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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1884)
lite gmactat. Entered at the Post Office at Albany,, Or. as second-class mall matter. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 8,1884 8T3TE3 & Ultars aeS HUTTING. Preprieters. rUI P. NWTriXC, Lcal BStter. AO. K . R. TIMS TABLE. Albany Htuttou. tBTI BK OF TBlhv BOOKS SOSTH. ALBANY KX PRESS Departs at raaiutrr trains MAIL TRA1K ' &:30 A. M 9m A. M. U.4S A. M 12: P. M BOOKS HAIL TRAIN tUtZu PRStOHT TRAIN " Al RANT KZPRK3S Arrives a 11:44 A. 1S.-0A P :S0 P. S.S5 P. All Trains Rally, except Saaday. Not i ok. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at oar tloket office for following points on Columbia river: Upper Cascades Dalles, Umatilla, Wall u la, Walla WalU and Alusworta. Will. B. Hica, Freight and Ticket Agent O.AO.R.K. Co, Albany, June 18th, 188. Ofcial County and City Paper. IUIII1TMO TO eSBfCKlBSR. At the request of subscriber In differ ent parts of the county, and for their con venience, we htve sent bills to our agents at several places, so that th se desiring to liquidate can do 83 by oalliag on the fol lowing gentlemen : T L Wallace, Leb anon ; Sam May, Harrisburg ; O P Co ahaw, Brownsville ; W E Kelley, Solo. Hamlet Left Cat "Coras bore, yoaag man, I want to talk to yen," said a First street merchant, whom we will call Bliaaard. " Waht, what np now," we tremblingly gasped, fearing wo had gotten dress goods for shoes in his adv. or something as bed, and were going to get a lecture. "Oh, nothing serious, bat I wanted to tell 70a that that list of marriageable men in the last Democrat, was very ranch like the play of "Hamlet" with Hamlet left out. It was very good so far as it went, bat you left oat the Hamlets of bachelordom in Al bany. Just take yoar peneil while I dicate. There are John B , Jones, Strat. Andy H , Dick F , Geo W , JeffC , FredG .and he rattled off thirty or forty others. "All of them are eligible, and would make good husbands, and ought to have been given.' We mumbled that we didn't think of them at the time, and he gave us an elastic to fasten our shirt sleeve up so that it wouldn't show our inky cuff, and we left him, cogitating on the impossibility of an editors remembering everything, any more than sis susecrihers about paying ep at the end of the year. Were They Slant. It was reported by several that the bones found by Dr Hill and others be longed to those of r race af giants, it being stated that the largest was proba bly in his life time a man seven feet high. A friend who measured the long est femur bono fonnd it to bo sixteen inches long. This bone is slightly over R fourth of the length of the human body, which would make this giant less than fire feet, four inches high, probably fire foot two, certainly a very diminu tive man. Be it said though that the bones are large and ths largest jiw Is uncommonly big. The only way to make the fellow tall would be to assert tfcut the bones shrink by age, which we ere assured is not the case. Summary of Meteorology for January 1884, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs,Esq. Highest Bar. 30.30 ; lowest, 29.16 ; mean. Highest Temperature, 59 ; lowest, 24 : mean, 38.9. Prevailing winds, N, A 8 Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall during month. 3.91 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain feu, 14. Number of days of cloudiness, average 8 in seals of 13, Frost on the mornings of 17 days. Klba Clab. Or last Friday night a regular meet iag of the Blue Ribbon Clnb was held at the Presbyterian church, at which there was r good attendance. Kev J W Webb, of California, delivered the address, which was interesting and contained many good thoughts. A chorus of seven voices, consisting of Mis E W Langdoa, Mrs A Btaiger, and Messrs J J Charlton, O H Irviae, George Turrell, Wat Purtmiller and Mack Montoitb, furnished the music, three popular pieces being sang with great eflect. The next meeting will be held two weeks from to-night at the same place, when r good program will be rendered. Rale oT Public Land. The following table shows the sales of public lands in the United SUtes during the year 18S3. A glance at it will reveal Oregon's position in the list : Acres. Dar0t3 . . i . . . rnssrt .see6f(389a509 Nebraska .... , .. . .315, 104 Minnesota 1 ,292,969 ivsnsas 808,655 763,779 794,274 Washington Territory UeUfOrnia Mississippi... Oregon . ..... Louisiana..... Arkansas Wisconsin.... Florida 510,511 499,770 467,599 460,656 454,002 4.1 1,749 Chnrch Notice. Bev Dr Lindaley, of Portland, will preach in the Court B.use next Sabbath evening Preaching services this week in the Presby terian church Wednesday. Thursday and Friday evenings, aad on Saturday at 2:30 p, m , conducted by De Lindsley and Bev F P Berry of Salem. On Sabbath the Sacrament ef tiie Lord's Supper will be administered in connection with the morning service. Pines aad Costs. The amount of fines imposed and collect ed In the city for 1883 was $189, The costs in criminal actions where the accused were not able to pay and for which the city is liaWe amount to $156.50 being an excess of fines over costs of $32.50. HOME ANO ABROAD. F M French, jeweler, Wheat, 82$ cents per bushel, E. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. It is a good time to look out for humbugs. The Conrty Court is in session this week. The Little Giant at FUffmeu A Joseph's. The Little Giant 5 cent cigar is said to bo a daily. For sale at Hoffman ft Joseph's, Go to Hoffman A Joseph's for the Little Giant 5 cent cigar, the best in ths market. The Republican State Central Committee meets in Portland on Thursday, February 21, 1884. Mrs Van Scoy, wife of Prof Van Sooy of Willamette University died at Salem Tues day last Seysral went from this city to see Sulli- vans' troop in Portland, Saturday and Mon day nights. A carious trick to perform is to place live half dollars so that eaoh will touch every other piece. J J Murphy of Seloin has been appointed post office inspector for Oregon. Another "18" man made happy. If Jacksonville oannot have the oars di rectiy to her door it has the satisfaction of being able to hear the whistle. Wing Sing ft Co., exploded $1000 worth of fireworks in Portland last Thursday evening, bat Satan was there all the same. Charles Spangle arrested last week or stealing two over-coats in Orleans precinct, was duly examined and acquitted, $1S, 000 sent to A ins worth from Portland, by the N P Eipress'Co., has disappeared, and ths agent there has been arrested. Several ef our ci lianas have been investing in Yaqaina Bay property lately. This in dicates a confidence in the railroad. The Quimby House, of Portland, is first class, and Linn county people will do well to go there. Bead the adv. ia another column. The regular meeting of the Y. P. T. tf. will be held on Friday, Feb. 15, at 3.30, at the Grange Hall. Please return catechisms. The best account of the Sullivan exhibi tion was given ia the Standard. It was as lurg as sueh an affair deserved, and was to the point The best answer to the pumpkin pie prob lem of two weeks since was received from Miss ErEo Miller, of l-ehaaon, who ia 13 years of age. Wednesday Hoffman ft Joseph received wo car loads of ice from Idaho, whioh per haps accounted for the frigidly of the atmos phere on that day. A farmer in Wasco county wUl devote over 1000 seres of Land to raising corn this year. The climate of Eastern Oregon no doubt is suited to that cereal The Taqnina Pott says Col. White will run the first train ovsr the Oregon Pacific within a month himself. What it will be ran on ia not stated. Multnomah is the wealthiest county ia the State. Union is the horse county, Grant the cow county, Umatilla the sheep county and Jackson the hog county. A new paper just started in the Willam ette Valley claims an edition of 1200 copies. Most papers send out at least that number of sample copies the first time. See ? Hoffman ft Joseph this week will receive the finest line ef candies direct from taa East ever brought to Albany. Those want ing genuine candies should sail en those. It is stated in a Portland paper that a young lady in Salem was recently dead drunk, notwithstanding the feet that she moves in the "highest circles" of the capital Ia the 100 yard race in San Fraacieoe to ween Kittleman and Harmon the former won by about three feet. The time aaade was very fast, perhaps the fastest en record. A Washington Territory paper with about 900 subscribers claims to have the only com plete staff of assistants. Even a roosters crew can be heard when the lion dees not The person who cut a two cent stamp from a "stamped envelope," and posted it on an other the other day, aad tried to seed it through the mail, subjected himself to a fine of $50. The correct answer to the hazard problem given last weak ia 300.0598 1 feet, or 300.06 feet practically, which is the hypothennse of a triangle whose base is 800 feet and per pendicular 6 feet Mr A Settlemier, while splitting some wood on bis farm near Tangent a few days ago, aecidently out his right foot in a very serious manner, several of the tendons of the tees being severed. On our outside will be found a very inter eating article on the "Mound Builders," by Dr J L Hill, of this city. This is a very in teresting subject and it will pay our readers to examine into the matter. Last week we advertised for four pounds of feathers, sad the Portland Standard im mediately implied that we wanted them to make wings with, aad assured n the geld en stairway is a long Way off. A man worth several thousand dollars was hunting around the other day for a D sho ck at, among the merchants on First street. To tight to take the paper he sponges it. It is such men who help build up a communi ty (?) Store windows arc again being decorated with horrible looking pictures of old maids, dudes, donkeys, etc. It means that St Valentines day is near, the 14th having been set for the observance of the custom ef send ing these aforesaid pictures through the mails. We have received a oommaaication with out any signature and hence nnder our role it is consigned to the waste basket. We do not publish any communication unless it is accompanied by the name of a responsible party. The people of Yamhill connty are having unite a time with the soul sleepers, who it is stated have" just been notified to leave They are entitled to their opinions as well as those who persecute them if they behave themselves. Mr W S Peters, was manager of the Dra matic Entertainments given on Thursday evening of last week and Tnesday evening of this week and is entitled to much credit for the manner in whioh he drilled the partici pants in the plays. Ws have heard it stated that W S Ladd, of Portland, lest $800,000 by Transcontinen tal, which we are unable to understand, as he only pays taxes on about $300,000. He is said to have plenty left, and is probably worth several millions. We have received a marked copy of Michigan paper in whioh an accoant is given of a fierce fight between Garret K Cruson and his family, of Michigan, with masked robbers, whisk we shall publish in full next week, being unable to do so in this issue. Several have answered our lizaard example of last week. We present the answers given us : W B Scott, 300.60 feet ; O Ra harts, 300.06 feet ; L M Mattoon,300,0598 feet. We consider the answers ef Mr Mat- toon and Mr Ru harts as correct, that of Mr Mattoon's being most complete. Before the Astoria blacksmith would box with Sollivaa he went and asked a lawyer if anything could be done with him if he should strike Sullivan so hard as to kill him. On being told no, he connoted to meet the champion, aad was knocked out la twelve seconds. Bev 0 H Carson delivered the sermon at the union meetiag at ths Court House oa Sunday evening. It was well delivered, was to the point, aad was finished oa time ia s scholarly manner, without a deasn oonolu ions. Ws like his style sad believe it if one deserving of exemplification. A silver ledge on the Saotiam is being worked, a shaft having been sank. Several assays have been made, it is claimed with good results. Some interested in it are be oomiag sxoited ; but old miners have not yet become worked op in the matter. D M Ferry ft Co., of Detroit, Michigan, have our thanks for a large supply of garden and dower seeds, which are of a superior quality. This is ess of the most reliable firms in the United SUtes. Their Seed An anal whioh we haye also received is a fine production, and should be in the hands ef ail interested in lowers or vegetables. No other medicine is ss reliable as Ay er's Cherry Pectorial for colds, coughs, and all derangements ef the respiratory organs ton ding toward consumption. In all ordinary It is a certain care, and it affords sure relief for the asthmatic and consump tive, even in advanaed stages ef disease. If a well be poisoned, woe be to those who drink thereat. It is worse to poison the fountain ef life for one's sslf, aad for pos terity. Often by carelessness, or misfor tane, or inheritance, this has been dene. Ayer's Sareaparitla frees the blood, the vital stream, and restores appetite, strength, and health. . Mr Julias Grawdwohl has taken ths agen cy for Frank Brothers ia this city of their agricultural implement house, recently ia the hands of Senders ft Sternberg, and will continue to keep en band the implements heretofore carried, whioh includes wagons, harness, plows, drills, cutting boxes, the La Belle and Bushford wagons, etc. Some of our business men have been in vesting in land at the Bay to be laid oat as a city. The land is located r el ween San Francisco aad Portland, being a few miles west of Albany, near Yaqaina City, in fact about three fourths ef a mile from the Cos torn bouse. It is expected that this site will be that of the metropolis of the Yaqaina Bay region ; if se it will be valuable. An exchange says that a little boy, who bought a hen for 50 cents on credit, and paid for it in fifteen days, by selling its eggs, has agreed to build a raildroad across the continent, (we understand by way of Priue ville,) if the government will donate him a strip of land forty miles wide, and he can mortgage the same. Smart boy. Aa affray occurred at Lafayette Saturday morning, between Dr. Idgar Popple too, of Lafayette and Mr Rogers, formerly nty clerk. They had a quarrel over Poppleton's having foreclosed a mortgage on Rogers farm, when, it is alleged, the former drew a knife. Rogers drew his revolver aad fired, the ballet striking Poppleton at the side of the aeok, inflicting a severe wound. By slanders interfered and prevented farther trouble. No arrests, ftntosmcm. 429 arrests were made in Portland during the month of January. A hat ef ths causes for which will be interesting in order to shew how crime is distributed in the metropolis of the Northwest i Drunk and disorderly 18, cruelty to animals 3, smoking opium 2, lar ceny 25, resisting an officer 2, assault aad battery 19, disorderly by fighting 14, roam ing about streets 19, held as witness 9, tree a, vagrancy is, carrying concealed 4, disorderly conduct 24, murder 2, rioUtiag swill ordinance 6, insane 2, block ing sidewalk 3, obstructing streets 7, keeping bawdy house 3, exploding fire crackers 10 not specified 35, arrested but no complaint entered 1$. Last week we gave aa account of the rob bery ef the stage at Grant's Pass, stating that a yoaag man near Lebanon bad bean arrested as aa accomplice ia the crime, bat whose name we refrained from giving until there was better evidence, doubting very ranch whether he had a head ia it. It tarns oat that we were right, Mr Freak Settle, the yoaag man, being honorably discharged without even as examination, the arresting officer stating that there was not enough evidence to convict Then what right has an officer to make an arrest in saeb a case. A man's character should not be trill! with as if it were a fifty cent piece. The opening paper in ths Magxie of America. HitUry for February, by George Gary Egglcotoo, is a most effective piece ef word pain ti nr. Dr Cyras Thomas, the learned antiquarian, fellows with aa except ionally readable essay on the "Houses of the Mound Builders. " Rev Charles H Park- hurst, D. D., contributes an eloquent "Trib ute to George W Lane." Professor Edward B Salisbury contributes the first ef s series ef three scholarly essays entitled, "The Oris weld Family of Connecticut" The "Private Intelligence" papers (Chapter V.) of Sir Henry Clinton, bristle with unusual interest this month. Minor topics contains a stirring letter from Lyon Gardiner Tyler, ef Rich mond, Vs., concerning President Tyler's re lation to the Oregon Question ; also, a vivid description of "Some of the Cavalry Fights of the Comanches." The departments ef notes, queries, replies, societies, end book notices are remarkably well sustained. This number ef the magazine ia notably strong in all its varied and important features. Pub lication office, 30 Lafayette Place, New York City. Lean Tear Advice. Heres a little advice which we givs to young ladies free, inasmuch as they have had no experience in the courting business, and leap year only lasts twelve months. Fix np in fine style before calling en your fellow, being careful about blacking the heels of your boots. Be careful about your collar and neoktie. Get shaved before hand, and always re- member the hair oil. Don't go into his house until you hang around the corner for half an hoar. Inquire for bis brother and put your hat in the corner. Tarn the light down. Don't talk about the weather. Never use but one seat. Don't go home till 12, even M his ma says it is time to retire sooner. Three times a week is the proper number of times to call. Why aad What, Eds, Democrat : Will you inform me through the columns of your paper why Jackson's heme waa called the Hermitage. Also the correct pronuncia tion of Bonhear, the famous srtist ? Sweet, Home, Or. Gkszxib. - Ans. 1. Because it was a retired place. 2. Bo nur, o as in not, principal ascent on last syllable. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL T L Porter, of Halssy, was ia ths city Monday, Superinteadeat E B MoKlroy was ia Al bany Monday sod visited ths schools. Maaay Cohen, of Portland, has been ia the sity this week. Charley Hackle man, of Lebanon, was la Albany the first ef the week. Mr Abe Hacklemaa, arrived lu Albaay, a few days ago from Eastern Oregon. Mr J J Finlayson has moved to Forest Grove, where he intends living in the future George Piper, is ia Salem thii week with D W Mathews, daring ths absence of oa0 of his clerks. Bev, J. W. Webb, the Temperance leo turer, called oa us last Saturday. Me is a very pleasant geoMeman and an enthusiastic able sneaker. T J fiaferd, aad ens or two others, Of Corvallis, have beea ia ths city selling a pool ef lead at the Bay, to be laid eat as Alexandria. Rev 8 O Irvins, who has been oonflaed to his house for s couple of weeks by inflam matory rheumatism in one ef his eyes, is recovering, and will be able to bo oat ia a fsw Have. AResM Ore. a. Ia the State of Oregon there ere 4,flfl,78fi acres oa which taxes are paid ; total valse, $35,298,036 j aa average of about $7.35 gD acre. The value ef town lota is $13,075,008, ef improvements, $10,430,045 of merohaa- diss and implements, $23, 122.03$ ; ef money, notes sad accounts $20,760,095, household furniture, carriages, etc., $5,841,341. The number of horses and males is 131,- 14$) value, $5,364,736, average, $4L Nam- bar of cattle, 284, 47 j value, $5,215,852, average, $18.23. Number of sheep, 1,083, 878 i valae. $2,246,870 t averace. $2.06. Number ef swine, 112,846 ; value, $293,- 965 ( average, $2,60, The above is render ed slightly defective by the fast that the total u amber of seres, horses, cattle, sheep, etc., are act given in Linn ooentv. while the values are gives. Gross value of all property, $108,648,286 Indebtedness $37,177,681 j exemption, $5,. 4b,$la Total taxable property, $75,808. 953. The total number of uella was tlO.. 720. The total amount of tax is $412,719,- 78. The wealth per capita is $621.62. Total number of school children, 69,070. Douglas County has the largest number cf acres of tatablo land, Unn the greatest valae, Multnomah takes ths lead in town iota and improvements, also in merchandise and implements, money, notes and accounts, bSRSSBSld furniture and carnages, gross value of property, of indebtedness, of toe, of wealth per capita, and of school children. Union county has the largest number of horses and mules, with the greatest value ; Grant county the largest number ef cattle aad the greatest valae J Umatilla eoaaty the argent number of sheep and greatest value. Jackson eoaaty the largest number of swine aad greatest valae. Owing to the ill health of M. Stern burg who desires to retire from basis sss, we will dissootiaae oar bad boss ia Albaay aad therefore offer oar entire stock ef goods at that place for oast, The stock is complete aad first-class ia every partionlar, aad never before was such aa immense stack sacred for sale at such a sacrifice ia prioee. We therefore invite ear customers, friends and public generally to call aad ds end prices our All these kaewiag Ik i mi lives indebted u our Albany house will please call aad settl Memos as oar hasiases mast be clceed. Thanking the people of Linn and snrrsond- log ooonties for their liberal petreaage for the past twenty-two years. We remain Respectfully, Sasusae ft Srsessuao. lbs following is token from the Fmrmmr'm ibnie. We give it for what it la worth. As this disease arevsik ia this valley to seme extent it might be well to or try it t "Yoa may give yoar horse all the good hay he wants and about three of oats a day : ass him a little three or fear times n week ; drive him slowly, so as not to boat him inside. Tabs a piece of about the sixe ef an egg and dissolve ia six quarts of watsr ; dip out a toacapfal aad add half a pail ef water every time be drinka Give the following t Pulv. singiberis, em ounce ; pulv. ear bo ligni, one ounce ; sal abate qaiaiae, three drasus ; palv, geatiaae, two oa noes. Mix together and give a heap ing teaepoonful three times a day ia wet eats. This prescript iea eaa be prepared by say druggist. Beet harases at J J Dobruille'e. Ceear tVAteae. Webb Churchill, Frank Lvper and J Kietner, of Harrisburg, who went to these mines some time since returned last Tues day and report tho mines a humbug, One man waa working a claim which un der the excitement lie had bargala ed for at $8088, end upon which he had paid $100, and could not even And color. He threw up his claim aad lost his $18$, One of these parties offered $5 for $1.5e worth of gold-duet as a sample but could net ot it, They pronounce these mines a humbug, B L Thompson & Co., are selling the best harness in the valley. Pay Cask. Tyler R Blamberg are desirous of having those who owe them pay up, as they need the money in their business. - They are obliged to pay cash for oattle, etc., aad so find it necessary to ask cash for the meat they sell, and on Monday next will re quire all purchasing ef them to pay the money at the time, which they are obliged to do in order themselves to do the same ana nope their many customers will appre a a . . . . ciate their position and be ready to pay cash. Mew variety or Potatoes The undersigned living a half mile from Albany, across the river, has the following new variety of seed potatoes which hs will ssll reasonably : White Star and Pride of America, whioh are moderately early and the Dunmore which is late. These are an excel lent variety ef potatoes. Samples may be seen at Redfields in this oily. H M Krixt. A coal blaok houad with a white strip on tbe breast and about six months old. waa last seen running a deer in the moun tains about five miles southeast of Browns ville. Any information to the whera bouts of the said dog will be liberally rewarded. 0. L. Robbrts. Brownsville, Jan, 26th, 1884. Una tea at Ceuasll WiiBRRAs, At the regular' business mooting of the Linn County Baslness Council P. of H., held at SanUau Grange, Deo. 1881, It wss resolved, by said council in view of the Importance attaching to tli election ef in embers of the legislature at ths tlisn approaching Jane election, that a committee of four be appointed by ths council to propound to theoandidatas,that should be nominated for the legislature by ths different political parties la Linn county the following, among other ques tions i "will you, if elected, favor the enact ment of a law, which will cause the taxing of mortgages in the counties In which they are recorded T" and, WatRRStaR, Held council waa at that time, and mill is In favor of suoh a law, aad appointed sold committee for the pur pose aforesale, the report of whioh was satiafaotory to the coo noil ; and, Wnaaaaa, The members of the last legislate re ef this state, from Linn county, labored faithfully for, and assisted in securing the paeasga of a law taxing all mortgages on real estate in the manner aforesaid ; aad, Wnaaaaa, Said law has been declared, by ths highest Judicial tribunal ef this state, to be constitutional, Just and valid ; aad, Waa abas, Said law, tf His faithfully executed, will cause ths payment of taxes in Linn county on about $400.00 worth of property that has not heretofore paid any taxes la this state, which will cause the collection In the aggregate of nearly $400, of revenue oa this heretofore untaxed pro perty t aad, Whbbbas, Certain into rested parties have resorted to the Federal courts to try to haye the decision of the supreme eourt of this state, sustaining this Just law, an nailed la the hope of again escaping taxa tion enttrsly, therefore be It Resolved, By this council f hat we very much regret to ass said parties again try ing to escape the payment of anything In the form of taxes toward the support of the civil machinery, by means ef which they are enabled to collect their debt, and without which they would have no se curity ; sad be it Received, That the members of the Linn Co, Council earnestly request the several county Boards of this state to appropriate, out of the funds of the several counties, a sum safBotanttoaooure the employment of ram potent aad faithful counsel to de fend the Justice aad constitutionality of tola excellent law In the Federal court, where Ilia now being tooted, and, (if it should become necessary,) follow it to ths so promo eourt of the United States and there ascertain from the eourt nf last re sort, whether or not capitalists are exempt, by the oenetltution of the U. H., from pay- log a just proftortion of the burdona of government. Adopted at Band Ridge Fob. 2nd, ISHf, and voted that the "Dtesemtuater." fvraTB Rioam Dbmotkat, Albany erald" and "Wlllauaette Farmer,'' be requested to publish. We ana a BraSTeaga Meeting. Monday morning a poster was circulated through tne city announ ring a woman suffrage mass moating at Foster's Opera House that evening, with a roqueet to nearly all of the lawyers and ministers, of the city (naming them) "to be present and take part in discussion In five minute tee, pro aad eon." The house wi crowded full, After a taw Introductory remarks Mrs Dunlway eel led on the per sona named in the bill, Mr T P fleck torn n being the only one taieepon I personally, which he did la a tan minutes a ease favoring the pending amendment. Right hate lot us say in Justice to those named In the bill, that their absence waa not due to any spirit ef oawardios, aa was Implied. Sueh men as Jadca L Fltnn. Hon W It Bllyeu, Rev 8 G Irvine, Rev J W Harris, end the others named are net men who shirk their duty. Some of them we know to be la favor of the amendment, and whether they would have spoken pro eon they had bettor reasons for remaining away than fear. When all bad been called on the epeaksr continued her remarks, devoting aa hour to the thorough discos slon of the subject. At the atone a collection was taken up, which should be a leaeon to our churches, a lady passing ths hat on one sldo, and gentleman on the other ; the collection of taa former amounting to $5.86, while that ef the latter amounted to $2,15. fire to B L Thorn peea ft Co.. for yoar bar and saddlss. fOr Tkesa. Last week we published aa aocooat of ths robbery of the stage ia Southern Ore gon, Tbe following from tbe Oregonlan" adds muoh Interest to the account ; "The robbery of Wells, Fargo A Co'a. exp sr Grant's Pasa, a few days since, it transpires, waa made with the intention ef capturing the aack ef E J Jeffery , who waa en hia way to pay off the workmen at the Siskiyou tunnel. Jen arrived at Grant's Pass ths evening before the robbory, and carried hia rack, which contained 115,080, openly to the offioe ef Welle, Fargo A Co., aad deposited It, He had evidently been watched and shortly after he deposited the money a gambler came in and deposited 8000 to be sent by express, and asked to have it ineured. lie was told that the oempany's receipt was good anoogh insur ance. That evening Jeff slyly withdrew his sack from the express offioe, sad slept with it in hia arms, was called at 6 o'clock in the morning and left on a construction train for Phumix. The gambler who had deposited the 8000 took paaaage on the coach nsxt morning, and wbsn it was stopped, was very officious in throwing out the express company's treasure box. He ia now in Jail with two of bis supposed confederates," A Fireman's fertaae. Ths San Francisco (Cel.) -Chronicle," In An article on the Firs Department of San Francisco, gives the following from Asst. Chief Engineer Matthew Brady : "I have beea subject to an aggravating pain In my chest for over four years. I resorted to various anodes ef treatment to obtain re lief. I haye had my ohest terribly blis tered. No physician could tall what waa tbe matter with me. Two weeks ago I commenced using St Jacobs Oil. It baa cured me." . Cheapet house in ths valley for cash, B L Thompson A Go. A Celebrated Case. It seems probable that Mr. Michael O'Connor, of Oalssburg, III., Is not related to the celebrated Charles O'Connor. He says: "Samaritan Nervine cured me ef dyspepsia and general debility." For a cough or oold there la no remedy equal to Amnion's Cough Syrup. A stare Chance Wringers at redaoed rates, both the Nov elty and Bo rake, ths best made, at Peters aBlaiVR. tirassatic Ratortalamsat. On Thursday night of last week the drama "Above the Clouds" and ths faros "Paddle Your Own Canoe" were presen ted at Footer's Opera Mouse to a full house. Following were the oasts of char acters: i a nova TBB 0IUD . Philip Rlngekl, "Oresy Phil," 0 W Watts Alfred Thorp, a City Nabob James fester, it. Am. llavlnrc, a Country OenUemen. B A fester Howard (laylurd. bis see Will Kortmliler Tltue Turtle, UoersMnd T J Overmen CurUs (Jhlpmen, "Chips" Thee. Callahan Nat Nayloi. Thorpe' Protege Mae. 1 MosteRb i J race Irnrafls, a Young- Artist Mary Irvine Hester Thome, I louse keeper Minnie Mwntelth easy Oaylord, Osylord's Daughter Mettle fetter bueretle Oerrlsh, "mi rennntl. , ..neiiie wooes PADOLB TOUB OWM OAMOB. Or Kuhber Dam a Denttai. C W Watts J tfonteltri urimeu HeethevM Jovial CttrlaLnnh W.I..... see aw ley, m HUlley) Colored Boy T J Ot Hoesln Seeiu. an A resteer Traced laa . Jamas " . . . i m ivm'rvv . .......... a, ja , ft A Foster Overman roster lArry Lanlgati, an Irish I'-rter ThoeCellshan fan was, a tXilrtees laundry Man Geo fan Mrs Moray, Or Dam's Landlady Nellie Wood Kste Cnasos, Crmeoe' Daughter Minnie MonteUh Mtlly Moray, Mrs Merey UaughUr Mettle VeeSar Beth plays were presented In a manner very oommendable, much of the acting surpassing that of the strolling trsuim which come to Oregon. We might men tion Individual parts deserving ef mere than ordinary notice, so wsll wore thsy carried out, but we haye learned that It la not always safe to criticise local talent, suoh is the variety of opinions, governed either by judgment or prejudice, and aa ws consider an article which Is all praise, where there is much that might be criti cised, ss s nasleee piece of literature ws refrain frees mentioning individual char- Taken as a whole neither play has oyer been surpassed In this oily, according to ear Judgment, by local talent. It has demonstrated the foot that we have sever al amateurs here equal to any In Oregon. The entertainment was repeated T day night last. a aj mmaasase law BeuMlvan. "Yes sir. I saw Sullivaa." Immediately 325 persons gathered around the man se dtstiogsisbed ss to have seen the Only Oreet. 'I saw him when be got from the beet Folly 33,080 people were waiting to greet the Wonderfal No Flos Uultre. There was a shout that could he beard for miles, in fact which shook ths h on see in Oregon City, as his towering form approached the gangway Yes, gentlemen, he is a model of physical beauty, standing seven feet 8 in his boots. The rush was so great that he was crowdsd against s third-class hotel bus. bioh provoked him so that he seised the off horse aad slang ths whole rig into tbe Willamette. It was a beautiful sight. When he approached the Kemeed House omnibos he easily leaped to the top, when it rushed for the hotel everything clearing ths way ss if aa lows syclone were sweeping along. Bat the sparring match. It waa a tame affair. The first penob at 8 lade made him torn seven aomersoto backwards, driv ing his nose to the back of bis bead. The rest of the show wss of no interest, being by minor lights. But the whole business gentlemen, wss ths grandest that I have ever witnessed. " esirust Another beloved sister baa gone to rest, hue lode Maria Beard, daughter of Lewis and Loulea M K I user, wss bora Dec 2Mb. lHdo, Joiaed IVovideaoe Bap tist church in June 1877, married to Mr John R Beard. April 15th. 1879, moved and settled la Spaagle Spokaa county, W. T.. ia June 1883. where she II vod tin her death. Died 8epL 4. 1883, from the effects of disease brought oa by cold. She requested to be brought heme, and her husbsad arrived with bar on the 18th of January, aad oa tbe 20th of Jan. 188 L aba waa hurried at Providence, Linn eoaaty, Oregon. Our beloved sister lived a consistent chris tain, died In tbe triumphs ef a living faith. She leayee a beloved husband and two blessed chlldreu.pareaU, broth ers, r-isters, aad many friends to mourn her abeeace. We sniss her, aba cannot come to us now, but we can go to her. J. R & Yesterday there was a slight amount of skating on Monteith'e fiats, bat tbe ice Tit to a taoklnmheader condition, not se reach so though that several did not indulge in ! the exhilarating pastime. While the thermometers on the north side j ef First Street yesterday forenoon stood at 115 above, those on ths other side stopped at 32 above. Wheat ia too far along to feel the effects ef the present oold ensp, besides ths ground is net wet enough to freeae very badly. Ladies I Just received at Samuel B. Young's Boot aad Shoe Store, spring stock of these celebrated Ludlow shoes, net efyiee, every pair warranted. Also new stock of carpet warp in black, white and colors, irect from Chicago, equal to any ever brought to Albany. Prices low. Samuil B. You so. eaae Keepers Attention Opensd this week a fins line ef genuine Irish table linens, naphlns, Damask towels, Nottingham certain net, ere tones, whits blankets, marssilles quilts, shoetings. pillow as are muslins snd nsw prints. "Ths pri correct." One htm NOLAN'S Meacy to Lean. Wears now prepared to msks leans in any sums desired oa improved farm Land in Linn aad Beaton oouaties for any length ef time not less than one year. Pcbrrart Baoe . Portersvllle, Cel., April ltth, 1881 Mr Kobt 8 Ammen Sir : I have been sel ling yonr valuablo Cough Syrup for the last twelve months. In tbe past winter we had the worst spidsraio of measles, whooping oougb and colds I ever saw. Ammen's Cough Syrup sold higher than aay cough medicine I had la the house. Expect to always keep a good supply in my stare, Respectfully yours, P. F, Chatmam, Druggist. S I I. Far Sato. Three and a half acres of good garden land.all fenoed.hease aad barn 4 n western edge of the eity. Will be sold cheap Call at this offioe. lerici. All accounts due the undersigned have been placed in the hands of T J Stites collection who is authorised to receipt the same. If not paid in a reasonable time the names of those neglecting or refusing will be given to the public, Frro Rem. PLAIN TALK. On rialn anbjeefs. BY PLAIX CHAP. The Common Council of Corvallis re cently passed aa ordiaance providing that where there had been noarlet fever la r family, bo member of it should "come down town" for thirty days. Mr M Stock's family, of that city was un fortunate enough to be visited with th unwelcome disease, but he went down town and attended to hie business "all the same." He was Immediately ar reeled, tried and fined 820, which was all that could be done under theordin anoe, While it Is right lo guard agalnsi disease It is not right to swallow camels, even while straiuiag at gnats. Thy t a business man who takes tbe precaution to change his clothes and fumigate hi m selfjuet before leaving his heute,shoulJ be subject to a fine of 820 It to say the toast, aa iajustlse. That is as much a apbyelelaa can do, and certainly Is using reasonable precaution It has alwaya beea a mystery to me bow r man ean live on nothing a year, aad yet grow fat and support his wife. I have known ef a great many who did this, and Albaay has Its share. You never see them do anything. They do net pay taxes on a cent ; yet they dress fairly, aod live well. Moat of them, too, ds so In such a manner that you can not lay It too rich relatives, for they may have none, but do It if they de. I un derstand how the wood chuck subsists during the winter months, bat this mskes still blunter my blunted senses, to understand how a man gets along without working, wlthoat credit or riob relatives. Ills easy to credit it to gambliag, etc , but not always correct ly, sad manna does not fall now. e e e Last Thursday for nearly ha! f an hour the sir waa filled with cracking fire crackers and bombs that made a tre mendouediu When that occurs en the ttbattbe hands ef the American you know it is for fun, bat these heathen Chinese did not waste fifty dollars worth of tiieee combustible pieces of nuisance for fun, it was to seare away the devil while Joss came ia and ate a chicken with its head on, and stuffed with pecu liar things, which rooted en a plate in tbe wash bouse of Ban Wi. A Jack knfVs and chop sticka were all ready for him, and burning tapers were there to light his midnight repast This Is Idolatry, yet thsy believe la it, and it is in keep ing with th- ir pig tails. e e A person had better have a rhinoceros at his heels than a goaslper la hie tracks, lie might get away from the former, but the latter can not be dodged. Linn county is like other counties. It he Its complement of them, and hers like everywhere e Ise, they are moot happy when picking at other people, though there are enough beams, raftore, side beards, Balls and shingles in their own eyee to make a barn. e e Que is as liable to fall and break one m neck oa a poor man's sidewalk, as en theaidewalk of one able to pay for its being fixed. Rotten boards are rotten boards . A city with enterprise is like a boy with a new cap. It makes h.rn mow lively. Some oue should buy Albauy new cap, if not a stove pipe hat. Seeing a great system of water works like those et Albany, lying almost dor ruaut, la like seeing aa Edison spending bis time making mud piea in the back yard. Fine buildings cost money, butalove of the commanding aa well at beautifu la human nature, so that large and com modious structures speak in ioud tones for a city. Albany needa a new Central Scboet building. 1 Thomas Porterhouse Ochiltree, Con I gross men from Texas, says he wants a President who either takes water straight, or whiskey straight, and does oot want any of your lemonade Preel deut like Hayes. Ueace he is la favor of Arthur, who taken whiekey straight. There ie food In this for reflection. Reaeflt Baaaee. The Magis Spall Orchestra will give a grand benefit dance at the Lowson warehouse (on the Naayew Osage B B) on the evening ef Feb. 14th, 1884, for the benefit ef Mr C Cowan, who was recently burned eat. The warehouse has been pat ia excellent condi tion and is one of the most commodious dancing kails in the valley. Rverybody is invited to attend aad enjoy the festivities aad help drive the wolf from the door of oae whom misfortune has overtaken. Tho music will be furnished by the Magic Spall Orchestra, of five pieces with Prank Wheeler, as prompter, 1 leasts including sapper $1.50. At Cost. I will com me nee my semi-annual clos Ing out sale, at and under cost on Satur day. January 5th, 1884. Thia sale is im perattve aa the stock must, will aad shall be radnoed by March order to make way for new spring goods. Cash buyers and bargain hunters will find it to their interest to call and Investigate. Cioalu, ulsters, dolmans, jaoketa, overcoats, rub ber and od cloth in g.gessamers.eretics and overshoes aader ooaU "All spot cash. ' S NOLAN'S &S Every bed; ticca. Everybody comss to Alleu & Martin,. Albauy, , Or,, thsyoome from every nook, creok aad coraer in Linn and Benton oouaties, to buy their fall and winter supplies. People say they can de better at their store than any ether elere in the State. Letter last. The following lathe list of letters reraal jltr in the Poet Office. Albany, Linn county, Ore gon, Feb. 7th, 1884. Persons sailing tar these letters must give tne uate on wnioh they we -a advertised. Brooks, B H Brumraar. Henries. Buchman, Joeiah Baton, J B Harmon, H J Hutchinson, John vauua, suss Annie J. M. 1BVTNG, P. M. BRYAN BRIE V K R. On Jan. 31at. 188L for for at tbe residence of tbe brides parents, Kev 4 A Houenbaugb, Mr Albkrt F Ha t am and Miss Nkllix J Brkbvkb ail Tangent The happy couple have the DBafoCRAi heartiest congratulations and beat wishes I a long and prosperous life. P 8 for the Dkwocbat. Hnbscribe o s r a t rielej Soles, I sin again in tbe field visiting acbools ia spite of the mod. Visited tbe Band Ridge school, teacher, John Magbs, found enrolled thirty-seven and much solid work done, all taking interest. Rock Hill and Brownsville, here Mrs Parrisb wss plying away, in a neat, newly erected bouse, with the little ones. There is ranch territory sooth of this district that will ultimately le annexed ss a matter of convenience. This is her first school, and I discovered that si e had school-room sense, if not sehcol rosea experience Next came Rock Hill, Diet. 31, this old Hist, has several times been narrow, ed until they feel that no more territory eaa be given op, Wesley Wart, is teacher here, bis school wss not ss Urge ss it had bees, bat this, I wss informed, was not das to any objection to him, 1 think what be indoc trinates, will remain with tbe children through life Taking all things tegstaer. these schools are presnwaaiaai well, aad al though oar teachers are constantly changed, still tbe children make I found much grain sown, chiefly en sum mer fallow, it wae looking finely, thus far the freeae, had done no hurt, and the decks and geese no damage, tbe peope ia this sb gioc intend fallowing much this year. Stock was looking well, the mud winter havicg much to do with their present condition. Toons who travels much over this valley. there ic s perceptible rapidity, in tbe dassp pearaece of the pioneer fence, the eld rails. 1 saw several of the farmers, following np these old rails, with post, and plash, and wire. By tbe wsy, the temporary aaaaaer in which many build their fences, clearly convinces an observer, that a little more time and pains, a little more work, aad a few more nails, prudently driven, weald ia the long ran save in this valley much to the farmer. I think we Grangers ought to have a special lecturer for one year, oa ditching, draining, fence building and gate making, a reform in this direction woedd be highly beneficial Tbe health ef tbe people found goad. P. A County School Sa auilcal laatrwa J. H. Daniel now has a complete lino of musical instruments of all kinds for sale, consisting of the Mathuahek piano, tbe Shoninger organ. fldaUea, violins, guitars, etc., as wall as the latest sheet music. His iaasttumeata are all of the beet grade, and are not the cheap trasu, ao that when yoa get aa instrument of aay kind yoa may know that you are getting oue that will last and hold ita tune. In 'remnants" of dress goods, silks, plash es, velvets, satins, maslins, sheetings, tick ing, ginghams, waterproofs, wool and cot ton flannels, piques, line linens, Nottinham Lace, Nainsooks ere tone, prints, plaids, em broideries, Lace and ribbons. Alee ''job let of fancy goods, which most go before tie first of 51 arch. One BJAI at UfO A Lire aavtaux rveseat- Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan., Saved hia life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, tor Oocawasap tion, which caused him to procure a huge bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of &i mate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Brooch Ria, Hoaraoneaa, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung dines see, it tagnaraa end to cure. Trial Bottles free at Foobay Mason's Drugstore. Large size fl 00 At Allen A Martin's ia tbe place to find boots an i shoes In any quality you wish, and at any price. Good goods in this line will be sold cheaper than at any store ha die valley and no old stock to work off. Bl CM LEV AftSlCt SALTS. The host salve in tho world for euta, bruises, aoree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever seres, taster, chapped beuc?, chilblains, corns and all kind-t of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or mosey re funded. Price 35c per box. For sale by Foshay A Mason. THE ALBANY FURNITURE house, BRINK & SON. a (Successors to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kinds ef FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the nubile that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hana, a complete stock of all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock priore. Bed-steads a Specialty. They also keep constantly complete line of on band a UNDERTAKER'S GOODS and will guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. Final Settlement, NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN THA the undersigned has filed his final account as Administrator of the estate ef J H Hackleman, deceased, in tbe County Court of Lilnn county, Oregon, and by ar dor of said Court, Monday tbe 3rd day ef March, 1884 at the hour of 9 o'clock, s. sc. ef said day is set for tbe bearing of said account and the settlement thereof. Aay person interested in said estate is hereby notified to appear and file hie or her ab jections to said account and the settlement thereof en or before said day. Jambs L Cowan, GXO. K, C II m be klaus Admr. . Att'y for Adm'r, by of s f n