The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 02, 1883, Image 3

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    Official Ceuntr Papr,
Enter! at the Pjat Offloe at Albany, Or.
a second -cisss mall matter.
8TITE8 &
Editor mm. I
rmm p. si urn., xseat wmw.
At the request of subscribers in differ
ent parts of the county, and fox Lheinemp,
venienoe, we have nt bills te our agents
at several places, so that those deairiag to
liquidate can do so by calling on the fol
lowing gentlemen : T L Wallace, Leb
anon ; Sam May, Harriabnrg ; O P Co
sfaaw, Brownsville ; W E Kelley, Sao.
'One, F E Wentwortb. claiming to be a
can Teasing agent of the Democrat, has no
connection with this paper, and onr friends
throughout the county are warned agaiast
'trotting him.
Third left are.
The third of the series of lectures will
take place to-night, (Friday,) beginning
at 7:45, and will be delivered by Hen
Rufoa Mallory, subject "Trip Around the
World." Mr Mallory is one of the lead
ing lawyers of the state and an interesting
talker. In order that onr readers may
know completely about the man they all
should hear, who ia well known all over
the coast, we will say that he was born
In How York State, June 10, 1831. When
a yenng man he taught school, moving to
Iowa in 1855 and to Oregon in 1858, and
was admitted to the bar in I860, becoming
district attorney of the First Judicial
District too same year. In 1863 he wan
elected to the Legislature and the name
year was appointed prosecuting attorney
of the Third Judicial District. In 1866 he
was sleeted to Congress, serving two
years. In 1873 he was speaker of the
Stale Legislature. In 1874 he was ap
pointed U S District attorney for Oregon
and held the position until last year. Last
year as sgent of the United States Treas
ury Department he visited Singapoore,
India, to procure evidence in a certain big
ease, and then wan when he went around
i the world, about which he will tall to
. night. By all means hear him.
The 9 pontic SUaetrel Skew.
"There was a good attendance Satur
3ay sight at the eate-rtaiDzneot given
by Walter S, Moan Boston Operatic
Minstrels, Wa consider it one ni the
beat, if not the bent show of the kind
which wo have attended ia Albany.
Certainly a minstrel troop rarely gives
such a variety and as well carried oat.
Their music Is extra whether In the
orchestra, or ia specialties. Miss Bessie
Louise King is the leading feature, and
.has one of the purest voices it has been
our pleasure to hear. The high praise
conferred upon her by the Portland
; press, is very deserving. Ocele That
other as the "Acrobatic If oka," Cha. H
Lister aa Da noes in Scottish pastimes
sad in Sailor frolics. Leech brothers in
their Artistic dances as welt as Morton
and Mathewe in their songs and dances
were particularly good. The entertain
ment closed with a "Night In a Mad
House, ' a very affecting comedy.
Did not
Jas. Riley, of Harriabnrg, was among
the pioneers who went east, be going to
bis old heme in Clay county, Missouri, to
visit his flat her, whom he had not aeon for
years and years, and who did not know
that he was coming. He goto friend to
tall the old gentleman that a man wished
to see him, and father aad son were usher
ed into each others presence.
It seems to me," said Jim, "that I
have Seen yon before somewhere."
"No, yon haven't," said the Senior, sus
piciously, "Well, I am almost certain of it," insist
si the J unior,
"It is possible, but I am confident we
never met before," continued the Senior,
"Then you don't know me ?"
"No sir, I don't know yon."
"Why, I am Jim Riley."
Of coarse a scene followed. This is
but one of the many J ike incidents that
will occurr while the pioneers are East.
Probably Killed.
' The first of the week a very sad acci
dent occurred at Peon a. Mr Garret, the
Stage driver between Shedds and that
; place was running the ferry boat across
the river with one gentleman on board,
when one of the guy ropes broke, swing
ing the boat around, in which Mr Garret
was struck: a terrible blow on the head,
knocking him senseless. The gentleman
with him succeeded in obtaining assis
tance, but it took aboutr two hoars to get
him to shore and secure medical assis
tance, It waadhen found that hie injur
ies were of a every dangerous character,
and it was seen that there were no hopes
of bis recovery. Mr Garret has only been
anarried about six months, and the greatest
wympathy is expressed for hie wife and
loves Bis Dec
One of our business men has a dog that
he loves. They are inseparable, and the
best the market affords is always famish
ed the frisky canine. The other day b, m.
was seen to rush from a restaurant, and
look anxiously up and down the street,
and then heard to yell to a friend.
"Oh, , where ie my dog,"
"There he is down the street."
"Bring him right here, quick, my. it ia
the best I ever had, and he must have
some of it," and he smacked his lips.
His dog was brought, and no doubt en
Joyed it as well as his master.
Biz egge.
Mrs Hobart has laid on our table two
hen eggs that are the largest that we have
yet met with. One measures seven and
taree-rourths inches around the long
way, and five ami three-fourths inches
around the egg the short way. The ether
measures eight inches around the long
way sod six inches around the short
way. Now who can beat these. They
are real Democratic hens wbioh accounts
for their size.
Bteeagnlae BUa
Plowiug now.
F M French, jeweler,
Lamnsai eeet at lahtgdon's.
President Arthur is nfty-three.
Bargains ia clothing at Nolan Gash Store,
Chiokeos 40 cents spieoe with the f either
gmm mm
a tanguou a.
Boats now ran on the Willamette, ae far
lsow&ss Seism. ' wa
The tleeat pocket knives and the lowmt
prioe. at Lahgdons.
Only four divorce oases te be diaposed of
at the Lane Circuit Court.
.Sharif Sear., cf PeHhmd obtained a fee
of $5000 in one esse the other day
Old peoples parties are becoming common.
Xhey certainly are very enjoyable affairs,
Adttfn clRh, wm organised Saturday
night by Prof. Vaughn ia Parrieh a Hall.
Considerable favorable comment is made
on the weather. Thta ia an important
"He a my friend that speaks of me well
behind my back." This ia Mae true crite
rion. Judge Deedy spells it Walamet, and says
that it is the right way, and the J edge ought
to know.
Wild geese are flying south ia large flocks,
and a great many are being killed on the
Any school district wanting a teacher ean
be eupplied by calling upon County Sept
A partial eel i see of the ana occurred an
Tuesday, bat it was not visible in many
Carrie Bradley ia said to be a mother.
She has been ia the1 State penitentiary a
year and a half.
Skating Saturday afternoon at Daaael's
Hail specially for ladies. Oaly two bits for
the afternoon.
A splendid assort sasat of linen dollars,
embracing all the new styles, jaat received
st L E Blaio's.
A match heat is soon te take plane, a fee1
we chronicle with pleasure, particularly the
sapper part.
The most beautiful birds, plumes, tips.
Bowses and ornament, are to be had at
Miss Schubert's.
The Hess Beys Social Club will give a
hall to-morrow evening at Parrish's Hall.
Everybody invited.
All orders left wi.h Frank Kenton for
newspapers and magazines are forwarded by
first mail after their receipt.
Miss X Schubert has just returned from
Portland with the very latest styles ia hats,
bonnets, tut kins, etc
Bo net get discouraged at the prospect of
long evenings but subscribe for the DsafO
out and he happy.
New suits arrive continually at L K
Blaia'a, the place te get the beat goods st
the moat reasons hie price.
Hear Hoe. Rufoa Mallory to-night at Y.
P. C. A Hail, on "A Trip Around the
Wot Id." It will be interacting.
Tight fitting ssoquss, dolmans. Ulsters,
the finest stack in the city at Moateith
Jack Warner who fell several weeks age
and sprained one of his kseee has sufficiently
recovered to be on the street again.
"He that does yon a very ill turn will
never forgive yen." No one ai
this more than the newspaper man.
Mr Carl Lu derm an, who has bean
ly ill for several weeks has greatly improv
ed, and will soon be en the streets again.
A quiet conscience causes a qeiet sleep,
so does having ones groceries of Hoffman ft
Joseph. They are always pare aad fresh.
Tickets for the remaining four lectures of
the course, including the one to-night, for
sale for fl.25. Single admission 50 eeats.
The Y. F. T. V., will hold its regular
meeting on Saturday, Nov. 3rd, 133, at the
ususal hour 2:90 p. m., in the Y. P. C.
Mr J E Michael has moved I
Wheatland to Lebanon. Hs says "please send
the Democrat to that place henceforth and
City .lection soon, but as yet little talk is
raised on tU subject, not nearly the amount
that there ie stent the next Presidential
The first of the week. Anthony Baltimore
killed eight geese at oae shot. This was
dose on the prairie, and eon be proved by
good evidence.
Ayoang man named Hammond while
skating at the rink last Friday night fell and
broke ids left arm at the wrist. Or. Harris
set it and hs is doing well.
Some new overcoats, a splendid line el
them jest received at L E Blsia's and they
will be sold at bedrock prices. Get a new
overcoat It will keep yon warm.
A sheepskin tannery should be establish
ed in Albany. It might lead to many other
industries, such ss the manufacture of mo
rocco pocket books, albums, ate.
Mr G T Alien, living at Csthlamet is
now claimed to be the oldest inhabitant of
Oregon, having come here in 1830 in the in
terest of the Hudson Bay Company.
A letter from Boston, reached Albany in
eight days, decidedly quick time. A fast
mail between New York and Portland makes
the trip in six days and a half.
About the scrubbiest kind of s acerb of a
printer that ever begged for a dinner called
en ua Saturday. May ws be saved from
many such is onr earnest prayer.
Alien ft Martin tbve just received new
goods direct from the East, aad can sell
cheaper than ever. Go aad see them before
yon buy your fail and winter goods.
Fine dress goods in all the new shades
with velvet, plash end silk to match, also a
full line of the newest novelties in fancy
does buttons at Samuel E Young's
Oar empty houses are filling fast, aad
now is a golden enprotnnity' to strike for
something to keep the many settlers here.
Secretary Folger has issued a call lor $15,
000,000 three per cent bends. We regret
this, as most of onr mosey is included ia
these bonds and Oregon mortgages do net
suit as.
The question for debate this wsek by the
young ladies' society of the State University
at Eugene is, "Resolyed that the next Presi.
dental election should be a Republican vic
tory. "
Wm are glad to note the fact that Thomp
son ft Co,, are selling harness and saddles
abroad. This speaks well for the firm, and
they always give satisfaction wherever
their goods are sold.
We understand a young man carrying a
sack of flour home was attacked Saturday
night by a man in the dark, but managed
to get away from the fellow and get home
with the flour.
Last Tuesday Bob Copeland was riding
horse, when in turning a corner at a rapid
rate of speed, it fell, his leg also falling un
1 t S . . - m
aer line norse, Bruising it so that hs now
walks with a limp.
Oar county correspondents might do the
Democrat a favor by occasionally obtaining
businesspoeala for their communications,
which they are at liberty to do for tea cents
a line, onr regular price.
A light parse often makes a heavy heart,
buta heavy oae when in jeopardy of being
used fore tmbttd purpose by a needle shad
owe:.eit;j,makm, a heart aa heavy as a
pyramid or a Salem hotel biscuit.
Seven families arrived in Albany from
Illinois last week, and have gone to house
keeping iu oar city. It is to be hoped that
Ithey will locate ia Linn county aa they
seem to be substantial, industrious people.
The following has passed the Washing,
ten Territory legislature : "No employer
shall exact of an employee mere than six
days' labor in any week. And a com rent
for more than six day a' , labor in one week
shall be invalid. " .ioImu
The uaion service 'Were - held Sunday
night in the Mi BL Church, Rev. Judy do
lirered the sermon, aft interesting and ear
nest effort. The next meeting will be held
at the U. F. Church, next Sabbath svsniag,
beginaiag st 7 o'clock,
The harness firm of Thompson ftCo ia still
selling a great many harness aad thsy are
not under sold by any firm ia the valley.
Whips, horse blankets, lap robes, curry
combs, brushes, and saddles at reduced
The poor geese, aad desk, aad snipe, how
they will suffer now. The beys era after
them red hot, aad say that no mercy will be
shewn, This ia entirely proper, for nothing
is more eatable than duek. Editors partic
ularly are fond of gams.
Jo Tyler aad Fred Blumberg have pur
abased the butcher shop of W H Hires, and
will suite them into one, running both to.
gether. No doubt they will make a very
popular shop sad ws shall ex pest to see
them doing a thriving business.
Attention is called to the change of the
ad. of Russell ft Co., of Portland ia another
column. This la a reliable, wide eweks
firm, with a splendid lias of machinery for
sals. Those interested in such matters
should correspond with them.
It is now claimed that the Kettieman
Martis foot race at Portland was a "eaide"
affair all the way through, it having been
arranged before hand for Martin to beat
Kettieman, bet the latter played into the
hands of the gamblers, aad beat, leaving
Martin and hie friend sold.
Considerable excitement was occasions l
in Portland last wsek by the annonne
at of the failure ef Bachman Brothers,
insurance agents, ef Portland, and it was
further claimed that Ad. Bachman had left
for parte unknown, probably British Amen -
ca. I hey owed SoO.OOO, and most of this
had been lost by gamblieg en the part of
the said Ad. so it was claimed.
Yesterday it became unlawful for say oae
to take, kill or destroy any male deer or
beck, aad will continue so until the first
day ef next July. Female deer and doe,
though, ean be kdled until January first,
sad not after thea till August hrsl of next
year. Elk, moose and mountain sheep can
be killed till January first. It is now nr..
lawful to catch mountain or brook trout and
will continue so until April let.
The Mechanics' Band about Thanksgiving
will give e dramatic aad musical entertain
snout which wilt be worth attending. Prep
arations are being made to make it oas of
the beet local satertainmenta ever held in
the eity. Ae the prooaads will go towards
buying new uniforms for the hoys, every
body shoe Id make op their minds to go.
The people of Linn County are new of
fered an opportunity of reaching down ia
their pockets aad pulling oat their spare
changs to meet the demand of the State
aad county. The Sheriff will aeon visit yea,
so yen had better be on head. See dates ia
another seisms. Don't get excited sad
swear abeat hiah taxea sad the like, for
they are lower ia this thaa meet other coun
ties ef the state, hut pot on a heavenly
and act ss if yea liked it.
Men ere hot sorry witeeesee is their own
r The praise of Kidney-Wort comti
from the months of thoeej who have been
aaade atronc and bealthv by it. Listen :
"It is caring everybody, writes a druggist.
''Kidney-Wort is the most popular modi
sine ws sell." It should be by right, for
no other medicine baa such specific action
en the liver, bowels sod kidneys.
Earnings ef the Oregon end California
railroad for seven months ending July 3!st
$59,212 ; net earnings, $114,281.
Daring the first week in October the Nor
thorn Pacific earned $339,400, against $223.-
946 for the corresponding week last yer.
Earn in ss of the Central Pacific so far this
are about $1,000,000 below the ear
lugs for tbs corresponding part of the year
In another column is recorded the mam
age n jstr VMtin wmmmm mo mm amwi
Miller. Ths, start out 99 Ufa with nappy
- a war m a WJBF.aa a war r a t
prospects end a bright future, ana are en
titled to onr best withes for s long
and prosperous life. By the way Mr Wil
liams is sixty-seven while Mrs Williams la
only seventy-four, their united ages being
one hundred and forty -onr. This ia a good
example fer onr young people.
Hr 8 Nsugass, ef tb firm of Jacobs 4
Nengass, ef Corvallis, died st his home in
that city last Monday morning, of softening
of the bruin. Hs had just returned from
Sen Francisco, where he had been for the
benefit of his health and medical treatment,
bat wm not improved. Hs immediately
was taken worse, aad died ss stated. lie
n brought to this city, and buried under
the rites of mut rehsnon at the Jewish ceme
tery near tbia city.
The Mechanics' Fair clossd last Saturday
in Portland, and now it turn ont thst, ai
though a sec cess, there were numerous ex
bibitors who were shamefully treated, first
premiums going to some one else. All th
who failed to get a blue ribbon an down in
the mouth and cannot use sufficient words te
condemn the management. Reform is nsc
tary, auo something should be done so
that every last exhibitor will get something
if only a chrorno.
Aa some talk of establishing a gymnasium
ha been heard among our young men we
give a receipt taken from an exchange,
which is very cheap a well as effective
"Ths cheapest and simplest gymnasium in
the world one that exercises every bona
and musole in the body is a fat piece of
steel notched en one side, tightly fitted in a
wooden frame and after being greased on
both sides with beooa rind, tubbed Into
ev. a i en a .a e
suck oi wooa tsia lenctnwiso on s
Th following ia a copy of a couple pages
of the note book of the junior editor of the
Democrat, found lying open en his table
this week. It explains itself, and will be
appreciated by any one who has every been
afflicted ia the sums manner : "Money lost
at Tangent carpets sprained knee
bedsteads, tables sse Blank and gat sub
scripaon broom, wash tub Death of
Mr. S. looking glass Mr J. in city
rolling" but here the page ended before the
pin part cams in.
Ws have several times spoken of the slow,
nca of Mr Baldwin in building ths fish lad
der at Oregon City, aa provided at the last
Legislature, no reason being given for it.
The Albany correspondent ef the Oregonian
very justly aaya : "If he ia not going to at
.MkXQ t
tend to the business entrusted to 1dm by the
Legislature, let another man be appelated
who will." We would like to see salmon
sporting in the Willamette even at Albany,
and something should be done te briag it
about. An explanation from Mr Baldwin
is ia order.
Last week Thursday a man by the name
of Bear, working, for Mr Witael, near Ten:
gent, discovered thai $05 or 170, which he
had left in the pocket of e pair of peats in
ia room had been extracted, at least wss
net to he found. Hs bad loft his pasts
there with the money in them about three
days before, and iu the meantime, Thursday
morning, we believe, two men, strangers,
who hsd been working for Mr. Witael loft,
sad their whereabouts ia net known.
Whether they took it is not known for oer-
tain, bat that is. the aeppesitioa, Mr Bear at
least ia short about $70, too much for a poor
maa to loose.
There is quite an advantage, looking at
the matter in oas light, for a farmer to be
ia debt ia this state. Suppose hs owns tea
thousand dollars worth of real property, ea
which is a Ave thousand dollar mortgage,
and the land is aasesssd for live thousand,
then his taxea will amount to 0, five thou
uind dollars worth of hia property not being
taxed ) whereas if he were te sell half ef it
and pay off the
mortgage, he would have te
pay taxes oa at least twsoty fivs hundred
dollars. Some oas may auggeat that tbs in-
tercet which he woold pay in the ft ret case I
would more than counterbalance the tax,
bat this ia offset by the oae ef the extr
As sa l a thioir as has ansa fallen to eur
bt to chronicle ia the misfortune which be-
fell Mr. Geo. A. Kdee. former Countv Clerk.
Sunday, about 2 o'clock b. sa whil. ha waa
walking from the barn te hia house, he waa
suddenly taken with paralysis, and fall.
Hit wife same to his assistance. He could
not apeak. Assistaucs waa ssmmoaed, aad
Dr. Risdon was sent for, who ha worked
earneetly for hia patient, until now the osee
tabopefnl. Ed. Edes wss telegraphed for
Sunday evening, bat did not get the tele
gram till about 10 am. yesterday, and did net
get here till last evening Mr. Edee has tbs
host attendance possible, aad every one who
knowa him, far and wide, anxiously hopes
for his reoovery. StaUtman.
At the minstrel show Saturday night it
was noticed that the curtain was tacked at
one end and tied at the other, aad the query
wm, aa to how they would get .t f.em ia
front ef the stage, the general opinion '
in i that it would be necessary te out the
string. The mystery waa solved by the
tall man of the show reaching up aad pul-
hog the string from a hook, aad carrying
the whole curtain across the stage aad de
positing it on the ether side, aad then at
the sad of the act. hs wouid srsb it and
rush back, hooking it again oa the other
side. This caused nearly aa much amuse
ment as the show. Albany should feel
proud of sueh e stage.
Dr. inkle. Principal of the National
Surgical Institute, Western Division, $19
Bush street. San Francisco, will be at the
Cbetaeketa Hotel, Salem, November 1st end
2nd, at the Revere House, Albany. Nov.
3rd and till noon on the 5th. st tbs St.
Charles Hotel. Eugene City, Nov. 6th and
7th, at the Metropolitan Hotel, Roeeburg,
7fev. 9th, aad at the St. Charles Hotel.
Portland, Nov. 22nd and 23rd, for the pur
pose of exam.ning and taking patten te for
this Institution. Diseases of the spin
limbs, deformities, paralysis sad all chronic
disoasse. specialties. Refereaoe given
Good fer Beecher. He has hit tbs nail
sow if hs aever did before. This ia what he
asys : "Of ail the country that 1 have t
over, if 1 ware venue maa and wanted to
cattle down, I should go to Oregon or Wash
ingtee Territory. A yeeog man who bss
cot health and streneth end need habits
cannot possibly fail there. Me oaa go out
sod raise wheat, go into the lumbering or
chipping business or lute manufacturing
The immigration tide bss not realty pourtd
over into these states yet, but if young ansa
wetf of my opinion they would not stay ta
tb states but weald pour over the Rockies
to where the climate is char mag, winters
very short aad summers very long a
Mrs DUIard. wifs of IUv John Dillard, of
Dillard's Station, saya the Standard met
with a aad misfortune last Meaday, from
the effects of which she will probably aot
recover. In attempting to replace sems
fire-brands tbst bad rolled off the Are she
fell forward into the biasing mam, and, her
clotiiing instantly taking fire, she would
have been speedily cones mod only fer tbs
timely arrival of the hired xirl. who, with
i -
to.t prm
mm was mm . t r . i
over her and ex anguished the Wtsaoa. Help
called, and all that could be done waa
done for the auffsring woman, yet little
hopes are entertained for her reoovery. She
is shout 80 years old and one of Oregon's
The North Amtrkum Jtevitie for Novem-
bar, by ths liveliness aad tbs sterling worts
of the articles it contains, satisfies ths
qnirements of the meet exacting reader.
Senator B. B. Anthony write of "Limited
Suffrage in Khode Island." Or. Nervin
Green, President of ths Wsstern Union
Company, in an article entitled "Ths Gov
ernment and ths Telegraph," cites ths pro
visions of the Federal Constitution and the
determinations of the Supreme Court which
sepear to debar the Seneral Government
from assuming the management of the tele
graph lines. Ths Rev. David V. Utter
bringa out from oblivion th record ef cer
tain alleged aetrocious crimes of "Jeba
Brown of O saw atomic." There are twe
acientific artidea, namely, "Solar Physics,"
by Gen. John Newton. W H Mai lock con
tributes "Con venations with a Solitary."
Finally, "Dr. Hammond's Estimate ef Wo
man," is reviewed by Mrs. Liliie Beveienx
Blake, Miss Nina Morais, Mrs Sam A Un
derwood and Dr Clemence 8 Lozier. Fifty
cents a copy : $6 a year. Published at $0
Lafayette Place, and sold by aswdealera
Whipple spring Tooth
en Wheels
These harrows have had a fair trial ia
this county, over twenty of them having
been sold to onr leading farmers laatt
spring, and all apeak favorably of them
Parties wanting a harrow that hi good for
cultivating In grain, and, working sons
mer fallow, cannot ae better than buy a
Whipple. They alee have a seeder ab
aohment which hi second to none. For
sale bv
Smukl E. Youso.
A family with no children, or at leant no
little children, te take oharge of a farm of
170 acre, six miles eeet of Albany, and
also to take oharge of two little girls, aged
two and fenr. Sixty acres of plow land
on the faun. Will 1st farm on the mont
reasonable terms, Family of good repu
tation and reference required,
sarTb most brilliant shades possible, on
all fabrics are made by the Diamond Dyes.
Unequalled for brilliancy and durability.
10 eta.
; list L 0 Dedgs, of Perthmd la vioHjnf. its
the eity.
' Hon ft P B mm left ferths east a fsw dsya
ago te attend the National (rrnftft, '
W A Cox returned from Portfand lest
Wednssdsy, aad will remain here during
the winter.
Mrs ('has H Oaufleld, eee.KU Fbillipis,
was to Albany Wednesday, and made this
etn oe a pleasant call.
K O Michael, Presiding Elder of the M.
S. Church South waa in Albany Monday,
and mode the Dxaomar offioe a sell.
Sheriff Humphrey weat to Salem Satur-
day. taking with him Frank W hoe laud,
asutenosd (or live years in the penitentiary.
Mr J Q Jentrta salted en ns Saturday.
Hs wtM leave Tangent in s day or two for
the Bay. where he will remain daring the
W K Price arrived in the elty Wednes.
day fiom hia ranch oat from Priaeville. He
reports money plenty and times lively ia
that section.
Mr Henry Baokenato. who baa been living
ie Coos County lately earns te Albany a fsw
dsya ago, after an abssooe of two or three
years, aad has been visiting hia parents.
Mr Fred Donning, of East Portland, was
th oity Monday aad Taseday, and while
hor mads the Dbmocra offioe a call.
r fit hear that be ia doing well.
M C Miller, who was quite ill with
theooneumpUen here ia now in Kansas,
wbr f "d to bear be has greatly
improved, beisg nearly recovered, Council
Uf. is his add
ia Cm WM ty over Sunday,
bl Portland from the attention,
fl b8 ssassasaod as a witness in the
atag robbery ease which will come np be.
fere the U. a Court. Ha mads the Domo.
csat offioe a pleasant call.
Mr. Oserge Hochstedler bss reterned te
Albany from Salem, after an absence there
of several months. The Staitjtmnm savs him
the following oomplimeet. "Mr H. has
dons some nice work since he came to Salem.
Part of the Sac work oa the Governor's new
house was executed by him."
Rev W R Steveeson, a minister of the U
F Church, recently from Pcnnsylveeis,
preached ia Dr. Irvine's church in this oity
last Sunday morning. Ho will probably
locate ia Portland, where sn effort wdl be
made to establish a church of his denomin
Mr A Deoksrd returned 'rum the East
but Tuesday, be eg the first Linn sounty
pioneer to come beck. While gone he saya
he did not see any country fit for s white
man to live in, with one exception, Oregon
ahead of the world. This ia what they ai'
dl say whse they reach horn, and there
will be the meet contented let ef people
here ever heard of. Mark thie.
Last Wodneaday evening at the residence
of IUv H i'$ Irvine a pleasant social; was held
by the mess here ,o the ehurch in honor ef
Her and Mrs 8 leva neon, who have recently
oome here from Penney lveiaa to locate prob
ably Ut Portland. The usual good time al
ways assured one whoa at Rev Irvine's
house was had by all, a BMMptoae leach
served, and a late adjournment had
With reluctance. Mors each entertain-
it are needed emosg eur citiseee.
Wleo eaytae-
A crowd Ie not a company, except
hen foond at tbo large a to re of J L
Cowso A Co. Lebeoen. surchealnc
their splendid stock of dree goods
All men can aet be masters, but moot
y tueir uoois aeo snoee .
at J L Cowan 4 Co.
rear is stroogsr than love, yet snoot
people love to go to J LC wan a Co'e.,
at Lebeoen fur their roods, knowlasr
that they can got bargnlua.
Agree, for the law Is costly, to buy
your groceries and pro vial one at J L
Cowan A Co' at Lebanon.
Dying Is as natural as living, so lo
trading with J L Cowan 4 Co. of Loban
an, the lead log merchants.
A long life baa loag miseries, but
buying your furnishing goods of J L
Cowan 4 Co. insures your getting good
goods at bottom price.
are and diligence bring lues, so
doss trading with J L Cowan 4 Co. , at
Lebanon, where the boot goods of all
kludaara found.
Children am poor men's rlohee, soar.
goods bought of J L Cowan 4 Co., for
they will wear.
New rubber clothing, goeeara srs, overshoce
j k. j ti.M wen!
i - i.iaw
Cash 8 tors.
Vraak fteaUe's
The number for November, like its
predecessors, Is extremely iittersstiof,
eu tort alulae and instructive. The en
gmvings are voluminous, nnd as varied
as the articles they lliuatrate. The col
ored plate frontispiece Is an artlstto
gem. N. Robinson's contribution,
"Tho Land of ths Lion and Bun,''
Decoration, Hiatorioal and Artistic,"
The Tombs of Mitia, in Mexico," etc
will well reney the resder, l here srs
serial and short atories, sketches, ad
venture. Dooms, etc. by Amaada
Douglas, Oscar Doyle, Billow Hopkins,
Mrs. Jans O. Austin, Etta W Pierce,
Mary A Dunnieon, Captain Keoaeys,
etc. etc.. and n large and varied mis
oollnay, replete with Information and
entertommeut, Tbsrs sre 128 quarto
and over 100 embellishment
Price 29 celts n number, or $3 n yenr,
Mrs. Freak Leslie, publish
or, 53, 55 and 57 Park Plane, New York.
Hancalaa In Clothing.
: a order to reduce stock and make timsa
lively, I will offer my entire new stock of
mens,' youths and boys' clothing, over
coats aad ulsters st greatly reduced prices,
Prioe NOLAN'S Store
fOanelag School.
Mr. and Mm. Vaughn will organize
their juvenile danolng olaas, at Parrish's
hall, on Saturday afternoon, November $,
1888. at two o'clock. All Interested in
having their children taught danolng and
politeness in well regulated society, should
call with the children and have them com
mence st ths beginning of tho term.
PaoK, H. N. Vauu.m,
for Sale.
One hundred and forty acres, nlas
miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in oul
tivatlon. 10 seres slashed and sown to
rasa. Comfortable dwelling, good
outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this
Bargains in ladies' fin kid glovet st
Nolan's Cash Store.
nv mm tax A U
SUP' M ' 1 1 'mmm'tmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmm
Bcpsrt of tirae Jar.
tn Uu Circuit CouHtr Linn County Oregon
To th Honorable R. P
Boise, Judge
or tain t. suit.
We, the grand Juror for add county
. m a at ' . . . J
at the October Ursa of said Court fer
lbs yen 198$, reapectfully show and
report as follows :
. We have examined into all crimes
coming and brought to our notlos. and
have disposed of the same In each
manner as we thought the law In such
esses required. Also we have examin
ed the public buildings. Ws find the
Jail In good condition and ell necessary
facilities for tbs safe confinement of
Tbs County Clerks office Is neat and
well kept ; the records are nil well ar
ranged, easily understood and ia ss
oellsnt condition. Abo the manner In
which the business of ths County Treas
urer is tranaaoted refloats great o red it
on that offioe.
The Hhsrif!'- office seems to bo well
conducted, Ths reoords of probate
under the careful supervision of the
County Judge ars full end complete.
Ths pauper acoouat of tbs County Is
largo oa account of n lack of facilities
for taking ears of ths poor. Ws would
recommend as a measure ef economy
that the county provide lte If with n
sultablo piece of land with proper build-
lags te bo used as a home for tbs In
digent poor.
Having concluded onr labors ws ask
to bo discharged.
Jot Ystxs. Foramen.
A. Blsvims.
n LaMSf
Jonm MoBOiif,
R. W. Far,
W. C. Coohy.
Following la a Hat of pensioners In Linn
Linn county as published la the ''Oregon.
tan," with their monthly ponsloa :
Ramsey, Moris, dep. another j$ 90
Besbe, James O., Injury to eplne..., 4 09
Phillip, Wm H, oar. dlarr 9 99
Howard, Amos H, g. o. w. r. shook,
r. arm- 9 99
May, J ernes !?., arrow w. bead 11 99
Wads worth, Preaete wound In back 19 09
Brown, Mary, widow 9 OS
Veen. Chrastina. m. e. w. 1. shoulder 2 99
J often, John, wd. both haade m II 09
Risks, John W, sr. s. w. I. thigh I OS
Chaaes, Henry H, g. s. w. r. hand... 9 99
itright, Rebecca, widow mi a s 00
Hyde. J all as Fay, cttsloeatloo r. hip
joint 19 99
roust, Lonlsa, widow 00
Owyer, Charles, injury to abdomen
fnavy) 4 99
Dlffeebeeker. Frederick, vsr voles.. 8 00
HberrHI, Wm H.,chr. dlarr part deaf
die. threat e aaaj w vf
White, Edward T .. g- a. w. r. erm .. 14 99
Lone-. Isaac H., die. of bladder and
kidneys. 4 09
Duncan. Reran, widow it 13 S (
Johnson. Major, total bliadeea 79 (
Hand. Cranneil. die. lnnsjs 9
Haltmarah. lease, x. w. 1. Jaw 0 00
Roes, (ieorge, g. s, w, r. hip s ee
Haw ken, nemusl.g. aw. 1. hlp.tkigh 9 0e
Renins: man, Robert K, die. eyes 4 09
Cm sen. Qoeege W.,laas L arm above
elbow $4 99
Aebesoa, Nsncy, Sep, mother ...... 9 00
Kynieten, John T., slight dee, both
$$9rtJ ........ siiiissi eeeeeoeOS SW WJ
Belyeu, William, surv. 1819. 9 90
Vender pool, Jeo W, ear. dlarr 9 99
Mr O 8 Mollis, Veterinary
Xoalon. Mass., oerUSse that he
tb groat pale-care, fit Jeoebe Oil, the solo
re mad v la hie nmottee for horse ell
con aiders It eu parlor te auy cure
has kaowa In forty ysars. He tried
earns srreet paln-wanlsbsr oa btusselr for
rheumatism and by wbish ho wsj
p'etely euro d.
Bargains in lad tee' cloaks sisters and
at Nolans Cash Store.
Meatcal iassmaaeata.
. II. Daniel bow hee a comp ete 11ns
of musical instruments of all kinds for
sale, consisting of tbo Mathushek
piano, the Sbonlnger organ, fiddlee,
violins, guitars, etc., aa well as ths
latest sheet manic. His Instruments
irt all of ths host gradee, and are not
the oheap trash, so that when you get
aa Instrument of any kind yon may
know thst yon are getting one that will
last nnd hold its tuns.
Bargains ia traaks 1 trunks ! st Nolan's
Cask 8 tore.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
te tbs late firm ef Thompson 4 Roberta,
tast I have retired from the business and em
acoouat of failing health am compelled to
make a radical change ef climate, aad all
notes and accounts dns ths firm most be
uld "P iihly. as I cannot go away
ithoot settlins. Thanking my enstomsrs
for tbsir kind patronage.
I remain respectively,
Oaa RrsART.
Thompson A Co., having Just purchas
ed a stock of harneaaes and saddlee from
a bankrupt firm In Independence st a
ihaw dhteonnt will sell tbeee goods at a
great aeoridoe. Aa tbey were all made by
a first -class workman and of the
material thie ie a ehanoe to got a her
oheap aever before offered in Albany. Go
te thie popular Arm for your
you ean depend not only upon getting
- them cheap, but of good quality.
Highest market price in trade for butter,
egga and bacon at Nelaa'a Cash Store,
- W ' '
everybody Stem-
Everybody com ss tn Allen Martla,
Albany, 9r thsy come from every
nook, crook had corner in Linn nnd
Benton countiee, to buy their fall and
winter aupplles People say thsy can
do better at their store than any other
stsre iu the Stats.
Seemleea Hosiery -
Ladles', misses end goats' seamli
sash mere hosiery opened this wssk st
The toiiowtnc lathe list of letters ramal alnf
tn the Poet Office. Albany. Una county. Ore-
Nov. 1, 188s. Persons sailing isr tness
must ol v th date en which tasy were
Boor, Andrew Brews, C W
Boric, James Barnard, Mrs Annie
Brkson, H
J E Sorbin
will rsbatld his saloon
Steseton Op..rt--Hy
For year fall and winter goods go to Allen
A Martin, Albany, Or.
aaaiaoo Old folate Party.
Last Friday nod ft Mrs J H Foster gave
a dinner to several of her aged friends,
la honor of her mother, Mrs Bur k hart,
which brought together a really fwmsrka
hie company of old people, the youngest
of whom was 8 and ths oldest $9. While
oar sating editor was not fortunate enough
to be present he was kindly remembered
With asms oaks, which st least spoke fer
that part of the parly. We ondereteed
K was one of tbs most enjoyable affairs
imaginable, and that the old people one
end nil forgot their years, and Joked and
had ss good a time aa even youth baa on
such an occasion. There were fourteen
present, besides Mr and Mrs Foster, end
Mrs Oay. The united age of tbs fourteen
Was more than the ago of Methuselah,
the average being 73 yearn, quite remerk
abls for a company efeo many. Eleven
Of ths woman were widow, aad all of
their husbands but one died in this
ty, am interesting feet. Their hus
bands were all prominent men and all
but one ef the fourteen ere pioneers. All
bars children aad graad children, and all
but one la this county.
As they have all seen over three score
years ef life we bsvs no hesitation la pub
lishing their agee, certainly one mey feel
proud of s4 vanned yeers :
Urn Nency Martin so
Mrs Rebecca Borkhart kx
Mr John Smith jvi
Mrs Jobs Mm!!h...
Mrs A M Fisher j
Mlsw ?. Jaste BOtl. . ,...,ee7$
Mrs R O Ifilj.e.., 74
MrsN. M. Hague
eeae ..............a.. A
Mrs M. J. Hannen ee 71
Mm Battle Chorea ho
Mm Re bene Young m ....00
Mm Dr Miller eg
Mre Wilson Hi sin
e ee eeeeeee
Mm W Q Stewart
eeeee ............
........ .......
. - .a5
Recently twe or three families came
from Boston to ths Northwest, but they
Imagined this was en uncivilised country
without any sdvaatag, poor ignoramus
es, that no furniture was to be obtained
here, decent to as, end in feet nothing
good enough for people from Ms see eh o
sette, so they brought a oar lead of their
things. The freiejbt on them to Portia ad
wan $1099, aad from Portlaad to Sssltls
$300, we naderstand about ae much ae tbo
whole stock could ho bought fer here.
We have been told of aa occurrence in Al
bany of moeh the same kind. It Illus
trates the abject ignorance of eastern peo
ple about Oregon and the Northwest.
From private letters and other son rose we
ef funny incidents about the opinion
y have ef thie country, oome think
ing that wild Indiana prey around onr
a ears, and tast boasts or prey follow our
foot a a pa, that log heuaee srejtho mis, aad
that anoh things ae schools and churches
am Use hone tenth, while all lwxuriee.
like pianos, erpeta,silk dr and stev
pipe ante, are absolute aonenitiee. They
think they oaa take op land anywhere.
even in our etreote ; and oooe la aw hi Jo
sooh people screw up tbslr courage enough
to oome here, the same as ths Boston
families who foolishly paid $1100 freight.
Whoa tbey get here aad find that there ia
net s aairdosea lew hensee in the Wil-
tensette Tel hay, (ws have never eeen si
yet,) teat pieaos ean itseve pipe bate are
a sees here as la Row Tork or Peon-
sy l vests or even Missouri, that as good
furaitare as made bora an any whore in
set and as aheap, with th except tea
of Meek walnut goods, that clothing and
dross good, oar pete and the like oaa bo
obtained bore nearly as cheap aa even in
rodune, llilnoss, I hoy open their eyee. and
wonder bow thsy svr could bsvs been
deceived lo thie way.
B. a. t eems Jsrry.
reilowiag iethe grand jury fer .he U.
District Court, which moots la Portland
thie week. Moot ef them ere from thie
pert of the fttate :
John O Grey, miller. Eugene City.
D Hamblin, osrpenter, Canyon villa.
T C Rockingham, farmer, N., Yamhill.
Faryla Ads ma, farmer, Monmouth.
El Is ha Livingstone, farmer, Cloaveland.
Stephen fettaate, farmer, Marion fetation.
H C Eowsll, farmer, G reads Flood
B B Brock way, farmer, Roeebnrg.
L L Kellogg, farmer, Oakland.
Jacob Brnggor, farmer, Cedar Mill.
TH Hn absurd, farmer, Salem.
Alfred Marqubam, farmer, Butte Creek,
Joeeph Edwards, farmer. King's Valley.
Martin Rebbrna, farmer, Molalla.
M L Bobbins, farmer, Delia.
B J Qrubbe, farmer, Wilbur.
J W Fletcher, farmer, Brownsville.
Anson Kinney, farmer, Rick real.
Frank E Fuller, farmer, ButtarvUm.
O W Gray, merchant, Salem,
John Riekard, farmer, Cervallra.
James Partlew, capitalist, East Portland.
William Cyrus, fhrmsr, Scio.
Mr B E Hammock, living four mUse
north of Lebanon, has Just received one
ef the celebrated Westlncboues engines.
nnd during ths coming winter will saw
fir poles for fencing, which ho win soil
tor shout half tho coat of ordinary
fencing. Cull on him, or write tn him
st Lebanon.
strtmt a nunc salvb.
Th boat salve In the world for en as,
hrntoes, eoree, ulcere, aalt rheum, fever
ires, tetter, chapped nantrs, caiiDiaias,
eorna aad all kind of skin eruptlone.
Ths ml re la guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction in everv ese or money re
funded. Price S5c per box.
For sale by Poebay A Mason.
We are new prepared to make leans ta
any snsns desired ea improved farm land in
Line aad Beaton counties for any length ef
time net lees then one year.
FcBKH&JtT Bros.
Vreeh rub :
Freeh fish at Hyde's.
1888, by xtev JMaiord Stringer, at his resi
dence, Mb Cbas Williams and Mas
Bacstsx Millar both ef the Forks of the
WILBUR KIRK. On Oct. 21st 1883. bv
not; Avenue, Acq., at ta Brownsville
Hotel, Ma Josnr P Wiujcr and Miss
wv v r a aa waa . . .
Estate. B Kirk, aM of Linn county.
24th, 1983, st ths residence of John M
Oarrstt, by H J C Averitl, J P, Ma. Oso
W la sdks burg and Mm Maaraa
Garrett all of Linn county.
DUNNING SORREL. Oa Oet 14th. 1883.
at the house of W C Barrel, by Rev Johs
H Weddle, Mr O R DuNimra and
Ei42ASUsrn Sorrkl ail ef Lisa county
1933, by Rev A J Wigle, at bis residence,
- Mr Cbas T Goodman aad Mas Rosa
Bansox all of Ltnn county.
waat seine te
Hem Ie what helps to build a eity as
told by an aliased je eflsmtt
naorp troth than poetry m It,
and 1 wtM
le onr cftlsens no hort to thick
"1 he prosperity of .Seattle, son
everybody, te owing primarily to tbsaa
limited faith of her people. There Is so
doubt of a e ran fa tor In the mf
of her cRlssn. Ishey are all ready to
oas sseenona to Seattle. She la
nppermoet In their minds Ton sol
merchant who pays his 900 or
month rent, and by a tight an
balsecce hie ledger at the ead of the
mmtb, Of her pro poet a, and Leadtesjrs
"OJoryr Yon sound the email irsjrr
who pays hie $60 per month for a 10x19
box, or $29 for tbo privilege ef etaaeHsm
on cm street corner to vend hie
end th refrain Is "if sljeiujak !" It
not matter whether he eaves a
long as bs sees others making mosey and
hae tbs inestimable privilege ef living at
the hab of commerce. It la such math
that builds eftlea, asm if Seattle ea keep
it alive, one will still prsgiesn. The soar
or relaxation dose not seem te
r rates. State Veers
After bavingenftered for t ysars wtah
parslysis," say Mr Joseph Yates, of
Peterson, Fw Jersey, "I was eared by
Samaritan iter vine." Mr Yates anther -
s this alatemsna. Tear druggist keep
it, 1 1.40.
Our llttl girl bad tbs croup. Wei
Am men's Cough Byron. It eared
Have also used It fer colds, always
success, it is a wonderful medteise, i
every family whore there am
aheuld keep It ia the aae. ae it te tho
it. and a safe family remedy. Pa b
llener Courier, Sea Joes, Do. 9a,
fees oT
All persons wishing te tost tho
street rsmetv ess lbs wui
care ConsnmptlowXongds.
Hrwneniua, sr sny srsesten or the
and Imaaa are raseeseedte anil at P
A MssenVe Brng Htore ead get e Trial
tie or nr. King s new urn very re
ansnptleu free of cost, whteb will
yon wnat a regular
Por a cough or cold there la am
equal to Ammsa'e Cengs Syrup.
i K . 9 mjr 4 sT f Ssr i wP sn IWK an v .
1 LeST3B
M n
9 La