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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1883)
WATERLOO SAW MILL WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi am River, opposite Water loo feoda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofflce, Waterloo, Or. TEls treat aireagth Ian reay eaa ssrv doulM ieiutnaM re- ult ot or or twenty year ut tvraclieal expert OS, MM with unnuuag cri taint v Nervous ami bhvticai debility, call nal ena, KMIflMAar- p r o tetorrttoMs snsnsna, m i o tenv hsustad vitality, iTt tar ueclwe situ loss of 1. . . 1 1- .in.. 1 and from htwr mum produced. It ttriche and purine- the blood MrMctbM the Mm brain. Biaecies, dt-eeUott, rs- prodoctiv orxn mm physoal mm mentaJ tacuiuua it stops say Umw( osbUitattng dmta nnon the .AV nrTntlM MMMH MM, dablliUtlrur ssmtaal Iomm with Uw aria, etc.. de- rinMln tn mind and hndv. It k a SUTa eUSalnaU of all kidney and bladder complaint, tl oooUia m Injurious iarredtonta. To too uBenr3 from the ll .J Toothful lmiiaereUoua. a aiieed V , thor .wt MnliMM cum la UUAKANTKKD, 1'rnt? tlo par bottla, or Ova bottle la cess, with full dl rctloM aad advice, tlO. Seat secure from ubeerre Boa to any address upon receipt of uric, or C. O. D. to lis had only of IDR. C D. SALFIELD, SIS Kearney a., eaa Fraactara. l. Consultations strictly awdkkrtUal by Utter or at aAW VRKV Var the canvaaaaaM of tmtienU and m roar to inaore pe jfect aacrecy I have addopted a pri vat addreas under whioh all packs arc lonarJod. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. . taihnr Ita merit. wiU be cent to any MM) applyinx by tatter, MatiaiC hj amptoms and age- COBuaonioaUoaa atncUy The Great English Reme dy. a neter fatlm cur tor Karroo Debility, wwunai Weakness, Kxnaweu h&Htv fenareaatornMM, potcy,ladall tern Me m . lAbuse, youthful iiuc,ami 1 1 laara nmutw mmm Mich a loaa of Memory, Lassitude. Kmiaaioo, Aver, au to Society. Dimness ol Vanon, N'uiaea in the Uead, sag- -tP. I r TjbI the vital fluid passing anobserred Into the urine, and leedinr to Insanity ami nsain will aeree to forfeit Etve amnrea for a caa of thia kind the Vital l4an live (under kk peeUl advice and treatment) 'mia not ever or for aaythfaw impure or Injurloua found la it. Dr. MiamalraaU aU pnrate dia5S .uoeeeafaUy without mercury. CboaultaUoo free. Thoruuch amiaatlon aadadejee including analysts of urine. a. Prtoeof Vital KastonUive, fs a bottle, or four urnoa the quantity tM, aant to nay addrea upon recelptof price or C. O. D.ebKur from obacrvatioo and la prt HMtf deatrad. by DR. A. E. MIKTIE, 11 Kearney i saa rranctaco, cj. bottiefree. 8ent on application by ettr. n, Cotnruuu SSrietly Dr. Hmtia'a Kidney gacnedy. an bm or raney aad Madder fleet, leoajchorrtVaa. For aale by all la ootue or atx bottle for lu. Or. Mintiet Daadefioa Fffeare the beat and cheap M Djej iula aad BOioaa cure in the raaikct. For ale bv all dnurrieU. Dr. NIMWFV, NO 11 KEABNT ST. Treats all C hraalr aad Upertai YOUISTO MEN Tf aaVt of yoerthfal foOie or hatscretiuci. nJJ re of this, thagraatmt of aoferiaax humanity. DR. M to bnat SSfui every e m pri rat rhanaai of any kind which ha undenakaavaad bdhj to cur. i an many at the in of thirty -flrelo alzty ho are troubled with too frequent eyamalinn of the Mad. er allan acconvpaniad by a atifbtaaMuainzor btmiina; aaatieat, and a wafcsnina, of thesymam In a manner fa patient cannot Lgoas far. Ob examtntnr the jrmary dapwtts a ropy aediment will often be found aad aassaSfaaM small particle of albumen will appear, -r the color vnll be of a thia milkmh hue, again rhany hag to a dark aad torpid appearance. There are assay sea who die of tsaadMsalty ipmrsat of the causa, which is the second stage of aemiaai wesiiaa Da. 8. will faarantec a perfect core in til each runs, and healthy lestutiUou of the renito-urbwy organs. Orm Boca 10 to 4 and S to g Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Conan'taflon fro. Thartineh exminatiat For rate of short auaduur a full e t for a cure, with ail instruction, win b Many ea receipt of 10 00. can 71 sroraET et ., 11 St. Saa Francsjco, Cat To the Unfortunate ! DE GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 KEtn.VV ST., corner of Corarner- ciai Street, Saa Fiasiiiswaa, , KUWibd in 1 864. for I the treatment of Sexual sod Seminal Diseases, such rfcea. sileet. iit rirtaj re, Syphilis in al . it forms, iMpefeaey nisrfat loss re bv dreams, pirn ulee on the face and loea of manhood can post lively be eared. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor ha traveled extensively in Em-op, aad laepectod thoroughly the various nospi tal there, obtaining a rrsat deal of valuable informa tion, arhich be i competent u impart to those in need of hieryice. DR. GIBBON wUI make no chxrg ualea be effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY MM CtBED ST HOME. All coi -munications strietly eoaftdenUai. You see no one bo. the Doctor. Send ton dollar for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor win please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charms rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. 3. Y. GIBBON, Bos 1967, San Francisco. rUo43 OTbe BrFB3, Guide is Is sued March and Sept, each year: 216 pages, SJxlU inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole sale prices dtreef to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mat kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you, Besijeetfoliy, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO ssr a sss Wsheea Atmsi, o1mj XA . PATENTS Obtained, ark all other business in the U. 8. Patent Office atiendodod to for moderate lee. Our office i opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we o obtain Patent in leas time than those remote mm Waahiasteo . hend modle or drawing-. We advise as to patent aoittSy free of charge ;and we make no charge unless ws obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Brjpt. of Atocey Order Div. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent Offloe. For circular, advice, terms, and reference toaetaaleUeutsvin your own State or county, address Ce A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patsnt Office, Washington, D. C. I DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Uarrisbnrg Oregon, Editor Proprietor. 8. not, life i sweeping by, go and dare be- ,na ti aomethinar msr htv and sublime leave be hud to conquer me. $66 a week In your own town. 6 outfit free. Ko risk. Everything new. Capital not required. W witt furnish you everything, huay are makirg fortune. ldieemake as much as Bate, md bots girls make great pay. Reader, if you want buMnesw at which you can make great pay be time, write for partirular to H, Hallette a Fort lan gain 1 J i i ii 1 i 111 a. iiN&aBw&uiYi:" in m I iMall. IUKW , M P HUE HlklSW iRM kill w it. ma MIT ever laid M the altar M WHK TaUf atfeT. St. John's Lodge. No. 6i, In Poster Block, 'Aad Salurdsy of each moutlt. Corinihlun Lodge, No. 17, same place, 1st and 3rd Saturdays of eaoh month. Bayley Chanter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays at same plaoe. Albany Lodge. I. O. O. F., Wednesday evemnga at UUu reiiows Mail. Orgeans Kacampmeat meets ovory 2nd and 4th Friday of each mouth. Willamette, N. 5. A. 0. U. W.. Monday evenings at O. F. Hall. Safety Lodge. A. O. U. W.. Tueeday eveulngs, in Peteraona Mail. Knight, of Pythl, Thursday evenings at O. F. Mall. Choaen Friends, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays of eaoh month. Ancient order of United Templars, at 0, F. Hall, 1st aud 3rd Tuesdays or eaoh month. Summons. the Cimit Corn of the Stat y Ortgo, for the county ry Linn, I N Bostwlok and A Ilea Boatwiok, Plain tuTa. vs. Ailsy Kay, Chas Rav, J W Ray, Chester Kay, M Kay, Aanie Kay, Mary Dealy and Susan Dealy, Defuudants. To Chas Ray, J W Ray. Cheater Ray, M Kay, Annie Ray, Mary Dealy and Susan Dealy, seven at the Defendants abovod named, and to all persons un known claiming an interest in the here inafter described premises. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF I. Oregon, you and eaoh of yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named Plain litis lu the above entitled Court now on hie with the Clerk of said Court on or before the 4th Monday of October, 1888, it being the 22nd day of October, 1SSS, and you are hereby notified that if you flail to appear and answer said complaint aa hereby required the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded there in, to-wit : a decree of the Court parti tioning the following described premises, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter and the south half of the southeast quar ter of section twenty-one. And the south half of the northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter ana tne souin nair or tne sou lowest quar ter of section twenty two, all tn tovmsblj eleven, south range one, weat of the Wll lamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon containing 300 acre more or less, or i partition of ssld premises cannot be made without great prejudice to the owners there of then for a decree ior tne aale or said premises, and for the distribution of the prutveds thereof, according to law and for such -further relief as tne Court may think proper. This summons is published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at L nam bom Aug. sist, lews. HKwrrr A Brtaut, Ally's for Plaintiff. Summons. In tke Circuit Court of Hum County, Stat ol Oregon : Alice Hocking, PlaintirT, ) vs. V Jabez Hocking, Defendant, To Zahez HocJmhj, ud Defeudamt. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yon are hereby notified and required to be and appear in the above named Court in the above entitled suit aad answer the complaint filed against you therein by the plaintiff, by the first day of the next term of said Court following the publication of this summons for the period of six consecutive weak in the Statks Kiohts DkxocraT. to-wlt ; by Mouday the 22nd day of October, 18a3, and you are notified that if you fail to appear and an swer -as above required, for the want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit : for a decree dissolv ing the marriage contract existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant and for ssi order for the custody of the minor child ot the parties. This summons is to be set mJ by pub lication by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, bearing dale Sept, 3rd. US. O. 0. Waosoit, and Bon ham & JiAVAgr, Attorneys for th Plaintiff. Summons. In the CirruU Court, of tkt State of Oregon, for the County of Limn : Retty L. Breeden, Plaintiff, ) Elijah B. Breed eu, DtJendant j To Elijah Drfemiajit. D. Breeden the aJtor named In the name of the State of Oregon i Tou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, in the above entitled cause now on file in the office of the County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon by the find day of tne next regular term or tne above named Court, that is to say, by the twenty-second day of October, 1883. And yon are here by notified that if you fall to appear and answer said complaint as above required, for wmt of answer the plaintiff will apply to tne court for tne relief demanded in said complaint, which is a decree diasolv ing the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant harem and for the care, nurture and education of the minor child named in said complaint, and also for judgment for ber costs and dis bursements of this suit. R. S. SmaHAV. Attornev for Plaintiff. Ibis summons Ut published by order of i ion K r J3oiae, Judge ofeald Court wbiob order m dated August, 1st, UJ83. Sheriffs Sale. In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Linn : Milton Hale, Plaintiff, ) vs. Hall Dawson and J M Coon. Defendants, ) VrOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a writ of execution and order of sale issued out of the above nam ed Court in the above entitled action to me directed and delivered for the sum ol $153 76" and the further sum of 1 15 Attor. ney ifcHt and the Author sum of $29.50 costs. 1 have applied thereon the follow ing described real property, heretofore attached in said actio, i mi described as follows Ut wit : A prt of the donation land claim of .brain filler, Jr., and wife motincaiion o. wui. and claim No. OH la .Town-nip No. If, south of range 8, west oi tne wiuameiio. Mermian, Mate of ore gon : Beginning at the northwest corner 1'na.d donation land claim and running thence iouth 27 75-luo chains ; thence east 9 In.loo chains ; thence sooth 36 45' east 37 70-100 chains ; thence south 83 30' east li 61100 chains ; thence north 71 SO' east o 50-100 chains; thence north 12 west 5 lo-lOO chains ; thence north 2i east 8 2-luo chains ; thence north 79 west 7 50-100 chains ; thence north 17 16-100 chains ; thence north 27 45' west 30 56-100 chains to a atone 5x6x14 inches in the north boun dary of said donation land claim, said stone being 10 42 100 chains west of the quarter section corner in the sooth boun dary of Section 4 in the aforesaid Town ship; thence west 89 54' west along the north line of said claim 29 75-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing 175 40 100 acres, and on Saturday the 6th day ef October, 1883, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m I will sell said real property at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said writ with accruing eosts. Dated this 7th day of Sent. 1818. Geo Humphrey, Sheriff of Liuu county, OtOon. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court, of Linn county, Ore gon maoe Juiy diet, is3, tne nnoersignea was duly appointed Arfministrator of the estate of Mrs MAE Gross, deceased, All persona having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to E resent them to the undersigned at Al an y in said county, with proper vouchers within six months from this date. Dated Aug 27th, 18S. T. J. Clime, Administrator. Subscribe for the Democrat, GOP" Infants and Children i Without Morphine or Warcotlae. What at res our Children rmtr ohok. What cures their fevers, makes thotu alrepj f 'Tl ftaatoria. When BabMB (ret, and cry by turns. What ouras their colic, kfllalhrdr worms. l But Cantoris. What quickly cures Coostlpstlon, Sour IMiTnwa'. Colds, IudlgUou : ilwt Castarta. farewau then to Morphine Syrups, Oastor O0 aad Parvgurio, i , ana Mall Castarta. DR, LIEBIC Ispensarr' Or ' and tal. ur.cou.KtiK ifTTsmrrKroa tha eure of all BDScSal OOttV Icated and so called incurable cbrotik diseases. Br Ueblff's Lrraisa lataerar I"-'-Itvrl suarsnterd to cur norvou sod nhyakal debility. Mtalnal weahnea. lost of BMWliOod. watorThra, luM of eneigy. ringing and dlaafBMS la Sha head, saelan- choiio, bopcleM fMiings, proata torrhea. sad all the result of youth ful Imprudeuo. and esrissss of mature year. The doctor, s regu lar collet phyaUSan fro Europe will agm to forfeit one Uxiueaud dollar for a mm tbelnetforator will not ears under special trsUassit aud advice. Tha M many can not ret eared of weakness and the above airum Is owing to a explication, called l-roetoterrhes, which require t Is the onlv pusUi- cr u,r rros UtorrhM. Prke of either In vtgo rmt,.r SI nar bottle ! sis tor SlO. ant to an v addrsM on receipt of seise, or C o p. aeepottatbi psraoas eaa pay whsn saiawiT aadntalned. PsUeOU cured. Strictest cured at home. lr. Uebig I" -. a It. Ita buildtns caaUon. of the bladder and l3 - . .,innUina f KA.titul.ry net weakness sad aMhstorraM- Ooasplalnu readily yield to the Dr. LieUa; irrtunsat. Ordinary Casea Any rceenl m4hI ili.iw rurnl fur SIS. 1 to cur will be promptly sent, wllh full and ad visa, aa receipt of S10. AU I csreiy covered frma ehasrraUoo. lavlaoratar Samples Wrr. T provs the woaderful power of the Oreat Oerman In vkeomtor a St bottle of either sufaer ssffsj be Mst ImiJisuh fenon onl.niis a tree wi w oaiy bars to asjr as aMSSSge cm delivery et PowwfS eeuCClU free to -UlMla Csm JtaUoo. examination aad adrsa ftM tad privato. ultaUoo. Call or writ. Br. UKS1E st tasCrary St.. mvafr Eairaae. a at , a w tai RUSSELL 6l CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM an SAW MILL E MOINES, THRESHING MACHINE8, ETC. At rtrat riaad. ah- ygi i known noi-ss have rwHK Watte? a Branch OE . . iaatWaha T. They arffi mim eamr a full atoek of d Uaprvead maehfosrr with W If Assat. Cor. Pros sad TarLw Si.. IVrt kind. Or. The bettor to rmaMiuilal their rslnassr U the Interior aa 1 n the Coast, Write for lUtwtrated circular aad pries list . cent has (nssihag this paper.) Addreas KI SMEI.L et , ftrsach 0c, Wall Walla, W. T. C. C OSaUtBT. cm jpa as if ALBANY IRO WORKS. CHERRY & PARKLS, (iaaaasasnrs to C. C. Cherry. ) Macuiiisti, lilitrijU, and Iron Founders. 1ME HATE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL f? oom pleted, and are now prepared to nanoje an Kinds or Heavy work. We wil I manufacture Steam Engines, Grist ai Saw Mia Machinery, and all kinds of In and Brass Csawings. f ATTKKSS Mum BE SBEET EBTVOC. Special attention given to repairtng all LI1 -- - e war a s t a r m assieot maeaiuery. win aiso manuiao tore the Improved Cherry A White Grain r. Yard. Albany, Gr Deo. 1, 1880. lHtf Thsosjj Eaawa specific for gpnjfje Flu. Also for Spasm sad railing Sickness. X weaaaeat K tnatantly roaeres and ears. blood sad quicken susrgtsb rircslaUoa. Eratnv 11m term of disease aad save stekaMf. Cans A SKEPTIC SAID njyoiPjrhM sad stubborn bleed teres. Btattaates JMU,Crbaocles and scalds. IB istmaaeatly sad promisay cam pa,ilysU. Tee, it Is a charming; aad beetthful Aperieat. Etas Scrofula aad Slags Eru, twin brother. Chance bad bnaUh to cood. ramov. Bouts Wllons clr compUttlon. Equalled by none In the delirium of fsver. A charming resolvent and a matcbleM laxaUve. H drive SUE Headache like fas wad. fCnUlM no drattoeathanl or opiates. BeUevM (THE 0REaT) L s an V E I CIOINIOIUIEIRIOIRM " - - - I I I I w toe brsia of morbid fancies. Promptly eurM Bbeu msusm by routing It. Beetore utomng proper, ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to eure an nervous disorders. CrBeHble when all opiates fatt. Its. freshes the mind sad Invigorates the body. Cure dyspepsia or moneyrefunded. aa U w u a s m. m iHHK LNEVERIFA LS u - - I B. law DlMSSMCf the blood owti it con(T0CT0r. Endorsed la writing by over fifty thousand leading cltlsens, ciergymea sad pnrrtrtsss fa T. S. sad Europe. - tyror le by all leading i1raggU. fS-89. fan Tha Dr. S. 1 Bieknood Co.SUosapti.Mo. Tnr frsflmonlils snil i In n1n stmiPsisinp f BEDIJOTOX A CO., Afsats, 8sa PrsaelssS. HXRVOUS DEBILITY SRAIM Sam Run i 'ikva-p. a guaranteed specifio for Hysteria, Dizzi- Jonvulsions, Jnta, lServons Neuralgia, he. Nervous Proatmtinn runwl l Ihnnu of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men in I Do- DreMlOQ. HOftoninst of Uia Rraln resiillliiu in In. sanity and leading to misery, decay and deaih, Preuuture Old Ass, Barrenness, Lose of oower in either sex. Involuntary Losses, and Spermat orrhcea caused bv over-exertion of tho hmin ajlt abuse or over-indulgence. Each buz contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or Ax boxen Waffitlal to sure any case. Wit h each order received by u for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by rVOODABD. ( I-AHR A C O., WTinJsssale msoA 3EataAl rDx-uergrlata, POBTLAND, OBEXJOK. Orders by mai1 will receive prompt attention. eolats) ears for Rheumatism, Veins, Baums. Calls, etc., aad sua tatsntaaeon Pain-mlisvar. TImsB tendencTe aad make va. K. c. West's Nkbvk kkst. lite iMttal FRIDAY SEPTKMBBU 28, 1883. OUR CHESS COLUMN. Address all communications for this department to P. 0. bos 91, I ndepen dence, Or. Persons sending commun ications for put pose of publication (ex cept solutions to problems) must en close a 3 cent stamp to defray extra Kstage. Contributors of problems are requested to enoloie full solutions of the same. With this weeks ieflue, we begin the Dkmocrat's fourth problem tourney. a The tournny will consist of thirteen problems. First prize, a neat volume of " If orphy's Mstoh Games ;" second prise. 100 blank chess diagrams ; third prise, 75 diagrams ; fourth price, 50 diagrams. Two weeks will be allowed for solutions. In case of a tie the obeas editor to decide. Neatness and analytical thoroughness of solutions will be taken into considers! Ion. TOVEXET PROBLEM X0. 4. White K at Q Kt 5 QatQ 1 Rat K 1 Kt at Q B 8 B at K R 3 B at Q B 7 P at K Kt 3 P at Q 3 P Et Q B 2 Black K EtQ 4 Q at K R Rat K 1 B at K B 2 B Et K Kt 8 Kt Et Q Kt 1 Kt at Q R PstQ5 P at Q B 4 P at Q B 6 White mates in (wo mores. (King's Kts. Uetubit.) White Blsck PtoK4 PtoK4 PtoKB4 PxP K Kt to B 3 PtoJCKt4 K B to H 4 B to K Kt 2 PUKR4 PtoKRS PtoQ 4 PtQ3 Q Kt to B 3 PtoQB3 PzKKtP PxP R x R B x R etc Problem No. 1, ksy-ssotw : B to K B 7 eb. Solved by Bismarck, King's Bishop, Dr. J. K. K., and N. M. B. What has become of "Sad," J. A.B., and other knights of the Democrat's Round Table 1 Cant. Mackenzie is the accredited chess frbampton of the United States, but it is an open nueslion if Mr. J as. Mason ia not bis eti verier. Iff 6 be lieve Mr. D. M. Martinet, of Pbiladel phis ranks next, with Mr. A. O. Bell man, of Baltimore and Mr. J as. Mor gan, of Chicago following oloae after. Samuel Lovd ranks first aa problem composer, and possibly Conrad Bayer second. A boat 11 up tbe third rank. To all lovers of the gjkme of chess it will be a treat to learn that both pr Zukertort and Herr Steinits are not unlikely to visit America ibis fall Vigorous efforts will be made to bring about a match between these two giants while in the United 8ttee. Match games are the only true teat of chess supremacy. Wo believe that in a match contest 8teinits wonld prove to he rather tbe sa pet ior player. CEBISHS FACTS. The remedy of a hair ot a dog that bit you has un tried in ;te literal sense for hrdropbobia at a London hospital within ten years. A noieonous ess bole among tbe stalactite eaves in the Yosemite is call ed Htvcian cave. Birds drop dead flying over its moutb,and small animals entering perish at onse. It is filled with crystalline pendant cf E deep emeraM hue. The natives of Lower Bengal wor ship the goddess of obolers. Her sbrine is st Calcutta, and was built 1750 by an English gentleman. The idol baa been neglected of 1st years snd tbe in come of the temple U only aiout f 140. In 1867, the fruit trade of Jamaica with the United Sutes consisted of a few bunches of bananas snd barrels of oranges, valued at X725 ; last year tbe export of oranges slone had risen to 35,000,000, and tbe total value of tbe trade waa 124,000. So little was thought of antiquitiee in England up to a very late date that the Government made a present of the demolished and beautiful Holbein's Gate at Whitehall, to William, Duke of Cumberland, who, as Ranger of Windsor Park, Holbein's carved" en riebments in embellishing the fronts of the keepers' lodges. it is said that tbe jasmine was in troduced into Tuscany by a certain grand duke who brought the plant from some tropical conntiy and plsoed it, with many injunctions for its osreful tendance, in tbe hands of his gardener, intending to present it as an offering to tbe Princess of France. Tbe gardener bad a sweetheart, and wishing to please ber, be one day broke off a slip of tbe cherished plant and offered it to her. She planted it, hoping thus to preserve it for ker wedding, and to her delight it took root, throve and grew into a stately bush, from which she gathered flowers salable for their rarity, and so accumulated a suss of money which facilitated her marriage. To this dsy tbe maidens of Tusoany wear a sprig of jasmine in token that they can bring a lucky dower to tbe man of their choice. The liberty of reporting parliamen tary debates was virtually conceded in 1771, but reporters' galleries were not put ap in tbe House of Commons until 1834. HISTORICAL Charlemagne was crowned emperos of Germany, in Rome, Deo. 25, 800. Hanover Was separated from Eng land in 1&37. when Queen Viotoria ascended the throne, the Celtic law still prevailing in tbe smaller kingdom. Robert Brown, an independent min ister, was imprisoned thirty-two times during tbe reign of Elisabeth, for preaching the doctrines of his church. What is called the "trecento," in Italian literature, extendi from tbe birth of Dante in 1255, to the death of Boooaocio, in 1375. Tbese two, with Petraroh, are called the "triumvirate of the trecento." Tbe fashion of using Dutih titles for ohimney pieces was new in the time of Pepys, and he complains, in bis diary, that a friend imitated one which he set up in bis dining-room, without ssk ing his permission. Buron littuwmiafin oxplnins the dis tress of the Parisian cabinet makers nd carpenters is due to the vast 1m portstlon of ready rna4e deal furnltui e ratters, window frames, lattice blinds, from Norway and Sweden. It Is cheaper to get them tnado there and transport thorn to France than to msnnfscture them in Parlr. where wages are very high end the pur chaselng power ef money low. This Importation Is new. It began after the last universal exhibition, when the building trado was in full sctlv- If the steel is good, nothing will temper a plow point better than good clear water, with, perhaps, a little salt in it. Harden at a low beat as the steel will bear, end do not draw the temper for blunt tools for catling stone. , Meat your plow points In tbe same manner. The preat toubto with plow points Is tbe poor quality of tbe steeL You may make the plow points better by case hsrdoning, which every blacksmith knows how to fJo, snd harden at a low heat without drawing the temper. The steamer Bristol, of the Old Colony line, baa an engine of 1 10 Inches cylinder by twelve foot strok" and the clearance between tbe piston and tbe cylinder-bead is only 3-16 of en Inch. Close work for so large a cyllndor. Summons. In the C i a Court of the State of Oregon for Hum County. Ai Warren, Plaintiff. ra. J W Swank and Martha aiwank hie wife, W H 8 wank and M K A Mwank bis wife. Hunan D Keeney and J I) Keensv ber hue- band.M K Handera and Joasph Handera bar husband, K J Walk I us ami Lew Walk ins her husband, Josephine) Jefferson, Mary Ann Jefferson and Nancy K Keeney, lkfand anta. To S J Watkint, Ise Watkint, and Nauru B A "ney. three qj tne about named IJefrndamU, I 9 THE NAME OP THE STATE OP Oragou, you and eaoh of you are hare by required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the shove entitled Court, now on hie With tbe Clerk of said Court, on or before the fourth Monday of October next, it being The Strel day of October, IftftS and the Drat day of the regular October Term, USJS ot said Court, and you and each of you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear and answer said complaint as nereuy requireu,ine piainun win apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded there in, to wit: for judgment aaainat tbe de fendants, J W Mwank, Martha Mwank, W II Swank and M E A Swank for the sum of $7000 with Interest thereon from the 2nd day of January, 18SS, at tbe rate ot ten par cent per annum and the further sum of 700 with interest thereon from tbe 2nd aay or January, 183 at tbe rate of 8 par pant per annum, principal and inter set on the whole thereof in United States gold solo and for the poets and disburse ments of this suit to Us utxsd, That RisinUfTs mortgage be decreed to be a SB upon the real estate In said mortgage described and that said mortgage be fore closed snd that the lands-described there in, to wit: The donation land claim of Harmon Swank and M E A Swank, claim notification 2132 and claim No's. S8 End 30 in Tp 13, 8 R, 2 and 8 W and con taining 840 acres : Also ISO 23-100 scree oom m eaa log at the northeast corner of the donation land claim of N D Jack, Not. Ko. 2189 and claim Mo. 40 in Jp. 13, 8 R S W and running; thenoe south i I SI WO chains ; theooe weal 31 80 100 obelus ; thence north 41 01-100 chains : theuce east 81 80-100 chains to the plaoe of eeBtnninu : and, also, 183 80-100 acres, being Lots No. one (I) and two (J) in the northeast quar ter of Section thirty (SO) in Tp. 13 8 R 2 W. all west of tbe Willamette Meridian, in the county of Linn, State of Oregon and containing tn the aggregate 963-83 scree, be sold and that tne proceeds thereof be dhnnllaarl t msS r ft Kdh Ut manl rf ft laaa stsaftaa ajfptiou. uim sv mw r J taivii we tuf arwatasat and disbursements of this suit, second to tbs payment of said sum of 1700 with in terest thereon from the 2nd day of January. 188 at the rate of 8 percent per annum, then to tbe payment of -aid principal sum of 87000 wllh interest tbereou at the iate of fen per oent per annum from tne 2ud day of January, lasa until paid ; that tbe de fendants ana eacn or tnecu ue forever barred and foreclosed brail their r'srht. title, Interest and equity of redemption in and to said premises and that the Court make such other and lurther order and de cree as may be just and If tbe proceeds of suob sale fail to satisfy such Judgment in full then tbst execution be awarded against any property of the defendants, J W Mwank. Martha Swank, W H Swank and M H rV Swank for the balance thereof. 'j ius summops is pubitsnea by order or Hon R V Boise, Judge of said Court, whlob order hears date of Apgugt 23rd, 1888 snd was made at chambers ui Hlpm, Marion county , Oregon. WKATMKRVoltD K MACBXJRN, Attorney's for iiajutiff. WANTED. s ITUATION ss teacher, first grade cer initiates and seven years experience. Address, C. Burriss, Albany, Or. o ( AM to sQSi: UIDl HEALTH. IstB&flMm's Celdea Balsam Xe. 1 Cures Chancres, first snd second stages : Sores on the less and body ; Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased scalp and all primary form of the disease, kflowu as Hyp hills, price, $5 pei bottle, LrKlehan's Oeldea Balaam Xe, ft Cures TsrUary, Mercurial, Syphllltie Rheumatism, secondary Uses. Pais in the Bone. Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps, etc., and eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by bad treatment or abuse of mercury, leaving the blood pure aud healthy. Price, 15 per bottle. Sent everywhere, C. 0. D., securely packed per ex ptew. C. F. Bit HARDS et CO., Agents, 437 A 429 Sansom street, Corner Clay, Saa Francisco, California. "BiaTs. ChareS Dlrtetary. Y. P. C. s. -Meets at thsir rooms in Fos. ter's briok building on Saturday evenings at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons st 4. Basts sss nestings are held on the even ing ei the second Monday in eaoh month. Bverybody invited to attend. U. P. C no ami. I'reaob ing every Sabbath. at 11 A. at., and 7 r. u. by Rev. F,. G. Ir vine, 1). D. sabbath School at 2:30 P. at Prayer masting every Thursday evening. Rvahobuoal Church. Preaching on Sab hath at 11 AM., and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Hollenbaugh, pastor. i;oftURsoAT!ovAt.;iniu-ff. nervioes every Hahbath at 11a. m. and 8 r. m. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Chcrcu. South. Services 2nd and 4th Sabbath at St. Paul's M. E. Church, South, at 11a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. M. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenug. Jos. Emery, pastor. M. E. CucaCH. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 A. m. and 74 r. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School tt 2 30 r. M. Prayer masting every Thurs day evening. Its v. M. Judy, pastor. a . . SSJ - i mm S t rbhsttkkiam CHURCH. rservtoe every Sabbath morning and evening in Church or. Hrosdalbin and Fifth Bt. Sunday School st z .jo p. m. 1'rayer meeting every inursday svening. Iter. Isaac II. Uondit pastor. ... . aa aaak a s VHurnAir church rreschlng every naonatn at i r c A Mall at 1 1 o clock, a m. , and 7:30 r. m. Pnlpit soppltsd by Rsv H. F. Morrison. orlal BUrrrtsry. STATE U S Senators Hon J H Slater, N Dolnb. Hon J Congressman M C George. Supreme Court Judges J IS Waldo, W P Ixrd, E II Watson. Governor Z V Moody. Secretary of State- K V Ear hart. State Treasurer-Ed Hlrsob. Supt of Publio Instruction E B Mo Elroy. Circuit Judge (8rd llt) It P Bclse. Diet Attorney (3rd dlstj-W If Holmes. COPXTT, County Judge L PI Inn, County Comrs.-Johu isom, S R Clsy- peeL Clerk -C H Stewart. Sheriff George Humphrey. Treasurer -J II Peery. School Supt P A Moses. Surveyor D V H Itetd. Coroner I) r J A Dayle. Asssssor-N C Doaier. CTTT. Mayor W M Ketcbum. Recorder N J Hen tou. Marshal-G W Burkhart. Treasurer Fred Muller. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALER8 IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Slest Sarrra.ral -- awr a It U oertain la its affect sod dor not bliatar Kendall's Spavin Care. iisSBlHoa. Mo.. Job WOi ibhi K J. Essesu. A Co..-tiU -Thia ka U, nrtlh I hat used Kendall a Mai, in Cora and kM www n w is at n u rseoasweaosa tn be aod la nes Bsors too ; I have mooted by aatna; tha above Qgioa. loi hj, lus. Ring Aassa bltot. aad ea eSssrfully teattfY aoj rilSBU 1 It w be tlie baa UUftf tor any Umy subaUae 1 bar akr iedaad 1 ba. irted aaany a 1 bat aavie that say stufy for KespscUully roars, P. V. CRIST. FROM THE ONEONTA PRESS, 1. 1. Ooeonls, Xsa Tort. Jan. eth. 1S81. Esrty 11 irrnner Maasr. u J. andalanu Co., of cousourr ran i , asaae eoRtrsti Vltb tbe ihiU Uaesr of tb Pre." Ss ball coram n mretrUminmt u ui. lt MtUuf fortb tbs arm of KendaSs apstta Cars. At ta asss tt w Mctusd frooi tas ana a quanutt . books, cntuiad ir. Keadsil Trss. rise on tb Hon and to IHwasis, wlucb we are riv haj to adrsae w lug .ubaerlban lo the "Prnuf ss s sratatsaa. About Um Urn tbe dtrUrront Srst appeared la UU paper Mr. P. U. ScbariMrboni, bo rsaulaa ami CofSsrs sad a spavined bora. Us read tbe adtar Uaataetit and cmoludeu to teat tbe efficacy of Um reenady, alihougb bis lrletla Kusbed at hi crsdoilty. II bought a bottls ef Emdalr, Spavin ure aod cm awaeeduaing It oa ta bore la him with tbs iMiiiUoos. sad he lafarawd as tats week that it ef facta ate a Marts sure last n expert aorss roaa, who exaialoeJ thcknlmal rarrn'Jy eould Sad notrsosof Sbssmrloortae pisca hert It bad baea located. Mr. Schsnasrhera has tnca sacumd copy ot Kendall sTrasUs oaths tlore and bis rftniw. which he prises very Mfhly sod sou Id be loth to pari sun at ai.y prioc, provided be eould not obtain sa- other copy. So i sa lor adtertMrsr rausU sftleks. Kendall's Spavin Care. Wilton, Minn . Jan. 11th. 1S81. B.J. Kbsdall and f'o ( ..llvi... .... fcortoboo of you by mail a year a. U eoatenta irf wnlnL natSitutad ... ... i ,u L' u... . in on the bind hw of os of my horo which waa badly wosSsn sad eoald not be rrducf Ly tny Ujtr rspsX dy, I got two Dottle of Kendall's btawp Cureof oomplsUly cured my bora. About St rears at bad a three year old colt awsesied very badly. I aeed your remedy ss given In jour book without rowelltsw, aod 1 must say to your erefilt that tbe colt la enUrelt cured, which I a aurnriaa nut nnlv tn mv. acir but also to my neighbor. You sent sss tha book for the trtSlnjr sum ef 2ft cents and If 1 could net est another aJikj it 1 would not take t.iiiuJn dollar fur it. Youn truly, Oso. Mathsws. HEAD PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 5th, 1881. Da. B. J. Kendall and Co., Genu : I think tt ray duty to render you my thank for benefit, and profits which I bat derived from your invaluable and far lamed Spavin Curs. My cousin and I had a valuable a USD, worth Stooo huh had a very had spavin was pfonouitet'd I' four eminent veterinary ur geoss, beyond any cure, snd that ie horse waa dens for ever. A a last resort 1 adviaed my cousin Urtrf a botUe of Kendall' Spavin Cur. It had a mstilssl effect, the third bottle cured It snd the hone is as well a ever. Dr. Dick of Edtaburah, the eminent veterinary unron waa an uncle of mine, aud I take greet Interest In assisting his profession. Tours truly, J ask. A. WiLT0!f, Civil Engineer Kendall's Spavin dure I sure lulls effect, mild Ip Ha action aa it docs not bUaCer, yet it is ' penetrating and powerful to reach erery deep abated pain of remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavins, splints curbs, oalous, sprains, swellings and any lumcnea aud en largement of the lolpt or limbs, or for rheumatism lu man and for any purpose for which liniment is used for men or beast, Jt 1 now known to be the beat liniment for wan ever used, anting mild and yet oertain in lu effect. Send addreas for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtue. Mo remedy baa ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man, Price fl per bottle, or sis. bottle for SS. Al1 lnig gists have It or oan get It for you, or it will be sent to any addrea on receipt of price by the proprietor. Dr. B. J. Kbmdsll and Co., Enoaburgh Fall, Vt. "OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS FROM I HE SOUTH. A Perfect Combination with fare Salient Advantages Vf by it Concerns Tea. "There Is no mistake about it," remarksd Dr M F Flowers, of Gallatin, Missouri, "Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters are one of the neatest combinations ever produced. Thsy have two kinds of advantages pver all others, which we may call the minor and the major, First, they, are clean and pleasant to use, never sowing tne nana nor in pnen of we Second, they are quickly and powerfully, 1 have tried the Capcine Plaster on myself for pneumonia, and on my patient for various diseases, such as neuralgia, muscular, rheumatism, lumbago, kidney trouble, eta, and In all cases relief has foUowed in from three to forty-eight hours." Dr Flower merely voice the written or oral opinion ot thousands in his profession. Benson's Capcine Porous Piaster are tfa perfect exUrnal application. Tbe genuine have the word Oapeine out in the centre. Price SS cents. Seabury and Johacon, Chemists, New York. JULIUS GRADWOHL ' Has the only exclusive stock of CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Solecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND 1 ) THE HIGHEST SABKET PHICE PAID FOR ES Remember! What I Ear I Mean. Give He a Call. 6000SSOLD AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AND DEALERS Hf Imported and Domestic Cigar. Tobaooos, Groceries, Provisions, Candler Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, Oregon, ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BRIGG8' STORE. soy'. AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIRST STREET, HAS ON HAND AS FINE AN ASSORTMENT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As n) house In the alley. He a o I be porta and iuanuf actures TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE EEKPS ON HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. .CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at ntnSS CLARK Indian Cures aU diseases Dr -oowen, moneys, ojuu ana jsiooa, Millions testify to its effioaov in heal ing the above named diseases, and pro 1 . JA A . t nouncc ix to De tne BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. Guaranteed tn en re Dyspepsia. TilADK MAKE ITAGENT6 TANTED.H Laborauiiji 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STANJKR BB0S. - groyrietors ALBANY, OREGON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ABB HEADS rONES Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done wiUi 'rieatntias and dispatch. Special attention riven to orders from all parta of this State and Washington territory. SeT All work warraated. 1 7:42 iaJSSaS 1lERIDEN Cam RaTtBE attained a aattoaal repotatioa la FINE POCKET CUTlsERY, Ladiss" Seisssrs aad Ink Erassi-s, IJave added the manufacture of nil of - STBBIi FENS. With a skilled raperiatsadent ia that depart. rnent, suppWmentea by extended expert noe fa the vorklng of fine steel, we are enabled to oflsr goods of unrivalled quality. To introduce our PATENT ADJUSTABLE Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, "THE ACMT in advance of regular trade channels, we show eat of It, and will mall a sample gross to any fcddreaa on recelptof SS. Carries ss ssseh Ink as any Feustata Pea. st II t s la THIS PKii FITS AOT Hor irt i T Onr whole line of Pens will be od by the trade, 'rice X.ifa furnished to dealers on applioeUoa, FREE for TRIAL An TustaiUns sad spaedr est far AervuH JtobQitt aad VaaJraaaj, Lo ot Vitality and Visor, or any mil r Salt of ladlaoretion, aieaa, ormt work, ete (osr forty thooaaad poal tireearaa.) tW' Band lfio far postas r- d Oalhoua Place, GSacsoo USS. assenr'i Speetle & JOSEPH, reasonable figures. JOHNSON'S Blood. Syr is of fche. Stomach, Iive; HATO BALSAM. This elcrax.: asassaS k preferred by those atoharcuxdu.tnsnr its wipisiis luni BMrirsi atSa ZS7 eolr that arc beacsVcaal flT tse scalp aad hair pahlaBBsi BsYssfalCsleftaGrnarrsasSRatT Parker' J HairBakam k finely perfumed snd k warranted to prerent bSSmr the hak aad to re- re daodrutt and itching. HfTJOX & Co . N. Y. He. mi SI daw. at, GINGER TONIC tetriiti.t tal ittn tmmm. hold duties try Pasjcss's Gi.vccb Tokk. If you are a lawyer, minister or boskets nan ex hausted by menu! strain or anxious cares do not take lsaaLiuiripilntx.butuse rWilpT - Ifvouhare Coasonptka, Dyspepsia, Kheaasa km. Kidney Complaints, or anydiaordcr of the hzags. saasach. bewek, blood or nerves. Pa k u'sGracsa Tonic will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood IiraW 'P a4!nml f Cw Oisa. If -ou sre away fax sjft, ttaspctius , Siry dkeaaa or weakna nod reeutre s atiiauiaot take GiNGtx Tcsnc at ones t it will tnrurome and baud oi up from the first dose but wiU never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds ef fives; it may save yours. wmoji : Kraau an.M.rwtw'.GhwTcafcS Mieaiaai S Co., N. Y. SOc.SlltaaataValmadran. KKf SAVIMa SUrmS UoLUlk S12X. Its rich and tasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There Is astklag like It. Insist upon hamg Ftoaas. ton Cotocws snd look far AgiUature of aa rrmy kctua. Aay Snanrbt m daalr in rar-tM-T can tapplv joo. tSaad ISrant ttan. '-ARC I SAVING BLVIXi". r:- r-7. ORe FELIX LE BRUITS Preventive and are, far either Sex. Thia remedy being injected directly to the least of those diseases of theGenito-L'in arv Crgunn. require no chanso ot diet or raneeoct. rr eicuiial orpoissoons medicines to be tsken uteri ally. When taken as a preventive ty either sex, it is impossible to contrtietany Tt?neita! djrpys; bnt in the case uf thcee iiretdy Bnfeirtsl nately aSlieled with GoECort.aa aid Gleet We guarantee 3 boxes to cure or ac will refund the money. Price by rriiil. rtjtrpe raid, tZxi per box, or. 3 fcoscs ft r V ntttn guarsjitasja issued by all authorictd agents. ssr. m Felix Le Bran at Co. Pole rrena. w wvsawi. arsaass, as Authorised Agapts, Waa.elaalo al 3RTail TVmiarm, PORTLAND, OBEGOK, Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet StTBGOHIPTIOlT San Francisco, Gal.