STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE TAIL1T. P011 boeiness notice ia Local 0.1 L m" oeDt P Regular Leeal noiloee 10 cents per line. ,Fr le1 aml transient sdvertlsasaessls - Pr ru'o for the first Isssssluajmi inserti'" P' 'HW tot each subseqaeaS ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY at STITES & NUTTING. BUSaSESSOFFU: fla Beeaetrat Building oh Broadalbla trct. TSRJ13 OF SUBSCRIPTION loyl copy, per year, In aIraHO.... 93 80 stagis copy, per jr. aland of year 8 00 stagi copy, six month 1 rtuM enpy, three months 76 burn number 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FBI DAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1884. NO 29 n" 22 sdvenisesaeass nown on .pplictioa. Sr ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT U i Q Ms PROFESSIONAL CARDS, U Fl tKN, O. K. CHAMBKRLAIN FLINN A CHAMBERLAIN, 4ttobi:ys at law Albany, Oregou. BsrOfflee in Foster's Brick Blook.-Bl vl&nistr. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. XtTILL PRACTTCK IN ALL THE f f Courts of this State. Will Rive vtt Antinn to collections and probste matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORN FT LAW Notary Public iihnr. Oregon. Office upstair, over John Bring' tore, is street. -... J. K. WEATHERFORT), (jtOTABY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE gut. Special atWntxon 1rec, to collection aad probate watte. ITOOct la Odd FeltW Tempi. P ti.T. w. su UltTOT TOWEIX & BELYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW i aaav a nftf Loans nop""" " . vT.j i. -ij-Offloe In Foster's Brick. v!4ul9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittoney And Coimsellop At Lar AND Notary Poblice ALBANY, OREGON, tntsoue. a" will be promptly attended to. war-Office In OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDOH & CO., DRUCMISTI. B.ks. Stationery and TcaletArOeles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. C1TT DRTJO- STOBB, yt klMM. . FOSHAY & MASON, WBOLSXAU ASS !! Draggistsand Booksellers, AllART, OBEGOI. rlOnnif REVERE HOUSE, Cnt, r mi aud MUw.rtfc Albany, Chas- Pfelffer, Prop'r- This .wHotalUBttaptoflrrtiMSjrto. Tsbtae BeSfaCery Room. A food Sample Boom tor Cean- IB T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office In States Rights Dsbocba office. BUS. I. W. & IMARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, ORE QON . Offer W (A "ie M tha eUaen 01 linn aod adjv near Court H p Store. Lar'U -. Mid Co' Drug Aloany Bath House. nsniiaNlD WOULD RESPECT 1 lulk ufAfm thm eitiUDI Of AlbSBTasd rj tiait th.t I ssvetk ehsrgs of thw Eitsbluh aeat,wjd,by keeping elsaa reom and psya ttrie t attention to bsjiaee', expeets to suit si thorn who mayferor us with their patroaage asviac herstofor earriea on uvui rirst-Class Hair Oresslne Saloons cxpeeta to jive sstire iatltf riics te si mthOniin snd Ladies' Hair neetlj ea Tba.pooad JOS WEBBEB. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNIKG & C0.,.PR0PR'8. RW PROCESS FUOCE SOIIBIOK fOB FAMILIES AND BAR EitS T7BE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Utttl ALBANY OR. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. AucMs. Dec. 1882. $3,295,328 Premium income 2.607,139 Safe, reliable and qaiek to pay in case of loss. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albsny, Oregon, D.BROWN, .Judicious ADVERTISING Discreet STJBSCRIPTION San Prancisoo, Gal. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published eyery Saturday ar Harriahars Oregon, .TliA. 1 3ST Editor k Proprietor. STONE AND IMARBLE WORKS. THE UNOBB8IONEO WISHES TO Inform the public tbst he Is now .pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work Is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work sny and all kinds of stone, but deal pria cipelly in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 win not be undersold n nop on west side or ferry street oppo site post ornoe. Q. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN SCHMEER. LIVERY, FEED'AND SALE STABLE. Albauy Oregon. Horses kept on reasonable terms. Horses snd buggies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Kiiswortn wrests. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. raACKINO AND MOVING PI L AMOS, organs and Inrnitarr a specialty All baallng within the city promptly attended to. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Rh.rlna Hnnn with BMtnsss snd sham oonditlon, aad bair out in the very beet razor, wnicn are always sept in itoou style. SAX WA VUG. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MBRCHANISTNO M'SI NF. Rk. tea and Jtnrr inda. Ladle" underclothes, sold at bollotn price. Ooolreetor lor Chin, labor. SSTKext to CUT Buk. HENO TENGr. Bast washing and ironing In the city. No.;il. Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - Proprietor. Opposite Revere Hons. Shaving and hair dressing done In first- class at V 'e. First -class bflh room a. Rath for ladies snd aentlemenc sll hours. Terms reasonable. '83 A GRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL on. mr for onlv 13.90. Two mora lor Utti loan u prwm r. nta oaSXSO too wiU rci for mm tsar your W y??T: uni (ur a tariff for rtrsnw only. end th. beat,brigb tajtd aufc T tamilV waaaiy mum vmi ae hodMir. to wuualB. s mvapim copy of the srkr-Joarsar can do aoal thi office. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER TBI Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, a Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES. STEEL GOODS DOORS, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS A&D CORDS. WINDOWS. t,UUUVJ UVWIV ww - ' J "mW od to call and examine our stock, note our prices ana ntToraoie termo. Send for Price List. WIL80li& BROTHER. Hanaflsetarera, Wholesale ad Retail Dealers, 18, 20, 22. DrummSt., San Francisco , Csl SCW BIHHE8S DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY DEALERS IN CLOCKS AW uwnw ES. Keep a full line of Jewelry. a u vtt a rt If T Watches and clocks repairea in uwcimwm order. SCIO - - OREGON. We Me MORROW. DEALER IN STOVES, TIN WAKE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - utttcuw. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. T7" EEP A KTJLL USE or rvini BA. I t W. nanitloa Tint.- tLTMl grucerios, itmu -"v. .w, " ' .Ifbliulai nf Ann(W)nnariM. tnhaACO. CCarS, a, t rah naid for produce of all kinds. " - M SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, TXEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH- JLV lti, doom, snoes, Dai nu ti groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OK. J. J. D0RRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR SCIO, OBEGON. tuL OTIOE Of PUBLIC LETTTNGS SO LICITED, rians ana tspecinc.won. ished on short notice. bBptw aAaf B POWDER Absolutely Pure. thl powder mw raria. A marra! of puriety, traofth td whootnoneaa More ctnoaiiaJ than the ordinary kind, and oaooot ba ld In o-mueUii..n with the multttnd on low laat, ahort wtgbt, alum or Phtxpbau tMtardrr. Hob! only In nana. fcoYAI. uais mniico, ioe wall stnet, a. T. NOTICE. JULIUS URADWOHL of this city, havinsr taken the machinery agency of u-. 1?'. Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line of FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad , to wit: WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, GUTTING R0XE8, and all FARMING implements of less note They will keep the LA BELLE WAGON, also the RUSHF0RD a new wagon with all the late improvemats aad warranted on of th3 best wagons in ttis marks. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND. MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1SCS. Br A. P. CHERRY, situated It corner of First snd Montcotnerr Street.. Albany. Oregon. Ha vine taken charm of the a bora named Works, we are prepared to maniUesture Steam Engines, Saw and Oris Willi, woodworking Machinery. Pumps, iron and Brass Csstion of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. & pe dal attention given to repairing farm rca eniaery. rsllsta X.b teg aaas la aU Its IVwsss. l&llyl ' A. F. CHERRY A SON. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial snd domestic cigsrs. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, morchaadlse household Roods, etc.. at auction for sny eae in tLe cityor county Store opposite rovers nouse, Aiuany, ur. 61 SAM COHEN. A Marvelous Story i TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: "SSStffcffir " UentieMkm: My father reeldes st Olorcr, V t. 11. bat been great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the Uwtoeed letter will tell joa what a marveloae sfleet Ayers Sarsapariila ha had In hit ease. I think hie blood most bare contained the humor for st least tea years ; but it did not show, except In the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about fire years ego. From a few spots which ap peared at that time, it gradually spread so as to oorer his entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and so object of pity, when be began using your mndicihe. Now, there are few iueu of bis a;p wuo enjoy aa good health as It ass. 1 could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his ease. Yours truly, W. M. PhuaipsV FROM THE FATHER: "It is both a plealure and a duty for me to stats to you the benefit I hare derived from the use of Ayers Sarsapariila. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and Intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause tfee blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, aad my life a harden. 1 commenced the use of the Sarsaparilla in April hut, snd bar. used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores hsvo sll healed, and 1 feel perfectly well in every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Ayeu's Sarsaparilla. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, Hiram Phillips." Area's Sabsapabilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, -Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality snd strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BT Dp.J.C.Ayep&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by sll Druggists; SI, sht bottles for fa wasamaTaii unrraa. (Freaaour regular correspondent.) Vashikoto. Jin. 20th, 1884. Congress has shown no signs of In dolence this week. The amount of work done has been creditable, tni the character of it unusually Impor tant. Overshadowing In Importance other matters, was the hostility shown bykthe House to land-grant railroads, through the most unanimous adoption of the Holman resolution, which Is comprehensive measure for restoring to the public domain all those fast tracts of land donated to railroad , la eases where the roads have not the conditions of the grant. The jority vote was overwhelming, 261 to 18, and may be accepted as the de deration of a fixed policy for the fu ture. It dates the failure of a gigan tic scheme to plunder the govern ment and signifies the restoration of many millions of acres of valuable land to the rightful ownership. Mr. llol mon made this subject a special study last summer and the resolution to based upon his personal observation. Another movement in the direction of reform, was a blow struck at ex- members of Coo grass who have abus ed fthe privileges of the floor for lob bying; purposes. Mr. Anderson of Ksnsas offered a resolution requiring ex-members before being admitted to the ball floor, to obtain from the Speaker an order which shall bejs- sued only by the ex-member declsr- Ing he le net Interested In any corpo ration or person having a pecuniary nterest In the defeat or passage of a measuro before Congress or the com- ralttoes, and pledging thst while the House Is in session he will net com municate with any person having an uteres! In legislation. Violating this pledge the ex-member will forever bo deprived of the pri v lieges of the floor, At times the chamber swarms with ox. members some of whom hsve not been in Congress for years. Others were members of the forty seventh Congress, and nearlj all of them are obbylau ; or ''attorneys" for this or tbstspocial Interest sugar, whisky, claims, and Jobs great and smsll. Hay leg learned the ways of legisla tion la former years, they eoavlnee clients of the vslae ef their rvlnr on the floor, and the Impudence ef this class is appalling. I Nothing short of an Iron-dad oatn will cure this evil, of which every honest Congress man has cause to complain. Speaking of an iron -clad oath re minds me thst one ef the first acta of the House of Representatives this week was to ropeal the 'iron-dad" oath. As the confederate record of a msn In no way disqualifies him for service as a legislator, It was too ab surd to retain on the status books two sets of oaths, one designed to keep out of office persons who had engag ed lo rebellion, and the ether framed expressly to let them In. Mr. Cox of New York spoke lengthily In favor of the movements as one in acoerd with the times ; but the Mil would have come with more grace from the republican side of the aisle. In thje work iog of the amended Sen ate rules which went into operation for the first time Mondsy, there has been a little friction. Senators havo not adjusted themselves readily to the new order. One of the rules Is thst when a bill on the calender has once been called and passed over It eball not be called again until the calendar has been gone through. Certain Sen ators among them,Messers Logan and Blair, who were sponsors, for some on the first called measures, were not lo the Senate at the , time, and seemed much thwarted at not being able to give reasons for the faith that prompt ed them to ask the Senate to pass their bills. Senators revel now in the luxury of a seclusion hitherto not enjoyed. The floor of the chamber Is visited by very few of the persons who have heretofore trained admis sion as the secretaries of Senators. Mr. Edmunds is the draughtsman of the stringent rule paoblbltlng en trance to all but bona fide secretaries, and it Is said he aimed It ax persons who In the guise of newspaper corres pondents used their cards of admis sion to engage in lobbying. The Senate has been considering a number of important measures dur ing the week and has further discus sed the pork question. The House has passed some rather unimportant bills. Committees have discussed pensions, the currency, land grants inter-state cemroerce and territorial boundaries. Indications are that the democrat ic leaders propose to move very slowly and cautiously in formulating tariff legislation. They do not think the Senate would pass, or the Presl- dent'approve any measure , -materi ally reducing existing duties. There fore they want to steer between two points of danger ; not alarming the JCast ncr discouraging ihe West They realize the narrowness of this channel, but they trust the akin of their pilots. Raws is naisr, Five hanlred vessels at a tins save fouad protection in tbo harbor of Ports, w. u. The channel is 9000 yar.J wtds at the narrowest p'.aos, and there is never lass than seven fathoms of water at any stags of tbe tide. The harbor it never frossn, so swift is tbe current of the Piscataqua. A Baltimore firm thst advertises es tensively sent to tbe postoffios the ether day seventeen tons ef almanacs. It ts ssser ted thst, notwithstanding all the grand, new telesoopes, tbe palm for sise still belongs to Lord Kosas's la Iceland. Strong rays of light are dsj by day eating out more and more of the ink la tbe original parchment draft of tbe Declaration of Independence, which hi kept in a glass case in ths StsU De partment's library. Fsw of the names are now legible. Near the parchment in the original, on foolscap piper. Tbe ink is as fresh as It was when it drop. i m t n f i, n. psu i roin ueneisun a quiii. j be many erasures and interlineations by Frank lin, John Adami and others ere still perfect as to color. The paper is yel low with sge, snd worn through where it hss beea folded. A strip of land .boat en Inch wide in Fifty-fifth street, west of Third eve., New York City, was reoeotly sold for $625. Australia claims s surplus of 16,000,- 000 bushels of wheat, a Isrge portion of which is now finding a market in Eng- lend. The Conrisr-Gaaette quotes a Rock land (Ms.) phystcisn as say tug thst many girls aod womea take arsenic for the complexion, by chewing white rags, la the blesehiag of which much of this deadly poison is used. Death has oo o acted from the practice. Girls begin Ssobew white eloth and thread vhea they are told it will make them hand some.not realising th. tot rib's risk tbsy are taking. "Peso, if possible, i i.ttos at any rate,Hts what Worn ell Phillip via suud of prefixing t hi. sigitaitirs for autograph collector. Statistics show that .very savea. year has been a dry year in GsJifurui for a long period. The I sat dry year Was 1876, whan only atue inchrsaf waer fell la the relay season. This year tbe quantity Is very small, aad unless .11 precedent is overturned this will be a dry year, in which ease there will be ehort crop, of grata. Robert Porter explains ths ad ventage of the French over the Eoglish werk- ii in th. question of hemes. Ths French msn can obtain land to build his borne upon ia tbe country. In Eoalsnd ths Isnd atistocrecv will not permit this. In tbe race for suprem acy tbe Continental countries all have this advantage over Great Britain. Sprats are so numerous in Soottiih waters this season thst millions of them have been rold for manure, Sixty tons of them were lately caught la the river Tay, and pet at ones upon the leas'. As there are about 72,000 average sprats in a ton, the total number de stroyed most be enormous. Thsy in wholesome food, but the eeet of getting them to English markets leaves no profit for the ssleemen. A bill has been presented to the New York Legislature establishing a publio park in tbe Adirondack regions, which will eventually comprise 1,700,000 seres of forest land. Mrs. Williams of Staunton, Pa., crossing Mr. Creamer's farm, saw an eagle attacking one of his turkeys, snd as she drew near she herself was at tacked. Shs killed the eagle with a fence stake. Ths camels that were employed in hauling freight across ths dry wastes of Arisona for the Southern Pacific Rail road, now bv natural increase 400 in number, have been bought by John Shirley, an Australian sheep farmer, and are to he used in hauling freight across ths deserts ia Australia. He got them fur $10,000, much less than a like number of camels would cost him if he were a transDort them from Africa. In the House of Commons forty members are necessary to maks s quo rum, in the House of Lords only three, and properties are passed through two readings by three 'old gentlemen in gilded room. Tbe names of some of tbe fifty Indian maidens who are attending school in tbs City of Brotherly Love are Bessie Big Soldier, Edna Eagle Feather,Frankie Bear. Ella Man Chief. Maud Eobo - w r r w Hawk, Fannie Crow, Eunice Bear Shield, Ssrah High Pipe, Lttzie Spider aad Olive Battle. The traveling ahowmon are exhibit ing three skeletons of Guiteau his skeleton when he was a boy, his skele ton before he shot Garfield, and his skeleton after he had been hanged. Fresh -water fish are reared in every Japanese farm where there is a pool or brook, wish as much care as poultry are In French cottage yards. Girls in tbe evening go with long wands to drive the fish into roofed tanks, where they are looked in fur tbe night to keep them from birds of prey. According to tbe latest esnsus the number of business establiahments In tbe country on June 1, 1880, was 708 , 828, with a capital of $8,177,509,682 The aggregate wealth of the country is set by the oensun, at the same time, at $43,642,000,000. A Tsxas stock-dealer asserts tbst 2,- 000,000 head of osttie are fed on "free grass" in his state. Tbe net profits of tbs owners of the stock is about twenty five per oent, sod ths aggress te Valae is $40,000,009. Tbe lands on which the cattle are fed are lergJy the prop erty ef the public schools of the state. In Europe the State, which have most wemea .re Portugal and Ger many. Greeoo has s few more men then women. Pennsylvania U recklessly destroy ing her timber. Her shipments, ss reckoned in Williamsport, footed op st more than 400,000,000 feet last year. a a. us nesrr wira aeaaaaa. Th. following clipped from Mtcbi gsn paper is a graphic sec ntnt of s fight with robbers ia that stsbn, which wilt be of particular interest to many in this county, as Garret K. Cm eon Is a brother of Mr. G. W. Crnson, of Leb soon, and hss friends in various parts of tbe county : "No little excitement and consterna tion was produced in this village Thurs day morning by the rapid spread of tbe news that on the previous night a cou ple of masked men bad made a dasper ate attempt to rob Garret K. Crusoe, Treasurer of Lafayette township, this county. Sheriff Peer, accompanied by deputies Johnson and Wtllougbby, re paired to the house of Mr. Wiener, dis tant about two and a bslf mile, from Ui wd, Werner and his brother being then ia bed at tbe bouse of their broth er in-law, Win. Chiug, only a short d Uu no from Wisner's, where they ar rived about three o'clock yesterday morning, snd asked to be admitted. Sheriff Peat detailed Johnson and Will onghby lo remain at Wisner's to see that the Warn re did not escape, while he preoeeded to Mr. Crusoa's to asosr taia if the sffsir was as it had bean re ported to him. It seems that about 7 o'clock Wedoeedsy evening a rap was heard at Mr. Crusoa's door, snd before aayoae bad time to answer the sum moos, two mssked men opened the door and walked in. Mr. Crnson and his family seemed to comprehend tbe situation at once, and nerved them selves for the desperate hand-to-hand struggle which f olio wed. Mr. C, who has tost tbe use of one eye and is troubl ed with a cancer besides, grappled the desperadoes snd proved almost a match for both of them. His two little sons, aged respectively about 11 and 14 years, also did heroic work ia aiding their father in his encounter with these masked villains, The oldest lad seised a dub and dealt one of them a vigor ous blow on the left cheek, while the younger one hit him with a chair. Finally Mr. Cruson reached out and seizing one of their masks, tore it from the face of the wearer, revealing his identity. Prior to this, however, one v of the would-be robbers fired at Mr. Gnisou, the ball entering his right shoulder, inflteting a painful snd ugly wound, the result of which is unknown st this writing. Upon the mask being stripped frcta one of them, they quick ly put gat tbe light and retreated. Meanwhile Mrs. Cruson began ringing the dinner bell and calling for help. This at once attracted W. B. Rsbertson, s near neighbor) who hastened to tbe scene. He met a horse in tbe road dashing along at full speed, drawing an empty eutter, and this proved to be the conveyance of the masked desperadoes, who, in their hurried flight, were upset in the ditch, when the horse run away. Geo. Flayler, another neighbor, met two men in the road. They were carry ing in their arms a cushion, a buffalo robe, whip, etc Tbsy asked about the horse and passed on. Sheriff Peet hastened back to Wis ner's, when he snd deputies Johnson aad Willoughby prooeewed to, Mr. dung's where the Warners were taken Into custody here about noon. Mr. Cruson is a brother of Ben. and John Cruson, aad brother-in-law of A. Slaughter and Obas. Fowler, who live in this vicinity. Another item states that Mr. Cruson will probably not recover. When s youth begins to use hair oil, to east anxious glances at the looking glass, to get into the habit of feeling his upper lip, when his shirt snd collars do not please him unless thsy are done up at the laundry .when he takes delight in displaying half an inch of cuff out side of his eoatsleeves, and drops into the druggist's evenings to purchase pink perfumed losengers, yon msy set it down ss almost certain that love's young dream has begun, snd there is s young lady somewhere who is probably as much in a flutter most of the time as he is himself. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. XDITSO BT THS Chriiliti Temperiflee tuiou f '! MISS WILLKI aids:m roMiKiK. At the Tenth Annual Meeting at Detroit, Mich., October 9 let to Noveinljer 4lh,1883. GCXKBAU This year bas witnessed the estsb- lishment of a Woman's Cbristisn Tem-J psrsnoe Home at 440 East 57th street, New York, tbe last sacred enterprise ef our noble and now promoted friend, William Kl Dodge, so that we have now in tbe Eastern metropolis a piece where wealthy women who are victims of strong drink can have the chemical cures spplied to their ftiscsssd bodies and tbe gospel cure to their diseased souls. Tbe Martha Washington Home in Chicago supplies this need for tbe West, while our "Rehoboth," in tbe saase city, is doing a magic work fur friendless somen. Similar institutions should be multiplied, under tbe care of our societies, in sll the leading cities. TOBXOOO. One of the most encouraging pointers that has this year msrked ths growth of publio sentiment against poison ha bits, is tbe law enacted in conservative New Jersey making it a penal offense to sell cigarettes to boys. Tbe Chics go free Kindergarten As sociation, farm. Robert Fowler, presi dent, sad Mies Matilda Ross, priori pal,) established by leading workers and friends of the W. C. T. U., has been an education ia methods to all who were oognitant of its marvelous success. Soventeen hundred little children from beclouded homes have here hsd nature to confirm the good snd fight tbe evil of nature at the earliest moment practice, ble. Tbe result in tbe little one. aad its blessed reflex in their homes bas beea wonderful to see. Forty teacher have also been under training. Ia Han Francisco, I bad the great good fortune to meet Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper, not only in her famous Bible class, but also to talk of her best beloved work tbe kindergarten. So profoundly do I be- ieve in this system ss being next to heredity and hygienethe base of our temperance pyramid, that I urged eur W. C. T. U. in San Francisco to es tablish a kindergarten, which under tbe management of Miss Annie Geary, is rapidly justifying its raison d'etre as the beat exponent of ethical culture in the training of the schools. As Mrs. Cooper says : "Tbe kindergarten is a character builder. Its primal aim is s self-government. It is the great corner stone for prevention. It recognizes the three-fold nature of tbe little one as a child of nature, a child of man, a child of God. Self-government ir the foun dation stone on which the republic w rests. But lack of self-control in mas ses eannos breed prosperity, while lack of self-control in the indtvidusl breeds destruction." She adds : "If only we stand in tbe attitude of service, the service comes. We all have a broad place in this age if we are ready to fill it." Dear Sisters : Let us take up the little child, too young for tbe temper ance school, but not too young to team bad habits, .nd as we lead him on we shall perceive, as shepherds always do, that "where tbe lambs go the flocks will folio tbs ABeuTiax or petticoats. It would appear that the doctrines of woman's emancipation from the trammels of feminino dress, promulga ted some time ago with considerable vigor by strong minded ladies in the United States, have recently been en thasiastioaliy adopted by an sasociation of German matrons snd maidens,which, under the significant title of "Clothing League for the Abolition of Petticoats," recently held its first publio meeting in a concert room of the Brunnen strasse, Berlin. A Chairwoman having been sleeted, the proceedings were opened by an eloqnent sfieecb netting forth the inconveniences and disadvantages from a sanitary point ef viow, of the flowing garments hitherto deemed appropriate wear for civilised fsmaLs. This dis course pronounced it to be the sscted duty of every member of tbo association to discard, with the utmost promptitude, such objectionable raiment, typical of all the disabilities wrongfully ascribed te woman by her oppressor, man, and to assume in its stead "a dualisttc form of oovering for the legs as well as for the arms." This daring program of aotion wss hailed with acclamation of approval by all present save one, FiBu Peters, who courageously stood up for the denounced pettiooat, upon the ground that it was far more becom ing than trousers to members of the female sex. Her protesting voice,how ever, was drowned in a storm of indig nant clamor, and a resolution embody ing the sentiments previously enuntia ted by ths Chairwoman was passed by an overwhelming majority of the fair leaguers. oe . Lithography was invented about 1 796 by Sennefeidsr, ceaim trauma suras Rsthdrum, I T., Feb. 4, 1884, Here is some news fur the readers of yonr paper. I could give you the de tails of my trip. It would be interact- ing to all, but tirre forbids. Well the snow is i to 6 fst on the b mmA hss been snowing since yesterday 10 o'clock. The snow is from 4 to 7 feet deep in the mountains. Tbe avast ef the irj'-n going in eo bv the way rd Trout Creek. It is In Montana. A man came out this morning and says there are 2500 men there. All they can de is to boild cabins for themselves. Flour is $30 a barrel snd sometime 60, end everything else ia proportion. The place could have been bought 3 months ego for $500, now $75,000 would aos boy it. There sre 25 buildings under wsy, snd some sre living in teata. Twenty-five car loads of staff are dumped here every day. Charlie Pond and William Martin are going to take a lsrge force of men in the morning to mske a wagon road to tbe mi am. When it is done, then it will be soon enough to come. But tbe weather is too cold now. This place received its first pisno yesterday. There bee beea Kme rowing and fighting, and if some body is not killed before yon get will be strange. There are about 300 cam biers and their ladies hare, and bout 300 or 400 other men, two-thirds of whom are carpenters and sll st work. Board is $9 per week. Things are very lively here now. Geo. C. Ararasox. Chemistry was introduced into Spain by tbe Moors about 1150. Tbe title of deacon is derived from d-icanu, which was originally given to an officer over ten soldiers. wa a t r r a a. a. tviwaru 11. ucereed that no should wear fare of soy kind "could not spend" 100 a year. In tbe time of Francis 1. there but two coaches in Psris, one belonging to the queen, tbe other to Diana, Henry II. 's daughter. Tbe "Biy Psalm book, published st Cambridge in 1640, was the second book printed in British A merits. It went through seventy editions- After Luther bad been preaching a few years in Germany the study of ths c Inflates so decreased that at the fairs at which many copies had been sold even ia the dsys of costly manuscripts, the much cheaper printed Greek and Lain books were not bought. A NASAL INJECTOR free with bottle of Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Bettevas aaS BSBSB RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Scistics, Lumbsgo, BAcaaraa. HEAD Aral TO0TS10HJ, S0rss XmftesYe QCIKST.Sl arcana. AMSaOel flfTT CEITS A BOTTLE. sou bran Dealer. n 1 The Charles A Vsssaw 0s. aa '8 Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENE WEE was the first preparation perfectly adapted ts cure diseases of the seals, sad ths first saw eoaaf ul restorer of faded or (ray hair ts US natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, bat bobs have so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair sad i Hall's Hair Bsmtwaa bas steadily i in favor, and spread its fame sad to every quarter of the globe. Ia aaaaraV leled saeeesa can be attributed ta ba eae c&use: the entire fulfilment qf ttsj'swixa, The proprietors hare often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote esua t r lea, where they had never made aa effort for ita introduction. The use for s short time of Hall's Hub KsxEwrrt wonderfully Improves the aonal appearance. It cleanses tbs ( all Impurities, cures all humors, fever, i dryness, and thus prevents bsMssSB II stimulates the weakened glands, sad enables them to push forward a new and vigor as growth. The effects of this article are set tnutsient, like those of sloohoU. erasers, tions.but remain a long time, which mgkst 1U use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DIE tOBTBB WHISKERS TV 11 change the beard to a natural brews, or black, as desired. Itproduces a peraassat color that will not wash sway. OasatosjafsC a single preparation, it a applied with eat trouble. PREPARES) BT H, P, BALL & CO., Kasbaa, N, I. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. FOB ALL THE F0BM8 OS Scrofulous, Mercurial, aad the best remedy, becaase tbe most searching aad thorough kbloodpuriAer,tt layer's Sarsapariila. S old by aii Druggists ; 1, six bottles, S3. 3