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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1883)
.DIP - O'V i i - -Q jil f fee gmomt. flflbUi Oointy Paper, Entered at, the Post Office at Albany, Or. a aseond -claws mail matter. FRIDAY AUGUST 31, 1883. 8TITE9 & editor and NUTTINO. rreprirtsr.. stmsu, Lrt titter. MR AttKVTN. Following are the Dsmocr vt's duly au thorized agent to revive subscription or money for tbe same i Harrisborg .Sam May Brownsville t O. P. Coehaw Halsey T. L. Porter Shed. F. A. Watts Scio W. E. Rally Jefferson S. A. DeVaney Additional Loral ea S d Page nur tski hkkt st. John's l.-.ui . No. r.j. in Foster Biock, 2nd Saturday of each month. Corinthian Lodge. No 17, aame place, let and 3rd Saturday of each month. Barley Chapter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays at same place. Albany Lodge, I. O. O. F., Wednesday evenings at Odd Fellow Hall. Orgaana Encampment meet every Sad and 4th Friday of each month. Willamette, Ne 5. A. O. U. W., Monday evening at O. F. Hal). Safety Lodge, A O. U. vV, Tuesday evenings, in Petersons Hall. Knights of Pythias, Thursday evenings at O. F. Hall. Chosen Friends, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Ancient order of United Tern plant, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. a omelet BHreeferj, STAT. U S Senators Hon J J Slater, Hon J N Dolph. Congressman if C fieonje. Supreme Court Judges -J B Waldo, W P Lord, K B Watson. Governor Z F Mood v. Secretary of State R V Eaihart. State Treasurer Ed Hirach. Snpt of Public Instruction E B Mc Elroy. Circuit Judge (3rd disth-R P Bclae. Ditt Atto.ney (3rd diet) "V H Holmes. COC3CTT. Cennty Judge L Flinn, County Comm. John Isom, S R OJay pooL Clerk C H Stewart. Sheriff George Humphrey. Treasurer J H Peary. School Supt P A. Moses. Surveyor D V S Raid. Coroner Dr J A Davis . Assessor N C Dozier. CITY. Mayor W M Ketchum. Reorder X J Hen ton. Mtrsfaal G W Burkhart. Treasurer Fred Muller. arc eat Sews. Mr J H Rainey, of Miller's obtained 4384 bushels of wheat from his threshing. His highest eeti mite before cutting had bean 4900 bushels, so that he is nearly a thousand bushels of wheat better off then he had any idea of being. From AT acres he raised 1726 bushels, an average of over , 38 boaheia, and from 12 acres he obtained 484 baskets. This wheat was the Chili dub and golden chaff. Mr Rainey brought us a small sheaf in which there was one bunch of 40 stalks fgpm one seed, and ail ranged from about 20 up. His May sow ing, which waa supposed to be drowned oat averaged about 25 bushels to the acre. Mr Wm YantLV wheat averaged 40 bush els to the acre, taking the whole yield. Mr Witts' wheat averaged 40 bushels, asd his oats 75 bushels to the acre. Some time ago when farmers feared there would be a failure of the crops Mr S R Clay pool, one of oar efficient county commissioners offered to take .600 busbe' s of wheat for a given number of acres, of wheat, but no on- wad found to take it. He harvested this wheat crop a few daya since and threshed J 900 bushels from it Another illustration of the good crops which ear farmers are gaming. A. Brandon of Center Precinct had 14 scree of wheat which averaged 40 bushels per acre. Dr Crawford threshed 75 acres which made 25 boabels to the acre. J J Dsyis threshed 45 seres of wheat that averaged 30 bushels per acre. George Lnper's wheat we are told aver aged 40 bushels to tbe acre. Mr Witzel living' near Tangent had 100 acres of wheat that averaged 47 bushels per acre. Geo Cochran near Tangent bad 65 acres of wheat that averaged 30 bushels per sere. Henry Settlemier threshed 30 seres that averaged 56 bushels per sere. Albeay Clleg. The Albany College will open in this city o i Ti e day, September 11. under the most favorable ci rc u instances, a nd it is a matter of local pride to be able to state that there is every prospect of its being p aced on a permanent foun dation financially and otherwise. The faculty will be the best to be obtained . and the coarse of study will be made thorough in every respect, so that when one graduates from this college be will be fitted for nil the duties of life, professionally or otherwise. Tbe success of a place depends much upon the success of its schools, si that too much cannot be done towards promot ing oar educational institutions. N t only the College but the public schools should be encouraged. The latter should be a stepping stone to tbe form er, Tbe young man or woman who has an ambition to fill well bis place in life should obtain the best education to be secured, at least in Oregon. We would like to impress upon the mind of stu dents the powsr of regularity and application It is poor policy for a young person to come here and half attend to his duties. And furthermore parents should if possible send their children continually,, summer and win ter. even if they have to hin some one A. a. I A 1 A . a m w lane tueir piace, it mey can by any hook or crook afford it. f un id what makes advancement rapid. A good education is a fortune io any pes son and if the people of the state will only look at it as sseh thy wili see more than evertha necessity of sending their children to school until they have s .a . .i . . . j ear u u an mat is taught in our schools. For Sele. One Durha n hull one year old past, quire of Geo Cochran near Tangent. In- HOME AK0 ABROAD. F M French, jswalar, Wheat is 80 cents in this city. Peruse the new advertisement. County Court meets next weak. Hops are selling for 16 to 18 cents. Batter Is 30 cents sad scarce at that. Fresh groceries at Hoffman k Joseph's. Farmers will do well to call upon Taomp son & Co, for anything in the harness line, Fish stories new have to give place to wheat stories. Head the article, "Indecent Habit," on ear editorial page. General Sherman received a rousing re osption at Portland last Saturday night. Wtu Denny on next Monday will start a delivery wagon. Wells dog and cleaned. Leave orders at the DxrocaAT office. A fall assortment of school books, just re eetved at -langdon't. For your fall and winter goods go to Allen A Martin, Albany, Or. 10,000 bead of Oregon horses sre said to be on their wsy to Montana, Deal with men who advertise. It shows at least that they get nee goods. The best stock of oigsrs in the market is to he obtained at Hoffman A Joseph's. We understand that Yankee Robinson 'm circus will be at Salem during the fair. Juat received direct from New York a tiae line of baggy whips and lashes by Thompson A Co. Few people would believe there is a man in this city who4brsaks matches in two in or der to economise. About a deren went to Salem to hear Beecher last week. Sums were disappointed and soma were not. Up to yesterday afternoon about 50,000 bushels of est eat had been stored io all the warehouses and mills. There is wheat even now too green to be cut, notwithstanding the dry weather. Verily, Oregon is an enigma. Prof A M Mattoon has accepted a position aa principal of the Deer lodge school in Montana at a very flattering salary. Miss Schubert has fixed her millinery store up in excellent style, so tbst it now sesnts a neat and handsome appearance. Ths Mechanic Fair will begin in Port land Oct. 11 and continue till the 27th. Tbe management propose to make it a great saoosss. Councilman John Brush recently met with tbe misfortune of having one side of his face paralixed, so that he has the use of only one side. Heavy haenro saddles made of the beet California trees, nod of California leather of ail styles st Thompson k Co. Price list on application. Governor Moody baa tbe honor of a tax-payer in Linn county, being for $100 on a mortgage held by him and It is a mistake that have started a on subscription, takes cash to buy wood yard. It all which reminds ns that potatoes and be ana it It is earner for some men to mind other peoples business than their own. ( If a car taia man in this city would do the latter he might be more successful. Rev D Y Cameron has bees appointed by the M E Conference as pastor of the Ojympis church. We are glad that he obtained such a gaed position aa ha has. A young man a few daya ago waa fined $10 for running a team through First street. He evidently thought he was in some fron tier cfty like Salem or Mebama. sir H Kenton brought to this city the joint of the back bene of a whale, which he recently secured at the Bay. It wss on ex hibition at the Post Office Monday. Postal notes will be issued next Monday in same of $5 or aoder. They are payable to bearer, are good for only three eaonths. Three cents is the fee for them. The aaecolent water-melon now oozes from the pliable mouth of the epicurean, abile tbe seeds pass into his stomach and fills the place of patent medicine. Allen k Martin have just received new goods direct from the Kest, and can sell cheaper than ever. Go and see them before yon boy your fall and winter goods. Mr E L Power who has been with Jss Crawford of Halsey for the past 'five years in tbe harness business hi now in the em ploy of Thompson k Co., of this city. Now that tbe Northern Pacific is complet ed Will Brothers of this city will sell, gnus, fire arms generally, ammunition, sewing machines, etc., at Saa Frrncisco rates. Allen k Martin keep conatuty on band an endless variety of corsets. The "ever lasting," 'unbreakable" and "corduroy." tbe three best corsets made, always io stock E X Condit, of the College, received by express this week a very fine telescope for the college. It is eight feet long, but we have not yet learned the diameter of its glass. An exchange aaya s "Delinquent sub scribers to this paper will please forward their photographs. We desire to eeejbow a man looks who will not psy for bis paper. The natural capacity of a man's month can be measured by tbe second joint of the thumb. This does not apply to lawyers and merchants'. Subscribe for tbe DEMO CRAT. Mr D Rankin has been employed by the Cennty Court to place the Lebanon bridge in repair. Joseph Lam? was appointed to do this work, but in consequence of bad health be was compelled to resign. Tbe big wheat crop this year has taught many a lesson, one or which a that it is better to look on the bright than the dark side of life. The habitual kicker is worse than the candle that burns itself out. Joseph Sberwio, a prominent architect of Portland, was found dead in bed last Toes day. He was one of the architects who drew up the plans for the state insane asy lam. He was 46 years of age and leaves a wife. Thos Draper, "the Boy Orator," accord ing to the Portland papers recently forged s cheek on Judge' Wait, of Canby, got it cashed and fled for parts unknown. No clue to his whereabouts have as yet been obtained. An old riddle which we used to hear in the days of our knee breeches, was this : "A hill full and a hole full and can't catch a bowl foil." Tbe answer was "smoke." But this would jiot stand the test in Oregon at this time. Mr Fox, the baker has been having his property surveyed, in order to know where to place a new brick bakery, on the back of his lots, Considerable disagreement arose as to the west line, but we believe the matter has been ssttle 1. Castello's circus disbanded at Roseborg. We understand the reason was that Robin son's circus is coming this way overland, and they did not think it policy to go over his ground, inasmuch as his is said to be a first-class circot, Among our exchanges in Oregon we can only ascertain that two published the Louisi ana Lottery scheme, the publication of which is rjrohibited bv the lawa of the state, one of these being the News, and the other a Southern Oregon paper, P Miss Georgia Peters will open her private school for children on neat Monday morn ing. Those desiring the advantages of her excellent mods of Instruction should call on her at bar horns next to ths Congregational church and make ths proper arrangements. Two men were drowned in Portland last Tussdsy, one a youug man named James Peters whs fell overboard from a scow, ths other a night watch of ths steamer "OfeV way," named Gaines Bond, who slipped and fell overboard, and was drowned before as eistsnce oould be rendered. The first of ths week Mr Taylor Props! in running across the street from one of the butcher shops, failed to see a long dust eolored stick reaching cut from the back of his wagon, Which hs had lsft standing in ths road, and in consequence ran against it, throwing him to tbe ground and bruising his aye in no very pleasant manner. Ths city schools begin next Monday with ths following corps of teachers : In the Central school, P A Moses, principal, assist ed by MiasOUis Kirk pa trick, Mies Nettie Sparks and Miss Ella Mo Bride East side school, Miss Minnie Allison : West side, Miss Kova Alexander. Probably oT all the nuisances in the world the greatest, the - pi ultra, is the hair brained, insect hearted wretch who disposes of lemonade and clown's songs at a circus, Cestello had several. One of them bed served aa apprenticeship aa peanut vender on ths 0 k C R so his fitness for ths disrep- utabls position can be imagined. leore, Lancing A Co., have recently re- oeived two sets of Toilers for the new pro. cess floor, and already have several, besides this they have placed in their mills from bottom to top new machinery for things in numerable, making their mills complete and enobling them to grind a splendid grade of floor, probably unsurpasssd in the north west Last Friday while assisting in threshing, Mr Jas Oilraonr, caught ooe of his hands in the belting of his thresher. It was, quicker than a fisah.klrawa over the pulley, break ing the ligaments of his wrist, bet fortunately not breaking any of his bones, although it sounded as though every bone in his arm had been broken. He is new carrying it in a sling, and will coot inns to do so for some timr A writer in the Salem Talk took occasion recently to qoestion'Sheriff Pardon's bravery in the arresting of Bradshaw and Glenn, the escaped convicts from Salem. The answer of the Sheriff is convincing that he acted in cowardly manner. Those who know Sheriff Pnrdom know that cowardice is the farthest from one of bis peculiarities. Any such insinuation by a party to the sapture. as Mr Barlow was. certainly shows peer judgment if not spite. More stssotfsa needs to be paid to sew age not only here bat everywhere. Much of the sickness prevalent can be traced to bad drainage. The same spirit is observable here as in many other places, to make a thing with as little outlay or work ss possi ble, and in oonseqneace water closets sre built on top of the ground, with ne drainage at all. This is aa important matter, and if citizens would prevent disease they should look into it. and place shsir yards in a better condition. That peripatetic noiaaaee, Frank Ankeny, who recently returned from the Willamette valley, was arrested last week, charged with smoking opium. The best of the dan was also brenght before Recorder Master, who need him $25, but permitted Ankeny to leave town, aa he f ami she 1 the evidence that ooavtcted the Mongolian. JaeL'toncMe Tmr. The above will be remembered ss tbe young man who was ai rested for tob- i man near this city and seat to the peniteutisry for two years. His father is of the weslthy men of ths state. Mr Viilard is to strike the last spike for each 100 mites of Northern Pacific road the line is 1030 miles in extent. This takes 19 full blows and one light one. The driving of the Isst spike -that is the blows aa they are given -will be heard in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington and Portland, it having been decided to con nect telephone or telegraph wires to tbe rail which is fastened by the spike, and will re sound with the blows, rhe wire conveying the sound to Portland will be carried into the board of trade rooms, the pavillion or New Market Theater. It is also .steaded that tbe sddresa on that occasion will bo conveyed to a listening, world by the tame A few wsekeego we wrote aa article in rsf erence to tit silk worms of Mr Ceisendorfer. near this city. The way that sit c'.e hss been wormed ar ootid has been s caution. Nearly every place in the stats has appro priated it, thinking perhaps that it ooe Id give an immense immigration by it. I terns like this hsve been common : ' Mr Oeisen dorfer, who livee near Pendleton is- trying the experiment of raising silk worms," Besides residing near Pendleton Mr O. has been placed at Portland and any number of other cities until all the silk must have been twisted from his worms. Verily there seems to be a great effort being made to rob Albany of her many advantages. Tbe September number of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly presents a beet of bright attraction, of which we can name only a few . "The Treaty of Paris, September 17S4." "Tbe Preach Stage," "The Tea Com' mere of New York," "A Sentimental Jour nay to Two Homes of Edgar Pee" "Tbe Thames Embankments," and "NelhOwyan," there area great many short stoyies,sketches, adventures, etc. There are 128 quarto pages. and over 100 embellish ments in each nam ber, together With a beautifully colored plate frontispiece. "A Merry Companion" is the title of th-t pfotut one. Price 25 cents ; .1 a year, p npaid. Address, Mrs Prank Leslie, publisher, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. This is tbe way Walla Walla Waidnnan psts'it : "Now is the time-when we expect all good men, in arrears for the Watchman, to come up and fill our lamp with oil. We believe in summer-fallow, that is, getting our money right after harvest, - If we don't get it then, when then shall we expect it t Some say : "I'll pay yon when I kill my hogs ;" others . "I'll pay yon when I sell my wheat." But how many are there who sell wheat, hogs, and sometimes the whole ranch, and yet never pay ns, after all their promises, but gently allow the account to run on 1 Such men, we hate, because they lack honesty in their composition, all men need what is justly due them, some time, and with us, we feel aa though our time bate come, uentiemen. no onenee, pray ; but come to our rescue." From tbe following clipped from the Hep ner Gazette it is evident the Northern Pacif ic is a hard road on tramps, certain ly an ex cellent thing for tbe country : "Mr Thomas Hungry arrived in Hepner from the oast last Saturday, and immediately struck out for Floorsack creek, where he will herd sheep for the Off Brothers. Mr Hungry came .via the jxortnern racinc raureau, and is un doubtedly tbe first through tramp over that lice. He complains bitterly of the irregtt Isrity of the ties, and says that in some places he had to stretch his legs three and a half feet, and the next step would be bat twftlvo inches. This kind of irregular step ping made him so stiff and sore that to get limbered up, he had to boil himself in dogfish oil in a shssp dipping vat below town. Mr Hungry says that tbe Northern Pacific Com pany will have to relay their ties, or else the tramps will leave thst roots and take to the county roads along ths Una. SOCIAL A?DJERSONAL. Miss Dollts Houck is visiting at the Bty. lion John Bennett was in Che city yester day. Mr Perry Ktyoiund has beeri in the city this week, Miss Eva Watson returned from Yaquiae B.y yesterday. Adrian Comely returned from Southern Oregon last week. Wm Cochran, Jr., came down from Brownsville yesterday. Prof R N Condtt, of tbe College is expect el home by the next steamer Miss Maggie Barton left last Tuesday for her parents home near Colfax, W. T. Mrs W y Stewart and Mrs M V Brown ars spending a few days at Sodayilie. C YY Watts and M Hyde left last week for the mountains, after deer sod fish, Mr Jas Hanloa and family left last week f a Albina where they intend residing. Mr Do no MontcitU and Charles Curran are at the mountains on a hunt for game. Tom Curran was in ths city Monday after provisions for Robinson k West's loggers. Charles Klkins and mother, Mrs Jas Elk. ins, arrived from Eastern Oregon a few days ago. Miss Minnie Allison returned last Satur day from Newpoit, where she hss been teach ing during the summer. Rev N W Skipworth, and wife and chil dren, ol rrineviUe, are in the city visiting with E R Skipworth, Esq. Dr Barnes recently from the East, has been stopping with his cousin, Mr HuUin pillar, living near this city. John Hoffman, I'M Zeyss and Doc Conn returned from the mountains Isst Saturday bile gone we understand tbey killed seven Prof A M Matoon left for Deer Lodge, Montana, last Tuesday, having accepted the position of principal of the public schools of that city. We are sorry to learn of the dangerous illness ol Hon Jo Hamilton, of Oak nils. He is one of lino county oldest pioneers, aa well as one of its best and most success. ful farmers. Cent Powell and wife, and Miss Mat tie Foster left Albany Monday for the Bay, where hey will remsia several days, both for pleasure and to ths ioterset of the gov- sment work. Amoo those who will go back east on tbe Pioneers excursion from Albany are Mr Mart Payne, Mr Jos Webber and Mr Le Cox. From ths ooaaty there will be twenty or thirty as near so we can learn. N H Allen left for Saa Francisco Isst Monday, and will lay in ooe of the largest aad beet stock of goods ever brought to Al bany. By going to A lion A Martin's ear oitiaens will then get some bargains unsur- Sheriff Humphrey returned from Baa Francisco last Tuesday noes. 0 P Mssea also got as far aa the depot, when be heard that his family bad left him and gone to Scio, and in eousriuecce he took the Port land train back on his way to M, Prof J D Robb aad family lsft last Tues day aeon for New Tacoma, W. T. , wb-re the Professor will begin nts duties as princi pal of tbe public schools ia a short time. It is with considerable regret that we see him leave Albany, (or he hss proven himself one of the best teacher) tbe city has ever Mr IK B t lore, of Lebanon, one of the two eldest residents of Lien county and whose wife is the mother of tbe first whits child hern in the county, mads as a call Wed nee day. Mr (lore says he can not be happy without the DtworaAT, hence be extended his subscription one year in advance. All our readers will make as happy by doing likewise. a fry lag lena. 1-ast Saturday night John Galloway, hsrd working young man, who bad" laboring for R A Irvine, at Iryineaviiie, west te Lelmneo, and Monday morning took the early express bask. He ssked to be let off at that piece, so ths ears stopped, and he got off, but the place not looking familiar hs thought a mistake had been made so he jumped back on, bnt when it passed Mr Irvine s bouse he saw where ne wse, and rushed to the platform and jumped off in no scientific manner, though the train was going nearly twenty miles an hour. Tbe ground and some rocks run severely against his bead and body, and the conductor think ing he had been badly injured stopped the train and backed up, but before it arriyed where he was lying, hs raised himself to his feet, end is ssid to hsve run across the lots at a terrific rate of speed, not stopping until hs reached Mr Irvine's bouse. He was very reticent about explaining tbe presence of tbe bumps snd blood on bis head, bnt as the affair had been witnessed it was not losssary. To say tbe least it waa a olese esB, The rirst Sinn In the rail Campaign We take pleasure in informing our many patrons snd ths public generally that we have received a matnmoath stock of general merchandise purchased for cash in ths Kast and San Francisco, embracing an elegant selection of ladies dress goods in all the latest designs and colors. Also silks, satins and plushes ; together with the latest nov eltieo in fancy goods in an endless variety Our stock of clothing, furnishing goods, boots and shoes, have never been more com plete, to see is too appreciate, so give us a call. Montxith k Seitemba u. 4 '. f, - W, t . T. V. Open Meeting. The open meeting of tbe W. C. T. U. held Tuesday evening was well attend ed. Tbe address by Miss Alice Claw sod, oirorttanu, was very good, and seemed to be favorably commented on toe oiner exercises did not ro off as well as tbey might. Tbe piece entitled "an appeal from Fruits and Grains,' bringing ia the good and bad uses o appies, oops, grapes and wbeat, was very prettily designed, but on account of anothgf piece being given up, tbe children had not besruu to learn the! parts till Tuesday afternoon, go that so me of them did not have their parts very well committed, wbiob could not be expected. nothing New fall goods in men's and l oys' cloth ing at Allen k Martin's. Their stock is very complete aod they make every man happy where price and quality is concerned. APrftKttATKD. The burning of the bridge Just east of this oity on the 24th of June U fresh in the minds of our cltlssns, as well as the splen did work done by Linn Engine Co. No. 2, assisted by ths other oompanles. The companies at the time did not took for sny great reward, being satisfied In having done their doty, but now It seems that i hey are to be rewsrded in a manner not evsu.dreamed of. Tbe O A C It R Co. or dored of UenriohsCii A Orpetiberg, of Port land, two solid silver trumpets at a cost of 1400. They havo been on exhibition in Portland, and will bo presented to tbe PlrA Companies In a few daya. The re oolvlng of tboMi trumpets will bean honor not often conferred on a fire department, aad Is one which Is deeply felt by fire men and vitletis alike. Following Is a description of the trumpets : "They ere beautifully embossed and ornamented with solid geld trimmings. At tbs mouth of each Is a ropreaoutatlon of a burning brldgs, Approaching R In one direction la seen a train of oars, whllo in (he oppo site direction there Is ssen coming a steam Are engine and a hose cart, On tbe re verse side of one trumpet there is lnserib ed t " Presented by the Oregon nod Cali fornia railroad to Lion Engine Company, No. 2, of Albany, for valuable services rendered In savins; property of the com pany at tbe burning of bridge No. 220, on Hunday, June 24, 18M3." On the other there is tbe aame inscription, except that "Albany fire departmeui" takes tbe place of the engine company. Tbe trumpets re unquestionably the handsomest and most tasteful ever seen here, and re flect much credit on the firm who produc ed ibem." mm i ir eegs sy i snaa Waternsrlea Item. On laat Sabbath evening when tbe slisdee Of darkness were settling like a pall over all the can li, and all was se rene, and a holy quiet reigned through out all the border of our lovely oity, when every person felt a happy security of life, liberty and property, when tbe last stroke of tbe church bell was slowly dying In tbe dlstaboe, theo It waitlist some hoodlum boys, not baying tbe fear of law, human or divine, before their eyes, stealthily wooded tbelr way Into the watermelon patch of It. Cuatar, living In tbe suberbs of the city. These candidates for tbe peni tentiary had Just arrived at tbe "patch" nod were beholding with pleasurable anticipation tbe luscious melone lying before tuem when "bang !' "whang ! !' went Cuetafe old shot gun, and tbe boys beat a precipitate retreat without getting a single watermelon. Mr. Cut ter says be does not know whether tbe shot bit any of tbem or noL He saw some signs but It wse net blood. He knows tbe party, nd out of regard to the pareota who are respectable ol ti neas, bt withhold their names, but if this offense Is repealed ho proposes to give tbelr names to the public and prosecute tbem as well. Willamette WhTat Willamette Valley wheal ranks first In the Kagllsh Market, on aoount.K iaulaiin ad. Of its wonderful whlleneMi. Tin- troubles tbe Walls Walla people very inuok aa their wheat make alightly colored Sour, giving it a aeeemd ptaee tot the ttosg. I iah maiket. At tbe saute time a fuUle attempt I made to prove that Watla Walla wheat is really sopor lot to Wiileto site wheal, as witness ibe Ad lowing from Mm Walla Wall Union" : -Millers in form na that Watlamette wheat Is of wmvh a character that, aa one of tbem ex prosed it, 'Any boteher can make white floor iron It V aad It seems that color, not quantity, governs price in the English market. Walla Walla millers elalui that our wheat will make more and better bread to tbe barrel than Willamette wheal; but, that owing to the peculiar constituent. of tbe grain, the color of the floor and bread are not aa white. Some attribute it to the ezoees of gluten In the grain; while others are of the opinion that our soil, whlou la all more or lees psremceied by alkali, would soon give oolor to tbe whitest wheat raised in tbe Willamette. Until tbe color teat Is lessen ti or remov ed, Walla Walla wheat will be apt to rate lower in the English market than Wil lamette wheat." a Aavafs rrela) The agent "Herald" published st Phil adelphia, Penn., Is an excellent Journal In many rsamerte Its object seems to be to expose fraud generally, of all kind. It nlvee a list of dead beat advert tssrs among other features, aad aa many of them arc advertising with our unwary neighbors over tbe state we will republish part of them : Hay lock A Janney, N. Y. ; "Wo man'e Medical Institute" sent out by Os goodsbydt Co., Buffalo; Waahburne A Co'e. with Salicylic ; Ash A Robb In ; Dr MEBell, ' ' .I Defy Competitive. Our stock of ladies dolmans, ulsters, cir culars and walking sacquea were bought iu Boston aud New York for cash and will be sold at prices thst defy competition. MORTXITH k SElTl.HSACn. A f saed Clergyman . Even tbe patience of Job would become exhausted were be a preacher and en deavoring to Interest his audience while tbey were keeping up an incctaant cougn ing, nnikine it impossible for him te be heard. Yet, now very easy oan an tins be avoided by nimply using Dr. King's, New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs snd Colds. Trial bottles given away at Koshay If Mason's Drugstore. Notice. The party who by tbeir foolish and careless conduct caused the death of a suckling colt on Oak Creek belonging to the undersigned, on or about tbe first of August, will d well to oail and pay for tbe same or suffer prosecution before the grsnd Jury. The party is known. J. D. Burkhart. Cow for sale. A splendid cow six or seven yeara old large, handsome and gives a largo quanti, ty ol milk. Call at tbe Court House, on C. H. Stewart. Thirteen Years' Dyspepsia. "I suffered with dyspepsia for thirteen years," writes John Albright, Esq., of Columbus, Ohio Samaritan Nervine cured me." As it always cure such dls orders. At druggists. For a cough or cold there is no remedy equal to Amman's Cough Syrup. Ladles Allen A Martin have just received from' New York a large stock of laces. Call and see them and enquire prices aaecll rVeeceOteas. . Tuesday evening, Aug. 28, laSS. I'resent IUoordor, Marshal and Aids. Woodin; Hoffman, Lanalng.Bmsh, Black burn. AbsentMayor and AkLMonteltb. Committee on Streets and Public Prop erty reported in ntvor of granting tbe peti tion for alley sewer in Block 16, provided the property owners In said block con tract for the same,, and It be laid accord ing to the established grade: On motion adopted, , Committee on ordinances reported tbst they tisd examined, the ordinance on crosswalks, and that tbey did not tbfnk any amendment necessary. Adopted. Committee on Ptre and Water reported that the preposition of If F Merrill, agent of the Oregon fire and Marine fnstt ranee Company, to Insure oity property at $40. being the lowest rate te be had tbey had Insured No l's building In said company. Adopted. Oo motion A warrant for 1800 was or dered drawn in . favor of Weroimout at Laurent, paytrent oo sewer. Councilman Leaning gave notice that unices the beats of tbe night police were extended so ae to inolude the Third Ward be would move at tbe neat meeting to only employ one night watchman instead of two. On motion referred to committee on Health and Police to report at next meet log, On motion tbe Moralist wan ordered to obtain permission from tbe property owners st tbe corner of First snd R K streets to run a drain through their lota. Tbe following bills were ordered paid ; R D Marry, K7& ; George Burkhart, 124. 2o ; N J Henton, tO.or, ; costs elty ve Mc Donald, 5.93 1 costs etty vsFoussn, f4.8s J no Jones, nlghtwatob, 70. The following bills were referred t O W Burkhart, $2.50; N J Henton, 7.00; Peters A Blain, nalla, etc., f 10.60 ; Jno Brtggs, repairing hose, Following Is a list of the horses now lo train log at Salem for the etate fair which meets September 17 i Or Mack's, of Walla Walla, 8 A Crowed, trainer Au Revoir, dark bay mare, 3 years old ; Kouvenlr. 2 years old ; America, bay mare, 3 years old ; Albtcore. bay ftaliioa, '1 years old ; Americue, two year old stalllou ; Pur- rolta, large two year old stallion. All sired by A tweed, dam Joe, by Bellfoua- der. J W Hour's, of Walla Walla -Cereal, 2 year fid sorrel etalilon. aod a 3 year old black gelding. 0 A Here boom, trainer, Mount Vernoa, a aorrel stallion ; Harry Dead- shot, a3 year old black stallion ; Cbam plon Knox, jr.. a 5 year old dark bay stallion. C A Frost's, Red Oak. aorrel gelding racer, 0 years old ; Blsmark, black trottlag stallion, aged 6. D R Wills -Woodbury, dark bay stallion, aged a thoroughbred ; Har ry Thorn, a 4 year-old bay stallion ; Blscacciantl, a five year old bay mare ; John Hall, a 2 year old bay stallioo. C W Redmond's, of Portland, Rocb wood, dark bay stall loo, h years old ; Adirondack, ! year old dark brdwn stallion. John Pender'e, of Vancouver, Dick, tight bay gelding. 3 years old ; Rotteo wood, 2 year old bay stallion ; Msy Wlutler. 4 year old dark bay mare. Jas Bybeea -Ney Ella. 3 year old bay j Newsboy. 4 year old aorrel geld ing, owned by Cluloby of Portland ; Lady Day, year old brown mare, oww- ed by Tuttle of Astoria. Jsrome Porter's, of Forest Grove. Trade Dollar, ' 7 year old sorrel race mart; Orange Blossom. 3 year old trotter, black stallioo; Dan Hal ten, 4 year old bay stallion. Thompson k Price a Iost Boy, 5 year old aorrel etalilon ; Sage Brush gammy, dark bay from Buch Grass country. Adao k Malay's Albutte, 5 year old sorrel etalilon ; Honest John, 7 year old bay gelding. XL St. VtMerreaee. The following are some of the ap pointments made by the Conference which metal Vancouver last week : Albany M Judy. Brownsville aod Jbaaon C Alder eon. Corvaills-W D Nichoia Dallaa-W Hurlburt Drain and WUbur-J W Miller. Eugene City W O Simpson. Jacksonville and Ashland-B J Sharp. Jefferson W T VanBooy. Roeeburg-HP Webb. Salem circuit -Supplied by L P Bel ktiap. Scio- J M Sweeuey. Hhedd-J T Wolfe. Sprlngfiald-J H Wood. Seattle J N Dvuisou, North Seattle Isaac Diilou, New Tacoma J F Devore. Salem W S Harrington. Portland Taylor street, G W Ixer ; Hall atreet, T L Sells ; Saudi uavi an mission, C L Larson. East Portland 8 P Wllaon. East Portland circuitLad ru Hoyal. -' MCKLEX' AtUflCA SALVE. Tbe beat salve In the world for cuts, hmiHAM. Hore. ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, cnuoisms, corns and all kinds of akin eruptions. fhis salve 1 guaranteed to give periect t.AwMirvn in Avarv case or uioaey re funded. Price soc per cox. For aale by Foe hay a Mason. 7 Pacts. New goods just received at Alloa k Mar tin's, Albany, Or. Their store is jammed full of new goods of all descriptions, also jammed full of new customers. Thsre U no use ol talking good goods and low prices will win. You have got to give the people credit tor having good common sense. They will buy goods where they can buy the best goods for the least money, that is the reason Alien Martin's trade is increasing so fast Allen A Martin pay the highest prioe for produce oi all kinds. Tbe Difference. We often hear it aald, "You oan sell any iinmhni article bv well advertising it." This is partly true, but If the article has nn nwit the nurchaser will net bay a second tthe, and will probably prevent bis friend from buying oy lniromiug urn nt its worthlaaaness. So the more it is aeld the sooner it will cease to sell. On tho other Hand an artiole of merit ana worm uw Amman's Ocueh Svrun. when once iiMKlirill be aoDreJeiated. and tbe buver will not onlv cont nbe to 'purchase it whan attain in need of a remedy for colds or coughs, but will speak a good word for it and thus, without advertising, It would become known ana nave a targe ie. 'Manga en stats." Clears out rata, mice, roaches, flies,-ants, bed-bugif, skunks, chipmunks, gopher. 15 Druggists. If the blsokemitb would weld together two pieces ol Iron he must strike i If a city would ever become a prosperous place it must strike. The blacktmith might the orize for a lifo time about bow two pieces of Iron oould be fastened together, but It is tbe etrlklng that accomplishes It. Tbe citizens of a town may tell what ia noose eery to make it thrive, but it Is anion that does It ; not until some solid blows sre struck will there be anything aecompl ed. It takes li ve dollars to buy a sledge hammer, and out of ten persons fire can only aggregste a dollar, and tbe other five, asy a bund red, but are so tight and oew ardly and miserly that they beg morey to buy tbelr tobacco and live on frizzled moss snd cord wood, then tbe hammer will never be bought end tbe striking will be looked for In vain. If we were to settle ourselves down aud do some solid think ing wo could not bring to mind words so equate to give vent to our opinion of tbe, who, having tbe means, is yet so pusillanimous that be opposes all progress If U coets him s cent from his Ill-gotten pelf. Albany, with a water-power not sur passed, If equalled, in tbe northwest, sur rounded by a magnificent farming coun try, rich in having a generoos hea.ted tailoring people In It midst, and a first- class society, Is at a standstill, because a few men in It who bsve tbe most money, though in no business, lazy from non action, will not risk a cent of their wealth la anything that will build up tbe com munity. This is plain talk, bnt it is a fact, and some day we sre going to publish a black list of tbem to see how their names look in prim, inasmuch ae they never do any thing else to bring their name before tbe public. Aa it is now evident that no dependence at all can be placed on thia c'as of men, it behooves tbe younger (dass to step up, and unite with a few of the older reliable ones and instead of tbreatenlag to pull up tbelr stake, strike a few blows tor pro- a-llrsllr Some of our young men are talking of putting up an opera bouse. This is to be very much regretted ; anything that indi- lim should be annihilated at once. Some mean should be taken to prevent the farmer from bringing their wheat here, aa their horses make a fearful racket on the streets, snd it furnishes fuel for the mills during tbe year, as well ea employ moot for thirty or forty men grinding It, aad sanding the' dour away. Poor drainage make a city healthy. It might be hoped that the irrsngs ments for fixing np'tbe Baptist church would fall through aa it ha been en orna ment to the clt with all the glass in its windows out. Run down the piece you lire in. It how good sense. Tbe man U most appreciated who baa money in abundance and keeps it in the ground for fear of losing it, living on charity in tbe meanwhile. Imawrtaai i Mr S R Copeland has rented tbe Simp son warehouse, and La put the same lo good running order, so tbst it Is not only sate but an excellent place to store wheat. He Is prepared to store aad buy lOejeSO bushel of gt sinysnd will pay them highest caab paio, or aa ranch aa any warehouse or mill, including premium. He will also furnish sacks to farmer briugiog wheat aod oats to tbe warehouse at the lowest cash price, and if farmers have saeka will buy both grain and sack, al lowing tbem tbe highest cash price for both. .II farmers should make it a point to see Mr Copeland before making ar rangements elsewhere. fSaa set's Waste M.r. Mr J H Dariie thia week moved hi pianos an 1 organs into tbe store opposite Langdon's, where he continue to keep tbe Mathuahek piano, no doubt tbe beet constructed In tbe market, also the Shoo in ger Cymbelm organ. These instru ment are becoming very popular in thia county. Those desiring a plendid in strument should call on Mr Ijenlel a fhla new quarters. Wringers at redaeed both the Nov elty and Koreka, the best k Blain e made, at Peters Public Sale. On ths 13th day of September at the m rfsniw nr A Hii .arinn tarn m 1 1 mm U0utb-weat of Albany, a public auction ill be held at which fine blooded horses, cattle and bog will be sold, also a variety of farming implements. BUTTERIK'S PATTERNS FOR SEPTEMBER JUST RECEIVED RY SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. CALL AND GET A FALL CATALOGUE. r.l Zl , , . Stock-holders Meeting, Nctioe is hereby given that the regular annual election Tor tbe Ainany ana sea-, tiatn Water Ditch or Canal Company will bebatdat thai r office in the citv of AN banv. Lion oonntv. Oregon, on the second Tuesday the eleventh day of September, 1883, for tbe purpose of electing seven Directors to serve said company the en suing year and until their successors are elected ana auaiineu. L. MJvI J. II. Hurkhakt, President Secretary. Albany, Aug. 22nd, 1883. i IS A SURE URE for all diseases of the ...uneys and LIVER TilissiiiiisSnsssvi nn ma i ' 'i "- j oaxaa.-saai9Ung it to throw off torpidity aad : nw4 -t taohsatthr nut men sti 2t Btl. sad bjr Sssplng IB oowtus u condition, fleeting Us walsr etsseazr. Malaria sa-Aarl. booths cMH. u biliou. dympaptlo, or ootxx d, Hidney Wort will urely flXrw ad ..ckir ou aria tba Spring teehanssteaSyrtsia. svavjr O3X0 gvttoaia VeaJLO ea wuvua4 wutev w a- noLD av DRUOOiaTaV Price MPMgfWsllfP ttORV PAYNE. On Tuday, Aug 28th. 1883, to the wife of Mr Mart Payne -a girL NARBIEIK SCHRODER -WATSON. On Aug. 29th, 1883. at the residence of the s par cuts in Orleans Precinct, by Rev S G Irvine, D. D., Mr Cats J Schroder, of Astoria, and Miss Avkik J Watson, ci Orleans Precinct. WRAOE-WOHDEN. On Aug. 22, 1833, at the residence of the brides' parent st Dayton, Or., by Rev J A KoiJeebangb, Mx Jacob Wraoe, of Salem, and Miss ! Harm Wobdkx. formerly of Albany, Or. Summons. I V ClrtS Court of tht Staff of Orrr,on for Urn Cenasy. A J Warren, Plaintiff. , 1Yr!w,f Md frtoa Swank his wile, W H Swank snd M E A ftwaok bis wife QPJ-fy and J h Keenly her bns bacd M E Handers snd Joseph Menders her husbaod.H.r Welkins snd Lee Welkins br husband, Josephine Jeffereon, Mary Ajju ant?"10'1 d 7 E Defend To i! J WatkiM. Let Wathhtz, awl Nawu L Ketmy. three oth abort named h-J. Wewfo, N THE NAME OP THE STATIC nu Oregoo, you and each of you are here required to appear and answer th complaint of tbs above named plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file with tbe Clerk o said C oo rt, on or before the fourth Monday of October neat, It bein SSrcl day wf October, ls snd the first day of tbe regular October Term, I Pi of said Court, and you and each of yon are hereby notified that if you fail to appear snd answer said complaint a hereby required, the platntlfT will apply to tbe Con rt foe tbe relief demsuded there In, to wit t for judgment again the de fendants, J W rjweak, Martha Swank, W H Swank and MBA Hwnk for the orn of $7000 with interest thereon from the kind dey of January, 1882, at tbe rate t ten per cent per annum and tbe furtb-r sum of 700 with' interest thereon from she 2nd day of January, 1883 at tbe rat of par ot per ananna, fMriocipsd aod inter -ea on tbe whole thereof In United SMat gold coin snd for tbe coats and disburs BDenta ef this suit to be taxed. That KlslntifTs mortgage be decreed to be a ea upon tbe rent estate in said moitmsae described and that raid mortgag be fore cioaed and that tbe lands de-nnbed there in, to Wit : Tbe donation land daim rsf Harmon 8 wank and- M E A Swank, claim ndtffioaUon 2i'Jt and claim No'. snd 39 in Tp 18. S K, 2 and 3 W and oui tafning 040 acres : Also 180 23-100 sore ooenmenelag at the northeast corner of the donation land claim of N D Jack, Not. No. 243 and claim No. 40 in To. 13, S H W and running thence south 41 St-lOti chain: tbeooe west 81 30 J 00 chain- ; thence north 41 61-100 chain : thence east M 30 100 chains to tbe place of beginning : sod, also, 183 60-100 seres, being Lots No. ne (1; and two (2) fn the northeast ouai-;-sr of Section thirty (0) inTp. 13 8 R 2 W, nil west of the Willamette Meridian, in be county of Linn, State of Oregon aud containing in tbe aggregate 963-83 acre, be sold sad that the proceeds thereof be polled, first to the payment of tbe eou and disbursement of ibis u it, second lo t be pejrment of aid su m of 8700 with In terest thereon from tbe 2nd day of Jannart 183 at tbe rate or 8 per cent per annnm, then te tbe payment of said principal sum if 17000 with interest thereon st tbe rale of ten per cent per annum- from the 2nd day of January, 1883 until paid ; that the de lendanta and each of tbem be forever barred and foreclosed of all their right, title, interact and equity of redemption in i.hd to said premises and that the Court make such other and further order and de- eree aa may be joat and If tbe proceed of soee sale rati te aauary such judgment in fall theo that execution be awarded ssndnst any property of the defendant, J W Swank. Martha Swank, WH Swank snd M E A Swank for tbe balance thereof. This snmsnone is published by order of Hon R P Botes, Judge of said Court, which order bears date of August 23rd, 1888 aad wss made at chambers at Salem, Marion county, Oregon. WKATvaaronn A Black scant. Attorney's for Plaintiff. Summons. lAs CiramU Court of tU Statt of Orvyo for Linn Commtg : D P Wagner, Plaintiff, ti 8 Wither aad Maltnda Dates id suis To K 8 Wither, ami Maiimda Wither a, tk above Hamad Df'-tulamU . II K THE SAME OF THE STATE OP JL Oregon, yon and each of yon are here by required to be and appear in the above emitted auk hi tbe above named Cooti and enarer tbe com plaint filed again t v.u t serein by tbe above named pUiutlfl, by Monday toe 22nd day of October, iitt. that being the first day of the next lerm of mid Court, following the expirit u u: six weeks publication thereof ; and yaa are notified that 11 you foil 10 apeer and answer ae above required for warn there of, the piainutf will apply to tbe Court for i e relief prayed ter in the complaint now on file in the Clerk's office ef Lion county, Oregon, to-wit : judgment for $1080 with i nterest thereon ex the rate of ten per cent per annum irom use zotn asy or Septem ber. A. D. 1882 and for the further sum of $100, aa Attorney's fees and all cet aad dieburamenta of this suit ; aad a decree f r the foreclosure of tbe mortgage upon the following dlaoribed premises and the aale thereof, to-wit : Homestead entry No. 4X56, for S W ofN W lix S W ofSE M and X X of S W M of earn, 7, T rft, S K 2, E, W M, Linn countv, Oregon, on tain -log (166.03) acres. And you are further' notified that thi summons is served upon you and each ot you by publication by order of tbe Hon it P Boise, Judge of tbe third judicial district of the State of Oregon, Said order made hi Chambers at Salem. Oregon, on tbe 27th day of August. 1883, directing that ssid summon be published for six consec utive weeks in the State Riqbts Demo crat, newspaper published weekly ia Albany, Linn county, Oregon. . J. Daw.e. Attorney for Plaintiff Sheriff's Sale. tht Circuit Court of the ite of Oregon for the County of Lion : J M Moyer, Plaintiff, i ve. t David TV Sbawr and i Marinda Shaver, Defendant ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a writ of execution ia- aa. sued out oi tue aoove naxueu tounioiu shove entitled action to me directed ana delivered for the suns of 120.7: ana inter est at tbe rate of ooe per cni per month from the 26th day of Oct o'er, ls0 and the farther sum of S4.S5, (being unable to find sny personal property wnereon to levy; i t ave levied upon tbe following described cave leviea u real property IN EX of Sec wty, to-wn : i ne w ; or ine Sec 12 in Tp. 13, South Range. 4 west in linn county, Oregon, taken aa the real property tr tne said aereaoani Mariuda Shaver and on iatnrslavj the tk day Sept. llgs. at the Court House door la the oity er Albany. Linn county, Oregon at tbe 1 our of one o'clock p. in, I wuM tell said real property at public auction wr caan in hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said writ with accruing coats. Dated this 31st day or August, inks. Geo. 2CMPHMT, Sheriff of Unn coumy.Or. Administrator's Notice. Nation la hereby given that by an order cf tbe County Court, of Linn county, Ore con made July 31st, 1883, tbe undersigned w riiii annotated Administrator of th- estate of Mrs MAE Gross, deceased, All I arson having claims against tbe estate c f saiu oec onsen ra othuj iwiiuiw iu i resent tbem to the undersigned at Al tany In said county, with proper vouchers vithia six months from this date. Dated Aug. 27th, 18F3. Administrator. Notice to Contractors. -KTnMAA i Karwhv riven that the trustees of 'the First Baptist Cnurca at- Albany, Oregon, will reeeree eealed bids for alter- ing, repairing an -'"Kr r.r: building now ownco oy iuo r Ohurch ttAlbW.OrMn nth tbe plana iviuv h hand T of wdd trustees at the Law office Albany. Oregon, unut me nuui w -Retook p m, on tbe atth day of August, tThe time for completing sard buiki na in accordance with said specifications, obe on or before the 27th day of October, c-q . w.-hinh time it mnsi be ready for , inane v. Tbs trustees reeervethe right : refect any or all bid. By order T. P. HACRX.tatAK, Albany, Or.Aag, 13, l$S. tei