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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1883)
em o f rat THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT eireol efSOy ISSUED EVERY FRibjCY ' gB ST1TES & NUTTING. the Stale THE BEST 1DVEBTI8IN& DDIU1 MISMSOrFICB-ta Btmeni Ball mim. atoeso notices in Local Ool anins 15 cents per line. Regsler fooai notices to cents per Use. st osrr!!f i sdvertiseeaents fi qurt fo flr toeartkwj and JJP lare for each subeeq stent Kates for other advevtlaesnenta made known on application. Brweslaiata street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION sLagU MpT, per rear, In itrao stag!, eepy, per ynf . at end of year 00 siagie eepy, u month. toil eapr, thro, mouth i 1 i 1 WM VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1883. NO 15. S FATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT It li PROFESSIONAL CARDS. t. KJXH. a. X. CHAMBKRULUv. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, 4TTOR EYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. sav-Office In Faster' Brick Block .WS vl5ni8tf. R. S. STRAHAN. JlTTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. 'TTTILL PRACTTCB IN ALL THE TT Courts of this State. Will give iponki nttnnrinn to collections end probate matter. Office on Poster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYE. ..ATTeRNEJAT LAW. Notary Public. A 1 fenny, Oregon. Offlse upstairs, over John Briggs store, tint street. vltnSStf J. K. WEATHERFOBD, (NOT ART PUBUC.) sTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. SKWS1. XTTTtX PRACTICB l.V ALL THE COURTS OF THK TV Stat. Special atteotfoo girea to ooUecttoas ud Vtsosm saatter. la Odd Fallsw's Temple- 11: J. C. FOWBU. w. K. WttW POWELL & B1XYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in Chancer?, &LB1HT. - - ORtfGOK. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. sarOfflce in Poster's Brick.- vlni9tf. E. R. SKIPWORTH, ATTORNEY AB COtKSgXOB AT LAW AS D RSVfAKg reuje. WILL practice in all courts of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OJbe m (T Toole's Block, BromJa&m Strttt, 45y 1 Albany, Ortqon, Js J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Publics ALBANY, OREGON, Will nractice in all of tbe Courts of this State All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. gar Office in O 'Toole's Block. E. W. LANCDOH & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DBTJO- STORE, tyl URIIT. aBECBM. FOSHAY & MASON, wbolblals An nrniAOr Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGOS. vleneltf KtVUKt nuudt, Chan- Ffeiffer, Propr. Tfcie new Hotel is Sited op ia first dm etyie. TaMea tn every Koota. A food aMnpw boob lor Travelers- T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA' AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democran oAee. DBS. J. W. & MARY T, COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OR 120 N . OSer their professional service to ths citizens ot lion and adjacent counties. GOVe and rssirlenes naar Court Hue. Call as banrdoii and Cos rm ton. Aloany Bath House. TBI UHDKBSIONEB WOULD RESPECT fully Inform the citizens of Albany sad ri ainity that I havetakeD charge ofthis Satablisb stent, and, by keeping clean rooms and psyiB itriet attention to business, expects tu snit si those who may faTor us with their patronage Ravine heretofore carried on nothing bat Plrst-Clasa Hair Dressine Saloons expects to firs satire satisfaction to al eg-Cldies aod Ladies' Hair neatly es bamroAM) JOS W1BBP.R. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. The First Term begins on Tues day, September 11, 1883. for particulars concern in ? the coarse of study and the price of tuition, apply to KEV. ELB EKT M. COKB1T. Preset. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. vxw PKOcam flour supebior. toe families AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. Final Settleme nt Notice is hereby given that the under signs n Administrator of the estate of Wil liam Lamon, deceased, has filed his final se- couat as such Administrator in the County j Uonrt, ot Linn county, Oregon, and by order of said Court, Tuesday the 6th day of November, 1883, at the hour of one o'clock, p. M. , of said day is set for tbe hearing of objections to said account and the settlement thereof. Any person interested in said estate is hereby notified and required to appear and file his or her objections to said final account on or before said day. Dated this 27th tay of September 1883. JOHK LARKIN, Administrator. TONE AND MARBLE WORKS THK UNWEHSIOmGD WISH Hi TO inform tbe public that he le new pre pared to eewll klnee of stone end marble work on abort nonce, au wore is war ranted to rive satisfaction. Will work an v and all kinds ef atone, but deal prin cipally m -Oregon CHy granite. Cleaning, repairing au resetung a special vr. vmu and examine my prioea before purehee irex elsewhere ee 1 will not be undersold. hop on west side of Perry street oppo site poet omoe. U. W. JOLA.K1UB, rrop. JOHN SCHMEER, LIYERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horses kepi on reasonable terms. busntiee 1st to suit Comer Second and Ellsworth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. a AC KINO AND MOTINC1 Pi tt special tj AH Uanlins with 1st the clly promptly attended to. LOUIS CAMPEAU'8 Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in good condition, sad hair cut in the rery host style. SAX wa vtm LACK DRY AMD OHIXA stEsSCHAsTUlKO BUSI NESS, Bice, tea and Japaneaa toode. Ladies' BSKlersimaee. sold at bottom prices. Contra el o tor i tuaa sanor. eaTMext to ChT HENG TENG. washing and Ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. IH8S EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL LI NERY GOODS OPPOSITE (REVERE HOUSE. M. JAfKSOtf - ProfirieUr. Opposite Revere House Shaving and hair dressing done la flrat elaas sty e. Firsi-claaa bsth rooms. Bat b for ladies snd gentlemen I all hours. Terms reasonable. '83 1 BEAHD CQIE1KATI0H '8i STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUEBVrLLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL One year tor oar Sl&O. Two papres tor little sssve Utaa Use price of eoe. By paying us t3.bC ou will recetre for sae year year home paper with she 'Courtes-Jeunsal, Use repreeeataAire newspaper of the south, MinsSBSSSI ud sor a tariS tor rsssswss only, and tee oest,hrgh st aad aMeet tamuy weekly taShe OSsssd etatee. sew aedustw to aassatass ssisgls oopy of the anar-JouruaP can do geat tan offise. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets. Dec. 1882. 3,296,82f Premium income. 001 Safe, reliable and quisk to pay la oass of ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Alb anj , Oregon, W. H. GOLTRA DEALER TJT Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAT PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. -y J SC10 BlISMESS WRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. ThEALERS m CLOCKS AND WATCH II E8. Keep a full lire of jewelry. Watches snd clocks repaired, in first-class order. 8010 - - - OREGON. We lie MORROW, TkEALER IN STOVMS, TIN W Ann, f If copper snd sbeetiren ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDGEFORD & BEARD. 17 EEP A FULL, HUB F FUR JLV groceries, fresh candles, nam, ana all kfndarifAnnfcwrt.inaar4M.tobsMCO.S4Srs, etc, etc. Cash paid for predoes of all inqaii SCIO, 0REBON. W. H. TALCOTT, nThBALERIN DRY GOODS, CtOTH U ING, boots, shoes, hata and esse, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. D0RRI8, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL C0NTRACT0Rf SCIO, OBEGON. OTICK OF PUBLIC LETTTNGS SO LICITED. Plans snd specifications furo urnisbed on abort notice. warn 1l GEtANREMEOt FOR 3lj3LXKT- Rheumatisms Neuralgia, Sciatica, BsWc NMMbI0s rail 4SW 1IA aos.i rsisa s sens ws osasss im II I.mimh Tnr male a. voais;t.n ce, mtm .ei.8ai'u ) S.MIm.w. B4.. C. a . ACER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other eomptaluU are so tneldloas tn their attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: nono so trifled with by tbe Majority of sultrr era. The ordinary cough or cold, raeuUUig perhaps from a trifling or uneouaciuue es IHisure, is often bat the beginning of a fatal aWkneas. A van's Cnsaar PacroavAL has sell proven its asanas la a forty sears' aght with throat and luug diseases, and should he uken iu all oases wlthoal delay. A Terrible Coagh Carsd. " in laflT 1 took a ewer sold, whteh alfooted try (Sag. I Ml a terrible cough, and paa night after night without sleep, lite duet tors gave me up. I trlr.1 AYKS aCHKKHV l"c ToajAt which relieved my lungs, Indncml , sieap. aad afforded ate the rest uerisssry !r the rwcovery of ntv strength, tty tho cHittuued uae of the I'd mmt a awrsaa-ii-ut care was effected. I am now C"J years u .t, hale and hearty, and Sin salisucd )our Ctiaasv 1-tiTOKAi. saved . HOSACK PalRSaOTIIKB." UacVJagbaai. Yt., duly IB, 12. Croup. A Mother's Tribute. " While In the country last winter my Utile hoy. three years old, wa taken 111 with croup; it seemed as if he would die from atrangu. lation. una of tha family snggJMSSd tuo uae of Avaa'a Oukkkv I'm r'Mi., a botlt of which was always kept tti the nous. . This was tried In saotll awd frequent . aid to our delight In Iras than half an hour tbe 1 it Ua patient was breathing easily, 'l ive doc tor aaul that the CttEitav i'aiTuaat. had saved my darllag's life. Can )oa aoudar at our gratltutle? Sincerely tours, Mas. Kmsa (irnsKv." IW West 12Ub St., New York, May It. IStt. " I bare seed A vr.e's Cwsaar rtnnuL la my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronoun re It tbe moat effectual remedy fur eoogh and colds we have cvrr tried. A. J. RAB. Lake Crystal, Slim.., March S3, imt. M I suffered for eight years from Itrotictdtra, and after trying many rrutedice with no - esaSjJ was ourVd by the uae of AVsTB's t'ur BV Psu-ToaAL. dOSKrU WiUL.H UyUalia. MISS., April ft, taSX 1 eannot say etsough In praise of Ava's Ciikkmv PrvTOKAl.. helUving a 1 do that hOT for iu use I should Msg. since base died laossLiuug troublee 1 i .. i . i-, Palcallne, Teaaa, Airil 33. I-'.'. No case of an affectum at the throat or tuna o i.ts wUicts ssusawt be grcaWy relieved by tiie use of a vaa'a CWKnav PsATwaaL, and it win aMwg ear whea the illsssss at But already beyond the eoutrvl of uivdiaiuc raxrAHEb av Dr. J . C. Ay or & C o . , Lowell , Mast. Sold by sU iM-uggtsts. THE ALBANY FURNITURE WOQDIN, BRISK & FISHES. SUCCESSORS TO DANNAL3 & WOOD IN. Manufactures and dealers In all kinds of FURNITURE. would respectfully inform the nubile that thoy manufacture to order, ana will keep eonstantl v on hand, s complete stock of all deeirsbls lines ef FURNITURE, and will soil at bed rock prises. They also keep constant! on hand eemelete line of Undertaker's Goods and will gnat sates satiafaetion U all who may ravor tsem witn g can. DR. ALLEX'S PRIVATE ni SPESS A BT, SS, Kearny Street, San rnutetsee, tel.. Estsbussbd ros tub Soiawtifvo ass srsasv CUSS ee Csaovic, Maavoes ass EraoUL DiskasSs. ' THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. n . r t v.. i.i.'ntr raws is a own alar graduated Physician, edaca6ad at Bowdom OolUee and Uoi vsrsit r of Mlchlsaa. He has devoted s lifetime to tbe study of the traUasnt and cure of diseases within his specialty. Aad middle-aged men, hoare suffering from the effects of youthful Indiscretion or siceases in asa- turer years, nirvoew sat unystoai ssmucy, isw tmum Inat nuLnhmJ mmfnKiL.ii of Ideas, dull eves. aversion to society, despoodeuy pimples oa ths. faee, loss of energy and nvemory, frequency of urinat ing, etc. Kemeaeer, inat y a comoinsuon oi of areat curative power, the Doctor has ss arranged his treatment ths it wHi net only afford immediate relief .cure. Ha vine been surgeon in charge of two leading eat all private troubles hnmiLalai enables me to treat with excellent results. I wish it distinctly under stood that I do not claim te perferm impossisiniss, or to have miraculous or supernatural power, i ciaim only to be s skillful and successful Physician and Surgeon, thoroughly informed tn ay specialty nisvAsna of mam. All applying to ms will receive my honest opinion their complaints no experimenting. I will guar ef their complaints no experimenting. I will guar- antee a positive cure in every ease I undertake, or forfeit ti .000 Cossultation m office or by letter free aad strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical and microscopical analysis of urine aad advice, S6. Call or address DB. AIXEX, Hf, Kearr.s? rtreet, Sn 'racUco, Cel. Offlos hours 0 to I daily, 7 to evening. Admixiistrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under slgneo has been appointed administrator of the estate ef James S Moore deceased late of Linn county, Oregon, duly mads an rl nt red of record. All persons hav- ine elaims against the estate nt.asid deceased are hereby notified to present tha same nronsrlv verified to tbe under signed st his residence in tbs eity of Harrisburg in said county, witbitt six months from the date hereof. TWavt rtotAhA Slat. 1883. Lbvi Dotjq Geo. E. Ch a m b ekijAin , Ais'y for Admr. Admr. NEWS n BBIEff The swards to tbs United States la ths London Fishsries Kxhibithn num ber 147, of wbiuk iortv-ftvs are gold, forty five silvei sad twenty -eight hxonss medals. There are also nineteen diplomss sud ten money prisag, Ths United Ststos Pish Com m Union fete sigbtoem gold aad four silver modslt, besides too diplomss. Tho Secretary of tbo Treasuiy bs decided that tbe ad valorem duty on cigars is to be based upon tbo value of tbo oigara, including ths value of ths boxes, i. e., tho vslus of tbs cigars is to be taken in their boxed condition. Tbe possibility of sn European rear ia being olossly oaloulstod upon at tbe present moment by Koglisb sbipowners. Orders bare been received hero by several oaptsins of vessels tbat if tbe wheat charters they hsve boon nego tiating far era not closed, to refuse te proceed further, except at much higher rates, s sharp advance in freigb's being eslculsted upon ia tbe event of war. Dr. Kecb, of tbo Germsa Corn mis aien wbiob went to Egypt to investigste tbo cholera epidemic, reports thst bo has discovered tbst cholera is due to s livir.g tbraad like mictoscopic orgssigm, imbling tbat seen ia cases ef pbthisia Upwards of 400 persons srs reported to bo prostrated by trichinosis ia Sag ooy, sad tbo deaths from tbo disease are said to number flfty par day. Tbo disease is of snob a maiigant typo that wbeo ooos attacked recovery is hope less, Wby will these people oat raw perk. There are about 1,000,000 busbels of rye ia store st Chicago, beiag more than half ae much as waa received at tbst point in either one of tbe last three years. At Mocrbeed, Minn., October 9th, fourteen men, members of s threshing crew, weat to sleep in tbe lower story of a grsnary . During tbe night the floor gave wey, end tbe msa wore buried under 1400 bushels of oats. Four of tbe men were killed. In 1790 there were 500 lew era in tbe United States snd 4,000,000 in habitants. This wss one iewver to every 0000 awreona. In 1880 there were 51,000,000 people sod 04,187 lawyers, or one lsw)er to story 000. Dr. L L. Wight, Wbitestowo, N. Y., bes made for a foreign order three cbeeees weighing: ebout 2700 pounds each. They were shipped last week. An English whest buyer now ia Odessa writes that Russian wheat can bo laid down in French porta seven cents per bushel cheeper than tbe best terms offered by shippers from New York or Belli more. Cuba buys from Honduras $2,000, 000 worth of cattle annually. Tbe Ksnssa corn crop was rednoed 16,000,000 busbels through the drought in certain counties. Ihe sngar product of Louisiana shews e falling tff about thirty-three per cent so lsst year's crop. Arrangements ere being perfeoted for tbe shipment of fresh salmon from tbo Columbia River neat Spring. Sou: hem tar is pins sre selling in Now York at 20 per doxon and diamoud-backe at $36. A band greosds is in use in Chicago to sxtinquiah fires. It ia s frail globe containing chemicals whose bested fumse check combustion. Agriculture and not tbe mines is now tbe main source of wealth in Cali fornia. The cotton crop for this year was eati mated at 7,000,000 bales. It may only be about 5,800,000 bales, and may perbsps not be over 5,750.000 bales. The largest estate ever sold in Soot land in one lot by public suction was disposed ef a few daye since te Mr. Jebn Bulleugh for $515,000, aside from timber, which will be peid for as au addition at a vslnation. Tbs estate la known as tbs Msggernis estate, and ia aituated ia tbe vsllsy of Glen ly on, Perthshire, It contains up ward of 32,000 acres, inoluded in an area ef fifty anare miles, snd is one ef the beet sporting and g rasing estates in Scotland. The salmon fishery ex tends to tbo almeat unprecented length of over forty miles. Prof. Kedzle of tho Michigan Agricultural College is making experi ments thst thus far ahow thst growing plants in a eloae room are not injurious to human life. He aaya tbat the notion tbat it ia unhealthy to aleep in a room containing plants is sheer nonsense. A curious Georgia industry is the ranking of wrapping-paper out of rice straw and palm leaves. A Boston florist haa been engaged to furnish tbe floral decorations for tbe Princess Louise ball st the Windsor Hotel in Montreal. They will be transported in a special car. There will be 20,000 roaea, 20,000 carnations Of different colors, 1,000 spikes of tuberoses, 500 buncbee of violate 1,000 sprays of heliotrope, 2,000 strings of smilax, and 2,000 yards of Esgliak laurel. Samuel Wilson, of Washington county, Pa., haa just picked the second crop of pears thin season from a single tree. Witbiu ten years thirty California millionaires have died, and not oeeof them wss distinguished ia lift) for any thing but bis moasy. Tbe Spanish socialists, in congress st Valencia, have d isw eased various meth ods of improving tbe condition of rural laborers. Among tbs projects proposed by this congress is ths estsblisbmont of oc -opera five farming. The ides meets with popular approval, tat tbe Goverameat threatens to prohibit say movement in thai direction. Liberty, Miss., has grown s oereal eoriessity iu tbo shape of e a ear of eora aevea inobea long, perfectly shaped sad developed, containing shout 800 grains, which is surtoaaded by five other ears, growing out ot and firmly attached to tbe msia ear st its bsss, snd extending m "e then half wsy ths length of the msin ear, although containing mors than 1500 grains of oern. In a single county in Eaglsnd 5255 nsw csass of foot-and-mouth disease recently broke out in a single week, ia cattle, sheep and swine. A specimen ef vegetable wool is on exhibition at Asterdam. It cornea from Javs. When it Is freed from its leathery covering end the seeds, tbrocgh s vsry simple process, it b worth be tween sixteen and seventeen coats s pound. A Nsw York police jadge has in formed a eosspleioaat sgsinst s tele grspb company, a baas llaea&an bad annoyed him by climbing over bis roof, tbat if, after notifying tbe company, tbe wires were not removed, be, tbe com -pis iuant, would be justified ia cutting them So general a tail ore as tbst of this aeasaa of the grass aeed crop of Osrm any bss not occurred fer years previous. It is charged tbat twe or three kinds of weed seed appear in lbs Mediterra nean wheat imported by tbo Bureau of Agriculture. A dog ia Wssbington county, Ohio, cured himself of a rattleasake bite ' y burying himself Ofijte tbe ears in mud t Meant e Oos of tbe Uys of aucieat lUeee was undoubtedly a gooee egg. It's always a oold day when a man gets left in tbo Arctic regions. Tho beee ball aeasaa is over. New the boy a osn gs oa s "bet" if they like. There is compensation ever where. Tbe wooden-legged maa is not troubled witheoraa. Aa oEebaogo aaye tbat Mrs. Leogtry is going to live en a fist this winter. Ia this news t The bottle is si ways to the strong, ia what an nui a-eattng men said when be wss left slone in tbe omnibus. There sre four young girle in New York who cannot keep out of scrapes. The v have opened S barker's shop. savav s Ot . St Robert Hums evidently owned a Iting machine. He speaks of wsn- Cf ring forth slong tbe banks of Ayr. It is vile slsnder to say tbst because conductors sod bsr-keepors sre men of puaehee they believe ia knock-down arguments. Tbe Prince of Wbalee weighs two hundred aad twenty four pounds. In sttending numerous banquets he bss learned to labor and to weight. Sarah Bernhardt is said to have s leva ef horrible aaeociatiooa. Tbat ia the reason, probably, that she weat to Greece fsrs husband. If tbs two-cent postage" stamp in creaaaa tbe length ef tbe average giil'a letter, tbe mail trains will have to be strengthened. Things, however, rosy be equslised by an inoreaae in tbe price ef stationery, in accordance with tbe law of aupply and demand. A MiaC AAXS LATfOH . "Did yea ever bsvs your fortune tele t" inquired an Austin woman of oas of bsr most intimsts fsmals friend. "No, did you 1" "Yes, I wss down to a clsirvoysnt's vestordav evening. Did you know er w ee there wss one ia town V "No." "Well, there is, snd she just aptsad out her euchre deck and told my fort nne aa aliek aa a whistle." "What did the clairvoyant say wss going to happen to you 1" "She ssld I wss gsiag to msrry s nobleman and become a maid of hon or "Beoome a mstd of honor ! Why you must fortjet yourself. You know yon are a married woman." "That's so," answered the womaa dejectedly. "I forgot ell about that, snd got ths old harridan to lay the oarda out for a widow. It is funny how each little things will slip out of s person's memory. I shell bsvs to go down snd get the chsirvoyant woman to do it sU oyer again." Cashmere shswls sre embroidered Almost entirely by meo, aad sometimes a single garment represents the work of three genera trout. rare lab actxacn If It is ttue thst sparrows sod swsl- lows forsake a district when cholera is about te tasks ita advent, the feet should be generally known end thor oughly estehlb-hed on all creditable data. A new fire proflng liquid is being ra ti oduoed. It la a basic silicate of al umni, snd it is said to bo far better than tangstate of sods, because tbe cy suite does not scale off or etspersts, while ths soda rrquiree reeppHeetioa every week. li n rust spot leniorer : Cream of tartar, fifty parts ; Mnoxslato of pot. senium, powdered. fifv pat is ; oil el rosemary, one part. Rub to powder sad mix well. Moisten the stmr, place en s boated tia plate and rub with tbe moistened powder. To fix pencil marks so tbey will not rub, toko well skimmed milk end dilute with sn equal balk of water. Wash tbe pencil marks (wbetber writing or drawing) with tbia liquid, .using a soft cornel -heir brush, aad avoid all rub ling. Place upon a fist hoard to dry. At s meeting of the Msrylsnd acad emy of sciences Dr. Theobald showed a species ef a beetle, and gets the follow, figures : Weight of beetle, 2 grains ; weight moved by it 5 ounces or 2640 graias, or 1320 times the Weight of the beetle. A man weighing 150 (sounds, endowed with tbe strength of this in sect, should therefore bs able to move nearly 160 tone, Tbe knot or nautical mile is various ly reckoned at from 6076 feet to 6125 feet. According te tbe standerd of the British Admiralty tbo knot ia tho length of tho minute of longitude at tbe equator, or 6086 feet 1 1627 stat ute inches, or 1855 metres. Tbe mean length of latitude, sometimes reckoned as s knot, is 6C76 feet 1 151 statute mile, or 1862 metres. A marine league is three of tbeae sea miles Dr. C C. Abbot of Trenton, N. J.. bes destroyed snot her old belief in wtsther-lore. For twenty years he hue kept e record of the building of their winter bouses by tbe muakrata. tbe storing of oats by squirrels, sad tker habits uf the mammals which are cosaroouly regeuded aa indicating the brseter of the coating winter. His conclusioa is tbst ths bebits referred to have no connection with tbe rigor or n ildaeas of tbe approaching season. 8. E. Caasatriai bee been experi menting upon tbe efiscte of decepita tioa upoa insects. Butter ties were sbls to use their wings sigbteen days after they had loot their heads. Crick ets lesped on the thirteenth dey after they bed been bebsnded, snd tbs pray iag-msstis showed signs of life on the fourteenth dey slier tbe hsad bad been separated (rem tbe body. He gives stiU mere singular obeervatiens, tend ing re show tbat tbe heed in ir sects cannot be subject to tbe sams'perpets al strsio ss the heed in mammals in guiding tbe motions ef tbe body. Ia relation to tbe secretion ot milk under tbs influence ofdtog. Stumpf reports wbeo iodide of potasaium was administered to goets. tbe yeild of milk waa tolooed while ike percentage or let aad auger wss raised ; salts sad s.bmuinpids were unaltered ; tbo re ectien beceme alkaline. Small doees of etete of lead produced on obange of composition in tbs milk, nor altered the yield ; the aame negative results were obtained with morphine. Pilocarpine at first ooly reduced the eugar. 8a. icy - late of sodium considerably raised the yield. Alcohol did not alter tbe yield, but tbe solids increased, while tbs specific gravity increased. When beer was given, tbe specific gravity fell, but the fat rose in quantity, so did also the augar, e I TBE WAT TO BABE ICE. "That must be a curious process, tbe manufacture of ice," aaid a Chicago man to a resident of Austin. "Yes,' teplied the Austin scientist, 'do you undsrstsnd the philosophy ef it V "No. I never ssw one of the ma chines, and never had the thing explain ed to me." "Well, you see," observed tbe phil osopher, "they hsve kiad of tank." "Yea." "Aad they fill thst tsnk about two- thirds full of water." "Yes ; what then 1" "Why, then they freese it." "Oh !" exolaimed the disgusted Chioagoan, "that's it, is it t I had an idea tbst tbey boiled it." Ths Moorish Jewa made the law whioh forbida tbem te kindle s firs en the Sabbath by putting their dinner in a jar and setting it fn a hot oven Friday niffht. The dinner consists of salted locusts vsry often, but it is hot. It is estimated tbat it would coat about 250 daily to maintain an ailed passage aoroaa tbe British Channel. The aum looks formidable, but is less than ia now for "remedies" for ftea siokness which sre not remedies. AABEBTT ITEMS LiUriy Or. Oct, 29, 1888 AWe. Dcmocral : I' ,rj is ail listed ton miles south of Laeanon on tho Sweet Home road, aod our citizen give it tbe pious naus of Opoasem i I allow. Tbe weather la fine, only it ia cloudy snd a fine mist cocoes down so as to WOt a person if bs stsys sut long enough. I think it is raining not fsr ecT. Cieo. Hesrisg departed for East ef tbe mountains seme time ainoe. Mrs. D. If. Harris is im proving. Dexter H. Harris rcturaed from of tbe mountains Sunday, and will re maia bare tbia winter. Toes. Arnold has just returned from s bunt, snd bsd pretty good luck. A. P. Nye returned from court lsst week. Win. Skelfon sold six Sue calves for $60 rsst week. Geo. eod Willie ere going to try bls.'kmtt.biog in Lebanon. David Williams informed ua that ths bridge betwoeo D. H. Harris' end Mr. fctend gave awey while Mr. Finloy wss crossing with s bsd of brand. No ons was hurt M iss Amanda Grime who has been working for Mrs. D. H. Harris bss re turned to her home st Wss. Skelton'a Anyone wanting to employ would do wall te get her. Hsr sister, Mslinda I Grime, is workinr fer Mrs. W. B. Douses of Lebanon. Mrs. John Powers is somewhat in disposed st present. Mr. Powers bad one of hie horses crippled, csused by getting into a yel low jackets neat and running sway with tbs plow. C. Bogard sits in tbs corner end enjoys web foot. Z. B. Mom, of Sweet Home, gave us eeafl. TJ. 8. NewmsB, tbs Lebanon B. R. brakesmen, csrae out Sunday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Healey, Jeff Henley, Denuia Clum snd Jo. Green, of Soda villa, paseed through to-day, returning from a hunt. Ten deer killed. D. Rice, D. H. Harris, Jeass Rice and Mr Vance ent e bee tree last week. but loot mest of the honey the tree hoiag rotten and but little could bo saved. Misa Julia Nye ia visiting relatives near godeville. C Y. Nye, A'euxa eod Edward Walton are sttending school in Lathee- Boo Kirk is else shsring their bach elor Hall. J. D. Walton has moved to his mount sin ranch. Mia Arnold is visiting relatives in Brownsville. W. & Noble likee belching. One of Liberty's smsll families eon- siat of mother, father, two sons, three daughters, one step son, twe step deughtets, ooe step father, two aunts, one uncle, one half sister, one grand fstbsr, one grand mother, two nephews, three nieces, three grsad daagbtera,one dog sod eat, ths firs is slwsys out no ens to chop wood. Who can beat Opoeam Hollow for a family t Touch -me -not. Ta remove paper labels from old bot tles, wot tbe fsoe ef the label with wa ter, and hold it for an instant over any convenient flame. Tbe steam pone- st trates tbe label at oooe, and softens the When it becomes necessary to stop an engine with a heavy ore in tbe fur nace, plaon a layer of fresh coal on tbe fire, ahnt tbe damper, and start the in jector or pump for tbe purpose of keep ing np tbe circulation in the boiler. Te roll molten iron or steel in a liquid state, a rolling mill haa been proposed in which the rolls sre to be cast hollow, so as to receive a current ef water which ill maintain s suffi ciently low temperature. The metal is to run from s ' hopper," or distributor, snd fall between tbe rolls, becoming cool en contact wiih them. It ia sup posed tbst this method of rolling will bsvs tbs effect, of freeing tbe metsl of sny gases which it may contain. an , .a a a . Uae or tbe heaviest castings ever made on Tynesida wss recently mould ed at the Northeastern Foundry, South Shields. It was an anvil block weigh ing thirty-six tons. Tbe melting of the metal occupied five hours, and it wss poured into tbe moald from three srge ladles, one containing fifteen tons, anothsr eleven tone, and anothar tea tons. The operation wss successfully performed, snd was done in s very short spsce of time. The term "crucifixion" wss general. All modes of execution were termed crucifixions by tbs ancients. Thus, I whsn tbs Persies Haman wss hanged, the custom was borrowed from tie Babylonians, and termed a crucifixion But tbe earlieat example ef crucifixion en record ia that of Pharaoh's chief baker, aaid, ia the earlieat English vsr sion of tbs Bibls, to have been hanged by Joseph ua to have been crucified. CBBIOCS PACTS. Jadea pitch, which is fowad floor ism on tbe Dead See, is so excellent feel. The Jepet see game of checkers is aa intricate that a month is often spent in deciding one gsme. There are 140,000 houses in Franco without a single window. Thoy hove no flooring except the soil and sre with out chimneys. Families live ia thorn. A race between a pony aad a carrier pigeon recently took place at Bed worth, England, The pigeon flow a mile ana igbty yajds while tbe pony galloped half a mile. The last time that Katharine Parr's grave woe opened it wse found tbat a wreath of ivy waa twined about her temples, snd it is sup seas a1 that it had sprung from aa ivy berry that fall there at scene previous exhumation. The mechanical force that is exes ted et escb pulaaUon of the heart ametmte to a pressure of thirteen pounds a poo tbs entire charge of blood that ana to be pieseed onwerd through the branch ing network of blood vesauna. This gives aa exertion of force that would be adequate in another form ef application to lift 120 tone one foot high twenty -four hours. Life can be sustained oa s diet of ooonut for a long time. A ship from Sea Francisco bound lor Sidney vater-logged on the way, and for eighty deys everybody on board lived on note, s large quantity of which 1 . I i . . em mar hod worn tastea auoaru ax names, no of sickness occurred, and the crew and psasoagera were landed in a healthy condition. In Sax ooy, the mistress is obliged by law to allow tbe servant one pound of butter and one of coffee per month, or tbe equivalent in money. If the girl furnish her own bedding she secures If cents per night for no doing. Sev enty cents s month is allowed for bar wssbinf, snd she receives fie per oeat upon all purchases aba makes. She ia required to giro one mouth's notice be fore leaving her place. Oner par cent, of all the taxes col lected 1b San Francisco are paid by Sens tor Shsron. MstthwW Arnold left England for this eonntry oa tho Servla which sailed on Oct It. Mam Ease Field recently canned oa "the riecdlee" lo tho San Jaan ail wag m in leg district ia jtorado. It lists ted that John Bright will visit Arnoriea next spring aad deliver lectures In the great cities of tha TJn ion. King Alfonso knows how to keen hie wife ia her place. Ha refers to her aa the Aueiran princess who assists mo lo tha dot lea ef my royal eflke," This hi tree, if not tender. Mr. W. D. HewasOa, according ta the Ohio ftois Vodnaal did Best like journalists much when be waa as editor. Tha literary part of It waa ail right bat for politics ha had neither affection nor patience. Brigadier General C H. Crane sorgwoo-general of tho Halted States stray, whose death haa beee announ ced, waa eoe ef the medical officers who were In attendance at the death bed of Abraham Lincoln. Tho head of George Washington on the new two-cent postage stamp engraved by Mr. Alfred J from the celebrated mask which taken from life by the French scalp- tor Hoodon. This meek, for a loog time in the peaeaaaioo of Clark Mills, eculptor, waa given by him to anoth er eculptor, Mr. Wilson Mar Donald. tbea cast la bra nne by Mr- Maurice J. Powe'. Mr. William Page's portrait of Washington was pointed from it, aod from it alee waa modelled Mr. William R. O' Dono van's cwloaasl statute which bow stands in the public square of Car seas, Tones uela. The Swedish fit m of Nabel Broth. ere, who have developed the Baku petroleum district of Russia, employ 7600 workmen, owns lsrge fleet of steamers and 14606 all trucks. o They are building a tawn in which ta ledge their servants, eod hsve adopted a semi-cooperative system giving every one a share fa tha profits, and allowing all to invest the business. But the a1 Mal Gamm understands that even their riran- tia operatioaa are likely te be thrown into tha shade by an American capi talist who is about to lay a pipe 561 miles loaf by whioh tha oil wilt be conveyed across the Caucasus, from Baku to Batum, on the Black Sea. aa SS SSi . We laust regard every matter as an Intrusted secret which we believe tha peron concerned would wish to be considered as sach. Nay, further till wa mast consider all rircumtaacee as secrets intrusted which would bring at andal upon another if tela! and which it is not our certain duty tP discs ss, and tbat In his own pres ence ar d to bis face. If obvs ware to be worded to death, Italian is the fittest language.