The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 28, 1884, Image 3

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    Entered at the Post Office at Albany Or
m second-class mail matter.
Editor aa
ruir. srrris-, Leeai a-itur,
Official County ani City Paper.
AO. C. R. R, T1VS T.1BLS.
Albany Station.
Arrives at .
Departs at
souks south.
I Arrive at
( DtptrtiU
5:30 A. M
:00 A. M
11:45 A. M
126 P. M
11 A. M
105 P M.
3:30 P. M.
8:34 P. M.
All Trains daily, except Bandar.
NoTioa. On and after this date regular
tiokets will be sold at our tloket offloe for
follewing points on Columbia riven Upper
Cascade, Dalles, Umatilla, Wail u la,
Walla Walla and Ainsworth.
Will. R Rica,
Freight and Ticket Agent
O.AC.R.K. Co.
Albany. Jane 18th, 188.
A good cBtu i rem i b risers.
To every sabsorlber to the Democrat
who pays np his subscription and cen
tiaues his paper, ex pays in advance, we
will have sent to him the "Health and
Home" one year, without additional cost
The above paper la a large eight page,
forty column, monthly paper, and is full
of exes' lent reading matter A copy may
be seen at this office. The paper treats of
health, marriage, social science, domestic
medicine, hints en health, cookery, etc.
Thia affords our subscribers a chance to
get a good paper for nothing. Those de
siring the paper sent to them will please
state so at time of paying their subscription.
far FresMeal.
I n order that the preferences of the
readers of the Democrat, Democrat and
Republican, may be shown, each for his
own party candidates, we offer the fol
lowing piau of polling them. Take a
postal card and write as follows :
A. B. First choice.
C. D. Second choice.
E. F. First ehoiee,
G. H. Second choice.
And then send it to this office, as soon
as possible, aa the poll will be sloeed on
Thursday, April 3rd. No names will
be published and every man's vote will
be kept a secret.
What we Maaafartur
One may go all over the Northwest,
and will be sure to run across the pro
ducts of Albany Industry, of one kind
r another. Oar furniture, sawmills,
our chairs, our wire goods, our matches,
our flour, oar hay presses, oar fruit dry
ers, ear fruit presses, will meet you in
nearly every place, and it is a fact not
appreciated by many living ic our
midst that these things are giving us a
name, even though not extensive, as a
manufacturing city, which is bound to
be developed into one for which we will
feel justly p round, and even now not
equalled by any other place in Oregon.
It can sot be reiterated too often that
our water works are the finest on this
part of the Coast, we do not say this
egotistically, but because it can be
proved. There may be others more
powerful, but none so much under the
control of man, at the same time peas- praise, are ameng the let.
easing all tne power necessary to run have a bat to be relied on call at this store,
the Wheels of a Lowell. At thia time Of the seven yonag men who left for Oak
there is a steady, reliable life, centia- land Wednesday ia the employment of Best
aally not sees became some do not want A Althonse six are Republicans and ene is
to see it, which ins a res its succeae
F M French, jeweler.
Best harness at J J Dubrutlle's.
K. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or.
Tunnel Ne. 3 en the Oreson Pacific has
been completed.
The ekeapest house ia the valley E
Thompson A Co.
K L Thompson A Co. are making a seised
discount for cash,
All kinds and styles of harness at B
Thompson A Co.
A stock of new and fancy shirts lately re
eeived at L E Blaine.
For a cough or eold there is no remedy
equal te Ammen's Cough 8yrop.
Rev W D Nichols will preach at Halburt'a
school Jhouse next Sunday at 11 o'clock.
The freshest groceries and the earliest veg
etable are always to be found at Hoff man A
v a a a a
uemocratu- Primaries wm be neia en
Saturday of next week, Thea is when the
work is done.
A good a took, of the famous Burt sheet
has just been reeeived at L B Blain's. They
have no superior.
There was a much larger demand for extra
copies of the Democrat of last week taaa we
were able te sepply.
We have just reeeived Senator Dolph's
speech in faver of improving the mouth ef
Portland. Yaquiaa Bay is only mentioned
Let every reader of the Democrat send
in his vote for President as proposed in
another eolumn. It is becoming interesting.
Send on a postal at oaee.
The Oregon City Courier attacks the
woolen mill of that city for hiring Chinamen,
when there are white men leaving the place
for want of work.
Dannal's skating rink is well patronised .
It is open Tuesday, Thursday sod Saturday
evenings. Those desiring a healthy enjoy
ment should attend.
A deetor being oxamined in the murder
trial last week as an expert, we are told,
said that if the wound was necessarily fatal
it would probably cause death.
A handsome picture of Barthodi's great
statue, "Liberty Enlightening the World"
may be seen at this office. It was a present
from the Traveler's Insurance Co. , of Hartford.
Rev. J. T. Welfe will preach in the It.
E. church next Saturday af terneoa and Sab
bath morning. Public invited also at Trini
ty Chapel near Knox Butte on Sabbath at
4 o'clock P. M.
A sine well bucket was recently taken
from the hoase ef Mr Ca vines in this eity,
near the Baptist chsreh. The parties are
said to be keowa and if the bucket is not re
turned at once their names will be published.
Private dances are given U Pariah 's hall
every two weeks by a social club, to-night
being the time for their regular meeting.
We are requested te state that no one will
be admitted without presenting oae of the
Clubs tickets at the door.
At least two papers have disregarded the
laws of Oregon for a few dollars, by publish
ing the lottery sd ef the Louisana Lottery,
entitled Seveaty-oae-three-four. ' They
are the Xewt of Portland, aad The Dallee
Timet- Mountain er.
L E Blain has made arrangamsnts by
which he will keep on head a special line of
suits made from the Brownsville goods.
These clothes are equal to imported goods,
but are mnch cheaper, and should be wera
by all. Support hone industry.
If yon are suffering from a aease of extreme
weariness try one bottle of Ayer's Saraa par
ill. It will cost you but one dollar, and
will do yen incalculable good. It will do
away with that tired feeling, and give yen
new life aad energy.
Following is the length ef the six tunnels
oa the 0 A C railroad, between Redding and
Roseburg : Tunnel 1, a boot 340 feet ; tunnel
5, 531 feet ; tunnel 3, about 320 feet ; ton
nel 4, 1980 feet ; tunnel 3, 572 feet ; tnaael
C, 260.
Hats, lats of all kinds for men, youths,
and boys, at L E Blain's. The latest styles,
some of which are eliciting considerable
If yoa would
as a
The Cacue far 11.
a Democrat. Aa they will not return until
some time after the June election, it makes
it look quite dubious for the former party
Have you a cough? Sleepless nights need
lisfa anything detrimental to the interests Cherr7 Pctori1' Ufr "imag, will soothe
of the Oregon Pacific, had an article in tBMfl1 to quiet, allay the inflammation,
last Monday's issue in which an interview U(1 Ilow the needed repose. It will, mere-
wlth a civil engineer.who once worked en OTer speedily heal the pulmonary organs,
the road was given. According to it almost 4nd give you health.
no preparations had been made, to com- We would like regular correspondents ia
mence active operations, that fifteen gangu every place in the county, correspondents
ef Chinese were at work with only fifty
wheel borrows and some shovels, That
Mr White the Superintendent of construc
tion aaked fur forty horses and only got
one poor animal that fell down an em-
oau a. mem anu broae ats leg, that some
who will write each week, if only a few
items, and certainly there most be enough
in the county wko take an interest in their
locality to write np the news of the same
once in seven days.
Doc Irvine, ont on his reach ia the Bnttet
mm n WUr rntlintr a fir tram mith mmttmUm I
B V") I mmummmt I . 1 -A J I tL.
that Mr White left In disgust en account 7 7 ' 3 , . I '
w." n, mm Hunt UUI plowing ouawajr,
bat he protested that be thought it was
Monday. Hope he won't come ever oa Son
day, the 23rd. to attend the meeting of the
Central Committee. E. 0.
C W Watts, Job printer, has just received
ef mismanagement, and that the work en
the road is a grand farce, New, we are
told, on good authority, that the whole
trouble lies in a nutshell. Mr White was
discharged, being succeeded by Mr Gates,
and the civil engineer wanted a job, and
could net get it, and so they propese to "piendid lot of horse cuts, ordered espeical.
get even by running down the road. This lv for the profession. Oae of the number is
will have little influence with those who cut of the famous Percheron horse, which
understand what ia being done.
Phoebe Ceaxlaa.
Arrangements are being made to have
Phoebe Couzins, the talented young law
will be of great advantage to the owners of
that stock. Get Watts to do venr ioa Drint-
The News has again put in an appearance,
with its second hand dispatches. The fact
The young men ef Albany are becoming
alarmed at the effects of cigarette smoking,
and many ef them are swearing off and using
their best efforts to stop the injurious habit
A young man ia a neighboring city is said
te be lyiag at the point ef death oa account
of the use ef cigarettes, and from evey quar
tor reports are heard aearly as bad. Several
Albany boys have lost nearly all ef their
bloom by this habit until they look aa yel
low aa a dish rag, and it ia about time tksy
Gentlemen who have aa eye for beautiful
jewelry for their own wear, should call at
ths store of L K Blain aad examiae the stock
which he has just reeeived from the Bast
I hs line of cuff button, pins, chains, etc,
is uncommonly novel and is attracting the
attention ef all lovers of the beautiful and
new. Designs never before seen are intro
duced. These desiring to ebtaia the latest
should examine this stock.
The store just east of the harness shop of
J J Dubruille, has been elegantly fitted up
and will soon be tilled with one ef the finest
stocks of millinery goods ever brought te
Albany. Miss M Foster, the proprietor has
had experienoe in the busi ness, and intends
conducting a niilliuery store where all ths
atest styles can be found at the meet tea-
sooable rate. Due announcement will be
made of the time of formally opening the
Mr & G Casiok died at his hems in Linn
county, six miles east of eoie, Tuesday night
last week, aged 72 years. Deceased was
aa uncle of Dr Cueiok, of this oity. He hsd
ived thirty years on the farm where be
breathed his last. He died ia the ripeness
ef years, aad the fulness ef honor and esteem.
What mere honor oaa a good mas want than
ths sincere friendship and resoeot ef al
with whom he has met ia life ? Socm States I
The Hepner OatetU ia a year old, and
thia ia the way it gushes ever the fact i Bora
ia early childhood and spanked around by
debts on every hand, it has had a hard row
to hoe during the first year oi its existence,
and more than once it looked as though the
little bantling would run up against a flnaa
cial barbed wire fenoe and tear itself to pie
oca. But close handling, together with
week-day, Sunday and night work have kept
the eoacern on the open range and brought
is out of its first financial trials to the be
ginning of soother yesr.
Last week three young men, living at
flarriaburg, being Kd Hendee and two
Morris boys went hunting in the mountains
east of that eity. They became separated
during the hunt, but when it came time to
return home the Morris boys were unable to
find their companion. They hunted steadly
two days for him, bat could get no trace ef
his whereabouts, and finally were compelled
to return home without him. The effort to
find him was continued, bat at last a counts
nothing had bees heard ef the leet man.
When a Dallas girl wants her fellow to go
heme she takes down her back hair. Eageae
City girla take off their shoes. Salem girls
say, ' It's time fer my dearest Charles te
uaclasp his circling anas aad hie away to
his patreaal domicil . " Oregon Ci ty girls are
mere particular and lees demon tra tire ;
they simply say "Sonny, time's up ; git !"
In East Portland they don't give out hints,
and the fellows stay as long as the "lamp
holds out to burn. " In Albany the maternal
ancestor rushes into the room just as the
couple begin to get into each others aflec
tioas, at ten o'clock, and yells ia stentorian
notes, "Here, Sarah Jane, it is bed time ;
young man, your ma wants on."
On next Tuesday the Distne. Teachers In
stitote meet in Albany. There will be
nearly one hundred teachers present, all of
whom should be eatertsined by the citizens
ef this place. We have obtained a good
reputation for hospitality, and let ns net
Suae it by say back eliding nt the present
time. These Institutes are among our great
set educators, and deserve encouragement.
Net only are they of the u Unset importance
to teachers, but every citizen, old and young
oho takes an rate rest in educational matters.
would receive a great benefit by being present
at all of the sessions.
The April number of Frank Leslie's Pop
ular Monthly is even more interesting than
usual, and ia replete with instruction and en
tertainment. The embellishments are ad
mirable. The opening article, "How Uni
form Standard Time Came About," abounds
with information. There are alee illaetraUd
articles by Waller E McCann, etc. Etta W
Pierce continues her great serial, and there
are short stories, sketches, etc. There are
poems by Sidney Gray, etc., and a large
variety of short articles, paragraphs, anec
dotes, etc. There are 12S quarto pages and
ever 100 illustrations in each number, aad
the price ia oaly 25 cents, or $2.50 per year,
postpaid. Mrs Frank Leslie, publisher, 03,
55 and 57 Park Place, New York.
Whether tne United States are to regain
their former pre-eminent rank as a commer
cial and naval power on the sesa, ia a ques
tion that ae American ean contemplate with
indifference. The subject ia disss seed with
marked ability in the North America Re
view tor April, by the Hen Nelson Dingley,
M. C, by Cspt John Cod man. Judge J A
Jameson, in the aame number of the Review,
discusses ths question, "Shall Our Civiliza
tion be Preserved." The Rev Dr Philip
Schaff gives a sketch of the "Development of
Religions Freedom." Dr Felix L Oswald
writes of "Chances in the Climate of North
America.'' Prof C A Egaert offers "A Plea
for Modern Languages" in the higher eduea
tion, and Julian Hawthorne discourses of
Literate rs for Children." Finally, thers
ia a discassien of ''Recent Criticisms of the
Bible," by the Rev Dr R Heber Newton and
the Rev A G Mortimer.
Mr Grant Height has just returned from
Y equina Bay.
Miss Nellie Reynolds, of Salem Is visiting
friends in this eity.
W. A Peterson, of Lebanon, oalled on as
Mr Clay Marshall is aew on his farm in
Eastern Oregon, where he will remain sever
al months,
Mr Wo N Kirk, the handsome oemposi
tor ef the Uautt ef Corvallis, waa la Albany
Saturday evening.
Mr Ernest Cbeadte, who haa heea liviag
ia Eastern Oregon several years, is viaitiag
his mother in this pity.
Mr Frank Wheeler aad wife have moved
user Alkali, ia Waaoo oounty, where Frank
has taken up a farm, on which they will live.
We wish them aaoooss.
TedCurran and several other drivers fer
Rebisoa A West have been ia the oity this
week, as soon as it raias Ted says he wil.
have the logs oa the read to thia oity.
Al Uoiugs one of the sarvsying party new
looking up a route fer the Oregon Pacific
across the Cascade Range, was lathe oity
Monday, when he made us a vary pleasant
Mr Jason Wheeler aad wife letorned trees
Alkali, oa last Moaday, after an abeeooe of
two or three weeks, both much improved in
health. He was not at "Hoes Heavea" at
all aa stated by the Yaquina 'oaf.
E L Bristow, business manager of the
Stamford was ia the oity last Wednesday te
establish a route for the daily Standard here.
The Standard is new a member of Che Asso
ciated Press aad receives fall telegraphic
Ou Wedaesday aight Chaa Hideout, Jas
Foster, Jr., Mack Meatoith, Wm Richards,
Leon Bean, Wm Fertmtller and Dick Conn,
all ef this city, sailed from Portland for Haa
Francisco, where they go ia the interest Of
Best A Althouse, and -will assist ia setting
up grain cleaasrs during the coming sum
mer. We look fer them to give Albany a
good name.
Te all the B as aerate of Uaa Ceualy,
I here announce myself a candidate fer
nomination for the offloe of School Superic-
ten dent I have filled the offioe for two
years, aad have labored hard to advance the
educational interests ef this ceontv. aad
flatter myself that the activity and interests
in that direction were never greater, aad the
school affairs were never ia a better ooadi
tioa, ia thia oouaty. I have traveled, lectur
ed, talked and written oa the educations1
interest all over the ooanty, until we have
more schools, and better, a higher grade ef
teachers than were ever before in toe county
And from the general expression ef approba
tion from perseas of all parties. I am led
to belie vs a vary large majority of the peo
ple desire that you continue me ia this offloe
another term, I am now better prepared to
do two years work ia oae, than nay aew
man is. te do ene years work ia two, I waat
ths office, aad if you will give it to me again,
I will bring honor to every person ia the
county. I here return my masks for honors
already conferred, and will aever betray a
trust, or dishonor a position is which you
s.ay place n
Very Respeetfally.
P. A. Mosaa.
sab eel Teaches lastttate.
Following Is the program of the loatl
into which, aaeato in this otty next Tues
day, April let, aad, 3rd aad 4th, 1194 i
vkni-o gasatoif -7 o'cloc k.
Addraas of Welcome 1 F Mil', Prlrcl
pal Albany Public (schools.
Reapoaae M A Miller, Lebanon.
Leoiare-Education Through the Senses
-Ilev F S Knlght,8up't Deaf Mute School.
Lecture-Rev F P Tower, ef Salem.
MouNimj sKHiian w o'clock.
rganlstloo of Instltuea-Sup't E B Mo
Educational A Hal r of Uun County-
sup'tPA Meeee.
Ma sic.
Ortbegrapby-Melhode of-Wllbur NofT-
singer, Principal II si soy Pnblle Hohoels,
Mew loseoureil'uuotuality D V S Held.
Principal Public Sohools, Harrleburg.
Discussion- What praotloal uses can be
made ef Newapapera In Publlo Nchoolav
Leaders -W F Wlllmmaon, Yamhill
oounty and Hen T J Htltes, Albany.
Discussion -Beet Methods of Teach I na
rreaooR session -1 oVux.-k.
Commercial Education In Public Sohools
J B Horner, Principal N Brownsville
Publlo Hcboola.
Keaay The Dull Pupil"-Mine R O
Klrkpatrlok, Albany Public (schools.
Msanaer Expedients found Helpful m
Dally School Llfe-W R Prlvett. Prlaclpal
Public Sohools, Jefferson.
The importance of Keaay Writing
Meaas te Secure IlPreandeat E N Good ft
Albany College.
Topical Methods of Teach log Geography
I W Jarvla.Independeaoe Pub. Sohools,
Discussion - -De the Pobllo Schools edu
cate children above the position which
they are to occupy In life ? -Leaders -J U
Jewett, Principal H bed el School aad J F
UUI, Principal Albany Sohools,
svaatao senate 7.30 o'clock.
Lecture President D T Stanley, State
Normal School, Monmouth.
Lecture President B L Arnold, Slate
Agricultural College. Corvallle,
afoaaiKo aaasios 0 o'clock.
Institute Work Sup't PA Mesea.
Dally Duties of the Teacher - - M iaa Usaie
Cornellua, Turner Public Schools.
School Hygiene Dr D M Jones, Albany
Oranlaatlon and Govern meat in Schools
J N Goitre, of Eugene.
How to Teach Manners and Morals J
A Sell wood, Principal North Seism Pub.
Disc u snioswTbo Support aad Advanoe
aent of our Public Schools. -leaders -W
NoftVnger, Halaey Scheola and J B Hor
ner. Brownsville Schools.
Dlacusfiion The question of Corporal
Arrcaaoox aaaejaaj -l 0' u a.
Mistakes In School Management
Lene, Principal Bethel Hcboola.
Dlacuselen Reooss or ne Reeeaa Sup't
L H Baker, Ymbill county.
Physical tocography -Its Purposes aad
a art of the Pnblle acheels.
Follewing le the report of the Albeny
Publlo Sehools for the month ending
March Slat, 18S
let, 2nd, 3rd aad 4th grades whole No,
daye attendance, 340 ; whole No of days
abseaoe, 101 ; No enrolled, 52 ; av. No be
longing, 47.5 ; av. dally attendaaos ,42.47 ;
per cent attends nee. 90.
th grade whole No. daye atteadaaoe,
704 ; abaeace, 80 ; enrolled, 67 ; av, Ne.
belonging, 50; av, dally attendance, 52;
3 cases of corporal punishment : per cent Metbeda-Sup'l F Rigler, Polk county
attendance, 93. Phyatoal Culture In Hcboola J O Wye-
6th crade- whole No, days aUea dance j koff Albany College.
710 : daya abeeooe, 70 : enrolled, 40 ; av. Music.
belonging, 39.3 ; av, dally attendenee,S5.e; Discussion- What are the Comparative
1 case coriiorat punish meat ; per cent at- Meriu Mixed aad Graded Schools
tendance, 90. 1 Leadern- H O Hntehlneon, Principal La-
Bast Wai d- Da vs attendance. 783 : dava nystUSchools.-J H Jewetthedd School
abaeace. 13 : enrolled. 45 : av. belonalns. nd Abase of the English Lang-
87.45: av. dally attendance. 80.05 i aer uage-NRev W S Yonng, ef Turner.
cent attendance, 97,
Weat Ward Daya attendance. 075 ; days
absence, 81 ; enrolled, 52 ; av. belonging,
V.t ; av. dally attendance, 33.75 ; per cent
atteadaace, 95,
ar lalereats.
BTanviau sassioa 7 JO o'clock.
Address The Study of English Litera
tura H L Benson, Principal Drain Aeat!
Add res Rev J W Sprlggs, of Salem.
Lecture- President E C Anderson, Mo-
feaaell FffeeeesUaaa.
Tueeday evening, March 26th, 1884. c
Present Msyor, Recorder, Marshal and
Aid Woodin, Brush. Feshay, Briggs. Ah-
seat Issm and Menteith.
The Committee en Streets reported that
Hob Dicer's hay scales were en line with shade
trees aad that the sidewalk adjoining the
bare was as near ea grade as similar ap
preaches te barns and warehouses. Oa me
tion the report waa adopted,
City Marshal reported that be had fixed
soms of tne street lamps to prevent ohimaies
from breaking, but with no success. On
motion he was instructed to close the eeath
and west sides of the lamps so as to keep out
rata and water.
Committee oa Health aad Police reported
that they had cxamiaed the drain oa Hroadal-
bia street adjoining block 48,and recommend
ed that the catch basins be lowered so as to
carry off the water. Adopted, aad oomrait
tee ea Streets, and oity Marshal were in
strnoted to have the work doae in she meet
ecenemical and practical manner.
The fouowiag bills were ordered paid : R
R Oroeby, $2.75 I C Diokey, $32.75 ; Rob-
iason A Wsst, $4.75 ; A B Moll wain, 80;
John Usher, $3 N J Heatoo, $0.75 ; R R
asspbrcy. $77.11 t W N Miller. $70.
W 0 Tweedale presented petition ef 32
citizens aad taxpayers ef the First Ward,
askiag (er sewer ea Calipoeia street, from
Willamette River te Sixth street. Referred
to Committee en Streets.
Mr Jeha Althaeas reported sewer along
the west liae of Lyea street as daanagiag bis
property by overflew. The Marshal was in
structed te notify the eweer of the ditch te
repair the same.
Ordinance No. 120 waa reported, read
three times and adopted. The asms is pub
lished in another eolumn.
The Committee ea Ordiaaaoee wee in-
s true ted to report amendment to Ordinance
9, section t.
Resignation of Wm N Miller aa aight
fctch aad engineer waa accepted.
Taeeday, April let waa fixed as time fer
Counc.l to sitae Beard of Equalisation.
A A Roberts, recommended by Ne 2 s was
laaimeaaly elected night watch and ea-
giacer, the Recorder being instructed te east
the aallot ef the Coaaoil fer him.
a ruin Safcjeet.
However much food for diacuasion a
murder trial may cause la a community
it Is an affair ao one ceurls even tor tbe
purpose ofoetal nlag aa excitement fer a
few days. Yet murder Is a part of tbe
history of nearly all communities, and
It Is a matter which moat necessarily be
brought Into Courts el r'.stlce. It is a
good, ao well as astaral provision of tbe
laws of the land that amsa Is at guilty
ef erirne until it Is proven against him,
by a competent Court ef Justice and be
Is cousldered Innocent until tbe eppo.
site Is established in tbe same way. It
Is for this reason that, however guilty
a person may be considered, he haa a
right to a fair and honorable trlai by a
Jury ef bis peers, and most writers oa
ethics, make It a matter deserving of no
eeasure to defend such a criminal so
og as it h done in aa open manner.
I have Just read that a man worth
$1000 lu cash is willing te start a nail
factory in a certain place If the citizens
will contribute the ether $40,000. Oco
ereut man. This is becoming tbe style
of tbe preeent day. A subsidy is aaked
fer everything. It baa become fashion
able to take advantage of tbe wants of a
community te bleed It. A railroad is
built, and notwithstanding tbe fact
that It has a big land grant. It aeka from
every community a big subsidy In the
bargain, and, then, when tbe reed Is
completed, forgets all about tbe matter
aad makes the famers aad merchants
pay an exhorbitant price for transporta
tion . S long as a corporation gets the
complete business of a community it is
difficult to find language which will de
fine the act of dem&adining a large sub
A person In order (olive and prosper
In this world haa to turn hla hand to
everything, aad watch all tbe little de
tail The farmer should ralae enough
butter, vegetables, etc.. to support blm,
but Instead of this In many caeca mat
ters run themselves. The beet example
"Kvery dog haa his dsy" is an eld but ef Dbrprlse I havo seen lately la that of
truthful saying The Dsaoi-aar has for l XM who readied a place In Vf ash.
la a ama la- . a a .
vun nui.u.1 nn ik. f.M n,. .t,.-.k 1 mgion rerriiory toe oilier aay wun
The asclent wound builden.of tbe Oe rolliag west
Disturb not tbeir slumbeis, O I lirsissol their rest,
for hendrue of years, hare they lain ea Um shore
or the beautiful Willamette, where tee rsy eagles
aaeirertae WUla
sections of the Northwest have hem ebtain
mg most of ths immigration, this would not
set, and that the Willamette Valley on ae
count of its greater natural advantages would
ultimately become tbe teat of the priaeipal
immigraUoe. Thia ia now aboat to be veri
fied, we speak this with great confidence
the year 18S4 Will ceo tbe tide turning ia fall
ist toward tbe WUamette Valley aad
Southern Oregoo. The following from the
Portland TeUyram increases our ooafidenoc
in this : That people may know how many
now earners are arriving in Portland it is re
ported that aearly 100$ persons have eesse
into the eity during the past week, aad of
the aomber aearly all are settlers who will
lake op land er locate in the email country
towns thiougheut the WUlamette valley.
A aamber are goiog te the Seead country,
bat it ia noticeable that the rush for that eee-
tioo ia small compared with hut year. The
Willamette valley aad Sen there Oregon at
tract most of those who come from the east
to Portland."
DraemaUr Balertala
The drama "Black Eyed Susan" and ths
farce "Good for Nothing Nan" were pro-
tod at Crawford's Opera House on last
Friday aad Saturday evenlnga to good
konse. Following were the casta of
Miss Nettie Porter Black Eyed Susan
Miss Clara Kelfer Dolly Mayflower
R A Rohmaa oee ....... William
R A Hotartr .......................... 0it CrOsaAsTwMi
J W Foster OnaUbraln
Alfred Ewert Jacob Twin
Walter Porter ,. Dog grass
C Q Rldeoat Admiral
$18 ia his pocket With that ho bought
twelve cans of oysters at $1 a can, a to
bogon tor $2 and some eatables for f 4.
Thea be started fer CoerD'Alene mines
without a cent In his pocket. Within
two boars after reaching Eagle City be
had eold the oyetera for $06 and the to
bogan for $, getting $101 fer what he
paid $18.
A calf died la The Dalles tbs other day
from eating a leaf of tobucco, leaving a
great many tobacco eaters feeling lone
some. It is a strange fact that a man
ean stead what will poison a benst.
The arraignment sf M C George by
Col Hogg for having betrayed his trust
by throwing away his Influence for Ya
quina Bay for party purpeses. Is a seri
ous one, and one deserving of thorough
A a exchange becomes witty by sayiag
that a coat of paint and a dogs pants
were recently stolen, but this is not as
bad aa the terrible loo of tbe aboee of a
womaa after a neighbors hens, lathis
The manner in wbich tbe wicked
And when tbe snow falls Id dee drifting piles,
High upon tbe mounts and In tbe defiles
Of the leng ran re of Mils and UUapoeat spwrv,
B-wlinf tbe pines, ttieeeders and Bra.
And mercury ouniM down to aero or more
Warned by the sea winds while drlftisg before,
Comes dewn the shy deer to grace ea tbe plain,
or suum neatii tbe nr sheltered frm rain.
And while all of Europe was immersed ia deep war,
Mayhape tbe wild people were ebastag tbe deer
That sought the mild valley from snow and frotu starm
Use humans who gfro m fempcrae te warss.
Thus hundreds ef years e'er white man bad trod.
Through M Ion's deep forest or on Una sous ties sod,
Here a nation unknowa te civiiiaed saaa,
Built great eartUen mounds in this then una now Ucd
I've been told that of late, a doctor of sots,
liae broken a mound and tome history See wrote,
"I tbe perswne there buried la war ae they fell,
Or in peaee, or dissension, no person oaa tell.
This much can they uil, this much and no mor,
That a nation eiisted for ttbtsries befoie
America was known to the rest of tbe world.
Or Ameriog VespUvia bis white calls unfurled.
Tbe p.W now esistin? is plain to the view,
On a mound a fir tree soma fou r feet t breach.
To say nothing of aks near as htrjm, it not quite
Have arows ou tbe wounds, 'Is piass be le right.
Tliey have sprung from tbe set I, ',,.,. building was
T believed this strange people am e worshiped tbe
Uae tbe great Mentezutaa and tbe Asters of fame,
W.m, fell by tbe swords of tbe subjects ef Sfnin.
Lot Baows.
Asalaat Ibe Law mf O
The manner in which newspapers have
chances of making their fortunee is men
by tbe folfowing just received at this
New York, March IS. 18S4.
Publisher of Albany Dkbiocbat.
I'leaae Insert one time In your Weekly
the enclosed Hem. beaded ' Seventy-One,
Three Four-Two." Pisco among your
reading extracts ai if selected by you, and
net in usual reading matter type, mod not
among paid items in advertising type.
Tb.a and niuiilar articles are genuine, and
are of public interest. Charge me $10.
Must go in at onee or not at si L Tho pries
will not be advanced, arid mere ia no time
for correspondence.
N. B Mail marked oopy containing to
M A Dauphin, New Orleans, La., in eu
eiosed wrspper.
Yours truly,
J. H. Bans.
Tlio item referred to la just seven inehee
leng, the price U liberal, but tbe article is
for the infamous Louisiana Lottery, ao
that we respectful ly decline. If aa article
headed as above is seen in any of the
Stats papers, it aaay be known that they
are violating tbe lawa of Oregon in pab
liabing tbo same, and deserve being punched.
Ammtti'i Cough Syrup is net a patent
medicine. No patent has been asked tor or
obtaiaed open it. To protect tbe public
from counterfeits and imitation, the saaaa
fact u re r has had the label registered in ITaah
isgtoa. The syrup is made from pure sad
costly drugs, sad cannot be sold as cheap
to tbo dealer as the oo earner patent medi
cines that are simply made to sail, whisk
explaioa why dishonorable druggists or deal
era try to sell you something else when asked
for Ammen's Coagh Syrup. It is upon tbo
market upon its own merits. Yoa oaa bay
a sample bottle for IS coots, upon which, at
the wholesale price, the manufacturer makes
nothing. Ask to see a large bottle, and read
the label.
aaleal lasti as sale.
J. II. Daniel now baa a complete line
! of musical instruments of all kinds for
CeleUlal buys stolen chlskens from that consisting of the Mathuahek
. . a . , . 1 ... 1
oaa ooys oi aioany excites um ivoraoi
comment, sad certainly entities some
of them, could it bo proven that they
do It knowingly, to be made tbe target
of the spurs of a game rooeier.
The amout paid fer witness fees In
erimlaal easee in the Courts of tbe
State of Oregoa, ie really astonishing.
The witaess should only get enough to
nay his actual esaenees. aad it is net
av "
, piano, the Shoniager organ, fiddles,
j violins, guitar, etc., as well ae tbo
; latest sheet music. His instruments
era all of ths beet grades, and are sot
the cheap trasn, so that when you get
aa instrument ef any kind you may
know that you are getting one that will
last and bold its tune.
..Lieut Pike I right for one to get two dollars a day
fara five minutes attendance In Court
Thomas Mooteitb, Jr
Fred Wnlttlsr Hatchet
Vf K Brink ... . Oni.l Knalavralnl
Alfred Ketcbem Me weed oaee a day for aaeral daya. The object
Master George A lion man Blue Peter ,f criminal caaes is not to furnish bust
ness foi wltneaaea,but to protect society
aeon von rothino haw.
Mies Nettle Porter
R A U oh
K A Poster
Thomas Moatetth, J r
Alfred Kwert.
s esaseeess .........
icoeo iSiCBpawOD
ia which all are alike interested.
The flrat af tbe week sixty tons of ma- MmnT' Co"H.
teriala for grain cleaners, were shipped
from this city, by Beat dt Althouse.
bound for Oakland, Cal, where they will
be sold and set up tbe coming summer.
Mr Bast left a few days before overland
for California, while Wedaesday night Hsrshnsr, Principal Bclo Publlo Schools.
seven ef our bert youag men left Port- Diagrams--- A Handle, Principal La
land by steamer for tbe earns place, Creole Academy
this city have Pper' and wiU mk nPPnlr
re,and already . A " GoWwdK a few daya
al a, a.1 a s w
yer, of St. Louir, come to the Northwest, 9 nmme 01 BP mon
' I cVbVa au - f Al a. lsa 9
and dfilivfir a eoria. nf if,,. Aiw. mi tne swcs-noiaers, cenaemne
ent subjects. Tbe ladies of
taken tbe matter in hand here
have about a hundred tickets pledged, ,lBce WM twel7 iBjursd by a stone hurled
which will inanre bar etmise t aihenw Mrm "priog bow ia the hand of another
If ahe visits tbe North west. This will be I ho ,nd ifc thoQg&t he will act live. Al
a rare treat, wbich everybody should take 1 bany boya wko use these spring bows,should
advantage of, Tbo writer has heard take warning
School directors who wish to secure tbor.
oughly qualified and carefully trained teach
ers for tbeir schools, should write to Pteei-
dsnt D T Stanley at the State Normal School,
Monmouth, It they will describe their
school and tell tbe kind of teacher wanted
and the wages paid, they will be refcred to
a teacher suited to them at once.
In rendering his decision oa the motion for
a new trial last Friday in the Finlayson
case, Judge B P Boise, mads the fallowing
truthful statement, which should be impress-
sd oa the mind of every law abiding citizen
Phoebe Couzins, and can speak for her
powers as a speaker. She is talented,
polished, refined, and holds an audience
almost spell-bound, probably having a o
superior among the women of America as
a lingaist, Unlike some public womsn
she is fins looking, if net hanisome, in
our judgment the best looking of the pub
lic women we hare had the pleasure of
seeing. Combine these qualities with a
richly stored mind, and a silvery tongue,
and an attraction is presented not to be
resulted. When she comes to Albany
there should be no ha'l laree enoue-h to
bold the audience which should greet her. ( of tno United States : "The man who dees
Arrived aad la Style.
The time of the year has come when
men and boys, as well as nature, clothe
themselves in new garments. Mr. L. E
not read a newspaper and has no opinion ia
not a substantial citizen." Subscribe for
the Democrat
The interest ia the union meetings at tbe
Coart House en Sunday evenings does not
decrease. Thav have been the mnana nf nrn.
Blain has just received a well selected duciag some extra sermons, and of making
iocs: oi suiis mr oia ana young, men many realise that the members ef ene church
and boys, which those wile wish to keep are as much entitled to the title of Christisu
m wl a . at s
uP wibu me aeasoB, snouia call aad ex- aa those of another. The spirit displayed
asnice, l ae siock is a goerj one and one by the Clergymen in working together for
woicai will attract attention. I common cause ia a commendable one.
Ao Ordinance to prohibit the use of fire
Be it ordained by the Gomroon Council oj the
L'uyof Albany.
Sac. I. It shall be unlawful for any per
son to ignite, tire, or explode aav fire crack
arc, bombs, explosives, er other fireworks of
any ducnption whatever within the follow
ing limits in ths city of Albany ; namely
that portion of said city lying between Third
street ana tne Willamette mver, and ex
tend from Vise street te Jackson strset.
Sic. II. Any person who shall have incit
ed, fired, or exploded any fire crackers, bomb
explosive or other fireworks whatever, in
violation oi Section 1. hereof, shall be deem
ed to be guilty ef a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction tnereol before tbe Kecorder. shal
be punished by a fine not exceeding five dol
tars, or imprisonment not sxceed two days
Sac. III. Any Ordinance er Darts of Or.
dinances in conflict with this Ordinance are
hereby repealed.
Sec. IV. Thia Ordinance to be in foree
from and after five daya after its publication.
Paaaed the Council March 25th, 1884.
Approved March 36th, 1884.
Atteet : J. L. Hill,
N. J. Henton, Mayor.
City Recorder.
My Wire Mad fits.
"For 35 years." say a our correspondent
Henry Clsrk, of Fairfield, Lenawee Co.,
Mich,, "my wife haa fits, They would
last about an hour, and sometimes longer,
Samaritan Nervine has permanently cured
.afoasiBO asaaioB 0 oVlcck
Grammar Me. hods of Teaching A F
where, they will assist in putting ap
these machines, which are Justly be
coming very popular in California.
This speaks for one manufacturing In
terest in Albany, aad shows that st least
in the matter of grain cleaners Albany
baa reasoa to feel proud.
ii s m,m ajawMPM waw-naa
Beots aad Shoes.
las please a Is.
trrait tuart.
I have ob exbibitioa at my Warehouse the
Planet Junior Farm and Garden Implement.
Something that every ene making s garden
either in town or country wanta. These are
ths most jyopnlar garden implements in the
United Statea.
SaxCBL E. Yocho.
I have just received my Spring stock ef
ladies, misses and ohildrens shoes, whloh I
have bought direct from the raaaufacturer
fer cash, as middle men. I am per pared te
give yoa better value for year moaey than
ever before, aad shew yen the
meat this side ef Portland. I make specialty
of the beet and shoe has in ess, aad buy ia
quantities that enables me te compete with
aay house on the Coast is qaality aad price.
Call and tee for yourtel. Ne trouble te
shew goods.
Samuel E. Yocko,
Temperance Bally.
Character the End of Education -J L
Gilbert, Principal Hantlam Acadsm, Leb
Class Management H B Elworthy,
Principal Soath Malsm Publlo Schools.
Exhibitions and Literary Exercises In
Schools Mum Alias Tatom, Independence
Pnbllo Schools.
Moral Instractlon In Publlo Sohoola W
O Rrowa, ef Turner.
Ocoupatlea for Children In Primary
beat assort- School a-Miss Jennie Blaker, Shedd Pub
Ho Schools,
School Program President D T Stan
ley, State Normal School.
How to Secure end Maintain Order In
Publlo Schools Sup't J T Gregg, Marion
Essay -Mrs J B Horner, Brownsville.
Diacuasion Relations and Duties of
Directors to Pnbllo Schools,-Leaders L
H Montanye, Esq., of Albany aad John
Feshay, of Albany.
DieouaaioB How shall we secure a
greater local I merest in our Public Schools?
Leaders D V 8 Reid, Harrlsburg Sohools
Is II.
To-night (Friday) and Saturday night
March 28th aad 29th, there will be a
temperance rally at tbe Court House
under the supervision of the Li an Coun
ty Temperance Alliance. Dr J W
Watts, President of the State Temper- and J A Sell wood, Salem Schools.
ance Alliance win deliver aa addreas
on both evenings. A full house la de
sired, all taking aa interest, or not tak
ing an interest in the subject of temper
ance are requested to be present.
Monday morning a largs bony
looking substance measuring about a feet
each way, waa exhibited in front of the
stars of Foahay A kfsson , and many ware
the conjectures aa to what it was. As a
starter It was claimed that It waa taken
from the Cascade Mountains where it waa
found hurried fifteen feet under the earth.
Oae said it was a vertebrae from tbe hack
bone of an Indicn child, another that it
was a vertebrae from the whale that Jonah
swallswed, aaotbsr that it was a part of
the back bene of Sampson, another that
it was the knee pan ef a Corvallis girl,
another that it was taken from the oheek
bono of a San Francisco d rammer, etc
Later. We have since learned that It
was the vertebrae of a whale that left its
bones on the Cascade range so vara! years
sgo when that was an inland.
Uacle Sam's Rav
In a communication published in the
Army and Navy Journal, Commander J
The ether day an old gentleman stepped
inte the store of D. Bros. A Wstts st Sbedds.
Looking up be ssw some ladies hoops hang
ing ap. Turning to Mr. Wm. D. he said
"Note, ah, bird nets, I've cought lota of
quails is thsm ia the States." "Ob, no,''
aaid Mr. D., "thoee e hoopc,ladiea hoops."
"Oh. ho," aaid the Old gent, "I cea, I see."
W. C. T. I .
The next regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U. will be held at the hall corner Firat and
Waahingtoa streets on next Taesdsy after
noon at 3 o'clock, all officers arc requested te
present their usual reports at this meeting
few the year ending April 1st.
Mas. M. J. Townsbbo, Pres.
Miw. W. S. Peters, Sec
On last Satuaday in tbe esse of the State
against Charles B. Finlayson. A new trial
was granted, and the court set April 21 fer
tbe trial of tue same At that time a reg
ular jury will be called, and other business
will be t ran acted. A fair docket is expect
ed, and it is thought fire er six eases will be
Allen A Martin have their financial affairs
in shape and they arc now prepared to Bel
goods cheaper than ever for cash and pro
due only. Having had enough ef the credit
avstm they bow propose to sell for ready
pay. To our friesds and patrenc we kindly
extend our thanks both fer patronage and
blnrllv faalino- in our troubles. And to our
enemies would aay that we shall remain in
Albany to maEeit warm for them as usual.
All xx A Mabtiv.
Meaey te Lead.
We are now prepared to make loans ia
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to us on last years account most
call and settle the same within 30 days
from date, or tbe same will be placed
in tbe hands of an Attorney for collec
tion. Remember we mean all ac
count, great and small.
A i lbn A Martin,
Albany, March 11th. 1S84.
... .i ... e i ! i
The following representatives to the Grand
Ledge of the I. O. O. F. were elected by Al
bany Lodge No. 4 last Wednesday evening
J. K. Weaeherford, W. C. Tweedale and T.
J. Stitea. The Grand Lodge meets at Astoria
ia next month.
The best salve In the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, sslt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblaina,
corns and all kinds of akin oruptioaa.
This snlv is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfac ion m every case or moaey re
funded. Price 35c per box.
For sale by Foahay A Mason.
A Btartllaa B)lseevery.
Physicians are often startled by remark
able discoveries. The fact that Dr. Klngw
New Discovery for Consumption and all
Throat and Long diseases is dsily coring;
patients that they have given up te die. ia
startling them to realize their sense ef du
ty, and examine into the merits of this
wonder ni aiscoverv : reeuiunir in nun-
B Coghlan, U S N. atates that the consul- aama desired ea improved farm land in dredaof our beet Physicisns using it in
...i ' - i mA iw.n,. . J . - their practice. Trutl Bottles freest Foshay
Uaa ana Beaton counties ior aj - . Maion'a Drua-Store.
Btraace freak.
Masical and literary entertainment,
Special program of the Literary aad Mas
ical Entertainment will be furnished .
School officers and all friends of Public
School Education are invited to be present
and assist In the work of Institute.
Vrmilfin. fVinmlHu f A Una.. Qnn't.
wcujr murmug uauu T.lwn rvuivdw J T Clrmtra Sn-tt't Ifa-lAVl
Wheeler of this oity weat out to milk nty , Frank Rigler, Sup't Polk county.
me ww. Aitoraeparawngtneoaiirrom LH Baker, Sup't Yamhtli oounty, EB
tne cow, tne lormer was sslzed with a McElrey, pup't Pnbllo Instruction.
strrtnge attack and ran like lighting
speed against tbe side of the wood-shed
and bu rated it through, aad then began
a circling race around tbe yard, not
turniug to right or left to avoid anything
In its path. This it kept up fer some
time when it
1 died.
Dress Mahlag.
Miss Flora Koabaagk has just retnrned
from Portland with many new ideas sad
styiss about dress making. The Misses
Rumbaech have ananad a akon four doors
fell to the ground and j aast of S. E Young's Store, work warranted
to be first class, prices moderate. -
tations of eminent naval and other sur
goons, respecting his rheumatic attack,
failed to afford him the slightest rellsf.
By advlee of Dr Hoyle he used St Jaoob s
Oil, which wrought a complete and, he
says, wonderful cure. John Carr Moody,
Esq., lawyer at Vallejo, Cel.. was likewise
ured of 9 severe Joint trouble.
feet a re st M. E.. church
On r.ext Wednesday evening, Aprsl 2nd,
188a, Prof. Thos. Van Scey, President of
Willamette University will lecture at the
M. E. Church in this city. He should be
greeted by a full house.
letter List
The following is tho list of letters remaining
In the Post Office. Albany, Linn county, Oro
fon, March I9ta. LSat. Persons calling tor these
letters most give the date on whloh they were
Andrews, Mrs. Emma Bluno, Oeojge
Cess, Joseph Dick, Chas. A .
EAdleman, 11. W. Kenton, Hugh
Htner, Mrs. Clara E. Montgomery, ft. M.
Maughhan, Wm. May, K.
SVlngB, Mrs, Enma
J. IC IE VTNm, P. M,
time ant less than one year.
Regular slee 91.00.
Msaey Saved.
Two building lota ieaosd
Ona house and let on Third
house and lot on Lyon Street,
this office,
Fer Bale.
near depot.
Street. One
Inquire at
Three and a half acres of good garden j
land.all fenced.heuse and barn Jn western
edge of the city. Will be sold cheap
all at this offloe.
Allen & Martin must have mouey,and
now is yourtime to get bargains in dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, bats
and caps, e:o., from 26 to 60 per cent ean
be saved as goods will be sold regardless
of coste for cash, bow is your time to
buy. Call and investigate. 57 Firat
Street, Albany, Or.
BILES McCOY. On March 23rd, 1884,
in -ci by Eld A J Jarsugan, Mr Edward
1 Biles, ef Salem, and Miss Saram Mc
Coy, of Soto.
CURRIE Oa Tueeday, March 24th, 1884,
of euiok consumption, near Shedds, Miss
Cora Currib, aged about seventeen.
To Trade.
Wants to trade for residence or other
property in Adbany, one of the finest resi
dences with 4 lota in the city of Cher ey,
the eounty seat of Spokane county, W, T.
New and in first-class order, good well,
wood house and cellar. Addreas box 253,
Cheney, Spokane county, W, T.
bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wifr
owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP