The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 22, 1884, Image 3

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    Enters J si tin P t QfiVie at Albany , Or
ae second -olasa mall matter.
Kilter a4
ruKr. srrrit. tci natter.
Olcial County and City Paper.
.crge Waablastes.
To-day is Washington's birthday, the 152d
anniversary, la the present epoch of great
political corruption and chicanery it H a
privilege for the American people to Rave
ouo day set apart on which they can revert
to the spotless career of the Father ol his
Country. Would that we had a low more
the nrosent time, a few more
men who would bo willing to own up that
they had cut the cherry tree, instead of try
ing to lay it to some one else, as is the cus
tom now. Wo need more men, who like
Washington, will work for the good of their
country, and not alone for thoir own pocket
books. As the jmn pass his name seems
to us to stand out in bolder relief, and is
more deserving than eve of being remem
bered on this the anniversary of his birth.
There have boon greater statesmen, greater
orators, more successful generals, but none
who have combined all tho qualities that go
to make np the groat and noble men, the
man to be revered, to bo looked up to than
George Washington.
Tat snowy Vcm
Monday morning a highly respected
;iiAn ohMrvsd to be In a rase over
something, and on Inquiry, wo found that
it was ell about that poem that begins.
"Ob the snow the enow, the beautiful
"Dog gang her," be said, "I'd like to
got hold of the woman who wrote that
I'd cover her up in that drift of snow, and
laare her till eke was a solid icicle. I
came to Oregon to get rid of this kind of
wexther, and now I'm mad."
"Bat," interposed a scholarly looking
friend, "a woman never wrote that, it
was e man. I have positive proof that
Lishe Applegate wrote it, he said so him
self, sod Lishe was an Or egonian, not to
be docked tinier every snow pile.'
This quieted the mad man, although
several continued to insist tk tt it was a
iiuu Exploded.
One das? last week Lucius Gilbert and a
younger brother, sons of Prof J L Gilbert,
were hunting on their fathers farm a few
miles frete Lebanon, when the gnu of Lucius
on being hred,having been loaded too heavi
ly exploded, several pieces of the stock bit
ting him in the face, one piece cutting a bad
gash on the nose and cheek,another striking
jast atove the left eye, and another going
directly into the right eye. The thumb on
his right hand was cut nearly off. His
brother put him on a horse aad took him to
Lebanon where Drs Powell and Pettigrew
attended him. Under excellent treatment
be is improving fast, and we are glad to
hear will not lose the sight of either eye ;
but his face will probably be disfigured for
To tn ratal.
The San Francisco Chronicle recently pub
lished an article referring to failures in Ore
gon, with a discussion of the business situa
tion, which is so much to the point that we
publish the conclusion of it, which toads ;
"The indebtedness of the Oregon business
community is largely in San Francisco.
During the next six months jobbers of this
eity will have half of the interior merchants
of Oregon in their power, and it should be
borne is mind that the security of the conn
try is first-class ; and 'that the present dis
tress is incidental merely, and not a settled
or lasting condition. By an easy and gener
ous course our merchants may retain a grest
business which harshness, even to a degree
consistent with business justice, may direct
to another field. The new northern railroad
affords opportunities for other connections,
and this should not be forgotten. "
Cniaete Warblio.
Me no likee two fleet snow, slosh urn
rely much all over Chinaman's shoes.
Melican boy beep bled. He flew snow
ballum st me, I no likee him. Chinaman
mind his own business. He no flow snow.
Heap dull, Melican man sell him goods
on credit, flwmer no got much money for
Wheat, ban t laaClSCO man be Say pay
him money. No money to play him, all
the names ho go 0009. Ms oatchum
clashes no workum.
Me sswum your wol. You catch am
Telly pritty wife, beep nice. Me saw all -
nm your wood, pilum good, saw urn good.
Yon heap good man.
Tbe Calipeaia. War P-
Two houses back of the fair ground were J
nearly inuuidated yesterday morning. and the
occupants were only gotten out just in time
in a. hnif hv C,rkrap Rnrkhart and John
Clelan, It wss quite awhile before one of
tne women weum get in wiinou. --aer iiiwe
velvet dog was put in the boat, cut wnen
"dodgast ysur little velvet dog, put him in
and you stay," was hurled st her, she got
in, crying all the time, "oh me little velvet
Diatrlet Clerks Keprt,
as the time approaches at wulcu ais
tyiet clerks are to make their reports'
we would call attention to the imper-
taaoe of making full and complete re-
porta. Especially should this be the
case in reference to ine numoer or
scholars reported, Clerks should no 1
fail in getting all as When one or more
are omitted there is a corresponding
decrease in the amount of money drawn
for the district, Let the reports be full,
clean and correct
Letter Us.
Tbe io no wine lathe list of letters re naal Alng
in tho Post Office. Aibanv. I .inn county. Ore
gon, Feb. 14th, 1884. Persons catling tor these
men nuw tu uaw uu wulcu vubj were
Briafhaao, Jno W
Deri, Thorn
Qreeaty, Vfa
spsnsr, MUiq
South, Fannie
B.-itison, Q
Oi'bsrt, Geo
Kiw, Mirths
AJ xye, Tony
strergbteff, R
Taylor, l,izzie
WiUon, Frank
Waluag, O aad Son
m m m in
A coal mine explosion occared in Pennsyl
vania on Wodnesday resulting iu tbe death
ef twenty persons.
A terrific cyclone visited Alabama and
Georgia oa last Tnesday doing an immense
amount of damage. Hundreds of lives
. ' ' .- .-a; -
F If French, jeweler,
Wheat, 724 cents per bushel.
Bran is $15 a ten in this oity.
Blue Ribbon Club this evening.
E. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or.
Great reduction in goods si P. Cohen's.
Hay and straw for sate by K h Thompson
ft Co.
Goods lower thau ever offered at P.
Cohen 'it.
First goods of the season just received by
P. Cohen.
The Halsey BhjUi has come out square for
The Yeske murder trial has been going on
in Portland this week.
Smeke the Little Giaut 5 eeut cijrar, for
sale by Hoffman ft Joseph.
A commodious safe" was placed iu Juilg
Strahau s law office this week.
Oeveial valuable horses have diod in the
county from blind staggers.
Kitrht mea will face the Grand Jury at
Raker City soon for stealing cattle.
Atnmeu's Cough Syrup never fails to cure
if used In time and according to diteetions.
The literary question being debated by
societies now is. "Ought a Door man to
The East Portland lta ortos "Lay on
Macduff," and has declared war against the
water works and others.
Last week several crossed the Willamette
en ice at Portland, something that has not
been doeo for nine yean.
Reports are received of the death of cattle
from different parts of the county resulting
rem the severe weather.
Rev Frederick K Marvin, s Portland pa
per stales, has resigned the pastorate of the
Congregational Church in that eity.
We notice that the Oregon Register pub
lishes a lattery ad. It might be well for it
to look up the Statute on the subject .
Rev I H Condit, of Albany will preach in
the school house at Miller's Station on Sab
bath afternoon. Feb. 24th, at 3 o'clock.
The State of Oregon was 23 years old on
St Valentines day.and it certainly show is a
very fsir record for s Sute of tost age.
The regular ueion services will take place
on next Sunday evening at the Court House
Rev J W Harris delivering the sermon.
Cattle in Eastern Oregon are said to be in
excellent condition, there not having been
sufficient snow to affect matters as yet
Seme time ago we advertised for some
feathers on subscription but they have never
pot in an appearance. It is not too late.
The deeo soew made dock hunting ex
ceedingly easy, but nearly all killed seemed
half starved, and were not the best eating.
The Statu Temperance Alliance convened
in Portland on Wednesday. There are sev
eral delegates in attendance from Linn
A correct answer to tho hazard problem
was received from Waterloo, but from whom
we do not know, as fco name was signed to
the letter.
Oo Sunday we noticed three riding ia a
sleigh 00 a seat fourteen inehee wide. Only
one was a young man, aad he sat nxt to
the seat.
There will be a special meeting of the W
C T U on next Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock p. m. All members are requested
to be present.
Tse family of J. W. S-Utt, near Tangent
has been visited with the scirlet fever, one
child having died and another is in a dan
gerous condition. '
175 valentines were sent by parties in this
city to parties in this city, on Thursday of
last week, rather lees than is customary on
St. Valentines day.
Fresh groceries of all kinds at Hoffmen ft
Joseph's, as well as the best stock of cenfeo-
tionery in the city, and tobaccos and cigars
of the leading brands.
Now that Sullivan has left the Northwest
a great many people are kicking themselves
for having spent several dollars to see three
or four men punch each other.
The Thomas Alford Cemetery Association
has been formed at Muddy Station, with M
A Rogers, W C Thomas and Thomas Turner
es Trustees, and J S George, Clerk.
We have received a prospectus of the
Lueur U Alene, Ihuly Eagle. It will be
issued about the first of March ia the inter
est of the mineral wealth of Northern Idaho.
The pavilion at the fair ground succumbed
to the weight of the snow, and fell to the
ground, but as J-inn county has given ap
holding f sirs, perhaps the disaster will never
be noticed.
A Sao Francisco firm wishes to give ns s
two dollar map for five dollars worth of ad
but there is no reason why we 1
should pay mere than double
price for our
goods, and hence ws pass
Another article on the Mound Builders
will be found on oar second page, written by
n. Hill in -.n-wr tt, an -rtinl in th AW
i in which certain statements in the Doctor's
previous article were doubted.
An e xchange says that $350 from one pan
of sand was recently taken out at Coeur
D' Alene, and yet parties who went there
from this county could not get t2.50 worth
of dust for $5, what is the matter.
The dance for the benefit of O W Cowan,
I at the Lowson warehouse on the Narrow
Gauge on Thursday night of last Week, was
well attended, quite a number going from
1 this city. The net proceeds amounted to
I We might have regaled car reader, with
a serial swry as ine nuu 01 -wqnin aaiii-r
by paying eou in advertising rorit, out most
of our recders think very properly thst it is
not the province of s local paper to publish
continued stories, and so we threw tbe prop.
osition in the waste basket.
A man in McMinnvilfo figured out that
there wss enough snow ia the valley to make
a stream 200 feet deeo and 500 feet wide snd
120 mile. lon, He 002ht ient to cin-
cinj.fcfci or tbe 9&mbal islands where people
do not know bow to fa'gure.
It is a good rule to accept only such medi
cine ss havs, after long years of trial, prov-
ed worthy of confidence. This iss case
1 where other people's experience may be of
I great service, and it has been the experience
I of thousands that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is
the best coagh medicine ever used.
Our worthy postmaster is said to have two
competitors in the poetry business, one hail
ing from the Court House, and tbs other
being an experienced surveyor. Their ef
fusions are said to be touching in the ex-
I treme, and not of your sjuiet diet style.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine for
every one in tbe spring. Emigrants and
travelers will find in it an effectual cure for
the eruptions, boils, pimples, eczema, etc.,
that break ont on tbe skin the effect of dis
order in the blood, caused by sea-diet and
lief sn board ship.
"I like to got warm py de stove," said
gentleman from the country, in one of tbe
stores ths other day. "of de front doer don't
get locked and I get left." He had caught
bot was allowed to get Warm, and the
it, but was allowed to get warm, and the
frontdoor was not locked, and probably no
mOT wlU except at night.
m . . ".- ' - . ... . ,
i There is nothins that ties the business of
. . " - " - -
the merchant up more than extended credit ;
as aeeeesary as it seems to be in Oregon.
While he is pushed for meeey for his goods
il ia imsossiblo for him to obtain what is
due him from his debtors. It is this very
credit business that at the eresont time is
giving Oregon merchants so poor s standing
with San Francisco dealers.
Wednesday night the water raised seven
feet in this oity, making it fifteen feet above
low water mark. As we go to press it is
still raising at a rapid rate. The Calapoela
is ou a bender and Oak Creek and other
smell streams are said to be in a fearful rage.
A big flood is feared, and every preparation
should be made to meet it,
Nothing is a greater necessity in a oity
than a nnwspaper, yet there is nothing that
some people take less interest in helping oj
support. We know men in Albany patron
ising a peper 70 miles from here who do not
sdvertise in these columns sud there is no
ill feeling either. This is enterprise.
Hon Thomas Brennan certainly should feei
flattered by his reception in Portland. It is
not true that tho blacksmith shop of Louis
Miller was blown up by dynamite last Sun ¬
day morning, instigatod by the presence of
Brennan, as some have iutiuiated it might
have. There is good evidence that heave
snow did it. I
If the nervous parent cau not brook en I
eternal howl of "percentage." ' avenum I
echolarshio" "ford." etc.. from three wee
hnd as h..m.. wl..t m...t be tho .hock t
W ' I
U, nrv .f a lirml I.r4.r li I
- I
k .:-: .i.-.,..-i.
less, careless school children during Heir
presence at school. From the lower point
of our heart we pity the teacher.
A young man est tn s sleigh on Friday
waiting for a frieed to come from s saloon.
m m . , at.. . .a. a . a a
Me bad embibcd a little, "Two dollars ae
hour, he yelled, "but I came from aqim
and don't care a dsng, wkoep !" In shout
a at a e a
nvo minutes be end nis companion were
seeo with two women of questionable enar-
aoter riding at a 'J .-40 rate through the city,
and seemed to feel proud of the exhibition
they were making of themselves.
Some people think times are dull in Al
bany. It is tho same all over the Northwest
Drummers are good observers in sack mat
ters. One tn tbe city a few dafys ago said
that it was duller if anything up the Col
umbia. In Dayton four houses were selling
out. At Waiteborg it was at a perfect I
standstill. and alia Walla was quietness
taelf, or words to the same effect. Now, I
dont get down io the mouth but rest aaeur-1
ed that there is a good time coming, and for I
the present remember that we are being serv-1
edas well as eur neighbors.
Dunn the week endinir Kebrnarv P.iaSa.
. . ,..;.. ah I
'8 I
r ww. I
ferent articles, bot s small proportion of
those issued, though ; but they show bow
tho public inventive mind is occupied 1 A
screw driver, a sulky plow, a plow, (ahead
of anything yet patented !) a horse rake, a
stocking supporter, which we hope will be
a sd by some, a dash-board, a cigar mould.
a rirs engine, a saw horse, a velocipede, s
shingle sawing machine, a hoisting appara
The Portland market ia as f dlows. en
vsral articles : Hotter, f assy. 33 sad 46c i
eggs, 33 sod 40c. ; door, fancy extra, $3 ;
bay, f IS and $20. Machine cured apples.
3 and 16e. sun cuted, 9 sod 10c. ; wheat.
f 1.55 per 100 pound : oats. 30 aad 53e. ;
hops, 15 and 20c. ; hams, 13 aad I5r. ; lard,
chickens, $3 sod $C ; potatoes, f 5
and 73c. : green apples, fl.3 and 31.73 ser
box ; cabbages, 2c. per pound ; wool, 15
and 16c.
The Frederick ton (New Branswiek, Can.)
Reyrttr says : "Nobody can bot admire
the persistent enterprise manifested by the
owners of St. Jacobs Od in keeping the
name before the peblic It reset ved a big
'.Bd off in the House the other day by the
Hoe Mr Perlev. who warned his celleasues
in the Government of the danger of Bear
Killers receiving two bounties for one boss
the judicious use of the Oil csusing rapid
Why dees not the proprietor of Ammen's
Cough Syrup publish tsttimeutals from these
who have been cured or relieved by his mod
icine ? Tbejanswer is, the grsaterjlhe hum-
bog the mere testimonials they p-blia. Am
men s Couch Syruo U no humbug, and to
prove that and 1st it stand 00 its own merits,
s 15-cent sample bottle is prepared, which is
certainly more convincing than a testimenial
from a etraognr. Large bottles, $1. Ask
your druggist for it.
It is dangerous businses for a Chinaman
to seek for justice iu Portland according to
the following item from the OrfaonUm : "Just
ss the clock struck 12 last night s Chinaman
rushed widly into the police office sod said
be had been robbed. Policeman Flinn went
with him across the street to Druok's build
ing and soea returned with s prisoner. The
accuser, who govs the asms of Ches, then
arad io tnairdain to th rhif th n.hira
of his complaint agaiost Bo, the accused.
The chief bent down his right auricular
while Cbee ch-cb-cbinned away, and bent
with pitying glances to hear what be had
to say to him, as Vivian used to put it. But
the chief could not nndsrstand Cbee nor
con Id Cbee savey the chief, so as it appeared
that the parties had been fighting a charge
of disorderly by lighting was booked against
each and they were required to put up $10
apiece. There ia no partiality around the
J police oUce."
1 r Jack Titus of Ristera Oregon has
,en in the cjty tju weeK
Mr SI Mayes, of Portland is visiting his
parents in this city.
Mr Walter Turrell has returned from San
Francisco, after an shsenes ( several weeks.
Wm Wigfo ouj oi mo solid men ef Wasco
county has been in this city and vicinity for
a couple of weeks buying beef and mutton
for tbe Sound snd other markets.
George Piper returned from Salem Tues
day noon. On looking at the Oregonian he
saw sn item which was headed : "Death of
George Piper." Ho is said to have turned
pale, and it was several moments before be
mjMje bel
ieve that be was in the
He was greatly relieved
land of the living.
when he found out that it was
young man and net himself.
a Portland
Best harness at J J Dubruille's.
Mae Bibbsn flub.
Ths regular meeting of the Blue Ribbon
Club will be held at the Presbyterian church
I tbts naay) night, beginning at o clock
The address will be delivered by Prof J C
Wychoff, snd the music will bs furnished
by the Glee Club under the leadership of
Mrs E W Langdsn. A full attendance is
earnestly desired.
All those knowing tbemsslvss Indebted
to the undersigned on account nrsvlens
. 1Rt4 h hav. not .j. aP1.ftMmw
for aOttlsment, will ttnd it to their
I interest to call immediately .
v- J ,- T. r.AiarVSSSSa: -ATtl'lSJ!? ' V-. v .
J. J. Dunnriixx.
a .
nig Hals neat.
Last Wodnesday a matoh hunt occurred
around Knox Butte, between the Knox
Butte and Harmony yeucg men, which
certainly was a big affair as far a Iks
amount of game killed was concerned, ae
well as the amount of enjoyment ex per
ienoed, Following wastes score t
G M Ktiox, captain-1 mallard, 4 teal, 3
duoka, 11 Jey birds, a yellow hammers, 18
plae squirrels 4W
J 8 Froman-22 teat, ducks. 1 Jey bird
A B Cuater-U mallard, 15 teat, 22 ducks,
10 Jey birds, 3 pine squirrels-VI 0.
Martin Mlller-2 mallards. 16 teal, 2
duoks, 1 klldee.t jay birds, 2 yellow ham
mere, 1 pine squirrel 312.
Kilns Miller-1 mallard, II teal, 1 snipe,
4 k I Idee, 0 Jay birds, 7 yellow hammer, 6
pine squirrels 10.
F D Height S mallard, 4 teal, 4 duekr,
3 snipe, 1 klldee, 1 yellow hammer, 2 pine
squirrels 21ft.
Ham Conn 1 mallard, 80 teal, 4 ducks, 2
klldees. 2 Jey birds, 0 yellow hammers, 1
pine squirrel AWi.
J E Knox -3 teal, 6 ducks, V Jay birds, 8
Lplne squirrels 103
H D Height-1 mallard, in Jay Ulrds, g
yellow hammers, 1 fox squirrel, II pine
squirrels 800
Chamber 3 sualtsrd.6 teal ,4 duoks,
. . .. . al .
"""'P- siiuso, i jay mrue, 1 vens w
I a 1 !
OStDmOr, pill equirrl-VO
Arohie Trltee 10 mellarde, 81 tea', 7
M00 - 8 crwo-7lt
t ft. t,.tta,l Mi. .til
W TJourdan average -4e0.
Met Chsmberx-3 Mallards, 33 teal, 8
ducks, 7 anise. 2 kildeee, 2 pine squirrels
Total -6212.
C Powell, eapisin -1 mallard, 24 tesvl,
I duok, i Jty birds, 1 pine squirrel. 320.
3 a Powell 3 mallards, 3 teal. 10 Jay
birds, 2 yellow hammers, 2 pine squirrels
E Dixon 7 teal, 2 ducks, 7 Jay birds, 1
yellow hammer 215.
A L ltemeey-Average 3AI'..
J E Ram soy -v 4 mallard, 19 teal, 6 duck,
2 enlpe, 3 Jaybirds, 2 crow J, 1 yellow hem
tner, 9 pine so, ulrrels.
A J Sailth-Averege, 38IX.
A Propet 8 snsllsid, 8 teal, 1 duck, 1
chicken hawk, 2 Jay birds, 2 crows, 3 yel-
low hammers 988,
A B Marshall 8 mallard, 21 teal, 1
enlpe, 7 Jay birds, 1 yellow hammer,:, plus
equlrrels 478.
M Daween average- 381 ..
Ueo Uesvnsrt-SVsrage-SStlA.
C Uaniiwan-avemge-301
aw Si a a a m S S as an
JODB uvwouasr-o nisuars, 11 issi,.
- . - . 1 11 a m ,
QUCKS, a snipe, 0 jay nirua, i grow, o ym-
low beau mora, 1 plan aquirrel-618.
A D Laarly-2 maJJarde, ft leal. 1 duok,
SJey blrda, 4 yellow neromers. 2tt
Total -4784.
Total animals killed -61 snei lards, 278
teal,74 ducks. 28 soipe,ll klldees, 1 chicken
hawk, 107 Jey birds, 8 crews, 39 yellow
hammers, 1 fox squirrel, 81 pine squirrels
Including the averege allowed
those who did not gel in the total would
be 331 animals killed.
On Saturday nigbt a gams supper was
given at Harmony Orange Bsll, which Is
said to bsvs beca a Use sffalr, es well ss s
gamy one, notwithstanding the amount of
new tt required one to wade through to
get there.
c, -a li
Te be held ia the United Preslytcrias
Cboreh, at Halsey, Feb. 26th, beginning st
2 o'clock, p. as. Following is the program 1
arrsnxoos sasaios.
1ft. w. Devotional exercises. Thanks
2 30 r u -aabbath ScWI Helps -Taatr
use and skuas. Opened by Itev T J Wilson.
Voluntary remarks.
3 rat Temperance in the Sabbath School. I
Opened by Miss Ilettie Millsr. olunter J
4 r M. Object Tesohing ss s Mesas sf
Imparting Hpirtual lessens. Opened by G
W Grey. Voluntsry remarks.
4:30 r u. (Juesttoo box sod answers,
singing, prayer, recess.
avestsu sassioa.
7 l M Devotional exercises.
7 -'0 r u Tbe Value and Power of the
Sabbath School as s Social Christian Force.
Opened by Rev Win R Stevenson Volen-
tsry remarks.
7 J30 r K. The Successful Teacher. Open
ed by M W Walker. ' Voluntary resaarks.
8:20 r at. How Secure Heme Study of
the Lesson. Opeaed by Mrs Jeanie Ache-
son. Voluntary remarks.
Singing, prayer, recess.
wBDvaspAT afeaaiao sasnor.
9 A m. Devetionalsxercises.
9:15 a M. Infant class recitation.
Teach -
ar Mrs L V Wilson.
9:45 A at - Sabbath School Music Open
ed by Rev 8 G Irvine. Voluntary remarks.
10.10 A at. Little Children vs. Big Chil
dren. Opened by H B Keniston. Volun
tary remarks.
Singing, prsyer, adjournment.
N. B. Opening remarks, 13 minntss, yol
untary remarks, 5 minutes.
All Sebbsth School workers are cordially
invited to be present and assist in the ex
A. M. Achesou,
Supt. of 8sbbsth School.
Owing to ths ill-health of M. aternkurg
who desires to retire from business, we will
diseontisus our business in Albany aad
therefore offer our entire stosk of goods st
Ith P10 fr coat Th ,fcock complete
and first-class in every psrticular, and never
before was suoh an immense stock offered
for sale at sueh a sacrifice in prices. We
therefore invite eur customers, friends and
tbe publie generally to call and exsmias our
goods and prises.
All thees knowing themselves indebted to
oar Albsny bouts will plssss call aad ssttl
at ouoe ss our busiusss must be clssed
I Thanking ths people of Linn and surround-
mg counties xor tnsir UjSerai pstressge ior
the past twenty-two years. Ws remain
Pioneer done.
Lewis Cox died Feb; 20th, 1884 in tbs city
of Albany. He settled in Linn county in
about 1852 and has been a rssidsnt here
ever sines. At ens time hs was sleeted
County Commissioner and performed the
duties of that office to ths satisfaction of ths
people. He was a man ef sterling honesty
aad integrity. Bs went back sast last fall
en ths pioneer excursion and took siok while
gone from which attack hs never recovered.
He was well and favorably known through
out t&e county. He was about sixty years
ef age.
L Thompson A Co., are selling thebest
harases iu the valley.
aez tuna itbmh.
It has been years slnoe Oregon has ha,j
so much weather as It has had during the
last week, In foot there has been almost
notkiog but weather. The oltlxens of the
Willamette Valley must expect to
their local papers ttlleJ with weather
news, this week, and like the man who
gets hit In the ear by a enow ball from an
unknown source, must grin end bear,
Thursday night and Friday morning of
last week six Inches of anew fell. This
msds fine snow balling all day Friday .end
business was generally suspended on that
dey (botmnee there wee none.) end this
exhtllraling exorcise Indulged In by all.
Friday night and Saturday morning
four Inobee more fell, making ten la all,
and snow balling: was indulged In mere
than ever, (sleighs of all kinds were 1m
provlsed, and soon almost nothing else
was seen. We noticed one made of gas
pipes, and tboy were of all slses from one
foot by two and helf to five feet by twelve
and of as motlled styles as one eould Im
agine. Cow end sheep bells strung on
ropes dldtho Jingling In a very sstlsfso-
tory mannei. If a rig was hired at a livery
stasia two dollars an hour was peld, aad
those who were unable to obtain a ride got
even with the fortunate ones by polling
them with snow bells. As a result at
least three window glasses were broken.
sad the heart r rnsuy a Chinaman wss
Saturday ulght and Oundey morning ten
inches mere of snow fell, aaklug twenty
laches In all, Then tt began to look like a
genuine eastern storm. Ho heavy wsa the
eoow that the blacksmith shop of Louis
Miller wae meshed to tbe ground, ae one
expressed It "eqwushed In," There was
a genuine demand for sbevelers and meet
of the business pieces were soon cleared of
the o n we! oeras guest. Com meads bis seal
was eboereed In the removal of the enow
eotkat people could navigate, end tbe
cltlaens of the First Wsrd, at least, wsre
under many obligations to Mr Frank
French for building a boree shovel with
bleu he removed tbe eoow from tbe
principal walks along Washington and
other streets. Union services were not
held in tbe Court Hones In tbe evening so
poor wae the welk'ng. During tbe dey
about an Inoh m rs of snow foil.
Bunday night and Monday morning
about two Inches more fell, making twenty-three
la all, which we are assured has
never been equaled el nee Oregon beosm e
s State unleea it wae in jFebruary, 113.
Monday morning the express from Lob-
anou wss blockaded In front of the depot ,
end it required an hour or two to get It
Monday nlgbt and Tuesday morning
two incbee more of snow fell, but by
morning It turned Into rata, wbleb has
been the program slnoe.
irr Soar A 1 team.
Oo Tuesday nlgbt of Inst week be
tween the hours of tea and eleven
o'clock the residence aad two barus of
Mr t harles Turner, about half way be
tweeo Albany and Corvallis, on tbe
soutbslde of the Wiltnmstte, were dis
covered en Are, by e brother of Mr
Turner. They nil burned to the ground
U being lmpeeelble to do any think'
Nearly nil of the furniture in the bouse
burned. The horses though bad
been taken from the barn, and only n
email amount of machinery was des
troyed. Ae all the build lug were
distance apart, they were, of
course, set on fire, as they ootid aet
catch from each other at the name time
ifatall, but who tbe Incendiary was
cannot be told. Mr Turner nod tile
family were nway from heme, and ae
one wee near to obtain any clue. An
effort should be made 4e trace tho per
petraier of the outrage, for there are
a great many tramps around now, sad
If dene by them, an example should be
There was ao Insurants of $1400
on all of the bulldiega, but this we ore
told, does not begin to cover the loss,
The ssow, tbe Sleppf saew
0k lb
th ai ippr ssew,
Twenty esses
ea the earth ImUw.
Musk tax,
Klrtaff to meet some ok ?
tk neea,
' etetass.
Thrown bjr a bojr ia a Uf
Or asrkansooas big flipping ear.
Um rietim of a
eeeoadtn; chair, iC
Ana eoneruig , ,. -
Olarlng ,
The bills reasons wits Um poer oni'i woes,
With bis aching heart, entitle (rosaing toss. 53
Beer the) sleigh boils, or is It a saw,
BoUtlne and banging tike eats in a row.
Ringing, -""ZSaB
Jlnglleg, .
Puling tbe streets with rigs of all kinds,
From gas pipe cuttore te slots wikbtut bthlnds
An injunction having been obtained on
the rest of this oslebrated poem by a die
gsstsd community, it will be continued when
t io saow has goes off and our citizens hav
gotten ever ths effects of this late great
ssew storm. 4
Go to K L Thompson k Co., for your bar
asss and saddles.
Mercantile Pallnre,
Oa Tuesday morning attachments were
issued against the goods of the well know
firm of Allen A Martin, of this city, amonut
ing to about $12,000. Their total liabilities
are about t27,00O, assets, $21,000. This
firm bss been doing s large and increasing
businesr, bat having been obliged to credit
many of their accounts, they suddenly found
their hands tied, owing to the scarcity ef
money among the farmers, duo from frozen
out wheat, and the mill failure. Ws regret
thievery much, as unavoidable as it was, for
Allen A Martin have been ss sntsrprisisg
firm, working for ths interest of tho eity, and
as well a genuine friend to tbs printer. But
s tids whioh hss attested nearly ail localities
of ths Northwest struck them and they
have succumbed, but ws hope to sse them on
their feet again with yard sticks in head.
Chsspet house iu ths valley for cash, E L
Thompson A Go.
A papular domsstio Journsl for Amsrl
can homes, will be aeat for one year free
to every lady who will send at onoe the
names and address ef 10 married ladies,
and 30 ots in stamps for postagr. Best
paper for either yonag or old bousekeep
era in exlsteaoe. This offer is made only
to seeure names to whom to send sample
copies, ss re know every Jady wko ones
sees "The Housewife" will subscribe for
it. Regular price $1, per year. Address
'Tain HousnwiFn," .Rochester, N. Y.
Per sale.
Span of fine horses for sale. Bight years
old. Ons 16 snd the other 16 hands high
A great bargain. Call sn Wm Terhmne,
miles south of Albany. Information given
at this office,
Massserg rowell Weddlag
On Wsdassdsy evening, Fobrusry 20tb,
1884, st 8 o'clock Mr. Fred W. Blurabcrg
and Miss Annie L. Powell were united in
marriage at the residence of Judge J. C.
rowell. in this oitv. The ceremony wss
w m - " m
performed by Us v. 8. G. Irvine, D. D., in
s very impressive mssner. The bride wss
beautifully dressed in brocaded sad plain
eream colored silk, trimmed with lace, with
the accompaniments of bridal veil and oraage
blossoms, and deserved many compliments
for her fine sppesrsnee ; whils the groom,
io Prince Albert, looked every inoh s msn,
tbs greatest osmplimsnt to be paid any one.
They were a good looking oouple as they
stood up before the minister, and when ths
words had been spoken that bound them
together as mas and wife, ths congratula
tions which followed wsre genuine. Fully
one hundered invited gaests wsre present,
many of tbe elder ones of whom bed some
time stood up before the ssms minister and
faced ths mus c, in fact ws counted just
nineteen, beside tbs brids end groom, rep
resenting eleven marriage contracts, Mr.
John Barrows, of Han Francisco, having been
the first to have dene so, we uudsrstssd.
There are ssvsral who should do so. It wss
s good natered oompany and as lively as it
is possibls to be osder such circumstances.
Ws wsuld liks to describe eestu met in tbe
msansr of oar eity contemporaries, lut we
are a sensible people here, end think mors of
other things then mere display, slthsngh
thsre was plenty of room (or ths smbitieue
reporter to "spread himself."
An elegant luneh was served at ten o'clock.
which was pronounced a oem plots satis,
deservedly so.
The presents received were many and
valuable and their selection displayed good
taste, sad se eye to nee ss well ss beauty.
Space will aet permit s description of thorn.
At eleven o'clock the large company dis
persed fall of good wishes for ths bride snd
groom, snd their estimable parents.
To eefcaal Clerns of Llan eaaly.
Ths Urns is drawing near far ms to make
ir annual report to the State Superinten
dent and bat fsw of your reports bsvs oome
to hand ss yst. Remember that a failurs to
get your report in time to he enrolled in
mine, will mark a forfeiture of your school
money for the year snd yoo cannot sustain
this lees without great detriment to tbe
school interest ia your district. If tbs blanks
have failed to reach you, write st oaoe and
get others and be punctual tn tilling and re
turning. We want this to be the most suc
cessful school year Lion county ever wit-
P. A Musas,
Supt Schools.
Ths dental parlors ia the Odd Follows
Temple, Albany, Or, formerly 0000 pied by
Dr Pries sod recently by Dr Tats, will now
be occupied by Dr O C Awbery, formerly of
Peadletoo, who will do work at prices ss
rsss enable ss is consistent with good material
and good workmanship, everything for tbs
snd comfort of the patient.
At Coot.
I will 00 isms nee my semi-annual slos-
lag out sals, at and ondsr oest on Satur
day, January 8th, 1884. This sals is Im
perative ss tbe stock muss, will and shall
be redaeed by Marsh lst,ln order la tanks
wsy for new spring goods. Cssb buyers
snd bargain hustsrs will gad it to their
Interest to call and inveeUgale. Cloaks,
ulsters, doUns os, Jackets, overcoats, rub
ber and oil clothing, geosasnersirstlcs and
overshoes aadsr cost. "All spot cash."
.a: NOLAN'S t
Maateal laatrwma ala.
J. U. Daulel now hae a complete line
of musical Instruments of all kinds for
aale. consisting ofd the Malbuekek
piano, the Shoninger organ, fiddles,
violins, guitars, etc., as well ae the
latest sheet music. Bis Instruments
are all of the beet grades, 1 and nre sot
the oheap traan, ao that when you gejt
sa Instrument of any kind you may
know that yoa are getting one that will
last and bold its tune.
la "remnants" of dress goods, silks, plush
es, velvets, satins, muslins, sheetings, tick
injrs. sinahams, waterproofs, wool sad est
ton flannels, piques, fine linens, Nottinkam
lace. Nainsooks ere tone, prints, plaids, em
broideries, laosand ribbons. Also "job lot"
of fancy goods, which must go before the
first of March.
Row Variety ef Petstses.
Tbe andersicned livine s half mile from
AAlbsny, across tbe river, has the following
e !a I aa t - L L :I1
new vaneij 01 aoou posasoes wnion no win
sell resssnsblv : Whits Star aad Pride of
America, whioh are moderately early and ths
Dusmsre which is late. These are an szosl
ent variety of potatoes. Samples may bs
seen at Ileddelds iu this oity.
H M Kbu.t.
Mast Mave Honey.
All persons knowing tbemsslves in
dented to the undersigned sre hereby
notified that bis business won't run with
out money, and as he must have it.
word to the wise is sufficient.
Job Bruuos.
Jast Beeolved.
Ladies 1 Just reesivsd st Samuel E
Yoong's Boot ssd Shse Store, spring stock
of those celebrated Ludlow shoes, sow atyfoe,
svsry pair warranted. Also nsw stock of
carpet warp ia elask, white snd colors,
direct from Chiosso. equal to any ever
brought to Albany. Prices low.
Samubl E. Yovxo.
ease sleepers Attention.
Opened this week s fins lins of genuine
Irish table linens, napkins, Damask towels,
Nottingham certain net, eretoaes, whits
blankets, marseillss quilts, sheetings, pillow
muslins and nsw prints. "Ths prices are
Meaey to Loan
Wears now prepared to make leans ia
say sums desired ea improved farm- land in
Lena aad Boston counties for any length ef
tune net less then one year.
Bur khart Baos,
For aale.
Three and s half sores of good garden
land, ail fenced, besss and berada
e igs of the eity. Will be sold
Call at this office.
on Plain aaajeel-.
BY I'l.AIN ciur.
I am uot a politiclans.bul I have been
tliiuklngjuet the same what a very eel
flsh business thin protection is anyway,
The United Btatee sends her prod ace
and manufactured geodd to England
freeofdutv. but whea Kngland Mends
ST '
hers to the United Htates she Is em
pelled to pay on au average $t:t tor
every $1C0 worth of goer! which she
Herids. If the United StatfM afterone
hundred aad eight years of existence
cannot compete with the other nations
oi me worm sns uau murr sasrww 1
the sponge. This cry of pauper labor
toe is all nonsense for if the English
laborer were to work for nothing end I
pay his own hoard we still with our 4t
per cent average tariff woald have SS
psr cent advantage or lilm. At me
present time a tariff for revenue only is
what Is needed.
Seventy-two feet above low water
mark is what It has been ia incdnuati,
Ohio. We who once in awhile have a
small misfortune visit us should B00
sldsr all misfortunes, and nee if th
balance does net drop oa our side. The
amouotof suffering cnused by the heavy
m a.L . . ... f., .. I
uooeffcr tne unio nixr can nanny
estimated. Heoaee have been sw pt
away leaving poor people nil 1 1 poorer,
and making penniless some who had
wealth. Almost starving they have
been llvlag at the mercy of tho water
aad charity of a friendly people.
When Henry Wilson was elected kfon
atorfrorn Massachusetts he gave a din
ner to hie friends in ISostos. It was au
elegant affair hut no wine or liquors
sppssred on the table, which struck
many so peculiarly that they began re
marking about it, when Mr Wilson aroee
and told them that all he bad he owae.l
to hie abetlnence from the use of liquor
and he narrated to them h-w, whm
young, be bad been surrounded by IU
terrible influences, and how he had
changed his name and moved away to,
get a new start, aad how be had pled -
ed himself not to use liquor of auy kind,
which accounted for its absence at thst
time. When he finished he rtceived a
hearty cheer whieh showed that his
manly stand was appreciated even by
those who thought differently from him
on the subjecK This story Is going tbe
rounds of tbe papers, and so, as it struck
mess containing a good pont, I give it
It msy he of interest to these who
indulge In roller skating to know that
should no longer be called by thsutl
. I
name. It is now pro:.t r lu call it um-
pilarotatloD, and when asking a young
man to skate with her the younj; lady
thle year should not use that word, but
should say, "Will you xampilarotate
with me, "and t!ie pleasure Is said to be
wonderfully eubsticed.
o o
Henry Bergh is tryiag to have a law
introduced in New York Stnte provid
ing for tbe punitbmeut of wife beaters
ith tbe lasb, I am in favor of it, or
something worso Any many who will
be St his wife deserves a thousaud lash
es laid on by a Sullivan, and when he
gets through with him he ought to be
laehed by tbe tail ef a whale, and then
lashed ton epar and left oa the briny'
Jaaa In lua laatiataf law Ilia U'avaH tf l f ft.
- a I
of him but whip lashes. lam in favor
of this lashing bus! boss, for tho benst
who whine his wife, and it cue uot be
too severe. But I hope, and think, we
do not need it herein civilized Oregon,
where women are generally treated as I
mnneeuual, which she is.
a i j,a-.. ... . i A
what pleasure la. I heard a meea-
atruck drummer.or commercial traveler.
.m.uiiu i. m ui v i i.i
If yoa please, expaoiatlng the other day
on the subject, and be couldn't imagine
aae reaUrnleuiirelhan tn ha aeslthv
-7, . r. a..!.!
shu live ai bouisi in aew aura iiij
for n few months and eee the , nlgbt. .and
irora nis taitc generally i gieaneo ma
he oonslderel money the greatest factor
n producing human happiness. Now,
I think the truth is, that there are mere
unhappy wealthy people than of any
ether slass ia society aud I am ratisfled
that wealth in itself does not produce
happluess. Take it as a rule; all the
world over and it is the one in moderate
circumstances who obtains the moat at
human joys.
Twenty Inches of snow seems as much
out of place In Oregon aa a politician
in church ; yet to those who have lived
In the East It brings up reminders ef the
days of the past which are in meny re
s poets pleasant to contemplate,
V. 8, sastrlet Attorney peak.
Col H Walters, U. 8. District Attor
ney, Kannas City, Mo., authorises the
following statement . "Samaritan
Nervine cured my spasms,"
Get at druggists. $1.50.
Hew to Mark Candy. -This book give
fall directions for making all kinds of
plain and fancy candy. The recipes for
making oaramsls,chocolate drops, French
mixed and all other kinds ef candies con
mined in this book are the same as used
by tbe leading city confectioners. Any
one can have these candies at homo at less
than one third the usual cost, Ssnt post
paid to anyone sending st once the names
of fifteen married ladiee and 30 cents in
postal note.or 18 two cent stamps. Address
22, S3 a 33 1-2, Osbnrn Block,
Rochester, N. Y,
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt raenna, fever
sores, tetter, chopped bauds, chilblains,
corns and all kinds ef skin eruptions.
This sslvs is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction in every case or money re
funded. Price 35o per box.
For sale by Foshay at Mason.
Fa ran for aale.
One hundred and forty acres, nine
miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul
tl vat Ion. 10 acres slashed and sown to
rasa. Comfortable dwelling, good
outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this
TAYLORTHOMP80W. At the residence
of the bride's parents, Feb. 19th, 1884, by
ths Rev J T rf olfe, Ma Jambs F Taylor,
merciless sen until there is nothing leftroIawing' described real property belons-
of Columbia county, W. T., and Miss
Amanita M, Thomfso.v, of Lion county
Tfce Pansy side sf the MmkL
In another column will bo foaad aa ac
Mtmd of s mstch hunt st Ksox Butte. It
wss an event long to be remembered by
Jey birds and pine squirrels, snd tbs supper
at Harmony Orange, we ere assured never
oss rqusllrd either for eatables or good will,
and there in probably no community in tbs
tttste where s jekr is ss joyed more tkaa
hy Knoi Ifutte people. Ws only regret
that we were not enough of s goose to be is
Head. The losing side is said to have fel
very sad all tbe evening of the sapper, which
was very much increased by the wife of tbe
CApUin of that side giving for husband
away by telling of tbe sleepless, restless
night he spent, hew be saw visions of jsy
bhds sod teal ducks with aiabtmaric effect
and continually grasped for a gun to kf!
W)I,M, or kiJlde W9 M
informed privstely thst several .th.r. i.A
lalsss exueriencea. Th u-w-i
,uch stories slwsj so, thst one of tbs young
m.n of ths winnins side, aced a boot 55 ht
gone to Marion county the night before ia
"rder to get sn early start, and en tbe dey
traversed tbe whole valley of tho Santiam
river and get beyond Lebanon on his wsy
Ifflese, having killed only two jsy birds sad
two teal ducks, when he met another ess sf
his party, whom he told thst be never pro
posed to go into ths trysting place with each
a Uk of game, and bio friend then ssJessfod
part of his bag and gave it to him, which
TT JJ ,hb 310
instead of 40. Three todds man D tka U.-
Three young men on tbe los
ing aids went all the wsy to Sodom, just the
other side of Gomorrah, and never got in at
all, which was the best thing for them ae
they got an ' average," and stiff another
lost his dog coder the ice. All these things
wers duly discussed snd caused much metn
ment. Tbe whole was considered ae a very
pleasant affstr by everybody. If we have
givea anybody away we are certainly very
sorrow, hut then it is oae of tbe privileges
of tbe business.
Tea her. Sterling
Arrangements have been msds for s teaoh
ers ssifog to bs held at Halsey, Or. Feb.
M snd March 1st. Ths Sute Sept. sf
Public In.trnctioo E. B. McElrey, will be
present and deliver s lecture on evening of
the tB Also tbe Co. Sept. snd most of tbs
leading tesehers of the County promised to
ll"wjs regular Institute programme isar
ranged and s pleasant and profitable time
is anticipated, accomodations are provided
for all from abroad.
All tc-achi ra and all interested in educa
tion are earnestly invited to attend.
Wir-evn Xor7srOEs,
Ch. of Coos.
A startling Mscoveey.
Ihysiciana are often startled by remark
able discoveries. Ths fact that Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption and all
Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing
patents thst they have given up to die, is
.tart li tig them to realize their sense ef do
ty, snd ezsrnine into tbe merits of this
wonderful discovery : raanliiaer in hnn-
18. "g
tueir practice. J rial bottle free at Foabav
A Mason's Drugstore. Regular aise 81.00.
All accounts due tbe undersigned have
been placed in tbe hands of TJ States for
collection who is sathorixed to receipt for
She same. If not paid in a reasonable time
the names of tboee neglecting or rsfsSlag
will be given to tbe public,
Fbjed Bass.
Administrators Sale.
tbs undereiened. administrator ol lbs
e:ata of Harbard aibelion, deceased, will,
lrMisnt io sn ordsr of tbe County Court
of Lion county, Oregon, on tbe 25tb dey
oi Msrch. A. D., at tbe Court Hones
door in Albsny, in said county, between
ta hours of nine o'clock in tbe forenoon
and four o'clock in the afternoon of said
,!,r VtT At ntf D U II
ing to said estate, to-wit : Beginning
is v cnams west or tbe north east corner
of the south west quarter of Section ft, in
Tp 10, S sf K 1 E of tho Willamette Me
ridiau, in Liuu county. Oregon, snd run
ning thence east 83.36 chains : thsnse
south is So chains; thence next 10.72 chains
to the north east corner of Hainan Sbel-
a--" vaavtuw, vtaQUVV SW fTW S. SSSB1 SSSVa) S, SS SJSSS S. SJS
in a northwesterly course to tbe Discs of
beginning, csnteininc 1S2 47-100 seres, at
public auction to the highest bidder, ail
the right.title snd interest of said deced-
Dtl lhe hi th. "LD1 to -
real property sbove described. Terms of
aale cash in band on tbe day of sale,
Hanvxr Shkltox,
rOtt SU iK rilLiKt, Administrator.
Mechanics' Lien Notice.
fa the Circuit .Court of the State of Ongom, far
Linn county.
Geo. W Hochstedler. Plaistiff.
! John A Crawford as tbe administrator of tbe
co-partnership estate of Henck A Meyer.
Bernard (r A Meyer, Cooper H Meyer and
John A Crawford, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that tbs pUaasUf
above named has commenced a suit ia the
above entitled Court, against tbe above
named defendant, John A. Crawford
as an individual and as administrator of
the co-partnership estate of Henck A Meyer,
for the sum of $1300 with interest thereon at
the rate of 8 0 per annum from the 23rd day
of November, 1S82, and ths coats and dis
bursements of said suit ; and for a decree
against all of the defendants above named
that the mechanics lien upon tbe hotel build
ing and all the right, title and interest of the
said defendants and each and all of them ia
and to the real property upon which it is
situated and which is necessary to its ass ss
particularly st forth in the complaint herein
be foreclosed ; and that said hotel building
with the appurtenances be sold to nay and
satisfy the amount of plaintiff's said claim,
anS the costs and disbursements of this suit
All persons interested in the enforcement of
the lien hereinbefore mentioned, or claiming
any benefit thereof are hereby notified and
required to present their claims as required
by law within ten days after the complete
publication of this notice for three weeks ;
and in case of failure ao to do within that
time or such further time aa nay be allowed
by said Court or Judge thereof, yoa are
hereby notified that you will forfeit any liea
yeu may leave upon sueh property.
Geo. W. HocssrrxpLSBt,
Ylisk A Chamberlaix, '
(Successors to)
Dannals, Woodm & Fisher,
M inufactures and dealers in sll kinds of
would respectfully inform the publie that
they manufactwre to order, and will keep
constantly on hand, a complete stock ss
all desirable lines of
and will sell at bed rock prices.
Bed-steads a Specialty.
They also keep constantly on head s
complete line of
and will Kuarantee satisfaction to all who
may fovox them with a call.