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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1883)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREQOy. Six miles above Lebanon the southed e of the Santi- am River, opposite Water loo Soda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postomcc, Waterloo, Or. nmnUu inreroatar ' mb wttk the nrtae, .to mini and body. It a a ear ner tad bfcaldor oowpUinto. It of ail iaJartees najpatieats. To taasjeaaw NmMaTeai I GU ABAimUD, Pric. TbMrtxiil. or Svabattlae la caee,wtSh MB - rectlOM aitd advioe, 010. seat TT? e behadoalyof IDR. C. D. SALFIELD, ues. etrictly esaSaeaUai to.hsssr orat F&mr. For thooearealaaee oliiU mw tabanMiielwnsl meadSoewlaprt- vt aaireoa nw wnnw TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. mt one br letter, etetlas hp arngtraas ana aga. The'Greal English Reme dy. to hitoalto Md to fciMinn anon or ffijailuaa Dr. hnatk treeUaU private i tad ad Tie ,at Xhtml RaeLaFetiva. tl & vaSeE lialrii. by DR. A. B. MIHTI. 11 ,UaL a H For Hi by alt arm. Daodaiioo P1I are the ira lathe brail Dr. SPIMl NO. 11 KEARNY ST. To the Unfortunate ! DR GIBBON'S DUnomtsry. oiaht phn m toe taeeaad loaa of nwDbood cm ponhfreiy be eared. The sick and afflicted atumW not fall to aall pan him. The Doctor haa trsraied eateoni Etarope, and inapected thoroughly the Tartoua tela thare. ehtatotoc a creat dsal of ralnabia u Men, which be ie competent to Impart to thoee to need f kfeaarjrieeei DR. GIBBON will make no charge nam be effect a care, rereone at a distance MAT mm crsEB at home, ah MrieUy oonfldentiaL Ton see no one ba . the Doctor. Tor a package of medicine. to the Doctor will pieaae eUte the name ef the will pleaee they aee thie advertieement to. Charm aoaahie. Call or write. Addrew DR. ). F. GIB BOH, nox mo i, sm rranneea. vunee The Biters' Guide is is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8jxll Mm inches, with over mgmm illustrations a whole pio- Kkr t ura gallery. Gires whole sale prices direct to consumer on all goods for personal or family use. Tails Low to order, and gives exact cost of every thing yoa use, eat, drink, wear, or hare fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the maw Sets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Eejpectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. ear ass xa. PATENTS Onw2j5i!S r to the U. g. Patent O Iteeettendeded to ftr moderate fee. eke ciaoppoatto the U; 8. Patent Office, and frontwaablatolf01 iMI tisMa , JSf drawing. We adrtto an to patent "nwdTpttonT1 J wem no charge nnleea mZLL'tS' to..Ul Pwtniaator, the SanA of nmZ? J!:,85 toto oftheU. & Patent Sl.cJr?dr' dvlce' tenna, and retereoeee toaetaal cUente to your own State or county, eddreen C A. SXOW&CO., Ofpositel Patent Office, Waahtogton, D. a THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Unrrlahnrs; Oregon, S. X.I2Sr,Editor A Proprietor, Ml m TRIAL AlrfcoeaTp r T i tetrrhoo HHHnKiMMMa jnp o teocjr, I WUllVSjiAl lill wrAtaro dooiiao wdiw of kILiil ii Mm Mead aBBBBBBB HHiBU. BO HM i w joasjtottro- Safffcaent to ataxia) merits, wlU keeentte OnauBaaJeettoas trietly HraflVlniUal. BjeatoSo Sfianffl lfctao. NoiM in Um Heed; the rtuJ 0ei4 Daaeic anobewred toto the mtae, Md Mad to V. YOUNG MEN was ot yoatbfid foOtae or awaTbddrtto' i' oTouaadag naaaaaww'! DR. mashl wagwMaaSae tofcwtoltjeBeMWT There an atony at the oge ot tbhtr-traaoalxty who trwabtod wMi tetapl t'larnaSwia of She btad- Jan" ladllMlwflring pytb ybMLatMO jrtoapoiatu ropy oodlmowt wIU offcaa So lowaS tspd oobsvasbss pioaU partidaa os? sHwaawnnsan sBg sfpVSBTg Mm eoior will ba oi a this sdlkish boa, ifdliWf aaaatowboaHot tiaemoraart of SrnS, artbabbtitoaacoodatoraotaamiBal waarnf Dm. R IH raarantoa a perloet eora to aD Meb aM, Md baaWiy raatoratloai ot tba fulto-wtory araaM Him Horaa 10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Saadaji from 10 toll a. m. Coasoltottoo trm Tboroagk anatoMlar For privata diaeaaaa of abort atoodtof a fMD eoana awaalrtoaMftatoattBraagra, wttbal toMunUaM, will be (Mit to any addraaa oe roaatpt of HO 00. Cafl aw -Idroaa, ML ariMBVdt ., 71 So. U Kearny St. Sm Flimim, Cat iffsnM and SwlalMaeawaMdl eSTJl NOTICE. Senders ft Sternburff, of this city, having taken the machinery agency of Gh F. Simpson, tar rranx Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line or FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad e,to wit: WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, and all implements of less note They will keep the LA BELLE WAGON, also the RUSHFORD anew wagon with all the late improvements and warranted one of the best wagons in the mar ket. ALBANY FOUNDRY AKD MACHINE SHOP. AIUIHID lass. Pint A. F. CHERRY , srtuat ed at corner of and Montgomery Btraeta, Airjany Ha vine: taken rtirwof thoaboroiaunod Works, we are pro pared to raennaaotiire Steam KninaT Saw and Orb Mills, Waed-workinc Machinery, Pomps, Iron of allUdnds repaired, givenjto repairing Sun leULyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. THE SUN. NEW YORK. 1884, If every bayw et a eopy of ' it, aad if bia of all the world aad to the with all Re heart far the he party asset go, yeto eToar Lord, tSSL Sm,- yoa She h yoa wffl rad it with dnrhwwhntMenretobe the Sn notary. V rM do net yet know "The San," It ie high Unte to gat into The of "The Sua" are lent by mall. DAILTftOeents a month, g a yaw f with ana day eattkw. ST SUMPaV Eight pagea. Tkte edition farahftoa the enrrent newa of the werid, apodal artldee of esean aooca of tae n 0a WEEELT-Sl a rear. Bight gen ef the attar of the daily tome ; m AsTtoaHnrai Deoart- The Weekly Son" the Mwssanea far the h rater' hBMshtH. To eraha ot toa with tlO aa extra eenv free. ieeiMi LJW. BMOLAVD, Pnbthher. 'The Bun," H. V. City Notice to Tax-Payers ! Notice Is hereby given that I will meet the tax-payers of JJno county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock a. m., and remain until 4 o'clock . m . at their raenecU vo Dlaens of vedinw fat the several precincts at the following times and places, for toe purpose of col- loew ng me taxes lor ins jeer jobs. Fox Valley, Monday, Nov. 12, 1888. Seto. Tnnndaw. Mow. 18. lRRS Franklin Botle, Wednesday (Nov. 144888. csanuam, juaraaay, kov. 16, 1883. Lebanon, Friday. Nov. 18, 1888. Waterloo, Monday, Nov. 19, 1868. Liberty, Tuesday. Nor, 20, 1888. Sweet Home, Wednesday, Nor. 31, 1888 Brash Creek, Thursday, Nov. 2 1888. Crawfordaville, Friday, Nov. 23, 1888. Mabel, Saturday, Nov. 24, 1888, Brownsville, Monday, Nov. 28, 1883. Center, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1888, Syracuse, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1883. Orleans, Thursday, Nov. 28, 1883. H arr is b org, Monday, Dec 8, 1883. Hsisey, Tuesday, Dee. 4, 1888, Shedd, Wednesday, Dee. 5, 1883. Best Albany, Tbuedsy. Deo, 8. 1883, West Albany, Friday, Deo, 7, 1883, Promot nawmant will hn ran ninwl t. your taxes and save costs, Dated this 22nd day of October, 1888, Geo, Humpbrby, Sheriff and Tax-collector ef Linn Co, Or. Cam HkMH. Ara, mmA ' . - the lege and body ; SyphUitie OaUrrhTliaeaaed aealp aaflprtoatrrfenaa ot the dheeee, ksewn aa Syp mm, w per aevnn. Mm. e Cnree Tertiary. Mercurial. SmhiUUe RheamatMn. SMMdsrr atoges. Paine in the Bonee. Uleeratod Throat, Syphilitic Reeh, Lnmpe, ate., and eradioatea all diaeaaaa from the ryatow, whether eansad by bad treatment or sbass of meranry, leaviag the blood pure and healthy. Priee, as per bottle. Swat everywhere, C. 0. P.. aeeurelr necked nor ex! pteea. " r. r. BEcsiseset i et CO).. AgjSBtS, 427 Corner Clay, Sm Francieeo, iinft lira i MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, ULLQKSJ AID BEESS-MAKI8G,, Catting . and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE NOOSE. AGENTS WANTED everywhISI To handle tmr IIXTJft. FAMILY BIBLES. Hew Hubeerivtiou eUUot now ready, the moA elegant ever produced. Hoperb Photo. Al bums, in exclusive deeifrna, digeotty Initior.en for our own trade, and etaadard puhacaUoDS: Hill'a Mcnnal. rustottee, etc. We oner nnriTaded in dnawriwite. wtfh eaotaartoWrrMarr. Write tone. BABRP & DILLON caal lEiMiHuti ohaiory . Uywawere topaatoMd uaodto aBUw ahaai etTbiSM-fibatit ami aald has year im weoll MarMMgh toiwathtrow ftlrtlat law aqaare to the top of MoMt Coparntosa to the owev, then baek to FrtottoF Booee aqaara. a&S then threnartore ef But 'The Ban" a wrttton for the Inhabitant ot the earth; Mil to enip et MtSjMtMaM gtotto the globe twMtyserM er tvesAy-eafhl ten. MM o-rcf thfrteM thoMaad yeara ot ttoadj readtoga night and my. PhiMtyhyneHi mlintalliM ill ISM that yon eaa ham any ktoaet the Srwilalliin at the nana pupnlar of "TtoSnVh M iftiMthiM toba.aaaaipnT which fata at the facta no matter how rnoeh the pro- Ueve that the Sapnbftaaa go to thtooemtof rwXALjTM. 1 1 lEiCaaE i i Infants and Children WlSwrt Marpktoo o WageSaa, Wbl fiwi cmr Children roar cbfoka, Waat ouraa their fevere, mVaa) Uwm idaopt TU OimtoHt. Babka frrt, and err by turn, waat Utvir ouiK', kiua UM'ir SSI Waat eat tort. uu HatlCMtwrla. DR. LIEBIG lor ic mni cousafuusiiuie for hcitrmi MMMM ojaOMra. arr. aw ttiF guarnl Md BMSMl llMll Mkaaa' laat at 4 toatorrbaa. hM of mi. rin Z Md dlaatMaa hi tba .band, urn aBtd an tba raaolto of roolh- rtat lmortwWaoa and mcimw at ira raara. Tba doctor, a ma lar eollat pbytoaaa noa daUara tor aoaaa thalartoorator will Mtcura an : m4 Mtwd of waattiaaa and the ahera dhMMtH owtofto a oalUd Pnadatorrbaa, w nana It. r tiaalmit. t ta tba Mty poaaWa mhjto mlw m mi battla : ait tor StO. WOOD. w Miatotoad. FaUaaU toVa fitoSSTT iT iHinmlliil wf Um bladder and racy mine are aymptowe ot aaowtdarv aatof wirrMai-n aad adrtea. on reeahjd of 810. An Tin ill. nlMfiil nmrar of tba brtMwaatbMltoatattbarraMr wfBba fmotebana. Peraaoa erdartof a free bottle will ibaito treetopaitsnto 0ns snd snvwe tree and prirato. OaS or write. ft vale BaJraaee, OSS St., vent. a c oh ana r. 0 I t C I ' ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Snooaaaora to C C. Okgrry.) luhiiiati, IlUiTighU, and Iron Founders. SJETK HATE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL TV oom plated, and are now prepared to attl kinds of heavy work. We will Grist and Mill all of Iron Special attention given to repairing; jj kinds of machinery. Will also maoofbo- ture the improved Cherry A White Oraia Albany, Or., Dec 1, 1880. A: SKEPTIC SAID NESJV EICKnMOHK B S 1 Y m ST B B 1 1 1 f 1 I m ER0Rjj ' I V I Of w. tteeioree iiiegniiig ttoftoUto la inaraateeil to eare aU sea aad taTlgoratca the body, W EWE RTF A I US! Jntft: S. UtgWs ftm ww.etJweef l,go. t EEna'wToJ TAmtJm'rnmtSm J yERVOOT DEBILITY I SialaJ f flTlTBnf re intafaMiini ii i ibiibbi mm m m X. a Wear's Ntamt axv Bsats Twiat- anorr, aroaranteed snecifie for Hysteria, IHwa. osas. OonrnknoaM, lfiu, Serroae Mtnrsigie, Hsadaohs. Xsrrone Prawtoataon eaxiMHt he t Uuu ot ntoohol ar tobaoco, Wakafolneae, Maiiiel De preeeiott, Boftonine of tlio Brain reenltiug in In "aT and hadtng to misery, decay and death, Prematura Old Asa. Barrcnneee. Loaa of oower inetBhar sax. Involuntary Losee. and hpermst- oaaava py orer-exeruon or uie brain, Bail or orer-indn loan ee. Eaeh tviv cmititina moo th 'a treatment. tliDalKn i.rntknu. -VfartttK to cure any ones. With each order received br ae t wwi aocompaniea witn g tav, we wiu the parehaaer our written eunratitee to re. the money if the treatment doee not effect ). Guarantee ieanad nnlv hv WOODARD. (XAlfKA f O Wltotoeale ksxA aEertotlX Snurelot. rOSTLAsD, OREGON. Orders by mad' will receive orompt attention. DOORS, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS AO CORDS, WINDOWS. SSTCounty dealers are respectfully Invit WU MJ UStll UU BAUBlUti UUT BLOCK. , UOtO our prices and favorable terras. Send for Mob List. WILSON & BROTHER. Manafaetarers, Wholesale nasi Retail Dealers, 20, 22, Drurr mt., f an Francisco, Ca' , ahTm fcl" Rk m a 1 1 a m , IprstMs. BaMMiOseWnsUi an Py fnwaTwtenW mm aeaasTbOfnl awlOQfnt MfnawL snwttnnnwBnwISal aratavsr?!i kgUTa.T lt drtreSkJt HaaSaehs Into the wtsa. Ctal mats in wrtttng by over aft y UwaaaaTtoadUtona! 1 1 sn j in ea 8 pli j af i Sail ! TJ 8 oriIIuiuiii. a- SSTToreale by all leading dagffkes, S1J0. OfA Wnt twttnt FRIDAY NOVKMfiSR 23, 1883 OUR CHESS COUMN. A'ldrou all oommuniuatioua for this department to P. O. box 91, Indepen dence, Or. Peraoni eendiog oomnuo ioattona for parpoto of publication (ex oept solutiona to problem) mail en close a 8 osnt stamp to defray extra postage. Contributors of problems are requested to enclose full solutions of the same. With this weeks issue, we begin the Democrat's fourth problem tourney The tourney will consist of thirteen problems First prise, a neat volume ef "Morphy's Mstoh Games ;" second prise, 100 blank obess diagrams ; third prise, 75 diagrams ; fourth prise, 50 diagrams. Two weeks will be allowed for solutions. In esse of a tie the obess editor to decide. Neatness and analyt icel thoroughness of solutions will bo Uken into consideration. TORMBT PROBLEM MO. 12. Black. m m i mm mmm White. White mates in three moves. Problem No. 8, key-move : Q to Q B ft. Solved by Bismarck, a K., King's Bishop and Dr. J. W K. Herr Bteiaits and Dr. Zuksrtort have arrived in Amerios. Zukertort sigaifles a villiognees to play Steinitt for hiah stakes. Wt will wager our two bit petee on the phlegmatic trian. As a fentlsmsn Dr. Zukertort is the peer of nay chess player living, but we consider him a little weerker across the board than bis grant oppon ent Played by eotreaondence between 8. A. DeVaney of Jefferson and J. T. Ford, of Indipsadsoiof. Wbikt-J.T. P. Blsck-8 A D. P to K 4 K Kt to B 3 B to Kt 5 P toQ 4 PtoQ 5 Kt x Kt Q to K Kt 4 QeP at Q4 P to K 4 Q Kt to B 3 Kt to BS Kt e K P KttoQ 5 Pe Kt KttoBS B to Q 3 (a) Castles PtoQB 4 B to K Kt 5 P s P en pases (a) Q P e P Bz Kt QsB(c) QeQ PeQ B toy 3 P to K B 4 PtoKB4 BloKS Kt to Q 2 abaaJooee aa drawn. (a) The authorities eoodsmn moving. B to Q 3 before hatog moted Q's P. As a role this is not good play. (b) An error which should have lost the game. () Black slips here, fr suppose : 12. P x B 13, R to Q 1 (best) 13, B e R P cb 14, Ks B 14, Q e Q 16,RxQ 15,PeB And black has some ohanoe to win. The test move enables white to draw, to say the least. "What do you mean, you rascal by spilling your soup sll over me f de manded an irate passenger at a dining station of a waiter who baa just delug ed bin. "That's all right," replied the waiter, soothingly, "don't get mad. There's more soup in the kitchen, though I'm not sure it's warm V A joung man who went to the late war began his first love letter to his reetheart after this fashion : ' My dear Julia, whenever I am tempted to do wrong I think of you, nod I say : 'Get thee behind me,8atan.' " - m w "Do you ever gamble V she asked, as they sat together, her band held in bis. He replied, "No ; but if I wan t- ed to now would be my time." "How r "Because I hold a beautiful hand." The engsgement is announ ced. It is stated that a Texas hen set for three days on a neat full of hailstones before she discovered that they were not eggs. The funniest part of the story is thst she didn't hatch out an icehouse or two. But perbeps the Texss liar was not enjoying good health. 'What are yen laughing at, mj dearf asked Mrs. Jones of hei hus band, who was chuokling over his morning paper. "Something I saw here," he replied, "bat it's hardly funny enough for two." "Mr. White," said a HarrUburg lawyer to a witness in the boE, "at the time these papers were executed yon were speculating, were yoa not 1" "Yes sir." "Yon were in oil f "I wss." "And what are yoa in now V1 "Bank ruptcy," was the solemn reply. It Is a Finnish Belief that if one find a shot in game it mast be taken out and carefully preserved, if r it will never miss i to aim. 0. TIME TABLE. AlSwUtf Station. mmjumm i sv tsaim. ftt4.VT,A3r'.'.r' . AO AM fl 11:41 A E 11:06 r. M SAIL TftAIM gVr' i at ist I Arrtveeat Departs at ll:rA.K IBS! P M. s.sor.M. AU Trains daily, aaoent N( rrson. On and after thin dabs rssrntnr ticks ta will be sold at our tlokst office for folio elng points on ooiumbls riven Upper Oaeceaee, iMuee, umauua, Wallula, Walla. While aad Ainaworth. Will. B. Rice, Freight and Ticket Agent o. AU.R.L oar Albany, June JJth. 188'. A TIMELT WASNISC. Au Austin srnsll boy was recently discovered purloining seme apples from the front of a grocery store. The pro prietor gave oh ass, but failed to over take bin, and was obliged to shake his fist, and shout sftor him : Nevermind, my young kid,, I's going vp to see your mother about this." Tht'a)l right," yelled back the small boy, "you just go right slong np there. Pa filled a man full of buck shot the other day for going to see my mo, and I reckon he's got soother doee laid away somewhere for you." G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND -BUSINESS C0IdLEGE- N. E. Cor. 1 arend and Ysmhill Sta., PORTLASD. 0RX0OX. Ae Pw ASIwSTeMkewSa Ifici fSasL J. A. Waeco, Peaweaa aad Secretory Ueagaei far tko Bsnsfei aasosuei ef Belli Stint w --flPOTvWORKIJN- astlaWllsegasiastsss! The Csthars JeaarsaX i nilalns lafhj af the coarse of atody. ratoa ef toTuaa, Usse to VOL. XIX. NO. I THE ALBANY DEMOCRAT, HAS THE e LARGEST CIRCULATION OP ANY PAPER IN TH STATE OUTSIDE OP PORTLAND, AND IS THE BES T ADVERTISING MEDIUM I ITS Connty News IS COMPLETE, AND ITS Local and Edi torial Depart ments ARE UNSURPASSED. IN FACT IT AIMS TO BE, AND HAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING, aUrst-dass LOCAL NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBE POR IT. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Henry C. Henness, late of Linn oounty, Oregon, deceased. AU persons having claims against aald estate are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers, within six months of the date of this notice, to the undersigned at Henness, Linn oounty, Oregon. November 16th, 1883. Onxarvnovn Haawase, Skhlbeedk A Hammer, Admr. Attys. BUA1DIAN ASSURANCE GD OF LOHHOH. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, . .$10,000,000 Capital paid up 6,006,000 Notk.--This company has the largest paid up capital of rnpany doing business ia the United States. Insurance aooepted by Rout. A. Foarra, Agtef Albany) Admitted oe aay weeh day efihe year. ia Fos ter's brick building en Betarday evening at 7tS0 o'olook, and oa 4. on the even. iaf of the second Monday in Everybody invited to attend. JS. P. Oniratnt. Piwnohlnaeisit aabbath. at 11 a. at., and 7 r. u. by Rev. r. O. Ir vine, l), v. Sabbath School at ijo r. au Prayer sisstlag every Thursday evening. KvAMOBUOAb OswaosL Preanrrlag on Sab bath at 11 A. ml. and 74 r. n. Sabbath Sebool 12:16. Prayer aitoslBg every Thars- day sveoiag. J. A. Molieahaagh, pastor. OoaoajwaTioixCEcacn--owrrioesssrv Sabbath at 11 a. at aad 8 r. u. Sabbath Sebool at StfO. Prayer asestma en Thursday evening of seek weak. i. W. Harris, M. B. Cstmos. Sotfm-oWvioes Sad and 4th Sabbaths at St. Paul's M. K.Chnroh, Soutk, at 11 A. m. Sabbath School at 10 a m. harp. Prayer meeting every Thara- day evenng. Jos. Emery, pastor. If. E. Oaraow, Prsathlng every Sabbath at 11 a n. and 74 r, M. aoag aerrios in the evening before sermon. Sabbath Sebool it z 30 r. au rmyev wasnag evsry tnnrs- day evening. Bev. M. Jody, pastor. PBEssrrsaiAE CnTmciLSarvios svery Sabbath mornioi and svetdag ia Ckurek oor. Breadalbia and fifth Sta at 2:30 pu m. Prayer saseting every Thursday evenina. Bev. Isaac H. Gondit pastor. CHEtsTiaa CncacK rraachiag every Sabbath at Y P (J A Hall at 11 o'cloet. a. u., and 7:S0 r. m. Palpit saapiied by Kev U. P. Morrison. RUSSELL &, CO.'S POITAItE SAW MILLS. FARM SAW MILL ERSIRES, THREtHINQ MACHINES, ETA HTS WELL Elf OWE HOUSE HATS OPEEXD aeasa at Oar, rroat and Taylor esrrr ta a rvwuwe were, els., etc., feeaesreaa(aaea. Write far ngihts aaper.) BH SawBnaeVMi dS wS-, KENDALL S SPAVIN CURE Kendall's SpavioCure. t B. 3. I a ease el! a a f&oi rat onoiu run, 1. 1, rt., BHaea eei (or awe rear ewttearfarla the ertaj i at f r iaUl i ana a aimatttv at weeaa!' MSHIaS Dr.1 EaheatraTrwj! hatwTsSvsaesisyasf hfah we are str ia Um 'Treee" aa a ia wfcicS Se priaaa .ery aiglUy aad weoM be MS U pert whh at say prtee, we rises he esetS est eeeaia aa other eoajr. ti miih fir iQ nhaag reliehle aiMSwi KendalFs Spavin Cure. . . WBaea, SDaa., Jan. Ilia. Ba- . assaaaa sse oe., pane amaMfcefrea .agasEs rear oaUaahMdleref oaTof mj I vaaalaa ea4 eeekt set be reai dv, 1 got twa aettlea ef EeaaaEs Snaeta Care et had s three reared esS t vaatf rear reeaeSv as glvea vervaadtr. I aeetf rear nmrndj as glrea la roar hash wWbsat rewwShw, ssd I sraat asr tsfeav ereatt tsat the eafs ea-l eared, whteh lea arnnae set inhj task eetf haa aha to no aatghaore. Tea eeat sm tie soak tor OMtruhaf ea ef at eeate sadE 1 eeoM net get aaether auaa ft 1 would Dot take twenty -Sve doOars tur h. Tears Smly, Ceo. Matbsws. READ PROOF OP WONDERFUL CUM I Da. E J. Eassata, aad Co.. Oeata : I tSink a daty ta reader yea aw thaahs far asasatt esO peeai which 1 have aarrees ham year hmlaaateaad lar haaed Saneta Care. My eeasaaaad I had a rateable ettlUoo, worth 0000 which had a very had enarls and wee prossaaaed hy four eauhsnt retsrtnary rer geooa, aeyoad say ears, aad that the boraa waa dene iorever. Aa a laet raaort 1 adrtaed mr eeoatn to try abouloof Eeadall'a Spavin Cure. Ithad a macieal wSeot, the third bottle eared It aad the bene la aa weu ae ever Dr. Dick at Edinoarvh, Um veterinary i at great Jains!. am Kendall's Spavin Care I tura in ita aSecta, tnUd in ita aa It every deep aaated pain or remove any boar growth er QhawUergwaM easl laausa asdl lamaaeote of the JohUa attsef the Johns or haabs, or tor rhenmaiSae la ana sad far say parpee lor which unlneat Ie new known to be the uaad, acting nuld and liniment tor bibb ever vat nartaln In Ita Band addreaa lor Illustrated droeav which we think glvea positive proof ef Hs virtues. No remedy has ever met with 18001 nnqaannad saasante ear Price ft per bottle, er alx botUea lor OA. AS ghSs have Her can get It far yoa, or It will be ease to aay eoareea on receipt 01 price ay Uia propria Dr. B J. EsMsau. aad Co., Enoeburgb Falla, Vc LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS FROM THE SOUTH. A Perfect Ceashtaatlsa with two Salleat Advaatagps Why to Can "There ia no mistake sboai It," ramsrked DrM Flo were, of Gallatin, Miaaouri, "Brae Fassa e Pheters are one ef the naatea ever prod need. They have two kinds ef over all others, which we aaw aall tae mine aad maler. Fust, they are eteen and ptsasast to una, never eoiliog the handaaer the ttnaaef the wearer. Beoond, tbay ore quickly aad powerfully. 1 have tried the Capcine PtaeUr on myseff far pa Knaaala, and ae my nation ta tor various deteaoas, each as neuralgia, m secular, rheumatiam, lumnaro, kidney aruaaio, etc., ana in au oaeae rensi sse roaewaa in tram three to fortv-einht beura." Dr Flower merely voicee the written or oral ealaloa ei ininsasss in at preroanon. asssewa weastss Poroua Phutera are the nerfaet eaternal annhnarlon The genuine have the word Oapelne ant ia the centre. Beebury aad Johneoa, Chimleto, Kew York. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands 0 imperial and aomeeuo cigars, auso tne FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest biliard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merehaodiee household goods, etc, at auction for any earn in the city or county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6t SAM COHEN- Y. P. QL jfiL Meets at their sdeaH have sees wiitriSnerai Cars asaThare taaaSn Sees ail tt to ahi. hsrUtodsawTM P.T.OSnvT. BTbafaT aa ai aatagaea jAe bora BaeearljnrTwhS Um :-mmrllfn7inn ItTSmi bee lewtjoSMr. Saaarawrhwni hasihsee eeesrsi a easy JULIU3 GRADWOHL CROCKERY, CU88.8IHER AND CHINA W AS 1 Large :inortinent of Baby Oanhgn, lid a Oooiea Selecton of Coffee, ta til tear ONS DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. Tna; aioncsT sasket mica rain for bm 0 Bememberl Ibat I gay I loan, Biro Me a Call. GOODS SOLO AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON- HOFFMAN 4 JOSEPH, -PBOPRIirrORS OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AKD DftilJEKS IK- Impoirtejd and Domestic Clrs, Csndlef ; Nuts and one Uob below AT roaar briogs THB OLD STAND, 71 FIRST BTHBBT, HAS OH ABSOBTMBBT OF COOK, BOX STOVES AM) RANGES, As aasjfssa tsj ttte wsaIIsf. Dsan fin ports TIM, SHEET IRON VKRT DEnKJBIFTIOB TH STOCK A ftjt.t. NUINE GRANITE IRON WARP y WH1CH X OFFBBS TO THB PUBLIC AT PRICKS, THAT DKPY 'uwa oa anx, A l.HAJVT, OBBOOB. Repair work done at reasonable figures. At pores all diseases of the Stomach, la ver. Bowels, Kidzieys, Skin and Blood. mtlltOnS tesTCtftr to ita f&ffinarvtr in riaaol. ins; the above TEADEkjAEE Quarantcil to ur typepia MTA GENTf 7 ANTE D.l Laboratory 77 W.3d8t,NewYoxAOity.DniggiaU aeUit ALBANY I MAKBL WORKS, STAI6ER BEOS. - Frtprietti- T, OREtlON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, In Italian or Vermont Marble, ether stone work done with nanmosa and to orders from all parte Temtery of this and Washington work warranted. 1 7:i2 Summons. a tea Orrcwef Coart of Iks StaM of Oreoea or tae Co of Limn : M E Nichols, Plaintiff, L B Nlchol? Defendant, ) To LB NickoU, fas sweat eeuaee Xeadaat, IN THE NAMJB OF THB BTATB OF Oregon : Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named piaiatlfinow on file with the Clerk of the above entitled Court on or b-a fore the first day of the next term ef said Court, to-wit: Monday, 10th day offlareo, 1SS4. and yon am hereby notified that if yoa fail to appear and anawer said complaint the plaiauff will apply to the Court for the rallal demanded therein, to-wlt i a de cree diaaol viae; the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant awarding to plaintiff the eare, custody and control of the children, Linn Niobols aad Frank Niobols aad for the coats and dis bursmente of this suit to be taxed. This summons Is published by order of the Circuit Court ef the State of Oregon for Linn oounty, made and entered of record si the regular October term, 18 thereof. Weather fobd dt Bulceure. Attorney's for Plaintiff. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. ARMES & D ALLAH, Manufacturers and Importers ef Wooden & Willow Wore. MBit, it Broihes, Basketo, Fails, Tabs, Ckarna. Wsahhearee, atone Wraaptag ragenra. Wrtasrera. Cat PeaOEar naat- ere, soattastery, she. 930 and 233 Front Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Toboos, Orooerles, Koviminm, Tropical Fruits. -w m. vur joint brioot stobb. I0t wV HAifD AS FIBB AS) AND PA AMD COPPER WARE OB TO ORDER. AXSO. arm wwicp n Asaannrrw bmt rm w ABSOBTMBBT OF 'clui jinstn Indian Blood. Sttm h named diseases, and pro- uuuuce si vo rje me BEST REIVTEIDY KNOWF TO HAN. aaajm. Fallowing are the daly an, i to reserve sal Ibenoo TL Wt Hsmaksrg g Brewaerille O. P. Hsey T. L. Pe Ehedd'i F. A Watam W.S Kail . ... yS A. DeTaaey St. Jofaa's Ledge, No. fig, la lueox, ana aaturaay or each month. Corinthian Lodge, No 17, same plans, 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. Bay ley Chapter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays at same place. Albany Lodge, I. O. O. F- evenings at Odd Fellows Hall. Orceana TTnmmaaaanl aaa ana nan r noay or each seestti. a . a warn a ea m ewenings at u. r. uau. Sadatw IwLta. A . O TT er ereniags, in Petersons Hail. JUigbta of Pythlaa, Thuradaj svaclaga at O. F. Hall. Chosen Fi Lands, at O w. Sell, tm mA trd Fridays of each month. Ancient order of United Templars, at O. umi, aua oru i neans is or th. STATO. U8Senatora-Hon J H Slater, Hon J N Dolph. Conreaamaa--M C George. Supreme Court Jodgee J B Waldo, W P Lord, E B WsAaan. Oavernor Z F Meed'. Secretary of State R Ear hart. State Treasurer-Ed Hireeh. Sapt of Public Instruetioa B B Me Hrey. Circuit Judge (3rd dist) R P Bcisa. Dist Alto, ney (3rd diet)-W H Holmes. OOTJETT. Oennty Judge L Fllnn. Oounty Comm. John Isom, S R Clay pool. Clerk-O H Stewart. Sheriff Osorge Humphrey. Treasurer-J II Peery. Bcheol Sup P A hi ones. Surveyor D V 8 Raid. Coroner Dr J A Deris. Assessor N C Dealer. OXTT. Mayor W M Ketchum. Recorder N J Hsnton. Marshal G W Burkhart, Tress arer Fred Mailer. DR. FELIX UB BRUHS 5ft ear iS&5 reoairae aa shanee a enetar ox poieoaoae medicanee to be H Is imposaible ta eaatrsctesy bwa aa vne etre ea nately aMtrted with we guarantee a ooxss to care or we the aaaaag. Fnae to naail. rewtare raid, ISjBS awned br ail anthariaodami hv. ' sr. Pelbt le Bran A Ca. Bala weOEAED, CIAEE eh CSX. SlkiMi(1 i .Miia METUhh, OlXOOg. bj mail will iceeive prosapt i IaVI4i Thie rented? betaa aMoaa.aMremsaJ tsSva kateraallr. are-vvntlwe kv either a Jja anaaor warerta uiweorivi a o titewf, will nfml otiactica.