"i fill It lite genwcvat. FRIDAY ...HAUUH 10, 1884 The man nominated at Chicago will surely win. Tha impudence of monopoly b only equaled by in insatiable greed. New York and Ohio rival for the honor of being the Pirotal State. o Uneral Sherman continue not to he a candidate with suspicious regular ity Every clerk in Washington ought to have a Senator for use s a means cf support. John Sberaaaa is shouting Copiah to drown the compliments of the Ohio wodl 8MB A hard-pan fact is that Bismarck hates republics. There's where the shoe pinches. . .- - - to I dimes that Stephen W. Doreey is the first Senator from the Stale ot New Mexico. Even Senator Sherman is almost pre pared to admit that the outrage mill is S. S. Cox succeeds Rscrans as chairman of the Democratic congi ionai If Mr. Blaine is a candidate for the Presidency he should postpone the ap pearance of hit book. The holding of both conventions in Chicago will cause confusion to stump speakers and their hearers. The brilliant and elegant t 'oakling sapportiag Logan would be one of the droll features ot Asaorioan politics. We judge from the accounts of his present tour in the East that Mr. Dor sey is the Dull, Sickening Thud of the Republican party. Justice Field is intensely unpopular on the Pacific Coast. His decisions, so invariably pleasing to the corpora tions, sufficiently explain this state of feeling. w The man who has bet hat that the dnaw of the Chicago convention would be elected is now feeling that nothing abort of a No. 8 will fit such a The Springer Committee is likely to Attorney-General Brewster m a very bed light. Indeed, hie official character is getting black enough to If Logan should get the nomination for Premdnt by the Republicans, there is e chance for Dorse y for the place on the ticket, since it will take lota of soap to poll Logan through. One of the most extraordinary facts contained in the report of the Secretaty of War on militia returns from the sev eral States is, that Florida stands 3rd on the Kst of States with respect to the number of armed men in its organized militia. One thousand replies bare been re ceived to letters sent to prominent Democrats of California inquiring for presidential preference. Nearly 800 are for Tilden, 300 for Thurman and 5 are in faver of J udge Stephen J. Field. One thing is undeniable : The Re publican party has during its ascenden cy levied annually upon the people $100,000,000 in excess of the need of the Government. To that extent it baa robbed and defrauded instead of protecting the taxpayer. Tan Qftganiai is exposing the do ings of the swamp-land ring, and leads os to believe that the present Republican State administration is as deep Into the muck as Hen Owen. It charges that the State is being Robbed right along of large bodies of valuable lands and that no attention hi being paid to the law of 1 878. Ac cording to Its statements, Hen Owen In the in erests of California capital ists, has gobbled a few hundred thousand acres througu old filings that should not havo been honored and the state officers have knowingly permitted this steal to l)e perpetrated. No doubt there are as many abuses in the present administration of State affairs as there were in any preceding and we are glad to see that the Ore gonian is disposed to be fair in this instance at least. Jacksonville Times. The appearance of the loot and month cattle disease in Maine and Kansas creates great alarm among cat tle men of West Wyoming. The Stock g re wets Assotiation is taking immedi ate steps to quarantine the Territory and exterminate the affected cattle. Should the disease appear in this Ter ritory the Association has legal author ity and idemnity funds raised for the purpose. The Association also dis patched to the Governors of the adjoin ing States and Territories urging the enforcement of quarantine regulations against affected cattle and infected dis tricts,aad extermination of the disease by the distruc ;wn of animals,should the disease oreak out in the respective States and Territories. Governor Hale of this Territory is in hearty accord with the Association, and will use th full legal authority to protect the Territo' y Lost the disease. THK HWKTttACB TAX L I IV. Th n,,,.. f Aiu., ml nwn,.n.l. v iavue swsi i ing country were raised to the bighoas rdtr-h nf HbmmiL l.t F,id.v unon receipt of the news that Judge Deady h had d.,!.!-! Am ------ L. nnn. stitutional and. void. This was a uttH ub,wriber Uk P01 cw4 0 w. u u .u- iv.-j.... i Company In the United States Cirouit Oonrt asrainat School District Nx l.of IrfuHnamsh count v. Geo. V, Sear. - I av:ar r xr..n ..i. ...j iV. ka4.l of Mvnritl other counties to restrain aid defendants from col lectin ff taXOS levied upon plaintifl mortgages under th ,( ui Uvr naned bv the laafc Atata T.eoislalur. The ground upon which the decision is based is that the law is in conflict with section 32, Art. 1, of tho couati- m!am if ilta wlii.ik itenvi.l.ifl i , , r , . I 'tall tTlinn ahull liu null I uml nni I form." The law is contiued to tnoit gages upon land in one county only, and for this reason only the court holds the law not uniform and cqua', and hence invalid. With but few excep tions this decision is condemned by the people, and the words of condemnation tT . kind by any mean. Unsophisticated enrol inhabitants ask if a poll tax is uniform when imposed ujon all male citizens over 21 and above 50 years of age. Or if a law would bo tj i i and tmifrtrm that rMiiiircil rn.m a sot .1 tj t- Bl i ilvl OVV HWf V J J ' a ' I sge. These laws would bo aa clerl violation of the coustitutiou as thf mortgage tax law but as thrv aff.-ci only common citizens they are all riht, I but when the interests of great asooted corporations ate touched these Uwt aiel found to be not uniform. I The sentiment is almost universal that the next legislature must beel c - tmA nnm ik lassas) that some iw must be enacted nnder which capita audi cauiulisu must b-j comoolled to iav their proportion of taxes necesiary to 1 r - - I maintain the machinery of gevernmeuL Great cob Us is are going on all over the land between the people on the one hand, and monied corporations on the other in consequence ol the refusal of the latter to pay the taxes legally im- posed upon them. In California the railroad corporations nave refused to any their taxes uatil they amount to miiiiana. and auoh uublic indisr.ati)n has been aroused among the people, that the governor ha been compelled to call an extra session of the legtsia - tore to insugurate the neoeaaary steps to compel these corporation to bear their portion of the public but Jena. Nothing is clearer than that all kinds of property should b-sr its equsl iart t tutttlut liiir.l. iit instituted So protec: Ciovernments ate life, liberty aud P To "tw the expenses of such maiutaioance. All taxes upon the person should be abso lutely equsl. But ovary petsvi should pay a property tax in proportion to the amount of proiterty be has, whether it be land, money, horses or roortges. All property, whether land, money. mortgsges, horses or credits, sh n.4 be taxed at ItS actual value, in fiis way, ) aud only in this war, msy taxation be equal and uniform. curroKi 4 l vrr The Eugene City (gaaasf endorse the name of Hon. R. S. Strabsn as the Democratic candidate for 8 prime Judge. The Guard says the Democrats will carry Lane county this ytar he L'UO majority. Good. A gentleman, entirely laUHJ4 vs that be holds a mortgage sac $9,000 secured by lien upon real tebifcoi io Multnomab county, and that the asaes sor of that county assessed ir a. 34,500 , hen he would not take le ih tn its face for it. Why did net Ju!i Daady refer to this manner of making assess ments rather than the illustration be used in reference to thf L'-u:i county farmer. ojveral rural Republican newspscrs have projKwed th? nam? of Dr. L. L. Rowland, of Sdem, as a Ke;u)iican candidate for congress. Softly, gentler men. If we are no, misinformed, Dr. Rowland's name is not on the Htate made up by the ibg. You country roosters wilt not be cnsulUl about naming the candidate. You will oniv be required to help elect, tbe Vuoics oil the ring. R. B. Hayes has given $5,000 of Tilden's salary as President to help build a church at Fremont, .Ohio. Generous, indeed. It is to be regretted that any official of tho United Ststes should be so far removed from the people as to be in different to their interests or to even consider their manifest purpose and interest in making their own laws. BOOM rOB ABTJftTB. The 3rst state to elect delegates to the National Repub ican Cjnveution to be held June 3rd at Caicago to noini nate a candidate for President was Lou isiana. She elected a fall Arthur del egation. They ara nearly all federal mn t .a officials wnicn goes !o sbov that repub licans have thrown civil service reform to the four winds until after election. A distinguished California divins baa made tbe alarming discovery that there are more liars than drunkards io the world. The fact is surprising, inas much as in this country everybody is supposed to tell the truth. -a- re pimiet. orw cut MB nreierenoeo v i .i .it r .f iLk .? Sm v" nd Vi President may be shown, we oonoluded to offer the following Pln ol polling tbCUl. write a follows For President. A. B. 1 T 1 ' 1 for tkjo trwucui. K H. " preemeat, muw oo uie wruii a nr. chioe uJ ih M00ad ttBle hU BOOOnd choice. The first name . under the words "for vice president," must be the writer's first choke, and the second name his second choice. This vote is to be for Republican reads re and sub scribe rs as well as Democrats. Repub licans will give their preference for a Republican candidate, and Democrat lor a Democratic candidate. Remem ber this poll is open to every reader and subscriber, whether he be Demo crat or Republican, but all must be legal voters. The poll will olose Tbursdav, April 3rd. New let every w i reader prepare his vote on a postal card (or by letter if he prefers it,) and for ward to us st once. No names of voters will be publiahed, but simply the nult. Bvarr man's vote wtli be kept i . ia ii pmumk nenKana Wtt hnie our protection friwnda who re making so much noise about th Ust congress reluping the duty on woe will not forget that it was the Repub- lieau party which di 1 it For the lediGcaii en of our !publin friends we call attention to th voU of both I hous-. of OQiTrets o u the bill. In the senate 3 Republicans and 1 Demo- crat voti for it, while J9 Demoerete and 2 Republicans voted againet it le the bouse there were 189 Republi- leans and Id Democrats voted for it, nd 105 Democrats and 1C Republican vote 1 against it. Among tb ae who 0te4 tor it was ai. it wuemoer from Oregoo. We commend tbeae 0g urea to the Yamhill K'pirUr, Oregon Oity Eaierpriaj, Wasco Sun, Roeeburg PUluha!er and other Republican journals iu okast ea necarrisa. 1 Xbe associated pre despatches of iost, give an account of an inter- Uiew with Ix. Gov. Gibba at St. LouUtn which the Ex. Governor tells bis interviewer that Judge Eield is un- doubted ly the choice oi Oregon D rraia for lrj,iJnfc And that if aOV Democrat could carry Oregon, Judge Field is the man. This is either gross rti knavery ou the part of Mr. Gibba. J udue Fields is not the choice of one Democrat in fifty in Oregon. While there is a righting chance for a strong man like Tilden or McDonald to carry Oregon, the pai ty could never recover from such a unsatisfactory nominee as Judg iieid would be. A- uss txjrrsT Tho sevcrr-st arraignment which our Supreme Court has yet been subjected to, is that made by last Friday's Orey tVm in an article entitled "The Mort tfige Tax Law" in which that paper aays : Hrrbbb!y, toi, it would be too inflCh to exvCt from n court of the Htate a plain and fearless statement of th facts relating to our r ystem of tax ation an J its ineqnitable consequences, liu: a court of the U.Hed Statoo is in i c.dfsul eneugb testate thsm." This is u unpirdonab's inlult to the people A tne Mate. enin eifr? VWr.tll the attention f our read ers to, tne letter of Senator Sister published in another column on the subject of the forfeiture of tbe North ern Pacific land grant. The letter Is w.irthy of careful persual. We think the Senator to go far enough. We would favor declaring forfeit all tends not earned In the time prescribed by congress in which the several potv tions of tho roid were to be built. i , ji CBSBBAX HBW. Tb&re is only seventeen candidates for Sheriff in Union county, Oregon. According to the rote cast at the city election in La Grande, Oregon, last week, that town has a population of 800 people. John Dixon, near Rosehurg, Oregon, lost 60 sbeep laat week, during one nights raid of panthers. At midnight, March 10 Mrs Wood ward Kirklaff; crazed with malarial fe ver, left ber bed snd deliberately set her clothes on fire. At Upper Potts grpve, Pa., she fought desperately with those who tried to extinguish tbe flames aud ws8 slowly burned to death. A few days ago a boy named Bert Gibb, living uear Camas Prairie, while assisting his father in splitting rails, slipped aud fell under th axe his father was using. His skull was split open about four inches, but his brain received no injury. s Atamee.ling of tbe Longfellow Me-, morial Association held in Boston the TteHHtirer stated that he had receded $12,000, bold land far a $75,000 mon ument, and thirty-eight thousond addi tional is desired. The hillsides north and west of Marsbfield, Oregon, are strewn with dead robbins that perished in the cold an 1 nnow-3tormy weather a few weeks mmesaammmmmmBmBm go, says the Mail. I J. LtndritU, of North Coos tlver, report a similar phe nomenon in the vicinity of his place. Along Coos river and its branohei lis. ards, grubs, and myriads of parasitical insects, inimical to the interests of the ranohers, were alee killed by the eold snap, and in this way Laudrith thinks U was a blessing. At eape B'.anoo nealy all tho birds perished. While the animals belonging to San- dor's menagerie were being removed from the train at the denot of a town in Kent, England two elephant be- oamo alarmed at tho whistlings of on- fines end broke loose aud ran wildly through the street, breaking the me five gates of too depot and attacking three pcraons, two of whom wore seri- ously injured. They finally entered the Cue Do Sao, made their way into a house, the flooring of which gave way. The animals were preoipated to the cellar, from ehich, after hoots of work,they were dtawn up by other ele- pliant. The wildest exoitemtot pre- veiled upon the streets. We hope every reader of the Dim- ocrat will read in another eeluma pur plan for polling oer readers en the presidential question. Be sure end rote. It will only cost you a postal oard. Judgi MoArtbur ie spoken of as a coodidate for Con st ses. The J ode would beaaifong candidate. Under the now apportionment toe number of elector Ul votes will bo 401 of which the southern state have 172. If the Democracy eeouree she thirty -eta votes of New York it will hove 307, e clear majority of seven. Th cost of eooertiog the body of the tate Congressman Haskell from Wash ington to Kaneaa wee 43,01. Like previous coosrsasiiiesl fuaerabt. tbie one waa turned in So e picnic, in which large quantities of expensive food and drink and cigars were oensusaed if ia Afia ii.;-. MAfl -cw. i. 1 ' to Senator Iioajan than another itioL any mention of Bob Lincoln's populari ty. Th suggestion that he may possi ble carry Illinois in the Republican Convention ia especially ca lee la ted le all- mm all tit fni.n in Rluk Tii'a u - . . . . somewhat turbulent cbaraciar and give sLaT ZmmsZZ Iiuhvhuiv wjiuwhj ttmvm mm vui snd startling. It has been General Logan partioeJar boast that, while Arthur could only carry the hen ef lie w York io the eeavontioe, be oouid carry the whole ef Illinois. The country readily taken all ike oranges Florida seeds Berth ward, and consequently their culture steadily in creases. It is stated that orange grove, fire years after they are started, will ell fqr f 1,000 per acre ; and to nrenare grove, covering five acres, according to a careful estimate, from 900 to 1, 000. After tbe first i-e years, the growth of tree and increase ef fruit is constant during at least ten yeartPlonger, and afterwards, with care, the grove will retain it vigor for a century. Florida, according to the census of 1880, produced 99,000,000 oranges, valued at 9700,000, and tbe product is largely increased now. Vet the demand for them io largely in, ex cess of the home supply, as this country consume 600,000,000 annually, th remainder coming from abroad. lake the wheat ef the Nerthweet,tbe orengee af Flotida are a cash article, finding ready buyers, and being generally sold an the trees, before the crop ripens, to Northern dealers, at ooe or two cent each, who take risk and gather tbe crop. Topeka advices state that Maj. Sims returned Saturday from the diatriot infected by the foot and month disease. Tho district io thirty-five miles in area, which is now rigidly quarantined, and every on rt io being made to stamp oat the disease. Dr. Iloleomb ?isited Chase county to see and report what effect the disease had, if R appeared there, and after a careful examination, pronounced the herd in question free from disease. A public meeting will be held at Noasab Falls, when a systematic movement will at onoe be inaugurated. It is pro posed to buy all the inf-cted cattle, kill them, and burn tbe bodies. Tho rail read district have given assurance of their co-operation ia the work of pre venting th spread ef the disease. Reports from northern, western and southern parts indicate cattle and Sheep in good condition. iititt A MBW SCHOOL HOI SK At (he annual school meeting held in District No. 27, unusual interest was manifested. The patrons of the district propose to maintain school for nine months during tba coming year. After tba school question was settled, the need of a new school house was brought before the meeting. The question was discussed pretty thoroughly for quite a length of time, and was finally put to vote and almost unanimously carried In favor af a new building. The Intention is to build a house costing somewhere near nine hundred dollars, which Is a sum sufficient to pay for the cost of building, of which the district may feel Justly proud. This is certainly a step in the right direction, wo have been needing a saw school house for the past five years. Other districts that had better school buildings than we have, replaced them with new ones several years ago. The question of education is of vital interest, aai Should not be neglected by means. i J. fi. Scon, Dlst, Clsrk. eoBTRKn- faririe iiwn obaxt inii i . WahikWo, D. 0., Feb. 29, A. B. Curry, tf., AutUor awl VUrk Ae City qf PoTMand : Your letter of Feb. Uth, transmit ting the pruBmbM and resolutions Peeed by the Uommon Council of the city of Portland, at a epoclel meeting thereof, held on tan evening of Feb. Htn, 1884, In reapeot to the forfeit - ure of the Northern Pacific land grant, has been received. The deliberately expressed views and oplntoas of the Common Council of the chief commercial city af Ore. gon, ought to, and always will have greet weight with me, in respect to milters of general iotereet to the State, or In respect to questions In which the city of Portland may be chiefly concerned, end I shall at all o""1 wy end willing, end well esteem It a duty to render ell the aid in my pawer towerde the procuring of any proper and needful legdelatlen, concerning the general Interest of the Stato, or the prosper! ty of the city of Portland, consistent witti e wise end just puotic policy, and that fidelity every legislator owes to the Interest of the great body of the people whom he represents. In the present Instance however, I am unable to concur with some of tba propositions contained In tbe resolutions ef the Honorable tbe Common Council of the city of Port land. I do not assent to the proposition, that "any act on the part ef congress Interferrlng with the rights of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to Its land grant, or any portion thereof, would be a great Injustice to the Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany. On tne contrary, 1 hold, that a Just public policy requires that al the lands which have not been lMrnMl Mi mIiI Minmnv nnilar Ihc . . T ' IBBJIIM VI m IIBUt, WJ W7 WJUlUUVtWH af Its road that la all lands em braced In tbe grant adjacent to, and cotermlooue with the uncompleted portion of said road, should be promptly declared to tie forfeited by . . . . stored to settlement, and for these First The orlgloal grant was Im provident In the lest degree. Second Tba original grant was upon conditions, to ha performed by the company within twelve years, or In 1876. Two years extension was given by congressional enact men t.and since the expiration of these two yesis the company has had nearly eta years mere extension nt time, by mm mi inn of congress. Third The great object of the original grant was so all raH com munication to the Pacific coast, bv a northern route, which has been accomplished, so that the principal reason for the grant no longer exists, aod this reason o- longer operating, the remainder ot the grant ought to be restored to the pobiic domain. Fourth The company has already earned under the terms of the grant 36,000,000 acres of land, a very large portion of which is moat valua ble agricultural lands, for which said company Is now demanding of the settlers, who nave gone upon them In advance of the title accruing to the eonseaay, tbe extortionate prices of from 9460 to 916 per acre. Tbe remainder of theaa earned lands are either covered with valuable Umber, or are valuable for pastors ge. The vast extant af this body of earned lands, may be bettor conceiv ed, If looked at and considered, aa a consolidated territory. Thrown into one compact body, tliey aggregate 94,687 square miles, a territory con siderably greater than the territorial limits of either of the states of Indi ana, Ohio or Mississippi, and equal to extant to the area of either of the states of Illinois or Iowa. To continue conditions under which further acquisitions of public lands may be secured In the bands, and under tba control ef this gigantic monopoly, can neither ho a wise nor m dial v...KHm maIIam For those and ether equally cogent considerations, it is impossible for ma to comply with the request con tained tn the third resolution of the Honorable the Common Council which Is as follows. Resolved, "That our Senators, and Representatives in Congress, be and they are hereby requested to do all in their power to secure to tb Northern PaciGo Railroad Company, all the land granted by the act ef Congress, approv ed July 2nd 1864, aad acts supplemen tary thereto, and amendatory thereof 1 thns to enable the Northern Pacifio Railroad Company, to push to comple tion the great national enterprise as planned in the granting act" To do so, as I view these questions would be on my part, to prove myself recreant to a most important public du ty. I am sir, with great respect, your obodient servant, nt?v4ei vjb to ? finer J as. H. Slater. CATARRH CURED, rwslln snd sweat orsaw iwnreU by Shllob's CsUrrh rem dy. Prtco Hi oanU. NjwsI Injector frte tor sals by fotluy snJ Uon. For lam bsak, aids or ohett ma SSilioh" Porous Flstteef. Prise 16 seals. SHIXOU S VITALIZE R Is what you used lor Con alpstloa, Loss of AppjUts. Dli tloesa sad all! symp tosas el Dyspepsia. Price 10 sad 76 seats per boots. lU'J TOd HVFFKR with Byjpepsis an! Lira Complaint t Sblloh's Vttatlssr is irusnuitssl to ear yea. For sale by Foebay B Mason. THAT HACKING 00U3H can bs so quickly oard by Sblloh's Curs. Ws fusratss it. I HMO ITKHM. Scio, Oft, March, 11th, 188 1. Aids. Democrat : Crops hok well considering the freyJT To early to plant corn yet. Business is very dull a the farmers are alt Imay tMewin-' and sowing: grain. Wid Bilyou baa lately bought tbe saloon formerly owned by Jack Dit- yeu. Mr. W. If. Talcott has got tbe id in his head tu.t ho can hatch chickens by steam power but as luck would bav it he got to maeh steam and cooked tho eggs. Wis. Mcknight sys that if h person trying to seek an offioe be should go out of tho vicinity for awhile, o that ben he comas bask ths people will know how to appreciate him. Ho did o and get to be District Clerk, tlis sdvice would be good to our candidates for the coming County Election. Mrs Irene Clinton has organized a writing class hers. Hbe has about 20 scholars and thuy are prr-sun fine- ly. A oertaiu youiijjmm looks very bad since tbe music teacher has departed fro.. tho city but I think he will got along all right as he is going t take atrip for buin aj 1 pleesnro. Mr. John Marshall had a part of both bis feet amputated last buoday, caua- frozen feet, a sad affair indeed, only having one arm before, but even if bis limbs are taknn off one by one that noble spirit of his will remain un broken. nnisst On Thursday afternoon a farmer from tbe backwoods In the bills In the most pltable plight Imaginable was seen darting and dodging along a back alley, between Fourth and Fifth Streets In this city. Ha wore a haggard, frightrii)eo ' and seem ed to regard the approach of man with terror. II is coat was literally in shreds, and there was not a button left. Thinking the man Insane, we rushed in ahesd ol him and concealed ourselves behind a barn in order to get a good look at blm when be ap proached. Am he came up we step ped out of our retreat when he, In the most abject manner, called out "I will support you." We told him In tho mildeat manner possible that wo were trying very hard to do that thing ourselves, and thit we only wanted to know what troubled him. ills Countenance lighted up at he remarked In the most assuring man ner thst he supposed we were snoth r one of those candidates, and he averred oo the word of an honest, candid man thai ha would just as soon take his chanee in a threshing machine as among those candidate Who attend circuit court. NOTICE. JULIUS (iRADWOHL of this city', having taken the machinery agency of G. F. Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line of FARMING IMPLimEKTS suited to the trad , i wit '. WAGONS- HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, and all implements of less note They will keep the LA BELLE WAG0K, also the RUSHF0RD a new wagon with all the late improvemnts and warranted on of the best wagons in the market. Summons. ... . . . Iu the County Court of the Stnt of Oregon for the County of Linn : Chae B Montague, Plaintiff. TO, Q R Qltmoar, Defendant. To G R Qilmour, tbe above named defend ant. IN TBE NAME OF THS STATE OF l Oregon, yon are hereby summoned aad required to appear ana answer the oomplaint et tbe Plaintiff in the above en titled action, now on hie In tbe office of the Clerk of aaid Court, ou or before the tirst day of tbe regular May term of aaid Court to be begun and held on tbe first Monday, tbe 5th day of M v. in the Court House, In Linn couuty, Oregon, alter publication of this Summons for six consecutive weeks, or judgment will be taken againet you for want thereof, for tbe sum of ninety-four and 55-100 dollars in 17 8 gold coin, with interest thereon In like coin at the rate of ten per cent per an num, from Sept. 23rd, 1832 until paid, for twenty-five dollars Attorney 'a fee, and for oeete and dlaburamenta of this action to be taxed, Thle Summons is published by order of non u r nnn, j nage et aaia court, which order bears dgte or March 4th, 1884, FM Mirr.KR, L U Montanth, Atty'a for Pl'ff. Administrators Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT the undersigned, administrator ot tbe estate of Harbard Sbeltea, deceased, will, persubnt to an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, on the 25th day ol March, A. D., 1884, at tbe Court House In aaid county, between the hours of nine o'clock in tbe ferenoou and four o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day, viz : At one o'clock P. M., sell the following described real property belong ing to said estate, to-wlt : Beginning 18.86 chains west of the north east corner of the south was' quarter of Section 6, in Tp 10, S ef R 1 E or the Willamette Mo ridian, in Lion oounty. Oregon, and run ning thence east 83.36 chains l tbenoe south 18.85 chains; thenoeeast 10,72 chains to the north east corner of Haman Huel ton's donation land claim ; thence south 18.12 chains; thence west 4000 chains; thence in a northwesterly course to the place of beginning, containing 132 47-100 acres, at public auction to tbe highest bidder, all the rlgbt,Utle and interest of aaid deced ent at the time of Ids death in aud to aaid real property above described. Terms of sale cash in band on tbe day of aale. Harvey Shelton, Pownix A Biltbu, Administrator. Attorneys. aii.MSr Martfi Wheat per bushel, oats 43 " Beef on foot, 3Xc Ifay baled, WX&X por.ton. loose, 18 to 20. Flutter-!2T to 80 ota per lb. 1&mttT cent; per do.. f'otatoo 7 n per buefe I. Pork -b)4 cte per lb. VeskWKcperlb. Bacons hams, 15c. aboui'Jer, Ivj. side, i : c a Lard -15c per lb. In sq cans, i i ' . Klonr .Oo per bbl. Clilrken -3 V) r do.. Hasjr-San Francis? 0, Pic. Mill lWl-bran, l.'.OOper kn. Drlod Krult Man driod eppltm, liSM plurns, 12e. machine cirod apples, 15e. M plums, IS. Ifse Acre of Land fur Mai. One (am of 300 eOns very dWal.i. Oua faria of 135 acrea. Ooe tract of 109 acre of rild bowl. Ooa tract of SO acres. Oa tract of 70 acre. Ooa tract of 133 acres, and other small tracts. Will sell in lots to suit purchaser. Will trail (or other property. Call at tbm M, ISJW roll rr-J w.-t Mi-Ij ttle of febll L' .'n itt Ktern dv. Fri HtSfxijb. KaUuii' Cur 1 IU raaJjr It jva Summons. f f i T- In the Circuit Court oth' rnjmfvr Lull, I uuitl v i B W Cooper, I'labPiff vs. Rebecca Cooper. Nancy Duncan and C Imuran, htrhuaosnd, Ableaii Pcstning ton, and b M I'ennlnsji' her htotljand, Jane llrlogham aud M Bring ham, her bus band. Mart ha Km in and K H Frum. ber buabanrl, L A Fardom and B V l'urdom A ber buelaind, K V Cxper aud it VV Coop er, ber buflband aud M Cooper, efend ante. To Rehecca I' jopar. Nancy Duoan, C Duncan, AbbSBll i'. rf niocton. H M l'ax. i Ington, Jane Jtriiham, If Drinoant, Manila Frum, K it I 'mm, '., A Fordoin,' B F Far Jem, I. V CMlper, G Vi Cooper and M Cooper, lbs above named Dufewt eota : t N TUB NAMF. OF gtflE STATE OF Oregon, you and each of juu are her - reuuircj teaueear anI answer tbe com plaint Of tii pUuitilf herein in tbe axve wntliled Court now oo file w!t!i tbe Clerk of said Court, by tbe Ural day of tbe next regular term of aaid Court a!ter the publi ration of tbla summons for six weke, to wit ; tbe regular March term of raki Court Io be begun and bolden ou tbe second ilouday lu March, 1SSI, In Lsnn county, Ortuii, or JudtfQKia will be taken againet I you for w,ui thereof, and you and each of appear and anawor said complaint aa here by required, tbe piaiattflT wilt apply to tiie Cun fos. the re.ief aeuiapded iu tho corn plaiat herein, to-svit: for a dec ten parti tloning tbe following described real prop erty, to-wlt : Tbe X of tbe S W 14 and the s VV ii aud the S 14 of S E M and S K of Sec -jo, and the X of N W W and the X X of X E M or See , in Tp il, 8 K 3 west, in Limn county, Oregou, contain ing dtO acre, loaa 8 2-100 acres heretofore sold therefrom, Also the fo lowing : Tho south half of the donation land ci" Of bWnuo.l and lbjbeera:ooH-r, uemg patU ofHeotions 2S, 29782 and S3 tn Tp 11 tt U i west tn lAua o juntr, Oiegn, containing M19H acres. Also Lots 5 and S in Block 2 Io the Eastern Addttto i to the city of Al bany in Linn county, Oregon, among tbe ownem Usareuf a oruiu lu their rupt-c-tive ioteieaS-t a c0 frth In tiiu j(MOp:aiai harelu, or In e.e partttnn thereof eaauot be made, ibso for a decree directin; a sale thereof aud diatribui'ion of the proceeds Siaong the oaners in accordance wjtb their reepccilve interest, aa alleged iu tuc complaint, and for tue oonta and uisbuoe mente of thl, suit to be taxed. 1 his summon ia published by order of tbe Hon it 1' Uuiae, Judue of haid Court Ui the Btats Kioir r s Da kat for six aucoaealve weeks, which order byiradaas January 31th, isai. Ki.iN.v A CtTaunKHr,x, Atl's fur l'lainliiT. -r- - a . Summons. In thedmut Court of thz Stat o0; fccj for the County of 2Urtn ' LFleieehner, C If Lewta, I'laintiu. Alexander Sum pier, Jr., Igdia V Sump ter. Oeorge C lltbbard and J V Uraz-, Defettdaata. Te Alexander Sutupier, Jf and Lydia F Bumpter two ut the above matod rta fendaute IN THE NAME OF THE STATE" 4r Oregon, you and each of you are here by required to appear and answer tbe plaintiffs complaint now on file against you iu the above entitled suit on or before the tl rat dh? of the next regular term nf said Ooun to be begun and held at the Court House iu Atbauy, Linn county Oregon on Monday the loth day of March, A. D 1854, that being tbe first day or the next regular term or said Court, and that the relief demanded iu said aait la a oe- 1 cree agait said Aiexaudex Siyupiej, Jr. lor 9iat.ao and 9120 ou Attorney 'a fees in favor of the plaintiff, L Flefsobner, and also In favor of C H Lewi for $31.81 and 854.00 Attorney's fees with intercut en said principal sums at tho rate of ope 1 i r cent per month from Lhldste and for the foreclosure of a certain raertgago executed by Alexander Ham pter, Jr., and Lydu t Sumptereuthe 17th day of April, 1SS0 (desc.-ibed in complaint) to the plaintiffs to secure the payment of two promlseo iy notes therein described aud for a dociee for tbe sale of the following real property, deeoriited In said mortagsge, to-wlt : Tbe west half of claim No, 68, Notification No. 1894 being a part of sections 21 and 28 in T. 10, Mouth of range g, west WUiameuo meridian, situate lying aud being ia Linn county, Oregon, containing ioU acres moio or less, and for mi oh other relief a msy be euuitablo and for cost and disburse merits ef tbla suit, This summons is published by order of on R P Howie, Judge of said Court which order is dutod this 2 id day of January, A. D., 1884. Doupu Bki.unobb, Mallory 4 .Simon and K. 4 STRaitajr, Attorney's for tl'du Final Settlement. Notice is bereb uy given that the tindor- signed has filed in the Count v Court, nf Linn couuty, Oregon, her final account as administratrix of the estate of Hotuar Jia-vis.decea-ed.and said court has appointed Saturday, the 9th day ef February, 1881, at the hour of nine o'clock A M of said day at the Court Jouseln Arttauy. Linn county, Oregon, for the hearing of objections to said account and tbe settlement of the same, at which time and plnco ail peroins interested iu aaid estate are hereby notidod to appear and file objections bore:oJf t. ly tbey have. January, loth, 1884. Mak E. TUvrs, Admr. House. QUIMBY & HERSEY, Proprietors. 'il 1 . V f ij A af ' f " 1 or. Itb aad C. HU Poriland.Or. aj 0 -w jr st g. j tpJm t 1 QNK OF THE FINEST AND MOST complete hotels In Oregon. Condut t- Doth by American and Europearn plans All tbe modern improvements, 140 bed rooms, well furnished, lig-nt, and well ventilated First-class reading room, and barber shop. An elevator and ail the latest conveuienoea. . L. . 1 , , . " Qmmby Summons. In lit Citrvit Ccvrt ty the State Oregon for Lim County. John W IMngham, I'laratlfT, ) Salt in vs, Eoalty for Harsh EBIriftham, Defendant J Irivoree Td Sarah E Binghnm, th above named De- frnilanl s In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon i i TOIJ A HE HKRKIJY SUMMONED ? I. and required to appear and answer the complaint of said plaintiff in tfaeabovo entitled suit, now est ne esnee-oC ! the Clerk of said Court on or before tbe lirst day of the next regular term of said Court to be held in asdd count? ci the second Monday, tbe 10th day of March, ism. And you are hereby notified that if rou fall to annvfer said oompla-nt aa here o required, tbe plaiotifT will take a decree ap;ain rou, aiasoiving the bond of mat rmumy now esistina; between yea an9 aaiu pjamturon tbe ground of desertion, also for tbe care and custody of the infant children, named In the complaint and fee such other relief as may be just snd equit able and for coats and (lisbursmentr , i ni nommeae la pubhehed by oris Ben R I' HotMeJ udge ef said Coirt. wnicn said order bears date Jan 16, 184, Jo on BciursrrT, Attorney for Plaintiff, Notice of Dissolution. NOT U K W HKRERY GIVEN THIT the -o part nereblp heretofore exist ing between L8endera and M Sternberg, under the fires name of Senders &. Htera bur, at Prineviiie, Crook county. Oregon, to this day distolved by mutual consent. L 8nIr will aaetne all iiabilltiee of safal firm at -nil Prlneville, and coilact all ouUtmdinK dobta de that firm and will ooelinue tbe unmc-ss at said place. L. feKKDERK, M. Stei !ti;t ao, I ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. PreprieUrs ALB4IT, OREGON. ' MONUMENTS, TABLETS, awn ih:aj)h roE8 Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of other atone work done with aod opsspai Special attention riven to estk a!; parte of this State and Washington 1 tsrnujry. safAU work warranted. 17:4. Final Settlement. NOTIt B IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT lha undersigned baa filed his final account aa Administrator of tbe estate af J U Hacklerman, deceased, in the County Court of i-lnn oounty, Oregon, and by or der of said Court, M ,aday tbe 3rd day of Marrbt 1884 at Use hour of 9 o'clock, a. us, of said day is set for the hearing of said ace runt and the settlement thereof. Any person interested in said estate ia hereby noti tied to appear and file bis or ber ob jections to aaid socooat and tbe settlement thereof on or before said day. Jam ea L Oowajt. Geo. E. ( havbekujx, Adm'r, au y tor Adm'r, Notice of Assignment, Notice is hereby giren that Alfred WheaL dpa, of Lion county, Oregeo, has made a general asaiuoraent of all his srooertv to the taatasigucd for the benefit of his creditors under an act of tbe Legislators ef Oregon entitled "An act to secure creditors a jest dirisoa ef the estates of debtors who convey to aashpiwi for tbe benefit of creditors" ap proved Oct 18th, 187S. AH psise baring etaima against the estate of aaid Alfred Wh'aldou are hereby setsled aad Rsreired to preseut ths sainc nnder oath to the ender sigced et Albaay, Oregea, within three, months from the date of this no tie?. Dated February 14th, j"&8, lico. H CttasjaaKuanr, Assignee. BOSTON POST Tire bo and cheapest family paper in bw r,niriana. am tbe latest correct market reports. W ill be sent to any address in tbe Unwed States free of pontage, ONE YEAR OH OIE DQLLA.E, To those desirous of obtaining valuable reading matter and the new of the day at remarkably low pause, we offer the follow ing new club Msl, good onlv to new sub scribers and those who send the cash n advance to our office and not through ' agents : ff The "Boston Weekly Post" and tbe "Cottage Hearth," .....41 SO Or the 'W ide-Awake" ....12 50 Or tho "Habylaud" $1 00 Also for 4 now subscribers (or the "Boston Weekly Pest" and f 1 we will send tbe '-Cottage Hearth" one year free. For 8 new subscriber to "Beaton Weak, ly Poet au J 88 the "Wiee-Awake" one year free. For 1 new subscriber to ' Poet on ly Post" aud 1 tbe 'Babyland" one ytnr iree. Rrgwlstr Prices . The 'Cottage Hearth per year $1.5f The " Wtdw-Awake per year .. .....M S Tho "Babyland" per year . w Jg The "Boston Weekly Post" per year.fi .00 H Male and female agants wanted in every town so slicit8ubacrptioas, and a liberal commission allowed at above rates. Address Post PubliitLiiig Co,, ftOSTON, MASS. FURNITURE. I h tve the bs'. stock of turniture in tbe city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Tho only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE iu the citv and the lowest price in the ".rev, isumu ana asaa ' . "jj ir r 1 f . w a a. A X X leX v vl sTsV Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS- A. B. WOODIN OWE NO MAN ANfTHING. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the uadersined are respectfay recjuest ed to call at u ice for settlement, as I rosT make collectsto meet my esrw obtlfsUoos. A disregard of this notice will entail costs on debtors. Lvoauou, N,v. 6th, 163, T5ACKME1 v.cK,a laung and fragran perfume, Price 25 and 50 cento. For aale by F os hay ot Mason. 1 4 r.