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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1884)
lite m0at. Enter 1 at ths Post O.Uoe a second-class mall If bany.lOr r. FRIDAY SCAR 1834 STITE3 HUTTING. KSUers aa rreprleters. riiir. surma. Lxai Bitter. Official County aui City Papsr. AO. d ( . R. H. TI1I8 TattLK. Albany Ntntion. Dtr irti be or tbaims. BOCSS SOSTIl. ALB N V KX PRESS Departs t FREIGHT TRAINS 4:30 A. M 9:00 A. M. 11:45 A. M 14:06 1 M 11:41 A. M IS P M. 3:90 P. M. 8:Si P. M. MAIL TRAltf i AmN si MAIL TR VIS I Arrives st 1 rwnarta at ratiaUT TRAIN " " -ALBANY EXPRKSS Arrivea at All Tralas dallr, NI HndJ. Noticb. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at oar ticket onVe for following pomtson Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalies, Umatilla, Walluta, Walla Walla and Ainsworlh. Wm.i.. R Rica, Freight and Ticket Agont O. A C. R. U. Co. Albany. Jane loth, 1'. of J On last Monday forenoon, Mr John Han n m died at the homo of hi mother in this oity, of consumption, lie has been afflicted with this disease far years, and it bsa been gradually getting the bast of him until his death. Two years ago ha passed several months in California, bat with no benefit He was Mrs Hannons fifth or sixth ohild who has died from the same cause. M r Hannon was born in Indiana we understand thirty-fosr years ago, and soon afterwads his parents cam to this state. He has passed most of his life in Albany, where on account of inherent disease he has spent a quiet, but studious life, never having been in business, bat always a great reader. He was upright, for several years being a regu lar attendant at the Congregational Church, aid has manv friends who will regret his death. On Tuesday forenoon his funeral servioe were held at the horns of Mrs Hannah, and afterwards his remains were taken to the eemetery at Muddy, where they were interr ed in the afternoon of that day. e ' Feet Aaapwtnted Daring iho very cold snap of a fow weeks ago, Mr John Mvsaall, of lain, a single gentleman ei about 35 years of age, f rose both of his feet in a very severe manner, while coming to Albany, Last Sunday it became necessary to amputate them, Dr Hill, ef this city, assisted by Drs Hyde and Mar tin, of Scio, performed the operation, cutting one foot off in about the middle just above the little toe, while the two email too were left on the other foot. The feet will prob ably heal all right, but they will leave Mr Marshall a cripple deserving of the sympathy of all, one of his arms haying been amputat ed several years ago near the shoulder. H is only whole limb now is one of his arms. Verily misfortune has been his lot. He is an industrious man, in good circumstances. i lr rial Biur at He entertainment given by the Pro grsssive Literary Society nt the M E Choreh em laat Friday evening wee a jrreat success, the church being crowd ed. Although the admission fee was only 10 cents, about $21 50 wee taken in at the door. Nearly all the parts were earned out well, and while some might be criticised, naturally enough, we shall not a en: ion the different parts individually for that purpose. The so ciety holds epen meetings every Friday night, to which all have the privilege of attending, and to those who can re alise that they have many talents that can be improved, as all certainly must this is a good school, and shoal J be sap ported, by all Interested la each mat ters. It coats nothing except time. The concert at the North Palestine Baptist Choreh, March 9th went off well. It was a snccess both financially and as a literary en tertainment. Most of the school took part in the exercises, from 4 years old op to wo man and manhood. The Superintendent be ing sick the exercises were under the super vision of the Assistant, Mrs Addie Thompson, who foals herself under obligations to sll who assisted and especially to Mrs Nellie Mor rison, who conducted the singing exercises. Also to Miss Emma Alphia, of Corvallis, for the reading and recitation so excellent ren dered by her. Also Rev T S Browns, pastor ef Albany Baptist church, for closing address on Sabbath Schools R, sMSrilsn of Mreetov. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Odd Fellows Hal 1 Building Associa tion held a their office la Odd Fellows Templeen Monday evening, March 10th the following directors were elected to serve the eusuing year : J F Backe n to, W C Tweedale,T J Stite?, A J Hunt, Fred Graf, J HBurkbart and J Grad wohL After the election the Board or ganised as follows : J F Backe ns to, Pres. ; J H Burkhart, See. and Supt, Finance Com. T J Slices, WC Tweed ale and Fred Graf. Reboot Meeting To-morrow, (Saturday) night a meet ing will be held at the Court House, at 70 for the purpose of levying a tax for school purposes in District 5, embracing a tax for tL? support of the publie schools for the ensuing year, and "also a tax on all of the taxable property in said District for the purpise of building a new school house. lnis is a very important meeting and should be at tended by all paying taxes, women as well as meo. E L Thompson A Oo. are making a sps jU discount for eash, BLVS KIBBOX CLUB. The regular meettn; of the above Clab will be bold at the Presbyterian church this (Fri day) vening beginning at 7:30.; Short ad dresses wiU be made by Rev. S. G. Irvine and Rev. M. Judy. The regular election of officers will take place, giving those who like to fill efflce a good opportunity to do so A lull attendance is desired by the officers The c'leapist housa ia Thompson A Co. the valley E L NOME AND ABROAD. F M French, jeweler. Gardening is in order. Sepolil Nanioh hyaa kloehe. Best harness at J J DubruiuYs. Prineville is having spelling match. E. it. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Of. Next wek the ten tramp willooonpy the county jail alone. D 1 Porter ha been elaotcd Director o the Shedds school district. Halaey is to have a now school . house, a tax ef $3500 having been voted. For a cough or cold there is no remedy equal to Amman ' Cough Syrup. The case of State against Charles Finlay son is set for next Monday Morning. Oar Halsey contemporary attack on of Brownsville's rising young men with a small b. "The Last W and a"Littl More Cide wtll be remlercd at Corvallis, to-morrow night. Charles Dodd was elected Director and Win Church, Clerk, at Portland on last Monday. Thsre are not many dodging the grand jury this week, there being little necessity for it Blue Ribbon Clab to-night, at the Presby. terian church. Tho regular elootiuu of of fleers take place. Hoffman A Joseph, the leading grocery house of Albany, also keep the beat brand of cigars, tobaccos, etc. Taxes become delinquent oa April 1st, when a percentage will bo added. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Rev Mr. Judy will preach at Trinity Chapel near Knox's But to on Sabbath after noea next at 3 o'clock. as w The play of Black Eyed Susan wiU be presented at Fosters Opera House ea Thurs day night of next week. The members of the Progressive Literary Society will give another Entertain men t on Friday evening, March 28, 1884. Mr. Chaa. Mootoith, of the Arm of Moo- toith A Ssitenbach, leares for San Francisco today to lay In a spring stock of goods. This is ths traditional week when peanuts are shacked and the shucks given to the cheat, while the kernels are eaten by other parties. Dr M H Ellis' card appears in another col umn. His rooms are in the McIIwain Block t where ho will be found at ail times, day and night. We will take wood on subscription at this office, beginning now, and allow the regular market pricj. Would like sens oak and ash, as well as fir and maple, Awbery, Dentist, having located in Al bany is prepared to do any and all dental work. Prices may be obtained by calling at th office. Odd Fellows Temple. There is more baaiueesat the Circuit Court in this city than there has boon at any Court in this county for several years. It is a fact which the legal fraternity contemplates with pleasure. Col T E Hogg has purchased two new steamers in the East, and the Corvallis Gazette would immortalise them by having them named respectively the Cory all is and Albany. Th following wore drawn as grand jurors to serve the preset, t term of court : R C Miller, Fore as as ; A Hutsiapillar, J M Waters, A H Baltimore, A Far low, Job Cams, J B Coey. Take Ayer a SaraapariHa in the spring id th year to purify th blood, invigorate tho system, excite the I ver to action, and restore the healthy tone and vigor of the whole phys ical mechanism. When a large knot ef men is seen en th street it is only necesaaiy to take it for granted that the decision of Judge Doady in the mortgage tax law case is being discussed, and thoroughly too. The clapper of the bell at the College Corvallis was takes oat one day last and a reward of $40 was immediately offered for the arrest of tha one who committed the diabolical outrage against law and justice. Mr Hugh Dmwiddie, who is a juryman at the Circuit Court in session here, informs ns that crops are looking uncommonly well in the Southern part of the county, and the same report comes from all parts of the county. Mr A U Barker has tarnished a with a tine sample of corn meal which be has just received from Wm Frank's mill at Pitt. burg, Van Boron county, low. It is a fine article and coils to mind the days of "Auld Lang Sine." The extraordinary popularity ef Ayer' Cherry Pectoral is tho nateral result of its use by intelligent people for over f ortyy t has indisputably proven itself th very best known specific for sll colds, coughs, and pulmonary complaint. We are assured on good authority that work on the California side ef the Oregon and California railroad will be poshed with vigor daring the comisg summer, and it stated that by October there will be bat few mile of staging to be done. We hope this ssayspove true. Forest leaves! A practical work ou For estry. Is Us now to grow trees from seed and bow to manage them afterwards. The book, containing six colored plates, will bo sent free to any address on receipt of 50 cent. Send for one. W. W. Johksok Snowflake, Antrim, Co., Michigan. A riffle of excitement was caused Wed nesday afternoon by ths announcement of a fire in San Wa's laundry bouse. It attracted a crowd sufficient to superintend the extin guishing of the flames without the assis tance of the fire bell. Te add to the mo mentary display of life a dead drank was token to the calaboose to sober up. It is not a safe business for Oregon news papers to anticipate news. Oa last Wednes day the time set for the sale of the North west Newt, ths Salem Talk, in order to be up with ths times, published this item : The Northwest News was sold this after noon at two o'clock ia Portland." It has not yet boon sold. This ysar there will bo an immense num ber of excursionists over the Northern Pa cific from the East, for th express purpose of seeing the eeantry. Their impressions of different sections of country will have much to do with the amount of immigration from their various sections. According to the It'anatr certain parties around Bueua Vista have hit th nail ou th head, and will plant fifty acres of potato, ten acres of cabbages, onions and other veg etables, believiag that such products can be shipped as cheaply from there as from San Francisco. There is no reason why this in dustry should not pay. The Ovtrlatd Msnth'y for March is un commonly interesting, and worthy of being on the table of every person in Linn county who takes an interest in good literature. We have read it and can apeak for the ex cellence of the articles in it, "War in South America" attracts ones attention particular ly, while all its varied parts are up to the same standard. When the Coer d'Alene excitement is fully analysed it will probably be found to be one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the people of the Northwest. The reports in the paper purporting te be published there are said to be sll fiction. In cense queue the credulous are allured into th spiders webb, where they have to sleep oa rough saloon floors and eat anything tbey get, but the gold they find is scarce. The following idietmeats have been hand ed in ia the Circuit Court: Chas. Fiulayson murder in the first degree; Ed Breylos, steal iaa boree t Areiki Kendall Sad Michael Slough, stealing wheat ; T. B. McTtmmoo asaault with a daugermia weapon and aelliug liquor to Indiana. Owing to th fact that the Baptist Churoh build in is not yet competed th meetings of the Baptist Church will ho held at the WC T V hall until their house of worship hoished. f reaching nest Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by ths pastor. Rv T G Brown- on. Sunday school will be organised im mediately after moraine service. All mem ber and f rienda of th church are requested to bepreaent Th public ia cordially invited. We hope the teachers and friends of edu cation throughout the county will not forget to make preparations to at tend the Teacher "a Institute to be held here on the first of next month. Many teacher's from Yamhill, Polk, Marion and other counties have signified their intention of being present. He look for th largest attendant) of all other insti tutes held here. Let all lend a helping hand. A young man uatne into the office last Tuesday, and wished us to show op a farmr for Whom he had been working, stating that when he demanded hi pay, there was a ilia agreement, the farmer refused te pay him, and took down a gun and threatened to shoot him ; but we explained that we do net pnb lml. persouaUtios ; and, besides, we have aacertaic-jd this fact, that these are always two sides to a story, and it is hardly right for the newspaper to judge which side is righ Among tho now patent far the week end ing March 1st, are th following, an improv ed filter, a revolving harrow, an improved safety switch guard! whish prevents the switchman from leaving the switch boose without th main lino being open ; a black smith's hammer worked by tho feet, doing away with the helper ; a damping cart, a pomp, a combination plow, a grain Backer, a sofa bedstead, a gate operator, an adding machine, a shot oase, a fire escape ladder, a tree protector. The Church Ks tension Society of the Methodist Episcopal Churoh, has made a donation of $230,00 to the Method tat Churoh in course ef erection in the Blevin's neigh borhood near Tangent. This donation in sures the early completion of the churoh, free of debt. It will be a beautiful structure and an boner to tho neighborhood. The ot Usees of this neighborhood hsve contributed very liberally toward it erection, yet it would have been almost impossible to hsve com pleted it free of debt, but for this liberal do nation. Hence the gift is fully appreciated. A few days ago two boy about twelve year old were eaagbt in th act of see ling om vegetables from a barn, the owner catching them by the shotrtdero before they knew what was up. Tbey pleaded like votoreas to be allowed their liberty, end promised by all that was good and groat never to steal again. Wo ore told that one of the is de veloping into o first el chicken thief, mak ing a basin ef stealing fowl and selling them to Chioomeo. Tksre still bo Sense Ayu weeping in several families in Albany before any weeks if there is not a 20x26 leaf turned ovr. , Everybody that has tried A nmen's (ogh Syrup centinnes its ase ; b ide they tell their neighbors ef it, We wore in s drug are the other day when a easterner asked for a bottle ef Am men's Cough Syrup, saying "I do not knew anytbiag about it myself, bat my neighbor advised me to bay it for my oeld, sod tells me that th use of three bottles has entirely eared his cough of two year standing, in fact be say 'It is the boot medicine la the world for coughs, colds and lsmg complaints,' and that aouc dollar bottl did him mors good than all th prescription ho had from the doctors. Oregon astronomer may be interested in knowing the following in reference to th planets for March :4Urinu is a moratag star until th 10th, when the earth will bo on a lia between it and the snn. and is now just visible to the naked eye ; Venus is an even ing a tar and sots in ths W torn beavoss at about 9:15 o'clock, on the 29th she will moet Neptune ; Jupiter is an evening a tar, setting at 4 o'clock in the moraine, and ia next brighter than Venus. Saturn com next ia bright, being an evening star, setting about midnight. Mars is also an svenisg star and nearly at red ss ever ; she sots shout 4:30 in tho morning. Neptune is also an evening star setting st 9:30 ; Mercury is s morning star, but can not be seen. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. D B Mootoith left for Sao Francisco week. J T Ford, of Independence, was in Albany Monday. Dr Savage, of Halsey, has bto in the city this week. J P Oalbrsith, of Brownsville, was in Al bany Monday. Mr John Barrews returned to San Fran cisco on Monday morning laat. Mrs. Pre Holman, of Dallas, returned to her homo .Tuesday after a visit here ef some time. 8 P Barger, of Brownsville, called at the DitMOCRAT office, while in tho oity the first of the week. I Capt E J Leaning, wife and child, of the Red Crown Mills, hsvs Just returned from s trip to the Sound. Lean Year Partr at Peoria It w announced iu and around Peoria last week that on Friday night a grand leap year party would be held at the hall la that place, and it may be imsgined that the hearts of the young msn in that place at la t for once throbbed like the roar of a cataract. Dainty mussils wsre nt oat snd qaiokly accepted by the young men, in most esses. Among others s young man living sight mil from Peoria, a great favorite with the young ladies, and id by sons to be a heart breaker, received an invitation from one of Peoria's fair t and m t estimable daugh ters, which he did not have tim to accept. Just before the time for bis escort to arrive be started for Peoria, it is claimed at nearly right angi iothe regular road, although be afterwards claimed that be expected to meet heron the read, and return with, her, which some consider a good jeke, for as soon as he arrived at the hall, he was met by com' pany in th form of another member of the fair sex, whioh msde msttor look rather suspicious. In the meantime young lady No 1, returned wit ho at him. The party was a great success. This incident leaking oat has made our friend the center of attraction showing that he anderatande the duties of a man wheu he takes a women's place, but some think that were he a woman he would rank high as a flirt. At any event he catch- it right and left. iat, i r ro twPBTV teiBT.Mi.BCN TSBM. J out, Joan faeea ami B Comnesalonvra.) i a) Th position of Was J Stewart, et al. ask- isg for burial xpsosoi of Thus Cliftos, was gran tod. Ths claim of 0 L Morris for keeping th county poor, was allowed, Mr John R Pearl was appelated Sheep tsepeotor fer Linn oounty, bis bonds being Used st $1100. Ordered that as Saseu 'eras, an iadigset portoa, is net ! seek s oeoditien as to allow her removal, Mrs Julia A Boss bo allowed to hoop her at th sasae rate as heretofore, Ordered that Clerk be Instructed to par ches a pair of shoes and two pairs r f souks for th u of Isaac Hutohius. J B Oouey, Sups. Diss. 23 allowed to put- ohaeo a seraper and road plow. Ordered thst 925 be appropriated to be expended for H. H. Davis under the direc tion of John Isosa, Ordered that St. Jehu 4 Stone be let eta tract ss per specification presented by them, for BB0 to repair three bridges la District 23, work to bo done in sixty days, under the super vis ion of J B Gouty. Ictitien of D W Mothoru fer location ei county read, granted and Daniel Simon, U Cheadle sod Isaac Saltmarab wore appoint ed viewers. J L Tambridge, Supt. of Dist. 1 allowed 56t) feet of lumber. Ordered that a warrant be deswa ia favor of Manon county for $30 AO ophslf of re pairs on (i reel's ferry bridge paid by that eountv. Expenses committing Mrs Lou Morword, Dr Hrfl. S3 t Dr Rice, $3 ; L if Meoteayo, $5, allowed. Application of Kda M Porter for school. arship in State Umversity, granted. Fees in oa ef Jaok Jordan, and T B Mo itamous allowed. Petition of Bcaj. Cleaver, seal, for loos- tten of oounty road, rejected on aoooont of irregularity ia paper. Rasigoatioa of Wm Montgomery as Supt. of Dist 4. so pted, and C A Trites appoint. Pees In case of State v R Earl, allowed. BILL ALLOWSO. Wm B Donaca, md for Mrs Sims 10 03 . 9.44 13.00 M Powell, mediein for Mr Sims Chactaiu. bal. for koemnar Lara Wm RafVa, rent for boo occupied by Mas Sims 00 J H Milter, oar of Millar, a pauper . 9 was t a m a. . . L J 10.25 12 u r. main, moo lernianedc 1. Mem fer saucer - J alius Urnawohl, nails - , , - ---------- J.OO Henry Sozeaastcaboards. warrant not te be drawn until aasno are olaced to neoitioo a. 73 R R Humphrey, lumber for Dist 1 1 157.24 A B Moliwsaa, md for pauper. . . 5.0 P A Moses, paper for n roe rams a 30 s . m - sss - - - I A Q Wallteg.blank books, abstract for oraef. ... Phil Coho, md J J Dobruill. leather M 0 Msec, keeping Mr Me- Prrv Hyd and M Feller, drawing grand jury list for Harrisbe rg preeinet. 20.00 0.20 8.26 27,50 eaen , 2.00 7600 0.10 900 1190 LFUna. County Judge. Jobs loom, Coaamissnoeor S R ( lay pool, Comaaassten Ooo Ilumohrav flfcar iff . . . m f ' - St Sag nbish is bad anybody is ths no ties, even a lawyer or mer chant ; but when the thief invades the hen hen ef an editor and extract bis host pallst, on which be bee placed . his fond t bop, we have to go to the jargon to got oeh words eottea and date to ospro bis qualities. Last Saturday aight suoh an vent occurred in Albany, and wo were the vic tim. Weal bear of others who were treated ia the earns way oo the earn even 'ng. We bav toe nam ef a few bays who are said to have been known to have a hand ia seoh practices, and people buying chick as of them aheuld spot them end take a mdel of the fowls With the kind of food In their crop, the sis of their tee sail and the color of their eyes, that tbsss deprav ed youths can be brought te jostioc. Again it i laid te she hen iovmg C!ettialf who if known to haw s band ia snob fowl deeds st diffsrentfj , and various other led ef people get a benefit in the matter W will hereby state that it trill be daagerous bneh oees to frequent our hen house ia the fa tare. Thr will be danger of stumbling Against a wire attached to s dynamite bomb, pees -ing a tbaaud bores power, whtoh will b set every evening. v1 AejaBBojtj Durinc this week tha flnrt vwaao. ak ka Cowrt Hna. ba- ha-. 111-:- k. h. fellowino legal cantlamen fro diifarant oart of th state x From Portland -Jada-e Raleich Stott, who tly resign ed Circuit Judge of the 4th djcial District. Trad V SolttutB and ry Ach, both rising young attorneys. m Salem Hon B 9 Bonham, Hon J A tten, District Attorney Holm and BJ Dawoe. From Cervallit Judge John Burnett, John Keksy, F A Johnson. From Kugeae Lark Bilycu and W Wasbbura. From Ubanon F M Miller. From Empire City S H Hazard. From Albany Jndge R 8 Strahan. Jodao L Flinn, Judgo J C Powell, Hon Geo El Chamberlain, Hon W R Bilyen, Hon J K Weatherford, J J Whitney, DUN Black- burn, K R Skipworth, T P Hacklemso, L H Montanye, C E Wolvcrtoa, T J Stitos. Money SayesJ jmtfi i I ' i s& agr ' Allen Martin must have moaey.and now is your time to get bargains ia dry goods, olething, boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc., from 25 to 60 per cent can be saved aa goods will be sold rsgardlsss of costs for cash, bow is your tints to buy. Gall and investigate. 67 First Street, Albany, Or. . B TOP AUn A Martin bars thsir financial affairs in shape, sad they ere now prepared to sell goods ehper than ever for ea$h ami pro duet easy. Having had enough ef tho credit systtn they now propose to sell for ready pay. To our friends and patrons we kindly sxtond our thanks both fer natronaae snd kindly f ling ia our troubles. And to our enemies would soy that we shall remain in Albany to make it warm for thorn usual. Alls A Manna. All kinds sod styl of harass at K L Thompson A Co. f'iae Saltings Mr. W. H. Graham has just received some of the finest suitings bresght to Albany which tho desiring first-el s suits will do Well to examine, for they ar really superior. He will put his prices down snd offers to make complete suit for $22 upwards snd pasts from $5.60 te $13. Now is the golden SffBllSllfJ" - -"W " - j Tfl Hen 1 M Stra .t.TCwLTD.KUlOV. 3S-e3 L F E Robinson vs Ell Carter and E R M Carter. Suit In Equity. Dlsmlmod with out prejudice at ooste of 1'lff. t. B W Cooper vs Rebtooa Cooper et al. Snd In partition. Referred to A A Dawson J 0 Powell and A E Blevlii te make par- titloa. 3. H 0 Bnrkhart et si rs Robe L Bark hart ei al. Salt In partition. Martin Payne made sols rsferee to sell property 4. W H Haydta vs V sney O Reyden st al. Suit In partition. Deo res ss stayed for la complaint and H H Hewitt appon li ed sols rsferee to sell property. 3. Mry R Gordon vs Amos D Hy land. Suit In Erralty. Dismissed for want ef prosecution. .DM Cooper vs M Whealdon st al. Suit la Equity. Continued. 7. Ellss Dsnoy v Susannah Peterson, Suit In equity to set aside deed. Continu ed. 8. Hii.s eh Laodt et al vs Parrlsh et at, Suit to set seide deed. Con tinued'. 10, E T T Fisher et si vs Lewi Itra ,j et L Confirmation of Referee' sale. Nils con Armed, llj Lewis Coa vs Oslander Per neb et si, Conftrmatlen, Halo confirmed. It, A J Warren va J W Swank et al, Confirmation. Hals confirmed. RDF Wagner v E W hbsr. Con firmation. Sals ooo firmed. 16. 1 K Boot wick et al vs Allssy Ray et ah Confirmation of liefer' sale, Hale ooo firmed. 17, Frank TrUoc vs W A Trites el ah Partition. Report of refer oouflrsnod, IS. Joseph Melson vs 8 J Kesfavsr. Action on note. Continued. 49. A H Baltimore vs John Mauler et al Foreclosure. Door for Plffa stipulation. 20, John Crawford et al v John Beard etal. Mult to sot aside deed. Continued, it. HThleleou v c D Simpson et ah Foreclosure. Dooree fbr pih, 22. John W Wilson vs Matilda Wilaoc. iMvoro. Dsoro for plff. ' 22. Mrs 1, J Powell vs Lulu Lsavltt aod Wm Leavllt. Aebon at law. Judgment for plaintiff. 20. C D Simpson vs Ml boon, Churoh A Co. and John . Crawford. Bull In equity. Decree dUml log oa after trial began. ST. Io th matter of the assignment ef 8 J h fsver. 2. Mahals ERiee v J Thompson A So-i, AeP"i to recover money. Judg ment against If E Thompson. SO. Harriet huroh vu N Wboalden et al Action on note, Judgment against A and M Whealdon. SI. Real Jolly v Nathaniel Whealdon end Alfred Whealdon. Action ou Bote. Judgment for pitT, IX first National Rank etVAlbauy va M and A Whealdon. Action on note Judg ment for pi M, S3. Bcaj I lard man vs N and A Wheal don. Action on note. Judgment as per stimulation. it. Fred Kggsrt vs V and A Whealdon. AoUouon note. lion, Judgment as per stipule- St. First National Bank of Albany vs A Wealdon et ah Action en note. Judg ment for amount olslmsri attorney fee. SO. F R Strong vs N and A Whealdon. Action on note. Judgmont for amount is oopt attorney too. 97. W W Parrteh vs James Kl wards. Eteotlsent, Judgment foe plff, SO. Mary A Bogga v Wm Bogge, Di vorce. Referred to E R Sklpwortb, 40, J L HIB va O D Simpson. Action to recover money. Judgment for pill. 41. Ladd A Bush vs James A Pearl. Act km te recover money. Ju Igracnt for doteult, OA J B WaU re J T Ultra ir. Action to recover matter. Judgment f .r want ef aaswor. OA John R BelUraor. v, J M Foster A Oo. Action to recover rn-ney. Judgment for plff, 48. First National Biuk of -Albany voC 8 aod I A JTreston. Foreclosure. Of foreclosure. 49. L Elmo v Thurston Isavtou. Action OB note. Judgment tor plaintiff, 61. Wm Morsrsn et al vs Jen Harffey et ai. Suit to reform deed. Decree for pi ft 62, A Henon v Tbos Montellh. Action I ea note. Judgment fer plff, as. Lssdd A Tlltoo vs Harsaea mitn st si. Foreelosure. Judgment by default, 4. E K bier vs J M Barkaart, ) Admr Ot al. Suit fer epooiOo aerforasaoo of eon Dofholt t as to J H Bnrkhart and Oe- P L Wallace vs J H Barkaart, admr etal. Suit for cpoolflo performance OOBtraot. DsCrOO for plaintiffs, S7. RS Strsbsn vs Joseph 7Vtmehlek I 88. AJ Qoeeoar vs John Braning. Review JttdSni-nt of VL 60. M V Kooats vs John Hearing. Aofciea o recover money, juagmeai ter ptu. Gt, lAdd at Bash ve Freak Bakr. Aetion - I . m ... to recover money. Judgment for plff. 61 W F SetUemier vs J iah BarreU et si Fnreolaaura. Continaad. 64. P P Porter Executor vs S X and Bo Coopsr. Aotioo ea note. Judgment for !ff. 06. Psttrs A Blaln vs James O Cherry. Aetion to recover money. Settled. 06. TP leaden vs 8 F Rlehardae a. Ae tieu to reeove meny. Judgment for plff. ff. Daniel Murphy vs W J Brn, Aotten to recover property . Judgment for .return of property with costs. ftfe John A Crawford va K E and R I Chssdls. Aetion os uoU. Judgment aa per sti potations. '' 69. John W Bingham vs Sarah E Biag sou Divorc. Divorce granted. 7a Ana Caauen va The Mootoith A Hons. Action ou not. Judgment per atcpula ties. 71. n W Hoehstoaler vs John A Craw lord, Admr et al. Foreclosure ef Lien. De cree for plff. 72. Jeiry Hey vs 0 A .Bum pas. Action to recover money. Judgment for pin. 73. John Clark va Daniel Marphy. Ation to reeoVer money. Continued for aervioe 76. H C Humphrey vs Lasias A Ward. Actisn sn note. J ugmeat for plff. 70. Wm Cceper vs Robert and Naney Brewo. Fnrsolceare. Judgment for plff. 78. I R Dawson vs Allen A Martis. Ac tics to recover money. Settled i 80. Oscar Blount va Allen A Martia. Ac- tion to recover money. Setfled. 81. M M Allen v Allan A Martin. Action to recover money. Settled. 33. Wata Wright A Co. vs James G Cherry. Aetion to recover mosey. Settled. 8i. WH Bsber vs 0 P Beet. To resvr money. Judgment for plff. 87, D Froman admr, vs W M Sberer, admr, Continued. 88, J alia Ross vs W F Ross, Referred to H JO A ver ill, , w wmm t I ) mar ewe a wit io fSoei edJ i W. C. T. U. Regular meeting st ths usual place next Tuesday, Mareh 18th at 3 h, m. Mas M J .Towbsbmd, Pros, Mas W 8 Pbtbrs, Bee, Srbesl Bepert FoIIowIbbT is the standins of the sohelars in the sohool at Tangen t for tho month udlug Fob. 20,1 KM Bland Ing ranges from 1 to 100) below ft In fsrler, f rem 60 to 05 fair, from O ito 78 good, from 75 to SO superior, above 00 very superior Echelarehlp marked according to recitation during the month : 8. D. David S Brldgfarmer, 01 OH Oeerge Swank, ii2 loo Oliver Jenks, 01 05 My 1 via Brower, SO OH Jesse 8 leaks, 00 97 Charles M Andersen, 90 96 'Uud Beard, 89 97 Harry Heighten, 87 92 J: imer Anderson, 90 95 Victor Mae, 90 08 Itrjogea Bridgefarnier, 96 100 Helena J Brown, 03 100 Joolo Moses, 93 98 Lulls Knighton, 90 99 Otlo Kuljchiuu, 92 99 lolls Knighton, 93 100 John Morgan, 98 95 Comodore Kalghieo, 93 86 Ullisn Knighton. 93 100 Prank Swaak, 92 0 TiOuhtaNeweomb, 01 os Geergie Beard, 03 07 C ha rlee Jenks, 01 05 Bessie Hsttlemire, 92 98 OewrglaBettleailro. 93 100 liouetta Neweomb, 96 98 Leeta Knighton, 91 98 Maud Beard. 92 98 Ollle Elmpeoa. el 98 Mary Simpson. 02 08 Marlon HI uip on, 92 91 Bird Lupor. 90 09 Joha A Ilouok, 95 1 JO A mass Moses, 07 100 OeorgeEimpaoo, 95 92 Kraak Lew, 93 97 riarauel Meses, S i SM James C Grave, 95 96 Mack Jenkn, Ot 07 Roes Swank, 02 98 Oliver Knighton, 01 05 Joha Swaak. 06 100 ('level end Riley. 88 95 Wade Blevios. 91 98 M. It. Bbowb, Teacher. In above S aUaJ. toe a. Ulurf.l,-. D. for depart IV SKI tsm. Another pioneer gone, Mr Chailei M Fin- dell ensue to this coast in an rly day, sad like many others of th early settlers endur ed many privation sad hardlnp, h was l August 20tb, 1826, aod died on the 23od day of February, last, he wm in bis dots ysar of age, hie health having been oa the decline for a considerable time, he was a ciUaea, kind husband and affectionate lather, bo leav a wife, and twelve children to lam t their aod loos, be h gene to moot two of hi bildreo who bav gene before. The levei father ha jre te Join the loved SV he Have jciaed tSs glstJ bead above. WV have MsssS (roan earth U their haiir b m. Te sinj BBBnB eo lbs golden strand ef lore. Te Usees thai resaate we thaw U La With fcettaf parted wtih father ae dear ; I lot there te hope ef a brtfbser io marram fat Hi in thai happy hosM s bright and StSWi BBTtrB. All person koowiag themselves la- do bled to ue on laat year account must call nod so tie the same withla 80 days from date, or the same will be placed In the hand of an Attorney for collec tion. RomsnAber wo mean all ac- treat and Aixbn 4 Maarf.v, Albany, March 11th. 1834. W are now pripseed to do say an J an kinds of Job Printing oa short nottca. Oar Presses, type and materiel arc all now and our price are tho low t. All wore warran to! JLfH ekm, esnd te us for ti mites on large Jobs, BcaxsLasrr Bnoa. Two teas of good Tissothy Hay deb vexed at Waterloo ia exchange for lumber. Apply at on to proprietor. of Watsrloo Raw All th s koowiag tbem Ives Indebted to the undersigned on account prsvlous to 18S4, or who have not made arrange- atanla faaaaHtamanl will flml it tn Ihntr Interest to call immediately . . . I jr. J, Dcbrviixb. maney W ar now prepared to make loans iu hsny ,Um dird a improved farm land in Linn sad Benton oouutiea for any length of time not Is than one year. BcBKuaar Baos. B0CBJL89V ABBIOA SSLVa. The beat salve in tho world for outs, bruls, seres, ulcers, salt rheum, fever eerea, tottor, chapped nauas, cmmisini, ui io auu mil KWIH W t ,r . v . This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction la every case or money funded. Price $6o per box. For sale by Foshay at Mason. BOT1CI. All ao jo ants das the undersigned have been placed In the hand of T J Stit fer collection who is authorised to receipt for the same. If not paid in a reasonable time the nam of those neglecting or refusing will be given to the public, FfUtD RalS. Exelted TBesuaads. All over tha land are soins into over Dr. King's New Dtaoovery for Com aumotion. Their unlocked for recovery bv the tlmelv use of this arrest life Saving rLj it . " i- romeuy, wisoa wO" its praise. It is guaranteed to positively euro Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoy Fever, Broncnitis, Hoarsen, xxms ot Voice, or any affection of tho Throat and Lungs. Trial Bottles free at Foshay A Mason's Drug store. .Large sins fi.oo. for sale. Span ef see hers fer sale. Sight years eld. One 16 sad th other 161 hands high A groat bargain. Cell ea Wm Trhaa, 4 mil south of Albany. Information given at this office. UsS. TU foftarwmc Is th Mat of letters remaanlnx in tne row umce, Aioany, uinn counr.y, ure- n, March 18tk, IBS. I Persons calling tor these is must civ lu date on wnicn tney were i aavus u. Collins, Alex Howard, T C Maelc, Miss Minnie Parish, Delia burr, Miss Bmma SUers, Annie P Sevarns, Mrs Maryene Smith, Mrs A I Froutntan, Joen w Weber, Taaodor White, Mrs Mary J. M. IRVING, P. M PLAIN TALK. n Plata ftoejrfa. BY A PLAIN CUAP. Judge Dsady Is a great man, and has rendered afreet decision, ons In fact too grsat for n plain chsp like me to know bow to sppreclnte ; but ef course a plaia aod fair statement f fsete could not be e x pec ted from such coai mou beings as the judges of ilie supreme rourt of Oregon, the farmers of Lino county and myself. My understanding is that the grounds of Jud(.o Deady's dsoislon overthrowing tho mortgsffs tsx law are thess : that tho law Is not uniform and e jual, as provldcil by the c mititution ef the Htale of Oregon thsr bsing aprovLlon In the law that mortgages on land io two counties shall uot bo taxed. Bat this looks much like On excuse, the real reason lie Ing that mortgsges, in all counties but Multno mah, are taxed at th ,lr full value, u hile real estate is only taxed st half Its value, much te the detriment of money sudor In Portland, a very untenable reason too. 1 hen In order to make tin- cans completely within the Jurisdiction of ths U 8.oorts, eveo If the pluintifl should not hspDon to be a noa-rtsi dent, be declares that the enforcement ofa void law like this Is the deprive ment to a peron of his property without duo process of law, which le plainly prohibited by the fourteenth amend moot to the constitution of the United State. This makes the decision f Judge Deady apply to all who had mortgagee whether they live In UM ooaaty, or state, or out of them, so that f this decision remains In force, mort gages cannot be taied at all. The note will have te be (axed as in ths past. which raeane that in counties like Multnomah tbey will not be taxed at more than a fifth of thtlr v-lue. It was refreshing to rend the statement in Judge Deady's decision that the fact that the notes of the Dundee Mortgage Company were made payable In Dundse, aod wsre sot there, did not prevent their being subject to taxation here so long as the company bad their resident agent hero and the money received by him was immediately reloaned iu Ore gon, their sotlsn, he claimed, being a mere shift te evnde taxation. It Is a natural thing now for us who favored the mortgage tax law to feel grieved, and vow veageaoce aod all that, but this will do oo good; we might as well take Itoeol. I believe there it a way out of it, and that Is for the nest Legis lature to amend th part of His law exempting mortgagee from taxation on land la more than ouo county. While Judge Deady makes strong point iu rsierenee to taxation not being uniform where mortgages ar- taxed In full and land only fer one-half ; yet as a matter ef fact if the quesiioa aloes were brought up, he never could render a like decision oa that point, fer any such non- uniformity Is due entirely to the mode of ease lux and not to the law lUelf. In the meantime nil corporations and persons, except th': Dundee Mortgage C ) . It is probable, if they have not already paid their taxes for last year, will have to do s 3. If demanded of them. unless they obtain an injunction re- straiaiug their collection of the same a ths plaiatif! iu the case Just decided has done, wh ch might as well be done, for they would have to pay taxes on the note if not en the mortgages, which, under this decls o i. the Dundee Mort wag Company Is also liable to do. wherever the notes are, which, it is well known, are at Portland, or at least tho agent resides; there. If the collet tor of Multnomah county doej his duty, this Company will ml be uo neglected, for it was uot the decision ef JnJge Deady that It should not piy taxes in the state, bnt simply on the mortgsges In the oounty wbare the land is l ocated. Cossrll rroe sttns. Taeaday evening, March llth, 1SS4, Pro nt Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, and oil members. The Committee on Fire and Water recom mended purchasing 500 feet of good No. 1 tost he, not to exceed $1.15 per foot, and also ons ho cart not to oest over $300. On motion adopted, sod Chairman of Committee and Chief Engineer were instructed to make the purchase. Marshal reported condition of streets and al that ho had contracted for car load of lumber. Rev Irvine being pre nt made atatement in regard to drainage on Broadalbiu street n r Sixth. Referred to Committee on Health and Police. Ordinance No. 126, published in another column was read thr times and adopted. Marshal reported street lamps in bad con dition and the matter wm referrsd to com mittee on Street and city Marshal. Complaint being made against Mr Schmeer for walk not being on grade and scales in street, the matter was referred to committee on Streets. The following bills were ordered paid : C Meyer, $1.76 ; Costs vs Johnson, $4.35 ; costs ys TKilliams, $4. 3 j ; N J Hen ton, $G. 75; Robert Brown, $50 ; P W Spinks. $11.26. The following bills were referred ; John Usher, $3 ; 1 C Dickey, $32.75 ; A B Mc IIwain. $6 ; R Crosby, $2.75 ; N J Heutoa, $0.36. Musical last ro meat. J. II. Daniel bow has a complete line of musical Instruments of all kinds for sale, consisting of the Mathushek piano, the Shoniager organ, llddks, violins, guitars, etc., as well as the latest sheet music. HN instruments are all of the best grades, and are not the cheap trash, so that wheu you get in.,., af an V Vlml vnil mav ii j j - w .r. .nlnrnn. that will sauv ww W-a4n j vw so Bjvves Basa vsv - last and hold its tune. Bw Variety or Petateea. The underaigned living a half mile from Albany, across ths rirsr, has ths following new varietv of aead potatoes which he will sail reasonably : White Star and Pride of America, whioh are moderately early and the Duamsre which is late. These are an excel- lent variety of potatoes. Samples may be mn at Redfields in this city. U M Kelly. BJABBIBD. TAYLOR MILLER On March 18, 1884, in the Forks of the Santiam, Ma Frank Taylor and Miss Task is Miller both of Linn sounty. WALTERS SLA WSON On Wodneeday evening, March 12, 1884, at the Revere Hon-, by Rev E NCondit.MR Harry Walters and Athlia Slawsox both Albany. BMxatt fc no. 98V. An Ordinsnco to s mend Sec. f of Ordis aa e VI, entitle 1 an Ordinance, relating to tiemitcrUlto Wascd, ami the manner oi baildiD-sidewalks and crowalka Be lt orni,,ed In, ik, Cnmmtm Cmme (Ae City Albany . Hw. 1 , The crown y a to be of red er yf lew fir (3, thr .nth-thick by not Joss i (8 etkt, nor more than ' I2j twelve inch Wide v enty tewed, and te be nailed oB Villi, ' to b made of red fir (2) three by (6) aix ia -ch e, of oval hne,eaid besHng to be douM d, ar;d placid '1 a part where th ends i( deck planks ooms together ; (7) seven et vi -h Uajiocs to bo nsdor eav h section ; aead crosswaysto be from (3; three to (6) six feat wide, as the Committee oa Streets aod Pnb I ropcrty may direct. The edges of said erVsMWsyg to be leveled, and a layer of grovel ' tbr inches deep, and (Si thr foot wide, to he spread on each aide of said ore wsy, sod to ester, I tlm whole length of the mo, tho irayc 1 to be raised to the level of taw plank. II. All Ordinances or oa rt ef Or. dioauces in coof ;ct, aitb tl is Ordinance , are hetsby repealed. tr ill. Ibis Ordinance to U iafeesl fron and titer fivs dave. after its rsaMieav. tlon. r Passed th Coo noil March Utb, 1884 Appmvsd March llth. 184. Attest : J. r ti,,. m. J. HajrTo.v, Mavor. itecorder. TOE rmeoo and Kdward Everett will stand Bar marea the oaon of 1884 at Hnnd Rldr Stock Fsrm. ON ECO, dsrk bay with asprinkllnx of white hah tbrotiRb hi oot. Foaled funel. 1UI. l.rawl end raiaed by Jsy He chprlaw MU1 Stock Farm, fblfy, Wasblngtoti Co. Oregon ; re "rd 3 aa a two year old. Sired be- al. tamont 2:31 14, by A I moot, by Alexander's Bxiaiian, hy Kyadyk Uamblotonian. Dnsss. Bell Pilc bv Doble C2:40W at two year obi) by Kricesoa st fottr year old) by Msmbrioo fJiiisf. IftIe'e dam bv Tom frrowdsn- hatf brother to Pilot, Jr. air of the damn of Mhu1 S. and Jav Eve Nee. Kricesen'a dam was tho trtine- Mr Caudle. g. aasss by Ooo D Frontico. bv ' uuiei. SC. K tlassa by Woodpecker the air of wrey Ketrie.tU great four mil race Cirey Kagle was aire of dm of Msg Ferg uton, thedainof Fiedmont (2:I7?i In fourth heat;. Altannm's dam by Brown Chief, bv Mam br ) no Chief. g- Anna, by Imp, Hootop.lhoreoahbrod. siro of Lulu's dam. ff. fg. elstna. br B rtrsnd. br Sir AiAhto by Imp. Diomsd. B B- S daaan. by Imp. Buzzard taer- oughbred. Almont, ths sire of Altamont, andsnnd aireofOneoo, aire of Piedmont. :17W. om iuwuv vbbvl ; .io. ranny liner spoon, 2:17. A Id l no, 2riy, and twenty- four bom wub record below 130. Ptod- mont's dam by Msmbrino Chief. Like Fledruont, this colt combines ibe blood of Atambriuo Chief, Dambletenian. and Wood p-:ker, and cornea from the beet reo- of IbSQS reat families. It woa'.d bedimcolt to find in this or any other country a young horse that coast - oit.frs mors winning blood than circolstoa in the veins of this voung follow. With hu rried preparation he m ado in l8ttoitno i irngon Stale Fair, a reeeid of 30 aa a two tear old, which was no measure of bis ability under favorable r rm matinraa He will lie limlu-d to ten niares at eacb. ryabTe wWn the mars Se known to be foly in foal. EDWARD EVERETT, bright bay wllh afar and rtgb hind ankle white, Itii band high, weighs 13011. ilrod end raided by G F Simpson, Albany, Oregon. Edward Kvirott's sire wee Put Su itb, by French Morrette, by ths Tunny aoa Colt, by Bollrwah, bw Judin Morgan, Dsm, by Vermont, by Independence, by Vermont Black Hawk, by Sherman Morgan, by Jostiu Morgsn. Vermont sired Kilo Lewie, &27 ; Lady FaootJna, 2ii ; Parrot, 2-iD ; booktoo a great many otlser fast snd game horses, wbieh shown that he transmitted tbe troUInc actina with Sroat uniformity, Kdward Rvsrett will e kept on the farm until May 1st, and will be allowed to serve mares at fl to iu ure. Mares will be cared fer at reason able rates. McK.tioHT llano.. Press. Albany, Oregon. otice of Dissolution. "V'OTICK is hereby given that the oo .aA partnership hereof re existing be tween W C Davis, O W Davis and F A Watts, under the firm name of Davis Bros A Watt, at Shedd, Linn county, Oregon is tins oay dissolved by mutual eonoont. F A Watts retiree from the firm, snd is snocceded by Joe May, under too Bam mime of Davie Bros, A Co. All will be nettled by the old firm, or member of H, and ail account duo name may be paid to any member of too old firm. W C Davis, (i W Davis, F A Waive, Dated March 1st, isSL DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. sATOffiro and residence in Block. McIIwain Aluuy, Oi'psob. Administrators Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned bav been appointed by the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, Administrators of the estate of Lewi Cox, deceased. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly ver: tied to tho un dersigned at tha homo place of said deeeaa- Itt I or m uii umir uiiiee ui urmntnonra Blackburn, io Albany, Linn county. Ore gon, within six months from Mie date of this notion. March 7lh, 16M. Kriws.nn C, Oux, Nat 11 u Cox, Adtuiuist rotors of the est ale of Lewis Cex. deceased. OOX BUTTE GIM1TBEY lOflflE, Notice is hereby given that, there will be a meeting of sll parties concerned in the Knox Butte Cemetery, on March 21st. ac 1 o'clock, p. m. for the purpose of or ganiaiug and electing a board of Directors to take charge of said cemetery, ard trans act such other business as msy come be fore the meeting. S. A. Dawsox, Goorok Kncx, NlMROD PaYBk. THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINE & SON. (Successors to) Bannals, Woodin & Fitker, Mnnufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on nana, a complete stock es f.ll desirablo lines of und will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. RE YOU MDE miserable by India ieatlon, Constipation, Diszinese, Ioss of AppeUte, Yellow Skin? Shlloh's Vi alhter po drive cu , W ef