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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1883)
WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON Six miles above Lebanon, the south Me of the Stantl- am River, opposite Water loo hoda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at! all seasons. Post office, Waterloo, Or. 1 I r ( ) 1 da not .iJvertis Th Xrrt strength- lag rauem ami twve (eta ihlgulmtr ; ( oyer tensity years unty Nervous and dewmy. e in p O vitality, ty tad hem wbiHw I Ii enriehe. and PurUk a and po1cina ' . . . lL. It etc.. a de- strocttT V mind ami ho.y. n it Mire eliminator of all Mdaww aavtUMBW It eotiulu no rtoua .lurretUene. to from Uk aaatibaaraatrol ID R. O. D. SALFIELD, tie Ktaraer M . Sam MalaH CraaaMaarwina atrlettj tomldential by letter at aW FRET. For the eueatdmae. of revtleww and In ror tolneMre pe eet aaeraey I bar. adrgitwt prl x.temddreea oalder wkWtail peckaceaar forrartfad. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. toabo.riiiakcrtte.wiri be aant to- any oao by letter, etating hi mniptoma and age. nrictly conndenua., The Great English Reme dy. mm Hi a diver fatUutt cur. lor ki. lk.hilltv. Semii 1 i ih r, i-araiyaaa, w . rflets SU- (votlttulMlleaM aa-toBHUorer yeara- Isoch aa lo of Memory, Won to Society. Dunmn . IftetoB.Xoliae to tha Head; T Trillin ii T " aad many tTi rr rtlirawti InrHnr to inaardty aad death. SHS. MljmE wiUawraetu forfeit me afauadtreel atollan faraeaaaof thfr kind the ittal rara tJwe (nader hla aa lelal adefae and treaonaert) wtd w earn or for aaetbtog totsara or lujurloua found ia it. Dr. Miotic treat all private diaeaaea eweeaaefuTiy nry. vwonatifai owe. iwii daatwiea toetadrwa analeeJaof attoa,8V i of Vttal Baaaratia.S a bottle, or four Umea rC. U. D.obacurefrom obaereatkaa aad in pri vate if deatred. by UK. A. K. M1XT1E, 11 Keanere street, 5an Krtaciaco, Cal. free. Seat on e and aga. aMoatj Dr. Miotic' Kidner Baaaady, Nephreticom, cure aU ktoda of Udnerami bladder gtoat, For aeJeby all draggiata, gla oaw at six for . Dr. Matfe Pin are tbe beat and caaap- eat Drappeia aad c-ure io tbe mar Let. For aalabraO draarlata Dr. SPINNEY, SO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treat, all YOUNG MEN TV etfeu of yoetthroi folli or huiamillurt, wiil d weQ to btX tbaxnaeHea of Uda, toagraataat bnea ear isid at th altar of .dhrbr bnmanltv. DB SflXNEY will roanmtee to farfcit g500for evorr raae la weaJtneea or prirato diaaaaa of. any kad or ' which be mxiertakee aod fail; to cure. AGE ME5f. There are many at the age of thirty-flre arxty who are troubled with toofreqajeataeeiaalhai of tha hiaeV der, often aoaoaafWjaded by a aUgfctaaaartine; or burning aaneariiim, and a w rabanfag of tha ayatent fa a manner 'je patient cannot cconnt fur. On eiaiatiilng the Jrinary depoatt a ropy andfaiant wfB often be found aad noaaahniai email particiea of afbwmen win appear, -r the eoior will I of a thin anlbiah hoe, again cnanf ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of thl difficulty ignorant of fheeanae, which ia the eeouod tae of aeauhal wealmeea. Dm. g. will rwarant a perfect rare in aU auefa caeea, and health restoration of th genito-nrinary organ. Ones Boras 10 to 4 and to 8. Sunday, from 10 ton a. a. UonotL'tauon frea. Tboroob exaa ndadeiea, g& For orivat dieaa of ah art "-- a full mkhcin anfRcirnt for a ear, with ail iaatruetioaa, will he ant to any ad.jrew i n receipt of $10 00. Call iu addreaa, Dft- ftlIXhf:F et ., 71 Hov 11 Kearny St. San FrancJeeo, Cal To the Unfortunate! BE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. 0Q BBAKMY ST., U4J corTi of Commer cial Street, San Fnnrtana. KatatiBaind in IKA4, for the treatment of Sexual aod Baailoal Dinaaea, suck aa Carriira. ClccfL Mrlrtnre.Hy pbilUtn at it form. Iffleefearr I. nirfat loaaes br dreams, nim pic no tbe face and Jo, of manhood can poaftirc-iy be eared. Tbe sick and afflicted should not fail to eat upon idm. Tbe Doctor baa traveled extensively In Knrop. and inspected tloron-h!y tbe various ooepi tal there, obtoiniag a great deal of valuable iniorma tioa, which be iaeompoteGt to impart to those in need oi m service. UK. GIBBON will make no i be effect a our. Persona at a distance MAI fgfs 1 1 BED AT HOME. All coi mUBkationr strictly con ndential. Yon aee no one bn , the Doctor. Send ten dollars frr a package of medicine. Persons writhnr to th Doctor will nleaae stats the nama of Ihe paper they see this advertisement in. Chare rea- onvne. ijan or wme. Addreaa DR. J. r. OIBBOS, ftS tfc QOA VtrHmy at born. Samples worth wj "WAXJ o tree Adres f.nssos &. Co. PerUand. Jlajne. OThe BrjTEBfj' Is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8JxlH inches,, with orer 3,300 Ui ast rations a whole pic ture gallery. Gives wholc aale prices direct to consumers on all goods tag personal or fanuly use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books con' tain information gleaned from, the map kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Btspectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ear sag Wahneh aVaveae, Cade, U. PATENTS Obtained, and all otoer buainees in the V. B. Patent Offlee atladededr to for moderate tee. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and w cih obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Wdshiiigton . Send niodle or drawimr. Vie advise a to patent ability free of charge ; sud we make no charge unices we obtain patent. W refer here, to tbe Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Div . and to ofRcials of the 1' . s. Patent OfBec For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual clients in your own State or count?, tNidrey, Ce A. 81VOW&CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, V. '. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Satorday AT liar ria burg Oregon, S. S.T:R-A.X2Xr,EJitar A Proprietor, Twns $2.00 persnnnm. law a i fciel rvsSh ibiu to arte addreaa upori receipt of pK" orC.tK P., i .. II bbbbHB VOL. XIX. NO. I. ALBANY DEMOCRAT, HAS THE CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TMt STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND, AND IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM County Mews IS COMPLETE, AND ITS Local and Edi torial Depart ments ARE UNSURPASSED. IN FACT IT AIMS TO BE, AND HAS THE REPUTATION OF BEINC, a Firsl-4 lass v LOCAL NEWSPAPER. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. KELLY, ENGLAND & CO, OP AAJjat, OR. Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, Have always on hand the beat quality of their own make of FOUR SPRIKG WAGONS, CARRIAGES AHD BUGGIES. All made out of the beat aeeoad Hickory, sad warranted. W. II. Goltra, In Albany, handles work of the above Arm. the r ir-. ..... . t-r p'Ja5rU.WUALL5 Ift gSwiVi5WL KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Wt Maeewnsral Braardy erer diacorered, a it ia certain in iU effect, and doe. r.ot bltatar. Bel proof beaow. Kendall s Spavin Care. Hamilton, lfoM June nth, ll . B. J. Co..-nt : -This U to certifr 1 used KandaD's Hparin Cur and have found it t be all it la riniaaaawilail to be and in fact more too ; I have removed by uahur tbe abov -Cloo. Bon SpaTina, King-Kmea, Hplh.ta, and can cbrcrfuily toathyand faaaaaaaaasl ft to be tbe beet thing for any bony aubetan.- Ihaeeerrr Used and I have tried many as I have made Umi my stulv for year. ReapectfuJIy yours, t. V.CBIhT. FROM THE OIlOHf A PRESS, 1. Y. Oneonta, Xen York, Jan. Cth, 1SSL rirly last tSBasaasr Meaert. h. J. Keixlall ano Co., of k.owuk rau vs., mau a contract witn toe pna balier of th "Pre" for a half column advrtient for one year setting forth the merits of Kendalls npsvm cure. At toe same urn we severed from tbe ttrm a quantity of book, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treav rise on the Uorse and hia Disease. whlcK we iv. iuif to advance paying subscriber to the "tttaT aa a prtliiliira. About the time th advertiarroent first afMorad is tm. paper Mr. v. u. BcUermerhom, who reidnam Olliers had a spavined horse. Be read the advrr Ument and concluded to teat tbe effi-acy of tbe remedy, auooaah tu Jriend lniSlwd at hi. credulity Be boHgbt a bottle of Kendall bnarin Cure and ntn m.iK-e.i usiiiz It on the home m accordance with the directions, and be Informed ns this week that It ef- lecica sunn a complete cure that an cspert hors man, wbo examined the animal recently could find no trace of the spav in or the place where it bad bean k:iou. nr. Hcaenuernorn lias since secured a copy i t Kendall .Treatise on tbe Hon and his Diseaa... which he irize very highly and would be loth to part 11 u m tuy j rice, roviceti in.- couiu not ootain an other copy-, bo nrucn for adi . . rtimn reliable irtiekr. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Hilton, Blnn., Jan. 11 A, 1881. . j.. n.cxDAi.1, a no ?., iieni ;iiavin xi a horse book of you by mail a year ago, the iron tent of which persuaded me to try Kendall Spavin Cure on me mnu tor 01 one oi my norses which waa badly s woolen and could not be reduced by any other reme dy, f v got two bottle of Kendall's fcpartn Cure of Proton and Ludduth, Drugtrist of Waseca, which completely cured my horse. About fire yar ago I had a three year old colt sweenled very badly. 1 used tour remedy as gifen in your book without rowelling, and I must say to your credit that the colt U entirely cured, which ia a surprise not only to my self but also to my neigbbora. Yon scut me the book for the trifling sum of tU. cent and if 1 could not get another aad it f would not take twenty-five dollars for h. Yours truly, C KO. M A Til K ws. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 26th, 1881. Dk. B. J. Kksdall and Co.. Gent :1 think it mv duty to render you my thanks for benefit and profits woicn i nave uenvcu irom your invaluable and far amed Spavin Cure By cousin and I had a valuable dallion, worth 4000 which had a very -had .ravin and waa pronounced by four eminent veterinary sur- ,'eons, ueyonu any cure, and tnat tbe horse was done r ever. As a last resort I advised my cousin to try i bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure, it had a magical Be t, the third bottle cured it and the horse is as veil aa ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary, surgeon waa art undo of mine, and f take reat Interest in assisting bis profession. your truly, JAXX A. WiLTOS, Civil Engineer J Kendall's Spavin Core U sure in its effects, mild in Its action as it doe not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach ivery deep seated nam or remove any bony growth or otneresiiargemeiits, such as gpavfns, splints curb, caious, spmins, swellings, and any lameness and en largements of tbe Joint of limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose fnr whiqli liniment is used for man or beast, it is now known to lie the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain iu its effect. Send address for Illustrated Circular wbicb we think gives poeitive proof of it virtues. No remedy has ever met with, uch unqualified fcuccess to our knowledge, for beast as well as man, I'nee Si per bottle, or six bottles for f 5. A J1 Irug- isw have it or eau get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. KiutDALL and Co., Enoaburgb Fall., Vt LDBYALL DRUGGISTS h 3 A LIEBIC Dispensary; Cor. tiear sail Q Meaea at., aan rrnttcttM 9 mBK COLLROK 1 jfTSITUT E ITO R O i licai.ti and so-called ihmirabl ill mow aiMMif. ar. tcratua Invtgari U Vljr us iwntoctl to and physical debil rir i cure norvous debility, seminal WknSS. lot lf limit MMU lfll. Ill ItlAltnOTH matorrhea, lota of energy, rlnulng and dUstotM in th head, me Ian iimuiUiaa ftutra. nroela ktorrhsa, and with results of youth TM Imprudent1 ami excesses "f mature yaara. I he u , tabu lar olle" phyatoteu front Kami a will aim to forfeit one motion. i dollar for a esse the Invlgoralnr will 1 B ..... .....t. I Iroliiicnl mid . adUe. O Th reason an many can not get T mrcd oi wtakueee ami tha IW -- .i..i.r. i i.willir to colitnlleaUoM, Z called tToeJUOorrh, which requite T iiactillar tnwtiiwni. r. licUc'a Urlarit.r 3? i iMmltlvo cure for Pro taiorrlic. ITiec f either Itivlgo w) iMr buttle I six fur tlO. S. nt to any addreaa on receipt of , nnn ii.Lntaihiu oerama oait nay wnvii .T.Zl w ZmTZZZi utalnlalnod. l-UaU enredat homo. Ir, Mohig lH,wiaary ate rant drug atora In Ha HNSW .... nftiint evacuations of the l.lvlili r nd ran Mnid amltmeiit In mine arv najpaaaaw n.l uMikiiMM iul itruaUlorrhr. t'otiifUInU rcwdlly yield to the Ur.lJ.Wg MIte dbaaaa eured for u. u..h. .umclont CTr5rtwmbrA...,,.tly a..m with full dilution. Snfflal ..nV.erl.l'of tO. All okar. ara atiumly covered from obaarvaUon. lavlganlar MoirJe rrr. T prove the wonderful p-wer of th. Oreot iS,"u lnvloral.r a h.le ..tenner n iir wm (rMnf ebarge. ferawa oruamw a tree now only liav. to par fiff0' SELu-m uti ilemcr rw to i etituUmt, examination uwwiaiw . . w and adviee tree and r1va9, rail or write. Dr. UWelE A r-.. 4aa Private Batrmarr. 40 Maaa St . S r lal RUSSELL & CO 'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM w SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC Al First Baads. rrniu: aiuivk wki.i. kmiwn nm r. ham; B uawnada Branch (ftW and Mu,ily Hoi w at WaUa Walla, . T. They will also carry a full etoak nf their iwiebraled imprt.ied matlilnny with W If Mltrbell. Aseat, Car. lr.nt sod WW u., ivn- Bad. Or. The batter to accommodate their ctatoruer. i the interior . t ! tha Coast. Writ for Illustrated circular anl t it frea (naming this pcr.) Addraa BtaaKLL A. . Branch Office, Wall i V.'alls, W . T MTISELL PIANOS toooo t-000 ( a.aaif ? tei. a hut. rr.. aSTtSCLL. sai wi aatri C. C CBBBBT. c.a .pa ncra ALBANY IRO WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sacceeaora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinigts, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX eompletod, and are oosr prepared to handle all kiDda of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engine. GHt and 8aW Mill Machinery, and ail kind of Iron and Braaa Caawtnga rATTEKXft SI UNI 1 KMeBT hOTM B. Special auenOon given to repairing all adndaof machinery. Wiil alan maottfac tore the improved Cherry A White Oreis Separator. Mp an Kahrr t. OfBrr Lamarr VarsL Albany, Or., Dee. 1, 1880. Htf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm MaehiDery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL OOODS. TC3P B?B aBtafTT" "' ,Waii,g Jorerou dkTaomSSmg mbjlity tLi suhflme bjavwb hind to rofiMuer time, tfiii a week In vour iiwn town. k6 outfit frea. No risk. Evsrjrthina; new. Capital not required. We will fumUh v.,u every thin. Many are riuik in fortune. LaaUaa maka a mar h aa men, and hoys and lris taake great nay. Baadar, if you want business at which you can maka great pay all th- time, write for rnrtlnilars to If, II u.rrrr. Co.,l'ortUu Main NEUTRALIZED. fa what way a Prevalent Evil iar h "born of lla Psarr to Malaria i a broad nam for many diseases sjl ortg imiUnin blonti i4.soning. Bilious fever, th typhus and typhoid fevers and chilU and fev er are prominent members of the family. Malaria deflea it I ike tbe builders, the plunder, and the physicians, iiespar ing of ordinary treatment, the latter almost unani nioiuly rv".miri-rid fieuaeap CSMBM NMM i'lsusi a the greatest anti-malarial se.i&e of the age These plasters act upon tbe tlrer, spiaen, an.1 kid neys. Worn orr tho region of tbelirer, end upon the back over the kidneys, they ward ofl malaria like an armor. Be other piasters do this. Wben you purchase, satisfy yoaraclf that the word a-M7lne hi cut in the center of the ilatr. 8 bury at Johnson, chernists. New York. Uighest ward at foternaional Kvoositlons. The only known sperdac for Epileptic Fit. Also for Spasms and Falling Sickness. Kervoue Weakness It inawntly reUeres and cures. Cleanses blood and quickens sluggish circulation. Beutra lizea germs of disease and saves sickness. Caret A SKEPTIC SAID ugly blotches and stubborn blood sore. Eliminate Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds. garPermancntly and promptly cures paralysis. Tea, It is a charming aad healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and kings fcvll, twin brothers. Chances bad breath to aood. remov- ing tne cause. Boats bnious teiuIencTes end makea clear complexion. Equalled by none In tha delirium of fever., A charming resolvent and a mafrhlriae laxative. It drives Sick Headache like the wind. tyContams no drastic cathartic or opiate?: Relieve (the brut) the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Rheu matism by routing It. BestOToi llfegtvlng proper tie to tha blood. Is guaranteed to cure ail nervous disorders. fEeliMo when all opiates fall. Be. freshes the mind end Invigorate the bhdy. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. Mi ' I V 1 I K. . LNEtERIFA LSI - ..... - - . - a . w. Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror. Endorsed In writing by over fifty thousand leading citizens, clergymen and physicians In V- B. end Europe. ITYox eale by all leading dEUKgiuts. flO. C3G) The Br. S. 1 RicMmoiid Mi d Co.StJmpb.lfo. For testimonials and circulars aendPstamp. f REDISOTON B CO., Ageatt, Sao FrancUeo.'jJ f A liniVBllBlJl ''Tug aa I W&t tmmt . FRIDAY AUOtJST 31, 1883. Dr. llrown-Mequard baa dlaaovornd new aoteithPtic which deatroyi wmlhllUy, but not nonsciousnaM or physical activity, for an entire Uy or more. It Li fouotl by tbo survey of the Groat Lukes that there If a slight tide In them but nut of sufficient ex tent to bo noticeable without npeclal caro. the amount of rise and fall not w exceeding two Inches. Blasting paper has been inodo by J. Potry of Venna. It consists of unsi fted or ordinary blotting paper coated with a hot mixture of seventeen parts of yellow prusslate of potash, seven, teen of charcoal, thirty Ave of refined saltpetre, seventy of potasaiura chlo rate, tea of wheat starch, and 1500 of water. Whon It is dried u Is cut in to strips which are rolled Into car trldges. Prof. Huxley maintains that In ashing districts an acre of Sea was more profuse in food production than an acre of land. Salmon rivers re quired protection. But in the case of the great sea the circumstances were entirely different. He beiived that tbe eod.herring, pilchard, mack erel and similar fisheries wero Inez haustlble, and were entirely beyond the control ofman either to diminish the number of fish or to Increaee them by cultivation. L. Faye, In a paper read before the Acadeny of Sciences, Pari, on July 2, regarding the tornadoes which wept over Kansas on May 30, 1879, maintains that these meteorological phenomena, like other storms and hurricanes, are due one to whirlwinds descending with vertical axes, aad originating not in the lower atmos phere strata.but In the upper currents whose direction may be quite different from tbe light winds which previous ty prevailed near the surface of th earth and quite Independent of them Messrs. Dobbin and Uutcheson have investigated the various me thods of liberating chlorine and de composing hydrochloric acid and chlorides with a weak electric cur rent They obtained tbe best results by moistening t he goods with sea- water and paselng them between two slowly revolving carbon rollers, which were connected with opposite poles of a battery. Sodium hypoeh- lorlte waa formed in the fabric, and on Immersion in acid the bleaching was effected. Good results wore also obtained with dilate hydrochloric acid. Pure hydrofluoric scld also bleaches when thus decomposed. BIBLK al t o a i "The State of Pennsylvania," said Prof. Stifler, "is seven times as large as the coantry of Palestine." "And yet," said the base -ball c porter, "I don't suppose if you raked Pennsylvania with s fine tooth comb you could find that such s man as Mo ses ever llred In if But the professor dryly said for that matter, Muses never lived In Pal estine either. And tbe base-ball reporter told his friends at Iswn tennis that afternoon that he could have just clubbed him self for not ssying Potlpbsr, when he knew all tbe time It was Potiphas was Klog of Gsillee, The horse reporter comforted his colleague, however, telling him that be never could find anything in the Bible himself without referring to tbe Accordoon. "The what?1 said the stock repor ter, lifting his head from the ticket. "Tbo Aceordeon,"said tbe horse reporter, "that book with all the words in the Bible in It, end where you find em." "You Chi unman I" exclaimed tbe stock reporter, with profound con tempt, "that's the Apocryha!' But as they went down stairs the horse reporter told the base-ball re porter that the stock reporter had a biother wbo was a preacher, which was the way he come to know so much about the- Bible. Burdette. Beproseotatlve Bayne, of Psansyl vania, is in Washington, and says that tbe iron sod other manufacturing: intereeta in Western Pennsylvania show bo slg-na of suffering on account of the changes in the tariff, but that business is lively in all its department. He says tbat people In his part of the state are paying little attention to pol itics, and he predicts s very light vote at tbe coming election. There is general apathy in both political par ties, and he thinks the side which is able to arouse sufficient enthusiasm to get out ' s fair, proportion of its voters will win the day. Bayno has a high opinion of Chairman Hansel' abilities as s campaign manager, and says that despite the apparant har mony in the Republican ranks their candidates will by no means have a "walkover." I h SOW WttXBEOF 1 HPBAK For I have noed It extensively. I regard Parker's Ginger Tonic a most excellent remedy for kidney, lung and stomach disorders. Jt invigorates without intoxicating, J. Francis, Beliglo Polios. Journal, Chicago. niBOKOta. The co mm in Iralrnd never give milk punch. They have no horn. Broken on tho wheel The bicyc list who spends all of bis money. There Is very little of milk of hu man kindness about the cowboy. Bervant girls get $0 and $H a week ia Dakota. They soon save money enough to get a husband. The buffalo on our Western prairies It always deserving of respect. Ills is b plain, unvarnished tall. A good many emigrants have come to this country In rags, and now the cholera is following their exam ple. There Is a man in this city so mean and crooked In his transactions thai be will not even Indulge in a square meal. Talk about the etudent waiters at the White Mountains Saratoga has a colored bootblack that preaches the gospel. 1 le looks after men's souls as well as their upper leathers. Red Fish Lake, above Sawtooth city, aa tbe summit of tbe Sawtooth range of mountains, in the Wood River re gion, Idaho, bas droped through the bottom. The lake bad an area oi several miles, and was many fathoms In depth. It was on tbe summit of one oi the peak oi the range, tome a . i at aa . 1 1 ,000 feet elevation above the ae and surroun'led by heavy timber, which rendered it a delightful place of resort in Hummer for camping, fishing and boating parties. The lake haa been there since the white man has known the country, but lately tbe day of the occurrence ia not knot, n the bottom fell out. Tbe country formation is granite and limestone, and an immense liaaure has opened, whether caused by Miration or settling of tbe earth, aur (sea or from volcanic action is not known. At present tbe bed of the lake is dry, and presenta the appearance of a deep gorge or valley on the sum mit of the mountains. This lake has always contained millions of red Cab, and been a favorite resort for bear, deer ami other game. Where tbe fiah went to is as much a mystery as where tbe water went. UniUy Time. a at i t:at r mmn bbcs waiiaw I limped about for years with s cioe, end could not bt down without excruciating psln. Parker's Ginger Toole effected so astoolsblng core aod keeps me well. It is infsUlbie. M. Guilfoyle, Blnghaintoa, X V. Notwithstanding en volution the angleworm still lives, the ape still lives. Beecher still lives, man still 11 res and God Is supreme j .. . -- . . AMW uiiuri Wij at vyaan- mgton in me crop report lor J uiy, ax- es the area of corn planted at Gee seres. The average condition of the crop is put at 88, against 84 in July of last year. Tha increase of scree ge over last in 2,600,000 acres. A dressing to beautify gray hair every family needs. Parker'- Hair Balaam never fails to satisfy. Erery paid up subscriber to the Dkmotbat ia entitled to one of "Keadall'a Treaties on on tbe Hone. Infants and Children Without Marpkimo or Wfgeetlaa, What giwt our Children roar obeeka, w hat cure their fenwa, make them aleep; 'Via Caatorh. when Bahle frK. and cry hy turaa, What cure thlr coiic, t in meir worm. nt Caatorta. What Hour H nut ntrtn. Parrwall thon fo Morphine Srraps, Castor Oil ami l'arrgnric, and HadlCaetorla. aelnte onrs tor Rheumatism, Galle. exo. 0rV IVaBleBaa' ttelden Balaam Be. 1 fftaaki.sski Ami aaaiirJ aat si fraei iii.rOB Curos VIMMIVt VW.S III SV taisa svvvuu VMaw aa til Ism and body ; Syphilttio CaUrrh, dlaaaasd sr4p, and ail primary ffirins of the diss, known as Syp primary form OI I Prico. H5 pet bottltt. hilis. LeBlehaa'a Beldea Balaam Me t i an . 1 II i 1 l; U 1 1 L . I UkM.H.lUM i.urcs taruarj, atcrvunai. n;iiuiiiu iwibimiwi'i Moadary atagaa. Pains in the Bone. l)leeratd Throat, SyptilliUe Rash, Lamps, etc., and eradicate all diseases from tho sysU-m whether caused by bad treatment or abuse of mercury, leaving; the blood pure and healthy. Price, gS per bottle. Seat everywhere, C. O. I)., securely packed per ex press. V. V. BIt7H4KIM at CO.. Aaeata. 427 420 jtaiisotnu street, Corner CWy, ban frTanciaoo, CaUforhla. Willamette University. Oldest Institution of Learning on the Coast. 8Ca STUDENTS AND 28 PROFESS f0 OhS AND INSTRUCTORS. l . C allege of Liberal Arts with tmt courses. j Collasre of Mediclae.' Portland. Orwron. ' Woman's College with (,'onviervatory of Busie and Art Department. 4. University Academy, in Which diplomas are riven for Business Course and Teacher's Course, aleo iar Preparatory Courses. Ayounif lady's tuition and board In Woman's Col leu' a chool vear costs only gl 36. A young man a hoard and tuition a school year costs only $160. .First term begins September 3rd. Send for catalogue i TH08. VAK8COY, 1 President, Salem, Oregon. (few f A WEEK. 12 a day at home easily mad & f () Costly Outfit fro. Addrejs Tin S Co AuKUrta.Maine fa Chare ntreetery. Y. P. C. Um Meet at their rooms in Foe- ter's brick building on Satorday eveaiaea at 7:30 o'clock, and oa Sabbath afternoon at 4. Business maetinya are held on the even log of the second Monday in each month. Kvsrybody invited to attend. U. P. Cifrrarm. ProachrSgvry Sabbath. at 11 a. at. , aad 7 t. b. by Ear. V O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:90 t. b. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kvasosucal CHtTiwif . Preaching on Sab bath at II a. M., and 7 J t. u. Sabbath Hobool 12:10. 1'rayer meeting every Thar, day evening, J. A. liollenbangh, pastor. Ck)?toKKiATioxAi.CHnf.--Servioee every Sabbath at 11 a. b. and 8 r. B. Sabbath School at SilO. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor, M. K. Cuurch, Sooth. Service 2nd ahd 4th Sabbaihe at Si Peal' If. K. Church, Kooth, at 11 A. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. B. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Joe. Emery, pa tor. M. E. Chuuxh. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. M. aad 7 r. m. Bong service in the evening before eermon. Sabbath School tt 2 30 r. b. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. D. W. Cameron pastor. rnasarrxatAX uhurch.- -Service every morning and evening in Church Broadalbin aad Fifth Ste. Sonday School at 2 30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thnraday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Good it pastor. Obbistias CiiCBcnPreachtng . every Sabbath at Y P 0 A Hall at If oUoclc. a. m., aod 7:80 r. m. Pulpit an polled by Rev H. F.Morriaoo. in iiv mm DUST-PROOF Stem Winding Open Face Case. aBtVArivi American Watch Go., WALT HAM, MASS TUI eaa t forms! i in ona wJld pie without joint m aaaas, wpaatwg la frotat snly, Urae arofattaf ta aasal cap, aad assuring greater strsaigtb and Sura tautf. twee Watch are all open too. Tbo bsJ, la to which aa astee siraag crjatsU I flttad with aa B psdsltjr prapar-sl srur proof osoasat, la sMaaharl to Uw eaa a acrawiag it that son, and thus forms aa air-tight Jenctioa with Um body A Um case, which ! proof again dust aad Th railroad man, and the who are i wbo her to mJu frwpamt rcfareatete the watcb, fhaaa UaltUea am of th wXmom. Importaae. T hr follow lag letter teU ffaelr ewa Valdoata, Qaargte, July SO, 3 aotd oae at pear Patent Beat Proof about tan eaoathe ago, and tbotbr day it beck to bm wuh the raaaset toaaekeit wind On etanrlnatuwt 1 leoad that Um at wag rusty, aad 1 Into thaaen4 it. Thgantimc u ma that h we sinllag gin aaw-loga 1 in th bend of Um rWer, whoa hat chain in a bosh and throw hi watch into about twelve ha of watar, and be was about two hour SoUlug It. Whaa he got hoot U was ranalag ami he thaaght aU right. I about thr saoatha he that th aten waa hard i turn aod aant it to loaaaay that Um wuh is an tnat tae eaaspaay torit am it to all railroad as3l awn. I!. W. hsTTtt. low o, April IS, MSb I vfahyoa woaM aaad aat a eprng forth' Walsh By th way this Bbary M I eaid ia poor Screw Se4 Caa to a last faS. Tkaarat of Jaaaarp be lost th woods, sad found ti this wack in about am foot B had lata thr month and orsr aa ; with bat attght iapary to th wtcti eJy C.S KaTaosa Tae oo v war ry afa lasts, aod far any raaoaable Tangfb of Bdt)rlakblhawatch might be ender water h aa injury whatever. Waaaakethaaa caeea la bnth gold aad sUvsr, and a a parfagUy neat Pieaf , fhaai Wladtag Watch Ca, chsmnge th world to iwoSwe U jsl. Far sale hp all S raffia Jewelers ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, 8TAIGRR BROS. - Proprietors ALBANY. OREGON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, aat Executed In Italian or Vermont Marble. Aleo. every variety of aod and other atone work dons with dispatch. Special attention given to order from Washington 1 7:42 all parte of tbia State and Territory. pSTAU work warranted. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES ANO PROVIQION8. NERVOUS DEBILa-TTl Dr. . C. West's Nxbtb ahd Bbain Tbeat XEXT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness. Convulsion, Fit, Nervous NtursJRia, Headache, Nerran Proatrntion cunnd by tl.citKe of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Iltor.utl Do preaaion. Softening of tho Brain rcfnititw in in sanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenneaa, Loan of power in either aex. Involuntary Doasea, ard hpernmt orrhoM caused by over-exertion of the litnir m if ubuae or over4ndulgeuce. Each box conlaicB one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for S5.CW, Sent by innilprepnid on receipt of price. to core any case. Wit h each order received by nn for six boxes, aceompanied with $5.(10, we will lead the Purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment doe not effect a cure. ' Guarantee tsaned only by aFOOBABD, ( I.A1IK CO.. WJa.olaaal and Sftatail Cxna.rHLsta PORTLAND, OKKfiON. Order by mai' ni receiw nrompt atntiou. - A weak made at home by the in dustrious. Beat business nw be fore the public. Capital not needed . We will star ou. Mao. women, boy and girls wanted every where to work for us.. Now la the time. You can work in snare time, or irive your whole time to the business. No otner business will my you nearly well. No one can fall to make enormous pay. by en murine at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Mo oney mad fast, easily, and honorably. Co., Augusta, Maine, AddreesTaiK a a a week in vour own to Terms fin and 15. outfit free. Address H. ali.ett ct Co.. Portland, Maine. aaKMa XMfHaHKaBBHaHBndaai pjHBIyFSBTw EAfMcxT1 1 Julius Gradwohl's Store. CROCKERY, CLASS, 8ILVER AND CHINA WA RE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, Ant a Choice Selecton of Cot Tea and Sugar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON- Till: HIGHET MARKET PRICE PAID FOR EGC Remember! Wnat 1 Say I lean. Sire Me a Call. H0FFH4V k JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candler, Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany. - ... Oregon. ONE DOOR BEIXW JOHN BRIOOS STORE. SSyt AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FIR1 IT STREET, HAA ASSORTMENT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As any bouse in tbe alley. He TIN, 8HEET IRON OF EVERT DESCRIPTION IN STOCK HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFT COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at BTdgjSJ CLARK Indian Cures all diseases or b9 Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Million testify to its efficacy in heal- ling the above named diseases, and pro- ITjV nounce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. trade mark Quaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. GENTS WANTED.H Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it ALBANY FOUNDRY AND UACIIIXE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1BSB. By A. F. CHERRY, actuated at corner of First and Montgomeiy Streete, Allemy, Having taken charge of the a bove LWorka, we are prepared to mannfa.ture Bteam tcnginea, Maw and final atiili, Woad-worainc Machinery, Pumpa, Iron and Braaa Cgfgflaga of every dag ription. MsolllllW I of all jkinda repaired. Spe cial attantlo'n givanfto repairing farm ma chinery. Pa Hera Mahlag Sane la all lla farata. telly! A. F. CHERRY A SON. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THR UN DEKSI6N ED WISHES TO inform the public that he ia now pre pared to do all kind of atone and marble . work on abort notice. All work ia war ranted to give aathdaotion. Will work any and all kind of atone, but deal prin cipaily in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing ad resetting a specialty. Call aim aiaaasaa gsj prices oeiore purchas ing elsewhere aa I will not be undersold. Shop on wast side of IlroadaJ bin street, opposite telegraph ottice. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. NERVOUS DEBILITY. I SORE CURE GUARANTEED, j eaasHsaawaa ffVR. E. C WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- j If ment, a specific for Bysteria, Uusinew, Con- t vaWons, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression lorn of Memory, Spanaatorhaoa. Imaotency, In voluntary f miassor). pre r tar M age, cauawt by . over exsrdon, self -abuse or over-htdulgence, shich -lends to misery, decay aad death. Ota box will cure , recent illness. Each box coatalns one moath'a treatment ; one dollar a box, or six botes for Ave dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price ' We guarantee six boxes to cure any . caa. witn each order received by us lor six boxea, accempanied with Ave dollars, we will scad the purchaser our i written faarante so return the money ti tn treat ment doe not effect a ear. Guarantee issued : only by WOODARU, CLARKE el CO Whole) and Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon, j Order by mail at regular price. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES. LIVE, ENERGETIC men to sell Tunisou's Clebrated Maps and Charts. No capital required $100 xsr month guaraateed to agents follow na out instructions. For particulars addesa, JNO. DIXON. .Sacramento, cai. D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSOBIPTIOlSr DR. FELIX LE BRTJN S PreTentive and t are. for either Srx. This remedy being injected directly to the eat of those diseaae of the Genito-Lrinary Orgiir.a. requires no change of diet or nauseous, roerct: tial oua meoiotne to ne laaen nitert.ait. . hen taken aa a reventi'e It is impoaaible to contract any venertal uirea ; but in the case of those already nnferta tiutely aBltcted with Gonnorl.a and Gleet, are guarantee 8 boxes to cure or we will ref ir a the money. Price by mail, nostrge paid, 2.iu par box, or. 3 boxes for $5.00. written susran eea isaued by all authori red agen t r. J&r. Felix Le Bran t o. foIe Props. TiOODARD, CLARIa. A CO., Authorised Agent, Wholesale aa&dl Retail STrviereriatO, POBTLAKD, OREGON. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention ON HAND AS FINE AN si so imports sued manufactures AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS ON reasonable figures. JOHNSON'S Blood. Syrup of the Stomach, Liver. PARKER'S TT A i K "B AToS AlVTs TlsalegaMdsSMa( is scfaml ty th whohavevd.t, to any He. SBI thM, GINGER TONiC h you ar a Mchaasc or isM)Mik. ar wether t ihwu byaaTyr 1 tow oaue ay r akxxx s umi I oxic. If yoa ara a hrwye aaaasaer or htaatess man ea wHTTtaigilimiihaMaiiiiii PsiteersGsgrTooie tottach. bowels, bioad or nervev Pabkxx's Giscts -Inmcwillcsreyoa. ItUsarfaasag Plu u A ParaW Bstfat tot ass SarfsA Geeea Care Ever Sssi. If too are wasting away faws age. GaKS Toxtc at once; it r31i von ud from tbe nrst dose but It caa prod bndica of aves: it may save CSjBUBwBV ctf awS BVSB ialm fin mess Jicax A Co., X. T. tec St! CHEAT SATING BCTTXC DOLLAR fSZC. Its rich and htstasg frajraace mad thta cehghttui pertumati tnaadnign There is aothlas like it. Insat aooa haraur Pitmst ton Ccunata and look for agnamreof AT ck inM , tt M IS trt tin. LARGE SAVING BCTUW tSe. 5I7.E. ito)EN Cqm.U.&A; Having attained a national reputatroa ia FINE POCKET CUTLEKT, ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Have added the manufacture ef cJl nii e SESBIi PEWS. With n skilled superintendent ia that depart ment, supplemented by extended experience in the working of fine steel, we are enabled to offer (rood pf unrivalled quality. To introduce oar PATENT ADJUSTABLE GfcuHl Action, Reservoir Pen, "THE ACTMTV In advance of regular trade channel, we show eat of it, fui'l eriU mail a sample gross to any addre on recvipt of $2. Carries aa math lak as any Foaataia Pea. t TUI! rS FITS ANY BOLDKE. Our whole lr of Pens will be sold bv the f Price i-its t . uished to dealers on applict: FREE fob TRIAL An Bnfalli: care for OfejUraaiuf ' of FiiaJttyand Kfoor, or any evil suit oi lnaucnuno, work, ate, 1 fciToearaa.) on uia! lox Or. M. W. BAOON. oar. Oka r Ualheon. ilac, Grcoaao, 3 Ruin ti ttfTYiii-hl Crsler ti Crg ar f aj tak Pare Hair Baharm B frsadr po&med ard ia m arramed to preitaJ hSkag m ike hair and to am dMaVaTawdiichsg. . Htscox at Co., N Y. i ii i lJ mm n as tin p n n M, Ifc a q, mcMrfAisaVw. ITis I fm ifcssa is skaaslses aaSnEn. a BaagaSHaaaMTwaaH BBiB bwBBHb-IbV --iBBBasraaBoK 1 oaBOmJsijpgSJB 1 Eaaerer's Sif ; awwWBf