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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1883)
aawaSsawsawaSJsaSJsE Official Comity Paper, Entered at the Post Ofuoe at Albany, Or, as second-class mail matter. FRIDAY DECEMBER 28, 1883 STITES & NUTTING. Editor aa4 Proprietor- FKKD I. XFTriXCS, Loral Mr. Umn ' - Within a faw weeks we shall give in the columns of the Dkucvuat a full description of Linn oounty, g uographical, agricultural, etc We shall give full description of all towaa and cities in the county. JJ'e shall fill ten or a down columns exclusively ie Toted to Linn county. No better plan could be adopted to disseminate in the east and south a knowledge of Liau county, than to distribute copies of that issue of the Demo crat among the people of the localities men tioned. For the small sum of 10 cents a person can communicate more information to a friend by sending a copy of the DaacocRAT than by writing a dozen letters. There will be no estimating the value of such an issue of the Democrat. 5000 copies ought to be bought and distributed by the people of Lian county. But a t shall issue just enough to supply the orders which we receive before going to press on that issue. Remember for the small sum of $1.30 you can get 25 oopies and thus you oan supply your many friends with a very long interesting description of the entire county. Business atwa, farmers, speculators and every citizen could well af ford to spend from $1 to $10 in distributing so much useful information shout eur coun ty. Now send in your orders at once. Tell ns how many copies yon want Single copies in wrappers 10 cmts ; 15 copies, $1 ; 25 copies, $1.50. Order ss soon as yon read this. Essaj os Tramp. A tramp is a bundle of rags, a holy pair of shoes and a slouch hat, with some dirty flesh in thero. It has feel ing bat little sensibility Nothing agi tates it more than a square meal of victuals. It is hollow inside, and has the capacity of an ostrich. Its morals ara the same as other animals, and it will steal as quickly as a fox. At the present time there are numerous ones ef this species lurking about the city. Last week a gentleman in the western part of the city lost several chickens. Their feathers were found on the out skirts near where a bonfire had been, and several of these animals were seen in the vicinity. They do not hesitate to take whatever they can get their hands on, and are generally seen bang ing around bouses to see when ths owner leaves, when they will make an entrance if they can do so without exert lng themselves too much, and will make short bita and silver war scarce. They deserve being dealt wiih summa rily, and caaaot be watched too closely. Arrested for Seduction. Last Saturday, Win Pennebaker was arrest el at Salem by Sheriff Humphrey, charged with the seduction of a young lady at Scio, nnder a a promise to marry. A few months ago she became a mother, but before that time the young man disappeared, leaving the state. He was net heard from until hut week, when it was learned that he was near Salem, when a warrant was issued, and he was arrested, brought to this city and placed in the county jail. On a preliminary exam ination rt Scio he was held to await the action of the Graad Jury under $300 bail. The first of the week this bail was furnished and Mr Peanebaker was released. We un derstand arrangements were made for settl ing the matter by marriage, which went se far as the obtaining of the license ; bnt this was abandoned, and the law will haro to take its course, whatever that may be, A Happy Sew Tear- We wish all of our subscribers a happy New Year, and a prosperous business ; if farmers may their crop be big and the price of wheat at least a $1.0000 a bushel ; if merchants, may their sales be large and their payments quick, and whatever basiness they are la, may their success be great, provided they show the energy and integrity and the disposition necessary to obtain it Wo make these wishes not only for their sake but as well our own, for it means that our subscribers would pay up bet ter, and onr merchants would advertise mora. We would like to be able to chronicle many deserved enterprises in Albany and Lino county during 1884 ; thebuilding of a woolen mill, a new school house, a large sheep skin tan nery, etc. and some of these things can be accomplished if our citizens begin now and pash matters. Apolnisneat. Tne following committees have been ap pointed in addition to those reported last week, to work in the cause of temperance in their respective localities by Dr J W Watts who is now lecturing throughout Linn coun ty nnder the auspicies of the Linn county Temperance Alliance : Brownsville Peter Hume, A W Stanard, OPCoahaw, RevCSperry, Rsv L White, David PuWnan, W ATempleton. Crawfordsville, Brush Creek and Mabel precincts- Robert Glass, Mrs Mona Porter, E A Cutler, N Shanks, Miles Carey, P N Crawford, John Chance, E J Crawford, J A Mills. The appointments of Dr Watts at Sweet Kome and Sodaville are withdrawn on ac count of the severity of the weather and bad condition of the roads. Ex. Com. C orinthian LoJze. At the las; meeting of this lodge the following officers were elected : E. W. Lungdon, W. M. R. A. Foster, S. W. Martin Payne, J. W. Eli Carter, Secretary. John Brush, Treasurer. W. R. Graham, T. lee Cream and Oyster Sapper. The ladies of the Congregational chureh will give an ice cream and oys ter supper at the Grange Store on New Years evening. Oysters and lunch, 25 cents, ice cream, 23et3. Supper com mencing at 0 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. E L Thompson A (Jo. still continue to sell at reduced rates for cash. HOME ANO ABROAD. Wheat, 9.1 cents. F M French, jeweler, Genuine Webfoot now. Elegant cabinet frames at Langdon's. The "Isabel" was in the city yesterday Villard is to build a palace at a cost of a million. A splendid assortment of 1884 diaries at Langdon's. Dayton, W. T., proposes to have a $1000 liquor license. The new sot of city otloerj will take thoir scats next week, All kinds ef holiday goods at bottom prices at Langdon's. College bogina again next Wednesday after its usual holiday. Adram Ihrig is now running the 5-cent saloon, opposite the Postoflice. Wo neglected to mention last week that we were having some beautiful sun rises. Tho City Treasury is empty, and it might be appropriate to put a broom on top of it. Tho regular mooting of tho T P T V will bo held on Friday, Jan. 4th at 3.30 at tho Y PC A Hall. It costs $100 and upwards to got a divoce in Oregon City, tweuty rime i much as it costs to get married. Roy J A Hollenbaugh, of the Evangelical church will preach at Millers next Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Looking over the state papers wo find several hundred places where Santa Claus made his headquarters. Ne less than twenty or thirty persons fell in the mud while going home from the churches Christmas Eve. On New Years you will need some fancy groceries, and bear in mind that tho plaos to get them is at Hoffman A Joseph's. Class Sprochles having bought all tho sugar in the Sandwich Islands we will prob ably have to sweeten out tea with molssses. Mr Eugene Buchanan, formerly of Al bany, has gone into the commission, collect ing and real estate bnsiness in Walla Walla. Judge Stott gees out of office in Portland on the 1st of January. Ha has higher as- . a w a.x v pi rations man oemg ajuugo at e.'UUU a year. M R Brown, who has been teaching near Jefferson, has been engaged to teach tho Tangent school aud will begin work next weok. Tho ball giveu by No l's Christmas ova on account of the had weather, was only fairly attended, but is spoken of as an enjoy able affair. One of onr citizens gave her husband a Christmas present which will no doubt prove a valuable one. It was the Dexocabt for a year. Mr Lylo Rice is now operator at Grant's Pass, where he has a good position, aud Mr Gilmore has a position at some other point on the O A 0 R R. The Willamette Association of tho Con gregational church meets in this city at the Congregational church on the loth and 16th of January, 1884. Tho person who keeps bis resolutions to do right resolves at all times of the year. The annual reaolver forgets his list by tho end of tho first week. Three apparatuses for explaining the action of the moon and sun, etc., have been received for the Central school. They are very ingentus. One of our citizens in making change is said to give $25 dollars fur a twenty dollar piece. Lest the demand should be too great wo shall withhold his name. The young people are requested to meet in tho Methodist Episcopal church on Friday evening of this week at 7 o'clock to organize a musical and literary society. Yesterday morning the river had raised to 16i feet above low water mark and continu ed to be ambitions. During the night alone two foot and a half was added to the depth of tho water. C W Watts is making arrangements to get out a county directory, which he pro poses to mako complete, giving it features which will necessitate its being in the hands ef every business man. President John Taylor, the offioial bead of the Mormon Church, is preparing an el aborate statement of the political and social attitued of the Latter-day Saints, for the January number of the Xurth American lie view. Tho Coeor d' Alone mine fever prevails almost like that of '49, and many are getting ready to go there. Young man, hold yonr horses, and remember that a bird in the hand is sometimes worth a dozen in tho bush. A clerk on First street the other day tried to get a barber to cut bis hair en account of its scarcity, his head being nearly bald, bnt the barber insisted that ho ought to have double price where he bad to bunt for the hairs. The finest Christmas present wo have yet heard of in Albany is ons of the Matbnshek pianos, sold by J H Daniel, and given by Mr and Mrs B W Cnndiff to their daughter. Mamie is a bright, musical girl and deserves having such a splendid insturment as she now owns. The subject at the Y PC A Hall next Sunday afternoon will be ''the second com- iug of Christ," St. John, 14-3. As this may be the last meeting of tho association all friends of the association are requested to be present. The union services at the Court House Sunday night wore nnder the auspices of the W C T U. , Rev I H Condi t delivering the sermon, .Mrs Chas Wolverton giving a read ing and Mrs J H Townsend an account of the work ef the W C T TJ. The room was beautifully decorated with flowers. J C King, the reform dictionary thief, who jumped his hoard bill at the Revere House in this city, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary by Judge Stott. He will now have a grand ohance to preach his re form doctrines, and work for the new party he was going to establish. Two good boys are reported as living near this city, who recently wont into the barn with fifty cents apiece and spent the after noon gambling. When they quit, according to the story of the mother of the boys, so bright were they, each of them had six bits. Fact. Christmas night while a daaghter of Mr Rader was carrying a lamp at heme, the bottom fell out pouring the kerosene com p!etelyover her, blistering her some, bat, fortunately, though the lamp was burning, the kerosene did not catch. A doctor was sent for, bat the principal injury was fright That D V S Raid is appreciated as princi pal of the public schools of Harrisbnrg was fully proven on Christmas Eve. by tho receipt of a really elegant and valubsle present from his students, being Moore's and Scott's com pleted poetical works bound in sheep skin Mr Reid is spoken of very highly as an edn cator, and this present shows that Harris- burg people know what an excellent princi pal their school has. Portland has found the meanest man, Were he to be sent through the eye of a cambric needle he would not be able to see shore, The Telegram says of him ; "Ho is a down town merchant. Some time since one of his children died and his store was olosed for two days. Ons of his employes spent tho first day in kind servioee about the striokon house, and the second day in assisting ths arrangements, and attending tho funeral. When the salaries for tho mouth were paid, the clerk was docked for the two days tho store was closed. If this example is not the quintessence of meanness, standing against the challenge of ths world, that merchant has lived in vain." A telegram from Walla M'alla to tho Ore :yu'ii last Wednesday says : "Elfus and Owenhy, both oondemned murderers, nnder sentence of death, attacked Sheriff Thomp son and Jailor Williams at the county jail this evening. The sheriff was knocked sense less, and the jailer was most horribly out and gashed about the throat and face. The prisoners escaped, but tho whole populace is alarmed and after them. Particulars of the escape are as follows : As the jailer and the sheriff were entering the inside door ef the jail, for tho last time, about 5 i. at,, on un locking the door, the prisoner, one on each side, attacked thorn with bricks and knives, and rendering them senseless, unlockod tho outsido door and escaped." ine ooys up in rtuntaviwe w l, are evi dently a loud set. They were in the act of giving our most worthy friend Peter Wilson and his estimable wife a geuuine "cliiyareo" whan au accident happened not down in the program, says the Waitsbnrg Tim : "All went well, and the boys wore having hyu fun until Wm Denny fired his shotgun, when hilarity suddenly oeaied ; the gun bring too heavily charged with powder, huratcd, mangling William's left hand terribly ami tilling his face with powder. Ir Smith was sent for. Ho amputated tho thumb ami dressed ths wound and thinks by careful treatment and preservation from ould, the remainder of tho hand may bo saved. " A catalogue of the North Brownsville school has been reoeived, which shows it to bo in a very proporons condition. The fac ulty consists of Prof J B Horner, principal, and Mrs V Johnson, Miss Sarah Coshaw, Mrs Bell Horner and Mrs I W Starr. The enrollment last term was 184. At the be ginning of the school year when Prof Horner took the school there were only one teacher and 13 students. Arrangements have been made for a course of lectures during the com ing year, the following speakers having been engaged. E B McElroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction, E C Anderson, President of McMionville College, F M Miller, Supt. P A Moses, 0 B Montague, E N Coiidit President Albany College ; Tbos VanScoy. President of Willamette University . The Christmas number of The West Shore is by far the stost elegant and artistic ever issued by the enterprising Publisher. The engravings are beautiful aad extremely ap propriate to the holiday season, especially that of tho "Christmas Rose," "Under tho Mistletoe," and "Christmas on the Over land Route." The latter in particular is a fine artistic production, and appeals strongly to the pioneer recollections of our peeplr, as does also the Christmas atory. 740 Wett Shore has won its way into popular favur by its intrinsic merit, both as an art journal nad an exponent of the resources of the Pa cific Northwest, which latter feature renders it especially valuable to any one desiring to obtain reliable information. The subscrip tion price is $2 par annum, and single num bers 25 cents. Published by L. Samuel, Portland, Or, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs J K, Weatherford returned from Cali forma test Week. Johnny W ebber.of Portland, pent Christ mas in this city. Ed Carter, of Portland, is in tho city dur ing the holidays. Mr W F Williamson, of McMionville called on ne Wednesday. W H Gaston, of Ralaey spent Christmas at Dr Irvine's in this city. Mrs Lark Bilyeo, of Eugene, is visiting during the holidays in Albany. Mrs O T Porter and youngest child, have gone to California to reside. Dick and Perry Conn, of Soattle.aru spend ing the holidays in this city. Hugh Thompson, of Salem, spent Christ mas with friends in this city. J F McCartney spent Christmas in this city with his brother-in-law, D Smith. Jas Murray returned from The Dalles List Tuesday. Ho says that place is about dead. Ted Parker arrived from the extension last IFodneaday, where ho has boon several months. Most of tho work done this winter will be on the tunnels. Mr M Senders, of ths firm of Senders A Sternberg, returned from Prineville on Thursday of, last week. Their store at that place is doing a barge business. The rattle Schools el aihaay. Wednesday a meetingof the School Direc tors of Albany was held in this city, when the resignation ef P A Moses ss principal ef the pnblic schools of this cfty was read and accepted. The board adjourned till yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock, when a successor to Mr Mooes wss to be appointed. Two ap plications, at least, have been made, both of which are good ones. As wo wont to press before that time we can not say who is our next principal. Wo may depend that he is a good one. Before onr next issue school will have been convened again, and it is to be hoped that all of enr citizens will unite with the principal in making onr public schools a complete success, so that when those who are seeking homes here from ths east and south shall ask ns about them, we can say, "Yes, we have the best schools in the state, we are proud of our teacher, the progress he in making and the standing tho school is obtaining in the community." This is the first thing that is asked, and we should all labor with the principal to be able to give a good answer. Ths schools through the county are in excellent condition, and much is due to the energy of the connty Superintendent in organizing, visiting and I vising, and it is the general desire of many to see tho schools of this city stand at tho head or at least on par with the best in the county. Letter Lias. The ronowing Is the list of letters remal alntr in the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Ore gon, Dec. zo, una. persons caning lor mess letters must give tne uate on wnicn insy wrra advertised. Ack.rman, Fike Brown. Mrs Blair, Dr H Calaway, Kimsey Dimick, A Reece, Joseph Stsrr, Hiss Emma Wilson, H J. M. IRVING, P. M. Campbell, Andrew M Kennedy, K i Smith, Martha Wrenn, Lawrencs W. C. T. V. -a The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be changed from Jan. 1st to Jan. 8th, at 3 p. m., at Y. P. C. A. hall. Mrs. M. J. Towstsksd, Mas. W. S. Petkks, President. Secretary. When yon have a cough or cold, ask for Acumen's Congb Syrup. It will sure ly care you. s M-His Looking over the files of the Dkmoorat for 1833, wo wore able to glean the princi pal local events of the year, wblob we boll down and reglve to our readers, In order that thev may be rominded again of the little ana big events of the year : Here are some of them, after each date the events of the previous week being given. JANUARY. 5. Idvely skating. "Oregonlan" or "News." Flour takes a jump to 95.00. Married KO Pentland and Stella Uullah er. New olty officers take their ot. in g match hunt st Lebanon. 12. Waobenbolmer case. ' 8 Stearin steals pair of breeohes,W H Hoott and Nlok Springer oapslsed In rlvor. Married- John Kirk aud Uoaa Parrlsb. 10. J M Irving secures commission as P. M. J I . Cowaa A Co. prepare to open Htoreat hobaiioii. 21. Henry W A brants murders Dr llrownlee at Junotiou. 10" bulow aero, Two boys nearly drewaod at View Lake. A greeny sniped. ' Married Sani'l Qurley and Sarah French, Ja McCoy and May MoDanlels. SHU u All Y. 1 H R bridge accident at Harrlsburg. Death of Mia Harry Walters. High wa ter. Married Frank Hardmaa and Ida Web-h. 0- Presbytertan church dedicated. Death of Jennie and Msggle Harvey. l(L Fall wheat Injured by bad weather. Death or Wtllio Peters. Iaaao Blevlns and Mrs John McCoy. Nimchiok o,ofoeea. 23. Meeting of State Toiuperaoee Alli ance. Jackson Urlpplnatraw arrested at Mrownsrille. MARCH. 2, House of Ed .eyas robbed. Musical society organized TeaBneraace mass meeting at Court House. Farmers agitat ed about freaou wbeat. Deatb ef Mrs ftain'i Hardtnan.Wm Douglas aad Dr Mo Cat ley. 0. A $20,000 school bouse voted. Hop yard atarted near Albany. J M Irving begins as P M , If. K 8 strahan and Tkos Monteith elected school directors. Death of John Meeker. Nlmcaick tried and sentenced to one year In the penitentiary. Married Frank Hackleuaan and Martha Strand. Circuit Court meet. Miss Luce recites. 2D. Skating carnival at Iceeuon. Old Ha.lltt house burned. 50. "Site meeting" held. Dr L Irvine gradutaea from Medical Collogo. Death of J W Frook. aruif. 6, Swiping cans at Court House. Horn a ox and a Hearst. IS, Skating carnival. W B Boott soils out to Will Hros. Hew fxxlge of K of P's at Brownsville: SO. Deatb ef John Hackletaan, National Bank organized. Marrlge of Benjamin Kenyon and Martha W heeler. 27. Pioneers meeting called. Marriage of Oliver Hyde and latsttsl Buaay at liar rlsbtrrg. MAT. 4. Willis Knigbten drowned at Tangent. Jas Miller killed while harrowing, by horse running. 11. Sodavila sliver, mine excitement. Central school bouse block purebaed for new building. Married -Tb Hopkins and Cora Riley, Phillip Baltimore aad Amanda Banbor. is. Woolen mill incorporated. "Bread on the Waters." School directors decide to build school house. Married - apt Powell and Maggie Footer, 26. Decide to celebrate the 4th. Marri age of J N Rico and Olive Baft, F W De Vaney and Mary Perry. 1. Richard Boylee drowned. H A L Co beat No I'm at ganso of ball 41 to 82- Dec oration day observed. Residence ef J W Burkhart burned, Pioneers hold entusl- aatln meeting. Loath of Hon J II Smith, 8. Jos Webber elected Chief Engineer. H A L Co, beat l's 34 to 31, I . Pioneers bold a second mooting. Prion tire. Miss Francis W Ulard at Court Mouse. Deatb of Homer Davis. 22. State Firemen's tournament atSalem, Married-W R Biiyeu and Miss Mary Oeldsen. 29. Train wrecked near Jewish Camelry. Knox Butte has a big picnic. Boggs house burned. Deatb of Salem (J rabsm. Coun ty s S Convention held. JULY, 6. Big 4th celebration Parry Knighton burned, from State penitentiary. Fa i in house of Convicts eeoape Death of Cbarlea Rice. Big Are at Astoria. 13. Deatb of .Ibert Watson, and Mrs Maggie 81m peon. 20. Whims troup at Albany. Luellan Williams drowned inSantiam. Tolegrapb Ic strike beglas. 27. Shermaa A Henman's circus bilk the people. John Smith arrested for ma hem Jos Watson and Henry Maine fall from scaffolding. AUGUST. 3, Mr Mintzenmeyern house struck by lightning. Valley full of smoke. Death of Robert Grabam, Prof Robb resigns ss prmcipsl. Spot on sun. Marriage of M M DimmJck and Lulu Leavltt. 17. "Our Hoarding House." Marriage of J II Daniel and Liczle Johnson. Donald Dinnie bilks Portland, 24, Castelle's circus here, Mrs Dr Saw telle Seymour lectures. Marriage of Geo. Settlemierand Ella Wyer, SI. Good harvest news arriving. Silver trumpets made in Portland for firemen, RPTBMnER, 7, Fine telescope reoeived at College, "Queen of the Pacific" stranded. Mar riage of Robert Crosby and Clara Cowan, also of the Junior editor of the Dkmoorat. Wm Voight's saloon burglarized, State fair held, 14, Villard party at Albany, R R meet ing at Courlslleuse, Death of J M McCen nell, 21, Death of Dr Ballard at Lebanon, First goods by the N P. 28, Death of Phillip Baltimore and Wra McMeekin. John Blick acoldently shot at Lebanon, and dies frm effect, John Wat ers drowned at Harrlsburg, OCT n Bit, 5. Mrs Clawson dies ia the east, W C T TJ course begins, with Prof M J McMakon as speaker. 12. O P Tompkins becomes insane, Hughes-Skeels and Caufleld Phillips marriages. 19. Lina Co, Temperance Alliance meets, Fire boys receive tmmphets in big style, 24. Rev T L Elliot lectures. Old folks party at E B Purdom's, average age 65 Big fire at Corvallls, NOVBMBBH, 2, Bessie Louis King sings, Mr Oarret killed at Peoria accidently. Another old folks party at J H Fester's, average age 75, 0, Hon Rufus Mallory lectures, Mrs Jas Finlayson murdered. Black, Porter A Co, fail, bat settle alright, and begin business again. 10, Charles Finlayson arrested for znur der of Mrs Finlayson, J H Simpson hurt Dave Fro man gets losta the 23, Dr A L Llndsley lectures, Carp re- ceived, J II Wslte invents a switch, anta Claus begins to establish his head quarters. 30. Barn of Thos Humphrey's burned. Thanksgiving observed. Sheriff Purdom, or Douglas county shoots a prisoner. ORORMRRR, 7, City election held, Hill, Henton, nicker and Seiteubnoh elected. Successful BM4 entertainment, Teacher Inalltulo held at Iebanon, J King bilks Albany, 14. Edward Hroyae gets caught for (deal ing uorae, Dr Waits begins temperance leel urea through tho county, John Hoff- miin elected rblof Knglueer, "Bread on tho Waters" at fthedd. 21, Addlioti Q Jibb lectures, Linn Co, takos the load as a nondlvoroe county. Thos Fisher gets lirteca days, Elisabeth Fox found dead. iirl.lnsas. hristmas ovs. was ss stormy a night as wo often experience here, and iw doubt re ssind many ef aa Iowa cyclone, yet, not withstanding this fact, the churches wore welt tilled, and the trees all seemed to he well laden with presents, most of whioh wore for tbeohAMlOR, The M K ''. arch, the Bvsngoliosl churoh.tho Presbyterian ohurob, tha Cougregatiunal oh u rub aud tho U P church, all were bleesed with Christmas trees and each wss gotten up with excellent taste. Of uourse it is nut our province to compare the different trees. It i enough that all were tilled with presents, to gladden the hearts of hundreds, old aud young. Tho bestovidouco of tha hold these Christmas festivities have in the hearts ef tho people was the uutnber who attended them in such a terrible wind and raia storm, at least part of the churches being full. Mixed up with thuso many eujoyuionte several not vsry serioos scoidenta occurred on account of the dark windy night. The Superintendent of ono of tho H g's run off the sidewalk and fsli tat in the mud. Ho changed his clothes. A bright eyed little girl on leaving the Congregational church in her best dress and with her arms full of presents, met with a like mishap, completely covering herself with mod, a young married man switching off the walk near the M imrch engraved the uupriute of his nose on a lamp post, trro or something oleo, ho is not certain wlueh. but il will not U used for a head stone, two clerks, a druggist and a carpenter, met with like mishaps. Coanaaea 1 1 Tuesday evening, Dec. 23, 1883. Proseat Mayor, sjleeorder. Marshal and tho Councilman. Tho Marshal reported that he had notified ths owner of lot '.' in block 8 to repair drain ia front of aid lt. The bends of the Treasurar and Marshal elect for tho year 1H84 wre llxed at $7000 each. llooda for tho following salooa akoopors for six months from January 1st were ap proved. J Sorbin. Adam Ihrig, Was raber, II in raber. (brar; Chas KeilW. Sam- usl Cohen, M Itaumgart, J A Cross. The following bill were ordered pat J i N J ilenteo. 842 : UocLu A tV at! M W M Ketchoiu, 8V ; Jam HaSinao, i ; A Mon teith. 8 ; A B Woodiu, fl : k J Unoing, 83 ; Juo Mrush. yl ; D K .V Hlaokburs. f . i W N Miller, 870 The following bills were ordered referred : Cherry A Parkes 10.70 ; repairs on engine, F- ; Jaa Had, waahtug hooa, $G ; Huffman A Joerph, $2.20, R I) Merry, $3.73 i (i W Burkhart, 87. 17 ; N J Hanton. costs vs Moore, $4-35. Tfc .t iiaaale MrKH Fedtt. of Indiana, say a a Halem papar, after haviag spent six weeks traveling with his wife on the North west coast has seen no place that coin pares wlih the Willamette Valley, lie coatrasta th climate in this wise. He says in tbe Kast you have to feed your stock sis months in tho year ; here scarcely any at all. There the cold Is iang and extreme la tbe winter : here the climate Is vary temperate, not having m vb any Ice here yet this sea son liasays oar neonla tell him that in the summer the haat Is not extreme, and that the nights are cool and pleas ant so that people can spend them Hleep ingand resting, in tbe Kast such U not the ease. There the nights are ex tremely sultry ; and sleepless and rest less iu the heated season. Then he cempared our beautiful timber to the tree lean valleys of tha middle States lie said he would raiher own aa acre of land In tne Willamette Valley than In Illinois, when It comes to a home. The sail Is at good, the climate better, tho timber and water unexcelled anywhere, and It's only a matter af a few years when an aere of land here will be worth as much as in Illinois. These large farm should be divided up into farms of one hundred and sixty to two hun dred acres, and the productiveness ef the land increased more than a hundred fold. " Buy your harness of E L Thompson A Co. . Blevcles aad atolleva. Wednesday night there was a fair atten dance at the Y. P. C. A. Hall at the bicycle and skating exhibition by F T Merrill, Jfsa IKarron and J Manciet, notwithstanding the fact that it waa a very inclement night. Ths fancy riding by Merrill and Warrsn was fine exhibition of what oan be dene with those easy running mashines. lbey did many tricks that few bicyclists are capablsof performing, it seeming to make little differ ence ia what position they happened to be, the bicycle went all the same. The skatiag by Manciet attracted considerable attention, nearly every one present knowing how to navigate en rollers. He is a genius at it.aad performs a vsrioty of fanoy and difficult tricks with great esse. The eutertainnrent was certainly a novel one, but certainly very interesting to at least those who attended, and deserved a good patronage. The young men are all in business in Fort land, and were through the valley as much for a holiday as anything, but on account of the terrible weather had net been meeting with extra success. "Wataonviile, Cel.. Feb. 7tb, 1882 recommend your Cough Syrup (Amman's Cough Syrup) in preference to all others, as I knew its merits. 'Words fall to express my gratitude," ssys Mr atelby Carter, of NashTille,Tenn , "for the benefits der.ved from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Having been afflicted all my Ufa -with scrofula, any system seemed saturated with it. It came out In blotches, ulcers, and mattery sores, all over my body." Mr. Carter states that he was en tirely cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and since discontinuing; its use, eight months ago, has had no return of the sorofulous at Tangent, woods. symptoms. The College Ralertaln meat. The entertainment given at the Col lego Chapel Friday evening for the benefit of the Col logo reading room wss wall attended. Nearly all of It de served commendation, as well tfcn part by the students as those by out siders. The essay of Jas ' hai l ton on "Longfellow" was a acliollsrly effort, displaying flue language, an oasy style and considerable thought. The piano solos by Miss Laura Tate.of Idydelle and Tltanla, oan not bo too highly spoken of. Her touch Is alroort perfect, aud she puts an expression and Ufa into her playing that makes the piano apeak, to tbone who appreciate the difficult kind of rauslu which shn renders We have heard It said, probably with truth, that Miss Tate has no euperlor In the North west. Tho chorus by the primary de partment, and the 'Hhlp building" by the Erodelphlan ttoclety attracted par ticular attention. All of the nine In tho latter recited well, and sb least three exhibited good elocutionary powers. Thu duet by Mrs Laagdon and Mrs Htaiger aad the solo by Mrs Langdon ware received with enthusiasm, aa their singing always Is. (Julacy Propst spoke the "Schneiders Demarters'' in floe Dutch style, aud Mls Ina Itobert- son surpassed Jos.1 ah Allen's wife her alfin the rendition of ' The Jouesvllle heir." The address of Welcome, hv w ay Fraak Propst, the recitations by Kate Price and Kdher Marshal, the dedans. Hon by Peroy Voung aud the piano solo by Lizzie Conner, were all good. It is to bo hoped that tha (.allege will give more of these entertainments. M8J8X Hareh Crabtree was born in Missouri in 1815, and died near the Hantiam, Dae. 18th. lSal). Shecressel tho plains in 1853 with family, endured the hard ships aud priva tions of an early settlers life. Mrs Crabtree, itter known ss Aunt Mally. was an affer. tionate wife and devoted, loving mother and ever epea-hsnded to administer to the wsuts of the poor and needy, she was a member of the M K Church. Mouth, sud lived the life of a consistent christian, evea adorning har profession by a Cedly wslk v-l chast conversation. liar uariii!e was of that character that was worthy of imitation. She died well as do all Cod's children, all might well say. "IM roe die the death of the righteous, aad 1st my hut ead be like his." Her dying words to ber children were "meet ins in Heaven. ' Han Francisco. Mar 1st. 1882. Dear Hlr : For tbe past two saootbs 1 bsve been suffering from a severe oougli and cold. A mend advised me to use A an men a CeubK Kyrup. 1 did so aad waa rroallv benefil- 1- 1 have now taken two larire bottles. and am entirely cured, (irateful to you far placing so valuable a remedy on tbe market. I stn Yonrs truly, M. J. Mrm-iir, With Ingley A Michaels. New stock of curry combs and brushes at I L Thouijton A Co's. 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PACES. SUITED TO BOYS JNID GIRLS OEJ FROM SIX TO 8IXTEENTEAR8 OS JLQ-JED. Vet. V. cawaaomeea Bavesaater a, teas. l!r(r . Young r-. p:o" Is ths bast . tkl fur cUUUvti Aosertoa. ouiiicsieru ChiisUsu A1- leane. All that tho artist's saUl can acrmnpltsh In Ths war at lliustrat.uii has hasa duns, aaa ths beat Ulct.t ut ths country has sontribulad to Its toaU "5sw KngUnu Journal of Education." Boston. In its special n!4 ihrrs Is nothiuj- thai can ho com paxsS otllk ll "llartlunl Krouiug iVoU." TEEMS. uaariaa voibv n.oni, .: per rear, raataae Prepaid,. Mingle aiutahor, fltc coot each. MpoetisoB copr sent oa receipt uf throe cants. The Volumes ot "Harper's Young People" lor I Sal, its) and 18X3, bauusotaolj bound in 1 1 luminal ed cloth, will be seat by oiai!, poctage prepaid, on re. cotat ot S3 each. Uoiii aaoos ror oaen volume, sun able lor biudtnc, Ul be sent by snail, postpaid, on receipt o bo eon u each. nemisunoos snouw oa saaao uj nsmnw Order or Draft, to avoid chanoe ot leas. Newspperear at to ouuy this sdTerUeomeut liboutihc eprcos order of Iiarr and lirovhtrs. Address UanfKRanu BKUTHKKiS, New York, STALLION FOR SALE. Ioek bare for your interest, all of you that want fine stack, the undersigned has a fine Clyde stallion, two yearn old, weigtit 1171 pounds, at a low figure, lie is a floe stallion. Ha also has a fine turf nag, supposed to be the fastest on the Coast. Call seen if yen wish to purchase, G,W. Vauohw, Co berg, or. W O O 13 I IV I SJSJ a w a 5 H UNDERTAKER Notice of Dissolution, XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tne partnersuip noroioioro iowuk nn,tr Dm firm name of Danaals A Wood- in, is this dsy dissolved uy muiuai con sent. All debts due the said firm should be paid to Mr. A. B. Woodin who vrill pay all liabilities of the said firm. Albany, Deo. 19, 1888. Jas. Danwaw, A. B. Woodin. PAIN TRIPP. On Dec. 23rd, 1883, at Harriaburg, by Leander Stttes, J. P., Ma Johm Pain and Miss Auca Tmrr. We hope thtir trip throngh life will not be a painful oae, though Pains and sorrows no doubt will oome the same as ia all peoples lires. They hare onr eongratulatiena. CLARK SWIFT. On Christmas Eve.. Dee. 24th, 1888, at Eugene city, ua. ea wabd Clark and Miss Lizzk Swijt both of Eugene. The happy couple have the Democrat's congratulations as well as those ef the grooms many friends here, who unite in wishing them the usual long, prosperous and happy life lata. PATTON. In Halsey, on Dec. 19th, 1853, to the wife of Porter Patton a boy. ..... n.s MA7tKIB0. Choice Styles IN BOOT8 AND 8HOS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. COMPRISING EVERYTHING NEW IN GENTLE MEN'S, LADIES', MI8SE8 AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, HAVE ARRIVED. SPECI ALTIE 8 IN GENTLEMEN'S EM BROIDERED SLIPPER8. JU8T THE THING FOR CHRI8TMA8 GIFTS. Also specialties in ladies' gos samer over3ho33. Call early. Hiimin'l 1-Z. Young, Albany, Or. For Sale. One half block la restore part eity with fair iieitao and bar will cheap. of the be sold stS?"- -e saawslMBa ' ' fl Sab irfi 1 -3g ZSzj-l . Our Holiday Stock. CHRISTMAS is now or tuvej Following are torno of tbe many articles FANCY ORESS GOODS, LADIES AND MKTS' EMBROIDEMB SUffEW, BLACK SILKS, FULL ITBOK OF CLAS8 WAH, BLACK BROCADED SILKS, PORTMONRIES, COLORED BROftADED SILKS. ETC. VELVETS AND PLUSHES, FANCY BASKETS. LAMFHMMES, LADIES FINE FRENCH ANI A HE I CAR 111 SUM, A FULL LINE CLOAKS, D0LMAMS, GOSSAMERS, SHAWLS, sJEWEY ETC., ETC. AT SAMUEL E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Oregon. Holiday FOSHAT k The LARGEST and Selected under the X who authorized them to reasonable rates. 1 Com plete Libra ry of Books, beau tiful stock of statuary, Albums of all kinds, Mirrers i and Vases, Musical Instruments Toilet Sets, Christmas and New Years Cards, Pic tures, Perfumery, Inkstands Etc. XMAS GOODS AT H. E wert's A spieadld Mae of LADIES' AUD GENTlf WlTCIK, Grold and Sil-rr, RISC8, BRACELETS. FRUIT BASEBTB, CLOCKS, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, SPEOTACLE8, THIMBLBS, 8LEEVE BUTTONS, HANDSOME STUD BEAUTIFUL CHARMS, G old Pens and Difcmi8 SOLID COLD ARD PLATE! Silver and Plated fan, It., iu, -AT H. Eweif s, Albany, OWE NO MAR AN .THIN!. AU persons knowing to thu undersigned are ad to call at ones for make collections to meet sty ova A dtsregara of this eottee wfH oa debtors. Ob as B. Ibanon, Nov. 8h, 1888, rjoar at ban el and nay wan be anu ijaeral artfolee now being Goods AT MASOrS BEST stock erar feroufkt TO of SANTACrXaAXTMaisMMlf sell everything at the iSsatSsl I