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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1883)
I BBw Hi STATE RIG HTSTJEHO OR AT mocrat. THE STATE MOTS os Ik ImrgtM rtrmlaUM fmy ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. THE BEST ABTIfiflBIIi U8DIU1 buelneee notices in Locnl Col umns 15 cents per line. Regular Aoeal notices 10 cents per line. 2 181 sod transient adviillimsisll It as por square for the arst liTSSfllno sad jejjjntaper equare for saeh subooqrtont Kates for other sdverUsemexUs made known on appiUmtion. OF SUBSCRIPTION stogie mpt, par year, (a ad ranee . snae eeee. Mr nh. e ana of mr. W50 starts Mpy. six sssotas Mi Sfr.?r:::n:::::::l::: -2 .... ...... Wm tat e tights OLXIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1883. NO 14. It r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. b rUXH. . . CHAMBHRUaif. PLINN 4 CHAMBERLAIN, ITTORIKYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jar-Office in Footer's Brick Block. vlonl&tf. R. S. STRAHAN ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albnn y, Oregon. TTTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THS V Courte toiecanpromyYfi&Y, FEEB AHD BALE STABLE, special attention matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf I. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEAT UdeW. Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Offlee upstairs, over John Briggs atom, 1st L vl4n2Stf J.KWEA! (NOTARY frUBUC.) - iTTORNEY AT LAW, loamy, OBK4.0X. vjttll pra cries in all thb couhts of the TV Stat. Special amotion ft van to oblVaistioaesad probata Matter. JVtMke Is Odd Velum's Temple. U:l I. O. POWSLL. W. R. WI.TIC POWELL & BIIA EU, JL.AW, lancer? ALBANY. - - OREGON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Office ln.Foster's Brick.- vlsnlfcf. UMM E. It. SKTPWOllTH, 1U k ATTOeXEY AMP COl X&FLOU AT UW ASS) ft j TTTILL rjracUoa in aii courts of the 8teu ff All fmainesa intrusted to ine prompt ly attended to. Op as 0' rook's Bioci, Breadalbin Strttt, yl Aftowf, Orojo. :1 b I - J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Laf -AND- ftetary Pu tlMiC. pnft I ORE qghj of to him will be 'Office In OToole's Block. E. W. LAN COON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery- and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prions. omr DKTJO- STORE, jl a.UaJTf , OAEGOX. FOSHAY & MASON, Drsggisteaod BftoaW - ALBANY, O vl6n41tf REVERE HOUSE, Flrat sad EUawerth Albas j Chas Pfeifier, Prop'r- Hala mew Holel ta jJM im ifct eiMi Srie tSfeiM d with jc Mat thm Market aavrfp. aprtsf in every K4om. A JPid Saruula Somd fur Gam- eryiMl Tra CVTree Coach U and rroM the tel.'VS T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT L.A.W ASn ; '-. Notary Public. Office office. in States RioeMMDkmocbav QRS. J.W.&, MARY T. COLL I Physicans & S ALBANY, OR 3 Offer their profeaaional terricea to the citizeoa of Linn aad adiaoeat eoontka. Office and reaideooa new Court . Store. 4 Aloany Bath House. THE UNDBR6IH1I WOULD RESPECT fally iafomt the eiussai of Albany aad ri entity that I have taken charge ef tkit Eatabluh wast, and. by keepiag eleaa rooaMSSWpavyke wietaMeatioo to baainsM, ezpfdfl if fl theae who may favor US witb their patronage Bawiac fearetofore carried on nothing but . . r- 1 szpestf to give satire satisfaction to J-ChMdien sad Ladiei' Bsir neatly absorroAed JOS WBBPER. : - ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBART, OR. The First Term begins on Toes dsy, September 11, 1883. for partfealan concerning' the oowvm of atudy aad the price of tuition, applT to RET. ELB ERT V. OKDIT, Preaioeat. "ft ISOM, LANNIH6 & CO., PROWS. NEW PROCESS FXOtTR SUFBBIOK FOR T. AM) BAKERS USX. BEST STORAGg FACILITIES. Highest 1 Price in Wbeat ALBANY OR. Final Settleme nt Notice is hereby given that the siffasn Administrator of the estate liam LamoD, deceafed, bss filed his ceaet as saeh Administrator in the1 Oonrt, ef Lino eounty, Oregon, and of said Conrt, Tuesday ths 6th T. it, ef said day ia set far tbe hoarintr of I objections to said acoouut and the settlement thereof. iaa Aay person interested in said effete is hereby notified and required to appear and file his or her objections to said final account oa or before said day. Ditto this 27 th t ay of September 1883. J JOHJf LuiRKIK, ALBAHi Win psactkw la ail of the- O Misstate. Aitbawtesaa ioMSM brtjnipfly susadvu to. urzeons. - ! 11 rtd4a. 1 'JTei Cat "tX si vru. i t bSrSlff ' 4v of Administrator. a s. mmas ' .,-,ssmjsj I I l . MARBLE THE UNDKSSIGHRD WISHES inform the public that be is new unos or stone sad marble notice. AU work Is war ranted to sAve satisfaction. Will work any and all kind ef stone, but deal prln cipAlly in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repot riwg sad reaettlng a apeoialty. Coll ana examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 win not be u adenoid. OS west ade ef Ferry street oppo- O. W. HARRIS, Prop. Albaj, Oregon. II arses kant on Horses and buawiea let to stilt the times. Comae Beooud And EUsworth streets. - ROBT. JROBxT5T iifpirtirnN. nACTKIffO AMD MOVING PL aVewoelalty All MiaOar wttktp tern sAt sawaiaV asHsial art Spy : LOUIS CABIPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving dona with neatness and sharp rasora, which are always kept in ood ooooiuon, ana nair cut in ma very style. SAN WA VINS. i. anJarclothO, aoW at bottom prtcM Vuuiractor Mr c am labor rNaxtto Gltf HENG TENG. Iroatng la tbe elty. I No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere Hoom. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, POUTER Or FINE MIL 4JNERY QOOOS. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shaving and hair dressing dons In first class stylo. First -ciaes bath rooms. Bath for ladies and gentlemen i all hours. Terms reasonable. '83 i B&ilD COMBIHATION '84. (STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT) .J Osm year for only S3.S0. Two papraa for litLU ttuLa tba prtoa at oaa. By paring oa S3.50 oa will racaivs for M yaar horn, paptv with ba "Courtartmrmal," Ma repreaentativa newspaper of Uta Soalb. PaawcraUa aud (or a tariff for reeoue aoly, aad the bMt,brifa- .t and a Meat tamiljr waaUy in IL. luite Mw iwdoarato MMUasa aample cop rW- Jaumat csa de east Uu offlee. PHENIX INSURANCE C BROOKLYN, N. Assotm Dec. 1882. Premium income .... a.o7,ia Safe, reliable and miiak to dot in seof loss. ARCH MOITEBITH, Agent. any, Oregon - t - ; jr W.H, DEALER IN wrm Machinery. BUG- Plowe, Harrows, PRESSES, STEEL GOODS ll&KCTOIT. BY A DULY. Tl E A LEB8 IN CLOCKS AND WATCH I I EB. Keea a full lire of jewelry Watches and clocks repaired in flrst-claaa order. 6CIO - - - OREGON We W. MORROW, TnEALERN trrdTW, TIN W ARIL JLf rPPar anal sheet Iron wans, srosksry 08EC8N. BRIDGE FORD & BEARD. XTNEP A FULL LINE OF FURR IV Kroeeries. frosb. sandies, aats, aaa ail kiuds of cenfectionariee, tobseoo, sigar etc.. otc. Cash fsid far pradaos of s kinds, WoTorwioK. W. H. TALCOTT, fffffftUataTlfJ e Builder AND general Contractor, OREGON. BLIC LETTINGS 80 L1CITED. Plana and snexriacationa JiU post ' 1 - OMPAN GOLTRA ACQMS HACKS. rt HAY 1 - 8vW RwSsBa8S i MONTCOME "TABALER IN Bridg . SSlPr arTorlTOerTU 1 turnlshed on sh ort noMee. l WORKS flMl .l..w. run tau. oaves .vans asaon awmm bh eaavav aaaaai w MWSS m POWDER Absolutely Pure. Marvel rf wirtu stran h nd tea arauiary siaes, saa ManMU wii ta vuttusa test, ahort watfkt, al Id aarr In can. Ro or pSaashaU pmrsra Sold ear; In BansefaraeaCe. m Wall at., N. V. trail THE ALBANY FURNITURE WOODDf, BKTJE ft FISHEE. 8UCCBMQM TO aft O ANNALS & WOODIN. Manufactures and dealers In ail kinds et FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the nab) le that they manuraoture to order, urs to order, aad will keep eenaUnt! Sob bond, le Jlnoeof fail FURNITURE, and will sell at bod reek prises. They also keen constant! r on eonj slate line of Undertaker's Goods and will guaiantee ssttefaolion to all assy faror tkem with a esAL who ISTABURHHD IB ARME8 & DALLAM, Maanfaetnrera and Importers of Woodeo & Willow Ware. Twines, Broomi, Bruiiies, Baslsii, reus, 230 and 232 Front Street. AIT PRAVCISOO, CAL. MM ara alwayaa eaa te ad a wealthy . ttxae wfce de set Sea reaaaia la pe.ertr. Wa offer a arast aaaaee u sa kesaonev Wa weat asan aaaa. waswi, beyeead k) to work ler ae rwat la teetr wa loeeiiues. Ant do aba wars are perl, fross the tret start. wUlaeyoMre tftaa tae ttsaaa ercUawy taaf Ta eotfa farasahad free, ffoeoewho sb) to Bsaks sseaey saoidly. Tea ass de- ve e row ' wkote suae te tae work, or eely year baa Addraaa bnseoa A Co.. ParUasd, -H 9U1SDIAN A88UEA50E CO,, OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital suhsisiibed, ....... $iS,0oe 66 OapMal paid up .,.., i.Ote.OOt oomnaay has the largest paid up eopfaal of nrpany doing busioeas ia the United ftates. Insnranos Ptad by HO ST. A. T OSTTB, Agt of Albany. SAM COHEN Keens the heat brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AM8 BEST BRANBS OF TOBACCO, POCIET-KBIYES AND ALL KINDS OF MOTIONS. Keeps the fiaest bfllard hall in (he elty. I will aloe sell real estate, ssershaadiae household aoeds. etc., at auotlon for aay one in Ike eJtyor aounty bUoro opposite Revere House, Albany, or. 6tf SAM COBWW ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND MACHIIE SHOP. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at oorner of Flwt and Montgomery streesa Albany Oregon. Havfcur taken eharce of the sbovs named Works, We are pre eared te aiaaalaetara Stoam Engines, aw and Or let Mills, Wood-asorkina Maehinery, Ptmps, Iron and Brsen Castings ef every deaf-rlptien. Kaoatinsry of all; (kinds reaairod. pe- etai aweaoon givenKO repairing rarm enuory. Pattern Maktnc Seat la all Its feraas. lfkllyl A. F. CHSBRT A SON. . PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. Cor. Second sad Yamhill St.., PORTLAHD. 0RM0E, A. P. AaMeraoMa, rHnriped. j. A. Wasco, Pcaaaaa aad Secretary Designed for the BanaesTiieoaUoa of Beth 8xet Admitted on any week dsy of the year. Of all kins' .cecuted to order at reaaoasbto rales. Satisfaction sntarsnteee. The College", of the course ol Is real' aoeibdaisar tnl f etutlv. mtmm of tuiUea) tnftsasattea oase te eater, etc., and cuts nits ofpbua Sad orasraentsl pes Maf rapers, renet ueprora Wasblngton, October 13th 1883, The Federal city, eg Ofjorgg Wash ington raodeeily pentattd In calling th seat of Government, instead of by (tl own name, ta again receiving Its migratory populatloa from ths four earners of ths Union. During ths summer vacation, ths Government aad Its rstlittS scatters J far and wide sod forgot for a time that there was sach a sjaos as Washington, with Its offload aad desks. Ths bronted angler of ths Yellow atone again occupies ths White House aad hss resumed ths datlss ot office DepartraonUI heads, chiefs of Bur eaux, goverament clerks of every oUffs, have returned to their places. When the bead of ths nation grew wsary sf resting and pleasuring, aad sought his poet of duty, there seemed oo longsr excuse for others to linger on mountain crseta, or to loiter by ths dsep sounding ass. Every where la the city scenes of bustling activity herald ths approach of ths social sod political revl vsl' Which the ssssss Invltably brings to bs Capltst. Fastlliss bare rstsraed from faahlensblg resorts sad private summer houses, aad ths races sf sun. burned beauties are ssso la I ecreae Ing numbers oa ths streets sad ave nues. Ths city has had a soars ex tended rest tbas usual, from Its peri odical political usurpers, periodical, for, gs whooetbsy may, tbay corns again when ths leaves begin to fall. Washington will sown be a vast beard ing house, ens half of Its pspalatloa boarding with ths other half. Antic ipating ths general search tor apart ments that follows ths astumnai rs babllatioa of ths city, bearding boose proprietrsasaa hsvs base bolsv as poa- tibls ctoaalof. carpeting, foroliblng, burnishing, sad la other ways mak ing thalr bouses inviting to those in- teres ted in the legend "Rooms to Bent," told with perplexing moaoto ny at almost every doer, la Sosss lo calities of the city. The inquirer was frequently informed that ths room la question was, last season, occupied by Senator so and so, or, (Isoarsi this or that, or. Justice Blank wlahed to re engage 1L The boarding nouses are patronised by members of bath houses sf ths Natisaai Lsgislstore. by lobhylata, deparimeatal employees, Jeuroallate, and atudssts. M soy of the last eoane here to attend the legal aad medical colleges, there being Ave ef saeh ia ths city. Yearly, tbs National Capi tal is becomlsg mors appreciated as aa educational center. The reflsctl vs mind will see at once it affords ex ceptional advantages to stsdsnis of every grade, lo anybraocb of sdaca- tion. Tbe art student eaa see in the Corcoran Gallery, flss ilJastrstlaas of modem painting sad sculpture, and casta of tbe entique. Tbe law stu dent has accsss to the Oovsxnmsnt law libraries sad can hoar la the Su preme Court, aad alas to ths District Courts prominent lawyers lo cases sf highest importance. The medical student can find valuable aid to study ia the Medical Museum. The Cos. gresslenal Library is open to all, sa wsll ss to ths liberalise of the Depart ment. Object lessons ara ssnodsnt Isr ths study of nataral history, and the applisd scleaeas. To tbs pract ical student, tbe richest mines far rs- search ore feaad la the Smithsoolsa Institution, tbs National Meeura,tae Agricultural aad Bontaaicsl Garden the Patsnt Offlcs, Signal Service Bu reau and National Obeervater. There are many flourish lag private sohosts are conceded te be so superior, that that are as readily attended by the children of Coogiwsomea, Cabinet Officers, sod Millionaires as by tbsas of the humblest classes. ut Honors . When Saionlcus found only one Oyster la bis lobdcsuss at the church festive!, he exclaimed with heart felt indie: nation: "This is stow much." Cannon Birch was the Prince of Wale's old tutor. With sncb a bell igerent name, be should hsvs msds a better bey of Albert Edward. France, with Chins on one sids sad Spain on ths other, is fast get ting Itself In tbe position of tbe chop ped meat la a sandwich. Paul Dana is said to own 80 pug dogs. With that number of canine assistants hs can hardly baik up the wrong tree. Theiroval baby of Spain lias a era- i w w die la be loot ter by The turned discont Wh4 souuer GreVy A m and brU An os plosion took place Monday afternoon at J. H. ft bo it! a squib fas tery, Kensingtoo, Pens. At the tints of me assMent afire girls were at work. Hive are reported hsrned te s crisp, aad ths other four are serlonsly injured nod cannot recover. The sense ef the explosion is yat unknows- Tb res shocks of earthquake were felt Tnnsday at Ohssmo and oa the tslaad of Chios, Turkey. Greet alarm was created, but so damage was done. Another severe shock was fslt st Ssijria. Ths teisgtsph ufice was damaged, bnt nobody wes killed. great sensation has been oaused at Straaburg, Germsny , by two mysterious murders. One viotim was aa apotbe oary 's assisUnt, whose body was feaad fearfully eeuoded. The other, a mili tary sentinel, wee found oa the ground near bis pees, witb his boad crushed in. The motive for the murders is unknown. No arrests hsvs been made. A bloody and fatal fight occurred Sunday near MeBoan church in Burks osaaty, Ga. Saturday there was a difficulty between two young men, Syroas and Rogers, at a baseball ground. Symas cut Refers In the bsod. After church yesterday the diffioalty was raaswed. Thomas By bum and hia eons, Freak end Thomas Syssss, were shot by F. U. , J. M . aad Warrwa Kogers, sad Rufus McNorrsIl sad J eaa T. Fax. Thomas B. Syssss wes shet five times and killed. Frank and Tom Hymss were mortally wounded. Jobs Rogers was shot is ths face by friends. The By mas family ere re ported to have been soar mod. All the parties are respectably connected and are wall-to-de-farmers. A party of tbtrty-eix mtasionaiiss on their way from Utah to Europe, reached New York, Moaday. They were accompanied by George Q. Can- a a . a a o o won, soon v. tano, eta successor in the bouae of repreoeutativ ; Mrs. John Q. Cane, going te join bar husband in Switzerland ; Mrs. J bo Reeve, wife ef the ticket agent of the Utah Central railroad , Mra. Amy Long, who ia geisg to meet her husband from India, sad F. Richards, who comae hare oa legal bustaeas, with his wife. Tne party are to sat I for Liverpool, and from there will bo distributed through out Great Britain, Scandinavia, Soit- serlend, flsrmaay and Australia. Was St accident or was it fate that oaused the Soooto e snout tee on labor and education to hold a eeesioa at Bos ton et this inopportune timet The com mittee held a meeting the 20th iatt, at which a witness teeiiled that tbe taaniag of human skins has been tied en a tenets-sly for the last eight years. Oes witness had soon whsls hides of womoo tanned and that they looked very natural. The reported disagreement in tbe cabinet is not only tree, bnt tbe ceute Is said te involve two members, one et whom complains of unwarranted inter ference with the department by tbe heed of another. The president having assumed the responsibility for the cause ef the grievance, the oompialaing member has only to submit or resign. Sunday night two Mexicans, names unknown, went to a besss near Gard ner. Col., where a daace wee going en, and wans standing outstoa arse several shots ia the bouse, killing two Mexicans, one ef whom waa owner of the hoses, aad two white mea, oaa the ' m ! a m . I . son Of a prominent citizen oi inns aounty. Intense excitement prevails. The sheriff with a posse is is hot pur suit. Lj aching is probable. Acoording to the Chemtker Zeltung M. Muller has evaporated "skimmed milk lo s vacuum, so as to obtain a permnssntproduot, which can be preserved for many msntbs la a dry atmosohsre. aad whloh has valuable oj alimentary properties. He thinks that it may be of greet use la pastry, sod In various kinds of baking, snd the beet sumr of milk can be made from it The skimmed milk which Is collected In dairies sad cheese fac tories Is usualtv sriven to animals or wasted In sewege; It contains, how ever, large qnaaitles of salts and par- tlclos of batter snd csstne. which cad be utilized by Muller' s metb- , uM r" it i ; ") ML -svesa The British fleet lying at Ports mouth mutinied for aa advance ef wages la April, 1797, but ths disor der subsided on a n remise from the sdmlrslity. This was not fulfilled, and the sautlay broke sut again on board the London man of war. It was Anally subdued May 10, 1797, by a lentary act raising the wages roval nardon to the mutl- - m in Mueller asssrts mat paim ;h their extreme southern New Zealand, wbsre a noble extends as far ss 44 south lat- The most southern American irs ef the same tribe Ken tin se ts L Plata, In lattltiids oaf. ltala SsejssH. ST A rxaix OH AS. "The man whs steals trade dollars steals trash, but he who steals soothers repu tation takes that which it is net easy to return . SJutkttpearo. This wes one sf Bill's wisest sayings and alone would make his name immortal. Character is too precious to be trifled with either by isdividuals or by newspapers, particu larly the letter, one of the greatest facte rs in ths progress sf tbs world si ths present time. One had better have a rbiooeeroo at hia heels than black mailing sheet, ead et tbe sesss usee, it may bs remarked, eaa eow-e-days is aa easily controlled. It is entirely proper that joutaslism should he made op sf a variety of styles ef aewspaeerr, ell have their part to play, but it may be said candidly that the world aoeds no jour nal that seeks through a ssrvils ssnss tienalism to attack averjtblag that wears tbe garb of respectability. A newspaper, even if sensational, that shews op ths vice of a city or commun ity may bs s benefactor, Portland has several such papers, wsrthy sf patron age. It hss one though which is over reaching all hounds of respectability, sad Is going entirely too far. It takes every oooasioa to attack those ia whom morality is to he feuad, aad with assail groonds displays a character they do set pesssen. It trifles with ones repu tation aa a boot-black does with ths Kogltsh language, aad ills its oolsmns with petty attacks on g xl and bad re gardless ef consequences It needs re forming. e a a "Is he a man of means," this is the first question many people ask about the young man when they hear that hs is to unite his fortune with they know. They do not ask, he a good character, is he sober, indne- strtous, economical or religions," but what it is ssomssry te know is whether bs has a little pelf ia hia pocket beck. Better had a young couple start out ia life with a small pooket-book, box poo sessiug economy aad industry than with a full one with nothing but that to bock them. The termer stand assess ebanoe of ameuotiag to smsthing, the) latter little. e a o A man ia Idaho e couple of age ie or der to aa ve two hits week's attempted to ford e river, mark the result : be earns near losing his life es wsll ss ths ills of his horses, loot the front wheels of his wagon end bad both bar Besses ruined, so thet his ferriage coat him a great many times two bite. It is generally thus that the two bit man is treated, and it serves him right. It is all tight to be economical, God save as from the spend thrift, but it ia worse thaa being a Gbinamaa te be so pusil lanimous that you will sat bark rather than buy orsckers, snd beg your to. be coo, if yen are unfortunate enough to be addicted to tbe use oflit.ratbertban speed a bit for it. It to this slam of men who are a curse to a oomm unity. The oppose every progress, nsvsr patronise anything that makes a oity ively and fight everything that tends to build up a plaoe if it were to odd a dollar to their Ux. They go to bed at seven in order to save kerosene, get up st sight to mvs weed, eat only pork end potatoes and aever see a luxury, steal the scent ofJ dead animala ia or der to make a bit, pull over e i pile to find a nickel let their house leak te save a shingle and will dally with a merchant a day to set a reduc tion of a dime. We don't need such en. o e o What ourious creatures goestpers are. They will make mountains eat of a foot track, a tree out of a roes bash ; if a person winks they will tell ef ones eyes and it will be all ever a communi ty in ten minutes. If one sneezes, eae will be met withia two bourn after. wards witb. "Why are you out. bless my soul, I heard yon were sick in bed witb e cold, and I'm aatenished te von so soon." none sees w miner .1 ae aeriii t Station it will be told hew hs is leav in tho country, sad ao it ffoee. Oae had better be an apple in e cider p than have a coaaioor after one. Their vile tonatuss will wag until tbs blink with disgnat. It ie really bed. It is well 1 known to elsctrlcians thst the best steel makes the beat permanent magnet. But the magne tism ef stool depends hew hot or how cold the me al is. For example.stee loses its magnetism If subjected to temperature of 100 below sere; also loses its magnetism When heated to a yelleWFheat; thefts, between red and white beats. Soft iron, when bested red hot, if not attracted by a net. Mrs. McElroy, the Presidsnt's sister, will in a fsw dsys take charge ef the White House. niPIBAHCK D8PAETM8RT. aOITKO ST THB Womeai Christian Tsmperaiee Glial Tae W. 0. T. U. at Forest Grove has secured s column in the Hillsbore IndfpeneUnt, and elected Mrs. Hoxter to edit it, The members srs beginning S course of reading. The "Band of Hope" has lately been orgsnized. ta compliance with the request of the W. C. T. V., s large number attended the meeting of Oct. 23, uniting with the members in obeying tbe dsy of prayer for the National Convention. All the ministers of the city were pr as set Mrs. Hines, President of the State Union, lead the devotional meeting I with feeling and oarneetneas. Appro-1 i pnaie pa magna oi oenpturo were rses, I a as t . . a I presenting examples aad shewing the) conditions ef availing prayer. After s ( time speat in singisg sad in prayer, I espsejat.yfor tbe National Convention, aegetos of the life of tbe late Mrs. a . e m a . . - - Clawson, prepared by her daughter, sa a snaoa a. I Mrs. White, was road by Mra. Wolver Business meeting followed. The committee on "Union Signal' 1 reported that a club sf twslvs bad been J ssakiag sixteen yearly and I ssvso tea week's subscriptions forward-1 OS during tbe peat quarter. A committee oa reception of Mrs, I Leavitt was appointed. 8be is not! sxoeetod in Oreson before will labor throughout the State as I lsag as ths work demands. I After a few encouraging words from I sirs, nines, In regard to the energy saowa by toe U ntons of tbe State, the ing closed by singing ths temper doxology. The members of the W. C, T. U. are gratified at the pleasure expressed by many in the lectures of their course. They appreciate the hearty appreciation shewa. lot intra lecture will be given en Friday evening, Nov. 2, by Hon. Rufus Mai lory, subject, "A Journey around the World." Ia those places where a oempul aery temperance education law has been en- noted there ssems to be n difficulty in its practical workiags. Ths teachers are either unable or unwilling to carry I out the r. re. Viait. f tha statu La Ana of our workers oom plains : "The teach- or taught the ehildrea ell of Miss Caiman s Catechism in a very short time, ead then stopped because she did aot know what to do." Comparatively few teachers do even this much. It belongs to us to ascertain bow we can it combat these lions ia the waytad thee to act aooordiogly. A few sug gestions from one of tbe vast army of America a "school ma'ams" may aot he out of place ia theae columns. W a ... Let ns take tbe stream at its source. our Normal schools ead higher ineti- done of iearaiog, and train the . . oncoming generations of teachers tor""-- - " - tbia work so in.. nleLel btka..UiS tTUeh, thSt total aSetineSOS fTOCa predoceaaom. Can not the local Uiiiona ; k. - u l. . oa was 9 iwiusks si tuooo ouiwstas fi wui Nation niece temnarama naaor. sued kbS U - - ' 1 wmMmm libraries t Can we not Interest professera aad studsate personally ia W. O. T. II. nraaniratieat Last I every gradoate be et least invited to boooma ona of us. This minht bo dono u LA -i oj snaiitag eacu usausr mi sow cisas the "Teacher's Set" of t.mporanoe oa. aa .a literature, with a little note or a print- ed Invitation to unite with the W. 0 T. U. ; or theee could be delivered by member of tbe Union ia person, We can gain occaaioaal audience ia oar institutions of this character fori advocate of our cause, nartioalariy gifted pleaders of tbe scientific aspect, " - m " Let us make it a matter of eonesieace tbat no school of this character withia enr reach ia left un visited. We oaa at leeat make the attempt to interest theae schools which bold the destinies of the nation, aa they educate tbe educators ef its youth. It has long be n a matter ef wonder siege of Cabers, to the writer that more has not keen Samuel J season died Dee. 18, 1784, dene in the way of offering prime for ead it is proponed to celebrate his sou ths best sssays upon alcohol. A arias teitary next veer, effesad to all the students of a county The battle ofZutphen,yt which Sir or aa annual prim in the Normal or Philip Sidaey wss mortally weunffed, high school will ewakea, not only in wss fought Sept. 89, 1886. the eontestants but ia outsiders, a great Venezuela took its name from the deal of interest in the subject. A pub huts built on piles which the Spaniards lie reading of the results would be an found there whoa they landed is 1499. interesting oooasioa and call forth a It ia generally supposed that speote geed audience and newspaper comment clss were invented by Alexander de All agitation helps. Can aot we have Spino, a Flereatiae monk, about 1288, more of this sort 1 Then there is the but an iomriptloa on the tomb ef debating society once more coming into Sa vine degli Armati, who died in repute, more especially among the boys. Here ie another field ef training for tutors temperance workers of both sex- es. Perhaps aa auxiliary organization could evea be secured within the walls. To thb snd mad principals aad teachers of physiology sad chemistry wisely ssleoted leaflets aad pamphlets upon the subject. Distribute these alee among the students, and with united effort, it seems to the writer, tho time is not far distant whes s teacher snoiformed of tbe nature aad effects ef alcohol will be the exception, rather then the rale. But hew shall we reach sad deal with tboae already pursuing this most influential calling f One lady invited sll ths teachers of her neighbothsod to S social evening gathering at her heme, and there uceeeded in interesting seme of them in tbe work of ion art in a koowledge of the poison sod its chsr- ecteristics to those under their charge. If ere also a judicious distribution of literature would be useful. Con we not plaoe in the beads ef every in structor tbs "Teacher's net!" Geo we set have some one, an acquaintance if Kssaible, mil upea the teachers sad invite them te unite with the Union and sebacribe for TU Union &fnml If they my they cannot afford or . f . . . ivot wtsu te tase it, lean teem s espy for seme weeks, end perhaps they wttl tseeome toterested, aad, knowing thee will bo obliged to return it to the lea- der, bs indexed to mod the paper. Then wa must aw ia it that tW. board of education tassrpeiato snitaUs Questions as m alcohol. Hs oroBcrtica sod effects, in their teachers sad ether laminations. It will be also to iedoee teachers who give their pupils temperance iestroetloa to amies them upon this just sa they de upon their other stedioa Through our Beads ef Slope wa saa awakes aa interest ia the esUdren I its weapons aad dsfsises- aad ef the tactics of i'tlssmilasts - we them te question their although "teacher knows everything" she may be obliged to do a little srivsts studying before their aroused cariosity oaa bo satisfied. One avenue of influence lies ia tee walls of the arheol room ioseif. Thane can be decorated with tasteful temper- e aaottoer, aad thus while being rendered more attractive, Nave their silent influence over both teacher and ptipil. There is another direction also, ia which we eaa attack the fee in this fight with ignorance and di through the teach em institutes oeaveatioos. Let us have tires at each ef these asset address them upon this important topis and others to fellow the effects of the acdrem by tbe dutribsUod ef Htera- Let us pray for the educators oi the JOQih ot OQr !-- W m hapw- teat subject for prayer ie our weekly looting than tae'teocaera, that their attitude toward our work may be favorable, that they may be led te give it its doe attention ead their active co operation. This work smoag the yesag ia ear most important, most eaduriLg aad most hopeful department ef labor. We can reach more iedividoob throoah the teachers of our schools, public sad private, thaa in aay other way. those who held that "truth is the 7 km" u .F- tom we oaa pay 1. -.1- -- . :wt -s -a j M001 Tr7 oem ia the aody eafe I a 9 tie at sa aa a - a rue m me, tae worm wui nave moron i O a H Wtory, eiv litest ion I Will have advanced a atop Lot ee MPt 1B l wmn m g vne la i . a aa ex. ae the Mcc tnerongniy, snneeiy eaa eara- "in due we ahwfl if we faint noa." ArchlmeoW IUJCrum mJ 99 lom m lD' i j i . . t 1 W. 0. T. U. support the lever which i - I I -bMM I Wronxht silk was taken lev Greene - . w jfrtm Persia, 821 B. C. I Velvet paper was patented la Lea- dee ia 1134, by Jerosas Lsbi Buda-Peeth was formally eonstita ted B I w , the capital of Hungary ia 1871. J Tae planet h'eptnns was first eh- (served ia 1146, by Dr. Galle ef Beriia. Bins wss taken te South Carolina theoloee of theses vea tees tb It is said that no tarda tret by Hoary IV. ia 1581, st the 1817, claims the honor for him. The flrat observatory is said to bsvs been erected oa tbe top of the tom plo of Betas st Sabyton. Another on the top ef Osymandyas of Egypt contained a golden circle 210 foot la dbtmeter. It is supposed thst ths Benares oeservatary was so aid as these, aad the first known to authen tic history was erected at Alexandria about 300 B. C. by Ptolemy Sotor. m