Democrat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, TIE BIST IBYERTIOTB IHflBT IN THE WILL AUUI VALLEY, If Ni rvfree" w W i&W Hptcial buaineas notitea in Loeal Set aarae IS cents rr line. Hegnlar Lesal notices 10 cents jr ilne. ., ,?r ' and trsnsteet i 1 1 iilh.uJJIs II .00 j er w u are for ths first lassrtte. aa lnUiui"n.P'r ",Ure fr cb ro4 i'.fH ur o'Uf advertlaemeals aaaffs Mown i,n applinstion. , s ISSUED ETBRY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. Bl icwl Bulldla Broadalbla rK. OF SUBSCRIPTION mIi om. Mr m. n adc H M a oo I M rs 10 Wn:t cv'p. per year, at d of r aiagl copy, tx Month tail copy, three month iur'r nwaJhee . ees VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY; MARCH 14, 1884. WWW NO 38 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Mate . 1 ui ' ; ... , , u--, , -tj . rr7 fr . , J PROFESSIONAL CARDS. u nam. s. chambrbuw. FLINN 4 CHAMBERLAIN, mOtKElS AT LAW, Albany. Orojon. aSTOfflo. la Foeter'a Brick Block. "OA vl6nl8tf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. wmr xjr a rTTPlC IN ALL THE V C&rt if Ihm Will lv. peel! attention to oolleetlona and probate ""office in roster's now brick. f L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEJAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany Oregon. Office upetalrs, over John Briwtjore lat street. J K. WHATHERFOED, (HOT AST PUBLIC.) iTTORKEY at law. SIB tY, rLL FBACTTCR 1M ALL THR COURTS Of TH iut. S.icial attention givan to colleolioua aad ia Odd FHW Tniia 14:J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Ck&ifjry, ILR4W ORkW"' Colleetlone promptly nde oaallpointa. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. MTOffice In Foster's Brkk. Tl4nl9tf. j. j. wwtiiey, attorney M GroMellor It lav Notary IPiiMtCe ALBANY, OREGON, WW practice in all of .r tbit State. Allborfnsw Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. -Office in OToolea Block. L W. LANGOON ft CO., MVCM218TS. Stationery and Toilet Article, A tenoka. T.fM Stnrk and lw mow. CITY STOB, Vi tutfT.etwet FOSHAY MASON, -vsoiKiU as aarnv Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OKECIOW. 16n41tf REVERB HOUSE, Cra. rtts as BUswwtfc Albany, wrsgsa. Chatv Pfeiffer, Prop'r. TtoaHotoltottSaasatoftraatjto. bte JppUaT with the ban the nt afford. . EST errr Room. A food Sampto Roowt t or Com- in ercry Room. Travenrt. T. J. STITES. ORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. Office oAos. in Statxs kiohts . DRS. L W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons ALBANY, OR EQON . tad d?cei Coast Has I.IUH LsMllfwm m Aioany Bath House. T1BI U5DIRSI8HBD WOULD BESPRCT I faily iaform the eitisn of Albany sadrl rfiltTtRat I havetaksn chargs ofthi Brtebteh aa.t,aaa,by keeping elesn g .l.t.nttB to bttitnsw. sspscU IS iait si '.fcosa who stay faror ns with their patronafs ttarUg Tisrstorora nsrnsa on noiawj First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons szpsets te giTS sstirs tatiff to al Mt1die aad LadUt' Hair esatly s kCldia aad Ladi Ibaaponad JOS WRBBRR. RED CROWN MILLS. ISO, LAXSTX6 & CO., PROPR'S. saw process rxoc sursnioa fob families A5D BARRRS U8K. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y, Aaaets. Dee. 1682 f 3.295,326 Pretniaqs income 2 07,139 Safe, reliable and quiak to pay in cane of loss. ARCH MONTEITII, Agent. Albany, Oregor, Hi D. BROWN, ADVERTISING, Discreet StTBSOBIPTION tofranGi80o, Gal. THE DISSEMINATOR. Fablisbed every Saturday Har s ssarg Oregon, rr tA.IN"Editor Proprietor, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kind of atone and marble work on short notice. All work Is war ranted to give sstlsfaotlon. Will work any and all kind of atone, but deal prlu cipallv Id Oref on City granite. Cleaning, repairing ad reaotting a Npeclalty. Call and examine my ptloas before purchas ing elsewhere aa 1 will not be underaold. fhopou west side of Kerry street oppo site poat office. o. w. Harris. Prop. JOHN SCKMEER, LIYERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horace kept on reaaonable term. Horaea and buggiea let to sutt the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth street. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sbavln g done with neatness and sharp rhlch are alwav kept In good razor, which are al-y condition, aad hair cut in the very best style. SA WA vims. LAUHDRY AND OUISA MRRCII AM"INu Bl SI NESS. Woe, tea aad Japan rk Loc' uiulcrelothce, uM et hot Win prtcce. CoOtlliir tor China labor. SVNext to CitT Bank. HE NO TENG- Beet washing and ironing In the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. SAM COHEN Keeps the beat brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BESJ BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest btHard hall In the city. I U1 also sell real estate, tnercna jatse household goods, stc.. at auction for any one in tts cltyor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, ur. 6t SAM COBIN 83 A BRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE IjOUISVILI.E WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. Oue rear tor Barf $3. SO. Two fmprca for IBU awrs inaa ua pn urn v". By l"winf u tX50oti trill reeeie tor ooeyear j,,ur iv mw ifr wHk iae "uwnw juonw, mm uitMd ahM Umily wrnAiy laU United ktatM Mw ho Amir U exsmitt "op" ariw J jurtuJ" cn do o l Uk uOo. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOORS, WEIBHTfi, PULLEYS AU OOUDS, WINDOWS. BaT-Connty dealers are respectfully Invit ed to call and examine our stocic, note our prices and favorable terms. Send to Pries List. WILS0N.& BROTHER. Hanafaclarere, Wholesale aad Bel ail Dealers, 18, 26, 22, DrummSt., 8sa Franoisco , Csj scio wmm directory. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. Ta BALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH If E8. Keep a full lies ef Jewelry Watches and clocks repsired In nrst-cla order. SCIO - - - OREGON. We M. MORROW, THALER IN STOVES. TINWARE f copper and i coprr ana sneetiron wary, vi-m.. j e . e .A1rvrr table cutlery, etc., etc SGIO OREGON BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. TTEEP A FUTjTj LINE OF PURE IV groceries, fresh candle., nuta. and sll kinds of eonlectionaries, tobacco, c?f ars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, hats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. . -a-rrvrrnic OF PUBLIC LE TTINGS 80- Js LICI CED. Piana and japecificationa i twaisbed on abort notiee. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl povUar ner vartra A awrval at pariat) , trmtli nd wh leauiaiMa Mora eiwinii-i Uin th ontlaary kind, ana caanot bo 4S In aassMise lib lb DiaiUtoU w tow U.t, hort weight, luto ur phuaphftts xwdcr S.J only In rn RuTAL BAtia IVwuiB Co. 106 Wall Mrrrt, N. Y. Disfiguring HUMORS, Itching and Burning Tor tures, Humil iating Erup tions, such as , Belt WBfSa or Ecima, Puriaal, BuUl HftJ, lotanW or Birth Humor, and avary torts of Itsbtsf Baaly, Iim ly, Bcrofuluu. lnhritd, Coatacluua, and CuBpar.Oolorad Maassw of iho Stood, Skin, scalp, uh Low of Hir, ara poatUvalr cured by vh i. uu. urm - - th stood nd paraplraUoa of I -npttrltioaaoa aslsasass. sad tfeoa ikSsSSl tea esesa. i ninn,Hf pwun van, inimvij aoafS Itcaloc and InflamaatUott. idoara taa 8k in aad State baalsllcaraaudSora. aad riawn tha Hair. Ostlsara Seep, as asejaWM Skia aaaauser aad Toitet Bouuiaiu, praparad from CuUcura, la taola pasaaaia iu uwa.tng Skia Dtaaasaa, Baby lliiajiin. Skin Hlasjlibaj, Kou? u, Chappad, or Oily Skin. Cnl Ib 1 1 It Sattea ara ahaolulaly pore, aad tho only real Blood PurlBaraand Skla BaUSare, fraa from aiatvury. ananic, laao. alae, or an other tola, aril or Tagakabli potaoa arhatarar. If weaM require tot en lire paper to do joaUe t a daaciiptloa wf tee curee pertcraaad by lb Coil cure Beeuiveoi tn'.eruaily, and Cutkvra aad Cwttau Soap aalamaily. ni tha palate at U. hande aad of tad of the B'ir. vary lif!l rult to ire if and ne cnidere4 tarurabta; null patch tt lettar eali rheam on the ear. , aad (Idea of lbs Bcalleal Hrade with loee of heir without nam bar, haade aevared with dadraS aad areJ eroptiwoe, eapackUly of children and intanl. auay of which :nca atrta aau an mm r Ileat.a homing, and a?ly tort .rei tut aean relief froai ordinary retnedi , au '.) d haalait aa by magic. rerlaete. Upruey, aad other frightful aree4 Skts dkeaaaaa, ecr. .f fuheat tuetrs, au aea. amt dia- eharrlng wauiida, aaob and Jt of .hkh Bar leeit epae.HU. ermnanil aod uieaiiy cured by the . utteura KM Hold rewrrwhare Cttttoora, SS aol veM. fa : mi-, 6 Potter Ur.- aad CSaav leal cu., Hoaton, aa. a ad far "Hew t Car ah la ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1S5. By A. F. CIIERRY, stua-ed at corn r of First snd Montaomery 8 .n-u, Albany, Oregon. Havine taken sksnreof the abors aamed Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw end (inst Mills, Woed-worklna Maehlnsry. Pumps, Iron snd Brass Castings of every description. Msehiner. of all kinds rspaiMd. Spe cial attention given to repairing fatm sua cbinery. rsttera Kettles 4eae ia aS Ss fanes. l&llyl A. F. CHERRY at "ON. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACES0N - Proprietor. Opposite Ravers gooes 8hsving snd hair dressing done In first ass style. Flrsl-elaas beth rooms, ath for ladles snd oentlsmsar all hours. Terms reasonable. ' Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rc. Z. P. WUds, wall-known city mlaaloaarjr la Mew York, anal brotlaar of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of the Maachnaetta Supreme Court, writes as follows : " 78 E. 04th fit., A aw Korlr, 3iy W, VB&. Mkhhiu.. J. C. AVKtt & Co.. Oentlemen : Last winter I waa troubled with a moat unortmfortable itotilngr htuaor affeetlus more eapecliilly hit limb, which Itched ao intolerably at night, and burned to Intense ly, that I could scarcely bear any clothing ov r them. 1 waa alao a iiinerer from a. evere catarrh and catarrhal congh ; nay appetite was poor, and my ayitain a good deal ran down. Knowing tbe veins of AvsR'a bf obaervatloa of many other can, and from personal uss in former yar, I began taking It for tbe above-named dlaorder. My appetite im proved almost from tbe flrat dose After a short time the fever aad itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of tbo skin disappeared. My catarrh and cough were also , cured by the same means, and my general health grrniiv improved, until it is now neeUeah I fa I a hiuidt-ed par cent strungei, and i attribute those results to tho use of the Sau.U'AUIM.a, which I recommend with all confidence s the best blood medicine ever devised. 1 took it in small doses three Umea a Aaf, and use'), In all, leas than two bottle. 1 place theso facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wftos." The above Instance ia hut one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Aveb's Sajua p a nit, la to the euro of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, aad a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleasses, enriches, and strengthens ths blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Serou Imu intent t. Eruption of the Skin, Itheth matlm, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. I'REP AltED Bf Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Uruggirta; price SI, Six bottles for $5. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best rgative Medicine cure Constipation, Indigestion , Headache, and all Bilious Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always reliable. Pu MI tXntMMWHM A A atfJi.blSI S .-it i t i vHjmn fit , AU, Drmocrut t I'M: need RMi l I will give you s little of my experi ence st s school tesober. Before I com menced tesoblnf, I aad ptirsosdsd my self that, ss a tcscber, f Wottlri please everybody, and cjnsequtsitly could tasks life a success to tbsl department But to my greet surprise, sfter com mencing, I soon found I list sll men were nol of the ssms misd with me, sr among themselves. I soon discovered that a large part of my patrons ware educated under the old system, folly indoctrinated mith'otd time views, -snd bad never been con vt need that say school books, school teacher, or school system, were ss good as those of their early days. Indeed they regarded any improvement or changes, as innova tion, unwarranted by law, or Gospel, and only intended te unlearn the world of die wisdom that had accumulated, and been inpsrted all the wey down to themselves, who, iu their own estima tion would be the lest survivors ef si) tbst wss good. In their dsy, parents controlled the children, sod whipped the boys, sod girls for svsry offeoce, even up to mature years, and teachers did the same whipping for every oflsnee sad for no oflenoe. They evsn whipped for want of intellect. This class sd vis ed me to do ss lbs teachers of their dsy, so I concluded to be sn old time teach st, and went to work on tbst Hoe, 1 then discovered, that soother part of my patrons bsd been educated under the new system, bad never been governed eithst st home, or at school, or whipped at either piece, in fact left to do as they plsesed, had they governed their homes, snd run all the schools ibey bed gone to, believed themselves to be the em bodiment of right raiding, refinement, and thorough disciplios, sad leallj the first generation, since the flood, that bsd been raised, and educated aright, they were bringing ut their children the seme way at heme, aad wished tbess so treated at school, Some of this class interviswsd me,repri steaded ras severe ly for want of ability to teach, declared I belonged W tbe age in which their . grand parent bsd lived, said Slomoo, j who bad eecti the ealutery rffwci of the red, upoa children, was sn old fogy and b berteaiUe,, mm iu wipping was j savage and barbarous, Xot wishing to be j ssjaxded a Warbsriso.l desisted fiogginx i Bui, I soon discovered, that there was , aoother clsss. between these two. This , m ' w e t ... v .a class tb-Kight childrea abould be whip pel wbea shay needed itf aad at no other time, This view appeared reason able, aad wss at ouce endorsed by my better judgment, so i began whipping , the boy and girls when they needed it. and not whinninx ahea ihev did net I w used iw ffems wbwere whipped were " chiidreu of this third slasa, thsy called oo iae, spproved my sonrsa, but sal ia emphatic term tbat 1 bsd corrected tbs wrong bos, that 1 oubt to bar. faffed Ike eiber boy. 1 than resled tbs next time correction was necessary, to fljg tbe other boys. I now found that th ia third class was much larger than 1 bad at first supposed, ss I said te myself, whs! shall I do t I will do this, the nsxt time, I will invsstigats ths case, leave tbe deoistoa te tha school, and set aooordiogly. Boon Wm Jones snd Tom Hmith bad a fight, the ease was investigated, ths scbolsrs sll testified, no two mads similsr state ments, ao two saw the fight alike.e very ene told a different story .only two facta established first, tbere had beea a fight, second, Jonas on his own testi mony admitted, tbst be struck the Isst lick first , I then It It it -to tbe school which boy sboeld be whipped, they all decided nasnimously, tbat bfas boy who should be whipped was net et thst school. The esse wss takes under ad visement, snd psnding ths final dec is . ... - T I .1 mLm. ton, I ressoned tuns, 1 save tasen toe advioe ef every class of say pstronsyand of my school, sad have not plsaasd s single class, my school, or myself snd I am more dissatisfied than anyone, I bave served or endeavored to please. Hew this will I do, I will never take tbe sdvioe ef anyone, u Bless hs knows more about say hnstesss than 1 do, that I will attempt to plsase ne ene but my self, tbat I will, with a pure intention in every instance endeavor to do nstioe to ail parties, dealing with each as he deserves, that J will be chief in my school-room and govsrn sll who seek sn education st my hands, that the people may call me hereafter heathen, barbar ian, or anything thsy choose, or even kill me if tbey oboese, but tbsy shsH kill me for doing right, since then have bad much sncesss, snd great satis faction in teaching, feeling mere than a thousand times, I did for tbs ehildrsn of many of my natrons, mere than their parents, snd in many instsnoes in op position to their parents. 4nd new I sm old. and can look over the country and see a host of men and women occupying positions of bon or, responsibility, snd usefulness, law- abiding, moral and loyal pillars in our civil, social and moral fabric, bringing np cbildrsn around them te perpetuate their name, sod worth, to futsre gen STBtlons, so I say to myself, t am new mare then paid, for sll the bars labor, ease, end vexations, sad entitles. I have ever bsd In alt toy school-room. And If all my heathenism and bsrbsr isntsra have pi oJ need so many noble peel men of manhood end womanhood, eroold thst every teaebsr, in every school, in all the land were e healheo snd berberiau. Br. J adorn Oil. M. Do Leeeepe is hopeful. Before I huh be believes that the Panama Cdoal will be opened. Mrs. Llvermore finds a frost many women's clubs In the West. It Is to he hoped that they are not used on husbands. Commander Pearson and his bride sailed for Kurope last Wednesday, The lady wss formerly Mies Aer,of Lowell. Henry George's ' 'Progress and Pov erty" sells well In England. Four hundred thousand copies of it have been bought in thai country. Prince Blsmark, with the skf of a physician, lost fie pounds In eight weeks, aad feels hapy sow that ha Is no longer a burden to himself. Lord Lyons does sat drink any thing stronger than las or coffee. Uow can be bold op the) dignity of an Engl lib embassador to Paris with out drink log British beer. Keehub Cu under Hen, the Hindoo reformer, wss a a great and good man in tha opinion of Daniel K. Bordmae, the actor, and pushed In dia a century ahead, August In Dumont, who died not long slnea at the aga of eighty-three Was the creator ef the statue ef Na poleon la dele drees, which crowns tha aaseawssl Veodome column. Will Ctfleton,the author of "farm Ballads," Is six feet tall and looks like a minister. His hair Is slightly (inged with gray, and ho has blue eyoe and an aquiline oum tiles Kdwlula A. E'IiihmkUh hss been com na talon hi by Lrd But to make a as trials sutaw of the Vir- gin Mary lor uss of his chapahw Miss Bdmonson askoownas the negro sculpt rasa Kmpsrar Franc le Joseph does not know one can I irom another, it ' msy trust his "o report against hliitsrll.'' This is sat h log. A groat I many people caanot tell a kaave wheal i thav sea him. a they sea hlra. Dr. iiuckley says iae does not ha- lie? s that the mesmeric influence hss anvlhlnsr to do with thaaxeHioa i sr - a of the will power, because he has known persons fa go lulo a trance a . . I when enureiy alone. . . . . . . Frsncis s. fcey, taa author of tbe , . e mm mmmtm mm mm mm m, mm I Mt Spsngled Banner," is k nave . i . . a mm a a coromemorauvo eta me in ueiuen i Gate Park, San Francisoo, and sculp- tors are invited to- send competitive plans tar the work. Imputation with posterity hat ever been esteemed one of tbe most powerful . erv w, .r inosativee to deeds of heroism ; snd one modern School of nhiloaoohv reooc Diss, ss the only .true immortality 1 man, ths enduring beneficent influence nf In. .irtnnn. setinns. If. bewevar. , m , m ... the fabric nf our civilisation ware seen to be tottering, it is plain that tbi. par- tioulsr stiaulns to virtus would fail ... ....... we-li-LliliiatV-a .. .. , .- Hi. H it "la our liviiiABtion reiisnaui. i The. question is ssked in the North A merican JUvima for Msrob, by Judge J. A. Jameson,who eonsidtr tbe severs! sgenoies by which the overthrew of tbe existing civilisation might be effected, In t Km earn numhar of the Rt'utu, thara . .. -r J: s ia an arwcm ui vrsuinarj mbeiice 11 ,.. .!...-1 P.i;;.. I 'f uu aS...ul.,.. s . by William K. Bear, editor of tbe MarK lane Jixpress. 'A ueipncei.aa r , T T .. . Tm-f Ssa-board," by Pen. U. A. Smalley, is s descriDtton of the unprotected coodi- tionofthe hsrbom and coast cities of the United States ; snd though tbe k 1 r .u- -..::: euvuui ej. w '""'""'. his statement oanoot fail to awaken n.nie f frfc. .. tmm - ,w - - v-..7 w portanos or being 10. peace prepared for war. "Nf either (Junius nor Martyr," is tbe judgment pronounced upon the ..r n..i..i u., uu. tt who 01 v..iiiiij ujr .iiiuo upewiu mitne, wnose conii iuuuon to tne uar- T k 1- 1 I . ... mm lyle controversy is charaotarized by much force. In "Tha Storv of a Norn- ination," W ,.0. Stoddard teoounU tbe hitherto unpublished history of the means by whtoh tha nomination of Abraham Lincoln for a second preside'n- v- ri vs ni - , a aii:i tial term was brought about. Other articles are "Literarv Resurrectionists," by Charles T. Congdon ; "Tbe Consti- w,Ti'Tf ri " vffiit 1 w aa w k tuttonslity of Repudiation,'' by D. H. Chacobarlaio and John S. Wise, pub lished at 3C Lifayette PUc., New York. Sa-TLT Tbe name of Oberon, as king of tbe fairies, first appears In the old French romance, -Huon -de Bor deanx." The Bermese insert pel lets of gold and silver ufider the skin to make themselves Invulnerable. They use coin for the same purpose. WASSISiiTeS lETTBS ('rota oar regular turn rpwadent ) Washixotox, Feb. 2n, 18P. The Hall of the House Tueedsy morning presented the appearance of a chamber In which had been held a ntsrht of revelry. The ailendsnls snd clerks were sleeping la the com mtttee.rooms or map log aroune, and no quorum could be collected for any ef Hie committee meetings. This meant thst a seas' on or twenty one hsurs senitlves had attempted to evade the Mexican pension till by skulking, end the Democratic ma jority hsd taken the occasion to prove that It Intended to control the legis lation of tha Forty -eighth Congress. When the Mil was about to be made tbe special orders Cora given day, and some half dozen motions to ad journ made by the Republicans had been voted down, tbe Pension committee was called, snd Mr. Hew itt of Ala. moved to adopt a resolu tion making tbe bill a special order for tha twenty first lnst. A number of Republics ns had by this time ab sented tbemeslves, and on a vote be ing taken, the House was found without a quorum. A call ef the House wss ordered and the Sergeant' at -Arms was told to take the absen tees Into custody and bring them be fore the oar of the House. This oc cured at six o'clock p. ns., and from thst hour until eight o'clock the fo' lowing morning, Member In charge of tbat officer wore from time te time presented at the bar of the House, the Speaker addressing to each the words "you have been ab sent from the sittings nf the House without Its leave. What excuse have you to offer?'' Many said they had left, thinking, of course the bouse would adjourn about the usual hour, or pleaded Igreranro of tbe feet tbat the body was In session, while among others sickness of themselves or fam ilies became so popular an excuse that Mr. Towsssssd said "we ought i at - . m a eSk to nave some rasuicsi cert in - cst. or else we shaft never succeed la renins s quorum" Mr. Blan c ard, In esphining nh shseace.said if be hid known the bill wss up he would have been willing to remain at the Capitol a wee lo order to pension the Mexican veterans. The deseittea . mrv .'iron ion by the Sergeant-st. Arms, rouna me truant members variously eagaged. Berne were tsasooed on the streets, some were at their homes entertain- . t . . a lag invited guests, or In their "little oeds" where slumber s chain hsd bound them : while others were et theatre, ball reception, or tea-party Mr. Henley brought In full evening . . . . t V areas ana oooionnierw aeaes. w u m mm . . t ... 1 excused an tne grouna oi swicuuue a ..-. k m9 S m regara to an aicaea or messies in lata aa a a . is a. . . ... on isiuuy: w nwmucr aaiu mw about thst drees euit? That does not look, like you had been hunting a doctor." Mr. Henley said the meas les was a fact notwithstanding his 1 nablllmenld, end Mr Oihson moved I to hsve him excused ou . ... COUUIUOU he would divide his bouquet among v -... I lham Mr. T.vman aaiii he was well .trleken in years and requiring peri- odicsl refreshments, had retired on that eanoanL Mr fiorimrer moved . . . urn. mtA 1 that he ha axruaed. because, he SSld. Mr. Iymt. bed once favored him by lending him an umbrella. Mr. Bel- i loru mixed a uttio owapaeiuy wnn his buffjooery saying when a deputy found him be wss "on his knees be jwen u,e dividing of tbe day. and night, pmying that the Lord would turn tbe surplus revenue into the nf trmAm and htiainnM." ProD- . Z . a Ka. posiuous were tusue w uuo uuiuwi e 1 1 ..., ni 01 memuers wuuaw 1 sufficiently plausible and Mr. Gibson I . . - m, m . gal jUOK wss tne urst gentleman brought in whose dress did not give evidence that he hsd been out on frolic During the progro-is of thlf I r m non?encJ, the Speaking tried to pre I , .. a k. i, . .n vent ine nuan.y auu uKu. ..j requested that the proceeding should l .. .... ,inn..ta t n fr not u wn..c v , 1 ... . l farce. One dlgninea memoer ae- manded decorum and said he wished the fifty millions of intelligent people ja u.t. a -. ielr reprosu uuou en line mwi ww ww , . . k . . V m mg down irom tne gaueries on inose absurdities, and Booing American atatAuman aa thav has thnA-ielvos But another aald 4T am glad (he pen- I p(6 are not here to witness what has cone on to-night." when Ave more men arrived the needed quorum wss 1 " ...,.. present, and tbe resolution to make 1 the Mexican. pension bill the order J for the twenty flrat Inst., was adopted mm .. it -. a . . bv 175 yeas to 35 nays. The result was greeted with applause on the Democratic side end at 8:15a.m., tbeUouM adjourned until the follow ing, day In order to recuperate from the strain of its all night ses sion. It Is possible that Russia will hava to give up tha Christmas tree, far the government finds thst the destruc tion of fir trees Is coming to be a seri us matter for tbe forest TEMPERANCE DEPA&TMEHT. StilTSD BY TUB Wonei'i Christian Temperaiire Lnfon waaa raan eta s arias a t rae-i. BKXT Evaxstox, III,' Feb. 1C, lPfi. iiy Dear Sitters and Friend : Si often do my thoughts seek tlx m out, snd my prayers follow afcr th' ;r patient worker, that T hsve tesoived to send s Istter of tender rem m'.rar.ce and Inquiry to svsry W. C. T. U. South sad West, which it has been my rate fortune to visit is ths pest four year. "How goes the battle?' This is a question always with me. Will not your Union through some efficer or member, designsted for thst pnrose, write me minute replies to thst'grest question Especially tell me if you regularly meet for prayer that God would 1 It, at tt . m m - toe unnauan woiX of tin land, to overthrow the liquor traflic, not by cm might or power, but by Hie pi,it. I am also moat earnestly hoping that you bare gathered the children into a cold water army Our dear Anna Gordon ia now aasiatanl surintendent of this depsrtment of tbe Nalionsl W. C. T. J.t snd will send you sit porsibfr hslpasnd suggestions, if you will notify her of your wish. Msj I aak also if you are securing Biblical temperance lesson in the Sab bath Schools, snd temperance hooks and papers io the ssme ? The latter may be bsd without c st to tbe W. C. T. U., if tbs officers of the school sre favorable. Scientific temperance instruction in the public schools, snd freqtieut srticies snd items ia tbs nublic nreae. are s , methods of .rest as vest know. Pu'Jic meetinc. sermons bv pastors, priri to tbe children for es says, all these qui edncationel meth ods are doubtless pnrsied hy von ao far as practicable. I am confident that reeding by eonrre in tbe society, s book like Frances Power Gobbe, cn the "Duties of We mss," (5cts eot. Geo. H. Ellw, Bos ton, will send it.) would greatly stimu late thought and increase the intern t of members. Now, dear sinters, tell me what yon are doing and I ahsll learn what methrwie haws nvlwi twecr mnA K to help others by your experience. 1 hope you teed our Uriion Signal, which is s dear bond of union between us temperance women. a . . Believe me with atneere affection, Yoers slwsys ia Christian work. FSAXCES E. WlLI-ABD. mix ran raewaaiTiex Wo were extremely joyful to find this wsek the following smona the proceedings of tbe last meeting of Linn County Buaineas Council, Patrons cf Hasbaudry. Tbe organisation which took this action ia made Hp entirely of ear solid farmers. It is strong in nam- Wrp' 90 ,lro in fmci thtt 6mcided I action on tbs part of their iSastossa Cenncil vt.laslly settles tbe question thst tbe next delegation from Linn ia tb f"" T 7 or-T egtslat.on. W lib such a Strang I allay, the result of oar June elections - r ""i CODOen:" J0" sssawi as iibvrimu im ov ws can only expect tbe enactment of just lews when we elect men to the legialature. n a neat man, man in wnoee nueiuv we have perfect faith ; who can withstand the temptation to which thsy ars subjected, snd who would spurn with contempt tbe sffsr mass oy venal snd corrupt emmisa riea or those wbo seek to forward their Individ asl interests at tbe expense of the V79rm 01 lnl" BU I mm - a m. a t mx . m wmnnass. Know ng ins a general sieeuen will tranapire in this stats next Jn, tb Linn County Husieeas Uoencll deems it to be to the beat iulerssts ef tha tsx payers of this csunty that the notni- OiW la WCB MeilUUll BinY UB UtIU WIUfT lh, Uni of .itetlen to forahadew their on some of the matters which . a Riyed. That thia council appoint a oommiuee ef ar-tare of esch political I rvarev tn nrMfint tha ffl Ian- ritr nlarreee. - tioas to the candidatea of the different I politioal parties, ss oon after their aeest JtiB aa noaalbla. and te renart tha rssult te this council at the next reguisr meeting I here after, to-wit : Wonrlh-Will won. if alaolad. ba in faror 0f amending ths constitution of this state 1 . - . ' 1 so aa te prohibit ths manufacture, sals or Helng away any apiritaoua. malt or other "w"s"a 'Hwn. ...,... j j gtetS. Tbe daily newspapers sre reporting .the extreme discouragement of tbe whisky msnufactnrers and dealers con cernlog relief legislation by the present congress. It is said tost a prominent western distiller has returned from tt . e se.e. Washington with the determination to devote bis energies toward as much of a preparation as is now possible for the crisis in ths whisky msrket. He agrees that there is now no hope of any extension of the bonded period. However, this may be, it will not be wise or well for temperance people to relax their exertions just yet. A lul of sffert on our part ia perhaps just gain desired snd intended by the craft isst ef craits, in this wily abandonment ef hope. A voters' union is the latest organi action in Ohio. It la officered by such men aa the Hoi'. Mills Gardner, the Kev. Kicderick Merrick, 1. D , O. E, Tbralf sad G. f. Piters. Its effort will 1, aftb tbat tfjhe Ohio W. C. T. U., between which sad itself these is peifect harmony, to secure ressbesiaeten of (be prohibitory amendment, so dub i'jily difestcd last fell. A strong concentration tf voting power win be gained ,y the co-oj. ration to this sad, which will doubtless msks itself felt al the polls in Ho vernier, if ths present IrajKhasiia and tbe party conveatieae t ot e nact snd embody ths expressed will of 3 .500,000 eitissns. O ir bojg and girla eaust be tsnght thst slcchol lestens the brsia power, weskens the mtucular strength, dwstfe the growth, inflames tbe bw blunts the sensibilities, debases tbe ing, and weakens the will. titis knowlf dge our children will grow up puce from the dangerous habit, sad f t a V. i . a ' win nnng lata n.ature life unpefessea bodies sad brains with which to meet tbe problems ef their existeacr. They will know how to resist this svil ef drink hn it confronts them, aad will I able to legislate esteeming it with intelliier ce ar.d rower. : Lmm 1 i n Char f f Ituaaia has been lesdiag ; s life cf tpo greet rfcluaion, snd has been told, by his pbcian thst his nsrrcus troubles sre due to this e He ic, therefore, going to see acre psny ssd indulge in more good follow ship, but it is u be hoped tbat ha will not alar n: tbs Czar iae by staying ouS Ists o' tights, even if be bee a lstsh- kay, fur tbere are Nihilists in the lead. ee Daring a ienae fog, i mm . m mm mmm m-rwm w mrmrmmmm MV..W. mmm HH anxioti" to go ahead, came to the na parturbed manager of the wheel, sad asked why they stopped. "Too much fog. Can't see the river." ''But yea can see tbe a tars overhead. ' "Yes." replied the urbane pilot ; "but until tbe biler busts we ain't wav. The p it to bed. 15:nlT cllennepin snd br brother were at the teasbore : 'Gh, see thst !" exclaimed Birdie. .'See what! inqnir- ' eltt.a-atai.-al John. "Why see that little clondlet just above tbe waveiek like a tiny leaflet daacing o'er the scane.'; some ; you bsd haater CO out to the nnmnlat yardlet and sosk ronr Kttle bsadlet." Nearly every one is complaining ef dull business, but the umbrella msksrs iav, with Mark Tapley, "Let us be ;-vi.w j v. ... PoR bYSl'KPSIAaad liver W have a printed guarantee en bottle of Shiioh's Viudiser. It never fail a to cur.. For sale by Foshay A Mason. THE GREAT GERkUH REMEDY FOR PAIN. Neuralgia, Sciatica , I filAAACBlTMnUuBl SMC TflMAT. QUIK8T, 8TBX1 ntOHTBJTBS, a it all FIFTf CEITS k WTRt sola by an: Taa CSarta k. a a os) s.aa AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the Stomas which c eaass hasian suffering resale town eeraaf- meut of the stomach, bowels, aad Uvea. AtF.R'a Cathabtic Piiaa ae HwJg asa the organ, ami are ee.-edaiiy dalpied Ss cure the diseases earned hy their Serangs ateat, including CansttSwUe I rjou. UTSueiiala. Headache, JOjraeatrrj, iuiJ a of other ailments, for all ef whieh they are a safe, aura, preeapt, sad. pleasaut reuody. TUc cxtessir ess d these Pills by eminent physieisaa ia lefef pras Uw, shows oimiistakeUy the cMBaatka la wUiJi they are held by the medical prefeS sien. '": fii oi TlMSe Pills are eoiupooadod of Tegetable subsuuice ouly, aad are absolutely free froaa cahMsalor any otlr injurious IngredieuL A -Sufferer Item .WKB's Pills are inrslaableUo aie, aad aro niyeonstnnt eonipauioa. I have beea a severe sufferer from ilea dac be, aad Toar in is aro the oaly thing I could kwh a la? relief. iuo dia wdl giuciily .aioTetay bowels and frw my head fraai pain. TaW are the luceit Uoelire and Uu. easiest physis 1 h:iTc ever fotnirl. It Is a irteasare t Me te aw a It la Uuur ,ucaisc, auu 1 alaaya do a S Iit-n oecaslen offei-s. W. 1,. Pack, of W. U Ige & Bra.- Frftnkl'.n St., It:cU:noud,Va., June S, 1SS3. " ! haro use.1 Avaa'a Pit.m la "heather. Ua4 lait;ucs as recoaunended by ya, aad bare never known theia to faft ta ioeosplBh tlio desired result. We constantly koea theai 01 lu.nd :u our borne,. and priie tbeaa aa a i- LM.-i.iiit, ie, aud refS M; uYsri-:PSiA tbsy le, auu reliable lanuie meoietae. ars tori wlaalil. J. t. Hay as. Mesla, Tetit?, June 1", 1SR. Tba Itar. Fbabcis is. llARLewa, writlag fiom .i.'.' ii, '.!., says: 'b'or seiae yean pmt I have lieau euMess V eoj-tiptoa, ftoin which, iU suite of the use of medi cine of N.u ious kiiula, 1 ittllcrrtt Ufeiag iiH'Oiiveuiauce. until souie a.oulh aeo I bofran tahiits A BB S . tUASU i'hey aaea entirely orreted the cost ire SkWt, aaa hivo i-ily buphwed my cuucral healthw" Ay SB's Cat oabtic Fills correct trragu laritics of the bowels, stimulate tbh appe tite and dtgcstiou, and hy their prompt aJ t tLprough actiou give toue aat Tigter ta ths wholo physical economy. a ' FBEfABEb BV Dr.J.C. Ayer 6VC0., Lowell, Moat. ' Sold byall Draggiala. W. fpl the '.OUsG, OLD, AND All exDexiMaes Ska bcneSeial sffeets Ayer's Sarsaparilla. with Sara fte.ff Ear, or any ecrornieui ar yyw- ilitleruiat. be aiaue ueatij by ua us. E old by all Druggists ; ff, al fertk. m n aaa It