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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1883)
j&tmmt THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED KVSBV FRIDAY a lasts ef aar paper I f rartasd. and are is the STITES & M TT1NG. THE B88T ADTEETI8HB MEDIUM llll MFFH KU Bteaaeoeat Balldlngsa Special business notices In Local Oat, BrwulilMt wmi. arnns 15 osnts rr tins. rWni.r ottoea 10 eent per line. For lrtrS.l an1 t rn.Un (.mnn - mm or subscription fi Pf qtiare for the first insettton and ao cent per square for sack snbseqnent sSosl copy. Pr jrw, in aUvaooe... S3 BO ataxia imv, par year, at end ot yrer .. S 00 ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1883. stogie epT mmiHi t ow OL. XIX. aiaste stasM i NO. 4. lusenioo. Hates for Other tdvarttaamnnlt m-Ho OOBT, WW BMUM a ma bar iv known on application. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT mm ik. la a ! e Irr rr s"-"tll . ..'V" fsiTwiT'. 1 ssaei '' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. rUXIC. O. V. CBAMBmtAUf. FUXN & CHAMBERLAIN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. BBTOffloe in Foster's Brick Wook.-s vl5ul8tf. . . k R. 8. 3TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany Oregon. WILL PRAOTICS IN ALL TUB Court of this State. Will give special attention to collection and probata matter. Office in Four's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public Office u over John Brings store, vln23tf 1st J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (JiOTABT PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, alkaby. emscas. VlflLL W Ste PRACTICE IN ALL THE COl'RTB OF THE tie. Special attention aires to eoltsetioBS sad probate aiatter. CTOfflea la Odd FMUWt Temple. (!:; J. 0. POWmLL. W. R. BILTKO POWELL & BILYV, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. ... OREGON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jnTOffiee In Foster's Brick.- vital'. E. K. SKIPWORTH, ATTOBsEl tB COt SAT-LOB AT LAW AXB BOTAKY rt BLK. WILL practice in sll Courts of the State IM business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OEr ta O Toole s Block, Broatlatbtn Stmt, 45yl Albnnt, Ortaom. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney And Counsellor At Lav -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail of the Courts of thisState. All business Intrusted to hi m will be promptly attended to. jBWOffice in OToole's Block. E. W. LANCDOH & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY 2DRTTC3- STORE, ijl 4JJB4.BY. WKECe. FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ALB AX Y, OK EGOS. 16n41tf REVERE HOUSE, Cora-. First and EUa worth AIBaay, eregosu Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This near Uole! is fisted tsaln first class style. Tab Us applied with the bast tf.e market aaTords. Bfrtaw Beds in every Boost. A rood SsaiBls Booaa for Com- iTrsTeiars. I) ANNALS & WOODIN MaxtrracrrBza urn Muiaa n FURNITURE i REDDING. Ferry sad seraad Streets. ALBANY, OREGON. vlftoslyl a 1 . T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Dkxocra-. office. DBS. ). W. & MARY T. COLL Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY. OREGON . OBer their professional services to the citizens of Lxuu snd adjaqpt cxsintUi. Office and residence corrter of fourth and Broa da Ibi n tt rests. Aloany Bath House. - itflE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT j fally ial'orm the eitixeaa of Albany and ri aiaity that I bavetaken charge of tBia KsUblssh meat, and, by keeping elsaa room and payia itriet attention to bosineaa, expects to salt al thote who nay favor us with their patronage flaring heretofore carried on nothing sat Ftrst-CUsa Hair Dr sssiue Saloons expect to giro entire tatitfaetion to al rCfldien aod Ladies' Hair neatly en haapooed. JOR WEBBER. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALR4IT, OB. To First Term begins on Toes day, .September 11, 1883. For particulars concerning the conrses of study and the price of tuition, apply to REV ELS EST X. CO KB IT. Presraeat. RED CROWN MILLS. 1S0M, LANXIXti & CO., PROPR'S. KKW PROCESS FLOCK .SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES ASP BAKERS C9E. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest JPrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HAL8EY HOUSE. Halsey - - Oregon. If R. J. H. CROOKS HAS TAKEN jjm. cbarjre of this house. Commodious tmple rooms have been prepared for commercial travelers. Beds good and clean. Good table. Board by day or week. Stage leaves daily for Brownsville and CrawfordBville. SMITH & McCartney, CCES0RS TO MoCOY & J2LLERT DEALER Ml as ' Drugs, Chemicals, a Perfumery, dtati ionery, tai Froman's Block. Ibany.Or. Phywifiinis prescrip tions oaretully preparetl dayt or night- JOHN SCHMEER, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Albany, Oregon. Horses kept on .reasonable terms. Horses and buggies let to soil toe times. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. P KKIVQ AM) UOHNt. AIM, ortsoi and furniture specialty All hauling within t be city p ptly attended to. LOUIS CAMPEAU'8 Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept In good condition, and hair cnt in the very best style. SA WA Vl. LAUXDBV AM) CHINA UCRCUAN'ISINC M'Sl NEBS. Rice, tea sad Jipsneea rssla. Latm' underclothaa, add at botiota prirva. Omlrartee far China tabor. EfNext to Cltt Bank. HENQ TENG. Best washing and ironing in toe city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door asuth of Revere House. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL UNERY GOODS. OPPOSITE iREYERE HOUSE. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - Proprietor. Opposite Revere Boose Shaving and hair drowning done In first class styie. First-class hfth rooms. Bath for ladies snc gentlemen t all hoars. Terms reasonable. '83 A GRAND COMBINATION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY 000 RIER-JOl RN A L. One rear for only W.-'jO. Two paprea for little mor than the prica of one. By paying ttaftS.SO) on will receive far one year your home paper with the "Oiorier Journal," the rspreeentstive nawapapcr ol the South, Democratic aud for a tariff for revenue only, and the bet,triirh- a and ablest family weekly in the United States. sew ho desire to examine a asmpie copy of the urier Journal" can do so at this office. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. 13,205,326 Premium income , 2 607,130 Safe', reliable and quik to pay in case of loss. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, SCW BISIM DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. Tk BALERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH If ES. Keep a full lire of jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired in first-class order. SCIO mm OREGON. We Ufa IHORJROW, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. 8CI0 - OBECOH. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. K EEP A FULL LINK OF 1'UKK Groceries, lresh candies, nuts, ana all kinds of oonfectiouariaa, tobaico, cgars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce ol an kinds. SCIO, OREtiON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, . SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LETTTNGS SO LICITED. Plans and specifications furnished on short notice: fWAL - HWHSL. a 11 srsaa rerssaaa . POWDER Absolutely Pure. intt pow ur newr vi A msrvst of purity U..i n..ii.iutil Ihau araoath ' -ft -tirtiiniinssi Mora seooossiral ih the ordinary kinda, and c-ui..t ba tnld In cusspetiUiui tu taa uiuttUud o low taet, thurt waisBt, slum or phuaphaia p.arara. H..ld . n.y In r,,. ;. in ran. KoT at. iUKtHrtrMwiitac. 100 Wall .t , N. V. LYD1A E. PINKHAM'S VE&ETABLB 4 Hare sra fer aU FEMALE WEsti.. EMM EM, laelaatec Leaeaerbsra, Jr. Fatetai 3t -realise. I lrcralUrt sf the VFsssh. Fteaalsa, FRO- LAP8TIS ETEJU, rr. to tSa tm. ttttmei isi ss4 tsaaaiata a lUefftct. It U s gTa half la afas?, astf r -Braw pala darta tabor as4 at rcsir prrtos FBttirun rsc rr its rarsraiat rr mntr. fjr FjS six Waasjrsssss ot the a.aaiatl.a ursaa. t SBJBbb vs. H toaMMwliaao rasr thai BM ssat Uas bafor th BjMBj Md far ad dlw. cf hm Knurm HUO. OrmUm Md i tm IS. Swfcj. J1TK IONE V COttFEAINTM af EUber Bex IM Great Ksttrfta Ita fjaa. i.vuit v Ftsicna-s ai.oon r unit u BMod.a' issawsaUaia ul gtf '"S- af.d .imrt t lit .rm-J rat rrr cttr- NulMtt (rwn ik. ikeeysaav. aeaeeBeeea wiB sstss Osj trTAatfcCvMafed ad flWkd rartfirr r r awaS aa aa asal a Wiairs ATrs. lra. Bsc Frtrsaf sBBsaj si. s j botu . tr sa thr OkaisasB mt by raaC in cha fmn of palm. -r of Umrgw. m rar-a'pt efffSSSSj St par has far n r. Mr. Iakb rrariy aiw all latars af SSfsOy. Baar IwO srr- s.t few tauxtj'-1. SJaaBsa thi Vfse. m n ,n. anc t f ' Fasre ear fna nrtsasAar rit fre TUTY'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these eoorcea arise thrve (our the diseases of the aaraan race. l it. syro punas Indicate tbetresistaBoe i iLoaa or AppetUe, fjssfsle eoeU ve, Mick VSeasU sssva, fMUaesa mlUr eattaar, aeerataat to sasrtiost ot body ear mlod, BBrsMtaeteit or rooa, irrftootUty aa taaaaer. jLosr spirtte, A taaltsMT sir BuaetM atsajlecAed some duty, UtsaJjteee.riattsHnaBt tkc Bsart.Doia MeiMre the eyes, hiably col ored VrtM, cosiarrEPATlOBfT and de xoaod the nse of a remedy taat acta diroetry ontbsIdTer, Asali r er tued telnsTPT F'B FrLLM itare no equal. Their action on tbo Kidneys and hkln is also prompt ; retnorln;: all impurities Unohajh these three sear rnajers af Use eystisa." producing appo tite, sonnd dieetlon, regnlsr stoolta elear KklnaodartBonmsDOdy. TCWS PILLM caose no nsqaaa or griping nor lutt-rfcrc witn daily work ami are a pence in- stantiy pUcatlf on of this DTBi Bold by Druja or sent loeVMarray fltreet, Keaork. ' Omoerdt MarTay Htreet, near xonr. Tan a mknuiifmmnmtm fuel psopiesrs slrsyv the lookout for ehan tm to karcas ; tlwae ; and in time become rove their opnortuni- ta ke money. We wsa many m"n, woman, liofi and in in rw oner a great rbsace to g Is to work for ta right in their own lncaiiiioa. Any one can do the work properly from ths ftrat Urt. The bosinwta will pay more than tan times ordinary wages. Eapensire outflt fornahed free No one who engsgs fails to make money rapidly. You can de vo e your whole time to the work, or only your spars moments. Fall informrtion sad sll that ia needed sent free. Addrene Srrtaos A Cy., Portland, Maine. BUAEDIAN ASSURANCE CO., OF ' LONDON,' ESrAf&IFftnX A. D. 1821. Capital subscribed, .. Capital paid up aeetee $10,000,000 .see 5,000,000 Notk. This company has the largest Said up capital of mpany doing asiness In the United States. Insurance aocepted by Rout. A. Fostfr, ARtof Albany. A week made st home by the In dostriou. Best buaincm now he fore the public, Caplul not needed . We wtileUr you. Hen. women, ooya ann nri waniaa every where to work for. us.. Bow is the time. Von can work in HMtre time, or give your whole time to the busiassf . No ottter business will pay you nearly ss well. No one can fail to make enormoua pay, hy en gaging at once. Costly outflt and term free. Money mads fast, eerily, and honorably. Address Tri k & Co., Augusta, Maine. SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also tbo FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AMP All WKDIW NOTIONS. . : y Keeps the finest billard hall in the city. I will also sell real estate, merchaidise household goods, etc., at auction for any one in the cltyor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. SAM COHEN- HfXf a week in your own town. Terms 5UU and f5, outfit free. Address B. aixbtt k Co. . Portland, Maine . BBBBBBBkv BBBWBHBBBBBBBBBBUBBBr .BF feWkUH C AOmJ 0HrSj( t QtCwKTHIZ wiwjns THE MOPE Off ' "VWOMAriSiBTHE HACtW TUTr8 GBAY ILUB OB tilxiSi WXSX3 I Hits WBIB FLAY TU fSAM "I want something ner in tba Ian cers line," said a young countryman, as be entered a music store Iba oilier da. "They're going to have a barn warning at 'Buire Benton's next weak, and i want the latest thing out. I oa,Mmd.mtiir, no f want you ta iok out the liveliest t you'vo for me "t'uultl you tall what you you bear it played f Hbbf H plsred t Why, who's going to play it f fV court I could teHuf ' Umo, Miss Mollis," called of I the dealer, "please pkny these three aejs of Isncers Tor the gentleman.' This way, sir, aieaee," s.,J Mk Molhe, a rery pretty and ptaaaant (oken young person, ai ibe walked towards the rear of tbe store, followed by tbe youog countryman. Hue ofwned an upright piano, and dashed off one lancers after another. ""unas I'll take them alt three," aaid tbe countryman, "and I gaees tbe folks would like it if you'd came op and play for tbeto. That is. sll but Msrla I .ark ins would ike it Bbea to play herself, and it would tusks ber kind of mad like to bave you ibere She can't force tbe tune as you can. But no matter about Maria. I guess Benton's folks would be glad to bare you up." "Well," aaid Miss Mollie, "I don't want to hurt Miaa Mafia's feelings, and I'm afraid I'm wanted here, but my sister will be glad of a obance to go. She plays for pat ties." "Can aba swoop down on tbr tune ss steady as you can t" "Steadier," said Mies Mollie, with a laugb. And that's bow ber aister came to spend Sundsy in tbe country witb Benton's folks. "Are there many dealers who employ musical clerka to play tbe piano 1" we asked. "A good aaany," be replied. "Vou sue a groat many customers can't tell a tune by reading it from tbe aheet. They have to beer it." "But wouldn't tbey lake it on your recomciendation V "Tbey might. But you see Miaa Mollis baa just sold three sets of lancers to that youog fellow. I could bave aold bim only one. go it paya to en gage some one to play." Just then a young lady entered the store. 'I wss buying something next door,'' sbe said, 4nd beard some one plsying in here. I'd like to buy the tone I beard plsycd. " "Does tbat often happen 1" asked the reporter of tbe dealer. 'Very often. So often tbat when business is slack I get Miss Moltio to plsy on the piano. Tbat attracts cus tomers." "Can Mies Mollie sing V "So, she doesn't sing. It's very difficult to find a clerk wbo eau plsy and sing, too. Of course, singing would attract many more, but I doubt if the profit wouldn't be eateu up by tbo extra sum I would ghave to pay a siuger. I think a pianist is more satis factory." "Do you pay clerks who play the piano higher wages than ordinary clerks r "Ob, yea. That'a only just. There's Miaa Mollie. She's aorth at least $10 a week more tban an ordinary clerk. Sbe used to plsy for dancing at evening parties. Now ahe can make almost as much here without haviug to be up late at night. Her sister plays for parties, and in Summer manages to get a good many engagementa out of town." Juat then somebody asked for a waltz, and the dealer turned to serve bim. This customer bad hardly depart ed when another entered and said to Miaa Mollie : "I'd like tbe 'Misery from Trov store.' " Tbe reporter watched Miss Mollie witb admiration as, without a moment's hesitation or the trace of a smile, ahe banded down the "Miserere." "Do people often make mistakes like that?" "Ob, yes," she answeted. Some times tbey don't come so near the title. Tbey ask for the 'Misery' without mentioning 'Tro vatore.' Von wouldn't believe it, bnt somebody once asked for the 'Convict's Song,' sod they often want the 'Prison Tune,' all of which etaud for the 'Miserere.' " "Do they ever get the singer or plsy. er mixed up witb the composer ?" "I've often had them oorae in and ask for 'that pretty song of 'Cainpan iniV or Nilsson's,' called 'Coming Through the Rye.' But tbe most ridi culous feature of the business is that they always seem to think I've been to the opera the night before. 'Can you .et me have that song Galassi sang lattt night when he put bis bead down and butted like a bull Y That'a a question that's often asked. Everybody who asks it wants the Toreador's song from Carmen.' Of course tbey think that I saw Galahsi at tbe Academy the night before." "Don't they sometimes get tbe keys WTOD t" "Well, I ahould say ao. The other day a lady cam e in here and aaid I 'Can you lea me bave tbe first duet he ft ween PbyRia sud Strephon in the first act of 'lolanthV in tao fiats 1' " " 'I am aorty,' I repliod, 'but tbe duet ia in D major, two akarpa.' " " That'a too bad,' she aaid. T can't sine in two shsrps. I've only learned to sing in two flats.' " "I Suppose caany of your customers buy only danee mimic f ' "Most of them. And it's really re markable how rabid these peoplo are. Tbey think everything ought to be turned into a dance for them. Tbey want 'Lucia' wait, ' 'aroteo' polkas, Trovatora' lancers.". "Do you have customers who come in and expect you to tell v. hat tltey want from a vague description of tbt music ?" "Any number of them just aak for tbe bird or the bell piece. There are about 300 of each kind. We have Monastery Bells,' 'Crystal Bells," 'Kvening Bella,' in fact, all kinds of bells, except dumb bells. Others really bave no idea what they want. Tbey just come in and lck over the music until tbey come across something that stiikes their fancy. Sosae people buy a piece simply because tbey like tbe picture on the title page."' Just then a young man entered sud asked for tbe song with tbe picture of "fallow and bis girl in a boat," and Miaa Mollie a as obliged to look through a stack of sheet music. Sew York Sun. i mat a raT The old smiths bad a tradition tbat the beat sword blades should be cooled in mountain streams. PdXton derived bis plan for con atructing tbe roof of tbe Crystal Pslaoe "from the leaves of tbe Victoria ijfia. The Kngtiah straahet t-w told in Paris at the very Wgiuuing of tbe season come from lij.s sent by the Princess Victoria to Louia Philippe. At an elevation of two miles above tbe level of the era una msy read by tbe light of the atara, and many not aeen at a lower elevation become visi ble. n ' v snciVnt I abit of w.lli,,g up crim- insla alive. They build brick about tbem snd pillar of pour mortsr around their beads. Tbe in tst costly pbsrmscetitical pre paration in tbe market is tbe Dresden ergotine, the active principle of ergot of rye. Tbe manufacturers' price is $.150 a grain. In a petrified forest of 300 acres extent recently discovered in tbe Busk skin Mountains on the Arizona side of the Colorado River, there are treea twenty inches in dismeter, and not a leaf of vegetstion which is not turned to atone. Tbs) trade in Manila Cheroots has bean almost ruined by tbe manufacture of cbeap American cigars called by the same name, and New Kngland is the only (tart of tbo United States in which the latter is now smoked to sny ex tent. The dome of the new Paris observa tory will bo floated In a trough filled with sn squeous solution of chloride of msgnesium, which will not freeze, aud ill pteservrt the equilibrium of tbe dome even if the building should settle unequally. It is repot ted tbat there arc seventy live stock laugusges and H)0 well marked dialects in North America, each oue with a philosophic system of its own. Tbe men wbo intends to "know bis own country before visiting others" is not likely to have to engage his steamer passage thia year. The number of watches msde in Besancon last year fell one short of half a million. It seems a pity that some body did not sit up all night to finish another, for then it would have been possible to say tbat tbe number made in 1881 was exactly ten per ceut of tbat made thia year. A CiOOD Ml 1.1 No rule of economy is sounder than this, namely, " Never buy anything that you do not want." Most things purchased at retail cost at least one fourth more than they can be bought for at wholesale). And if it Is sought to sell them to dealers, or to the per sons from whom tbey were bought, this fact .will speedly bo made mani fest. Hence, about a fourth of what is paid for the unnecessary goods is piratically thrown away, not to men tion the deterioration of the articles bought lhroueh lapse of time and change in tastes.. The money Invest ed has passed forever out of the hands of the buyer. It brings no return. It has been even more foolishly disposed of than was that of the servant refer red to In the Scriptures, who buried bis talent. Persons who desire to b?- come wealthy can hardly hope with reason tnat there wishes shall be re alized unless they follow this rule. ncwb ib nai i An Irishman having moved West, and to a newly settled country where rainy weather was quite prevalent, wsa asked by aa old acquaintance from Minnesota bow he liked it. "Oob, sure I and I like it firat rat. Vou can take up a handful of tbe rich soil and aquaze the very fat out of it." Tbe farmers near Kalamazoo, Mich., are getting slightly exasperated over tbe destruction of their sbeep by prowl ing dogs. Lately tbey organized a hunting arty, followed tbe dogs and shot them, even when tbey bad return ed to their owner's ysrd. The internal revenue receipts daring BBSS iaatgJ year were $4,5rt,9$t, which was collected at a cost of about 5, 120,000. Competent judges, taking depart ment reports to tbe Government aa fa basis, estimate the value of domestic so i rases annually destroyed by wolves ia European Russia at IA ,000,000 rub les, or about 4)1 2,000 jOOO. To this great sum must be added' the value of the wild animals which tbe wolves kill, tbe reindeer in Siberia alone represent ing a bigb figure. Tbe annual loss of human life is never accurately known, but in 1875 tbe police reported 101 persons killed by wolves. Prom 250 to .100 cats are destroyed weekly during tbe warm season in Philadelphia by tbe agent of tbe Wo man's Branch of tbe City Itefuge for Lost and Suffering Animals. They are not drowned, but suffocated witb char coal gas. Last year no fewer than 7151 unhappy cats were thus put be yond reach af tbe slings sod arroaa of ootiageoua fortune. A rare case is tbat of Andrew Car negie of Pittsburg, bead of tbe largest iron manufacturing concern in thia country. After accumulating a great fortune, be has returned to bis nstive Scotland, and it is said will aeek for election to Parliament. Tbe weather suddenly besoming cool a Smyrna (Tenn.) man put one of bis shirts on a pet sheep tbat bad been sneered a few daye before, buttoning tbe color around tbe neck. Then things became lively. All the dogs in tbe neighborhood ran in full pursuit after this nondescript object. H ah ted . cattle bellowed, and auoerstitiouB j mmmrgum mwmimttmmA . .,) Am rd'. sake, at the sight of tbe sbirted sheep The jioor sbeep, not knowing what to make of all this, ran all the harder and it baa not been aeen aince. Tbe smoke of tbe envine on the Green Mountain Railway at Mount Desert can be aeen on a clear day from Belfast, forty-five miles distant. Bubiic bodies throughout the coen. try are speaking out rather plainly in protest against tbe refusal of tbe sever al telegraph companies to make the slightest effort for a eompiomiae of tbe prevailing difleren'xe. Tbe Unitarian church in Bolton, Mass., has been built more than ninety years, and it baa never been resbingled. The shingles upon it sre yet in good condition, and the roof is water-tight. Bermuda is again dissatisfied with her birds. A quarter of a century ago, crots were imported to the island aa scavengers ; but instead of pursuing what wss supposed to be their natural tastes and following their regular busi ness they took to eating planted grain and destroying the crops. Tue Ber muda Government offered a premium of twenty-fit o cents a bead for crows, and the fowlers made a good thing of killing tbem. Later, Bermuda wanted English sparrows, and imported them on their reputation of being death to bugs and worms. But the Bermuda sparrows have driven off the native red and blue birds, and now the Legisla ture ia petitioned to exterminate tbe Engliah sparrows. Col. King of Texaa baa aold his ranch and cattle, near San Antonio, for 4, 000,000 to an English syndicate. This is said to be the largest ranch in tbe world. The United States conaumea more lemons in a year than all other coun tries combined. Russia ccms next. The custom the Russians have of drink ing their tea with a slice of lemon in it accounts for the large consumption there. Posters are placarded at Chinato n, at San Jose, Cel., printed in Chinese, calling for volunteers in the Chinese army, in anticipation of war with France. The posters specify a prefer ence for those- who bave been in con tact with Europeans, and offer rewards to thoaa who enlist 50, 100, or 500 men. A miller in a German mill, engaged in digging out flour, underminned the heap too far, and it fell over on him. When extricated he was quite dead. It is seriously proposed that several of the-European powers should unite in the suppression of Mohammedan pil grimages to Mecca by occupation of the Holy City, which is so charged with pestilence almost always, and which sends so freauentlv the scourge of chol- I ' ' - s f I era over Ezypt and the east. The remedy suggested is a dsrinr one. It might came a U rrible war. But some thing has to be done very soon. Judge Blodgett, of tbe United States! Distiict Court at Chicsgo, fo a recent bank case, decide! that "tbe atock-1 holders of tbe bank are liable for debts of the smount of ihnir stock, snd tbstliant phosphorescence, far surpassing inuiviauai suits to recover on tbis lia- t.llit.. ....n t. '.I ... I ymu , l omiufurca wtuiont ibe I intervention of a receiver." j By Lie laws of Milan in 1233 every physician was obliged to own a borne. I To remove fish-bones from tbe tbroat I Professor" Vololini, at Breslae, recom-1 mends a gargle composed of muriatic acid, four parts , nitric acid, one part, j and wster, 240 parts. The teatk kaea I tko be protected by lard or oil. The I fish-bones become" flexible, and they disappear entirely after a short time. Tbe average life of French women ia aafd to be thirteen years longer than that of French men. A Dakota paper remarka that "it costs $11,000, for a msh to get a mod erate outfit for farming in - Iowa, but all a woman ueeds to run a homestead in Dakota is an oil-stove, three bens and a rooster." The five little ostrich chicks firat hatched at the farm at Anaheim. Cat., bave died. A new and improved in cubator baa arrived at tbe ostrich ranch and 100 eggs have been placed tborein. In the town of Traer, la., the City Council posts a list of drunkards in every saloon, and ordera tbe keepers to aell no drinks to tbem. Tbe absence of telegraph operators recalls tbe story of tbe old darky wbo, hearing the instrument click while tbe operator was away, stepped op to it, auu putting nix mouth close to it, t . .. . shouted witb all his nower of Iunsa "De oppabratab isn't b'vsn." Awsy back in the twelfth century, the vote of tbe rectors on tbe admuaion of candidates to tbe Bologna Uni versi ty was taken with white and black beans. It is now thoroughly believed by as tronomical and other scientific penona that the cclone epidemic ia caused by spots on tbe sun. A laborer in Haggentnacber's mill, Budapest, recently fell from a scaffold ing into a large heap of wheat, sinking at once np to tbe bips. Tbe more he struggled to get out, tbe deeper he sank, and within a few minutes he was totally covered. Before tbe other men could get bim out be was suffocated. The Montana definition of a 'Sabbath-day's journey" is the nearest good fishing gronnd. Senator Edmunds refused a nasa from the Northern Pacific Railroad,and paid all tbe expenses of his party dur ing his recent trip to Bozemsn. A novel sight in Iowa was the find ing of hundreds of dead birds, foreign to that neighborhood, upon tbe roof of houses and upon the streets. They are supposed to have been caught in the vortex of a Southern cyclone and hur ried North. D. H. Harmon has hatched some 160,000 salmon at Cold Spring hatching bouae, Norway, Me., tbis season. He put some 1 40,000 or so into Crooked River and the balance into the Lit; lr Androscoggin. He considers tbat be has bfd exceptionally good luck witb the young salmon, having batched about ninety-six per cent, of the eggs tbe fish commissioners sent him. A novel fishing experience was that of Capt. D. F. Overton of Norfolk, Vs. , wbo is in tbe menhaden trade. At Great Wicomico be hsd about 40,000 fish in bis seine, when, without warn ing, a whale at least thirty-five feet long, rose between the puree boats, and throwing the fish in every direction, carried away tbe entire centre ot the net. Tbe whaie then rose several times within ten feet of the crew and stupefied them by blowing water into their faces. A South Carolina Baptist church contains in its old record the expulsion of a woman for 'doing too much talk ing in tbe neighborhood." FXMMOSj POINT. Stockings headed in pearls are worn with white satin dresses. Grenadine and laoe dresses are more worn than any other material. The newest lace pins represent a mosquito crawling over a Japanese fan, with a moth on the edge. Black velvet bands of the narrowest are twisted about the hair four or five times. Ouly blondes wear them. Scarlet parasols are ornamented by rows of scarlet velvet, and sometimes by a ruffle of Spanish or guipure lace. It is now quite the fashion to hand paint your given name upon the handle or panel of your parasol, jronr pocket book, glove-top, etc. The newest slippers are made with square toes and are tied across the in step by a band of blaek velvet caught by a Rhine stone buckle. Garden hats covered with pale blue mull, with long strings of the same to tie in front, are very pretty. A bunch of moss rose-buds or lilies of the valley ornaments them. an i covered that when sulphur bf heated jost aofielently to combine slowly witb the oxygen of tbe air, but not high enough to enter into this combinsticn I with rapidity, it exhibits a very brill- that of bosphorns. me opinion is aaid to be gaining fTM f f f ' . ground among metallurgists that what ever mechanical strength is desirable, sn alloy is preferable to pure metal. One of the greatest obstructions to the saechanieal vaineof iron is its tendency to crystallize, the result being tbe same whether the article be a monster awn or a shin's cable. But tbis tew deocy of iron to crystallize may be pre- by the admixture of other aft. In a meant treatise Dr. L. Manou v rier, a French craniologist, states that the cranium is heavier in negro rseea than in any others tbat bave been sttt- ected to cotDrieon, ao tbat tbe pro. verbial thickness of the negro's skull has a founaatton in fact. Ibe Skulls of Papuans and natives of New Cale- lonia are heavier than those of Paris ians, while those of American abori gines and tbe Ben galeae are lighter. Tbe weight of tbe female cranium is about one-seventh less tban tbat of tbe male. Prof. Pocrtor reason that tbe moon hae grown old six times as fast as tbe earth, a comparison of the masses and radiating surfaces of the two bodies msking it evident tbat the earth's in ternal beat was originally sufficient to last six times as long as tbe moon's supply. On the very moderate assump tion, therefore, that only 12,000,000 if years have pegged since tbe earth snd tbe moon were at the same stage of planetary life, this setmnoasor shows ns that 60,000,000 of years most elapse before the earth will bave reached tbe stage of life through which the moon ia now passing. Experiments made some time ago by Prof. Doremos have shown that gas will readily pass through stone. A block of brown sandstone, 12x45 long, and four or five inches thick, used. A pipe was clamped on to tbe stone by means of iron plates, aad thia pipe connected by means of flexible tubes witb the gas pipes. The remain der of the stone was painted ovr sev eral thicknesses with varnish. Oppo site to tbe point where the gas was ap plied there waa another pipe tor tbe gas to escape from. In a few minutes a lighted paper applied to it caused a flame to appear, showing that the gas bad passed through the stooew The spectra of solar and stellar phys ic seem to show, accord i' eg to the re cently expressed opinion of certain as tronomers, 'that the elements them selves, or at least some cf them, art compound bodies. From this it would appear tbat the hotter a star the more simple is ita spectrum, for tbe brightest, and therefore probably tbe hottest stare, such as Siring, furnish spectra showing only very thick hydrogen lines, and a very few thin metallic lines, character istic of elements of low atomic weight. On the other hsnd, cooler stars, such as the sun. are shown by their spectra to contain a much larger number of metallic elements than atara such aa Sirius, bnt no non-metallic elements. Perhaps, aa the temperature increases, tbe compounds are firat broken up into their constituent elements, the latter then undergoing decomposition into elements of lower atomic weight. ab srnnti ibd il. A remarkable sensation was develo ped at Eureka Monday when it became known tbat Trofatter, elected last fall aa county commissioner for two yearsj had skipped the country and was well on his way toward the eastern states. It is believed that a purse of $1 200 was made up for bim to get him to resign and leave. It is reported that he leaves behind a startling confessionfof hia ras. cality in office, aa member of the board of commissioners, against whom wsa started, the day of hia departure, a suit for fraud and malfeasance in office. Tbe object of getting Trofatter to resign was to secure a majority of the board of c 3 m mission era to stand by the oaefor in taxing the Central Pacific read bed $16,000 per mile. It h learned by tele graph already that Governor Adams will appoint David E. Bailey to the vacancy, wbo will act with William Arrington in the railroad matter, and for general retrenchment in the present wastefulness of the county government. This waa the main cause, but another scheme entered into the plot o send Trofatter toward, the Atlantic ocean. People here are wild over tbe extraordi nary deooument, and the facts, which tbey have not yet learned, develop the fact that Ttofotter has gone west, and is making for tbe northwest. Som? imported handkerchief are made of linen as fine as a spider's web, embroidered after designs of pictures in floss silk.. One recently seen repre sented the battle of FootainebJeau. M. K. taumann of Uticb has dii