Knterei at the Pjst Otnao At Albany , Or as second class mail matter. FcUDA MARCH 21, 1881 snrfia & hutiing. altera and tr rasar. crrnu. Lsaai Eiur. Official County ani Oity Papar. - tlbany Station. iiTi tt or to tt. OrD KOSTN. A LB A XT BXrBBSS Dsprta t FftUOHT TRUSTS MAIL TaAIS gjijf cocas soots 6:30 A. M B:O0 a. M 11:46 A. M U.-06 r. II 11 :4V A. M lfcOd P M. t SO P. M. tfcXt P. M. Arrives st Departs at a ml. nun rRfCtOHT TRAIN ALBA MY EXPRESS Arrive st An Trains dallr. exccst Seadny. Notice. On and aftar this data regular tickets will be sold at oar ticket ofBoe for following points on Columbia river: Upper Oacoados, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla and Alnsworth. Wiia. B. Rica, Freight and Ticket Agent O.AG.R.B. Co, Albany. Jane 18th. 168. TIC CBXTBAL Pursuant to notice by the chairmen, Ike Democratic County Central Com salt tee of Lion ooaaty met at the Court Hoaee last Friday, J J Whitney in the chair. T J Stites was elected Secretary. The fallow lag members were present : Bast Albany, M Milter; West Albany, J J Whitney : reek, B B Moss; Center, John Hclssv. T J Black : Orleans, J White; Shedd, F A Watts; Syracuse, Thomas AUphin. By request of members present F M Jack represented Brea-nsville preeia. Walter Huston, Usrrisburg ; E Hammock. Lebanon; F Crab roe, Santiam ; John Corns, Waterloo. Crewfbrdsvttle, Frawik lln Butte, Liberty, Mabel, Sweet Home and Fox Valley ware unrepresented. Ob mstioa it was decided unanimously iP held bet one convention for electing del iiiatm to the State Convention end nominating candidate! for ooanty officers. On motion it woo ordered that the ooan ty convention be bold at the Court House IB Albany est the 11th of April at 10 o'clock A. M., and that primary meetings bo held oa Saturday, April 5th, at 1 o'clock P. If. Oa motion it was decided to allow pre ciaots ooe delegate for every twenty votes east for Hob J S Smith lor Governor, at the electron in Jane 1883, and one addi tional delegate for every fraction of twen ty over ten. There being no farther busi ness the oemmittee adjoined. J. J. Whits sr. T. J. STrraa, Chairman . Secretary. mm - e i n , Tea rraasaora. Ed Broyles pleaded guilty of horse stealing met week is (he Circuit Court and was sentenced to one yeer in the penitentiary. This was the smallest seateuce ho ceu!d obtain. It w as brought about in a email degree by a wall written state mnt ta a beautiful bead writtiug which was handed Judge Boise by the prisoner. Hi' Honor re marked to Breylee that he wrote a flae haad. aad than ?nr him the above sen teace. At a matter of fact it was writ tea by Mr Jackson, a. brother prisoner. Jackson has ohUioea quite a reputation aa a literary genius aad while in the jail baa read aad relished such works as Joseph ii Gibbons Rome, Macauley's England, etc He la well pes ed on saariy all subjeets, historical and scien tific, attdfxeve evidence of having seen a great deal of the world. The principal witness against him not appearing he waa discharged. No doubt he obtain -ad a a flic lent punish meat for the crime he committed. It is to be hoped he will mend his ways ; but ns doubt his habit of opium smoking will continue to prove his ruin Jary. In At Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Connie of Linn : To tie Bon R P Boiee, Judge ofeaid Court. We, the Grand Jary, empanneiled st the March term ef ssid court, respectfully ws have examined the county fail aad Aad sli in good and aafe condition ex cept lac inside iron work; that should be immediately painted, that the priming ooat a bon Id consist of red and white lead, aad the finishing coats be white lead alone. That we have examined the Sheriff a office abd find al in good order, also the County Clerk's books aad records and find them in a very orderly condition. That we bsvs sxsmiued the Court Room overhead and recommend thai it bs re paired, and Scuttle hole be locked against hood In ma. R C Miller, Foreman, A HCTSISniXAB, A H Baltimore, e i M Wvrsaa, Jena Casks, J B Cost, A Fabxow. lu order that the preferences ef the readers of the Democrat, Democrat nd RaaublicaB, may be shows, each for his own party caudldates, we offer the fol lowing plan of polling them. Take a postal eard end write as folic e : FOB PRESIDENT. A. B. First choice. C. D. Second choice. FOE VICE PRESIDEST. E. F. First choice. Q. H. Sscond choice. And then send it to this office, as soon possible, as the poll will be slooed on Thursday, April 3rd. No names will bs published and every man's vote will be kept a secret, ricatlng!!. We ere glad to notice that business in Albany is improving, and there ia every indication that thU will be a good year. Money ia circulating more freely and a better hue Is being put on matters. It sometimes looks as if some men were born to cry bard times, certainly they are al wayaat it. Let half a doasn make it a bus! aeat, and in a short time everybody elee will really think it is true, when It is not se any more than it always is. The sv never be reached when half the i inanity will net be hard ap. Wednesday the team of Robinson A Wast became frightened and ran away, only stoppisg in the western part of the city, when a tree intervened, throwing one of the horse, violently ta the ground. Little damage w 1 sswasassnpsn sssaswssa HOME AND ABROAD. Gardes tag. F M French, jeweler. CnrvaJlia people are jubilant. Beat harness at J J Dubru ill e'a. New gooda begin to arrive ia Albany. E. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. Vacant houses srs filling np ta Albany. There are ever a million sheep ia Oregoa. No indictment was fsaad last week against Was Peonebeektr. Tha acheel meeting Saturday night was SB interesting one, For a cough or cold there is so remedy equal to Amman's Cough Syrup. The qaeation among many la whether they will raise chiokena sr radishes and te Subscriptions are being received for the building of seew ohareh fee the Christies in this city. Remember the concert by the Progressive Literary Seeisty to be held ea Friday night ef next week. Col GT M Davis, Treasurer ef the Ore goa Pacific, whsjwas ia this city the first ef ths week, is said to be worth 82,500.000. Get yoar grooartaa at Hodman A Joseph's, aad remember that as a fast as fresh vege tables, eta come into market they will al ways keep them. On last Friday night a reception was given at the residence of Dr R C Hill to Rev Browaaon, the new pas sot ef the Baptist Church in this city. The Cervallia Leader exhibited commend able enterprise ia giving a fall account ef the Hogg reception, its composite rs working all night ia order to do so. A young man examined aa a juryman in the Finlayaon trial was asked kow long he had lived here, aad answered, "Always." His friends new eall him the old man. The old CheadU grist mill will aooe be fixed ap ia good condition by Mr Charles Tomer, its present earner, when ens torn work will be doae for all desiring it. A newspaper company has been ergaaised iaPortlaad. It is to be hoped that it will bring the price of paper down to a basis that is somewhere near the Raster price. The WilkameUe Farmer says: "The Una County Agricultural Society has decided to hold a coaoty fair oa the 27th, 28th and 29th days of September on the grounds near Albany. Monday was St Patrick's day, a day dear to theeart ef every true Irishman, aad as worthy ef oeiebratien as many other great day a Grasa ribbons wees scan oa cor streets ; bat otherwise the event was not selebrated ia this city. Newspapers that are running the local ad- vertieeme seats of ths Rochester Publishing Co., will never get their pay for is. We have a private latter from a friend ia Roches ter that says they are the worst humbug of their kind. While at Corral lis last week we noticed Mr Joe Allison, of Albany, at work on the new saloon building of J E Sorbin, ea which be is the contractor. He is doing good work is potting op a very substantial well bo tiding. T B 3deTimmon, was tried before Jadge Boise last week, waa found guilty of aa as anal t, aad fined. Argile Kendall aad Mich, ael Slengh. pleaded the absence ef aa import aat witness sad their ease was postponed no til the October term. Oa the 8th of March Mr J D Wirtebsugh, formerly of Lobaaoo, hat new ef Center -ville, was n cited ia marriage ia the latter city to Mi Stella Rowland. The groom has friends ia Linn ooaaty who will receive this news with pleasure. Mr A 8 Powell, living near thie city, we learn from the Willamette Farmer has Bands experiments with different kinds of hay, and finds the following to he the order ef their values for feeding to cows for dairy par posse T red top, timothy, oat hay. Oa oar way to Corvallis las- week we were shown the exact spot oa which the O P R R badge will cross the Willamette, at least seme think such will be the place. It mat te! s little though, where it is ae long ss the road comes to Albany. Ayer's Hair Vigor stimulates the hair eel Is to healthy action, sod promotes a vigorous growth. It contains all that caa be supplied to make the natural hair beautiful aad a on a. dant ; keep the scalp free from dandruff, pre vents the hair from becoming dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. When the blood is loaded with impurities, and moves sluggishly in the veins, sa alter ative is needed, ss this condition of the vital fluid cannot last long without seriooa results There ia nothing better than Ayer's Sarsa- panlla to purify the blood, aad impart ener gy to the system. On Thursday morning of last week sn old pioneer from near Lebanon enjoyed his first ride en a railroad train. He ssid that so far he had kept ahead of the railroad, hot it had caagbt ap with him at Last. He stated far ther, that if his mule had'nt been nek, ho would have still bees ahead. 54 mea were sx min d ia the Finlayaon case before s jury was obtained. They were all asked what paper they had seea the ac count of the murder in, and nearly all an swered, "the Democrat." It is the paper of the masses is Linn county, regardless of politico. Following are the market prices of several products ia Portland i butter, 38 40c ; eggs, 25c ; floor, fancy, $5 ; eoantry brand, S4&S4.50 ; bay, f 18 and $20 : bran, 818 and $20 ; spples, $U2.00 ; dried ap ples, 15 16c ; wheat, 9093e ; bams, 13V 15c ; ebiekeas,t45 ; potatoes, 50&55c. The first ef the week Mr. J. A. Miller est an egg in our office which deserves parties -lar notice. It measures ft x5J inches, be ing just 3J inches long. This is not often beaten, but when beaten, no doubt will make excellent frosting for aa editor. Different classes of people hare at differ ent times received reputations for being liars ; but go the world over aad California will take the lead. Systematically and ma liciously her citizens lie about Oregoa, her people, her climate, ker soil, kor advantages, and her everything, in order to keep immi grants from comma; here. This practice is infamous and should he stepped. Yonr common sense should teach yea that if any doctor er dr u exist kaew of a better remedy for colds, coughs and lung sem plaints, than Amman's Cough S yrnp, he weald eith er put it ap for general sale or sell ths pre scription to Mr. Amman who offers to the world one thousand dollars for the prescrip tion for a better remedy than Amman's Cough Syrup All respectable druggists and deal- ore sell Ass men's Cough Syrup. Ask for it, and take no other. A correspondent writing to a Salem paper from Albany asks these questions : "Why the sun aad moon always look larger at the zenith than at the heriacn, also, why they look rod st the horizon." In ths first place they look the larger at horizon, being soon in oemparioa with terrestrial bodies, and they look rod beeauae they are seen through the damp or smoky atmosphere ef the earth when at the horizon. A challenge has bees received by the ball players of Albany from the Red Stocking lass Ball Club of Oervallas to play a series of match games, the first to be played aa April 5th. Those interested in such matters will please take notice, sad if say of them have the fever new will, be a good chance to exhibit their U, at tat Corral las nine Is said to he the crack nine ef the valley. A letter from Hsrrieburg states that ths family of Mrs, Hogg was poisoned from something in some flour, all ef whom though recovered, sad alec thai some stock was also poisoned from easing some of ths same. The affair caused considerable exoitomeat, aad we understand that three physicians analy sed the flour, but we have aet heard the re sult of the matter yet. Ths first Society of Spir.tuah.ts ef Salem Oga. will held a Convention at their Rail over ike First National Bank fk Salem, last iag three days, and commencing March 38lh and ending March SI iaolusivs. Satisfactory arrangements have beta made with the hotels to reduce their rates on beard aad loging. The usual reduction of AO per cent will be made en the return fare ovar the O. a G. R R. to those attending the Convention. According to a cor res pen dent of the Ore. t Oman there is a eitisen of this county who has a farm which was recently appraised by three good judges ef real estate al 918,090, a loan of 85,000 was obtained on is. Yet the correspondent says it is only assessed at $3808. Thii Is a good argument In favor of having all property real aad aereoaal to ssed at its full valae. It it no srgament against ths mortgage lax law, althoimh givea at such. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mao Mary Moateith, of Corvallis, Is visit ing friends ia Albas y. Taos Kay. of the Brownsville WoaJea Mills, was in Albany on last Monday. Mies Lib Irviae left on last Monday nana for ths Bait where the will remain so torsi months visit tag relative Avery plot aat t twriablt wss given aa Thursday evening of last weak al the reel dense of Rev I U Condi t, Mr JO Wrtghtsmso, si Baataa ooaaty, bat recently parens aad a hease in Albany in the Third Ward, aad will move with hit family to this oity about the middJs ef April. Wa weald like to fill Linn ooanty with such Col. Bi Kecelved at Corvallis. On Thursdsy night ef last week several from Albany, at a moments warning, went to Corvallis to assist ta receiving Col. Hogg, President of the O. P. Railroad, Among the number was a humble repre sentative of the Democrat. Arriving at Hamilton Bell Just as tha meet I rag was shoot to begin, we managed to got a seat en tha ttgejtd adga of a board, the uncom fortablemese of which we soon forget ia the excitement of tha meeting. Mayor Csmihorn read aa address of wel come to Col. Hogg, wb'.oh, though, wa ware unable to hear plainly. Ma waa answered by Col. Hegg la a vary pies sent manner, speaking directly to the potat aad saylag many things the large audi ence were waiting to here, among others that the great opposition ha had to bad been met and overcome, aad power of monopoly m thjs state waa for ever broken. That it ta a now fined cer tainty that the highway lying bat Teooiaa Bay and the Willamette will be spanned by the steal smite of the Oregon Pacific Ratlrasad bsrfsare the end of the coming aamnser, Ue equipment far theoompietioB of the same now lying ea tne west side, max gesagsj tpm O. P.tserewUI be plying botwesa Y equina Bay aad San Francisco a line of lu equipment and speed second ta aa the Northwest coast. That the people of the State of Oregna thoold be careful who occupy the eeaia In Cmsgrese. Thst all appropriations an far for Y equina Bay had been made by outside fftluence. and that the delegate In the House of Repre sentatives from this state deliberately threw away his Influence la that direction for party purposes, and thst he could prove It by documentary evidence. Col Hogg was followed by Cd U M T Davis, of N Y City, and several other s, renolBtl ns were adopted aad lac tussling sojourned, The cheapest house is the vall.y E L A Co. iny Caiasae A few days ago Mr Wm Ralstoo sx hibited to us a basket of staffed Chinese pheasants, which were obtained In Chlaaby Hon ON Denny, whose wife Is now a guest ef Mr Ralston, in this city and were teat to him here. The lot consists ot several golden pheasants, ....1 t.. I tW- 4vAA,.irl sssw and brightest plumagad birds we hara ever seen described, aad a number of ring aookrd Mongolian pheasants. Twenty etx of these latter, as is well kaown, were sent ta A lbany by Judge Denny at great expense, aad were lot oee about two year's ago netr Peter sen e Butte. Since then tbey have In creased to, 11 it estimated, seven or eight hundred, and are sten all oyer the county. In boner of J udge Denny, who eoeferred on the people of the Valley such s great fa verlo introducing tbem here, they wlU be called tbo Denny Chine rVteeuant. The present law pro tecting tbem ebon Id be continued to that they can live in peace for at lestt ton yearn longer, and then It should only bo lawful ta kill them at certain short perlede during the year. With the birds mentioned above was a hat made to Paris, for Mrs Judge Denny, and entire! r covered with the feathers of thi gelueu and Chinese phcasaut. It ie very beautiful and at tracts considerable attention. E L Thompson k 0b, srs making s seised disccoat for cash, Pare Cesepaay at Lebanon. Oa tsat Saturday Lebssen't bow fire company was duly organ! zed, under tha name of Lebanon Engine Co., No. 1, and vhs following officers were duly elected: David Auderws President. 0 W CrueoD Sec retary . J C Bilyeu Treasurer. 1 F Conn Foremen, G 8 Smithlet Assistant. Isaac Banta 2nd Assistant, TAe Terror or the South- Jasper, Fla. --Mr Board man W Wilson j traveling for A i Alford at Co., aealere In Firearms and Cutlery, Baltimore, was prostrated here, with ths ' break -be no fever;" he asserts thst in his own, as well sa in the case cf others, the only thing found to relieve this painful malady Wan St, Jacobs OH. This wonderful pcin-eur baa the endorsement of anch men ae Ex Post matter Genera! James, Senator Daniel W Voorhees and an army of ethers. All kinds sad stylet of harness at E L THE FINLAY80N TRIAL emUty of Harder la the first aesree. Oa the third dsy of November, l888,Mrt Finlayaon, living with her hntbsud sbtut five miles south of this olty was fouad murdered at her resldenod htvlng the victim of s foul blow on the head by aa ax and about S8 outs oa the body mode with a kaife. Her husband hsd left heme aa tha first of November to go to fcVe wnsvllis sud lsff hit wife at home with bin grandson, Cbsrlee FlsNBJUEUr m luw itmnl nHmn f . Wli.. Mr .'TZri v' " nuTtuusr no loanu ais wue Di uiau j ssur-1 La ji uiwa urn oeiore aantaa. aw pnwir Charles was nowhere ta be ' found, and easpiclea at eaoe rested oa aim. A war rant waa issued aad placed In Sheriff Humphrey's bauds, who after s bout ten day'e search fouad the eocuaed In U sta tu It county and returned to this oily, where after due prellmlaary trial, ha wee held to await the action of the grand Jury. At this term of court the scout -hI was In dicted for murder fh the first degree. After the nailing and examination at fifty (bur citizens, the following Jorore wsre selected f to try (be ease Muh Ntekerson, A D rwitwr, 1 Hale, Jacob Thompson, Frank Crabtros. f Wslter Huston, Itobert Conn. J A PoA Z7 A,. . I Holland, M Fuller, J r rte tor, miiiob F A Watte aad A Basest! The prttiootioa was conducted by Dial. Atty MoJraes, John Burnett and L B Mentanye, and the defense was ahly coo duo ted by Powall A Bllyan, J J Whltaey aad L Rllyeu. J. i, risuAtsui being sworn leal Hod. Reeids at Forest strove. Am grsndfslhsr of deft. H us bam of murdered woman. Want to Browne villa on 3rd of Nov. Left Charles aad wife at hotne. Ceme home oa tat) 8th at 11.48 a, at. Maw sheep la orchard whea I oamt heme. Knew eomethkeg waa wrong. Raw windows curtained. Weat to MeCej j'e and esked where my folks wsre. Bbs said she supposed they ware at homo. Saw thst say mare had net boon turned loose since Saturday . Told Mr Wren that Cometh log was wrong. Ma aad I weat to bouse and found doors ail locked. Sew that soms. one had gone In at a window. I wont hi at the wladow aad found recta dark and bed oletkee on floor. I threw off pillows aad quote and fouad my wife dead. I seat Wren to town for Mr Powall and told him to toll everybody. My wife waa lay lag aa her back, naked with Umbo e tread out. kho was 58 years old, (Here witness drew diagram of room and surrounding promisee aad sx plained them to Jury.) Body lay In middle of room , flaw no blood at first Was agitated. Saw atood ester wards on floor. (Store ax, hallo sod shirt wore latrodnosd.) That Is my ax. found In room near deed body. Aa kept near wood shed. Knife eyas feaadVda bod room Fouad by Mr Foster, Told him it was Charley's. Drawer la my sec retary woe Broken open Both drawtra ware open. Bed 828 In money. He got about 85 in silver. Two tea dssUar bsist Charley and ate grand always on good terms Ma complaint meie by one against 'he bow Mrs Footer, She waa them e first. Never told bar t hat Charley had attempted to ravish his grandmolhor last months before. Ruled out at in Ont.) Charley was at gate when I Brownsville. Wire waa with him to go aad pttssgn. Hit 1 nihti. Charley waa oa a high Told my wife I wae of raid ho wa off again, Hm spirits were way up. Ma bad run off once before. Left in- the barn. One eras mussing. Got It afterwards st Jefferson, tkrt It three or four dayt afterward, (Croat examina tion.) Bey and grandmother were aa good terms when I left. Used the aa la hiUiag boge the day before. It wss Moody, Told my wile that 1 thought Charley waa gotxtg to see hisgrl. Me was generally In good eplrlis. Afterwards appeared doli. He never taw anything abend, AJ Warsaw ed under my direction. Be never thought of t a future. He grew worse In this re gard. Wee brighter at 10 than at 12 years of age. Charley ran off before tats. Ho staid away two weeks. Charley sal did not know why be ton. Us waa always a baby boy. He would cry at a mere tri vial cause. Whoa I started to Browns ville Cbsrlsy wss to go off aad plow. Ha often hsd sick heed ache. Gat over R He did aat doBtmratory thtak. He 15 years old last May R away four weeks before the kill lag. Bald bs did not know why he ran away. He to school uiu eh. Hit pa told ho died ho did not to school much. SXirWOBTU ssrtiand. A sd J asstAws sal Osast llhaas Pr. Acted as Coroner at inquest cfds- ---a (int nni ta.r. thnni thrw Took bo ene with me. Judre Powell took 5 er 6 men, Found body in bed room. (Wit ness described ! dlsgram made by former witness.) Deoeeeed wss lying on her back. Heed thrown back to eae aide. Hands clasped. Blaakete and quilts on body. Limbo were expeeed and spread out. Sew great deal of Mood on floor. Some on carpet, quilt, mot of deceseed end on the wll. Blood on qnflt about woman's face. Wae on the under side of euUtt. It wae mostly from wound la head. One wound aver the eye, oa loft check, eo left aide of Beck, on bank of neek, one on little finger, one on tattoo ef band, sixteen outs under thouldtr blade. They were eta be. Saw physicians probe wounds. 7 hay were mostly as deep as ths knife would make. Wound ia head was ia edge of hair ovsr eye and extended down toward ear. Bkcll waa crushed, Dr Harris and I placed ax (n wound and found It would lit. Found human hair on ax. Found as many as three balm on ax. Skin was broke about half length of wound. Ax seemed to hsvs sunk In to hsndls at course of poll nest to handle. Wounds undtr arm were all hi small apace. No blood except on body, ax snd on wall In aame room. Went to bey't bed ream; saw blood on door knobs, Knobs were watte. Thought I taw blood on the shirt. r DB. T. W. HAKRIS. toetified sa fellows : Am practicing physi cian. Practiced 11 years. Assisted at poet mortum examination of deceased. There were about 25 knife wounds oa bedy. One wound made by an ax, Dr Hill probed kntfbwounie None of than were neoes partly fatal. One above eye and ooe on neck. One In neek about 1 inches deep. Wounds under arm were 18 ta' number, some penetrated the sham osylty. That is a fatal part. Death would not ensue imme diately from such wounds. Wound oa head, range from ear upwards front of forehead,; Ax eaak into brain and broks it. It is probable that aba was lying down when ths sx wound wss received. Sew blood stains on floor. There was consider. able an under tkles of bed olotheo. Not much on other out able. Think such a wound would be Immediately fatal. Part of temporal and frontal bones wsre disr placed. Hemorrhage would eneue imme diately. Saw no blood on base board of room. Deceased was lying on aaak. er Limbs were parted Would very him. Xatd ly bo a ntrvoui ooavulslon after each wound, Limbs might ot might not re main In same petition whioh they ocou pled before receiving fatal stroke. Tt would be dlfttout to make the wound for asswthodoorvxar. Af . L ba y, a, BMaw 4 e totUflad as follows i Am pr so Using physt dsn, Practiced 18 years. Ws not acquaint ed with Mrs Kinlsyeoa. Wss celled ta make peat mortem examination ef deoeas ed, Twenty fire wouode on body, Sixteen aader arm. Several to the bene. One above left eye to the bene, One below the ear to the baoe, jfoae of them nooosserily fatal. T boat en neek were net fatal. One aaed with ax wa. from the tar up sad . . . lnk won ewe ea the Asunx wo news no lite eastg except ex wound ww9 made walls def eased was tmadlag.nsmorrhage would ensue Imme diately following euoh wound ah that mode by ax. Supposed deceased weighed 118 to ltd pounds, Waaad ta haad waa given bt f re tne unllts were put ever body as her false teeth were found under quilts, Also pete ef blood were oh the floor under tha uuiits Teeth adhered to blanket, Did not fiaot ax ta wound, bub saw It doae by others, Think deoeeeed wae lylag oa the fleer 9H to 8 feet from the well, sod think frees clroumstanooe the! blow was given white than lying, (Bore rasp of house wss shewn witness aaad nnnkmnad to i,,P. , J? imr,li LVZ 7 I- T? ware mrawe about. Raw knife on swore - tery when I went there, Think oedLi not walk after roost vine blow ea Knife Wat shown witness. ) Think thst 4- -the knife taw there. Persons miaht faint whta receiving taoh weands at theee mads by keifs. Blood was spriasltd ea beet board sad floor near the body. Skin sad shall just above ths str Were erueked seas t brass, ateod wetea bom oavaereef ax. Probed the knife Weaads aad Utah 1 fen ad s, l. taviss f Ass practicing physiotaa. Practised one yeer. Lirs ia Lebsoos. Wat I al pool Bsortess examination of do . There were 88 kaife woo ads ea Those sa fees were to the boas. Oat bedy on wss 1 inebee deep. These seder Were to the bone. None ei these woe Id produce death. There weald eel he much besaorrbage from them. Bibs in local ity el wesads are sloss together. (Crew ex emitsllfli Wocad ea skel! rwago from 'ear forward aad upward. Saw Dr Bill probe the He pal Ms linger ie ea tosh. Thick weald predaeo tostoat death- Think eoeld net walk after receiving snek a blow. Htoserrhagc would lake place im mediately. Such blew would break artoriee aad bleed wecU spert Mtatsllilily. Weald epert two of-throe time, before hsmrt wen Id tobeat. Did act probe wooad SSO. IVsZXSJT St fellows : Asa She riff of Line Arrested deft in LT instil Is ooanty ia this Bute. It was sheet 155 stiles from Portland. Arrested him Nov. last) at 8 o clock, s. . Feaad Charley in boat Told his to get a p. He ssid his aame wm Freak Nelson, Had seme talk with hit about the eritte. Bis stetesncots were told to sat sn eer e proas tse of secrecy. Charley said hit grsalpa told htm el toe time ef etartieg to BrowasviUs laatbesneetd go aad plow. He sp mis team, bat sock the and rots rood to the hoses end lay- ed deeps, Bat g readme told him to mm nod plow, that be was lory Oot iato a narrel with his grand nsa la k itches aad the otraok him with saaek. aad he took she sx aad eettseg aad tUbbtag her with the knife, sad they struggled iato the bed room. She told him to bring her a drink ef water. He did . and her bead sad gars her water. II w gran I ma thee tld ban feed bfe Charley threw sway ska key sad started off. Re bad Said' he lergattee sometAiag aad weet hack, took ti or 85 f rem house MA DALJLS1SU teelifisd st follows. Reside in Portland. Bars knows deft, since be weal to live with my sister Mrs. Finlayaon. Bad conversation with deft, efler be was arretted. It wm el Jail is PortlsaA C barley said whoa hie -est away he told bast to go to He satd bs wm tick, aad kit graedms tatd he waa lesy. I boy get to quarreling tad she struck him witk s tttek sod then he struck her with tad sx sad tht staggered to too bed room. o. w. ratTan, tostitsd SS follows. Am law ctadeat. Had 4th a sat sheel the ssnider sa the way Portland whea bo wee ia charge ef sheriff. (This witness limply corroborated tha. preceding one) was oat at she pool mo r txamiaalioo. SsW tome blood st the prsmitee. aoaaas vosrsa. tctdfiod ss follows. Am farmer, live five miles south ef here,2 J from the Mts reudsi Of t. J. Fislaysoa. Bars known deft, siaee he was five years old. Went to Mr. Fielay ma after be found his murdered wife. Ex- arainsd promisee for blood. Saw no blood ia kitchen (here witness was thowa diagram of house.) Found the murdered woman ia bed room. It is about 25 feet from kitchen to bedroom. Saw blood oa door knobs. Saw blood en plastering on going np ttaiit. Oi Examination. Looked in sitting-room and kitohea but did aot find soy blood. Am pos itive Ibtt it was blood on door knebt. . ' ISAAC" iCCf.0O. testiusdsa follows. Live 4 miles asetb of Albany- 14 miles from the Finlayaon fan Wtnt, there between 2 and 3 oolock on the day the murder waa discovered. Saw blood Tn room where corpse lay. Saw ns bleed i dining r oo in. lion Rests. MSJI. CKDE8W03D. for defease toetified. Live ia Bageae. Ai acquainted with deft. Knee him when he was a small child. Urn father aad mother tee both dead. Have aot kucva him mach in the last four or five years, THOMAS raOMAX. testified as follows, know deft. Have kaown f him since he wtnt to live with hit grandfath er. St worked for mo last ttttnmer. He ran away from heme last Augset aadearee at mv house to take place of another hoy to haul ttraw. Said- he did net knew why bt ran away, batd the eld ptopit treated him well. When he returned hit grtadmother tied up his sere finger. The boy ooM bo went away to earn mate money tor himself. Notb iag remarkable abeut bis conduct, I WKUattoat . tw.1 ,.11-1 t,fi-A tf. .if. st-o wda af ... ii k- vt-4ii-.. -.!. k- sx now in evidence. She weighed about Itf pounds. She wat as ttout as deft. Mostly alwaya good to htm. Charley hta) beadaehe often. My wife liked Charity. Am aot ac quainted with Mrs. Bcothby. She is to my wife. She wss at my house on tht day of the . funeral. Did tcfl Mrs. Bcothby my wife had complained to me that Charley had attempted to eutrage her hut it twelve months before. MB. OBAXB tmntdrnfoafoxa. Reside et Rugate, kltcheaar Prceeeu Hot. maoh staatintod with deft. Bit sitter lives ia my family. Charley father diet with consumption, MSS CEAWE ttatlflsd at follows. Am not meek seqesJa tod witk deft Deft's titter livm with me. Wis it 14 years old. oa. waiTMtr testified as follows : Aat rsgular practicing phy.ician. Am graduate. Have practiced It years. Thiaa otebt aader aratt might or might aot be fatal. If keifs lo seek toseh ed spinal oel u as a if weak! prodsoe death. Wound ea head witk ax as described weald gsuerally be fatal. There are eases where such Injuries are act fatal. A person eoeld have walked from the Fitdavata hitches to thi bedroom after receiving wousd Ds ael know from which died. Think hath had teesetbiag lo do in pro duel eg death, Probiag wooads mads no. iat tht arm aa imtrihtd by witsees, weald he ditkslt. Could aet toll depth ef wee ad outside apeearaaos. Never read of O whose ribs were solid ss ooe rib. Muscles should be moved sad pleutd ia dif fereet posilitos a see probiag to find depth of weaad. The weaed eo heed se described would rsptors eemt bleed vessels. Hetaer rhsge from saoh a weaad woold ensue at oa. a. at. ss fellows : Heard laetimsav of Dr Barris, Dr Irvaso sad part ef Dr Bill. Would regard the wounds made aader the arms ss decor i bed to he fatal. Weald regard the weaad made by the ea eo the heed at demised st fatal. It might aot be ioetaa taoeent. There it a bare possibility the! after receiving saoh s weaad ea the heed as witness described, a persee ssijM walk from bitches to bed room dwerihed, before death would aeons. Thick wooed os heed at made by ta Itiorbsd by wit tlmtst iastantly after taoh ad. WoaM think or la half steading she received lbs weaad ea head. ft DB. n. U. JOKES Ua tilled Trasitory insanity ia rceegatsed by medical nijmlit. Under rl s Id eemmit murder without say kacwa If omioidal insanity ie also recognised, hat it Id he paiiidtd by primnsitery signs. A ths lames has aa inoliua Uoa to tsar- dor soy one No symptoms ef stttMeaal ta sanity. Where e persee committed homicide sad took a horse sad find I weald aot regard thst ea evidence of eeeetteee! insanity. aa. w hits a r toetified. Heard doconptioc of wound made ea the head. it was made while the woman wee to s atooprag psaetlsa . Il son Id have bees dead if the were recliaiog oe her elbow. Think e in that after eat. receiving ssoh a od weald VttTLAVeOX Bey is right baadsd. suss OLUE EISA r ATS t X testified : Am soaker. Use ia Albany. Kaew deft. He weat to lib nl to sac last winter ea mach as three meetbs. Csscidcr ed him ua average hoy ia capacity to learu. Be wee keif way ta rough pttrfsical arithsse uc end 1 think he studied grisassir aad att tery. Bit deportment woe coed He wrote ee wall ae boys ef his ago. MBS. etc li no i Am seaaaiated with deft. Bsvs known hioi me 1178 Taeeghl he wot a bright boy i a lotoUigCBtl. Live lg from the Fislavsoa farm. Never say pessdiantiee ia the bey. was w. r. aoorasT testified . Use ia Salem. Am esaoed. Hsvs kaow deft eaaoe ho wool to live with my sister. Hsvs always thought kirn shove average ia totolligeeee Kaew noth ing trange abaci hits. Have toco him qoatooftcs. Thick he of bis age. Bey wee going to bod. Bet like ether beys. The evidence lathe etas wm very ably bolero the jary by for the rtoto snd dsfoaet. The chares of the court to the Jary wm eeamittod at length SB writing. The ease waa submitted to tb jery st 4 o'clock, p. m.. Wednesday, tad they retaraed the verdict at half past 10 e'etock. a sa. Thereday having been eel ISg The following ia the verdict We. the jery la tht above entitled fied tbe defendant guilty, ss oaarged ie lac Jaoos Tho ur so 5, The penalty it death, The court will pass csntenos to-day at oo oeiook, I se aneeaerea heartas the verdict chewed hie appreciation ef the awf alsees of his silattiss by aerveuc twitohiags shoot ths tk sod fees. Defendant! counsel have tied a motion for a new trial whiek.will be heard this morn ing. A Safes I patlol At tha adjourned! meeting whioh met at the Court House on Batur- aay evaaing there wae a large st tend ance of Albany's tax-payers The mooting wea called to order by Director H H Strahan, aad tha reco mondstloat of the Board of Director t were road by tbo Clark. Mr Jeha Conner moved that tha Di rectors) ranks the soboel term only niue months eases . e aa ea aa. . rue motion wat carried almost un animously Mr Conner moved that the Directors bs instructed net to employ any Janitor fer tbe ensuing yoar. After remarks by Mr Conner, W B Scott ami J F Baokensto in favor, aad TJ Sti tea against, tbo exotica was put sad lost. Mr Connor moved thst a tax of one and ihres-reurtne mint be raised to coppert tho schools for tho ottsnisg year Hon Geo Chamberlain moved to amend br adding "and tea mills for the purpose of building a school haute. T J Stltea effereri ah amendment to the amendment making it read tg mlllt instead of tsn. After same discussion ths second amendment wat tarried and the motion m amended was passed Hon Q EChamberUIn moved that it w nawou- wt u, meevisg au.v wwr- rant for the tax shonid aet be issued until fall. Carried. Mr Conner moved that It was the aee ef the meeting that tha mossy aa hand asd money collected next fall he immediately leaned eat. Carried. L Filnn moved that it waa tha of the meeting that the eohooi house whea built should oust about $12,080. Carried. On motion adjourned Cast yoar vote fer Presides! at explained Two 4 o an sasas Is response to the request of many of the sitiasas ef Albany aad linn county a meet ing was oalled at the Court House on Wed nesday evening last for the purpose of giving Ju-1gt R F Boise, ef the Circuit Court, snd Hon John Bursott, aa opportunity of ex plaining their views, the former on the Pa treat ef Husbandry, and the latter oa the Mortgage Tax law. J edge Boise wm introduced by Mr Mai tin Miller. He ssid : What ws do sa farmers we de set desire to antagonise aay other in terest. All industries srs organised, the millers, ths fiats, etc. They ere organized to protect their interests. Laborers are or g seised. Aad to it wss seen by farmers that they should organize to prelect their intor actc, sad eo the Patrons of Hasbaadry acre started. IFe have no enemy eo far as pic duotiea is eoeceraed. No politician goes os ths stead bat what he says that we ewe all ef our prosperity to the bone and sinew ef the (armor. Mr Aiken, of Heath CemlkSf, ssid that R wss on ef the objects ef the Petrous to let others draw their ova water aad bow their own weed. The life of the farmer hat been tnng by tbt poets of all countries. It wss the first isdsstry ef man II Is ear bo si esse to drew sod keep the earth, when Rs bounties are properly distribute, there ie eaoegh to keep a'. There has a wsyt been s tendency to dtecqnallxe wealth. The tendency of the lew ie to place property ia the haadc of a few to tbe detriment of essay. The law chould net he aech at lo eececrage the accumnlatieo ef wealth ia the heads ef s fsw sad reader the m tease poor. The object of the Patrons it to prevent this. Cromwell teoght this same principle Tbe (irssge does not believe in political quetv tioee. There it aot sa important measars that erigiaatos from political parties, we br lievc yea will fled. The civil service reform wee erigiaeted by tht farmers. The speak, sr hers reed the potation ef the Cranio on political matters. Tbsy do aot discuss per titaa qaeeUof-z except tbsy affect the whole people We ask that patent lawt be amend ed to that the farmer be protected, eo that the violatioa will apply to the manufacturer aad eeller aad aot to the eoocamer. We ask thst there shall he a depertosoat ef egri -culture. We represent more than half of tbe pepslstics ef the Uaited btstoa, sad the grot toot iedaetry. aad are entitled to It. A few years age $74,000 wss appropriated for agricultural internets ia the United states, whUe is ether coon trice millions were ex pended. This is because no ether nation on the glebe baa a government in which tbo fsrmiag interest is so. little represented, thers being only eighteen farmers ia the present Coagrwas. Tbe railroad man, '.the iron auto. ths miller, all are protected, bat the farmer bee so ooe there to look after his interests, We also desire to regulate all other matters that deserve regulation that apply to oar in terest Here the sp sober reed tbe declare, taon of perpoese of tbe Nations! Grange. It is aet the Or sags idea that we want to ceo rage the loaning of money. We diseOssa- tcnanee the mortgage aad credit system The average farmer who has paid 12 per teat oo s mart gag eo hi farm eea aet pay for his farm, sad the cpeaker ventured to aay he wwaM aot make 8 per cent off it The seotehessm who hsvs lsaasd mcacv here hew carried to Da ados store than they have left The way for the farmer to do ie to raise sem thing to soil, sad if you hare sotaiag to soil do aot bey. Thai it the Grange tyttom. In the ooaaty of Linn 81,800,000 in mort is oa year farms, ia the county of Ma ever 82,808.000. The f erasers pay ea of 10 per re nt They carry it tbsy eea aot afford to pay it. Let ths leaden eetaa here and place cnaan factories on oar streams aad they will help build up tbe country, but loeaing money doee Rot do this. We talk together, boy together, ceil together, we avoid litigation as much aa possible, settling ma:h by arbitration. Wo labor to cultivate ear talent, social and latoilectaaL We cock to colli veto anion ia the whole oountry, nod work together regard I sac of politics er Iocs- We with to regelate theee corporations. It the system since the time of King Joha, that there chookl be no taxatioa with out itpratsmltlfkia. Everything we wear ia taxed to pieces by these corporsttoa. aad wo have a right to res train this. Tbe state can not ornate s being greater than itself. The eovereags power that belongs to the people meet last forever, aod it cannot be bargained away by oorpe rations. The people mess heep control ef the government. Ia 1850, the producer held snare than half ef the pre. parly. Ie 1870, the son producer held meet of the property in the United States, mrrr half. This stats of things most bo Theee corporations intend to satis- taia their power, aad they will go onto Con gress with their money to do it. Wo meat mats a rule that when a man knows ths will of a ooanty he shall not dare go to the Legis ts tare aad mis rep recent it sad if bs does lot it be so that he shall not dart come back and live an-oag ss. Whea a man ia sands rich hand tads srs made poor. The preeent system most bo changed, aod it can only be by the farmer. Wt muat atop these many monop ohm. Upon ths clone ef this addreac. HON JOBS BJCBXXTT wm introduced, snd spoke fer s fsw moments ea the mortgsge tax law. Ms ssid i The people in these rural counties pay meet of tbe taxes. There it no property thai pays so poorly as the farm. The speaker gave the hiatory of the mortgage tax law, hew it had been sustained ia the Supreme Court, and reversed in J edge Deady's court, but this djasjlBBB is subject to dtsoussion. Psrsonal property shonid be taxed tho same as land, notwithstanding many claim otherwise. The part of Judge Deady's decision relating to the Linn ooanty farm has nothing to do with the decision. The value of land it what il will bring for cask, sad it is am s si id at about that valae in this valley. Tbe argu ment that the law it unequal aad con-uniform seems to hsvs been aa execs. Thst law wss pssssd to prevent tho Portland cap italists from living without paying aay taxes at all, which they have nearly done. That lew it aot eeunifonn er unequal, and tho speaker gave kit lessons for it. Prior to 1882 til mortgages were peraonal propsr. ty, hot the law of thai year satd mortgagtt should be deemed real estate for the pur aaa of taxation. There is no new clement in it, it it simply to reach all kinda of pro petty, sad all ahoald bs taxed slike. I a hie humble judgement the decision of tbo Supreme Court was right, and that of the District Court wat wrong, any property that it in the state should be taxed. This deti tioa will probably control this matter, and this leaves the counties ia a bad condition for they hardly know which to follow, the Supreme Court or tbe District Court. The proper thing to do as Jadge Deady'a deciaion, right or wrong, will control the matter, is amend the present law se that it will stand STAIGER. Oo Wednetdiy, Ma I8.b 1881, ia Albaay, to thelwife ef A Stoigsr PLAIN TALI. On Piala Hnbjeria. ; ST A TLAta CHAP. Whether the Oregon Pacific Railroad shall pat through Albany or aot lea matter of considerable importance to the people of this city, aad fcetee wfileL brings out many doubts aad hopes Col Hgg bs stated to prominent eltlxene of All any thst It vHll come hare aod car ta niy no better evidence ia needed, for there woaid be oolbieg gained in con veying a raise impression lo the ttr. au f the Prrfdentef tbo O P. not gal aod a reputation for euoh con duct. Ma basalto stated, I nndersUnd. thai no subsidy will be asked. Aad rltzht hr-re It It a matter deserving f more than special notice that this road het never asked any tubal dies of at; and what Is nore I do ujt believe It will, particularly when the present depressed condition of business it considered. If the officers of tho road believe that 118 interests would be promoted by its coming through Albaay, by rusts n of Its large mills, wsre bouses, great net ural advantages, and ta fine surround ing, it will come here, and a bonus of 810, OH; or 820,000 would bo but a drp in the bucket in influencing a dec! a lea to de so There Is every reason to believe that the oflieere of tho road are going to do whet they believe ta be right in tho matter, and are not depending on sub- sidiee ia the iesst. Pertlsad should not bo haggish, tt uuiiecomeelier. I like to eso that city prosper. I believe la Its future ; but I do not believe in tbe spirit it sometimes display that everything done in Ore gon should be done for is lo teres. Aay enterprise that will have a tendency to dev elope tome other section of tbe Stale Is opposed by Portland people, none more than tbe Oregon Pacific Portland nor bas a Repreeentat fve and a Senator In Congress, and wants everything ia the coming election. Ibese two mea worh for i'ortiuod, they labor hard tor big appropriations for the Columbia river ; but according to tbo remarktvof Col Hogg at Cervallia- they eoad-blooaV edly thrcT tbe interests of Taqulna Bay, he' ce our interest.) away for party purposes. Portltad it anxious to run our tytem of taxation and has already got tho inajde track on the mortgage ax law. That city does not think of tho Interests of the farmers of Oregon, but looks only t tbe money of her cap italiste. o I tun in favor of a law that will reduce i ute rest to st least 7 par cent, If not ta a. it is all any farmer can s fiord ta pay, and it makes tbe merchant un easy to meet m r, 8 per cent Is tbe rate in many of the Eastern Btotoa, aad money goes begging in New York City at 3; but hate 10 Is demanded. Were tbe rate forced down, some of the money which II vee ff straitened circumttt neat would bo turned Into other channels, such as manufacturing interests, aad the people ot the Northwest gaaarally would b-; mr prosperous. The Albany Dramatis Company will gfva an etiterlmameet for the benefit cf the Me chant. . Bsavi at Ceawterd s ,Opet Boose this Friday night, March 21st, 18SA The play "Black Byed Susaa" sued llm farce, Good for Nothiag Xaa" wxB be No pains have been spsrel to ocas. Admission, 50 coat, sale at E W Usrgdea A Cos, 75 tetter Tjs loiMiwinx Is tho list of bs tbe Post other. Albany, Una Ors- iui. iisrcCiaa. Uk Persons Waters must aive ths dste oa srtverUaeC Bwhep, Man Emily isshines. E leant ML DrWAfw Kktt) John, I H A.f M Mrs! iiSewc. at McW Uaana, Jams A thUe.'. 0 X gpariock, Mr J. lUer, Wm MiecS, J B M. lRVaUta, P. M, Fine Mr. W. H. Graham bat jnst received some of tbe finest suitings brocght to Albany whioh thoac desiring first-;laai enitt will t'a Well te examine, for they sre really taaaim. He will pat his j r ces down sad ofihrs to make complete auits for 823 peats from So 50 to 813. Now it opportunity. AeTifau AU persons knowing tlretnatlvsxt la debtetl to ue on last years account must call and ee' tie the same within 80 days from dste, or the eamo will bo placed In the hands of au Attorney for collec tion. Remember we mean ail ao coucts, great and pmall. A i LKN A MaMU8J Albany, -March 11th, 1884. BITBLKV 4. BMC t SALTB. The beet salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sale rheum, fever cores, tetter, cusppeu aauca, cutUMSias, corns aod all kinds of skin eruptions. fhis salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction la every case or money re fended. Price SSO per box. For sale by Foehay dt Mason. A etartllas Biseavery. Physicians are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is dsily curing patients that they have given np to die, It star ling thein to malum their sense ef du ty, and exanima into tne merits or mm F , . , . .cs s a wonaertui aiscoverv ; resulting in unn- dredsof enr best Physicians using it ia their praotioe. Trial Rottlee fro j at Foshay dt Mason's Drug Store. Regul vr else 81 .00. laatl tales Nates We learn that many ol the promlnei t. teachers of Marion, Polk aud Yamhill coat- ties will be present and take put ia the dis cuss) ens and grand work of tho institutes Ths usual reduction will be granted by to 0. t O. H. R. Company. Money Bayed. Allen & Martin mutt have money, ani uoa is year time to got bargains in dry goods, c!ethiug, boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc, from 25 to 50 per cent can be saved as goods will be sold regard, eft of coats for cash, n w is your tim- to buy. Call and In vest igate. ' 57 First Street, Albany, Or. Beit r than 010,090 : J apent over 110,088 in 23 years," said Major H W Hints, of Boston, Mas?., "in being doctored for epilepsy. 1 employed the boa' physicians in New Orleans, 8t, Louis, N. York. Phila., Boston. London and Parle, but all to no purpose. Samari tan Nervine kas cored me entirely. 81.98? to