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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
t 8 FATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT TWESTITf ffifTS 1 lrsst imiaUallen f a eraey faeii ie I88UKD EVERY FRIDAY ttoto cuesfeV t terrevf Ifll BE8T ADYIBTISIie MEDIUM STITKS & NUTTING. Bi;rilKrri C-lM Bmral Building on Broaoatbla Street. TKKM3 Of SUBSCRIPTION iai copv, pr joer, in advance ... W atagta v. par Tear, at end of ynr S Mailt opT, tlx month J? aJST!r:::::::::::::::::: e.1. b0"neas notice, in Loceil Cel. uma. 8 cents per Hue. Regular local Dt per line. niJTi!?1 nd trn'nt ndverttoenjente IA Hfr flar Tr tbe first tanerttoe and jooenaar nquase for each eeaaeoemat rjWafor othsr sdrertiwrnems as sx'e nemo on application. VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER G, 1883. NO 13. 5a State Rights I Cwwrai. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U rUKN. O. CHAMBKHLAIW. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albftti j , Oregon. sroffloe in Foster's Brick Block.- v!6nl8tf. R. S. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of this State. Wiil give special attention to follecUona and probate natter. Office in Poster's new brick. 49tf lTh. montanyb. . TTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public. lbny. regew. Office upstairs, over John Brijrg' store, list street. Tl4n2Stf J. X. WEATHEBFOBD, (HOTAHY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUU.1I, KBCH. C1HLL PRACTICE IX ALL THE COCRrS OF TUB VY State. Spacial attention givn to collection aad Qrobate matter. ATOfflc In Odd FelUVi Tempi. U: J. O. POWBLZ. W. R. BILTEC POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - OKKGOW. Collections promptly made on all points. negotiated on reaaonamw terms. fflee in Poster's Brick. -em. 14nl9tf. E. K. SKIPWORTH, 4.TTOXXEX AN COt HFLOt AT LAW ASD ISTUtf KBUf. WILL practice in all courts of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Office fa O'TooWm Block, BremU&in Strett, 43yl Aibaxv, Oregon J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jarOffice in OToole's Block. E. W. LANGOON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Art'cles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DETJG- STORE, Jf ! 4LBA.VT. OKECOV. F08HAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGOM. Tl6n41tf SEVERE HOUSE, U urur. rint and KMaworth Albany. C Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r.. Tl it. Mi IWrnl mi in fl-nt rlaaa af-'r Tablea uppbed with the best the market afford. Sprtnf Bed In every Boom. A good Sample Boom for Com mercial Traveler. titw 4 ear b te aad from the HotH.Ttt T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT 1 -ANI- Notary Public. Office in States Kiohts Democrat office. DRS. J. W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OREGON . Offer their prof emional ar?uA to the c:ten fef linn and adfaoeot coantUf. Office and nssuienoe near Court U oe. Call at Langdoa and Co' lru Store, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDKBSIOMED WISH US TO Inform the public that he is new pre a . i a a . m . a . k a pared to ao an Kinus oi scene ana mar Die work on short notice. Ail work Is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kind ef stone, but deal pria cipsllv in Oregon City granite. Cleaulng, repairing sad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices befere purohaa ing elsewhere ss 1 will not be u adenoid. .hop on west side ef Ferry street oppo site pom oince. u. w. UAntus, rrop. JOHN 8CHMEER, LIVERY, FEED AID SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horses kept on reaeonsble term. Horses and buggies let to suit the times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKINQ AXD MOVING PI AN OS, organs and furniture at specialty All hanllng within the city promptly attended to . 4KlH LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always condition, aad hair cut in style. kept In good toe very Dts S4 WA YISG. LAUNDRY AND CHI A MERC HANISING BUSI NESS. Bice, tea and Japan rood. Ladies' underclothes, eoid at bottom price. Contractor lor China labor. JeTKest to CI t. Bank. HENG TENG. Beat washing and ironing in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT. IMPORTER OF PINK MIL LINERY GOODS OPPOSITE SEVERE NOOSE. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shaving and hair dressing done in first' class etyie. Firwt-olaas bath rooms. Hath for ladies sndgeaUement all hours. Terms reasonable. 'S3 1 BRAID CQMBIKATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL One year for only ft.&O. Two papr for little mere tnaa tne price of one. By paying u S3. SO) on will receir for one year year borne paper with the "Courier Journal," the repreeentative aeampaper of too South, DemeeraUe wt (or a tarts' lor rrvcoue only, and the bet,brtgh. .tand ihl t f&milr weektv in the United State. bow ho dan re to examine a eample PT of the orier-Jooroal" can do to at thi o fflee. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1482. - fa,205fS2i Premium income. 3 007,10 Safe, ralutbosand aoiek to pay in oase of ARCH MONTBITH, Agent. Alb any , Oregon, W. H. QOLTRA DEALER IK Aioany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT folly Inform the ettisaaa of Albany and ri einitythat I have taken chargo eftbit Ettabhsk stent, and, by keeping eiean room and payia strie t attention to basins, expect to suit al the who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expect to give entire t at ii faction to al SBVChMdies and Ladies' Hair neatly es Tb.Toed IOS WgHKR. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB AH Y, OR. Th First Term begins on Tne day, September 11. 1883. ?mt vrticuJar conoerpi'isr the count of udy and thv priee of tuition, applv b KEV- FUt EKT Jt. COSIT, Prtsiuent. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNIKG & CO., PEOPR'S. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thi powder never varte. A marvel of purity etrenfth and wnolcaooieoees. Mors eoosoaatoal than the ordlnarr kinds and eannot be eotd In eonmeUtioa with the mnlUtadeo low teat, ehort wotght, alum or phneehau fwm. sold eeuy la can. Horaa BUxiMrowsaaC. ISfl Wall i . S. V. THE ALBANY FURNITURE WOODIH, BRINK k FISHER. 8UCCKB40R9 TO OANNALS Jg WOODIN. Manufactures and dealers la nil kinds of FURNITURE, would respectfully Inform the pnbll that MSI y c all desirable line, of they manufacture to erdes, eeestanu win keen on hand, s complete stock o? FURNITURE, and will sell st bed rock prices. VOTatAM OOssir. Vow York, Ootobar 9ih, 1883. Tbo Republtonaa evldentlr regard the situation in thin State an extremely critical. President Arthur wan nm meaed to aid tbo State Comaittot with hit edf ice ane! ozaorienoe, and during bin brief sejourn here last week bo neat meat of bit time witb leading members of bis party from .11 over the State. The harmonious feel tog among tbo Democrats aad tbo heart good will wilb which they are working together earn already to have produoad good results. I saw Governor Bailor, for a fa mementa last Sunday at tbo Flftb Avenue Hotel, bat ha declined to talk politic, naying that ba was bars oa boslaeas only. Said ba : "I hare been obliged to at toad fairs, etc., in my state to 0 great extent latterly, and "asrs generally bean aakad to talk polities on suoh occasion, hut I hare a I way da alined to do aa. 'Remember,' I told sua committee rata, that at present I am first Governor of Maesaonasotts, aad in tbo second place only a candi date for reaomiaation. I owed it to the dignity witb whtoh tbo people of the Steto have.iavestedfme u keep out af tba arena.'' Tbo Republican (. NewfJerney are making every efort to defeat Lena bbett far Governor , aad Stop at no device to carry their and. The latent more is that they bare put on tbe masks of aatUmoaepolista aad era leadly declaiming that as Mr. Abbott baa for maay years, like every great ww mm lawyer, been employed by largo cor porations to manage their legal inter- i be will in tbe event ef election turn the whole State, bound band and urn Wo boar mny people talking about ' food Tuck." Rut thing are not at loose ends, ft.have yourself well, and matters will cone out about right; In sgalnat Qod, and fhlngs will nasne out sll wrong. Ho who cheats and lire and swears will si way a have bad luck. He who ttitbfoUy servos God wlU always have good luck. When we see a boy a coming In from a street fight, with braised eye and soiled oent and rough behavior, we say, "that bey has had bad luck." When we see a girl with a neat Ing lip, cress and snarifsn, and hard to plea-e.aay Ing nharp things to her aether and making herself, in tbe boose and al school, very disagreea ble, we are apt to say, "That girl baa bad very bad luek." Bat It would he better to talk more of the kind provi dence thai arranges ear lot, and less ef chance. There la no auoh thing as Inek, our blessings are more than our losses. People ought to hunt mere for marigold and buttercups, and lees for bars and thistles. Wo could net tall you bow many times we nave met with what people call good lack. If we were about to start ea a Journey and wanted fair weather though we heard It storm In tbe nigh t, we have always found that the sun shone brightly In the mora lag If wo had a bad cold, and feared that we weald nst be able to preach next sabbath, by the time tbe day came we were bale and healthy. If some one stole ear umbrella, we generally found that an unknown person had lost hie umbrella In onr entry. We left onr cane la the ears, burn frleod preeeat- ed no with another. Our carriage reman M. ia t I k- -M . . ... . ,. . a foot into tbo bands of the railroads. aown- w we D60WI 01 Tbe weakness aad bbe fallacy of this I " rr. uuawu to. band il.rem... k - train, out by mat means escaped a that it baa ao effect One might as 1 "bte acctuaai. a aiearonoat en well ssy thai a criminal lawver lose. wm Mummaa ,0 Bre uul w' i . i .... . ... i uaii i mmmm uiu in nitriL in wt rn ...i .in .n.r.wun bk .it atn I Dimneil uodr and aaul whu rtefand a may favor tbem with a call. aanrderer er a bursar at the bar. the. lho h,,r ontnatfoaroo through an- ' I M . . wmm. aad niter aoaaariaar aaaa far thass la I - tn h. - tmm a. uaai n m m m m I w mm ma 11 mi miwmi . si Maauracturera aad Importers ef canvas, which thus fsr had tbe most uatosring eaTeeta. Pore Hvaeiatbe, tbe Pwinfl Rmnmi Rrnshfla RAJllrRtfl. 1 0the!te who u ene of tbe wt t n as vat mmnm wveaoj ere weNewej - T Tbey also keep ooossantly ea complete line of Undertaker's Goods EBTABLISHBTD III 183. Wooden & Willow Ware. ralta, Tahe. Charaa. Waehhaatele, n9 Wrapplat lsnevs rapsr Balldlag VsawtS, Watehee. las, Cleahe Wria.era.rar- pcta S wee pare, 230 and 233 Front Street. BAN FliAJfCISCO, CAL. we never knew nn un kind thing to be said about u, but tn noaae way tamed out to vur advan tage. We had an urMrapecU d call tor twenty dollars, and from she gut ter oa Oheainut street, FbJtadelphia, WO plck-Wf mm a nevlrsa laaatl - ing twenty dollars. Almoet every thJae; that we expected to torn out wrong has turned out right. We have been fortunate In select leg our grocer, our toy let, our doctor end oor meads, we were born in a ' Under experiment, made Oollina it as found that the auperfioial part, of maintained a vary prolonged exbteaoe under eiceemstoeoai which woeid be thought likely to destroy life. A statue of Da Blanc, tbo io ran tor of the manufacture of sods, is about to be rooted la laaoudundon, his native piaoe. It is the old story. The world refused him bread ebtie living ; new it give, him a monument. A eer respondent of one M tbe modi eel too reals aaya that tbe application of a strong eolation of ehrenaic acid three or four Itmea a dav by meeea of a ev er camera hair pencil is the beet and easiest method ef removing warts. When oattle are intended to be nacre. The way io which tbo mraory jbe ginsto fail are often very curious. There is a ease on record .rf a man who could never roejetober wurd begiomag with "J," sad another parsoe attached na idea wfaasoeer to tbe figure As teacher e mathvmnticS named Lew son, who died nt Kdtn. burgh ha November, 1757, on ene ee win s wager made by hie pa shiettoek te multiolv rr,u,i tn insesasloe tee nambera from one u tarty, wfshoat ether eidftbae bk njeev ory. He begs, the task at seven eatoek ie tbo morning sad finished as eta in tbe eveeing, ,wbee be reported tbe prodoct, which wn. tested on paper, and found to he correct. The wood Decker maliciously destroyed ia IndU tbey pop.lar fictiee. f. th. xl HZ arcpieroad with a thorn the Arbu I refused te help when th. rrtatorxus. Death enaaea on tbe .f tbe earth nsWaaaha . TT 7712- Zt J ;r0a m Z r""- mm it aeeMtkaiMM aV i ' I 1 n I w forever, aad to he eternally prevented tree dneklns m action Bartbelemev baa atndied the mtm . 1. awuui-fcHa-i.a , mleh rrs ny none euuertng from Kultry cholera. That la whv it n.u. ZL. ' :r P''otlvo cry of sese, plmU 7. a . . 7 I 11 PPear. from .uthrtics th.t there wun oacteria. t. l .. ... . wurKi no inns tosa 8t5D paner ur. it. si slier ebearven tbat blue, .Ubt. prodeci.s- nmnata qko rv . ' I -.i L.t . I ' ea rwa -um cvrbam Tm.ein nre mere awracv p., mmdm fnm d e t . t .a a a w a we ive to ueen man other sbales of color. iunM. . . . . V,"U'I rag, straw and sirs. Been, orange and acme other lood About one-half the aawassfa. a. --J colore, which tbo flower, mi net n few opoa, nod of then. 478,000 tons .boot pianm aise an nnattr netiee SOor 300,000 ten. .re used by nswneenefn. -rr ' "r -7-. xo. v.nous revameat. consume In gatnertng inneets. When, nayn a Irra. infl j.ncs. of free ea t eat remain la rxrrerty leaders ia tbe old Catholic movement. aad then went further aad took ante bimenlf n wife, has corse book to tbe : oeuntrv, arriving here on the Alaska which nude pert oa Seeday. e has baaattakan nab Ra. Dr. Henrv at. Field and in tact tbe entire' Field I ST r"' "'J fiamily, fro- David Dudley, down bad tbe swat of parent. Wo Would uei iraue wi our ciriru in Biases c Field', ha, not had a lion te themael- T w m ueuattaai-1 TmL j Ja i. aa. I have bad what people call good luck we enw a r real esaas te I va iot nemo umn, nnu nuneugu ear. . " , . We Otncial boaiaeas 100.000 tuna- aaAaala . t. : , recent writer, it w on 000 toaa icnraftA eeeirable to make s cleariag ie ae Wtttryf 0,000 toe.'- .n'd t AmszTOiso forest, a leaning tree is nai imiaas.laaiaa u.' on rma selected, and .11 the tree, ia fro.t of I The paper tnatomeptoy. 192,'oOO haada, iv iui in uam hub. jib nm Tinas i M jj . , .. , including women end child r. severed .no me leaning tree is out jfc tMm ilnen rinwiner alt fttia ti (a U I . . . - Z tnougbt sad liberal neatiment have tne ground wun a omen. Boon too o.---.,! . ..T. . . . peeearated ovee among the not ray. or tn. nun n. me nroan .r Tkorohancry th.t certain members iieerf, in I Htm U Mm -71, e toe tnee, Imprmed with tbo idea no -euruai oi ocieaco is ine auiaor-1 that ib. Ht wMof litt. comwqnce ,i r in, rwoa .. j-rwu. r,TidW the letter of tbe lew was nekri eh wsa lies' Simla ml aaaai f i area 4Vem I La I j - - - I ailed, rolled a broken -dtiwn one. ia gaata ane mieges experience a fammnl m M return of the original irnuttoe at rage- T. , . ... -. It now turns out that General lar intervale of twele aod twensy fuaw I Mae eweadoct wwe thst tbe oil mla'at .... r. .L I. L. aU f I .1 """" k " " 1 geeet appeared naoented oa tbe ghost ncm io icno .ireagta to vac epiniea lag the nemy, and that easts snd moeouitoee are the ful- pony st PL All TALL Oa Plata Sohjecfe. IV a PLUS cWar. Doting tbe first eight months this er, we ere told that 144,213 lives wove lost from great calamities aioea, Of t'nia number the Java earth oaaka has 4h. honor of lead ins the lias witfc 100,000 akeletona ntaring misfortune ia tbe fee. Tbe Egyptian ckotore sol. I wa like a Black Hole with l.fXfJ attain, the Inefaia earth quake with 4, 00, aad then we have small nstsa t'ophiee, like tbe wreck ef the fimbria in which only 434 were loot, the PoUnd Circes fire witb 208 blsckenad aast braised oorpees aa witneeseeef a terrible holocaust, the April tornados, with 260 Ind tossed ucfortunstes, and so am down to the Brooklvn arid o with U victims of peer msni Tiieee make tbe blood curdle. tbey are cases we eannot help tney force tneeeeslves a pee as. Dar- oaoaes there occurred anversl of death, in order to illueUata affaat matter we will any thirty mUliena; ai- tkough the number b probably grantor. Tbiak ef that, yet tboae 144,(00 Uvea lost caused more sb adders thirty millions. a At tbe Temperance Friday night n ronolatiea was pemmi to tb. effect tbat all who engage an the rtiaing of bops help p rente the Uejaer sndBe. Aa probably at least 0 per eeat of all tbe bepe raised w used in muktog liquor there la irstle eemke that they do promote the trafito. This will be a terrible blow te many worthy nana. W. know ef deacons sad para obristiana who raise bops tbat go their piece to tbe brewery, but it never come into their bead, tbat wore doing wrong. Poor deluded n One snch took a prominent part ia name convention, and few better anon are te bo found. This is an important question, nnd while it is n peculiar one, it ia worthy of ooasi deration by alL s a a iare I the ffreat aad rood Crree W. The theleoeeataenealVK .1 J. 1 ... u.,l . I. . , iW wealthy : thrae h4 ae improve haaaoeer. We weat aaaa eaaa. waeaea. be and m m to work for ea rteht te their et leeailllee. Any at At, the work sreoerl from the Sret taea will par mere than tea Umea ordinary Tha Bxpeaatve entSt farnlabed wee. Soeoe wt. tan to make ranttev raptdlr. Yea eta de- o roar whole time to the work, ecomly yur epere mtm Vull inbmtrUua aod all that M eoe ect free, aooreaa nVtaaos AC., PerUaad, Mala. I U ' l..w T.un i. . ...II i- w-aa. ,u ' 1 1 SW h" m .w. t . wrwm-w i. Aed good lock In the eveuitig. arti.tto.lly made ef bye barber t bav. trod en nmny sharp thortta, and resemble tbe King of lbs Dsnorta ; the Fields nre antuuted. Per. tfyacialhe imt lh Ytr dark W is to give a ssriss ef leotaros by which be hopes to repleaiah hie purse, which baa man ears abmdnr abroad. ' I . l. i 1. 1 i i. m,r I met Mr. TaJbeya. the companion " wul w w and friand nf Frmldia flabhsrd. and f .ay,'Ueoanem ana mercy neve followed us ell the deye ef ar life." Henceforth let us give more time our vexations. Tbat la.what we mean and Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. 0 IH AMAH A8SU1AI0B 00., Of LBIDOI. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. . n 1 (lMawi uapu anrmcriimu, miVrtZ'ZT: b hunting more for marlroldM tDttal rmio no b.wv.uu i u,.r.r..M iha rrianrl nf tha nmrlem " a - - Woraral. ccmpav bsa tbo lanartl j m He .aid be bad Uh "rcupe, a.d lone for bare and tbla. PMCML. rdiifl;.w. w... ,w.t ha traded tlse,-Dr.T.lm.go, as W LulU ooeptodby . a. mn asm- to Ensland. te see ,u ouoaay nor .vmwor Oenarcwitb and tbe Cembridgsahirs run before earning borne. Mrs, Langtry 4C la WkM aT a. Usn?M will probably arrive here by neat -aawa aaavaaa aaraaaweaa eat. am am aat wm wm mm mm mmmm a a - bearers of tbo germs of mnlarial fever A paper of aome importance was read about the lent of Angusi befere tbe Academy ef 8c maces, Paris. It deslt with tbeanttaepthM employed ia atanchiag noree, Tbe aalbor wsa hf. Q pane-lie. From ex peri meats mad. oa rabbiu end froga ii appenr. that pboaic acid, camphorated apiriU, sad tint i lar nolutieao are useful ia tee ways, partly aa destroying the geraaa uf patrefaclven, aad partly an astringents, which ulste tbe slbumea of tbe blood. ing teat bo refused admiantoa to the land of affjirite, beuated bis kinsmen until ahoy killed e awed horse and buried It In bis grae. mam a row Roar. A. FoerrTO, AgtefAlbnery. a. asLaav uav as aanvtca ncsna. iTvn. Ust sew mmm directory. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. T BALERS Hf CLOCKS AND WATCH If 8. Keep . full line ef jewelrj. Watches and clocka repaired in first-class order. SCfO OREGON. Monday, having left Liverpool Keen, tbe beat brand, of Imperial and I Saturday on tbe new ateamer Oroton. domeaticeigara. Alee the lma.1 ui..i(l.MAM IJUW 9 v tUOU v I j IM.UI I es ev sv em t aan-as mwe w discreet in ber actions tbia yesr, for her mother. Mm. Le Breton, will ac eemneav ber and set as ber dnsana a w FINEST AND BEST BRAHIS 6F Tna&ppn Dnnirrr.gaiVFS AND All KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest blllard ball in lbs city. I will aloe noil real estate, racrobeaaute Mr. Talbeya la one of the meat genial ! aad amiable of "old bo vs." He is ona Our many reader, will welcome tbe solid iaformation continued in tbe 1 60 pagaaefehta recently-ienued book. 11 is prepared by Henry n. uopp, a iaw Iyer of Wasbiogtoa, D. C. AH tbe Government salaries are given from President Arthur's $56,000 te post- masters with $500, efficisls of the I will nine sell real entato, raoroaaaame i m- a.- - Traaanrw Tntarior. War aad Navv De bouaebold good., c., at aucjeu for say L. thtt Mt whic)l ,u lime io Tre-anry Interior, J""d ene In the dty or county mtore eyponJte V CT ' , . . eartmoate, Ouatom Houses, poet ofaoes, Revere House, Albany, Or. fit SAM ALBANY FOUNDRY AHD new process vlocr bupkbiok fob AND BAKEKH USE. VAMILIM BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. Pinal Settleme nt Notice ia hereby given that the under eignen Adminiatrator of tbe estate of Wil liam Lemon, deceu!, h&a tiled bis final ac eeuat as each Administi-ator in the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon, and by order nf said Court, Tuesday the 6th day of November, 1883, at the hoar of one o'clock, p. 1C, of said day is set for tbe hearing of objections to said account and the settlement thereof. Aay person interested in said estate is herei'y notified and required to appear and tile his or her objections to said final accoant oa or before said day. Dated this 27th day of September 1883. Johs Labkik, Administrator. W. W. MORROW, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron wars, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCiO - - OREGON. MfflCEFORD & BEARD TTEKP A FULL LINE OF FURE JV groceries, fresh candies, nam, aad all kinds of cenfeetionsriss, tobscoo, etearn, CMh patd for preancc or nu SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bate and, cans, groceries, cigar, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. etc., etc. kinds. J. J. D0RRI8, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LETTINGS SO LICITED. Plana and Bpccificaetons furnished on ehort notice. UAIMIWE SHOP. iATABLlMHBD lSSS. By A. F. CHERRT, aftuated at corner of Flrat snd Montgomery Mtreeet, Aioany, Oregon. Havinsr taken eaaraaof tb. above named Works, wo ere prepared to ainnrtfnetnre Steam En etnas, Saw and Grist Mills, Weed-workins Machiaerv. Pnmpn, Iron and Braes Castings of every dearri prion. Well Street earing the day, and its evenings at or near Delrnealco'a. He ia a good etory teller, poasesses flae tsete both in tbo domains ef art and gastronomy, and ia noted for hia iaiper- tarbablw goad hamer. Ia faot be ia a Bam Ward en a smeller scale. Christine Kilmen line, her arrival here last week, baa been a bent a good deal visiting country booses. Ska ia a rat dsns lava tennia player, aad has beaten acme of onr acknowledged cracks at tbe same. A well knswn real estate sgent ban received a eeeuaiaaion from ber te leek out for a Ine resi dence for bar not toe tar from New York. Sbo means te take up ber Jacfainerr ef allfifldnds rrmd. Spe- H,rmsn.atiy in New York, ctai attention givenfto repairing fwrm raa- ,r , t ohinery. Pattern Making Cone la alt He Set lfcllyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE,1 N. E. Cor. Secoos ana YtmWItSU., PORTLAND. - ORIOOaT. A. P. AaamraoMs, PrlnrfpaL . j. A. Wasco, Pamma aaSamwrnary Dssignsl for tin Buinsas JHaeatioa of Beta Sexes. Admitted oa any week day of the year. Of all kind executed to order at reoaoaablo rata. Satisfaction guaranteed. The College "Journal," containing infonrmtlas of tbe course of atudy, rates of tuilioa, lis ta enter, etc., and cnU of plata aad ornamental pen ntanuiip, tre. and at tbe ead ef the operatic eeaaea spend her time amid the pleat urea ef ecu nli y life. "Welcome te tbe Oregert Pioneers' in letters made from red gcranlams on a floral design ef wbitelreeea, was bang over the stairway at tbe Palmer Mouse, Chicago, Wednesday evening last, where between 200 and 100 nla. eeere of the Pacific ceast were reg. stered. partraeate, aad felly 20,000 federal offices arrang ed by States nad Territories, Specimen exaeninstionqsertioiia for admittaaoe te lie Civil Serviee throughout tbe conn try are added. Tbe prioe of the book is only casta. Every young man nd woman who baa net dsoidoa upon n oslltag in life needa tbia publiontien. The govern einal uffam lucrative aed honorable enapleyaicai. Every eititen who ex pec to his Senate er Rcpresenutire to effar bim a ge'vernment position, by pseeesseaaing tats manual can decide at ones whaehsf to accept er daoline tbe ofev. it J save oandidatea from de clining fat efficca through wrong infer Ssatiea. Should tbe Democratic party carry the aext Preaidenul election, ovary Democrat in tbe country would want this book without a doubt. The reduced rate of postage baa just m into effect, and we mav now hear m- ' . itn the silent Sfr . Bomey onoft rrvere m mw It ia fvared that SUtiag Bull's insa tiate longing, for Senator lagan's aoalp may yet drive him into Illineta poll bios. Bbowsbvillb, Oa., Oct. If, 'sS. Ed. DemwCrmt: Mr. E. Skipten, of Boa tea eeuaty, was bore visiting relsliveji lost week. Mr. W. B. Kirk, a pieeeer, fn writ' ing from St. Paul, eajs : All arrived there aafely." Oa last Sunday evening a heme ten over Isaac Put man, and broke hia left ana, also inflicted aa ugly wooed en tbe back ef hut bead. Dr. Starr was called immediately aad tbo patient le doing well. Oa last Thursday morning Mr. Jsmos Moore, a saloon keeper, died of throat diseaae. The deseaaed waa tak en quite suddenly. He waa buried in the Odd Pollowa Cemetery aear Harria- burg. In Brownsville batter esanot be bought at present. Mr. Davis nad sister, ef Oervallis, have been visiting Mrs. ?a. Wank bum for some days. Mrs. Dr. Surr ia visiting relatives in Portland. Dr. Crawford has been oentaed to his room for several dsys past, bus we ere glad to hear he ia nble te be up again. Mrs. Curtis and daughter, of Har rieburg, are visiting relative i thin place. Misses Josi. nnd Katie Archibald left bore thie morning for Oeaterville, where tbey intend going into baaiaeos. May sucoeaa go with tbem. Mr. Walter Looney, ef Prlaeville, b in town. L. L. 1. Bat slowly, masticating tne food very tberongbly, even mere no. if peeaibi., tba a ia required in health. The snore time tbe food Is spent in the mouth, the lees It will spend in the stemacb. 2. Avoid driaking nt meals; al moat, take a few slee of warm driek et the dose ef the meal, If tbe food is dry ia character, i. fn general, dyspeptic stomach a manage dry feed better than tbat con taining much fluid. 4. Eat neither very hot nor cold food. Tbe best temperature is atmt k. mm. ' L. 1 that of the body. Avoid exneeare to eotf after eating. ft. Be eerefnl te avoid excess ia ost ler. Bat no more than the wants of the system require. Sometimes lees than Is ready needed moat he taken wbendlgestien is very weak. PUrength depends not on what ie eaten, bet on what Is digested. 6. Never take violent exercise ef any aert, either mental or phpeical joet boforoor just after a meal. It is net good to sleep immediately after ertlag, nor within four hours of a meal. I. Never eat mere than three times n day, and make tha last ene v ery light. For many dyspeptics, two meals are better than more, S. Never eat morsel ef any soft between meals. t. Never eat when the mind is worried or the tamper ro fhVU, if pos sible te void dedng so. 10. Never eat when very tired' Whether exhausted fran mental or physical labor. 11. Kat only feed that is envy of di gestion, avoiding complicated and in dtfeetiale drakes, and taking but one te three kinds et n meal. It. Most persons will be benefitted by the nan ef oat meal, wheat meal,or graham floor, cracked wheat, and ia the eaddoet news wo nave board, sad we would much have preferred so have been told of tbo death ef 8v Julian or Jay If a Bsc. Great scandidaa. lac tee Presidency. Greet Mead a. 1 Be neea n ban he bona buried ia ebitviea that we had begun te think that he had been shot by tbe Spaaiarda ia Mexico or puffed bimeehf into the elands, be. no, be is impel isbeble. Tbe America people bad eneagb of hia, the sane a. tbsy have of tbe Kelley'e aad Cmak- iusand the like. Wo ah.ll te beer of soma Eypaiaa mummy ing imported to run for that office. s a e other whole grain preparations, rrm. faii-,imm arm tha new efficers tbengh many will find it necessary to -"" . ; , . . of the Oregon Insane Aay lam: Supt. Dr. H, Carpenter; Dr. QIv- r ii . .it. Ant ...Ulanf atial .uttwwnaU...T r--- j General Jlanceck waa obliged te cianjr.a.. j.i-m,w.0-i-,a--,ifwUM Uf) inTiution t visit tbe Michigan BtateFair op aeceont ef avoid vegetables especially when frail8 are taken. eld his! Mrs. Julia Gardner Tyler, wide w ef ex-President Tyler, and Mrs. Sarah Childress Pelk, widow ef ex-Presl- dent Polk, draw their pensions of 5000 each at the agency in Knexville Tenn. i There fs an elMn mere resnsible 1 far corruptiea in American politics than those who stay away from the polls on election day. mm mm Subscribe for the DnstoonAT ' ae-ifltant: Mr. Kenwerthy, tne Stewart atJBnst Portland, retains position, also Mrs. Keftwerthy as (ran. Dr. J. A. Richardson, of the Dallas, is visiting pbysicisa. The appointees are said to be all re publicans. Mrs. Matilda Field, Davy Creek ett'a yenageat daughter, Is living in tamaorary lameness. In his letter ef regret he mid he waa much Interrest- ed in ell that pertained te agricul ture. Lord Coleridge la peealag rich with d46,ee0 a year salary. He geta almost ss much as the president ef the United States, bnt then he does Tennessee. She is only sixty-two. 1 not have so many vacation. A paper mill is Icing established aaaa Portland. Tbia wiil make two ie the State Is might be hope tha. it weald be the means ef bringing; deem the price of the article bet probably will not. Tba difference ia cost mi paper between tha But and the 0Oaa ia a good illustration ef the difference ia the case of many etheV goods. Paper for which the printer, of Oregon pay $3 and $3.15 a roam, they could gel ia Chicago far $2.10 aad $2.80 per ream, . asving in an order of 50 ran nan of $45 or 50, er ia the course of the year ef several hundred doUara for the country newspaper, yet the freight weald eat much ef this op, so thai we observe tbat tbe newapaper jrins sad hears it, sad neecenarily has le charge a higher price than Baxter n paper. e rhe First Nufieaat Bank ef Chicago now require, all ef ita employee e give amounting le four er five then aaad dolhun, the beads of ita 180 clerks aggregating .bout $320,000. This ta necessitated on account of the great .mount ef rascality among sank elerke, and the opportunities they have for em Willing money. I bare name times thought thai it would also be a good ides to make auoh men se Blocker give bonds for good conduct, but then mm jured character can hardly be recon nected with money. e e e . Three of Line County 'a eisineaa who recently died, left wills declaring hew tbey wished their property to ba die posed of. All ef them ere being eea tested by near relative, ea different graunds, and desperate eferta am be ing made te break them bees n as the contestants were not allowed to do Ike willing, two at least en the groand if inoom potency. One would think thst a relative would hesitate a leaf while before sontenting n will on aaeh a ground, yet nt the same timn if oaa ia incompetent it should net stand nay mors than a seat met. For my part though I shall contest nn wills oa any grou td. Respect alone far n relative aheu d prevent it, and I sometimes thin); I would rather be in a den of witches than in a family law aait.