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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1884)
Official Comity Paper. Entered at the Post Odlw at Aibauy , as second-class mail matter. Or. FRIDAY JANUARY, 4 188 4 STITES & NUTTING. Hitttr anl rreprletors. rRF.I) I'. IVTIlXtt, Local Eiltr. oik a;k r4. Following are the Democrat's duly au thorised agouti to receive .uhioriptiona or money for the same : Lebanon T L Wallace Harri.bnrg Sara May Brownsville O. P. Coehaw Haleey T. L. Poreer Shedds R A. Watt. sici W. R. Kelly JerTersou S. A. DeVanej Una ( uanl) Tbo article which we shall publish descriptive of Linu county and ita re sources will be one whose main object is te represent the advantages of the county and cities and villages in the county, for homes, business, etc. We shall not attempt to describe the busi ness men, but In connection with each branch of trade shall show by whom the different localities are represented merely in order to exhibit the x ten t of that particular business . The number will show the resources of the county and the plaeoa within it. As the dif ferent parts of the county wiU be writ ton up by men in such parts, it may be depended that it will be done fairly, and thathalf will not be left out. Less has been dene towards advertising the re sources of this leading county than perhaps any in the state, so that it be hoves the citizens of the whole county to lend their mite by purchasing and sending at least fifteen or twenty-Are copies each to friends all over the East. Inorderto know how many to print, we would request the orders at an early date, for the issue will appear in two or throe weeks. Those desiring can have the papers mailed for them by sending the names, and the extra amount for postage. We shall pal the price as low as we can afford, 7 copies 50c; 15 for SI ; 25 for $1 .50 or 50 for $2.50. We put the price down in order to insure a large circulation of this particular issue. A Decade. Lookin t at a file of the Democrat of just ten years ago, January 2, 1874. we glean some foots which may be of inter est to many. Hon E N Tandy was te County Judge, while the name of George Helm was signed to most of the legal notices. Amoag the business mea wno advertised were Blain, Young A Co., P C Harper A Co., D W hitelaw A Co., furni ture dealers, W Weed, Beehive Store, R Cheadle, Peters fc dpeidel, John Vchaaeer, bakery, Montgomery Gore, R C Hill Son, druggists, W H Mendenhall, City Meat Market, Titos, Bougardus A Co., Wyatt A Clarke, etc., none of whom are here now in the same capacity, although several are doing business here under a different head. Allen Parker was then sheriff of the county. Among the Demo crat's agents who were then receiving compliments for favors were O P Coshow of Brownsville, and Sam May, of Harris burg, and. since then, they have stood by the Democrat through thick and thia, aa they are doing to-day. Capt Jas Shields was the efficient County Treasurer. "Our yeung friend" Ike Conn, is spoken of as having just married and Loo Fox was just starting for Germany. As the Demo crat office had just been burned out, the issue was on a half shell. A Clea Call- Last weeek Bud Johnson, J W Marks and two others were bringing a raft of logs down the Willamette worth three or four hundred dollars, and had reach ed the Centennial shoot when they met with an accident which undid the labor of weeks. The water at that place is yery swift, so swift at this time that it diew the logs under and turned the whole raft over, two or three times, the four men in seme manner clinging to the edges, all of them coining within an ace of being drowned, but fortunate ly, almost miraculously, succeeded in getting out, in a very exhausted con dition. The legs were drawn under the shoot in such a manner that they could not begotten out, and probably will not be, go that they are a total loss to the young men. They have about 120,000 feet more up the Wiliamette, and pro pose to get them down, "sink or swim, live or die," and we hope they will. . r. c. A. Tiie 1'PCA on last Sunday afternoon adjourned sine dl, after an uninterrupt ed existence of seven or eight years. It was the only successful association of the kind in the state outside of Port land, and has seen many bright days. It is the intention of reviving it again, but at what time is not known. It has bad for its members at different times many of the prominent men and wo men of Albany, the moving spirits of which have moved away. In its pres ent death is seen strikingly the illus tration of the ship without a rud der. It had no president, no secretary, no ene to lead in singing. A society to be strong needs a master spirit in it This has had none lately, and its mem bers thought best to discontinue its meetings, which they do, leaving be hind it a good record, and its debts pa id. Officer Elected. Orgeaaa Encampmeat N, 5, L O. 0. F. last Friday evening elected the fol lowing officers for the easaiug year : L H Montanye, C P. WCTweedale, H P. WMKethum. S W. TJ Stites, Scribe, JH Burkhart, Treas. J F Hail, J W. G W Hochstedler, Fred Graf and W M Ketchum, Trustees, There were about 120 marriagas in Lini county during 1833.. An important divorce case is baiag tried In this city which is said to divulge some very curious matters. HOME AND ABROAD. Laughter I 'tis the poor man's plaster, Covering up each sad disaster, Laaghing he forgets hi. troubles, Which, though real, seem but bubbles Laughter, whether loud or mute, Tells the humaa from the brute ; Laughter I 'tis hope's living voice, Binding u. to make a choice, And to cull from thorny bowers, Leaving thorn, and taking flower.. 1834 F M French, jeweler, Chickens 40 cents a piece. Portland claim, a population of 36,018. How do you like the year 1331 so far any way ? The .tores were not closed on New Years in Albany. The oaly dental college on the Coast is in San Francisco. Wheat took a fall of two cents in Port land last Tuesday. Six dog. were poisoned at Corvalli. last week in one night. Several deaths have occurred in Salem from sea: let fever. It i. only six, month, before the couaty election take, place. The day. are growing longer fast, a fact we chronicle with pleasure. The Roseburg Imiependrnt takes wool on subscription, and why not. A bal masque was given at Corvallis Mon day night by the H t L Co. Fer a cough or cold there i. no remedy equal to Amman's Cough Syrup. Senator Dolph has introduced a bill ask ing for $140,000 for Yasuina Bay. The acreage of wheat sewn this fall is 25 per cent more than a year ago. The County Clerk of Multnomah oouoty makes about f 14,000 a year, whew ! Baker Gity has a Chinese orchestra, All Albany lacks is the orchestra part of it Two drama, are being gotten up in this city to be presented within a few weeks. Some of the Albany young men have the bicycle fever, so that a bicycle club i. in order. M Seneca Snsith, of Portland, was ap pointed Judge in place of Judge Stott, re signed. You are liable to be placed on the delin quent list if you do not pay your taxes be fore long. The emotional advertiser is not the one who makes it pay best. It is the steady wort that tails. Several Albany people have land at Ya- quina Bay. and already the price of some has been doubled. New Taooma has a balance of $4590.62, ia her treasury, Astoria, of $13,094.37. and Albany of $00000.00. Dick Tucker of AumsvUle has no thumb oa one of his hands. He was not born so. A gun did it a few days ago. A boy at Soda Springs has been named Napoleon Bonaparte, on account of his legs being the bona part of him. One half of the good resolutions of Jan. I, have already been bi oken, particularly the ene to pay tke printer before the 4th. During 1S83 there were more marriages in October in Lane county than anv other month, eleven beiug the most. Rev P C Hetxler, the State Biblo agent, will preach at the Evangelical church next Sunday morning at the regular hour. Several Albany boys who went to the Bay to work hays returned, not finding work to do. It is not always gold that gutters. The political pot will soon begin to boil, and it might be well for voters to get their ladles made to keep it from running over. Too much water the past week compelled the mills to shut down. The cold snap, though lowered the river to its uaual dimen sions. New Year's calls were made quite ex ten . siveljr in this city Jaaaary 1st, fnlly six going the rounds of the half doxsn who re ceived. A third of the popalatioo of Linn county is in Albany, Harrisburg, Brownsville, Scio, Halsey and Lebanon, as nearly as we can reckon. Nathan Cole, of Portland, has gene East. It is te be hoped that he will remain, as there is not enough land here to plant him in. It is said that an officer at Olympia shot a dog the other day whieb was so tough that tke ball reboanded and hit the officer oa the forehead. A young Englishman proposes to go around the world on a bicycle, starting from nan r rancisco. 1 hat u probably all he is good for. Begin tne New Year by getting your groc eries, fruits and vegetables of Hoffman A Joseph, where yoa will always find a fresh and good stock. The fruit crop will probably be larger this year, which mean, that there will be a large sale of fruit dryers. Not an apple should be allowed to rot. The supper given at Grange Hall New Year', sight by the ladies' of the Congrega tional church was well patronized, and was an interesting affair. The Democrat is always placed in the post office on Thursday eveaing. Subscrib ers who fail to get their papers on time shonid remember this. At the lecture by Rev Driver at the M E Church to-night there will be no admission fee, but a collection will be taken up to pay the expenses. of the speak ei. At the Portland post office daring 1883, 19691 money orders and postal notes were issued amounting to $349,113.95, and 31,759 orders and nofes paid, amounting to $793, 921.55. The Y P C A Hall has been given up by tke association to the owner, and there is no reason now why it shonid net be made a public hall. The location is the best in the city. There will be preaching next Sunday at 11 o'clock AM., in the Court House, by J F Floyd. All are invited. Also prayer meet ing on Thursday evening at the residence of Isaac Hayes. One lady in this city has a class of 40 scholars in S S, which filled her hands full on Christmas. We understand her scholars are quite indignant at a proposition mads to divide the class, which numbers nearly half of the school. It would be funny if that lady who seemed to pay so much attention te a rich old bach elor at a church sociable lately should sue eeed in breaking his stony heat and taking him in out of the cold. The New Years Oregonian is a fine paper, being complete in its statistical and descrip tiye information, showing in plain figure, the progress of the Northwest. It should be kept for future reference. On next Sunday morning the regular quar terly meetinz of the M E Church will be held at that time, Rev I D Driver, P. E preaching. Services will also be held to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. It is announced that Hon E B McElroy Supt. Public Instruction, will leeture on the subiect. "The Promotion of Literature in I Our Schools," on next Thursday, Jan. 10th, before the North Brown.ville Graded School. We understand that rooms in the building next to the DmtocaaT office will be fixed up and a reading room be opened, by the mem ber, of the iV C T U. All should render what assistance they can, as en. is needed. On aooouat of a lack ef spaoe (?) wo shall netgive a list of the buildings constructed inAlhany is eustomery in some places. It is aulKcient te say that this oity has house, enough to accommodate at loast 3000 people. Among our now subscribers are MoNair & King, nursery men, of Danville, N. Y, They are talking df coming to Oregon, and we invite their attention to I ami county, where there is an excellent Hold for a first elass nursery, In the Clark Swift marriage notioo pub lished last week, it should havo resd Mm Frank io Swift instead of Miss l.txxio Swift. We understand that Mr aud Mrs Clark re oeived a large number of very handsome aud useful presents. A man named Hamilton gave himself up to Deputy Sheriff Smith last Tuesday night for passing counterfeit money on certain parties at Harrisburg. lie has boon taken in oharge by George Burkhart, I J. S. Deputy here and will be taken to Portland. Johnny Hutchinson has moved from Kil breg's Antrim, county Autrim, Ireland, to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he is residing at present. He is well known here, where all of his old friends are glad to hear that he has returned to America, land of the free. Several bells were rung New Year's morn ing at 12 midnight. A Superintendent of one of the S S's was seen to leave one of the churches just after tke bell .topped, but whether he went there to havo it .topped or did the ringing himself it is not known. Two young men of this city have resolved to stop using tobacco. The one who smokes or chews first is to buy the ether s $40 suit of clothes. Our name is net Wiggins but we predict that some lonesome day they will take a puff at the same time. The Yaquiua Bay Pott is becoming fearless in its assertions, but it speaks the truth when it ssys that the Port is "the liveliest, widest awake, newsiest, most independent, spiciest, solidost, breesiest and reliableat newspaper ever printed on Yaijuina Bay, Or." A couple years ago a bridge mooting was held in this city, when it was voted to giye e v. i . n. b. eu.uuu towards the con struction of one across the Willamette at this place. In order to prevent that agree ment from outlawing it might be well to hold another. Mr Phillip Baltimore has opened a variety store on hi. place juat east of Oolrra'a Agri cultural house. He has put in a stock of toys, accordeons, revolvers, hosiery, paper, etc,, and proposes to sell everything cheaper than can be bought any where else. In a short time be will keep produce of all kinds, butter, eggs, chickens, etc. Ayer. Cherry Pectoral is recommended by physicians of tke greatest eminenoo on both sides of the Atlantic, as the most reli able remedy for oolda and coughs, and all pulmonary disorders. It affords prompt re lief to every case No family should ever be without it. Health Is impossible when the 'olood is impure, thick, and sluggish, or when it i. thin sad impoverished. Under such, condi tions, boils, pimples, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, and one disease after another is deyeloped. Take Ayer a SaraapanlU, and it will nake the bloed pure, rich, warm and vitalising. We have received this w ,-k a specimen correspondence from a vUstejl in linn coun ty, with the postscript $2.50 an article, which startles as, as never before has pries been demanded for s local correspon dence, there always being some one glad to do it for the good of the community in which he resides. Tern Quick and Ah Slow remembered each ef she editors of the Dsmocpat with white silk handercbiefs on Christ man nearly larg enongb for sheets. The celestial noes the needs of the newspaper men as well aa any one else, and appreciates the fact that he has to do much blowing. Thanks, Tom Quick and Ah Slow. We leave the holiday advertisements in the DxatOL-aAl this week in order to take a holiday ourselves. Next week we shall give) full amount of reading matter, and shall make a greater effort than ever to giva our readers all the county news it is possible to obtain and make the Democrat as it has been a representative paper of one of the best counties in the state. There are 68 ministers of the M E Church in the Oregon Conference, 75 churches, 4936 members, 90 Sunday school, and 5036 scholars. The value of the eburcke amounts to $277,250. There are 47 members st the Albany station, a decrease of 7 since 1874. Only ene statton, Oregon City is smaller. Taylor street church is the largest with 396 members and Salem next with 344 members. Wednesday morning the train from Leb anon ran off the track at the junction of the main track and the Lebanon branch, the engine, tender and one car running all wheels off, the .witch having been left turned. At noon both expresses, and a freight train were all hnddled together, aud it was not until sometime that all were on their way again. The dday was the greatest damage. Several gentlemen were recently discus- ing as to whether the hoodlums or boolum- M of Albany Were the worst, and inci dents were given to prove both. We were considerably surprised at several told about the latter. Both sides of the question prov ed their points so well as te conyince us that there are many parents in this city who might do well to put a bridle on their chil dren, and in nurnot-ou-t eases, it is just where the parents are being fooled the most. Some one asked us what we thought of Coer D'Alene. It is a hard question to an swer, from our knowledge of it, but we cer tainly have only a small amount of confidence in it, and believe that there will bo more sunk in it than will ever be taken out. As the proof of the pudding is the eating there ill be plenty to prefer that way of finding out, and already several hotels snd numer ous saloons have been put up. Did any scientific physician know the formula from which Ammen's Cough Syrup is prepared, he would net only reccommend, but prescribe it te his patients troubled with a cough or cold, or any disease of the throat apd lungs. Try it. It has no equal. For the benefit of those who would say, "An other humbug," a trial 15-cent size is pre pared. Ask your druggist to get it for you. In bottles at 15 cents, 50 cts. and $1. A teacher in our public schools once, by mistake called a little girl by the name of another little girl, whom the former little girl and her parent, particularly disliked- As the story goes this mado the parents mad, and they gave the teacher a genuine scolding, and we are not certain, but think they took their little girl from school . Peo ple shoald learn to overlook such trifles, and should not pay too much attention to every idle tale a child carries home. oouplo of hoodlumes who were outting up at the Court House at the Union meeting last Sunday uigbt found out in a yery em phatio manner that that was no place fer carrying on their hoodlumism practices. They were taken bj a oouple ef gentlemen te the .tags, where they were given a seat in the face of the whole congregation, much to their shams. I c was the greatest punish ment that could have boon given them. Both were old enough to know how to be themselves. We have Just ascertained how 0 rant's Pas. in Southern Oregon got it. name. Aa it was in a curious sort of a manner we pub lish tho origin of it. "When Oraut was a lioutonant he was camped at that place with a party of soldiers, aud they got to playing euchre for $1 en the corner. The game stood three to three. Grant picked np his cards and had the right bower, aoe and king. Me conuluded to pass, thinking he could euahre his opponent, a burly miner. The result was that be lost his dollar, and the place was called "(J rant's Paso." Those who receive charitable presents should not complain at the amount of butter on their bread, A little boy with a drunk en father was reoently given a new suit of olothes, but the pockets were not in the right place, and the peats did not suit him, nor the coat, and he wanted a eoetlior outfit. This is as bed a case s. that of the woman in thi. city who was aeut aome'C sugar, which he returned with the announcement that he was not that kind of a poor person, and at austher time returned some meat because it was not porter house atoak. Naturally enough oue has little sympathy for that olsss of people for they do not deserve helping. Wo recently reeeived s copy of sn Kastern paper with the following marked, and judg ing that Mr Harris wants a free adv. ws givo it to him and live in hopes that we will get a pass to his circus ' "Mr W H Harris, of Chicago, n.anager and owner of the cele brated Nickel Plato Shows, now wintering in this Statu, has recently purchased the finest den of performing lions owned by any circus manager in America, including fthe celebrated lions "Saltan" and "Priooe," said te be the best pet forming and largest liens in captivity, and haVe been known throughout Kuropo as the "Uagenroach $50,000 Den." In additlou to this purchase be has also bought the famous trick elephant "Gypsy. ' These, with a large amount of other show property, will be shipped to Ore- gon in the early spring for tho great Nickel Plate Shows." SOCIAL AND PERSONAL S T Crooks, of Millers, called on us Mon day. 1 N Walton, of Halsey, called on us Wed- uesday. Sam May, of Harrisburg, was in the city Monday and Tneeday. Mr. Harry Nicketson and Miss Addio George, of Portland, spent the holidays in Albany. A K Htrschuer. principal of the Scio schools, called oa us ftatuniav. Mr Htrscbncr stands well aa au educator and rauka amoug tho best in the county. Mf I 'd ward Zeyss left on last M'edusadey for Ceriuaoy, where he will apeud aeveral weeks We are glad to bear that be has fal len heir to a handsome fortune, for no one deserves it more than be does, and he has boats ef friends here who will rejoice in bia good fortunes. S'rlrads. The following newly eUeted officers of the Order of Chosen friends will be installed this Friday night at their hall, after which a party and dance will be given at Parriah s Hall: J H Townsend. Past C. C. A B Woodio, C. C. Mrs L Putnam, Vice C. C. Miss Belle Putnam, See'y. F M French, Financier. F M Redtield. Treasurer. Samuel Sister, Prelate Ketb W Boss, Marshal. Mrs Julia Wy man, Warden. VT D Conn, Ouard. W A Cos, Sentry. St Coas, I will commence my semi-annual clos logout sale, at and under coat on Satur day, January 5th, 1884. This sale la Im peratlve as the stock most, will and shal bo reduced by March 1st, in order to insks way for new spring geeisw Cash buyers snd bargain hunters will find it to their interost to call ana investigate. Cloaks ulsters, dolmans, Jackets, overcoats, rub ber and oil clotbing.gossamers, a relics end overshoes under coot, ''All spot cash.'' Ons ilfll AIC ("ash Price rlULMri O Mors nit Against the aberlsT, A suit has boon begun in the United States Circuit Court by the Dundee Mortg age Trust and Investment Company against the Sheriff of Linn county to r" strain him from collecting all taxes on their mortgsges, under the new law, and the defendant is also ordered to show cause why a perpotnal injunction ahould not be granted. Like salts havo also been begun in tke counties of Multnomah, Denton, Clackamas, Clatsop. Columbia, Douglas, Lane, Marion, Polk, Umatilla, Union. Washington and Yamhill, This suit will bo the means of settling the con stitutionallty of this law, and will he watched with considerable interest. llUgraregfal New Years eve, a young boy about 14 years of age was arrested fer being drunk and disorderly, placed in the calaboose, kept over night in that dingy place and the next morning fiaed. He was not tbe only boy known to bo drank at that time,, at least one or two others being roported as in a like oonditlon. Any saloon keeper who will sell liquor to boys of that ago or miners of any age, should be prosecut ed to the fullest extent of the law, and now at the beginning of a Now Year it might be well to sot an example. Lecture To Main Te-night, (Friday) Rev I D Driyer will lectors at the M E Church on the subject of "Woman and her Place." This is ths first of several lecturos which will be delivered at the church, and should be heard by all who take sn interest in literary matters. Rev Driver is one of the most interesting talkers in the state, and may be depended will handle this important subject ia a clear manner. Do not fail to hear him. Letter last. The roiiowmg Is tbe list of letlera remaining in the Post Office. Albany, Linn county, Ors on. Jan. 3rd, 1H83. 1'ersons calling lor mess letters must give the date on wbloh they were advertised. Bryant, Jos Dysart, Jos R bong, Miss Jans Myers, Melissa J. M. IRVING, P. M. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indis gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive care. rire at Malse. Saturday morning at about three o'clock a Are was discovered iu the woodshed ef he hotel at sialsey, run by J H Crooks. As thorn was nothing- but a bucket (Ire department Id the oity, the ilssses were not stepped, and the hotel burned oora pleiely to the ground. A piano, billiard table, sewing aaaohlue and a few ether artleles were takes from the bouse, but nearly everything else was burned. Hev eral other buildings oaught ea fire but were extinguished before aay damage was done, by hard werk on the part of tho I'itl.oiiM. The lire was started fretn match, lining ths work of an Incendiary te all probability. The hetot was Insured fer $io00 Our correspondent sends the following additleaal sv'euut of the fire: On Satur day meriting, at wh ut 3:81 a as., Mr J H Crooks, thoownor of the Haleey House, being unwell during the algbt, noticed a light from his window, hastening to II, ho (bund the fire had originated In the wood shed and was now fast burning the kitchen and store-room. A slight breeze brought It Into tho main building before the oitl- .ens could be aroused, and then many of them had other property te protect, so bat Utile was saved. The following Is the lose : One year's groceries, fJOO worth of fruit oamied and otherwise, $100 worth of wood, 15 bed loetn seta with lieddlng and car pots, all the family clothing, bllUsrd table boaidsm ail the fixtures a id Incidents, neoeesary to Hotel koep!ag. A gold watch and ubala, a pair of geld bracelets sad $75t In coin was stolen during the ex- h ltement. The piano and three beds was the most that was s$ved. The entire loss aggregated something over $4,000, the house was Insured for $2500 and the fund. turoffor ll&tO, leaving a net leas of at least $1000. The oitiseus by diligent exer tions stopped the Ire from spreading. The fire must havo boon tho work of Inoenda rles. ISS4 laser viewed. Karly last Tussdsy morning s reporter of tke DauocnAT called on 138J, and found him ready to answer all kinds of questions with wonderful volubility. "Please Mr I8s4," said the reporter, what srs you going to do for Albany snd inn county ?" "Well, the troth is, 1 am net in the habit of telling such things before hand, but as you have treated my predecessor pretty nicely I will let you into the secret. In the first place 1 am goisg to give Lion ooonsy farmer, snmn eir-ellent crops with fsir prices probably not much ever 00 cents. This dollar business I am afraid is something that will not be realised until c pea per trans pertatiou is offered you. 1 shall add a I east 1500 to ths population ef the county. if net mere ; farmers will begin to see mere thse ever the neoossity of cutting np Urge farms. 1 bars concluded to start the peo ple of Albany in earnest en the Woolen mill .juestien, so that by the time my tpc- eor has bee n appointed a abort time yoo will have one in operation. While I can nit promise a new ahoul boose 1 shall have tnatteta arranged so thst ltio5 wdl see one OOOapied. As there will b a groat many immigrants visit you d'mng my life, I would ad viae your citussa te stir about a little for there are Assetlunfs tbsy must do themselves. I have several little surprises in iters tor the people of Albany, and young man, il fOSJ have any spars cash put it m city properly. This is all I have to say at present, but do not forget that I smone who will long bo rem inhered.' tieilslea Say leg Spend your money in lian oouaty. Trade with men who advertis. Aa enterprising man blesses s oity. Tight men iojore s community. Education ahould be eeooursged. Read tbe newspapers well. It pays to have a fine school house. t.ive liberally to tbe public's good. Hops always for the besL Talk up the Woolen Mill. 8a beer i be for the DeuocaAT. Sgv Ho all yon can for Albany. Kat Oregon products. Marry Oregon girls. Ows no more than possible. Come to Linn county to settle. Raise a variety of products, And make yonr farms smaller. Tell these things to yonr neighbors. A Year's raters. Huring the year ending in July orders were drawn on the County Treasurer la this county in fsvor ef the following purposes As tbsse have aever been published sad in dieate the general run of ths expenses of Ihs county wo give them st ths besiaatag of the New Year : Judge's salary, 3900 t Treasurer's salary, $640 ; Co. Clerk's fees, $2013,61 ; Sheriff, fees, $3187.40 ; Co. Commissioners fees, 8246, 60 ; Assessors fees, $1135 ; School bupt. $405 ; Coroner, $11C ; District Att'ys fses, $116.95 ; ths poor, $2700.03 ; bridges snd lumber, $11,500; Court Honss sad jail, $906.48 : stationary and printing, $547.73 ; insans, $177.20 ; ia- cldsntal sxpenses, $562.46 ; fusl. $100.73 ; witnesses in crimnal cases, $825.70 ; petit jurors, $642.10 ; grand jurors, $191.80 ; witnssses before grand jury, $725.95 ; bailiffs, $102 ; sundries $5240 ; preliminary examinations, $903.03. Total, $28841 .3ft. The boss haraess at J J Dnbroille s. ar New City Clevernaaeal. Next Monday ths city government will consist of tbe following members, the newly elected officers taking their seats on that day t Mayor Dr J L Hill. Recorder N J Henton. Marshal I C Diekey. Treasurer S Seitenbaoh. Aldermen John Briggs, Arch Montoith, A B Woodin, John Brush, John Isom. Chief Engineer of Fire Department John Hoffman. Assistant Chief W R Blsin. The oommeu council will meet on Tues day night when the new Mayor will take his seat. A night watch will be elected, and we understand several applioatious will be made for the position. Central Meat Market. The undersigned having bought the Con tral Meat Market, hopes by fair dealing and strict attention to business, to merit a fair share of the trade of Albany. Ho will alwayf have on hand a fresh supply of meats of all kinds, and will make au extra effort to make it give satisfaction. M. Hydk. A. lAfe Savins Present Mr. M. K. Allisoa, Matehisisoit, Kan., a J 11. U - .U su.1 VsMU .r navoa uis iiiw vj s. sissfw w r. Kiscr's Mew aMsoorsvy. Apr Oeasatsap lion, which eaoood hiss to freoojo a large) bottle, that ooaspietoiy euros aim, ween Doctors, change of elimatoamd everything else bae lauoo. Astaasa, rsreaeains Hoarseness. Severe Coughs, aad all Thraat and Lhnjr diseases, it is ruaran eed te cure. Trial Bottles free at Foshay Mason's Drug Store. Largo size 81.00 A Terrible right. Last Monday night at about midnight a terrible tight occurred in this oity. An old man Just on the brink of the grave met a young, sprightly urchin, who fool lag his Importance, yelled to tboj former 'lieione, old man, veu are no good any leaner." This made the old fellow mad for he was conscious of the fact that be bed dene many good things during his life, snd he pitched Into the youngster, but Just as tho clock sir note twelve the letter succeeded in getting the former by the hslr of the head and swung him into the air with sueh force that be entirely disap peered, when the youngster suddenly be oamo transforms and stood out In the black night something like tgeW, which will bo recognised by all whe W learning to figure. f I Notion, Our subscriber, living in Linn county ill please remembor that account for subscription due are now In the bands of our agents as follows : Harrisburg -3am May. Halsey T L Porter. Hrnwavlilo-0 P (kndiow. fjebauon-T L WalUce. Mclo -W E Kelly. Mhdd-A P Watts. We hope prompt psymnnt will be made as we need money. steal Ratal r Traaaaetleaa 0a ring ISS3 Daring the year is-3 thero were filed In tho county Clerk's oftloe about 083 deeds conveying property, the consideration fer hloh was about $1,610,800, Imring the same time the number of mortgagee was sbont 818, securing an Indebtedness amounting to about $864,400. This would indicate much more Isfe In the real estate market than would bo Indicated from Ike little attention paid to the matter. O steaovsn Beesa's OplMlua y Donovan Uuesa, speaking of the Croat German Remedy to a friend, said: Mrs. Moasa has been cured of a very severe attack of neuralgia by Hi. Jacobs Oil, as she will gladly toll you, If you call at my residence, 870 Bushwlck.ave. Brooklyn, .V. II." Strayed or Stolen! On or about tho 1st dav of December from Thurston llankleman's pasture near 1 mmm limit t t m rmm fmwt Mt -. eln, rten a aaa ono-hal r bands high, shod all reune, no brands but saddle marks. Aay Information furnished the under signed which will lead to its recovery will M literally rewartiod. J. II. DaaiBk, Albany, Oregon. MM. Harper's Young- People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY--16 PACES. SXJXTB3ID TO BOYS JLNJD OIRL8 OE3 FROM SIX TO SIXTEEN YEARS OS AQ-E. Tel. T Vsveonber s. tea. "lUraer s Veuus fete la las tc for ehJldrri to Aflksrtc. - SotUhwekien Christian AS- ocle." All thai the artist's skill . aeeonifJish In wa oli)iustrat.oa has beeti tluoe, aa the best taJettl ef the flwuntry baa soatnboled la its test. "Slew gilal Jeurasl ef aVlueaUeo.." Boston. In lis special ft14 there Is nottuaf that esa be eoav aereo with II ' 'llarsforvl eveaing Its. TEEMSe AKnurs toiau rrorLB. si-is per year rostaav r repaid.. Siafle Vam her, Are esa each. settees espy seel oa rseeipt ot three cents. The Tei saves mi "Harper's Yeoap People" lot 1Sl. lBSSsnSiass, haaasocaelr beoo4 ia lUasataea. eS deth, will be seat by mail, pessape prvpals, oa re. eeisi f SSaaeh. Cloth eases for each volume, suit able lor SioSinap will be sent by mail, postpaid. lesetta of to pools esse. TUmltUaoa. shsuUl he made by Post Office Money Oder or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newsoeoers are sot to this silrrrltsemcat iihmiiths sstress enter of Harper snd Urotusr. Address 11 snrsa aaa ub BROTUEKS, New York. STALLION FOR SALE. Leek hero for rear Interest, all of you that want fine stock, the undersigned has a fine Clyde stallion, two years old, weight 1171 nouns, at a low figure, lie Is a tine sUlllon. Ha also haa a fine turf naar. an noosed te bo the fastest en the Coast. Calf soon If you wish to purchase, U, W. Tauouif, Co berg, Or, w o o i i rv a CJ M t K d s UNDERTAKER Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS MEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing under tbo firm name of Danaals A Weed- in, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All debts duo the said firm should be paid to Mr. A. B. Woodin who rill pay all liabilities of the said firm. Albany, Deo. 19, 1883. Jas. Dannals, A. B. WoeDiif. OWE NO MAN ANYTHING. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are rasas esfn fly reaaeet ed to call at ones for seKleutent, as I eno' make collections to meet ay ewe ohDtatieos. disregard of this nonee will en WU soars on debtors. On as. B. MoT ao est. Lebanon, Nev. 6th, 1888, For Sale. Ons half black in eastern Dart of the elty with fair house and barn will bo sold ehoap. VI AatatlED. PATTON DINWIDDIE. At the homo of the brides fathsr.Mr Patterson Dinwiddie, on Deo. 27th. 1883. by the Rev T J Wil- sen, Ma scah C Patton and Miss Maqgik DnrwiDDia all of Linn county. The happy couple havo the Democrat's best congratulations and well wishes for a long and prosperous life. BPwKN. DAVI80N On Deo, 29th at Halsey, to the wffe of V C Davison, a daughter. Albany' Srbeela. At tho adjourned meeting of the board of directors on Thursday afternoon ( last week Prof. J. u. Horner received the appointment as principal of f. public schools of Albany, and Wednes day began his duties In that capacity e has au excellent reputation swan educator and Is a great worker, putting all his energies Into bis school using hit host offorts to build It up, as well as to advance the education of his students, whloti is In fact what gives a school a reputation. We aro anxious to see our sohools placed on a high standard, and we believe I'rof Horner, with the excel lent assistance which hi has, with she aid of the public, can dolt. Nothing speaks louder for a city than a first cl school, and fids Is what wo all sho uld labor to make the Albany public aftbosm UMt w rat I ok too above i'rof Horner roaigued, and will remain at Urowns- villo. Then I'rof W K Williamson, of McMlnnvllle was hired, and Wednes day morning he likewise resigned Tliasko 1 desire to return my thanks to tbo friends who Izbored so zealously to servo my goods st tbe burning of my hotel on liso. ItfOih. 1 doslro esooriallv to mention Walter Wade, of Halem, who used extra- oruinarj enons 10 r.iw.K lao an J avo foods. Halsey, Jan. 1st. less. J. II. Crooks. Wltb4rswo, The remainder of Dr. Watt's appointments in Linn county are hereby withdrawn notil tbe weather becomes more favorable. KXKCCTIVa COKMITTEK. Our Holiday Stock. i ' H II I sal1 T 4 bal lH 11 ,w JJ1 J.SL g u jl A's..ij or novel Following are some of the n any articles FANCY DRESS GOODS, LADIE 5 BLACK SILKS, FULL STOCK OF CLASS WARE, BLACK BROCADED SILKS, P0RTM0RR1ES, COLORED BROCADED SILK inc. .VELVETS AND PLUSNK, FANCY BASKETS. UHFMJHtjES, LADIES FINE FRENCH ANB AMICAR KIB SMB. A FULL LINE CLOAKS, DOLMANS, COSSAMERS, SHAWLS, JBR8EY JACKETS ETC., ETC. AT SAMUEL E. YOUNG'S, ' Albany. Oregon. Holiday FOSHAY k The LARGEST and Selected under the X who authorized them to reasonable rates. I sTfam- WWs-asaV- SB) plete Librsir ry of Books, beau tiful stock of statuary, Albums of all kinds, Mirrors i and Vases, Musical Instruments Toilet Sets, dhristmas and New Years Cards, Pic tures, Perfumery, Inkstands Etc. On last Tuesday lone and dreary, sitting ia our office weary, witb the trials and the labors pouring ee'r newspaper lore, while with scissors we kept Mapping ail al one thero came a rapping, as of some one vigor" f'r grapplisg, grappling at oar office door. "Tie Now Year callers" we muttered, grsp pling st our office door, only this sad noth ing more. Presently oar limbs grow stronger, snapping scissors then no longer, "Sir," said I, or "Sirs" moot truly year for givnee. I implore, but tbe fact ia I wsselisv lmn and so loudly yoo came "rippieg" "rip ping" at my office door, thst I failed not vers to hoar yoa Here I opened wide tbe door, Moses, there, and something snore. Then this kind hearted man bsguiliog my lens being into sailing, laid upon oar table, grapes, the sweetest we'd o'er see beiere, not tbe least obeisance made be, not a me meot stopped or staved be, hot with avion of lord or lady, left tbe grapes st oar office door, and tbe only words there spoken, though not mentioned heretofore. Quoth he grapes for editor. nry of Meteorology for Dec. ISM, bassj observation takes at Albany, Lsaa Co. Oregon, by John Hriggs.Eeq. Highest Bar. 30.25 ; lowest, 39.92 ; aaeaa. 29 i. Highest Temperature, 52 ; lowest, 26 ; mean, 38.02. Prevailing winds,- a, k S Maximum velocity force, 4, Total rainfall daring month. 6.72 Number of days on which .01 inch rain fell, 12 Number of days of clonlinses, avseaga t in scale ol 13. frost on ths mornings of 7, 8, 10, 14 to lb, 29 to 31. st bDd and J "I" be U id fnl ami useful articles now being AND BINTS' EMBfMMDERSO SLIPPER?, Goods AT MASON S BEST stock ever brought TO of S ANT ACL AUS himself, sell everyt hing art the most