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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1883)
1 " f be gmwtat. Official County Paper, Entered at the Post Offloe at Albany, Or. as second-class mail matter. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 1883 8TTTES & KdlUr aad HUTTINQ. Prsprk .r. kd r. nmrnnu. Local setter. A rtae Tw fear old st allien. Last week MoKnlght brothers, of this city, purchased of Jay Beaob, at Salem, Oneoo, who trotted on the 17th inst., and made a mile in 3 minutes, the fastest two year old record ever made in Oregon or the Territories. lie won one heat and would have obtained the race but for an accident This young stallion comes from a magnificent stock. His aire was Alt amont, son of the famous Almont ; Gran dam, Geo D Prentice, son Msmbrlno Chief, sire of Lady Thome with a record of 18' j ; Great Grandam by Woodpeck er, sire of tho fsmous Grey Esgle. Oueo is dark bay with a apt Inkling of white hairs, and was foaled June 1st, 1SS1. His dam was Doble, who was by Erieson whose two year old record was 5:30 f the bent for lourteen years. Oneoo's grand sire, Almont was a half brother of the wonderful Goldsmith Maid, and was the aire of Governor Stanford's famous S9, 000 stallion, Pied moat, whose record is 2:17m also a sire of Vender bi It's team Aldlne and Early Rose, which made a mile in 21, alee Penny Withers poon with the same record, and tweo-y others, with records of 30 or better. Oneoo is we understand the first full blooded rare stallion owned in Linn county, and with the above re lationship something very fast may be expected from 1L There is no reason why Linn county should not have fast-stock as well as other counties In the State, and this purchase by IfoKnight Brothers would indicate that something will be done in this direction. Ilk mt mm Died to Halsey, SepL 22ud, Wn Mc Meekin in the eighty-fifth year of his age. Mr MoMeekin was born in Pennsylvania on the 24th of August, 1799. His early life was spent in Richard county, Ohio, whence hs emigrated to Oregon in 1851. His first settlement was on the prairie near Halsey, bat he soon after removed to Camp Creek, Lase county, and, returning to Linn county, purchased a farm near Hairisburg on which he lived several years. He also lived for some time in Walls Walla, W. T., where be was employed in teaching and as County School Superintendent He reside 1 in Al bany six or eight years and in Halsey the last year. He preserved his t rtivity and vigor in old age remarkably, and was about to remove to a new home en the Tsquina when the hand of death was laid upon him. On Wednesday of last week he had gone on horseback some ten or twelve miles east of Halsey en business sad wss returning on Thursday, whea within half a mile of home, he either dismounted or feU from his horse and was found lying in the road insensible and paralyzed, and died at 10 o'clock on Saturday. Mr MeMeekis was a man of energy and successful in life, a valuable citi tzen and an earnest life long christian. L W. C. T. s7. Settee. Mrs M. C. Leavitt is now in California and will visit Oregon, when through with Iter engagement there. The Rescue speaks of her ss the gifted sad eloquent apostle of -the christian women of America and says : "There is, of coarse, only one Miss Willard in the world, but those who expect to 6nd Mrs Leavitt ose ef the lesser liglits, or that she is not one of the brightest sod best e! the most eloquent sod sble speakers of the day will be mistaken." We hope she will be invited to all the towns of oar State, and that the cause of the W. C. T. U. as well as that of the other tempers ace organizations may be greatly helped, and that the largest amount of good may be accomplished throughout the State by this visit. Mrs. a K Hntxs, President Mi 41- 1 Lake Water The following analysis of the waters of Medical Lake, fepokane, couDty, W. T.. was made bv Prof Mariner, of Chieago. The proportions are in grains tt u -n r ot ui- : i yn. j tj gaiwu v Mil tUUIV iuuun . Rodic Chloride 18,370 Potasic chloride 9.241 Litbic carbonate trace Sodic M 63,543 Magnetic " 233 Ferrus 526 Calcic H 186 Aluminic oxide 175 Bodic silicate 10,636 Fotassic sulphate trace iodic bi-borate trace Organic matter 551 101,463 A Letter t.-cm Sllrtx. An interesting letter from Rev T B White, at Siletz, says : "Tbe booming tide at new moon was distinctly heard at this place, although we are in a Val ley and six or seven miles from the oeean. The new buildings, boarding and school houses, are progressing finely. They are being raised and on slightly elevation will present an Im posing appearance Our new agent is a man of energy and we hup ; to build up agriculturally, educationally, and religiously. Crops among the Indians pretty good." Alnseet a Conflagration A curious fire occurred st the Magnolia Mills yesterday morning just after sevea. Oae of the elevators caught on fire from the friction of the grain belt, and the whole elevator was ao:;o in flames. Fortunately there was plenty of help on hand as well as hose and water on each floor, so that it was soon pnt our, but not until the elevator was burned from the bottom nearly to the top. - Albany Mechanic' Band. m A city withont a band is like a with boy out a whistle, N. G , and if it is to have one at all it should be a good one, and should deserve being encouraged by tbe citizens of the place. The Mechanics' Band in this city has been lately reorgan ized by onr musical young men, and has the benefit of net only the old talent that used to make it so popular, but as well several new first-class players. For Bale. Good team, harness and wagon for sale. Time given on good security. Call at this office. HOME AND ABROAD. tBOl r AX ALB tT NR. A spruce aud conceited young Mr. FeU la love w'.th soother ohsp's r, With his street ttttls cane. At the end o the teas, Us met sad fata vould bars kv. But hs tred on bar train, At the A of the Isae, Anda s!sp on his face mads s sir. Rain is wanted. Business is good. Produce is plenty . F M French, jeweler, Pioneers leave Tuesday. The days are growing shorter. Celluloid collars and caffs at Blain s. Nsw goods at Meoteith k Seitenaach's. The Circuit Court will have a fair docket. J L Cowan k Co., Lebanon, General Mer chants. Boots and shoes at J. L. Cowan k CYs, Lebanon. A splendid assortment of whips at J J DubruiuVa Miss Emms Schubert's millinery estab lishment. A dramatic club will be organ iisd soon for this winter. Considerable marrying is going on through the county. The tender beys of Linn Engine Co. No, 2 s have anew trumpet The Band will give numerous entertain ments during the winter. For your fall and winter goods go to Allen k Msrtia, Albany, Or. Second hand organ, good as nsw for sal cheap Inquire at this t ffi a Dolmans, ulsters and circulars ; a big stock st Moateith k Seitenback s. Go to Blaise aad loot at the fios stock ef overcoats. All grades and qualities. Be sure aad see the asw millinery goods st Miss Schubert's. They are the best A fine line ef Boys sad youths suits recei ved to dsy, made especially for L E. Blaia New this week, corsets, lssss, embroid eries and etc., st Moateith k Setter bach's. A oar load of hops went through this city the other dsy ea its way east from Eugene. We chronicle the deaths of three .his week who ssw their three score years sad ten. The State fair seems to have been more ef a Marion coun.y institutions than any thing else. Tight fitting sacqusa, dolmans. Ulsters, the finest stock in the city at Moateith k Seitenbsch' Dress goods and fancy goods, represent, ing all the ncveltiee.'can be found at Meo teith k Seitenbaoh'a Rev J F Floyd, editor of the Christian Herald, at Monmouth, preached in Y. P. C. A. HaH last Sunday. C W Wat j received a hs adeems bird dog the first of the week from Salem, a pres ent from a friend there. A large bo'ler for the saw mill at Browns ville was taken from the depot in this city to that place, last Tuesdsy. Ladies should buy their corsets of Moo- teith A Seitenbacb where they can have the largest stock to select from. First Quarterly meeting of M E Ctlarch will be held in this city next Saturday aad Sunday Bev J D Driver, P. E. Another circus is traversing the deserts of Eastern Oregon. We have not yet learned whether Albany will be afflicted. L E Blain is receiving new clothing by every steamer and now bss much the finest stock in this part of the coos try. A very large and well assorted stock of mens and boys boots aad shoes (125 cases) now in stock for sale low, at L E Blaia 'a. Mr R Kaiger, a few miles from this city threshed 937 bushels of wheat from fifteen seres, an sv crags of 62 bushels per sere. Silks and silk brc jades, satins sod sat' a brocades, plushes aad velvets in plain and brocade, can be found st Monteith k Seitea- baeh's. Milt A Miller, of this county, is now editor of the University coin ma, in ths Ore gen State Journal st Eogene. He fills the position well. A son ef Mr C Bridgefarmer a few days ago fell from the loft ef his fathers barn aad falling on the brake of a wagon cot a bad gash in bis head. Wheat in Nov. 1849, according to the first number of the Oregon DEMOCRAT pub lished in this city wss the sama as it is to dsy, 80 cents per bushel. A mile wss recently mads ea a bicycle st Springfield. Mass. , in one minute and thirty -nine and two-fifths seconds, equal the fastest time eTer xnd9 b hont Get your groceries as well as your groceries ss well as provisions, fruits, etc., st Hoffman k Joseph's. They have a splendid stock at this time, and rea sonable prices can be depended oa. Allen k Martin have just received goods direct from the East, aad can sell cheaper than ever. Go and see them before you buy your fall and winter goods. Young people desiring a well ventilated and pleasant place to skate m should so to Daonal's Hall. It is open Monday, Thurs day and Saturday mights of each week. A son of Mr De Armond, at Jefferson, wss recently run over by a wagon filled with main, but fc -tunatelv no benes were frac tured, Dr Hill of this city attended him Allen k Martin keep constant? on band an endless variety of corsets. The "ever lasting," "unbreakable'' aad "corduroy," the three best corsets made, always in stock Mr Alfred Wheeler recently sheared bis famous Spanish Merino sheep. Ntoety-twe head averaged sixteen pounds, the best one giving up s fleece that weighed thirty-four pounds. Pendleton saloon keepers are being arrest ed for keeping open on Sundays. The citi zens there chum six days in tbe week is enough, and Pendleton is not a virtuous city either. Nearly everything now sells for $1 bushel. So striking is this tbe case tbst one grocery man talks of calling his place tbe one dollar store, aoeles. potatoes, tomatoes, etc., are J w e P ; w in the list. HC Hardman, at Lang Station, has for sale, one span of three-year old horses, geldings, a Bain wagon, and a McSherly grain drill. Will be sold cheap either for cash or on time. There will be a dance in ths Saltrasrsb building just west of the Revets House next Saturday evening. Those desiring to trip the light fantastic toe will be afforded good opportunity. The pioneers excursion starts on Tuesday next for the East. May good luck and pleasant time be the lot of tbe veterans of Webfont soil who are fortunate in being members of the excursion party. A large crooked cane, looking somewhat like a stripped tree, trimmed with silver, was seen going along the street last Monday with a man hanging to one of its crooks. Naturally enough everybody stared. The losses reported in the Democrat last week from the stranding of the "Pacific," are not as great ss supposed, as many of the goods supposed to have been thrown over board have eome duly aad safely to hand. That vacuum motor is being manufactured at Oregon City and a maohins for it to run, this even before it has been demonstrated that there is anything ia it. Ws predict, as ws have before that it will prove a keely motor. An oyster supper will be given st ths 0 on gregational Chifrch this (Friday) evening. Oysters sod lunoh So cents. Everybody should go aad not only get aa exoellont re past of ths rioh bivalues but help a good cause. Ths first of ths we k Mr Johu M .llail very kindly remembered the Drmociat with a carious branch o? grapes ss hand some as if they grew ia California, together with a few stray bunches to be ussd prac tically. Ths duties on salt are net as high as they used to be. This is encouraging for Linn county people who buy their grtociss, and provisions of J L Cewan k Co., ai Lebanon, where one of the very best selected stocks is to be found. Thos L Wallace, at Lebanon, is the Demo crat r duly authorised sgeat to reeoive money oa subscription or advertisement. He can be found at the store of Dr Foley, in whose employment we are glad to know hs will be this winter. A Chinaman was arretted Saturday for sawing wood on a sidewalk. The cheek of the 0 lestial tribe was well illustrated by this one's insisting that the person he was sawing the wood for should pay the fine, and included it in his bill. Rev R L Stevens while coming down a ladder on his new barn at Waterloo a few days since met with s qar r aoo-dsnt. We are told he was doing it bead first, when his feet slipped, and hs fsll pu.-iug fear fingers ef his left head oat of joint. Opening dsy st which ths new m-llinory goods of Miss Msttie Allison will be esbib- 1 ted to ths public has been postponed until next week. Newest aad latest style of hats from San Francisco will be received. Due notice of opening day will be given. J P Gilmeor. of Miller's, has a big heart, for proof of which we cite the fact that he left in the Da oca at office Saturday s box of as fine eating apples as were ever raised this side of Maine. Better had a man be entitled to the name of the "Printers Knend" than that of Senator, Governor or Lobby tsL Last Satardey night a chicken w. stolen from the yard of J If Nolan, awaiting a Sunday dinner, d eeyerel wat-r asslewa from S B Young' y .rd. Susptoioo reeia it fingers oa a certain Cbtasman, who had bet tor start on bis return trip to the Celestial land. Cnrious typographical erroi l often 0000 r ia all newspaper, bat rarely one more ledi cioos than tbe one ia the "Tempo ranee Col uran," in last woke Dsm -,'sat. It read Aettea of Aloohol apoa the Bsby," which of course should have been "Action of Al oohol upon the Body." Last week we stated that McFarlaod 4 Tompkins received tbe first goods coming to tats city by ths Northern Pacific. We might farther add that they sold the first stove to the first emigrant coming here both by that new and famous route. Ia the PayaUap Valley, Washington Territory there are 96 hop growers ; 723 acres of eld, and 423 acres of new hops, c 1. 145 acres ia alL Tbe old fields will prob ably average this year sbest 1,600 paands to the acre aad the new ooes shoot 400 pound. giving a total of 2,924,800 pounds. GUmoar k Wstkies are running a ebep mill ia Frank Wood's building near tbe Revere House, and are turning ost s large quantity of splendid chop feed, which they will sell st s reasonable price. This will be Utte a convenience for oar citisec , sod should be well patronised. Get yoar oboe feed of Gilmonr k Watkias. A few days since we received s letter from Washington Territory sent under cover to St. Paul, Mian., and there pat ia the Post Office for its return trip to Albady. A fic titious name was signed as if from that .Isos. Ws knew tbe writer Well sad sbstl take pleasure in investing ting the matter suggest ed in his letter. Pretty," the Chinaman, and bis brother. left last Tuesday, for China, to be gone a year, their wives having sent word for them to come heme. Ws know of white men who would net be missed n.ore. and at is say bag little. Silk handkeachiefs for each of the editors of the Democrt is the cause of this notice. Next. Brownsville educational matters are tak ing a boon. The daily attendance in tbe Graded school is upwards of oae hundred. Bumor bss it tbst a third teacher will be procured immediately. This week Moyer Bros., has made eighteen or twenty desks. Sitting accommodations fcr thirty-five or forty have thos been made ia addition to what was afforded heretofore. People come fiom every nock, crook, aad corner, within one hundred miles ef Albany to trade with Allen and Martin, the is because people will boy where they bay the best goods for the least money, dent buy your fall supplies until yon come snd Lees tbem if yon want to keep warm and be happy dnriag the cold winter. The trade at Allen and Martins is swelling SO boomingly that they have been compelled to employ anotner ttret class salesman to order to wait upon easterners. They have e - . , .a neen fortunate enougn to secure tbe service of tbe popular young gentleman, Mr. Fred Blnmbnrg so well known in oar midst. Business is fairly booming at this hoase. Mr J s uaonais nas sola bit interest in ths machinery snd lumber of the furniture establishment, recently run by Dannals k Woodin, to Mr Brink and R W Fisher, both for severs! years connected with that firm. It will now be run under the name of Wood in, nnnk 4 risher wbowill keep up the reputation of the oM f - by doing good work and furnishing the people of Linn county with as good furniture as is to be obtained in tbe Valley. See advertisement in another column. Some one suggests tnat omnibuses be rnn into Lebanon by electricity in order to take the hundreds of customers direct to J L Cowan k Co's store to purchase their i mense stock of new goods, consisting of dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes snd everything usually found in a first-class general merchandise store, of the best qual ity and at bed rock prices. The omnibnses will not be built, yet everybody will go to that popular firm, "all ths same" even if they save to walk and pack their goods horns on their backs. This is because they are giving bargains. A farmer near Lebanon who bss been taking summer boarders this season and treating them like members ot his own family was recently reproached for watering his milk. With a burning glance hs replied to this reflection as follows 1 "Go to J L Cowan k Co. at Lebanon and get yonr goods and yon will never be troubled with such creamatory ideas. They bays the finest stock of dress goods of all kinds in the coon ty, which I have proof they are selling st bottom prices, and there is no question as to the quality and durability of the goods. If you desire genuine bargains call en that popular firm. ' SOCIAL ANDJPERSONAL The Misses Mansfield sre visiting la Salem. . O W Cruson, Lebanon's genial Jr.atice was in Albany Tue Jay. Mr L Douglas, sf Hsrrisbsrg wss ia ths city Wednesday and gavs as a call. Lewis Hiimson ls't Monday for Baker City aad will be goos sbout two weeks. Miss Lou Miller left yesterday noon for a few weeks visit at Oregon oily, Port 'aud, Olympis snd othsr places. Mr Charles Hodes, of Portlsnd, wss in Albeay last Monday, when bs made the D kmwrat office a pUaaent call. Dr Wilcox, formerly of A baay, bat late ly living in California, is ia ths olty. He talks of locating ia Eastern Oregon. Mr Carl Ladermsn, one of 8 E Young's e'erks, ws sre sorry to note has been con fined to ths house for two weeks by sio'tocss. W N Murray, of Willestoa, Vk, arrived in the ol.y a few days auo. lie is a brother of K D Murray, whom he bad not seen for thirty y vc C H Mattoon passed through tbe city last Tuesday on hie way to Salem and Portland on bu Iness snd 00 nsxt Monday hs will jo'n ths pioaesrs excursio.i east. Ohaf, Q. Hideout arrived home from Cslt omt a last Monday, aftsr aa absence of several mouths, during whioh time bs hss assisted in putting up ths Beet olesnors. OH Mattoon, Mr Groves, Mr Abeloe't. T M Heed and wife. To!be-t Carter. Win ttysis, Mr Scralbrd, A Pis -oe, all of Ben ton county will go east on the Pioneer excur sion. Dr Harris, a brother of Dr J W Harris, of this city, bss been in Albany this week. He has just returned from Bsn Franoisco, where he has been attending a course ef Medical lectures. Mr Oscar Dannats aad family left last Monday noon for Dufur. Was jo ooua.y, Or., wnero he wilt engage in ths black am itt.i -g business, and ws are glad to bear, with aa eieel'ent ouJook. Mrs M Slater and Mies Jane Pardees, of Hslsns, M on tans, snd Mrs Louard, of Peoria, have been visiting lately with their brother, Mr E B Purdorn. of tbis city. Mr Purdom has seven sitters snd no brothers. the uoi-ed agee of the eight being about 515, an average of about 64 years, verily a e. preserved and most healthy family. - X Bate ml Big Tfciax Tbesaa was sf ths Qcaitb Welae-da. whea Thos Alphioe, the fleet footed pionew aad big hearted farmer, drove op to oat dear. Ws immediately knew sneaetbina up, for Tom Alphiae always mesas business when he comae to the lienors at ossee. We sre risbt. First ke broosbt in a Urge bos of luscious grapes, our weakness, and these particularly ware fine. Nest be appeared with a turnip, nearly the exact ooaaterpart ef the ex -proprietor of the Star Brewery, whioh Mr AlpUiee insisted should be sailed tbe Ed Belleager. Any oae de siring to see a curiosity should call and ex amine this. It measures 25 inches one wsy sad 23 tbe other. Nest an immense squash was introduced in the scene. It is ft feet 2 inches by 4 feet 9 mcbos and weighs lea than a ton, sad lsst four large ears of corn equal to anything ever ral ed ia Uliaois or Missouri, and ready for pick sag. It is a epleudid variety and shows what Oregon soil eaa do. Farmers desiring to try this can have a few kernels by callias st tbe Democrat office. On account of the wonderful fertility of his soil Mr Alphioe proposes to raise s Urge crop of the Btlleeger turnips so that tbey will be ready to vote ia the prr tdeati J eleetioa sad help carry the state, for the Democratic party. These specimens show what sod in its natural state will do ia Oregon for they were raised on land never fertilised by man ore or otherwise. Serieem Aeeisleat. On Thurday of last week Mr John Blick. guuMtnlth and black iin It b, at Lebanon, was repairing a Winchester rifle, when an aomoent occurred wnioto makes him s cripple for life. There were sever si car tridgee in tbe magazine but none in the barrel of the gun, but by accident one slipped in through some disturbance) of the gun. Mr Blick bad tbe gun raised with the barrel pointing tows ids his left leg, snd palled tho hsmmer down to bow it worked. This of course) d lac barg ed the gun, sending tbe bullet Into his leg Jast above tbe knee, and ranging down through hUknee pan, and lodging near the akin just below It. Tbe bones were shattered la a fearful manner, the heavy ball almost literally splintering them. Dm Powell, and Lsm hereon were oalled and took charge of tbe oaae. Tbe next nay ur j i. um, or this city was sent for, and performed the operation of amputating the wounded lea, cutting it off Just above the knee, being assisted by tbe above snd Dr Foley Tbe last reports were tbst Mr Blick wss doing well and recovering from tbe shook. r tee N till mery Miss Emma Schubert ho jast received at her millinvry establishment. the Revere House, as fine if not the best stock of millinery goods ever brought to Albany, which onr citizens will have an opportunity to see displayed on Thursday and Friday of next week, October 4 snd 6, when her grand fall opening wiU take place. 8ke not only bae a large stock of goods, consisting of latest and most stylish hats, ruchiugs, laces, lace Ues, silks and satins, feathers, flowers, ribbons, eta, etc., bat they are of ths best quality snd will be sold st s reasonable price. Call on ber before baying. Ssmusl E Young is receiving his Cell stock of goods, comprising a great many novelties in all lines. He bss a vsry fine assortment of dress goods, selected especial ly for this market. His new stock or no- tlonsjhoslsry, embroideries, Isoes, etc., etc., is very complete. In carpets snd oil clothsf he has the newest and latest designs These goods bsve all been bought for cash and will da sold at bottom prices A magnificent line of Guinet drees silks just received direct from New York Call and see them. Clothing at Cost. Being deeiroue of reducing our large stock of clothing, we offer the same at cost. This is no advsrtfsias dodss, it mesne what it represents. Oivs ns a call before parches ing elsewhere. Monteith k Seme bach. Lecture Coarse. The first lecture of ths course, will be given at the Y. P. 0. A, Hall, Friday evening, Oct. 5th, at 7:45 o'clock. Name ttlven next week. Tickets for Mie at the stores of Langden A Co., S Young and LE Blain. W, C.T. U. Lecture Committee. The state Valr. The Fair held at Salem last weak was quite g suoeees. There were several reasons for it, mors) pains were taken had the weather was magnificent. Suoh descriptions as the following from AD txobange would of itself Insure Its success: "The autumnal glow of a Heptember sun lit up bowers of purple grapes and tawny stubble fields of garnered gralri as the hour of noon drew on apace.' There was a good attendance esob day, and all seemed to be well pleased ith the exhibits, tbe display of cattle particularly being extra. The s Tloultursl exhibits were also excellent, a new departure being taken and (be exhibits made by counties Lion county's display was small, Marlon. Clackamas and Lane having tbe best. The exhibit In nesr'y everything was ad to be good except In agricultural Implement. Among the premiums received by Linn county exhibitors wero tho following : Beat and largest variety of grass aeeds, C P Burhhert. Best Mammoth wheat, White claw sen wheat, golden shaft wheat, winter rye. C P Burkhart. Best Sonera wheat and bushel buck wheat, C I Fttrkhart, second premium Second premium for span of oarrlage horses, MsKtilght Brother. Best sweet potatoes, snd best exhibit of sweet potatoes, each first premium, 0. P. Burkhart Second premium for Penmaneblp. Geo L Sutherland, of ScIq. Penmanship, diploma. Wm. II Tel- oott, of Selo. Tbe following ofttoera were elected for the ensuing year at a meeting of the Board i J T Apperson of C'ackamae, preeldent; M Wllklus of Lane, and John Q Wright of Marlon, vice prei dt ota, and Geo A Pesblee, secretary. SOaaD or Maaaoaas. I W Wisdom ... Norrls Nswton. Baker county Benton county Ceoe county lac ismas county Curry county . Columbia county . . . . Deuglae county Grant county Jackson county Henry Schroder. A if. Lusting WmTlchenor... a W Went I) W t earns . W Jenkins . r Byhee mho Hifers rpulne count ley BHsoh. S SVM P Brw .Lake county hart Linn count). ifn Kelshaw Um county T L Ia vldeon Marion county Multr nmah oouat) Polk county Tillamook county UdIob) county . . .Umatilla county Washington county Wasco county . . .Yamhill couu'.y H Miller K L DeLaehmutt Ctaad Thayer John Loam W lines J I. HalloU EB Dufur Wm Gal'oway , WiaThompeou Crook county ths aacss, Monday the race was fur two year olds, and was woo by Metropolitan, of Walla Walla. Tuesday there were four races. The ftrst race was a three-eight. of a mile running race, and was won by Bogus. owned by V S White ed Portland, In aa seconds The s cond race wss s free for ail, three-fourths of a mile, and was won by Trade Dollar in !:16. Ths third was a free for all for two year olda, and was woo by Dr Lurdsay's stallion The fourth was a irotllas; raoe for stallions and was won by Altarnout. her quickest time being 2:114. Wednesday there were three races. Tho ftrst was a oae and a half mile dash, and was won by Trade Dollar. In 344ft. The second was a trotting race for three year elds, won by Vent la. of Jacksonville. In throe straight beau. Fastest time. 2:424. The third was a trottins race for the 2:40 class. It won by Mount Vernon Quickest time 2.86. Thursday was tho horse day of tbe fair. Tbe first a half mile running race was won by Lady Day In 4S seconds. Tbe second a trot for four year olda was won by Black Hawk, quickest time, 2:60ft. The running race, two mile heats, wa, won by Bank Roll in two straight heats, beet time 3.44. Mutton Medium made an exhibition trot to beat his beet record 2.25ft. but only went m 2 .30. net X. leans Bow aad Shoe St ere The fsll and winter stock of boots and shoos for this popular establishment have arrived, aod Includes sll the latest styles tbst are now popular. An invoice of high out American kid and pebble gnat shoes are specially adapted for fall wear. A new "opera" toe shoe Is vsry neat and ia a favorite shoe. In men' - wear bis stock is well selected and comprises a foil line of boots and ' shoes for town aod country wear, lnclud- in I the celebrated Welts Saddle Seam ami Standanl Screw boots that bavo given such underset aatisfaotioo. Mpe -lal attention Is called to bis stock of I ruboer boots and ahoee which have been bought direct irom the leading Easter u faotorles for oash, and include many new styles never before brought to Albany. The First tins la the Fall campaign We take pleasure in informing oar many natrons and tho public generslly that we W W-.T W hsvs received s msmmouth stock of general merchandise purchased for cash in the East snd San Franoisco, embracing au elegant selection of ladies dress goods in sll the latest designs and colors. Also silks, satins snd plushes ; together with the latest nov elties in fancy goods in an endless variety. Our stock of clothing, faruwhing goods, boots snd shoes, hsvs nsver been more com plete, to see is too appreciate, ao give us a call. Momtkith k SsrraxBACH. UodrotH hav lag any of the follow ing books belonging to the W C. T. U library will nlease hand them te the er st Librarian as seen as possible t Polar and Tropical Worlds, Money and bow to make It, Europe Through American Spectacles, Don Quixote, Story of the Earth and Man, Old Town- Folks, Alice snd Phoebe Carey, Q neens ef England, Burns, Sallmagaadl, Val- hw of Baca. Ballads and Lyrics. Ada Hovey's Idyls, The Parisians, Fools Errand, Fifteen decisive Battles of ths World. s NOTICL. Mr. Janet Dannals having sold his interest in ths furniture mauufactur ing business is desirous of oleslng out a large let of furniture uow on hand. Bargains can be bad at three-fourths the reorular Ddces. Call and take a lessfc. Tliami At. WfuiniN Beath ef reiUe Ball! Philip Balt'more was bora in Ohio in ths month of June, itlO, sad wss reared eadead ths pressure ef taebrrdshits to which every early seller ia that fLste was subject, thus becoming thoresahlv experieaeed in the teaching of that school whose chief eion is tbst in the swesl of h s face shall man ea. bread until he return unto tbe ground. Ia 1833 be wss united la ma-r ags to Po'iy Hardens i with wiom he I'vsd most happily for about fifty years and whom he survived about eleven months. Believrg that life is real and earnest, snd that ths d v:ne injunc tion above refer.-ed to should bs implicitly and literally obeyed, be. ia 1852, V. his horns n Indians, to which state bs bad .re moved, snd est out on tbst lrr;, tedious, perilous journey soross tne p'sins to Oregon where he miht make his future home. He stopped ia lows where be remained durinj the winter of 113 3. In the spring of 1863 he turned his face towards ths setting son snd set oat for Oregon. Over ths long dresry deserts, snd through tbe rugged, precipitious mountains bs sieved tbe dsn gers of death by Latniue, foods, mardsrous savages, infectious die eaa , sad afte f months of pnvst!ons aad hardships bs sr rived at the place of hie destination I.inn county. Hs settled so a donation claim shout eight miles east of Albany where be reared eg ergs family of children, most ef whom are etill living to mou a the loss ef s most kind snd afleotionate father. Some years ago hs removed from hie farm to this city, where bs lived at tbe time of b's death. About forty-five years age be united with the Brethren or Grijisa Baptist Church (commonly known si Quaker) and lived and died a devoted christian. Bo rigidly sad stoics' ly dd be adhere to the faith of his church that.dttring all the time of his coanec turn with it, be wss sever reprimanded or called to account fur any unchristian con duct. Such was the beauty of his faith aad ohrist'aa course thai his neighbors sll point, ed to him as eoe whose example might be safsly followed. Snob wss the unbounded soandeaoe wbich the public reposed ia his honor, truth, iategrity snd fidelity, tbst hie word wss good as bis bond. Although of ton oalled to do jary daty n oar courts he wss nev r known t be challenged withont caose. At tbe time of the death of his wife he seemed to be peculiarly impressed with the thought tbst, be too, won Id soon cress the "bourn from whence no traveler rstcras." He told some of his friends that he would soon go. Whsn attacked by the dissase which caused hie death, he seemed to kaow that ths time bad eome whea he should be offered, that tbe tune ef his deptrtare ws st hand. Barely bo could rsy I have fought a good fight, I have finished my coarse, I have kept the faith. All wss dons that oould be dooe, to ward off the attack bat from the first the mildest resaedy weald sicken aad he gradually grew worse until on Saturday morning September 22, whea he passed away to ths na known. stasOLi riofts er (eiseUM t Uaanteauao, Sept. 23rd, 1833 Hall of Covenant Lodge,Mo. 11, L O. O. F. eWasaaas. Tbe fell deetrover death baa again Invaded our mldat and struck down ou - hoioved brother, Joha F. Waters in lbs prime of life. Therefore, be It Revolved. That io the death of brother Waters we realize tbst we have lost a worthy and officiant member: Resolved. That by toe death of onr brothel we rwooanlse tbe hand of Omnipo tence aad realise the uncertainty of all things transitory, snd the certainty of deeth. Resolved, That whils ws mourn with those ef his most Intimate friends and manv emuatntanowa me lawa. wm msus hut in. mil bis spirit to tbe care and keeping or an sll-wise Ood, and cherish his nosm ery. Resolved. That tbe hall of our lodes be draped in mourning for thirty daye and the members wear the usual badge in memory of him, and that a espy ef these resolutions be ferwsrded to "Two Dlswaes- l.allu. II Ik. I Ik... UamU ff k. ttb Riobts DsMoraar aad to the rels- um vi i uccesaau, inu we ov spread upon tbe record of this lodge. ir v. h. rtnia, W. J. Hramwsll, . B., Committee. Carpets t Carpels 1 1 We have on hand ftnow a full line ef the llnet rarjet ever brought to tbe city, including three-ply, tody brussels, ta pestry, border, Ingrain, etc. We keep a full and complete ssaortment of curtains, trunks, boots, ahoee, hat caps, clothing, ladles wear, and In fact every thing kept In a (Wet -class dry goods store, which we are offering at figures that will not fail to satisfy onr customers. Call and examine our goods. San one A BTxajrauao. s tai if. No. l's boss corrysuy wil kivs s party and dance, this (Friday) evening ia the dining ball at the Depot Hotel, when a good time is expected. Everybody is invited. Good music will be famished. aad At Allen Jt Martin's is the place to find boot, art 1 shoes in any quality yon wish, aod at any prion. Good goods in this line will be sold cheaper than at any store In the valley and no old stock to work off. e All thoeo wishing to purchase anything in the harness line s muld cll and examme J J Dubruille's large stack of team, back, buggy and farm harnesses, also his complete stock of form snd stock saddles, which bs will sell st bottom prices. Csll snd inspect his stock and get his prices, snd you will be sure to buy. Wanted new. 1000 bushels of beans. 6008 pounds o dried plums. 10,000 er 20,000 pounds or dried apples, 5t bushels of timothy seed. 10 tons of bacon. We want the above for our Prineville stare, hence bring on your d reduce of the above kind now so that we can snip it to rnnevius wnue iue nu . a . n t ea S . t I I a 1 .1 a. are good. Sri Dsns A 8TBRnaoao. Defy CeasneUUsB. Oar stock of ladies dolmans, ulsters, cir culars aad walking sacques were bought ia Boston sod Nsw York for oash and will be sold ai prices that defy competition. Monteith k Sbitkn bacii. aloes ! alsas t ! 100 sacks of yellow Denver onions for sals at F M Red field's. , e i For a cough or cold there Is no remedy equal to Amman's Cough Syrup NOTICE. Two houses for rest cheap. Inquire at I ttllS OtOCC. CesMieil rrereeSlnas. Taeeday evening, Sept. 23. Preseat Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and Aids. Woodin, Monteith, HofTmao.Lanning, Brush aad Blackburn. The committee on Fire and Water report ed in favor of having John Dsn can ss niht watch snd engineer in place of John Jones, resigned. Ths committee on Health and Police to whom wss referred the subject of s police- m . m Me. e ewe a 4 eV .a j man lor the third Waru reported that it would be impossible for either of the watch men new employed to wavch in the 'I hi. d Ward, snd if it is necessary to watch in said Ward it will be necessary either to employ s third wsteho-sn or two night watchmen and an engineer to take cars of the steam enuine. Tbe same was ordered pieced on file. A petition signed by C E Wolverton snd ethers asking for a walk on tbe south side of Fourth street in Block 5. was read, and it snowed aad carried that the petittoee a be allowed to build the walk at their own ex -sense. Moved snd carried that Martha! hers sufficient dirt hauled to cover sower between B E track and Water street. John Duncan, upon ballot was elected nightwstch by a unanimous vote, to be al lowed 360 as nightwstch and 320 as en- giaeer. On motion it was carried that tbe deto nation or restriction of beat for tbe niht watchman be removed sad be be placed an der tbe order of tbe city Marshal to go in say part of the city where there is any dis turbance or danger, ss the Marshal may di rest The following bills were ordered paid : H D Murray, 88 76 ; G W Burkhart, S2J.92 N J Hen tea, 310 60 ; costs s Kelson, $6.45; vs Bony, 36.95 ; vs 1-ogan, 35 64 ; vs Tracy, 35 00 ; John Jm,e, 361.26 ; John Duncan. 818.76 ; A Monteith, rebate, 338 ; C W Watts, 33.62 ; O T Porter, 33.75 ; W C Tweedale, .76. The following bills were referred : Kob 7.15 ; iusooA West, ft71.27 ; N J Beaton, Oeo Berkbart, $16.99. mt airs. AeSnsn. Mrs. Ac boson, mother of Rev. A. af. A ah aeon, of Oakville, died at tbe borne of ber son in that place on last Friday. She wee born In Chenango county .Pennsylvan ia, May 9, 1800. Has afterwards lived re spectively in the hi Use of O bio, Iowa snd lllnois, Monmouth In tbe last named State being tbe place where ber son ob tained bis ministerial education. Her husband died In IK?. In 187 she with her son came to this county, where they hsvs been since then, la 1873 Mrs Ac boson fell and broke one of the bones of tbe thigh, and In 1878 bad pat sly tic atroke, which readered her helpl seas, so that rloce then she has need ed constant care. Last week ber other limb wss broken, the bone of it being so brittle as to be of no strength, aad from that time shs tailed oontlnuslly undl she died on Friday, peacefully, with complete resignation, esyine; but a short tims pre vious "Iato thy bands I commit my spirit." She wss a member of the U. F. Church, a pure ohrlsttao. and a noble wo man, even in ber helpleeoa A life Savin: Preseat. Mr. M. B. Allison, Hutchinson, Kaa , tvod hie life by s simple Trial Bottle ef Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consuno p- wbich caused aim to procure a targe hat completely cured htm, when Doctors, eaaaae of cit mate and everything id failed. Asthma, atroncnuta, Mas. Severe Coughs, and sll Threat and Lung d la easts, it la gnaraav eed to core. Trial Battle free at Feahay Mason's Drag Store. Large aise 1 00 Mr J Id Daalei this week moved his pianos aa 1 organs into tbe store opposite Lsngdoo's, where be continues to keep the Mathoshek piano, no doubt tbe boat constructed In tbe market, also the Shon- lager Cymbella organ. These instru ments are becoming very popular in this county. Those desiring s splendid in strument should call on Mr Daniel a fhls new quarters. BVCsiLBS-S SKA HA SALTS. The beet salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, alosrs, aslt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hauda, chilblains, corns aod all kinda of akin eruptions. This aalve ia guaranteed to give perfect Usfsotion in every case or moaey re funded. Pries S&c per box. For sale by Foahay a Mason. rebels sUsaslesUea. There will boa public examination of teachers In the Court Route in this city on net t Friday and Saturday P. A, County Supt. For yoar furnishing goods go to J L Con an k Co's. Lebanon. The v have an extra stock. Tbe I o towing is tbe list of letters remaining in th Poa Oeaee. Aihanv. Linn oounty. Ore gon, spc ff, UBS. Persons aniline tor these (soars most give tbe Cats oa which tbey vers adverusee. Anderson, Mrs fauns Pneket, OrkJO Downed, Mr Rents Tempi, Mia Elriaa J. M. IRVING, P. M. Final Settleme nt Notice is herebv given that tbe under. siraea Administrator ef the estate of Wil ham Lemon, deceased, has filed hie final ac- oonnt as such Administrator in the Coanty Court, of Linn county, Oregon, snd by oider f aid CoorL Tuedav the 6th day of November, 1883, st tbe hosr of one o'clock, r. M., ef said day is set for tbe hearing of objections te said account and the settlement thereof. Lav neraon interested in said estate is heretv notified aud required to appear and tils bis or hsr objections to said final account on or before said clay. Dated this 27th day of 3. ptember 18S3 John Larsin, Administrate r, Administrator's Notice. Notion Is herebv eiven thst the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of John V Waters, late of Idnn Mnntv. deceased, bv an order of the canntv court of Linn county, Oregon. All mhsiu bavins olstms against the estate mt u!H rleeenMod are herebv notified and required to present tbe asms properly verified to th e QDdsrsiirned at his reatden in the citv ot Harrisbure. within six months fross ths date hereof. Dated September 26th, 183. Levi Douolas, a no E Chambkklaij, Adair. Att'y for Admr. LUMBERG Os Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1883, te the wife of Fred Lumberg, a boy. BENT LET. On Saturday, Sept. 22, 1683, to the wife of J W Bently, a boy. . NANNY. Near this city on Tuesday, Sspi. a I . 1 . .T XT r . IS, load, to ise wue ouss. pisnny, sgin MILLER RICHARDSON. On Sept 23, 1883, io Scio, by Elder A. J. Jaraigaa Mr Chaklss H C Millar and Miss Emma Richardson all of Linn county FOOTE. At Sodnvilia, Sept, 24, 183, at 12 o'clock, Margaret, wife of D P Fte GRAND Millinery Opening. Thursday and Friday. OCTOBER 4TH AND 5TH. -AT- Miss Schubert's, Opposite the Revere Home, THE ALBANY FURNITURE WOODHJ, BEIHK ft FISHER, SUCCESSORS TO DANNALS & WOODIN. Manufactures and dealers la all kinds ot FURNITURE, would respectfully Inform the public that tbey manufacture to order, aad will constantly on band, a complete sjjspr was uauu, all desirable lines of FURNITURE, snd will sell at bed rock prices. Tbey also keep complete line of constantly oat head a Undertaker's Goods and will gua. antes mUsfeoUoo to all may favor thorn with GENTLEMEN I TNE TIME HAS COME WHEN YOU linn mairr vmin can ntrrriT fffILL ff an i iuun TALL vsinii PLEASE TAKE M0T1CE THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK Of MENS, YOUTHS AND BOYS CSODS-vUST RECEIVED THAT WERE BOUGHT UN DER MY PERSONAL SUPERVISION AMD WITH SPECIAL CARE AS TO PRICE, STYLE AND QUALITY. ALL CRADES OF SUITS FOR BUSI NESS AND DRESS CHEAP, MEDIUM ANO COOD THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF HATS EVER OFFERED IH THIS MARKET; MANY SPECIALITIES IH FURNISHING GOODS, SUCH AS ALL WOOL UHDER WEAR, OYER SHIRTS, DUCK GOODS, WHITE SHIRTS, HECK TIES, HAND KERCHIEFS, CLOVES, ETC A FINE UHE OF BOOTS AND SHOES DIRECT FROM THE EASTERN FACTO RIES, AND OF THE BEST ftU AUTl ES. IT IS WORTH YOUR WHILE TO LOOK AT THIS STOCK BEFORE BUYINC. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS IS CON SISTENT WITH CONDUCTING ft LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. L. E. BLAIN. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburg, of this city, having taken the machinery agency of Gk F. Simpson, for Fran. Brothers, of Portland. will cirrya rail lins or FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trade, to- wit: WAGONS, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, and all implements of less note. They will Keep tne LA BELLE WAGON, also the BUSHFORD a new wagon with all the late improvements and warranted one of the best wagons in the market.