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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1883)
tmmml 1U STATE ttfilTS s Ste awgwf stTfalsitia ef any wsase as ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITKS 4MUTT1N6 i f rawliasS, aad til BEST ADYI fflTIoIBB MIC 8 MEDIUM saajeae la Losai Oel- cisiKrricBi ea 15 cents per line Regular local 10 eento W tern. For legal aad transient advert IssmstjU fl Saner square far the flm insertion and Moents per square for ea h mhseqnant TKIUtS Or SUBSCRIPTION m sto It riaM oop. Mr ynajr. eteaioi ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1883. NO 17 Waste eopy, " aWwte opy, three saoutha UMn awaihsr 1 VOL. XIX. tor edhmar mAwmrtlm n .m. n to known on appltcatton. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT m Ljl PROFESSIONAL CARDS. If LINN A CHAMBERLAIN, ITTOftHEYS AT LAW, Albany, OriB. eSTOfflee In Fwter's Brick Blwk.- sl&uistf. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. row. PRACTICE IN ALL THE W Courts of this State. Will eive spedal attention to collections and probato Office In Foster's new brick. SStf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEjJAT LAW. Notary Public. Ofnoe upstairs, over John IWe'teore, let J. K. WEATHESPORD, (NOTARY TOBUCJ iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. MtBMI. WrLL PRACTtCB Ed ALL THE COURTS OP THB State. Special attention gtvea to colleetloa sat Mr. to Odd ratter's Twasss H i. c. rowan- w. a. juxtbo POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors hi CkMCjrr. ALBANY. - OBECOII. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. sTOiBm In Poster's Brick.' vMnlftf. K. B. SKIPWOKTR, aTTaaxBY am ctntwvm at saw abb NOTAKY rCSUC WILL practice la all con its of the State AU business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OJbs aa O' Tool's Block, Bnmda&m Sfcneef, rl AQxmh, Oreeea. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will nraeUce in all of the Courts of this State All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. In OToole's Block. E. W. LANCOON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, and Toilet Articles, A and Low Prices. Large OJL'A' 3f XXRTTGh STOBB, tyi uitir.euwei. FQ8HAY e MASON, STONE AND E MARBLE WORKS TIB XTSDEaSIOH KD WISH KB TO inform the public that be Is new pre pared W OO ait xioue w stwoe anu munis work on short notice. All work to war ranted to give eatlafaotion. Will work any sad all kinds ef stone, but deal prin cipally In OiaccmjCtenntaa. repairing eau luwuwjoy m epwnsuty. vau and examine my prions before parous ins elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. .hop on wast side ef Ferry street oppo site post omoe. Q. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN SCHMEER, LIYKRY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany. Oregon. Rn-M kDt on Hum and muttriM 1 to SOU lb, ttaM. Hwood .do nmu ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PICKING AND MOVING PL A HOB. organs and ferattwre s specially All hauilwa within aity promptly at steaded ta. LOUIS GAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sbsring done with neatnees and sharp raaorn. wbiert are always Kept in goon condition, sad hair out in the very best stylo. -J fftL aHsf sua m KmaaV at aaaaanwP FOR F A TINT. news IS Rheumalism,Cifeuralflla, Sciatica, l - uMafriia asjaAawlrJsS VteOTVHVe awBaaWeaWasWSJ w"wf rTarSJwsllteetHr) AM lU MMSBS SSSMI.V rllM ASS A Marvelous Story FROM THE SON : TeSftiSr " CmUtmn: Mr fethsr resMss St Otow, Vt. Us hss teas a great sufferer from Serof uU, sad tasineksteisusr will tsl) you what smsrveloeai WA V1XG. AUK DRY AND CHINA MKBCHANISINO BUS! ! BBSS, last, tan sad Jspssssa roods, UsW sadwsMbss, sow st Sottas pneea ooswatsec sr Cbiaa tabor. SeTJJaxt to CtVf Bank. Ayer's Sarsaparilla eanaft1 Ikswba' Ban) eeiw' CrBweWes W Beftoaaen1 eafcs swaJns' ssWsww katrs eontatenn1 tbe aaaww for st tssst tea yssrs; but It did not bow, ssespt In U torn of ssoroteloss ssrs on ths vrte, snttl sbost firs yssrs aaa Vteei a fsv tpots watsb sp pMrsdattbat Ste, gssdnsHy sptssd s m to oovsr hto sstirs body. I ssssrs too b wss tscribly eflUetsd, sad as objsst of pity, wbss tebssjsssslsf year audi slas Hov.taersare t mw mum of his sfs who es)oy as good ssstth si be ass. i ssoM sssny saws arty psno wbo weaM teaa te ttw anas te his essa Toantraiy, W. M. Paujurs," 0WMte7 bad g rows 110 bales oa her ran ell this year. Kisses art cheap in PenosylYsnia. Ajary ia Nortkaojnton county bat just decided that they are worth s oent spines. A young lady who testified ie a breach of promise suit that ahe had been kissed by her recreaat lover 100,- 000 times was promptly awarded $1000. They probably eatimsied them at wholesale price, however. At retaii shay ought to bring more. Mr. E. & Oonklin, of the Kuieker. hsoker lee Company, hss expressed the opinion that not less than 800,000 tool of last Wiater's ice barrast remain ia the storehouses sloog the Hudeon. The pslpajiiej ay baying np all the old ios they csn Ind la expectation of an opon Winter. They snake this prophe- JfyAoislly, for was not the wind in the HENG TENG. Beat washing and Ironing in the city. No. 11. Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. s duty for aw to state to yea ths baa dsriTte frost lbs ass of Ayers Sarsaparilla. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON' - - Proprietor. Opposite Revere II 8having and hair dressing done In flrst- ass styie. rim-ciass oem Bath for Isdies Terms reasonable. rooms. all hours. '83 A fi&AID (MBIIifiOf '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THS LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL Owjar a 8x snoatbs sgo I wss sssplitily sersrsd wltb s bwribts hssssr sad ssrefalsss serss. The baisor esassd sa UKwsssat sat tstetsrsbts WSndsg. and ate skta srssksd so ss to esses Mood to Bow in I raovsd. My ssffeHngs ' ttf s bardss. 1 sowswassd the sss of tbs aaasaaaanxa to Asttl lsst.aaAl it rtwatorly sines tbat teas. My sjsa to haproT st ones. Tbs I fast sorfseuy wa spoet tetaff now sbto to do a ssod day's arork. shbosfb 79 rn of sga. Msaytesstrs I toil tessss I bass bsrs trlsdtotanU ysa. Area's lastirtanj.a Otorsr, Vt, Ost. sLiam y Ami asasarAsnxA and all tsrafalesa CompUlate, toe. ste ante a asSMS joa vOl rseshw wna tsn"a of tbs Zaryste- Iha aida. ay MjUntmsaMjaw ni rsest aw sas yaaa raS-Si? paanar 4tb tba "Oanulai bstej lIZTfcTk' tllrUY lar'iwaaaiaa oeOy. aad tbs toat,bftv rtftte sbtoa teafty wsskly Is tbs Vasad atatss. mw tedsats to ssssuss s aswpls soar of tbs tbia oaks. the It clsars the based of sU laaav , steaahrtss tbooatioa of tb the Druggists and Booksellers, ALBAVf. ORECOS. Maintf REVERE HOUSE, rtrat mI EU watte Albaar. O Chaa- Pffeiflfer, Proper arUr-Joaraai" csa do so at PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Dec. 1&82....... ..... .....AS,285,828 Premium income 2 607,18a Safe, reliable and auisk to nay in cans of Op. J.C.AyarACo., Lowell, Maia. Bold by sll Dnsndsts; 91.aU bottew for BS. THE ALBANY FURNITURE Tbia w asasltoswedae k Sajt ajass styis. 1 aiiaf pWit wtth tbs bast tee waifcst ssteds. I BSSS la rraty Booaau A good assads Keaas fcw Tsbhs ARCH MONTE ITH, Agent. V! b any, Oregon, m 1 .Si aaweaal Yia rates. W. H. GOLTRA T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY T LAV AND Notary Public. in Statbs Riohts Dbmocba DEALER IN Farm Machinery. woodie, msi & mm. SUCCESSORS TO DANNALS & WOODIN. Mannfa'-tnres'and dealers In all kinds of FVKSITVRE, An unusually large crop of bay baa been harvested ia Province Quebec. American b.iyera era pressing and ship ping large quantities of Canada bay. Tba New York State Board of Charities baa recommended test all orphan asylums in the State shell teach it girt charges bow to cook. Missouri reports a bettor apple crop than waa at first expected. The highest point oa tba Rocky Mountains reached by tba Northern Pacific Railroad is 1200 feet below the summit ef tba Sierras oa tba Central Paeiic Artesian watta ia parte of Mississippi have dooa groat gsod during this year a dry weather. It is prepoeed to nee tba c sovieto la South Caroline in completing the State "Mlth ' House, iasteed of hiring them out to be AaA fc MM ibet abused by oontrsctors. Buth wl P'" A macbino far picking cotton ia tba umxi ,U aootfcj f 6eld has just boon completed and tested A Franciaeo paper asys that tbs M . . . , ... ... atSomtor.aC. PraoticaJ farmers as "tM5 wobboyit aaswa Between tasi that it is destised to create a re vol u port and Boaadnln by a aaUiag veaaal tion ia tba agricultural interests of the J Amerioaa bark Comet a oa . a .a cotton States. A syndicate of Charles- in te nays and twenty hoars, ton men hss purchased a controlling aad that the quickest steamer's time interest In tba patents, and tbs me- w" J Mariposa in six dsya j' a a chines will be nut upon tba market I hours. Geo. Crook, tba ladies tighter, U Tba agwregate sum asked for br tba teW to be vary abstemious, act drink- tobacco rebate claim .is $3,800,000. iai 7 kind of alcohol ic liquors, tea or Orphan agricultural oo) leges are off Hie favorite beverage ia fresh shout to be established la Algeria, to ,lk- ! bis taste is equally relieve the overflowing institutions of out be ia not in the slightest de Paris and to give tba children a practi I slovenly. eel education which will fit them for A plow worked by electricity be the designs France hss ia view coaoera ttoaa shown at Maaieb, tba current ing prospective colonies. uf transmitted over a distance of Baltimore, bavlog more than $90,. about forty mites. 000,000 invested ia oyster packing aad II yoa are using a over 30.000 persons easaeed in ibis I trow away. A business, is takiag measures to preveat bwa UJ fr imperfect rinsing, the destruction of the ovster beds in cbildraa often de. the Chesapeake Bay. It is peopoeed abould be tborougblf weehed, dried aad that the period of rent for oysters shall tkea tawaeYeed ia hot brine. The way be lengthened and extend from April " keep spongea sweat ia to t inea aad 1 aatil Oct. 1. i tberoagbly, and dry daily In the Winter aad wild beasts snake aad son or by the fire, work among domestic animals la Run- Germany has $0$ mills tW tba msn- Bte. Lent year it is dceiarcd that from I otaeture of wood ptlH. Such a dsgraa cold, aaow storms and disease 5550 ef perfection baa (wen sltaiaed ia tba 33,000 horses, 14,000 cattle araatmsut ttet eveo for the better aad 130,000 sheep perished, and thst qoalitiea of paper lbs wood palp ie 70,000 cattle wore killed by tba substiiuted for pnlr made fia rs wolves. I It constitutes oeveat? five iwr coat of Dr. Jecksou, sn "English svrajstte 1 Ao paper slock used tbruugUoat Uet- iiviag in India, war stung to death by I ar.aay hornets recently when homing tigers. Tba highest una ia tba world, being Ha received over 200 stings, aad died 0 feat ia height, wea found in Aoe- from tbe erysipelaa that followed. Hie Sd trees are frequently seen companion in the bunt waa saved from tere waicm are more than 400 a like fate by the forethought of bb feet to height. eervant, who dragged bim ioto a ion- P"" of aa Jbaglish ale soon sfier ths bornete attacked I baoawotent aootety says: "Notwitb- htm Istendiag tba largo smouot paid for Only twelve to fifteen per oent rf I aaedicioo end medical attendance, Vary bran at the highest is extricated from the grain need to make flour for the Austrian military bread. Georgia ia trying n new road law rem i. a ft scibncs The last observations indicate that we are distant from tba nua about 92,700,- 000 miles, fbeee are tba figures ob tained as neer as may bo from tbe ob servations wf tba last Venus transits. Boil in a fast renders meat bard be cause tbe exosasiva action of heat esuaes the albomeo of tba meat to set solid, orlsps up tbe Aesby fibres, and prevents heat bavins a gradual tossse to the in terior. Field daisies have been colored by plsciog their cut stems in aniline voiiet ink. They refused to shenrb sny color from black ink. Peonies have be colored aa tbay fro a by apply lug various dyes in eel u tion to the ground in which they stood. For some time the Natural History ooatety of Toronto baa been making tba attempt to laereataM tbe pintail or prairie chicken of Manitoba, into Ontario, Cen., bat tans far with out success. There ia a law to Mani toba forbidding tbe exportation of game from that province. A correspondent of Nature believes that suck vast ouaatitiea ef oaa as oat have been freed by tbe Java Jww BeWsVVP aflikssj(aasaa''i saao5lJwJal the earth's atmosphere, and thinks thst tba fine weather of Septa labsr, preval ent over a large part of tbe earth, may bare been a result of tbe great eruption. Fifty tbenaand francs iajjse prise which France offers lot the discover) which shall eosble electricity to be ap plied economically in one of the follow. ing directions : As a source of beat, ef light, of chemical action, of meeeeoieal power, aa a means of the transmission ef Intelligence, or of tbe neat meet of disease ; tbe prise batfte oooa to all national tis, end to be award fn De- , 1387. Tba discovery of M. Heddebsult is proving ef oonaiderabie value. When cotton aad wool are combined be sub jects tbe material to sutjetteated steam nader a pram are of five atssospberes. Tbe wool soon melts and falls to tbe bottom of tbe vessel, leaving tbe ootton or other vegetable fibre clean aad in a OOedfiion suitable for paoer-makia. a m A fterwsrd tbe netted wool ie evaporat ed to dryness, when it hr comas oo pletely soluble in weter and is called axotine, a subetenoe very rich ia nitro gen, and of greet agricultural impor tance. Tbe Chinese end Jape sees exhibits at tbe Internetione! Fisheries Exhibi tion show thst they are tbe meet ingen Senator Justin & Morrill of Ver moot wi:i be seventy five years of age at the esplrstloo of his term next M. Gravy, tbe President of tbe French republic, hJut recelred ft big panther from an African king. Judge Afdis of Vermont a few years ago built a house In Washiog ten at com f I2.00 H hss now sold It to Geo. Sheridan for $42,000. Boston, 1 four richest men are Fred erlcL. Am $15 000,000, John M- Forbos $12,000,000 and Oliver Ames and William O. WkJ $6,000,000 sftefa. Tbe monument over tbe grave of Tiwroas JetTerson at Monllrello, Tlr. fiolft, provided for by Joint resolution of Congress, hss beeo completed. It east $8353, oat of so spproprtstaon of $10,000, leavlrg a balance of $1348. Mr, B'nloe's Washington ecet $07,00$, lw lading the land; Bob ssso'i coat $28,000, hut be bought hta lot several years ego, Don Cememft, eott between $40,00t and $50,000, while those of Pendleton, Wlndom sod Hftses sversged about $35,000. Tbs reported coming visit of John Bright to America baa been looked op es aa in much doubt for some time. Hie health is feeble, and he baa dreeled tbe fatigue consequent oo a voyage. From Scotland be bow writes that be baa a intention of going to America. Oa state occasions tbe Dom Pedm wears a long cape entirely of the breast feathers of a Bests American bird. These are bright orange -colored. rrsjss. Dr. Sturtevant has fonnd tbe peat Summer that potetres mulched produc ed a decidedly smaller crop than there eultivated in tbe usual wsy. lie re fsrds tbe experiment ae raeoacluaire a account of tbe wetness of tbe season. There ie probably leas diversity ia ibe food of hogs than in food of any ther stock. The groat hulk of tbe Krk fattend in this country is made oa corn, though enough other grain should I given tit ecn re variety end seeks tbe sniniwl eat more heartily. Some kinds of potatoes produce seed oils more freely then others originated from seed peed see vhile tbe kinds thst ortginste in dental sports produce, few or none. In tbeae last seed production bes spperen' hr been bred eel Brewers say that en of melt wss kept over from last year. Teia eeeooote for tbe dntneas of tbe burley msrket ep tilt bow. The new hurley is generally inferior to lent year's cro,, being largely stained by the wet weather which prvailed at John J. Tin ma says that should not be covered a depth or tbsn five tianes their diameter. Fine seed should be covered with soil made proportion ably fine. Tba general prac tice ie to cover too deeply. Bsedisg with tbe drill increases taftj but has the sd van tare ef greater uniformity of depth. It ia a good plan for every grower of fruit to pot bin name oa packages aa senate ready far market. It will asper ate ee s check ee dishonesty, sod il the fruit ii ) at up as it sfcowld be the wSSdaetftfly fl no arid gieesy and It wi,1 a few years, make a rep- tkea the breasts of one hundred oUt,OT1 lt mlU bnnf m birds to make s cape. coed prices. Honesty pays in fruit Prof. Alexander Graham Bdl has Towtn M ".everytbing else. bad so addition made to bis Washing. ftom growers of potatoes throw out ton bouae coaUInlne- a laree rttmm I tb litU osiesas mere tmoble to la which ho will, for so hoar each u" tk tber r'- dsy' receive deaf mutes and teach DOW nnif for sa it baa them to speak. In this food work I learaed by dear experimee that be will beaaalstedby hta wife, whom many small poteteee are nnreJiaote. In tbe aarae way he taught to apeak Still if ant tea harried these small po- yeeri ago. teftsai are worth saving to fed tr, cowe A young woman ef Portland, Me., ia win tar in eosusoctten. ot eouree.witb 1 ately Invented a table for see to ether food. Poll man ears, and applied for s paten. Improved farm machinery gives the While awaiting results, Mr. Tucker formers of tbia country their greatest os the Malae Central sad Eaetera advantage ia aheap production of food, roads, who had seen the table, wss Tim labor of moat ether countries ie sa ntaasad with It that he expressed a more poorly paid than bore, bat it ac- wUllngnees to get it Introduced oo his eomtsbes asaah toss. Ia tbe aeaiter roada If abe was successful. Tbe In- of plows, fur example, much more team venter fell aick of typhoid fever, and three-fourths of the world's tillage hi dme by rude wooden plows, seek aa ware enpereedod ia this country sixty to eighty years i ious and sccompliebed fisbermon in the world. In Swatow tbcv emnlov a 0,1 8atordsy, ber birthday, died, Just boat drawing in s few inches ofater, M th looked -fir patent arrived, with tbe rail nearly level with tbe aur- The Slewing record of weigh U of face. A narrow nlsnk fired slone one 1 crtaln Revolutionary sacra. Office ofaee. .Mil.) rutwlfnll Interm the nablic that munh.i. In .1 it mm and will ItMn I uar ni nnn Bit in mK WAuUli99 nAvMs Vm I Srlt. .f ' side is ,-ainted white, end tbe light of mnd Wwt F,nt. Ag. 1. 1788: i 7 ,w ?a Tu' I th ooo falling on it causes the Gab to Qen Waahnlgton, 200 pounds; en. mng9 MBber of rainy dev. lewdeath. cccurmd dunag the year uUukc u for WAter. jlllB 0Ttr Lincoln, 255 pounds; Gen- Knox, 20 AlMka u 2i5 lo a ye8r. 7 Tba vota on tha nmaoaitioai te abo - ts r n rr .. . . 1 w ,.t - r. . rt7- . the plank into tbe boat, when they get wn. nwu-iugiou, ie Besetrt aUtletics ahow that crim- wn ooavaos oonKwos moor in aSsw iora ...... . . , . .wand. flen. nm.tnn iM nnnvuta I ... . ... . . . .. . . . . enMogiea in mues or grass, av tonaagir i loaja ana ianattcs are generally two v . ....k .u- i. uoi. owirr, zi pounn-; ru M. m ., vmvh mm vuv www., mm I . OK9 r... nio. r'l IT - ' 1 au0,v.. I whioh thee beloae. iwuiw, seui.-vjo.. ,oo HieAlandera heltera that a wound pounds; Lieot.-Col. Humphriea, 221 1 t. . . , mrJ under which every eon Ada h from, give, a msjerity of 234,97 in irmioM)t oot u,' (Ub.hut to frighten tween fifteen and fifty yearn ot age t"" of the pr.poattUm thaau ioto the net ; while at Ningpo 280 P00 .B a i s S .a ILta Maaaass . Mb Ju XT 1. ' a inches shorter than the ohm to DRS. 1.W.& MARY T. COLL Physicans 80 Surgeons. ALBANY, OR! 2 i Oder thato profcaaonal aerrioea to tbs cMssas ot Uaa aad acjaoeat eutmur. FURNITURE, Plows, Harrows, I od " f- say III V BlirttCVvl They alw ksep wmatanUy on Him. A X UJLd VJ JM KJy I eo can at ad Cu'a hra-i STEEL GOODSa Aloany Bath House. DNDEESKNED WOULD RESPKCT i. fatly .aform the citisana of Albany aad vi siaitvtbat I have taken charge sftbia Eatabiiah went, aad, by keeping clean rooms aad pajia -Urist attention ts basiasss, szpseta to suit si those wbo way favor US with their patronage Waring heretofore earned on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expeeta ts si ve satirs iatiafaetion ts si ewT-ChUdiec aad Ladies' Hair neatly sa bace4 JOS WBBBkF. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBiST, Oft. The First Term begins on Tues day, September 11, 1883. far pertiealars ooncernip? tbe eonraMt of atady and tha pries of tnittoa, apply to ST. ELBEBT B. CO MBIT, RED CROWN MILLS. SSOM, LANNIXe & CO., PROPR'S, a TSW PROCESS TUOVK SUPERIOR FOR T AUTLXBS asm bar es use. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Jbv Highest IPric in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. m plots line of Undertaker's Goods and will gaaiantee satiafaet Ion te all wbo nay favor them with a call. me ivmm nmrni. pR ALLEN'S M0NTC0MERY & DILLY. Tb BAKERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH- WaU raivATB BasrcBssKT, 8. Keep a full fine ef jewelry order. etches and clocks repaired in first-class SOIO - - - OREGON. We HI. MORROW, YavRA a s tablw cu SCfO sry, etc., etc SStBtesawrSteset, Itfuunn soa ths Scrarnrtc ass srsawr Cusa or CsaesK, Bsavoos a arssui. Dusasm. mt THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. I ms aauuawast Jt katsisi waaSsaa as asasa SUV- at T.KM. SSfB WELL KNOWS, IS A BEO I wu w""1 w W"I if alar graduated PSvskOQtt sao vrnvrmn te to tbe eta aritbin hie specialty . : l .1 . LU . .1 - t . I. - I Th. rnnnn man . I TK. rlmm H.aill K totta m toe oiruw.j. aw. uaj. .a toe a . . .ulir, .n(i fcrEUgnat- w. . .. . I t--n-- J 1 u I m i J jt sss . nam - lioallr traioed to B.b. r i t la. I t. ' - - -. ... onoosi owsssw priasapte, anu u aueai Gummoa salt, ehlorida of sodium, is into operation in the counties only by pi several week, awo is ''7 mMt wiJe, dUtriboted subetenoe direction of tha grand ,unes. aad b iBpron.. . ertttoai time U ,sbt, ia irM latonoeo so praoucaoy uoooie wo i -a I aod in everr ootid , end not only is .mount spent for roads. good reason to baiteva thst no notowerd verTwkftN ifJ nmmi vass ji t .a a . .. tu I ' " oirus are uying ny tnoussnus sv toe. I nart it constitutes tbe larweet lortion of 8ontb for want of water. The homsn There wss a marksd deoltae ia tbe , . . . . . , II waavp eases waeu aaaas tswwww saw wtiiust asi mmm. - a aaa Maa.Sw laall SSSB I ' pepnistton seems to suner oo inconvsn- w - particular it ia a oonstaat ooostitaeat tmmm. I Oardaa in the lest ive months of this I zZ ... I "... of tbs blood, aod it maintains in tt a a van .a a. x a mm, rename deeps ten reports tbst year, as compare, who toe oorrespon- . . . . .u-n- s i hi uiasTLiuu Baaaaaa. am auuiua. wuuut luuir pendent of the quantity that ie consum ed with tbe food. The blood will take np ae much and no more.bewever mueb we may take with our food, and, on the other hand, if none be riven, tbe blood parte with it natural quantity Bowdeas cars ef , .wM rrvit 1 &ilnn mad UalerUy rf MlehUrtJJ. Be bes devoted i otVTw, " alttastew tetbeetwdr sf tbeUeWasat and tier 10.000 men are at work on tbe Pans-1 dine period of lest ysa. . It is eaUma w b ' & T m w ma Cans, and that (he number will be ted that tbe total number leaded dur incrsased to 15.0C0 next year. There I mg the year will be fully 10,000 are in use thirty steam excavators, forty I than last year. locomotives and 809 tip carta. A mob of outraged citisens made Of tbe 35,000,000 trade dollars oein-1 sn to lynch Jacob Noble, who ed only 8,000,000 remain to America. I iolicted fatal injuries on John Aoley, The rsst went into tba trade with Asia, at Saetdali, Sunday night, with a hatcb havinr been reooined in Orientel mints I at. Ha bad a bad .h.reoter, and ho. tbaa tba I parpoae was robbery. local dollars. I The marchioness of Lanednwoe, who It waa some tims sao when an effort 1 succeeds tba Princess Louise as tb. was being made to iadoos the children I grot lady ia tbe Canadian Dominion, PV B mT slowlv and unwiltinelv. Nothins can m mi I . ft . t At m ft. 1 . a 1 k-t... tb-. K. loai" ' waeninjHwi. ui v 1 1 rs t a i n vo vaaaaawsi vusvoi waaaa as wasw pound. A boiler fraud An echo. xes, uoorve waahtogtoo was a great man. Ha weighed 209 pounds Tba aingar ia But to think thai all tba musical world is oa the high a The New York Morning Chronical has this oo tap: MA ahoor alga Tbe ftabalrs.'1 Irving smokes cigarettes almost continually. We always thout ha mod of puffs. You must not suppose that a wom an loads a dbaipntod life bectasa aba rant color.. Lord Oleridga baa been visiting If George that a doc piarcad by it either dies from gangrene, becomes paralytic opileptie ot stupid. As aa illustration of tba progress vbieh toe lore of masse waa made la England, it is laaaamharad that ffhen a particularly aevsge carica ture of tha lata Prince Ooosort was desired, ha was drawn paying on Iheplano, bat now the Dake of Edin burgh ia a good violin player, and irabody seems to find it eve amus ing. It waa tba ancient Irish belief that human hair should never be burnt a tmly buried, hecsase at the resurrec tion tba for mar owner of the hair wUl come to seek It ; and that it sight not to be thrown away,- Vast tome bird abould find it and carry it tiff, causing tba owner,. iaoad to ache ail the time tbe bird waa busy work- BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. T7BEP jFL groc all kinds- D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING-, Discreet STJBSCKIPTIOIT BawP A FULL LINE OF fURB groceries, fresh eaadiee, aata, a nAm of vinfMtJoaariaa. tObaeOO. S)SB .ate. Cash waid for orodnos oi ail kinds. 8CI0a ORECrON. W. H. TALCOTT, IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH- kots, shoos, hate and caps, groceries, cigars, tobaooo, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. 4 D0RRI8, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OBEGOH". XT OTICB OF PUBLIC LBTTINGS 80 J3l LIC1TED. Plans and spectflcaHetsi f urnssbed on abort notice. and mWdUi ared wen. wbo are uSering from the to sign the total abstinence pledge. Obi by tba virtus of being tbe wife of tbe turVaaA naWeaa aad Dhynieai Sebijlty, laape-1 the wavfrom the ball a little girl, Governor General, is the youngest teoee. ioat bo avere ts faea. lone ef enSfKf of great ewmT fSttat te a a- a a a a a - - a faet that if albumen without salt " nwavpi m.a;uiy M,et. i .u. Ar ; One of the fashionable shades is lavfvuuvni Iinwu vus mmunn v u mw i mil. no Dortkm of it is absorbed, while deeD w,ne Tt U Bot it all quickly disappears if salt h added. y,toh- iwwever. when it ts worn up- iag the hair Into Its The oooolusion therefore is obvious tbst in nrmm' I Tba Cinque Porta had many eur-,. hainw wholesome, and indeed. Mow can a pi won say mat me j CQftonM ef their own. The may- i . ... . . n necwrsary? should be teken in moderate nvy on nw Mm wnon lQ9t and jurats wore j os I ice. within tbe l,y?l& L 7 7 jT 17 SIv , -w-. - , r necessary" sh.uld be teken in moderate uangs noavy tn ne n.aus wuup tw (T and Jurats ware Joallco. within the ?im7tlh;'1n3 'l17 rfT imiTT 7A daughter .f thtnt kmo ctitiM ftnd tbat m(tution from U U U us thut time and tide Ubeny of tha borough to tbe eiduaia. SSurT teaT7; T'SineUan of ths sweeping chsrscter of the pledge eorn, whs clsims direct descent from th. h ... . in;,iriou. weight for no men? of all others, Tba way in which Jos- L'teaSSowtuet0 'assru she bad just Uken, waa beard to aak : Stuarts, and who is tbe "living image" 1 J Tba New York Journal says: "A tlce wss administered was short and "Mamma, can I chew gum now !" I uf the luoklees Charles 1. It is said It is stated tbat Cisns Spreo&lee, J that she ie not by any means . bsnd oroorietor of the California sugar re fin- some woman, but she is intensely sr- a anv I v w arv. who holds a mononolv of ths I ievtMtin Aha ia one of the mm T aLIm 1 ' I - st essfsuuuassfni Pbyaistao aad I Hawaiian sugar trade, has contracted 1 ereat leaders of fashion in tbe British bostox tmrri. of two Jeading it crivate woablas , it diatUctljr under- tewaawlbUtia Baviaer been sonreon in bospitale) enabtee me to WaM wits szesneBS reaujva. - eod stet I As not eW otte aaaare awtwenl Surgeon, tauiuanary wmnnw y' arsBi.aa as m as ee, or for the purchase of the entire crop ef AUajplj ea. . . i e u iu. . j : . . in rMtmiwm. m saaa. MMalOB 1 suaar ot iuo laiauga, uu hid wttutuue i snui Ivtnar t iu.tb.m atnarleieatlna oatttve eare n nio vmmm . ; . . forfeit SlOO CMaaltat , r ZJZ S! natvsr. IBBIft llftlllft a SVI uuwii examliMtttoa, lawuduw ebswlosi and mieressoatssi ansJystt or sue, sao ww, oa. Cel. Offlee hours SU Kearney aSreet, San Frwioises, t to S daily, T te 8 evening. 3 people are alarajrso the lookout for cbaa a, an In time besom ; Mdlkr theme, wi An not imnrova their OTOOtBU- wlmm Mntn In invert v we oner a. crreaa emu ' be money. We want many aaen, women, oojeaao. la to work for ua right in their own localities. Any Meaads the work property front tbe first start. toees wUJ pay more than ten times ordinary axnenetve outSt furnished free. Ho one wbo San Francisco, Gal. tawaawsatUa to make money rapidly Yen can as vo avow whole time to the work, oV only your spare msswets. FuOl informrtlon ana au tnas w hsw aas free- Adctrsas Srowos & Co., Pertlaod, Maine. Administrator's Notice. Kotioe is hereby given thst the under eteuea has been splinted administrator ofthe estate of James H Moore deceased late of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record. All persons hsv- lost tne estate oi aaiu ssrainst toe eata deceased are hereby notinett to present ing claims e m a a a a J the same properly verineo to id unaer nts restaenee iu sisned .t arrisburg in tbe eity of i A within miT Hanrunniv in nu wuu... .... months from the date hereof. Dated October 31st, 1888. Lavi Douqlab, Geo. E. CHAMBBBtADt, Admr. Alt'y for Admr. that all shipments be made by his vessel.. This is equivalent to a monop oly of the carrying trade both ways, as other vessels going there will not get return cargoes. The Society of Friends in England has inst repealed the prohibition of marriage of first cousins, which baa been in force in tbat body for nearly 200 years. The first cotton factory in California is to be erected in Almeda county. The company's capital is $600,000, Most of tbe cotton is to be transported from Texas, but ultimately Southern California will, it is expected, supply all the. cotton needed. The widow of Col. Strong, tbe first cotton raiser in "upper tea thousand." baby is tha oaaki of married life." I sharp. A thief who waa Uken "back: Tax it ia quite verdant, bot sa green I twrende" at Folkestone or Dover A Boston girl leet her engagement as a young father and mother hraa thrown ovar the cliff, and at ring, and advertieed a liberal reward Tbe body of a man without head Sandwich smothered or drowatc?. for its recovery. A Host a fortnight I was found recently near Troy. It Their noeoJiar BBodaof deaiine; with I'BOWrTI T BXCCBPATB. afterwards, a coarse looking man called must beloBg to Paris. Ha lost his bead jbt was csJIsd tha right of M Wi th at her residence with the missing trinket there a ajaad many centuries ego. ernasa.M if a bargees of anetttar In spite of th. rough trestm.nt, she Tbb New York CsmatAroinl Ad- korgb were dabtor to a fiveosan of An orgau grinder was lately arrest-1 recognised it at once, aod asked rather twr.Usr says:" Boston may aot have a Cinque Port, tba portiseoed a writ ed in New York oa suspicion, because sharply : I a berae show like New York, bot aba Uaqalring tba debt at tha hands of be had aa abundance of money. Tbe "How did you come to set it all is wildly revelling in a cat exhibition. I aha Bftarttleo of tba debtor's town. . . mm I . .aatl nS 1 SV- . . polios lodge remarked to hta : scratched and nicked op m tbta fash- Yea, she si ways comes op to ma ir ater yds. tha BBOftev ware aot "Yoa could not have made all that 1 ion V 1 aerate b. .laL-eHJ'WSWaeaaeSSi-Sei 1 . a.. ,l - jJ.-saj-r. - - ., . .SMlWewSMBaV.Ws. iJ.v' . money by grinding a barrel ovvsn." "Well, mis.' explained tbe maa Msy it please your honor," replied I y0u see, I had no gal oi my own, so I the wandering minstrel, "you do not used it for a dog collar." fullv cemorehend the details of my nrofeesion. It is not bv crindintr mv Toe rooi oi me wnue nuueu e that T hav aeooired this wealth, tico was recently cleaned by throwing ' 9 Bot the neoole triva me double nrioe of ",er uPa Ik nd a for shntdna no and ffoin awav.w f 8Pidra WM 4De reBU,U TTara the oroaniet beoan torturinir his Their number was estimated by rail- . aa l I lions, and when they crawled back unnappy, wauiog iusuuiosdi. i - - -raj j i .1 a a to their homes at night the white "jrnsousr uiscuargeu t I . the nolice iodse. P aa Pinted black' w W sf SBJ The mysterious explosion of a very Innocent-looking glass ball belonging to a Nsw York geatleman has called attention te the fact tbat the bits of unanneeled grass sometimes found lying about the floor of a factory are dangerously liable to explode, and should not be carelessly handled. They are never sold, bot persons some times take them away far their beau ty's sake. forthcoming, tha first Mfew-towaa. raan of tha debtor wbo came into the Cinque Port that bad issued the writ was looked oo as liable for tba debt and was la daoger of having his Coeds seized far it. Miss Ayer, the heiress of the patent medicine and pill man, te worth 1:3,000,000 and is so fsr heart free. The wretch wbo would steal her si factions would, of course, be s pilW f jr-her.