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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1884)
Bfinofrat STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. Mae ff,y Isreee! ef rralstloa s say Ih'f Stale etMe errortlaaS, asS Ifcererere Is IDs THE BEST ADVEETIWHS IEDIUI. SpecJsl business notions in Local Cel n!',?" ut rr Jine. Regular Local not lees 10 cents per line. or legal and transient ad verUescaeoss VtJ?r ur tor the first isserttonnd OO CAnte ttar r. ' ' . ISSUE EVERY FRIDAY STUBS & NUTTING. U US 1XKS OFFICE-la rfemorrat ttulidiasen BrMMtalkU street. TSRM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION stagie copy, per year, la advance....... . . Sntft oopr.Tpm yarns, at etui o yor 13 60 S 00 1 60 O L. XIX. albany, Oregon; Friday, February i, i884. insertion: ' U m Halts for other advertisements nown on application. stogie oopy. tu monww. ....... . tingle copy, thro months tan namlxr no a 7 76 10 S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State Eights PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ITTORXEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jtfTOffloe In Foster's Brick Rlook.-a vl5nl8tf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany , Oregon. wwrtrr. PRACTICE IN ALL THE VY Court, of this Sate. Will five .tUnHnn fo nolloctionS SUd OTODSlS .pgvMH mOn in Foster's pew brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEJAT law. Notary' Public. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John RTiBstars, J. K. WEATHERFOBD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMBAVfa . tlTILL PRACTICE IS ALL THB COUICTS OTTWt W SUteTedal attention gi tea to collections aad probate matter. , la Odd FellsW Toapw. i mWlLL. W. R. WXTSU apt?VVELIJ & BELYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Collections promptly made on silpolnts. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jsfTOffloe in Foster's Brtek.-B vl4nl9tf. B. B. SKIPWORTH, iTTeBXEY AMD CWrXSnaOst AT LAW 1M KOTAKV rCBUC fnrriLL practice in sll courts of the State W All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OJSte i 0' Toole' t Block, Broeulalbin Street, 45yl Albany. Oregon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attornej And CNffisellor At Laf AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OSECON, Will practice in all of the th is State. Allbnsiiiees intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. mtr-Office in OToole's Block. L W. LANCDOM & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and ToUet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CTTSr TDS.XJQ- 8TOEB, yi ajusasr. wmxtmm. FOSHAY & MASON, irem jtt " axb usuir- Draggistsand Booksellers, ALBANY, OKEGOM. vlSntltf SEVERE HOUSE, ferae. Fu and Iswei Albany, Orvgsn. Chas- Pfeiflfer, Prop'r- Tbisaew Hotel tsattedap in Srst ds stylo. TaMa minimi tnth the beat the sarin aSorda. Spring Bad ia crerr Boom. A rd Sample Sassa Cosv Mirritl Tiwilw. Ceaeh to and freas the etsL'Si T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public. Office in Statm Bights Dkmocba office. DBS. J.W.& MABYT. C0LE7 Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, ORE QON . Ofler their protejsional nerviees to tbe citiasnsof uxl ad lucent oHintks. Office and renoenee new Court II jute. Call at Langdoa and Co's Drug Store, Aioany Bath House. rpHE UNDBKSIQNED WOULD RESPECT J. fally iafonn the eitiiens of Albany and vi einity that I have taken charge of this Establish Mat, and , by keeping oleaa room and payin itrie t attention to basinets, expeett to salt el taste who may favor us with their patronage Earing heretofore carried oa nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expeett to fire entire satisf t te al mW-CbUdiea and Laiiet' Hair neatly cm Tkampooed. JOS WEBBEB. RED CROWN MILLS. IS0S, LAKK1KG & CO., PROPR'S. SSW PBOC3S3S FLOUR SUPKBIOB TOR VAMIUBS AND BAKERS OSS. BEST STORiG lOLlTIFiS. Highest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. PHENtX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. $3,295,826 Premium income 2 607,139 Safe, reliable and qulk to pay in case of loss. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Alb snj, Oregon, D. BROWN, Judicious a TTy UTS mTciTTtT Discreet STJBSOBIPTION San FraMsoo, Oal. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS mHB UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO ' M . t il. .1 . 1 I- nr. mm ut uvw f stone and marble work on short notice. All work Is wsr- Mitsfkotton. Will work iwllWU Pe v w - w - any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin- .t.1l (m nMann citv trraiilt. I leaning, 7iL r, Tila aneclaltv. Call ami vituiiun uij " , in elsewhere ail will not be undersold. .Spin west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. , w JOHN 8CHMEER, LIYEEY, FEED AND 8ALE STABLE. Albany,' Oregon. v.t nn twaannahle terms. Horses and buinies let to suit the times. corner cMoona mu jwh.wmi ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AND MOVING PI AKOii, srfSSI and furniture specialty- All hauling wllBin the city promptly t tended to. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. i .1 .ill. notiua and ah am ..klAK .M .Kv vm bant In ffOOd condition, and hair cut in the very bass style. SAN WA V1N. IAU.1UB1 n.. v ..... " . .1 una D im uwl JinUMM nxMlS. LatlMr - . ....of undervtoUMa, eoid at boUom prteea. Contractor fo Calna labor. text to Cttr Bank. HENG TENG. Root waahlns and 1 renins In the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Stress. One door south of Revere Houae. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shsvins and hair dressing done in first- class style. Flrat-clsas bsth rooma. Bath for ladles and genuemeni an new Terms reasonable. '83 i GRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One rear for only S3..V). Two ni . than Um pries t t r mu. By paytof oass.50on win retehre jar eaeyy roar bone neper wna v.- . retirie ftire MnMeaw w""' tiHl iar a lann ior yyj. " 7r,."rC tend able fcUy eay I ' to examine a asap eopr ae uner-JourneJ" can do aoat Uiis W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN arm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOORS, WEIGHTS, PULL8I8 A&D 00ED8. WINDOWS. nSrCounty dealers are respectfnlly invit- UU LO U 1 auu T3mi i mv vw. . our prices and ayorable terras. Send for Price List. WILSON & BROTHER. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 18, 20,22, DrnmmSt San Francisco , Cal SCIO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. Tk BALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH II m ytaod a full line of jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired In first-class order. SCIO - - OREGON. We M. MORROW, TkEALER IN 8TOVBS, TintWA-iv If copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDGEFORD & BEARD. KEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE rnrnrlA frfmh candies. HUtS. and sll IritiHa nf MnfadtlnntiHaa. tnbaCO. ClfTSrS, mw a niuw va waaawaaw mm mm v v ; etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all ainas. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, TTVW.AT.W.R TV TVRY GOODS. CLOTH 1 I TNfi. boot, ahoes. hsta and caps. groceries, ciirars. tobacco, etc. r ' ' - Main Street - - SCIO, OJ. J. J. D0RRI8, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LE TTINGS SO LICITED. Plans and .specifications furnished on short notice. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl itotrder new vartea A marvel of puriety, Uvnyth ami hulMmnaML Mure eeonoaitoU ibaa the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In omipeUUoa attb Ih. mulUtode on tow Uwt, hort weifbt, alum or lbonhaU Mwdrs. Hnkl only in eana Kotal Bakiso Powssb Co. 10S Wall Street, N. Y. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburg, of this city, having taken the machinery agency of O. P. Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line of FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad 3, tD wit : WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, and all FARMING implements of less note They will keep the LA BELLE WAGON, also the RUSHFORD a new wagon with all the late improvemit3 aii warranted on or ti3 best wagon s in t!i-3 m i? ket. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED IMS. By A. P. CHERRY, situated st corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Ha vine taken sharsre of the above named Works, we are prepared to mauunvsture Steam Engines. Saw snd Grist Mills, wood-workina Machinery. Pumps. Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of allftklnds repaired. Spe cial attention glvenfto repairing farm ma chinery. ratters Manias tea la all Ma l&lly 1 A. F. CHERRY A SON. SAM COHEN Keeps tbs beet brands of Imperial and domestic dgara. Also ins FINEST ANO BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps tbe finest billsrd ball In the city. I will also sell reel estate, morohaadiee household Roods, etc, at auction for any one in tbe cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, or. 01 SAM COHEN. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. HTUds, well-known city missionary la Mew York, aad brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of ths M attach u etta Supreme Court, writes aa follow : 78 K. 6Uh St., New York, Miry 16, 19. Mi'-ssaa. J. C. AYSS 4 Co., (Jentlemea : Last winter I waa troubled with a moot uncomfortable Itching humor affecUng tuore especially my llmbc, which Itched mo intolerably at night, and horsed so intense ly, that 1 could scarcely bear any elothiug over them. I waa also s sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough; my appetite was poor, and my system a good ran down. Knowing the value of A v Kit's, by observation of many other eases, and from personal use in former years, f began taking it for tbe above-named disorders. My appetite Im proved slmost from tbe llret dose. After a short timo the fvr mid itching were allayed, ami nil siifus of irritation of the Skla disspocarud. My catarsb and eoogh were also cured by the saute means, and my general health greatly improved, until it is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent stronger, and 1 attribute these results to the use of the 8 ahsapakilla, whleh I recommend with all confide nee as tbe best blood medicine ever devised. 1 took it in small doses three tiroes s day, and used, in all, leas than two bottles. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. F. Wilds." Tbe above instance Is but one of the many constantly coming to oar notice, which prove ths perfect adaptability of Ayeb's Babsa to the euro of sll diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla oteanses, enriches, snd strengthens the blood, stimulates tbs action of the stomach and bowels, snd thereby enables tbs system to resist and overcome tbo attacks of all Serour lout ZHsmxuei, Eruption of the Skin, liheu matitm, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. PBEPABED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer At Co., Lowell, rVfasa, Sold by all Druggists; price SI, six bottles AYER'S CATHARTIC PILL8. Best Purgative Medicine core Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, and all Bilious Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always reTJabZe. LEAP YEAE, M Olrls.Kewi fear Opportunity aaweM4 It is leap year, and, as our yoaag Isdtas will te wanting to tasks seleo tioni of srtuers for life, we preseot below a list of eligible men, in or near Albany, who are unmarried, from which they are at liberty te make their choice end go in and win,Ht they can : A- Arnsll, A. T. Slings the paint brush, a bachelor, aged about 45, owns several houses and lota and plays obese. B- Bean, Leo a Hardware clerk, end has the reputation of being good looking, osnio from California, and in esse of hard tines could easily be eaten. Age, 23. Hlsin, Wilson R. Bookkeeper, age, 35. Beautiful side whiskers, with a delightful absence of bair on top of bia bead. Lotos bugs and makes a good 8. 8. Superintendent. A very eligible young nan. Blunberg, Fred. A fne form and spotless dress. Sells sirloins and porter house, loves a good hone, and Is sore to be eeptnred before the year is out. Cane from Michigan. Age, 24. Blount, Oesar Salesman with A. A M ; dresses well, knows bow to sell goods, and is somewhat fastidious. Ia not bashful, and would rather a young Isdy would propose to him than not. C Crawford, Whit A good farmer and sn excellent musician ; tall, mus cular snd refined ; dresses, well and has s big heart as well as a big nasal ap pendage. Age, 28. Callshsn, Tbos. Handles the ysrd stick ith grace, and can mske the most J ..II I t 1- I which they generally ere. Pete pounds the baas drum with agility snd is bound o be sespped up. Age 22. Csmpeau, Ixmis Tonsorisl srtist, as good nstured es a lsrnb, bss s catching mustache, always looks fine, ie at lent 30, and would not aay no if the right one applied. 0 Down, A guod marble cutter end e pleasant fellow, wears s pastured . L. tt .J J IJ ... I - 1 I the kindling wood and butid tbe real . . A aa I in me morning, ap, o. , E Ewert, Al Aged 20, slim and a blonde, rather young looking, but ia surrounded by sold and diamonds aad I ie very affectionate, besides baring aome I good German blood. f. Foster, Robt Book kaeper and I collects tbe rents : hss been to Europe, I snd ia well versed in Continental af- fairs, knows Portland by heart, and ia of tbe right age, 30. Foster, Jar. A younger brother, and a handy fellow around the mill as well ss generally. Notwithstanding an affec ting acts on the stage well. snd bss food prospects. Age, 38. Fisb, Goo. 4 good tinner and good commedign, generous snd just 21. Would treat a wife like a queen. Q. Ourley, Tbos. An active black-1 smith, a good abater end a first-class J young man, with good habits, snd sn-1 burn bair. age, 22. II. Henderson. Wen. A student but on ths marry. Can rids a bicycle or play the cornet, ia industrious snd has the stampa to beck him. Aged about 19. Hale, J as. "A mighty good fellow" who attends to his business, draying ; tall and well built with a mustache that only needs growth, is a worthy Knight and will not object to being asked. Aoad about 25. Hausman, A first-class machinist, recently came from Philadelphia. Has some beautiful sideburns, snd dresses with excellent taste. Aged 27. I. Ioeram. Frank Lonff. with s fine smile. Is not afraid of work, snd might run well for office. Hss trsvel- ed. Aged 28. Irvine, O. H. Fat snd portly, with a full black beard, and 220 pounds of flesh, is s devoted etudent st tbe ahrinel of Blackston and Judge Desdy, and would be up on tbe divorce business if it should ever be necessary. Aged 24. K. Kruse, John Short but active, a faithful watcher, and ia jast waiting to be asked. Kenton, Frank Deputy P.M., care ful, accommodating and attentive to business. Somewhat bashful in the ' w . a ' presence of ladiea, but not ao much ao that he would not aay yes when asked by a suitable young lady. I.. Luderman, Carl Sjme call him "Blondy." A fine form, smooth face and a very anile salesman. Loves the opposite aex, snd had just as leave aak WW as be asked. Age, 24. M McKnight, Frank and Bruce Excellent catches ; both well formed, fastidious, good musicians and perfect gentlemen. Know a good horse and are net afraid to work. Ages 27 and 25. Monteith, Chas. Senior member of Monteith. & Seitenbaoh and a good business man. Fine form and the sweetest kind of a mustache, age, 25. Monteith, Tom and Mack Both clerks with the , latter, with some style to them. Tbe latter ia a com median and an excellent cornet player. fl. Overman, Thos. A fait'ul clerk with lots of "sand in thecraw" as well so- tbs largest beard of any of the 8. S's. Oae who would stick by a wifs through tek and tbia. Ags, 23. p. Pipes, J. Heed miller at the Magnolia, with a beautifully our ling mustache, a good form snd an excellent disposition. A genuine good fellow. Age, 27. Prashs, 3 Arch is A druggist who can tell nux baagibui from vox populi, a good dancer, with plenty of friends and patent medioinoiee for emergencies, sge 28. Putnam, Harry Somewhat young, but now la the Una to secure him, aa he is quite bsshful. A jeweler, rides a horse well, and tends to bnaiaeea. g. Hideout, Charles Biaalpulatea news, eio in making grain oleanera. Tall and dignified. 8 lead .industrious, economical. An excellent student, with linguistic ability. Dresses in style and baa leea an Alderman. Age 24. g. Sitenbaob, Simen A handsome blonde, snd junior msaher of Monteith A Seitenbsob. A good buyer and seller, end now a city officer, with an auburn nustscbe, ege.26. Strong, Major George A widower of 55, who will never be beard to say no. Sells surer, etc , UodrrsUud ths duties of s husbsnd. J. Thompson, Edward. Tall and well built, agile and graceful, a fine skater, must sobs no consideration yet. Good business man and proprietor of his harness and saddlery store. Age, 20. Tunell, Wslter An expert book keeper, saving, with a good bank so count. No aiieh onnortunitv will atam . - . WalLBrAi. nnL nf Lh" ' " s r posing kind. Age 82. Tyler, Joe A widower of 35, quite dashing and a warm hearted joker. Sells hams and veal, and knows how to make a home pleasant . Wood, Frank Jr. A good mar ble cutter, with pugilistic ability. Blows s born well, snd is generally found with chisel in bind. Ags ,21. f. Young, Oeorgn 2'1 lUc ntly from Missouri. Taks sfter his unole. .. an Mxeallant ru)iuiMiidatl-iii. ifiil . . . 0 trious snd Ags, 23. isaae. Herbert openeer is now read in Japan in the language of the eowntry Prof. Langiey ascribes the ted eu to dust in ths atmosphere. Simon Cameron 'a on hu wsy lo Mexico. He was at St. Luis hut Prof. Alphus 8. Packard of B jwdotn College says he hss never been ill a day m his life. Kdward King writes thst the buei- of counterfeiting paintings of die tinguiabed artists is carried to an enor mous extent in Paris. Lord Wolsely says bs does not be lieve in universal peace, tnd ts of the opinion that there is coming over tbe S " world soms terrible war. Denis Kearney te peddling tea and ooffee in a booth in tbe neighborhood of r San Francisco. This most be s bsrd lot for the ssnd-lot orator. Mr. Labouchere of London Truth, says : "Give to Irslsnd sll tbe rlgbst nrisaiaiil by eeoh Bute of tbe Amert- can Union snd the Irish would ask no The Hon. Leopold Morse, member of Congress from Massachusetts, attributes bia successful financial career to the I fast that he baa never invested e dollar I in speculative stock D. Wood, Professor of Chemists? in Bishop's College, Montreal, reporta fortvaeven eases of scute articular I rbanmstism cured bv fasting time re quired from four to eight days. He re J Tfa rheumatism as s pbsas of indi- swstion Mrs. Jane Brown is pointing out to I meeting", composed exclusively French ladies, tbe beauties of Shakes- pea re. Anaet is read and commented upon, and then a discussion takes place between the commentator and hsr hear era A Washington correspondent de scribes Senator Riddleberger as a "tall, leak man, with hair plastered low down on hia forehead and aa air of wondering delight st finding himself in such s bign a .. - - m position. Gov. Robinson of Massachusetts was asked a few daya ago why he did not make hia eon hia private aecretary. "Because," he answered, "I think too much of my boy to set him riding on top of a bubble. He must prepare for t honorable work in life ; besides, my family are net going to be fitted with office." Dr. T. S. Closton aaka his readers te think of the girla that toil at music who have no inherent muaioal capacity ; of the time eonaumed in committing to memory rulea of grammar, the real meaning of whioh the girla brains could not commprehend if they live to be ninety ; of the labor and sorrow given to acquire language by girls whom na ture meant only to speak their mother tongue, and of the futile attempts to take girla paat rule of three whom na ture intended to atop at simple division WASHINGTON LET TUX (from our regular ourreepoaSent.) WaaHivoToy, Jan. 12th, 1883. Through force of custom the coun try lias learned to expect do solid work from Congress prior to the Hol idays. But the play days being over, the new officers elected, the commit tees formed, legislative machinery all la working order, the new body be gan on Monday the work of the ses sion. Should it accomplish what Is demanded of it It will be a phenome nal Congress. It Is expected to pass a tariff bill lo the interests of the peo ple that wilt do away with the Treas ury surplus. It la expected to peas ao inter-state commerce bill, a Pres idential aocceasion bail, and several economical appropriation bills. It Is not expected to interfere with the In ternal revenne system at all. Under the most favorable circum stances, and with the least possible degree of tactions obstruction, Con gress cannot hope to make more than ft beginning of the great work of rev- enue reform : but a beelnnlnw will meet probably be made. A feeling of caution Prevails amour the Democratic msjorlty In the House, and no purely political meamres are likely to be put forward during the few early weeks of the new year. Indlvldual views upon financial and economlc questions, as embodied In he bills already Introduced and to be ntroduced, will be discussed with- out leading to Immediate action. The three Appropriation bills placed before the House this week, namely the Fortifications, Military Academy, and Pensions, bills were selected for the first action of Congress for the reason they give rise to less debate than others, It being expedient to get rid of those on which sit agree, and prepare for a long debate upon mess- ores which are sure to call forth a diversity of views. Tbe main Issue between the two political parties, tbe Uriff question, will moat prohab'y be the hsSt UlsCO seed. There is decided sctlvity among the various House committees. Ma- nyof them met this week for the first 1 1 me, organised, arranged for their regular meetings snd did con siderable legislative work. Among me i ounce n nunureu oius iniroaocea i n me uouse during tne wees, weret a series oi miisana resoiotions oear- t . m t in. a s . s a I as- - . a ff . M - . t I ug on me question oi anopung some insure oi reiaiiauon against mr- sign gvvemmems, wnicn nave pro- hlblted the Importation of American pork, oeverai oi me most lrupor-1 tant committees have been called upon to consider the question, nsme- y ; the Ways and Means, the foreign Affairs, and the Commerce commit- l These bills were offered by Mr. Kasson of Iewa, Deuster of Wiscon sin, Browno of Indians, Townsend of III., and Senator Anthony of R. I. ; ahowing that a remarkable ananiml. ty of sentiment prevail over a wide section of country, In favor of taking immediate steps to deal with the subject in a business like manner. In the Presidents raessige to Con gress Tuesday, be commented favor able upon the annual report of the Mississippi river commission, and recommended the early passage of a bill for the improvement of the river. When Speaker Carlhle laid the massage submitting the report e fore the House, Mr. Willis of Ky. chairman of the committee on Rivers and Harbors, and Mr. King, of La. chairman of the committee upon Le vees and Improvement of the Mia- sIsslnDi River, each moved that the w 9 - w - r matter be referred to his committee. This gave rise to a general debate, developing the views of seven Cob. gressmen upon a subject likely , to at tract national attention. The House voted to refer the message lo the committee on Rivers and Harbors. Duriug the discussion, the irrepres sible member from Colorado, Mr. Belford, who ia never so unhappy as when lost to .sight" got an oportu nlty to aay that the Ways and Means committee ww composed of the brains of the House and tii Appro priations committee "of the white buttoned manderius" whatever that may be. The other committees, he said were slaves and compelled to bow their necks and ask the speaker lo recognize them, but ho thanked Heaven the House was now under the control of Southern and Western men, who would unlock the Treasury vaults and improve the water ways f the country, to the end that the interests of the people would not be overborn by the rai lroad corporations of the country. A SPECirtc vesiCBasfiB of uaa. We are in receipt of a letter from T. Hamby, Esq , of Floral, Ark., in which the writer aays : Samartian Nervine cures female decline, and dur ing the change of life it a specific." Suggestive facts, truly. $1.50. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy. Prise 10 cents. KMPEMIOE DEPABTMEHT. DITKD ST THS Wemeii Chriitiii Tenperuce loioo MISS WILL1BWS ADOBES COSTISIKD At tits Tenth Annual Meetnuj at Detroit, Mich.,October 3 let to November 4th,1883. TU UATXS MEMORIAL PICTURE wsssn enterpiise which has had our Kstionsl Society ss its only resrJbnaibls msnsger. The ports ait was long sgo psid for, but the pboto-grsvure is not. as I aas unable to forget from the feet thst my nsme has been for two years signed with that of our treasurer, to s aote for several hundred dollars, on which interest is paid. Now, dear friends,tbeae things ought not so to be. These burdens can read, fly be so subdivided end so widely sbsred that tbey will cease to gall the shoulders sod empty the pockets of the few who ere in uo wise personally re Prfble for their being borne. W1" T0Q ,wtn to P'n which, if 8ut od lceml onleere will work it out, relieve the stringency thus "'tontly brought to your notice t tubtextu AxaivxaaAav or thkcbusade December 23, 1883, will soon be here, Let us dedicate that day to the devel- epment of a stronger national senti- ment We hsve been demoted to our But, and this was well ; in the results ef tost devotion I reverently rejoice but can we not for one great, generous day at least, remember thst we ere s National Woman's Christian Temper- snoe Union ? Let us read anew our Crusade Psalm, sins ths old bvmns of the pioneers and pray for ths baptism of tbe Crusade Pntso.t Tt i. m purpose to spend that day in Hillsboro. the cradle of the Crusade, going on to Washiagton Court House the day afir, for that was tbe Crusade's crown. whence tbe licbt radiaud en .wb. I wish that on that day in every local w. C. T. U., from Florida to Puget Sound. I he man i if th ITnifrl (b.M 1 - -w w.v.v. mww. might hang beside tbe flag, and tbe extent to which ibis God gospel temperance work hss spread, be clearly shown. I would hsve a special - - i edition of The Union Sianal. which Bbobl furnish a .Lt- r j. . f , w w w W V. W - - T .... imU 0fd. . . . . 0 it; e. e . t. v ass was svi a i m UlnuUVUQ . stlflD AfJI Banobrecbsr," and tbe audience care fll canvassed for subscrmtion to both Xhe ,ha. r, , bjUh wroughl T wood faave a 00,leciion ukm to divided equslly between the two papers and the Hayes Fend. The latter would be also helm! no doubt by the orders that would corr.e - i in before this celebration fmm thm desiring the picture of that typical Christian hostess, Mrs. Mayes, to form part of tbe decorations on that red- letter day. But, besides this, after the fashion of tbe Women's Foreign Mis sionary Society, let individual thank offerings come to the National head quarters from our friends, both rich aad poor. I was present a few days ago at tbe 1111 WWW r-a SWS ww m a Illinois w. u. t. U. convention, wn?n envelopes were opened, and choice scripture passages read accompanied gifts from ten Cents to several dollars, all sent as a thank offering to help car ry on our work, lots can be made a feature of the local celebration and pro coeds cent to our National headquar ters. Deat Friends : We tuve all learned the power of concentration, the enthu siasm ef great historic days. I have never forgotten the "Women's Fourth of July" at Evanston in 1870, planned for and "worked up" weeks beforehand and yielding thousands of dollars to the Woman's College, If so much could thus be accomplished by a few women for a local enterprise, wbst msy t not hope for this endeavor if we concentrate our energies upon it for the next six weeks ? But I cannot forget that to make this anniversary significant as is its due, special efforts must be put forth between now and then by our leaders, for defi nite results in the department of organ ization. For Mississippi, and Ncrtb Carolina, though their chief towns have been visited, have not even the sem blance of a State organization, while Texas has not held its State convention this vear, nor have New Mexico and Arizona outlined their territorial work. After vainly striving to arrange for these Southern convention otherwise, I have agreed to hold them between now and December 23, while Mrs. Shields, of Colorado, wiH visit New Mexico and Arizona on our behalf. It will thus be my good fortune to have represented the Crusade movement in J. every one of the forty-eight States and Territories of the United States thia year, while I estimate that-one hundred good and true women have traveled, spoken and organized in its interest as constantly, though not over an area so vast. Let me congratulate you then,belovcd friends, that by God's grace, the dawn of tbe tenth crusade anniversary will eee a W. C. T. U. organized in every cspitsl and feeding city and town of -every State snd Territory in the repub lic, wnere crusade bells tang out in 74, the doom of the atrocious traffic in sicoholic drinks. Surely with the metchieee victories of Ohio herself, the glorious old "mother of us sll," snd lows, ber favorite daughter, we shall bsve something to celebrate in honor af Cbrisi'a kingdom. SS ISC1KMT is VlsUilSie. Our oldriend, Mr. Wm. Claoghton, of Heaihvil)e,Sheriff of Northumber land Co., Vs., sajs : "We bsve many good medicines in our parte, but neth iog which equals St. Jsoob Oil, tbe Great German Remedy. My family keep the Oil ia tbe house si sll times snd use it for slmost everything thst a medicine csn he used for. They claim thst it is unequsled for rheumatism snd all bodily pains. Tappahannock, (Vs.,) Tide Weter Index. ran xast scicscb. Wood wool is now used for wounds in surgery. It la very sbeorb nnt,sa delicate as cotton snd very cheap ; it will absorb twelve times its weight of wster, being onge-like in this par ticulsr. An f xpert (in a London will ease) lately stated that pencil marks rubbed out revive when the texture of the fe,r returns to its normal condition Tbe existence of these marks proved most embarrassing in tbe case in que- tion. The Boston fire, too, proved that ponci! writing was more enduring than ink. At a microscopic exhibition in Boa- ton Istely, tbe sting of a honey bee was thrown upon the screen, the point of which was so sharp as to be hardly dis tinguishable. At tbe same time the I nest of fine needles was shewn, under the name power of the microscope, and the end of tbe needles measured five inches across. Said tbe exhibitor. "God can mske a fine point, but man can not." To detect ground rice in buckwheat flour. Heat a quantity of concentrated lye, mixed with water, in half as much floor, to the consistency of paita. If there he rice fl jur in it the mixture will appear yellow, and,on the tddition of muriatic acid, white ; if buckwheat alone, the paste will be dark greenand, with muriatic acid added, red. On pouringspirits of wine containing muria tic acid over it, tbe mixture, if rice flour be contained in it, will he color less ; if buckwheat alone, brownish. Seen under the microscope, there is m difference in tbe starch grains of til) rice and tbe buckwheat. THE GREAT 6ERMAP REMEDY FOR PAIN. BsMcvta aoS ewa lUiKlXATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, HlADACHiTOOTaiOHA SORE THROAT, Cats. i most bit aa. AnSalll s FIFTY CERTS a BOTTLE. Sold by an i aad la U osaitra. TtoCtertat. aasa S.S.S A FEW HINTS FOR THE 0U OF Dose 7b store tat awe tie gently, 2 to 4 PUUi thoroughly, 4 to 6 Mile. Experience mill aVcisk the piMS proper i For Constipation, or Cost!? remedy is so effective as Aran's Tbey insure regular daily store the bowels to a healthy For Indigestion, or Dyspepcda, A.1 Pills are invaluable, and a sure core. Heart-barn, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Flatulency, Dlsilasas, 1 ache, Numbness, Nausea, are ail relieved and eured by AvxaS PILLS. In Liver Complaint, Billons IMsorders and Jaundice, Ayer's Pills should be givon hi doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels and removo As a cleansing medicine in ths Spring, I Pills are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid ewaintsa si the bowels, are expelled by these Pills. Eruptions, Shin Diseases, aad Piles the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use oi Ayeb's Pills. For Colds, take A yes's Pills to ths pores, remove inasauaatory and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc, ATBa'S Pills are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Sciatica, often result tress digestive raent, or colds, aad disappear en removing the cause by the use of Area's Pills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, aad other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by Ayeb's Pills, i Suppression, and Painful Menstrua tion. hare a safe and ready remedy la AYER'S PILLS. Fun directions, in various languages, ac company each package. PREPARED BV Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mttt 1 SoMhxjfl Druggists. Pius. tsttea, aad re-