WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the southTgide of the Santi am River, opposite Water loo &oda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofflce, Waterloo, Or. kTta t great strength- tb legltlmat re sult of oyer twenty years at preotioal xperienee, and cure with unfailing certainty nervous ma nhvitaU debility, semi nal twtaWi .tpertttator rheea. pros uturrhsaa, missions, U P o .hausted vitality, pre r. ' tur decline Mid lota of X3iSdTra!. IK cornplacatlous and from wbiUw won produced. It or.ehes end purine me djooo awstha the nerves, brain, mascls, dtgUon . r prodttctiv omu and physical and routl faculties. ft Mop any ajy 4bMtUix drain npon the svtMat. prvuU"Jn voluntary . debilitating steam, seminal kMM with the urine, etc.. de structive to mind sad body. It to sure eitaainetur at til kidney and Madder eompUinta. It contain no i.i.r4u inmiUMti. To ihoe suflorin from the HI affecta ot youthful IndiarawtioD. s jepeedy, ther oesk and permanent cure to GUARANTEED, Pnoe tt&o per botUe, or five bottles In cane, with tun dl 'rwtiooi and advW, flO. Sent Secure from nbrva ftoa to any addraaa upon receipt of price, or C. 0. D., ko he had only of IDR. C. D. SALFIELD, tit Kearney St.. tan Fraaetsee, Cat Consultations strictly confidential by letter or at flea FRBF. For the cefH oniene of patient and in ardar to Insure pe ;f t secrecy I hare aoaoptM a pn ate aidrast under which all package are forwarded. TRIAL at to show its merits, will be sent to any applying by letter, stating his simptoms and CosnaaunicatKuia strictly confidential, The'Great English Reme dy. a never failine cure far Debility, Seminal Knhanssi vi Im- r, Paralysis, and all effects ol SeM- , yaatbfnl tcJHs,snd i in maturer y ears- ch as loss of Memory, itude, Diunniin. Avar- i to Society. Dimness, of , Noises in the Used; be riaal iuid passing nDobsarred into the urine, and saaar other' diseases leadiru? to insanity and death. mm.. SUSTIB will agree to forfeit Five Be tsltan for a csss of this kind the Vital Me (under his special advice and treatment) will not ar or for anything impure or injurious found la it. Dr. kfintie treats all private diseases aucceasfully without mercury. Consultation free. Thorough eat -aiiaation and steles taetnding analysis of urine, tV. Price of Tital Restorative, 3 a bet tie, or fear times aba ouantit v MO. sent to any address anon receipt of sorCO. D, obscure from observation and in pri- ff desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Kearney San Francisco, Cal. bottle free. Sent on application by etter. Statins; symptom, sc wisely confidential. i aud aua. U Dr. Ulnae's Kidney Remedy. Xeohreticma, H kinds of kidney and bladder conphJatajtosmThoat, rtoet, leonehorrhom. For sato by ail druggists, f 1 a bottle or six nottios for St. Dr. xQntie s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheap est Djsiisiiwh and Biboos cure in the market. For sr au drurrtsts. Dr. SPIMEY, NO- 11 EEARXY ST. Treats an Chronic and Special Mseai YOUNG MEN rarae) mat bk grrrEatnc; fkow ft eCeU of youthful toUtos or hutocretton, will d wsll to avaU thomsetvos of tins, thecreatest ver toM at the altar of suffering humanity. DH. Wilts at will guarantee to forfeit S&OOfar vary e Binimle waknsas or private disasss of say kind which ho nadertakes and failg to cure. There are many at the ag rf thirtr-flreSo sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad aftaa accompanied by s shtht smarting or bomkig atio sad a waafc-srrlne of the si asm toawawaasr he patient cannot account tor. On sraminlny the sss i j deposits a ropy sediment wtB often be found set asiistlmie small part idea of albumen will appear, jr the color will he of a thin milhiah hue, again ehang rag to a dark and torpid appesranoa. There are many bus who die of this difficulty ignorant of the oauss, wtttah ia the second stage of seminal weakness. Da. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such eases, sat healthy restoration of the reni to-urinary organs. Omca Hocss JO to 4 aad 0 to 8. Sundays from 10 tell a. s. CooaoJtation tree. Thorough cirmfsstiar sd advise, $5. For private itlanssns of short atanrrrng a full course medicine sufficient for a core, with all instructions, will be st to any address on receipt of S10 00. CSUasaeVireas, ' DK- ens RET A CO., ri Ko. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DR- GIBBON'S Dispensary, goo KBAwnr st., 0oO corns' of Commer cial BO est, Sao 'recsiseo. kKstablishad in 1 844, for srm.ua tit of Sexaal : Seaaiaal Diseases, sash (toaerritca. leet. Striceare,tyahlllsinai the forms. Isaaeteaey nif ht losses by dreams, pirn piss the face and loss of manhood can positively be swred. The sick and afflicted should not sail to sail ra bias. Tbe Doctor has traveled extensively in ope, aad inspected thoroughly the various mjspi MUs there, obtaining a great deal of valuable lniorraa ava. which hs is competent to impart to those in need ec hm seryiees. OK. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a core. Feisous at s ShSsnss HAT BB irtEh ST HOME. All communications stristly snnfldential. Yon see no one bu, the Doctor. Send tea dollars for a narkaee of medicine. Persons writing te tbe Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this sd vertivem&nt in. Chances rea sonable. Can or write. Add res. DR. J. F. GIBBON Bi 157, Saa Francisco. vl9a43 saTtsa. Tbe Bimnis' Glide ia is- HrtA sued March and Sept., each year: 216 paces, 8xlU Vm inches, with over 3,300 aaaatsaar lllugtraticnfi a vrhoie pic tagpW ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct te tmnunas on ail food j far personal or fcuuiiy use. Tells how to order, and rnves exact crt ot cren' thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with, ihese invaliiaole books con tain information cleanad from the niar iceis nf tlie world. We will mail a mirv Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hoar Iroin you. Kespectfuliy, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO- te? 4i St9 Wshash Avenue, Chlcac ill PATENTS u Haiued, ano all othr bosir.oa in the TJ. 8. Palvnt wujcc aiteti-icaea to tor m.jderate fees. Our ottJ?e is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and w eea obuin Patents ia less time than those remote from Washington. Send raodie or drawing. We sdviss as to patent souity free of charge ; sod wemaks no eharre unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, tbe Snpt. of Money Orrier D-.v. to oStoisia olthsU. 8. Patent Office For circular, advice, terma tosvcitisU clieiitti in your own State or county, vddreaaf Ce A. OW&COae Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. THE DISSEMINATOR. Puhlished every Satorday ST Uarrisburg Oregon, S. T3?tAIl3", Editor &;Proprietor. inot, life is sweeping; dt. eo ana dare De- you die, somechinir mubty aud sublime leave be hind to eeaquer time. $66 a week in your own town, outfit free. Ko risk. Everything new. Capital t required. We will furnish yon everything, ny are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as n, and boys and girls mske great pay. Reader, if J waat busmeess at which you can make great pav be time, write tor partirulars to If, Hailette sb Portlao Maine an Eta nana Btaest teaastv il Weakness. OIK AwJtXTi. Folia wing are the DaxotRAT ' duly au thorised agents io receive subscriptions or money for toe saint : Lebanon T L Wsilaoe Hnxraburg Sam May Brownsville 0. P. Cosbaw Halaey T. L. Porter Shedfe F. A. Watts Soio W. K. Kelly Jefferson S. A. DeVnney WattS TaSf MKBT St. John's Lodge, No. 68, in Foster Block, 2nd Saturday of each mouth. Corinthian Lodge), No. 17. same place, 1st and 3rd Saturdays of oaoh month. Bayley Chapter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays at same place. Albany Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F.. tdntsday evctungs at Odd Fallows Hall. Orgeana Knoainpmcnt meats every Sad sad 4th Friday of each month. Willamette, Na, 6, A. O. U. W., Monday evenings at O. F. Hall. Safety Lodge, A. O. U. W., Tuesday evenlnge, In Petersons Hall. Kaights of Pythias, Thursday evening at O. F. Hall. Chosen Friends, at 0. F. 1111, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Ancient order of United Templars, at O, F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburg, of this city, having takem the machinery agency of Cr. F. Simpson, ror Franz Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line or FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trade, to wit: WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS. AND DRILLS, GUTTING BOXES, and all implements of less note They will fceep tne LA BELLE WAG05, also the RUSHFORD a new wagon with all the late improvements and warranted one of the best wagons in the ma rket. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that tbe under signed baa been appointed administrator or theeetate or J eon r waters, late ot unu eountr. deoaaaed. by an order of the county court of Linn county, Oregon. All oersons having daims ssainat the estate of said defeased are hereby notified and required to present the same properly verified to the undersigaed at his residence in the city ot Harriaburtj. within six months from the date hereof. Dated September 20th, 1818. Levi Douglas, qbo k CHAjsaaauaiw, Att'y for Admr. Administrator's Notice. Notice ia herebv given that the undar- sifrned baa been appointed Administrator ef the estate of Philip Baltimore, late of Linn ceeniT, Oregon, deceased, by an order of the County Court, of Linn County Oregon. All pereene having ciaima against the estate of said deoaaaed are hereby notified and required to present tne same properly verified to me as my office in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Dated Oct 4 Lb, 1883. J H. Burks akt, Administrator. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stale ofOrjymfor Linn County : John W Wilson, Plaintiff, ) vs. Matilda Wilson, Defendant, j To Matilda Wilson tbe above named de fendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yon are required to appear and answer tbe complaint of plaintiff In the ahore entitled salt new on file in the office of tbe Cennty Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, by tbe first day ot tbe next regu lar term or tbe above entitled Court, fol lowing tbe publication of this snmmons, for tbe period of six consecutive end suc cessive weeks, in tbe Statu Kiohts Dkmocbat, to-wit : by the second Mon dsy ef March, A. JX, 1884, and yen will take notice that in ease yon fail to appear and answer aa above required, tbe plain tiff will apply to the Court tor tbe relief demanded in his complaint, which is for a dissolution ef tbe marrisse contract heretofore existing between piaietifl and defendant aad for such other and further relief aa may bo just and equitable. This summons is published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, winch order bears date Sept. 20th. 1883. L H. MoifTAwrn, Att'y fer Pin. Administrators Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed has been appelated ad rrtTn 1st rator of the estate ot Pamela Berry, late of Linn county, deceased, by an order ef the uounty court of Linn ceanty, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified and required to present tbe same properly verified to tbe undersigned at bis residence in the city of Scio. within six ntentha from tbe date hereof. Dated October 12th, 1S8S. J. li MlIXKR, Administrator. 500 leftvvsrd itOfT, .TH. LcKlcaaa's Celdea Balsam vara unancres, nrst ana tbe legs and body t BypbiliUc Catarrh, diseased scala and all primary forms of the disease, ksowa ss Syp bllis. Price, 5 pei botUe. LeKiebaa's t.eldem Balaam Ko. toe. all diseases from the svatem. whether caused by bad treatment or abuse of rnsrenry, leansg tos diooq pure and healthy. Price, SJ per bottle. Sent every where, C. O. P., securely packed per exj press. . F. Kit II ARBS ft CO).. Aseats. 427 & 420 Siisome street, Corner Clay, San Fnutotsso, California. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE To handle oiir fIXCS. FAMttY BraMM, Kcv Kubaciiotiou tMlitiou uowr ready, the mew eleu-aut ever j.roducd. Wopero raow, ai-ba-J, in cicluixeaaiJirns.duy inipor.eti fur oir oTii trcde, wid etaodsxdiwbilcarlpM : Uiira DAiRD & DIJLLON Pu W sheiB,MsntifacturerB and Importers Jakestda l;Uiaiiiif, m and m B. Claik Bt, Chicago, Ii. Cares TerUsry, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheumatism, secondary stages. Pains in the Bones. Ulcerated Throat. SvohUitlc Bash. Lsmsa etc.. aad eradicates Infants and Children Wtwhott Morphia or NarooUaa, What fives our ChUdren roar cheeks, What oures their f overs, uutVi thrm alerp; "Tts Cnatnrinu When Bastes fret, and err tar turns. What euros their colic, kills their worms 't'rV I What quickly cnire CennUpstlon, Sour Stonioeh, Cukts, luaigfNiUou Hut Cnatwria. Farewell then to Morphine Syrup, Castor Oil tuul I'nnirorie, aikI HnllCnaiorla. Centaur Llnlment.-i for Rhonmnt 1 am. Galls, ate. UEBIC a lsi , mm tiearr aa r"! cat. S mill COl.l.KOE INTSmTRFOR hk 1 tbs cure of ell special - ... "...i ..w) a.ea!lod Uienrabis I r brou to ii.eesee. sjr. Uehte's I Is pual- lively Busrsnteem" see to IKS norvs ana iuvstcai "MtTw wssknesa, lest ol swnheed. seminal spar- uistunhea, has of energy , nnsnng ami dluineas Is the seen, lasiao- . Uulta. aoilees feetince, tirusui , tnrvhea. amd all tAS rSSUlU flf f OQVn- ft , - . rhi Imarnflsaos ana 'w ei ...innmit. The doctor, a lar oauagA peyatehut frosa Jterope rill acres to iwrrw tetaltars for sessa U Inrir .rator ww aurU Lrtrtmt ud BOV till, MliMW ' W atvtoc. i Ko re.n eo man? esa not rind ul weakness ami the above ,1 iuniM la tiwlus to a ooutprieaUon, ealled IToatalorrhea, which requires peculiar treatment. t h.Tui7ielUe wsior Pros- tatorrhss. PrU e"er luvhr rator, S3 par eases ; a "r eiu- i to any boot " I or COD. J ibta psfwaoseaa pay wawa r malntaineu. IMtlenu Stnctsst gaBdrttsstors iixh 'Too freosat aacuaUows ut Ue UIpt and rew . 1 ...i... mnirf.itua (4 MIIMMBV wwlka srHUrhaa. OooiptaUnts readily rlatdU Utelr. Uebic treaUjMrt.t. .4--1Mri.- erttaarr feaaa t reosnt cese ej eperui er JXLTTi S aid Remedies sofllrieat to ears will he nrompUy sent, oita taU dlrwoaa asd adrlos. on rauatiA of . All katrsS are sssamly oororsd ansa ubsarrsilsri . w nr ot the Great Osrmaa la vigorator s SetUs of either number will to i asstt free of charts. Perseea ordenns s rw ow only hae to pay si risssyson pen very. kJost powerful atostrte belts rrw w i - snitatiun etaminattoa sad sdvtee wws aau pnvw. Call or writs. nr. usjuk A -. tee tirsry at . Private Catruarr. AOS Masaa sM., t V Cal. RUSSELL & CO S PORTABLE 8AW MILLS, FARM '"SAW MILL ENSUES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. AS f irst Stents. TUB A BOTE Wri.L KJtOWV HOI SB IUVB aeenad a Branch Ottos sod Supply UoassatWiOa wans, w. t. tost win also carry s roil stoss er their BtsSral.it unproved machtawry wtta W 11 MliswaO, AgeaH Cor. front sad Taylor Sts., Port land. Or. sal oa the Cost. rite f or Hhasratsd drctnar and pries list; sent paaar.) Aadrsss BlMf LL A Co., Branch Oftee. Walla Walla, W. T c. o cfliKxr. cm. rt it c na ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY ft PARRES, (Sneoeaaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. H7E HATE OCR NEW SHOPS ALL f ? completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of beery work. We wil manufacture Hleam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron ana ureas uasanga. PATTUtM Marts 0)S SBJOKT WTirt Special attention given to ropeJaing ell kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain saaparator. a Baker St. Offle a La saber Tart. Albany, Or., Dec 1, 1880. Bat Ths only knows speciSe for EpOsptte lite. Tl Also for Spasms sad raTlln tlitrsiaa. list Seat .Wsslrnsss tt tasuatly rsnersa sat esses, ntasiu blood and oalcksBS loeglah circulation. Xenix, lues rruN ttesase sad saves sickness. Cores A SKEPTIC SAID tgly blotches aad stabborn blood sores. Dolls, Carbuncles and Scalds. rr'Termencntly aad prompfly cares paralysis. Tes.lt Is schamtac aad neaJlhful ApertcnL Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. rs. ivui hMth t .mi m i riaT m tne cause. Bouu bUlous teadeacTes aad makes clear complexion. Equalled by none In the delirium of fever j A charming resolvent sad s matchless laxatlve.TIt drtves tick Headache like tbe wind. tArXontalairtodrsstlccathsrtIcOTeTdates. BeUevcs (THE GREAT) JA r 1 I V M 1 - I 1 T if i-iw aa L NERVEICONOUEROR I w I 1 1 I , if tbe brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Rbco matlaai by routing it, Bestores life-giving proper, ties te the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. PTBellable when aU opiates fan. Be. freshes the mind sad Invigorates tbe body. Cane dyspepsia or money refunded. V S W 1 SV M m ayawanswawaBBB, LN EYERIFAILS1 . . . a a Dlseasesof tbe blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed in writing by over fifty ibouaand leading citizens, clergymen sad physicians la TJ. 8. and Europe, a fjrTor saUi by all leading dxagglsts. S1A0. (38) Jr Or. S. A, RicbrnoBd Med Co.St.Joseph.Mo. l Por tesUmonlals sad circulars sendstamp. i I BEDIXGTOX CO., Agents, Baa Francisco.'" De. E. C. West's Nest astd Run M HIST, a ffuarantaed wifin fnr Rni.n. tvl. pess. Couvplsiooa, "Ptts, Kervoaa Kmralifia, Headacho. Norvone ProptraUon oaused by Uie uso ot atoobol or tobaooo, WakcfukicM. Mania 1 I la. MStoo, Btrftening of the Brain resaltins in in ntv una lanninir to muen iUt-m A Imv. rrwraatsire Old Ae, Earrepneas, Loss of powsr in etmer sex, involuntary Loeees, and Bpermst orrhoja eaased by overexertion of the biain, self aboae or over-indulgence. Bach box eortains ooe month's treatment. $1X0 s box, or six boxes ferJMMX), sent by mail nreoaid on rocei ot of nriaa. WE CiUAJBAKTF.Ie tet tfoXittt to oars any cane. With tts-h nrAor K for six boxes, aceompaniet with 45.CO. we will serjo. the purchaser our written guarantee te re fund the money if ufco treatment does not fect a eojie. Ousranteas xssoad only hv t i WOOIAHT). (lAHK A OO FOBTLASD, OREGON. Orders by raai' Trill receive prompt attQtioa. eolnto cure preJjss, Boras, GsUt, o., suad sua Iswitaataaanns Paiawrellever. as a. -aa jmw IMAHITIt. am. aanwaMswaMBsai a saws am 3WXRVOUS DEBTX jCTY 1 llBa'A FR IDAY OOTOBBR 20, 1 ' M H ar 'ir tf nt tU i -li fsf t AO. A . B. WL TIHtS TABLR. Albany tat I on. V TK4ISS. SOKTH. soess ALBA NT linUstt Departs at ffssiiwv Taanra :S0 A. V tttta. m. U tt A. M. Il06 r. M ll:stA. M ItM t M. ftttr. M. sss r. m. rtUttUHT TRAINS MAIL TRAIN i 1?. sotrss MAIL Til AIM J Arrives at 1 Osserlset FRBIORT TRAIN " M A US ANT RXritKSS Arflvsst AU Trains tasty. Tffmoa.-On and after this data reaular Llnknra will be sold at oar ticket offtoe for following joints on ('oluinbla rlTtrt upper (sondes, Dalles, UmsUUa, WalftUa, Walla Walla and A Ins worts. wilu ii. nice, Freight end Tteket Agent O. sO.HK. Co. Albany. June 18th, ltS. Address all communications for this ilaiurfiiiMt tn X Ci knv 01 Tn1ainM. . r- drjoe Or Persona sending commun ioationa for purpose of publication (el oept solutions to problems) must cieee e 9 cent tump to ueirey extra postage. Contributors of problems are requested to enclose full solutions of the same. With this weeks issue, we begin the Democrat's fourth problem tourney. The toerney will consist of thirteen problems. First prise, a neat volume "aaorpoy a maton vsameo ; awww nritm 1AA hlank nhaan .liarrams I third r ' a ' ansa. 75 a aoranas : fourth nrise. OU r i dJ - crratna Tesr. ssesaeas will kss allowed lise aolations. fa case of e tie tbe 1 ...... . oneat eattor to uectae. xveetnees ana analytical thorOugbnees of sol n lions will be taken into considers t loo. TO CRUET PtOBLtat MO. 8. OUR CHESS COLUMN. sssaBssaBssanaBaesassswaasaaaaaasase White Blank KntQR2 KafcKft Q n Q R ft gat y li ft RntQKtS R it K 1 RntKBS KatKBl KlntKS BatKKtl KtalKBS BetQl B at K K 'J PttKKt 4 BalQKtl P at K G P at K Kt V at Q It 6 P at K Kt 4 F at Q B 2 White matee ia two moves. This week's problem ia a splendid twe mover by Samuel Lloyd. chess on ixoe. White Black Pie K 4 K B to B 4 d) PtoQS Q B to Kt 5 K P z P QBsKs Q to R 5 eh B to Q Kt 3 Kt to K B 3 Kt te Q B 3 etc., PtoK 4 PtoKBe K Kt to B 3 PtoQB 3 F to Q 4 (b) BPiP Kt P x B K to K 2 Q B to K 3 Kt te Q B 3 (d) In evading the King's Btabopt gambit, opinisns ere about equatif divided between the text more and P to Q 4. ilerr Lowentbal preferred this msthed, and emplejed it sgsinst Merphy , getting aa far ee hie opening waa concerned, en eqnaJ or superior game. (b) At leaat eqoallj good it, 6., K B to K 2. Bliek new exchangee B for Kt., deploys his Q Kt. White ad ranees P's on Q's wing, and has sores attack, but nothing decisive. A little skirmish wherein Mr. 8. j De Van ar forcesfths fate) mete ia Ire movet without benefit ef clergy. White-Mr.S.A.D. Blaek-AmaUer. P to K 4 Q Kt to B 3 Pte B4 R z B P tog 4 P to K Kt 3 Rx P PtoK 4 BtoB 4 B x Kt Px P Q to R 5 eh PxP QttKB 3 (d) Q te Q 3 Kt te K B 3 Kt x Kt (e) announced mate in five Kt to Q 5 (b) Q te B 3 Rx Kt P And white mores. (d) lie tts r to have played P to K Kt 3. Black's game, ho waver, is in a very confussd condition. (h) This forces the gsme. (e) Immeditttly fatal I But noth ing could have saved bis gams. Tax levied for county purposes, in Baker county 10 mills on tbe dollar; for hool purposes, 4 milts for; State; pur poses, 5 8-5. Total tax levied, 19 8.0. This ies good showing for Bsker coun ty, when we tske into considtrstion tbat property is generslly given in to tho Assessor ef sbont two thirds its val ue. The county court deserves oredit for putting tbe levy ss low at it has, tnd in an indication that our county officers ere running county affairs in a judici ous manner. Tbe above, we believe, is the lowest tax levy ever made In the county. Lode Smith and William Mansfield two of tbe ringleaders is tbe State Prison emeute ef Jsly 8d, were brought Inte Jtdge Boise's court at Salem tbe 16th inat, and pleaded sot guilty to the charge ef aeaatlt upen aa officer from the Penitenitary with weapons in tbeir hands. By tbe Ore gon statutes the penalty for the of fence charged, if found goilty, is death. Long Smith lost an arm la his attempt to escape, and many think he has suffered enough, al though he was, with the exception of Jack Kerns, who was killed at tbe time, tbe most dangerous men engag ed in tbe attempt. Hon fr.P. ftftti Hat on the South bound train Th tors J ay evening, on hit way home frtfn Salem, where he bat been tUto'lb the Jirot.it eeurt. It will be nnnedibtrtfl tbat Win. Ruble brought suit against him to recover damages, in ooustqutnoe of ttattmente msdt In a britf btfort the tuprtme court, in a auit between Harrison Kwllj, or the Ctyote M inning (Jeropa tkji and Wm. Bublt, whiob stetemonts were not vary ootnplimtntarj to Mr. BalVIe and reflected somewhat on hit i easatatioa, which heoharged lo bt sltn- I ajnaM and sued Jadge Prim fer L tswe damtgte. Tht mstter tormina- ted w Ur. Ruble, when the action was sMstleal fer trial, taking a non-suit and sestslsssil the sotlcu. wOS" A semg ago as 1738 English woollen cloth were so generally used tbat Dt 06 stated that at tbe great fair ef Messina "ah ore is eeldoa so little as a hundred thousand ponnd value, ttld in our Knglish woollen manufacture every eaasoa, such as druggets, dnroys, sags thy, camlets, with all sorts ef men's staffs, end broad cloth itself ; and tho they have wrought silks in such abun dance tod to ebetp. yet you see tbe -lruUni gefltrmllj clothed in Kaglish cloth er thin stufl's , the clergy in blsck bays, tht nuns are vatl'd with fine says and long ells, and even the noble Venetians wesf our fine cloth fer tbeir beet dresses." The flrtt Chinese child jever hern lo the city of Watfeieg ton !f the Utug li ter of the Chinese Minister. She It ntroetl Mi Ju. MI meeni America, end Is given In honor ef this country. It It not generally kae wn that the Duke of Ctnntught, Queen Vlcterla'i- third son wm refused by Princees Thyra, ef Denmark, who married the son of a dorms n nobleman In stead, The second er prohibitory amend ment was beaten In the election I sat week In Ohio by "about 7,090 msjor- Ity. From the tone of the Eastern pa pers pe bushed on the day beforo the election, It would have carried by a large majority hadalt been submitted t a special election when no candl -dates for office were te he voted for. Koglitb and Scotch capitalisU bavt formed t Urge company for tbe purpose ef establisbinff a laree alaushterinc business el Omeba, Neb. It has e capital of about $5,000,000, and will begin business ia January next. The beef will be prepared there and slipped direct te Kojriaad by tbe war ef Beaten and New York. VOL. XIX. NO. I THE AM AW D ELM OCR AT, HAS THE LAIt (j KNT CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TH STATE OUTSIDE OP PORTLAND. AND IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IIT8 Connty News 18 COMPLETE, AND ITS Local and Edi torial Depart ments ARE UNSURPASSED. IN FACT IT AIMS TO BE, ANO HAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING, a Firht-Class LOCAL NEWSPAPER 8UB8CRIBEFOR IT.. Executor's Notiot. - - Notics is hereby giTtn, that, by aa er dsr af tbs Connty Ooart, af Iia easily, mad Octobsr 9th, lSSS, tfcs nntsrslgasd was daJr appointed Xxeoutar r me last will antf testament af Charles SoriTsaer, dsasssew, late af said eaoaty. All psrsoaa harlag elalata agaiast the aetata ef salt detaaaed, are herety aoaflet aad 'mnlx ed ta prases t the ssrae preperly aad flaly Termed ta theuadersiaed,at Itavrttbarg, Oregon, within six moaths from tha date hereof. Dated October lSth, 18S8, PaaaT Hysb. T. J. Stitks, Kxecu or. Attornty for Executor. t barrh Directory. V f. CL U. Meets at their rooms in Fos ter' brink bulldinir oa Hsturdsv evenints at 7:3(1 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons st 4. Business meetings ars held on the even ing ol tk second Monday in each month. Everybody invited to attend. V. P. Chusoh. Proschlng every flsbbath, at 11 A. St., and 7 t. at. by Rev. K. G. Ir vine, D. D. Hsbbath School at 2:30 r. sL Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Evanuemoal CHURCH. Preaching on Hsb bath at 11 am., and 74 f. m. Hsbbath Hohool 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Hollenbaugh, pastor. UoiORaATioKAr.('in;n( ir. Hnrvices every Sabbath at 1 1 a. m. and 8 r. at. Ssbbsth School at 2:30. Prayer meetuig on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, psstor. M. R. Church. South. Services 2nd smI 4th Sabbaths st Ht. Paul s M. K. Church, South, at 11a M. Ssbbsth School st 10 A st. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs dsy o voting. Jos. r.mery, pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching evory Ssbbsth at II a. m. and 74 r. m. Song service in the evening beforo sermon. Ssbbsth School t 2.30 r. st. Prayer meeting every Thurs- uay evening, lie v. .M. Judy, pastor. l rkssvtkrias titURCH. Service every Ssbbsth morning and evening in ('Lurch cor, BrosdaJbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every 1 harsrtay evontng. lur. Isaac ii. UouUit aator. a ss east a s lURJftTiAX i in n ii 1'reacklng every Sabbath at Y PC A Hall at II o'clock, a. at, and 7:30 v. m. Pulpit supplied by Itev 11. F. Morrison. o atrial Uirerierv. STATS. U 8 Heuators Hon J II Mlator, Hon J If Dolpb. Oonarossmsn M V, fJeorge. atunreme Court Jmleeo-J B Waldo, V P Lord, K H Watson. Governor . K Moody. Heoxttory of State -K V lar hart. State Trosaurer-Kd Hirsch. Nopt of Public Instruction K B Mn Brey. Circuit Judge (rd list)-B P Bciea. DUt AUorney 3rd diet) W II Holme. OOUaTY. County Judge L Fllnn. Couuty Couirs. John laom. S R t.'lsi'- peeL Clerk c II Stewart. SherllT Oeoran Humphrey. Treasurer J II Poery. School Supt P A Mono. Surveyor -D VS Held. (Xironor Dr J A I a is. Assesaor-N C Doxior. CITY. Mayor W M Ketohum. Reoortler N J Hen ton. Marsbal-fl W Burkhart. Troaaurer Fred Mulior. G- COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALER8 IN QROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tee sleeS feeesafal Ban ty sr iiorrsd. yoiwaiwiB lis eoena aoa oocs toc him Kendalls Spavin Cure. DaaaUtso, Mo., Jao. 141. UaU I D. J. KsssslX A f.. OsnU Thla is to crtifv I faava uasd Xaadstl's hiavtm Cur. aad bav. It U ! all u U rsaossariaotst U b. sod in se ; I bav. rsawst by nsint ths aba, kss. Swiss, tlse baaaa. Staiau. and a. r tswUfr and misbm 1 it to b. tht ba Uili.g tor any b..ny sutaeaass taavaavsr esataad bav. triad maay as 1 bar ma-U tbat my sMiy fur yaars. Ksspsafa'Jy years, P. T.CBJST, F10I THE OHEOSTA PRESS, 1. 1. I . - W tL f.. A. k iui Early hstaisasiii Mssars. B. J. ksadall ai.V. Co .ol r.i.iurg r aits v. raaa. a ontrai-t with the pas Wabsrs m Um "iTaws" for a bait column sili sills maul ar esa year sstUna forth tb. msrlu W Ktt.dail's .spavin Curs. At the aasse ttssa w. sseoret from tbs trss a quantity of books, saUUad Dr. Kaadall s Traa Hm on tbe Bars, ant bis Ulssssn, which w. ars siv- tat te advaaos tjlo utMcrtlars to UWrVsas" as a A boat ths lira ta sdssrtlassasat trst snosarad in SalSBsaar Mr. V. U. Sctisnasrhora. aba raskiss asar ClsOlars had a spavined brtrss. Hs rsad ihs ad ver -ttsaassat aat swatatsd to ut tha a&eacy of tha rsndy. atttwosh hm rrisnds KocaaS at his crsdulUr. lis Wiifht a bottls t Kendall s Sparln Cura sod om tssestsstof it oa ih boras ia soauttaaos with tb dirastlons. aat h informed as tbls wk that It f. isstsa such a c.iupba oars that aa esrart betas .who sssmlnal lbs animal rceenUy uld tat no irac of tbs aaaiin ar tb pbves where tt bat bam loeatad. Mr. Hthsrrascttora bas stoos sacurad a aeay C Kaadsll sTi sallss oa tb nrs aad bis Plusse, whir b prtass vary htjhly ant would b loth to part with st ajr prtea, provided he could not obtain aa olhsr copy. Ss mu'.h for sdrcrtlslng rshabls srticlsa Kendall's Spavin Care. Wilton, Minn , Jan. 11th. 1SS1. OBJ. KasbAU. and Co., Oenta :- Having got a aorsa door or you ny raai! a 3 of which uarsuatod ins to try sa tb hind lor of ops of my B swoolan aat sou Id not be rsdu aorsa book of you by raail a ysar aco. ths roatanks Reasall s Spann Car horses which was badly reduced SB SSS otl.f r BBSR dy. I got two bollJss of Kendall's Stvin Cur ol I'reston and Ludduth, DrugvtsU of Wasaea, which eompWrtaly cured my bora. About flvo T'srs ago 1 tnres ysar aid oolt swnld rsrv badly. 1 your remedy ss gltea ta your book without roweiiin ma. and j must say to your credit tbat tb oolt say to bis a ta entirely cured, which is a surprise not only to my self but also to my neighbors. You sent ra tbe book for ths trifling sum of SA cents and If I eould not get another allies tt I would not take twenty-flee dollars for lb, Your fruly, Geo. Matuiwi. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 25th, 1881. Da. 15. J. Ksksau. and Co., Genu : I think It my duty to render you my thank for benefits and profit which I hats derived from jour Invaluable and far famed Spavin Cure, sly cousin and I had a vali xbls stallion, worth StOOO which had a very bad spavin and waa proneuaosd by four eminent vetariuary sur geons, beyond any curs, and that 1 he horse waa done for ever. As a last resort 1 adviitud my eouatn to try a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. It had a magical sffoct, the third bottle cured It sod the bors is as well ss svsr. Or. Dick ef Edinburgh, tb eminent veterinary surgeon was an uncle of mine, and I take great Interest In assisting his profession. Yours truly. Jambs A. Wiltox, Civil Engineer' Kendall's Spavin Care Is sure in Its effects, mild in Its action aa it does not blister, yet It Is penetrating and powarful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other eulsrgeujonU, such ss spavins, Mpllnta curbs, aalous, sprsina, swellings and any lament and en kugsmsaU of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism In man and for any purpose for which liniment is used for man or beast. Hie now "known to be tbe beat liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yt certain tn its effect. 8nd address for Illustrated Circular wbieb as think gives positive proof ot its virtues. No remedy bas ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast aa well aa man, Pries fl per bottle, or six bottles for 6. All lrug frists base it or can get It for you, or It will b aent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Xkmdaij. and Co., Snoaburgh Falls, Yt. "OLD JBY ALL DRUGGISTS FROM THE SOUTH. A Perfect omuls at ion with twe Salient AI vaatagra Wby It Caaceras Ton. "There Is no mistake about It." remark 1 DrM F Flowers, of Oailatin, Missouri, "Benson's Ca peine Porous Plasters ar one of tbe neatest comblnaUoua svsr produced. Thsy have two kinds of advantages over all others, wbieb we may call the mluor and the major. First, they are clean and pleasant to use, never soiling ths hands nor the linen of the wearer. Second, they ars quickly and powerfully. 1 have tried tbs Capet ae Plaster on myself for pneumonia, and en ray patient for various diseases, such ss neuralgia, muscular, rheumatism, Injubiigo, kidney trouble, ete., and in all cases relief has followed in freaa tare t forty -eight hours." Dr Flower merely voices tbe written or oral opinion of thousands ia his profession. Benson's Capcine parsa Plasters ar tb perfeat external application. The genuine have tbe word Capciue out ia the eentre. Price 26 cents. Seabury and Jobntos, Chemists, New York. aaKsaf Cir AM vO.WQCtl wj SaaaaalBaHV ww nvw Mmx JULIUS GRADWOHL line tbe only excloelte stork of CROCKERY. CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE . A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar ONE DOZEN OUPS AND SA UCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TBE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR Etiti Remember! What I gay I lean. Give le a Call. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON- H0FFMAV eY JOSEPH, PROPaiflTQRS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AUD DKALXB8 Uf Imported and Domestic Cigars, Candler, Nuti and Albany, ONE UOR BELOW AT TIJE OLD STAND, 71 FlHfrT tfTRKKT, HAS ON HAND AM ABBUrn aaii r oj COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, At aa) hone im the alley . He TIN, SHEET IRON OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK rxanu, a ruuu ssnuni suzm i or GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE COMPETITION. CALL AT 71 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at j GLARE JOHNSON'S Kf Tntiton T1star.srl atrtir.Ti i Cures all diseases of the Stomaoh, IA ver, Bowels, KitlneyB, Skin and Blood. Millitm testify to its effioaoy in heal ing the above named diseases, and pro- Sal MA nonnce it to be tne fcaiSL BEST REMTTDV- KNOWN TO MAN. TUADE MARK Guaranteed - BBTAGENTB WANTED." Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIfJER BROS. - Proprietors ALBAWT, ORKWiO. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADS Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery aad other atone work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parte of thla State and Washington Territory. JtfAll work warranted. 1 7:42 rttTR THEHrlOB MERIDEf? I Having attained a national : FINE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Havt added tht manvbctur of utt ttyUe of STEEEj fens. With a skillet sapsrinteadeat in that depart. assnt, sunplementod by extended experience la the working of fine steel, we are easBsd te eflar goods of unrivalled quality. Te introduce our PATKST ADJTJSTAKLB Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, "THE A-cnvrR," In adranoe of regular trade channels, we show cat of it, and will mail a taaupl gross to any address ou receipt of 88. Carries aa much Ink as any Fona tain THIS PKN FITS ANY HOLDKp Our whole Mne of Peas will be sold by tbs trade. Jfrieo Lists furnished to dealers on appUcaUoa Oaaow's Sptciftt FREE fob TRIAL An enrw aat A'creoas iatfUteai akaassTzSss) of riMUy es suit sc u work. etc. tivaearaa.) , pre Oalboun Plaea, CatCAao, BaHraM am;U.atr: Sxl 1 mm BBBU fmm BBBBBiaa. BB Tobaooo, Groceries, Pro vieione, Tropioal Pruita. - - - Oreeon. JOHN BRIG OS' STORE. ty a eo Imports and manafacta AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS OB PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY reasonable figures. to cure Dyspepsia. York City. Druggists sell it RKER8 BATaSAIaf, ia fiaehr psrSwaat aat ia : h&nw m the hair aat t a. Uscksag. Hiscox tt Co N.T. ,al PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A ! W you ar a aarr tunic or faraser. overwork, ot? a mother naa down hr held Julia, try Pamela's CtMcaa Tester. It you are a lawyer, mawsStr ST bessacssaaaa e i by aseatai sraa or anxious cares, do aot tska i Packer's Gsa Tonic If you have Couaumptioa, Lyspcpaw. Rbcusaa- fan, f ilnrr nirlainii nr snjitaraili i nflla hwsi. Komaui. Doweta, csooo ce aervea,rABna a l Tonic will cure you. his tbe Greatest Blood Sat tht Best aat Ssrest Ceaah Core Cvar If you are wasoing away from age, 'p'i or acy aneaaa or wealrocaa and raoiare a trrniiitant take Gmcsa Tokic at once; it wfll wvigorsSa sndbsald waa up SVont the tWat thai hrt S mmatm w It has saved haadrsda of iVes j tt may save yours, CAUTION I SefaM all - - - . ill n.i Ti lnaia ItniiU.aslliiaiaj it (na inaaaWBftSS, taifadrakti : a Co., N.V. SSbatTswavstaawMaaran. GRZAT SAYING STJTCTe POIXAS SOX. Its rich aad testing fragraao has made tht delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is setting lit It. Insist upon having FLoasa. ton Colocks and look for agnattgc ot Ua. Any ateofa er SfS pajjji rtm. Hull! nat irr- ass SAJtO BtTTNO tie. STX 0& FELIX IsE BRTTeTS Prevsative aat Care, far etthtvi This remedy being Usjectecl directly to tbe seat of those disss of theGsnito-TJrinary Organs, requires so chasge of diet or nauseous, mercurial or poison cms aaedioinea to be takes hstsiraily. When taken as a preventive by eitber sex, ft is Impassible to contract aBy Tsneresl diseases; hnt in the case ef these already nnferta saataly aMictcd with Gonnorl.ee aad Gleet. We gnarantee 8 boxes to cure or we win refund tae money. Price by mail, peeisge paid. txt dox, or. 3 uozea ior juu wmua guarantee issasd by all anfh isea agent. raa el Co. flele Prena. ur. reitx auuiiAHii, t;iAKaa tk CO., nthorisad Agents, vrhclstal aad 3Sete.ll rrurgUts. PORTLAND, OFIGON. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. 0. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet STJESOBIPTI03ST San Fr ancisoo, Gal, jjjf l$g, Tasa eiagaat sbaasiag is prefcrrrd try W JL BLL who hare nrr.k, -y aC W oory tbat are beaL awl W3BJarfSf to the scaif aat kak aBSS aad always Parfcar-s Hair Balaam watraaset to prereal 9