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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1884)
f tie m$tmL Entered at the Past Oftioo at Albany, Or. a second olasa mall matter. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1,188 STITE3 & miliar ana NUTTING. Proprietor. rasar. Nerrivu, Leeat Batter. AO. C. B. R. TIME TAB I.E. Albany fttatloa. AltTt RK or TaAiNs. SOCXD NORTH. ALBANY EXPRESS Dejiarisst FREIGHT TRAINS " MAIL TRAtX . book nwm MAIL TKAKf ' PRtlOHT TRAIN l' " . ALBANY EXPRESS Arrives el - 5:30 A M S$0 A. M. U:45 A. X 13:05 P. M U:5 A. M 11:05 P M. :30 P. M. 8:33 P. M. Alt Trains dally, ex cent Baaday. NorroB. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at our ticket office for following points on Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Walfula, Walla Walla and Alnsworth. Wau B. Rich, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R, li. Co. Albany. June 18th, 188'. Official County and City Paper. ItTERESTttC TO SlBsTRIBERt. At the request of subscribers In differ ant parts of the county, and for their eon Tenience, we have sent bills to our agents at several places, so that those desiring to liquidate can do ao by oalllag on the fol lowing gentlemen : T L Wallace, Leb anon ; Sam May, Rarrisburg ; O P Co aba w, Brownsville ; W E Kelley, Soto. Harried l a Irr BlBBealtles. They came into the clerks office, he was tall and powerful, she was short but af fectionate, They Inquired for a clerk, and said they wanted a marriage license. While waiting for his arrival, they sat behind the atove and stole many a aly plum pudding kiss. On the arrival of the dark the gentleman was sent for some one to make the proper affidavit, although the young lady, considerable past age, had bar fathers consent In order to be aafe. When the license was drawn op, the young man remembered that be had not a cent to hia name, on his way here, his team having ran away and causing the expenditure of a dollar or two, emptyiag his pooketboek, ao he borrowed the re quisite amount and paid the fee, when they all adjourned to the Treasurer's of fice, where the justice was awaiting them, they joined hands, and the ceremony was proceeding when the almost groom, sud denly remembered that he had his hat oa, which he made a grab for, and got it of! just before the time to aay yea, which they both did, were declared man and wile, and then hastened to their wagon, the happiest couple in Oregen,tbeir hearts running over with joy. She waa wrapped in a quilt and they started homeward bound, not a cent to their namee, yet as happy aa larks. Stage Rebhed. The stage coming this way from Grant's Paas on last Friday night was stopped a short distance north of 23 mile house by two men, who relieved the driver (Ab. (biddings) of the express box. They did not take the mail, however. There were several hundred dollars in money in the box, $010 of which belonged to W. G, Kenney, who was aboard at the time. Sheriff Jcobs and detective Hogan are working np the matter, bat have no defin ite clue aa yet. A thorough search has failed to reveal the whereabouts of the box, Seme parties are suspicioned and arrests may be made aeon, It is dangerous to be safe new-a-days, when each things will happen in well settle-1 regions 'Jackson ville Times." Sheriff Hogan, was in Albany Saturday , and that day arrested a young man near Lebanon, as a partner in the crime, wheee name we refrain from giving until there Is batter evidence that he was an aooom pi loela the robbery . tapiUed ta the Willamette The first of the week Jan Murray and Hale Baekenato met with quite a varied experience in the Willamette, while com ing down from Harrisbnrg. They had killed a large number of birds, and were earning through a swift place when their boat ran against a snsg in the middle of the river, upsetting instantly, and tipping them, their guns and game into the water, and then floating off. They both clung to the snag, and veiled lustily for help : but no one bearing them, Jim, who is noted for his awimming ability.finally struck on for the shore, which he reached all light. He then hunted up a boat, and after a de lay of four hours got Mr Backensto off, in every stiff and cold condition. They came to this city, and are now all right. The guns were worth $40 end $50 a piece, and haye not yet been found, and probably will not be, judging from the experience of Mr Scott and Mr Springer a year ago tms mentn in tne uanpooia, imcxs are Tory good but are costly when the risk of such duckings are run. Cieocl Templar Entertainment. The Good Te:nplars will give an enter. tainraent at Pike School House six miles sooth of Halsey on the evening of Saturday Feb. 2, commencing at o'ciocx, p. m. there win be songs, dialogues, declamations, etc. A most pleasing program will be rendered, Ad mission ree zo cents. The public are cordially invited. Will be la Albany a Week. Dr. J. T. Tate, who has located in Portland, will be in this city on Feb 5th, and remain a week at his dental office, overLangdon's drugstore. This will probably be the last opportunity for seme time to obtain Dr. Tate's serv ices, as he will locate permanently in Portland about the middle of February. Chosen Friends- C. O. Barton, Grand Councilor of the Chessn Friends organization will ad dress the Order in this city this (Friday) evening at 8o'ciook, p. m , at their hall in Odd Fellow's Temple. Friends of the Order invited to attend W. C. T. V, Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. at Y. P. C. A. Hall on next Tuesday after noon at S o'clock. Mas. M. J. Townsknd, Pres. ICRS- W. S. Peters, Sec- HOME AND ABROAD. F M French, jeweler, Wheat, 83 otttti per bushel. E. U. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. A better winter has rarely been seeu in Oregon. Flour is $5 a barrel in Portland, in Albany it is $6. Kilt skirts are the fashion, and the aids- walks will be widened. Colfax has been having aa exciting time with idle railroad hands. A .n men's Cough Sy rap ou res colds, coughs, bronchitis and consumption. Osly about half of the wheat in the ware houses and mills has been sold. It is rare that a culprit axeapet the vigil. lance of an Albany police officer. The people of Kast Portland have had an exciting time over snow balling, several serious accidents having occurred. A geutleman remarked the other day that notntng can prevent a large wheat crop next fall. The Circuit Court convenes in this eity en March 10th. There will be au aversge docket An adjourned mooting ef the Committee on the woolen mill will probably be held in a few weeks. Mr John Hoffman has been given the pow er ef a Deputy Marshal with fall authority to make arrests. Money is close only 100 grains making a silver dollar, at least one would judge so to hear some talk. The wise business man advertises as well when it is dull as when it is lively. He paves the way for the future. The wages of Chinamen was reduced to 80 cents per day oa the O. and C. aad as a result they all qait work. A $60,009 fire occurred at The Dalles en Thursday night ef last week, nearly a whole block being swept away. "Loud mouthed redundancy of expletive adjectives" is good, and would make even Carlyle take a corner seat. A young man in Albany says hs can marry any girl he pleases ; but the trouble is that he doesn't please any of them. Astoria is making a desperate effort to get a railroad to that eity, aad now has one ia view by way of Winnemuoca, The Priaeville Netot again oomes to time. much improved, the patent on taide discarded with indications of a healthy support. Lulu Riggs an Oregon horse ran, at Sao Francisco, a half mile in 48 seconds, within one second of the fastest time oa record. People who are in the habit of calling well dressed young men tony, should look np the meaning of that word before they do so again. Haslitt, the tramp printer, has Keen ar rested in Walla Walla, charged with insani ty. Now they are getting down to bed rock. Some fine cider, as dear as ctysUl, at Hoffman A Joseph's, as well as a splendid stock of groceries, etc. Go there for bar gains. A Portland woman, holding np a glass of water recently said, "Ah, if it were only wicked to drink this, hew nice it weald taste." A Eugene paper last week requested its subscribers to bring wood in on subscription before the rainy season set in. which was a very good joke. A man at Lebanon tne othet day with a three cent stamp on one of bis ears was seen trying to crawl into the letterbox at the post office. He was drunk. Political clubs are being organised in dif ferent parts of the state ; bat not the shadow of one has been seen in Albany yet. There is plenty of time though. Found. An embroidered pocket handker chief. The owner can have the same by sailing at this office, proving property and paying for this advertisement . The social to be given by the Chosen Friends to-night (Friday) will prebabiy be aa interesting one, as extra efforts are being made to make it an enjoyable one. John Muir has resigned bis position as Superintendent of Traffic of the Notthern Pacific, and will return to Portland. Trains will continue to ran as in the past. The spring term of the Central school be gan last Monday under favarable circum stances. Everything should be dene to place it on as firm a foundation as possible Whoever is building the Yaqoina railroad it certainly is going a head, about four hun dred Chinamen being st work. It is to be hoped that this time business is meant. Three or four pounds of feathers will be received at this offiee on subscription. This will offer a chance for our banters to show whether they really have killed any ducks or aot. Who will be governor of Washington, that is the question, and oae nice feature is that yea do not have to be a resident of the Ter ritory, in order to bsve an ambition in this direction. We do not sound a needless alarm when we tell you that the taint of scrofula is hs your blood. Inherited or acquired, it is there, and Ayer's Sarsaparilla alone will effectually eradicate it. Saturday was Chinese New Year's, and Confnscius save as from many such, fire crackers and up roarers s music all night long, being the order as if Joss himself had a hand in the business. There are indications ot a very warm po litical campaign in Linn connty this year. but it is to be hoped that candidates will hold their temper, and never forget the fact that the majority rules. A gentleman in front of Hoffman A Joseph's gave a little boy some peanuts the other day. "Now," said bis mother, "what are you going to say to the gentleman ?" ' More, lisped the little fellow. There are too manv marriages which re mind us of what a Corvallis benedict said "She couldn't get any husband, and I couldn't get any wife, so we got married." Albany young people do not do this. Some think it will be two years before the 0. and C. road is finished, as the Central Pacific seems to be in no harry. This does not sait the Deoole of the Valley, and it is to be hoped this will not prove true. "Do you think the cat engbt to be drown ed." And the young man who had been called a whole block to have that foolish question asked him, simply turned on his heel and treated to the peanuts. The Nickle Plate Circus will start in at Roseburg this coming spring. Mr. Harris is letting the public know this in various man ners, which is quite proper. It is said the circus will be better than ever before. Marshal Dickey and the Common Council are causing a general cleaning up of the streets in Albany, which everybody endors es, without it refers to their own property. Clean streets and good sidewalks speak for a city. Priaeville has had another fire, $10,000 worth of property being mined, the store ef Selling A Huckley, J T .Busbnell, harness shop, S Wilson's saloon, Til Glasee' livery stable and two vacant buildings, were burn sd. it r . ,i i li t i a wiu yuu to, auTuuuv ubvui w nave . known that the Northern Pacific would take a jump. Now we wish we had invested what our sabscribers owe as en subscription ia N. P. and the loss ef a few dollars would not disturb our dreams very much. The last Legislature for Washington Ter ritory made it unlawful for any person to sell, give, famish, or cease to be famished to any boy under the age of sixteen years, any cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, pistol, toy pistol, or other pocket weapon, in which ex plosives may be used within the limits of the Territory. The people of the State are being afflioted by the publication of a picture of I) wight M Sabio, the millionaire Chairman of the Re publican Nstional Committee, in several pa psrs, which looked like a Portland saloon keep. er as much as anything. Hew Mr Sabin really looks it is impossible to say. ft On Thursday night of last week Mr Jason Wheeler and family were surprised by a company of thirty or fortyl friends, who shskled them, aud had everything their own way, which, we understand, was a very pleasant oae, several hours being spent ia a moet enjoyable manner. Gold nuggosts are ethibited in Portland some as large as hen's eggs, which it it claimed are brought from Goer D'Alene, bat there are those who do not believe this. Oae thing is very certain, aad that is, if there is gold there in good quantities, it can only be gotten witb capital. The poor man stands no chance. A literary society has been formed st the M K Church and open meetings are held every Friday evening. They are said to be quite interesting. Consisting of essays, songs, declamations, etc Such societies deserve being euooureged, and everything should bo done to mako this one a success. The Wut Short for February is-et hand in a new dress, looking very bright. The first page is a decided improvement, beiug gotten up in an artistic and attractive manner, the columns are made wider and the illustrations are good, several soenes ia the Northwest being presented. If you reed this before 7:30 o'clock Thurs day sveoing let it be a reminder to you to go to the entertainment given by oar best literary talent hero. "Above the Clouds" is a very inter eating drama and will be acted ia aa able manner ; while "Paddle Your Owa Canoe" is a side splitiog affair, and should be seea by all. Reserved seats at K W Laagdon Co s, 50c. Single admission 60c. There is being quite a ma ia the otty, on catch examples, putties, etc. , perhaps incit ed by qniet times, and examples like these are given, "a llxaerd walks on a log two foot in diameter as it rolls 300 feet down a hill all the time going spirally towards the ether end ef the log, which is $ feet long which it reaches at the bottom. How far does he walk on the log. " All answers will be pub lished. Hail's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer imparts a tine gloes and fr ashless to the hair, and is highly recommended by physi cians, clergymen, and scientists, as a prepar ation accomplishing wonderful molts. It is a certain remedy for removing dandruff, making the scalp white and clean, and re storing gray hair to its youthful color. School District No. 1, at Astoria expert, enced no trouble ia borrowing $23,000 to baud their new school house witb, aad that right at homo ; bat thee Albany does aot ses the number of enterprising men that Astoria docs, which is a plain fact, and a true one. District No. 5, at Albany ought to be good for $16,000 if District No. 1 at Astoria is for $25,000. A great many DsacocaaTS are sent Kast to those desiring to oome to Una oooaty . The advertising columns are scanned as well as local aad descriptive matter, ap that it behooves our business rasa to show a little enterprise and if their names do net now ap pear, to see that they da The members of the W. C. T. U , have rented the old Grange Hall, which they are fixing op in a tasty manner, and will use it for their meetings, as well as rent it for social entertainments, etc., aad in time will probably introduce a reading room and library, aad perhaps a lanch stand of coffee, etc A couple in this county oonoladed to sep arate, and instead of wrangling in the Courts divided their property fairly and had gone so far as to give the deeds, when they con cluded, ia a very sensible manner that the best thing would be to make ap, so they have destroyed the deeds and are again hus band aad wife. t At the request of several we publish this week oa our outside a list of marriaaable young men, ia and near Albany. This is incited by the fact that it is Lisp Year. when young ladies are given a chance to do something for themselves, and we are anxious to assist them, being assnred that the mat- tor will be taken in the good spirit ia whioh it is meant. If certain parties appear more cordial than usual aad greet you with an uncommonly broad smile, and a shake of the hand that makes you cry for mercy , why just set it down that be is willing to serve his county beginning en July 1st next in different ca pacities. This unwanted pleasantness is human nature, aud we are glad that we have county elections to make it crop out. Last Saturday morning twenty-six track layers on the extension, .having been obliged to qnit work, played the Pendleton act, boarded a train, and the conductor, after re ceiving instructions from headquarters, pat them in a separate car and took all to Port land except a few who got off at this city with the intention of going over to the O. P. R R to obtain work. A man who had been offered 90 cents for his wheat for about a month, brought a load to the city last Saturday, post haste, but when hajjot here bead the price to be 86 cents, lie is one of that class who, when wheat is 88, will be blowed if he wiU sell it for less than 90, and when it reaches 90, will be blowed sgsin if he will let it go for less than 92, and ao all of a sudden he finds him self ta tne inrss. nut the price may rise again, and we hope it will. It is the province of ministers to do good, therefore we think every minister should in form himself in regsrd to Ammen's Cough Syrup, and after being satisfied that it is all that is claimed for it, recommend it ; thns lives can be saved and then taught how to save their souls. Wo are told that the pro prietor is always willing to give a bottle free to any minister of family who wisbea it to try. Franklin, who killed a man in California last year, and was captured ever ia Benton connty, an acooant of which was given in the DastoosaT at the time, was recently tried at Alturas, in California, and found guilty of manslaughter. It is a lighter sentence than we thought from appearances that he would get off on, and he should csrtainly be thanktuL On Friday many of our citizens who had read the new ordinance of the common coun cil in the Dxmocrat for the prevention of the spreading of disease were startled by see ing several yellow and rod flags on First Street of the regulation size, indications of the prsssnofl ef small pax and scarlet lever. The delivery man though, very officiously took them down and the scare oeasod. The following is the market pries of sev eral artiolss in Portland as rsportod ia the Journal of Uotnmtrce i Batter, 80s to 36c i eggs, 30c j tear, extra faooy, $6.26 county brand, $4.75 and $6.00 ; hay, $18 aad $20 baled) apples, $1.26 and $1.75 per box; wheat, $1.00 and $1.70 per 1$0 weight ; bacon, Uo and 12ot hams, 13o and I5e; lard, kegs. 12o ; ohiokens, $4 aad $6 i pota. toes, 50c and 6 )o j wool, If o and 18c The following from thsd orftn shews to a certain extent the condition all ever the Northwest t "Oregon and Washington Territory seems to be "cities of refuge" for debtors fleeing from their creditors from all part of the United States. 0ns law Arm in this city has $26,000 of such claims for col lection. Oae demand is sgsinst a very prominent official of Oregon, who quietly Ignores the obligation which was for mer chandise had and received by him." Quite a number of horses have been report ed aa dangerously siok from eating wild eats. The beards of the oats, becoming moist in the stomach, begin working aud screwing around as if they had life, antil they get into the intestines, through whioh they work into the flesh, oausiag the horse intense pain, and sometimes death, The manner In whioh those oats work, can be seen by tak ing four or five and placing them in the palm of the band and pouring a little water oa them, when they will ran the beard into the flesh, so that it will stick, until palled oat, The following In reference to Owen by, sou t snood to he hneg at Dayton, W. T, bat who died before the time, is ef interest, aad will show how a rusu can go down bill t "The editor of the Center v tile Examiner says that eleven years ago Canada 0 wsnby was a classmate of his in the North Missouri State Normal School and besides being one ef the best students in his different studies, was one of the moet quiet sad well -behaved boys in the school. He was diligently pre paring himself for a. teacher, and had high hopes aad aspirations for the future. " A Portland Sunday paper tells a story about a lion oooaty gentleman, of religions turn of mind, who was ia Portland a oouple ef days, aad while there was beguiled into a variety theater, whioh it is generally known respectable people do aot frequent, and never attend, except to see hew they are run. Here he was finally induce to imbibe freely of beer, aad did act go to bis hotel till midnight and then ssosswhst tinsv. m w w er How tree this story is we oao net ssy, aod do not know who it is? or whether it may aot be a fiction. The connty jail is well patronised at the present time, and will be until the March term of the Circuit Court, when several of the inmates will prebabiy be transferred to the peuiteetiary at Salem, Those who at leant stand a chance of being are Charles keen, aa opium fiend, as those who ass opium are called, once the sea ef wealthy parents aad well educated j arrested for stealing two blankets Edward Breyee, or rested for selling another man's horse, which bo thought was all right beesase be wanted to get s gun, Tom McTimmoe's, arrested for assaulting Indian George, aad Charles B. Ftoleysoa, aboat whom all are familiar. The following from the Standard weald indicate that there is little or ae building be ing done ia Portland new i "All the saw- nulls in this section have shat down as there are ao orders to fill. Last so miner and fall there was a general complaint about the scarcity ef lumber sod building material aad the nulla had more than they eoeld do. The mills could aot get eat lumber for those who wanted to baud aad that was the alleged cause for so few houses being erected during the year.. The same dimcuity will prebabiy be experienced again the coming so mm sr. Tbcssyyo thousands ef lege in the booms at preeeaa, aod the mills might new be ran aiagas well as net.' Someone writing from this county to the Portland Standard says : "Bat little is aid oa politics ap the valley aad that little oa Presidential probabilities, yet I have beard several express the wish to hava Col. Imager nominated for Congress. I have beard Judge Betas mentioned for Republican candidate ; also see Hon John F Caplee' name mentioned in the papers for Congress, But if the Colonel is nominated, aad aumpto, wouldn't he make it extremely tropical for both or cither of those gentlemen with their moet brilliant achievements ? Bat ap here the talk is meetly on the oeonty tickets. When the time fully comas they do a good deal ef voting the same." Corvallis is happy and well she may be. This time it is the best heme ia the state Read, as told by ths leader. "Probably the finest piece of horse flesh that ever trod Oregon soil is expected to arrive ia Corvallis to night (Thursday. ) It is a fins black trot ting stallion shipped direct from New York City by Col T Fgertoa Hogg add is valued at $15,000. Ths animal is seven years old and it is said be is a perfect beauty, aad whea four yean old trotted in 2:30. Benton connty can bow boast of the finest horse la the state, and the thanks of our ei tineas are doe Col Hogg for this floe importation and for the interest be is manifssting in the im provement ef the stock ia Benton county in particular and the state in general." SOCIAL AND PERSOKAL. Charley Willart has goae to Baatorn Ore goa to live. M r Lark Bilyeu, of Eugene, waa in Albany the first of the week. Dr E G Clark and wife, of Eugene, have been in the city part of this week. Mr N T Moore returned from aa expedi tion into Benton and Marion counties, a few days ago. Prof. Vaughn has closed his dancing school and Taeedsy noon left Albany. He taught a very good school while here. Herman E. Sox is now located in Dakota, where he is doing a good real estate business, in which he takes many a Baul Reveres ride. A surprise party was given on last Mon day aight at the residence of Mr C G Burk hart, whioh ia pronounced a success and es jeyable, as such parties usually are. They deserve being encouraged, and we are glad to see that social parties are becoming popu lar. Mr Frank Parton, of Waitabnrg, waa in the city the first of ths week, aad returned home yesterday. Frank says Mrs Duniway ill be the nSxt Governor of thst Tsrritory, and that he has assnraaoss of being appoin ted Private Secretary, whioh certainly enti tles him to our congratulations. Cheapct house in the valley for Thompson A Co. Letter last. EL The toi towing lathe list of letters re mat a Ins In tbe Post Grace. Albany. Linn county. Ore- roa, Jan. 81st, iSst. Persons sailing ter tbeea Tetters must give tbe date on which tbsy were aavertisea. aaford, Jasase Cblldsrs, R H Hsrn, Jamas Harris, EJ Houston, Wlllard OlllslUnd, Wm Crawford, James Daretlus, Miss AUss Hasley, 3 V Tupper, Harvey E J. M. IKYING, P. M. erslary la Orleans freetaet. Last week twooverooats,one belonging to W H Mill hollea and another to J B Coney, living a few miles from Corvallis, were token from their haras. Two young men or who have been going by the of, Frank and Charles Spangle, were suspected Immediately. They came from California, aad began living In that neighborhood last Oetober, moet of the time "baching" in a hop hou e. A bundle waa seen by two of the neighbors In an otaeruaro, and at the earns time the 8pangls boys wera pressat. Tbs others wsnt to tell some one abfaut It bat whsn they returned, the Hpeuglo brothers were gone, as well aa the bundle, A warrant was obtained for their arrest snd placed In the hands of 0 0 Hurkhsrt, of this eity, Last Tuesday after a search had been made, aad Mr Burkhart left, Mr MUlholle en saw Charley Sangle, the younger of the brothers, go Into the hep house,aad several times he cams to ths door with a big re volver In bis hsnd. Finally several men got their shot guns on him aod Mr Mill hollea handcuffed bins, whan ha srss broaght to this city. He made the remark to some one that he had been In San Quln tin and didn't care. Both of the overcoats wore foand In the Vincent House at Cor vallis, where they were left by a rasa wheee description was the same as that of the older Spangle. The same man wae seen to return over the ferry snd no to wards the scene ef the burglary. Since Oetober In this same vicinity a large quantity of bases, oblokscs, eggs, wheat and other things, has disappeared fretn the barns, ben houses, etc.. ef the resident of Orleans Precinct, and very suspicious oiroumstenoee have pointed to these yoong men ; but no direct evidence has been obtained against them. If they should stop now the geaeral opinion aa to the depredators would be strengthened. The aTr. a. a. As oar subscribers are anxious to keep posted aboat Yaquiaa Bay aad the railroad, aad every day we receive ieqairies aboat the same, we publish the following from the Pan. Since Col. White has token charge ef the O. P, It. U.. work has been poshed wit energy, net ealy at the tao nets, but on the grade at this end ef the road. At this time (Wednesday,) Col White, with a snail fores ef n.en, over seme ef as difficult country as wiU be found oa the line, has completed shout oae mile of splendid roadbed. After look tag over the difficulties to be overcome in the construction of the road just new completed, we were agreeably surprised at the vast amount of work as- ptished. as well as its finished and solid Frees Baa Francisco it is reported Major Heag has parchaaed the steam tog "Favorite, M 73:13 tons, 125 horsepower, to operate here, snd that the tog, ia company with two largo vessels Udea with rails, etc , ailed from Sea Pranuece for Yaonina last - a week. We are informed that four vessels have been chartered by Cap. W loans, aad negotiations wore pending for st least two ssece, which probably have Wee secured by thie time, making a fleet of sis lathis trade. loply ae flew mt It, "Come hare, my dear boy." said a friend from Soap Creek, to the writer, "I have lived ia Oregon a great many years, aad 1 know something a boot Vfebfeet, as well as the natives, aad I want to glee yee my opto tea aboat those skulls and bones whioh Dr. UtU. base hie offios. It is all very well to toll of their belonging to a race ef giants of white faces with Has heir aad tooth aches. bat, my asm, I know better. Listen to a tie. Betweea a hundred and 6ft two handrad rears ago a leak of Chinese was shipwrecked off T equina Bay, but all reached land in safety, only to led themselves ia the heads of s firaoe aad sav . ef Indians, wheee stoves they were made. At that time pig tails were not worn by the caisstohv. These slaves of rat eaters died es other people die, aad their bonce. man and wife together, were always buried ta monads. These bones found by Dr Hill are simply the bones of seme of these Celee- That aoooaata for the flee black hair ths decayed teeth, etc. They wera buried by tne Indiana and put in tne monads as a symbol of their servitude The copper beads were worn by them at the command of the Indiana, These are true facto, and this ao ooaata for the natural animosity between ths Chinese sad Indians at the present day, many of whom are acquainted with thess traditions. I give you thssn ideas la order that your readers my 'have the version of a yeteran Webfeot." Go to B L Thompson A Co., for your bar. nees snd saddles. Oa last Saturday afternoon Knox Batte Grange held Ita annual Installation festival whioh, we nnderatand from a friend who attended, wae aa enjoyable aa affair as one can I magma, Several Invited go eats wera nresent. aa well as a large number from other Granges. A royal dinner waa aerv ed, whioh we are aaanred can only be ap- predated uy owing paruiaeu oi, xuia Grange baa a widespread reputation for . . m I I ' IM.I their dianers,andthls was up to the stand ard. During ths afternoon speeches were made by Hen R A Irvine, Hon 9 A Daw son. Matt Scott, Dbk Morris, A 8 Powell, Joe Powell and Mnb Bryant, The following effloera were duly Install ed ev R A Lrvlae. 8 A Dawson, and Mrs Stuben Powell, and will serve during the ensuing year : Geo Geteendorfer, Master. J W Gtlmors, Overseer, M H Wilds, Lecturer. S J Umore, Chaplain, P B Marshall, Secretory, Mart Miller, Treasurer. J 8 From an, Steward. G M Kaex, Ass't Steward. 8 A Jordan, Pomona. Scott Royce, Flora, Miss Minnie Houston, Ceres, Mlaa Calista Houston. Lady Assistant Steward. mnt Ktbboa Club, Following is ths program for the meeting of the Blue Ribbon Clab to be held at the Preebytoriaa Churoh, oa this (Friday) even inc. bssnanine at 7 .80 o'clock. A full atten dance is requested. Praysr. Sons "The Lorelv" (Siloher) by Mrs Lancdon. Mrs Btoiror. Mrs TurrelL aad Messrs O H Irvine, Geo Turrsll, J J Char! tea, Win Fortmiller, Mack Monteith, and F MRedfleld. Address by J; W. Wsbb. Song -"See Oar Oars with Feathered Spray." (Stephenson) by Mrs Langdon aad others. Miscellaneous business. Song "Msrk tbe Merry Elves." (Caloett) by Mrs Langdon and others. Adjournment. abeai aa Old llaa Veaaty Mae. By advices from Uwiston, the Walla Walla Hl&Mrndn learns that (hat com mualty 1s excited oyer the abrupt de parturo of one Orlgsby, leaving behind him sundry debts aggregating a large amount. (Jrlgsby is an old veteran who lost a log In the war. Me was form erly treasurer of Linn county, Oregon, aad went to Nes Peroe county aome fl ve years ago, and took up a homestead near Moscow which was a valuable pro perty. Ia November ISSO.he waa elec ted probate Judge of Nes Peroo oeuaty, and in Not-ember 1882, he was a candi date for the Legislalnre, but was dsf at sd. Ho took a geverameat contract to famish Fort Lapwal with several hun dred oords of wool, and sublet the con tract to another party. He received a check from the United States govern moot lately, aud then borrowed oonsld erable mosey by giving taertgages on the wood, teams, etc., and disappeared. Ho was a great stickler for religion aa 1 was also aa aotlrt member of Arthur Guernsey Post, G. A. IV If any of our readers tao a tall man with rod mous taoheand whiskers aad a wooden log they are Invited to acquaint this office With the fact. -Sta mlard. Mr. Origsby was elected Treasurer of this oouaty, and lift Albany lathe fall of 187$, The cat Bead, A barrel with aome leather drawn tight screes the top, two etleka, a large piece of braes like the top of aa old fashioned sugar box, a like one, only small, the Jaw bene ore donkey or something else, a pair of cymbals, all moving at the earns time, aad coming In contract with these various plcoee of matter, by reason of Celestial mascle, and elbow g ree so, oa us age dell sound, a abarp sound, a mild sound, a rattling sound a mixture. This Is ths Chlneee band. To the careless It Is but a conglomeration of sounds , but to the oheervsnt "tbsro Is a method ia their madness," and oae who w air he them eloeely will notice thst their playing Is aot without system. Chinese Hew Year's Incites this. Mew aaaday ertsee. The Sueday School of the Christian share was organised last Sunday in tbs Coert House, with 52 scholars enrolled. It will meet every Sunday at 2 p. m. Tbs fol lowing are the office rs : J F Floyd, Superintendent. Dr J W Cole, Aot. Hupt. Miss Flora Cowan. Secret. i v Miss Irene Powell, Asi. Secy. Miss Ada Hayes, Treasurer. Miss Maggie Barker, Librarian. Br J W Cole, Chorister. J F Floyd, Ast. Chorister. B L Thompson A Co, are eeliiog the beet harness in the valley. eat I The Magic Spell Oreheetra will give a grand benefit danoe at the Low son warehouse on the Narrow Gaage B B) oo the evening ef Feb. 14th, 1884, for the beaoflt ef Mr C Cowan, wh wae recently Imraei oat. The warehouse has been eat in excellent eoadi- and is oae ef the most oemmodieua dancing kalis to the valley. Everybody Is invited to attoad aad enjoy the feeti vines aad help drive the wolf from the door of oae whom mufortaae has overtaken. The rsasie will be farniehed by the Magie Spell Orchestra, ef five pieces with Frank Wheeler, as prompter, tickets me lading sapper 1.50. I wUl commence my semi-annual clon ing out aale, at and under east oa Satur day, January 6th, 1884. Tata sale Is bat Derail vena the a took moet, will aad ahall be red need by March 1st,! a order ta make way for new spring goods. Caab buyers and aargaln hunters will And It to their interact to call and laves. I gate. Cteaka, n latere, dolmans, jeoketa, everoeate, rub ber aad oil clothing, geese mers.eratles and overshoes under ooet, "All spot caab One Mall getJie Ttse aeaat Betlsera, Recently Dr. J. L. Hill.assisted by ethers hse been tovestigatieg the oonteats of the mounds on the beaks of the Calipeoia, aad haa found various skulls, banes, relics, etc, aa aoeeaat ef whioh he haa kindly written for the DawocaaT : but reoeiviag it toe tote or thie weeks issue, It will be gives ia fall next week. The subject cf mound beUdiag ia ef great interest, so that all of ths Daao coat's readers should prepare to give this wall written article a careful perusal, which it will Jaat aeeelveeV Ladise I Just received at Samuel B. Young's Boot aad Shoo Store, spring stock of these oelebratod Ludlow shoes, nets ttyles, every pair warranted. Also new stock of carpet warp ia black, white and oolors, direct from Chicago, equal to aay over broaght to Albany. Prioea low. Saausi. K. Yocve. eaae aers Attest lea. Opened this week a One ltne ot genuine Irish table linens, napkins, Damask towels, Nottingham curtain net, ere tones, white blankets, marseillee quilts, sheetings, pillow muslins snd nsw prints. "The prices correct." Otis Pries NOLAN'S SSi Msaey to Lean We are now prepared to make loans la aay sums desired oa improved farm land in Linn and Beaton counties for any length of time net lose than one year. BCRKHART BaOS Everybody tioes. Everybody comas to Alloa k Martin, Albany, Or,, they com from every nook, crook aad ooraer ia Linn and Beaton counties, to buy their fall and winter supplies. People say they can do better at their store than any other store la the State. For Bate. Three aad a half acres cf good garden land.all feaosd,hoaas and weatofa edge ef the eity. Will be sold cheap. Call at thla office. Cbaaee. Wringers at reduced rates, bath ths Nov site and Barska. the best made, at Peters k Blaln's. PLAIN TALK, Oa Plata SabJsHs. Br A PLAlfr CHAP. Next to a dsfomlaat In a dog suit is be ing Mayor or rortianu. Never was Hugusaotprsscuted mere than the pres ent one ; but there Is this difference, he deserves it to a certain extent, the Hu guenoto did aot Not on ly Is he fordid den ths privilege of going to Ban Fran elsco, but Is trsated to all manner of jokss and tricks that would make a fox at the door of a hennery blueh for his tribe. Recently be was awakened by a bey, who Is said to have been a reporter oo the Neat, and asksd if Dr. and Mayor Chapman were one and the same per son, aod oa being told yee, the hair- brained youth left, leaving a disgusted Msyor lathe door. e When a Chinaman gets in trouble with another Chinaman, Instead of re lying upon theCourts of the country he Is naklag his home, he goes to the Chlneee Court at San Francisco, setun w ar lu opposition to our Institutions, and asksjusticeat Its hands, and i to decis ion ia law among the Celestlale. This is as bad as Mormonism, and ae deserv. ing of censure. Aay Institution set up that laaatagbnistloto the Institutions of the general government, should be dis countenanced ami moet "severely set down on," to use a Marion county ex pression. Arbitration Is all right among all classes of people, but this Is ot arbitration. V A Yale atudent waa recently arrested for some diaturbanoe, and was severly flood, tbs Judge remarking that students were ae much subject to the laws of ths United Hiates as an vims else and shea id bo punished Hie same. Take it as a rule, in large Colleges, and In many email onee,tbey seem to think they are privileged classes, and commit all kinds of crimes deserving of peni tentiary punishment, with impunity ; but thie fearleos Judge haa set an exam ple deserving of being followed. .Stu dents are cit I zeus tbe earns ae business men, aud should be punished in the asms manner for their misdemeanor The dude manager of New Market theater ia Portland has mads arrange ments for having Sullivan, the sluexer give an exhffeion there oo February 2 This will boa good opportunity to se whethsrtbe fool killer has been m Port land or not. Tbe regular admission fee la two dollars In most places and prob ably will bo la Portland, and at that in aome cltle In California, a premium of II 50 was paid. Yet, naturally enough massy have a curieeity to eee such a noted big fisted lion, and are willing to have it said that the fool killer has uot been their way for tbe sake of being able to aay. "I saw Sullivan spar." Shades of Hercules ! what a taste tbe public haa One f the Astoria papers becomes peetlo aad says that people may talk of hard times, but it doea aot effect them, aafS.QOO.wOO will bo taken during the year from the atrip of water ia front of that olty. We hope so, and why can not wo aay that It doee not affect as, for 3,000,800 will be taken from the fertile fields of Linn county In solid gold dur ing the coming year. Certainly our pi aspects are nearly as good as Astoria, for wheat gold is as good as fish gel t I ia fact doee aot slip out of oaes hands quite so easily. e o e Henry VUlard, ab, you have heard of him. per hape mere than you care to but we would like to aay this, we do not believe he to worth $10,000,000, not withstanding his failure, aa Is claimed by many papers. $5,000,000 to as high as the figures should be put Honest Henry. If he had endow 1 eur College with $60,000 we would think hie failure s genuine, but as It Is ws are skept ical. We hope he haa made money by it, for be did a great aery Ice to the Northwest ; but for blm it would have boon several years before ths N. P. would haye been completed. He has adver- tlaed us, put money In our pockets ta prospecto, and we are bound to stand up for him, bat that falling business "sticks ia our crops." Best harness at J J Dabruilles. NoTti-a. Owing to the ill-health of M. Sternbnrg who desires to retire from business, we will dtsoontiaae oar business in Albany and therefore offer our entire stock of goods at that place for cost. The stock is complete aad first-class in every particular, and never before was such an immense stock offered for sale at suoh a sacrifice in prices. We therefore invite oar customers, friends and ths public generally to call and examine our goods and prices All those knowing themselves indebted to oar Albany house will pleass call and settle at oaoe as onr business must be dosed Thanking the people of Linn and surround- ima counties for their liberal patronage for the past twenty-two years. We remain Respectfully, SBSDBBS k STBB.HBOtfcO. OTKI. All aeooauts dae the audersigaed have been placed in the. hands of T J Stites for collection who is authorised to receipt for 1 the same. If aot paid in a reasonable time the names of those neglecting or refusing will be given to the public. Fsxp Rxzs. CLINK. On Wednesday, January 30, 1SS4, to the wife of George Chne a girl. ABWIEB. MORRIS PATTI80N On January 10th, 1884. at the residence of Charles Pstttson bv Rev A M Acheson, Ma. Klmkr E. Morbib. of Benton county, and Ida M. Pattisoh, of Linn connty. CURL HOLM AN On Jan. 17 th, 1S84, at the residence of J J Dorria, by Kev J W Osburn. Mr. Rilkt H. Curl and Miss Ella Holman. BIRD. PRICE. On January 18th, 1884, near Pen dleton, Joan D. Paica, Dallas and Letotia Price, 11 months and 6 days. eldest son ot aged 18 years, Ha waa token siok oa Thursday last with a chill and died on Friday following at 11 o'clock. He was a pupil of the Pendleton publio school. The family are deeply sym pathized with. Heed Answers, A Hepner paper received ths following questions from a Michigan man : 1. Is the climate around Hepner as odd k It Is here ? 2. Are the trees on your prairie ae big as euro here 7 . Could I buy a team of mules there at cheap ae I csn here ? 4. Could I make as easy a living in Hep ner as I do here T 5. Would you advise me to come to Baa torn Oregon or to go oast, or do yea think I can do bettor by aeyylng where I And made tbe following answers : 1. Lon't know. Never was in Mtcbbj Mend us a bottle of your climate, so we compare It with the Hepner article. 2. Don't know. Send us a cord ef your treee for comparison, 8. Don't know. Send ns quotations of your mule market. 4. Don't know. How many meals a day de you get now ? Ever have to do the Tanner act. 6. We don't ad viae yon to do anything. You can come to Eastern Oregon, stay where yeu ere, or go to ths devil, just as you please. West to Stamp Ohio tar Oreejea. An Ohio man wants to stump that State In the interest ot Oregon, for fitO a saoatb. Here la his peroration. Bead it : 'i don't waat to advlee my friends to go to Kansas to be eaten up by grseahep purs and chinch bugs and burned oat by hot winds, nor to Nebraska to be swept by cj clones and bllzarda. I don't waat them to go to New Mexico and Arizona to be murdered and robbed by tbe greasers aad outlaws. I don't want them to go to tbe Sooth to be ravished and robbed aad plundered by the buy, worthless nigger. I want them to go to Oregon er Wash lag- too to God's country '-to a hand fall snd overflowing with all that la calculated to make people happy and prosperous. Tow may think It my native pride, bat if yea get Immigrants from Ohio yon get intelligent, industrious, civil, lawabiding citizens, snch aa will be a credit to any state or nation. rraak Leslie's Bandar asmstae. The February number s even mass than usually attractive with literary aad artistic gems. 'The editor (T. Do Witt Talmage, D. D.) has aa exceed I agly in teresting article, '-Wonders of the Centu ry ;" tbe Rev E Barraas, M. A.,oontributee an admirableooe," Methodism in Canada," wkh nineteen portraits and other illustra tions. ' Capri aad its Blue Grotto," "Zwia- gle, tbe Swiss Reformer." The two . ' How It All Came Rouad" "Wrong from the First," are continoed. The Home Pulpit" has a sermon by Dr. Taiaaage,"A Tight Grip," witb a moet varied, edifying and entertaining miecel lany. Tbe prion hi 25 cento a number; $2 SO a year, postpaid. Address Mas. Fan. k Leslie, Publiaber, 5S, 56, aad 57 Park Place, V. Y. o sitae aaesaasneata. J. H. Daniel now has a complete Una of musical instruments of all kinds for sale, consisting of the Mathuaaok piano, the Shonlnger organ. fideUcs, violioa, guitars, etc., as wall as the latest sheet music. His i astro mea to are all of the beat, grades, ,snd are aot tbe cheap trash, so that when yon got aa instrument or any kind yon may know that you are getting one that will laat and bold ita tune. Ia "remnants" of Crass goods, silks, es, velvets, satins, muslins, sheetings, ingx, ginghams, waterproofs, wool ton flannels, manes, hue linens, Nc lace. Nainsooks ere tone, prints. broideries, lace and ribbons. Also "job let" of fancy goods, which mast go before tie first of March. NOLAN'S hess AStarUtea Physicians are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat aad Lung diseases is daily carina: natienta that they have riven up to die, ta startling thom to realise their aoaae ef du ty, and examine into the merria or tats wonderful discovery ; resulting in nun- drediof our best Physicians uatag ft to. their practice. Trial Bottles free at Foehay A Maeou's Drugstore. Regular atos tl.f& bees. At Allen A Martin's ia tbe ptoee to find boots an i shoes In any quality you wish. and at any price. Good goods in thla Mae will be sold cheaper than at any store la fho valley and no old stock to work eeT. at c a lex's taiKt aaava. The beet salve in the world for esjaa, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped nancs, cnuotaine, corns and all kinds or akia eruptions. Thla salve Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or moaey re funded. trioe S5o per box. For sale by Foehay A Mason. For Sale. All the property belonging to tbe Y. P. . A., consisting of about 160 chairs, beaches, cat pets, stoves,, organ, song books, bibles. etc. Bids for the same, or any port of these. will be received by Mrs L E Blain, chairman of tbs committee, at the store of L B Blain. THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannals, Woodin & Fisher, Msnufaotnree and dealers in all kinds of FURNITURE, would reepeotfuUy inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep eot.atantly on hand, a complete stock of all desirable lines of and will sell at bed rock prioea. Bod-steads a Specialty. Thoy also keep constantly complete line of on head a UNDERTAKER'S GOODS and will smarantaa satisfaction to all may favor them with a calb Final Settlements TaTOTICE IS-HEBEBY GIVBN THAT f the undersigned has hied his final acooant ae Administrator of tbs estate of J H Hackleman, deceased, ia the Coaary Court of Linn county, Oregon, and by or der of eald Court, Monday tbe 3rd day ef March, 1884 at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. sa of said day Is set for the hearing of eald acoiunt and the settlement thereof. Aay per ion Interested In said estate is hereby not fled to appear and file hia or her ob jections to said account and the niMlssasBl the-eof on or before said day. James L Cow a, Geo, E. Chambbblajw, Adm'r, Att'y for Adm'r,