Offloial Goantj Papar. Entered at the P t OCftoe at Albany, a second dans mail matter. Or. FRIDAY., DECEMBER 7, 1883 BOTES & KtmTHCr. setters aa rriritr. nil p. snrnsia, Local Hatter. cnrv Biacmx. Monday the election (or city officers wm hld in this city, and il wm quit ft inter esting one, nearly full vot being polled. Nothing lpeaks louder than nguree, and her thy are : KATOft. JLttillFuat Wd J Second Waid 81 Tkird Ward "88 Total W C Tweedele, First Ward.. Haoan Ward BO Third Ward. 4G Total HUT Majority nnooRxan. 0 Barkhart, Firt Ward. . . Soad Ward. Third Ward... 1'3 .44 .23 ...a ...48 .Tiii TotaL iDiru Total.. Majarity. ..220 ..101 Hq ton's mansirax. I C Diokey, Firat Ward. . . Second Ward. Third Ward.. 41 74 78 Total 188 Geo Barkhart, First Ward . . 57 Second Ward 68 Third Ward 81 Total Dickey majarity TRIAWIBU gimon Setteobaeh, Firat Ward Seoond Ward Third Ward.. Total C W Watt. Firat ITard Second Ward Third Ward Total SeiUabech' majority cocsciuta. Firat Ward. Martin Payn John Brigg... Brigs' majority gcoond Ward, Ckaa Pfeiflar. . . John Fenhay Foahay' majority .156 .82 .48 .78 .52 . 188 ...49 ...88 ...51 . 158 ...84 ...42 . . .SS ...10 ...16 ...57 Third Ward, John Iaom O Q Rideeaft. '. majority gjtttaaea. Th dramatic entertainment given aa Fri day and Saturday night of laat weak by th member of the Mechanics' Band, wa well attended, the receipts of thatnt night being 8103. The ftte play readatad waa The Mamaatoai Qaeetion," an English The part ware well carried oat ia the feOewias manner t Robert Shelly Jaam OreaanV TTainn 3mA Jamas Footer, Jr J Moateith Ohalk"PropLcckj Horn BheeTS. JBaadwaete Mom Trap. Wm J Henderaoa Rachel RLnd M m Mary Imee FaaayDoawt Mas Mattm FeUr While indmJaal eritciema might be Bade, nato rally enoujrh ia an amatear com pany, taken altogether th play waa reader din a commendable www The eeter taiaaaaat cloeee with a laaghahl Seme an titled Tha Lean of a XeTer," wiJiftbefei lowing cast of characters : Pater Sorb Ralph A Hob man Captain Amarafort iJfll W Swixxell Mack J Meaftatth ertrad ...... Mia MoKie Wood Ernestine endall Mia Neiha Wood Themaitc by tha Ooatra under tha leadership of Prof Vaughn, waa a goad aa w have ever heard ia Albany, the rendition of -Tha Mocking Bird," with Prof Vangbn and hi violin a tha bird, w have never heard surnamed, and it eartainiy waa de serving of th enthaaiaat'e encore which received. it Th eomoaoY w ll give th earn entertain- meat thia (Friday) evening aft Lebanon, aud everybody there should torn out sad enjoy a dramatic treat. a waa a Laat wk we warned the public to keep their eye open if one J C Howard who was preaching here waa a J C King, of a bad reputation ia Portland, and w had reliable information that he was. It aew turn oat that ha waa at least a first-class bilk. Laat Sunday night be and n young man compan ion, who had been boarding at tha Revere House fer about a week, suddenly loft, owing twelve or fifteen dollar for board. A local ia Tuesdays Standard stated that J C King, the eraak reformer, had been ar retted oa Moaday for steaHag a dictionary at Johnson's Creek. If J C Howard was really J C King ha most have taken the morning train aad gone te Portland, where he waa arrested after getting off the oars. If he is not the same, ho aad King era twin brothers, for their descriptions are exactly alike. Any way the public should continue to keep their eyes open, if they hare not in the past. Since writing the above Mr Pteiffer, of the Revere House, has h-uded us a bill found in Howard's nearly empty satchel which he neglected te take with him. It reads a follows : "Asylum 111588. J. C. King, Dr. to Stat of Oregon, Beard and Lodging from Oct. 26tb to date, (, 86.00 per week. $1800. Money famished from State De partment, $3.00. Total $21." Thia proves completely that Howard and King are the same. A more miserable bilk probabiy never disgraced society. Strayed. A horse, three yean old, and about 14J hands high, a light gray, with face almosi white, onehindfeot white and anbranded, strayed from Browasville Nor. 27th. Was laat aeon near Peoria going toward Cervallis Aay information leading to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. V. C. Brock, Brownaviile Oregon. Aeeldeat. A few days since Mr John a Morgan was riding on the hounds of a wagon on the farm of Mrs Baiter across the river in Benton county, when his foot caught on a snag spraining it in a very oainfui manner, fie cannot walk en it NOME AND ABROAD. F M French, jeweler, 1 1 Christmas good at French', V t Ksep yeureye oa French' ahair wind. Call at Langdon's and aaa the saw holiday Geld aad silver watches c'uopsr than rsr at French's. A thousand aad ever holiday books just received aft Langdon'a. A splaadid aeaortmeat of Pacific Coast diariea foe '84 aft Laa-rdon'. Clocks ia endless variety all M French's, oppeeite Odd Fallow Temple. There will be fear Republicans aad two Democrat ia th now 6ounoil. Far a cough or odd there is ao remedy equal to Amman' Cough Syrup. If dirt were tramp several whom we might meattea, weald hare extra hands. A splndid line of holiday goods aft Allen Martin. WeU selected, neeful and beautiful All those wiahiog to study Oarman in corner Third and quire of Mm. A. Cohen CaUpooia streets. No finer toilet act than thorn to be at Foahay ft Masons, were var off red fer ale ia Linn coaaty . If you want to have a nice time, take your partner and ge U Daanal's Hall Turn day evening aad skat. The ladies Coffee Clab meet oa Taeeday afternoon of next week, at 8 o'clock, p. m. All mmabar ahoald be present Fer pare grooariea go to Hoffman ft Joseph's. Timy keep a good stock, which they sell at the most reasoaabls prions. Wa Faber and Ad Harmea hay purchas ed theenleoa run by Frad Rem fer several yean, and it will bow be ran by them. If yea desire to eiamiae aa excellent stock of goods suitable for the holidays call at Allen ft Martin a They hay them. Mr Lakia, mother of Mrs L Parriah, of this city, dmd at the home of her daughter ia this city, laat Suaday eight, after a long We are roquoatod to announce that the M K Sunday School ia thia dty wUlhavea Christmas tree aad all are cordially ia vised to participate. A aew line of sait jaat received aft L E Iain's, wtJeVWsW'ee examieed, while at it, bay aa overcoat aad keep as well aa dry. Allen ft Martin have jaat received goods direct from the Beet, aad aaa sail cheaper than ever. Go aad aee them before yoa buy your fall and winter goods. Th regular meeting of the T PC A will he held Monday eveeiag. The member are requested to be preaeat earlg, a as to get through with bnainee of importance early. Coarad Myy spak tht week, aad the demriag toy cheap ahoald call oa him. He has a good stock, aad pririSSH fta oloaait eat at all hoards, regardlom of all price. LerW night far kaftjag will ha Taeeday evaaiag, ao gentleman admitted without a lady. Pripm per couple 85 50 the evening. Only Saturday evenings public. If you would speed an evening in aa an joyable manner go to DaanaTs Hall aad skate. It is not only a pleasant exareme hat a hernthy one, The floor is a good the skates are ia exeallsat We are indebted to J B H villa, for the report of ah Teaehrs'(Iati- tu te feand oa thia aad th firat peg. Ashe i not preaeat ail of she time aioaa, if any there are will no doubt he Thai traina new arrive hare aft 11.24, or 11:36 eUy time. Why should not our city time hatha same ee the railroad time. Many other ploa ar fal lowing their tim under the now order of things. Frank Kenton e newspaper aeoacy ia qaite a convenience to the pubuc He furnish nearly all the leading papasaat the pabiiab- priee tha saving the sebacribsr the trouble, riak and publisher. How often do we hear of the adda fatal termination of a ease of croup, when a yeeng lue might huva been saved by she prompt ns of Ayer Cuarry Peetoral ! Be wise in time, end keep a bottle of it oa hand, ready for instant use. Purge eat the lurking distemper that aa derminos health, and the ooeatitutieaal rigor will return. These who suffer f foehled and disordered state of the should take Ay era Sarmpmill to dona tha blood, and restore vitality. Mr H Ewert makaa himself kaowa in aa- o.ner column, a probably nee aa Baa a atock of jewelry, watch, diarnssWIs, etc., HUM found in the Williamette Valley eetaide of Portland, and ahoald bo liberally patronised by old aad young. While yea era visiting ether plssss seat ing holiday goods, do act forget that eft L E Blain's, you can liarly suited for presents, such aa a splendid Una of silk handkerchief, gentlemen's jewelry, tim of all kinds, except railroad ties, suspenders, glovse, etc Lane county new comes to the front and claims the eldest pioneer, it being asserted that G B Ganuor came nor in October 1S20. which certainly places the narrow passaged county in front. Ia tha mean time why this silence en the part of Linn county. Road the new ad. of J M Nolan. He baa a splendid stock of aoUday ajmisywfl aelect- ed, which everybody should at bast ex amine. His stock ii really novel aad de serve being reduced, which as his pries are very reasonable no doubt will be dona. Being County Clerk is next te running a . . T- ' 1 "H L newspaper, neoenuy unne gonial vmtk received a mortgage by mail to bo recorded, for whieh the sender aeked him to take his pay "in a blessed hope of, immortality," it waa recorded and the reckoning will be made hereafter. Last Sunday the M E Sunday School at Shedd Station decided to have a Christmas tree in the church edifice at theft place aa th evening of the day before Chratnae. Committee to make arrangements Were ap pointed, and a cordial invitation extended to the public. One day recently on coming to the we found a Urge window pane broken into a thousand piece. At firat w did not knew heft a robbery had been committed, but we found the short bit ia tha drawer ell right. We afterwards ascertained that it was the work of a drunken man. W H Bombard, the converted Jaw, lee. tared oa Palestine, in the Court House, Moaday night to a crowded house, Hi lecture contained many interesting facts, wm told in a pesuliar, earnest style, and was descriptive of Palestine a well's the speak ers views on different subjects, which ke brought in connection with the subject. We understand the Scio election was a peculiar one, one of the factions no t even candidates until awhile before ! one soils closed, and then by a concerted iction they ruahed matters and got several of oh offices, so the story goes aew, but ear .n..Mnrlnt there baa failed to send US the names of the new city officers. Deffoy A Girard have tbe DsMOcaar's wk for US 2 of their own matches, th- e oa the Pacific Coast, without aay exception. They are new meat aosut og these match as ens small seals, and ao deubt will soon be far sale ia every shore in Albany war oHissas ahoald shew their appreciation fer home industry by asking for, and using no ether. Oa Wednesday Mr R A Irvine, ei this county, was eteeftsd Chief Marshal of the Oregon Stat Agricultural society, by accla metiea, for 1884, which shows his populari ty in that position, hs having proven him self one of the beet the state ever had. Mr A F Miller, of Multnomah oca sty, was also elected Chief Marehal of one of the depart cuts. Oa Monday evaaiag last, at their regular moa.b y meeting, Albany Engine Company Ho. 1, nominated Jos Webber for Chief Engineer aad Arab Moateith for Assistant ; and Linn Engine Co. Ho. 8 nominated John Hoffman fer Chief Engineer aad Wilson R Btaia for Assistant. The election takes place en next Moaday whoa every fireman should vote, Tbe popular play of Bread ao the Wa tore," which took ao well ia this city several months ago, wilt ha rendered at Shedd Sta tion oa next Wednesday, Dee. 12, 188S, by the members of the Glee Club, We ander staad an excellent cast of character haa beea arranged, sod that thia will be made one of the boat entertainmenta ever given in Shedd . Everybody ia that vicinity should net miss the opportunity to See "Bread en the Waters" played. A letf finmJml M C Mir, dated at Council Grove, Kansas, state i "I have aot my health ataoo coming f Men Albany here, as yea state, (aoeae of yecr readers inform sue) hat am about an whoa I le,t yon last June. Do not think I am any worse. Am beyond doubt la the first stag of consumption. The lower part ef my right lung has perished away ar d a cavity re main. Iamaattl hopeful aad am being well treated her by the people My wife's hJth i pretty good." Promise before election are uncertain af fairs, and the world i nearly old enough for meato find this on i One candidate pre vious to the late city election stated that he could give his sppsnsnt one hundred of his party vote aad tana boat him, which, if ell tbe promisee mode to him had boon Sept, perhap he oeald. hut they were not. and he wee beaten badly. Few men whoa asked ky a friend to vote fer him like to my. although thy should, that they will not do no, end ee tjssjrpant lie to the fellow, aad, if he is a gullible, he takes it ail ia, aad whoa too voiee are oouatrd there arill he eoen a vorv aarnriaad ma W j evann npa em nesnaosM A new time table has beea introduced ia the United States, to he generally observed. Heretofore there have been over fifty ten der of time, hat by this there are caiy fear, each four hours beirg divided into bears on th 76 80. 103 and 120 of leog- itade, all plan 7a each aide of thee point taking the time of sack point. Forieeteace Albany being oa the 1ST weald take th of 120. Hease ear time is now jjoft twelve minotae slow aad all valley regula tor on the 123rd degree which pro peso to keep np with the time ahoald be pat ahead exactly twelve minntee. The O A O puny have wheeled into Mae, ma but they make the difference ef time only When yea bay a fifty-cent or dollar bottle of Amman's Cough Syrup, and have Ukait the outside wrapper off, nee that there is a atrip over the cork bearing the signature of the manufacturer, which to eoaeterfeift Is felony. Aay friend who will fntainh aa ia formatica upon which we can convict one ef thooo thriving, fraudulent imitators, wo will pay the sum ef Ave hundred dollars ftnwo a good remedy an haa the seat remedy ia too world fer the for whiaa it ia rsnsmmmdii, and it is toe valuable a remedy te mankind, aad pe cuniarily ta the meanfaoturor, te permit eay diabuamrable eocaadiel to pot a worthiest mtitatioa oa the market to Injure its rope- When yea have a oeld or ooegb, ask for Ammea s Cough Syrup, and do not suffer yen reel f to he talked ia to haying any preparation. SOCIAL MO PERSONAL. Mr A F Board, of Sees called laat gatar day. Perry Hyde, ef Hrriabeg, waa ia the city Taeeday. Mr W Jackson, of Jeffeisoo, was in the erty Wedneeday. Judge Tandy, of Harrieknry, Ulamiaated our office oa Wednesday. Mr Jaa Sholtoa, ef Jet pleasant call Wedneeday Dr J A Davis and J A Biles, of Scio, we understand wifl start for Texas la a few days. W were farmed last week unth a call from Mr A F W header the gentlemanly As sistant Treasurer of State. Mr Wheeler, though an ardsat, consistent Republican has been n sabscribor to the Democrat fer near ly twenty years. Dr H A Davie, one of th Oregon pioneers, returned met night from the east, where ho haa been for two months past, aad will leave tomorrow for hia heme aft Har.isburg, Linn eoanty. Ho reports having had a very pleesaat trip, hut says also he found no country so attractive as Oregon. TeUgratn. Tbsre was a good attendance Friday evening aft tbe lootoro given by Mlas Helen F Spalding, ef Portland, on "Tbe Higher Education of Women," aba mosss a poor delivery, bat her sub- feet matter made np for any each de ficiency, her lecture ehowlng thought and research, and containing facta of ths greatest interest to all. obe shoo ed bow sentiment wa changing in ref erence to the right oi woman to obtain au education on the same footing with men, and la tha csJMttafted that young women were saual to tbe men In the merit of their lessons, that physically aadlnteleotually they are ae capable of meeting the demands of a higher eda eatlon, nearly every field being filled by women who have honored their callings. Familiar with all branches of the sub ject she left no stones unturn ed, AH who beard bar speak of the thoroughness of ber argnmeats. It la to bo hoped that at some future time Miss Spalding will again speak before an Albany audience. Floor ansae Away. Lai Safcarlay night after the closing ex ercises at the Millers school house had beea held many of tbe children and most of the audience were gathered around the stove talking and joking, when, enddenly, without any warning, the whole floor gave away, precipitating men, women, children and stove to the ground below, a oistanoe oi ioor feet. The amount of screaming and crying . . . . . i 9 can easily be imagined, hat, fortunately there aaa ifttle injury done exeept to the floor and feelings of the victims of the acci dent, several of the women aad children, natarally enough, fainted away. It was a wonder that no mere damage wag doer. The rmk Jbecaar. eld to Lebanon, Rev, fs, ssnatt , fast. OraaolaaUeDy Th following officers were duly elaoted Japt, P A Moaea.l'resl dent, Rx-of&olo. Vlos Presidents, J L 8Mlbrt, J D Me Farlaud aad J A llilyeu. Seorotaries, Miss K Btssett and Miss Eova Alexander. Eu rolling Boo retail, Mlu T C Hieley, Mr I McDonald and Mr V c Brook, Certificate Secretary, T L Duggar, Treasurer, J W Cuslok. Committee oa Resolution, W N Heff- siagor, D V 8 Bald. 0 Lever, Miss M Brook and Mfaa Sarah Coehow. TMUBSD4T BTVOMIXO. Music ' In the absence of Prof Jnaenh issnory, of the State Agricultural Uoliege,J B Horner was appomtod te road a paper en "Duties aad iloquiremente of Public School Teach -am." Mnalc. Sunt P A Moeea then lectured en "Edu cational Matter Concerning Linn County " "In Linn county there are 2,980 square anile. There are 1400ft lnhabltanta in the oeauty, or five persons to the square mile. There are 03 school districts j alee 886 eohooi mreotora and Ofi eohool olerka oae school ofrioer to every 37 persons. The Drat district In Linn county was organised on July 5, 1864. The number of children who can draw public money le oOTS, aaa how many there are too email to oonnt, 1 cannot aay. Since in office i nave graaiou m Ma t t 1S4 teachers' certificate, 84 being for vouna men. aaa on wr youoa mmm. i " . Linn county nays en an average to men, 144 par month, to lad lee gss. or tne ee i m meatkmod 88 have first grade certtf-1 loetae, and 81 eeoond grade oertlnoate ; of th oa ledum. 80 rjonaaos first erode oertifi-1 rates and 82esoend grade. Many who I novo applied for cortlfloate failed to peaajaatin popular education, which la the only required examination and onnaaqnently I uensd that fti.&S without the proper I amount of Information cannot aeon re a eertifloate. Daring the peoosnt year too apportionment waa 83.70 per achelar. The eacceaafnl teacher require tea following qualification, government, the patience of Job, tbe wiadom ef Solomon, end too of Moeea " Laughter. The Supt spoke at length oa oo operation In eohool matter. This annuel mom go wee highly appreciated and should ho printed ha fall In H eoemty paper. The Text Book queetien came up again by Messrs D V 8 Bold, William Woxt, J B MoFertand, Mum An- demon, Mms Bleaker and J B Homer. Pro! Oil hart road extract from the School Law which proved that the law le definite u dob the time school book moot be adopted before a change oan lake plana. The innate during the evening was very good, The house wee crowded ; and too Interest Increasing. r at pat ueounao, Institute met at 8:35. Hones called to or der by Supt Mooes. Moved and seconded that the chair ap pont a committee of three to for the evening, Chair appointed J B Horner, Mies Ander- aanaadMbm Gilbert. Subject of mualo in oar common eohool a, woo then Intro duced by J B Horner end dteeaaeed by Pi of Dogger who dwelt much u am ef time being kept by the pupil while staging but dlaepprovnd of the use of tbe organ aeaaaid to vocal matte. Taos dhmnmlsn wa afterward followed Swat Batrd of Oregon City took the af firmative of the qooettan, aad nlslmod that tt waa a foregone conclusion that at should noceeaarily bo taught la ear com- men eohoeU. Drawing la punllo schools waa then in- trodueed by Mr J B Horner who oaadolpy Mlm Francis Gilbert and Mian Mary eoveral eiiggeeflnns on the lutroouotlon of 1 atootauae. drawing and named various authors ef tbe Profs Douafcer. Meffalogar, Bold aad asftmta fallowed In the discussion of thts amhierdi Subject of School Dieolpllne" waa then tnLrodaood bv Praf D V 8 Bald who de livered o vary able, entertaining ana in tractive address concerning the deport ment of toacbem. He stated that he more Dutch than French in hta make op. He toon aald that he defined eohool dla-1 del toe aa betna the development ef the 1 faculties bytnatraotlon aaa exareme ta i m in mrnarAmnoA with eembltabod ruler I - . Ho failed to concede to the Idea that there I wen no bad boys la Oregon, he said a I good boy off the track waa emphatically i speaking. A aad boy aaio no nan aoquir-1 ed a name or rjotng a nam cr u w bore, referred to ni experience nun neat and gave varieaa examplee wbercla 1 bed boon adnilnimered d 1 good nan resoiteo "oreirom. I good teacher waa a good difKrfpltnertan, I that teaching bad to be learned and that am kU facultv bv natuw. bo road extracts from a oaleadar from the n -j aMMAe r tk. Interior whloh waa listened to with Among the maay good things ho road from thia wae the following: Fori the government ef aehaole, ralee ahould I be fixed and known to 'he eohooi. Mr Rold'a ramarka were well received by the audience. Oae teacher being so entoueiae- tic ae to remark that he would be willing to ait on the fence durlnat a storm and lis ten to It were it repeated again. Primary element of reading waa latro- dneed by J B Httghes, followed by Profs. Oilkort. Raid. W A MOQhee and ethers. Bvntax was then introdnoed by Miss Blaker, who made a few lively remarks Prof Noffsinger then Introdnoed the subject, "Normal Bobaola," stated that Normal Schools offer peculiar advantage to the persons wba employ teachers that have made a life time profession of thia work. He stated that the peraen who had oraotical experience, whether he or aha has natural adaptability for the profession or net, would be fortunate In gaining suok ki. -.ri raining that th boat of talent wa alwava procured as instructors in normal schools, the best mstbods culled from nraotioal experience were there taught to the embryo teacher. The speak or' remarks were appreciated. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED, Resolved. That the thanks of this In stitute be tendered to the 0 e 0 R R Co. for the rednotlon of fare arrente those attending this Inefcltute. Reeoived. That ths thanks of the Insti tute are doe, and are hereby expressed to the citizens of Lebanon and viol aity fer their hospitality aad their hearty support of, and attendanoe at, the Institute. Resolved. That It is the sense of this Institute that all school officers, teachers and friends of education gonerally should oae tbeir earnest efforts to suppress tne baneful practice of whispering tn ear eohoole, and otherwise perfect the disci pline ef them. Resolved, That the thanks ef this Iaati tnte bo tendered to Prof J L Gilbert for the use of Santiam Academy and ether obliging assistance rendered by him. Reeoived, That the thanks ef this Insti tute are hereby tendered to these fro no abroad who have kindly assisted us m this most important work. Resolved, That tbe friends of education and especially the teachers should encour age the toaehing of vocal music aad draw- f eV . Wi3? , .iE8gi$oioC$ ssCjJSsflnJe Received. That the thanks ef the Insti tute ha and hereby are tendered to the eoauty Superintendent, Prof P A Mens, or me oourtosy, xiad manner ana energy onto wnion he has ooadaotea tne tush- Matt Unsolved, That a copy of these reeoln Mens he forwarded to eaoh of tha County aewepapem. Received, That the teachers of Linn county, Oregon, request the Honorable Hunt, of Linn county to confer with Prof T h Wallace, of the State Normal awBooi of California, (or some ether celebrated educator,) and aeosrtain his terms of In struction and at what tins ho eould meet tbe teacher of the above named oeauty aad giv normal Instruction to them, aad taat tneNupt. give nettfloatloa through theoolumoo ef the paper. fbioay Avraawooit. Instttale waa called to order by Vice Proa. J L ailbcrt. After stating tha pro gram r the afternoon ho called for the reading of the report ef (bo commit tee s After stating ths utility of Dlrootera vent lone, Sunt, Mooes Introduced Mr David Smith, of Lebanon, who Introduced the subjevt of "Oar Schools Thirty Years Ago '.' Being one of Oregon's Pioneere be tntereeted the audience with some of the early history of our Lion county schools, aad waa followed by Meaere. J A MoOhee and if r Jackson. On motion D s Held 1 a traduced the eubjeot of guUee of School Directors," and was followed by J W C notch and Supt. Batrd of Oregon Oity. Befog a member ef a committee I was present at goo "Director's Convention' but a abort time and consequently cannot give a full report, hut I oan any that too uuge anatenoo was oompoooa ar director SI A . . ana etorna wno repreoent about twenty vww wewNt mum i wr many otnera mere wno are oeadioatec for t.. . . - ! ueo paeiuoaa at laonext ia wno mean to enoeevor to maae too jotBcee honomblo aa well aa noofkdi and tnere were eoorea or others who have no euoa asplratiena, but reel an eamgnard of our nation. The meeting woo the firat or one of the first of the kind over hold la too county and waa ta every a Bteoattoaary aad Masroal I fta tftm AaOUoram ef aoatum Amaaaay s rrJOay Svrarac. I astru mesial moafo, "Citron Blooaoro WgJta,' by the Latoor orohoatra. Iz-fopt: J L Gilbert delivered a very appropriate eai u tat ry. Prof J H Roberta, formerly principal of one ef the leadlag graded school of Now York deetalmod, "Order for a Plotare." Vocal doet, Lullaby." by Miss Boa Cowan and Ora by special requeot. Del do Jehcaeo declaimed, "Tbe Piano.'' Mr 0 B Moatagwt, of Lobaaon, lec tured oa tbe stibjeet, "The Days ef Hhaspcare., Tbe apoaker'a ertteafeaat evlooed oiooo dlaorimlaatioa, his lea gue ge waa classical, and the eulogy was such aa only Shakspeare deeerves. Addle Glbter aaag a comic oolo, "Nlootyflvo." Eva Cowan sang the beautiful ante, dwt Iostrumental mutie. "Venice Settot Usebe by tbe Latourorebeatra. Maud Kickereon recital "rlthy In Obarob. Instrumental doet. ''Among tha Plane,'' by Mioses Bffie Deany aad Fraak ltaori. "The AdvenUeraeat Answered" was declaimed by Prof J H Roberta Vocal duet by David MoOeoald aad Eva Cowan. iUcitatian. "Alleo Bayno" by Mum lorn loabaw. Vocal duet, "ioaollfttl MoaaHghL' Bhamus O'Brien" was declaimed by Prof Roberta. upt P A Mooes doll vorod o short val- Idictory In which be paid a tribute to his preeieoeaeer la office, and expressed his thankful oeae to tbe pople in gen oral Instrumental maulo by Latoor Or obeetra. "SoUtude oohottlsetie, Tbe Teaebera' InatltaU was dUmleo- eu by tbe llev xftoaaeroon oi toe riweoy tori an Ckuroh Ioeoucluslen I witt say tnai tne per . i am-m at tnrrmmr roa Saatlam Aoaoomy aaa Lobaaon public eohool kindly proper enae oi tbe oxerobtee of the von lap; gpQrofthe moment ' and aa- UrifJ1- m making the enUr- tainM..t . troot Kach nerformer da ..i k. Ur Vltnr ornvnaapmo... ' 11 you tell me Uoondenee I wlU obey tor hM attended other loeUtutee In vavi J. but has nsvsr eeea bee pi I extended ao heartily as there I Tht. mritii th aaaoral cooDoratloa of al I oonoorned made the Institute a literary I foaaL a.D. WarCoauai ia the pneeeof haroeae aad saddle. We n; n undersold in the sta, and ws . . W will U foods at the wiM Vices from now until January 6 ring leather halter, 81.00. a ri web halters 60e linos, extra heavy 20 feet long, with seeps complete, ftjfl. Boston team sellers, 88.00. Aad all our stock we offer accordingly low fer cash. Ws wsat fte red sew ear sleek. All work warraated. OsJl aad be esaviaeed that we mean what wa aay. B. L. THoarsos A Co. eaata Class aa Allen eft MrUa. SantshClaas and Martin dc Allen have formed a partnership to last until Tfevr Tears. In th meantime holiday goode af nearly all klnde can be bought of this firm, of a kind not only ta please but te laat and be of service. Beeidea cioaka, lace goods, hsndksrohlefs, slo, thsrs will Ke found alhnma. nellulotd sets, varieties of jewelry, well selected and sai table for the occasion, and a thouaana ana on thlnas whloh can be understood better by examination. This custom ef giving proa- oats la a good aee and will be gonerally observed this year. It aaa not bo done wi tku hv aatlnc holiday soodo of the class sold by Allea A Martin. Sew BnteOr. H J Petersen has bought onft the bntehsr boo heretofore kept by Charles Knott, ons door east of Allen Martin's where he pro- 7 - aitiM Ia kee a fall euonlr of all hind? of meat of th host quality whieh he will dis mease to customer on raonabl trms. Do aot fail to give him a oall. Tesaperaaee Lecture Or the Oeavesfted Jaw. o On next Saturday night, W. H. Bernhard, "tbe converted Jew," will deliver a ft temperance leeture at the M X Chareh RMth. fcttainnie at 7 o'clock. T. M. The lecture wUlbe fully illustrated, and will worth hearing. AU should attend. A Ust orTfevse Pi e sat. The followlag names of teachers, di rector and olerka wore enrolled at the Iastltu eat Lebanon, last week : Teacbers-T L Dugger, Wlibnr Neft slager, Mist E Smith. Mlas B Btasott Miss Mary Gilbert, Mlas Sarah King, Mlas Julia Thayer, Miss Jennie Alex ander, Miss Olilo Gilbert, Mlas Aoalo Mar'is, J B Uughoa, Mlas B H Roberta Mlas L If Thayer, Mlas M King, D V 8 Bald Ml si L Anderson, Miss V Cbarl tea, J B Horaer, W A MeGbee, V J Leaven, J M Flaugbor, W W Wirt, Mrs Belle Horner, Miss Sarah Coehow, J B Wirt, V 0 Brook, James McDonald, Mlas V C RUley. J B MeFarland, J B aker, George M Pant, J A Bllyee, David Bllyeu, O C MoFarlaad, Mlas M Brink, Mlas Al ls Ckarltea, Mlas M F Paul, L M Carl. 0 B Paul, A B Rood, L Am burs, Boat, Curtis Baird, of Olaok- amaa county, H M Hayoa, Mlas Maggie White, Miss Jennie Caldwell, Mlas Minnie Allison. Miss Bora Alexander Mlas Heland Gilbert, Mlas C P Morgan,' Mies Sarah Wheeler, Mies Mary Coehow. Directors nad Clerks J A, B E Jaokoon, k A Koos, David Bmltb, J W Cuslok, A M Wlleoa. John Arthura, W K Temple. P Swank, i W Hlavoao, M Miller, E Parrlsb, H W Vader, W H Hlatt, G Boon, A Bardwell, A T Toocey, C Clark. O Burkbart, B Conn, Wm X a gram, J M IdetUo, A Crab: roe. J Don- ney, i Boogk, A G Marshall. Jefihassa Ilertlea. Tke following am ths newly elected offioers ef Jefferson i Mayer G L Thorn peon. Recorder F B Dangso. Tmawrer-J A Board, Marshal M 0 CaldwaU. Coanaflaiea B ralter, 8 0 Coaeer, At ujSkr, 8 O Heera, Wm Bilyoo, Wm Meeker. Notice is hereby given thai there le ey ia the Treaeery aad that all county warrant will he paid open preeen tattoo, and that no warraata will drear date. J. B. Coaaty Dee. fifth, 1868. nccauu s aaaiea si Lvn. The beat salve ha the world fer cam. brulaM, wore, ulcere, a It rheum, fever Mr, chapped beade, chliblaine, alt kind ef akin r unit oae. Thia ealve le guaranteed to give perfect o ia every oeae or money re price See per box. Fer aale by Feakay A Maeen. FOR PALL AND WINTER WEAR. COMPRISING EVERYTHING NEW IN GENTLEMEN'S, LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, HAVE ARRIVED. 8PECI ALT IE S IN GENTLEMEN'S EM BROIDERED SUPPERS. JUST THE THING FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Alio specialties in ladies' gos samers and overshoes. Call early. K- Young, Albany, Or. XMAS GOODS -vsT- EL Ewert's A splendid line of LADIES' AND GENTS' WATCHES, 83-old and Silver, RIUCS, BRACELETS. y ITJIT BASKETS, CLOCKS, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, SPOTALK, TMIMB9l.CS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, HANDSOME STUDS BEAUTIFUL CHARMS, Gold Pens and Diamonds SOLID COLD AND PLATED Silver and Plated Ware, Etc., Etc,, -AT- H. Ewert's, Albany Or., SASSita HALL Q ENTRY On Deo. 2nd, 1883, at tbe reeidenoe ef Charles Osntry by JEM. a Williams. Ma Obadiau Hall and at OS Maar J Qintry, ell of Linn eouaty. SMITK.-On Wednesday, Nov. 28th, 1883, in Albany, fto tha wife ef Deputy naerm Smith a fciri. The aew inmate ef the jail, aa wall as her pareata, are doing uncommonly well. FISHER On Wedaesday, Deo. 5th. 1883, iu Albany, to the wife of Ralph JTtaaer, a bey. WTPIT -fin n. 20th. in th 22nd vear of her are. Rosa U. beloved wit t J en a Kirk, at ber home near Weston, Umatilla county, Oregon. rHer iafant son. Jesse R., for whom her life went out, she gave to her mother, Mrs. Jesse Parrish, of Jefferson, frith a kind good bye to sorrowing friends, and a request for some sweet songs of ion ana reacting oi MM Psalm, her nrsoieus seal was taken be Choice Styles IN BOOTS AND 8HOC8 God.) Oregon arawr and other papers please copy. Our Holiday Stock. f ,H 12 T WrF IVr Atl1" now nMr m n.a a a kj a. j or aovi a Following em some ef the maay article FANCY DRESS MOSS, LABIES BLACK SILKS, I ULL STICfOf CLASS WANE, SLACK BiOCADEO SILKS, mrnOMIGS, col8hed urn m SILKS ETC. mms anb FANCY BASKETS. LABIES FINE FBENCI A FULL LINE CLOAKS, BOLMARS, BSSSAHI ETC, ETC. AT SAMUEL E. Albany, e Holiday KflkeVI FOSHAT & The ULRQB8T and BEST stock eyer bvmgkt Selsetsd undsr the X of who authorized tliem to sell BTerything st the r e asomable rates. mm Com plete Libra ry of Books, beau tiful stock of statuary, Albums of all kinds, Mirrors and Vases, Musical Instrusaen ta Toilet Sets, Christmas and New Years Cards, Pic tures, Perfumery, Inkstands Etc. A Tos Moaoaolr The Mttrcury, of Portland, has planted Its feet firmly aejataat tha tog monop oly, of the Columbia ear, and in doing ibis is deserving; of the support of aJl artte are on ths side of fair dealings. Tils Is not a matter that effects Pertlaud alone, t? of the whole seems that tne navei Clique at Aatorla own every tug on the Columbia Combining together they have made their prices exorbitant, aad their manner of doing business, despicable. When a vessel with a char ter arrives off the bar, the tug puts iu a lazy appearance and demands a priee that la nothing leea than outrageous, far towino the vessel In. If the vessel re sists It is like hotting against a cyclone, for there is no competition, and when the charter haa about expired it sub mits, and only finds when its expenses, caused by delay, and thia waoioaata robbery, are paid, that almost nothing la left So far has this been oar rind that the nteresta ef Oregon demand proper log lm th matter, aaa lft is to oe hnnAd that another veer will eee this completely broken up Piee of Cee ail noranna wtshlao to ftesft the aaerUa . " C 1-.J .-T .le -rfli ..tH..1 JuVooniunrrS OAatathma, BroncbltU, ar aay sasmoa w tJTTTJT" ZJLrZl tm fT,r winv'a nrnw Waaaaearv rer cea aosnatioa free af coot, whieh will show you what a regular daUsr etaa beiitle wffl do. assrvtea. to Rev I H Coadit, l Albany, will preach ia tha obaaal naar Kaox's Batte next Sabbath afternoon aft 8 o'eiook. m u aamat artfelee nitahte far sow belag t NS CENTS' EMJftBiDEXtt FlNSNES, USf FICNOfS, AlffftCAR KIB IERS, SNAWLS, JERSEY MSMSXt YOUNG'S, Oregon. Goods HSOrS. SUfTACLAUS himavaif 9 Knox Butte, Or., Deo. 3rd, 1888. Ths following is tbe report of the danco and deportment of tbe pa pais ef die- triot Ke. 19, fer the term ending day, Nov. 28th, 1883 : Xauvis. Atteadaao. Deperftssae. bead aad my ateek wafi daye per caaft A E ArohihaW, 56 76 A F Archibald, 35 88 D K Archibald, 56 8ft H F Archibald, 63 8ft) C Cb ambers, 60 87 J W Chambers, 88 80 J Chamber, M 38 L Chambers, 38 80 LKCbambera, 42 76 T Chambers, 67 40 0 Dome, 2 30 D NaL 6 25 P Nsal, 26 25 B Nsal, 26 86 ft 8 Ilnox, 4 00 L B Koox, 17 76 W H Miller, 60 66 R W Conn, 27 SO E A 3onn, 56 70 E I Conn, 57 66 V. C. Exsiar, Terehes. Weather Sa nmary of Metootaksry far Nov. 1883, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Caw of I n v t.v n: v. I""s7"r J wip, . j HW Bar. 30.18 ; lowest, 28X1 ; i agi. I Hirhost Temperatare, 61 , fewest, 66 1 - 1 mean, Pn vailing winds, S, Maximum velocity force, 4. Total rainfall during mouth. 4 50 Number of daye on which .01 inch rain sell, 16. Number of days of eloudineas, average 8 neoaeoUO, 22. Fnft-dn the morning of 3 end A vat he Is said to ha getting setter.