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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi am River, opposite Water loo Soda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoffice, Waterloo, Or. imtt slrenstb ealag rvuuHly and nerve umlc it the HgUiMH ra nt oyer twenty years J tiractk xwnence, and cure with unfailing cviuitttv Nervous and tdivelral debility, armi nal cikBa. spermator rhoea, proa tatorrnrna, kteMons. e m o ienf liana ml vitality. pr- ture decline ajul loss of . ii.uma anu mmi 1 . L . . . . mom produced. It cnrichaa and purine iiw moon arngt hens th mtw, brain, ruuaowa, qp, re productive organ and physical mental meulthj 1 ..muinrd .Umtatiur drain noon the S i it. inv.inntrv losses, debilitating ' EZtaaJ irMSM with the urine, etc . . so de- ... n.i.wt ..,.) K..iv. It la a aura eliminator ..i .ii Mm a.l Wilder oontdainta. It contain no iniuriotu iiurredlent. To tho anSem from the i .ir. nmthful indiscretions, a aweedy, thr :'"iT:.Mr-m,i.w. ,t .-nr. i. or ARANTtUtD. Price .-ti K..ttu ..r fiv hotthaa tat ease, with roll dl tMtinu and advieo. 10. 8ent secure from observa tion to any address upon receipt of price, or C. U. U t be had only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, SIS Karw; St.. Saa Frsuaclae. Cal. ConatdtaikHu atrictlT tonOdenUal by letter or at frW FRKF. For the convenience ol patient and lu arder to injure pc sct secrecy I have addtou a pn rale aC tress under which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Iiiahaai Isa alias fWl Iv o"t '., tn one xssrrlnr bv letter, stating hta altnptoma ami age. Communication strictly confidential, Dr. SPIW EY, NO. 11 KEARXY ST. Treats all Ckraatle and Special tseasea. YOTJlvS- MEN tirno mat stst arrrwaia3 wow Tsm affct of youthful (ollioa or huun retiott, will to avail themactres of tbta, tbatreatast booai rer laid at the altar of snfferinc humanity. JDK. SHLNNKY gmrvtoUiWorerrjm nssiliiili wmrnwaa or privata diaeaiw of any kind or . which be unOeruutea anu wo; w cum. many at the a of thlrty-flveo aixty ho tMhaad with too treouent eractiattoo of the blad- often accomrauued by a aSajM . u. and a weakening of the strsteca in a m MtUt mint account for. Amnntita a four awilnwnt will often be ad i b-" smsl! particles ol albumen will appear, -r the color will te of a thin milkieh hue, aain caaf lac to a dark and torpM appearance. There axe many 2b who die of ihi difficulty faraorant of the cease. which ie the eecoodatafw of aemineJ weetneea ua.. Will iruarantee a perfect cure in ah auch cases, aort healthy restoration of the genito-urinary otwaaa Omci Uot aa-10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Saadsys froin 10 toll a. a. riiiianTtartnn free. Thorough exmtnauoi ad advice, $S. For private dteossrs of short suading a full coarse sjisrTrine eafficient tor a cure, with all inetroctione, wffl be wot to any address oa receipt of $10 00 ChQ aa addreaa. Bit. SriXHiCT et CSK, 71 Ho. 11 Kearny Si. Ssa Francsaoo, Oal .1. tkn TfltllflQfa 1U I HI LUlUltuuuit . DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. OQ til'. KM' ST., 040 corner of Ciasisssr cud Street, ban Kraactaeo. LBetabttabed in laM. for the treatment el Sexual dSesaiaat Dliiisss, soca Kaaerrhfa. -lret. I at rleta r.y phvllta in ai lita forms, Isasiateaey .t..t wmIimu. niwhttoaaes by dreams, tu plee on the face and ioes of manhood can poattivaiy be cored. The etc and afflicted ahould aot fail to call upon him. The Doctor haa traveled ezteneirely in Bnrope, aad uwpecte.1 thoroughly the rarwua ooept tala there, obtaining a great deal of valuable iniorraa Uoo. which he toeomnetent to impart to those in need of his aeryicea. DR. GIBBON will make no oateae he effect a cure. Peraona at a Hats nee stK ri KEB AT slOMK. All corwuti charge MAT atrictly confldentiaL Ton aee no one ba. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine, Persona writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charge, rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. P. GIBBON, Box 1967, Ssa Frcucisco. vl5n3 RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First Haads. THIS WELL KXOWK HOUSE HAVE OPENED a Branch Office and Supply House at Cor, Front slid Taylor Streets, Portland, Or., where they will carry in (stock Portable and Stationary Saw Mills, PjrtahU Ti action and Stationary engines and boilers. "New Maaeilkm" threshers, horse powers, etc., etc. write for illustrated catalogue sent free address (uam ng this paper.) BVSSEAX et . Portland, Oregon. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the U. 8 Patent Office attendeded to for moderate fees. Oar office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Send raodle or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ; and we make no ciiarge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sept. of Money Order Div. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent For cirtnlar, advice, terms, and references voactna! clients in your own State or'county, address A. SIVOW&CO., Qpposne I'atent (Trace, Washington, D . The BtnrERs' Guide ia la sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8JxlH I inches, with over J,iOO illustrations a whole pic ture callery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable hooks con tain information gleaned from the ma kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Bespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Wabash Avenue, Ohieaca. XU. Summons. In Out Co-cut Court of tiu State of Oregon for the County of Linn : Dalila Walker, Plaintiff s. James W Walker, Deft, Summons. To James W Walker the above nam eel defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon : YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and answer the complaint of said plaintiff in the above entitled suit, now 'on file in the or&de of the Clerk of said Court on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court, to be held at Albany in said counny on the second Monday the 10th day of March 1884. And yon are hereby notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as herein required, tho plaintiff will take a decree against you, dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and said plaintiff on the ground of desertion ; also for the care and custody of the infant children named in the complaint and for such other relief as may be just and equit able and for the costs and disbursemets of this suit. This Summons is published by order of Hon R P Bosie, J udge of said Court.which said order bears date January 23rd 1884. T. J, Stites. Attorney for Plaintiff. III S I I I II laagull lllUMUVfcWWIMll, MMkfaoou la ail 1 imartina: or Duruing On examiniac the loUlltl - GaBiiettit sBsssBsBaawawaSsSw C harsh Bir celery. J3. P. CmmcH. Preaching every Sabbath, it 11 a. m., and 7 r. m. by Rev. F 0. Ir vino, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. u. Prayer meeting every YYedncssday evening. EvAKOJtucAt Church. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m. , and 74 p. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. llollonbaugh, pastor. Cong HKu ATioj At. Church. Servioeeevcry Sabbath at 11a. m. and 8 r. at. Sabbath School at 2:80. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. R. Church. South. Servioea held everv Sabbath at St Paul's at K. Church, South, at 11 a. M. Sabbath school at iu "a. .a . . a a. a a a. at. sharp. Prayer meeting every 1 liure day evenng. C. U. Carson, pastor. M. E. Church. Proaohing every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 71 r. n. Sonu service in the evening MfHI sermon. IMWW BMstOi t 2.30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Kev. M. Judy, pastor. Prssbttkriak Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kev. Isaac 11. Condit pastor. Christian Cur m it -Preaching every Sabbath at Y P C A Hall at 11 o'dook. a. m , and 7:80 r. Mu Pulpit supplied by Kev H. F. Morrison. O atrial' Directory. STATB. U S Soiialors llou J 11 Slater, lion J N Dolph. ConKrossuian M C Ueorge. Supreme Court Judgea-J B Waiilo, W P Lord, K B Wataon. s ao'ernor Z F Moody. Secretary of State R V Kjtrhart. SUte Treasurer Va Hiraob. Supt of Publio Jnatructiou K B Mo Elroy. Cirvuit Judge (3rd dlat R V Bciae. Diat Attoiuoy (3rd dlat) V II lloituee. OOCNTY. County Judge L Fiinn, County Com rs. -John laotti, S R Clay pool. Clerk C II Stewart. Sheriff Oeorjjo Humphrey. Treasurer J II Peery. School Supt P A Moaw. Surveyor D V S Raid. Asso-Hor N C lKi.u r. Coroner Dr K. I. Irvine. cmr. Mayor-J, L Hill. Recortler N J Henton. Marshal I C Dinkey. Treasurer S Seitenbacb. mUKX TBVf MEET St. John'a Ixidse. No. 62. in Faster Block, 2nd Saturday of each mouth. Corinthian Lodge, No. 17, same plane, 1st and Urd Saturday of each month. Bayiey Chapter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays at same place. m Albany Lodge, I. O. O. V., Wedneaday evenings at Odd Fellows Hail. Onreana Kncantoraent meets vvery 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Willamette, Ne 5. A. O. U. W., Monday evenings at O. F. Hall. Safety Lodge, A. O. U. W., Tuesday r enings, in Petersons uall. Knights of Pythias, Thursday evenings at O. F. Uall. Chosen Friend, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Ancient order of United Templar?, at O, F. Hall. lt aud 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Referees' Sale. Notice is hereby, given that the undersign ed, the doty appointed reiercca in the suit now pending in the Circuit Court of the Stateof Oregon for the county of Linn, where in H. 1). burkhart and Neihe O. Hovaa are Plaintiffs, and Robert 1. Horkhart, Wil liam Burkhart, Bessie B. Burkhart and M. A. Bo ft hart are Defendauts, will, on Satur day March 1st, 1884, between the hours of 10 o clock, a. ax. and 4 o ciock p. m., oi said day, to-wit: at the hour of one o ciock p. m., of said day, at the door ol the Court Hours in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, oiler for sale at public anctiun to the highest bidder the foUowing described real prop erty, to-wit : A traction purchased ol J. M. Mctoonell, described as tollovrs : Beginning at the northwest corner of Chum No. 49 in Township 11. south range 3, west of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence south 1' 39 east 20 93-100 chains to a stake in the center of the road leading from Albany to Salem ; thence north 5T 22 east 40 07-100 chains to a stake; thence south 80" 45' west on the north boundary line of said chum 34 30-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing 23 39 100 acres, leas all of the land on the north side of the creek contained in the above de scribed real property sold to Ann Pay ton, the balance remaining' being 14 acres more or less. Also Lots three, four, five and six in block No. 119 in Hackleman's Addition to to the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, as appears from the man and plat of said addition now on file ana recorded in the office of the County Clerk of said Linn County, Oregnn. Terms of Sale U S gold coin, cash in hand on the day of sale. Dated this 17th day of Jan., If Hi. M., Louw Cox, Reterees. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three lourths of the diseases o. the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence : Teo of Appetite Bowels costive, Kick Head ache, fullness after eating, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Jiructatlon of food, Irritability oi temper, Iw cnirit. A feellnsr of T.avlnar nealeeted s.ime draty, Kizzlne-f . 'l utte ri n at the Heart. Dots before trie eves. hie ta Derere trie eyes, nigniy coi oreel Urine, C02S8TIPATI02I, awl ue mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. AaaLivermedicinoTCTT'S TTT.fJS have no omtitl. Their action on tfke Kidneys and Skin is also prompt ; removing less inrerj v " producing appe ar stools, a clear fkinandavlfl'orousbodv. TCTT VWJS caose no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold everywhere, 35e. OSke.4iMurTtty8t.,N.y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GRAT Haib ob whiskebs ciiangoa in stantly to a GivOSST Black b; nlieation of this DTE. Bold y a single ap- Sold by Druggists, nr iipnt Yv rTrrirfifl on TCCClDt Of at. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Farm to Rent. A stock and wheat form of 2300 acres lying in Polk and Benton counties four miles west of Souver. Splendid stock ranch. 300 acres of farm land. For particulars inquire of Weatherford and Blackburn, at Albany. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. Tha Second Term ends on Thurs day, January 81, J883. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply to ttBV. ELBERT . OXDTT. Presiaettt. UTQ wanted for The Lives of all the II I O Presidents of the U. 8. The largest st, best book ever sold for lew than twice The fastest selling bock in America, r rt fi o agent. All intelligent people i y o can become a successful agent, (Bali El Bo kCo., Portland, Maine. ADDI7C 8elul 8ix oen- ,or postage, and 1 IasE. receive free, a costly box of iroods which will help you to earn more money than any thing else in this world. AU of either sex. succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workors, absolutely sure. At once ad dress, Taos A Co., Augusta, Maine all impurities inrouKn ti engers of the system,"' t it-, aonnd eli creation, rctfril Topi Infants and Children Withont Morphino or Wtrootlnc. What irlves mrr Chnlren rosy oheelnt, What enrea Uie4r ftwera, makna them 'TU f1astrJa. When Itahlwt frrt, and cry fir ttima. What curtM their OoUo 1 , kills uHr worrmi, ItutOaav Mitnrtau What milcslT errres Omittrpatlon, Btmr HUMiiach, CoUU, liuii.MH.m i Ihit CsMitTtrla. rarfwrll Oieo to Morpldne flrnipn, iiKt a- Oil ami iTtrectnm. nni Halt Castor! a. solute ours for R hen m r 1 1 m, Sprains, Bursts, Galls, Ate., and am instantaneous Paln-ralleTor. a 1884, . Harper's Bazar, "Harriers Uaxar" la at once the moat brilliant and uartul llousehoKl JoumrJ In existence, it Is these- knowladged arbiter of fashion In this country. Its (ash ln plates are tho newest ami roust stylish ; and Its t ten i sheet supplements and economic sugges Hons alone are worth many times the oost of sub- acripUon. Ita illustration of art needlework are rout the heat source, its literary and arUa lc merit are of the highest order, lis stories, poems, and es says are by the Am American and Kimjoan authors. Its choice art picture would fill portfolio, and lu humorous cuts are tho meet amusing to be found la any journal in America. A hit of brilliant no cities are promised for laoi. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. I'rr Wear : BAjtPcara t,km -, ....... ..4 00 0, II Mll Kll M WEKKI.Y ... 11 Alil'Kli MAUAINK ........ a ... 4 00 UAHCKH-SYot NO I'KOI'LR . 1 60 HAKl'KKH KKANKIN Hyt'AIlK I.IIIUAKY. Due year (Ui Numlr. )......... ...10.00 Postage fret to all ubcriber$ in the United States or Caitada. The totumes of tho "Uaiar" begin with tho Kumber for January of each year. When ao Usae Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subserl ber wishes to cotuuteuoe with the Number neat after the receipt of order. The last four Annual Volumes of "Harper's lleaar In neat clolh hittdluj,', will be sent br mail, post. age paid, or by r press, free of exponas (provided the freight does not exceed cane dollar per volume.) fee S7 per volume. Cloth cases tor each volume, sol labia tor binding, will be sent hy mall, postsud, on receipt of ft each , Remittances should be made by foal Offioa Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Ioe. Nowspapree ar not to copy this sdvertlsetnvni without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Addr It RTEIt k ItUoTHK.IW. Ksw York for the wurkiag class Baas h ccnu for and we will mail lrr, a royal vajuaM boa f aemple ifxl. that will put too In th way 4 saak- ing loorr wmcy in a few day than you ever thought piwblealany baaiiMsa. tapitai ool requlrwl. We will start too. You ean work ail the tisu or 1 str time only. The work Is aoiveraally adopted to tHh sexes, ymtng and old. Yon ean easily earn (mm 60 cant to to every evening. That all who want work may teat the boatneaa.we make Utts unparapllrl ed offer ; to all who ar not well aaaasSs we will and 1 to pay for th trouble of writing as. 1'uil parUcatara. dtreeUows, etc , sent free, Fortune will he an da try those who give their whole time to the work. Groat absolutely suic. DorVt deter. Start now. Hrtssus A Co , Portland,!! DR. LIEBIC BHaaeaary, or Crary and Shvaea Ms., San I raarlare, al- THE COLLEGE ISTBITLTE FOE tbe cure of all special eoav I llratrd and ao called incurable BaWaeHs dlsanaes. Sir- Llebta a .rraaaa lnlsoralr at poai litelv ituarardttd lorur nervous axd phtMl debility, eemlnal aeaanc, lost of rraiahood, aper rnaiarthea, loss of energy, ringing anu eunane in in tumti, raeian- olio. butieleta fHnrs, proata- Wrhra, aad all the reaulu of yoU- fui imprudenc and eaeassss el mature years. Th doctor, a regu lar colics phyalcian from Europe will awre lo forfeit on thousand dollars for a rase the Invig orator will not core under special tietment and adtiee. 1h rtasori so many ean not get rurtdof weal nee and the above thwaar is owing to a rfuplicUon, called Prr atatwiliss, which requires 1-KHiisr treatmcfit. tor. Uebafs Invlgoralor Urn. t la the only positive cure for Pro tatorrbea. Price of either iorigo raloT, S2 par bottle ; six for 8i0 Sent to any sddress on receipt of pries, or C O D. BWnntoSlS persona can pay when curol. Strictest secrecy maintained. Palis BU cured at home, Or. Uebtg Ihsponssry has, sa U gant drog store in building. Too freqostit evaluations ( the bladder and ropy sediment in urine are symptoms of seeoudary semi nal weakness and proaiaterTbea. Com plaints readily yield to th Dr. Llebig treatment. rdlaary aae Any recent ease of special or private diseases cured lor S10. Remedies aufficieat to cure will be promptly sent, with full directions aud advice, on receipt of tlQ. All packages are securely covered from observation. In vlgo ra tor Sample Free To prove the wonderful power of the Great Oerman Invigorator a fz bottle of either number will be Bent free of charge. Persona ordering a free bottle will only have to pay expreaaage on delivery. Most powerful electric belts f ree to pal lent. Con saltation, examination and advice free and private. Call or write. Dr UKBIE at '.. 4ee tieary St., Private Entrance, 40.1 Maaon SI , a V Ca $66 i week at home, $.r outfit free. Pay abso lutely sure. No risk. Capital required iteader. if you want biuineas at which persons of either sex, young or old, ean make great pay all the time they work, with absolute certainty, write for particular, to II. U am. err and Co.. Portland, Maine. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday ST tlarriftbarp; Oregon, m. TBAINE li . i Jt Proprietor. DR. ALLEN'S I'BIVITK DISI'EWHsRT, 21 Kearny Street, San Francises, Oal., ESTABMSHSD FOR TUB SctKXTtriC AK0 SrSSST CVBJi or CuaoMc, Msavocs asd Srscur. Duuunbs. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, arr.vv ao to wrn. irvnurm ru a um ular graduated Physician, educated at Howdoffi College aud University of Michigan. He has devoted a lifetime to the study of the tretment and cure of disease h within his specialty. And middle-aged men, who ore suffering from tbe effects of youthful indiscretion or excesses in ma- turer years, nervous and nhysical debility, lmpo tence, lost manhood, confusion of ideas, dull eyes aversion to society, despondency, pimples on the face, loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinat ing, etc. Remember,' that by a combination of remedies of great curative power, the Doctor has so arranged lua treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cur. NY HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. Having been surgeon In charge of two leading hospitaln) enables me to treat all private private troubles with excellent results. I wish it distinctly under- stood that I do not claim to perform impossibilties, or to have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed In my specialty DISEASES OF MAN. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no experimenting. I will guar, antee a positive cure in every case 1 nndcrtake, or forfeit $1,000 Consultation in office or by letter free and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical and microscopical analysis of urine and advice, 5. Call or address DB. ALLEN, 26i Kearney street, San Francisco, 9 to 3 daily, 7 to 8 evening. Cal. Office hours tv tmmt FRfDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1884 OUR CHESS COLUMN. A Mfi' SCKMENT. For the reason that the obaes column has not been duly sustained, the same is hereby discontinued indefinitely. Ill HOBtUl a MATTEata. Church musio Is said ay the oboir. Druca music, and much of the piano kind, comes by the pound. A writer on physiognomy says that lovers ol rausto usually have prominent a oars, i nis is nrooaniy me reason that w i we see so many young donkeys in steal pen ooais at me opera. .i tl 1 s a ii hi -im an wooi ana a yara wiae r shouted a cowboy, aslbe gave bis OtsQ I a, I brero an extra side bitch and looked arouau ior a ioe. "ina may rj" re- i ... ......... pued an undaunted lemaie, "but you WOll't Waih.n I The Uuo de Moray's definition of a polite man is bard to realise. "A polite maa, said be, "is one who listens witb interest to ta toga be knows ail about I when they are told br a nerson who ar i knows nothing about them." The Yankee says, "How-dV-do T" the Frenohman. "Hot do vou carry w v r yourself 1' lbs Italian, ' How do you stand f Iba Dutchman, "How do you fare f" the Swede, "How can vou T" the Pole, "Art thou gay V the Turk, "May Allah prosper tbaa I" and Iba Quakers, "How is thea ?" A .k.U.;i ,l.,...l . 11 1 .... I yui. wVH.n. WMO. l' I r 2.: e J i I vu uuo u. wur vitiaona ior !., ciaiwuig that she was ia a starvisig condition. in a atarvist Tba citizen looked upon her pUtboiio form, estimating the ayoifduiwu of th soperfluous fat, and aaswerad : "You don't look like a woman " ! know it," she whining! answered,"! bloated with grief." Harry and Charlie aged firo and three respectively have just bean seat- ad at their nursery table for dinner. Harry aaea that there is bat one orange on the table, and immediately set ttp a waiiiog that brings his mother to tbe ' Why, Harry, what are you crying forf she asks. "Be-because there ain't any oranrre for Charlie !" "My father s a farmer and an honest w mm -w man,' said a barkeeper of the knock- down order tbe other dsy. "Yes," answered his employer, "there's a great difference between you and him.' "In wbat way V asked tbe cocktail mixer. t - . . at a a a u a "Well, he tills the soil, and you soil tbe till," was the reply of the man who had diaooveredja' bis money drawer, "How do you like the squash pie, Alfred t" asked a young wife of ber husband a law days after marriage. J Well, it is pretty good, but" "But what t I suppose yoa started to say that it isn't as tVnod aa that which tnnr mm i mother makes." "Well, yea, I did in tend to say tbatbut " Well.Alfred, your mother made that very pie, and sent it to me." "Vbat areyou crying about 1" asked kind hearted stranger of a lad who was standing in front of a newspaper office, weeping as if his heart would break. "O, dad's gone up stairs to lick the editor." ''Welt, baa be come down yet?" pursued tbe gentle Samaritan. "Pieces of him haveexplained the boy, indulging in a fresh outburst of tsars, "and I'm expecting tbe rest every min ute. One of our "city pastors was attend ing the.Spring rneeting of a ministerial association in tbe Northwest. A. cer tain minister, noted alike for bis ver satility and warm zeal, waa opening tbe with prsyer. Tbe day, which he forgot for a moment, was about as inclement aa could ba rain, bail and stormy wind. He prayed : "Oh, Lord, we thank Thee for this gathering, for tba privilege of meeting witb each other once more, fer the beautiful weather which we bad last Fall." Cesar's mistake : "Boas, will yon toll me how to make root beer T" asked a colored man of a olerk in a drug store, a day or two sgo. "Yes, I will. Take a hickory stick, three gallons of water, an old hat, a quart of mo!assess,e paper of tacks and a pennd of cayenne pepper, and boil and skim and satin a cool place. ' "Say dat ag'n, boss, so I ean distemember.'' The olerk repeated his directions and the customer brought bis fist down on the counter with the ex clamation : "I sees where I spiled my bull batch 1 I left out4e tacks I" LKIOIJS V ACTS. By Egyptian law, physicians took charge of a patient for three days at his peril, but afterwards at their own. Documents corrected by erasure are not received in several of the En glish courts. The corrections roust be made with the pen. One of the humbugs of the seven teenth century was a magnetic tooth pick which was advertised as a pre ventive of pains in the teeth, eyes, and ears. When asked about his ancestry, thejfaverite F answer of the gypsy, ia "My father was a crow and my mother a magpie," and he will aay nothing more definite if he ean avoid it. A Donegal legend asserts that the reason why tinkers are wanderers to that one of their guild made tbe nails fer the cross mfter the black smith bad refu sed, and in conse- qnenc the trado was cursed. iiyrieds of small flies issue every year from the cavern In which, accor ding to tradition, St. George slew the dragon, and the Ignorant Moravian peasants arwrt that they come from its carcass. Tho files are very troub- leaome, and like tho tsetse fly of Africa, sometimes cause the death of norses. There Is a legend that the Jaclnotb was a precious stone which fell to the earth when Adam sinned In Farldlse, and was afterwards lost In the slime of the deluge, but afterwards recov ered by uaoriel. At first it was white and daazllng, Out It has grad ually grown black with sorrow for the sins of tho world. Ttaaproverb "They ssy the owl was baker's daughter." is found on ihu riimitarahir. io.,n.i in. waaasw jivvwviiiimv ivavuu e vwt saviour went Inte a baker's shop whoro they wore baklnir and asked " for Mmt bread to eat s the mistress Ar I IS am slwifi L tntrwiil laf ilw t ill t ta tlias VI VUV SV IIHIUVUNItVl.T ST1 " f'SWV of dough in the oven to bake for him, mnrimandaii ho iw.riinoh sarwaw ff saw s vkb s Banasev ssa ass m m J aspt aai m tr, who. Insisting that tho nieco was M lnrif rtul ntMi It ia a vrru flmtll I I "WW aa BV IVMUVVW fS bjv aj V WSg iSSMl ttie . thB dough, however. Imaae- Ulately begin to swell, nod pweent- y became a .moat, onormous siae awhereupou (ho baker's daughter cried nut. Hntrhf hnoht and flow swiv awwww ss, as vetakai s iiv vkii e sav vv v tan owl. NIL lOOUrOat tUILDKIUI Whenever milk is used plentifully, lucre tbo children arrow into robust men aud women. "Whenever the place Is ursurped by tea, wo have degeneracy swift and certain. Dr. FercUSOO. Who haa devoted a.laree I - - I share of hlfl attontlon ti thii an blact. ' ' I ' aSCariaillOO, irOtH CarOIUl maftS-1 uriilaof DUtneroos factory chil- aroD l"1 bw'wn loirteen and tour- i9ea n lhy noajrly four UOM taSt 0Q milk for breakfast tDU ttPP"f on tea and coffee, a r('1 wuiia shows tbo benoflt of prop- w uilsU dlotls so suiUbte for growlng children aa weli-cooked oat- UJ1 porridge and lliilk. Owing to ltM y ctigostibiiity, It is of equal benefit to Invalids, and, more espec- u,,y dyspeptics who eften regain nU P'ck up iiosli at a wonderfully rapid rate on milk, or milk and good bread. Good at cowa' milk is for children and invalids, tbo milk of tbe gw is mucn oetter ; and It often happens thatgwraotts will thrive and grow strong on the latter, who could not dlgst.the former. For this rea- MO,fgoats' milk is largely prescribed It - . a 1 T Sa aa a SB a I tne lacuiiy, and would be more Jeo U It were more plentiful. Dr. Pye Chavasae says : "The finest, health- lest children are those who for tho flrst four or fllve years of their Uvea re fed upon it." Ho also states that sees' milk is more valuablo for del tcate imams, goat' milk for Htrong one. tv. :ii r v . t- r it r a no win ui uuwwiju uuoiwurtu ui Cincinnati, which was probated last week, gives bis entire estate, amount ing to $4,000,000 to his two children, Nicholas Lone worth, recently on tbe bench of tbe Supreme Court of Ohio, and Mrs. Marie LongworthNieholas wife of Col. George Nicholas of Opera Featival fame. fer Sale. One hundred . and forty acres, nine mil above Lebanon. 40 acres in eul tl vatlon. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa Comfortable dwelling, goad eutheoaes. Cheap. Inquire at this office. Sean ol line herses for sate. Eight years old. One 16 aad the other 161 hands high A great bargain. Gall en Wm Terhune, 4 miles sooth ofAlbany. Information given at ibis offies, l AS.RMTN. Following are the DaMoeBAT's duly an thetiaeal agents to receive subscription or meaey for the same : Lebanon T L Wallaos Harrisborg Sam May Browns vUTs 0. P. Coshaw Halsev T. L Porter Shedsf's P. A. Watts Soio W. K. Kelly J efferson S. A . De Vaaey sawITaii ?tIrwM"r i Ji5sa7 '-SRVlrtf "Ton elalra too ntoeh for SAnaru TAX Nxbyinx," sayss skeptic. "IIow can one medicine be k a specific for Kpl I Icpay, DrPrala, Alcoholism , Opium Katie, KheaasaUsm, Hperaaauor rhre, or Hemlnal Weakaens, and MXy olhrr -omnlalntaf " We claim It a spsdfie, sim ply, because the virus of all diseases arises from the blood. Its Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and Xaxstlve properties meet all the conditions horeln referred to. It's known world vide as j i i ii j i i i t r i i i v NERVEIGONQUEROR " i i i i i i r It qnlets and composes tbe patient not by tbe introanction or opiates an a urn? tcsand drnatl&cathartlca. bat by the restoration of actlvit ny i to tho stomach and nervous svetera. wuercoy t too brain la relieved of morbid: fancies, which aro created by tho causes above referred to. To Clergymen. Lawyer. Literary men. Mer chants, llaukers. Ladles anu all those whoso sed entary cm ploy meat can ion nervous prostration. IrTegnlsriUes of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys St who require a nerve tonic, appetiser or stimulant, Sajiakitav JNervinb la invaluable. Thousands proclaim It the moat wonderful invig orant that ever sustained tbo slaking system. Sl.TO. Hold bv nil lHniaaIta. (S4l Tbe Dr.S.A.Richmond Med. Go.St Joseph, Mo. For testimonials and circulars send stamp. BKD1HQT0 A CO., Afsato, Saa Fra-lsco. FRKE m TRUL at yr, a aaw vtl re- work, ete., enrer Svn parar epesMaea wvm- r -Calhoun leTSela Sn MI88 EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AID DEKSS-MAKIH8. Cutting and fitting by the new Tsylor's Systetn, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. Q9 COHN 4 BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR shipping and ooMMis- a 8ION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLE8ALE DEALER8 IN GROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE,- N. X. Cor. SWeeod and YaraMIl Sis., 1 '0HTLAXD, 0RM0K. A. P. AsMBTaowa, ft A. Wasco, Prinrlpal. 1'amrnin and Secrelury BsifMd for Um BoniMss Sduoatioa of Beta Sexes. Admitted oa any week day of the year. PENtWORK- Of all klraf ,eseents4 to order at reasons bl rate. hti fan Ion gusrsnlred. 'tli Col leg "looms I," rnnUlalng; Infarwialioa of lb course of stadv. rale of tultiaw. in U enter, etc., and eats of plain and ornamental pav awnaMi, (AH LeBlrnaa's tVaUea a, i Curse Chaiirres, 8 rat and aseond Sores on MfS and body ;SyphUiU Catarrh, scalp and ail prtinat v forms of I dmary forms of the disease, known as Syp hills. rrios. Si botUa. LrBlrhaai's iiUtm Ralaass f Cares TarUarv. Mercurial. SmhUltle Rherimatiam. sssoodary stagss. rains in th Itone. 1 losraled Throat. SrnhUltle Ha.hM.umti. and all dkeataas from UxYlm. whether aaused bv treatrneat or abuse of saercury. Uavlnz the Wood pur SU asailOy. raeS.Soper Wile. Sent everywhere, C. prase. 0. D., securely paotrsd pares c. r ait Htaaa t cw.. aawaia, tsr a Sssainn Strest, Corner Clay, San Franciao, Callfurtda. W Administratrix Notice. Notice la hereby given that the nnder aignexi haa been duty appointed adminis tratrix of the esaate of Henry 0L Henna, late of Linn county, Oregon, dweaaed. All persons having claims against said estate are hernby required to present the name with proper vouchers, within six mouth of the date of this notice, to the undersigned at Uennes, Linn county, Oregon. November 16th, 188S. Oawaviava Ha vase, HKitLMSKhB A Hammkb, Admr. Attys. PATENTS a oo,o the atiasmwj ajtbi m snnsnnra to rwu,w rwgaJatarUas UaiasdIMM sent frwa SraWty ( ymuw i oM almas' awBSMrli 1884. PRE8IDENTAL, COUNTY AND STATE ELECTION. Subscribe lor the DEMOCRAT the leading local panor of The Willamette Valley. COUNTY AND CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. Complete in its Local and Editor ial Departments. HOI IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. WVBBsam afaBB&SII wmmA ora ask. Ilalaaaa afUHR Ml N jf a CO. are aou Sat aXrtaarnrao amssuca m, IS harajaaa. beat. an4 aiwnfarnrata"" rUsMffi JULIUS GRADWOHL Rata the only etrlnNlve ntork of CROCKERY, CLA8S,8SLVER Lance Assortment of Babv Carlaces. w 9 And a Choice ONE DOZEN CUPS AND 8AUCER8 Sl.00. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME Till: IliUHKfcT MARKET Remember! What I Say I lean, Dire Mi a Cill. GOODS SOL AS LOW: AS ANY OMi HJJJi IVHHH II0I HIA t -ritOPRIKTOKH OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALE1W IN- Imported and Domertie Cigar., oandicr. Nutu and ONE LOR BELOW THE OLD STAND, 72 JOHIff BRIGOS AT FIRST 8TKEET, ASSORTMENT COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND "RANGES, aV I le easnv. Ue a Import. ud mmMmtmct TIN, SHEET IRON Or EVERY DEW RIimoN IN OTOCK hand, a rvti GENUINE GRANITE ALL wr wranm he ofvksos to thk COM PETITION. CA I.I. AT Tl r j Repair work done r-- Cures all diseases of the Stomant f a-1 ?T,els Skin and Slood! Jill If ions tesUfvtoits effieacxr in ing the above fa nounoe it to TRAUli MACE ICAGrENTS WANTEDIfe Laboratory 77 W 3d St, New York City. Druggists sellit C O CHXIHT. OS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sonoensora to C. C. Cherry.) abcUitirt.. Mwrighto, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX oom Dieted, and am now nmnsiarl in handle all kinds of beavv work. W will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind nf imn and Brass Castings. PATTBK.VS MtSI sHSKT OTICt. 8peelal attenUon given to repairing aU kinds of maohlnery. Will also manufac ture the improved Chnrrv A Whits Oral Separator. Snap en Baker St.-esiee a Las ber Yard. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. I8tf FROM THE SOUTH. A Perfect t'asablaallan with two AavaaUtr.-Hhy It Concerns Salient "There la no mistake about it," remarked DrM t Flowers, of OailaUn, Miaaoun, "Beiison's Caicine I'oroua Plasters are one of the neatest ever prod ucod. They have two kind of ad ran tan ovr all other, which wo may eall the niino aud the major. Fust, they ar clean and pleasant to ass, never soiling the hands nor the Uucu of the wearer. Second, they are quickly and powerfully. I have tried lbs Oapcio PUater on myself for no maiaita. and on my patient tor varioua ilisnaana. such as snaralgia, mosoular, rheumatism, lufhbaa-o, kidney trouble, etc.. and In all cases relUf has foOowad in from three to forty -eight hours." Dr Flower merely voices the written or oral opinion of thoujaoda In bia profession. Benson's .Cancina I'oroua Hasten are the perfect external application, he genuine have ah word Capciue cut iu toe amUs. rice 2S eents. ahury aud Johnson, Chemist J New Votk. The Great English Reme dy. Is a never failing cure for ervous Debility, Seminal 'eakueaa. Exhausted VI. tality, SpBrmatorrbasa, a,vaT sj action . br potency, i-sralyaia, and an terrible effect of Self. Abute, yc.uihfui folbea,and rx ceases iu maturer years such as lose of Memoir. Lassitude, Emission, Aver- Sinn t.i ..!, is Vision, Noise in the Head; the vital fluid passing unoheerved into the urine, and many other diseases leading- to insanity and death. SB. MINTIB will agree to forfeit Five Unndren Dollar for case of thia kind the Vital Beatera live (under his special ad vice and treatment wi' not aure or tor anything impure or inju touk found n it. Dr. Mintlo treaU all private diseaaea without mercury. Consultation free. Ttvsnotrn ex auniuatlon and advice Including analysts of urine, p. Priee of Vital Restorative, S3 a bottle, or four times the quantity $10, sent to any address upon receipt of arise or C. O. D. beonr trom observation and In pri- U assireo, oy un. a. t. at.irtiie., it aearney . a a, a arte a n tuvisniii anr Saa Frejichtoo, Cal. Sample boktie free. Sent on application b; sating symptom, aex aud age. Strictly confidential. Dr, If Ut tie's Kidney Remedy, Nephretictim, cures an kinds of kidney and bladder cowplainu, gonorrhoea, Meet, leonehorrhosa -for sale by all druggists, SI a bottle or six bottles for So. Dr. Mintie s Dandelion Pills ar th best and cheap est Dyapeeia and Bilious cure In the market. For sale by aU drugrists. AND CHINA WARE a i Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sng PiJB Pit i t . J08EPD, Tobacco, Groceries, Provlelon.- Tropical Fruits. Oregon, twyl JOHJf BRiaQfF STORE. HAH on hand as fine am AND COPPER WARE OH TO ohupk aV)BTMENTbr HE m OF IRON WARE. PUBLIC AT PidnifK -rasa KST v.vr a , e . HKKV "njx, OKBOON. at reasonable figures. Siood named diseases, and nro- be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. Guaranteed to cure Insnnisi DR Preventive sad C 1 his remedr bebur is of those dissssss of tb rvQuire ao cbarts of r do: s mecni When taken SUS it is lmpoaaihs to coatsaet hot in the case of then natelv nfflleten with 6 re gaaran t I boxes to ears or sre srnT s tbe ssonev. Price by Band. rnsSaii ysstd. tcr box, or. t boxes for SSaXX Wsitasn pen Vt OOP ABP. CISJMt et rOBTLAND, OKSGOy. Orders by mail win receive prompt i ESTABLISHED IN 1853. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden & Willow Ware- T88' B001I1S, BrQSl188'' BMki rails. Tabs, Cknrns. Washboard. Cordage, vT rapping Paper. Paaaar Bag. Bnllding Fapera, Matrbea. Handles, Cleibes Wringers. Cat pets Sweepers, Fcalber B)na ers, atattaaery. etc 230 and 232 Front Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SmS. Ba. K. a Wnrr's Ksntvx aim 9vux Txxat stBSTT, a auranteed speoiaVo for ByaSena, Dssnv. nees. Caavslsions, Fits, Korroas RruraJgia, HsarTaswiiSL Nervosn IVogtrntaon eanstd by the use of sisoh d or obucco. Wakafubaeaa. Mental D pisswon, Hofteoing of the Brain raanl ting in in ssanky and Wssfhng to misery, doeny and naalk. Prenwtara Old Ac, Basnes, Loa of powee insnnsr sax. Involuntary Loss, and ttiisiml orrnesa aaassd by ever eaestion of the brain, self, abnsa or ouenlcenea. ach box rir one month's treanneat. gljQO a box, or six boxes "WWaian. ko enre any ease. With each order received by a for six box, aeeompanied with SajOQ, we will sand the parsaasir oor writcsn gnaraxte te re fund be atoaar it th treatment does not effect soars. Guarantees leaned only by WOOAJH. VXJLtt A C9m w nnleaal trt,ffl XtntaxAS. Xxan3raa. POBTLAND, OREGON. Orders by mai1 7ili reeeire prompt atf nuon. led CDTCto aM applicants snd tA l-'ci :'. lar titC year without ordering It. . t .itaits iaustrarJons, price. Jecripbosui and ;rvu:wi ior plantiog all Vegetable and Flower :iceds. Plants, etc. Iniraltxatlc to aU. D.M. FERR S CO. i?k FELIX LE BRUITS GrG anew to be tassan nwaxsaanr. I sbsanT sanMi isnoeajMaa asaa Slut mi isel-rnway ota,