The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 08, 1884, Image 2

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A meeting of the Democratic State
Amoncii gu piiN iub worm wnu lur-
& . 12 a 1 1 M i... I
The insane asvlums of New York
contain 11,270 patienta.
Unnecessary taxes should be
the pecketa of the people.
left in
Blaine's book is progressing slowly
So are his Presidential prospects.
tl. aZTTZ:. itaa.
AUC opoA-.or ""T
o xFrwwMoA
7of age.
r r i . : : 1..
Surplus money lying idle ''in the
Tr-sary do- nothiog f ,r bosiDA, or
the industries of the country.
We hold that labor should have ev
erv right which capital possesses It
is just aa necessary an element of socio-
The special purpose of the Demo
cratic party at present is to re-acquire
the public domain for the use of the
The man who is contented is said to
be the richest man in the world. But
the richest man in the world is not
The woolen mills in Mississippi re
port many orders ahead and prospects
of the industry growing to a larger pro
portions there.
Democratic policy favors the lowest
system of taxation compatible with the
necessary expenses of the Government.
Since 1876 the Democratic party has
never had such complete control of the
State Government of Ohio aa now.
The President's health is said to be
declining. His political prospect are
also said to be tending in the same di
rection. Dnring the. year 875,000 barrels of
msiiiiUPr Jlere made In Cincinnati,
Covington and Newport, beating the
previous record by ovar 47,000 barrels.
The question now is, can a man who
rejects a leap-year proposal be sued for
breach of promise ? Things are look
ing very dark for tbe male sex.
Senator Sherman is reported saying
recently : "Arthur is infinitely pre
ferable to Blaine. Arthur is not a dan
gerous man ; Blaine is."
No labor in the barn is more profit
ably expended than that which is em
ployed in thorough cleaning, not only
of the horses, but also of tbe cattle when
kept in stables.
We understand that Hon. R. P.
Boise, Judge of the Third Judicial Dis
trict, is being very freely discussed
among Republicans as a candidate for
m mm
There are now 19,542 public schools
in Pennsylvania, instructing 957,680
pupils, and conducted by 22,014 teach
ers. The school expenditures last year
amounted to 49,335,259,90.
It was under Democratic auspices
that our public domain was acquired.
The Republicans gave it away to the
corporations. The Democrats are now
asqniring it back again.
Blaine has concluded that there are
possible circumstances under which be
would consent to let his name go before
the Republican National Contention.
The statement, however, has occasioned
President Arthur no surprise. That
gentleman has from tbe first made his
calculations on that hypothesis.
Information from a variety of sources
go to show that the 'Oialfbreed" or
''eighteen" faction of the Republican
party are quietly but industriously at
work sitting the wires by the pulling of
which, at tha proper time, they expect
to control the next Republican State
Convention, and secure a majority of
the members of tbe next Legislature in
order to elect another anti-Mitchell
man to tab? Slater's place in theUnited
States Senate. In both of these efforts
we predict filure. The stalwarts will
control tbe next convention. Mark the
There is not a county in tbe State
that has so many men that are compe
tent to fill the officse of Sheriff as Linn
About half a dozen have announced
themselves as candidates before the next
Democratic Convention for that office,
nd from what we know of those offer
ng wo would say that the Convention
will not make any mistake in the reelec
tion of a candidate. B it we hope eur
friends will not forget that but one can
besucce8sful,and that it will became the
political duty of the others with their
friends te stand in to elect the success
ful one.
Central Committee of thej8tate of aeterm.nauon u wUwa now 0fegao 0Uy . M n that section of the State.
Oregon ia hereby called, to be held interests of 52,000,000 of people are to SnterprU(S Md inhrmt iu riders thai XuVm Ht f lilted the cunctl at Eugene
a the City of Portland, on Thursday, be affected for the .better or for the u hM found a mare, neifc in the shape -ao . ii City, and Instituted a new council at
tfebuary 28, 1884, at 2 o'clock-, p. m. worse, and yet his snswer is addressed rf number w thU iUU JJ . wij- .j, on WiMida7 nlght(
A full attendance is earnestly reques- to wool growers, only, who constitute Demeoratic, al- gl 4'ftI 7S2 . T' 't, ' u ' soonest Lebanon on Thursday evening,
till. Al Zikbab, only about one in fifty of the population . w . ud-r J
e in ' ui- I He Tlsited the Council in this Citv on
. A.A.AA AAA . AAA 1 . 1 1 I
t - a !. bbh r . .... j i m i .l6any ertud, andaeteral other equal- , ...... 1-0,- ... . . a,- 000. also $5,000 for permsnont
borders of Bernadillo, New Mexico. in rights and privileges of wool grow. ' t, . tm kUlm iwint having 13,235 valued at $33,- . ' . 'T
.1 hAV J vot?, SuiaPH with lr&rm RbUon PP" ! iiUte. aa7 Mutnom ity clAlm. of the member-.
Stockmen's profits on free range in . . ' ... .. wr . will carUinly not be pawed by wHh.ut uu aa8ft57.S8 : Marl- Tbl1 hM betn doM k M
f - : ti . ainiwinnn. nut U. Thia is a stab at tha KenubH-1 . . " ' ' filAtiMrtnR-
Col Lang, of the Wasco Sun, in the
last issue of that paper, makes an at-
P1 WM,wer letfe6r f 8ent0'
I stater to toe wool growem,nna wo wubv
mt that we are astonished at the cheek,
f ....
miareprenentation ana sopnunry wivu
whioh the article abounds. The Col.
treats of a national, economic question,
the determination of which the
of the United States. Now, the hod
earriar. toe n ow noiaer. tne wneai
t a
... .. 1
I ' ' " I
Mr. t hn cutt a man. tlie 11 Off raiser. I
th mechanic, the merchant, the lawyer I
La- .k. m i.!rtA. Af dav Uborer.
AUa -..w - I
throughout the United States, are .11
eouallr interested in the settlement of
khi - tariir on wool and all other artioles
a 1
which it is nlaced. Co. Lena
- i
entirely ignores the existence of these I
several cl
i il a., .i...,. i.a .
that constitute the great 1
body of the people of tbe country, and
representeu in uie oenain uy mm.
1 1 . t a . 1. 1. : 1
Q. QU. n.ih-An tl,.f in trAt.
of thA -nl tAff nUA.ti0n. it ahonld
- -
hn rtnnA in mmnwhnn with LhA intorMU
of every. oth ctisen of Oregon, is
aniinrjiitf iinaun.iiunin unn v r I MP I
j 1
.. , . buiiai UD of . MoU,
oun Biraicnea ou over luree cviuiuuo 10 1
ZmnZ 'aba. b. ooSWotl, rf
the people, and that, too, at the expense
ri. La. a-. AaotABAA tl.
of the other forty-nine fiftieths. Tbe
Sun insists that Slater was elected to
-a. mju .. v..- I
represent a "district.' Pray, what
district does the Sun mean t Evidently
Wasco county. And not only would
the Sun confine the Senator to the in
terests of the people of Wasco county,
but to the interests of one class, alone,
of the jieople of Wasco county. Now,
blarkamitha and mechanic of all kinds. I
L11C lAILUCia. IIUII ifIL WC1D. UlU VaillClOt
as well aa tbe thousand and one labor-
ers of the Willamette Valley. EaaUrn
Oregon and Southern Oregon, have all
- '
th fim. bAli.vH rht Sfln-tnr Menator
elected to represent fAeir interests,
all as the wool growers of Wasco
as we
And, as an old Republican
said to us recently, "there are more
men engaged ia raising wheat in the
A. .A ..A
Willamette valley alone than are en
gaged in raisins- wool throughout the
entire state, and that whether they be
Republicans or Democrats ttey will
stand by Senator Slater in the bold
position he takes that be was elected
to represent the 'whole state. The
Sun applies the term "free trader,"
more than once to Senator Slater, and
thia it does with the evident purpose of
deceiving 'its readers and creating a
prejudice among Democrats of Eastern
Oregon against the Democratic party.
Now, we undertake to say that Senator
Slater has never announced himself a
"free trader" in the sense in which the
Sun uses tbe term that of a removal
of all tariff duties. There is not one
Democrat in a thousand whs is
a "free trader" in that sense of the
word, and tbe Sun knows this well
when it talks about opening our potts
to "free trade." It should be remem
bered that the .Sun in this article, (and,
in fact, in nearly all of its articles,)
pleads for tbe interests of wool growers
and ignores entirely tbe great necessity
of establishing woolen manufactories
here on this coast, which cannot be done
unless government throws its protect
ing arms around those who attempt it.
And to legislate so aa to increase the
price of wool, would certainly not be
furnishing our infant industries that
The Sun, which in its every Usue
stamps itself as the organ of a special
interest, would levy tribute upon fifty
millions of people in order that one
million may coin money for their own
pockets. The Democratic position is
that duties upon imported goods be laid
high enqugh so as to produce sufficient
revenue to pay the current expenses of
the government economically adminis
tered, and interest upon the public and
the debt itself as fast as it becomes due.
These duties should be so distributed
as to afford protection incidentally to
Huch articles as need it, bnt not to pro
duce, monopoly in the manufacture or
production of such article. If congress
by a tariff duty protects one citizen so
as to increase his profits id his private
business, then.upon the highest grounds
of good conscience, fair dealing and
public duty, it should equally protect
all other citizens,, for in contemplation
of the organic law of the land all men
are equal, and all taxation should be
equal. Therefore, we should protect
the wheat grower, the blacksmith, the
merchant, the rail maker, the farmer
and the mechanic equally with the wool
grower and tbe manufacturer. But tbe
protectionist will say that by protecting
our infant industries it affords labor for
many employes, who, in turn, consume
what tbe farmer produces, and thus
furnishes him a market for his pro
ductions. But this is not true as our
farmer has to go te Liverpool to find a
market for his wheat, corn, pork, flour,
etc But a Republican congiess, for
the purpose of deceiving tbe farmer,has
actually placed a duty of 20 cents per
bushel upon imported wheat, 10 cents
a bushel on corn mel, 10 cents a bush
el on cats, 1 cent a pound on pork or
beef. Now, every man of sense know
that these articles are not imported in
to this country, and, hence, the laying
of this duty affords no protection what
ever to farmers. So that, if any ene
has reason to complain of the inequali
ties of the tariff, it is the farmer,
mechaaio and common laborer, and thia
is evidently what Senator Slater refer
tr vIim Iia infnrm OtiL Lin? thai
,k. th. intarast at woi
ho mint alao consider the
interest of consumers of woolen goods.
won a in aMBiracawTBiau.
though losing before the people under
Republican colors. The politioo-journ-
.'.n,i f V,. JnMMlr adiiAr b&M I .
aiioviu mi.w w " "
mit. Iun ahlA Lrt MIVlnA LnA uiDLIYB HI
. . ...... ... tl
. 7 . . Zu 'X919 ' . The
tr,e - WWr" w
I 1 4 A .. M AAA I m9 AAA I
T " " " TL
r : . , j ,t. taI
ion. nut vi uv inn mat eieovou acaamii,
v . J " .... 7.. .
I I III) llll I Unil Ill I nill II LIII1 a
publican members of the last legisla
in i.iiAan mam iiah riw r na i . amsia i
iruuiiuau uivuiwie vi waaw aww -wm-w
ture. This serious charge against thel.
, ....
.... . , . . . ...ji.i
I .L. J .aJIaaaI k I
ptv a I
i l a cat Lrr aaiiia nut uuum ui at uuaa
NortJiwtst .Yew, Wcuco Sun, Town Talk,
' i
- 1
" PW campaign two years ago
tewin. After the election ef a Reuub-L..
lican legislature, they declared them-
? favor of anv Republican
a . 1 . : rw u i
Senator whom a m.jority of the Repub-
1 t 1 . & 1 . 1 .. a .aaa a a
.. . ......... . , . i
Uo .Mr of tool BfBBBB- m
T"01- ThV",M. .
choio' "l minority costing
of "18' members refuaed to support!.,
Mitchell, and this refusal waa asserted
and kept up until tbe time of adjourn-1
4 . ... ' .
than have tbe election go by default,
finally voted for Dolph who waa elected.
II. (L. .a. 1 Af nnl .A AM Ik.H I
a ao v.. .ua, I
a half doten members, but his election
waa forced upoa tbe majority by the
ll S" m nnnl v finm tkta 1A tllA WAV I
v. '- J I
tha Mitchell papers above named tell
tb And now go on U teU
v 1 1 t A. . I 1.1 all 1
now U3l " P7? on toe -io ny
... .. ..A. At 1 .
ppomtiog tnem ana tneir menus to
Moerai posiuons. tne irutn is ayt-
deotl7 kePl from PuWlc for
Qrf indications point to the fact
that Mitchell will be put forward by
his friends either far congress or the
United States Senate. Thia stab is
merely a weak effort to drive Mitchell
from the field, and place the "IS" and
their friends in a position to control the
Republican State Con ventien and
the organization of the legislature. But
if we are net badly misled by tbe signs
of the times, the stalwart or Mitchell
men will not only be able to control the
next Republican State Con ventien, but
they will alae control tbe organization
of tbe legislature if it be Republican.
And although bints are thrown out to
tbe effect that tbe opposition to the
"18," or half breed elemeot,on the part
of the Herald and Talk baa been stamp
ed out, we are not prepared to believe
it, and we would warn the Statesman
and Onjeonian that they are destined
to disappointment in whatever hope
they may entertain that tbeae Mitchell
papers have succumbed to tbe bewitch
ing influence of half breed arguments.
Tbe plucky Talk and Herald have loot
no opportunity to denounce the "18"
aa traitors to tbe Republican party, and
as having made a corrupt bargain with
Dolpb, whereby they were to be re
warded for their t upport by appoint
ment to federal and other renumerative
positions,and that their friends have been
kindly remembered makes the charge
appear very plausible, and, as we aaid
before, we do not believe the rumor
that is passing from mouth to mouth
in political circles that these papers
have been forced or induoed to abatain
from further opposition to the "18."
Wo predict the stalwart element will
a IaI. . a m .a
control me convention and that no
half breed candidate can be nominated
for anything.
mi r , 1 at jvorinwest newt makes a
most pathetic appeal to the Democratic
wool growers, of eastern Oregon to dis
continue taking Democratic papers and
take it, and other Republican papers for
the reason that tlwy favor a high duty
on wool without regard to any other
interest whatever.
Now, if this is to be the rule, we
would ask tbe Newt how many reform
Republican farmers would discontinue
taking the News and other tariff mo
nopoly journals and take Democratic
journals in their stead 1 Over half the
Republican farmers in the Willamette
Valley are tariff reformers and from
what we know of their earnestness in
the matter, they will brook no dema-
gogueing about tbe question.
The Washington Enterprise is the
name of a new weekly paper Just star
ted at Forest Grove by Russell and
White. It claims to be neutral in
politics. It should receive the hearty
support of tbe people of Washington
County, as tbe local paper is indis
pensable to any county.
Congressman Morrison of Illinois,
chairman of the committee of ways
and means has introduced his long
expected tariff reform bill.
It makes a horizontal redaction of
about 20 per cent on present duties.
ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indis
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer
s positive Cure,
The groat value of all properly in the
State of Oregon as shown by the aa
ment rolls of the several counties
or 1883 ! $108,648,286.
- IU w.,u -muw.ouo ,
U tl.lJ -IkL iiti (ii oka .
M :.. A -l.L an oaa oni . I
" " W1 'iwi"' 1
Linn is third with ,0,640,793 NTa3u"jmS
ia fourth with $0,827,814 ; Yamhill la 17
fifth with 15,768.781. The total P"7 . mwmTl r ' inort nP
, . 1 17.653.105 u.aMa
. . Marion aa 58o 740 . tim in I
Ik . . H 1 ...
ISa7 IHlM! Unit S4 II4U Kit
' ' ' ' ' "
A A AAA ABA . TT .1.1 AAA...
Talue of landi in these counties is ss
Wow. : Linn, 15,131,530 ; Marion,
t., - ao , xamoui, i a,wo,3yo ;
a. am baa . w.un a .a.
a a . a .
,44,w3w ; Maltnemah. $2,
w'.BW' union isaas in number of
r a aa a w r . a a a -
. . . i. . ..
-U'C"' UTi l4 TIO
t tl 401 777 ITm.UIU Iaa,I. U
wfiKAh k.vinD9inoiii i-i.r,-"",,u,TOW -.uw.
, -0, . . JJ , . J
m .Biii aBA ahb aawn ambbia an mi abbb aa b i
i mi a an an . t i
u awouuu, o-mg .00,000. ai; ; imn
is third hA no 111 Qftl 91 - T.n. i,
. -I"'"""' I. . .
OltB. DeiQO "I1.H17 03. Mu tnofiih
. . , ZU7 " aoa is eoual te 8.3-5 for each thousand,
H!2SL2 aannas. Thi. la far halnJ
WJ8i6 Ta-hi h
I . . .A .u. u huouu in 1.11 1 iml miiil i
wwv.w , wuin a vunu. mtui
1 1 1
r M u
a 1
UjAortooi. .ftb, brio. 672.8..
rei al c
Uz , u 4
... . 100a , .... .
the state for 1888 for county, state and
school purposes is as follows : Joeephine,
a- . . ; n. . -J
mula on tbe dollar ; Clackamas, 2J I
il I Ourty, 22
Tillamook, 22
mill : Okas. 21 milla Ua.aa 21
ilia :
L. ... n
Tk-AA- AA mill. . K-1.Atk OH A.JII- .
. . 9t ... . ' . . '
Q ,a , . .
... ' .
baiIIa (Vklnmhi. 1Q I Hi m II.
iswamamsaf -at-w- ( m wn m star sawas
Washington, 18.1-10 mills ; Yamhill,
174 mills; Waaoo, 17 mills, Crook,
16 mills ; Lane, 16 mills; Multne-
mAh 1.1 milla T.i.a IKL mtUim 1
Marion, 14 mills ; Polk, 14 mills.
Multnomah leads in number of school
okiJdrM bavins- 9.430 Marion Isaac-
baring 5,933 ; Unn b third,
having 9,673 ; Umatilla la fourth.hsv -
ing 4,536 ; Douglas is fifth r having
4,199 ; Clackamas b sixth, having 4,
After a debate whioh occupied five
days the House 00 Friday evening pas
sed tbe Fits John Porter relief bill.
Nineteen Republicans voted for and
one Democrat against it. The latter
waa Converse of Ohio, the protootioniat
wool champion. Sizty-tb roe members
ere absent, bnt mostly paired, so that
the vote shows a clear two-third major-
Uy. Every effort waa made to Intro
duos war issues in tbe do bate and to a
great extent It waa dona, but met with
the usual effect ef dividing tbe tbe par-
Now that the bill baa paaaed tbe
House, it ia aaid, General Logan baa
prepared a fresh coat of war paint and
feathers, and is in condition to give it
a warm reception in tbe Sonata. Last
CWmerass his speech occupied five days ;
Wing a presidential candidate be does
not intend to repeat thia performance.
Porter's bill pasaed the Senate January
11, 1881, but was never reached lathe
House. On that ocoaaion three Re
publican, new members, voted for it,
via : Dan Cameron, Hoar and Bewail
The latter at present is chairman of
the Military Committee, from whioh
the bill baa already been favorably
Sherman and Mabone did not vote,
and both were considered friendly to
Porter. The United States Senate
stands, thirty-eight Republicans, thirty-six
Democrats and two read jus tars.
Even wit hont Mabone and Ridleberger
the bill would have thlrty-nino votes.
If Don Cameron, who, though absent
may arrange to pair with Hour and
Sewelli will vote for it, whioh it is an
nounced they will, there is little or no
doubt that Porter will be restored to
the army this session.
The bill allows him no back pay,
bat provides that the President sbatl
appoint him Colonel, and Brevet Brig
adier, and place him on the retired list,
if Porter desires.
LiBAMoa, Or., Jan. 80, 1884.
Ed. Democrat:
Remember St. Valentines day.
Weather very changahle, at present
Don t forget the Leap Tear Ball Fri
day evening Feb. 8th.
Conn & BUyeu find dull sale for
their excursion Tickets.
Constantinople, Liverpool and Jer
usalem, show good report at the St.
Charles this week,
Bern to the wife ef Jno. Buck on
the evening of Feb. 1st a son,
weight 11 lbs.
The series of meetings at the Pres
byterian church closed - Sunday eve
Prof. Hunters writing school cleeed
on Saturday evening, the Prize for the
champion penmanship was awarded
to Miss Jennie Alexander, all having
made a good Improvement
J. W. Fleetwood, was arretted on
Saturday for administering intoxica
ting drinks to minort ; on Monday he
was tried and fined $10 'and costs.
He Is now licensed for 90 days.
The mother of Frank Settle whose
name appeared In last weeks Issue as
being implicated in the stage robbery
near Grants Pass received telegram
last evening of his Requital.
Youna America
usrarsurTfftKevcHeiRi mass
Editor Democrat :
0. O. JJurtoD, Ursnd OjunCilor of
the Independent Order of Chosen
VJ...1. a" !.-. IS to . r a i
"""w vuo "emu yjonn, wno IS
l. l.l i , , ..
, ,T" T""" w
He t,,ited lh UoUQoU 10 tnu Cltr
Frld'y vl"ng lit and gave an add
Ion the oriffin. klntnrv iml
condition of
the order, to the
members and their
friends who were Invited in at the
close of the oounoil meetina. He reu-
resenta the Order in a very flourishing
condition, throughout the jurisdiction comprwrn tne ractne mope ana
BrituA Oo lumbi. 8 inc. the organixa-
whioh comprises the Pacific Slope and
tion Dee. 1881, there has
and disbursed to widows
been raised
and families
ef deceased members the sum of 1190.-
w r
average coat
f rani inn nvmr
iv.wsv.aa i.. auww, w a awwm w. w.
" vu I"" - v..
During the earn, period there baa been
on death. 0 malaa 10 famaUs. which
ys i asaaMi bmavwav uy iuuiuv
1 1 1 1 1 . 1
panics ooaaiaereu oy neni as wiuiid
safe bounds. The Order has a good I
healthy irreaaa each month with a I
loorreapoading augmenUtion on each
ment, one assessment producing
about tbe sum of $H,000 aa shown by a I
aTvT , .. , I
table 00m piled from the receipts and
statement of the various orders of a
similar oharaoter, the cost of each $ 1 ,
000 in thia organisation for tbe year
1883 has been the least of all, tbe aver
age oast for that amount between the
of 18 and 36 being $9.40 which ia
certainly a very cheap insurance, aa
compared with rates of insurance
peniee it ia only about two fifths as 1
much. The association admits ladies
upon full and equal terms and as
wn by the death
U"rkk"MU,e rU
rate they are tbe
ratio of membership
is about one third while the deaths have
only been one ninth.
The Order pays $1000. t2000 or
$3000 as desired on the death of mem
bers or on bis arrival at the age of 75
yean, while io care or a permanent
disability, one half the amount of bis
insurance paid.
Fraternity and sociability are also
leading features ef the organization,
combining tbe sezea together in the
council, its gathering makes its popular-
1. i.j j :. r
y ttBAUBiAi ab ia wppunuunj tor
good unlimited. Iu bend quarters ia
. a j, , , , , . . .
at San Francisco, Cel., and its business
ia cond acted by business men upon bos-
t . , . , . ... , ,
loess principals, with no high salaries,
iti mMBMrnint BmuinmiMlIt MASfiA.
ted, while its officers are all under good
and sufficient bonds The membership
is composed of many of the beat lead-
en "t
ing and business men of tbe coast.
The headquarters being within quick
communication with all parte of tbe
jurisdiction. Tbe salubrious climate of
the Coast and other oauaes makes this
a home organazation, where our mon ey
is collected and disbursed to our own
people preferable to those in the east.
The council in this city embraces some
of our leading and best citizens and
Aa a means for cheap and safe in
surance this order is doubtless one of
the beat, and aa such commends itself
to alb
Albany. Or. Feb.,4tb, 1884.
Halsct, Or., Feb. Gth, 1881
Edi. Democrat,
W. H. Pearl la buying sheep for
the Portland market.
Mr. ana Mrs. uenry rentland are
visiting relatives in eastern Oregon.
Mr. Herron died last Sunday in
Oak Plain district Being nearly
80 years of age.
Mr. M. F. Bassett, a brother of A.
8. Bassett. has recently arrived from
Kansas. He brings capital to Invest
in or near Halaej
Mr. Francis Luper, one of our
moat suDstantiai young men, has re
turned from the Coeur D' Aleno mines
to day, pronouncing them a bilk.
Temperance Alliance meets here
next Wednesday evening at the TJ
P. church. Lecture by wilbur Noff.
singer, and duet "The Gypsy Coun
tees" by Miss Ella Crawford and Miss
Jennie Wilson is as far as tho pro
gramme is known.
To accomodate their inereased
trade Koonta & Lame have purchas
ed tbe building formerly occupied by
Thompson & Son and will move
therein about the first of next month
J. W. Rector will prob ibly occupy
tbe building now used as the Post
Office while J. F. Starr, will use tbe
store now occupied by Koontz &
The Valley Lodge I. O. G. T. in
stalled the following officers last Sat
urday evening.
W. 0. T., Chas. Bond j W. R. S.,
Miss Hettie Chesney ; W. B. a
Mrs. Clara Davis : W. V. T. Miss
Lillian Worth ; W. S., Harvy Bond ;
w. A. S., Miss Jraggie Lesley : W.
M., Chester McCoy ; W. D. M-, Miss
Allle Pearl : W. J. O., Mrs. Ella
Peach ; W. O.G., M A. Keifhaber ;
W. Chap., Mrs." Anoln Rector ; P.
W. a T., J. W. Rector; S. D.,
Clinton Davis.
SHILOH'S VITALIZER IS what you naed for Con
UpaUon, Low rtAppatltB, Dizxiiwis and alljtyrap
torn of Dyapapala. Price 10 and 75 conU per bottle.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Byapepsia and Lifer
CosYpiaint f Shiloh'l VlSaUaar ia guaranteed to eur
you. For tale by Foabay A Maaon.
Albany Mark
Wheat S2Ko per bushel,
Oats 4 " "
Beef on foot, BHo.
Hay-baled, 23026 per.ton.
loose, 18 to 20,
flutter-26 to 80 ota per lb.
Kga 28 oents per do..
Pa! 7S Mr liunhfll.
Veab-7Xoper lb.
Bacons name, 15o.
shoulders, 10c.
sides, UK c.J
Lard lta par lb.
in i cans, U!4
Flour 8.0o per bbl.
Chickens 8.60 per do.
Hoaar Han Kranotao 0, 12c.
Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton.
Dried Fruit nun dried apples, Usb
m plums, 12c.
machine cured apples, 16e.
" plums, 16.
a tJ.ra
To all who are offariog from the errors
. . . . I
and IndBMreUoas of youth, asrvaus weak-
Uj ,
d rBcip- lhtt wU1 KU EE
OK OHAROR. ThU great ramedy was die
eovered by a tntssioaery in Houth America,
lead a seff-addraesed aavelepe to the Bav.
Josara T. lasun, HUtlon U. New York
Itee Aerea mt Laaa far Sale.
Oae farm of 990 aoreS very dWrabU.
One farm of 136 aoree.
One treat of 169 aerea of vild land.
One tract ef 80 acres.
Oae tract of 70 sores.
One treat ef 135 aerea, and ether small
treats. Will sell in lots to seit purchasers.
Will trade for other property. Ceil at this
A etarfltee sMaeevety.
Physicians are often startled by remark
able discoveries. The fact that Jr. King's
New Discovery for ConsumpUen and all
Throat autl Lung diseaeee la dally ouriog
patients that they have given up te die. is J
itanllna them u reeJlae tbllr eeose ef da-1
tr. and examine into tne mama ai ma
. jnw - . . aa n. at aS
wonderful uisoorerv ; reauiuaa a nun
. . . ..a . .
diwdaof our beat l'hysictans using It In l
their praottne.
Trial Bottlea free at Foshay
dc Mason's Orugrstore.
Uagousraias fl.M.
relieve Croup, Whooping
cough and
Core will Jve immediate
10 eta. 60 ota. and $1.
rben Hbileb'
relief, frice
PUR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint,
W nave a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Sblkm'a Vitaliser. It never fail
to ours, For sale by Posbay A Mason
'HAl;nlJlsrA,i;H, a leaiing auo irBiiBn
perfume. Price 26 and M cents. For rale
by Poahay A Maaon.
bon, lad., says: "Both myself and wlf
owe our Uvea to 811 (LOU'! CONSUMP
attive cure for Catarrh, liiptberia and
Canker Mouth.
All over the lend are going into
over Dr. Kina'a New
for Con-
I au motion, inoir uniooaea mr
sumption. Tbeir unloosen lor recovery
, 1
. Umtl. usa of this crent life savins;
remedy, oaoaoa them to go nearly wild in
lta praise. It is guaranteed to aoetUvely
cure 8e vera Ougba, Colda, Asthma, Hay
fTer' "roncb iOs, Hoy-ene-a, lxss of
VoioA,or any affection of the Throat and
Longa. Trial Bottlea tree at Foabay A
I SSSaon S umg more. lAria bub i.w.
CATAaaa OH' ZED, SabUS aod hr-Uh memA
by saUok't Oaurrh raaa-iy. MaaM mu Kaaal
biator tm for mJm by rsahajr sa4 Maaoa.
Per taaaa back, able or cheat mm Beitoa'a
friea ts oboia
I have the beat ateek of furniture in tbe
city and will sell
Cheap. Cheap. Cheap,
The only stack of
iu tha city snd tba lowest prioe in tbe
Valley. Come and ase.
A ostn plats
staek and
Try me,
give 8ATIS-
Quimby House.
QUIMBY & HERSBY, Proprietors.
Cor. 4th nod C. Sts., Portlnnd.Or.
d hNK of the finest and most
tl complete hotels in Oregon. Conduct
ed both by American and European plana.
All the modern improvementa, 140 bed
rooms, well furnished, lisrht. and well
ventilated. First-class reading room, and
barber ahap. An elevator and all tha
latent oon venien
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn :
AT Gilbert and F N Gilbert, partnera
doing business under the Arm name end
style of Gilbert Bros. Plaintiffs.
DPFoote, Defendant,
issued out ot the above named Court,
the above entitled action, for the sum
of 81.50 with intsrast at the rate ef 8 per
cent per annum from the 3rd day ef Sept.
18ttaad fi Atty fee and $26.40 oasts Ises
864.86 paid thereoa Dec ink, 1883, I have
levied upon all nf the right title and inter
eat of the said defendant, D F Foote In
and te the fallowing described real prop
erty, te-wit : Lota Ne. 4 and 5, also 16 feet
eff the south end of let No. 8 all in B?aek
No. 5, in the town ef Sedavllle, oouaty of
Linn, state of Oregon, aooerding to the
plats and survevs ef said town of Soda
Tille, new en file and of record in the
office of the County Clerk, of Linn county.
Oregon, and en Saturday the 8th day of
March, 1884, at the Court Houae door in
Linn county, Oregon, at the hour ef 10
o'clock, a. m I will sell said real proper
ty at public anotien for cash in hand to
the highest bidder to satisfy said writ with
scouring costs.
Dated this 8th day of February. 1884,
Geo. Humphrey,
Sheriff of Linn oounty, Or,
Gold Watch Free.
The publisher of tho "OapUol City Home Quest,"
the wall known Illustrated Literary and Family Mag
azine, make the following liberal affer for the new
Tear : The person telling us the longest verse in the
Bible, before March 1st. will receive a Solid Geld,
Lady's Hunting Cased Swiss Watch, worth 158. If
there be more than one correct answer, the second
will receive an elerant Stem-winding Gentleman's
Watch tho third Key-winding English Watch. Each
person must send 26 eta. with their answer, for
which they will receive three months subscription to
the "Home Guest," a 60 page illustrated new yea?
book, a case of 16 articles that the ladles will appre
ciate, and paper containing names ot winners. Ad
In 0 Circuit Court of tin Mate nOrt'jonnr
Linn County :
W (Jooper, I'lalnUff.
Rebecca Cooper, Nancy Duncan and C
Duncan, her husband, Abiiratl Permina-
ton, siid H M J'cnnhiKton. her buiibard,
Jano I'trinuhsiii arid M liriuuiiani.hor htts
baiid.Msriha Friuii and K ii irtirn, i or
husband. J. A and Jl K Furoom,
her hushsnd, K V Cnopor and O W Coop-
or, in'T htiMbsnd an on i;, iieier u
To Hebecca Cooior, Nany Duncan, C
Duncan, Ah!gall Pennington, HM Penn
IiikUmi, Jane lirii'Kham, M Hringbarn,
Martha Frum, K li brum, Ij A ruroom,
F Purdoin, K V Cmiiier, (J W xer
and M Cooper, tha above named L foi d-
anta :
I ( iregon, you and a
by required Uap:ari
plaint of tha plaintiff
uudi of you are liore-
and answer tne com-
herein In the arx ve
mliill Court now on flla with tha CJra
of said Court, bv the lirnt dav of the nrtt
reaular term of Haul ourt miter tne imidii-
catlon of this auuirriona for alx weeks, to-
wit ; tbe regular March term of naid Co irt
to be insulin and holden on tha second
Monday In March, Hl, in I.inn county
Oregon, or Judgment will be taken againat
TUU lift WAU kUflVUI, Alt'. AUV. -
lou sre hereby notified that If you fall to
ijr wid anWer complaint as h ra-
olaint heroin, to-wit: for a J:rx iarti-
tlonlriir lli following doBrrlrxjd roal prop
erty, to-wit : Tbe M A of the N W and
tlio M W and tho 8 of S K 'A and 8
of Sec, M, and tha N J, of N W J4 and
tho N 'A of N V. of 8eo 3i. in To 11. IS H
S.weat. In Lien county. Oreuon. contain
itig 040 aerea, lose H 2-UK) acres eeretof re
wild therefrom. Alao the fo'lowloa : The
aouth hair or the donation land claim of
MAmuel and ltebeeoa Cooper, being parts
Of Hectiona 'M, , 32 and 33 in Tp 11 8 K
west in Unn county. Oieaon. contain n
31 VK aerea. Also Lois 5 and 6 In iilock i
in tne Kaetern Addition to the city of Al
beny in I Jnn county, Oregon, among tbe
owners thereof according to their rec-
Uve Intsrttrlt aa set forth in the complaint
herein, or in case parti ton thereof cannot
be made, then for a decree directing a tale
thereof and distribution of the pro da
amona tne owners in aoooraance who
thnir raauectlve Interests as ai leased in the
complaint, and for the coaU and dlabu
man Pi of tin. suit to be taxed.
Ibis summons Is published by order of
the Hon It I' iolo. Judiru of neid Uourt
In Lha Htatb Kiolll'a Ukmiktrat Tor nix
jEUUary uih, leal
Jmuuary "w -
anonm vn wftek- whi-:h order bir dU
Vunu sb (Jiiasinaniuia,
Att') for 1'laiutilf.
a the Circuit iJuurt of tfw StU of Urr-jon
fur the County of Linn :
L Kleiscbner, C H lewbi, Plaintiffs.
AUtxand-r .Sum titer. Jr., Ly
dia V Sump
Usr. tiorK 1. lltObard and J
lie fen UAi. la.
To Alesauder Uumpter, Jr., and Lydla P
.Sumyuir two of tho above mated dc-
fendantA :
Orea-on. you and each of you ar hi re-
required to appear ami anawer tbe
plainUttV complaint cow on Uie againnt
vii iu tbe Above uuitOJ lull 011 or before
tho tl ml dav of llie nest regular term or
aAil Court to be btteun and bald at tbe
Court Huijaa io AlhAf7, -.inn county,
Orvffoti "u M'-nday the loth (lay of March,
A. !.. Matt, that Ooin tbe first day of tbe
Sad rssntHU term OS iurr. auo I a At
iho relief cienaandc.l iu aiii auit ba oe-
cree atcainat said Alt-xaudvr Sumpter, Jr.
fur 81206.3) and 8120 00 Atu-n e 'a fees In
favor of the plaintiff, L Kieicbner, and
aleo in favor of C H LewU for Ml 31 and
8M.S0 Attorney's fees with interest an
said principal rami at tbe rate of one per
cAot per month from tbbt date and for the
foreclosure of a oeruin mortgage executed
by Alexander Sumpter. Jr., and Lydia K
Bumpier on the 17th day of April, 1880
(described in complaint) to tbe plaintiflk
to secure tbe payment of two pro ui: sac. ry
notes therein described snd (or a aecree
for tbe vale of tbe follow ing real property,
described in aaid woitagage, to-wit : Tbe
went half of claim No, 68, Notification No.
1&94 being a part of section 21 and 28 in
T. 10, aouth of range 2, went Willatnotte
meridian, situate lying and being in Linn
county, Oregon, containing 189 acres woie
or less, and for aucb other roller aa may
be equitable and for costs and disburse
ments of this suit.
This summons is published by order of
Hon K P Iloaie, Judge of aaid Court which
order ia dated thia 23d day or January, A.
I , 1884.
DoLrrt Belli Kona, MaLLoar
aX KiMoit and K. M Strahaj,
Attorney's for Prfl.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Orrron,
for the County of Linn .
John J Davis, Plaintiff.
John U Davidson, Nusan Davidson and
William J Wolfe, DefendAnta.
Lj and order of sale issued out of the
Above named Court in tbe above entit led
suit. I will on Saturday tha 26th day of
January, 1884, at the Court House door in
the city of Albany, linn County, Oregon,
At the hour of one o'clock, p. m., sell at
public suction lor cash in hand to the
highest bidder tbe real property described
on said execution as follows, to-wit : Be
ginning at i ho northeast corner of block
22nd in Hackleman'a second addition to
the city of Albany, as the name ia designat
ed and described on tbe msps and plats of
said addition now on file in tbe office of
tbe County Clerk of Linn oounty, Oregon,
running thenoe south one hundred and
ten feet parallel with Jefferson street in
said addition ; thence west sixty-six feet
parallel with Fifth street ; thence north
one hundred and tan feet parallel with
Jefferson street ; thence east aixty-six feet
parallel wHh 5th street to tbe place, of be
ginning the proceeds ariaing from the sale
of said premises to be applied lird. to the
payment of tbe ootAn and disburstnenta of
auit taxed at 888.40 and the costs and ex
penses ot sale, second to the payment of
tbe Plaintiff's claim amounting to 8343.50
end interest at tbe rate of eight per cent,
ner annum from the 23rd dav of October
1882. and the remaluder if anv to be tsdd
over to tha defendants, John H Davidson
and Suaan Davidson.
Dated this 28th day of December, 1SS3.
Geo. HrjMPHExrr,
Sheriff' of Linn county.
Final Settlement.
Notion is hereby given
thai the under-
signed haa filed
tbe County Court, of
Linn oounty, Oi
n, her final account aa
administratrix of tbe estate of llemer Da-
via.deoeaaed.and said court has appointed
Saturday, tbe 9th day of February, 1884, at
the hour ox nine o'clock A M or said day at
the Court douse in Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, for the hearing of objections to
said account and the settlement of the
same, at which time and place all persons
Interested in said estate sre hereby notified
to appear and file objections he retodf any
they have
January, 10th, 1884.
Mary E. Davis,
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of John Howes, late
of Linn oounty. Oregon, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the same
with proper vouchers, within six months
of the date of this flotloe, to the undersign
ed at Sweet Home, Linn county, Oregon.
December 28th, 1883,
W. W. McOhkb,
R. 8. Stuahan, Admr.
Notice of Dissolution.
the partnership heretofore existing
under tbe firm name of Dannals fc Weed
in, is this dsy dissolved by mutual can
sent. All debts due tbe said firm should
be paid to Mr. A. B. Woodin who will pay
all liabilities of the said firm.
Albany, Dec. 19, 1883.
A. B. Wool nt.
SherifTs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the SUU 0 Oregon for
the County of Limn :
Lewis Cox, Plaintiff.
Oaiander Parriah and Pbebe J Parrlah
his wife, and Otto Fox, Defendants.
and order of sale Issued out of tha
above named Court in the above entitled
suit to me directed and delivered, I will
on Saturday the 23d day of Kebruarj,1884,
at tbe bonr of 1 o'clock p m of said day,
at the court House ooor m tne city or Al'
bsny, Linn county, Oregon, sen at public
auction for cash in band to tha highest
bidder tbe real property described in said
order of sale as follows, to-wit : Begin
ning at tha northeast corner of He-boon
Parriah donation land claim. Notification
No. 1 183 and claims 44 and 67 in Tp. 11,
aouth of range I and 9 west, and rum
thence west 'lit cnainsana 19 nnae ; u
aouth 42 chains and 30 links P the 1
boundary of aaid Not. 1188 ; thanes 1
chains and 13 links to the southeast
of said Not. 11H3; thence north 42
and 30 links to the place of
containing- 100 84-100 acres m
altuated in Unn county, Oregon.
Also the fractional north naif of tbe
nertb east quarter of section 9, Tp 11, 8 R
2, west, conuinlng 48 7-loo aerea of land.
more or Jess, lying ana being in Unn
Goshnj, and state of oregnn, the pro
eeeds ariaing from tbe sale of tha Am
above described tract or land to be applied
follows, 10 -wit : nrst 10 tne c
of tbe costs and disbursements of
taxed at iWJ HO and accruing coats.
to tbe payment ot tbe anm of f 175 adjudg
ed to Plain iff as an Attorney 'a feeaad fibs
adjudged to deft O Pox aa anat.'y fee. 3rd
to the payment to the Plaintiff the anm of
11843.16 and interest thereon from the rd
day of October, 1883, at toe rate of one par
earn per month and tne overplus if any to
be paid to tne Defendant, txto Fox, and
tbe prooeeds ariaing from tha sale of the
rond above described tract of mad to be
applied to tbe payment of tbe sum found
to be doe te tbe defendant, Otto Pox,
amounting to 1812J1.
Dated thia 25th day of Jsnrauy, 1884.
Geo. Humph key,
Sheriff of Linn county. Or.
k tf c Chmit Ccnrt of the State Oregcn
for Umn County.
John W Bingham, Plaintiff, ) Suit fat
ve, Equity for
.Sarah E Bingham, Defendant j Divorce
To Borah E Bingham, the above named De
fendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon ;
I. and required to appear and answer
the complaint of aaid plaintiff in the above
entitled uit, now on flio In the office of
the Clerk of said Court on or before the
first day of the next regular term of aaid
Court to be hold in said county en tho
aecond Mondsy, tbe 10th day of March,
1HK4. And you are hereoy notified that if
you fall to anewer said compia ct aa
in required, tbe plaintiff will take n 1
againat you, dissolving tho bonds of
now exist! na-
H.aid plaintiff on the around of
also for tbe care and custody of the infant
children, named in tbe complaint and for
aocb other relief aa may be jnst and equit
able and for costs and diebarsmentr ,
Thia Summons ia published by or Jo
Hon R P Boisejudgeef aaid CoorUwhicn
aaid order beara date Jan 16, 1804,
Joan Btrmnrrr,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Notice of Dissolution.
the co-partnerabip heretofore exist
ing between L Senders and M Stern burg.
under in unn name Of aeooera A !
burg, at PrineYille. Crook county, I
to thia day dissolved by mutual
L Senders will assume all liabilities of
said firm at said Prlnevilie, and collect All
ouutandinr debta due that firm and will
continue the business at said pli
Ia I
Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble.
Also, every variety of
other stone work done with
Special attention given to
all parts of this State and
asVW.ll work warruttel.
H a
Look here far yeur interest, all of you
that want line stock, the undersign
i baa
a fine Clvde stallion, two years old, wel
1171 pounds, at a low figure, He is a
He also has s fine turf nag, supposed
to be tbe fastest ou tho Coaat,
if you wish to purchase,
G, W, Vauqhw,
Co berg, Or
All persona knowing themselves indebted
to the undersigned are respectfully request
ed to call at once for settlement, ss I muet
make collections to meet my own obligations.
A disregard of thia notice will entail soars
on debtors.
Chas. B. MrsyrAcna.
Lebanon, Nov. Gth, 1S3,
For Sale.
One half block in eastern part of tbe
elty with fair house and barn will be sold
Catalogue tent upon application.
Firs I a venae.seth and naH4rta,Xw lark.