,
A. Nona mat ton of County Clerk.
U. Nomination of ?lirin.
V. Nomination ef two ('ocnnilsslouorH.
. Nomination of Counlv Treasurer.
'.. Nomination of flohooffJliperlDtSBdoiit
10. Nomination of Assessor.
11. Nomination of .Surveyor.
12. Nomination of Coroner.
13. Nominallou of County Central Coi
mtf te
The following nominations wero made
for delegates to tlio bUU Convention : L
Mender, T J Black, J J Beard, A W Stan-
ar.l, FA Walts, Rnob liotilt.r it Mon
tague, John Osbortie, 1 I) Miller.
On motion the above wore doc I a rod
elected by acclamation.
Tho Convention hero adjourned until 1
o'clock when it was eallod to order by the
Chairman, and the committee on resolu
tions roporto J as follows :
Mr President, your committee on ruso
lotions ask leave to report that they hsvo
bad the aialter under consideration and
recommend the adopt ton ef the following:
Keolvod, Taat we favor equal taxation.
Accordingly mortgages on real projierty
silusted In this State ought to besrlhror
just proportion of Ibo burdens ot Govern
Unsolved, That all corporations in this
ytatoato creatures of positive law, and
must bo subject to law. Tim arrogant as
sumption that they aro a law unto thom
seivae, or that they are the Ana! and ex
elusive judges of tlio measure of tbelr own
rlithls or compensation oaunot be tolerat
ed. Wo taoreforo favor a carefully vo x
aldered law that shall prevent all discrlin
InatloiiH lor or against certain localities by
transportation omnpanlos aud that nhall
so regulate freight and fares on thoir
lines, as to prevent unreasonable and op
prsasive charges.
Unsolved, That for the purpose of rev
enue for the Kederal Oe trriuisiil wo favor
the taxation of luxurlos rattier than the
necessaries of tlio peoplo.
Itcsblved, That we favor a law so sim
plifying proceedings beforo ustteos courts.
that written pleadings snail not bo re
quired in any case.
Keapeellully subtnltteil.
U K Hamilton,
John A Kousavrr,
W P WAitMorit.
On motion L Senders aud Dr J L Hill
woro selected as tellers.
J K Weatlierford was nomlnatod. On
motion be waa nominated by acclamation
To the Legislature the following nomin
ationa were made : F C Hansard, 11 Cy
rgs.Wm J Phil pot, John Wirt,.) W Swak
L EE Montanyo, N D Payne, P A Wutte
Harvey Sbellon, T J Black, J H Peury, B
H Henry.
One ballot was bad, resulting as follows:
Hansard, 44 ; Cyrus, 63; Pbilpot, 38;
Wirt, 16; Swank, 23; Montanyo, 55;
Payne. 42 ; Watts, 46 ; Shelton, 49 ; Black,
49 ; Peery, 62 ; Henry, 29.
Henry Cyrus, L II Montanye, F A
Watts, II Shelton, T J Black and J II
Poery wero declared nominated.
H Bryant, J J Whitney aud T J Si. tea
were placed In nomination. Three ballots
were bad, resulting aa follows :
First ballot Bryant, 2a:' Witney, 31 ;
Stitos, 23.
Second ballot-Bryant, 29; Whitney,
41 ; Stitos, 15.
Third ballot-Bryant, 30 ; Whitney, 48 ;
Stitos, 7.
J J Whitney was declared the nominee
of tbe convention.
Ooorgo E Chamberlain, JP Qalbraith
and 0 H Stewart were plaoed before the
convention, but on amount of a prejudice
against a aeeond term the name of C II
Stewart was withdrawn,
One ballot was bad resulting as follows:
Oalbraltb, 49; Chamberlain, 'Ah ; Blank. I.
J P Ualbralth was deelaied tho nominee
of the oonvsutlou,
i Ol SM Kit 1 1 I .
Thos Munkers, J It Charlten,
and Walter Huston woro nominated. Ptur
ballots were bad resulting as follows:
rlrat beltOtj Munkers, 17; Chailtou,
; Seoit, IS Huston, St,
Mecand ballot: Monitors, 10 J CaSTitoa,
So ; Muoit, 7 ; Bttetoei, t;:t.
The MMM of Ncott was wllbdriwn.
Third ballot: MuuUors, M ; Imrllon,
io ; Huston, ML
The mime of Munkors was withdrawn.
Fourth ballot; Charlton, r,9 ; Illusion,
rm oeVVTx om Mission ass.
The names of Win Itumbauab, A Pdev-
ins, Ooorgo Tooeg, David lieytro, R R
Humphrey, Jno Cornell, D I, 'url, A
Condra were presented.
lb no iialiots were bad resulting a
First liallot Kumbaugh, IW ; llievins,
Jf: Voutig, :ii; , Meyers, 30; Humphrey,
JJ ; i ornelt, 0 ; Curl, H ; Condra, V.l.
.second ballot-ltiimbauKli. 7; lilovins.
11 ; Young, 43; Meyers, 43; Humphrey.
6 ; Oornett, 4 ; J'ondra, 01.
Third ballot Meyers, II ; Young. II.
A Condra aud D Meyers were declared
nominated, Mr Con Jra on looped ballot,
run TiiKAst;RKit.
Theoaeiss of O W Crusou, V. R Skip-
worth, H Farwell, A D Darker and dee
Patterson wore presentesl.
lno ballot was bad with tho following
result: Cruson. I: Hkinwortb. St! Far-
well, 47 ; Darker, 4 ; Patterson, 0.
II Farwell was declared nominated.
The names of A H lUesolt, I K llsm-
mmm Phil .Smith,. H Moss, Jaaer Crab-
trow and Johnson White were presented.
Fivo ballots woro bad with tho following
rosult !
First ballot Ilassett, U llanimsu-dt. 19 ;
Snillb, IU; Moss, 13; Crabtreo, 7 ; While,
sfeeeesl ballot - Uassott, 20 ; liamma-k,
. . ; Hiniib, ll; Heee, 11 Crabuee, I,
n'hile, l.
The name of WbiUi was wlib Irawn.
Third ballot -Has soil, 2); Hsmmack,
H Smith, Jl ; eee.i Crabtree, L
The eeeeee of Moos aad crabtroj were
Fourth ballot Das volt, 1-5; lUmma'k,
43 ; .Smith, H,
The eeeM ef Dassell was . .ihdrm vu.
Fifth ballot Haaun ;k, al ; Suailb. 3S.
K R li annua n was declatod uouiluaied
rOtt SrtfOOI. St-rKRINrKSJI)K.tT,
tba naiuos of V A Moses au J DVH lteid
wore presseutcd.
One bailot was bad resulting in the
noiuiuaiion of D V I Held, as follows :
Motel, .17 ; Held, 17.
on st ..v i. r.m,
the uams of II J C A von 11 was presented,
aud bo v,as nominated by acclamation.
run oHoNKti.
tho names of Asa rotersou, D Ilackletnan,
Phil Oeeeal aud Dr J I. Hill worn presen
ted. Da Hot -Peterson, 31: Ilackletnan, 30;
Cohen, It ; Hill. 4.
Tho n ana oe of laeotto man , Cohen and
Ht.i were SfithslreWO, and Asa Peterson
was uonuuated bv a lanialion.
Oa motion the chair, with the adviooot
dolsgatoe, appointed the following ceutral
t-ommlltee :
1-Isutt Albany,; W Hocbslotller.
West Albany -John Kogets.
Drowusville -O PCoabow.
Center-Moses Parker.
Crawferdsvillc R W Moses.
ITankliu Botti Harvey Hhslton.
1 ox Valley -K A Heater.
Harrisburg Ham May.
Ithanon V H Italston.
IScia Thos Munkers.
Mioddb Jonas Davis.
Syracuso J II Itainey.
Sautlam- H liurteiisbaw.
sweet Horns Win Hurnbaugb.
Waterloo -.John Hurrell.
Mabel A Drury.
(ii motion adjeu mod.
I here to aor
the .n al
Trltrrs r New
No two men in America have had
moreeperieuce with Hue trotting stock
aud none are hotter judges thau Calviu
M 1'nest, of the New York Club Stables
sth street near Fifth avenue ami Dan
ace, of the Excelsior Stables, West
29th street, New York, the champion
djuble-teatn driver of the Uuitod Stales
loth of tli.'se gentlemeu say, thafr for
painful ailments iu horses, auoh us cuts,
bruises, swellings, lameness, stiifaess,
St. Jacobs Oil is superior t unything
they have ever used or heard of. This
a also the opirioii of l'roi Dav.d IU
burge, the celebrated horse sheer ofthe
metropolis, and thousands uf stock-
owners throughout the country. As a
paia-cure for man and beast St. Jacobs
Oil has no equel. Mr Priest recites the
case of a valuable trotter, so still from
rheumadsm, that be could not move as
inch. By one, thorough application ef
St. Jacobs Oil at night, the animal wen
completely cured, and was fit tor the
race track the next day.
The Union Meellacs.
We take the following from au ex
tended article in the Monmouth Herald
on the union services beiug held in this
city, Alter speaking of the belief of a
member of the church which the paper
represents, tlio writer says : "Here are
six clergymen who have not obeyed that
postive command and henc3 our brother
does not believe that they have been
baptized in Jesus Christ, that thoy are
not members of the Church of Christ, In
short that they are not ohristlans at all,
au yet he can. work harmoniously
with them, and thus give his influence
to the teaching and practicing of their
unscriptural and injurious influence."
Aoeording to the above our Methodist,
Presbyterian, Evangelial and congre
gational friends stand no chanee of be
ing saved while they continue their
preseut course of doing their own inter
preting of the teachings of the Bible,
aud when we think of the number who
have died in these faiths, our heart is
wracked, and we cau not find words to
express our sympathy for their descend
ents, who are continuing in the same
All Invited.
The public are invited to inspect the stock
of goods at Monteith k Seitenbach'a, where
they will find a fine selection of all lines and
in new designs.
Builders and Farmers
Da ts
I he lianirr has a projeelirit; lip and U used
trai-k w hen put up as shown, arid wiil not
For Sale by
utfertiniu BirauiiKS A7VL5 MOWERS, STUDE BAKER
cstiTl t tittT trail. n;ttJi.
Keportof J V Coney, as supcrlnt-rnd-snt
of repairs on hlisflges aoro-ts Muddy
was accepted ami warrant :u favor of .t.
John & Stone for &jJ ordered drawn.
Petition of J It Smith, for locition of
county road, read and S A I'aweon, J Q
1'oweii and trnu I Preseaa appointed
The quarterly report of J H I' t ry,
local age:t of s h ol fuud, was accept
od. License wus granted T M UeLlloe to
ruu ferry across Nor:li Santiam at the
rate of t" ter yea'-, and 8f8 bonds.
i W Klk'. granted 2sVl feet of lum
ber for Diet M
Clerk ordered t correspond with I'ort
lejMl ! ospltale to s-ie what Mte Cams
can be cared for.
I u the matter of tho petition of tho
I. Inn County Buaiue-s Council i was
ordered shut tl) be appropriated for
thu purpose of paying expenses of a ea-e
to teat the constitutionality of the
ranr tgajfe tax !iw.
Orderd that two bridga-1 bo built
across Oak Creek, near (JIney Fry "a far:a.
accordiug to speciricalioti submitted
by St John k Stone, to be completed by
tho 10th day of May. 1884. to be built
for $200, uuier MpeiietM Ie.;.-e of I
Ordeed thai 1 'r Cole f irnish medi
cines uesdetl by Mrs K ya'., and preseut
itemized statement of such nudicines.
Application of Jas Mcllarue for lo
cation of couuty road r ail and A S
iiassett, Jos l'e&rl a:i 1 Jos Lame were
appointed vleWl r
Appllcati ni of Otte Oriae for change
of location of county road read aad a
W Youf p, i'liOi I'mphri s and Mr
IThitesl !e were appnl.ited viewers.
Bill of Wnllac BoUdwlat, $85 for re-
lortiug 1'inlayson ease, svee tfieeJIowedl
Ordered th a hat and coat racks be
placed in court r om.
Bill of If H Holmes alia wed. .Sun
dry Sheriff, foes, for s.-rvii; hu j!i ei.a
in Finlayson cast? a! I owe L
W M Sawyer appointed supervisor of
District No. 4.
S K Young, plows arrtl sc r jse r
.1 B Coney, sup't bri d(re repairs . . 5.80
l)MTI t LimitcHl.due or. B0teS7iW.O0
I'hll Cohen, mdse 1.0J
(teo Humphrej, making transcript
of ileliDtiuent tax list
Foshay i Mason
LE Blain cdxe for county poor .
(ieorge Humphrey, attendance u
Glrcuit Court
r W Watts, printing
Mertsn & Dvgert. record.
9S. 7.r
10 (K
ol s
J II Peerv. ierc. ntagi- on setsoel
fund 8880
J A Crawford, water works bill. . . G OU
(J Watts printing 8818 assessots
blanks f.9.7"
J M Irvlng.stationerT, etc 17.57
0 W H'atls. material for blanks . 20.00
J H Peery. 3 months salary 25100
J 11 Peery. express on .ioliM U)
Salem 18.55
Mrs J B Horner, aehool exutuitia
tioe T I. Duger -cli d exaiuiuaiiuii . .
tlraff & From, chairs
. 10.08
Y1V2 31
. 58118
. 11.57
. 5.00
. 86.11
leo Humphrey, sundry fees
C u Stewart, sundry lees
W B Donacu, aidse Mrs Sims
Was Italston. rent Mrs Sims.
C L Morris, keeping Co poor. .
Julia A Boss keepiiur Susan Car ne
m mourns
J T Hvde, keeplug llor.ico Davis
. s i-v AiS
lh days w
J R Campbell, Sh'ft Lane Co. fees 3.01)
Wishing to retire from business I now of
fenny entire stock of dry goods, clothing and
groceries at cost. My stock is new and ef
good quality and many new goods aro being
added to them. Old customers eaa have tin
til January 1st, 1SS3 in which to pay for pur
chases made after date without interest.
Lelier List
Tae tonowinn to tho ".1st of letters reiaaJ jing
in the Post Office. AlUany. IJnu county. Ore-
ron, statP 10th, 1SS4. Persons ralltna tor those
'tiers must sjlvetUo date oa which tltry wero
Foster, W H "rsdy, James
Ksneday, V NowUm, Misi Mariom
Rosen berir, J M 4 Co lleiison, Ai.Uy J
feats, F t
I', a. surgcua Keeeomutcada.
Dr. J. M. O. Phecton, is a U. S. Ex
Surgeen.residing now at Bloomingtou
Ind. The Dr. writes, to say : "I reccom
mend Samaritan Nervine because it cures
epilepsy.'' Physicians, generally, are
its friends.
WHITE. Uu April 8tu, 1S!4, to the wite
of Johnson White, i:i Orleans precinct a
This is Mr White's seyenth boy, and ho
wishes it be understood that he is doing bis
duty towards increasing the number of Dem
ocratic voters.
MURPHY. In this city. April Wth, 1884,
oi croup, Lloyd Fay Murphy, son of Ro
bert A and Suaio Murphy, born August
20th, 1883, aged seven months, twenty-six
Grafton, Dakota, papers pUase copy.
PA1 I VJ F.D KKPTEMBBK 2:b, 180 .
This Mil reprtwsntM the Terr Wrought
ri.-n Hanger, and otlioti of Wrought
Kail, in portion. 'J he rail Is far euperP.r
tw any rn.w In ue It never ds-esssaj or
warps, is always in good work. rig order,
and muoit. I ret cIsasaT or dirt cannot
sVoeamttlsse oa the track, aals tho eaee
with cast rail. It requires no abed over it,
:u: 1 any one can put It up Ibo rail is
made of one by :;- ineli Wrought Iron,
in s.x and eight foot strips. 1 be siipporU
twalTO inches Sart. and aregauran
l ril to hold tin heaavleat slnnr
with wooden strins. It cannot -jet ofTtLa
Albany, Oregon,
n-ath or nus aiaoa Most.
Oa last SnOslaj Miaa Ahna Story, sister ef
atfO, DeSM MoaUith, of this city, died at the
i aeas of her father io Hast Portland, of ooa-
o ption. M:as 5tory was well known in
Albany, where ahe could count her friends
by the score. The following from tho Demo
rrntir Kra is a just tribute to tbe memory of
an aWsaSBaabii oucg woman .
"Mioa Alma btory hat lived in onr city
rossj :i. Bee was a graduate ef tbe
Porthvn.i High S.hool class of 79. Of an
unassuming disposition and possessing those
ftner il ihalitisi which seem part of a true
woman's nature, sho waa the idol of a very
large circle of f. 'leads. It ia haid to bo forced
to realize that site is with us no more.
Harder still will it be, when visiting those
places where oho was once a constant visitor,
toades her familiar face. Whoa we think
ef iitr cjntagioua good aatura and pare char
adter, we cannot but think she is still with
eg in the land of the Uving ; but alas '. The
fates have decreed otherwise and many will
b the a. lent tear shed by those who wore
i.or friends and associates ia life. It is al
wave hard U part with those in whom we
re inlereated and doubly hard when those
we care for are just bedding into woman
ho.J." The Ha pits Charch.
The l lii-roTcmonts on the Baptist Charch
are nearly completed, aafllciently so as to
convey the idea that t will bo oac of the
handsomest in the county. A short des
cription wUl be in place at this tune. In the
frout part of the church a gallery has been
L-ill ia such a manner as to makoe small
ball in the center with two stovo rooms on
tliceidus, the whole three practically being
apart of tU3 nsiro of tho churcft. Tne
slairs to the gallery, a well made aod tasty
ttructure, are on the cast aide. On tbe back
M v hurch a large lecture room h a bossu
, with a small bbrary and stare room
on the north side. These will bo neatly
furuishe !. Between the lecture room and
the naive ot the church the pulpit has been
built, with folding doors between ths two,
arranged in such a way that there will be
one in each room when the do- ia are closed.
In the awstter of the pulpit is a commodious
baptismal font, which can be entered from
th.- IsctasTO room. The pulpit will be very
tine looking when finished. New eeats are
bcii4 constructed, from a handsome design,
and the whole will present a more than ar
il i .arily good appearance. Hochstedler A
Verne arc the builders, and deserve hearty
commendation tor taa aplea lid work they
havo aVasjS. Tli se desiring to see the charch
sh mid be present at the dedication services
one areak from neat Sunday.
it u want any aruc'.o in my store, call at
onj and make voir selsctioa as this will be
inv lost month in Albany.
itIIR!.r. aSIICt. S 4.LT&.
The best aalvo in the world for euta,
bruisos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, favor
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all kinds of skin eruptions.
TUs salve i guaranteed to glvo perfect
satisfaction la every case or moaey re
funded. Prieo .Vc per box.
Kor sale by Foshav A Mason.
Two building lots fencel noar depot.
Ono bouse and let on Third Sue j:. Oae
house and lot on Lyon Street, Inquire at
this ofBee,
Honey to Loam.
V s are now prepared to make loans ia
any sums desired ea improved farm bond in
Linn and Benton counties for any length of
time unt less than one year.
Sheriffs Notice.
To all jurors and witnesses In criminal
oases summoned o attend the Circuit
Court of Linn county, Oregon, to con
vene April 2ist, 18 51.
You and each of you are hereby notifi
ed that your attendance on said Court will
net be required.
By ordr af Hon RP Boise, Jus go of
said court.
Dated this 14th day of April,
Sheriff Linn Co., Or.
The partnership heretofore existing un
der tbe firm name of Allen A Mania hs
this day been dissolved by mutual coo-
sect, J. A. Martin retiring. N. H. Allen
continues in tbe bnsineas. and Is authoris
ed to collect all debts due said firm, and ia
to pay all indebtedness contracted by
Albany, Or., April lttb. 1S94,
N. H. Allf:,
J, A. Martin.
I take this opportunity of thanking1 all
for the liberal patrongae extended us in
the past and to say that I shall continue
tho business st tbe old stand, and wonld
renpectfully ask tho continuance of pa
tronage of both old and new customers.
New goods will be received by every
steamer until my stock Is completed
which will be sold for bed rock pricss, fo
cash and produce.
N, H, Aixkk,