Ifjlr emocrat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADYERTI8H& MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. fj"daj biisinssa notiro in Local 01 Mi l. 11 c. r-ia pr line. Regular LeoaJ noti. rW loosnlsper line. l or hp Hm, transient ad vertlaements 11 00 por qure for the firat awtioo.au d insertion fof 8aei subeeeat Jtai fl. for other advertlsemerata made nowu on appli(tion. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. MSnHMMMtiMtii Wewnceal nll TEOMS OK SUBSCRIPTION single copy, por year, In aaranee....... amc chv. per year, at end ot r singla oopy, sis mmiths in la copy, Uttoe months...... v, r: so 3 00 1 U 75 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1884. no n atng-le manner . , ...... SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT tc A. V lav -A. ..IS Eights 3-3 ," , 1 ' 1 1 , ";'! i ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. fc. niH K. CHAMBKKLAIS ' FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. paTOIBce In Foster's Brick Block.- R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT IiAW. Albany, Oregon. "oa ipTIOE IN ALL THK W KLJSr 1!,.. Sute. Will ai special aUeutlon to collection anil probate matter. jrwf Office lu Foster's now brick. yu L. H. MONTANYE. atthrNEY AT LAW. ANI Notary Public. Albnnr. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John BrigfateM, 1st street. J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLK.) .ttobNEY AT LAW, UBIM. ORKtOS. WILL PRACTICR IX ALL THE COURTS OF TUK State Special attention given I collections BBS probate matter -Offlce In Odd Kellaw'a Temple. W. R- BIUTKU J. u. rr.v. rw.u. tt vriT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AiT8"18 -k OBOM. Colleens promptly made on all polnU. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. -Offlos in Fowler's Brit!k.-A v!4nl9if. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBAHY, ORECOM, Will practice in all of the Conru of this State. All business Intrusted to bun will be promptly attended to. jaW-OAk in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Bks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Lo Prices. CITY DRUQ- t4J.w-cT.-c-., 2yl ILBtSY. OREGO. FOSHAY & MASON, WHOLKXA J A.TD RtTilV Druse's and Booksellers. ALBAXY, ORECOX. v!6n41tf REVERE HOUSE, r ,, l rirat and EllswortJ Albany. Oregesu Clias- Pfeiffer, Proper. laMaai Thii ac- H-.Mla fttied up in Irst cUm rtyls. JabUs unpUed with the best the market a t!s. Sprtag SdTin eer Boom. A food Simple Room for Com mrcial Travelara. ..arh ta and from the Betel.' T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AS L- Notary Public. Office m States Rights DcMOCRAa offtee. WTwTaTiftti cole. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. OR? GCN. Offer their prdeaonal aervicea to tba citixens of Lil wd Jtant oMtit. Office ad rmOm near Court H uae. Call at Lai(aoa ami w. a Store. Aloany Bath House. THE UHDgKSIgUlD WOULD RESPECT fslly Lafonn the crthenf of Albany and vi einity that I have taken chargs of thii Eitabliah mentf and, by keeping clean rooma and payin itric t attentiea to basins, expect U suit si thoe who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bnt First-Class Hair DroBsinar Saloons szpeet to give entire iatUfntios to si a-Clldien and Ladiee' Eair neatly en Thamrooed JOS WEBBER. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LASSISG & CO., PROPE'S. uaw raoegss flock supeeiob tob families AMD BAKEftS tT8E. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. HiirheBt rPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets. Dec. 1882. 13,295,326 Premium income , 2,607,139 Safe, reliable and qniek to pay in case of loss. ARCn MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSCRIPTIOIT San Francisco, Gal. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT HarriburgOregon, rPRAI TEditor & Proprie tor. STONE AND IMARBLE WORKS fllHE UNDKRSIUNKD WISHES TO JL inform the publlo that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of atone and marble work on snort notice. All work is war ranted to give ttat Israel ion. Will work any ami all kinds ofstons, bnt deal nrin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aitd resettling a specially. Call and examine my prices before purcbaa. lug o'is wherw as 1 will not be undersold. Fhopon west aide or Perry streol oppo site post oinoe. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN SCHMEER, LITEM, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Alunny.'Oreffon. Hoses kept on reasonable terms. Horses and buggies lotto suit the limes. t'ornrr Second and KHswortn street. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. i)V( KIVQ AND MOI'IMU 11 L AX OS, orgnna and furniture n eperlnlty. All hauling within the city promptly attended to. LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which aro aiw.iys m k""j condition, and hair cut in the very best style. SAX wa vim LAUNDRY ANlU llISA MKK HANKING HI 31 N'KSK. Rice, tea and JaputoM vuxi. l.adl' underclothes, aold at bottom price. Contractor tor China labor. "Next to Citv DJ:k. HENO TENO. Bet washing and irsnlng in the citf. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere Houso. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - - Proprietor. Opposite Revero House Shaving and hair dressing done in first- class stye. Fir! -class urth rooms. IUih for ladle and gentlemen ( sll boars. Terms reasonable. '83 A GRAND CQMBIHATIOH '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND Til E LOUI.sVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL Oaa v.-ar 'for only SaJB, Two aSBaVM lur HtUo more thai, tho pneo of c. u : ' ' ' ua S3.0 nti will rccrirt fur one jut j our home paper with the "Courier Journal, the ripreiieMtatiTe ncwajwptr nt tho South, UemocratM; a for a tariff for revenue only, and the ert.brtwb t and ablcrt Umily weekly in the United Stal'a. ew ho desire to examine a aasople copy of the urijr-JouniaT can do aoat thia offlce. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOORS, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS ASD CORDS. WINDOWS. BkTCoonty dealers are respectfully invit ed to call and examine our stock, aote our prices and fayorable terms. Send for Pries List. WILSON & BROTHER. Manufacturer, Wholesale ana Retail Dealers, 18, 20, 22. DrummSt., San Francisco , Cal SGIO BISHESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & BILLY. TE ALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH- I vh. k-n a. full lira of Jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired in Crat-claaa order. 8CIO - - OREGON. Wa HI. HlORROWa DEALER IN STOVES, IIWWahb, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SGIO - ' OREGON. BRIDCEFORB & BEARB. T7" EEP A PULL LINE OF PURE- wK trroceries. fresh candies, nuts, and ail kinds of confectionarios, tobacco, cigars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce oi an kinds. mo, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, TVEALER IN DRY GOODS. CLOTH J ING, boots, shoes, hats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OV PUBLIC LE TONGS SO LICITED. Plans and tepecifi cations furnished on short notice. I Win POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thla )'.; i- r never varlra A marrt ol ury, trrngth ami wltuliiten4a. Vlr oounonitaal than Um m k ! ami cannot he ..!.) In ctintlUn tab. the tuulllltntv iiu i"W tnat, h .t t wclitbl, alum Sf uttMhat pndrn. Mi only hi nana IUtl UAklxii I'owoaaro. 0 Wall hlrvct, N. V. NOTICE. JULIUS (iRADWOHL of this city, having taken the machinery agency of Q. P. Simpson, for Prank Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line of FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad 3, t wit : WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES. and all implements of less note They will keep the LA BELLE WAGOtf, also the RUSH FORD a new wagon with all the late improvemab aii warranted oi of tha best wasroai in ti3 a S -. ALBANY FOUNDRY i -AND SHOP. EMTARL.1MIIED 1863. A. P. CHERRY, i?tiavl at cm or of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taknn shanroof Ihs ahovo namod Works, we are prepared to manofaetur. Steam Knjrhies, Saw and rUt Mill a. Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every deaw-rtpUoa. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm tea chlnery. Pattern Nuking done tm air ft form. W:llyl A. Jb. (J II Kit KY t SON. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest bClard ball in the city. I will also sell real ettate, merohaadlne household goods, etc.. at auction for any one In ti e cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 0t SAM COHEN- SCROFULA a:.d all acrofulou diseaaes, fforra, Eryalpo l.i t, Kezema, Blotch, ltinjcwonn, To wore, Carbuncles, ItoUa, aai Eruptions of the Skis, ars the direct result ot ad impure atate of the blood. To care these diseases the bloed iunt 1 purified, and restored to a hcaltliy and ua taralcoudltioo. AYEU'a Sxumavxuilla has for over Xorty ycara been recognised by end nent niodical nutboritlos ru tho ntoat pow-. trful blood porifler lu existence. It frees ths system front all foul humors, enriches and strengthens the blood, rtniorea all traces of mercurial treatment, and proTcs Itself a completo master of all scrofulous diseases. A Ili rent Curo of Scrofulous Sores. "Somo mont'is I troubled villi serrtfalooj serss iulaWrf n my legs. The limbs were li;i'lly . rol Is and liiflum il, ami tlu sores li - i. .v.i li, :, avseutittsi of .li t'.-;o In.itter. lerv remedy I tried fallett, until l asei avalfs Sansjieairrixa, of Tvliieh 1 hare itow luk n three bottles, willi tho result that the sores me heal d, aul my general henlih greatly imnroved I feel Yery uratefnl for the good your medicine has il edloias has tloue mo. Yours respectfully, Mutt. A XX O'Ubiax." . 114 bulliran iit., evv York, June ll, : I If"' All pcraoiu luterofcted are luvlt d to call on Mrs, O'ltrian; uleo upon the Rev. 7.. V. Wilds of 78 Kant 34tli Street, New York City, who will take plcuMirn In testify Ins; to the wonderful ctttvai-y of Ayer's Saraapai-llla, not only in tho nun of this lady, hut In his own cute and many others within his knowledge. The well-known icriler on the Jit, si on IlcraUt, D. W. BALL, of jtofhttUr, K.U., writes, Juno 7, 1682: "Having suflWed-stporvly f r wnne year with Kczema, and Uavh failed t hint relief from other remedies. I have made w: luring the past three nymtliH, of A YEU B Hausai-a-KII.la, which has effected a commute cure. I eotisider it a uiaguiuceut temeuy for all blood diseases." Ayer'sSarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, renews and strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma tic Gout, Catarrh, Genera) Debility, and ' all diseases arislug from an iiriporerfehcd or corrupted condition of the blood, and a weak ened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest blool nic.li cinc, on account of its concentiateu sin ligllt, aud great power over disease. PREPAllKD CV Dr.J.C.AycrtiiCo.,LoWel!,Mas8. Sold by all Druggists; price 81, six bottles for 5. ft Wahhixutox, Feb. 0 th, 188'4. ruosday o veto In tho PruNidocil held hh flrst publlc loveo of tho ao ioo, and tho great unwashed turned out to tho number of threo th.Uiand, to pay tholr reapoctinnd glvotfe hand of the President a shako. Your oorrenpondont foil Into line and was pushed and crushed for about au hour beforo his section of tho procosslon arrived in the Bioo lloora, where the President stood with the ladles of his Mbfaet ofneers on his right, and Col Mc Michael, tho master of cere monies on his left. I gave my name to Col , wa presented to tho Preal louf, shook hands with him, bowed all along the line to tho ladles, pasaod through the Rod Parlor, and landed In the spacious Eist Room. A party of six Flathead Indians were presented to the receiving par ty, end then formed In line against the wall opposite, and stood for a while watching tho "Great Father" receive his family. They wore brightly striped blankets and beaded moccasins, eigte feathers, glass ear lugs, and other spangles and banglos, their own hair flowed gracefully down their hacks. Their ehaporon, Hon. Mr. MaglunU of Montana marched them Into the East Room, where another reception was held by the scalpers. While shaklag hands with the Indians the curious crowd closed o tightly around them that they could scarcely draw a long breath. One of of them remarked to me "Ugh! It is mighty hot here! Vghln The densely packed parlors woro Intolerably warm, thermometer at du. Thcae aboriglaees fanned them -selves with their hsta and wined the perspJratloo from their brows with their hands. With their heavy wool, en blankot-i around them, they looked enious of tho white njuaws In full evening dress, consisting of a feAv yards of gtuae and diamonds. As one strolls on tho Avenue tbli week he will meet a number of sub ataotlal looking man, with blue gilt fringed badges. Tho wearers are delegates to tho Mlsslirnppl River .rswoTenuon now in session here, and hail frnm ml tctntra Vw. ..I.f i 9 vui uci t'li VU0 Mlssi-tslppI and Its tributariea. Tboro are over six hundred of them and ill 1 : 2 . . ... ' wey are not at nil afraid. In thoir speeches they announced that they were not here to petition, but to instruct, to command Congress to make the desired appropriation for the improvement of the Mississippi riv er. A number of Senators and Rep resentatives visited and addressed tho body, and occupied the platform during the seMsinns of the convention. Among titose who Mpoke were Sena tors Walker, Swyer, Jonas, and Le- gan. In compliance with a vocifer ous doaaod for a speech Sent tor L gan expressed thanks far the prlvo- lego of meeting such a representa tive class of men, who were horn and bred beside the great waters, and best knew ita wants ; he dfd not pre sume to offer counsel or suggestions totne convention, out was present to be taught. Delegates boldly asser ted In presence of their visitors from Capitol hill, that tho Congressmen who did not encourage this great work would be left out at the next election. The convention Is not on ly a business like body, but appears to be patriotic. When the national colors were brought into the hall yes terday the cheers were load and pro longed. Toe delegates called in a body upon the President, who ex pressed sympathy with tbolr outer prise and said he was always glad to meet western men. During the week the Senate has had under consideration the subjects of copyright, Mexioao land grant till oj, Pleuro-Pneumouia, a Congressional library building.and a romoval of tho usual monument near tbe west en trance of tho Capitol grounds. The House saw the safe delivery from committee of the Morrison tariff bill, which marked with emphasis the present week of Congress. Since tho war of political parties began It has been the custom for Congress to uso the session next pro ceeding a Presidential election In the manufacture of campaign capital. The present Democratic Houso of Representatives Is proceeding under the. Impression that honest, faithful work is the most desirable stock for the coming campaign. In its ex tremity tho Republican upper House instituted a search for campaign ma terial under tho auspices of the Sher man resolutions, and the sub-corn-mittees have been duly selected for both tbe Mississippi and Virginia branches of the investigation This is tho only Congressional junketing excursion of the winter thus far, un less the funeral trips of tire recently deceased members come under-that category, as they very psjobabty may, judging from some of the items in the bills Such as cigars, ono hun WANMHVTOft iriTCR (Fro our rsgular orrsaTHUdeni.) drod dollar lunches, while kid gloves, tslheN, nnd ho on down tho Mil ren dered by tho HtTjont- Ht -arm mi MeuotM MtrrkHs. tntnhutltti box on nro fonoritlly niQkol phiteil Hoggish. Hnnlshlnir Amorlcm pork (eota the markets of Conlliiotitnl ksurops. itier moat I suld to Ih a popular ttjod In the Wont. I)ypoptlci, how ovr, evohl It for fe tr of bruin trouble lu their Htomachs i When a woman U In I ovo uln turna (ehe peel's corner first on picking up tho local paper. After she is married, she turn lint to tho ad vertisement of the dry good-i stores. "You cannot make your figures come up te the scratch by constant ty using the Inkuraaer," Is what the bank examiner said to the cashier. when be discovered a heavy defalca tion. It Is an old saying that to nuke a gooso mature requires considerable lltno and a large uumberof quills. Not so with a man. Ho run make a goose of himself with ono qal!l lu u short time. I bought seme stock la the Railroad," said T. a Eastman, yes terday, "because my broker said it wai a good bay." "And wasn't It? " "Yes," replied Mr. Etsiraao, "good- by to my money." Dr. Blcbardaoo of England say that "when tbe sir 18 driest the drinker craves alcohol the most." This may be tho case In KngUnd, but In tills country it h when the drink er is the driest he craves alcohol the most. Alias Winnie il ill ef Temple, Tex as, is 100 years old. tfbe nee plain ly waste l hsr lime. How many husband -4 abo might havj buried if she bad not chosen a life of alngle bieMteUoe.n I It Is nevvr too Into to mond, however. TbU 1-leap year. "You gave ray wife tho wr mp medicine," excUimed, jaa t, fiirr log a drugstore, hop no h trm baa resulted ,"rreplied the druggist, tremulously. "Oh nn, siieV sll fifth!. ' "How do you know It was the wrung HitaUiiioor ' W'y, liecaae tt helped her itaamU lately." "I see you've got a col -red it rvaat girl," said man to another the ethor day. "Yea," was the 99$$f, "Yvu see my wife's sister has Just lost ber husband, so, as we hid to get Into mourning, we discharged oar white girl and hired a colored ... ouC. bbe harm-miaoe With the mourning, as it were." A lady and gentleman were at the glajsbiowing counter In the museum test night They were apparently newly married. Oht look here," cried the lady, "here is a ship with sails and spars all ef gin. It Is la beled brig. Did yon over see a glass brig before?" 'No, my dear, said the gentleman, "but I have used a food many glass aoboonera." A prominent and prosperous farm er of Michigan la quotod as saying, recently : "When I was a boy, ami trudged along to school, 1 was taught to lake off my hat ami make obol- sance whenever I met a grown per- How is It now ? Why, a man is Jnrtunate if he can pass by a sehoolhouee without being s no wo til ed." . SSI roritts sciRxra. A Hartford (Ct.) correspondent, re ferring to tbe reoent remarkable son sets, says that ib.y are very oooatoju in Norway, where, if very red, they are taksn to indicate rain ; but if of a light er hue ami clear, the weather there after is likely to be fine for mauy days. Dr. C. H. Yelfingtoo asserts that tbe copperhead never bites when colied up, but will throw the middle of hia body into long, almost rectangular curves, and with ids head and an inch or so ot tbe neck slightly elevated above the ground is ready to defozd himself. A writer of mathematical bent, says the Seieuti fie American, finds fioia tho census returns that there are about 17,000 dentists in the United State, who, be estimate-), pack into the teeth of the Ametiosn people a ton of pare gold annually. Continuing hia specu lations, ho predicts that in the twenty first century all the gold in tho country will be buried in the graveyards. The height and velocity of clouds has been determined in England by means of photography. Two cameras, placed about GOO feet apavt,are provided with instantaneous shutters simultaneously released by electricity. 4Xhe o'wervsr measures the angle of inclination ot the cameras and tho position of the cloud ss photographed ou the two dates, and from these data a trigonometric calcu lation gives tho distance aqd height of a oloud with great acouracy. , .ii. ' Nearly 1,00,0,000 people reoeive charitable aid in Great Britain, whem one out of every seven of the inkaW- tents is a pauper. ftfcVIS IX UXIKf, Among the high-priced luxuries k the retail market in the eaat are hot- oi a m Aa SBi ah a nouso strawberries at to fiU per piart, hothouse grapes at 94 to $5 per pwuad. Sour strawberries grown in the open air will soon arrive from tl.rida. The president of tho Booiety of Pub lic Analysis in Kagland recently bought 300 samples of milk in L inden, and found 20tl of theru either skimmed or watered. Paris has 191,o00 dwsllings holding 300,000 rich ieople, 472,000 others holdteg 1,300,000 workmen and poor people. About 'i 00,000 itve in 1 1,763 teneaMat-bouses. Tbe mounmoat ef Washington's mother, begun nssr Kredarioksburg, Vs., in Jackson's adsaioistratiao, is not only still unieishad bnt badly chiped by relic fiends. (Joogress is bow asked to complete tbe long neglected work. Members oi tbe Texas senate are in receipt of letters threatening that if free grass is interred with by tbe legisla ture! the waters in the Bute of T.xas, enolosed to pastures, will be poisonsd. Tbe letters create a sensation, in view of tbe mysterious disease that is sweep ing off numbers of ctltle in certain sec ttaas of the Htate. Iis Lyman of Cabot has discounted tbe patch-work quilt eras?. Hho made a cloth e-)tne 100 feet long from tbe eembings of ber bsir. tibe began tho industry in 1420 and made 100 feet of tbe cord, which tbe family used for years as clothesdinea. the it dead new. It ts stated tb.t in 175, when Wil liam B. Aator died, he hsd 720 bouses on bis rent roll. Tbe nreeent number of As&r bouses exceeds 1200,tbe whole estate being valued at about $60,000, 000, producing an income of 83,000,- 000 a year. Tlie Uupreme Court of Iowa decides tbst s wife, dtserted by ber busbsnd, itbout ber fault, end left with no means ot providing f r ber family of young children, has authority to sell the petaonal property of her busbsnu to obum mor.ry. Chicago elevators ate overcrowded itb grain, tbe receiptt avf i aging 1,000, 000 bushels a week. la K noses, in some districts, tbe ground has been frezen to a depth of twenty-eight inches. Canned tomatoes, to tbe number of 2,043,579 cases, er 70,645,896 cans, were peeked in 1983, the largest pack every made. Tbey propose to itnpos. a tax upon bachelors in Wyoming Territory. Tbe total number of immigrants for tbe year 1883 into tbe United States was 060,196 ; the largest proportion of which came from Oermany. The New Brunswick lottery is to be closed this month, it baring become frightened at the efforts b ung taken by tbe authorities to suppress it. Hsuy have lost s great deal of money in it, tka originators being the only ones who have made anything. An actress has been recognized in a variety troupe in Seuth Carolina as a nun who escipej from an Ootariu con vent some tims since. Twelve landlords own onequarter of the whole acreage of Scotland ; nine- f troths of Scotland belongs to 1 700 per sons, and 4,000,000 Scotchmen spend tbeir lives earning rent for these 1700. The rag trade reaches about $30,000, 000 a year, and there are 2000 rag pickers in New York city alone. Tbe Canadian Pacific Railway is in financial difficulty, and requires $22, 000,000 from the Canadian Govern ment to complete tbe road. There la a movement on foot to hold tbe next year's World's Medical Cen grese in Philadelphia. The costs of law are exemplified in the Ceanola libel suit at New Y.tk, estimated to roach 250,000. Better to keep away from the courts. The State of Maine has reduced taxes fully fifty per oent by the enforcement of the principles of prohibition. In the English markets Australian wheat completes in cheapness with tbe California grain. A boy has recently recovered a ver dict against the New York Central Uaiiroad for 9U,DD0 for tbe loss ot a foot. The Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Montaelier, Yt., with a note capital of $436,000, has suspended because of heavy losses. It had' over $10,000,000 of risks out last August, with a surplus capital of $1417. This is tbe third comparatively reoent failure if a mutual fire company in the State. Tbo number of divorces in Rhode Island has become so large, that the governor of that State has recommend ed legislation requiring all evidence to be taken in public. The English land market is declining still more, yet the Eirl ot Devon re fused to sell farms at the price of six teen years' ront to 300 of his tenants. They will oome to Amerioa most likely. A Michigan railroad, possessed of the land fever now so prevalent.is attempt' ing to cheat 700 people out of their land. A Kansas City butcher stood close to a door with s lng, sharp knife in his hand. The door was just then violent ly opened, and the bled) was driven into bis body. The wound thus inflict ed would not have proved fatbl bu tbe pain was great, snd the man crazily stabbed himself to death. A pot hunter, as the term is iiM?d, is a man who shoots out of season and pots bis birds ; one wbo will shoot a covey of chickens or bevy of quail on the ground huddled together ; a man who, so he bags his game-, does not care how unsportsmanlike the manner in which he kills it ; a genuine butcher cot a sporthman. Oregon is full of these. The ancient Egyptians of the Nil hal floating bee-houses, designed to take advantage ef the honey harvest. Tbo were warned when It wa time to return hems by the depth to which the boa! aaik in the water under the weight of tbe cargo of honey. That the Ues might not be lost, they wer oblige 1 to journey during tho night time. We export to Sweden pork, lard, pe troleum, cotton, corn, hardware, aewin? machines, etc., and import iron ore, matches arid immigrants. Danish butter brings a high price in England : the centrifugal syntern f gathering cream is in vogue. We have lately received eggs, from that country. We also import bides aud skin A great many Danes are sett.'ed in low snd Wisconsin. A resident of Winning, wh has ped from that frozen zone with his life, declared that on three nigbtn, the . I . . a . m. v -i . swaeawjawjafr siooa at o' below zero and eleven nights it fell below 60. A temperature of 43' belo zoro, he says, a regarded by tbe iohebitanti as mod erate weatbsr. Tbit is a big sUry, but tbe eold is very inten-e ai I i no, en joyable, as Winnipe?'TS r d avor lo convince outsiders. Shipments of mutton fioni Australia to Euglsud are Urg. American sheep are better than the Australian, and ahoold drive tbe Utter from the msik et. Charls N'h of Stapleton, Staten Island, ob a wager of 10, at 3JO oys ters, five ounda of roast beef, and drank twelve schooner of larger with out (earing the table. Tbe KogliiH aril, an ot K an granted $100,000 for au irrigation project in South Africa, storing nineteen fjuaro ml'es of water, with an average depth of ten feet. A Thug in In lia has recently been convicted of oiaoniug ninety-six vie tims. Tbe World's Exhibition, to be held next December in New Orleans, ii al ready attracting great attention. CTKIOIS FACTS. The Babylonians invented tbe sundial Tbe b. nana yields three an i some times four crops a year. Tbe Ctinese regard it as a happy omen if tbe lily blossoms on New Year's day. There are some editions of the Bi 'e called "Treacle" Bibles, because a poae- acre in Jeremiah ia rendered, "Is there no treacle in Qilead I" As late ss the seventeenth century English smiths be'ieved that if mouse wort were kept about a horse he could not be hurt as he was ahod. TlWMdest alphabet in existence is scratched on a tittle ink bottle found in one of the Oreek colonies in Ita'y, and is supposed to date about 500 B. C. There is an old superstition that the wearer of a silver ring is secure agaioit the quarrelsome, and that any one who is touched by a precious stone set in silver is immediately reconciled to its owner. Bliodneas hss steadily decreased in Eng'and far the last thirty years,owing, it is thought, to the improvement of the opticians aud the almost otujlete extinction of the small-pox among chil dren. Pills are made by machinery at Dijon, France, and, being coated with sweet ened gelatine are rather agreeable than other wise, so that French children rath er enjoy taking th.n. In Japan, bailies' hair i.t shaved or arranged in c-rtain specified ways, so that its sex csn be told by the dullest observers, and innooont young bachelor do not say "she is a little darling," only to be told ;he it a boy." The longest runs without stopping on any British railroad are made be tween Grantham and King's Cross, a distance of 10. miles, which is made in two hours and four minutes, nnd by each one of the four trains which tra verse the distance in a day, within two hours and six minutes. In spite of all that has been said about the inferiority of tbe education of the masses in Great Britain, seventy -five per cent of the soldiers in the army are fairly well taught, and less than three per oent cannot read and write. As the army is not made up from the higher classes by any means, this is significant. Recent inveatigatious made in Ger many go to show that sleep is very light during the first hour after consciousness but grows deerx?r rar.idlv -twl i i j t " becomes roost profound in an hour and tliree-rpartrrs, lightening from tbst time, up to live hours snd a half,when a reac'oin towar-ls deeper sleep occurs, alter which the slnmberer awakens. A child under instruction lo one of tho English board schools recently coos Ph 1 UiH ietaresdag biography in an swer to a:. OX Himint ion miMtian 'Moses was nn Eiptshan. lie lived in a ark madw of bull rushes, and he kept a golden calf and worshipped brai zsn tpahoa and ate nothing but k wales and rou.'.cs for forty years, lie was eohafht by tbe hair of the bead while riding noder tbe hough of a tree, snd lie was kiihd by his son Abeolom as he was a hengfag from tbe bough. His end wsn jwiac. A G'-rmso farmer waa on trial in one of the justice courts the other day for aosowft and btttery and hsd pleaded net gniliv. Wheu the cross-ex ami ea- Vkm eam; I he opposite counsel asked: "How, J ktob. there was trouble be lareee j i and the plaintiff, wasn't tlitre '.'' "I oxpeef d-ro vhas." "il-; sai 1 snsaolhiqg about your def bain.' i p killer and you resented it, eh " "Vbeii, I cells him a liar.' -KaOctly. Thee be called yea eosae bard nimcs f "He Bails m'z a aaucr-kraut Dutch man." "Just to. That made you mad.' "Of course. I vhas so madt I shahs) all osf.-r." "1 thojght en. New. Jacob, you area mm who p"k the troth. I don't betievc too eiu'd be hired to tell a lie." "Tell, I pttef I was pety lonest." "Of course you are of course. Now,. Jacob, you mutt have track the first blow. You aee . The other lawyer objctel, and after a wtanlo tbe de.end.tnt turns 1 to the court and said : ''I doan' oxac !y nude oudt hew it vhai. I like to own op dot I struck fir..:, h i I haf jnid my lawyer $5 to prove de other shay. I doan' t like to tell a lie. b I leal badt to lose dsr money f Key c mi ho:a? very Uu the other night n ! was i reef in upstatsa in b s i ing fett, wLen suddenly one of t'.- t'uoea in his band slipped fiom hia grasp and wenv rattling down lo the entiy below. Key booked after it in an uni.ca ly wxy by the dim light ef tbe mooa), an i then said with aa id'otic smile to the indignant Mrs Key, 'What doth it profit a man if be gain tka top stair and lose his own sole.'1 THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. JteUcrea noA curat UHELMATISX, NeuraJga, Sciatica, Lumbago, RU'liACIIS, HKADACEl, TOOTHKMl SORE THROAT, QULNST, switrxesus. SPBAIXS, ssssasse, CSSS, rnoHTamas, m b.. An all tcaii WidRi aeSw and patos, FIFTY CUTS A BOTTLL aolaaa 40roaawa ass lki.Tn. Dbecdasa sa U lanctuajaa. The Charles A. Vesstw 0a OMMMffa . A. TMSUB S OS) aaasaspat aa. ca a AYER'S Hair Vigor restore, with tbe' gloss aad lrvSiiiicas o( yonili, f:uM or gt& hair to a natural, rich hrowa co'.or, or deep black, aaaaav be Wure4. Itr lu um liUx or r.tl hair may be darkened, Uiiu h i.r thickoiMHl, aud SSJSSJSSS oteo, though not alw.ij-, eurrd. It cheeks falling of the hair, aad atiaia hiU a weak aud sickly growth to rigor. It pretests nnd cures scurf nnd dandruff, and l -ils nr.n ly every disease ieculiar to tbe scalp. As a Ladle' Hair Dressing, the Viuor is unequalled ; it contains neither oil nor dye-, renders tho hair Soft, glassy, and illicit iu :.;.. ar:uK-c. and imparts a deliotte, agreeable, and lasting rcrfunie. Mr. C. P. BRirnre wilSes from Atrftp, O., Ju'y'., lv-.': "last t.U my hair coutuieueed falling out, and m a short time 1 beeaino nearly bu'.J. I used part of a bottle ot AVER'S Ham: Vigor, xrliich stopped the fall iiiarot tho hair, and stai tol a new grwth. I have now a full bend of hair growiag Tigor ottly, and am convinced that bnt Tor tbo ase of your (xeparatiou 1 should have been entirely bald." .T. V. Uovr.s, pv'ictor of tbe Afc.liihwr ((.'u.) RHqititner. says : " A YKR's II AIR Viooa U a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 .speak of it front my own experience. Its uo piomotes tlie growth, of new hair, and iriakei it glossy and soft. The Vic.oit ia also a sum cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." Mb. AMORS Faiubairx, leader of tbe eoTSbr itcd " r:urtairu Family " of Scottisli Yiicalista, writes front Jttott, Matt., tob. S, IS8S1 " Kvcr since my hair began to give sil-v-.ry o videiteo of the change wtiich Seetiug tine proeureth, 1 have vised Ayer's Hair Ylnou, nnd so havo becu able to maintain an appearanco of youthfulsess a matter of eoaai.V'i-ahk) consequence to ministers, ora tors, actors, and in fact every ouo wuo Uvea iu the eyes of the public." Mas. O. A. riUxTT, writing from 18 Kit St.. Cktirlestoiru. Mas.. AurU 14. 1H3, says : ' Two yearn agoabuut two-thiiils of my hair came oil. It thint imxl very rapidly, and I waa Iitst luwilid t bald. Oil usiMir AVKtt's llAllt Virion the fallimr stopped and a new growth conuue m-ed, and in about a month my head was- completely eovered with short hair. It luu eoutinue! to grow, ami is now as goou as hoforo it fell. I regularly used but one bottle of the Vjuor, but now use it occasionally as a dressing." We hare hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of Ayer's Him Vioor. It needs but a trial to couviuec the most skepti cal of its value. PBXPARED BY Dr. J. 0. Ayer ACo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Braggif ts HE mSM mm .ay m