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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1883)
Wk$ tmmt. rtrvrnvi? o i aa ---j-., i i ' I That Ohio business will do for a start er. The public debt is now about one bil. lion and a half. Randall is reported serene and conn- j dent. So ia Garliale. Religion is never improved by meraing the pulpit in polities. im The professional crank his a remedy for every political evil. There was no Dorsey and ne and Ohio went Democratic soap The political earthquake struck the Republican party at bothenda in Ohio. Labor and capital may be twins, but they are awfully quarrelsome brothers. Mr. Frank Hatton . talks with the air of a man who wears hie hat on the aide of his head. The Republicans never say apoUa" They call it the legitimate fruits of vic tory. The great Democratic tidal wave la still flashing alonjr the shores of the Republican party. The trouble with the Postmaster. General Is, that somebody ' Presiden tial bee found refuge la his bonnet e w wie-1 1 President Arthur on the Ohio election 'Why the democratic majority is bigger than my eighty pound baas 1" Strang as it may appears, Portland march aula are taking quarters at only twelve and thirteen cents each. ... Under the Democratic rule we had a merchant marine equel to that of Eng land, and the finest navy on the seas. They have to draw the color line some where, and so it Is proposed to draw it right in front of the Republican party. The result in Ohio may push Thur man's crimson oriflamme again to the front of the Presidential battle Hue. The President has told the confiding Halbreeds that he doesn't want any more fooliasron the question of har mony. I , . Not withstand! oz the decision against the civil rights act, sensible colored, people will continue to enjoy all the rights they need or want. In point of fact the Republicans never did haye any trouble In divid ing the surplus revenue of the govern ment; nod they never gave it to the states, either. Very naturally, old Ben is map ping eat for Mr.Rotioson an extreme ly rough read to travel. He promised te stir up the animals with a sharp stick and he is doing it m m m Hundreds and thousands of honest Republicans all over the county will heartily rejoice at a change of adminis tration. Sherman is glad that Footer is down and Foster is gd Sherman is down, and the people are serenely happy they are both down It would be well to note the fact that we no mote see the names of Cent ling Cameron, Dorsey, Blaine and Grant in connection with active, practial Republican polities. The polit ical prophet will not be slow in seeing that this presages defeat for that party. W ' Senator Anthony ef Rhode Island car. ries hi state rights doctrine so far as to say that a state has the right to send to Ireland or to Germany, there te col lect, return,and count the rotes of per son who contemplate emigration to this country. We think it almost absurd for Democrats te entertain even a moderate hope ef carrying Pennsylvania at the election next week, and yet that hope exists in limited places. We warn our Republican friends that befoie our next issue there is a probability that they will have heard disceu raging election new from New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Vi-ginia and maybe Crom some other states. It ie pleasing to note the fact tbat a large number of conservative Republi sans all over the conn try are arriving at the conclusion that a change in the administration of public affairs is de manded by every r consideration ef public interest. OnFUext Tuesday elections will be held in New York, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, Vir ginia, Mississippi, Minnesota, Nebras ka and some other states. Chief interest centers in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Mary land, an Massachusetts. The political horizon is flecked with sure indications of overwhelming victory for the demo crats in New York, while we are prom ised success in New Jersey, and Mary land. The D emocrats are hopeful in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Vir ginia. We believe they will be victo rious in Virginia. We think the result of this election, added to tbat of Ohio, will put the democrat! party in better fighting condition, by far, for the presi dency in 1884, than they were in 1876 when Tilden was eleced. If congress, by its action, ju&ti ilea the people in placing the democracy in power then we think a democratic President is assured. The above is the option of an arti- ele in the Atlantic Monthly lor November, wi itten e? Sesator Antho- .f that State. Qr redb. doubtless aware that there is a . I nronerlv ouaUncatiot. for voter U r--r v v i that state, and the purpose of Senator Authonv is to explain and defend that LtJ u. iirt rtffVr. naihinv bhw .iuu v. " ww. - B I ju . w -.8. iu ucmn w awuu m 7 , desire to call attention to the feot of Me tnAAnaiatn.'M- and narrow ViaWB I UIB UWWWtWWWWiww www ' - wliich are peculiar to New England, r ... .knhu v.r fwni,?ed a seat in the United States Senate has labor-1 ed mote sealously to force upon tie was repugnant both to their interests and feeling. . than Senator Anthony kaa. Kt aatiafied with beioff permit- l. . MptMtm lh.:r OWI1 iMUution forlct, they are shrewdly preparing for it. I Qwn ,ute the ppfe 0f Rhode Island, led by Senatof Anthony, have - I been in the very front ranks ef the New England crusade to faahion and shape the laws of ether state. They have aatisfled themselve that none but the right, virtuous, intelligent and great ahould faahion and shape the laws ef the country, and have further deliberatelv resolved tbat they are the great, the virtuous and intelligent, They have felt at liberty to interfere in the legislation of all other states, but when men hare medeatly raised the inquiry a to the policy and juatice ef the suffrage laws of Rhode Island, we are very haughtily informed by this austere senator that Rhode Island lesidatten "is a matter of their own exclusive concern, that the limitation! nf th -.iffra- aiiita them who alone are affected by it, that they who do ooU like it, are under no obligation to come within its reach." That is the narrow! minded and haushty return of him who haa so earnestly but ineffectually labored to popularize the aristocratic legislation of hU state. The senator informs ths reader in the most un sophisticated and innocept manner that he would not discuss the right ot each state te establish it own suffrage and to prescribe the terms on wbioh per sons may enter the body politic, for this he assumes is universally conceded. Bat, since when, have the senator and his political associates been believers in such strong state rights doctrines t This kind of doctrine, promulgated by a Democrat', would subject him te th 'traitor," and ether choice names by which these Republican leaders are wont to designate those who have so long and earnestly contended for tbat great constitutional doctrine that each state has the inalimable right te regu late its own domestic concerns in Us own way and according te its own wishes subject only to the constitution of the United States. We congratulate the Senator upon his progress in a knowledge of the organic and funda mental law of the land. We hope no Republican will so far forget himself as te denounce him as a "secessionist for thus placing himaelf squarely upon the fundamental doctrine ef state rights. Uafortunately for the repute tion of the senator, he manifests more ill-nature and resentment than wisdom and good sense. He here puta himaelf on the record as saying that ;the sen ate of the United States in 1879 appointed a committee to vieit Rhode Island and inquire into the right of the people of tbat state te manage their own affairs in their own way." The senator could not but know that this is a willful perversion of the trath of history. At that time our Republican friends had the "southern outrage mill" running both day and nigh, so to speak. Republicans in and out of congress clamored for the appointment of a committee to investigate into the suffrage question in the south. The committee was appointed, and. en the motion of Democrats, Rhode Island was included in the states to be inves tigated. Bat it was no part cf the duty ef that committee to inquire whether the people of Rhode Island or any other state have the right to man age their own affairs in their own way, that question can only be determined by consulting the constitution of the United States, and that could be as easily done at Washington as in Rhode Island. The whele purpose of th article seems to be to find a sufficient excuse to justify Rhode Island in dis franchising thousands of foreigners in that state, and, at the same time, find a justification for the part she has taken in forcing negro suffrage upon other states. The senator, as every parses win at once see, made a failure in such effort. The only marked feature of the article is the strong stats rights posi tion assumed which, alone, however, will gladden every lover of constitu tional government. FOBTLAND BSWCE. It will be remembered that Ellis G. Hughes, ef Portland, some time since, commenced an injunction suit in the U S. Circuit Court to restrain the building Ot the railroad bridge at Port land on the ground that it would be a great and lasting obstruction to navagation on the Willamette River. Judge Deady has decided in faver of the railroad, hence we I presume the bridge will be built. Senator Dolph left last week for Washington City to take his seat in the U. S. Senate whjch meets Dec. 1. Judge R. P. Boise left last Saturday for the states to attend the National (Grange UK.VKlUI. NKWM. Secretary Folger to-day appeintad Alimia Klnisr Uell, ot les ttoffltt, Supervising Arohitecl of the Treasury, v:ca J. O. ffill. mia. A young scamp named MoMung, who. itt:ar reside neat WUdorvHie, ' i Josephine oounty, uregon, met pay train at the front last week, ana reoreaonUnt himself It be a son of John " I Oheetham. signed that person's nameM to the payroll and drew nearly $100 ' - earning to him. Of course Cheatham did net lose hit money, bat the pay (master bad MoUlunz arrested and taken to Koseburg for trial. Liquor sellers are generally etirred ja the Seattle f osf, and while, as far we have learned, tney nave ukoq no steps te prevent the nasaage of the I Here and there they are trying to sell . m. a m n occaaional lotancee are contemplating closing om. vnaer. re renewing, or getting ready te renew their lioenses ; and inatead of taking them for quarters or half yeare, " taking ont licenses for the full Jter, the full period allowed by law. Delegate Singneeeer, of Idaho, arriv- t Washington and will not return home until after the adjournment of Uongrese. lie reports tnat Ida bo is rapidly lacreaaing in wealth and popu. fatten. The perplexing problem at preeent in Idaho is that of Mormondom, three counties of the Territory being under their domination. Eaeh year bowed the evil increasing. The peo- l p?e East had no Idea of the power of this sect, and from observation he felt sure that if needed they oould muster 100,000 armed end fully equipped fanatic, eager io battle for the fai.h. One remedy against the encroachment I of the Mo. mons would Veto diafran chise them, and if ibis faHed harsh mesa urea should ie resorted to. There will be no ceremony attending th transfer of ths command of the army from General Sherman t? lieutenant-General Sheridan, Thursday morning. Two short orders will be issued, one by General Sherman rpon reliaquiabing eommaod and on by General Sberidaa upon assuming. Gea- sn in . a oral onermsn win no leave at once for St. Louie, t.ut will remain here probably several days looking after private matters. Tbe Weeton, Oregon, mler, aays I Good, shrewd business men se now to have more confidence ia Wee ton's future and permaneat prosperity than thev bad two weeks .ago. There are good grounds for such an opinion 2s early every one of these wboee city property was destroyed, Is well able and very willing te build ajrain. The structures tbey wilt erect will be much superior te those destroyed. The confidence f our own business men wilt be s strong inoentite to other to cast their lot among us. All that pre vents ths immediate erection of brick boUdinea on Mai a street te take ths place ef the frame ones destroyed, th lateness of the season and the fear of frost. PKOBIBtTIO The sale of liquor is now forbidden us whole or in part in seventy-one counties io Gecrgis, leaving leas than half the counties in which it sale is unrestricted. Tbe last legislature baa forbidden the sale in nine counties more aad provided for elections in thirty others. Stats man. Yes, and this iu a state that ha a Democratic majority of C0,000 aad which only about a yesr ago elected a Democratic governor by the above ma jority on a prehibitisn platform. Sacb proceedings on the part of the people of a Democratic state are inexplicable, and from a Republican stand point are intolerable, as that party has long since assumed sll the goodness aad greatness of tbe country, and this con duct en the part of the ignorant, low- down Georgians gives the lie to nearly all Republican journals in the land. We have no doubt that a Republican congress, (if we bad one.) would send a committee to investigate this mat ter. It is pretty generally conceded that if there U now ouch a thing h political purity it is found in tJio rural districts and not in the tqwus atd large cities. The people of the on an try sro alno more favorkble to temperance than thu peo ple of the, citieu. Ir, is worthy of note that the, great Democratic gains in both Ohio and, Iowa came from tbe rura districts, while the large citii-a not only gave ths usual Republican vote; but greatly increaaed it in many instances. lueenobalf interest an the Saltm Statetnum belonging to Mr, W. H. Odell baa been sold at Sbsnff sain "tt: "j i j t jjm uroruian, cji-jren, wnj lor so many years bas turned tbe wheel of the power press was the purohaser. Tbe paper under the new management will be Republican Without distinction of'col or or previous condition of servitude. The oeath of Prof. ifi. Jfi. Burke, of the State University, which occurred at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, has cast a gloom over, the entire city, and especially those connected with the University. Work in the achoel was suspended untH- yesterday. The re mains were sent to Portland and in terred iu Lone Fir cemetery. Rev. Wm. G. Simpson and a committee from the faculty, comprised of Professors Condit, Bailey and Collier, accompanied them to Portland. iwTitHRox, , On., Oct. 2011), '83 Kditort JHmocm t x Again we find leisure to ite The n,lH race J.M not yet .1 l.. it. 1 ... l V B?,.w2 pjwiwir, iuu aa i uvu ma vuuipioteu me iuw miU wm begin work again which be mrest blessing to this oommun itr. 1 understand Mr Thompson and ' - imS . - ...... - A " nui lD winter. Dr. A. O. DesrdorfThiS been located about ooe year and aix in Jellerson and hie suooeas as a praotitioner in medicines and surgeiy has been un- surpais-d. K. J. Hearn takes Hundvs to come over into too rorks ol the Santiam to matrimcma; buaiQM4 tbat bd to ooa. templating. All I know is Ed. mean no harm I am sure oi that. Mr. Wffl. Ooio k Hons have delitfr ed to Heard 4 Bellinger about 1.000 bushels of potatoes on their contract of 2,000 bushels at 25oU per basbel. It is feared that thev mill fall about 404 bushels short of their contract. Brilliant Lodge N. 425 of I. O. O. Templar meets at School house in School District No. 23, Linn oounty, Or., on Sunday at 2 o'clock P. Bo. of each weak. Eanect that time will be changed to 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Ths tariff ouestion was to have bean discussed at the M ankers school bouse en the 2T inst., by th granger and any others tbat saw fit to participate. We understand that Mr. A. a Chris man in favor of a tariff and Measia. Joseph Bilyeu, sen., B. F. Darby in faver of free ttade sparred a little, but the tariff side was so very weak that very little was necessary. Almost our entire community is forret trade. A lecture will be given at th Miller school boase, fcunday, Nov. 4, 1883, by Mr. Roberts and Mr- M, Anderson. Health genet ally good in this vicin ity. Mr. Ft. B. Caroy and Joseph Crab tree start out trapping as soon as they oaa cat off, thee ate building a boat now. Mr. Timothy Kelly who bought the farm of H. II. (uigley has plowed nearly SO seen. Most of eur farmers seem a little faint about sowing fsll wheat ; several however have sowed some. Mr. Frank W. DeYsney has built a new chimney on bis bourne, so haa H A. DeYaney. Mr. M. R. Brown and family, who landed at Jefferson about the 20th o! July, have located in Mr. Was. Coin's empty bouse. Tbey came from Water vine, Kansas, and are well pleased with both county aad oomm unity. Mr Brown is teaching school in the De Van ey school house, and as a teacher be baa few equal in this county. The scholars esteem him very highly aad are advanob very fast in their studies. It would be a very pious idea to em ploy him s 2nd term, te commence as soon as this term is out. Mr. John Beaham and family came in from across tbe mono tain and have located in one ef P. P. DeVaneye house. Mr. Beaham is making rails for F. P. DeYaney. Ur. St;i w. ceiXTT raarara a sasrrrrTm. Wo take pleasure in announcing to all the friends ef education tbat a oounty institute for Linn coon'.j will be held in Lebanon embracing Thursday and Friday, the 29th and 3th of November. Opening at nine o'clock on Thursday morning and closing Fri day night with a literary entertain ment. Many distinguished educators with our own oounty teachers will be there. ' .Subject of vital importance to the educational interests will be fully ventilated, how te secure efficient teacher x, di-ectors and clerk, well dicplined boys and girls, how to secure the eo operation of parents, school officers and teachers in tbe rain irg and educating the children of our land for tbe responsible positions they are soon to occupy wiU all be looked after. Let every one who bas a son or daughter to educate be present to give us bis experience, interchange views fad aid in finding the best method ef obtaining a thorough physical mental and moral developement in th shortest time and least expense of those who must soon take our pieces. A Mtsrary feast is anticipated. Again essay com, see, hear, learn, instruct, and go hem itb the reflection tbat yon have bene fited the boy and girls of Linn County. P. A. lfesE8. Supt. Schoo.i, Linn Co. k eieae Major S. K. Crutnbaugb col lector of Internal Revenue of the dis trict of Kentucky, bas been on trial in tbe United States Court three days charged with using official envelopes for private correspondence. To-day he was found not guilty by tbe jury. The indictments grow out ef the efforts of certain parties to have Crumbaugh dismissed in order that they might secure has place A Urge smouat of soiled polit ical linen bas been display d on the trial. The current opinion is that ther has been a conspiracy against Crum baugh. Most of his correspondenct road in the case related te his efforts to secure the position of Secretary of tbe Navy, and created much amusement when published. Though acquitted of the charge by the jury, Crumbaugh had is undergo aa ordeal of investigation by ths Internal Revenue Department. This has been had, but tbe report and decision of Commissioner Evans has been held to, await the result of this trial. : ... , ... -4i3.... . SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by the ter rible oough. Shiloh'a Cure is the remedy for you. CATARRH CURED, health and sweat breath secured by Shiloh'a Catarrh remedy. Price 60 centi. Nasal I Injector free. For sals by Fosbey aad Maaoa. For lane back, side or cheat uae Shiloh'a Foroual 1'laetera. Price 25 cents. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure (a sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. SHILOH'S VITALIZES is what you need for Con stlpation, Loss ol Appetite, Dizziness and allsymp tome of Dyspepsia, Price 10 sad 75 cents per bottle. CROU WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis im mediately relieved by Shiloh'a Cure. . j'LJ . II1!! . -l - - WSwwwwwwwl ii i kj A I ttJL mlt bu-i. mti aMHI T fl .BV 1 Wwiev . Awl wBW JHk SM I MlldnJL wl nMnU Kgga as newsier Potatoes 76o per b Pork -7 cte per lb. Veab-Ooporlb. Baeona hauaa, 14 to 16n. shoulders, 10 to 12e sides, 13 to Ko. Lard -l Roper lb. Flour, 5.50 per ubl. Chickens 4JW per do. Hugar-Han Pranolso 0, 12ou , Mill Feed-bran, 14.00 per ton. Dried Fruit -sun dried apples, (So. H Plums, 6 at Uae warehouses, OS. machine cured apples, SJe. plums, 10. A wwfw To all who ars suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early deoey, less ef manhood, etc., I will send a recipe tbat will cure you, FHKK OF OHAUUK. This great remedy was die covered by a miasionary io Heath America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Hav. JuMini T. I a man, Station D. New York City. ISO Acres ef Land far Sale. One farm of 300 turns very desirable. One farm of 1M acres. One tract of 160 acres of wild land. Oaa tract of HO aorea Oae treat of 70 acres. Oaa tract of 1SS acres, and other small tracts. Wdl sell in lots to sait purchasers. Will trade for athor property. Cell at this oflloc. MTtCS. Mr. Janes Daunals having sold his interest in the furniture manufacture tng business Is desirous of closing eut a large let of ftirnltore now on hand Bargains can be bad at three-fourths tbe regular prices, (Jail and take a look. DassaLa A WooUiM. At Allen A Martin's is the plane te And boots an J shoes In any quality you wish, and at any pries. Good goods Id this line will be sold cheaper than at any store In Uie valley and no old stock to work eff. Amukt, Or., Feb. itb, J ma. -Aw men's Couch Myrnp bas given general ntlafao tlon, aad we believe tt Is a good thine;. Kuan a r et Mason, Droggtata. Fee Sale Good lean, bemces aad wajfos for sale Time glvoa oa gued sasarity. Call a " WeUter Swaa's Werea ftprap W Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartio ; for feveriahness, reetleeeaees, worms, conatt stwn. 85e, far aale. Throe aaJ a half aores of good garden laud.all fenoed.honae and barn .In western edge of tlte elty. Will be sold cheap. Call at thia office. A Bare t baaeev Wn Offers at reduoed rates, both tbe Kov elty and Kurska, the best made, at Peters 4 Maiaa, serif I we h for rent cheap. Inquire a this often nwehapaJka. Qsick, complete care, aa annoy tag kidney, bladder and urinary diseases, f 1. Draggists. A ftarfllac Dtaeevery. 1'hyslriana are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kings New Dieeevery for ConMumptlon and all Throat aad Iaibr diaeaaea la daily coring patients that they have given up to die. aa startling them to realise their sense ef du ty, and examine Into tbe merits of this wonderful discovery ; resulting in hun dreds of our beet I'hvekstans using It In their practice. Trial Bottles free at Foebay A Mason's Drugstore. Regular slse fl.00. TT1K REV. GEO. H. THAYER, ef Bour bon, Ind., aays: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to 8HILOIT8 CONSUMP TION CURE." ARE YOU MADE ml e table by India Section, Constipation, Dlrilnees, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Sbllohs Yilaliasr ia a positive cure. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh'a Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 eta. 60 ota. aad Si. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a po eltlve cure for Catarrh, Dlptherla and Canker Meutb. Sheep fer Sale. Two hundred Merino ibeep from half to full bloeds, Will be sold at a reason able price. Call at my residence one and a half miles weat of Pee Dee Valley on what Is known as the Jvhn M Rhodes in Polk oounty. Or. Jambs M. Cbatoh. 4 Ufe Savtag Preaeaf Mr. M. E. Allison, Hntchlnson, Kaa., Saved hia life by a simple Trial Battle ef Dr. King's New Discovery, for Oeaaump tion, wliich eaused him to procure a large bottle,- that oemplstely cured him, when Decters, change ef oil mate and everything else had failed. Aathaaa. Broaoaltia. Hoarse nasa, Severe Oengbs, and all j a rest ana i.ung dieeasee. it is guaran- asd lecure. Trial Battles free atFeahay Mason' Drug Store. large else $1.00 Per sale. Twenty head of young horses at from three to five years old by Davis Jres.. Bhedd Or. Will be sold cheap. Call mmediately as they must be sold at once. . e e b' abaw :t a u 3 "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 26 and 50 cents. For sale by Fcehay A Mason. SHILOH'S CURE WILL immediately relieve Croup, Whooping cough aad Bronchitis mix r THE GREAT GERIMN III FO nellevas H If Netil SolStios, Lumbsge, DATUaCHK. HlADACHl, TO0THACH1, SORE THROAT, QUI War. MWKLLIMOS, MPRAIMM, , Ilium risi, Basils, fllOHTBITWI, DR. ALLEN'S pmvATB DtsmasABV. M Btearsjy street, leas VraaeHre, OaL, IstASusHse ros van Suaartwe ass avast Cvss or caaoMio, Mbivovs amp aracuL Dubassb. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST. DU AIXK, AS IS JTB1X KNOW A SBO ular sredasted Pfealelse, edaestoi at Howd (-oBenutdUsireraUrsf attoSleaa. Ite hasdevesee JifoUmaieteeeiBSf 1 1wlrifist sod cere rf dlMMM within Ms BpssUHy. AndmUdlersd seen, who eru "t rou&Uui indies -bHi terer years, ei resin sad re esaSsrlas; (ess the tease, vm weeiwaa, 'iiin ef fcSras, aB svaa m m. e m Owe, low ef eaenjjr bshJ taesaonr. frequent of urlaae stc SsmBislisr. vhst by s oesiBsaflsa ef wMtdleBflf ffeetfurBiiv pewc, th bocWr kae se eeveBHretf hU trotmnt thai tt will net nly afford tiuittd!aie rtltaf but rtnneat ear. Mf noariTAL airaaiKSf a IlBTtriT heen Burgeon In eharye of two leadlAf bnluu) nshlea mo to Utr.t all private Uxubiee with BBwttsat rrulU I wlh It Oletlaettr u dr- Muadyti du not claim to porfet bb ISBpetBlel Itlea, or te bsva mlm'ulua sf attparaeturel puwar. I claim nly te be a afclllfal sad bwih sssfiil Saasie'ea aad eurreue, laorousiy iBBBmea in ay nia bask er has. All nJyns Uj to saa will reesirs ay uttlnioe iilrua ut tbrir complain. tw iiierlaasat'aY. 1 art antes a tr)iUa cure In ery eass 1 aadereka, ir (octal l l .000 Ooeeeltattoa Ie sSmb ael Bt-t' Uy private. Charge rasSOSB by la. m free aaaielnaUon, Inclurllna; ' htntcl end tniere'eoptaal aaalyai of urine and adf loa, &. Call or addrev on. sixes. Sty Kej nay atreet. Sea Knwdeoe, Cel. OSes hour awl daily, 7 e S eBiB. . .i Notice to Tax-Payers ! NoUoe la hereby Riven that I will meet the tax aeyers of Lion couaty, Oregon, at o o'clock a. rru. and remain until 4 o'clock r, . m , at their respective plaeea of voting n tbe several product- at tbe followlon times and plaeea, for the purpose ef col lecting use taxes lor tbe year less. Kox Valley, Monday. Nov. 12,1863. Hdo, Tuesday, Nov. IS, ISM. Fraaklin Butte, Wednesday ,Hov. ltylsSS. isantlam, Ttinraday.riev, li, I .ncHii.u, im j 9 . w, wa Waterloo, Monday. Nov. 19, ISM. Ubertv, Tuesday. Nov, 20, 1S8S. Hweet Home, Wednesday, Nov. SI, 18SS. Brush Creek. Thursday, Nov. St, aSSS. Omwlordwville, Friday, Not. tt, 1S81. Mabel, Haturday, Nov. 24, 1813. Rrewnaville, Monday, Nev. SS, 1SSS, Gantnr, Tuaaday, Nov. 27, 1S8S, Syracuse, Wednesday, Nov. 28, lStt, Orleans, Thursday, Nev. 2S, 18SS, Uanrlaburg, Monday, Dee. S, 1883. Dsieev, Tuesday, Dee. i, 1883, Khedd, Wedneeday, Deo. 5, 18SS. Keat Albaay, Tbuaday. Deo, 8. 1R83, West Albany, Friday, Deo, 7, 188, Frompt payment will be reqc ired, pay your taxea and save ooata. DaAed this tnd day of wcteber, 1SS8, One. Hum rn bust. I V.. ...... IMil.v VMmwr IS IBB Sheriff and Ta x-eoUeoter ef Linn Ce. Or. DOORS, WEIGHTS, PULLEYS US CORDS. WINDOWS. jsSTounty dealers are respaotfully in rat ed to oaii and examine our stock , Bote our prices and favorable terms. Send for Price List WILSON & BROTHER. Man fart are re, Wheleeale nasi UeieU Dealer, 18, 20, 22, Drumm St., Ban Francisco, CaL RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS. FARM SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESnlllQ MACHINES, ETC. Atrtrs Baada. rannis wku. kxoww h OU8E HAVE Om'EC m s Branch OSlessnSSQPBi Ir nooss at Cor. front and Taylor street, IorUaed, Or., where thej wBI rry is Bfcetk PUbla aad BteJeaarr Saw Mills. ronaeis n action aad matlnsarj sagiaas sad beUers. "SfW Haaalllon- threahers, bores powers. eUs., etc.. Wriu fer Illustrated oeulofroe sant bee adSrastsaas tea; sasb paper.) BCSSELL t Ce.. Portland, Orayon. Notice of Appointment of Assignee. Notice ia hereby given that under and by virtue of an assignment ia wilting for the benefit of hia creditors inly made by S J Keefbever and filed in the Cirenft Court ef the state of Oregon fer tbe eeunty ef Linn, the undersigned was appointed assignee of the estate ef said 8 J Keef aaver, accepted said trust and filed his bond ae req aired by law. All persons baring claims against said estate will present the same verified as required by law to the undersigned at hia residence ear Lebanon, Linn eoanfy, Oregon, or te hia attorneys. Weatberford at Blackburn, at Albaay, Linn county. Oregon, within three months from this data October 12th, 1188. J. R. Kamaunv i Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has field his final account as Arl minlstrator of th estate of Samnel Cooper, deoeaeed In the County Court, of Una oounty, Oregon, and by order of said voufi, jneuuey me oru aay ox XJeoemoer, said day has been set for the hearing of said f aaai account, aay person interested in said estate is hereby notified to tile hia or her objections to said aooount and the settlement thereof on or before said day. Dated Oct. Slst, 1883. B. W. COOPBR, Administrator, 6aO. E. CHAMBKltLAIIf , V-r Attorney for Administrator, For Sale. THE undersigned will receive sealed bide up te 1 o'clock, u. m.. Nov. ISth. 1883, fer the purchsse of his ehoioe resi dence property on Second street, weat of Washington in thia city. Terms H ash, balanoe time te suit. . x M. M. Harvst. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, on have a printed guarantee en every bottle of Shlloh's Vitalizes It never fails to cure, Fax aale by Foahay ct Mason. NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. . ava B mmm jr Swk I w BxMSAgsksw:A, The eaanes A. VefLrK Jw w a. teaium sW suae i wi aa, a. a at II asBssk ami a sbbbbbi bbbbw bbbhi w a .wBwk iii n r MBSSSjBBaSJsamBwBwBwBwBwi -ma utiu . ed laUt &illja erU tatrhai aldiazu Lam aoale 1u tbmJL 11a ob oi I fin -Mmt mi A-r.jt Ml i....!n:: HO 'Alt Ai' t '..i f .liour.a'iwilaa tva oJ Lelnes i . - i S - t .'.I if. l.rl.U M '' mjfk i lla-' vwSSSf a niJIoavl ba k,cjinn. eielod komii yut ti; x5 Jo.j litw I ?.tG totnJa ie o M STAPU UIKbICY ORV C0008, N DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS N LADIES 6L0AK8, UlSHRS AW) N LADIES FURNISHINC GOODS, N MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND NTS CLUTHINC, N MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS, N RUBBER AND OIL CLOTH INC, N CENTS FURNISHING COODS, N BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS, N MEN'S, WOMENS AND OH I LD REUS, MOTS AND SHOES, N LACES, EMBROIDERIES AND MM N LADIES AND CHILORENS HOSE AND CORSETS, N TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, N POCKET CUTLERY, NOTIONS There are four important facts which deman your attention and consideration : First My assortment is larger than ever. Second My styles are the latest. ThirdMy prices are the terror of TO fOTYl Ttea OTH and delight of my patrons. r oiirtniiivery article at one uniform scale of low prices from which there will be no deviation. Samples and prices sent Highest market price in first-class butter. ONE PRICE NOLAN'S "HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS'' VILLARD and so baa Jaa. Cowan, ef J. L. COWAN & CO. OF Lebanon, Oregon, been to San Franoteoo, where he purebaa e A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FALL Selected with the greatest ears, and hence moat worthy Webfoet, yea to get those goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. Having been ptxehaasd In fact nearly as km as tbe tbe thermometer at tbe North Fe e they, will be sold Here's our big over the fact that good times wUlow be had In Lira County on aooount of the bargains te be eSwBSsel at the It LEADING HOUSE OF J. Le Cowan 8c Go. FOR DRESS COODS OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, URNISHINC COODS. in s-aot Brvmit x 'v h. j'jsra-, tltll on J. L C0WAII k C., i AX and you will save many a dollar, both in PRICE A.1VI T Attain 7 51 2 V M tt3UJ flaibJ:e2 ivr.wAl t4 ii . ioS4ars . ,.m. -scflevLa ,ix "! .' -M k i -mq . i M :vBle ' ... ...-... a...i ,' -:' j 'f$ .k5 ' .V3'sO ,tsfl At aiohs b0M JewaSwS ffi.L. . . t . 3 sfi AH0 VELVCT OOLWANS, AND JEWELERY. is marked in nlam flimrA free on application. trade for fresh eggs and CASH STORE GOODS. AT Ql J AJLIT Y- U 2$