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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1883)
t- S FATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT I8SUKD KVERV FRIDAY iawreswew Isyfga w-ww swssFeavfK 99WtW -ST- STITE.X & M TTIX. I 3IXF.M9FFH E-la IV at cm I BalMtagea Ji In 1 amI V.I BrtMaikU street. writes 10 ijsalx IIDe negaiar teee, For leffatffnsient sdvertlsernn! VI oe wee mum fa lh- Kp - - -n ,1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION allele citfr, Mr .rear, in vlvsnoe....... 3 GO lL22Lp'r ur for ch snliseqnent single cf v, per ytmx. t mi ! year 300 single copy, six m uUi ltd tel copy, thi e month. 75 eicurls number 19 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1883 NO.C rouea ror oiner advertisements mnt'e known on sppHesttsa. Btate tips r ' .was o to cali T " "iTl sWm wgJf wt - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i m. e. k. FLINN d CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEY? AT LAW, Albany, Orricon. sjsrOmeo In Foyer's Brick niook.-a . R.S.3TMHAN. ATTORNEY AX LAW. Albany , Orcgwti. WILL PRACTICE IN AJ.L THE Courts Of this State. Will give special attention to oul lection and prolate matter. Office in Foster's new brick . 49t f L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albauy. Oregon. Office npstairs, over John Briggs store, 1st street. vl4n23tf J. K. WHATHERFi (NOTARY Pt'BI.IC,) iTTORNEY AT UW, A l BASF. BEfSB. TtTIUL PRACTICE IN ALL TUB COURTS OF THE If Sum. Special attentwn jinU t-licciioBS aad in Odd Ftwws Tuept. H.I J. C. POWBXJL. W. B. BXLTBTT POWELL & BILYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Chancery,. ALBANY. ... ORlfGOS. Collections promptly made on all points. 1 Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. aTOmce in Foster's Brick.- vl4u!9tf. E. R. SKIPWORTH, ATTOKNEF AXD Ol XSCLWR AT LIW A SB RSTABT PI BU( . , WILL practice in ell courts of the State All cosiness intrusted to me prompt 1 ly attended to. Ofire in O' Toole Block, Broeut&i Stmt, 45yl Albamy, Oreoes. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND otarv Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all 0 the Courts of .his State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. pm- Office in OTooles Block. E. W. LANG DON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Hooka, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY IDHTJO- STORE, iyl ALB AVI . OBECOV FOSHAY & MASON, m An nua- Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY OREGON. TldnGtf REVERE HOUSE, Cmrme, Tint sad Ellswarttt Albaar, C Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thi new Hotel is fitted up in first class style. Tables oppited with the beat (be sswrkfet aSorde. Spring Beds in every Room. A god flssnrili Bourn lor Coav merdai Travelers. fress L) ANNALS & WOODIN MAxrrAcrrass asd DSAUta rs FURNITURE t BEDDING. Ceracr Ferry sal Seessul Mreets. ALBAS Y, - OREGON. fiesnji T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Democrat oittoe. RS. J. W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OREGON . Offer their jtrrrfeerional aerrieea to Use eHixens of Lion ami adjacent emu Urn. Office and residence corner of Fourth and BroodaJbin streets Aloany Bath House. rUE UNDISBSIONED WOULD RJESPECT faliy aform the citiiens of Albsay sod ri :inity that I hsvetakenchsrgsofthii EstAblish meat, and, by keeping clean rooms sad psyia jtriet attention to baiiasss, expects to rait el those who may fsror US with their patronage flaring heretofore osrried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expect to giro entire satisfaction to si aaremdren mod Ladies' Hair neatly ea shampooed JOS V-'BBBER. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OR. Tb First Term begins on Tues day, September 11, 1883. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply to BEF. ELB EBT If. OS WIT. Free we SI. RED CROWN MULLS. ISOH, LASSISG & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PKOCEfiS FLOUR SCPEBIOE FOR FAMILIES A N'T) J: A KICKS U-K. BEST STORA GF iClLITlES. Highest tPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. Halsey - - - Oregon. MIL J. H CROOKS HAS TAKEN charge of this house. Commodious sample rooms have been prepared for commercial travelers. Beds good and clean. Good table. Board by day or week, htage leaves daily for Brownsville and Crswfordsville. SMITH & McCartney, McCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, Fromans Block, lb any, Or. slcftarifit preiBorlp lions o a. reliil l.v prepared diy or night JOHN SCHMEER, L1YEM, FEED AND BALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horses kept on reasonable terms. Horses and busts iss let to ami the times. Corner Seoand and Ellsworth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. 0ACKISO AD MOVINt. PI L AJfCMft, ercnus and rarniture m speeisJiy. All haulius wttsste Che city promptly attended t. i I LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Snaring done with neatness and sham razors, which are always kept in good In good very best conaiuoD, asra nsnr cut in I style. LAL'NIRY AND CIII5A MERCIIAMSING Ht Sl BsB. RU. tea tad Jepanee cnoea. LetW uiMirciotbes, toM at UUm rW. Contractor tor ( tune iakor. aFKest to City Bank. HENG TENG. Best washing and ironing in toe city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door senth of Revere House. MISS EMUA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL LINERY GOODS OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - - Proprietor. -Opposite Revere House Shaving and hsir dressing done in first class tj e. First -class beta rooms. Bath for ladies sod gentlemen i alt hours. Terms ressonsble. '83 1 GRAND COMBINATION -'34, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL One year for only f3J0. Two psnres for little more than the pries it one. By paying m $3.60 joa wilt receive for one year your home paper with the "Courier-Journal," the representative newspaper of the booth, IetnocraUe aud for a tariff for revenue only, and the best, hrhrh Bt and ablest firmly weekly in the United States, sew ho desire to examine a sample copy of the urier-Joarnal" can do seat this office. PHEN1X INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec 1882....- $3,295,320 Premium income. 2.607,139 Safe, relisblesnd qniek to pay in case oY loss. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, SCi BISWESS DIKECTOH. M0NTC0MERY & DILLY. J a EALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Keep a foil iine of jewelry, stcbes and clocks repaired in first-class order. 8CIO - - OREGON. We HI. MORRO W, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. TT EEP A FULL LINE OF PURE fV groceries, fresh candies, nuts, and al 1 kinds of confections rics, tobacco, Cigars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. He TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OB. J. J. DORMS, Bridge -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. XT OTICE OF PUBLIC LETTINGS S0 XS LICITED. Plans and srec locutions lurniebed on short notice. Absolutely uiu ipewstr nsfsr wDwsf stremrln sad irhoteeotaMMea. or pU-.lU powors. H..I4 or. it In mm, kott. tuanarMSBSSCo. IOC Wn st, N. Y. LYD1A E. PINKHAM's VEGETABLE C JMPC for all FEMALE Wl A K - NEMMEft, rswalar Fatefat MsNsstrswibHi, 1 I Ire rat lea mf ruo. LAFSHJS) UTJtlU Are atttteSsel. Hlsasrsassetesa ngassnji. us t Stres sasa cartas lafcer aad at rular sjeSe. nnrsarfass rsx rr asai ssatsnw rr rxtitt. BFFosr aixWaaSsanaas e rbegeeerattve f-rsaos etesrarr sa,tt issseeadtoee rmwey that a, sets toea before the wehttet e4 fee ell toass etese Kilmers iilitii. Qreefasf JtweSy to BW Slavs. teTKIDXET COMfVAtSTH mf FJihrr Sea FUd Ureal Belief la lis I'M. ltma f- martoiAsra a Loan riutru u saSsfSSBB. Am si i mil i in nmxHM m ta -i tS-Soth the OossawiM aad BjaedFartSer are pa eared at SS) aad tS) Weassra Avsaae. I sua. X PrWaf either. St, Su borUce far as. Tt Cmwsoas . HseatbyiaaS la the forss at pUU, efSl loe. aaw. "h ssSM of sra,star bftator sStftea n. Hsaassa freely easweea ell MStve of iMtwy EorUt lo-ol camp. t4 for parophM. Jfref.' .u a ,- r. I irm In: i rrf by all f r' How Many Miles Do Yon Drive ? The ODOMETER Will Tell This tnatnravsnt is ao laryrer than s watch. It ult tasesasSanssaerefsaBss ssiraa eolhe MOOth frt ef a saOe ; eeearte'ep So t.SOS aaPee ; weAeFawd .iet tbrht ; always s eSw ; aSeas liiirsas froaa h ovsrdnyen ; Ueatly stlaeaeieAn the wheel of a BaaST, Carriage, Swlfcy, Wayon, Bead Cart, Sultry Fow, Heaper, Mewer, or etasr vssssls. hsralohle to Liverymen, FTeeaare Driessa, Fbjatesaos, Fatsasrs. garveyors, Uraymeii, Espi assnmn, Stafe Owners, eto. Price only 3S.00 eask, aee-thtrd the price or aad othe Odometer. "Wars order lag give diameter of the wheel. Heat by mail on receipt of price, past paid. Address M, l:M I METES !.. t Nwrtb La Satle St.. CaAeas. ttr-KnA lor tlmnar. ESTABLISH KD IN 1862. ARMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Importers of Wooden & Wi I to w Ware. Twines, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Falta, Talis, barns. Waahaearsls, Base C'entaae, Wrapplas Fapcrs, Fapvr Bscs, BaJIStas Papers, Matches, Maaetlr. Clothes Wrlaares, far pels Sweepers, Feather Baal era, stationery, ste 230 and 232 Front Street. SAN FRANCT8CO, CAL. 3m3. Sf people are alwayso Ci the lookout for cban ces to increase their eraljs, and in tiaie heeome woslthy ; thte w)Krte not iiupr..t e their onportunl. tls tttnaSn In overr. V ' a irreat ehaiu to ui be money. Wa .t w.nt uu-n, women, bojsaad 4 P t. ork lor us rlglit inthefrown localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first sturt. The btwinw will pay more than ten times orihtiary wares. Expensive outfit fnrulshed free. No one who engages fails WTmake money rapidly. Yon can de vo e your whole time to the work, or only your spare moment. Full inform rtion and all that la needed sent free. Address Stiseox A Co., Portland, Mains. GfUAEDIAH AS8UEASCE GO., OF LONDON, ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, $10,000,000 . . . AAA AAA tjapttai paia np ,vw,w Note. This company has tho largest paid up capital 01 inpany uuiug business in the United States. Insurance accepted by Rout. A. Fostfr, Ajrt of Albany. SAM COHEN- Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINt-ST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKtvT-KNIYES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, morchaadise household goods, etc., at auction for an.y one in tLe cityor county Store opposite Kevere House, Albany, Or. Ctf BAM COHEN. WgZwMAH CAN VICAITH f WfiMAtf . QtWKTHX ftmgFii the hope m NBWS BBIKF Tu a California uertffrfry a large inuutimsnt liood over tie grsvo of s man whose relative weis dead. A woman boWly bad it removed to her wrf htf, planed off (he inscription and M U letiVe spin to 'suit ths mor tttsry rr.iuticiaonU of her 'family. New (ilariueii a Kwiss acttlsment in Wisconsin, tt was' foundi-'l in 1840 b$ 10H persohff, silt bow hss 40(i, who hold fast tWr Integrity in rtoc, language and customs. The origins) purchase ootmiststl of two squats loilss. At the outset notice wss given in their Rwitserlsnd homo that every man who mud si way to tho CO tony should hsvo a farm of twenty-two sores tent fstm wr ten years, and then absolute ownership for $2.60 aw sere. The Uolumbmi His.) Bmpim- calls attention to tho marvel loos growth of the South. Thirty years ago. in ths boy day of the sUvcry regime, tho total value of Southern crops of cotton, to baccj, rice, bay, hemp and augar cane was $l.l,C0:.,73f. The canaus report of 1880 shows tbst Boutbern sgricuU torsi products were that year valued $760,000,000. Kurtbermore.the Booth is beoomiog a rival of the North in cotton and other manufactures. The fields and forests of K an tuck ars a warming with rabbits. A sot crawled into a Bail I at ! rrnoe, Mass., sad went ts sleep on a very wide belt. .When the msebinsry started he was killed. Lady visitors to tho Yosemito who weigh over 160, or sre ioesperienosd riders, sre compelled b ths guides to ride man-fashion or not at all. A gaog of Wionsbago Indians em ployed on the Union Pacific iUilroad have pVoved to bo excellent workmen, and in some res pacts superior to those of sny other nstionslity. In the group of States composed of Illinois, Minnesota snd lows, the liquotoselling question is to be voted on in the agproaching elections. For bslf a century the farmers with in thirty miles of tho New Jersey coast have gathered st a convenient point along the beach on the second Saturday 'o August to enjoy a holiday oallod "Salt water day." The other Setor day 3000 men, women and children, in picturesque attire, proceeded in all sorts of vehicles to Wreck Point, near Sea Girt. The population of the New Jersey pines then look its annual Wa ter bath. An ol J colored man in tineiunsti hss msde himself rich in s curioos wsy. Wherever a man boogbt a build tng lot tbo darkey would boy a strip of ground next door snd begin to build a cabin. The rich msn would buy the derkeyfs Isnd for ten prices. Tburlow Weed estimated bis pur chase of cigars during the eighty four years of hi life at $80,000. Dust to dust, asbes to ashes, and weeds to Weed. All pork imported into Germany from Austria must hereafter be certifi ed to as not coming from America. The Suez Canal is in a fair way of becoming sn open snd stagnant sewer. The stations on its banks sre drained into its waters. It is never flushed, there is no tide, and tho stench is be coming intolerable. Diarrhoea and sickness per vail in vessels detained in the canal, and as detentions sre in creasing in number and duration the matter is becoming serious. It has been decided to move from Irelsnd and settle in Canada 200,000 pour Irish in families. Ten thousand families, to averige five persona each, aggregating 50,000 people, will bo moved neat spring, and the transpor tation will be continued as rapassy as the territory te be occupied can be got ready. A Staten Island woman is doing nor best to keep down the sparrows by catching and eating the tbieviab and vagabond songsters. There is a mule in Georgia that haa seen thirty-one years of active service. A London life insurance company is to allow a reduction often per cent on the policies of its teetotal patrons. . Thomas William, near Oaseo, Wis., bsd five horses snd thirteen cattle killed by ooo stroke of lightning. In view of a proposal to extend the planting of trees in Ireland as a means of improving the condition of that country, a Parliamentry return, moved for bv Mr Morum, of the numter c ay timber trees registered in the sister isle, . t ? , Ti . ,. i u 4 nan oeen issueo. tt- iuiuumcv y the clerks of tbe peace of the several counties, snd it shows the total num ber of trees registered to be 5,958,673. The best wooded country would appear to be Cork with 1,200,963, and the most sparsely timbered county proper, as distinguished from cities, h Louth, with 7738 registered trees. Fond wifa to forgetful Pittsburger i "Did you bring any letters this even ing, dear V1 Dear thinks be did, and bands out throe, all given him at dif ferent dates by fond wife to mail. An effort waa made in the French Cbameer to force the railroad com- aa -U. I . - Isnies to sBopt a new paUetn eara, with alleyways through them, .as in Americs, Hot this was defeased. A lady living not a brwvdred miles from the heart of ths Uossmooweaith wss recently fwrplexsd beeeuio her bread would not rise, and sho thought to conceal' her ill-look by burying the dough in tho garden. Two days later naVsged father was ol trifled by . the d recovery wf a gigantic mushroom in that very garden, and it was hslfsn hour before his excissswsB bad so far abated thot ha was able to see Unvt Jjn curiosity was wot ao senblntwagas. A steel boa m the hett'lasd William Winston of Hanover, Vs., as he erosv ed a field during a thunder storm, cost him his life. A bolt Struck the hot sod then him. Barn una says that ha tost $1 30,000 in his vein attempt to bring two Mean see waitf efepkaots to (his eoeotry. II is agent bought the beasts through the connivance of a priest, and sfter the kiog had Indignantly refused to sanction such a sacrilegious sale, but they died on beiog taken aboard a ship, and the old showmen believes that they were poisoned. The English doctors, now at Alex andria, who have bad experience in India in cholera epidemics, resort that the disease now pi evsiling in Egpy t is s distinctly different character from the Asiatic choir rs. It is estimated on a basis of ths ten sos reports thst the yield of tbo Maine bsj crop this year will reach 190,000 tons, the yield being fully one-half more then the crop of last year. Borne Ijondoaera have taken to the Thames throughout the summer months and eat, drink and sleep in what are known aa bouse boats. These usually contain a snug dicing-room snd sitting room combined, two or three small bed-rooms, a kitchen and a veranda. The treasurer of the col ony of Sooth Australia says that the population is only 300,000, and ad rites a grant of $'.'00,000 to enrontaje immigration. It would be a fair field for the Irish assisted emigrants. t hss Wn discovered in New Brunswick that snakes eat iota to bugs. One killed at Munctou contained near ly a pint of the -a K fatal disease r ambling cholera is prevailing among the hogs in lb neigh. bothood of Womidsdoif, Pa. Som fifty have already died, and sixty mote are sick beyond recovery. Five hoge were lying under a tree on the farm of Col. D. W. Irvine, near 1 Richmond, Ky., when it was struck by lightning. All five iustsntty roiled over on their books, with their feet in the air, spfiarently stiff snd dead. They lay in this condition fully sn hour, when the Coloocl sent a man to otiok them with a knife, that they might bleed and bo prepared for food. Tho man took hold of one of the asi mals and stuck it under the throat, but the weapon waa dull and the blade did not eater the bide. Instantly the bog Jumped up and ran off, and the other four at tits eame moment did likewise. All of them were stunned but not hurt. "William Rathbone of Cochectoa, N. Y., reports seeing a snow-white squir rel with pink eyes. Edward MfcClintock, who onos trad ed the site of all Denver for a mule, hss nsver seen a steam host, and with in a month bad his first ride on a rail road, has money enough to make a pleasure trip to Saratoga, notwithstand ing his miss of fortune in real estate. rr.KsovsLi. Lord and Lady Roeebery will ar rive In flan Francisco next spring. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge sailed for New York oq the steamer Celtic, from liver pool last Tuesday, Dr. Vou Bellow Is so nearly restor ed to health that be hopes to resume his duties at Meaniogen in tho au tumn. When Gen. Sheridan takes com- mand of the army In O ctober he will nave to live in Washington. Then each of the major generals will com mand a division. Either Gen. jScho field or Gen. Pope will be obliged to take Gen Sheridan's place at Chicago. The associated Pre3s agent accom panying the President on his Yellow stone excursion whose glowing de scriptions of trou t-flshlng scenery' etc are now gratifying tho press at large' Is Cot M. Hi Sheridan' tbo well-known brother and staff officer of "Little Phil." Ba ron Menasse the consular agent of the United States at Alexandria, chartered a steamship and fled from the city tome weeks ago from fear of cholera. Fortunately for the credit of, the country, his name and title betray h Ira as nob a genusne Ameri can. we1 ' Tho complete destruction of the csr- of animals that have died of con tagious diseases is recommenced by M. Girard. He would dissolve the bodies in cold concentrated enlphoric acid. s "1WI of tas Bjrawasvise Erased School f My idea 6f a model young fady is that she passes s character of which no evil can be snoken. She shorrfi be kind and Agreeable to every one snd wndenvof to mskeall aroond her happy ssjjh euw ii. r - - 11 A lady should never act rudely, br WH any wy do thosh thlnei that will giibinct her to the critfrisms of th (aasd hy kites Ssfah Coshewav.tKvUetHg ajBg world, she should r,W sfait mmmwuS 9 imsoo of ariy tlfn. T fsiirWW' tuhU ' 1 ShpulJ !.' r tTili if thWtwVh i a in any wny brnlae trie fw-llii-tiBW1 other. Every young lady should Irff-' j a ppve each moment, fn order trV'giljf that knowledge that will elvur sno qualify her for the duties tW sfrlcrff belong to the women of onr hat ion. A lady while out on the street should be kind and polite to every one she meets. ane should conduct herself in a way) k. ifi 4l'ilU, .wv 'Ssaaa. L.saj j .BadBl- Sat i SaSa. A. dl . . . M " -nn iivinKi nit icsws astvni utti. The word "lady," implies much more than the word woman. The lady Is the refined women. There are multi plied millions of women, while the ladies are numbered only by tbo thou sand. A lady when in church should be quiet snd act in that meaner tbst proves her reverence for those there aaaembted. a A girl msy be poor and be thus deprived of the advantages thai other girls enjoy, "hut a true lady may be found in oaHoo as well as in silk and velvet." She may possess a food edu- cation, but if she has a bad character bet education is of little valonto her, for sbs is placed far below those of sore limited education, but who pom good characters. She should show great respect for the aged and noser in any way make "light" -ss them. The lime will come when wo shall all be old, and, of course, we all hop to en-1 joy the veneration of the young ladies. The model young lady's influence as s sister depends much upon the society tn which her brothers associate. Sbs influences them to he kind and gentle snd bsve respect for ladies and them selves. Often a simple request from a lady will prevent a young gentleman from doiiqj many wrong things, snd save him much trouble. Consequently sll yoing ladies should bo very careful tO)ield an influence that can result oaly iu good, for without refined lediee there could be no gentlemen. A young lady is estimated by the goodnr-as of h-r hr-art which bsttQfftSS apparent in the purity and sweetness of her character. A young lady with a kind and gentle temper is lovely snd attractivs ; bsr face and figure may be ever so homely, but if aho possesses good quslitiss she alwsys has man friends. Kvery young lady has an iuflueuce either for good or tor evil, end it ia ber duty as well as her privi. lege to wield It for the most good. In deed the lady ia not by any means afraid of the great work of life. To sum it all the model young lady leads a pure life, has many ftienfis, grows wiser, better and happier every day she Uvea. WlTKBiee ITKW.4. . Watkuloo, On , August 28, 1883. Ed. Democrat : Farmers sre about through with their harvesting. Crops srs short of average, but ase turning out better than was expected. Rev. & L. Stevens' saw mill. is still 1 imoperation, nut win anut down in a J a aa eaa a a few daye. , w Miss Molly Simmons and Miss Mo- Kinnej, of Brownsville, were in town last Sabbath. Miss Fraakie Carncs, at Waterloo, is intending to take a trip to California in a few weeks, where she intends to make ber future home. Mr. John Sylvester, of California, was ia town a few days last week visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Gross. He intends to return heme in a few weeks. Mr. George Gross and wife Are visit ing relatives near HeJsey at present, but sre expected home in a few day Waterloo is rather dull at present, owing to every one being huy, Mavn Mi LeVF.R. The Postoince department has selected as the color for the new four cent stamp, a dark shade of green Tbo new atamp bears a profile Ilkenea of Andrew Jackson. The distribu tion to Postmasters of the new two cent stamps will begin September 1st, and it Is believed that es'erythlng will be in readiness for the change for letter postage en October 1st. Extensive forest fires are now ra ging between Seal cave and Great Pond, ten miles from Bsr Harbor, on the western side of the island. The fire.burned over some 2,000 acres of forests. Two hundred men succced- ed in surrounding the burning district v. . .... wlth'ditches. thus preventing further damage. The fire now Is belieyed to be under control. Large quantities ot guns an i am munition have been shipped foam San Francis eo to China. ! . . -aaase SHtSI IBf; FBF.SIWXSTS ABB BI'BI The George Washington Iff restin! vault at Mount Vet e nojrtn. John Adams was buried in S vault . V' u',,ij :" wiU"Vn wU" ar A iu as - . m rw 1?re l'u,rk ""gh-fac-l nm-. ohn Qr.ry A Jams Ties Tn iWffSme V,,U fno ith er si uifirW-T'Fi rid fnKCffged 'in 'jw-"- ..." an . fail.-i aHu son ii;.,: f.av,. Ahr T'i,-ft the Higfieit omen in tho " A ru.-ri- ! T- :, wive. rn bnriecf sw lm orias-Jefferson Ties In a smsll, an- ?m. IfltlH 1 1 t V At i f at FM A a smbf dSrif . a. Ma SB 100? atfLiL. -...:ZZ 7u. 1 f . a , granite obejisk, much clipped by rtYit taking vislforV; marks the grave. beautiful stiot on the old Madison ea ute, ear Orange, Vs. Jsmes Monroe's body reposes in Hollywood cemetery, Vs., on sn emi nence commanding a beautiful view of Uich mood snd ths James river. Above the body is s huge block of polished Virginia marble, supporting a comn- shaped block of granite, on wbieh are brass plates, suitably Inscribed: The whole is surrounded by a sort of gotbic temple four pillars supporting a peak, ed roof, to which something of the appearance of a bird cage ia imparted by filling in the intersHcos with iron gratings. Andrew Jackson wss buried in the SF I corner nf id- rAr ,.f C ir3. I , ' n. " IT r?i ..vw U.I.K. A US WW . : " - -ur.oouueai It . . , i 4- ,wj -vira luwbi soi nurnwuniFva VJ j an urn. ine loiou ia TV. . . t Jjl i . iic wuiu is uirooBaeo irv magnolia trees. Martin Van Buren was buried at Kinderbook. The monument is a plain granite sbsft fifteen feat high. William Henry Hsrrison was buried at North Bend, fifteen miles from Cin cianati. An un fenced mound, overs family vault, format ly neglected, but I recently more carefully kept, marks the spot. John Ty lei's body rests within ten yards cf that of James Monroe in Hol lywood cemetery, Richmond. It is marked by no monument, uwt it ia sur rounded by msgnoliaa andHowers. Jsmes K. Polk lies in the private garden of the f'-iuily residence in Nash ville, Tenrf. It is marked by s lime stone monument, with Doric columns. Zachery Taylor wss buried in Csve Hill cemetery, Louisville. The body was sokseqnentlr to lie removed to a er Frankfort, where a suitable monument was to be erected, commemorative of his distinguished services. Miilsrd Fillmore's remains lis in the beautiful- tfsssaw- i,aeia cemetery of Butlalo, and this grave i surmounted by s lofty shaft, of Scotch granite. - Franklin Pierce was buried in the Concord (S. !L) cemetery, and his grave ia marked by a marble .monu ment. Jamea Buchanan's remains lie ia the Woodward Hill cemetery, La negater, Penn.. in a vault of masonry. The monument is composed of a simple rblock of Italian marble. Abraham Lisamln res tain Oak Ridge cemetery, Spring Bald, I1L, ineleeed in a sarcophagus of white marble. The monument -is a - freak pile of marble, I gennite'and bronze. Andrew taTobusan's grave is on a cone-shaped eminence, naif a mils from Greenville, Tenn. Tho monument is of msrhle, beautifully ornamented. The body of it in Lske View Ohio. Garfield rests Cleveland, LEGAL IXTBLUCRNrK Not long since an Austin lawyer waa appointed by' the district judge to examine a candidate for adaswBtton to the bar. Ths young man- wss rather deficient in Blsckstone and Greenleaf. It looked very much as though he lacked the requisite preparaUos. "Do you know what fraud ia in the judicial sense of the word?" inquired the ex amining attorney. "I don't I hardly think I do," was the stammering reply. "Well, fraud exists when a man takes ad vantage of hie superior knowledge to injure an ignorant person." ."So that's it, is it 1 Then if you take advantage of your superior knowledge, of law to ask me questions'! can't anbwer, owing to my ignorance, ana, in consequence thereby, I am refused a license, 1 will be injured, and you will be guilty of fraud, won't you, judge V The lawyer waa very thoughtful for a few moments, and then added, reflectively : "My young friend, I perceive yon have great natural qualifi cations for the 'bar, and -r a i a s .1 i i . . i i i snau reoomnrenu xnai, large, nanu aomely engrossed and rhhry engraved license be granted you in spite of yonr 1 ignorance." Toms SlJUngt The River Nile rise and threatens the destruction of tfie harvest in aeme districts. . bod V id BBBWBBHBS . WTV 9 seam IShn i.riknfssAiMM w ent oat ofg gtone wgfglloggB twne. sM corWsWw, in, the envos Lurey, Ts, is s Wrs nel I a-r.s et1 swf I... t U - - m Fuu'ivu uy tile aciron oi vruTr. 'L;yo" wtrTeh feather rep! mrti, and the d'nafor test Is' fT raffHm feathers over loose sand, which4 cffWgsf'' irVsf!rT Tm WrtU ! in tn tierman Kmpiro thrtre are Mxly raannfactoflw Of playing canji, which yroduced 'dnriWth lat flVi! ear .1,264,49 ' packs of ' less than hlrfy six cards Ofchjand l,0.08,82o pawxeof more than thirty jx caid- It is found t at tho antlers of ths tr awweefcw aasSV. owingfto Ute prat Ice of kllliae rhe finest specimens, so that lrvn tg of tea Is not Otiea fiund, although mw ten sewB wnsBSsliFs, The number of coins issued by a national mint In a century Is stapen dou. considering the d arable nature of a coin. Between 1785 and 1882, the mint ef France sent oat 8,651, 4,940 francs in gBe and 540,846 17 franca in silver. In 1876, wbUe digging on the site of Fort which Gen. St, Clair was defeated in 1791, the flag stsfTset up by Gon. Wayne in 1798 was discovered, ssad sow it baa oeen taken to Celomhos to be pot l the relic-room of the Capitol. The Jumbie-weffJ derives its name wwsw a m-M as SeS4HJseeVwssedaavS' from the circumstances that when "P op by the roots iwwKuuji.oKi toe news MI mmA I. . J.M. rolling hlth-M. -art fhitrtaw mr. tk.i la- .uwavf " i "v. mmm w-v bet see 18 gpon thrashod out. It Is sometime-! - seen piled fences high on the prairie farms. The forests of Ravenna has ben partly destroyed by a railway. The stone pines4mpoaing it lives on the rnofsture that percolates through a light soli gather than on the soil itself. The railway fins eut deep into this ridge, intercepting the underground filtration. According te the census the srray f Msn appears to consist of thirty. one officers (effective and retired) snd twenty-three non -xm missioned offi cers snd men. Millitia, tenmanry and volunteers include four individu al, while there are thirty -ona army pensioners. A cauina" recent! exhibited in London, ts an instrument called musical by courtesy, and producing its tones hy dogs who sit in a box and growl or howl or bark, as 'tis their to, when struck on the head by a wire connected with a key msnfpulatid by a player. Six fossil ha man bodie, Ih se of a man, two women and three cnildren, have been found in a cave in a coal mine at Bally-Qrenay, Pas de Calais, and eleven have been found ia an adjourning apartment, with toarms and utensils in petrified wood and stone, and precious stones. The walls were decorated with picture and com bats between man aad Bimsss of great slee. An odd example of the ess tie which the popular tongue makes la the names of places ia seen In the church of Laugh ton -n le-Marthen, Yorkshire. The names of the town means the la wtour of the Mor-lhing but the churchhappens to stand on a hill where its spire shows very dis tinctly spinet ttesjky vastest the sun shines upon It, and neaee it is known as "Lightning in the rooming-.' Different tribes of inrfi.a use different9 sorts j of pad son for their arrow points, The Cussaochea ase the juke of the Spanish bayonet; the Apaches braise the heads of rattle snakes with bits of deer Over, allow it to puterfy and dip their arrows in It "he Moqnis Irritate a ratlesnake until he bites himself, and moistens their darts in tne blood. Poisons made from the stings ef tees and from ants are used hy other trii. According to ike "Annaaire de la Yill de Paris" for 1881, just publish ed, of every 1000 inkabitants in th year 352 were born in the city, thirty-eight in other communes of the department, 565 in the rest . f France or her colonies, and sfvemy Sve in foreign countries. N other Continental capital contains so ins ny foreigners, Berlin sheltering only hirteen to every thoaaaud iuhat i- aots. At the time of the census of 1881 there were in Paris 45.28! Belgians, 21,180 flermans, 2 1,. 17 Uliajms 26,810 Swi8S,'10,7Pn Rnglih )250 Dutch, G927 Americans,' . 8o Russians, 4682 Austriitis And 2G1C Spaniards. The t eJocrty of sir en ring a-turnace by chimney draft varies with -the heat of ths Are, therefore when a fresh and cold charge o fuel i throwre-into a furnace the draft diminishes at the exact time when more air 1b required to burn gases and prevent smoke.