The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 23, 1883, Image 3

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Wht emmL
Olaal Canity Paper,
sintered at tho P t OA at Atbsny, Or,
as second class mall matter.
6tITE3 &
Kiur aal
tKKDr. xnrrixv, Lscai latter.
A mase meeting ef tha Iksioooroy ef
Albany will beheld at tha
coi ar Bursa
on Saturday avaaing December 1st, 1388,
at 7 s'ciock, lor me purpose ar nominating
candidates for Mayor, Recorder, Marshal
and Treasurer to la voted for at the elec
tion an Monday, December 3rd, 1383,
Tha CrtmmitlAA raaAmmani) that tha I
various Ward tneeungs be held an Friday
even in. November Sotb, 1883 ai 7 o'clock
at tha following places :
First Ward Up st&irs la the Circuit
Court room.
Second Ward In the County Court
Third Vrd-v At tha Lower School house.
Each -ward meeting will nominate one
candidate for Council man and select a
member ot the City Central Cemmittoe.
L Martin,
lrrsxKsTisu to siwsxaiaEB.
i aFa mm ... JP"
At the request of subscribers in differ
ent parte of the county, and for their con
venience, am hare sent bills to our agents
at several places, so that those desiring to
liquidate can do so by calling on the fol
lowing gentlemen : T L Wallace, Leb
anon ; Sam May, Harrtsborg ; O P Co
aba , Brownsville ; W E Keliay, Soto. .
faarth Leetarr.
Wednesday evening Rev A L Undaley,
of Portland, delivered the fourth lecture
of the W C T U course, to a large and ap
preciative audience. His subject was
"The Art of Pleasing," and he certainly
shewed that he was practicing what he
preached. It is a plain subject, but as
handled by Rev Llndsley a litely one.
While it is easier to follow one in a trip
around the world, through Parts or Hol
land, one will not have much trouble in
sailing with Rev Lindaley for an hour on
the sea of Gentlemanly Conduct. It pays
to he a gentleman and to bo pleasing in
ones manner, even if It put on, particu
larly in hu tineas, for, as the speaker said,
-an empty sugar barrel will attract mere
flies than a full vinegar barrel. One
should not discriminate aa to whom they
net gentlemanly. The true gentleman
.makes no distinction as to dress or wealth;
one can but admire a wall known London
er who was in the hsblt of offering the
protection of his embrelia in s rain storm
to even the homely, ignorant old apple
women. However great tat intellect, oae
cannot appreciate even Carlisle, when he
earns home, from a long trip, found every
thing carefully arranged by his excellent
wife for him, but noticing nothing, coarse
ly inquired why the window wedge was
not in its place.
Replete with sensi ble, practical thoughts,
and many well told incidents, the testes
proved a useful one. and no doubt many
who heard it, anticipated New Tears, and
resolved to be more courteous and gentle
manly towards everybody, even their
wives and husbands.
The next lecture will take place on Fri
day availing of next week, Nov. 80, and
-will be by Miss Ellen F Spalding, a public
-and talented teacher, of Portland, on '"The
Higher Education of Women."
Self Art tn Kail road Switch.
Mr J H Waite, road master of the O A
R R, well known by many In tnis city,
who wiU be remembered by some aa
being one of the young men representing
the rail read at the presentation of the
solid silver trumpets, has just invented a
switch tender which will he of great value
not only to him but the traveling public
generally. By it all lean of accidents
from sleeping switch tenders are done
away with, this making such accidents
immpessible. The following description
taken from the "Oregonian" will show
what the ingenuis contrivance it : "The
appartus is placed on the west side of the
track and consists of two rods fixed to the
end of the nearest rail of the movable
main track and one red through the fixed
rail into the nearest movable rail, of the
sidetrack. These rods lead to arms of
different angles fixed to a common shaft.
A center weight with handle is also at
tached to the shaft. The main track be
ing connected, a train leaving the switch
enters the main track by spreading; the
west rail of the switch track half the dis
tance of the wee- rail and the levers act
upon both rails of the movable main
track, forcing them to connect with the
rails on which the train is running. The
switch is now connected with the side
track, and a train coming down the main
track revert ea the operation. By this de
vice it is impossible for a train leaving
either of the two tracks not to enter the
single track, and there is no danger of
leaving the track by reason of a misplaced
Mr John Irving, our Postmaster, re
ceived several carp last week, which he
has placed in his yard. A car load was
brought to Portland last week and will
be placed in the streams of the North
west. An exchange has the following
to say of them : "The carp is a pound
fish, and is especially adapted to small
bodies of still and muddy water. They
are not, properly speaking, a game fish.
They can be wintered in a cellar with
proper care. They are quite hardy
and can be kept alive out of water, if
in mass, twenty -four hours. Tuere are
three species of tha carp the scale,
leather and mirror. As food they are
equal or superior to cattish, suckers
perch and all the common native varie
ties. They are fit for ta'ale from Octo
ber to May."
The value of carp is shown by the
fact that they are sold by private fish
eulturists at 85 per pair, or 885 per 100.
A one-acre pond will produce 1,600
pounds the first year, and 2,503 pounds
each year thereafter.
DawmsYiLUS, Cal., July 18th, 1882. I
am soiling Amman's Cough Syrup, and
the sales are gradaslly increasing. It
gives good satisfaction. V. P, Smith.
Miner's DrugSters," Downieville, Oal
Basis what wet,
F M French, jews ar,
Egg are 40 oasts a deesa.
Keep the ntud off the walks.
Begin sslseiisg year Christmas goods.
Lebanon seems to be boiling over with
CaU at Ltngdon 's and see the new holiday
OB Roland A Co., JifTurson, general
Begin writing oat your resoultions, which
yon will never keep.
A thousand and ever holiday books Joss
received at Langdon 's.
Bay yea holiday goods ef men enterprise
ing enough to advertise.
7,000 cedar posts for sale by Mr J F
Baohonato, in this city.
Mum Aver, whose pa advertises in this
paper is worth $& 000, 000.
Hens roost decidedly high or else the
price of eggs is no criterion.
A splendid assortment of Pacific Coast
diaries for '84 at Langdon's.
amoks the Gold Bar cigarettes and to
bacco, for sale at Sam Cohan's.
A large attendance at the Teachers In
stitute next week is looked for.
vVooeo are now voters in Washington
lerritory, yes, ma'am, voters.
A splendid assortment ef all wool
wear .and socks at L E Blab's.
NextSanday will be thelOOth anniversary
of the evacuation of New York Oily by the
A splendid Use of holiday feeds at Allen
4 Martin Y Well selected, aaefal and
bean Ufa 1.
Grants Pass is said to be booming. Sev
oral obi Albany people are there. Perhaps
they will "strike it"
The Aese hsi been attached, bat H is
glad to know that some oae is attaebed to it
even if the people are not.
A dosea live chickens will be taken at
this office on subscription. Eleven mast he
hens and the rest a rooster. Saba.
If yon desire to examine an excellent
stock of goods suitable for the holidays call
at Allen A Martin's. They have these.
The firemen's election takes place in De
cember. Many ef the beys are trying to
see how they can get rid ef bring sleeted
Hoods, scarfs, ribbons and any
articles can be made any color wasted with
the Diamond Dyes. AU the popular oaten.
Sodaville soda water at Hoffman
Joseph's. It is fresh and is Jam the thing
to be drank daneg this wet weather. Get
It has been remarked that oae can do as
well atC B Roland A Go's at Jefferson as at
any place in Salem, and we think with
tmth. feJBIIS teWl
Yon can get anything at C B Roland A
Cos., at Jefferson to be found in a first-class
general merchandise store, sad at bottom
It ia a rare thing that a request for a
sample copy of our paper is accompanied by
a stamp There sre many ens sent men ia
this world.
Jeremiah KeUeher, a tramp.
at Harris burg, and en Monday
mitted to the asylum at Salem for bring
sea compos innins.
Thanksgiving will occur on Thursday of
next week, when eld and yoang
unite ia giving lbs ski for the many
ings vouchsafed to these.
Allen A Martin have just received
goods direct from the East, and can sell
cheaper than ever. Go and see them before
yon boy your fall and winter goods.
The trotting record has bees towered to
2:08$, that time having been
pent Park last Thursday by J
et Proa- j
S Freak
He was sensmsseioil by a running mate, j man alone taking a thousand, bat here, el
Best A Althonse have built a warehouse ' most no encouragement was offered.
and a kiln for seasoning lumber recently,
both near their factory. They are making
preparations for a big business next year.
The thanks of the senior editor is hereby
tendered to Mr James Aedaway for the
present ef s nicely draased pig. Such kind,
nam and generosity will net soon be forgot
ten. The thermometer was dowa to 90 below
aero in Dakota the ether day, while here it
was sunny and beaatifal weather. Band
and think, and remember that it is generally
Several local political ripples are rising,
and by the 3rd ef December it may be ex
pected that there are several who will be
glad to satisfy the demands of their friends
and run for office,
161 students have been enrolled st the
Oregon State Normal School at Monmouth
during the first term which closes on the
23 inat The second term will ansa oa
Monday the 20th.
Dress goods bought of G B Roland A Co.,
at Jefferson sre noted for their durability
and their reasonable price, and the lateness
of the styles. They keep up with the
times, and do not fad to toll your neighbors
of this fact.
The College is filling fast and now has
about a hundred sts dents. We notices
great many strange young men oa our streets.
and the fact goes to show that the college is
gaining in reputation, and is becoming bet-
ter known at a distent.
There sre several conflicting stories shoot
the accidental shooting of Samuel MeQpne
at Oakville, but ws give the first on told
us, which is probably as nearly right as
any. It might be added though that the
accident occurred at eight o'clock at night.
A new lot ef those boots, genuine Milwau
kee grain, for which there has been snob a
demand, has just bees received at L E
Blain's. They are the best boots for winter
wear made, end many farmers insist on
having them or nothing, two at least having
waited over s month for them to arrive.
Last week two men stole a valuable over
coat at Salem. They were both seen in this
city on Saturday, but as no overcoat could
be discovered they were allow ed to depart
in peace. It is nrobahfa that fthav mM it
between here and Jefferson. They formed
a bad looking couple.
"Toe late to whet the sword when the
trumpet sounds to draw it. " But never too
late to whet your appetite by taking Kidney
wort, restoring health and making yourself
a well, strong, hearty man. It is aneqaall-
ed as a remedy for all liver, bowels and kid-
ney diseases. All druggists keep and rec
ommend it.
Everybody who likes to tip ths lteht fan-
tastic toe should remember that on Wed
nesday evening? of next week, Nov. 28th,
the hose boys of No, ds will give a dance in
this city. They extend a general invitation
to all, quick and slow, graceful and olamsy,
to be present and spend a pleasant evening.
Oar market prices published in another
column will be found to be correct, as nearly
so as can be obtained. It might be well to
compare the price of dried fruit with the
prices several years ago. 1870 dried apples
were M cents per poo ad. Now they are
15 cento, certainly very encouraging for the
raisers of fruit.
Good bargains is what the people are look
in or for. net siraolv ehaan tmaAa hit 4 an, . A a
of good quality at a small profit. Such a
- "
place b OB Roland A Cos., of Jefferson
They are working ap a splendid business la
their locality by following the above rale.
One trading with them is bound to get
Ths revival meetings still ooutinu in the
Methodist church. Services Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday evenings, beginning
promptly at 7 o'cloek. The pablio r oordi
ally invited to attead.
Ths members of two literary societies in
Salem will preeeot ths drama, "Comrades,"
at Salem on Thanksgiving eight, Nov. 29
sad we understand they think of coming to
Albany with tt. As they arc an excellent
class ef young people of good talent, we hope
they will conclude to do so.
The Union aorviooa were held Sunday
evening at ths Presbyterian church, Rev
H Condit delivering the sermon. So large
have been these meetings that it has been
found accessary to have them in ths Court
Honse.J where aeit Sunday svsaiag the
meeting will be held. Rev J W Harris will
deliver the sermon.
Mr Jobs Fosbay, of Feshay A Mason
while in Saa Francises purchased ens of the
finest stocks ef holiday goods every brought
to Albany, many new designs being noticed
ia the stock, ef a very attractive nature.
They propose to sell alt of their goods st s
lew figs re, and their splendid stock ef bocks
particularly will be sold st a figure witbia
she rosea ef all, as well ss their complete
Two issues of the DanocsuT within a tew
months have failed to reach Browavsilie.
We know the teases were seat, hat where
the fault lies we are usable to find eat. It
is possible the packages burst open on the
way, to which case no pates is seas token
to make them reach their destination. To
avoid any sncb accident again, if such we
the oases, ws think ef purchasing several
rolls of inch rone to make the rmohsaoa
Will Bros., have just room red a large
shipment of the latest improved sewing
including the Eidridge, aokaowl
edged by sewing machine experts to be the
lightest running saaohie hi ths market.
ThclMridgo is a sew machine and has many
good qualities over all others whioh meat bo
to be appreciated. It is no trouble to
show ths good qeslities of oar aaachtea to
parties who contemplate purchasing. Old
machines taken ia exchange.
"1 am feeling weak" said one of two seedy
leaking teartetiual printers, as they darken
ed our doors recently, "on aeceaat sitae
of a breakfast, can't yen give ss aa
erder for s dinner." Ws hear this nearly
every day, and the last one who repeated it
get two hits from the farthest corner in ear
pocket, which he took, went into the first
saloon, took a free laaoh, and spent ths
the money for liquor. Fact, and it makes
us mad ti toil it.
Probably there is no healthier exercise
than roller easting, whoa seasaoted hi a
well ventilated place, with a good floor.
Mr Dannais has such a plana, and WS sre
glad to settee that it ia being well patronis
ed, by eld and yoang. It is ran ia a gentle
manly, qaiet manner, so that those who go
ef gsod
By all
take a
roll, event
Mr L Lemuels, of the West Short, was ia
the city lest weak, trying to make arrange-
eseato to illustrate Albany, bat we sre seen
to my, he tact with poor sooenrsgemeat.
left the city with e bad opinion of the
enterpiae ef ear citisens. As illestrattoa is
no like the WtM Short that circula
tes shoot 90,000 eoptes is of great yalae tea
community, and ths demand is every place
bat Albany is backed ep by the proper ass
pert. In Jackson county, recently ill us tret
tad, 12.000 extra
Last Sunday Samuel Mollrne, while sit
ting in bis house discovered sevetal
browsing near his bouse. He went for his
shot gun, and cms taking it down, when he
kit it against a door, discharging it. so
that the shot glancing upward caught hut
eye brows on the wing and thee made a fur
row up his forehead, not penetrating the
akall bone, but inflicting a painfal wound,
which though will only leave a soar, and the
lees of several eye brews, to mark the result
of the accident. It wee properly dressed
sad now Mr Mellres ia fast recovering from
the "dose call,"
Astoria Engine Co. No. I, comtemplate
purchasing the set ef stiver toned bells that
decked the carriage of Willamette Has Ce.
No. 1 in the prime sf ths velcatoers. If
they have the luck to secure these bells,
then Astoria can boast of the finest set ef
bells on the Pacific Coast, Astoria's police
then can ring these bells to a greater ad
vantage than the one in the tower as to
qualities. This same city will
have aa independent hose company.
Wutem Fireman, Says aa eld Albany fire
man, "Albany No. 1 is entitled to those
balls. "
Hers is the way a Polk county farmer
explains the scarcity of farm products :
The reason why the farmers of western
Oregon make wheat raising a specialty, is
because it brings the cash sure st some
price. The infernal revenue and the pro
tective tariff tews are breaking ths farmer
down, at least oa this coast, if not in all ths
states. No high protective tariff candidate
need to show his hsad, tor the farmer is not
in humor for it. Those lews are ths main
reason why ee many farmers sre in debt.
The farmer makes enough to prosper, were
sot for the extravagaat prices hs has to
pay for machinery, clothing, soger, etc
Mrs Mary Porter died at her home in
CorvaUis on Tuesday morning of last week
at the advanced age of 83. The writer took
his first meal in the Willamette Valley, at
her bouse, and hnsw her to be a noble old
tody, possessing wonderful energy for one of
her see. She was only sick a week, and did
her waahing the day she wss taken sick.
Besidss she was in the habit of milking her
cow and doing all of her house work alone,
besides sometimes keeping several boarders
without any help. There are few old ladies
of 83 ef whom this can be said.
It is not cur intention to allow aay thing
to creep into our columns casting reflection
en anyone yet sometimes it will happen in
oar correspondence, the same ss mice some
times crawl into ths best kept bouses. Last
week we published an answer from several
w a e e as a mm
in Lebanon to "aebo. we snow ne
needed answering and so we pat it in ; but
we understand that towards ths last part of
it a reflection was east en a very worthy
citizen of that place. No aame being men
tioned of course we knew nothing of whom
it was, or that it was anyone, until told.
The person intended to be hit is one of our
best friends, and we arc informed that the
statement made is utterly untrue, and
very gladly give place to this fact.
Saturday two ouncbes of matches were
handed as by Mr Gerard, of the firm of
Duffey A Gerard. We consider the present
a very valuable one, because they were man
ufactured in Albany,, from Linn oeunty
timber, and speak for an industry that may
become an important one. Duffey A Gerard
are making a thorough test of the cedar to
be found scar Swsst Home, aid it seems to
be a satisfactory one. We consider th
matches canal to an v thins mad on ths
Coast, and far superior to the Portland
matches. Ia due time they will be manufac
tured en quite an exteaeivs seals here.
Th November leva of J)h LtmU't Month
iff is much increased in slse, and superior to
aay previous number. It is admirably as a
whols and in detail. "Inebriety among
Women,' by Dr Laoy M Hall, Physician of
the groat Woman's Prison st Shcrbsrs,
Mass., is a thoughtful discussion of the
ceases and results ef intemperance among
women. Bllhn Barbour, ef Kansas, discus
ses ths eutoome of obedience to Mr Greeley'
injunction. "Yen as man, go West" "18m-
ploysrs and Employed," by Mrs Sarah K
Bolton, is s happy and instructive discussion
sf this important relation in human life ss
seen throughout Europe and ear ewa seas
try. "Beautiful Hands," by Feaohon, will
delight all women who are ambitious of
personal charms. "Ths Old -Fashioned
Horns," by Rev Dr Fulton, is s hearty pica
for genuine love and houeet life. Helen M
Loder reviews with spirit and pluck, "Our
Young Women," by Dr Howard Crosby
'Dear Sir." by President Lac of th
Agricultural Collage, Miss., is aa attack Bp
i an old-fashiooed absurdity. Dors
Dartaore, a writer well known ss the Pasiac
coast, gives us a aew remedy for Polygamy.
"Bis Jack Small" is one of the best stories
which has appeared in aa Americas mage-
sine in many years. "Our Cooking School,
under the management of Julia Colman,
grows better and bettor. Besides all these
articles we find ths following from ths
Editor ef this popster magasine s "Ths
Good Old Times' and A New Mystery ;
an admirable biographical sketch of George
T Augsll, of Massachusetts. "Hasbsm
and Wivea,' 'Three Square Meals, or the
Proper Treatment of Ocnasmptton," "The
Proper Cloth i nit for Cold Weather," etc It
the beet cumber sf this Magazine yet
given to the pablio. Frank Seaman, Pub-
isher, 69, 71 Bible House, New Turk.
Mm Chat Plummsr, of Portland,
been visiting in Albany.
Mrs Rebecca Young left for Seattle
Monday ssss, after a visit here sf
Mr and Mrs Defflemyer, ef Olympic, have
visiting to the city with their daughter
Mrs George W Young.
Mies Alma Story, ef Bast P stolon it, ha
ust returned to that city, from an ex tended
trip through California,
T H Umsaweber, of Astoria ass sees
vieittea bis friends hers. He
ssstens, bat withal is a most
yoang n-an.
si i a wf J u is is
called en ne lest Saturday. Bev Fiery jest
rem Pel ed and tells seats very ia
torcstiag facte about that state
Miss Gob), of Turners, returned to her
heme at Turners yesterday after a visit
here of several days, daring which time she
ems the guest ef Mrs J H Footer.
Mrs John Conner sad children and a sis
ter of Mr Conner arrived here (rem New
York Wedaeeday night. Mf Conner had
act seen his sister for thirty years.
Dr G W Ulia Price sad wife left for Seattle
lest Wednesday, where the Doctor will prec
tioe his profession is ths future. Dr J T
Tate will continue to the office here
A social under the auspices of the ladies'
of the Presbyterian church will be given
this (Fridav) eveaiea. at the residence ot
- - a w ' ww
Mr L Martin. A good time is expected.
Sheriff Humphrey is spending s few days
ia the country visiting his f needs, some ef
whom had jest as leave not see him sow,
bet many of them are on hand, with the re
oaisite amount of each to make them even
with the county and state.
Mr W P Wdlonghby, of Cecurvilte, is
is the city ea a viait to his friends. While
hers be Sailed on the DxnoenaT and from
him we learned some ietorcetteg facte about
Luu. county people living in that vicinity.
H D jnaoa, formerly of Lebanon, Dr Barker,
formerly of this city, sad Cook A Irvine, all
are doing well. Ceeterviile is coed busi
ness center, and its citixen are expecting
considerable from the railroad whioh will
reach it in two or
Phe following program has been adopted
for the oaten Thanksgiving service to be
held at the U. P. Church oe Thursday next
at 11 c m.
Invocation -ilev I H Condit.
hi usio Congregational singing.
Reading of Scripture leeeon and proclama
tions Bev M Judy.
Prayer Rev J W Harris.
Sermon Rev 8 G Irvine.
Prayer -Rev J A Holloabaugb.
Collection for the benefit of the Albany
'Aid Society.
A general attendaaoe ia reqneeted
that places of business be closed st
during th hour of worship.
cnaaceS Bands.
Wednesday flochstcdler ft Warnsr pur -
the Csrter planing mill property in
this city, paying $1650 for the same. They
have besmn renames it. and as they are
both thorough workmen, will soon be ready
to out out some of the beet work in that
line of aay firm in th state.
Last week Philip Baltimore purchased
three pieces of property, one being the
ITeetlake property on First strset.
A gentleman about to be married is aa-
other purchaser of some oity property, bat
ws well sot give the name at present
Election or a Steers.
At the Blue Ribbon Club Friday night
ths following officers wsrs elected for
ths ensuing term :
Prof. B. X. Condit, Prssldent.
T. P. Hacklsman, 1st yiee President.
T. P. Hsckleman. 2nd Vlos President.
F. P. Nutting, Secretary,
John Conner, Treasurer.
Roy. M.Judy, Chaplain.
Many druggists recommend, and try to
cell, what paya them the largeat proht.
Do not be deceived. Aak for Ammen's
Cough Syrup. Take no other, rue
remedy stands on ite own merits. You
can buy a sample bottle fer 15 cent, and
test it yourself. Larger bottles st 6 cent
aad L Ask to see the larger else and
read the wrapper.
totter Uet.
The rouowiux lathe list of letters remaining
in tha Pnat omn. Aihftsv. Ltrin oounty. Ors-
gon, Nov. 22, 1KB. Persons sailin lor neee
totters must give the date oa wntob tney were
Nelson Maxwell, L H
us, Freak. McWUliams,
wnson, name
For a cough or cold there Is no remedy
equal to Amman's Cough Syrup,
Teachers fasttiatet
Following is ths program for the Teach
ers institute, which meets at Lebanon
sext week, beginning on Wednesday t
wsoMssnar, wov, 98, st 7 o'clock.
address of wsloome Hon J L Gilbert.
Response J B Hsrssr.
Lsetare'Oor Country Schools and Their
Neede"-8 B MoBlrey, Sunt. Pub, Inst.
Mteosllaneous-Rov J R K Ball.
ran sab ay, war, 39,0 o'clock, a. ar.
Institute work F A Moass, Snpt.
School government-John B Mc Far land.
Text books-Walter A MoGhsc.
Teaching the fundamental rules of
Arithmetic to prim try pupils -V 0 Brook.
General discussion, Organise! Ian and
Grading District Schools -F M Miller.
I'M O'CLOCK, P. af .
When to teach, How and Wby"-T L
Geography -Mies Minnie Allison.
Method of teaching Grammar A F
Syntax-J H Jewltt.
Drewijg In Public Schools Mrs
Primary Stem sets of Reading and How
to Teach them -.kites Re via Alexander.
school Dlsclpllne-D VS RelJ.
What Practical oes oas. be made of
Newepepsrs in our Public ifesools, Snpt.
Curtis ilaird, of Oregon City,
7 s'OLOOKs v. M.
Edusatisa affairs of Llan county P A
Lecture Re Jessph Bsnsry.
rstDAT, wov. 99, 9 o'clock, a- at.
History Miss Louisa Anderson.
Normal Schools Wilbur Noflhlngsr
Good Issohws necssssry to thorough
heterehip Mtos Bate Mo Bride.
Orthography Mary Ceehow.
Assdsssls work ssd hs relation to the
Public Socooto B N CosadhV
Dttttos sad requirements of Pablio
Sehssl Tssohsrs I B Horner.
General dlacneelon what motives and
noon Uvea to study ought to be op p sated
to J C Wy ckoff .
Paces see Convention.
rniDAT, we v. 89, 1:99 p. at.
Our schools thirty years ago Lludeey.
DsaResor Dlrsstors-Hou WR Bllyeo.
Methods of securing the best teachers.
Who sre the ohoopest teeehers T
Hew to keep a district united In Us
Mlnsllssssn Rev J R N Ball. -rniDAT,
nev. 99, 7 o'clock r. at.
Waanfjaiiary wUiliinresnt will be given
to defray the expenses of the Institute.
Ti As ttdMF t .
Anything relet. ng to the I Mono re
eicuralooleef Internet to the people tdl
over the stats. Ths following ws clip
from a leading Chicago paper 'This
half a thousand eight-seelag tourists Ic
made op la s great measure of wealthy
farmers, who base been many years la
Oregon, and bass, by eerefol and
painstaking thrift, amasssd comforta
ble fortunes It cam wsll be said that
the great stats of Origon is ably repre
sented by as unusually flse-lootiog
body of mss nod women, s body of
American c! tissue whioh any state
might wsll feel proud of. This excur
sion Is cempoeod of members ef ths
Oregon Pioneers' Association, sad
among them are some of the host
knows citixen el Orvgn, represent
ing a vast amount of wealth. the aver
age be I eg placed st $25,000 per msn,
whioh would bring ths grand total is
eeveral millions, and they are msn whs
are smoag ths strongest sod moot sta
ble members of tbslr greet western
Two of Linn county's wsll known
citisens get ths following personal
notices from ths same paper : "Mr F
A Watts, of BhsdetLlon county, Oregon.
set I as secretary of the ssssolstlon, is
probably ths youngest member, ss bs
waa bern In "the states" In 1847, and
was but six months old when he reach
ed his Orsgenlsn hsms.
An elderly gentle mas, Mr T Smith, sf
rialsey, Llan county, Oregon, gave
ssms graphic pictures of ths wsy In
which ths old pioneer made their wsy
ths plai
Santa Claus means buslnesi this
year, as can bs sacerCalned by calling
st the stars of Fosbay A Masaa. Ths
old follow Is "up and oomlhV and hse
left one of the finest stock of hoildsy
goods for dlstrlbutlsn at vary reasonable
rotas, svsr brought to ths Willamette
Valley. If wo were td attempt to tell
any thing about It ws shsnld fall, for
our Christmas vocabulary is small, but
while ia thsre ws noticed several things
which cur readers will bo glad to know
they keep i the very latest books, an
lmmenss stock; albums, statuary,
by ths way an slsgant stock, which will
bo sold at what were wholsssls rstee
lest yesr; toilet sets, and everything
one can think of as a present. Remem
ber these facts and at least call on
Fashsy A Mseouand see what they
Bead Satertelanseat.
On Friday evening. Nov. 80th, the Al
bany Dramatio Club will give an enter
tainment at Moll wain's Hall, ter the bene
fit of the Mechanics' Band, whioh premises
to be a fine affair, no peine being spared
to make it a dramatic feast. A drama will
be presented entitled "Momentous Ques
tion," and a comedy entitled "Loan of a
Lover," which will be played by aome of
our best dramatic talent. As it Is for sn
excellent object, everybody should go
and as welt help encourage home talent.
a. r. Bteilreea.
Mr. Ashby Pierce who has just returned
from New York City informs us that while
thsre he visited the O. P. Railroad Office
and met Col. Hogg aad other officials of ths
company. He says everything about the
office indicates hurtle and business, and
the information which he obtained from
these officials of the company inspired him
with hope that the read would be completed
at an early day.
fe the Tempcrsnse People ef Lies Ceasty
Ths Executive Committee have adopted
the following form for local temperance
organisations whioh they hops will be or
ganised immediately throughout ths
county loco -operate with the Llan County
Temperance Alliance in the temperance
work: Such orgsniatlens when organised
sre requested to notify the Secretary of
thsBxeoutlve Committee, of the County
Alllsnss, giving ths name of ths Alliance
ssd officers end P. O. address ef each, it
Is suggested that at least one Alliance be
oraan lzied in each nreclnct. Ths Execu
tlve Committee of the Linn County Tem
perance Alliance are as follows, who may
be consulted upon ths matter. The Exe
cutive Committee of the Alliance will be
glad to correspond and co-operate with
any local organisation and to do what
they can to furnish lecturers end Informa
tion. Communication should be sddrsss
to ths Secretary of the Executive Commit-
G W Gray, Chairman, Albany, T F
Hsckleman, Secretary, Albany ; Rev J W
Harris, Albany j H Train, Harrlsburg ;
T J Wilson, Heleey j R F Aenhy, Soto j
A W Stonsrd, Browssvills.
it.-The name of this organization
shad be ths Tempera noo Alliance of
Linn county, Oregon.
Objeet-The object of this Alliance sbsll
bs to carry on ths tempo ran oe work within
sur precinct.
Officers. The officers of the Alliance
shall be s Preeldeni, s Vice President, s
secretory and a Treeeuror.
Dallas of Officers Ths duty of the Pres.
hi sett shall be to preside end preserve er
der and conduct the bnsfnsec of the Alll-
The Vloo President shall be acting Pros
leant la ths abeenee sf that officer.
Ths Secretory shall keep e correct min
ute of ths proceedings of the Alliance and
shall record ths came en e book kept for
that porpoec
The Treasurer shall receive all money
collected by the Alllsnss and shall dis
burse ths same sn Ite erder.
Executive CommlUee-Tha President,
Vies President sod Seotretery shall con-,
stltnto sn Executive Committee whose
doty R shell bs to seen re lecturers to ar
range a program of exerotees sad
each m arcs ss shall promote the
era! interests of the work.
Membership Persons may
ismbsrsof this Alliance by signing the
Coaatitollon, Including the following
I hereby pledge myself (Osd helping
bos) that I will bote In totally from ths
use of all Intoxtoadng drink a a hover -
age cod that I will exert my efforts ia
all legitimate ways to the evil of
Mctolrsga -Meetings of the A!! lance
be bold monthly, on the - of
ssath aad at such other times as
the Executive Committee shall select.
ties sf Onlssrov-Tbe election af
officers shall teks place Immediately after
the adoption and subscription of this
constitution sad pledge, and shall bs for a
of six months or until their success
ore arc sleeted.
ndmsnt. -That Constitution may
So altered or expended at any ream ter
g ef the Alliance by a two-third
vote of the members
stow ef aterj toast
SrmurorraxD. Priaoe George's Co., Md.
Mr CbeeO Add loon . ef the above
-I ep reined my right knee
tag intense Buffering, aad ths nee ef
eruiobee for several weeks. I found no
relief in other remedies and finally tried
the aiiracte of ours, tt Jacobs Oil. Ia a
short time t oeuld bend my knee - watch
had been as stiff as an tree rod, - lay ina
y trutobes and wee ab.e a walk
as wsll ss ever."
Seats Clans ssd Alien at Martin.
Santa Clans and Martin x Alios have
flat mod a partnership to last until New
Years. In the meantime holiday noods ef
early all kinds can be bought ef this
Arm, of n kind not only to ptoses boats
last and be sf service. BeSid cloaks.
lao goods, handkerchiefs, etc , there will
be fouod albums, celluloid sets, vartotiss
of jo we. ry, well selected sod sellable lor
the occasion, and a thousand and one
things which can begaederstood better by
examination. Tblo eastern efgtvtag pres
ents ie s good one aod will be generally
) served this year. It can not be done
better than by netting holiday goode of
ths otsea eold by Allen A Martin.
ss rer cent ar.
B. Mellwaia ia receiving a large in
ot ladies', gents' end children's boots
cad shoe, whioh he will sell at 25 per seat
lorn than aeual prioes, aleo a full line of
senses aad bey's clothing, which he is offer
ing at barf sins.
Steves t Steves ! I ssevea 1 1 1
Being desirous to reduce stock as far
as possible before the holidays, I will
make a liberal discount, on all good
sold before that time for each. The
Aaset coos steees and range, as well as
parlor and Aeahac itovu in the world at the
StOTS House of
W. H. Mc Fab. la ao,
All over the lend are going- Into
over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, xneir unlocked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Saving;
remedy, causae them to go nearly wild In
ita praise. It ia ruaranteed to smitten lv
ours Severe Ceoghe, Colds, Asthma, Hay
Fever, Bronohitte, Moarseneee, uom of
Voice, or any affection of the Throat aad
Lunge. Trial Bottles tree at Foahsy A
Mason's Drug Store Large slse 11.00.
Mr E E Hammock, living four miles
north ef Lsbsnou, has Just received sas
of the celebrated Weetinchouaeenginaa,
aad doting the coming winter will saw
fir poles forfsncing, whioh he will sell.
tor about half ths cost of ordinary
fencing. Call on him, or write te him
st Lebanon.
The beat aalve ia the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, rover
sores, tetter, onappen nsues, cauoiains,
corns and all kinds of skin eruptions.
This salvs is guaranteed te give perfect
satisfaction In every ease ar money re
funded, rnee coo per box.
For sale by Fosbay A Mason.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla thoroughly clauses
the blood, stimulates the vital functions,
and restores the health and strength. No
one whose blood is impure can feel well.
There la a weary, languid feeling, and
often a sense f discouragement and de
spondency. Persons having this feeling
should take Ayer's Sarsaparuya to purify
and vitalize the blood.
A Kara Chance.
Wringers at reduce! rates, both the Ncv
elty and Eureka, the best made, at Peters
A Blain's.
Selected under the I
who authorized them to
reasonable rates.
plete Libra
ry of Books, beau
tiful stock of statuary
Albums of all kinds, Mirrors
and Vases, Musical Instruments
Toilet Sets, Christmas and
New Tears Cards, Pic
tures, Perfiimery,
Se Be CeestSeaadL.
The Portland correspond nt of the
WemUrn Firnman, puh.ishd at ( h rao,
says, "Albany, the next place for the
mooting of the O P. A. intends to be
'grand' for tha vial tors in 1881." Ws
sre glad to beer this, snd would remark
(hat if tble ie really the case, a little
stirring around will have to be don to
accomplish it. In the first piece it
will so aeeeseary to brve a public hall
that will seat from oUO to 1000 people
and It ia timeeomuthi og viae done in
thic line ; in the next place it will take
money, and sur business men should
taks advantage ef New Years and make
some liberal "reeolvee " Aro her thine
that makes a large hall receseary te
the meeting ef the Knights sf Py thiae
here during the yesr.
We are now prepared to make leans in
aay sums desired en improved farm land in
Linn and Beaton constats (or any length ef
time sot lorn than oae year.
BuBKHaar Paos,
Everybody comae to Allen A Martin,
Albany, Or,, theyc ome from every
nook, crook and corner in Linn snd
Benton oountlsc to buy thslr fall and
winter supplies People say they can
da better at their a tor? than any other
stars In ths Stats.
farm far ante.
One hundred snd forty scree, nins
milss above Lebanon. 40 seres in cul
tivstion. 10 sores slashed and sown to
rasa Comfortable dwellisg, gesd
outhouse. Cheap. Inquire at this
Btaraslns la Clothing.
In order to rduetock and make time
lively I will offer my entire new eteek of
mens,' youthe cud boys' clothing, over
ooate aad ulsters at greatly reduced prices.
Farm to Rent.
A stock and wheat farm of 230 seres
lying in Polk and Benton counties four
milss west of Seuver. Splsndid stock
ranch. SOS seres of term land. For fur
tnsr particulars inquire of Weatherford A
Black o urn, at Albany.
For Sale.
One half block in eastern part of the
olty with fair house and barn will be sold
JACKSON-PTJOH. At the Metbediat
Episcopal parsonage Shedd station, Nev.
14th, 1883. by the Rev J T Wolfe, Me
Hskrt C JaCKSO and Miss Annra M
Pcoh, all of Linn oounty, Oregon.
' e i
PUSH StJOHN. At the residence ofjthe
bride's parenta, Nov. 21, by Rev. J. T.
Wolfe, Mr. Jaa. A. Pugh sad Miss Char
lotte K. St John oil o! Lmn oeunty.
HAHN On Nov. 16th, atHPrineville to the
wife of Henry Hahn a boy.
BEST stock ever brought
of SANTAOLAUS liimself,
3 all everything at the most
Iillill ihlillW