Hit mmt FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1883 It looks like a over in ,84. Democratic walk The colored man should retain his composure. His civil rights are whol ly safe. The trade dollar is to he placed en the reUred list after Congress meets. Sines Ohio was heard front Samuel J. Tilden's health has had to be tied down with a rape. : It is generally conceded that there is a flower in the garden for the Derr ocratic party. Last year was an off year with the TUnahllrans in Ohio. This is an "awful" year. Foster may be down to rise no mere hot he west down N fighting, while other Republicans fell submissively. The aphorism that .a short horse is soon curried is not supposed to apply to the mule. Lord Coleridge's name has been attached te a new style of collar to a fashionable hat snd to a- bread of cigarettes. Only oae Incident of the Ohio cam paign is regretted by John Sherman, his contribution of $100 to the Repub lican fund. Republican Presidential eoems are in a more dilapidated condition than even Robeson's gunboats. Trade cannot be free while fettered with the conditions whleh Pacific -Oeast monopolies impose upon It. .few Tendency of the country is to over- nraduction. Tho remedy is only to be found lu freer markets. The happiest man in Ohio is John Sherman. MeisUessiog the lucky resolution that kept him off the State ticket "We have struck another read, haven't we ?" asked a passenger of a conductor on an Arkansas railway: "No." replied the conductor : "we - m - " have only run off the track.,, The eminent Republican fossils who think to stay advancing Demo cracy with the revival ef the race sec tional issue retlize the orator's figure ef damming up the Nile with bull rushes. The Republican Party at tbe pres ent time is like a man who went through a cemetery Whistling, when he was suddenly stopped and told hy one of the departed spirits t "You may whittle : but you have got to come here." The report that Mr Tildon has been elected a member of the New York Tact Club accounts for the presence of R. B. Hayes, who is supposed te be anxious to get held of the certificate of election. ag. ine Uenstitution limits tbe powers of Congress in the matter of raising revenue te meet the absolute expenses of the Government. That, also, is the position of the Democratic party. It was a Republican . Congress which passed the Civel Rights bill, and a Re publican Supreme Court which nulli lied it Democrats hare no responsi bility in the matter. They have never tried te cajole, cheat or deceive the black man. It is all Republican doings from beginning to end. All the rights the Republican party ever achieved for the colored man he can put in his'sye, and it wen,t affect his sight a particle. It did, however, plunder his bank and pass for his os tensible benefit an illegal and fraadu lentCml Rights bill. It premised him, also, "forty seres and a mule," and then laughed at him fo.t his cred ulity. m m m The World prints a list ef seventy New York widows and fifteen nnmai ned female legatees whose united wealth is about $125,000,000. Tbe wealthy widow, Mrs. A. T. Stew art, $10,000,000; Mm. E. D. Mor gan, $5,000,000; Mrs. Marshal O. Roberts, $5,000,000 ; Mrs. Edwin R. Stereos, $2,000,000; Mrs. Paran Stev ens, $3,000,000; Mrs. Moses Tsyior 6.000,000, Mrs. Csrneiias Vander bilt, $5,000,000-, Mrs. James Brown $3,000,000. The richest unmarried lady is Catherine Walfort,$2,000,000, who also leads in the list of noble snd unostentatious charities. A fashionable Broadway diamond dealer says New York is foremost among the leading diamond cities of the world. At least one million dollars worth glittered on the persons of ladies, at the Metropol itan opera opening, one lady wearing forty thousand dollars, worth. Proba bly 200 ladies have fifteen thousand dollars, worth of personal jewelery. I can name ten like Mrs. Yanderbilt and Mrs Gould, whose individual prop erty in diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds exceed one hundred thousand dollars, More than forty New York la dies can each lay claim to fifty thous and dollars' worth of jewelry, and plenty of them have twentyfive thou sand dollars invested. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Ltver Complaint, have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Foehay A Mason. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remed y. Price cjnts. FAULTY KOI C ATI. inereanesuojws iaai.uem.nue trt . 1 1 . . I much earnest ana tnougauui contiaera- k. . t . t a I tion from the people, as the character oi was saucauon ei meir cnuuren. abb process ei ueveiopmen or wmmw rn oMld is slow and seemingly tedious, i t & t i 1 I . . , I. I out we impressions maaa upon us mind, whether fer good or evil, are th t C -.! a it- nk a I I M proi-uouv -u as grvwku. uv - j a I -' eT .l ,.t im vniintf I imfuiimuw, uu las 211 1 I .k ,- ot tns dsnc or impression wi.i remain , - - .. . r : .i so tho irnpreeeiona inase upon the mind ef the child may be covered up by L contrary impression, but they will ilwtf ha foand ezartinir an influence DTK vw-vi a it hat grown up to mannooa or woman- hood. The gaaeuy ous or wounu in the human flesh may heal up, hot the sear will remain during life as sn STidence ot mat weuna. . .. . i We say, then, that sending children te school is a secondary consideration, while the kind of education they re ceive is of the first and momentous importance. It is not of the first im pertaace that the boy er girl should be taught to road nuently, solve mathe- saatieal aptiy, wriU well, etc., but it is of the most importance that the moral character of the papil should be fully developed and cultivated in the direc tionofmakimr cood. honorable men I9 !" g and women. I Of what avail is it b cultivate, de- velop and strenghten the intellectual capacity of a boy, if that boy is to grow up into manhood with a perverse, wieked disposition that will lead him ..... , , . , into all kinds of excesses and crimes t To develop the intellectual powers of such a car is omy w sirtragmeu ou enlarge his powers to do evil, so that his last estate is worse than his first. On the other hand, if the moral nature of the boy is carefully and fully culti vated by curing his perveise nature coincident with his intellectual devel opment, such education is to strengthen and- enlarge his capacity to do good. The teacher's responsibility is a weighty one. We fear there are many who do not full aDoraciata it. It ia almost I a fearful thought to the earnest teach- Mississippi Democratic. . . . . u. . FH diattnottve feature of their ducuaions er, te think, when he enters bis school , . . , . . . ' is each speaker staled bta proptsitton roam, that he has the future destiny, for ! "d rg "enW with wonderful clever weal er for woe, of fifty human beings nest. Tbe people in genet al were very in his hands. His example and teach- To tht Oregoniau who boasts of tbe faTorabIe impressed with tbe entire ing may lead the pupil into that path in life that will round nP in a life of l.-., ,J nfn1-a nr it mav mA honor snu nest uiaesa, or it may lead into, or permit the child to remain ia, that path that leads to shame and dis- erace. Look at the crimes dailv eom- Biitted around us. Those are the y cocsequenees of faulty edu- , youth. "Juat eetbe twig is be te'. inclined." Young cation in boat the are apt to think that it they led in makioa: pupils fluent can saccsed in makinc pupils fluent readers, good speller- and writera, they have done a good work, snd so tbey have, as far as it go. Bnt tbie work alone is of no mora worth than the work of the farmer who, after much labor and toil, by plowing and harrow ing, puts his ground into a veil pul verized condition, end then neglecfte to sow the good serd tbst is to produce the good crop and rich barrest Wo hope every young teacher will seriously consider the grave and momentous responsibility ef their calling as touch hut this matter for the future elU being of both individual and state a. a B, a depends upon a lauarui and fo'i per formance of bis duties. nossaa is POLrncs. Perhaps no word is more miserably abused than the word "boss" ss applied to party policies. It is so often con founded with the word leadei that hundreds of ignorant persons have been thus led to believe tbat any leader in party management is to be looked upon as a "bees." "Bosses" are a perverse or ratber abnormal development o party leaders. No party can possibly exist without leaders, and no party can hops to exist vsry long under tbe con trol of "bosses." The leading distinc tion between a "bom" and a leader, is, the former seeks not only to control and direct the action ef his party, but he contrives by hook or crook, by fair means er foul, to control thst action in tbe interest of himself or friends in disregard ef the wi-cbes ef bis party, while tbs leader simply directs snd controls tbe action of bis party in accordance with the will of a majority .11 . a . ef his party. He guides the sctien of his party for the purpose of making its power effsetive, but always in tbe interest of his party and country, and only selfish to the extent tbat parties themselves are selfish. ibe "boss" looks upon a party ar a means to carry out his selfish purposes, while a leader looks upon it ss a means for tho promulgation and establish msnt of a rartli t.i-l nm'nninla TUa t(kaa. w f W f.MWSV. WOO eads a party purely for the purpose ef elevating himself or friends to power, while a leader leads for the purpose of establishing a principle in tbe minds of the people. Ne party, as we said before, can sub sist without leaders. The sotion of s political party will always result in the able, intelligent men of the party being placed at its head to lead. Men com bine and unify themselves into party organization when they are of one mind as touching certain principles and which they seek to make the establish ed policy of the government. The ablest and most intelligent men of a party are the safest into whose hands party management may be placed,hence these men are selected to manage the flairs of the party and are therefore I called leaders. Sometimes these lead- are. snore, v selfish ami after taov Mublbhad themselves in fu-- of tk.ir nertv. ther then ! . , j .t, t- .u.t. aeJOeh purposes without regard to the ... , ,. . . ... ... . r w wm ui tun v T mum kiiui masia w r fUnttimM Inarlara - Ba - Wt - dividtd u inlo- to the true or best party manage- U ment and each leader calls around him .... ...I ... .1 many as believe his r6Hov best and Ion fc . nrmrtur4imn .,, thttam nfLn mlk M W! tKf,t ih(l a,. hta friildt wUl raiM the i . i j "bow' when in truth and in uo ne - aT have k-.- n0 mee of a than the defatsd leader. Thus is the word boiut. miiergvay nbussd. The ri,hUtlnkhiir. intalllent man will lw m hm Mm ta dutin-uuih batween a "bom" and a leader. TBS ELECTIONS. The following is a synopsis of elect I tioQ returns received up to the time of I . f"'g P, J ' L1. VT-I K AAA l ... .LI . . . .. ... n . -W Virpnia popular Democratic major- y ot lo.uw. -gisiaiura largaiy timocratis ia both branches. Ma- I hone squelched. Minnesota 1 - ,000 Kepublican major-1 ty. Connecticut Repuolisan- legislature I usual. Vew J0raey 7300 Democratic nia- jorit with branches of the Leju- i.t.ir-. I New York 10,000 Democratic major- ity with Republican legiaUture. Maryland 1 L'.UOU Lfeoioorauc tnsjor ity with both branobea ef legislature Democratic. Massachusetts Republican by 10,000 jority, and both braochM ot iegisla- tore Republican. Pennsylvania 18,090 Republican aaamt it r. fartility of Oregon soil, who thinks Oregon is such a great state in tbe eOUOeanOO OI l(S ilUUi and egSMaOJW, e abundance of iU fruit; and vegetables, " "0,d r 106 amount of potatoes, cabbages and 0411 er vegetables which is shipped from Ba 9 S Si - 1 WMBsmsm ana pat upon our marceis a P1 hifb,f remunerative to the (California prodacae, .van .ICr WI high freights to gel them here. If Oregon produce cannot raise pat. toes tor Ism thaa flO te 71 cents ps fr tham 50 - 0oti r th,r vubUw PrU tbw oar ,0P- a a d t a s .a W Jauiernie producers, aa mey Pl" thwn here k lew Pric6 and fi lt reaiunerattve. True, heretofore, our population has been so very sparse tbat it required ne great amount of these products to glut ths market, snd hence tbe farmer sad gardaner bave felt that there was no safe iadneement te encourage tbem to engage in producing these products of trade, but happily for our farmers, gardeners and orchard -iats, our population is receiving such large secessions in the wsy of emigra tion from all porta of the world, tbat hereafter there will be little danger of over-prodaction in such articles as tbey geaerally grow. fcIt is the opinion of farmers, so far as we have heard, that it ia mors profitable to raise potatoes st 30 cents per bushel than wheat at SO cents per bushel, and yet potatoes advance beyond 30 cents in price oftener than wheat goee above 80 cents. Osr apple, peach, plum, pear and other fruit crops have been sadly neglected here, fer tbe earns reasons tbat have had such a potential influ ence in discouraging our farmers and gardeners from rsising potatoes, cab bages, etc. Bnt tbe day for seriously glutting tbe markets with an over production of fruits in Oregon is past. If tbe large emigration thu is teeming to this coast will not prove sufficient to consume ali our garden and ercbsrd product.' , then by tbe completion of tbe N. P. railroad sre we enabled to go into tbe markets of tbe world with these products and obtain such prices as that market affords. For these reasons we beiieve tbat from this time forward every farmer and gsrdeaer will find remunerative prices for all their productions without running the risk of finding themselves with lsrge supplies apd no msrket for them. Toers is nothing which the farmer has to sell hut what commands a high price, snd we think the same condition will exiat to a large extent next year. There is no reason wby our farmers should not tum.lv our arket with all these articles and we S S af hope next year to see markets supplied entirely from the pieductions of our own people. Let everv farmer pre- pare now to meet these demands of m w a trsds next year. Tbe Sjuthera trade war is growiog hotter. The Cairo Short Line has dropped prices to Cairo $1 ; to Mem phis $4 ; to Ticksburg, Natchez and New Orleans. $6 50. The Iron Moun. tain meets this further cut to points below Cairo and the Narrow Gauge is said to its contemplating a still low er rrts to Cairo. SHILOH'S CATARRH REVfEDY a po sitive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. LCCAL CORRES P0NDENCE BttOWKSYILLsT STKKH. Browmiviu.1, On. 3Tuv. 0, '83. JM, DiKcrat i What town ia Oregon, van excel this isi of birthi in one week. Bern to the wife of rial M. Qfay, Oct, 27 th a daughter. Born on the 2Ute nit. to the wife Klia. flal a emmeaa. . TWn . th wif rTn,mv wt.ina I ' ' J Kev 2oda son. . the wife of W. O. Hianar.l on the 3rd inta aoa. All the tbove primary parties are doing well Wiltam Robs while toorioa tim Wcr last Friday completely severed hit to tha iutt,P bMt by tba ekillfuJ mnt awment and close attention of Dr. Btarr the entire foot will bn aaved. On last Sunday Mrs. Job. Himenp, who lived eight miles south west from Brownsville, died. Mr. Fred Croft has purchased the i meat market and Fred Hanover will run it. Ho says hore after meat will be sold at Albany rates. Isaso i'uttuan who got his arm broke tome time since is getting well John AIoKinney's two little ehildron 1 are very tow wiw iae croup. JowPh Moores two Iktlo girls are I. . - ... .i . i i , oeorast wstn ue typnoiu isver. K ur' ry large infra mtmry ab39 tro Mr. ------ Mr. tteorge Dyson has been aUeut sev- -ra uKintbs r-turnln. last Saturday. u y mm$il tbtt Mr. 0eo. 0 Blakely is expected here daily. Daring the last month there ware enrolled in the North brownsvillo ra- r1 1 PT 7 "8 7 lattendence was 1 02. a u.. i tbt Literary Society has bean reor- aaniaad and ia raadv to Uiscmss tbe vjta! t J- JMJ (Jourt The old saloon sign hss besn takra down and Bob Sanders is going to run a billiard saloon on the premise. The attendance at the Baptist con vention held at this plsce was the ter sest sver known.in Orefen. The min I itters are with few exceptions either I at or bevoud the prime of lifa. Aa occasion. Duiing tbs convention over hundred dollar, of the filthy lucre g " paiu I r - i , . . n wa m ifrnaii .tr tiai.l t.if lisriMW jm4 Monday ths Ministers sad other delegates went home carrying with them the good wibe qf (his entire - - - - J w-'7 Mr. John Wolfe has purchased ons of the Tmspleton hop jards Wollen mills of thi. fhm have work en bands bow that axeala any Other work of the kind on the Paoif ic coast and Beecber saya the Pacific beats tbo world, The South Drowosville echod hss enrolled 44 students. Whrrkas, It is costotnerr to ce'e -ebrate in tbe form of aeranadn, nuptial ceromoniea when they occur in Our midst, and Whereas, It is about that Uses of the year when such svants are likely to come to pass, it has been !! lv I, That a string baud com posed of tbs following members ; D. W. Stair Elmsr. Fersyth P. Tvcer Chsrlee Willert end J. B. Horner be organized fer the above named and ether important purposes and furtbur moro be it mmorssd That we (the writer) uoan- imously request that such ceremoaies be now and ofter tbia date postponed one month until the band gets in tune so they can start of with a clear toot. H. LBSJASOS SOIXS. Lebamos, Or., Nov. 7, 1883. Ed$ Democrat : J. N. MeDanald is somewhat indis posed at present. The Rev. Henderaon preached at tbe C.,P. Church last Sunday. Preparations are being made for the Teachers Institute which will be held st this plsce on tbe 29th and 30th inst. A play "Among ths Brksr" will be played by tbe young people at this place sometime in tbe near future. Notice will be given in time. Mr. . . Montague has purchased the bouse on the old Cowan oorner.and has opened out a large stock of hard ware. Mr. E. . Hammock, living only a fw miles north of this ulace. haa purchased a 14 hone power portable engine aad will saw fencing tbia winter Mr. Mammock is quite an enter prising man deserving tne patronage of the public. The Elite Literary Society elected officers last Tuesday evening as follows President, T. 8. Wallacs,Vce President Jennie Alexander, Sec. Miss Frank Gilbert, Treasurer, David Love. Sergeant at Arms, Lon. Walton, Critic, Prof. J, L. Oil serf Mr Nabob tbe correspondent to the Sunday Mercury at this plsce hss been cresting quite a bubble of excitement among some of our citizens, the truth is he only gives bimse.f away in the last commnnication and we predict that he had better cheese the racket. HABBISBVati ITEMS. e aaaaaaawaaaaaa Harrisburg, Or;, Nov. 7th, '83. Eds. Democrat : Mrs. Mendenhall, wife oC-Drv W. F. Mendemhall is very sick. Dr Sharpies of Eugene was sent for for consultation and while here also visited William Schooling who is also very . sick. Two children ef Theodore Roach have just passed through somethiag like the scar letina but are quite well new. Tbe scar let fever scare of Eugene did not amount to maeb. Miller&Funk have moved their stock of hardware to the eld Odd Fellows building, Some of the hunters ef this plaoe have b een doing a rood business I 0 . s si a . . . in minting r aving killed neveral dssr isloly and U o maty gces te tell about The Sob A hsrs is still increasing in number ncJ i) ueivaiml tsatioaativ U that it is ih in; u u ' work. Lev. li auitou ol tJuoetion itr preachetr trwo. sotMoaH here last Sun day and also visited tbe Sunday school u.i n i . Mr. Ilham is having his shop moved Ion to hit lots to make an addition to bis house He havi&g about quit skee making. We have two other shoemakers lit town now. . j I here hits, .also lately loevted here a negro barber whiok makes a variety that every swell town of Oregon oan not aflotd. otaviLM. trrMH. ' OAKViM.it, Or. Nov. 7th, '83. Editor $ Democrat : I thought a few lines from this part ef the county might be of interest to some of your rcadera. The. good folk, of this vicinity, I mean all, are about done cutting. There is being pulte an avcrsge crop sowed of fall grain, mot all done. Health is good In this part of the county. Miss Annie Pen Is very sick. Temperance Is all the cry new, the Temperance Alliance met last week and reorganized with about fifty members. They will meet again on the 12th, whenseversl good speakers will be In attendance and n general good time is oxpected. The new church is looming up,and It 1m going te be a flno church. It will bo done In about tbreo weeks. We can boast of two fine churches In our neighborhood. There is services every Ssbbsth at tho U. T. Church. There wss a meeting called last evening for tho purpose to know what should bo done on holidays. The Temperance Alliance decided to give a concert, tbe program Is net made out, but I am sore, from what I know, that it will be a first-class oxerclso. Eg will boa free thing and will be given In tho U. P. Church. Wta Foot. Trusr.Bii Msririrrn. Is our last issue ws gave notice of a county teachers institute to be held st Lebanon on tbe 20tb and 30th of this month. We esrnestly hope thst every teac'jer in the county will male a apecial effort to be in attendance, as very much ad rentage to teacbera is to bo derived from attendance upon tbese meetings. It is tbs custom in many diairicu to diaroiae school during these meetioga ae ss to enable tbe teachers to attend, and not retire them to make up for lost tim-. We think this b a great benefit both to teachers and distric. Without being regarded aa oliicieus we would be g'ad to see this institute take up the subject treated of under the bead of4 Faulty Education" in another column of tbia ia 1, aod dianuas it elaborately. Tar Sale. Titreoanda half acre of good garden land.all foncod.houan and barn.ln weatern odge of tbe city. Will be aold cheap, ('all at thia office. A Bare Ckaae. Wriagora at redaosd ratoa, both tha Kov alty and Kore'xa, tho Ut made, at Peters 4 Mein'a. SOTSt'K. Two houae-t thia office. for rent cheap. Inquire a "Baehepalbe." Quick, complete care, an annoying kidney, bladJer and urinary diseases, f 1. Drnggiaea. A Startling Dl.rut rr; PbyshnAn are oflnn startled by remark able dieooveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Dlaoerery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung dlaeeaee la dally curing (wtirnta that tbey have given up to die. Is t art ling them to realize their senae ef du ty, and examine Into the merits of thia wonderful dlaooverv ; reaultlag In bun dredeofour beat Pbyaicians using it In their practice. Trial Mettle free at Koahay d Mason's Drug Slot 0. Regular slee 1.00. aheap fr Sale. Two 'hundred Merino sheep from half to full bloods, Will be sold at a reason able price. Call at my residence one and a half miles west of Pee Dee Valley on what ia known as the John M Rhodes in Polk county, Or. Jamkh M. Citvroif. a A Lire Saving Preaeat. Mr. M. K. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan., Saved his life by a aim pie Trial Battle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Oorsnmp tlon, which caused blm to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when Doclerx, change of climate and everything failed. Aatn lloarseneaa, Severn Csasas, and all Threat and Lung digram a. It is guaran eed tecure. Trial Bottles free atFeabay Mason's Drag Store. Larf e siee $1.00 for aole. Twenty head of young horses at from three to Ave years old by Davis frss.. Shcdd Or. Will be sold cheap. Call mmedlately as they must be sold at once. S 'jEPLnSSN'CKTS, made ro'-enble by tba ter rible cough. Shiloh'a Cure la tho remedy tor you. CATARRH CURED, health and iweet breath etoured by Shlloh'i Catarrh remedy. Price 60 ce it. Natal Injector free. For aale by Feehay aud Mai on. For lame back, aide or chott use Shiloh's Porous Plasters. Price 2ft cents. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consnmptlon Cure is told by oa on a guarantee. It uures cotisump. Ion. SH LOP S VTAU-EIl la what you peed for Cor stipstion, I.OSS ot Appetite. Dizziness and afltyn?p toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 aad 75 centa per bottle. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchit's Im mediately relief 3d by Shi' lob's Cure. Ta AT HACKING COUCH can be so qu'ckly card by Shiloh's Cure. We gusrateo It. WILL YOU SUFFER with- Dyspepsia ard Live- Complaint T Shiloh's Vitalise." is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Foshay A' Mason. IIACKMETACK,"a lasting aod fragrant perfume. Prioe 25 and 60 cents. For sale by Foahay fc Mason. SHILOH'S CUBE WILL Iminedlately relieve Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and f 1. AUianr Mara. Wheat- 8 jo per bushel, Oat" " Beef on foot, 6 to Ce. I lay -baled, 232& per ton. loose, IS to 20, IJuttwr-aft to 50 ots per lb. Itgga -8 cents per doz. 1'otatooe 75o per bushel. Pork 7 cte per lb. Veal Coper lb. yaoona hams, 14 to loo. 9 ahoulders, 10 to ISo. sides, 19 to loo. Lard-lflcpsrlb. Flour5.50 per bbL Chickens 4.60 per doz. Hnirar Han Franolso 0, 12c Mill Feed-bran, 1400 per ton. Dried Fruit-sun dried apple, 60. ... " " tfussa-tc. ai uiA warenouee, vi. rneuhlne cured applets, 8 e. plums, IS. A Cam. To ail who aro aaftaiinff from tbe and indiscretions of yoatb, nervous weak. ucaa, early dooaj, loaa of maahoed, ate., I will send a rocipa that will care you, F11KE OF f'HAROK. This great remedy was dis covered by a miaaionary in South America. Bend a aelf-ad4reaaed envelope to the Rsv. Jo-zru T. ISMAN, BUtion D. New York City. taee Acvea mf Laa rev Sale. One farm of 390 acres very desirable One farm of 13d acres. One tract of 139 aoroa of wild land. One tract of SO acres. "ua tract of 70 acres. One tract of 135 ores, aad other small tracts. Will sell in lota to aait purchasers. Will trails for other property. Call at this N 0)1 ICE. Ir. Jauot. Dauuals having: sold his Interest lo tbs furniture manufactur ing business Is desirous of closing out a large lot of furnlturo now on hand Bargains can be had at . three-fourths It.. - I a -a a m uw rruiar price. t;aii anu take a look. Daisam A Woodin. eta aad Skaca. At Allen A Martin's ia the place te find boota an Jaboea in any quality yon wish. and at any price. Good goods in tbia line will be sold cheaper than at any store In tbe valley and no old stock to work off. mmm Ar.nAY, Oa., Feb. 4th, 1882. Amman's Cough feiyrup has given general eatiafao tion, and we believe It la a good thing. FoSJfAT A Masok, Druggiata. far sale Good team, harness aad wagon for sal Time giveaoa good aeoartty. Call at this office. "Hathrr Swea'a Vf una Spear. " Infallible, taateleas, harmlaaa, cathartic ; for feveriahnses, rnatlasaasss, worma. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Tfce nav. r. f. WU4s, we&Vfcaowa esty mlaaloeasry Mew York, mnd Iratass cMT Um Lata eminent Judge Wllda, of thm BSasSwSaSSJSam Supreme. Court, wi aa follows : " Tm K. 84A St., AT- York. Mam IS. ! r. . .1. C. A YRB ft CO., Oentletnen : ijaat winter I u truubled with a un.mrortabie Itebinc tumor affeeUna tmr eauOally my lu.it. which lie bod ao intuterablv at ulsUL. aiil bunied ao lt.Lanaa. I v, tu.it t eouW acaronly bear aojr cloUilof 1 waa aia a eunerer rrotn a w eaiarru ana eatarmai eooaa; mr appetite waa poor, and my tratani a good deal ran down. K no wins the ralne of Area a Haka. auii.i.a, by obaerratloo of many otbee r.iaee, and from paracejaj m in former yean, I began taking It for the a!.ro-namml l!a,nlcra. My appetite inv prored einiuet from tbe Oral duae. After a abort Umo Uie ferer and llebiaaj ware attayet, and all eigne of irritation of the akin dtaappearrd. My catarrh aad cough were aleo cured by Urn aanve ineane, and my general tiealth greatly improved, enUl U la now eaeellent. 1 feel a haodred par ecut auoager, and I attribute thee reaulta to tbe-am of tbe SAaaaraaiLbA, which 1 recommend with all ronndenee aa tbe beet bloral me4licin rrcr derteed. I took It In email doeca three llmee a use.1, in an, lrae thftit two bottles. I place lU'-ae facu at your aerrloe, hoping tbetr pubtleetkm may do good. Yours respectfully, g. F. Wnjaa," The abore Instance Is bnt one of the many constantly coming to oar notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of ATaSB taSSUa raaiLLa to tbe care of all diseases artetag from Impure or Impoverished blood, aad a weakened vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of tbe stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome tbe attacks of all &eroV lms Ditto , KrupttoHt of the Skin, JfAca mntitm. Catarrh, Qtnertd Dtbilitw, and all disorders resulting from poor or mi lapsed blood and a low state of the system. rasrAJiao av Dr. J. C. Aye r dt Co . , Lowed, Matt. Sold by ell Druggists ;rlco fl, six hotttce AYERS CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine ears ConstlpaHon.jndlgon, Headache, and Sold everywhere. Always reliable. Notice of Appointment of Assignee. Notioe is horebT atven that under and by virtue ef an asslgnusent ia wiitlag fer the benefit of hie creditors tnly made by ft J Keefhaver aud filed in the Ciranlt Court ef the etate of Oregon fer tbe eeunty ef Linn, the undersigned waa appointed assignee of tbe estate ef said SJ Keef haver, accepted said trust and filed bis bond as required by law. All peraona having claims aaeiaat said estate will present the same verified as required by law to the undersigned at hie residence near Lebanon, Linn oonnf y, Oregon, or to k Im .H..n.. ur.ik...j a. !!. at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, within three months from this data October 12tb, 18K., J. It. kaxauut, Assignee. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has field his final account as Ad ministrator of the estate of Samuel Cooper, deceased in the County Court, of Linn oonnty, Oregon, and 'by order of said Court, Monday tbe 3rd day of December, 1888, at the hour ef oue o'clock, p, m ot said day be been set for the hearing of said final aooonnt. Any person Interested in said estate is hereby notified to file his or her objections to said aooount and the settlement thereof on or before said day. Dated Oct. 81st, 1888. B. W. Cooper, Admiaistrator, Gko. E. Chamberlain, Attorney for Administrator, For Sale. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 1 o'clock, u. m., Nov. 10th, 1888, fer the purchase of his eholoe resi dence property on Seeoud street, west of Washington in this city, Terms li cash, balance time to suit. M. M. Habvkt. 50 Cts 021 the $. "REVOLUTION. Having porchased a portion of tie bankrupt sttek of the late PRICIER BR08. ef Portland at flftj rents on the dollar I will sow offer tilt sane at wregpending reductions. . Tbe subjoined lift will give bat a remote idea ef tie "SWEET BARGAINS" I bare secured : IOOO YDS NEW PLAIDS, 15 YMFORI, WORTH IOC A YD 700 YARDS OF INDIA CASHMKRKAT 12 I-2C, WORTH 20 300 YARDS NRW SNOW FLAKE, AT 12 1-2. WORTH 20 GOO YARDS FRENCH CASHMERKSy ALL WOOL, AT 62 l 1-2, WORTH SI. 300 YARDS OF CARPET AT 20O, WORTH BOC. immense bargains in new 20 DOZ LADIES UNED GLOVES AT 26, WORTH BOO. 20 DOZ LADIES FRENCH KID GLOVES AT 75, WORTH 1.0a 2000 DOZ NEW DRESS BUTTONS AT IOC WORTH 50C fit BIG DRIVES IN NOTIONS. FANCY COOOS, NOSIEIT, WOOLEN GOODS, AND 1A0IES SHOES. ETC. FOR MEN AND ROTS SPECIAL BAR CAINS IN CLOTNINC, FBRNISNINC COODS, lit RER AND OIL CLOTHING, ROOTS, SHOES AND HATS. Leaders for Men. Heavy Merino Shirts 25c. Good Oassamere Suit. 7.50. Heavy Overcoat, 7.50. 150 Felt Hats your choice for LOO Some of these worth 3.50. Big Drives in Tobacco. Damaged Blankets half price. h TlUiiOjeaMt Important bargain a.l mr ia Albany aad I wast every man aad woman tbat reads thiat. call and jndje far tbenuelrea, ONE PRICE NOLAN'S All this stock li marked in "Spot Huh. VTT.T.ATm baa and ao baa Jaa. Cowan, a J. L. COWAN & CO,, OF Lebanon, been to San Franeiaoo, wbeM be purcbaa A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OP FALL Selected with tbe greatest B0TT0MP RICES. Havinf bean In fact nearly aa low aa tbs tbs thermometer at tbe North Pole tbey will be so' Here's our big over tbe fast that good titnea will ; now be bad in Linn (oun(y on aooount of tbe bargains to be obtained at tbe LEADING HOUSE or J. Is. Cowan 8c Go. POR 0RE88 C00D8 OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHMIC, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, FURNISHING COODS. IT FAOT JU1 V JUB YraSCI2T3-, CU on J. L. COWAN & CO., AT LEBANON, nd you will Have many a dollar, both in PRICE -AJVJ3QIJ AL1TY- 50 Cts on the $. M eloaks. ulsters and dolmans. CASH ST0R plain red. Agnrei at lnmt price-. been bera, Oregon GOODS, AT .SSI latA g f irs, and benoe moat worthy Webfasi, you are going to get tboae gooda AT porehaaed