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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1883)
" - - - SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY IT- STITES fc'NlTTtm MMftFfftSte tucril nathilas BrMKfetIMB Street, 1CRM3 Or SCBSCR1FTIO.N in tvr. per IV, tvnf.M. , . . ss to 3 00 l st 10 but cwr, pec rev. at end t year. single oopy, tlx month uyrie copy, tin uvaatk. atarte aumber . saml PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U FUNK. Q. S. CHAMBKlttA,". FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. aaV-Offie in Foster's Brick Blook.-M vlswltsf R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oreftsi T17ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE TT Courts of that State. Will sir special attention to collection and probate mattr. Omce In Foster new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brig store, let street. vMuSStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (SOT ART PCBUC.) tTTORNEY AT LAW, t Ln tV. OWECOX. ILL PRACTICE IS ALL THE COURTS Of THE State. SpedaiaUaaOoei civaa lo ooUecUem aad arobats matter. CTOaVa la Odd FHawe Teple. Hit I, c. rowxuL. w. a. wiltkc POWELL & BILYEU. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - - - OBOOH. Collection promptly made on all points. Loan negotiated on reasonable terms. naTOffice in Foster's BricktJe vltnl9tf. E. R. SKEPWORTH, attokxky Asm coixssxen at law ak xwtabt ratur. ITILL practice in all courts of the State ff All business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Off in 0' Took a Block, BroaMin Street, 4"y 1 Albany, Oregon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, ORECOM, "Will practice in ail of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jpaV-Office in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT 7DHTT2r STORE, tfl ILIttT. OWES.. FOSHAY & MASON, Dreggistsaod Booksellers, ALBANY, OBEGOH. vlen41tf REVERE HOUSE. Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r Itus uew Hotel ie Sited up ta Sradeas style. Tabtaa an wtsa iu Mat ua saacSe atlorda. Bastaf in every Boom. A food Ssaas Room for Coev DANNAL8 & WOODIN aaircracrcisa amv n FURNITURE BEDDING. Carmer Ferry ALBANY, Streets. OREGON. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in Sxatcs Riohts Dehw:ra offiee. DBS. 1. W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OREGON . Oier their nrofeaakwal aeniees to th citizens of Lias aad juijaeent eoantka. Office sad residence corner of Fourth and Braadatda streett. Aloany Bath House. ' pHE C5DBBSI4NBD WOULD RESPECT X folly iaform the eitisaaj of Albany sad vi :iaity that I have taken ebarg of this Establish mast, and, by keeping clean rooms and payia striet attention to business, expect to salt si those whs may fsror US wjth their patronage Hiring heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hdir Dressing Saloons expects to giro satire satisfaction to at Sr C Hid j en and Ladies' XI u r neatly cn tianpooed J OH WKBBVB. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. The First Tern begins en Taes dy, September 11 , 1883. For particulars concerning the coarse at study and the price of tuition, apply to BET. ELB EttT X. OKOIT. Preastteat. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, I.ANXIX'j 4 CO., PROPR'8. yZW PROCESS rtOVB 8CTEHIOS FOR FAMILIX8 ASD BAKKB8 HSE. BEST STORAOF FACILITIES, Highest '.Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. Halsey IffR. J. H Oregon. CROOKS HAS TAKEN nhariffl cS this hnnsA. Cnmmodlons sample rooms have been prepared for commercial travelers. Beds good and clean. Good table. Board by day or week. StageJeaves dally for Brownsville and Crafornsvilk VOL. XIX. SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS TO MeCOY &BLLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals. Perftunery, Stationery, Froman's Block, Ibany.Or. t ion axreirilly prepared day or nijfltt LITEM, FEED AID SALE STABLE. Albiiy, OregtB. Horses Kent on reasonable terms. Horses and baarcies set to suit the times. Corner Seoond and EiUsrosUi streets. R0BT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKIKO A.D MOYINti PL L AXON, orimae sue fursilture aperlnlty All hauling wlthiu the eity promptly Attended to . LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp raxorw, which are always kept In good condition, and hair cut in the fry beat style. ' 8AM WA VIG. AIM.kv AXD CHIXA MgECHAXraXO M SI a, XJESH. Ska. tea suaaUat botum pncea CMWor for StrXaxt to Cttr Bank. HENG TENG. Best washing and ironing hi the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street, One door south of Rarer Hons. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL UNERY GOODS OPPOSITE iREVEBE HOUSE. HEW BARBER SHOP. X. JACKSON - - Proprietor. Opposite Rarer Hons 8 having and hair dressing done in first- class sty e. rim-clswss brth rooms. Bath fog ladies snd gentlemen t all hours, terms reasonable. '83 1 BRAID COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year for only MM. Two pspras for little more than the price at oae. By ueSS.0joa will receive for one rear pssst witn tM "vauntrwwrati,- utm esnse soots, Democratic d for a tariff for revenue only, asd the beet,brigb tand ablest tamUy weekly In the United sutea. aew ho derive to eaamiBe a saonrte eorv ot the urter-Joumal" can do seat thie ofltea. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets. Dec. 1882. Premium income $38626 2 007,189 Safe, reliable and quisle to pay in ease of loss. ARCH MONTEITH. Agent. Albany, Oregon, me mnm mmw- MONTGOMERY & NLLY. XAEALER8 IN CLOCKS AND WATCH 3 E8. Keep a full lln of jewelry. Watches and clock repaired in first-class order, SCIO - - - OREGON. W. HI. iORROW, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper snd sheet lrou ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc, etc. SCIO OREGON. BRIOCEF0RD & BEARS. TTEEP A PULL LINE OP PURE IV groceries, fresh candies, nuts, ana. all kinds of confectionaries, tobacco, cigars, etc., etc Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, Q. J. J. D0RRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OBEOC3f . ThTOTICE OF PUBLIC LETTTNGS SO LICITED. Plans and specifications f urninbed on short notice. inHlHi liW" iim Mm Absolutely Pure. This A marvel of purity Mora seeaaMlaslttiMi be mM in eaasnetlllan o lew teat, short vsajrfat, alum Baataa 104 Wattel. fail St., X ui is ease, mt Y. A notei nrr cvriTxa.: ivo -mn, irtvn tie asH ciuW i. . coed Wtsaass e Mrs. LrdtaK: a. U.kob.atherhaai. wtp, i ratty eaBvd Ute "Rat rrtead ofWcaaaa to kmf work. abVS fc tbveMtf v . aad It eWajod to se) sla , ii , Tm amiiSHaiBMi eaiiiSiesd i a tvni.-u -f ru'.Vitn. er Jjr at srOpwiwr I am eat hsl i at tketrathoCthia. "Jr ' T'"' -ijitiissi n i Oae tare "Ii work She a ckaraa aad lata. nwtnor vastfaty U worst f era ar OBUag or tse tarkoaaa. hsmaSaOtf se,aa ialiaaiiiig waste few hreeuadrtxaaraattiaartiart&. enigHals Aay adriee remUradae I tse era lief asasr wko ka fceea re-rv4 1 " -r- " j-m Teainioat, aaa ti atserkoaaitsLraavata ifUvarrtn. tntmt4mm$mrld rVwtfca eat ot aad Terjadny ot th. wssatui ta to Us jta t. vM raect her esea asayst ot new wkaea in 'flVrifrTT srcnstn stlsss a OasMakta,fk, 00 Xra.a.xa How Many Miles Do -Ton Drive? The ODOMETER win Ten Thl tajsruaxm b ao avgat tkaar a watah. It leSa theevBaaakaraS artlaa Itrtvea to Ute 1-Urt.t.rt eta asUe ; roonu up to ,S0S n ; agrtariad uiut I'Hfht , .;, , horaee trm .rn - eejtdntea ; la sadly attached to the wheel of a Wi tarrUsa, Sulky, Wasjoo, goad Cart, feotky Ptow, Reepar, Mower, or other vehicle, lavatobie to UvevyiBasrr)eajurs tSfoeja, Wasaaksay TarsBeta, Unrvayrea, Utuin, rpriasaaaa, Price wily fhV SSeaeh, aae-thlrd the price or tad ashsT- tv mail a ystea pOt paW. XrSMnU, OMETCal . t Xorth In astir St,, .rhtdago. aar.s.u.1 Ut Circular. ESTABLISHED IN ISUL ARME6 &IIAILAM, MsMfainrTe arjdrphs oi Wooden Willow Ware. Twines, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Falls, Tabs, i bam. Waahhosrda, Mope ordasc Wrapfa rprr, ' Paper Bags, Balldlas raiiwra. Hatrbr.. Waadla. Clwtboa ttrar, ar aMrts Strcepera, aVaJber Baal ere, Ntattoasrjr. At. 230 and 232 Front Street. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. 8m I people are always o thelooBss t for chart eee (ismuf their tiHnt; aotl in time become ealiiy -.llvim Hh.ntw t iiniuve iheir opportuni tim rl-maln iu i-vti.v.' WotW a yreat ehanee to in' kKftmitusy. We want atany mm, women, boytaad g la to Work form right in trhown locaiitiee. Any one can do the work properly from the ft rat atari. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive ootftt tarnished free. Noose who engage fails to make mosey rapidly. You can le vo e your whole-time to the work, or only your spare momenta. Full istormrtioti and all Mist is needed eeat tree. Address Stishos k Co., Portland, Maine. BUAMAN A8SURAN0E 00., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, 110,000,000 Capital paid up 5,000,000 Note., This company bas the largest Gid up capital of mpsny doing slnestkin the United States. Insurance accepted by Row. A. Fostfb, Agt of Albany. SAM COHEN- Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also tbe FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL' KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps tbe finest biiiard ball in tbe city. I will also sell real estate, morebsadise household goods, etc., at auction for any one iu the cltyor oounty Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. SAM COHEN POWDER leva- SI ii saUsi il i sshasns, s It U siMitlay aaapsirio tseC9kHajear fjee." Saroaaa hfian. flmraJf2yS hsae asslaaasailaaarsirliiii. TSat failiar it laasSag ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3J, 1883. II ' " JH.IIiJl. tsb rotarra ot jttt At Tbe 107 tb snnivsrssry of the Ajeafl.i can lecl ration of indepeodeuom celebrttedl bere on WeUMHMatf pilit more than usual enthusiasm-, not osdy amongst tbe American ettixens but bf the Urge number of residents of various naUonslitiss who took part in tbeeere- monies. We believe the number f gentlemen sbo sttended st the Uuites) .States Consulate Genera I at noon that day, and drank to tbe toast of "The Day We CeiebreU," wag Isrger lb an ou any previous occasion. Tbe gather ing Inolutied nearly ail tbe Ainarksset resileuU, and a Urge number of Kog Inh, German tad other nationalities, tbe cosmopoiitsn nature of tbe oorapsny tending to make it mote a worthy cere oration of tbe birthday of the Ureal Republic ttan if tbe celebration hid been confined to A mer leans. Tbe oerev mooiee commenced by tbe Bhangbsi Volunteer At tillet y I ring a salute of 21 guns oti tbe river bank in iront of tbe Consulate. This is the seoond oceas. ion on which tbe Artillery has fired the salute on tbe Fourth of July , tbe year before last being the first nnnteisn The . V. A. is chiefly composed of Englishmen, but there are also Ameri cans and Germans 4n tbe corps ; snd tbe cosmopolitan nature of our com muuity sras wn exemplified by the presence of tbe Artillery, under tbe command of Captain Barnes Dallas, one of the few remaining veterans who fought at tbe Battle of Muddy Flat, tbe only engagement wbete Atnericsns and Englishmen ever fought side by side, to defend their common rights, and tbe lives and property of foreigners settled we. The salute was fired by two 12 pounder bowttesta, manned by 12 gunners and driven, under Captain Dalles, lieutenant Noel and Sergeant H. L. Gordon. After tbe last run m as fired, tbe town band, which was stationed on tbe verandah of tbe court room, played "Heil Columbia." Tbe court-room, the adjacent ball, end other portions ef tbe building were et this time crowded with Americans snd vtsi' tots cf ell nationalities. Mr. O. N. Denny, Consul-General and Judge, then took hie sent on the bench in the Court -room, and waa supported on tbe right by tbe Hon. John Russell Young, United States Minuter to Chios. Tbe bench Was cover.! with the "Sura and Stripes," sod on the well behind tbe bench a portrait of George Wasbiiigtoa was exhibited. On tbe wail at tbe further end of the Conrt room there wee a framed Htbogrspb showing fsc similes of tbe Wssbington shield, eras and crest which furnished tbe idea for tbe "Stars and Stripes" ss the ensign of the Republic. After the band had played tbe national anthem, Mr. Denny called on the Rev. W. J. Boone to sa ge ge in prayer, and be. read an appro priate petition. Mr. Denny then call ed on Mr. Drew, Statistics! Secretary of tbe I. M. C, to reed tbe Declara tion of Independent, snd he read thsf famous documentn very good style. Mr. Denny then said that tbe next thing in order was "Tbe Tosst of tbe Dsy," and be cordially invited ail pre- - - . A A m w participate, i.nampegne was freely partaken of by tbe visitors, and the whole sffsir passed off with tbe greatest harmony and enthusiasm. His Excellency Li Hung-chang sent cards to tbe U. S. Minister, Mr. Young, and to tbe Coneul-General, by an . official of his y a men, with a message to Mr. Denny ssying tbst be did not feel very well else be should have been glad to have been present in person : and be expressed the wish for a long life and a bsppy one to the Republic. His Bx. M. Tricou, Minister for France ; M. Flescb, Consnl-Qenerel for France ; M. Gaby, Secretary of French Legation ; M. Laurence Lalundu, Consul for France ; Dr. Focke, His German Mj esty's Consul-Geoeral, and doyen of tbe Consnlste General ; while the Con sulsof other national itien sent their osrds, sli uniting in wishing proserity .o tbe Republic. Sbsnghi News. At a recent election held in Utah the "Gentiles" did not interfere and the regular Mormon element had it ail its own wsy. Tbe solution of the Mor mon question does not seem to lie much nearer accomplishment than before the Edmonds' bill passed. Mormondorn in the mesn while is spreading in Idaho, and when Northern Idaho is connected with the new State to be oreated out of Washington, Mormons will control Idaho. They are also becoming strong in Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, and bow tp put down their power and annihilate their pernicious influence is a question that taxes the ststesman ship of the wisest and best ia Congress aad out of it. The world will Hot be happy until some one has Invented a dumb bar. ber. The dumb waiter has long wai ted for a companion. Tbe cockney buiided better than be knew, when, in referring to his r- cso tly deceased boarding mistress,, he said: "Please to hes hashep." m Idiuise Miuhel is to spend her six im prison ineut st Clermont. Bernhardt grows plump in affce of bard work, and it will ke nec essary to invent new jokes about her Mr. Dennis Kesrney bas gone to Has bWocasoe, finding tbst the olimste ef the blast does not sgree with bis throat. He will so back in a few weeks te sneak ia Faneuil Hall. Tne King of Siam has bed a new ring made sud will wear it once a year when be appears utBolsllf as Head uf enw Must Indisn Buddhists. The central .tone is one and a quarter inches in m diameter, snd is encircled by a ittby, an emerald, a sapphire sad fire other stone. The Kmimror snd tbe imperial family of Rome were addressed ss majesty, and so were the popes and tbe emper ors of Germsny. Chsrlss I. ef Spain took tbe style when he was made Em peror of Germany, and Francis 1. used it when addressing Henry VI 1 1, on tbe Field of tbe Cloth of Gold. Kx Seoxtor Davis baa a neighbor who dares not call oa him. Several yean ago the neighbor's little daughter, Eunice, only five years of age, waa taken out calking near tbe beautiful home of Judge David Davie. When she came borne sba told her father where she hsd been, and be esked ber if she hsd sown Judge Davis. "No," she lisped, "I walked all ft round there and I didn't see tbe Judge Davie on tbe fence." 01 course somebody told tbe story, and now the neighbor stsys at hutmv Mate. Frany Grose, who wss at the bead of the ambulance of tbe Hotel de Vtlle during tbe France-Prussian war, bas been made a Knight of tbe Legion of Honor. She waa n skilled nuts, and performed several surgical opera tions ber self during the campaign ; but Thiers refused her tbe n' mon the pretence that ber good luck infl'tenoed the doctors to Ktske rejiorts in ber favor. Prof. Alexander Graham Bell has devoted a greet deal of time recently to tbe preparation cf a Ubliograidiv of sleetricitv. with a view to facilitate tb i hkm of srhmUno inveatisatms He has gathered in l be library at the, top I of his hsudsome home ou S.?oit Ciiclr, ( Washington, the titles a u,i)00 books, j pamphlets and shert itic) ou sine tricity, snd has only begun ths codec tlm. uuKtiv sraran The American Iijiirr sstft tbst a protective tariff ia one tbst mskee pro k section its msin object, cr at leaat one of its leading objects. While revenue may be one of tbe objects io the tariff of the Republican party, yet protection is not only one of ite objects also, but its leading and controlling object. On tbe other hand tbe Democratic tariff is levied for revenue, and while it is Isvied for revenue, and that is its object, it can be so levied on imports which com pete with home production as to srTord incidentsliy protection and encourage ment to home industry. So that the distinction between the Democratic tariff and tbe tariff of the Republican party Is this : while the latter makes protection its object, and indeed, its leading object, tbe Democratic tariff makes revenue ite object, aad protec tion simply sn incident resulting from discriminations as to the srtiolee of m port on which it it levied. W here fore, it is plain, tbst the Republicsn tariff is the protective tariff, and the Democratic tariff is tbe revenue tariff. And the revenue collected to support the Federal Government has become so Urge tbst mere incidental protection will afford all the encouragement to home indsutry snd labor, whiob is needed, without producing monopolies. Hers is the distinction between the two partiee on this subject. Tbe mere in cidents! protection of the Democratic revenue tariff should never be confound ed with the protective tariff of tbe Re publics party, which makes protection its main or a leading object. Tbe protective peliny of tbe no-called Republican party builds up mooopoliea and factitious interests,- and gives un just advantage to a few over the many. And became upon these grounds the Democracy opposes tbe protective jwlicy of tbe Republican party, the free trade men step in snd try to get tbe Democracy to repudiate even the incidental protection of the Democratic revenue tariff, which, while it encourages and protects home pro ductive industry and labor sufficiently, does not build up monopolies or give unjust sdvantages to the fov ovr the many. These things must not be con founded ; that is, the protective policy of the Republicsn party roust not be confounded with the mere incidental protection in the Democratic revenve tariff, which ia essential to the prosper ity of the material business interests of the country. Why don't they import an English dude into t is country? Because Yankee dude'U do. inters iats. In Hindoo fairy stories tbe bsder sons arc buried alive in i borne. Tbe plume worn by Henry IV. at I vry is preserved st Frobedori. It is V w blsok, in spite of tbe poems snd leg. ends. The Germans have borrowed i Chinese device, aad now equip their carrier pigeons with an attachment of small reeds, through which the wind whittles and scares off birds of prey. The tax levied on sslt throughout the Indian Empire Is 9O0O mr m. Ii ing forbidden to extract salt even from the earth at tbe bottom of dry aalt pools, the very poor cat the earth itself. The Argentine fox when caught ia a trap, or run down by dogs, fights with fury at first, but afterwards simulates death so wall as to deceive tbe doge and any man who baa not seen the trick before. Montenegrins ere so devoted to their country tbet even the criminals cannot be persuaded to run away, although tbe only prison bss no door whstever Tbe prisoners wster ths prince's garden and exercise hie horses every day and then go back to prism According to a Belgium paper the relative extent to which certain coun tries ere addicted to tobacco is as fol lows : For England, France and Russia, ; for Italy, 7 ; for Cuba, 11 ; for Austria, 14 , for Germany and Noith America, 15 ; for Belgium, 24 ; and for Holland, 26. The cassowary catches fisb by wad ing into tbe wster, spreadisex and sub merging its ruffled wings sml slaying quite edit, f be fish mistake iu feath ers for a weed in which tbey are socus Umed to shelter th esses! res, and swim In among them. Then tbe bird doses its wings, straightening its feathers, steps ashore, shakes out tbe feathers end dines. Prof. Liebermaan stated before tbe Berlin Association for Commercial Pro gress that in tbe year 181 there were distilled at Baku about 1,4000,000 tons of raw uspbtbs, which gave about 180,- 000 tone of illuminating oila. In tbe fmoUT7 M 22,000 tOUSof eaisUng oils were produced in 180, j0 000 tons in 181, snd 90,000 tons ! a en a ,n fJ there is a ceste lower than t he Pst is lis, tbe Rodiy as, whose cattl are belled to mark them out from others, and v ho, when on tbe road, have to shout to warn any one who may be coming towards them. Even below tbe Rodtjaa are tbe barbers snd betel-box makett snd the Rodiyea who csn only communicate witb men of a higher caste through a representative sppointed them by lh3 common hang man, tie up tbeir dogs to prevent them from running into a barber's but, and thence bringing pollution to their ter. MLKV ITKSla. Halsxy, Oa., Aug. 22, 13. '. IMmocrat: I egain sharpen up. my pencil and endeavor to collect a few ideas which msy enlighten some of your many read era. Tbe city of Halsey is quite lively st tbe piesent time, witb farmer hauling and atoriog e.way their grain at our town. William Jewet, sou of Mrs Jewet, of Halsey, who bss been very low for some time, started for Portland last Tuesday where he will remain for awhile, and will without a ddubt recov er and return to bis home at Halsey. Mrs. Thompson, of this town, who bss been quite siek for a long time, is recovering slowly. Car. back now. We ere glsd to live in a judicial dis trict presided over by a judge who has back-bone and that is just the esse with Judge Hanna. An officer of his court disobeyed s temporary writ of injunction issued to stay a mandate of the Supreme Court until argument could be beard in a oaae Urn, impeaoh ed the integrity of Justice .Lord, The Supreme Court with bast that lacked decency and showed petulant irritation nstead of the cool judgment expected of the august tribunal ordered the hes itating Sheriff to enforce iu mandate and be did so at the risk of contempt for the court that he waa primarily bound to obey. Judge Hanna bas properly resented this indignity by or dering the Sheriff to undo what he has done in the premises, and has imposed a fine on the party for whom the Sheriff was scting. Tbe Supreme Court might have hsd decency and dignity enough to await the result of the oomplaint against one of its members but it did not and we commend" Judge Hanna for ssserting ths dignity and jurisdiction of his own court a i he should. Oregon SentineL The prize-fighter is a good deal like Sbylock. He jjoea In for a pound of flesh. NO. 5. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. KWtKD ar ran Woaei'i Chriiliin Ttmaeriicf iaiii vex fen li, van nrr No principle bas ever yet been en eeted into American law embodying our true ideal of popular government more than prohibition in Iowa. A Democratic legislature years ago (about im) passed a clean cut prohibit or v liquor law in there, and though not nerbtd ha eaelra it tka aSaAaa-! wss submitted, for confirmation, to tbs popular vote, snd the people of the State, then living Isrgeiy in the river counties, said by a large majority, it wat right an1 mutt U nlrtmrwri, mwJ it was. Shortly afterward ft Republican leg- Ulatore yrelding to the lager 'W' delusion, snd th then prevalent rgnor- snoe of the eflW-t of the lighter alcoho lic, declared that "intoxicating liquors" in tbe Democratic prohibitory law muse not be taken to mean wine or beer, snd passed a vine and baser Wna, lew, under which the saloons of Iowa have ever since clsimed their privilege , t, ... of ranking paupers and criminals, and I doing HsUn'ft work generally. Verily, "history repnU itself." Kng. land, thirty years ago, tried tapering off ber intemperanoe on beer and pro ! vided more ready facilities for its cooftumption, and one of ber greateat - w ' - ... , Jt J Kutceeaen shortly afterward said that the Ubertng process bad sent the gov- ernroont "sprawling" where it hsd but "rooUsT before: and her urofound thinker and historian, Mr. Leckie, says to-day, tbst ber drinking customs are the "master curse" of her people. Tbst truly is "tapering" with a tngae. Last year tbe people of lewe, by s large majority, said that wine and beer license, snd any kind of a saloon h was s failure. uWt kav IrUd it and it won't V' "It don't protect anything but crime, or anybody but the criminal." Every amendment prayer, and song, and banner, and bal lot, aad glad hallelujah in Iowa last year said so. And now comes tbs Republican party into court, to answer the summons of tbe sovereigns for having thus laid violent hands upon that Democratic prohibitory law, and no cause to the contrary being shown, tbey bow te tbe popular verdict and promise to restore to tbe people the benign protection vouchsafed to their : homes, when uust the noopie," not. "trust the saloonkeeper," wss the ideal of Democracy in the North. The Republican party aaya tbftt it will jest undo whst they had no right; to do years ago in tbmr - wine and beer" special legislation. Tbst? tbey will stand from under and let tbe saloons drop into tbe pit dug by the Democracy of Iowa for them years ago. Yes, drop below the bape of resurrection. Tbey have found that inherently and dread fully wicked aa it is, and freighted with the secumulstions of the popular wrath and its own iniquity, it is too heavy a monstrosity for aoy party longer to hold up, unless tbt party wants to bo buried along witb it. It tbe mind snd heart of Iowa know bow to decide a matter lying so near to its home and individual life, upon un disputed facts and unquestioned testi mony, then prohibition is right. It teas right when the Democratic party there said so ; it is just as right now. It was right thundered from Sinai when the world was' young, snd it- will be right aa tbe divine reverberation ahall come from Iowa this fsll snd a fifty thousand majority shall more emphatically than aver and once again and for all time to come, say to the saloon keeper, "Thou shall not." Signal. The Utah W. C. T. U. held ite Ter ritorial convention during the first week of the present month. Tbe socie ty was reorganised by Miss Willard with tbe following officers in charge : Miss Lydia K. Paine, president, sbu w8 formerly tn the W. C. T. U. in Providence, R. I . , and ia an earnest hearted Christian teacher sent out by Rev. Dr. Gordon's church in Boston ; Mrs. Prof. Benner, recording secretary, (another teacher sent by tbe Congrega tional church ;) Mrs. J. A. Froisett (author of book on Mormoniam, of tbt Episcopal church,) corresponding secre tary ; Mrs. M. M. Hamilton, (Metho dist,) treasurer; Miss Mary Allen Ogden, vice president. The new organ isation starts out with good promise snd zeal. Another state legislature has yielded to the sppeal of tbe W. C. T, U. for scientific temperance instruction ic public schools. Tbe legislature of New Hampshire last week passed a compul sory temperance education bill without opposition, and the law will go into effect within a year. This makes three States which are enrolled on the side of future generations, Vermont, Mich igan and New Hampshire. Miss Wil lard's California campaign -netted" the W. C. T. 0. of that state THE STATE HUTS DEMOCRAT " Isrgael st-i Sftlajl rs faw Nwr Is the te'tf .14 e r-rv M4f abets fats t taw .TEE BE8f ADTIRflSIHfi M1DIUM Spedsl bnsiri notice invLrxal Cei mr, J.'. cnU per lino. Beamier JcxaJ ottoea io cents per tine. For lseal and tinimi KtvMtiMnMi . l 0 per square for the first insertion end Joentsper square for each subsequent Rates for other SefvertsesnewJe made known on application. over one thousand dollars, resulting from tbe collections taken at her meet- I1 sntasne was strenuously urged to uke and br own necessities snd work, but refdrred to leave it be hind her to continue the ministrations so well begnn. Signal, We call attention of tbe members of tbe W. C. T. U. to tbe course of read ing begun at the last meeting. The full benefit of these readings csn only be obtained by a regular attendance. k bw e,ected' witb improve.1 music, selections from the choice literature our course offers, and s greater degree of promptness in our devotions snd business, our meetings may be attractive ss well ss beneficial. Y. P. T. U. Prizes were offered at tbe Y. P. T. v wbo fJ oth.. The. the, has nearly expired, and tbe committee will see that the promised rewards aie given as promptly as pooeibln. How msny pupils will try to be A at each meeting during the next quarter ! If our friends are liberal at. tha nnM matltm mi A nm 9ft iU. or r t u mi t t s a L W. C. T. H. will be glsd to continue . : their offer. Tbe boys and girls of the Y. P. T. 0 . are returning the illustrated tracts received at their meetings that they w er may be given else where. We know of man v .-1. i IA rjkn bKa wilt ti aimA y J . . . , -J77 . them, and, boys and git Is, this is an excellent way of doing temperance work. Do not forget to write your name upon each paper before returning it, so that tbe one receiving it may know the giver, and also that yon am a friend of temperance. Is tbe plan not worthy of imitation by older worker. Let earnest, practi cal, temperance literature be saved t iA awed in our work. Tbe Oatsshlema on Alcohol diatnbu. ted to tbe members of tbe Y. P. T. U. have become scattered among tbe famn lies of the town. Tbey are greaUy needed at the xeesHings, snd tbe Super riabea them ret rued. Let boy or -girl who has a copy bring it to tbe nest saesHing at tbe V. P. C. A. Hell, ssapi. g, with tbe season for tbe day thoroughly learned. She wishes to ens both pupils and books. a susrscn wonn Perhaps the beat abused word in liee "frofeseor' There p- iesrs to be a mania for attaching it to all sorts sad conditions of men. Time wss when the word carried with it a certain significance, but nowadays tbst significance ia found only in ire insigni ficance. A fledgling of one and twenty, who, to use the expression of E,hrim Smooth, "rubbeth th hair of the horse sgainat tbe bowels of tbe ca or, in -ether words, plays the fiddle, is dubbed a professor ; the bruiser, whose only ambition in to knock out of all semblance of humanity the face of his opponent, is a "professor of the manly srt ;" the negro who polishes ycur loots for the munificent remuneration of ve cents is perforce a professor ; the col lector of the city's garbage and the driver of tbe street-sweeping machine are professors: snd so also is tbe operator to whose tender mercies jou submit your chin to be reaped, with ee rious misgivings concerning tbe safety of your throat, and ao on, ad infinitum. This msy bo all right, for it ia a level ing age, and what right has- any man, no matter what hia moral or intellectual standing, to possess and enjoy a title which bis fellow-man, no matter bow fejr down in tbe social scale he may be. bas not tbe same right to appropriate ? But, for all that, tbe indiscriminate use of the word borders on absurdity, and if there ia any significance whstever in tbe use of tbe title ; if it carries witb it any particular honor, or if -it ia symbol ical of any special fitness aa applied to tbe teachers of any of the liberal arts and sciences, then it should be applied only to those who are entitled by high intellectual standing to rightly wear it Numerous eompiakite have been re ceived recently at tbe Treasury 'Depart ment, especially from Eastern manufac turers, that at least three rates of duty sre collected by custom officers of the United States on steel wire Intended for fencing purposes. With a viw to remedying the evil, tbe Commissioner of Customs has instructed Collector uf Customs to forward to him the rates of duty charged on this article, snd a decision will be given far a uniform tariff. Massachusetts seems to be most interested in this question, as a' I tbe manufacturers engaged in the wise in dustry in that State have filed protests against tbe action of the customs officers. An ignorant Arab being asked how be knew anything of tbe existence oi a God, replied: Just as I know by tbe tracks in the satod wht t ier a h n t has passed there; so when I survey the heaTena witb its bright sums, and the earth with its production.", do I feel tbe existence and power of Qcd