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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1883)
A S FATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STUBS ANUTTINO. Tar paper le the state ' lrtia aa la le TIE BEST ADTEETISIKO MEDIU8 ailK4SFFI Kl Itrmorral IS-ll.llnR on ImtelMa llnri. wocetal not i os fp Loral Cob umn If cents put line. Kaawlar local notices 10 cent do line. T-KRM OF SUBSCRIPTION sinfta copy, par jrear, In dvnM 93 M stagta pv, par yaar. at and o year S 00 For legal and transient advertisement $1 0 per square for tbe first Insertion and 60 cents per square for each beeoneat Insertion. Kates for other advertisements n ade known on application. atnfrla copy, mi umiiIIw 1 60 taffla oopr, three bxuiUm 76 stasia anmbtr 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1883. NO. 9 State Kiflltts PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U. rUKN. O. K. CHAMBERLAIN. FL1XX & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. BBT-Offloe in Foster's Brick Blook.-8 vllmlStf. R. 8 STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of thw 8Ut. Will give special mention to collection and probate matter. Office in Foster's new hrtok. 49tf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. antv- Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstair, over John Briggs store, let street. vl4n23tf J. K. WEATKERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW. AIRAM, ORM.O. WILL PBACTICB IX ALL TUB COURTS OF TVS SUte. Bpsoiai atUHUUm given to culkecUona aad paaBala aiaUar. etrCMBoa is Oild FallsWs Tamo. I, O, POWKLL. W. K. HILT BO POWELL & BILYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. OKTOOM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loan negotiated on reasonable terms, psroffloe in Foster's Brick.' vlsnlftf. E. fc. SKIPWORTH, ATTOBM.V 4SW OI LOK AT LAW Ailb BWTART ri BL1 . WILL practice in all courts of the State All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OJtrt in O' Toole's Block, Bromdalbin Street, 45yl Albany, Oregon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND .VMary PqMtCe ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of this State All buaineas intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANGDOM & CO., DKFGGISTft. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A iArge Stock and Low Prices. ' ferl 1LB iST. 0BK4.0V. POSHAY & MASON, Dmggistsand Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. vl6o41tf REVERE HOUSE, rrae Viri mm EUswarth Ajkaar, a. t- iv. -. a m a ' Chas Pfeifter, Prop'r. Ts uew B U U fttte.1 up In first ciaas style. Tables supplied wi: the bast tha market allodia. Spring Usd in every Rooaa. A food SampU Bjoovt (or Com aal Tnsvsl. io DANNALS & WOODIN aAjrerAcrrasa ass ssaur n FURNITURE D BEDDINC Caamcr Ferry aad Seeand Street. ALBANY, - - OREGON. U. J. STITES. ATTOHNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. Office in office. States Rights Dkmocba. DBS. J. W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, ORE C ( t Offer their profuaaion.l aervkea to the citizen of Linn and adjacent eoubUa, Office wl raaVtanea Pall at LanydoB and Co Irt-ug Store, Aioany Bath House. fUS UNDBttSlUNID WOULD EESPICT 1. fally iaform the citixeni of Albany and ri :iaity that I have taken charge of thii EstablUb seat, and, by keeping elean roomi and payi trie t attention to busmen, expects to suit al ota who may favor us with their satronag :ia heretofore earned on no'hiag bat Pirst-OUss Hair Dressing Saloons spertt tf eire entire tatiifaetion to al :-H'lieL ttiA ladies' Hair neaui n na T...mA JOS WgBnKl ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBINY, OB. Thf First Term begins on Toes- aay, September II, IgSg, For particular concerning the course of study and thr price of tuition, apply to REV. CM EKT M. CBHBIT. Prearaest. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANXING & CO., PBOPB'S. NEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS U8E. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest IPrice in Wlieat Cash for ALBANY OR. A week made at home by the in dustrious. Beet business now be fore the public. Capital not needed. We sill star you. Ken. women, boys and girls wanted every where to work for us.. "Now is the time. You can work in spare time, or give vour whole time to the business. Noctner business will pay you nearly as weiL No one can uui to make enormous pay, by en gaging at once. UosUy outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Addrees Thus. A Co,, .Augusta, name. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS T II K UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform ttie public tbat he is now nra- pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on snort notice. Ail work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin clpally In Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing ad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before puroha Ing elsewhere ai 1 will not be undersold. v hop on west aide of Ferry street oppo- u poa omw. Q. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN SMI I LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Haras kent on . reasonable terms. Horses and buggies let to suit the times. corner second and Kl la worth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AND MOVING PI ANO, organs and faruttnrc specialty. All hauling within he elty promptly attended to. LOUIS CAMPEAU'8 Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp raaors, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the verv beat style. SA WA IM. I AUNPBY AND CHINA MERCIUNISINO lll'SI Ba NESS. Bk. ta and Japan asa awxta. aadardothee, told at nricaa. Contractor tor China labor. BSTNaxt k Citr Bask. HENG TENG. Best waahlug and Ironing In tne city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door eeuth of Revere House. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT. IMPORTER OF FINE MIL LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. NEW BARBER SHOP. . JACKSON - Pruprirtor. Opposile Revere House Shaving and hair dressing done in first- class sty.e. Hrst-claa brth room. Bath for ladies and gentleman all hours. Terras reasonable. '83 1 GRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND TUB LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year for only 13.50. Two pepree for HlU store Utaa UM price of ooe. By paring oatS. SO (st will receive for one year your home paper with the "Coariar-Joarnal," l be repreaemetie newepeoer of the BouUl, IsnnoeraUc l for a lartf for reeeaoe only. mA tt 6tt,Utah t and etrfeat Uoaly wWki In the UnlUd nuim. aw ho'deeire to eaaaUaea aatnple copy ot the oner -Journal" can do ao at taia ol&re. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. 13,205,326 Premium income 1 607,139 Safe, reliable and quivk to isty in case of loss. ARCH MONTE ITH, Agent. any , Oregon, W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG- truce liw wo, umiuwo, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS SCIO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DULY. T1EALER8 IN CLOCKS AND WATCH If ES. Keep a full lire of Jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired in first-class order. SCIO - - - OREGON. W Hie MORROW, nSJ table cutlery, etc., IN STOVES, TINWARE, sheet iron ware, crockery, etc. OREGON, SCIO BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. KEEP A FUL,LL-1WK ur rint croeeries. fsesh candies, nuts, and all kinds of confecttonaries, tobacco, cigar, etc., etc. Cash paid for proauce 01 au kind. 8CI0, OREGON. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, trroceries, clears, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - 8JiO, UK. J, J, 0QRRI9, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. m.T ftTTr!1C CUt PTTBL.IC L.lffrrilMU U LICITED. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice. POWDER Absolutely -Pure. This powder saver varls. A marvel of purity rum tmwaw as airaagta aad who uu i titan tea ordinary kind, aad eassot ba add in o.aisUuuii with lha tauHltuda o low laat. short Ighl, lmi. or Dhaanhat pnwtn. SolJ out In n. Ho lUsixaPowaaa Co. loa wu t , N Y. ESTABLISH KD IN 1863. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden & Willow Ware, Twines, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, raits. Taaa. CBaraa. WeeBBearete. Bepe Cetsteaje. Wrap.laa rspere. fsper Balldla. rapera. MatrBea. Ctetfcse Wrtasera. Car pat Sweepara, realBer Baatieaery. ate. 230 and 232 Front Street. 8 AN FRANCISCO, CAL. SmS. panpla are alwayeo tee look ut for eaaa aaraitMr. and In Umo wealthy ; thtaa who de not improve their opjmttuni in poverty. we uaar a eraal ahanne ta at ka money. We want raaay raea. wueaaa. hoyeaad e u io wore lor ua nai in tawtrowu (ueaituee. Any ean do aha work nroawrtv trom Um Brat atarL Tha bualnaaj will pay mora I ha a tan ttsaee ardiuary ajsassv. eaMB lawAwai frwa. who tatla to amka maaay ratsdly. Toa can da- o a jroui wlwda lima to tha wort, or osiy yaor apara aaooMttia. roii inrminuni an an tea m t free. Addraaa Bnaao at Co., BUA1D1AN ASSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1B21. Capital subscribed H0.QP0.Mt Capital paid op. eeeeae e - eeaae Aotk. This company has the Umsf paid up capital of mpan doing buainea In the Unltad tMate. Immraooe accepted by Hour A. FejrTTB, Agt of Albaar. SAM COHEN. Keep the best brands of imperial and domestic cigar. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS Of TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Kep the Attest blllard hall In the city. I will also sett real estate, mere hj lle household good, etc.. at auKl-! for any one In t! e rltyor oounty blore opposite Kevere House, Albany, or. 6tf 8AM COHEN ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. EATABLIftHBD 1MB. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Street, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the shore named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Enginee, Haw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Bra Castings of every description. Machinery of all jkinds repaired. Hpe. cial attention givenfto repairing farm u s chlnery. Patters Maklag 1M la all Its farm. lfkllyl A. F. CHJBsHY A SON. '. PORTLAND -BUSINESS COLLEGE, N. E. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sta., P0RTLASD. 0REG0H. A. P. AsMeraoso, J. A. Waaco, Principal. Penman aad Secretary Deripsd for the Busmen Education of Both Sszea Admitted on any week day of the year. -PENtWORKW- Of alt kinds cxcciiU-d In order at reasonable rate. balitiortion gtmriintrt-d. tits Col !- "joamsi, rnt:itnme iniormauon f lha eaapas . ' ' , . of tuition, lime to r, '.., 1 i.tu'.i.i p.a.u and ornamental ien- autadaVi free. Sheriff's Sale. In the County Qovti qj &e State tf Oregon, jot we vounty q ttnn , Q C Oooley and J H Wsshburne, co-partners doinir business in Browasvllle. Ore gon, under the firm name and style of Cooley A wasnuurne, nsmuns. vs. George L Breeden, Defendant. VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN TH4T X by virtue of writ of execution and order of tale issued out of the above nam ed Court in the above entitled action, to me d scribed and directed lor toe sum of 185 65, with interest theron at the rate of ten per cent per annum from toe 4th day of June, 183, and tne lunner sum 01 $40 25 costs, I have applied thereon the following described real property, hereto for attached in said action snd described as follows, to-wit : All the right title and Interest of the said defendant in and to th donation land olalm of A R Breeden and Catharine Breeden, it being Notifica tion No. 2710 and Claim No. 45 iu Sections 2, 3, 10 and 11, Tp. 14, south range 1 west oftbe Willamette Meridian in Ijtnn county, Oregon and on Saturday the 13th day of uuuiuvr, loan, n w wuii ii"usn mnji ui the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon at tbe hour or one o clock p.m., I will sell said real property at public auetion for cash in hand to the highest bidder to satis- ly said writ with accruing cost. Dated this 14th day of Sept 1888. Obo. Humpkbkt, Sb9rlff of Linn County. WBUT TeHY DRMK A correspondent of tbe laaisvitle Courier Journal has been fofrviewlnu Mr. J. 0 Connell, (battel known as Mike,) bar tender at the National Hotel in Washington City, as to what members of congreas drink. He says : Aa a rule, now, New Kngland man likes ruw, the EtBtern man whisky, white (he Southern and Western men are heavy on mixed drinks. Men difl'-T, however, In their tastes There wsaold Senator Bogy. I could always tell what be wanted, end when be came in I would set it out without sskiog a question. Oin and sugar eras bit drink. Senator Perrv never came in the bar, but be was a great drinker of sherry in bis room. , Davis, of West Virginia, geaerally took straight whis ky, lie was not much of a drinker, though. Judge Davis nevet came in the bar, but bsd aherry sod whisky asnt to bis room. Messy, of Texas, never takes anything stronger than a lemonade. Coke takes sugar and whis ky. Bsysrd tikes tbe soae. Pendle ton is ve.y fond of a whisky punch. Jones, of Floride, never mixes any thing with bis. He drinks whisky, snd takes it out of a water-gtsss, baring an aversion to small glasses. Jonas snd Yost, sb a role, take it witb a lit tle sngsr. Baton, of Connecticut, was pretty regnlsr. He sometime took whisky, but moat generally wine. He seldom came in with any one. He av would drink a small bottle of Mumm'a extra dry, pay for it and walk out. There was old Senator Dave Armstrong, of Missouri. He alwars took wbiakv ar 0 and lemon forty drone. Lanham. of w B New York, would atari in on whisky, but there waa no telling what ba would wind up on. John B. Clark, of Mis souri, generally took it atraight ; ao did Van Home. Pioctor Knott never nixed it, and a I way a wanted "Old Bourbon." Page, of California, and George, of Oregon, aa a rule took straight wbiakv. The great objector, Mr. Holman, used augsr and water. Alexander Stephen never ceme into tbe bsr-ioom, though he was a regular drinker. He carried a little eight our,c vial of the very best whisky ia his pnekftt. Oan. Phil. Oook, of Georgia, is one of the moat jovial Con gressmen that mmea in here. He take a little sugar in bis whisky ." "Hw it none ef them drink beer 1" "Very few ef the old-time fellows drink beer, especially men fnm the South. The yonnjr men are the beet drinkre.''' "Did yon ever see Judge Kdmonds in here I' "Ob, yes, on a few oecssinns he end S-nstor Anthony and Bn. Prley Pnore would drop iu. They alwava took straight whisky. S-nator Beck is a great lover of hot Scotch, and Senator Willisma of a whisky toddy." "It doesn't sppeer that any of our statesmen indulge in fancy drinks, Mike?" "No, sir i if job. want to see fancy drinks demolished, you pint watch a crowd of young bloods from tbe South and West gel up to tbe counter. There may be a half dosen in tbe crowd, aad each of them will take a different fancy drink." Tbe Call says : Tbe Alts Californ ia has been purchased by J. A. John son, ex-lieutenant governor of the state and present rogiatrar of San Francisco, and will be conducted as a morning paper, Democratic . a as soon as tne. necessary arrange ments and s formal transfer are mads The price paid for it was in the neigh borhood of $50,000. While the paper will be the ad meats ot Democratic prin cipals generally it is aaid it will labor for he nomination for president of a justice of the Supreme court, whose aspirations in tbat direction have not been secrets and it is tbe present intention eoe or mere editors from New York to work up a boom fr him. While governor J ohnsoo is the nominal purchaser of the Alts, it is understood that a strong snd powerful corporation stands behind him. From inquiries it is learned thst tbe sale of tbe psper is not completed, nor osn it be until the estate of Mr. McCrellisb, late aenior proprietor, is settled in the probate court. The pnrobssing parties, representing seveisl of tbe most prom inent members of the Democratic party of San Francisco hsve deposited a sum as a forfeit if they should not complete tbe purchase within a certain period after a clear title to the newspHper property has been give by the prodate court. W bn this has been obtained there is no doubt but that a sale will be effected. The psper will he run aa a Democratic newspaper, and a Imga sum of money will be ex ended m im proving and developing local features. Tbe present sixe of tbe paper will he retained, but the amount of reading r matter will be increased. The present ... . , , rm ... .,, editorial staff with fer exceptions will be retained. In 1779 there were 12,000 Spanish, French and American prisoners of war in England. New York Sept. 11th, 1KH3 Jtdiu ilidlv'n pitrfoseiuus of being an s ion f of rwrnmnv are doubted I os use be tntdsts that Tammany shall have a delegsii 'O of its own at the State Convention. "But after all," said a well known Democrat from the interior of the State, "he is tight. He know thst such a thing as au amal gamation of tbe rival interests of Tammany, tbe County Democracy and Irving HsU I imMsible, and in politics as in sotusl life tbe survival of the fittest must prevail. Whatever faction prevails before tbe Convention, let it be the party that tbe eopte will bold responsible for its action." A really remarkable feature ot tbe preliminary skirmishing which now prevails hofere the beginning of the active fight, is the clamor in tha Re publican ranks for a new party and a new tioket. This would seem to indi cate that the old one is vety weak,' and that its representative leaders had bet ter be placed on the retired list. A Boston gentleman, not a politician, tells me that in business circle there is not ons half the oposition to Butler and tbe Democracy whieh Massachu setts Republicans would have us be lieve. "It is only the Hoars, tbe Adamses and their followers of tbe metaphysics and brown-bresd-for-lunch order of politics that are opposed to him. Tney have no sympathy for tbe masses, and no', feeling in their ice-coated hearts for any ons out aide of their own stony set. Now, whatever Butler has done, and I am willing to admit that be has ltfwn guilty of some demagog ism, yet be hss been by all odds the most populsr Governor among tbe people at large we have had fur a long time, and if thing come to n crisis tbe people will recognise Butler's worth." Tbe Senetorial Committee on Labor snd Education, Still oontinues its in eeat igat ions, bnt everybody is getting tired of it. Sens tor BUir who is the moving apirit of the bodv ia as igmrsnt of tbe real ohjrt of the work f the Committee ss his sa( late. lie d . it not know wbat questions to ssk, snd bis system of inetigtton consists in leltirg every one, who wiahet spr before the c uifuiiie- and t!k himself to exbnantation t IBB urt of crude ni rfda'ior. end distorted btcte which has laseri garnered In by Senator Bleir ia am. ply ridiculous. Even John Sa 1 1, no, of ti n .Seta, ou!d not resiat the (coaptation of talking rubbish. He a id tbat few rejwrter and correond en is earn hea than $5,000 a year, and a great number go as high as $25,000 ; that few editors aod leading editorial writers get leas than $10,000 a year, snd that so far aa proprietors of influ ential newspapers sre concerned, their earnings reach ovr $100,000 a jear. Mr. Swinton may derive his knowU edge from the journalism which is uatensivety devoted to the interests of bur. and if the workers on it were paid such ealariee aa he claims, it ex plains very satisfactorily why th pspers have constantly to pas around tbe hst for support at labor meetings. Now, I have an extended acquaintance among newspaper men, and of the better dsas at tbat, and I can count on my fingers the number tbat mskes M.- AAA . A Al L.l J- fo.uuo s year, sua votss ma ao . .rw tbe slsves 01 tne pen. roey neve to oe ... 1 j t t a a I : - '- "v " ' ' . r m; .1 j i:u m, ir i,mw .nil 111 um 1 .1 in 1 1.1 biiii ia liiciv nave lamme vnoy can uu, u, attention to them, ai regsroi toe .a B a S . . a ai j j. il icq or wouV--- .UV....UA. respondents use ustn, wnose worx is so extended that it ia almost machine a n mm made, snd ia aubdividsd among suVaor- dinstea whom the eraolover must psv. a -e ai:,. fc mi H, CS 11 .nn ut .law.uwni uvr. " . .u- .bt w .r mm men in resllv "" - J 1 resiHonsible positions, whose incomes do not exceed twenty-five or thirty duller a week, than , erbsps Mr John Swinton i e i .i o:. nss an iue 01. uiwh-owhhou b .vc menu are harmful because they will encourage a lot of young men, princi- ,llv undercrrsdnsta. to rirsh into t profession where the golden apptas are not alone few, but where they frequent- lv turn into dust in one's hands, and wherein they will inevitably ruin their prospects and their lives. PERSON 4 LH. Emily Fihful will leave her Eng lish hftme for Amef lea nn Sepf 19. Kx President Tyler' son, Alexan der died last srturday at Santa Fe, Mexico, pAiswsvn save he Is net dead, if we may trust Lady Florence Dixie, two eyes to a feast, and afterwards re in this anen.Ical re. however, a roan fused to res-ore it. The bHndworm cannot tell whether he is livl-.g or I, of.haenm Counsul-General walker is to rep- .. . a. a . . tii rwii- n.n u.uV,.v.-....v rv Congress to he held at Amster- resent tne uniiea otaies anne uurr- , . ! mm this month. The Rothsohilda still keep their an. oestral dwelling in the Jewish quarter at Frankfort, although they do'npt Uvg in it. arm in lbttbb) (from our ragalar ourrt-amlsit.) Berlin, August 21st 1883. Potsdam, has of into been, to ueea fn rman expression, teeming with notabilities : tbe Royal flag flie from the tower of Btbelsberger Schloos; tho Koyal fountain plays on the edge of tho lake stretching beforu It, the sir Is full of tho sounds of brass bands; Hitatno usuauy quiet town peopje I . a I i. rn h II In it hltrli alain nt . reli.i. I UBrnagi puss ana repass oeiore tne rfyes of the Inhabitants of Klien Ole- Iniehe occupied by European colebrl , ana no one is uissbiisihhi except tbe restaurant keepers, wboae busl I I I - .11. . I .1 - ' . I uess is greatly injured iy tne closing Of an aoyal rarxs and gardens, Bnduwed )rnbcr is entirelv im practices. UMOrwquent filing orr or ext-urslou-1 . a A m ... . 1st frm Berlin. To-day however, - m at j a r m ia saws an ena or me reerivries; ana at- a s. a a sm m a a . I tnougn tne jsmperor ooe not intend to leave Babelsburg Jt yat, the t;rown rnoce nss already uepartea snd bis example win be followed by tbe majority of the Illustrious party in tbe course of the next few days, rne immeaiate cause or mis assem-1 biy in the German "Windsor- wee the baptism of the second son of I l-rioce Wllhem, which, too c place 00 I Sunday, Io the Stadtschloee, with all the ceremony customary for tbe cbrlstoning of a scioo of the house of Hobeoaollern. The room employed aa a Dapustry waa tne sleeping room jw mm a a a , , . I 01 jreuencK tne ureal, or, more properly, tbat part of It which la eep- arated off by a silver rail, and served him as a Horary. Against the wall of tnia compartment a purple silk canopy fieri noen erected, under whtcn was - - . - - 1 he altar, With Bible cru, Iflx, candlee and covering from tbe crown PrirscVa chapel in Berlin. I1te front waa rep- resented by an ancient enver guilt a . Am - a. - a a ea I wwi iw -...I.,, e-.ifi rtiaAAi am nn nanism vm n irt 1 dates from the date of the Great ele- vator, and la always used on the oc- casloo of mariage or baptisms in tbe Royal family. Soon after two o'clock tbe procession Into tbe chapel began, beaded by the emperor and the crown Princess, the Empress arrived shortly In a wheeled chair, accompanied by ?rince and Princess Wllhelra ant 1 heir first born son, the one year old 1'iince Fred, rick Wlthelm. Tbe service was performed by court preacher Kogel, assisted by three 1 1 ier clergymen; snd the cathedral t holr, which present In tho so-called "privy table" room, sang tha 8f tb Psalm and other suitable music. As soon as the company had taken their places, the infant Prince was brought to tbe door of tbe chapel Graffin von Brockdorf He eras clothed in the oual "Sieek isaen" with a lont? train which wn crrioI by tw court ladies. This hss ben eupbyed for the bsptlsra of the children of tfe Hoyal rurally, and hears, emdroidered Infeohl. a crown and the names of all the children for whom it has been used. The first is that of the presant Crown Prince, Friederlck Wllhelm, and the last that of the first born son of Prince Wilhelm, and grandson of tbe crown prince, baptised last year Frederick Wilhelm Victor August Earnest. Acordlng to custom the . . w m m eldest unmarried daughter of tbe Royal House he the Princess Vlctorta took the child at the door of the chap- I J nl.ri nui.ata,l IS Bilk a HflAn rwMBT I w., " -T7 77 1 to wo ciuporvr, n.. mm uvmViw 1 n Iia. mtttiAr tha -riwrn nrinertM at i aa ..v. ihv.iivii a. aw ww - - - w , . aw ihn tor 1 ftAr s ihnrf lArmna the " ' ' I a, a a m SMaAaaaa. oil aws AM I h A I ta V I aiwusurs were suiuu. w .... ..... I anri (ho TTmnAmr tnnlr the child f earn I ' a m r Am . . mm wihw & m rm w. m n v v mv w . n rmm mm w i mm r . mr i Oar! from the Jordan was dashed ovor the child's face. A fit or crying whlchjproved that tbe In fsnt was not wanttne In unr Dower ana in - . A l w w I - - . . . . . . vhlch hli brother loinooi in nearty goodwill' was the amedlate result. was quicaiy suuea. xenown..o l . a a a .in a 1II "y 80,emn qaesuons was pur to tho soonsorav ana men wnn n . Pyer he child and the Royal horml iUn br lhe a choir, the ceremony was at an ena. The name srlven to the child wa Wilhelm Eithel Frederick Christian Carl. Eithel Frederick is an old family name in tho royal house, but the Prince will he called simply Prince Frederick. The nightingale's hsbit of singing st nigbt, and the imaginary aadness of its song, are accounted for by a legend to the effect that in ancient days the nightingale and the blind worm had only one eye apiece. The bird borrow ed the reptile's eye in order to go with wed vengeance on it perfidiouB triend- Consequently, tbe nightingale is ftfrid to t mht lest the h inrlwosm snou ri sttnek it during l8 - - - w ! j j , ;.-a,u ramBer. And in order to keep itseir awake it sings, resting its breast against a thorn, the pain caused by which ven ders its singing sad. Ivory was brought to Solomon from Tarshisk about 992, B. C. BBW g BBIKf The foot siid mouth disease is increas ing a'sr'y among the cattle in Kngland. aw ' - w aw Tbe deaths from cholera in Egypt are rspidly diminishing in number. The mansgms of tho Kansas State fair have offered $10,000 in premiums, - . gl,000l . , tb . Ijr e ahiW tl m) io the ,lortiotl,ltir. w -r- . . 11(j00 . . I The great lumber raff, containing about Wor h of timl-f. whi(ih WM aaMMaaMt. .-.i fM, at laAa to New York hf the UtgM Cyciw( mu4 HMilnnd, has excited Cinsiderable comment from lumbermen. Tbe ajen- rnl opinion is thst ocean r-fting of - - 1. piiM ,tc.. eaD be successfullv 99bmd hoVffVer but only in the Sum- mtt months. n9 Maasacbuaetts Central Railroad WM uodr mmtmt ,Mt Ssturdsy faT $500,000. r t about ten cents on thtl in4mhtsamm The success of tbe com forBId by thm Bvm J(Unoforu kev mmk9n, after a strike of six months. abews tbst skillful workmen who cbb ) back on their own ss vines for csol- Ul can easily become independent. x gigty-pound wsrtermelon, "across between tbe rattlesnake end tbe Jer- -nw tbui on Mr. wi drip's p.tch in Brton county, Os. The Aagn.t sutement of th public debt adds s further decrease in the principal to the .mount of $6,691,000, asking the liquidation for tbe two months of tbe new fiscal year $14,572,- 000 Tbe Hav.i , Indians of New Mexico - m Uke- to be well supplied with funit yMr Xbey expeet to uke 800.000 nouada of wool and 600.000 Md f(C, to mmrket w ... - uierktnB u aaia to be overdone in tbe Weat, it undoubtedly is in the Eat : and manv clerks are besianine to realise tbe fact tbat it ia better to be a well-to-do mechanic than a genteel WW 7 O pauper. Bust, drought sod other cause have greatly damaged tbe cotton crop in parts of Miaaippi, Alabama, Arkanaaa and Tennessee. ea. a a - I be claim lor reoate of taxea on tooacso, anun aad a gat a, win aggre a saw gate about $3,500,000. The total an nual reduction in revenue on these articles, it is now computed, will be about $36,000,000. From tbe Indian Territory it is learn ed that 45,000 head of cattle here been driven up tbe trail since June 1. The j stock will be pi seed on tb Western range. Cattle are in good condition. Sales of stock cattle are announced at prices ranging? from $20 to $35 for a v- - yearlings sua cow, me range an 1 a B 'is, aa through the Indian country i very fine, the dry weather having no serious effect. A war between France and China seems inevitable. aa Never drink water about which there is say doubt, until it has been boiled to kill the dtngeroua germs it may contain, ia a popular rule at tha present day. Tbe wheat crop in Kansas is expect ed to reach 35,000,000 bushels, and the corn crop 200,000,000 bnahela. Since March 1 to Aug. 25, Chicago1 packers have slaughtered 1,293,000 ". "wBst 1.285,000 the corres,ond- 1 lag period in 1882 I , . ,. . Xbe tjanadian I'acibc Kail road ta I now eomnleted a distant of 1 400 mile. . I 1 I The recent storms hsve s most to- - crop in the south of Ireland. The authorities fear a renewal of rent agita tion, owing to the distress consequent upon the loss of crops. A geBeral strike against rent ia thought to he imminent. This hss been a great year for tbe bee. More honey has Wen made in Androscggin emtnty, Me., than for many years pmo. It brings twenty-five cent per pound in the local raaakei. It ia estimate.! thst 65,000 persons attended the recent Grangers'a picnic atWillierox On-vs, Pa. During the, month of August 26, $11 immigrant landed at Castle Garden, aa against 28,165 in the same month last year. Since Jan. 1 the number of arrivala is 284,946, while during the first seven months of 1882 the arrivals were 848,518. During August the Labor Bureau at the Garden found employment for 1877 male and 757 females. The former obtain an average of $11 a month and board, or $1.25 a day without beard, and tbe women $9.50 a month. It costs about three fartbiugs a day to maintain a oat in the English Home Office, and three pence in the Local Government Board, the other branches of the civil service maintaining mouse catchers at various intermediate rates. Prance pays seven centimes a day for tbe support of government cats, Borlin five pfennige and aYustris twelve. Miss Sarah Binns's allowance from the Federal Government is unknown. r Or CUB BIBJM'B Copper loses strength rapidly wi heat ; from cero to 212 it loses shoot five per cent., while st S50 it I twenty 6 ve per cent. Oil ef white bireb bark, dissolved in I 00 hoi, when applied to fabric tenders them water-proof and preserves them from tbe sttacks of insects, without in sny way seriously impairing tbe ap pearance or tha pliability of the mater- rial. Prof. Fiiscb baa found that tbe electric organs of tbe torpedo ate de veloped from the outer gill muscle of the fifth gill arch. These which in a a . asa rays and soars s form tbe powerful ower jaw muscles are absent in the torpedo, the electrie apparatus tsking their place. lease paper used for covering assail articles of elegance by shop-keepers on the Continent of Europe, and especially in tbe West End of London, closely resembles satin. Ordinary psper cov ered with asbestos powder dyed to any desirable shade and properly fixed on witb weak gnu, given the satin effect. Dr. A. Mayer says sourness ia accel erated when milk is heated at 45", but retarded if heated for twenty-four hours st 55". In the latter case, how ever, the milk assume a burned taste. For tbe preparation of condensed milk it ia recommended to was partial! y- creamed milk, as it decomposes less rspidly. According to the Zeitung, a valuable dye for textile purposes is obtainable from the young growth of the poplar tree, by a simple process of extraction. Tbe young twigs and breaches are for this purpose bruised and boiled tor twenty minutes with a solution of alum, ten pounds of the wood requiring one pound of slum, in three gallons of wa ter. The solution is filtered hot and allowed to cool, and, after standiag some time, ia again filtered from a re ainoua depoait. On exposure to air and light, it develops a rich gold color, snd may be used directly for dyeing orange and yellow shades upon all clsasa of goods, the effect being highly satisfactory. It is wel known that many fish aorxa perish when transferred from their native salt water to fresh, and tbat fish which bsd lived in fresh water die when placed in contact with tbe sea, aa, for instance, when the locks of n frseb water canal are opened to an estuary. Tbe cause of death in both cases has been sought, and, it ia thought, discovered, by M. Paul Bert Salt water fishes perish in fraah wattr on account of th absence of chloride of sodium, snd fraah water fishes die ba salt water owing to tbe presence of chloride or sodium. Neither the salts of aod nor of magnesia added to fresh water firmed a substitute for the chlo ride of sodium. Glycerine, sugar, and similar substance added to treen wa ter to give it the consistency of the water of the sea did not have the de sired affect ; the marine fauna died in the mixture. rot TBE tsix The notion that thoae who wort: i only with their brain need lees fo d than those who labor with their hands has long been proved to he falacious. Mental labor causes greater waste of tissue than muscular ; According to careful estimates' three hours of bard study wears out tbe body more then a whole day of hard physical exertion. "Without phosphorus no thought," Is n German saying; and the consum ption of that essential ingredient of tha brain Increases in proportion to the amount of labor which this organ is required tn perform. The wear and tear of the brain are easily meas ured by careful examination of tbe salts In the liquid excretions. The importance of the brain as a working organ is shown by tha amount of Mood it receives, which is proportion, stely greater than that of any other part of the body. One-fifth of the blood goes to the brain, though ite average weight is only one-fortieth of that of the body. This fact alone would be sufficient to prove that tbe brain workers require more food, and even better food, than mechanics or farm laborers. BoHon Journal of Chemistry, Readers of the Democrat who ap preciate the above and realise the enormous quantity of food it takes to run us should not be alow to eooce to our rescue with the purchasing power. The Duchess of Connsught will ac company her husband to his post in India. He is to have command o the Merut DIvison, which lice be tween Delhi and Punjab. Ex-Gov. Stanford ef California recently bought 12,000 acres, adjoin ing his big vineyard at Vina in tbat ftate. This gives him one great ranch of over 25.000 acres, about a quarter of which fc planted with vines. Tbe Governor intends to plant it all with tbe best wine pro ducing and raising grapes.