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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1884)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGOT. Six miles abovo Lebanon, the south side of the Sant i am River, opposite Water loo &oda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoffice, Waterloo, Or. MixiKtPi nnra ruing; renteuy ami mm tonic u tho low-turna re tuil of oyer twenty years 4 practical experience. . . tnd euro with unnuuit eitalnty Nervous mm lulixsi.-al dpLilltV. SCUll lual vnksw, Hnntor- EllOOa, pro. wavorruvum, imaai.uis. em no tency . exhausted vitality, pre rtur decline and loss ot nSffSHEtSmThcIuoM and fnmi whatever qU4o produced. It enriches end pttrifles the blood MRnjTthcns the nerve, brain, uiuecies, uifresuon, ro- iT v;..-l .n.1 ninnLal fecUltleS- ft stoiw, any unnatural, debllttetiiif drain noon ths system, prevenUnu involuntary loam, debilitating-dre-uiu, seminal losses with the urine, etc . . so de ... i.. .n.i knj. h b aura eliminator .j .11 ..! hladder xmiualnle. It contains no ;...-.., ii..,t. Tu those suffcnii3 from the i - S .... fcriil!i. a awfe-iv. thor ooith and perroaite it cure U OUARANTKKl. FN t2 M per botUe, or Ave bottles In om, with full di ctions and advice, $10. Sent aecure from observe tion u any address upon receipt ol price, or C. O. U so be had oruy oi DR. C. D. SALF1ELD, IS Kearney St., Baa Francises, Cal. Consultations strictly tonndenHal by letter Mt a-e FRKF. For the canvenience of patient and in artier to insure e ;fect secrecy I have addopieu a pn rate awiress unJr which all package are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. biSMMii imim it. merits, will be sent to any one 'loir nv iciicr, s:aunt ma imipi'iiu -r- numcauons sincuy ivunuu, Dr. SPIME V, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Ckrealc aad Special YOUNG ME1V i w mm, u . wmm .1 I'.S.IVC BU K4SJ Ldllasi as kniavSstiatV will do well to avail tbaxusetve at this, taayeaVet boon ever laid at the aAar of stiffen nj humanity. PR. SPINNEY wiU guaranVse to forfeit SfiOOf or every case ftnailn-'- weaJcnea or pnrate dlsissr of any kind or caractor which he undertake and hulg to ear. H1DDLE- 1C1ID MBX. There are many at the age of sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning ati and a weak emng of the system In a manner e patient cannot account tor. On examining the urinary deposit a ropy sediment will often be found sad nai""" small particle of albumen will apar, the color will t e of a thin milkisfc ho, again chang lag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many man who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, wtugh is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. Will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cam, and healthy restoration of the gem to-urinary organ. Omci Hoc 10 to 4 aad 9 to S. Sunday from 10 toll a. a. ConatirtaUon fre. Thorough xaunauc ad advice, f6. For private ilim aow of short standing a full coorat medicine sufficient for a cure, with aD instruetioos, will be !-ot to any address cn receipt of $10 00. ziS , iiin DK smXCT at CO., 71 So. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, CaJ To the Unfortunate! DB GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 kF.lKW ST.. corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. lEatahusbed m ISM. w I the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Disease, suck he. Cleet. Istrletare.Sypatlla in al tu f jrms. laaeaieaey aiai Wnk.Mi. nisht losses br dream, pirn pies on the face ami lot of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fad to call upon him. The Doctor ha traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various raospi taJ there, obtaining a great deal of valuable imorma Uon, which he is competent to impart to those in need of his services. DK. GIBBON' will make no charge null he effeet a curs. Persona at a distance MAY BE tlKEB AT HOME. All cot 'munication strictly cjnndential. You see no one bui the Doctor. Send ten dollars for package of medicine. Person writing to the Doctor will please Rate the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1957, San Frsiicisco. 15n3 RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM a SAW MILL ENGINES THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At First Hands. npms WELL KXOWX HOUSE bate opened j "f"?n "wsnaaappry House at Cor, Front and Taylor Streets, Porta nd, Or,, where they will ' "JU Mmmrj engine ana oouers. - V " norse powers, etc., etc. Ki tmed catalogue sent free address (nam KCSSELI. st Co., Portland, Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon jvr ce isoumtf oj M,tnn M E Nichols, Plaintiff vs. ,) L B Nichols, Defendan To L B Nichols, ihe above named Dejtndant, THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 1 Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the - wu iuu vrj.u sue Clerk of the above entitled Court on or b-o tore m urst oay of tbe next term of said tourx, to wit : Monday, 10th day of M arch, 1S84. and yon are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for me reuer demanded therein, to-wit : a de cree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, awarding to plaintiff the care, custody and Bentrol of the children, Linn Nichols and Frank Nichols and for the costs and dis- bursmente of this suit to be taxed. This summons is published by order of the circuit court or the State of Oregon for Linn county, made and entered of record at me regular October term, 1883 thereof. WevrUEKFOBD & BL4CE(7Rlf. Attorney's for Plaintiff. PATENTS hmtained' nd a11 other bnine ln the U. S, Patent wuucutu w iur in'Hierate xees. Our office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and VHfin nktiin I . . . E , . ' . . .. ' . " , . es ume man tnose remote tom Washington. bctio medie or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of eharge ; aud we make no charge unless we obtain patent. 8 We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Orde.-Dir. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent . Z0!"' advlce- d reference .vi,iMi uixi uwu otate or county, sddress, C, A. SNOW&COM u)rjaui wasnmgton, u1 1 . OThe Bdtebs' Guide is is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8JxlU inches, with over 3,30(3 illustrations a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fan with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the map keta of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Eespectfolly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 88t SS Wafeash Avesne, Chicago, lit Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon jor me vounty oj Litnn : A J Warren, Plaintiff. a. va. J W Swank and Martha Swank, his wife, W H Swank and M E A Swank, his wife, Suaan D Keeney and J B Keeney,. her husband, Ai B Sanders and Joaepn San ders, her husband, K J Watklua and l,ee Watkloa, bar husband, Josephine Jeuor son, Mary Ann Jefferson and Nancy K Keeney, Defendants. RT VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION and order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit to me directed and delivered,! will on Monday the 14th day of January. 1884, at the Court House door, in tiie city of Albany, I4nn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest biudtir too reel pavporty, described In said execution aud order ol sale as fellows, to-wit : The donation laud claim of Harmon swank and MAE Swank, beiug Notification No J13J and claims Noa. as and W, in To. Ki . S K 2 and 3 west and containing (S 10 sorest also 130 23-ISO acres commencing at the northeast corner of the donation land claim of N 1) Jack, it Lmiuir NotUication No. 2lJy and claim No. 40 in Tp 13, S K, 8 west, and running, thence sotitli 41 dl-le chains ; thence west 31 30-100 chain thence north 41 01-100 chains ; thence east 81 30100 chains to the place of beginning, and also 183 iMMOO acres, being lota o one (1) and two (2) in the nartheaat quar tar of section thirty (30) in Tp. 13, EL west, all of aald land being west of the W illamette meridian in the county of Mini and State of Oregon and containing in the aggregate y.S3 83-100 acres more or less the proceeds arising from said sale to bo applied as follows, to-wit : First to the payment of the coats and disbursements of said suit, taxed at f 118.41 and the costs and expenses of sale. Second to the pay nient to the said Plaintiff the sum of f 700 and interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent ner annum from January 2nd, is- Third to the payment to the said Plaintiff the sum of $7,5811,22, with interest thoroon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from tho 25th day of October, 1883, and the overplus if sny to be paid to the defend ants, J V Swank, W 11 Swank, Susan ! Kaanev. Nanev E Keenev.E J Wat kins. M E Sanders, Josephine Jefferson and Nancy Ann Jefferson, said real property nam sold subject to the curtesy of life estate o Andrew Orosi. Dated this 30th day of November, 18S3 uko. lU'MrnnsY, Sheriff of Linn Co., Or. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn : Lewis Cox, Plaintiff. vs; Oslander Parrish and Fhobe J Parrlab, his wife, and Otto Fox, Defendants. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION and order of sale Issued out of the a novo named Court in the above entitled eu it to me directed an.l delivered, I will on Saturday the 12th day of January, 1884, at the Court liouae door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at publio auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said order of sale as follows, to-wit : hegin ning at the northeast corner ef Heshbon Parrish, donation land claim. Notification No. 1183 and claims 44 and 67 in Tp. 11, south of range 2 aad 3 west, and running thence west 25 chainaand 13 links ; thence south 42 chains and 36 links to the south boundary of aald Not. 1183 ; thence east IB chains and 13 liaks to the southeast corner of said Not. 1183; thence north 42 chains and 36 links to the place of beginning, containing 100 34-100 acres more or leas, situated ia Linn county, Oregon, the pro ceeds arising from the sale of the first above described tract of land to be applied as fellows, to-wit : First to the payment of the coats and disbursements of suit taxed at fiO.SO and accruing costs. Second to the payment ot the sum of $175 adjudg ed te Plainiffas an Attorney's foe. 't hird to the payment to the Plaintiff the sum of S 1843.16 and interest thereon from the 23rd day of October, 1883, at the rate of one per cent per month and tho overplus If any to be paid to the Defendant, Otto Fox, and the proceeds arising from the sale of the second above described tract of land to be applied to the payment of the sum lound to be duo to the defendant, Otto Fox, amounting to S1S1J.&0. Dated this 30th day of November, 1883. Uko. 1 i i Mi ii kkv. Sheriff of Linn ceuntv. Or. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of tlte State of Oregon for Linn County : D F Wagner, Plaintiff. E8 Withers and Malind Withers, De fendants. DY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION JLP and order of sale issued out of the aoove named Court in the above entitled suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe 12th day of January, 1881 at tbe Court House door in ths citv of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one O'clock p. m., sel at public auction far cash in band to tbe highest bidder the real property described In said execution auu oruer oi saie as iouows, to-wit Homestead entry N'0.4306 for'S W U, of N W ,N W 14 of S E lA, and N X of s W U of Sec.7, Tp. 10, S K 2 east, Will, meridian L,inn county, Oregon, containing 106.03 acres, tbe proceeds of sale to be applied nrsi 10 me payment or the costs and dis bursments of suit. Taxed at S5S.25 and accruing costs. Second to tbe payment to me sain naintitr tbo sum of II 108 M and .merest thereon at tbe rate of 10 per cent per annum from tbe 23rd day of October, loos and tne rartner sum of 8100. Dated this 39th day of November, 1883. OKO. UUMl'HRKY, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. Farm to Bent. A stock and wheat farm nf A".nfi nnro lying in Jfolk and Bentou counties four uiiicB west 01 oouver. npienaid stock ranch. 300 as-mm nf u rm I Mini For Darticulars inoiiira of Wnal lir rfnr.l M M I,t.. l, .... . . I 1 ouu uavajuru, at Aiuany. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. Th .Second Term ends on Tburs day, January 31, 1883. For particulars concerning t ha mnrv. ,j ,( .n.i n, 1 - - :: , ' I'uv. vi ! Ui biuil , pp,y lit UEW. ELBEBT . (OM)IT, Pressaent. Cg 1ITQ wiM1t'J r The Live of all the RIO Presidents of the IT. H. The lament S most, best book ever sold for less than twice P rue. Tbe fastest selling bock in America. ne profits to agents. All Intelligent people it. Any on can necome a successful agent, jus eniui t t own to., rorxianu, Maine. A PRIZE bend six cens for postage, and receive free, a cosUv box of roxL wbno win neip yon 10 earn more money than any thing else in this world. All of either sex. from first hour. The broad road to fortune onen. i . . 1 1 1 . . . . . i ueiore ine woraors, aosoiuieiy sure. At onee nA dress, True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Final Settlement. Notice is herebv ed Administrator of the estate of J F rWritlUn. barns, deceased has filed his final account as such Administrator in the Dnnntv C.anrt of Linn county, Oregon, by order of said Court, Saturday the 12th day of January, 1884 at the hour of one o'clock, p. rn. of said dav has been set for the hearinor nf r O v said account and objections thereto. Any person interested in said account is hereby notified to appear and file his or her objec tions thereto on .or before said day. Dated Dectmber 11th, 1883. Ubbz Peters. Geo. E. Chambeblain. Admr. Att'y for Admr. Pinal Settlement To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby triyen that the undoraiin. ed Administratrix of the estate of Robert F Yantie, has tiled her final account in said estate in the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon, and that the Court has appointed Monday the 7th day of January, A. D. 1884, at one o'clock in the aheroom for hearing objections to said account and for the settle ment of the same. Eliza M. Yantis Powill & Bilyec, Adminiatratrjx. Attorney . VbiM Infants and Children Without Morphtim or Watroottne. What gi mir Children rrsrr check. What euros thofr fevers, makes them sleepf 'TIs Oaatorta. YChrn nnhM frr-f, and err br t trrns. What ourea Uiulr olh kills Ibetr worrrflf, Hut Cwstoris. BwS OeaUw What rtutckbtcures fYmstrpalfort, Sour Btontal Ookla, utVf tHs. Fsrwrll Uien to MorpUfne Syrtrps, CaUr Oh and laretorle, and Hall CaatoHa. Contaur LInlmant.-Aaia.w aolnte euro for Rheumatism, Sprains, Burns, Galls, etc., and am instantaneous Pain-reliever. 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. "llarper's lUsar" Is at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal in exlsUne. It I the so- knowletlirtMl arbiter of fashion In this country. It fashion plat are the newest and in net stylish ; and IU ttro sheet supplement and economic suggrs tion alone are worth many limes the eoat of sub- acrlptlon. It illustrations of art needlework are from the best soure. It literary and artistic merit are f the highest order. It stories, poems, and e ays are by the first American and Kuropean authors. Its choice art picture would fill portfolio, and lis humorous cut ate the moat amusing to be found In any Journal lu America. A host of brilliant novelUs arc promised for 1SS4. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Ier Year: BAKPBaVS BASAI .. $4 OS IIA Rrals WBKKLV 4 Orj UMtl'KKS U A'.A.I S K 4 00 II ARI-KS-S YOl Nti 1-Kol'l.K 1 M II AltrKIfS 1 RANKIN SOl'AUE 1.1UKARY, On year (ij Numbe .).... 10 00 Postage free to all subscriber in the L'nltcd States or Canada. The volume of the "Dasar" begirt with the Uumbcr for January of ib yer. When n. Hum Is mentioned. It will be understood that the subscri ber vtaBSS to commence with the Number seat alter the receipt f iQtsr. The last Four Annual Volume of "Harper lUsar" In neat cleth binding, wilt be sent br mall, post age paid, or by express, fre ef xpns (prevlsUd the freight do not exceed one dollar par volume,) fee 97 par volume. Cloth oass for each volume, uliabl for binding, will be asat by mall, postpaid, on reesipt of $1 sab. Remittance should be mad by Foat-OflV Money Order or Draft, t avld chsno of lass. Ncwspsprcs are not to copy tab) sdverttsemeot Wilh nit the espressortlor of Harper A Brothers. Address HARI'CR A BROTHERS, New Turk for the work I.- class Send 10 oenu tor Iugr. and we will mil frw. a rovsl valuable box of semple goods that will put you In the way of mas Ing mre tnouejr In s few days than you r thought poMible al any buslneM. Capital But rwsuirod. W will start you. You can work all the tins or la .par. Ume only. To work I universally adopted to both ecxea. young and old. You can easily earn from (0 cents to Si ovcry evsning. That alt who want work may test Uk buatnoas.w make this unparaplt.l ed offer ; te all who are not well aaiisAsd we will nd tl to pay for the trouble of writlag as. l ull orticulars, di reel ton., etc., sent fre, fortunes will be mad by those who give their whole Urn to tbe work Ureal success aUotutely sut. Post delay. Stert now. Address Srtsos A Co , Portland, Mai so. DR. LIEBIG Mepeaaarv. or fUeary aad Maasa St., aaa traa rises. al rPHE OOULBOi I VTSlTtTK FOR 1 tbs curs of all sperisl .Heated and socaiied tnruraUe chronic diseases. Br. Ltefcag's trraian latlgsraior ts past iltely kusisnltrd lu rurs nervous sfd ph)aisl dekllitv. seminal rsknvss, It of msnhood, sper matonbes, loss at snergy. ringing and dizxiaea In the head, me Ian t holio, hnprlsas feelings, proat lorrhea, ssd all the results of youth ful Imprudence aad sxesssss of mature yosrs. The dortea, a regu lar college physician from Europe will acre to forfeit on thouMn.1 dollars for a cas the Invurorator will not curs under special Uetsasnt sad ad ice. Ihe reason so many can not get ruredvf weakness and the shove disease la owing to s compile U-m, called Ittartstorrhsa, which rculr peculiar trealmclit. r. Urbt'a lavlgorator Re. 1 is tho only poslUve cure for Pro. tstorrhes. Pries ol either Inrlgo TUf, Si per butU ; sis lor i0. Sent to any address on receipt ot t ..tu . fi .t ) . !. t -rr. i n w mm pries orCOD. cured. Strictest serrc-y maintainso. PstisaiS cared at home. Dr. Llebig lrispenaary baa aa ele gant drug store In it building Too fretiuetit evacuations of tbs bladder and ropy ediment in urine are symptom of secondary semi nal weakness and proatatorrhes . Complaints readily yield to the Dr. Llebig treatment. Ordinary fa- Any recent case of special or private dlxeaass cured for 110. Remedies sufficient to cur will bs promptly sent, with full directions and sdrics, on receipt of 10. All pscksgs ars securely covered from observation. Invlgorator Saaaples Pre To prove the wonderful power of the Ores I German Invigorator S2 bottle of either nunber will bs sent free of 'harge. Persona ordering a free bottle will only hare to pay expresses on delivery. Most powerful electric belt fre to patients. Con sultation, examination and advice free and private. Call or write. Br. LsEBIE A CO.. tee Ceary St., rrlrafe Katraaee 4e5 Maaoa St.. If ft A S week at home, $5 oft fit. free. I'ar abso- UV lutely sure. No risk. Capita! required Reader, if yon want business at which persons of either sex, young or old, ssn make great pay all the time they work, with absolute certainty, writs for particulars to U. ItabLrrr and Co.. Portland, Maine THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT tlBrrlBBBPg Oregon, B. TXtAZCTEditor A Proprietor. DR. ALLEN'S PBIVATE BUPBmiBT, 26 Kearny Street, sen Prnnetsse, t'aU Establish kd roa tub Scivrnrie ah srsaBY OBjlb or Cnaosic, Nebtoub avd Spkciau DubasSs. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. DR. ALLEN, AS IS WELL KNOWN, A RSO ular irrsdusted Physician, educated m.i Ra4 College and University of Michigan. He ha devote a lifetime to the study of the tretment snd sure ef disease within hi specialty. And mlddln.nirAd m.n wtin ft iS.UM ... . t effect of youthful indiscretions or excesses in ma- r., iicrro-ua auu pnysioai deDnitv. impo tence, lost manhood, eonfulon sf Ideas, ddfi eyes, aversion in an-itv lUiivinii.nM CE a 1 , jnniioB Ha face, loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinat- (! AA V M.t mmmm . I A. 1 . . eve iwmcmuvi , LfjnvL uy a cdmoinaiion m remfrdift of treaf. rirai.i v niwr Via Tinn.. i,A n t' 'mwm gv iiv m- wvvi iieir w arranged his treatment that it will not only afford uiwcuiaw icwci um permanent cure. SIT HOSPITAL EXPBBIEaTB Havlnc been survenn In hIuhm nt 1. hospitals) enables me to treat all private troubtw with excellent results. I wish It distinctly under stood that I do not claim to nnrfnrm X rtl r-eui Ki 1 lin dk to have m.raculoui or iunrnafciiml only to b a skillful and successful Physleian snd Surgeon, thoroughly informed In my specialty BISEASRS OF WAN. All annlvino- In ma will reeniv mv hn.l ..nui.. , . o ..... ...... ...j ..VMVW VIIUW. of thr-ir comnlainta no HiwrimMtlno t will -1 I . T. ... .M, antes a positive cure in every ess 1 nndertake, or forfeit $1,000. Consultation in office or by letter free and strictly private. Charges reassnahle. Thorough examination, including chemical snd microscopical analysis of urine and advice, $5. Call or address BB. ALLEN, 20 Kearney street, San Francisco, CaL Office hours 9 to 3 daily, 7 to 8 evening. James Russell Lowell will oiva nn more autographs. His patience is worn out, Wk tmmt FRIDAY JANUARY 4, 1884 OURsCHESS COUMN. Address all communications for this department to P. O. box 91, Indepen denoe, Or. With this weeks issue, we begin Ike Democrat's fifth problem tourney The tourney will oonsisl of eight three move problems. First prize, Marasobe'a Manual of Chess ; second prise, crams. Two weeks 100 ohess die rill be allowed for selutiona. In oaae of a lie the chei editor to deoide. Neatness aud analyt ical thorough ness of solutions will be taken into consideration. TORNEV PROBLEM MO. 4. Mate in tbreo moves. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 13. Pioblem No. 12. Ksr move : Q to Q4. Solved by King's Bishop aad Dr. J E. K, There are several new enttsnls ij our fifth tourney. HAMPT'S KTS. (JAMK. P to K 4 Q Kt to B 3 r to K 15 4 KPx QP Ktx Kt P x P Kt to K H 3 K B to K 2 P to K 4 K Kt to B 3 P leQ 4 K Kt x P Q x Kt Q Kt to B 3 Q B to Kt ft KtxP And tbe petitions are eren. WIT ABB BKBBB. On deck Lord Dash ing ton Wood en bead (in eply to entbnsiastio remark from Mlas Oraoe) : "Yon Americans sey 'oice,' so moob. I think cioe is a nasty word." Mies Grace ."And do yon think nasty is a nice word t" The actor io tbe midst of a Shakes pearean revival was eaying : "Ner poppy nor msndrsgora nor all tbe drowsy syrope of the world," when the old advertising agent awoke from bis deep and geooral nap, and exclaimed : "Charge thirty cents a line !' Pecuniary virtue latly visitor "Is yoor mistress at borne V Servant (re ligiously inclined) "Vee, mum, but she's too boar to see yer." Lady viai tor "Then she u not at home t" Serv ant "Fact is, mum, I can't lieundei twenty dollars a month and I won't." Tbe laird (to the minister who hss been holding forth on ' temperance) "But what should I do with my cellar of wine t You wouldn't have me dee troy it r Minieter "Na, na I that would be a aia I But get rid oi 't io a natural manner as soon 'a ye can an I'll come aod help ye whenever ye like!'' "I csn't csrry this bundle," said a wife to ber husband. "I can't,'' the husband replied, "for 1 have to carry tbe two children." "But you ought to have some consideration for me," tbe wife continued. "You must think I'm a wagon." ''Ob ! no, my dear ! I don't think yon are a wagon. A wag en holds its tongue ; but you never do." A gentlemen met sn uncertain ac quaintance, who asid : "I'm a little short and should like to ask you a con undrum in mental arithmetic. " "Pro ceed," replied tbe gentleman. "Well," said the abort men, "suppose yon hsd $10 in your pocke, and I should ask you for $5. How much woald re main V "Ten dollars," was tbe prompt reply. A late French paper givee this hom ily against marriage in a dialogue be tween a despaiting man about to jump from a bridge into the Seine and a policeman who is restraining him : "I have a wife aad she is rich." "Go, then, and live with her." "My despair does not reach that dreadful pitch." "Drown, then it will be relief." And drown he did. Mr. Tennyson was onoe reading tbe poem of "Maud" to a silent company, and when he came to tbe birde in tbe garden calling Maud, Maud, Maud, Maud, he stopped short and asked a young authoress what birds these were. Mach confused, the authoress replied : "Nightingales." "Pooh," said Tenny son, "what a cockney you are ! Nightingales don't say Maud. Rooks do, or something like it. Caw, oaw, caw, caw.' Then he went on readinsr In a town not far from Troy was a Presbyterian Church, which, in process of time became in need of a fresh coat of paint. The gentlman to whom the oversight of the work waa left had original ideas about decorative art and selected a brilliant yellow, whioh was well applied and made the big building a conspicuous object in that vicinity. A new Methodist -parson came to towrn one day, and a member ef bis flock piloted him around to see tbe sights. Passing the canary-colored structure the preacher halted and asked bis guide : "What church is a "Presbyterian," was tbe response. "Ah ! yes, might have known it- same color as tbe doctrine," and the reverend follower of Wesley walked on. rHTTB v ..m i AO. tk C. It. It. TINE TABLE. Albany HtBtlon. ABTVBB BP TEAMS. S00K0 XORTII. ALB ANT EX P II KHM Departs at ERE IU I IT TRAINS " 6:S0 A. M P:00 A. M. 11:4ft A. M 111:0ft P. M I1.4B A. M 12:06 P M. i 8:0 P. M. 8:80 P. M. MAIL TRAIN I Arrival at Departs at Sol MB SOI Til. MAIL TRAIN t Arri IN vos at arte st PRRUHIT TRAI ALBANY EXPRESS Arrlvos'at All Trains dally, except Sanaay. Notiom. On and after this date reaulsr tickets will lie sold at our ticket oilloe for following points on Columbia river: Upper Oasoades, Dalles, Umatilla, Walfula, Walla Walla and Ainsworth Will. II Kick, Ki eight and Ticket Agmit ). A K. U. Co. Albany. June lHlh, Ihh'. BOW A Pit. MABi: A EBEHIBKMT. About this time, ssys the Boston Globe, in knets about the sunny earners and around depots and hotels, when political stories sre in order, you will occasionally hear some old sttger re mark that "a pig once made Andrew Jackson President." It wss never my fortnne tu meet one who could remem ber how it came about, but in a copy of the American Traveler for December 19, 1828, being volume IV. No. 50, I find all the particulars, which I copy for the benefit of the Society fur the psepetrstion of old stories. It apesr that away back in tbe eat ly dawn of the Nineteenth oentury, in tho town of Cranltoo, R. I., Mr. Somebody's pig smelt a cabbage in a neighbor's garden. He rooted through the fence and do moralised the garden. Tbe gaiden owner sued the piu's proprietor. James Burrill wss the prosecuting attorney. The prosecuting sttorney wss s candi date for the United States Senate. The Senator was chosen by tho State Legis lature. In that body there was a tie, occasioned by the absence of one ef Burrill'a party, who staved away on account oi the lawsuit aforesaid. The aaid tie was unraveled by tbe casting vote of tbe Speaker in favor of Urn rill's opponent, Jeremiah B. Howrll. Jere miah voted for tbe wer, which James would not have done. The war waa made by a majority of one in the Na tional Senate. That wsr made Gen. Jackson popular. The popularity gave Jackson tbe Presidency. A pretty way of brightening a black silk dress is to give it an officer collar of black velvet end a waistcoat made of a bright kerebief, whioh may be gathered at the waist or allowed to fall in a puff. The collar may match the kerchief and may be covered with late if preferred, or it may be of plush with out any lace. ' sts tfc area li sectary. Y. I. 0. Lu Meet at their rooms in Fos ter s brick bnuutag on riatunlay evenings at 7 30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons at A Husiucss tarcUoffs are held on tho even ing of the seeead Monday in each reunth. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Ciil iw-tLPreaehing every Sahbath. at 11 A. at., and 7r,a by ttev. f, G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. KvaxokucalChckch. Preaching on Sab bath at II A. M., and 7J r. at. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. llullcnbaugh, pastor. ta&KOATioAt.CHt'krtf. nervtoesevrrv Sabbath at 11a.m. and 8 F. at. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. YV Hama, pastor. M. K. Church. Soctm. Services 2nd and 4th Sabbaths at St. Paul a M. K. Church, South, at 11 a. at. Sabbath School at 10 a. ML sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Joe. Lmery, pastor. M. E. Cm kch. -Preaching every Sabbath at II a. M. and 7 r. at. hong service in the evening lieore sermon. Sabbath School U 2.30 r. u. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. rassSrrERiAN lucncit. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Brosdalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. rn. grayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac II. Condit pastor. cuaurrtAN Cnnarit rreachtng every Sabbath at Y P C A Hall at 1 1 o'clock, a at., and 7:30 r. at. Pulpit supplied by Rev H. F. Morrison. Will be mallrd rnrr to nil apphcanusnd to rustomers ot Ut nfta. year without ortlertog tl. it contains illustrations, prices, deacriptkaia and directions lor planting all vegtname ana Slower Seeds, Plant., etc. lit valtiablo ?-?' D.M.FERRiCSC0.,,S& TKEIGREaT) (HjElRlVlE) CONQUEROR. A SPECIFIC FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS, CONVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHQKOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SIOK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, XIDKY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. 1.50 per bottle. Cold all drajrl3ti. "BJQ Correspondence freely answered by Phyilclani. Tie Dr. S. A. Blclimoatl Med.sCo., Proprietors. fit. 7oaeplx. XCo. (?1) For testimonials and circulars send sUint. JBEDINOTON A CO., Ageuts, 8aa Fraucisio. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE To handle our IIXU8. FAMILY BIBLES. Sow HabscripQon wtitlonnow ready ttio raost slovraat ever i'rodurd. Muperb Pbeto. Al bnasa, in sioIosIvb designs, direcUy Importeo for mir own trade, and standard pubMcations : Hill's Manual, Histories, etc. We offer unrivalled In dwemanta, with exoluslTB tsrritory. Write to us. BAIRD & DILLON ifi - iri'Bim ibw w -SOEVER FAILSJi MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING, Cutting snd Attlng by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. G. COJIN A BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE,- N. B. Cor, Secon. an4 YaatMII St.., PORTLAND. 0RK00H. A. I'. AsMsrsorut, Principal. J. A. Wasco, Psnrasa and Secretary Dniracd for tbi Bonn! Kdsofioa of Beta Sexes, Admitted on any week dsjr of tlte year. -1PENvY0RKl Ol all kin .sseruted to order st reasonable rates. bjllsfsTtlnfl guaranteed. 'Pu College "Journal," mnlalslne; Information ttt lite course 01 stutlv, ntn of tnltieei, tires te eitw-r, sir., snd eels mt puis snd oraatneotsl pen iiiaitaltit, late. 500 ALTH Is-Blraan'a CelBen Balsas Be. I f uroa haii'-rea, drat hits aarotw) atafra : Sores rm late, lees siul '.-!) . HjultlliUc Catarrh, dlaasasd srelp an! al u I'Miuan f'.rina or lite dlaease. known ae fttn hills. rrn, p jet ixttiie . . . LeBlraaa'a UMrs Balaam Me. fl Cures Ternary. Mercurial, HynalllUfi fthetintaUam, eomiulary sSae-ea. Paine In lbs Bones. LlorreCel Throat, 8phlilU- Hash, Lumps, etc., and sradlastea all d leasees Irwn the s) stein, whether caused hr bad treatment or abuse of mr-ury, leaving tbs btoud pure and healthy. Trite, t per botUs. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed per ex' picas . r Bit HI BOS A ., Seeata. 437 k 429 saawSM street. Corner (lay. Seat Frsnrlseo, Csitterusa. KENDALL'S 8PAVIN CURE TBr Best anrrraefal Braeest a ear dlsoovseed, ae It Is . crtaln in IU eflecU at.l Joes not bi later. Ilea.! ft 4 Iwl -w. Kendall's Spavin Care. UsndlUea. St., Jons 14th, 18S1 . B. J. KsanaLL A Co. i.enu Ibis Is t orrtlfv that I has used KenOalla Hfairln Core and hate found It U. be all It la renrntwended te be sad in fait ruure too ; 1 hata renuitnl ty usinir the aboe : ( alluua, H-me Htastlna, Kitie lnea, KlIUU. and ran t t,-rnullr t '..') aiul reosmniend It to be the l-eet lhln fcr any Un flMHBSS IhaeereeT oeeetai.d I baa tried sail) as I ria mala that my stud lur KeepeeUnily toots, r. V.CBIST. FROM THE OHEONTA PRESS, 5. 1. Oneunta, .Hew Yors, Jan. Oth. 1HI Karly last summer Messrs. B i. Kendall and Co., of Kttoeburg 1 alls l . inada a contract with tbs pub liahers of n.e lr " tor s half oulumn advertieaewaat for one rear actin g forth the stents of heaxlall a rtpstn Care. At the aame time we secured troas Arm a quantity ut l.ka, ruiiilnl fn-. kviMiall a Trwa- rtea on the llraa a;..l liia Olaeaera, which we are etv ii g u alraiice ij:ng aubacrtbers te tbe "Press ' as a premium. About tbe time the adverUertncnt Brat appeared in this wr Mr. I. . s, who reeldes eeai t ellers hal s slat.lnrd horse. He rea.1 tl.a adeer tlaement and concluded te test the cSleae ef the rcnvol i , allnUgh tila trletula Ituhed at hie credulity Us bought a bottle of fUiMlall'e MSattn Owesad com menord ual'if It on the horse in accordance with tbe Oirecttone, and be informed us this esse that tl ef. BaSBVSBSB a BSSBBeSi cure that an cxiwrt Itorae man, who tsamtned tbs animal recently eould Ssd no trace of tbe spe in or lbs idsos where It hsd been located . Mr. bcbeiiaerhorn baa since secured s copy of Kendall aTreattae en the llerse and his Lttassss. which be prtses very highly and would bs leth te part with al any prior, provided bo cuutu not obtain an other cop . . Bo murb for adtcruslng- reliable srucles. Kendall's Spavin Cure. WUlosi, Mian , Jan. UUi. 1S81. BO. J. Kssnau. snd Co., Genu : - Having got hoiee book of you by mad a year ago, the eOBaSSAS of which persuaded me U try Kendall's Spavin Curs on tbe hind lev of one of my horses which waa badly s woolen and could not be reduced by sny ether i maa dy, I got lee bottlss of Kendall's Spavin Ooss of ireelon and Luildulh, brugrau of Waasiw, which cnaipieUly cured my boras. About Ave yaars ago I hsd a three year era celt seeled verv bsdlr. I used tour remedy as given In your bowk without ruwclliug, and I must any to your credit that tbs eoft la enUrvl) cured, which Is s surprise net oniy to my self but aleo te my neighbors. Tea sent ms the book tor tbe trifling sum of SA osnU snd If I could not get snothsr slikJ tt 1 would sot asks twenty Ave dollars lor It. Your truly, Qso. MarsTaws. HEAD PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 1Mb, lfttt. Ds. B. J. Kbsdall and Co., Usnts : I think it my duty to render you my thanks for beneflu and proffu which I have derived from your Invaluable and far tamed H,atvln Curs. My cousin and I had a valusble stallion, worth 4000 which hsd s very had spavin snd was pronounced by fear eminent veterinary sur geons, beyond say cure, snd that tbs horse wss done lor ever. As s last resort 1 advised my cousin to trj a bottls of Kendall's Spsvin Cure. It hsd s magical effect, tbs third bottls cured It and lbs horse is as well as ever. Dr. Dick of Bdtnburvh, the eminent veterinary surgeon wss an uncle ef mins, and I Uks great Interest In assisting his profession. Yours truly, Jambs A. WlLTOS, Civil Engines J Kendalls Spavin are Is sure In Its effects, mild in Its action as tt does set blister, yet It is penetrating and powerful to roach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavfna, splints curbs, calous, sprains, swellings and any lameness and en largsmenU of the JoInU or limbs, or for rheumatism in maa and lor any puipose for which liniment is used for manor beast. It Is now known to bs the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yst certain in lu effect. Ssnd address for Illustrated Circular whioh ws think gives positive proof of iU virtues. No remedy hss ever met with such unquallllcU sutocatto our knowledge, for boast as well as man, Pries 1 per bottle, or six bottles for SS. All irug irtsU have it or can get It for you, or It will be sunt to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B J. Kbsdali, snd Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Administratrix Notice. Notice la hereby given that tho nnder signed has been only appointed adminis tratrix of tbe estate of Henry C. Hennees, late of Jjiun county, Oregon, deceased. All persons having claims aeainst said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers, within six months of the date of this notice, to the undersigned st Ilsnness, Linn county, Oregon. t November 10th, 1883. . OBNBVIBVK HEfvNKSS, Sehlbbedb A Hammer, Admr. Attys. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE 00., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, fl0,0ev,ee0 Capital paid up 6,oe,000 NoTE.-Thls company has the largest Eaid up capital or rnpany aoing uslnesa In tbe UnBed States. Insurance aooepted by Rout. A. Fostfr, Agt of Albany BanoTer'i I; EM m TRIAL r, sr sar SsO rs MVaTaT ' aw e ear wisrHS Uejfla An unfaUiasT sod JrsrsoM aVasMfcaa of VttttttUi saalnni WWjtjaa JULIUS GRADWOHL Una the only ezelaalve atoek of CROCKERY, CUk88f8ILVER AND C A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a'Choice Select-on of Coffee, Tea aod lu ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND 8AUCER8 I.OO. SHELF b i DWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIMI. TBE BIOBEST 1MABKET PBICE PAID FOB EOOft Eemember! What I gay I lean. Cm Me a Call BO COS; KID tt V ANY OTHER H . U0FFMA rnopRiiproiw of ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALER IN Imported and Domestic Cif ar, Tobaooos, Orocerlei, Provlaion., Candler Nut and Tropical Fruita. AlbBny' --. Oregon. ONE BELOW JOHN RRIGGH STORE. ssm AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST HTRKET, HAS ON HAJW) AB COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, A a abjw house in the "alley. He TIN, 8HEET IRON OP EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK HAND A aTTrt r. 1 mm m w WVI1BIIUI .ff GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. OF WHICH HE OFKERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES THAI COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBAORErN. Repair work done vi3n2t r fiift 11 -BS BcNrMfe Kidney Skin and Blood. Miff ton.: testify-to its efficacv in mg tho abovo IM dBBBBBUBBEBrT ' V S uuuuuu it to oe xne BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. Guaranteed to care nixnni. TRAI) E MARK A GENTS WANTED.-mj Laboratory 7 7 W. 3d St , Now York City. Druggists sell it ALBANY X9 I MARBLE WORKS, i STA1GER BROS. - ProDritrs Al.HAXV. OREGOX. W0NUMEHTS, TABLETS, HEADS rONES Executed In Italian or "Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other atone work done with neatness and dispatch. ' Special attention riven to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. e4BTAll work warranted. 1 7:42 O. O CHKBKY. 0 v. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, . (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinist, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. w E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL pleted, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTBBBS M4BK OB SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufao ture the Improved Cherry x White Grain Separator. Shop on Baker St.-Offloc a Lnntbrr Yard. Albany, Gr., Deo. 1, 1880. 18tf 1VKRVOU8 DEBILITY! Ba. a C. Wbst's Nnavx akd Irzat BDBtT, a gnarantsed apsoiac for H yet aria, Dkai ii ess. OenrnMoaa, Pits, Nerrose . KVuraJiria, Hssdaoas. Rervons Prostsataon caused by the use Hawdaoaa Aarroas Frostsaaon rsssed by the use ot slsobol or Vbacoo, Wakefulness, Mental D- prssstoa, Bsftesinc or tbe Brain rssoltius in in it ana lesai losyiins to miserv. dscav scd death. Prsasators Oid Ase, Batranneae, Loss of power inetthsr sex. Involnntary Losses, ard bpermat orcbosa eswaed by over-exertion of thcbrairj.Belf aboae or orer-indalfreace. Each box contains one Baonths treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes to ewro any ease. With each order received by vs far six boxes, aeoors panted with $5.00, we will ssad the parBaassr ear written gnarartee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a ears. Guarantees issued on ly by WOOBARD, 1. A H Ii & CO.. W xa-olssv 1 e slsxA KsstsvSa 3Tr-vfrfjtc, PORTLAND, OREGON. Orders by mai1 will reoeire prompt attention. & JOSEPH, ' II I -mm a bo Imports and -isBafartn. AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER ALSO HE Elrvts, A samrv rw ALesiJy HE KEKW at reasonable ngiires. .i4fraL yTis? r . v e-. a . dST named diseases, and pro- Gr Btlve sad Carre. Preventive tsf Carre. 1 his mnedr bean lnjecte of those dasassss of tbedeai rvxraires no ebaaaw of diet or or poisoBoaa aaeimnes to bs Whan taken as B srtv it is impossible te esaaraaB Lot in taw ease ec On ately aJlletadl witb ws guarantee s boxes te tbe money. Prise br x lr box. or S boxes forttjOD. WW neirBniv. n OODARD, CLABK VT" 2s.clsee ! "ssrtali FOBTLAITD, OBMOX Orders by mau waa ESTABLISHED IN 182. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden & Willow Ware. Twines, Brooms, Brashes, Basieta, rails. Tabs, Cbaraa. Cerdase, WrapBlac Papers, Base, Be lid lac Papers, Matches, Dandles, Clsthes Wringers, Car pels Sweepers, Peather Bawl era, BtotleBery, ate. 230 and 232 Front Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 3mS. the Great English Reme- never faiUnc ears for DsbUtf, asanhMd ha- ParaJrsia. aad aB terrible effects ef Ssff- ycuibful foUlasswd la Bastursr years loaa ef Msasery. ids, yinlaBua, Arar Society. MBajBSBSef Koises is tbe Bead; tbe vital fluid passing uasbssrred rate the srtoe, sad many other diseases leading1 ts Insanity sad death, DB M1ST1E wul ssTss to forfeit fTve BhaeBsiB Dnllars for a case ef this kind the Pttal Brssrs live (under his special advice and areewoer win o cure or for anything impure or tnju kras taasej b B Dr. Mintie treats all privsU diaessia without mercury. Consultation free. Taeawara ax amisation and advice inslndlsg analTBaBef urine, fk. Price of Vital Restorative, S3 a bottle, or four BasaB tbe quantity 110, sent to any address upon receipt of rice or C. O. D, ebsoure from observe tioei and ia prV sats If desired, by Da A. B. MIKTIE. 11 Kesraey Htreet, San Francisco, CaL Sample bottle free. Sent on apnBesaVai by attar. AtaHne symptom, sex and age. strictly ooofideatiaL Dr. Mintie 's Rtdnor Remedy, B kinds of kidnev aad bladder oomDlainava-oaorrhcBa. 1eet, leouctiorrhoea. For sals by all druggists, fa a tottle or six bottles for $&. Dr. Mintie Dandelion Pills ars tbe bast and cheap est Dyspejieia and Bilious cure m the market. Par sUs br all dnurrlats. 1R0M THE SOUTH. A Psrfert Combination with two Salient Advantages Why It Concern sa. "There is no mistake about It," remarked DrM F Flowers, of Gallatin, Missouri, ''Besssas OasssnB Porous Plasters sre one ef tbe sea test sews Vis eions ever produced. They have awe kiaSs st as wastages over all others, which ws may sail tbe sahve aad Ba major. First, they ars c'sss aad pisseSst ta ass, nver soiling tbe hands ner the liana sf the wearer . Socond, they are quickly and penerrsShn I bars tried the Capcine Plaster a ayeaf far pa awawBBa, and on my patien far varissa dsjaasas, asSh as neuralgia,, rheums Wars, rasshaan, rtsaey trouble, eu , snd in all sssss relief has fslewnsl a him Ihm. t 1r.rmv-Mm.l luBia " Dr Flower merely vsicss the wr 'Hen sr oaal I of thousands in bis profession. Porous Piasters sre the psrfest sxtsrasl applissUen. lie genuine have the word Ospans out is ens l icexft eennu i bury sad Johnson, Chcm'sta NewTSc-rk. Mem E LE BRUITS lPBtaaxs Osfswa, eawaaaB BawBX'saaeaV BalsVais.'iO srasv aaKSaHaaasj SmGwHSk. eBH HEfliencb as