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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1883)
as mm FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 1883. Straw hate and the Republican party muat go. The hot, dry, smoky weather, aa well aa the republican party, muat go. The Democratic party believes in the eqeal rights of all men, laborrea aa well Although a lended grammarian Mr. Blaine will nerer be able to decline a namiaation. . . iat nam ow ot post omcea in iug Uaited States has nearly doubled since la-rij u k-: inio A .cv.ivuM.v-..'. .. I The well defined temperance eenu- meat in the south u to be found al moat I exclusively among democrats. It look, as if it was the purpose the Ohio Democrat. . yesrto pre- mi. of Ohio .victory sent the Republicans on a silver platter The New York tribune say a Doraey a Republican for what he could But aren't they all? a Republican quarrels are genera y I fierciest after the election. They and make up wben toe spoils are in a Republican, of Massachusetts have inated George D Robinson for gov- . . for lieutenant governor. There ia a gentleman in Virginia who would like the Republican ticket U read. "Arthur and Mahone." Noth ing ia ever too small for a tail. Senator Sherman doe. aot want a ProaidenUl nomination. Of course not Did you ever hear of a man who wan - ted to collide with a buzz-saw. The Republicans of Massachuaett., on "L??1?-? Th? ?r found easy to do bottle Ben. Butler up. Tbe corrupt use of money has secured I the Republican party success in the last two national contests. We shall never have an honeaUy adrniaxatered Govern- it until this corrupt party ia turned out of power. Whv ia it so necessary that the ef m President and his Mcretariea should have a vacation at Government e: pease! Is it because they are so much harder worked than the peopl e who pay them! Republicans of New Jersey have nominated Jonathan Dixon for gover nor. Unless democrats act more har monious at the election than tney did at the convention, they will suffer de feat, John A Martin Secretary of Nation al Republican committee says that the next republican convention will be held at either Saratoga, Cincinnatti,Phil adeiphia or Cape May. He says there s a prejudice against New York, and that it will not be held there. Of ail the silly trash which appears in the Oregonian on political topics, the silliest and moat stupid waa its elabo rate effort a few days ago, attempting to show the possibility of Cnkling . being nominated by the democrat, for president. No wonder tbe political opinion, of the Oregonian pass for nought among all thinking people, and hew to be pittied are those who blindly follow it. rearraxTiABY maxacembxt Reports that seem to be well au thenticated are quite current to the effect that convicts in the penitentary are treated altogether too niggardly in the food furnished them. It is said that a very, unhealthy condition prevails among there simply from a want of a sufficient quantity of wholesome food to support their physical condition, which is constan tly reduced and weakened in conse quence of the very great amount of hard labor which they are required to perform. It is said that personal cleanliness among the convicts is aot only aot encouraged, but oo the contrary actually discouraged and disal lowed among them by the prison au thorities. We suppose that if all these report, be true, the motive bad in view on the part of the prison managers is te he able to make a showing to the people of economical management and a reduction of the expenses of the prison. It is laudable en the part of a an official to be economical in the expe nditures of public funds. In fact the tax payers have aright to expect and do earnestly demand, the most rigid economy in the management of all the public institutions of the state, but this economy should not be carried to the extent of being parsimonious, but should always be made conformable to sound morality and humanitarian prin ciples. Economy should be practiced for economy's sake, and not for tbe purpose ef building up a reputation for aa official The people are willing to be taxed sufficiently to enable prison authorities to supply convicts with a reasonable amount of plain wholesome food to enable them to perform full and valuable service for the state. No cyclone ha. ever had the courage Tl i uJllZ001 P"""1 irtwnt wheat ha. been stored in tha Lei to tackle Dr. Mary Walker. The c7- he them to iter,y diM1rded b a consideration, and where there was warehouse this fall. 4 Ik a MAt a nn s n si m . ' a a a aea . 1 - J . , a a an i I . i . .1 t h I - ... awuv iwrvr UIUI1U clone is no fool 7 iao mucu bribery there very naeiy a bouse belonging to Mrs. J ernes ' -u Now while there is no variableness k... w mam u i. tui. McDonald was burned in Hweet 1 lome v m iM CHI Bii . 1 tort AL 1 I campaign at Medio on tne win oi i August. Hit speech was one of great I power; we bare apace for enly a few extracts. Ul the usmooraov ne aata : The Demecratic party baa always - , , . , . , . ,i. been for equal laws, the right of the majority to govern, the greatest good to the greateat number aa the true end of government, and, above all, honeaty, frugality, and strict, rigid economy in the admiuietiation of public affaire, I These fundamenUl principle, we seek I or ahadow of turning in fundameatal I Judge ueuaee opened we principles, men who muat be need aar,fe .mAnnfe ftf to the instrumentalities to aoply them do change. Hence it is said politic r m w change, xience i. is earn P sometimes make strange btd-fellowa. u .rtmmftn to Wr Ranobli. It is quite common to hear Republi- - i i a m MkBkA mawmwmam r r naaaas nannmiai . i. 4uo wvu - 1J. JI i n, " : : V . " V," I self. adulation, claiming great crams and alory. by a reference to the ear'y I history of the Republican party. Such - I a review hardly justifies the boasting P Tl T7 TtlT 7 9' Trumbull, Governor Cortin, and a boat of the present leaders, when we remem of worthies whose names are recognized as founders of the Republican party all of whom abandoned the organisa tion and joined their faith, their f.r-t unM and lhrir hnnM with the yQjoctio'prty, I . t. a . rt li will prove oy oenaior ononau that the men new controlling the Re- publican organixaUon and at the head I of public affair, are unworthy public m m m m U servanu snd cannos oe irusveu. . . a a a a T a, I mu.t h-horno in mind that Arthur .nd not 8h. . Pre.ia.ot Mr. 8bW- m. a.u.t not -co. th. ! ill J 01 tne acta ana management ui uibi . . A. LI. . . , , ; party for years last paat. If the Re- publican leader a of tbe present have incurred the publio displeasure they I cannot avoid sondemnation by refer- .. . . - ance to the better conduct of earlier i leader.. This very degent i Acy is what has produced the dissatisfaction in the Renublicwl M1 Mr wiIl not allow me to give you but. few of the renins why the internum the people require a settlement of the book, in our national affairs. Every department of the government needs renovation. - m A. abl Half tbe time of the judiciary power or the country has far a y ar been employ-. sain prosec.ung men m niga F1" and trying to bring to punishment acknowledged thieve, of the public i moneys. The mock and futile proae. cution of Bradv. the First Assistant - - ' Postmaster General, and Doraey, tbe Secretary of tbe Republican National Committee, appeal to the intelligence and patriotism of tbe people for a change of administration. (Applause.) I need not recapitulate the history of the bold, brazen star route schemes, opening op headquarter, in the execu tive department, of the Government end robb ng the Treasury of untold million, of dollar. This waa only one of numerous underground highway. leading to tbe nation d Treasury. Others have been made pub!icroven and make up black pages in our histo ry. Tbe Hayes administration sought to redeem itself from universal odium by ah attack upon the management of the New York Custom House and making public the fraud., thefts and briberies of that department of the Government. Secret-try Sherman evi dently attempted to pave his way to the Presidency by hi. exposure of Mr. Arthur in th.t matter. Now Arthur in torn prosecute. Dorsey and Brady, hoping it may be to tecure re-election. Aa Mr. Arthur is now guiding tbe destinies of this mighty Republic from the presidential chair and Senator Sherman is striving on the stomp in Ohio to uphold the party on its past history, one little item of that history is strikingly pertinent. I find it in the published life of Senator Sherman which I hold in my hand, written by Rev. Dr. Bronson of the Episcopal church at Maiafield. In speaking of the removal of Mr. Arthur from the Custom House in New York, the author says : "The importance of it and the greatness of tbe victory of the Secretary of the Treasury and the dis tinguished service be hss rendered will appear from a review of Mr. Sherman's statement of the evidence of corruption." The author then quotes from Secretary Sherman's letter to Mr Arthur, giving the cause of removal, in which Mr. Sherman states : "That gross abuses had continued and increased during Mr. Arthur's administration, that per sons were paid who rendered little Or no service, office expense waa increased and revenue diminished, that bribes were received by subordinates." Then after reciting the evidence of fraud, corruption and bribery, Secretary Sherman in his letter to "President" Hayes, January 31, 18?9, saya : "In addition to all this it is clear from letters addressed to the Jay Commission by the Collector, Naval Officer and Surveyor in regard to this very ques tion that the practice of taking illegal fees was well known." The author of this life then hays : "The following is quoted as one out of many instances from the same letter," and then quotes from Secretary Sherman's letter in which he says: "In a ease which has come to light since the retirement of Mr. Arthur, it has been shown that goods upon which the duties amounted to $120,000 were delivered to the parties without the payment of any duties to the Govern msnt. end in a sufe to recover these es It it claimed b the i moor ten. . " -T EHi SWT SI thf uttUwW Wrmy was due to nagllgencs or something worse on the nf t htt hmts Affinar undnr obarge Mr Arthar TU thmr. fnUnmm ,v. nQnaluian and Ling of lhia author of this life o, - S Mf 8hermM) wriiiB by hia paator onder hi- tyt and wlth hia approval. H when they M. . Now aue4jon Mn.- wtth nertinenev. whkt WM tbo reward that induced the ogQjg Qmit collecting duties of the me ach tmmnt, T uiu - - ti,-. Kt lha aAmm would V .4l, T- t. T L- IinilLirHHI. I Lll M K 1 LI W n lllllllfll I . , M,M j I are baffled in putting down corruption tKm . f. t. j:, ' i . t . wh0' llir7 " dUeMed it- heart If thty were to be its verv heart. If tnev were to be - . . . . . . . ' ... . . I tolerated better let tde republic perisn I The aoonar it were to oome to , . tmrmm :t -i.i a kU aaia uuvi vu tvvs m n ww mwv i to do. For all tha axtra mat Utd out in bribes was 2 UKm the p,ple had it to pay. Revenue. frQm he Government, of course, required inoreaaed laviea therefore in the future. These are not charges made by Dem ocrata for camnaiea purposes. Out of their own mouths we condemn them. Secretary Sherman exposes Arthur mid Arthur join. In the prosecution of Dor- mrtit I MPUV ftThAui a w .... the whole ... Dtrtv fAnplauae.! Theaa K m aV a J , . BmeoU demonstiaU tb.t the I half has aot beea told and oar only , r-.. .l n.: 3 rTr ' ..iT IT. wng cguMuuBu m .U; ,wiv.v.- "s"- i,.,. MltU.l rlM nrnfi. I uuvu wuhvw ,...v .., UoM for np0n the tremttry and Lu - aa. . man who assume to boas the . nrtmmnk min .f tb. rwri t - iDoblumB rtrikill-lr Uluatratea LZ, tbia natural tendency. The Oragomon publishes what pur- aw contract Mort tb. rfa. gig en tared city election in ptj between Mayor Chapman and whereby it waa agreed that jn consideration of J. A. Chapman MOJentiDff snd agreeing to run for major In tjiat city! ut June, L- Bea- I aer U to furniah or cauao to be fur- I ni4bej money neceeeary to elect dele- gates who would nominate and elect Chapman for mayor, on condition that he, as soon as be should take his seat should appoint Thomas ConneU Chief of police, and L. Beater as aupt, of streets, and it was further agreed, that aa soon as their appointmenU were confirmed by the council, Besser agreed to pay $1,000 to pay him for tbe time and trouble incident to Mid office of mayor. Besser further agreed to go before the legislature and secure an amendment to the city char ter of Portland whereby the mayor should receive salary of $5,000, and in case he, Besser, should fail to se cure the passage of such an amend ment, then he agreed to pay the may or an annual salary of $1,000 to pay bim, the mayor, for his time and trou- ble and loan of time nod certain inei dental expenses that will naturally oc cur in disoharaioa tbe duties of that office. If this agreement is genuine, (and the Oregonian stands ready to priveitj then, indeed, must the etty of Portland feel bumilsted in conse quence of such disgraceful conduct on on the part her chief executive officer. This corruptand shameful bargaining should meet with an outspoken condem nation trom the entire people of Portland. But will itt No, the stal wart managers in Portland a ill hold on to the city government until an indignant people, forgetting party and party fealty, and knowing nothing but public doty, shall arise, and, in their might, hnrl auch corruptioniat. from power and place. The Republican party in Portland ia too strong to be trusted with the power which they exercise. If such damnable corruption and nefarious trafficing had been unearthed against some Democrat the truly good Repot lican papers would have indulged in expiewions of the most righteous indignation over the depravity and criminality of Democrats generally, but the Oregonian seems to be the only one that keeps not silent. MV Tax rer Following are the Items for tbe State tax for the present year : Tbe total state tax for the year 1883 Is five and six-tenths mills upon the dollar, divided as follows; Four mill tax en account of currant ar nanaoa Ana mill tm k completion of tbe insane asylum build ing, one-half of one mill for tbe pay ment or tbe Indian war debt, and one-tenth of one mill for tbe support of tbe state university. See section 80 page 766, general lawa of Oregon; section 7, page 15, and section 6, page, 51, session laws of 1880, and section 1,' page 8, session laws of 1882, for the various legislative acts regulating thz same. as ef the fleet. Cr.KVTAD,OHio. The "Plain Dealer" reports that Hon. Martin A Foran, con gressman elect from the Cleveland, Ohio, diatriet, haa used St. Jacobs Oil In hia family and has always found it safe and reliable, and it afforded him great relief to a lame knee. A Bare Cfcanee. Wringers at reduced rates, both the Nov elty and Eureka, the best made, at Peters ABlain's. LOCAL CD R RES PON OENQE LKBAKON mm. Lkbakom, Or., Sept. 26,' 1683. Editor Democrat : liebanon mllle are receiving much needed coat of paint. T t Til! I I- J-l II U .. 1 .1 JOI Q UllOK la UUlUg S well ui be expected, john Marki haa returned fn s Oall- fornli tnj wm attend eobool tbia place this winter. A number of commercial t m Vetera r0,n PorUand elsewhere town the Ul f he week. a 'ere in bush els of anon MMt Thursday The Santiam River bridge i. baing repaired by Mr. Rankin of your city. Mrs. F. 0. Hansard, living a mile T' . t- north of t0WI1' fa ,0,n,wht Bart GonaUble, of Dallas, is viriting frf-nd. thia olaoa. f,!. thi. r The acbool at the Academy now en roll, .bout 30 aoholars, and the pros oecta are rather llatterinflr for the w wiulor- i W A KT I 1r. ... Oregon laat Friday, where he talks of KMM mEll, Liter.ry Society eon, the first f hureday evening in Oct. convene. Dr. Alexander will move in town next week. We also learn ttsat vc. Da via, of Jefferaon, will come to our town and live. Jamea Galloway haa accepted a poai- linn mm nUrlr in W It DnntOA1! DfOoerV gtore q b Montague moved in bb new .tore house the first of the week. It certainly present, a line appearance. J. L. Cowan A Co, are receiving the . a i- a i a a mmm stocn or gooa. ever uroagono tnuitown. uertaimy muanon uas iwo M k. Pr.a .f. . ""-" ' 8lljr we ItiTi er imd. it is one .ru. II- -,U t.. VI U UWH UWUBV. uwv(UM. mv mwm . v first shave for one dollar. Mr. Hubbert. the great miner of Sodaville, waa plaoed in the Callaboose . . m i .i T ' 111 AF? IfV". M nign ne yei.ea in a terrific manner, and tore the blankets into stoma The next morning he was fined $22.00 and discharged. Waa he tcaane f or was he not, that ia tbe question. You so Amksica. HAAAiaauau, Or , Sept. 25th, 1883. A very sad accident occurred here last Saturday afternoon at about fifteen minutes before five o'clock. During the past week Mr. Hiri.m Smith's log. have been coming down tbe river, and many of our citizens and boy. included have been going up to tbe boom tb.t convey, the log. into the .lough, where they are to lie until they are sawed, to see the logs come down. Boys and men would frequently jump on logs snd ride into where the logs are held. Saturday afternoon Mr. John Waters, Mr. Adolph Senders snd a couple of young ladies went up to the boom, and while there Mr. "Water, jumped on a log mid rode on it a abort distance, when ha lost his balance and fell or jumped into the water, which at that place is nearly twenty feet deep. Mr. Hiram Smith who was near went to his assistance and threw himself across ths log and reached out his hand to Water, who took it. Somehow Waters pulled Smith over the log when both went to the bottom. Smith came up, after atrogling to free himself from Water, who tried to cling to him, and .warn out or to where he met assis tance, but Waters sunk snd drowned. His remains were found .boot nine o'clock that night and properly cared for. It was indeed a sad accident, and Mr. Waters many friends mourn his sudden death. His remains were con veyed to the Odd Fellows cemetery. followed by a long train of vehicles and Mo m il sorrowing mends, wnere mere were many people in waiting. The ceremony by the fraternity was nicely performed, and the laat site, that man to fellow man can pay were paid when the people started home. On the way bask to town Mr. Ream1, seat in bis hack gave way, throwing him to the ground, bruiein? his arm snd cutting sn ugly gash in hia head, and breaking the Robert A. Ramphy'a health ia not so good ss it hss been during the sum mer. We noticed Cop Cherry in town this week, also Perry Raymond. The school here is going on quietly end progressively, there being an en rollment of upwards of eighty. The Sunday School here is prospering under the able management of Mr. Uymeyer. X. X. A Rbliaklb MsmiciHXv Our readers are aware that the "Timee" very, rarely editorially eadersss or recommends what aro known aa patent medicines, as it does not frequently happen that we can have positive knowledge af their merits ; but having Individually used "Amman's Cough Syrup," and heard ae muoh in its praise, we think the manufacturer is do Ing good in placing ao valuable a medicine on the market, and we are doing good in assisting to make it known. It also affords us pleasure to recommend Mr. Am men to the craft everywhere, We have done business with him near two years, and find him a gentlemen honorable In hia deallnga, prompt and liberal. "Demo cratic Times, Jacksonville, Of., April 28tb,1882. tares My Wife's Weakness. From Evansville, Ind., ths home of Hr correspondent, Mr. John R. Patterson, comes the following: "Samaritan Ner vine cured my wife of a case of female weakness." It's an extract from Mr. Pat terson's letter. 11.50 "Rongb sa Mats." Clears ont rata, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bogs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 16c, Druggists. "Bncaupalba." Quick, complete cure, an annoying kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. $1. Druggists. "Mother Swan's Warm Spray. " Infallible, tasteless, b armless, cathartio: for feverishnoea, restleunew, worms, consti ation. 26c, B1 JWNSVILLB ITEMS. BaoWH villi, 0.., Sept. 20, '83. Kdt. Dmm mi j Mr. Joieph Sanders and family nave movj to Eastern Oregon. Mr.Jobn VYJIson Is enlarging his llvory slablo. On lastFrld.y night serentders In fested o' quiet town. The fog and smoke have consolida ted and t be mixtures Is so thick that It cant be eat with a butcher knife. Everyone will likely sharaen up all old knives, txes and scythes end make a general raid on It next Satur day afternoon. Mr. Register and family of Mis souri are visiting Mr. A. O. liaus- man. They have about conclded to live In Oregon. Some of our people who attended the state fair complain somewhat. They seem to think that the prises are given to "The Man" Irrespective or me quality of goods. Mr. John Waters is going East with the pioneers Excursion. Fruit Is scarce; butter Is worth .'Met eggs, 8t ct.; potatoes $1; onions $1 to 160. Mr. Colbert and wife from Craw -fordsvllio were In town last week. Miss Viola has returned to Monmoth College to take charge of the Primary Dept. Those living In the country will do well to drive .their cows Into town during the rainy weather, as there will be plenty of room for them to stand around on the sidewalks. Mr. Dodson and family started back to Prlneville last Monday. On last Monday Mr. J. P. flal bralth and lady returned from Port land where they parted with their relatives who are now enroute for Knoxvllle Tenn The Brownsville Woolen Mills have lately made some of the beet btsnkets that have ever bean woven Home of them will be exhibited, and our prophosyIa that thoy will net onl I I.Ira It... II .i S tamo tuu piuuiiuui, iui siso win tne admiration of every one who deal res the very best work done. On last Sunday Mr. Wm. McMee kln who died near Halsey, was bur led in the Brownsville cemetry. SnascaiBss Yeaalaa nay. The following from an exchange In reference to Yaquina Bay, tbe R It. pro. poets, etc., we publish for what the reader may think it worth i 'The work which th. government baa done on the bar tbia Summer at the entrance to Yaquina B.y haa deepened the channel about two feet. Tbe bar 1. only about 100 feet wide, and the rook is soft, with deep watsr on both sides of the bar, and an excellent harbor Inside for large vessels. It will not be difficult to deepen tbe bar so as to make Yneulna one or tne beat harbors on the coast With these advantages Yaquina will undoubtedly become na important shipping point The tunnels for the railroad are nearly finished. Tbe long est is 680 feet, and only 160 feet remains to be completed The Indlcatloaa now are that the rail read will be completed from Yaquina to Corvallia In 184. If completed during that year, the com pany will not be raxed for twenty years and will secure a large amount of tile landa They will lose all of these advantages if tbe road la aot finished next year.' WAJfTBS). We want Mock land, grain farms and all kinds of landa to aell to emmigranta that are constantly arriving here in search of hemse. We have made arrangement, in PorUand and San Francisco by which al person, that want to buy land In this part of Oregon will be sent to us. If you deelre your land sold soon and on good terms call on or send for blank contract, for de scriptions. Busxhakt Baca., Real Batata and Loan Agents. Albany Or AlSeay Market Wheat-tOe per bushel, Oats 50 " " Beef on foot, 5 to Go. Hay baled, 2325 par ton. loose, 18 to 20. Butter 25 to SO ota per lb. Eggs 26 cent per doz. Potatoes 86c per bushel. Pork 7 eta per lb. Veab-ocperlb. Bacons hama, 14 te 16c. shoulders, 10 to 12c. aides. IS to 15c Lard 15c per lb. Flour 5JX) per bbl. Chickens 4.60 per doa, Sugar San Framlao 0, 12a. j Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton. Dried Fruit sun dried apples, 6e. " " plums,8c. al the warehouses, 91. machine cured apples, 8ic it it plume, 10. A Car. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak, ness, early decay, loaa of manhood, etc. , I will send a recipe thai will cure yon, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was die covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joasra T. Inman, Station D. New York City. AOENTS WANTED everywhere To handle our ILX.UN. FAMILY BIBL.KH. Mew Mubarriptlon edition now ruady, the moat eieKani ever proauc Dana, in exciusi our own trade. Manual. Hlfltortea. etc Wa offer dueementa, with exclusive territory. tons. BAIRD & DILLO Ptihl(ahera.MJ and Impartarajjakeaida SuUcU&ff, gig aad SB 8. SANTIAM ACADEMY. Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon. mHE FALL AND WINTER TERM OP I this school will commence Monday, HanUmhor 1 7th Ififlft and lnu SVf4 March 28th, 1884. Students will find it very much to their advantage to be in at tendance the trat of the term if possible. Applications for rooms, board, or special arrangements anouia do maae soon. The buildings are being1 ranaired and every effort will be made to render the school pleasant and profitable ta all stu dents desiring the advantages of a practi cal education. Students will have the free use of goo d library and reading room, For parti cula r concerning tuition, course ef study, board etc., Address 8B J. L. GILBERT, ma. HnverD ruoio, a vo aaajgna, airecuy imported ior id atandardDutMloattonB: Hill's . i r - . x: unnvsued in Write rancipaj. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. R!Itm u4 cans RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Soistlcs, Lumbago, acs a earn, HEADACHI, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QO IH.Y. BWKXLIirOS. MPS A IMS. wVwww Cuit, Brulvvt, tours, SCALD, Ao. All othw bodllr M aMpstoa riFTVttirTIl BOTTLE. Mold by ail OfBSSWU wwl pmUn. Irtrwriooa la 11 laatiMoa Tht Charltt A. Vog.Ur C. MM m a. tmilaa A M ) Ba, Summons. thf Circuit Court of the StaU of Oregon or juinn k aunty ; John W Wilson, FUlnUff, ) vs. Matilda Wilson, I)sfndant. J To Matilda Wilson the above named de- wnuABt ; f W THE NAME tK THE STATE OF and anawer the complaint of plaintiff In the atiova oat It lad ault now on Ola in the UrMTOtl. VOII in Mnn m In mrtnmmm omce or trie c;ountj Clerk of 14nn county, Oregon, by the first day of the next regu lar term of tb abova ntitlrf tumrt. ft.i- lowlna tbe publumtion of tbia summona, M a a X m . - - f ior ma imnrxi or mi ' onseoutlve and auo- twwiva waaaa, in tue htatk Kioutv lBMorilAT. LO-Wit i hw tha umml Kt.n. (Uy of March, A. D., 1HH4, and you will ko nuuoa inai in oaee you raw to appear and anawer aa above required, tbe plain - tiff Will intllv tft thn Cunrt hp h. demanded in hia oemplaint, which la air a dlaaolutlon ef the marrlaaa control heretofore existing between pTalntifl and defendant and for anah nthur tnrf fnrt hmr relief aa may he just and equitable. Thla summona iapu hi iabed by order of Hon K P HobM. JudM at baIH l n,,n wbAjh order bears data Sept. 20th. 143. J,. II. MOHTAffTI. Att'y for ff. Referees' Sale. Notice is hereby eiven that nnAw h oi ma aomortty of a commission duly issued out ef the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for tbe county of Lino, and to tba undersigned directed and delivered, ia a , . . 7- . suit tiisretn pending wherein H. V. Bark hart and Nellie O. Koyse are Plaintiffs, and llobert L Borkbart, William Bnrkbart, neesM is. narknart and M. A. tsurkhart are Defendst ta. tbe underaianed. tba rnfer ia said commission "" will, on the lath day of October, 1883, between the hears of B . e " - m luociocs, a. m. . ana 4 o clock p. m. , of said day. to-wit i at tbe boar of 2 o'clock Il m. , of said day, at tbe doer of tbe Court loose ia Albany, Luaa county, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for gold eota, cash fa hand en tbe day of sale, the following described real property, to-wit : Beginning at tbe northwest corner ef Claim Ne. 49 in Towaabip 11, south range 3, west of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence south 1 39' east 20 SB. 100 chains to a stake ia the center of tbe road leadiog from Albany to Salem; thence north 5r 27 east 40 07 100 chain, to a stake ; thsnoe south 80 45' west en the north boundary line ef said claim 34 30 100 chains to the place of beginning, containing 23 39 100 acres, less all of tbe land oo tbe north side of tbe creek contained in tbe above de scribed real property sold to Ana Peyton, tbe balance remaining being 14 acres mere or less. Also Lota three, four, fire sad si. ia block No. 119 ia Hackleman'i Addition to to the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, aa appears from tbe nip and plat of said addition bow on file and recorded fat tbe office of the Count Clerk of said Linn County, Oregon. Said property will be sold for tbe purposes of partition. A m I .1 'a.tR t m m ustea this ota day of Aegust, 1883. ML Pavas. ) Locia Cox, S Itet P. lUl.TlMOKK, ) Summons. In tkt Circuit Court of the Stat, of Oreuon for Linn County : D F Wagner, Plaintiff, va. K s Wither and Mallnda Withers, Defendants. ToE H Wither' and Malimta Wither, tht above named Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF I Oregon, yon and each of yon are here by required to be and appear in the above entitled suit in tba above named Court and answer tbe oom plaint filed against you therein by the above named plaintifl, by Monday the 22nd day of October, 1888, that being; the first day of the next term of said Court, following the expiration of aiz weoKa pnniicauon tnereor ; and yeu are noil Sad thai 11 you fail to appear and anawer aa above required for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for me rener p.-ayea rer in tne oom plaint now on file In the Clerk'aofuoe af Linn county, Oregon, to-wit : Judgment for 11 000 with interest thereon at the rata of tan per oent per annum from the 20th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1882 and for the further aum of 9100, aa Attorney's fees and all ooeta and diaburamenta of tbh ault ; and a for tbe foreclosure of tbe mortgage noon tbe sallowing diacribed promisee and the sale thereof, to-wit : Homestead entry No. 4858, for 8 Wk of N W li N W K of 8 E X and N X of S W Vi, of Sec, 7, T 10, S K 2, E, W M, Linn county, Oregon, contain ing (166.03) acres. And you are further notified that tbia Rttmmoaa Is served upon you and each ot you by publication bv order of tha Hon R P Holee, Judge of the third Judicial district of the State of Oregon. Said order made In Chambers at Salem, Oregon, on the 27th day of August, 1888, directing that said summons be published for six consec utive weeaa in tne mtatk kiobts demo chat, s newspaper published weekly ia Albany, Linn county, Oregon. is. J. Da wive. Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon jot the Vounty of Linn . J M Moyer, Plaintiff, ) vs. i David W Shavor and f MarlndftShaver.Defeudants ) TVfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Xvj by virtue of a writ of execution is sued out of tbe above named Court in the above entitled action to me directed and delivered for the sum of $126.78 and inter est at the rate of one per cent per month from the 26th dav of October. 1880 and the further aum of SoV85, (being unable to find any personal property whereon to levy) I have levied upon the following described real property, to-wit : The N W Vi of the NEK of Sec. 12 in Tp. 18, South Range. A ........ In 1 tnm AAimt V. t.r rr. fnlran a a the real property of the said defendant Mariuda Shaver and on Saturday the 29IU day of Sept. 1888. at the Court House door in the city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon at the hour of one o'clock p. m, I will sell said real property at pnblio auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said writ with accruing costs. Dated this 31st day of August, 1888. Gao. Humphrey, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. loo Acres of Lead far Bale. One farm of 890 acres very desirable. One farm of 135 acres. One tract of 169 acres of wild land. One tract of 80 acres. One tract of 70 acres. One tract of 135 acres and other small tracts. Will sell in lots to suit purchasers. Will trade for other property. Gall at this office. The receipts of the State Fair last week were $15,000, the expenses will be less than $12,000. 1877 I HAVE BARGAINS N STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, N DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS N LADIES CLOAKS, ULSTERS AND N LADIES HIRNISHINC GOODS, N MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, N MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS N RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING, N CENTS FURNISHING COODS, N BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS, N MEN'S, WOMENS AND 3HILDRENS, BOOTS AND SHOES, N LACES, EMBROIDERIES AND RIBBONS, N LADIES AND CHILDRENS HOSE N TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, N POCKET CUTLERY, NOTIONS There are four important facts which deman your attention and consideration : FirstMy assortment is larger than ever. Second My styles are the latest. Third Mv Drices are the terror of mv eomnatiora and delight of my patrons. Fourth Every article is marked in nl&in figures at one uniform scale of low Drices from which there will be no deviation. Samples and prices sent Highest market price in first-class butter. ONE PRICE NOUN'S "HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS' VILLARD haa and so has Jas. Cowan, of J. L. COWAN & CO., OF Lebanon, been to San Francisco, where he purchase A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FALL Selected with the greateat care, and hence most worthy Webfeet, you are going to get those goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. Having been purchased In fact nearly as low aapthe the thermometer at ths North Pole they will be sold Here's our big over the fact that good times will now be bad in Linn County on account of tbe bargains to be obtained at the ' LEADING HOUSE OF J. L. Cowan 8c Co. FOR DRESS COODS OF ALL KINDS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, FURNISHING GOODS. IUST FACT BVEETTH1N&, Gall on J. L. COWAN & CO., AT LEDAN0N, and you will save many a dollar, both in PRICE JkJSX Q,U-AJLITY. FALL '883 AND VELVETS DOLMANS, AND ULSTERS, AND CORSETS, AND JEWELERY. free on application. trade for fresh eggs and CASH STORE been here, Oregon GOODS. AT r