Seren S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVKRY FRIDAY Slims 4 SITTING arsis TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION el eerie oooy. U i Month 169 liitjli eopr, Uhw rutmt& in aumb.r 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U nMOU'f O. K. I HAMUKRl AIN. KM XX & (n.UHbRLAIH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jarOffios in Kueter',, Brick Block.- Yl&Ql&f. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of this State, Will Hive ifUhl salamtliiii to i-oileouous and probate matter. Office In Foster' new brick. mt L. H. MONTANYE. TORNEY AT LAW, A5ST Notary Public. upstairs, over John Brlgga store, let leaner J. E. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY rVBLtr.) iTTORNBY AT LAW. ausaw. crrcE in; XTJItL PRACTICE IN ALL T.IK COURT OF THE IT State. ffs ilk 1 si isatl is ea t eolfcwHsBs mi pro bat in Odd Fetter TMapte. 1:2 J. C. roWHX. W. R. IXrZU POWELL dk BJLLYEU, .TTORNEVS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors ia Chancery, A LB AMY. - - - OBfiON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. erOmce in Foster's Bvlek.-ejn vHalBtf. . E. R. SKIP WORTH, ATtemsnrv axb trnmrnmrnm at uw ejns 7 rlLL in all courts of the State intrusted to me prompt- ly attended to. Ofiee is O'Took't Block, Broada&in Street, 45y 1 ABtamjf, Oregon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lar -AXD- Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, "Will practice In ail of Lbs Courts of ibisState. All business intrusted to blm will be promptly attended to. ar Office in OTooie's Block. E. W. LAN COON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. end Toilet Article, A and Low Prices. Large CITY STORE, tyt sjlbasy. enr.cov FOSHAY & MASON, vsouxjus ass rrttr Draggistsand Booksellers, ILB4SY, OttEOOH. vl6n41tf REVERE HOUSE, sire aaei Kliawerth llay, Chas- PfeilTer, Proper Thi mw Bokl ijfiaed op hi first styte. TaUas W1U1 UK b IM 111 HWI A CU'Mt iTrakia L ANNALS & WOODIN SAStrracrrssa ass ssalss cs FURNITURE BEDDING. ALBANY, - OREGON. rtesnji T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Dehocka ufilce. BBS. J.W.&MARYT. COLL Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OREGON. Offer their wrolwslornl terrtoe tatb citizen of Linn and adjacent ouaotka. Oafe and readmee wrn:r oi urtb sod BrtMSatMa Kcect. Aioany Bath House. TUB UNDKKSIQNBD WOULD KgBPECT failT laform tba eitiseaa of Albany and vi jinitj that I have takan charge of this gstaklifh last. aod. by ksaoisc olaan rooma and payia arifltattantion to baabtaav, expocti w tsit al ttaess who stay favor us with their patronage Hiring heretofore earned on aoUtiaf bst First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expects to give satire eatiefaotioa to al jssyCHldien nd Ladies' Hair neatly cs Thpooad. JOS WgftBER. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OB. The First Term begins on Tues day, September 11, 1883. For partfcnlare concerning the course o( etody aad the price of tuition, eppir to EV. ELB EST X. COKB1T. Preaaaeat. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM. LANNIRG & CO., PROPR'8. r - - f r -SEW FROCRS3 FLOUR SCPEEIOR FOB FAMILIES ASI BAKEBS CSS. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Sitrhest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. HALSEY HOUSE. Halsey '- - - Oregon MR. J. H. CROOK HAS TAKEN, charge of thi house. Commodious aamole rooms hare been prepared for commercial tra veers. Beds good and clean, wood tame, xsoara by my or weak. Stage leaves daily for Brownsville V V OL. r SMITH & McCartney, SUCCESSORS f) MoCO Y & ELLEttT Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, &c, Sec, Froman's Block, Albaiiy,0r. Physicians prescrip t ion si cnieiully prepared day or nijfltt . JOHN SCHlKER, LIYERY, FRD AID 8 ALf STABLE, Alhaay, Oregon. Harass kepi on reasonable terms. Horses and buggies let to suit the time. corner second and Ellsworth ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. raACKlXO moving n- Md furaiturc L AXOS( All hnnlisiK wltiila the city proi ptly LOWS CAMPEAU'8 Barber Shop. S bavins done with and sharp whkth are always kept in snod , and hair cut in the very beat style. wa vie. Al'NPRY AMD CHINA MERCBANIUKG HI St- S NEK. Ifaa tsa aei Leak 0otrvt..r (or irsat to rtr HENG TENG. washing and Ironing in the city. No. 11. Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere House. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FINE MIL LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE (REVERE HOUSE. HEW BARBER 8H0P. M. JACKSON' - Pmsricttr. Opposite Revere Hones Shaving and nafar dresafiag done in fi rat ass atyts., Fi rat -rflaaa bstb rooms. Bath for iadlis and sentiemen all hours. Terms reasonable. '83 1 BRABD OOMBIHATIOH '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE LOUJBVTLLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year for only F3.S0. Two paprca for little more taea tae pnoa or one. Bf narinar ait S3. SO ion wQL racaf re for ea jronr aeaaa paper wits the "Coarier-Jooraal," the rapraeaiiUtiw newapapar of the South, DemocraOe uJ for a tarn for rewnue eaiy, bjw we pew.rnjn- ataad ableat fandhr waektar tatbe GSSted Btetea aew ho desire to axamiua a aamota copy of the uriaroarnaJ" can do aeat taea Sice. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dee. 1882. f '1,295,326 Premium income. .. 2 007,189 Safe, reliable and qniek to pay in oaee of ARCH MONTE I TH, Agent. Albany, Oregon, . SC10 BISBEHS DI1ECT0EY. MONTGOMERY & OILLY. ThEALKBS IN CLAKJKW Au wailm If ES. Kesp a foil line of jewelry Watches and docks repaired in first-cla order. SClO - - OREGON Wa M. MOJRKOW, e , TXEALER IN STUVMH, TiSWAKK, IP copper and sheet iron ware, crocaery table cntlery,' etc., etc. SCIO BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. TrEEP A IULL LIWE OP PURE ta crrocerles. fresh candies, nuts, and ail kinds of confectiooaries, tobacco, cigars, etc., etc. Cash paid for produce of all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, shoes, bats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, eta. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. DORMS, Bridge Builder -AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. XT OTICE OV PUBLIC LETTINGS SO Hf LICITE1). Plans and f edifications mrnisbed on short notice. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tale powder saver varka A raarvat 4 rM srsaftT sad whwkwsssnei, Mors Masesaakl the orilaery Btada, ust atsaat be enM to eoacwtiU wUh Un yotUUMtoo low MM, tan weAtt, al wjBP(e' SSlHel WtoaJT iS 4?Sfe e KsamMeo. im wui stTw. y. . teM( t t r. Lntua I saiaNafaoaboe ail.asrr is . . 4 .Kr orrwpowiw.te loUeaJl fcr. . -. e4 la Ssw4 t, -; 1 in 11.1- a. r rairli ti ortac Si i TiaaSiIAi C wpawS ta S SSSBaSJS fr georf aad aiia I o paaaaaaaSy la larasalisat MMifVii of tbettAutM'. OtiaeeouaA f 8t tevraa Sksrtoa Sj t aad Betrrbnl a? t jab pa.toaa) ka lea Oae aet.i "It worti. (Am. it aic. - trl tbvvcmt form of AUUb eC tae earn It Meraaaa aJIJBajaaaeaBasSB aadtSeeaax lseCkaaajeetttta n iufna na eeery peattea ef lha sreaaHtvtsw. It TaaAfaaiiac af aa etaran IbrKeaaa MartaaAaiti jat .si iawseajr wtftk. a rttfarS&.MdiiMMbr ate Ami tm 0W WorM for tfco aane et CaaattpjiUaau to ar1 tte Oeaay wi ed fat Ma u iaila AO r.iiarraapaat haraaefl Aaaalof Wme$ wtipaa eete ytitasaipita r. vi a. a. n. i TUTj'S PILLS TOUPID BOW DISORDERED . i2 S Sstittearoi tae avaratam to Frodtatfou .alMd?aiy, Din fieaa.nauta ring at tbo maaaBtheaseofaiseBartyttuit sctsdlreotly on the lit ec A a 14 ver medkriuo TCTTT'a PTUL4I have no eaual. Their action on tho landSkJnuaUo MmoTioir an banalities I rescav- aisjeta at ttaa tttdvsoaad - aA r ii. Mm mAmImm bm lta.f.K. witn d&uw work and are a orfeet JJLMAkWclfo. wmmmmismmmmmmmmmmammmmmm i stantlv to lantiy toaGtxjSSY black by a etngte ap- plktlon of thla Dm. or sent try express on. rt 6t gl . JawwTovk. us faTTt MBtlTTt IREi. a are aiwarae t for eaen wUhy . Uva whede tM toprore tatatr opsortaBd- uea reeaera st poverty, we aser a gnat cssaee u i tn kaaanoer. Wa want many vwm, waeaes. awjaaad assess do the work properly from the Brat atari. wacaa. XxpSnaiTt unit furotobad traa. Noone who anf a(ra tmum vo him. wnqr raiiNiijr. . i ou can mm vo e your whole time to Uie wurk, or only your - . . . t . . t i . i . . . ntomanta. run intorniruon ana au tnat ia naeaea eat free. Addreae Hnxaoa A Co., Portland, Maine. GUARDIAN A88DRAH0E CD., OF LONDON. tSrABJ.WfTRn. A. D. 1821. Capital Mub-eribed. $10,000,000 Capital paid up. 6,000,000 NoTB.s-Tbis company has the largest Hi of mpanv doina insas ia the United States. Insurance by Ronf. A. Postfs, Agtef Albany. B '' m 1 1 " i ' 'H ' m A week made at home by the is mihtu. Cabltal not needed. We will star doatnoua. Beat miatneaa now o yoo. Men. wmten, boya and gtrte wanted every where to work for ua.. Now iaibo time. You can work In annra tlnu. or trlva vour whoie tlm. to- Sie fauetaeaa. b'e outer bsetoeee wni, pay yon nearly Aa walk. No one can fail to make eaormsoe pay, by an- ijaarinK at onee. fWly oatfit and terme free. Money . . . c .1 i .i . .1,1 ..., A. Htm- Reens the best brands of imperial and i i ii i n esi i a i in is is l ii a a ina .assess , - e ' FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TftnaOAf! DAfiKCTJfUIUfS AND AiC KINDS SF NOTIONS. Keens the fineft biilard hall in lb city. I will also Hall real estate, mcVohaa Use household goods, etc, at anctlon for sny. one in tbe city or county Store oyposita Revere House, Albany, Or. 6tf SAM COHEN- tfSeJajsk in your own town. Terms mfjO and $6, outfit free. Address H, Haixbtt A Co.. Portland Maine. i uaajoa as na laaaaia rj aai aroaaautyaaa.rtaaeaa. 1 ''SSJf AaryadatBaojsdradaetatajiSaleaaaaaaS i foraf sssrtfjssipajrrajsaasa itui 1 1 ay 1 1 Irii Hl with assay. ilW aaaraaaaeailaavlleaa. aesEa. fa l iases aftaw aattngy MsapSStiaaVnsraiAr atoeaaa, cioar raoan AIOAL BffBBifBL ejLgt!V VaClin leoi'' wfar BbSbbsi UMiooSoa BBT SST meaBBsaP aSSSBBSW SSBaeaSBieasW a mvawawa ?ea to iaercaee tbair aaratnaa. aad Is time foretbe SAM CO ALBANY, ORKOON, PfgJDAY, AUGUST J ' . i i xkws ig aaiKt It msy Ue intereetlog to 1 liaeji mtjotl so Ism ktjaA tbebrafa ofa eiroui mploygwhD died tecently was fdunaj Ho t-eiflh ftltyajx eunoos. The same ire as that ol" the first Nelson, and L of Denial Webster. No other country ia the world drink; Bo much ooflee aa the Unieaa Htatej dsa and ia only three or tiur do the, pe-ll' ooasumf. so much per (Vipitn, Fiolassof Van doo Bajfg of iitUvia, s gMd authority, estimated that in l7l) the owio of the Netherlands oonsXimJ led 1 7.90 tonnds of ooffee efieee ; those Mf Bolgium 9.1.1, those of Norwey .78 tnoae or His United Steles 5.27 : a those ef Capo Colony 7.7J The o OM4riej srkh which era era intimate ly connected use little, eomjiered with these Of urea the French only 3.04 pounds, and the KngHsh but .99 of a pound. In France I.'L'l pounda of broad can be made from 100 pounds of flour. One bundred pounds of ioor can bo produced from 133 pounds of wheat. According to a scientific authority, ta instantaneous remedy in ease of poisoning constats of a heaping tea. spoonful of salt and the same quantity Of ground mustard stirred In a teacup of warm or cold water end wsllowed instantly. The stealing of her face powder by bar husband to shine up his big brass watch chain wan toe extreme cruelty which caused aa Indiana woman recent ly to apply for a divorce. Ilia Apaabee are out again whipping Mexican troops and killirg Mexican settlers. The Aneches seem to need to i . " . be carefully wiped from the face of the earth. John Sparrow, liring in Iredell conn ty, N. C, had been at work on top of a sttaw stack recently, and, sliding rapidly down to the ground, encoun tered a pitchfork, the prongs of-which paaaed through bio left thigh from tide) to aide. The pitchfork was so firmly driven into bis lag that it required the full sttngth of a man to pull it ooL Mr. Sparrow will probably die. Dr. HkalweU, the analyst af the lo eel board of health of Hanover, Gar many, recently detected ia two aamplee (f maiv7l pnr cent is one, and XieU psr osot in the other, of plaster of Paris. Boston has 779 l icemen, and the cost of the force last year was $900, 662. The chief tiaprodtcing couutries ar the fa lowing : England, about 10,000 tons a year ; Malacca sbout 8500 tons; Australia, about C000 tons; Bases, about 4000 tons ; and BUHton, about 3000 tons. Both of these last-named fces are islands of Dutch East Indies. A Connecticut railroad has an order that dogs shall be carried only in the baggage cars. The rich women going to the country -are angered. Oae of them rode off a broken-down cbnir ..&"' - . a - ..... among the trunks with her pet rather than leave it A Piute Indian killed his squaw in Butte Valley, White Pine Ox, Nev., recently, and the tribe lynched him after a sty Is of their own. They lasso ed him with ropes, and after dragging htm around for awhi'c, hitched the rope to a horse, and dragged the murderer around over the mountains until his w WM ged bayonu recognition. .i; V.t . I I crested in Montreal by the publication of the Government's analysis of the soda water sold there. Most of the samples were found to be dangerously impregnated with copper and lead. Toronto soda water wss found to be of f eomewhst better Quality. Of course i the quantity of copper and lead in Single glSSB IS BOt suthctent (o produce any bad effect, but tue danger MRS in i - habitual use. England, with 27,000,000 of inhabi tants, has only 140,000 residence of foreign birth ; Germany, with 45,000,- 000, oaJy 270,000 ; .while France, with 37,400,000, haa more than 1,000,000. Tn France t bete hasfbeen an increase of 200,000 in the laat live years. Tie . Pennsylvania Tiegisistare has lately passed a bill allowing destruo tion of the English sparrow, and al ready farmers are complaining of great increase in the number of insects upon wheat and other crops. As the 1 ,. . , ..... Microscopical Society carefully mvesti- I gated the matter and found that not j . mote than One Sparrow in a dozen 4 - among those killed had any inseota in its stomach, while all were feeding upon grain, seed, fruit buds, end other vegetable matter, and as ths deatruc- tinn nf I va ve- wa Hlnia w wa a nS vea SL ve aa w i - but a short time, it would seem that the increase of insects must be attribut ed to some other cause. According to a late catalogue, out of 180 graduates of the Maine Agricul- a. at a turai uoiiege only twetve have regis tared themselves as farmers. Yei, if they are only fitted for some practical business, and can make money more rapidly at other business than at tarm- ing, probably their agricultuial educa tion will not be enough to unfit them n-iiiL mi toi their otkei work. Is some stjotions Herfer, doctor or minister cannot be a a f F&ry iinecesoftit nnloul ho knows enough WUisjIgffV tftt bis livtat st that ef siting t Wre sufficient 0US" hit prf.'ii.n to support him. 4Ths U Grange (fnd ) authorities sat slide a certain sum for bounties on fbodchuek icalp, and the scalpers srs J fro v log decidedly too industrious. (9bSe fROO soslps were taken in sod Mid for In one dsy recently. Over WOO hsvt. hffn paid fur op to date, oanatn so outlay of about $1 250, a sum isrgely in excas ( f h amount raaerfadi That was a shrewd gtovn dealer who Id not employ f,n na!eorown girls eoiild wear anisUr than u umber eight glove. T mean," said he, "tbst their hsnds shall alwsys be larger than those ot the customers, who srs'flstter sd by the oontrset, and taerehy pot Into a good humor for making pur chases." The first strawberries sold in Patia are habitually known as "Rnglhh," and it is said tbst they are all descend ants from the slips which ths Princess Victoria sent to Louis PhUlipps in re turn for some Mexican paulonias which that moosrch bsd courteously bestowed upon her. Ths Government how proposes to saa ths Star-Ranters for 91,100,000. The House of Commons now consists of 6 39 members. Of these 3.15 ere liberals, 241 conservatives, thirty Par cel 1 Use sad thirty three moderate home rulers. The ostrich farm near Costs, Lo An- gsiss Co., Cel. baa thus far bean soooess- ful. The birds are in exoellent condi tion, sad have already been despoiled ef feathers worth $700. The board of West Point examiners at New Haven, Ci, the other day in jected two candidates for physical ttn- itasse, one of them because he had a doosyod back tooth, sad the other lie cause he hsd two bark Is ill bnPt up with gold. It Is announced that the tnakeia of ths imitation coins used as endsnts for bangles and other jewelry will te treat ed by the Government se counter feitars. The Js pan esc am inveterate smokers, sad women. Their pip, how ', sra very assail, tbu holding tobsex) surocient onlv fur a sintflc whiff. The cigar and the cigarette have not yet come into genr I fashion with them. Eoglish persons who want to get married are obliged lo do so before noon, unless they can obtain a spcoial license. A bill extending the hour to four o'clock ta under consideration. watermelon vine grown in Ilarris county, Gs., is 17.00 feet long, and it haa produced 400 pounds of melons. China is endeavoring to prevent the shipment of beef to the French in Ton quin. 4 story comes from Chicago as fol lows : "Last Spring some leading dealers in butter in New York and Boston sent agents through the West and bought up sll the butter obtain' able at an average price of twenty -one cents, and placed it in colli storage in this city to the amount of 10,000,000 pounds, believing, it ia said, that the product would go up this month. But, owing to plenty of rain and continued good grazing, the cows have continued ta give an abundance of rich milk, and, thus far, in July there baa been s largo production of butter, equal to the June butter, with the result that the new butter is for sale in this market at nineteen to twenty cents. The cold stored butter bss, in the mesn urns, been depreciating in value, and it said that some of it will have to be sold at ten to twelve cents. It is esti mated that the aggregate loss on t he deal will tm between $500,000 and $1,000,000." The sweet potato is anstieof the East Indies, snd wss introduced into Kurope by the wsy of Spain. When early writers speak ofjthe potato (before the middle of the seventeeth century) it is ususliy the sweet potato that is referred to, though the Spanish also introduced our common potato from South America in the "Tjeginning of the sixteenth century, but it did not be come populsr ss sn article of food for more than a hundred years after, and it was not even mentioned in the "Complete Gardner" in 17 1 9. Though they belong to entirely different species of plants, the common name of ' both would seem to be derived from the botanical name (baiatu) of tha sweet potato. The reason that a woman never puts oa the gloves in ths riog is probably due to the fact that it would ukn her too long. She would always demand a sise smaller than she could wear. What makes a young woman mad and feel thst life ia not worth living is when she finds cut that the handsome, daabing young fellow who is upending his fortnight's vacation at the country hotel is engaged to a girl who is in Europe. "A woman's reason Well- 'cause." Bemotrat 7, 1883. A UTRIMHil isrs IBM It. For some time past there have been strange doings st the jail, which have given the impression that the place in nit be haunted. Kvery few nlghe some prisoner would, bear hia nsn.e called by some one outside of the Jail, and, going to the nesrsst vintfow, would in ths darkness curry on a con" versation with some friend or refatre, who railed to roaterisliz, however. A short time ago a man who wsi put la jail for assaulting his law with a rarer and cutting his throat badly, heard same on cstllng him at the window. He got out of his bOnk, and, feeling his way to the window. asiaaf the turns of his Vlsfror Thai nsme Was gfvtr, Ibo" pYtttnd lo Tie thSt of sn 1 1 lib friend who had taken this wsy to bold s Httls chat with him. Tha voice could not be mistaken, snd the prisoner had no suspicion of there be ing snything mysterious shoot the matter or auy thing wrong. The visitor in bidding him good -by told him thst be bad left some tobacco for him with the jailer. In the moan lime Jailer Schontx, hearing (he voices, staid out side to eee who waa there, and, though he could hear the talk, could discover no ene. Tha next day the ptisoner in sisted on the jellsr giving him the tobacco which his friend had left for blm, and a as quite indignant when told that bis friend had left none. The same sort of sn occurrence was repeat ed with other prisoner a The colored boy who was lately imprisoned for stealing a watch was celled for the other night by some one outside, snd, on going to the window, held quite a conversation with a colored ftiend of his, ia which be talked over bis case quite freely, but Jailer Schontx could not discover any one. The colored boy the next dsy wss equally earnest in demanding the package of smoking tobacco bis friend bad left with ths jsiler, but of comae the jailer had no such package. In none of tbeee cases could Jailer Schontx discover thst sny one had been around tha outside of the ji!. The puzzling matter hsa now been straightened out end its mystery solved. The young man, rcd Hill, oonbned in jail on the charge of being a confidence man, seems to be st the bottom of ths whole affair and the cause of tbo mani festation, a. He is a remarkable mimic. and needs only to bear a man's voice once to be able to duplicate it. He ia also a good deal of a ventriloquist, aod these two features of hi own vocal ability, aided by the peculiar construc tion of the jail snd the location of bis cell, have enabled him at night to throw bis voice outside, so that it ap pears to ptisonars on the south side of the ail as if there were some one at the window calling them. He bss used his ventriloquism for much smuse- ment, and, by learning the prisoner's name snd something of his history by the prisoners mingling during the dsy time, haa bean well informed for s midnight chat with ibera, i art person -stiog some friend or relative. To add to hia enjoyment be has invariably added the "tobacco" postscript at the close of the eonversstion, thus causing the prisoners to bother Jailer Scbonts by insisting on having what their friends have left for them. Omaha Be. new ra Lite sum it If a friend doesn't speak to ou brood over it. If you are slighted, brood ovet it. If you can't dress so well aa soma ana slse, brood over it. If you lose money, .brood over it. If you sre criticised severely, grow faint and don't try again. If one fickle girl jilts you, commit suicide. If business is dull, suivel and kick the dog. It will never brighten up again. Let the same woman snub you twice or more. Finally, don't tend to your own affairs ; be discouraged at sny incident ; have plenty of superstitions ; swallow an insult because it emanates from a superior source ; give in to "what will folks ssy ;" do what you can't afford because some one is looking ; be bull dozed by the I-know-it-all man, and look and act silly when bluffad by the superior source. Ssys Whittier, in hia latest poem "The fathers 81000 but men remain ss wise, as true snd brave as they." Whittier has s better opinion of the young men who court young women at the front gate after the old folks are in bed than the fathers of the girls usual ly have. A sporting paper says that a certain base-ball player was "fined $25 for missing a fly." Peck's Sun says that persons who have watched the antics of a bald-headed man aa he strikes aim lessly at a fly will wonder how long fhe richest bald-headed man's purse would hold out if he was obliged to pay $25 for a miss. easjeoj NO. 3. A remerksbte storv ef a daa'a field ity comes to us from Philsdelphia. AiWea,, tktHMu ItUftnin Una German family lost a little boy hy death ia fteptemler last, on tb.eaa of their return an Prussia. The hli s buried, aad the fauUy sailed oa ibe next morning. That evening tha sexton of tha oesne- a . a a a . a a .a mrj louno a oog stretsaee) on umP - Bsade grave. He drove him afpy btk the next day there he was, waiting st the gate, an' the moment it was opss.- sd he ran directly to the grave, whiob ha did not leave again. Ths sexton,, finding that tha dog had been the pet and nLyietJow of tie dead WAklMalsbit Had the! bones to the gn rave, ss if fear ing to be away when his little friend should come back to him. Wham the pathetic story wss known to the neighbors, they tried to coax the faithful creature into their Losses, but in vein. lie has many friendi now, snd is well cared for, but ha sleeps every night above his dead A dog wss one of the prominent ag--ores in the Isle war of Egypt, Jono belonged to an Eoglish regiment, and during a charge which it made, was foremost in tha very thick of the bat tle, undaunted by shot or shell. 'A gold mode! baa been given her and et techer) to her collar by the officers ot: the regiment, and bar photograph baa been taken among the men who were most distinguished for bravery irr the action. . The most remarkable story of the intelligence of a deg ia told by the Rev. J. G. Wood, A Scotch coiley was seat by its owner ia Perth to his brother, s sheep-farmer in Australia. After a year the dog reappeared, worn almost to a skeleton, and a tatter was received saying that he bad left the Australian ranch the day after his arrival The only way of sraxvaatiag for his return wsg that he had made his way to ths ace port where he landed, aad tc the steamer which bad brought bfm, aad on arriving at Liverpool had bees attracted into a barge by the Scotch dialect of some of the- sailors, and so returned home. i s a a r.veryooay who loves dogs has a story of tha intelligence or affection of Berne of these humble friends of man. There is no living creature, perbaa, more affectionate or more easily con tented wkh a return of its affection. The dog lies for an hour watching for his master, waiting (or a kind word or smile, and if it comes, the por creature ia full of joy. It does not come. .Men who would not be tempted to utter a harsh word to a human being are apt to vent their ilUtCnipei on the dumb brutes iu their houses. If they could speak, they could, perhaps, give us tie truest esti mate of the character or their mas ters. "I would give little for s man's re ligion," said an Eoglish ait, "if hie dog and cat axe not the better for it." rraiacs ram. A double eagle weighs exactly the aame as thirty-four $1 bills. The Navajos Indiana make blankets which are so closely woven that they will hold water f Many of the old tall clocks now so much sdmired are made in Berkshire. s with works from Connecticut, and arc less than a year old when bought for genuine antiquities. In Dahomey oue of the sacrifices frequently offered to one of their gods is a young girl, who, at low tide, is fastened to a stake imbedded in the river mud, and left for the crocodiles It has been found that copper exists in all plants and especially in wheat. It does not, therefore, prove thst bread ia adulterated because traces of copper are detected in it. The Chinese have a law that if tha elder brother in a family should have no children when fifty years of age he may claim the eldest son of any of his younger brothers snd make him his heir. A good Cremona violin has fifty eight divisions. The back neck, sides and circles sre of sycamore ; the belly ; base -bsr, sounding-post, and six blocks of deal ; the finger-board aad tail- piece of ebony. The Cingalese will not kill sny liv ing creature, being Buddhists, and all who belong to the fisherman's caste call tbemselvea Christian. . The most de vout of them, however, have no objec tion to seeing wild animals shot by anybody else, and they treat their do - mestic animals with the greatest bru- tali ty Among the costumes shown at the recent exhibition of Indian manofeo- tures in England was a woman's robe of dark rich stuff, spangled all over with little disks of looking glass. Another curiosity was a breadth of tapestry embroidered by royal Indian ladies, wuu a representation oi oe oaitie be i .lTT J JTT- cweee cne ranaavas ana rvsnravas. T ssvldutr SHI Ike tersest etrewtetUa eras? fgyer j -j sejjpetere le tfce in best mwum mm V.I -A .a-' ' "-.5. t notice in Local Col lin. Kegulsr local ail i aillaaiin i i the first Insertion and for each swlsstuimit ' y , sdvsrttssmeata made nmum dipietiebt, am tm aT ths - j - j. . - . scats! r ' The teachers are rusticating aod may not want tp ewsa think ot' school mat ters during aestW ' Perhaps so, but we do not believe it" Tb aebrW tejechlr tbst is worth hsviog cannot so eaeUy diamiss the bright thoughta and piaos which come to her io the quiet- of vacation hoars, & here sre a for smt year. They so lac a body tha tha Ion- in l&U as a leaser as isaarnct leeway tae teachers of that greatest of cities, relative to temperance teaching in the city schools. The drcniar reads how- sver as if it had bean sent out by the W. C. T. U., and is in the main appli cable to every public school ia America : 1, Whenever the opening lesson of tha dayfrom the Holy Sceiptn re supplies a suitable opportunity far tha occasional instruction cf children, - by examples, warnings, cautions, and admonitioaay ta tha principles of the virtue of temperance, the teacher should avail themselves of it. 2, The reading books snd copy hooks for use fn schools issght -be rendered largely helpful in this directions, Soeh reading books snd copy books are now to be bad, and might well he place on the requisition farm. 3, The picture-cards, diagrams and walUpspers illustrative of the subjects of industry, sobriety, and thrift, ma v be beneficially exhibited aa pert of JV wall furniture of schools. fp 4, Bruits and hymns, at the selection of tha teacher, oa the subject of tea- perance, should be incorporated with the musical exercises of tha snhojnV 5, That the boated be recommended to grant, free of charge, the oa, of their ah an hi after the usual school hours, tar illustrated lectures, by well qualifi ed lecturers, to children at tending the schools, but that tha attendance at each Isatuiea be purely voluntary on the part of both teachers aad scholars, the lecturers and their aubjecta in each ease to receive the approval of the school 6, That the works committee be in structed to supply s drinking fountain in the play-ground of every board school. The board haa recently rw-issued this circular, showing therebv that the intervening period of six years has not chsnged opinion aa to tbe necessity of this effort, and perhapa also the fact that tbe instructions hare not been as thoroughly followed as waa daadred. We learn, however, from the Taugtr ante Record hst one lecturer of tbe National Temperance League has de livered iu the Board schools no leas than 350 lectures within tbe past three years. Still soother pioaeant circum stance to note ia the feet that one of tbe London teachers standing very high in the profession, but never at all inter ested in the temperance question, waa led to an investigation of she matter by finding that 240 of has 300 boya had become total abstainers. It ia record ed aa a result of bis studies that "be and all his bouse" became pledged abstainers- Union Signal, Forest Grove now has an organization of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Last Friday an adjourned meeting waa bald, at which time the following officers were elected : Presi dent, Mrs. W. D. Hoxtor ; rice -president, Mrs Roberta; secretary, Mrs. Dr. Marsh ; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Boaworth ; treasurer, Mrs. Dr. Min thorn. A constitution and by laws were adopted, after which the objects of the union ware freely discussed. The work undertaken is that of intro ducing temperance literature among the masses, so ss to educate public senti ment in favor of a temperance reform, hoping in this way to secure proper state legislation. The union starts out with twenty members. Ortxjonian. A reformed man who went to sn Oregon town to get work gave this reason wa ha feared he should fall. "I haven't a place that I can step my foat into by right where there is nor bar." Oa witjyrour reading rooms and coffee houses, frR of the W. C. T. U. "The Lord preaerveth the strang- era," so saith our "Crusade Psalm." "What influence has the moon on the tide 1" tbe teacher asked John Henry. And John Henry said it de pended on what was tied ; if it waa a 1 do ifc made biaa ow, Bi if H J8 1680011 88 108 w or the young man came along. It is 80Cn thin M Hwky J that hirachoel teachers want to He iown d die every day at four o'clock, Too cnwlSmaIl bov : Half-fare for lhe p,rk." Ticket agent, (who doesn't see small boy addressing gy) . Half-fare ? Isn't it - about tiaje voo paid full fare young man fT W per scnar. fcr saw square m m and craw rorrt vim-.