The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 04, 1884, Image 2

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    lit gtiiuwM
Cows are still used to drag the plow
in Central Germany.
Indications : Uncommonly windy in
Chicago first wesk in June, 1884.
, m m m
The valuation of Sc. Louis is $210
000,000, an increase of aeout $20,000,-
000 m a year.
About $600,000,000 hare been paid
by the Government in pensions since
he lata war.
Texas has 200 counties beside a ter
ritory twice as large as Georgia as yet
If Logan is elected he will probably
consent to pardon Grant and Fits John
The Logan boom has so far devel
oped that its enemies are pelting it
with English grammars.
Arthur looks to be nearer a nomina
tion for Presidency then any of his ac
cidental predecessors ever were.
It is estimated that it requires 15,-
000,000 cows to supply the demand for
milk and its Droducts in the United
If the area of the United States was
as denselv settled as that of France,
there would be room here for 080,000,
000 people.
The Democratic national committee
will meet in Washington City on Feb
22, 1884, to decide upon the time and
nlaca for holding the next national
Demoofttie convention.
Nearly all the knit goods manufact
urers, of Cohoes, N. Y., have signed an
agreement to run their mills on three-
. quarters time on account of the over
stocked condition of the market.
The Republican Senate shows a dis
position to be sectional. Out of half
dozen fat offices filled by the caucus
only one filler was taken from a South
era State the Sergeant-as-Arms.
The proposition ef Mr. Bagley, of the
Hoase, to give the President power to
veto separate items in the General
Appropriation bill has both common
Sense and statesmanship in it.
A St. Louis clergyman has asked
the newspapers not te report his ser
mons, since some of his congregation
absent themselves from the house of
Worship because they can read the sub
Btanee of the discource at their ease
at the breakfast table.
A woolsn mill to cost $100,000 is in
course of ereetion in Habersham Coun
ty, Ga. The water cornea tumbling
down a cataract and furnishes the pow
er without a dollar's artificial aid. It
is said that the stream, without artifi
cial aid, will turn $100,000,000 worth
of machinery.
Mahona insists that the defeat of
Gorham for Secretary of the Senate has
set back the cause of Liberalism in the
South several years. Liberalism hss
bpn havinc a hard time lately The
defeat of the Mahene party in Virginia
in November must have knocked her
out of about fifteen years growth.
Two large sales of land iu the South
and West have recently been effected
in London. General Thomas Cenway
sold to Robert Tenant, ef the London
and Northwestern Railway, 230,000
acres in Arkansas. He also sold 1,800,
000 acres of land te George Philpotts
for a syndicate of English capitalists,
for $3,000,000. He is now negotia
ting with another London syndicate
for the sale of 2,000,000 acres in New
Mexico and Colorado.
Now comes the Sunday Wdconu,
and With the air of one acquainted
with the inside workings of the "grand
old party" of Oregon, tells in a confi
dent way the decipitations of federal
officials in Oregon. These wonderful
changes are to bo. made through the
miohtv influence of Dolnb, and the
o J
victims of his mighty exercise of pow
er those sre officials who sre friendly to
The galling nature of theae threaten
ed chances will bo better understood
and anureciated whtm the names of
those who are to take the place of the de
capitated ate named officials. The Welcome
shows that "the eighteen republicans
in the last legislature who refused to
support Mitchell and thereby wrought
the election of Dolph, are to reciere the
rewards of thiefl that follow u faithful
political conduct. Attention is oalled
w - I 1 S
to Senator Jessup oi lambui wao
nosed before the legislature as an anti-
monopolist and too consc'iencioua on
that subject to note for Mitchell because
of his supposed or real connection with
railroads and railroad influences, and
with such strange inconsistency voted
or Mr .Doluh who was publicly con
nected with railroads both financially,
professionally and officially.
Before two weeks passed, after the
adjournment of the legislature, Sena
tor Dolph secured senator Jessup a
position in service oi the O. R. & N .
Co. at a salary of ten dollars per day.
Then came the appointment of A. B.
Croasman as P. M. at Salem in J lace of
Capt Scott, the steady unwavering
friend of Mitchell. But Mr. Croas
man is brother-in law to A. N. Gil
bert, one of the "eighteen, lhen
came the appointment of Alonso Ges-
ner one of the promoters of the Moigh
en" movement. It is said E. 8
Kearney TJ. S. Mai shall will be called
to step down and out and give place to
some such half-breed as Senators Lee,
of Polk, Tim Deavenport, of Marion,
or Sears, of Multnomah. As might
have been expected Odell wanted this
place but it is said that he has been
induced to stand aside under a premise
that he is to be made mail agent in
nlaca of Bon. Simpson. Shades of civil
service reform !
But that which would be the most
nauseating dose of all to Mitchell and
his frienda would be the removal of
Geo. A. Steele, P. M. at Portland, and
the appointment to that office of Dr.
O. P. S. Piummer, the original and aole
cause of Mitchells defeat. If these
predictions are to be verified what are
we to think of the harmony of tl.e g. o.
p. in Oregon.
Strange as it may appear to bias-
minded Republicans, the three Demo
cratic candidate! for speaker utterly
refused to resort to treating and drink
ing during the canvas for tho speaker
ship, and these gentlemen are recogni
sed and chosen leaders of tho Demo
cratic party, which, Republicans say,
is tho party of beer gtuxling and
drunkenness. And now oomes a saloon
keeper, and, in an interview, says that
he never saw the time when the drink
ing business was so dull and unremun
erative in Washington city as now, al
in consequence, of the fsct, as he states
it, that there are more men in congress
now who do not drink at all, than ever
before, and this condition of things
exists when nearlv two -thirds of the
members of the lower house are Demo
crats. Well, well, we suppose wo must
bo patient with our Republican friends
Fine drifting snow fell all day the
first at Chicago, making getting about
very uncomfortable and delaying trains
in ail directions. At tea o'clock that
night, the storm continued with unaba
ted violence. Advices from points in
Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois are to the
same general effect and indicate tha
the snow fall is wide spread.
The signal service station at Sandy
Hook, N. J., reports that the ship
Johez E, from San Francisco for New
York, went aground during a thick
fog. The crew of the station went
alongside, and the captain of the ship
requested tugs to be sent for. The sea
is raising.
Among the incidents of the anniver
sary services iu honor of the memory
of Gambetta, was the visit of about 100
members of the Chamber of Deputies
and other frienda of the deceased states
man to the mortuary. Paul Bert deliv
ered an address eulogistic of the patri
otic aspirations of Gambetta.
The recent message of Governor
Thompson of South Carolinia, shows
that there were enrolled in the public
schools of that State during the past
year 75,157 white and 98,938 colored
pupils. This is an increase of more
than 27,000 over last year, and amounts
te 78 per cent, of the white children of
school age and 55 per cent, of the col
ored. The length of the school sessions
is altogether inadequate, average four
months, and the Povernor warmly
recommends local taxation for the bet
ter support of the system, the State
tax fee public schools being as high as
that in any State in the Union.
Which lies just south of Marion, and
which shares with the latter its eastern
and western boundaries, is tho souther
most of tho east side counties. Like
Marion, it is an agricultural county,
but it has, too, somo'fino water power,
and the beginning of a manufacturing
industry. Linn county produces large
quantities of wheat and flax, and stock
raising is carried on in a limited way
in many parts of the county. The
principal town in Linn county is Al
bany, which occupies a pretty level site
on tbe banks of the Willamette river.
It has a popttlatioa of about 3000 and
is the center of a large farming district.
Like Sslem it hss a fine water powtr
and three large merchant flouring mills
are run by it. White Albany cannot
bo said to be a progressive town it is a
a w
thoroughly established and substantial
one and as the population of tbe country
about it grows, its busineaswill increase
and its property values advance.
Brownsville, Labanoo, Halaey and
Harrisburg are thriving towns, each
with its share of local business. Tho
Brownsville woolen mill is one of the
best manufacturing establishments
the state. Moat of the prairie land
Linn county, and, in fact, all the land
a & a a j a m m
in the neigh oorhoo ot tbe railroad, is
in the hands of individuals who ask
high prices from $15 to $70 per aero
but there are fine locations in tbe foot
hills which may be taken tip at tbe
Ktate and government rate under the
land laws or bought Fiom the railroad
company. Oregonian.
Lebanon, Or., Jan. 0, 1884.
Ed. Democrat :
W. S. Thompson, of McMinnville,
was in town Saturday.
K protracted meeting is in progress
at the V. P. Church.
A watob meeting was held at the
Aoademy New Years eve.
School oonvened to-day with several
new scholars in attendance.
Almost daily Immigrants arrive hero
from different parts of tbe east.
"Among tbe Breakers" will be play
ed by tbe Lebanon amateurs, at the
Band Hal), on Friday evening Jan. 4.
A lodge of Chosen Friends will be
organized here with about thirty charter
A party of about twenty young folks
from town went last Friday evening in
the country at tbe house of Mr. James
Marks, where a pleasant social time
was had.
A grand match hunt was had at this
lace last 1 rtday. W. B. Doaeca and
H. Reed wore chose the Captains.
W. B. Donaca made 850 points. A.
Parriah, 140 ; H. C. Harknoss. 800 ;
Tom Wilson, 100 ; R. Hiatte, 3G0 ; A.
Williams, 170 ; E. Koebler, 80 j a.
W. Cruaon, 150 , J. C. Bilyeu, 210.
Total, 19G0.
W. H. Reed made 100 points. I
I. Conn. 80 : Ous. Reed. 60 : L. Jen
try, 90 ; D. Jentry, 90 j Walter Peter
son, 20 ; Sam Cowan, 20 ; John Burk-
hsrt, 200 ; G. W. Rioe, 150. Total
880. It can readily te aeon that
W. B. Donaca's side beat, and, of
course, as usual, enjoyed the supper at
the expense of tbe others. Sam Cowan
claims to have killed one snipe, though
it is pretty generally rumored that be
stole it fiom an Indian.
MKWararcn causes.
Our readers are requested to bear in
mind that the issue of the Democrat
to contain a full description of Linn
county, to which attention was called
last week, is not to be a mere advertis
ing dodge, a mere show of large pic
tures of "power presses,'' etc., but will
contain a bona fide description of Linn
county, its agricultural and general
material resonices. It will contain an
amount of descriptive resding nut found
in 20 letters desciibing tbe country.
We shall not devote a column to de
scribing tbe excellencies of the Demo
crat, as people will find them out, if it
has them. All tbe cities and towns in
the county will be fully treated of. A
copy of this sent to a friend in the east
will contain more information concern
ing Linn county than twenty letters.
Remember for 10 cents we will put it
in a wrapper and send it post paid to
any part of tbe United States, or we
will send it to any foreign country if
the order is accompanied with 10 cents
and necessary postage. Or we furnish
15 copies for $1.00, and 25 copies for
$1.50. Every reader of the paper
should order at least $1.00 worth to
send to friends and acquaintances east.
Let us advertise Linn county extensively.
Speaker Carlysle has made up his
committees of the house, but the list is
too long for our limited space. Tbe
following are the names of the commit
tee of Ways and M:ans : Morrison,
Chairman, Mills, Blount, Blackburn,
Hewitt of New York, Herbert, Hurd,
Jones of Ark., Kelly, Kasson of Iowa,
McKinley of Ohio, Hiscock of New
York, and Russell.
It is said the make up of this com
mittee means tariff reform. Randall is
chairman of the committee on appro
priations. This means the most careful
and rigid economy in the public ex
penditures. M. C. George is a member
of the committee on Indian Affairs and
American shipbuilding.
In Illinois seventeen distilleries are
turning cut 103,000 gallons of whiskey
daily, against 90,000 gallons at tbe
same time last year. Illinois now
manufactures double tbe amount of any
other State. And yet a-muih-better-tban-thou-art
Illinois Republican had
the effrontery a fpw days since in tel
ling how much more moral, decent,
intelligent and temperate Republicans
are than Democrats, to point to Ken
tucky with a sneer and say : "Look at
Kentucky, a Democrat state. She pro
duces more whisky than all tbe Repub
lican states in tbe Union put together."
From the very bottom of our heart we
commisserated him, but we were too
full for utterance, as we knew he was
joined to his idols, and given over to a
hardness of heart and reprobacy of
Keeping the County Poor.
Sr. vi
the County V omtof Linn County,
Oregon, for the boarding, waahlng nul
lodging oi me loiiewing indigent t wanna
. ii
loloouib, Horace Doviv. Huaen
it.... i
Car bm, Harsh Clark, 01, Lame,
and - (Jrey. Any other BOfOOM who
may booemo oouuty charges during ihu
yoar, and who are in like condition, to be
awarded the eontraetor at tho aaino rato.
The contract for keeping ibe mm. to be iet
to tbe lowest reaponaihle bidder, and suffi
cient security will he required for the
faithful performance of aald contract, All
bids to 1m delivered to the County Clerk
at or Irefore 1 o'clock, p. in., en Wednes
day, Jan. 9th, IM4 Contract to be for
one year, commencing Jan, lfth, 1H84.
For further particulars app y to the Coun
ty Clerk.
By order of the Courtly Court.
C. II. Htkwart,
Administratrix Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
algtied baa been duly appointed adminis
tratrix of the ealata of Jwhrt llowea, late
of Linn county. Oregon, dfcad. All
poraorta having elalma agalnat aald eetata
ara heroby required to preaent the aame
with proper vouchors, within six months
of the date of title notice, to the nnderalgn
edatNweet Home, Linn county, Oregon.
December 2Stb, 1883,
W. W. McUsikk,
R. H. Atkaua, Admr.
W or l by Of Mole.
It is worthy of note that the Dem
ocrats have 30 United States Senators
and tbe Republicans 38.
It is worthy of note that Virginia
is represented by two ropudiationlsts,
Mahone and Riddlebergor.
It is worthy of nolo that Republic
ana for years have been severe in con
demnation of repudiation, and yet when
Republican United States Senators
oalled s caucus the other day they sent
invitations to Mahone and Riddleber
gor to attend it while tbe Democrats
ignored them entirely. Thus Repub
licans cry out sgaiust repudiation snd
then seek an alliance with it.
On New Years Day, Dr. D. If
Jones, of this city, entered tbe office of
the Albany Herald as a partner in that
establishment. The Dr. is well known
throughout the state, and althoogh we
believe be has never boon in the news
paper Geld before, we predict tbat he
will wield a vigorous pen. As hereto
fore, tho herald will be stalwart Re
publican, and we opine there will be
bowlings, writhings and gnashings of
teeth in tbe bouse of the half breeds by
those persons who become the objects
and victims of the Dr's trenchant
Remember, it takes weeks to gather
all the information that will bo con
tained in our forthcoming descriptive
issue of tbe Democrat, and yet all this
treasure of information ean be had for
10 cents in wrappers ready for mailing.
We will send any one 15 copies fcr
$1.00 or 25 copies for $1.50. Every
citizen should buy from 20 to 50 copier,
and lay them away to be sent east to
friends as occasion msy require. Or
der now as we shall only print sufficient
to supply orders made before going to
press on that issue.
tick riarst
Here It Is again, brightar and bettor
than ovor : tbe cover alone, with it dell
sate tinted background and its dlshef
gracefully arranged Rowers, would so
title it to a permsaeat place la every
home. Tbe book ooatains three beauti
ful colored plates, Is full of Illustrations,
printed on the best of paper, and
Ailed with juC such information as is
required by the gardaer, tho farmer,
Al O - a m
uiooe growing plant-, and every one
needing seeds or plants. The price.only
ten cents, can be deducted from tbe
first order sent for goods, All parties
any way interested In this subject
should send at once to James Vlck
Kschester.X. v., for tbe "Moral Guide.'
A few weeks ago Frederika Tim
merman, a young German girl, arrived
in St. Louis from Oermany. She was
in search of her lover, Fredetic Spilker,
Two weeks before her arrival he
killed bis partner in tbe raloon busi
ness, and as a result she found Spilker
occurring a prisoners cell in the Four
courts. The young woman was expec
ted to become a mother, and for tbat
reason she asked tbat Spilker bo al
lowed to marry her immediately. Her
request was granted and the ceremony
took place in the jail. A German
minister performsd the ceremony, and
the witnesses to it were the fellow
prisoners of Spilker and bis attorney,
who sealed the contract by ordering
wine for tbe party.
The North German Gazette assert s
that Prince Bismark entirely concurs
with Herr Puttkamer, minister of the
interior, in opposing secret voting at
elections for lower house of tbe Prus
sian diet. Prince Bismark, that paper
says, has oven expressed himself as fav
orable to universal suffrage, provided
that public voting is adhered to. Th
existing system of secret voting at elec
tions for the Reichstag is detrimental
to . imperial institutions, and muat
eventually be modified.
No habit is at once so poisonous, de
leterious and generally hurtful as tbat
of tattling, and giving publicity to
things which are evil and only evil.
Shun this habit as you would the dead
ly Upas tree.
SHILOH'3 CURE WILL Immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping cough and
WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 eta. 50 cts. and L
aiuve cure for Catarrh. Diptheria and
Canker Mouth.
"HACKMET.CK,a lasting and fragran
perfume. Price 2fi and 50 cento. For sale
by Fosbay A Mason.
bon, Ind., saya: Both myself and wif
owe our lives te SHILOH'S CONSUMP
FOR DYSPEPSIA anf Liver Complaint,
W have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vital iter. It never fails
to cure, For sale by Foshay A Mason.
Sheriffs Sale.
In llif Circuit Court o itie Slate of Ornjon,
or the, County of Linn t
John J Davis, Plaintiff.
John H Davidson. Hunan Dsvldson and
William J Wolfe, Defendants.
I and order of sale Issued out of the
above namod Court In tbe above entitled
suit, I will on Satarday tha 20th day of
January , 1H84. at tho Court House door in
tho city of Albany, I .inn County, Oregon,
at the hour of one o'oloek. p. m.. sell at
pti idle suction lor cssh In hand to the
highest bidder tho real property deacribed
on aald execution as follows, to-wlt : Ile-
f Inning at the northeast corner of block
2nd In Jlsckleman's eeoond addition to
the city of Albany, as tbesarnols designat
ed and deKcrlhed on the rcsps and plats of
aald addition now on Ills in the offloe of
tbe County Clerk of Linn county Oregon,
running thence south one hundred snd
ten feet parallel with Jelferaen etreet in
aald addition ; thence west alxty-aix feet
parallel with Fifth street ; thence north
on hundred and ten feet parallel with
JalTeraott Ntrset; thence oast sixty-six feet
parallel wHh 5th street to the plaee. of bor
ginning tho proceeds srlalng from tho sale
of aaldpremiaos to bo applied lint to the
payment of tbe coats sad dlaburamonts of
huh taxed st $3tf.40 and the costs and sx
tonaea ot aale, second to tbe payment of
lite risinuii's oiaim amounting to .hj..w
and lotereat at tho rate of eight par oant,
per annum from the 23rd day of October
JAM.!, snd tho remainder If any to bo paid
ovor to the dnfendsnts, John H Dsvidaon
andnussn Oavid-vtu.
Dated this 2Hth day of Deoember, 1B83.
Oko. Humfhhkt,
Sheriff of Linn county.
A NASAL INJECTOR free with each
boltlo of Shiloh'a Catarrh Homed v. Price
50 cents.
Holiday Goods
rj,3 3l9ts, Solid ttold and Rolled Plate, Brooches
Butter Dishes, Berry Dishes, Collar Buttons,
Celluloid Goods, Chains, best, Nickle, Rolled Plate
Silver, Gold, Hair and Silk, Chain Guads, Gold1
and Rolled Plate, Crosses, Charms, Cake Baskets,
Card Receivers, Castors, Combination Napkin
Rings, Cups, Emblems, Ear Drops, Fruit Dishes
Forks, Garnet Jewelry, Jewel Caskets, Knives
Lockets,Kecklaces,Optical Goods, Pearl Goods, Pen
and Pencils, Pins Veil, Shawl and Cuff, Rings
Gold, Silver and Plated, Sets, Studs, Sleeve But
tons,Scarf Pins,spoons, Tea sets, Vases, Waiters,
gpoon Holders, Thimbles, Toilet Stands.Watches, and a full line of Seth
Thomas and Waterbury Clock Spectacles and Eye Glassas, piano
r gans, Guitars, Violins, accordianHarmoaicas Fifes and Flutes,8hee
Music and Music Books, Sewing Machines, IXL Cuttlery, albums
Photo, and autograph, Scrap Books.Box Stationary, all kinds of Sta
tionary, Whisk Brooms, Pictu frames and Pictures,Music Boxes
Piano Covers.Pine hand Mirrows.Dolls and Doll Housebuilding bloc
Card Board and Eephyr.Mottoes.Blank Books, SlatesTurses, Rug
PatternSjBames and toys of all descriptions, Perfumery, Moody's
Charts and Tracing Wheels, besides a great many other articles
On a Special Train,
Toys, and Fancy Goods
Which will be sold at New York
Santa Glaus,
AT J. GradwoKL,
oo numerous to mention.
Lebanon on ToP
Kvary body coraao to Allou k Martin,
Al bany, Or,, tbeycome from every
nook.craok and corner in Linn and
Benton counties, to buy their fall and
winter supplier People say they can
de better at their a tore than any other
atere In the State.
Beet aad Bfceea.
At Alien A MarUn'a la the place to find
boots an Jehoea tat any quality you wtah.
and st say pries. Good gooda lntbla line
will be aold cheaper than st any atore In
the valley snd no old stock to work off.
The beet aalve in tks world for cuts,
muiwin, uiotn. wii rneuia, itTr
aorea, tetter, chapped hande, chilblains,
oernaanu an niacin or akin eruption
This salve is guaranteed to give perfect
aauaiaouoa in every case or money re
funded. Price 85c per bex.
For sale by Foakay A Mason.
and MALARIA. .
From these Monroes arise three-fourth a of
the diseases of the human race. These
symptoms indicate their existence j Lom ot
Appetite. Bewels eosttve. Sick Head
ache, ftalutsss after eating, a vera Ion to
exertion of body or mind, Eructation
of food Irritability of temper, Low
pirite. A feeling of having- neglected
eome amy, IMzzlneee, Fluttering at tho
Heart, Dote before the ores, highly col
ore d tlrlne, CONSTIPATION? and de
mand the use of a remedy that acta directly
on the Liver. AaaWvermedloinoTUTT'S
PllXShavs no equal. Their action on tho
Kidney and Skin Is Slao prompt: removing
all Imparities through these three " scav
engers of (ho system," producing appe
tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear
skin on da vigorous body. TUTT'S PIL.L.M
cause no nausea or griping nor interfere
with daily work and are a perfect
Gray Hant on Whiskers changed in
stantly to a Glossy Black by a single ap
plication of this Dte. Sold by Druggists,
or sent by express on receipt of Si .
Office, 4 Murray Street, New York.
C. B.
Montague in
the lead,
Suitable for
and General Trade.
Royal Bargains throughout dur
ing the Holiday Season.
New Line of DRESS GOODS Just
1CTO7K ft CO., of the Be tsstind America, con-
m nt.uu
Book abou t
free. Thlrtjr-sovon years' experience,
allied through MCNN4 CO. are notice
Patents obtain
In the Scientific Amsbicav, tbe largest, best, and
men wiaeiT circulated emenuno paper, a rear.
Weekly. Splendid engraving ana interesting In
formation. Specimen copy .ofthe Scientific Amer
ican sent free. Address MUNN 4 CO. ScnuraHO
AsTBTWUM Office, an Broadway, New York. m
Toys! Toys! Toys
Of everything Imaginable, conceivable or desirable ever invented in the line of toya
is now on exhibition and for sale at
Conrad Meyer's,
, a
Grocery, corner Firat and Broadalbln streets, Albany, Oregon, consisting in part Of
I am selling out my toys, as I am t'omg out of that lino of business. Holi Jsy toy
ale norh tared irrecrsrH 1ms of oost. All other iroods in mv line sold very lew lor cash
A good supply of cakes and confestioaary, nuts and candies always on hand.
lot Of groceries just received. Come and s 3 ins as I mean business.
A freah
Job Lot 200 Large Bottles Flor
ida Water at 25c. Worth 50c.
"Polite attention to all."