WATERLOO SAW aaanBaKi vi WATERLOO, OREQOy. Six miles above Lebanon, the soot hf side of the Santi am River, opposite Water loo oda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoffice, Waterloo, Or avast! streasib- ngMynaMm oysrtaeutv yserS lul oracUcai exwlsoc. FiLiiU cure wiUi untatUn rtainty vstes! MS) MM debility, swi- p r taterrhose, I IIMPP1 II , Ml hi potency, 55La .! frvra whatever f,..v MMtta el iTl riches and purifies the Maori SjsSiss. prevent. t voluntary loss, datfttaula frff.n- aautina! Unmm with the uiinc, etc., o de d.i.k.mhjin.iuiv It la a tare ritniliN i . vLv.ii. v biuia in owe. with (alt di- aottaaa aad salvias. 81ft. Ssnt seeuratrom ebssa-r- Soa to any artdrets u;o i receipt of prie. or U O. u., as M aad oaiy 01 IDR. C. D. SALFIELD, SIC Kearaey St.. San Franctsce, taa. JrSSSXS' wdar t insure pa Ju.tsacrsoy I bass addoptad a uri-1 vat siVlrsss under wetua ail pacta art lorwarueu. 1 TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. aSSlSiSE S Thc'Great English Reme- ,1,. "J- Is a oaver faflln cura fori Nervous Debility. aty, terribie effects ol Batf-1. TumI-1 snch as lose of Msasory, Aw tat to Sodatr. IHruneaiol Ftoa,Kofam La tha Head; the rhat laid lidin to iaaaatty aad daath. I into taa una, ana BUBTUwrOl for a of Uik kind tha Vital Bcalaea advtc nd tnatatant) wul aot aaraar tar aajruaaa laiawia or- mjiuwua bb n. trr. m us ua j 1 " 'V"" I caaannauoa naa, nuarooan I af ViuaXaauwatiTa,SI a bottla, or ftmr timei s.c. 6. D,hatromi?Twjuoo d ta prt- laaftaadacMal. Dr. Mmtie'e XMoay Bataady. Kephretierm, enrra all kiBde of kidney and bladder complainU,fOoorrbaa, teat, tasoaaerraeaa. For aale by aU dnagiata, tl a Battle or ex aotuea rorfn. Dr. Kintie Oandeftrm Pllh are tbe beat and eat PjiuetaU aad Bfttoos em in taa market. Far afaabrau . Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEABXY ST. U all Caeeaie aad .Special Maaa YOUNG MEN ITSTTSe MAT BUB UFFUnC FBOW ff aficta of yoathftd fotttas or 4a aQ to anil tbaeaa&rrea of tbia aver laid at tha altar of Buffering humanity. DR flrOTKKY will raarantea to forfeit SSOOfor erarr waaaneaa or pnrata tuaaaae aiij uso at wtuch no at tfeaagaaf thfrty-firaSoaUty who troubled with too f re u at leawaiMiiia af tha Mad ad0 and a f ahmrgf taaaluuflta wrneer patient cam n own it for. eiaialwlng tha aU partieJea of albumen wiUi jr the oolor will be of a thin milldah hue, again iaa to a dark and torpid appearance. There are awn who die of this difficulty iaaorant of taa wtuahia the eecond atace of aaniinal weakneea. Da. A i a perfect cure in all suen eaaea, i restoration ot the genito-urinary onrana. Bona 10 to 4 aad 6 to A Sundays from 10 toll a. a. Consultation free. Thorough exnunaiaar aaattelas, fJA For private dlsesara of short standing a full medicine sufficient fer a cure, with will be sent to any address on receipt of Sid OA sh sit annas, bus. srrv.vET t ce Tl Ho. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cat To the Unfortaaate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. 6t)Q MAKXT ST. 4fO corner of Comma cial Street. San FriiisaMiu, kbOabed in lSSa, fer sssaas V a. Slcct. .ayaatlllsmaJ XsaaateaeT bssbu leases or dreams. Dim the face and Jon of manhood can positively be I xne sjck ana armcteo snoaid not tall to aau fpoo him. The Doctor has trareW extensively in aWope. aad inspected thorooriiiT Use rarioua saaasV Sds there, ehuinisg a great deal ef talaabfa-nuwias wan, wnica be isconqrtent to impart to those in need ef his service. DR, GIBBON wiU make ao charge aabaa be effect a cure. rVrsooa at a distance MAT mm IIXKB T fJOME. All corrnanicatioos sfafatty eem Adentia! - You see no one ha; tbe Doctor. Send tea doctor a fjackage of medkoe. Persons wrtaag te tbe Doctor nil please state the name ef the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Cell or write, Addreaa DR. 3. P. GIBBON, ava ueit on riancara. nones The BtntEua? Gcxde is to wed ilardi aad ticpt, each rear: 215 pages, o x 11 ic-3, with over 3,800 illaBtrations a whole ptc- ture gaUerr. Gives whole sale prices o!tred to consumcTi on all goods for peajrextal or femily use. Tells how to order, and gJvcai exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fan witiV Then invaluable books con tain informatioti gleaned from the maw ket a the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ear A Wabash A venae Ckicase, UL PATENTS vioeu,aaei offesjr haafasas in tbe U. g. Patent Menaeaea to lor moderate fees. Oar office im oprMsate the U.S. Patent Office, aad iZJar cr reisuwat Mas nee taaa taese remote tram WashiDifUm. or drawing. We advise as to patent ; awi we make ao rhirin nnlses Detent.. Ws refer harB, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of wsy vroer wr,Ai efSeiak of the U. g. Patent vises. j for ctrcutar, adviee, terms, and references to actual clients in your own State or county, address, A. SIVOW &CO, OPfositJtateBt Office, Washington, D. a THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday at fiarrisbttrg Oregon, S. TR.A.Xl'T, Editor A Proprietor. I not. life issweaping bv. (? i snd dara h. tou die. somethimf inisrhtv and Riihi.ma 1 kied U aenqiter time. SG a week in your oan town, oetft free. He-risk. EveryUUng mw. Capital raqmrad. We wUj furnish you everything, are making fortune l Ladies make s s n oe b as end hoys and girls ntke great pay. S -sder, vast basiaessaat which yon can make t r at nay tie Ur , write for paniralara to H, HM&rmjt rer&at Maine tome fs bull of a and Seminal D ssBnaMBnaBBeaaaa, i tonne. fSsaea mm mm: ability free We ars oetain for Infants ami Children. Oastorin. pro mo tow Digestion and overcomes Flatulency, Cuusui tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhuut. und Feveriahneea. It insures health ami uatural sleep, without morphine. " Castorta it so wll adapted to Chlldm that 83 Portland 4m, Brooklya, N. V. CENTAUR L8N1MKNT an absolute core for Ultouma- tiann Sprains, Burns, Galls, Ac The most Powerful and Pene trating Pain-relieving and Healing Remedy known to man. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburg, of this oi ty, having taken the machinery agency of F. Simpson, for FranJfc Brothers, of Portland .ee Aill lina svf w aa wca a y c avaaa awv w FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad e.to wit WACONS, HARNESS, ruins, HRH UniLlK, CUTTING BOXES. and all - , M , . inipiemenLs oi less naw TflfiV Will K66D IIIU LA BELLE WAGON, USO blie RUSHFOBD n. . o nanr Wl?nn WIT.n SJ.1 LuB lotft ITnnrOVAmflTltS flJlQ warranted one of the h68t wagons the (mar ket. Notice to Tax-Payers ! Notice is hereby fdeeta that I will meat the tax-payers of Linn county, Oregon, 9 o'clock a. m., and remain until 4 o'clock Km , at their reapeeUve places or voting tbe aevaral precincts at the following Umea and placea, for the pnrpoao of eel' lectiog tke Utxea for the year 1883. Fox VaUay, Monday, Nor. 12,1883. Sdo, Tneaday, Nov. IS, J 888 Franklin Butte, Wedneaday.NoT. 14,1883. San (Jam, Thnrsday, Not. 15, 1883. Lebanon, Friday, wov. is, ibbs. Watarloo, Monday, Nov. 19, S3. JUbertY. Tuoaday. Nor. 2D. 113. Sweet Home, Wedneeday, Ne. 21, 1883. Brush Creek, Thursday, Nee. 22, 1883. CrawfordavtUe, Friday, Nov. 33, 188S. Mabel, Saturday, Nov. 24, 1813. Brownsville, Monday, 2ov. 2ft, 1883. Center, Tneaday, Nov. 27, 1883, (Syracuse, Wealneadsv, Nov. 28, 1888, Orleana, Tburaday, Nov. 28, 1883. Harriaborsr, Monday, Dee. 8, 1888. Halaoy, Tuesday, Dee. 4, 1888, Shade!, Wedaoeday, Dee. 5, 1883. East Albany, Tha ad ay, Deo, 8, 1888, West Albany, Friday, Dee, 7, 1888, Prompt payment will be required. Pay your uses ana save coats. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1883, Obo, Hdmphsby. Sheriff and Tax-collector ef Linn Co, Or. Administrator's Notice I Natiee is hereby given that tbe nnder f tdfrned baa been appointed administrator I of the estate ef John F Waters, late ef Linn eaunty, deeeaaed, by an order of toe county court of Linn county, Oregon. All parsons navins claima against the estate ar said deceased are nersby notified and required to present tbe same properly verified to the undersicraed at hie residence in the city of Harr labors'., within Six months f rem the date hereof. Dated September 26ib, 1883. Lbvt Docolas, Gbo E Chambskuuit, Adnir. Att'y for Admr. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that the under- signed baa been appointed Administrator ef the estate of Philip Baltimore, late of Linn ceanry, Oreaen, deceased, by an order of the County Court, of Linn County, Oregon . All persons having claims against tbe estate of said deceased are bare by not! fled and required to present toe same properly Termed to me at my office in the city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon within six months from tbe date neieoy. Bated Oct 4th, 1883. i H. Btjrkhakt, Administrator. Administrators Notice. Notice Is hereby eiven that tha under- jgred has been appointed administrator of the estate ol Pamela Berry, late of Linn county, deceased, by an order ef tha joonty eonrt of Linn ceunty, Oregon. All persona having claims again net tbe estate of said deceased are hereby notified and f said dt cq aired 3d iy to present toe eame properly verified to tbe undersigned at his residence in tbe city of Scio within six months from the date hereof. Dated October 12tb, 1888. J. L Miixxr, Administrator. 500 IXowisrii , Asaaw AH HEALTH. ; r- ftataa Crolslesa Balsam So. l Cures Chancres first and seeoad stages: Seres on ,? a;"a - SyphiHUe Catarrh, diseased sa!p "well primary forms of the disease, kaowa as Syp hilk. Price, S5 pet bottle. r...ffe,UIHw Mea Balsam Se. t Cares Tertiary, Mercurial, gyphilltie Rhenmatiraa, ..Iin, in Bone. Ulcerated Throat, Syphthuc Bash, Lumps, etc., and eradicates all diseases from the system, whether caused by had treatment or abuse of mercury, leaving tbe blood pure and healthy. Price, SS psr bottle. Sent everywhere, C, O. P., securely packed per ex press. C. F. B If HA BOS A CO., lgeata, 27 & 4& aassome street, Corner Clay, ban Franciseo. California, eUABBIAH ASSUEANCI K).f 01 LONDON, ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed. Capital paid up fio,ooo.eoo 5,008,001 NoTE.r-This company has the larawat paid up capital of mpany doing business in the Un'tad States. Insurant s accepted by kobt. A. rotrtm, Agt f Albany ' '0W SBHBBBBE mm What give osir CHIMron rosy cheoks. What curve Uiir fuvors. makm Uioiti Ucri : Tit CWI'IHW. When bants frt ami cry by turn. What cure their i-olle, kills their wwm, Itttt Cwatorla. What quickly run' mmtlpaUon, Sour atoowuJi, OoIUm. ludiwstloit. HutCatorla. farawall thon to Morphia Byrups, Oil aad l-amgoiic, ana IfaUCsalortst DR, LIEBIC lUiM-tiLmrv. Car .rarr aa and Q Haea aU.. Ssm ft I a MlaaAA tt 1H?.52KSIriJE!! I JK, vai v VWW W aa -f i aaa O licated knd ao-oalled iatrunible H cbrooie diataaet. Ir I Irbig f Cr tiana lavlfaratar to po r. iirl tuannttMdneui norvou S atd plj-atal doSiltty. temlnal atatorthra, tow af anrno;. rtuln ud dUslaeat In the head. BMtan eaoliu, huewtafa ealUi?, pn-u hc, aad all tne reauiw at roam Itutirudaaso aad Moaaaa af tlin vaara. Th docu.r, rata lr canaa payaHaan iron aoropo wilt um 4daBaai or aaaat Uwlavhcnrataf wtM I aat turo under epeeial toeUnontaad A Ttva reaaoa ao amnv oan aot aat -t i Uft weal ueaa aid the above I to owlrur t., a i jieouhef treatment. aw. aapaara t i the ealy poeUlve oar far Pna taturrnaa. Prico of cither tiiTl. ratur. U ear bottle ; atx for 0. Seat taaay addreaa oa raaeipt of prica, or 0 O D. SaapooaiWo paraoeaa pa wban cured. StrMaat aawaey aiaiataiaad. Fafaaaw cured at bora. lr. LkMm IHepeaaary baa. an ate tfaat dra atoreia IU butidtof Tofreatat.ncuatkaa at taa aUddar aad taay aediflMtat ta urine are eytnpuaaa of aeeoaaary aati aal waakiaai aad prwaiataeTbea. Cbatpiaiata readily jrteJA Vkfll aJa afsefcjf tfcefWfctJlWtttB Ortt laary aara An; rwent rmae of apacial or private ffltama eared rr fio. ttiaaanai to core will ha preenptry aeot. with full and adrtoa, oa racatnt vH tiu. au aai rag I HM Inriaxjrator aMaottiaofailhar au-uber will be aeot ore af eaarga, reraone roerwe; a rre oottMwin rieetrie belt tree tottatleota. Coo- aaltaUoo. ea and nation aad adviee fre aad prirau. Call r writ. . uxstrc et re., ess aar? at., rrlraf Kavtraar. es Saaaaa M . a I' ( at a c oKsmsT. it t c ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (Sueosesoye to C. C Cherry.) MacMniEts, Millwrights, and Iron iNllafas WE HATE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX oomplatad, and are now prepexad to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engl nee, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of trots and Brass l asanas. rATTKKXS S14SMS OS SROST KOTH'K. Special attention riven to repairing al kinds ot machinery. Will also manufho tore the improved Cherry A White Grata sap aa Baker SC.-eases a Laatber 1 arsL Albany, Or., Dae. 1, 1880. 18tf S8MARTTAII LsawtJSii Ptiieaw ururn Pill e FsUftSlfsA ia aaWaa i.t I I " V M I 1 f- v i f " rvnaBajaaasiesttsssawsaM LntiMY it 1 GONQUMBRORl mmmmmm - r Vita ca Sir Also tor Spasm aad FaUiag84cJraeaB.-fIS ""S WeataHNssqoicJtbr relieved aad earwl. tinf Hed by non In deJirfnm of fevcT.-CB SfT-icuUiiizra i j rma of disease sad i knras. I blod?!!iu T. "wiw, vam; rr., anil tcaia."S srrtrmaaewiy sd promptly cures paralysis. cst uiii cosrauog and uculthitu Aperient, Klils Scroftt! aad Kings EvU, tain brothers. Caanecs bad breath to good, removing caaec. VSnttixAi biliotuneas aad tli-ars complexion. ChhrIii ; rr-jolvcat aad matr Wess laxative. aS It dntcs hick ladache like the wlad.-ff, niinsno riJc cathartic or opiates, reomplrcpe r.hcnmatbim by rostlng tA-sm Kcftoroalhe givlttp propel ties to the blood.- '.tarnatccd f- car j all nrrrooa dtsorders.-aA m iLlmolz uucej oil ophites fatL-S Ilrfrcshrs the mind aad invigorate the body. c! dTvpcps'.a r r monev rdaadea.-SB : ' . ' :" ' ritln.fby ov-r fifty thoticand i.7u i m in U. 8. snd Enrope.-fcn. J jimras. t ni ine wnea own It S COOQBCTOr 6S Forsr.:0 by allkadlns drncglsts. ll.80.-wT tv, " . i. .. -, w. mm S. A, Richmoird Med, Co., Propr't. bt. Joseph. Mo. 02) ;ijoaiaia sad elrcaJars sead stamp. in '.0 .-03 A CO., Agents, Sea Fraselseo. xTERVOTTS DEBILITY 1 I loin .t.wfcal I . C West's Ksnvs asm bsaim Taa at. atsarr, agoaranteed seeoifto for Hysteria. Diaai. Utmralsitass, Pita. Nervoss Ntnmlsia. fterrous trromramm eattaad y tla ass or tebeeco, W hkefulo. Mental Ua CT tenina of Um Ilram rruhi t Ml. woivy vm mbouw wnnawv. oscsy end death. c nnwun an, caseroc . I naa m imww ft... . . : "X anvwiuniary jjoeses, ato spermat orrhea caused by errer-exerUon of thehratn.sslf. abuse ot otr4nduJgenc. JKech ttx contains inti. ai.uia txix. or iii box as to cure any case. Wiih each order rrceived liy u foraix box, accompanied with t$jU -wo will send the purchaser our written gunnu.toe to re fnnd toe money if ti tmiimmr A, ,.. cern. a onrs. Ouarartflw-s issued only by WTaelswi, mxJi aaytaiU Sxatrelartaj. urdere by msi' will recojv orompt atnlion. DOOES, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS A&D COEDS, WINDOWS. fCounty dealers are respectfully Invit ed to call and examine our stock, note our prices and favorable terms. Send for Price List, WILSON & BROTHER. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 18, 20, 22, Druram St., San Francisco, Cal 4 osso nesdsohs. of alcohol pression. B Wit tmmt FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1883 OUR CHESS COLUMN. A'Jdresa all oommaniostiooa for this dspsrtment to P. 0. box 91, InJapis denes, Or. Fertom sending cootsaoo- lestioni fer purpose of publiostlon (ex oepb solutions to problsuk) mint en eless s 3 eenl etstpp to defray extra postsgs. Contributors of problems are requested to enolose full solution! of the sane. With this weeks issue, we begin the DkmocraVh fourth problem tourne. The tourney will consist of thirteen problems. First prise, a neat volume of "Morpbf's Mstoh Osnes f second prise, 100 blank obess diagrams ; third prize, 75 diagrams : fourth prise, 00 diagrtms. Two weeks will be allowed fer solution!. In oase of a tie the ohess editor to deeide. Neatness and analrt- w iosl thoroughness of solutions will be taken into eonaideratiou. TOkXBT PBOBLBM HO. 11. Black. White. Whits mates in three moves. SOU-flU TO rsooLjut MO 7. I Kt to Kt 4 dia oh(key) 1 K to I) 6 2QtoB2 2PtoKt7 3 Q to Q 3 mate 1 R to R 1 3 Q to K K 2 eb 2PxQ 3 Kt to B 2 Dates i x ton 8 2 It to g K 8 2 moves SBtoKl mste IK toR3 2 Kt to R 2 2PtoBG 3 R to K R 8 mats 2 another 3Q to K R 8 mate Solved bj Bismarck, C. K., Kings Btsbop sad Dr. J. E. K. We are euro that our chess readers eaas a a aa .as win be pleased wtth the very neat diagram which graces oar column Una week fot tha first time. A fine practice game in illuattstion of the ' Centre Gambit. ' Wuite-Sig Dtscart. Blsck-Sig Bonstti PtoK 4 P toQ 4 K B to B 4 PtoQ B 3 Px P (best) PxB(s) QtoQKtS Q B to Kt 2 K Kt to K 2 Q Kt to B S K Kt to B 4 Q Kt to Kt 2 PtoK R4 P toK 4 PiF K B to Kt 5 cb PxP Q to K B 8 (best) QxQ R Q to K B3 Q to K Kt 3 K Kt to R 3 Pto QB 3 Q to K Kt 4 Psatlaa vaaviw " QtoK 2 P to K Kt 3 Q x Kt P cb Q to Kt 8 ch Q to K Kt 3 Kt x Kt P Q B to B 3 And white oan mate in 7 move, (a) This move is known in cbaea literature as tbe Boden attaok So nsmed sfter its inventor, lbs late Mr. Boden of England. A study of this fame will well repay the chess student i aes .tCBIllLTI BAL ITEMS. Aa the weather becomes colder there will be an advantage in giving feed te fowls in a warm condition. It is bet ter for bsviog been scalded and than cooled sufficiently nt te born when eaten. Sulphur is s speoioo sgainst tha mil- dsw which attacks franss and other mw a roitav It is, botrever, only helpful when scattered en tbe leaves snd fruit. In the soil it is of no benefit sgainst mildew. Tezss farmers p reduce more live stock than cotton. This is the only Southern State of which this is true, snd it maj not be true of Texas as tbe wild lands run over by herdsmen be come occupied with intelligent farmers. There is much complaint of colored butter. But, if tbe coloring matter is not hurtful, it involves no injury to the consumer. Many farmers color winter butter snd they use it themselves. It makes the butter more appetising, Barbed wire can be used as a fence against hogs by putting the lower wire four iacbes from the ground, and .the next wire a foot or fourteen inches higher. This fence does not need to be high if hex only are to be enclosed. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State qOregon for Mum suuniy , John W Wilson, Plaintiff, vs. Matilda Wilson, Defendant. ) To Matilda Wilson the sbove named de fendant : INTHE NAME OF THE STATE OP Oregon, you are req aired to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff in the abave entitled suit now on file in tho iowiuk mo puojicsuon or ttua summons, for the period of six eonseeutlwa and nessive weeks, in the Statb Rihts jusmocbat, to-wit : by the second Mon dayefMareh.A. D., 1884, and yen will take notice that in ease you fail te appear and answer as above required, the plain tiff will apply to the Court fer the relief demanded in his complaint, which la for a dissolut.on af the marriacs rmntrt heretofore existing: between efaiatm nri defendant and fer such other asri fnrtiir relief aa may be just aad equitable. This summons is published bv erdarof Hon B P Boise, Judge of said Court, which order bears date Sept. 28th. 1888. L, H. Mont ant a, Att'y for Plff. oimct, ox huo tsusiy uierfc or JLinn county, pregon, by the first dsy ef the next ream iar term ef the above emitter! namrt r- JO. A C. K. I J. TIMS TABLE, est AST m er tsaixs. ovas Jtoarn. 6:30 A M :00 A. M. 1l;4 A. M. 11:06 t. M lt!i0'A. M 11:061' M. :S0 I'. M. $M P. U. MalL TSAlfl 7 ' aovira aotrra. MAIL' TRAllf ' ' raBIGHTTKAfH . . ALBANY XXrNl m Arriraa'ai - All Tralm Sail-', exeeot SmtSnr. Kotxoi. On snd after thht data Uoknu will bo aelcl at our ticket offlee for following point 4 en Columbia river: U njH'r tula, uaseaoeaf vmi tea, umatiLU Walla Walla at d Ainaworth. Wir.r.. ft. flrcw. Freight and Ticket Agent O.A O.K. ILCo. Albany, Juno 18th, 188'. X8TAHI jIMIIKD IN 1888. ARME8 & DALLAM, Manulaeturexrs and Iroportera of Wooden & Willow Ware. Twines, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Palts, Tses, ban-as. Waahbasrds, Keae rerdagr, Wrapplsg ffapars, Ksper Bmhu Raltdlac I'apera, tfafrbrs, staadlrs, tothra Wrlagrra. Car. pefa Sweepers reaffsev Bast era, atatteaery. etc 230 and 232 Front Street. SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. 8m8. ALBANY FOUNDRY "AND-- MACHINE SHOP. MTABLIRHED IMS. By A. P. C1IKRRY, situated at cornnrHal Fust snd Montaocnei v Streets. AibatrF. vregeii. Having taken ah arse of lbs above named Works, we ar prs pared to msnaaatare Steam Katrines, Saw and Urist Mills, Weed worklnjt Mas hi aery, Pajmpa, Jroa and Braes Castings of every desrrfpUon. Maehlnerv of allklnd repaired. Spe cial attention giveupo repainag farm n a ehinory. JPJs4aSr's)ls IwftsasJsafs J( aNss'fa wBS4 8JJ wPafsV8t lfkllyl A. F.CHBUBY A SON. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION. MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND -BUSINESS COLLEGE K. Tv. Car. 8 steal aad YaathiU Sis., rORTIJUW. 0BE00S. A. r. Aaanrraoso, frinrasaiL j. A. Wsju o, Fcaawta aad lasritary fee Iks Ifniiftssa BSaeafiiai af fieth SsXI aPSISHSJSWWa Wmmr Wmww SiaSOaSiWV mmmwMwMWmmWmMf WW wwmrmw wmmmmmwmwr AJm.UtJ oa say week day of the yv. PENtWORKie- Of alt kits .eaeratrd te eler at rssioasblt rates. Satisfaction guarantees. The Cottage 'lemi,M remtaisaaar Isawsanssiaa of Use course of study, rales of tuTUse, t ... la enter, etc., and cuts af plat and orauMnonUW pen' Si VOL. XIX. NO. I THE ALBANY DEMOCRAT, HAS THE ' LARGEST CIIRCULATf OK OF ANY PAPER IN TH STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND, AND IS THE BE8T ADVERTISING MEDIUM UTS County News 18 COMPLETE. AND ITS Local and Edi torial Depart ments ARE UNSURPASSED. IN FACT IT AIMS TO BE, AND NAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING. a First-Class LOCAL NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. AGENTS WANTED everywhere To handle tmr I LLl'M. FAIILiY lUnLICH. Hcvr Hsbacrlptloii edition now roafly, tbo iot eieuant ever produced. gnt;ru I'hoto, Al. asms, m exclusive doitroa, (Lrectly iinjKirteet for our own trade, and standard publications: UUl'e Manual, Histories, eta We offer uxirtvaliod in ducements, with exolustte territory. Write te as. B AIR D & DILLON Nf y. p. a, ter a brick -Meets at thoir rooms in Fog. 8 on Htttitrday evening at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons at 4 Business meetings are hold on the eve. iug of tke second Monday in each month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. (JnuRt'H. -IVcacbiog every Habbath, at 11 a. m., and 7 V. m. by Iter. T.. 0. ir vitia, 11. H. Sabbath ftchtKit at 2:30 r. . Prayer meeting every Thai-flay evening, RvaifoaufAL Church. Preaching on Kab bath at 1) A. St., aad 7$ r. H. bah hath Bcuool 12il5, Prayer meeting overy Thurs day evening. J. A. Ilollenbsugh, pastor. Cosn rtsdATfOiAJ,CKtrsrn. IfMtavfjfy Sablu.th at 11 A. If. and 8 r. St, Hkthhnth Kohmd at 2:80. Prsyer, meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Cnoacn. Hopth.- Services 2nd aud 4th Babbaths at St. Paul's M. K. Church, Mouth, at 11 A. m. Habbath Hehod at 10 A. sf. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day cvtitiug. Jos, I'.mcry, pastor M. . CtfcaciL Praaabing cvary Sabbath at 11 A. at. and Ik r. sr. none service in the evening liftira sermon. Hahbsth Hetttol t 2 UO r. at Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, liar, M. Judy, pastor. raasBYTKniA Csuaxif. -hervios every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. liruadalhui and Fifth His. Mummy School at 2 !?0 j, m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Ceadtt pastor, CliRurrtAX Cm ucn Preackisg every Sabbath at Y P C A Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7:80 t. m. Pulpit supplied ly Itev H. F. Morrison. RussE- uco;s PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM SAW MILL ENGINES. THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At rirat Uaeds. fsT,n?, WiUL.KK01? IUVK OI'SXKP . '", '""mmIHui.H II .uw t ;r. r.ot aa.1 Tavlor gtraata, PrUi.l Ur bm Ifcvr III fry , W J rortablaawi blatiwiarv Sa Mill. Purtabla T.a. Uo,, an-t nutkry wigu. a.! Ulr New MMsnaaf fasssasaa, b-imwn, tc., cUr.. L Im!:". 1,wrtfta Maffas saat fre addrsw . na, tig tftlS IBBSSj tSRg.. sS fa.. I'tartlaiid, Oregon. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tt ft art-rural b. . MH Urcrtatct n IU f?U K.J ti,A. t.hrf. Baa tanaat Sstew. Kendall's SpaviaCore. VI . t- UmlS I Lata uaaS " ti. .1- a . ' foUUd it V. he all It tm JJ . TTT faatsaosatoo; lhatratarc.i br ttnff tbs abora : rhrtjrtu'ii, tr.lil) ....1 , U!m lor ajn nti Ul W tha 1-1 I hare ever tar4asHt I haa lril swaul aa 1 bats that mj aiu jy (er fears. ABgseNPG8eW J C? v)a r. V. (MIST FROM THE OIEOIfi PRESS, I. Y, . . Oasr nia. Nra York, Jae. OtS. tsSL Earl, UM wmwt Hmmn. S i. Rtatall sna C.af Ktubttnr I all. Vt. iaa.Ua cmtract a:th tha t.uh l.r. at th. - w fur l.ajf wlusan s4vsnass!att (rftc fvmr srttu.g forth tea merits ef TrrtHfa At t a use. av arrxir,,! fb. Ma.nn Curr. Al tbe tan. tttoa w. scared fveasffl ingloaetatM. (ajuig saUarrlbera te Ua "fraaf-aa Trav M..ttlttM AUai um fas IS sdtnl wttrt fine arprarsU la U.s f Mr. P. ti. It lmiifrton). abo ssptpai n. .iMa b-aa. Us taaS tba ad.rr ji mna nnicmim u urml tit. tmemef af Un althoogh his lriiU UuS at bis cradulllj bt a bottla af KtxutJ!' ..:.. . .. ...a Z' asitur It oa the hum in ,k- tcus4 sacb s sasaslssa ear tbataa tnpart brar naa, a b. eaasBtead tba aalmal reesi.U ui4 and ao iraos of tb. asWn ar lbs sUc a bar. It bad tr. tomlsif. Mr. aubsrsssrSsiii baa Stitos acurs4 a espy f Krn.Uit .Trati. an tba iforaa ait-1 bi. Piaasaa, wbleS ha prfaas rery highly and wouM I loth ta jart Hk .a .a - - - a t a . IsTi mZ. 9 tsbar copy. . be wu-Ji for sdwUatt.g rel bls arUaiss! Kendall!8 Spavin Cnrf. Wilton. Ulnn . Jan. lttb. last. aW. Kaseau. aad c, Case llavUtg gte raa book of You bv aU a rar tl. msimh ofabkb t irsBsitiif s. ta try ScoSali's ftoaria use. oa taeSSM MW of on. of my borsn abtab was badly swoobrti and owitd tto t miurd bvury othar ttm iy; I got tao botttos of atMlall'a f i.u Car. of l'nt.m and huddutb, Pruggtsis ef Wssaea, which ouaiplstafy eared sty saraa. About ftvo tsars ago 1 bad a Uuva jsar old coH svswniad vssry badly. I uad your remedy as given to yoor -k wtthuirt pmauW. ami 1 tsuat say to year credit that tb. 4t is entirely cured. hi. h u a .ttrnnic not oi.lv u m. aeff btr also to my ndrbhora. T..u mtmt mm th. book fur ta. triflinc sum af tt oenu and if l anui.t not get another aliki It I would aot taka twtctv Cva doOara fur h. Tours truly, Geo. UsTtisss. 1 READ PROOF 0FlJPDERFOLCUfiI8 'ml'mv'm 1 Oo. Jail. tflOl. lSgt. duty to reader you toy thanks for rwurfiis and iraffta wtrteh f bar. Aer red from vnur invaluable and fmj tamed Ssavin Cuia. My caualu and 1 bad a valuable etallton, worth S000 which had a vary had spavtb and was pronoswusil by four amiaans vatorwarv sur gaons, bayotMi say cure, and that tbe horse waa done tor ever. As s las resort 1 advised mv cassia to trv a bebUs of KeadaU's Smvtn (Jure, ltiiad a muii affect, the third bottle cured it and the boras la a wail aa var. Dr. pfe ,f Edtnbunt b, tba mini rstorinary surgeon waa an unci, of mine, and 1 take frset Interest in sasisting his profasskm. , Yours truly, Jasas A. Wiuox, Ciril EoneeXj Kendall's Spavin Care Is sar. in Its effects, mild hi Its action as It do not blister, jet it is MWetraUog and wrful to reach every deep seated Un or remove any Dony truwth .r other eiil.rgcni.iiui, each ae spavins, spltnta curia, wloua, apratns, swellings and any lameness and en urgamctiU of tbe Joints or Hmbs, or toe rheumatism in maa and for any purpose for which iinUneat u ussd for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and jet certain In tie effort. Send address for Illustrated Circular widen we think gives positive proof of. Its Tlituea. o remedy has sv.r met with such oaeasjiaei sucotss u r knowledge, for beast as wall as mao, Price tl per botUa, mr six boUios for SS. Al Irug gists bar. it or can get It for you, or U til ! sunt to any addrew on receipt of priea by Uta propnatars. Dr. a J. KaMOAU. aud Co., Knosbuigb Falls, Vu ''WjD by all drugci'sts FROM THE SOUTH, A Ferfv-rt CeasblsaHaa with two Salleat Aftvastngvs VI hy It learcras mm. "Thar, is no mistake about It," remsrksd Ir M F Flowers, ot Gallatin, Missouri, "Ueuson's Capcin. Porees Plasters are one of th. neatest combinations ever prod uccd. They have two kinds of as vanUsres over all others, which wo may call tbe rcino and the major. r"irst, they are c!ean and pleasant to use, never soiling the hands nor the linen of tb. wearer. Second, they are quickly and powerfalfy. I have tried tbe flapstes Plaster on myaelf for pn mmonia, and ou ray patients for various diseases, such as neuralgia, muscular, rheumatism, lnmhajro, kidncv tnmble, etc., and In all cases relief has followed in from three to forty-eight hours," flr Flower merely voices the written or oral opinion of thousands in his profession. Benson's Capciue Porcus Plasters are the perfect external application, 't he genatn. have the word Capeine eut in tke aantss. Price 26 cents. Heabury arid Johnson, Ohtmiats, New York. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also tho FINEST AND BEST BRANDS Or TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps tbe finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, morouaadiao household goods, etc, at auction for any one in the oityor county fctore opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6t SAM COHEN. tsfUUsBBBBBBBlBBBBSBSBBBBBBBw " aftaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW 0 t JULIUS GRADWOHL Has the only exelaslvsj sffsek f CROCKERY, CUS8,8ILVI!R AND CHINA W A tsrge iiHOrtmeiit of Baby OarrtegM, And a (Men Selecton of Coffee. Tea anil Sugar ONS DOZEN OUSa AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TUE.HIGMKkT 1WABKKTPKII E PAID FOR Ea Be member I fbat I Bay I lean. Bive le a Call, GOODS SOLD AS10W AS ANT OTHER ROUSE IN 0RE60N- U0FFMA & JOSEPH, -I'llOPRHTCORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS; nf Imported and Domestic Clsari, robaooou, Orooerltssi, WovIatIoiij, Candiefj Nuts and Tropical Frail. Albany' Oregon. OKE lOU BEfLOW JOHV B BIGGS' fiTTOBK. a a x Aic ui.u STAND, 71 FIRST BTRMWT. HAS OST tiASn AORTM.ST COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, a. n bo.M la b ui.it. He it M laap.ru m r-mmtmctnimm TIB, 8REET IRON AMD COPPER WARE ov avaax naKma, bso QCNUINE ORANITB IRON WARE. J," HK OFFKES TO f I IllfS a ssPI'l pfl Aal Iff a m atn , ...4, v-i. ai n wwmkwt OTKKKT, AXBAJfT, ORBGOH. Repair work done at reasonable figures. BlF Indian Cures aU diseawfs of the Stomaoh, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood! Jf iltirmx testify to its effioaor in h nai ling the above LmBLmiSmX9 . . 2a a. mWWmmV ifV AWlUWe AS VO IJ9 xne BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. mm mabb Guaranteed, to rare Dyspepsia. WtT AGENTG ANTED.-H Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it ALBANY WORKS, STAIGER BROS. - Proprietors A I.I. AX Y, OREGON.! MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADS roiNES KxectJted tn Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery snd oter stone work done with noatnaaa and Special attention given to order from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. aTAU work warraatad. 1 Tsts Executor's Notice. Notice is hersbv riven, (hat. sv aa der of tbe Const v Oaart, af IAaa aa-aaty. in a da October Stta, 1883, the anAsrslfaad was dnly appointed Kreenteref tbe last will and testament af C harles Srivar, deceased, late f said eenaty. All peiaaas having claims aajaiaat tbe estate ef said deeeased, are hereby ns tided and reanir ed to present tbe same properly and daly verified to th undersigned, at Harrbsbarg, Oregon, within six man taa front tba dale hereof. Bated Octeber 12th, 183, Persy Hyps. T.J. Stites, Executor. Attorney for Executor. 0. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet STJBSOBIPTION San Francisao, al. "Itoush an Bats.w Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bod-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. I Druggist ft-. BRXea-cahfS as Fin ab POBUO AT PBICIB, THAT OBST .. Blood Svrua nained dias-L anrl nn. i . Afsssft. FaUawiag are tba DsaroemAT's daly aa aVariaii sgeal So rvaalvs sabsariptaoas or aatary fer tba aasa : "SkatOOO .... ,,,,,, 2 KatiasMaVe Barrisaarv Oaw Mmr Bras aa tula o. F. Hisay-.. T. JL ? baAd s P. A. WaSSB W. a BaUy ieffersoa SL A. DaTataay WfSJRS TfSST St, Joba'a Lodge, No. as, In tuaoa, zno aatorday of Covimhlan Loan, Be. IT, 1st and 3rd Saturdays af each Bayley Chapter, 0. 8, 4th Saturdays pisee. Albany Lodge, L O. O. STStanosa at Odd Fallows Bail. ?rX ?Bm"m meeta every WUtositai, Be 5. A. O. TJ. WM Monday vealngaatO. F. Hall. Safety Lodge, A. O. U. WM ratmlnga, to Petersona Hall. Knights of Pythiaa, Thursday s vj. x . nan. Chosen Ft tends, at 0. F. Hall, let and Srd Friday a of each month. An oiant order of United Templars, at O, 1 ias ana era luesasy or month. SSetal Mrevtery. STAT. V 8 Senators-Hots J B 8htr, Bon 3 VI Joipu. Conttresaaaaa M C George. Supreoj Court Jodgaa-J B Waldo, W P Lord, B B Wateen. Gevemor Z F Moad v. Secretary of State R F Enihart. State Treasurer-Ed Hirseh. of Public Instruction K B Ms- Circuit Judtre ftrd distV R P iv-i. Dast Attorney (Srd diet)-W H Hninsss ooTjarr. County Judge L Flinn, County Comra.-John Isom, 8 B Clsy poai. Clerh J H Stewart. She-lff-George Hnmpbrey. Tieasurer-J H Peery, Oonecl Supt F A Moses. Surveyor D V S Raid. Coroner Dr J A Dayiv. Aaafsasor-N C Doaler. CITT. Mayor W M Ketchum. Reoorder-N J Hsntoa. Marshal G W Burkhart. Treasurer-Fred Muller. 3- ACS Lee73s i iii.li.. an ah an. --. ae ebaaa t of diat or i ( r poisonous saaditaaas to be it is impaeaibto to etsstraetaasi I m la k at. asS tat. J Ta. s asa asaav vi ?mw . BsPMRHl awl iistelv aS91 t0 with Sanaa n naiaataaj bazas te ease oa ara d the asaaar. Fnaa bjr aaU, sastaaa yesd, Orders by mail will raem-s prompt i