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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1883)
WATERLOO SAW HILL. 1 tjis use" j OREGON. Six miles atove Lebanon, the iouthlside of the Sana am River, opposite Water loo 5od a SpriugH. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. POstofticc, Waterloo, Or. i 11 ill in ip i aestaw .Th treat strength Mlt nllin,v n" " hurt(ijrtntj yeara of ereothal Tper neii, ua cures tiit ubwiuw rertelntv ervous Sim ebTsAcai oVUiuly. HM ttUM WeakUCS. 1TJ l"VfH- Htoe, nro tatorrhiva. AtMoui, a rn p o umti -heusted vitality, pre- Uire decline and toe ol Hi it stops any n,ti. eWht a,?" iris with the artae, etc.. so de- Mlrt ta mind Mi hadv. It IS a S I eiiiumir efell kidney and bladder vxvmpbdOtA. -ntl"Vi! talurieus inrredienu. To those suffi-rin frvun the rll ft of yiuChtat HMTCtiMf. : speedy, est snd pcrmaneit euro is ol Aiwt"'. ' " AS M per bVtU, eg lv Bottles U ' veoUoaa audexNK-e.ilO. Sent -ure from eWrve Jee to niv address upon receipt of prfv or . . O. IV. te be ted only ol I DR. C. D. SALFIELD, tW ftatntr M.. Sea Fraactseo, 11 Ooasultations strictly confidential by letter or at m frbf. ror the mmJimi ot 'n srdsr to insure pe deet WW? F havs addoplcd a pri- rat i utidcr wfatoaeii packsgee r wrwsraea. SsOeieAt to iIm its merits, will bo tent to eur one applying' ty ratter, stating nrt rmmi -e Cuaiaaaahsdtahs sarietiy oannuoeuar, 2 - The Great English Reme dj. . b Ml If Ui tkA la I a Mvat raUiuc cur for Rarrvo DebilUT, Smi:uJ Weksa, Rxhanstod i MSpermatorrrMaa, ! tttisaaa, In IwMocy, raraiya, ail tacriUa affacu uf tteu- ibuat, jouthraJ fynst,aiia KjjeMgtm marurw ytar ach as ioMa at Maowry, Latoitaie, Eraisskm. Aver Voa to Society. inuia at Vilo,3roiS itt tU Uea4; 2 the vhai SuiJ pattinf Dol4VTeU into the urlue, and ay atacrdlaaate leaqlny to Inaaalty ami death Sat. IIIVTIB will aarae to forfait Me If aiaatrrd talUri fere case o? this kind the Vital Betara lva(uBder his ajwcial advice aixi treatment) ul nut ears ar for anvthias Impure or Injurious found A K, Dr. Mintie treat a!l nrivatejaiseases suv-ccsslajlj hbuiewi-ur.- aaaneatsiidtt ire. T3het'Ui:a ei uaiaation and adaSoe htcSadiBs hnaferap ot rinf5. Prtoeef ritai Rettorstfje, jhS honla, a, or lOttr Uajes the .aanUty Sift, atr-t fe iey aidnai pn icipa of ariceorC.6. D, abacus (rgobaeraaden anHtipr Vats if desired. rT p. A. E. MIXTTK, 11 Kearney Francisco, CaL ssnplebotUetras, on app: tier. Mating sym , Sex and ae. Baa untoatte Dr. Kin tie's Kidney Remedy, SephreOcum, cures all kiads of kidner and bladder corapUinU,ronorTh t, taat, leouchorrhjs. For sale by alt druggist, 91 a Dr. MiUetDande UKi Plsrath- best end cVar- i the aawfcsjh Foe Dr. SP1MMEY, AOHKEAKKY ST. Treats til CfctooJt aaet Special iUeaat. da well to a rail thessMivee of this, thogreatost boon rar ladJBebe altaW- tSlharhar huuiaidPr. DR. SPUTPrf wiU Karaoht to lorfaH v.f every cAaa itoBiiu. waakseea er prtvifc dieeaae of any ka axsiSss ahh Tis iii'artakes and fail; to urer -; MDLE-AC HaCT. Thara aro buuit a: the are of thirtv-flv--. .i-sty who troubled with too frequent lauac bd- t sooompar led and a wea f hheaTstscn asmtsaa i patient cannot far. Oa sx deposits aaajp tad aoaawinve naajl jc the eskw wOLH ku te s dark aM saaa who diareX' of the ie the aeeond a?e ef serafr-ar 'aknesa. 0s. B. will sjarsntee s perfect en re in all such easeaV sad heeithy restoration of the ni to-urinary o.-geja Omci Horaa 10 to 4 sad S to 8. SandayaBH tall a. a. Consu.'iatkn tree. Thorough c ad adne, 96. For nrivaie d:tii I shaft, standinz a medicine sufficient for cure, with ail roctlona, I . . . . . . ., : . wiuoe sw to any aunresa in recoi;. ui w Call aaf addrsae, DR. SPIXSST d CJ., 71 Ko. 11 Kearny St. San Rattier . .. Cat To the Unfortunate! DR. GIBBON'S DispsMary. 3 KEABTf ST.. aorwar ef tmmer set. aan Jfraneiaoo. t,Usbed in IS34, for I the areatatrat of bexaat aad Seadaaj QiMOXt', saeh as Caearrhra, le.-i, F,apahlUstnt! , iaawateary ! of matsoed can pvaltiveiy y Tba tick and afflicted bhoutd not fail to call m. bias Th Ttofrlor haa traveled eztonairc'iv in larop,aaa laaasete ih rrihly thaearioji Berpi't tale thsre, ahtaiplhf t Taat aril of vnluahre mrensa an, wine a hs iseonibetent to impart to those in need f his serva Dfc. GrBJi. stake to dryr aslew be effect s. . rVtaatis 'sfa'Wttancfl MAt BtK CfBBS AT HO XX. AH cormaulcation atristly eat.f. :ai.-iC TfoO he oee ba, t.te lecar.. and tea dollars for-a pMkar" wMiatae. Persons wriaf Vs the Doctor will plesce state the name of the paper they see th:s advartisaaasat in. Chareea rsa eanable. Call or airlte. Addru. D. J. V. OIBBOK. Box lt7, Saa Fraucisco. TheBcvEaV fJvrDB is x ened ifarch and Sept., each year: 21ft papes, Sxli inches, with over i5,30 illustrations a whole pie- tcrcrallrt7,. Given wLol' sale prxcea direct to consumers on all roods for ... T!! how )g"-.ry trrTZ. to-or ffrTriSa thing joa use, titt, t'ri:;:, v ir, or huv-.-i ;a v-ith. Those invalaable boofes con tain infbnnationgleancd from the map i:cta ol tie worlfl. Wo,wjB 1 1 ail a c-py Free to"any adaress'upon receipt of the r?:cont8i a ns hue lruin. ycu. r ' isegporjcruiiy, - MOfpTCQMERY- WARD & CO. ssfP eaQteahaab ftsOsse.dA AT 117 1 aai mm r r aanraaar stvwtaaa aar wvQsasj t ataae Sii .fHlliJU ;2ti!!ll av i . V4 RrVTEtiT Wi 3HI1 our QQMyt-t&. t h. L'.a. A'it.Oii.oa, and from Washington. ws obtaio riteot. 7smJ r. Ovr.ana IA BWIAi'T &liiiOU..14 watsv umcc. For eirculaj-, ad viae, terms, and referenese : " THE DISSS rdatl Uarrisbrg Oregon, T'T?. QffTfvT Kditor & 'Proprietor. aanot, i:fo is sweeping- 13 he tr. enrl Ha ra Yu- jhty aud' sublime leave be hre you i hind to a. week m your own town oatfit Everything new. Capital t furnish ycu everything ny are 1 Ladies make as mueh as a, and want make great pay. Reader, if h you can make great pay he time to il, Hall en e dc For isi m earsd. o . Hi - mmrmm -ot Ml Jl PW I I I I I L 111 I J - ."r- " ' . I r" - - ......a i -" Hv wLwh m IHi i Aw nv h for Bnfjnts and 'iV!tfrtniroiottTi,troHtion and ovorfomrtl ltttuiiMii V, t oiistln.v tintt. Stmr StouwM h. DiarrtuM. mid 'I Ftm'riaiiufK. It itttuimt latdtii tntl natural i4tvp, witLyut mUlhuio. I ' Cvna i$ m v! 1 tvAHi taCb4Jiri that I rvtvinmriii! itmisiu rior)any pwwr-tpUwi known to nw." 71. Aain, M. J , lUlVrtbtsi A"., Brooklyn. K. T. CEWTAUR LlWllWKNT-an absolute cure fur ttliouma- titni.prttiusi,aJurus,ii4lts Vo. Tbo uo;l Pout rAtl iu(llN'no trutiugJPaiarvlloviaiBntiid llonliag IXt i:: .ly Kiiqwu to iuuj. .rj-fblitl-'artdl1"" NOTICE. til HJk al W iitnt m - n r l .1 I senders & oiernuurg, of this city, having takan thd machinery agency of Q. P. Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line of FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trade, to wit: at WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS. AND DRILLS, GUTTING BOXES, and all implements of less note They will Keep tne e LA BELLE WAGON. also the RUSHFORD fan eij; ja r e i a new wagon with all -the late improvements and warranted one of : the best wagons in the markst. fcS Administrator's Notice Nat! is hereby pfren tfcat the tinder aigned has ksaen appointed athninlatratew of t he eataU af John F Waters, late ef Unn oeuutr, fleeoaead. by an order e( tha oeuntw eonrt of Lhm county, Oregon. ATT ; eraenn harlnirclalma a$almettfta otate af aaid rJeaaawed are harebv notified and required to present me tamo properly en fled to the underaigaed at hia reejjoaee in the Hty of Harriabnrg. tvithln wx menthe from the date hereof. Dated September SMta, 1S8S. Lav i Ikmtx. Gno E Chaji bakj-ai j . Adair. AU'J for Adonr. a jsji Administrator's Notice. "Koiloe ie hereby Riven that tint endar- I aignet ! eftha ed haa boon appointed Adininlatrator eatate of i'lnlv JaalUroore, late or I Linn cennry, Oregon, aeceated, ry en avttler ef theCewmtT Court, of Iton fon ny, Ore -an. All peraewM haeLnir claims adramat the eatate of aaid deceased are hereby netiRad and req aired to preaent the same properly verified to me at my oifiee in the city of Albany, Linn county, Otrcren within six irieu'hs from the dale htreof. lnoed 0;t. 4lb, liiJ. . r, x, J IT. ITf rki-.vst, Admirr.f-rafor. a ' wteaj "a ;c la .aaaw i Summons. 0t the Ctr-Hit Court of the Stale b6Vywr Linn C oewdy John TT WTJforj, FldintJir, vs. ! Matil Jit Wilaon, Dafattdnnt. To Matilda Wihw the abore de fendant : - te .-. a. ,yofaa l IJf THE NAME OF THE- STATE OF Oregon, yoa are req aired to appear and anawer "the complaint of piaiutitT ia the nbove entitled ami now ou ti!o In the office ef the Ceraoty Clerk of Llnh ooonty, Oregon, hy the flret day a the next retru lar term ef the above eotitled Ceturt, iol Towinx the publication of ihia etunmane, for the period of eix conaeculTe an l w ccealTe weeks, frf the Statu Kioimi jDamochat, towit : Ly the aecood- Mon day af March, A. D., lib, and .twn wlU take notice that in ease yau fall te appear,, aod anawer as above reqrnlrwd, the pfs'u tiff priU apply to the Coort far the relief dtsrnansJed in hia complaint, which in Cap a dissolution of the tnarrieao contract heretofore exiatinp;"1e?t.vreen pfalatift and defendant aad for ench other and further relief as may be just aad eqnltabla. Ttiia antninnni i mi litta-Hwt h ftrHeir f Hon R P Boiaa, Judge of aaii :aurt, r which order bears uaio bept. oUj,. lBs. L. IT.MOSTANTF, AtAy far llfT 1 wan Kiw lilt Iflat Sf lSn att jstfl Administrators Notice. IJf A 1 rrt - T i - ttS ,fti nw 1 favr Netire ia hereby fri- n that tha coder signed has been appr .ated administrator or the estate ol Panjr: a Berry, late of Linn county, deceased, t y an orpar- ( jne 4eorintT eoatt of Linn .-oua'T. Oretran. All T-raOoaviaimaaat UV ,, of aaid deceased arebeicby notified and required u present toe asm properly the undersigned atjn ti ajence ia the city of Scio. Tfitbin r.'iz. otoliths from, the date hereof . .: t. IJIIited October ISfcha Mfe aeyx i .jim i J. L. MlLf.KU, XdminfatrsUjr. sstl i r an if AN keStlebaa's Golden Balaam Sp. I Cures Chancres, first and seeond states : Sere on HEALTH. e legs sad body; Syphilitic tatarm, aiseasea s-aip d all rrtiHiary forms of the dieeaee, kauwh aa Syp 1 hilis. Trice, $5 per bfjttlo. .arsaaaaai Cures Tsrtiary, MercuruL, , Syphilitic. JThc-'toaUni, Mfuvbrr Pains in the Botrfc:- TJToeTatari, rKhaeat, i4yv-hiha4t; Uash, Lump, eee., and vssjtee- all disSMMtt-oia Ue yMW5lBi wneiner taiwcu y upas treatment or abuse of mercury, leaving t Vakjpg . .. ..L..lil.. U,.a I,. ru,rhAtt n we. ..l Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed pcf p.e?4. . i-.O t-a -,315?I A JI'Hl Jiiiiisorrfr; fctre tnralR'itto, Culiforaia. iA---,Xalt a - nsjui a i- on ti n f ? ' 'id U5i;T!e r. -ia.6nt ever Vrfxitsad. Hui.-rt l'ao - si 1 A 1K V- -' : "v- i - - tuuis, m esi'iuFivowiEipni", ojrccuy ii.i, c. ' t uiclJHiW.tri'ltt,ry. Wiito W Pdl mm JiiaTdlfclllsf SSlll nWaatHl XlijpC6?ttJ .askOBiiU ,i;ail'i cTa ilO ftil' ' Mil' j. w AAA Aa Oi-, VUICAUO, B BSS I Tr I ITTTll II fiRltal Children. r 'lilMnn rtr nhooka .lr rvri. tnkM th.-nl klw : "h.'U ljalijoji f nt oiut cry tirn. What ottrfK thc-ir,-. i:tli!?thHr wnrrhK. What (uUrkly v'w Uttlllrall",, Hour firom.ion. tsnrirkii;fVitlrtri. Hut CHtrl. Fwwpll thrn tr Mirjllno Rymi, OwtortiUaual''l Hull Cai..rlal n abloom" DR, LIEBIC aaar,. -- T ail Maaaahta. ttof lntt Uro, V t a cvti K i l iiTSITLTRFOR i,aoiiriif all liierial eetn " HI. O I n. aid end to oaltad tnourabse ti .rrtaaa lrtrsar is pas tMi tvH7 auaraidea-i o ;me itorrau H at.l pliyslcal dehlflty. tamliml weakiiets. Wtt of rhanhas.. epaf n.aiorrliea, loss of mnty. " ami dkssloew In the head, taeiai ht.lo. hopolaas feeling nroala. lorrhea, sad ail the results ef yftutb. rot lmirutteaos end eosea nmtum rears. Th doetoT. rSaTU lar oallea phyetoiaM foes nrp a III SgtiW lonril n imiuniw Q 'leltsrs for a se ttiainTigorator anil uot tmre under special Uettaent eitd w adUce. O 1I, rearon so trsany osrt not gwt t- rtuntul men ess and Us above diM-aam is tii u a oonipitcauon called Peoatatorrhea, wblch rtpulrv lie uiiar treatuiant ne tie an" taflcaratar No t is Uieoeir PW " ,nr 1 f(..rrWt Fnaa ol eliiu ol eitnsr iun ianr. tJ ir Iwttle ; sis lor Nj.hl titan aawsas tin rtn-oii.t prif .rCOt. Uesjnsbie rm. can pay wnm. UlI mZlZL Lmw, wainumed. Palleau cared at h.Me, l. UaUa aMj'W1 H .i..... .I..,.,,, lia tiiiilalfli ..WeVeat evaeuatioas m the Usd tae eud taps fedikst.t Is orinasaav Mt.utoa.d J-JW,' at eakasaasn lir4tatorrhea. CemplalnU reaiUly FtiJ tr- UetV teaataae. , . r- n.l an receipt er rto.Air phtaaffse are seeurefj coroeart from ouserraMoa l.rlaerater aajuplea Free. . Ik. ..vulnrfu'T nowrr ot tho Or IreatQennaa lutisora'-or s ti bottle rdetlbef niraber ertla seat tn It d.srjr fcreoni oaiedwe lue hotUawtil oalr hhwe fa iy cjfwaswso" tWtvcrr. 1 L. Lbbikatu Uea toiUr.U. CoV ahRatata. ext.hiaUr t' free aad pdrv Udt er enu-. tr URBiKdi O . tea .oary M-. lrtfla XBIraare. Ih3 ffa.ea at , a ran RUSSELL A QO.'S PORTABLE SAW WILIS, WWW MJtL ENfitKES, TKRIN MACHIHEt , ITC. At rrrmt hhaa4s. npiia ah .ep rnrrf, ntws- nofet mati JL c ptisda tuaacbuoiasaadwawtdy Mom atWaJta Walia, T Tier iS ah tarry a rati aha at their eaWhrtted ImMuaad tasKhhhtrs . with W U htlasheU, lcnf, Cor. Front ai.d Tskr huw, rbn haaUDr. Ttve better to aaxmrnadata lahias saafmii in the iaaarior an t on the Coast. vsn a t ,i nmtr-M ttmdat a l prtsa fitt-.unt rree o.aniBB.. jjor j Addrot rMCti st r , Hrtr.h Waflh WsJht, tT . T. ,faa a ;.a en a- ; :d a- ec Taa a- . c CIUBI., M , J ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C Cherry.) lachioists, Hfilwnguts, and Iron Foonden. WllAVKOUK NBWMJOPS ALL ooinpletod, and sre now prepared to haoflfr- an kinds of heavy work. We will Uiaoofactore Steam Kngtnes, Grist and Saw MU1 Machinery, and ail xlndsof Iron and Rrass Casffnga. -ra nans o pmost xotic-c. Hpeefal attention given to repairing all klnda of machinery. Will aiso maoufae ture the Improved Cherry & White Grain Separator Shop aa Baher St.- orflee a Xaaaber Yard. Al bany , O r. Dec. 1, lh0. , . , lStf '. .t Toaelslai taa for baSAtti- TAX ISlBTlXI," say saskcpUc. "Bow can one medicine be a specific for Kpl lcvsy. Dyapepsha. ar Seaalnil Wcakneaa, and Sfty other laintsf" Ws claim it s iveUU. elm it a $inajut Ply. I the Ttrtu of alt dtseases artaes from I the blood. iLaJTervlno. TLeaolvcnl-Alteiatlvoand. laxarfre rn-orrt'eshK-etaTl the conrlttions herein rviercstl V. it's kbowa vorfd vide ns md! rtna i j . i ' ! i " i ri - il' i i i r "t inltlHlilEI CiOlBlOiUltlRIOIR t quiets and composes the jiatlentnot b atrodtMoaaevMStatASSral draatle eathaittei by freakitUf aiotvity to the aumiachAtid, nervosa Syirfcm, whereby the Lruln fs relieved or morbid fancies, wakh are created' try the can toe above referred to, . . to cTercymen, Lawyers, Literary men, hants, B&nkeM, Ladtea and all those whose serl- ya or ho require a nerve tonic, appetizer or lunt, .Samaiutah Ktavisa Is iaVaiuable. onsanda nroelalm it the most wonderful inviir- . .... .. ... .. lBRVOUS PJSIIaTY ! EM !Ol8 7AhUr leJei e Sii p tti jDi. n. v n -siwaawW jTSl? f Ooo vnlaioaH. an os, an vain senralgio. . w ' . . Nervous Protnataon oaoeed by the use wt tobacco, Wakefahwea,wi.tiil Do- tnc ox tba rtratn resaltms; in m- to sutauey, ooaay and death, or tiowst a An Toiantary fAjoseet. ana tjparraau by trses aaaatsiat otaiwyrwaia.aesf or oTer-inatusenoe. Jmcli box eonthsaa one ntonth'a treatmssit SJUjXla box. or sis boxes I .a a Fi .US 1 TVK to cure snyeeae. , wrni e oroer receivaa hy us xoraat en ppapaaa wrna wo win L'Bcan t-no pnrcnaspr OBr.armaa, ifnarante to ro- i rnna, me money ii uie ireiuneni aoeano not eflcct 1 y'Ja.ole sale eja.di ata31 Xu.glarhstl , I'UBILAJUi, UncUUIi, t ,rdere by roai1 nll ificeireiirompt attion. I c-iilJL oa ahooa tsi'flrV baa liar ae 1 a mm - a AWL hi aaBBBBBBBBBBBBl V at hJpI Bk fhw, c tcb tar Jrrcku WSe fftpau T n8 Uf.e JLHaflyMniM.. UO.otJOattai.MO. l areeatoo. nartarj orTttoaa oaeeaG nbnse sw way a rwm fftlDAT W0VRM1VKR3, 1883 it wal a wiln ' ' I d AO. 4 . It. R. T1MK TABLK. Altwiay Sttttlou. m.BTrVa TKAINH. aessD Roarii. AUUIfT SUtPHWM Departs st f. !W A. at IMA. M. U tb A. M 1:0& Pi at FMUUUT TIUlHtt MAIL THAI If I . ovaa SSUI it. SAIL THAIS ( Jffl-S ' PRKIUIITTHAIN " It '" A M IS 06 P M aw f. m A Ml A It T KirflKHfl Anlvssat r. m. all Tralas datlr. rxtvnt inml.t. Ntmoa. On and aflar thin dalti rr(rulr ttoketo will b aali I at our ticket Alu for rollawlng jiatnta on Columbia river: UmK'r UiMUN, wiim, umauiia, waiiiua WhU Walla aud Alnawortli. Wn.f,. H Him, Freight and Ticket Agont O. A II. U. To. I ilklllV. JllltA Uilh. 1M J'l III ' n OUR CHESS COLUMN. AiJraaa ail oemtuutuoationa fur chin depart men t to P. O. box 91, JuilapM. donoe, Or. Poraona eending comtnun loationt for pnrpoan of publication (ex oapt solutloni to irolitmn) miiHt en clone a 3 oeul ttawp to defray extra poatago. Couti ibi.toii of probletue are lequeaiod to enoioao full tolatiODt of the aame. With tli (g woeka ihaut u. begin the DRSOCltATd fuurtb prubiaju tourney. Tbo tour ay will cunetat of thlrti eu proalama. Kirtt prnco, a neat Tolume ef "Morpliy'a Matoh Oamea nccond prtae, 100 alauk chase diagram ; third priae, 79 diagraaoa ) fourth priae, oU diagtams. Tiro weoka will bo allowed for solutioua. In oaae of a tie t ho cheaa editor ho decide, Neatnt'ts tiul atil;t loaJ thorougbnaaa of aoiutiuDa wilt bo takeo into toDauleralien. TOftSNT PltOBkCS Mi. 9. K at q a i KatQD Kt at K Kt 7 P at KB Z I ' at H Li I Pat K 0 PatQS P at Q B 5 Pt,tg Patg Kt Q at K Kt 3 BatK R 4 R at Q fi Kt at K K 7 It ii K B 4 Hat K S PatK2 Pat KG P at 9 B 2 P at g Kt 5 PatQ R J White raatea in ihicu movoa. SOLUTION TO PKOncni 7M. 5. 1 Q to K 3 f;key-ianee)l 11 x (J 2KtxQPch S I ueovea 3 R matcK 1 1 P x 11 2 Kt x Q P cb !K moras 3 Kt to K Kt .1 mate etee 1 1 B to K 1 2 Kt U g 8 cb 2 K move 3 Q x B mate, tote. Problem No. 5, aolrcd hj BiamArok, C. K , King's Utabop aod Dr. J. K. K A romarkable gmmn showing bow Mr. 8. A. DeVaiiey perpetrated) a cbeckmato when the iosition on tbo board gives him a chance to do tha briliiant and magnificent. White-Araetour Btaofc tt. A. Da- Vanev. P to K 4 K Kt to B 3 B to Kt 5 Castles P to g 4 PtoK 4 Kt to Q B 3 Kt to K B 3 KtxP P to g r 3 It tm. I t 11 ..l I fc v f " ST f 1 KtxP KtxP RtoK 1 BtoK3 rl s m :iS' Pte q B 3 Kt te g B Z P x Kt g to g x P x B B to g 3 Castles (K K) K RtoK 1 Q R to Kt 1 i; u k Kt o Kt x Kt Q to K B 3 l?x Kt q x P ' Kt to g 2 Kt to K B 3 BtoQ 2 Q to B 2 Wx 11 ch U x it Kt to g 4 P to g B 4 Kt to g Kt 3 B to K B 4 Q to g B 1 g to K 2 B to K 3 Q te K4 9 PtoKR3 And black aanouncui rtaUi in 1C moves (d) Conceive af the mental labor in an alizing so lengthy aod complicated an end game. The opening move tn tho analysis are as fellows : W 1 abeam A vdvWsW K to li 1 B to g 6 cb K to K i g x Kt P K to g 2 ot) R x B g to K 1 (best) RrQ 4 I , H x R x P cb i a; .sou e I Silt" STOll i ju'rhiiS' K x B g x It etc., etc, Ahdlr. iJeVaoey iorots mate in sixteen moves let white play aa hu will. i s'.irf wa)i 'fSilHf Snrl I j v. , The hen has In her ovttlics, In round numbsrSj mort? tTYhri' GOtr9 egg germj, which develop gradually and awn utKiiAubfnTlu ta1 ff iran (ff mg nm,v.wun; ""- w ' uvio v '.W I. B. I.... f ....... . ... , . H .i . , UlC oou wiutsy, ncm, u 4iv urni year, 125 in her aecoDd aod 1141a tho tliirJ. In each of the Hesvipg four years the number of eggs will bo dl minlahed by tfrfity, fcttcf kXa her aeoth year she will lay at moat ten a . .... . i ri.insui i n '..- u... eggs inoraerto ooiain irsm mem sudlcient product to eeve the expense of ailTiientatien, they should not bO Allowed to live over. , four years. According to-a Writer In a foreign .Tnisl.OiI 10 aoiaflrasa aili Tt paper, animal oils are upsafe to nse in air compressors, as they take fire spontaneously in compressed air, or, in other words,' they crV?trte an ex- plosiyo gas. ... . Mithridatus of Pontue, haviag eap. tured Aquiliuff, made' hi ride on an ass threngh a In arge part.of Asia, crying Aquihus, consul of the out, Romans." Si. am VO ! rjvi'l U2 ourt 's 4 OH A I S. 'staMBS " '"r,r'' 1 Judge Jawo Dowaor, who graduate od at DarHiKdif u in tn. , and who Jtwd reu.nty g Milwaukao, iCft fOOW tP h al,,u mater. Tho wlto of Llat. Groal7 of the Arot;o ooU or is described aa a vary boatifu) woman, tail, with a tea-rose complexion, black hair and blue eyoa. Bbo taolongii to an old Now England family. When Miaa Kate Field, viaiting I euver with a letter of introduction to Judga MoCurdy, inquired at tho hotel office where he could be found, she area horrified to receive the reply : "Don't know. Ho'a bean dead eight reara." There mint bo eotne good old Oor- man stock in Lotiiaa Peffer, for aha reoently walked from Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pa,, a diataoce of beventy milen, between Thursday afternoon and Friday. The .rmaikable part of tha affair ia that hhelia aixty-- three yeara of age. TheComtode (?hambord's will be gan as followR : "I die a good Chris tian and a (Jatbolic. i feel no hatred for anyone. I forgive all those who have injured me, and I beg all those whom I may have wronged in any way to pardon mo. I pray Almighty (ied to Save my aoul." A London diapatcb aaya (bat the g neon's erase about her deceased body servant continues undiminished. Sb baa ordered a statue in the gardens of Balmoral, a monument in t4e Prince Consort's mausoleum, and a plaque extolling Brown's virtues in the nave at Si George's Chapel at WinW. "Brfckr'Pomeroy now knows nothing of sbHUch, if wo may trust hia own word. Ue is engaged upon the tunnel in the 1 loo Icy mountains, which meat go 20,000 feet further before it is through, and on which there baa pj ready been work far two years. This tunoel, which the once based-elay Democrat expects to awe finished in three years, he says will shorten tbs distance between Denver and Salt Lake something like 230 miles. luere are soma curious pretiaiena is Judge Blaok's will. The executors are to invest. $2000 for the nae ef a grand son, to be paid him on reaching majeti ty, provided ha drops the name of Jere miah Suliivnn'aod takes! he name: of Henry Vantriaas Black. To Henry F. Scbill ia left a lot of land in Somerset county, aa.. en condition "that a raw .a a a i a 00) a, a . epeotable house shall be erected there- on and halt bed by the let of April, I Wfi, and eball be occupied by tba evangelist or preeohers duly appointed by the freeciples Church at Somerset," me property when the church tus xr proacbor to o leased, end the rants paid to tba alders lar the use of tba poor. A young aaaa at Portland M alse Slslsns to be the missing Cbaslie Rose. lie says ne was kept in a dark room for four yeara and subsequently taken to Brssll. When a inao Is treated bey eud his rfetert he usually frets intoxicated. Jay-Eye-Sce mace ebssce. looks out for Use VOI,. XIX.. NO. I THE AldKAW ill u! D EM OCR AT, HAS THE Si. ARfvES rr 0IRC0LAT.I0N - r (....,-.. ..,., , ; . I rlf I OF ANY PAPER IN TH STATE OUTSIDE OP PORTLAND, AND IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM r.MSt!i90 1 So i ITS iJIH tonnty I -r 1 - .......W..M Lfi. ntmcl HI" -V i) ,ie asotavafT ailfi.l .tiU td Itoweivt si IS COMPLETE, MfrstfffiH .13 1 s W ; tftoa I iwbv ANO ITS IStUfSI? Local and Edi- tonal Depart- i , Ai-iiaeqr. i.s 1. . i a a a er a a 5 ant ,Lna ... J . ARE UN SURPASSED. IN FACT IT AIMS TO BE, AND HAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING. I tt.eTSirW a First-Class t . . Wa ... , , A -. m. i T . , ' IT. ru mrsl a ro svrado i( sliifi LOOAIi nosi we'.'i'io tti-ia V-1 1,,r'1 itn4 dlua SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. u wm v, . NEWSPAPER -iiear.i. .-.?r fbarra Director. Y. V. (a a. Meats at their rooms ka Pos ter's briok building n oaturday eveaanga at 7:30 o'clock, and on .Sabbath afternoons st 4. Bflsiaess meetings sre bob! on the even lYf of the eooond Monday la each month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Cuuaon.-Proaobing every Uahbaah, at 11 a, s., and 7 r. M. by Her. f (1. lr vine, D, I). Msbhath School st 2:30 t. at. Prayer moating ovary Thursday evening. Evapokmoal Cituncfi. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. w. , and 74 -p. m. Sabbath Hohool 12:15. Prayer ntswtiag every Thars- uay ovouing. 4. A. UoUanbaugh, pastor. Sorviooaavery flshhath at II a. m. and 8 r. at. Hahbetb Hohool at 2:90. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W Harris, pastor. M. K. Cntfani, Houm. Services 2nd ai.d 4th .Sabbaths at .St. Paul's M.K.Cburch, Mouth, at 11a.m. Babbatb Sch h.I at 10 t. sr. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thare- uny ovonng. doe, Kmery, pastor. M. E. OMUriow. Preaching ewery Asbbeth at II a. m. and 7a r. ml Song eeryioe ia tho evening before seruion. Sabbath Sohooi tt 2.-30 r. at. Trayar meeting every Tbare- asy evening, itev. M. Judy, pastor. . ! . rHEanTTKitiAw Mervice every Sabbath morning and evening in Church Oar. llroadaJ bin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School aix:du p. m. J'rayer meeting every i nurauay evoutog. liev. iaaao It, fjondit iMstetv Ciiawrf ap Cnuiwrf Preaching every Sabbath at Y PC A Hall at 1 1 o'clock, a. m., ami 7:30 r. m. Pulpit supplied by Kev II. P. Morrison. Mr. A. S. HharjM-, now chief i tor of the postal delivery department, in 1M5 lived in Chattanooga, Tenn At that time be became the possessor ef bank note No. I aeries A, of the $ issue of March 11, 1SC3. He laid it away far 'preservation's a curiosity, hot his bouse was robbed andf the note stolen. ITe never heard ef it strain until a few days ago, when bo saw in a Pittsburg paper tho statement thai Paymaster Candee, ef the army, pose- ad the Irst f& note issued by the United States. He has writton to Mr Candee, offering to prove property, and hopes to recover the treasure, for bicb it ia aaid, the present ji has deolieed an ofTer of $300. Alfenzo hfitl to wslic Spanish out of Psrls. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - PORTLAND, 01 SHIPPING AND CQsMMlS SION, MEROHANDI8E AND WHOLESALE DEALER8 IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE a. it te oartala Is lu aSaots aad aua twt UUsut. i aaaa praef hatflw. Kendall's Spsvio Cure. lUnauan. Ma.. Juna lath, ISSt . I li. J KitttuA Co..naate: lhat la la oariify that I hara aaal RsAdalla hpatn Cosa aad tarta fcui it u. b ail it at fsnsainmSs t. ha aad la rrt mora too ; I hats raatovsd hy tasnr tha shsvs ; OthViiav baaa apavsts. Slap henas, Striata, and aaa 1 chvartully uliy aad rsiaauiisnd It t. ha tha bast tWna for any t.ny aubatanoa ! bavsevrr assdaod 1 has triad oaui as 1 hara asa-te UsA tuy ataay aw ysara F.T.CAIBT. P&OM-THB OlfEONTA P&E88, H. Y, Oamnla, Hem York, Jao. ftth, ISSt. Early Ustsunuocr Moaara. a J. Ssndall aitd Co., of I noabura rails l, wsas a aosuaet aim hara af tha ' lrr" far a half aoiuata adv. fur oaa year settiag forth tha atartta of JUndaiTsl soar in Ours. At tba soma Umt a ssrorod from ana a (uauuty of booha, oautlad ttr. aaodall'a Xraa Mas Oil th. Uora ana tils PUISSIS, which ar. rlv- Ahaot tha thns tha aSswttsnnmt first appauad la this mar air. V. J. Sahsaawrha , who rsahlaaa Owl bora had a spat I nod bursa. Ho rood tha sdver tirnent aaa ooaciaaou ta tsas taa aataaty at oat raeatdy. aithaoab his friends Iwahad at hat cradulilp ns aourst a noun ar aonoairs apavi vfn Cora aad i with tho direction, aad ho lnforraed aa this aoak that it of frcud such a aoaiptata cars lhat aa ox pert loan. lie sjiaroinat taa aniassi roosragr aotu ao trace of the sesvin or tbs place where It he of Kendall Treatise on tha nerse and his Disease. which he irtM very highly sad won Id be loth te part with st ajuy prira, provided he too Id not ehuin aa othar copy, so taw a ror aavertaaac reiiame snwsa. ! I, bate ai..44Vt a.i... .. jf i Kendall's Spavin Cure. Wilts. At Inn .WUtk, ISSt. fa J. Kaaasu. and Co., UcnU : -Having gut a horse boos M ytm by mall a year ago, ins oostaaw of whi. b perauaded me to trr SasSsU'a Spavin Care on the hind lee of one ol ray horess which was badly swoolso sad could sat he reduced by any other resne- dy.l irot two betlLss af aendau s Bparlo Curs of Preston and Ludduth, Irugtsta ot Wi elf hut also ta my neighbors. Teu sent roe the book fur the trifling a urn ec cents and u l souid not u-nt snother aMltj It ! would eat take twenty-a-va swart lor it. Turs truly. Geo. Katwiws. READ PROOF OFWOHDERFlTLCUm Premont, Ohio. Jan. tfith, 1881. Ha. B. J. hrDu. aad On.. UcnU fcI thiak tt my duty U render you mj lhanka for benefits and profits . wbk-h I hare derived frooi your InvaHaihls sad tar I lamerl Hpavln Cure- My oeusui and I had a valuable stallion, worth SlOW which had a vary had spavin1 andwa pioneumod by lour rinlriftia veterinary sur geons, beyond any cure, and that the horse was done tnr esr. Aaa atasrsaort I adviaal my cieasa aa Wy a hauls of Kendall's bjavln Owe U lad a raagkal sffeot. the third bottle cored it and the hens Is as well as even Or. Muk af Kdiahurah, tha swineat vetanaary sargeon was an uncle ef mine, and I great Interest In asststtnghls profession. Yours truly. Javt.a a. tVatoa, civil Kngtaaer Kendall's Spavio Care a Is sura in its effects, mild in Its action as It daws net blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain, or remove any bestyf swwthee other enlargements, sucn as spavins, splints c ealous. sprains. ewelMngs and an lameness ana en largemcnu of tho jelnte or Uiabs, er tor rheumatism in man and lor any purpese ror wbicn liniment is used for man ar beast. It la now know to be the best liniment lor man ever used, acting roUd aad yet certain in Its effect. Send address for Illustrated Circular whleb we think aires positive proof ef its virtues. Ns remedy haa evs sr met wtth saaa unqualified Suttees to kaewfedre. for beast as wall as man. Prlea SI per bottle, er ux bottles for S.v All Irug rlvts htreitor oaoget it far pou, er it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Or. Q. 3. Kbmvau. and Co., Enosburgb Farts, Vt. ' i "ULBY ALL DfUGGISTS FROM THE SOUTH; vLal i"i A Perfr-rt I orabi nation vrlfta tw lent AdvaeiasesVf y U C eaeeras aa. "There la no mistake about It," remsrkal Br V P Plowsrs, of OailaUs, Misssun, ' Benson's CapS PaaatU Flsstera Ars one of tbs neatest combinations ever prod used. They have two kinds of advantages over all others, which we may oslt the mln aad the major First, they are clean and plsaaabt ass, never soiling the bands nor the linen of the wearer. Heeond, they are quickly and powerfully. I have i tried the cpcloe Plaster ou myself for paramenia, and on my patients tor various mseases, sura aa neuralgia, muscular1, rheumatism, lumbago, kidney trouble, ete., and in all cases relief haa followed in from three te forty-eight hours." fir Flower merer voices tha written or oral opBttSW ol tbeasanda in his profession. Benson's 6a peine Porous Piasters are the perfect external application. The ganaine hara the word Cspsin cut in the eautre. P, j.. omum, ar v. t i rUotirV ail 1 4af fxi-3v vi comptetely euroU my boraa. About nve yaars ago 1 1 J T.w had a thro, rear eld colt swesniad rerr badiv. 1 1 ether atone work done with nealneas and ussd year remedy as given in your hear without I durpateh. b: "li ""STL r. !?f t arneclal attenUon riven to YT' ol ai h) 9ii 1!" ' r?a X.a JULIUS QRADWOHL .?ht .strain' Mi Hsta ttae) only eaelnsl ve stock or CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA W A Large Assortment of Baby Cirriages, Aid t Choice 8electon of Coffee, Tea and Sugar ONE DOZEN OUPI AND 8AUCER8 Sl.OO. ! .-(ibusK arfr aaaa ne oi (JXC b, .j&kmju SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TSK HIGHEST StBKKT PBtlCE PAID FOR Eia 8emfmber! flat I Say I lean. Give la a Call GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON HFFHA A JOSEPH, PBOPSaasTOKS OF ALBANY Imported and Domestic Cfgarii, Candies. Nute smd Albany, y OSS LAOB BELOW AT THS OLD wTAUT), COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa en hoatee la the valley. Be UN, SHEET RN OF EVEl'.Y D BCaCRI PTTOlf Df STOCK HAJfD, A FULL NUINE QRAMITE IRON WARE. . ALL OF WHICH HI OFFBBS TO THS PUBLIC AT PRICES , THAT tXMPEinOH. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBABT, Hir ts"! Repair work done GLARK Indian Cares all diseasss JBowels, Kidneys, Skin and JSlood. MillUm tewttfrtoita efficacy in heal- ; the above named diseasoe, and pro nounce it to be the BEST BJESMJI3DY KNOWIf TO MA IT. 7 tans BABE Guaranteed ssF A GENTS WANTED.' laboratory 77 W. 3d St. New ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STALER BROS. Proprietem ALBABT. OBEiaOB. ORUHERTBe TABLETS, HEADS rONES Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble orders from I all parts Of this State and Washington 1 ASmtory. 'All work warn taied. 1 7rAa FREE m TRIAL Executor's Notice. Kotioa la hereby eivea, that, ej a der ef the County, of Waa eeese; made October Sis. 1SSS. the anierstfras was dnlv anooiateal E ensaref she last will and testament af Charles Seriveee daeeeeee, late ef eald eeoary. All pewsea-s havlag ciatsne agaiaet the estate ef eaM deeasTedVarehSaWSAy mataSoel ansHsajsU. VeiS&eflirrBeaaie at j&errishnrg, lasana. within six Wrssths from the October 12th, 18SS. erfT'TT""r TaaaT Htbb, T. J. Stiteb, Ezeeuter. Attorney for Exeoutar. i - - - ' , . . - D. BROWN, 01 v a sHed lldJS Judicious aalbhsa bus mU seal ""11 vaJrAe. Discreet - -ror. i aniin s TJBSCEIPTION il : :t v San Fr ancisoo, Gal, , Caoara out rats, mice, roaches, ikes, ants, bed-hugs, skunks, chiprauuks, gophers. 15q, k I iO ti" W)l oh Oi rtarU ia ta tdi iseoa, wnien . . .. B n Ta?jLlT4ji .!pa? ADVERTISING, iix lebrotts kt SODA WORKS, AUD DlIJUtS m Tobttoots, Groceries, Prowinions, Tropical Fruits . - - Ore -on. I ! a vai.1 afaua; s JOMM BBIOOS' stoml st set UBsterts aund m nsiefatrlsi ARB COPPER WARE OR TO OBDBR. ALSO. HS D5EPS OB ABROBTMX9TT OF at reasonable figures. il3 a as. v.r tn JOHNSBN'S Blood Smp of the Stomach, Ztiver, to cure Dyspepsia. York City. Drnggists sell it Fella sdai aav ahotW egsatsso or far tha asm ..TL Brewnaviiie ............ .0. 1 Halsay.. ttaedeVs. Scio T. I W A Wa . . . . ...... . . a . arm. r si W.K. Kelly S. A. DeTea Jefferson John's Lodes, He. OA Is iUaok, 2nd Saturday ef eaob Corinthian leslae. Ha 17 1st aad Srvl Satardavs of sac Bay ley Chapter, No. 8, 4th rlaturdaya eS me place, atk r4 t a r v v ... - - . m turn m j awra. a. w. m. ., rr ruumay evenings at Odd Fellows Hall. ' aaarsdW ht J Baeampessat meets evsrv Sa and 4th Friday ef each month. WUlamette, No. 6. A, O. TJ. evenings at O. P. Ball. v 1vHo. A. O. TT. tST TSirlaw to reteracrus Hsil. Kaiahto of Pythias, Thu radar at e. f . xiaii. Chosen Friends, at O. F. Hail. 1st and Srd Friday a of each month. An dent order of United Teaphtrs, at O, F. Hall, 1st and Srd Tueadave of oaoh sssaathv ne. ii '" bL . ' e;1 : -rvrf eOBcaal Directory. BTATaV US Senators-Uon J H Slater, Hon J If Dolph. ConitresStnan M C George. Supreme Court Judges J B Waldo, W P Lord. B Wstaoaa. Governor Z F Moody Sept of Pnbtie Instruction B B Mo Barey. 1 1o e-rw ml Circuit Judge (Srd dist)-R P Boise. Dist Attorney (Srd dist) W H Holmes. 1 I COUSTT. County Judge L Flinn. County Com rs. John laom, S R Clay- . . pool . Clerk C H Stewart. Sheriff George Hnmphrey. Treasurer J H Peery. Sohooi Sunt P A Moses, Otjrveyor-D VQ Held. Coroner Dr J A Day Is. Assessor N U Doar. "u7. ; .j-r artiaawrft ad; lie I Mayor W M Ketchum. RocorfJerN J Henton. Marshal-G W Bnrkbsrt. Treasurer Fred MoUesv al s-ratiw , . lra in the Olaet ShernsSTBee .or.i ojraeiosAiA Wri ail hutfionasC asaata. CO. FOMXAKn. Orders by sil wfll recerre sroiBr sttsstto. I a;Jt:9a dl . .-iaoaaeO 1 reQuirss r"'hejjjg Wharj taken aa a pre re tire hy eSLmr sex. tt la lapeaeibls to east tree taay veaereal rlmaan; est ia xne raee ar uon a a. m aarirta. tO Tilh flraamWn tat 3 a. a. a jmil a t. lw tev h atlJ :o to enO abtoI ad ii tr9 . JS vsw .o ,-rnrdl. ,oirtsM A j ,Y4M8(tQ OBAj TO it' 1