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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1883)
W1TEEL00 SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. 8 ix miles above Lebanon, the South side of the Santi mm River, opposite Water loo fcoda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Poatoffice, Waterloo, Or. .Th great lrrto- Emimm remedy wJ nerve onto it the legtUnvats re Mtt of oyer twenty yearn ! practical experience, ulcuree with unfailing n taint v Nervous end I physical debility, erinl ns.1 weakness, spennetor- oea, pro uwmw, nlaaions. impo tcacv , Ehaustcd vltajitv, pr 'tUN JeciitM MHt tOS Of HicaUons end ti whatever RSeTonXpi menu! faculue &! I??.!?" ,TO!iiYllts- drain niton tho prvnUag Involuntary loeeos, debilitating Ji ,,.,. Mth the urine, etc.. so de- - ' ' ..-.-. .. - - la a aura eliminator si at kidney and bladder oo'raplalnU. It emtaiiu .no StariWM fegredienu. To ihoe auflenna Irvun the evil nett of youthful "Vg'pfe wk aad psrmane it cur is otAKATta,l. mm M rer bettt. or five bottle la ease, with full at raettewt andadvice, flO. Sent eeciu from observa tM v any address upon receipt ol price, w be had "only of IDR.CD. SALFIELD, tie Kamer SC. lu t raurisro. '! OoasultaUons strictly tonfldenUal by letter or at niv V,r th.. nveuinnee of itatieiit and in arte te incur pe ;fevt serraery I have addopted a pri rate adlress tinder which all packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. t gls) - 98"" CUfiuuu ia merit, will be sent to any one . Kv aLaiinir hta aiimloiu and age. inntoattons stncuy eonnucuw., Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. nCs aU Cbreale and .Special Disease. YOUNG MEN rafso mat be HcrriRiti two THE If sfict of ywitnna tolas or huisereuon, will wu toarafltaewaslTosaf this, bgreatort boon uu altar of suffering numamvj. IT will grjerant to forfeit SDOUior every caw u ,,)nMI r privet disease of any kind or r which he undertakes and failg to core. . .a aha mm rJ tAtrtV-flvelo BlXtV who nreublcd with too frequent evacuaflon of the Mad eflen accompanied by a slight smarting or burning - atU and a weakening of the system in a manner a patient cannot account tor. ira deposits a ropy eeoimens wui otwru w i ZlZZI aii MrrJre of albumen will appear, iceewUto a thin milkish hue. again chang- : sad torpid appearance, i ttcte ie uu; . jaSLnlt imnnt of the cause. i l ateae i if seminal wnakTisss Da. S. i a perfect cure in au i of u Hocne-iO to 4 and te 8. Sundays from 10 til a. a. CsnanTftifin f Thorough exnuaatie .!lrjii IT of short standing a fall course sdlatn i safBetsat for a care, with an instructions, Jwmt to saw address on receipt of $10 00. (VI ess. snsxEY a ro., Tt Ho. U Ksarny St. I cai To the Unfortunate ! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. G KCiKIY ST.. ooener of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. kbtoHtaaed m ism, or the treatment of Sexual land tt-i1 Disease, sack las tieaorraoa. s-iect. I Strirtnr, phlll !ita forms, lsnowtenry , night losses by dreams, pim i of ""t can poai Lively be The sick and afflicted should not tail so call Sjh hiss. The Doctor has traveled extensirely in rope, and insaortsrt thoroughly the various nospi Si there, ebtaining a great deal of valuable tniorma M wL.k h iimiiMi tt i imurt to those in aead otitis service. DR. GIBBON waT make no charge a scssc a ears, i w suits as a owurc CgSXfJsS AT ISBL All corMnunications aaaftdantial. Ton see no one ba. the Uoctor. t ssa dollars for a package of medicine. Persons te tae paever win pieaae aim mm ' Bekea this. au4 vrTAsttTrint in. ChafYwW Call or write. Address DA. J- V. GIBBON, US7, San Francisco. v!5n3 RUSSELL tL COe'S P08TA8LE SAW MILLS, FARM SAW MILL ER8INES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At Vint Uaads. IfUIIS WELL KNOWN HOUS HAVE OPENED M. a Btaach OfBosaadsuppiy Hunse at Cor, Front and Taylor Streets, Portland, Or., where they will ateek PortaMs and Stationary Saw Mills, rwrtabls Tiaetien and Stationary' engines and boilers. aew hTissillem" threshers, horse powers, etc., etc.. Write for ill ost rated catalogue sent free address (tuun af AU paper.) BtSSELL at Ca., Portland, Oregoo. Summons. I Ad Circuit Court of the. StaU of Grvjon ytr the County of Linn : If I Hichols, Plaintiff, J B If lehola, Defendan To L B Niekolt, ihe above named Deendant, THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Ofwjao : Toa are hereby required to answer the complaint of the sba)T aamed plalatifl now en file with the wrk ef the ahore entitled Court on or b-e m the fleet daj of the next term of aid Ckrart, to-wit : If on day, 10 th day of 51 arch, I . aad yea are hereby notified that if yon Ml to appear and anawer aaid complaint the plaiatiff will apply te the Court for the relief demanded therein, to-wit : a de e aiaeeWiag the bond of matrimony awlattag between plaintiff and defendant, awarding to plaintiff the care, custody and aentrel ef the childrea, Linn Nichols and ntak Nishels and for the costs and dis ftraaaenta of this suit te be taxed. This en an mens is published by order of the H real t Court of the State of Oregon for - Lin a eounty, made and entered or record at the regular October term, 1883 thereof. WEATHJBBFOBD A BDACKUBN. a Attorney's for Plaintiff. PATENTS Obtained, sad all other business in the U. 8. Patent wsse astenaeded te for moderate fees. araflse is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and Jps Ssa Stain Patents in less Unas than those remote wa Washington. pM atedle or drawing. We advise as to patent aSUfty free ef eharge ; aud we make no charge unless eaealn patent. We sefer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Mesey Order Dir. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent Ottec For circular, advice, terms, and references wiw in your own state or county, sddress. Ce A. SiOW&CO isppafltef Patent Office, Washington, D C. i dm Hi The Buyers' Guide is is sued March and Sept., each kW W year: 216 pages, 8xlU ft mm inches, with over fl'MUS JUiJrtrations-7-a whole pic spw - ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family ua e. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or havo ' fan with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mar kets of the world. We'will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Eespectfnllv, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ear Se W abash Arenac Galeae. XiL 7 one 8hE U aftfe fjllafl WflllWIi tSassi on f Ki faves and load Mr Kie; iVv I -""i'VYVV VV 'VVV'iTr VTtisTKassTh1a1isssl azan m wmw. 'uasu aawj for Infants and Children. rnstorhutromotos 1 tiavst ion and ovt'ix'omos I latuh'Kvy, Uonatlptv lion, sur ntrtiiiariti. DlarrhoBa, and 1 vi-ritUincss. It insurvs hralth and natural Ux without morphine. " (nrtoriit trU rtil.tptNi to t'hil.ltvn that 1 nvumnu nd itosautrior touuv pn s. riptlon kuowu to me." 1L A. Abchsk, M. p., SJ rortlaml .Wo., Urttoklyn, N. V. CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute cur for Ithouma tisiti, Sprains, ltnrns, tialls, Ate. Tito most Poworfhl and Pene trating Pain-relieving and Healing ltcmedy known to man. Sheriff's Sale. the Circuit Cottrt qj' the Suite of OrSfM for the County oj' Linn : A J Warren, Plaintiff. vs. J W Swank and Martha Swank, Iih wife, W H Swank and M K A Swank, his wife, Susan D Keeney and J 11 Keeney, live huaband, M R Sanders and JoMoph Su ders, her husband, K J Wat kins and Lee Watkins, hsr husband, vosephiuo Jetlor sen, Mary Ann Jellcrsoti and Nanoy K Lteeuey, Defendants. BY VIRTUE OP AN KXKCUTION and order of aale issued out of ih above named Court in the above entitled suit to me directed and delivered,! will on Monday the Hth day of January. 1884, at the Court dour, lu the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of oue o'clock, p in., sell at public auction for cash in hsnd to the highest bidder tho real property, described iu said execution aud order ol sale as feltowH, to-wit The donation land claim of Harmon Swank and MAE Swank, being Notttication No. 2132 and claims Nos. 38 and 3'J, iu Tp. 13, S B 2 and 3 west and containing ti tO acres also 130 23-160 acres commencing at the northeast corner of tho donation land claim of N D Jack, it beicg Notification No. 213U and claim No. 40 Ai Tp 13, "i It, I west, and running thence south 41 til-10f chains; thence west Si ao-ioo chaius ; thence north 41 61-100 chains ; thence east SL :'.0-l00 chains to the place of beginning, and also 183 ) 100 acres, being iols No. one (I) and two (-) in the nertheaat quar ter of section thirty Mi) in Tp. 13, s K, 2 west, all of said laid being west of the Willamette meridian in the county of Linn and State of Oregon and containing in the aggregate 0o3 83-lOi) acres mere or less : the proceeds arisimr from said sale to bo applied as follows, to-wit : First to the payment of the costs and dlsbursemouts of said suit, taxed at S1IS.41 and the casts and expenses of sale. Second to the pay ment to the aaid Plaintiff the sum of 7oO and interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from January 2nd. 1&3 Third to the payment to the said Plalutiff the anm of $7,56y.J, with interest thereon al the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 25th day of October, 1583, and the overplus if any to be paid to the defend ants, J W Swank, W II Swank, Susan l Keeney, Nancy E Keeney, K J Wat kins. M E Sanders, Josephine Jetlerson and Nancy Ann Jefferson. Said real projerty being sold aubject to the curtesy of life estate of Andrew Jroe. Dated this :k)th day of Novomber, ls.3. Gko. HVUTMMMYm Sheriff of Liuu "., Or. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State ofOmjon for the County of Linn : Lewis Cox, Plaiutiff. vs. Osiander Parrish and I'hebe J Parrlsh, his wifo, and Otto Fox, OcfiAidants. BY VIRTUE OP AN KXKCUTION and order of sale i.ued out of the above named Court in the abovn entitled suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the luth day of January, 1884, at the Court House door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said order of sale as follows, to-wit ; begin ning at the northeast corner ef lI-hbon Parrish. donation. land claim. til;-alion No. 1183 and claims 44 and 5? iu Tp. 11, south of range 1 and 3 west, and tui.uing thence west 25 chains and 13 links ; thenne south 42 chains and 36 links to the south boundary of said Not. 1183 ; thence east 25 chains and 13 links to the southeast comer of said Not. 11H3; thence north 42 chaius and 30 links to the place of beginuine, containing 106 34-100 actes more or less, situated iu Linn county, Oregoa, the pro ceeds arising from the sale of the first above described tract of laud to be applied as fellows, to-wit : First to the payment of the costs and disbursements of suit taxed at SjO.SO and accruing costs. Second to the payment oi the sum of $175 adjudg ed to Plaintff as an Attorney's fee. i hird to the payment to the Plaintiff the sum of $1843.16 and interest thereon from the 3rd day of October, 183, at the rate of one per cent per month and tho overplus if any to be paid to the Defendant, Oito Fox, and the proceeds arising from the hale of the second above described, tract of land to be applied to the payment of the sum found to be due te the defendant, Otto Fox, amounting to $1812..';. Dated this 30tb day of November, 1883. Uko. Humphrey, Sheriff of Linn county. Or. Farm to Rent. A stock and wheat farm of 2300 acres lying in Polk and Denton counties four miles west of Souver. Splendid stock ranch. 308 acres of farm land. For particulars inquire of Weatberford and Blackburn, at Albany. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. Th Second Term ends on Thurs day, Jan nary 31, 1883. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply u KET. ELBERT N. OMMT, Presiaeat. fCTsft want,J l"r Th: Lives a:i ,!": Uk H I Xf Presidents of the U. M. The largest So meat, best book ever sold for less than twice Pnee. The fastest selling bock in America, ense profits to agents. All intelligent ieople it. Any one can become a succesful agsnt, ms freeUaLLBTT Boox Co., Portland, Maine. ADDITC Send six ce"'8 f"r postage, and I a ft receive free, a costly x of goods which will help you to earn more money than any thing else in this world. All of either sex, succeed from first hoar. The broad road to fortune oiens ociore tne worsors, aoBoiuteiy sure. At once ad dress, True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed Administrator of the estate of J F Ocltjien- barus, deceased has hied his final account as such Administrator in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, by order of said Court, Saturday the 12th day of January, 1884 at the hour of one o clock, p. m. of said day has been set for tho hearing ef said account and objections thereto. Any person interested in said account is hereby notified to appear and file his or her objec tions thereto on or before said day. Dated December 11th, 18S3. Ubbe Peters, Geo. E. Cn amber lai', Admr. Att'y for Admr. Final Settlement To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed Administratrix of the estate of Robert F Yantis, has filed her final account In said estate in the County Court, of Linn countv. Oregon, and that the Court has appointed Monday the 7th day of January, A. I). 1884, at one o'clock in the afteroom for hearing objections to said account and for the settle ment of the same. Eliza M. Yantis. Powell & Bilteu, Administratrix. Attorney s. BBBH I BH Ti 1 1 1 1 aaaai aaa am tan Wlmt fHrr-s tur Chlldron roir chivks, What ourtNi Uu-ir fovors, mnitw thnn hIcji ; Tla t ii.M.rlii. Vhin lutldon frft ami cry ly turns, uurea tln-lr tHlic, Kill:. Uolr womia, Itttt Cnotorlit. Wlmt quloklr curr-n CoimtltiUon, Sour Ktotum-h, Colds, liuUgvaUon. Hut Contort. Farowoll Ihon i Mtnlilno Syrups, Castor Oil and l'utvtcurU', aac hi Hnll rnatorial 1884a Harper's Bazar. II.XiTJSTItA.TE3 ID. "Uarer's Ilasar" Is at once the most brilliant and useful Beaael Journal In existence. It Is the ac knowledged arbiter of fashion In this country. He fashion plates are the newest aad most stylish ; and lu pattern sheet supplements and eeoiietulo sugges. tlons alone are worth many times the cost of sab scription. lu illustration of art needlework are from the best souroe. Its literary and artistic merits areuf the highest order. Its stories, poems, and as say art by the first American and Eurejsean authors. lu choice art pictures would All portfolio, and lu humorous cuU are the most amusing t bo found In any Journal In America. A host ef brilliant novolUea are promised for 1884. BAHrilUS PERIODICALS. rsr fear ; HAlirKKS RAZAK 14 00 HARKB1 WEKKI.Y 4 Oo IIAUHKR'S M A AZIN K 4 09 tURPKRHYut'NU PKOPLI 1 te UARPER-S FRAN KIN St AKK LIBRARY, Otis year (S3 .Numbe.s) I o oo Postage free to all tubscribera in the United Statu or Canada. The volumes of the "Uaxar" fin with Uio 11 umber fur January of each year, hen so Uss Is mentioned, It will t understood that the suhseti ber wish to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last l our Annual Veluaiee of "Harper's Basar In neat cloth binding, wilt be sent bv mail, put ag paid, at by ex pre, free ef expense (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per xelumej far 7 per volume. Cloth cases for ea.h volume, suitable for aiadsng, will be sent hy mail, postpaid, oa receipt of 1 ear h. Remittance should be made by fust OfCoe Money Order r Draft, t aveid chance ui loss. Newspspre are not to copy this adverttaemssit without tb express order ef Harper Brothers. a : ksaai II AKI'KR A BROTH KlUt, Nsw Yrsrlt for the workiag class Send lo cent for t.tit'. n.i we will null fre. a royal valuable bos ol wmplc gooil that wilt put Ton In the way of mak ing n.r money in a tew das than you svei thought peasaw at atiy i-u.inr. I apiUl not reoutred. Vt will start vou. You can work all the Urn or la tre tuna otuy. I N wurk is universally adotAsd to both sere, young and old. You can easily earn front iif cenu to SO ecry evening. That ail who want work may tt the buuneswe make this unpaiapUel e.1 . Jr ; to all who are not Well satuSed we will send fl lo pay for the trouble of writing aa. Foil particulars, directions, etc., sent tre. fortune will be utde by lhee who give their whole time U the work Oreat etirrwrn at.lutely suir. iKm't delay hurt now. Address Stissos sY Co., fortlana.slalae. DR, LIEBIC DUpe-aaary, for t-vary aad fteaaa ata.. aaa rraaetar. CaL 1XBM I OLXJBOB I STSITCTE FOR . the cure of all special ooav I llcatrd and so-called incurable hr .ui. Sr lAehta a (.rrasaa lalfrafr Is poss I It ft ktiarantvrd to rote norvaus aLd phjsUal debility, seminal weakness, tast of niaiihBed. apr mstorrhrs, los of energy, ringing and dhodoeas In the heiuJ, melan hollo, hotwlets feelings, nroata torrhra, aad all the reulu of yofjlh ful imprudeu.- and est eases of mature years. 1 ne doctor, a rejru 1st- college physician from Karope will agree lo forfeit on thousand daltar for a rase the Invlgorator will not cure under special tretment aad afNtaa The raej so many can not get rnrrrt of weakness and th above diMwse Is owing to a complication, called ProsUtorrnca, which fwquires peculiar treathtent. Or. Llehc's lavlgorator Ha. t is the only ("sSUve sure for Prus utorrbea. Price of either lu rigo rs tor, fi per liotlle ; six for fiO. Bent to any siMiess oa receipt of price, urCOD. Responsible persons can pay when cured. strictest eecrecv- maintained. Patten u cured at borne. Ir. Uebig iMspcnsary has aa ele gant drug store in its building Too frequent evacuations of the Madder anep-ropy Sediment in urine are symptoms of ssjoosidary Semi rial weakness and proatatrrbea. Couiphsinu readily yield to the Dr. Llebtg treatment. Ordinary ; Any recent case of special or privau diseases cured for flO. Remedies sufficient to cure will be promptly sent, aith foil direction snd advice, on receipt of SI0. All packages are securely covered from observation. lavlgoralar Sample Free To prove the wonderful power of th Great German Invlgorator a 2 bottle of either number will be sent free of charge. Persons ordering a free bottle will only lave to pay exprusssg on delivery. Host powerful electric belts free to patients. ( 'on sulution, examination aad advtos free and pri vat. Call or write. Dr. 1. 1 i:lt IK et CO.. 4ee firary sc., Pri vale Kacraarc, 403 Masaa sc. P fa ftCC a week at home, $5 outfit fre. Par abso QU littely sure. No risk, Capttsl raqulred lu-sler, if you want bosiness at which persons of either sex, young or old, an make great pay alt the time they work, with absolute certainty, write for particulars. to II. Haixktt and Co.. Portland, Maine. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Ilarriaburg Oregoa, S. TBAINEditor ft Proprietor. OR. ALLEY'S PBIVATE DlSPRHSAaY, 2i Krarny Street, "Art Fran rise. OaU. EbTABLisnsD roa tus ScfBxrms aso raw as or Ciiaoxic, NESvotm ad SrscisL THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. DR. ALLEN, AS IS WELL KNOWS", m A 1 ular graduated Physioissi, educated at Bow College aiid IJairersily of Mishigan. Hs has a lifetime t the study of the treament and diseases withia his spsoalsy. And middle-aged men. who sr s offering tram effect of youthful indiscretions er exeesses la aa turer years, nervous and physical debDlty, imp tence, lost manhood, confasion of Ideas, dall ejrsa aversion to society, despondency, simples on aa face, loss f energy and memory, frequency ef urinat ing, etc Remember, that by a eembtnstloa sf remedies of great curative power, the Docter baa k arranged his treatment that it win not only ssTsrs immediate relief but permanent care. - lit HOSPITAL EATEBIENVB Having been surreon In ehanre of two g been surgeon In eharge of two lHsr hospitals) enables me to treat all private Hospitals) enables me to treat all ariraas troulpl with excellent results. I wish it distinctly trad- stsod Shat I d not claim to perform imposstbtlties, te have miraculous or snr an: irnatural power, I nly to bs a skillful and sussessful Physleian IM Surgeon, thoroughly informed In my specialty D1SEASP.S OF MAN. All applying to roe will receive my honest opinio of their corn plaints no experimenting. I will g antee a positive cure in every sass l nss forfeit (1.000 Coasultation In efflee or by le and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thsro cxaminatioa, including ehemieal and SnlsToasopfi analysis of urine and advice, $6. Call or address UK. ALLEN, 201 Kearney street, San Franeisco, 0 to 3 daily, 7 to 8 evening. CaL Office hours James Kussell Lowell will giro no more autographs. His patience is worn ont, ii IS) I FRIDAY DECEMBER 28, IMS m i smears rT There aro over 900 votcrtuocs in tho Indian Archipelago, according to the latest estimates. Japan produces 100,000 tens' of dried surdities annually, accor ding to the latest oflclal returns. A Froncnman nas made a paper which Is perfectly locombHstlble, and Spring poets who wish to make their work absolutely useless will invest in It. Indian atory tellers very often give their narrations entirely In sign language, and the laughter of their hearers' will often be the only audible sound for an hour. eja. a S a . a . i uo oreaa-iruit tree grows very slowly. The specimen at Kew Is bnt a foot and a half high, although it is eighty yoars old. Home of those found in the tropics are forty feet high aad thirty feet In diameter. Tho Burmans believe that when a man Is critically sick the best thing to do is to give the patient a mixture of overythlng In the medicine chest The result ef this theory is that pro tracted illnesses are not common In Burraah. There are 500,000 Parisians engag. ed In trade, 1,250,000 are artisans, and only 200,0d0 aro in professions, and of these the larger half will be. found In .the public service, only about 100,000 being engaged in work which requires a good education. It has been found that cities are roaly much warmer than the opeo country near them, and that it Is not altogether fashion nor the influence ef imagination which sends persons into the county in the Summer and ealls them back to town in the Autumn. Old Q," the Duke of Queens- bury, during the later years ef his life, kept a servant mounted on a pony at the curbstone. At a signal from " Old Q," when any one passed that he wished to see and talk with, or wished to know mere of, the men ial cantered off in pursuit. Recent experiments la German schools havo shown that the dlfUlcul- ty of reading black letters oo a white ground compared to that of reading white on black ground is as 421 to 49G, and, therefore, the slate and the blackboard will probably fall into disuse in the empire. Near the mouth of the Little Chevenne River, in Dakota, is a rock with curious Indentations. It Is twelve feet long by seven or eight wide, and rises abve the surface of tne ground about eighteen inches. Its edges are angular, Its surface flat, and It shows little effect of ice action. It appeaitofbej magneslan limestone, and its whiteness makes it a consplclous object. On tho sur face are several deep and perfect foot prints, as though made by the left moccasined foot of a woman or boy. It Is known to the Indian 1 as a re ligious rock, and they worship It. According to a recent anthority If ducks fly but a short way after shot, a violent gale may bo confi dently expected. Bnipe, like duck, will rest and feed in prospect of a disturbance of the elements. When the gale comes roaxlag down, perhaps accompanied by rain or sleet, these birds will rise from ther retreat, and whirl about like dead leaves In the murky sky. An arrival of wild swan intimates a severe frost ; If they leave suddenly as they came, the weather will turn mild again. Her ons will break away from tbelr fishing when it is coming on to Mow from a certain quarter; for they dislike beat ing homeward In the teeth of the wind. TBK PAUfo French mourning is lighter in these republic days than it was under tbe empire, and the woolen shawl that was once the only wear for tbe grief-stricken is now replaced by a mantle, and this may be adorned with lace if one choose. Tbe Ublan costume has been brought out by an English tailor. It is a cloth jacket with short draperies and a plait ed skirt and haa very large wafers of braid on tbe waist and oa the plaits. Tbe collar is high enough to make the wearer carry her head with tree Ger man stiffness, and is almost as ugly as the high linen collars which London women are now wearing even with furs, and which are the most disfiguring things imagiaable. Tbe new Henry II. hat is copied from a picture, gray felt, green -velvet band overlaid with silver lace, green velvet binding and green and gray breasts setjat thejsido and climbing over the crown and tbe milliners would like to know where Henry II.'s batter found the feathers. Tho pointed girdle which has been worn for tbieejor four seasons is cover ed with chenille or" bead embroidery this year. Tbe nawt7veilis a aoarf two yards and a half long, with, chenille woven into each end. The Ellen Terry slipper haa made its BW srvs- a ' a appearance in new xora, as might have been expected. It is cut very low, and its black satin snrf too is em broidered in jet and gold bea da, and is lined with gold satin. AO. eft C. It. It. TIME TABLE. Albany Ntmtlon. DLI'tRTI K. or TBAIWS. sovao soRrn. ALBANY KXI'RKBS i)erts at F Still HT THA1NH A . e A i .a 6:30 A. M tt:00 A. M. U;4A A. M. 12:00 P. M MAIL TRAIH i EZV ' . SOI'NB sotmi. MAIL TRAIN f Arrl res at . 11:4ft A. II Oft P . H M0 P, :3G P. arts at PRKinilTTHAI ALBANY KXI'RKHS Arrive! All Tralaa Sails-, except Sunday. Notiob. On and after tbls date regular tickets will bo sold at oar ttoket oftlae for following point on Columbia river: Upper Caaoadea, Iiallns, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla aud Alnsworth. Will ii. Baca, Freight and Ticket Agoitt Os A (1. H. W. Co. Albany, June 18lb. 1881. WssKHP. UK Ci.tlr.D. Twenty years ago there was au old fsrmer living out about 100 mile, from New York who took forty pounds of dried apples to the villsge merchsnt, and was told that the prici wan four cunts per pound. "I'll bo darned if I submit to this extortion any longer !'' be exclaimod 4,Whv. thsy aro quoted in ilorarV r r sr Ureeltiy'g psier at sovon OOOts I" "Hadn't you bettor take 'cm to New York 1" Til be kicked if 1 don't And he did. Whmt ho csme homo and figured up, be said to tt in wife : "Wall, 1 tenner, it cost me 9 to come and go, $2 tavern bill, nud mnybc a little extra for tobacco." "Then you lost by ti e trip V "Yaa. kinder lost one Way, hut-in f - w v another I got my tea fir four cents pound less than Jsckson svlls it, and I tell you four cents don't grow on every thistle !" Boft, wide ribbons aro the newest sa " A a. a a. -I! lies, and a bow witb very snort onus is tbe moat fashionable knot for the throat. Three panels, esch one a solid msss of blossoms of one sort, with a palm springing from the top, is the newest floral decoration for a newel jwst. tstarrfc Dlrrrtory. Y. I. (X U. Meets at their rooms in Foe- Lor s bnck buildina on .atoruay evening at 7 J3U o'clock, and on Kabtatb aftornoonaat 4. huaiueae meetings are held on the even ing of the second Monday te each month. K very body invitod to atUnU. U. P. Chcwh. -Prcachingevery Habbath, at 1 1 s. m , and 7 r. . by Iter. r.. Ii. Ir- vine, I). D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P, sf. 1'rayer meeting every Thursday evening. KvA.iuBi.tCAL Cmcrcm. I'reacliing on Hal bath at II A. at. . and 74 P. St. Habbath School 12:16. I'rayer meeting every Thurs day evsttiag. J. A. liolleubaugb, paator. ConoaaoATiowALCnear'n. Services every Sabbath at 11a.m. and P. ftt Sabtsath School at 2:30. I'rayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. Harris, pastor. M. K. Cat'Bca, Soctm. Servicea 2nd aud 4th Sabbaths at St. Paul a M. fCChutxh, South, at 11 a. at. SabUth School at 10 A. at. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Jos. Emery, pastor. ML K. CHt-acH. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. at. and 7 P. M. Hong service in the evening before aermon. Sabbath School U I .TO r. sf. Prayer meeting every tnurs- day evening. Itev. M. Jody, pastor. pRKsarrKBlAK Cni.'RC. Service everj' Sabbath morning and evening in Church awe. a a . a e.s era. .. O AJ 1 1 cor. tsroailalbin ana rum u. nuuuay ncnooi at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurstlay evening, Uev. Isaac II. Condit pastor. ('uai.iTuy Citt'Ki ti Prea Wing every Sabbath at Y PC A Hall at U o'cbck. a. bL, aad 7:30 r. u. Pulpit supplied by itev U. V. Morrison. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County : D F Wagner, I'lalntllT. v. EM Withers and Maliuda fondauta. Wither", De- BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION and order of sale Issued out of the above named eurt In the above entitled suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the ltih day of January, 18m I at tne Court House door in tne city oi Al bany. Linn county, Oreiroa. at tho hour of one o'clock p. in., sell at public auction far cash In hand to the hlgheat bidder the real property described iu aaid execution and order af aale aa follow, to-wit : Homestead entry No.4SM for N W H, of N W k.N W of H I X. and N of W W J ef Seo.7, Tp. 10, 8 K 2 east, Will, meridian. Linn county, Oregon, oentainiag im..o. acres, the proceeds of sale to be applied first to the payment of tho coste and din- buratnenta or suit, laxsu at ami accruing coats. .Second to the payment to the aaid Plaintiff tbe sum of f 1 108 30 and Interest thereon at tbe rate of 10 per cent per annum from tbe 23rd day ef October, lSttS aad tbe further sum of 100. Dated this 30th day of November, 1883. Geo. J 1 umi'hrky, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. 4Tou rloli-l f no rncrli for BAMastt' tax Nsavmsf," hay tasksfa, "ll.nv can aae taedkiiie n HjK;cille ftir t'iS Irpay, Dynpopala. Alcolioll ei , itlnsr. Itlicnmntiain, .SpfraiiiKir- tIisb, ear Hcinluul WestkneM, aaa titty utucr sioinnlalntsf" Wo claim ft n specific, r:ii- Sly, fxicaiisu tlio vims of r.ll ilifi-aw utlst-s from te blood. ItoNefTiae,Rcaolvent,Alferstlvosn4 Laxative properties mocl all Uio conditions he rain jwfonvd to. It's know u world wide & THE iSiwllSiiiili It quiets ami composes tho patient not by tho Introduction of opiate and ((rustic cathartics, but bv the restoration of activity to the stomach and nervous system, whereby tho bruin l rclievod of morbid fancies, whkn aro created by tho censes above referred to. To Clergymen. Lawyers, Literary men. Mer chants, Ilaiikers, Ladies and all those whose sed entary employment causes nervous prosliuti. 11, Irregularities of tho blood, stomach, bov. t (a or kidney 8 or who require a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samauitan Neuvimh Is lnvaliiuble. Thotissnds proclaim It the most wonderful Invig orant that ever sustained tho slaking system. tl.'A Hold by nil JruTfflsts. (24)' The Dr.S. A.Richmond Med. Co.SUoseph.Mo. For testimonials and circulars send stamp. 11KDISUT0X A CO., As-euts, Ssa s'ra-elsco. AflENTS WANTED everywhere Tobsadle our IIXI N. PAMlLY.Bini.HS. He ralrcriptloii edition now ready, V.u raoN (tetauit ever jiroduoed. Huperb Ilioto. At baasa. in exclusive dosiprus, direeUy iuiijr.i-.i fer ourosnx trade, and standard publications: Hill's Manual. Histories, etc We offer uurivtdled i' duoexnaats, witli exclusive territory. Writo to ui BAIRD & DILLON Publishere.Manuracrurers ana imorw5rs.aaeiiiao llullduieT. sis ana aw a. uiara bu, uuicauu, III s4im!im tflnlsrB Ki MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY ADD DRESS-MAKIHO. Cutting snd fitting by the new Tsylor's ttysUm. OPPOSITE REVERE H008E. G. COHN A BRO.s 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SKIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN QROOERIES AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE N. K. CSV, Sscun arwl YassMII Sic., I0RTLAMD. ORSOOH. A. V. Anmiikos, j. A. Wasco, Principal. I'siwasa aad Secretary Ifcsifssd for the Caiioon Education of Bstk Ssxat Admitted on any wwk dtiy of Ik yar. -PENtWORKW"- Of nil kins' ird io ordsr st reasonable rats, h iti.fs. lion jfiiarantsrd. 'IImj Colls; "lotirnal," riwvtalnlns; Infarwvstim f lite urs .r, rjiu of InTllsst, lis iretrr, H, ., and satis ol ol.ila and oraainsintsl p- HtAlTM. Iriti. Ua'. fiISra Nalsaaa Sa. I urc ( haiic rvs, first and sond stass ; Sors Ml Ike less snd body . Syhllltle twlarrh, dlasaasd asal' nl all priuisrv ntaw of lh davssaw, ksswo as Syp hMls. Price, t'. i bottls. I'RI ban s t.ldrj Kalsaas Sa. f i -irr Tertiary, Mereurtal, Sypbllltls Rbinttani, aroondary slwea. pains In th Bone, t.'losratod Tlir(, Syrdillitlr Rash. I. imp, etc., and ra4ieats .11 ili.nsses from (haayUm. whether aauarS b bad Uswtrnetit or abuse of roe miry. vtf the blocxl pure ami healthy. Pno. Si par buttle. Sent every where, O. O. D., securely narked per ss pies. v v anil taoa et ro., sarata. 47T a 49 Sansnmc sUeet, Cnmer Clay, Sn Prarx leS, lauforraa. jVKSjVa KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tfc Wsl Sarrrasfsil Rrsnrclr ever discover, it la . . r ini ii, it. t-C c te ei.d does imH UV. SSBMl rout heiww. K endairs Spavin Care. lletnJIU), sf.. . Jan 14th, lStl. n. J. Kssu.A Cw. -tiettU - Take la to cvrUfv that I have uanl Kendall's Hivln Cur snd Ssvs fuuod tt to b all it Is rciruirT.dtd te he and la la- f ... -r tou . 1 have rvnuived bv natii the abuv : aJloua H. ne h ii... King Ixttns, hllnte, sad can cheerfully tceUI) and rei hinsnil It u b the laast Iblaa Vt any Uny subalau SJ I have ever nsail sa I I have tried tnatijr aa I bate tua1 thtt rar stul lur I ears. is ItemccUultr rours. P. V. CBI8T. FROM THE OREOHTA PRESS, H. T. Dtwuita, Nets York Jan. CIS, issi Early Last sum ner ataassrs. B J. Kendall ana Co., of Hthmhutu l alls Vt., saads a ro tract ita Uss y.tu lisbrre wf lb "l"rea" fr a half column advrunl for fvmr eetUaf fwrb the menu of Keadall's hflu Cure. At the bum Uxu we a. cured I rut she Son a tuanUty 4 bowka, entitled Dr. Kendall s Trsav rle on the Horse ami hi. Biraea. wbieh we are m u. U advem vlng eabsrrihccs I the 'Trees" ee a ptctulun). About the time the advarUsement tret apt'eared la Uu. 4r Mr. t. u. Bcarmrhrii, she reaade new i oiliere had a spavined horse. N read Uss adver Uaement ai.d onrl udetl to teS tb sfflsasy of the rcmed) , allbougb hla Irtends lvtiaavad as his credulity, lie bought a ImUle of Kendall's Saavln ure aad oCS- metirrd ueiiif it oa th boras la st cdsni. with tla 'ltrortinus, enu he tuSonaod us this wc, that it ef salad such a cmntlrt curs that a rxiwrt herw mail, ho examine.! the annual rvccnUy mld n traos of the ebetin or la plaoe here It had been loraled Mr. aclierrnerhora has atnoe eemrud a eopy vt hentlall sTreatlee ti tlte Hers an J his l.i. h he prtu very highly and would im lelh t r with el an MV-r, i.rovi.lnl lie rotild not obtain an olhrr tp. Su luurh for advrrUslnk' rcliabl vrl.oios. Kendairs Spavin Cure. WUtmi, Mine , Jan. 11th. 1SS1. ll J hf-sftu and ( , t.snU . - t a irrae buuk . )u by mail a year aff. the coaial f win. i. ereuadd use t try KenAail's Spasm t ure u the I ir ol one ol my horse whieh was bwdly and iwtil.1 nut le retlurvd bvanr ether dv. I pN taw buttlas ol kandali's Suavtn Cast i I'VeeUiii and l.uddulb, bruiets of Wasssa. whioa ouuipletely cured ra bree. About Sve yus af 1 bad a litre year ld clt swssoied very hadlr. I Bta your remedy as give In yur btk witaevxt rwwslfimr, aad I must say t your credit that tbe east Is entirely cared, which is a surprise nt oaly to say self but also t ray neighbors. You sent rao the buok for the tnSing sum of 'ii cent and if I eould hot get another silk it I would aet lake tweaty Ive dollars lur It. Tours truly, O Bfl. M.Ttnrwa. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Kreniont. Ohio, Jan. t6th, 1&S1. Da. B. J. K i m. ai.i. and Co., .cuts I ibiak it my duty to render ytu ray thanks for benefits and profits which I hate tterived from yur Is valuable and far tamed Spavin Car. My eeusin and I had a valuable stallion, worth 4000 whieh had a very bad spavin and was pronounced by funr eminent veterinary sur geons, beyond say cure, and that tho horse was dene lor sver. As a last resort I advised say cousin to try a bt.u It of Kendall's Spavin Uare. It had a raawical effect, ths third bottle cured it and th horse is aa well as ever. Dr. Dick f Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary surgeon was an uncls ef mine, aad 1 take great Interest In assisting bis profession. Yours truly, James A. Warox, Civil Engineer! 'Kendairs Spavin ore Is sure in Its effects, mild in Its action aa It does at blister, yet it la penetrating and powerful to rsash every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as savfns, splints eurbs, salons, sprains, swelling snd any lameness anS en- Isrgements of ths joints or limits, er for rheumatism In man and for any purpose tor whieh liniment is used for man or beast. It is now knows to be the beet liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in Its effect. Send address for Illustrated Cir ular which we think gives positlvs proof of its virtues. No remedr has ever mot with such unqualified iuoeess to oar knowledge, for beast as well as man, Pries II per bottle, or sis bottles for $5- All irua- trists havo it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt et price by the proprietors. Dr. B J. Kemdall and Co., Bnosburgh Falls, Tt. "ALDBY ALL DRUGGISTS Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho ander sigDed has been only appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Henry C. Uenneaa, late of Linn oenaty, Oregon, deesased. All persons having- elaiais agaiast said estate are hereby reenired to preaeat the same with proper vouchers, within six months of the date of this notieo, to the undersigned at Hsnneus, Linn oounty Oregon. November 16th, 18S3. Gejikvibvb Hkitnkbb, Seiii.hrkbb et Hammer, Admr. Attys. BUARD1AN ASSURANCE 00., 0? LONDOI. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, Capital paid up.. M .10,0H, Note.. ThlH company haa tho large Eaid up capital of rapany doing nsiness inhe UnshBd States. Insuraaua accepted by Bobt. A. Fosmt, Agt of Albsvay MrttW An bd Xervoum of VHnHtj salt et is work.sto tivweasmJ r mS Culhoua "fltO-Mfa. ntnonr! Essns ail S - reGa av9tui IHlillity. (aiMna nS ever tor und frer, r assr eCl re- BatoCAOoTlUsfc JULIUS GRADWOHL Pins the oailj eseluslvr afoek of CR8CKERY, CLA88.8ILVER ANB C As Large. Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Ceffee, Tm isd In ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUOBRS SI.CXX SHELF HARDWARE. s OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM1. Tin: uigui:at yinuir price paid for bom Remember! What I Say 1 Mean, Sire le a Call GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HUE ,1 HSil II0FI MA & JOSEPH, iTxPuiim)KH or ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AND MIA J, Kits IN- fclmportod and Domestio Cigara, Candie? Nuts and Albuny, ONK LOm BJBLOW JOHN BRlGrOffj AT TOE OLD 8TAND, 72 FIRST MTRCKT, HAH AHSORTMKNT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, as nmj ttoase in tbe valley, fie a ao Imports aad TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER OP KVERY DBSC'RIirnoN IN HTOCK HANI), A FITLL i awe in aaa a s a s. sara a. a a.niU.iMe. GRANITE IRON WA AX.L OF WHICH II K OFMBItf? Tt THE Pl'BUC AT PRirn. OOM PETITION, f A LI. AT 72 FIRST STREET, AXBAJTrT Repair work done at rilal &Mm imwt, Cures all diseases of tho StomacTi t4r-- Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood! Mil Hons testifvtoits efficaor in !,.!- ing tho above uuuutvo it io oe tne BEST REMEDY KNOWN TOMAN. Guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. TKaDS MAJIK Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New ALBANY MARBLE WORKS. STAIGKR BROS. rropiieturs AlsBiKY, OBBGOX.- W0KUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADS rOTVES Execnted in Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatness and dispaash. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. JTAH work warraate.l. 1 7:42 o. c CHBBRT. o a ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Suooeaaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iroo Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTEHSS MADE ON SHOUT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufao ture the improved Cherry fc White Grain Separator. Shop aa Baker St. Bice a Lumber Yard. Albany, Or., Doc. 1, 1880. 18tf lTCRVOirS DEBILITY WasT's Naava astd Dsai Tbiat- itoea seeotac lor HysKipa. Diaai- s, Norvcas KcuralKia, PiMliution cawaari IitiU ns. tobacco, Wakefulness. Mental Da. iibc of tbe Brain reasltiu in In. loaftiaa to mieerv. dcav snd Honih Prsritor Old Aae, Barranneee, Loss of jvower in afeusr aaa, ia voluntary Ishb, and bpermat orrbosa sawed by overexertion of tho brain, self, abase er ovar4ndulaee. Each box cor tains one aaeoiks traaanant. $1.00 a box, or six boxes fKAl to oare any ease. With each order received by as far fix box. aeoaspaaie4 with $5.00, we will aeavd the paraaansr our wrrtten sruarantee to re faad sbe hosjv if she trsataieat does not effect Guarantees i smart onlv hv HOOn.iRD, I.ARR A CO. 1 Tilessele svaaA Setall rrus-eiata. PORTLAND, OREGON. 'Orders by mail trill receive prompt atf ntioa. Bb. X. U. lCasVT, a guisrar rlssaaoaa? BUrvows of atosaavl preioa. Befw sassrtr and Tobacoo, Grooepl, Proviaiona, Tropical Fruits. ... JOHN BKIOOS' 8TOAH. on on hand am ram MM OR TO ORDER. ALs AXStjRTMESfT OF ' s reasonable jnirm named diseases, and pro- York City. Druggists soil it DR. FEUX LE LOTTO Preventive This remedy beta Lateclad of ihose dlif sisa af tsaOsaJai rea:uras aoebaaae of diet er or 1 otsoEoas medacinae te bs v beasakeu aa m asrew. it is iiapsaatbl to rewteact bnt in tbe eaae er aw stately aJHIrtad with are guana too 8 boaca te th money. Price by j er box. or. s boxes for BIjOu. nad bv all authorised aesa 1st. Frllx Ba-aua A Vet. VI OODABD. CLARE An rORTLAKP, O Otders by mail wiB ESTA B LIS ETTTF 1842. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers af Wooden & Willow Ware. Twines, Brooms, Brashes, Baskets, Palls, Tabs, ( haras. C'ordaec, Wrapping Papers, Baa. Btalldlac Paeera, Matcbrs, Daadlra, Clothes WrlBg-ers. Car pet. Sweepers, Feather Dear ers, SCatleaery. Ac. 230 and 232 Front Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 8m$. The Great English Reme dy. Is a never falllnr ears for Weakness, Kvhanatsst W TsAaasls?' ha- poteney, fwralratt, aad aB tern tie effects at BaV Abuee, youthful felilaVSB9 such as loss ef at smecy , Lassitude, amission, Aver n te Society. Zhmasasaf Tision. Kaisea la she Bead: the vital fluid passing maebsaiiafl fnte Em arfera, aad many other diseases leading te InasnUy spd death. K KILTIE will airree to forfeit Isollara for a case of this kind ths Vital live (under his special ad vies and sr cure or for anything impure or injn it, ir. Mintie treau all private without mercury. Consultation trea. amiaation and advice including analysts f Pnee of Vital Restorative. S3 a bottle, er fear Et the quantity $10, sent to any address upon receipt of price or u, o. u, etvtcurr iron ate If desired, by DR. A. bscure from obsereasioa and isrpcl- k. Aii.vna. 11 : 5 trees, an iTancuco, vsi. gamp! e bottle free. Sent on anpncaUon by etteT. taang symptom, sex and age, OosnaawnleaMoee strictly oonfic idenUai. Dr, M ntie's Kidney Remedy, NephreSAoum, cures n kinds of kidney and bladder complain ts,gonorrhsa, gleet, leouchorrhoB. For sale by all druggist, $1 a bottle or six bottles for Su. Dr. Mintie s Dandelion Pills are tbe best snd oheap- a Dyspepsia and Bilious cur In the maitet. Far by all drugpists. FROM THE SOUTH. A Perfect Coatblaatloa with twe Sal lea t Advaasases Why It Ceneenas oa. "There is no mistake about it," remarked Dr M 7 Porous Plasters are one of the neatest eaaabiaaJlen ever prod uced. They have te kiats ef aavaassass over all others, wi.ieh ws raay sail tke rata major. Kirst. tb. y arc slaaa aad plaasaat never aoiiinir ths itands nor tks liasa ef See Second, they sr.: quickly aad eesrfttlly. I have tried the Dapclne Plaster e myself tar pa aiSStt, and on my patieuS) fee- rariesa SSbsbbs, eseh as neuralsia. muscular, rheum, rasahagw, ktSser trouble, st., and in all ass retij has ssB from threti to forey-eifht hoars." Dr Flowsr merely voices the written er esal of thousands in his profession. Bsosea's Poreus Plisters are the perfect external appliaahoa. The genuine have the word Capet n oat la tae Prioe IS etinm. abury and Johnson, Clie miss- New Vcrk. BM WAJH 0- (BMal BafaUBMa9'e iSoTMd AaBs. irewf a' en ssavAf a nrfne, E. ' a