HHg ! sW Waterloo Saw Mill WATERLOO, OREGON Six miles above Lebanon, the soul li side of the SaitU am River, opposite Water loo Sofia Spring. Good road, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postoftlce, Waterloo, Or. I do not tv rtlM 1 do Ta great strength iimf rvnieu, aim iwri nic to U kajtumete iv lull of twenty .years of practical expsrteuce, aad cure with uitfaiung ceitalntv Nervous and nh raise! debility, rhooa, pro. taiorrnoea. huUxl vitality, ire Lfctw decline and lees o la all Its unrdice.ttous and Iwra whatever Htd. ii minnase aou imiiv .v she atrvo. brain, muscwe, digestion, re- tMiM AhMu J.nlnd Slid WfOUl IBOUltleS W ... n.r...VX. Kili ist utf drain upon the num. mmhIIh involuntary leases, debiutatlni ill i ' with tha urine. clc.,w ue AnMlM In mind fcrlv It hi S SUIT cliaUWOOT of ail Udney and bladder AnniUJii. It contains no l iniliMia tii mSlants To tnoas aeBeria (row the erueffeeae of rottthtul IndJaereUoen, ft speedy. UW ,1 i. : r a iiakTI.HD. Price ir flvp K.-U.L1 in caae. w ith JuH di factions and advice, 410. Sent secure from Wjeryi Men to any addreaa upon receipt of price, or C, O. U So be had only 4 IDR. C D. SALFIELD, lift Kearney , Baa rraael, 1- etrictljr tonBdcntial by Utter oral For the convenience of patient, ana in n4humt tan aeaoaaea a pn vie address under which all packages are torwarucu. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. itoftW iu merit, w.!i be sent to MB letter, stating nt sUnptotns aga i .UicUj The Great English Reme dy II a never tailms cure for biervons lability, Seminal isrnssi Exhausted ti helitr. Bpennatorrraa. llnT M AtsUMtt. lav potency, IVralyau, and all III! I 111. emcU of Sell lAbuee. youthful follies,and esssss in mftittrer y ear- liu.h ftl MSB Ncm..n Ifaeeilmlt Kuiisei.ii. Aver Ltoo to Society. Ihmaese f IVisiuu, Noises in the Ucau the vital fluid , illmill Into toe urine, and many other: laadlnr to insanity and death HirriE wtU arree to forfeit Wre red for a cans of thto kind the Vital Beatera Utc (under his spechU advice and treatment) aid not enreear for anrthner unsure or iaiurioua found it, r. htintte treftUaU private difteaeeft iur i ssafully without mercury. Coneultation free. Tboreoe amination and advice inciodinz analrato uf urine,. Price of Vital Restorative. S3 a bottle, or four tineas the ooantuv !). sent to anv address upon rsoriaS price orC 6. D. ohecure from observation and in pri rate If desired, by DR. A. H MlXTlt. 1 Kearney nnh wi r ihkwV v- Ssmpte kottie free. Sent on application by etter i ana are. Uwuuuuicauuiu Dr. MinUet Kidney Remedy, Nehretiettm, cures all muds of kidney and bladder tsjainuesorrftee. test, leoucnorrhces. f or sale by all arniu, f i bottle or six botUes for So. Dr. Mintie s Dandelion PiDs are the beet and cheap- eat Dyepeteaa and BUious cure in the martct. For i by all dl lit fists. Dr. SNVVKY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Trails all 1 kraalc and .Special Maeaaea. YOXJINxi MEN lIrH MAY ME serrEKIXC FStN ' Vt eflcte of youthful foiliee or hoieeretioa, eV erefl to avail Ihimratves of this, theereateet will Dk? kid at the altar of suffenoa humsnity. will guarantee to forfeit f&OQfor every r private disss ee of any kind idertakee and fails; to cam i are many at the ace of uurty-ovslo sixty who are traaMed eat too rreqnent eeac mm of the MaV fter, oUp acoraTtpanied by a sUitaiiftrtipa;or bmis the patient cannot account fur. tn artaftry deposHa a ropy sediment will often be nd sometimes aaall particles of albumen will a wTtae enter will te of a thin mUktob hoe. aanin iaf to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of tbis aaacuny tsnorsnt ot toe cause, whioh a the second etage of seminal weakness. Dm. 8. will guarantee a perfect care in all soch cases, and healthy rsatotaUow of the reoito-urinary organ. Orm Bona 10 to 4 sad 6 to S. Sundays froat It to 11 a. a. Coom'tation free. Thorough exmiuaUec naadvtee. S5. For private tHsisnes of short standing a full medicine sufficient for a cure, with alt iattifttlions, wni be pnt to any srtrtrees ea receipt of eio ou. CaR aw-adaress, K. SriXMEY et ., 71 Ko! 11 Kearny St. San Francisco. GsJ To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S i Disjrensary. OQ KBAfttMY ST., JrwJ eome' 'A tofflnxr cud Street, ban Francisco. hEstahlMhed in laU, for tha treatment of Seal and Seminal Diseases, soch m reaorrbra. tiled. fe Mrirlure.M nblll.ii ui Eiu forms, lataatearr Seaataal Weafcaeas, night losoee by dreams, pirn pies o the face and lose of manhood can positively be euren. ine mat ana amictea should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor ha traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various noepi tale there, olrfaining a great deal of valuable inlortas tion, which be iscompetent to impart to those in need of his K-ryices. DR. UIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persona at a distance MAY mm CUBE AT MOMK. All cor tuunicauons strictly confidential. You see no one bu , the Doctor Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges n sonabie. Call or write. Address DR. i. Y. GIBBON, box 191,7, san rnutetoeo. . ruafl O;' Cf ptrdsy at home. Sa-npUa woith jj7,y ww 2&J' ine. Ad rem STifuox A to Portland. Maine. Our Spring and " Summer Fnce-Lmiio. 33, has made kits appearance improved fand enlarged. Over 200 pages. Over 3,000 illus trations. Contains quota tions, descriptions and iilastrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. Langtry. It costs us 25 cents for every sopy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum. It makes our hair red to think of it,r We should have the cost of production. ' The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing-' Let ns hear from you. Bespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. i SST A tSt Wabaek Aveaae, Chicago, UU PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in tbe I'. P. Patent Office attend eded to for moderate fees. Our offiee ia opposite the U.S. Patent Office, and we en otiUin Patents in less time than thoae remote from Washington . Send u iodic or drawing-. We advie as to patent ability free of charge ; and we make rto charge unless we obtain patent. Wa refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div . andtj officials of the U. & Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references t tactual clients in your own State or county, address, C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT Rjrrisbnrg Oregon, S. 1ST, Editor A'Proprietor. Terms t.OO perannura. niUXRfriL HUB mm IIMiVfgATiffl VOL. XIX. NO. I. THE AI.KAIMV DEMOCRAT, HA8 THE CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE STATE OUT8IDE OF PORTLAND, AND 13 THE BEST I ADVERT1SNG MEDIUM IT8 County News 18 COMPLETE, AND ITS Local and Edi- torial Depart ments ARE UNSURPASSED. IN FACT IT AIMS TO BE, AND HAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING, a FirsM lass LOCAL NEWSPAPER. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. KELLY, ENGLAND & C09 or s.u.E. ou. Carnage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, Have always ou hand the beat tbeir own make of quality of POUR SPRING WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. All made out of the best second growth Hickory, and warrantee. W. IT. Gollra, in Albany, hand lea the work of the s)bove Arm. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Waal Saeeaafal BU assay ever diacoveraS, a. 11 is certain in tu cae u anu does not bMvter. Bead proof below. Kendall's Spavin Cuit. HamilUm, Mo., June Ittb. lSSil. D. J. KrvDALL A Co., CenU: This la to wrt.lv that I bars used Kendall's Spavin Cure and have found it to be all it w recommended u Ij and in tact more too ; I have removed by using the above . aiiow. none opavma, aesw njiunu, ana can cheerfully testily and rccammend It to be the beat thing lor au) bony substance I have ever used so hav e tned many aa l have mate thit my stuly for Respectfully yours, P V CRIST FROM THE ONEONTA PRESS, I. Y. Oneonta, New York, Jan. 6th, 1SB1. Early las! aiaiaiii Messrs. B. J. Kendall and Co., of giHMtburg Kails Vt., made a contract vlth the pub lishers of tha Press" for a half column adreruVtnent for one year aeuing forth tbe merits of Kendall's Svin Cure. At the same time we secured Irom the Arm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Trea tise 00 tbe Hone and bis Diseases, which we are giv ing to advance paying subscribers lo the "Prese" sa a premium. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. O. Kcberruerbom, who resides near Colliers bad a spavined horse. Me read tbe adver tisement and concluded to test tbe efficacy of tha remedy, although his friends Kughed at bis credulity, lie bought a bottle of Kendall's Hpavin Cure and com menced using it oo the horse in soouruattce with the directions, and he informed us this weak that It ef fected such a complete cure that an expert horse man, who examined tbe animal receuUy eould find no trace of tbe spavin or the place where it had been located . Mr. Kchcrmerborn lias since .ecured s copy i t Kendall .Treatise on tbe Hone aud his Disease, which he prizes very highly and would be loth to part -ith at any price, provided be could not obtain an other copy. An for advertising reliable articles. Kendal's Spavin Care. Wilton, Minn , Jan. 11th. 1881. QB. J. K km. all and Co., Genu '--Having got a home book of you by mail a year ago, the contents of which persuaded ine to try Kendall, hpavin Cure ou the hind lee of one of my lists 11 wbieb wss badly swooien and could not be reduced by any fiber reme dy, I got two bottles of Kendall's fipsriS Cure of Prestouand Luddutb, Druggists of Waseca, which completely cured my home. About five years ago I had a three year old colt eaaetiied very badly. I used your remedy as given in your book without rowellinx, and 1 must say to your credit that tfie colt is entirely cured, which is a surprise not only to my self but also to my riafghbor. Yon aeul me the book for the trifling- sum ot 2fi cents and If I could not get another alikj it I would nor take twenty-five dollars for it. at Yours truly, Cko. Mathews. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 25tb, 1881. Da. B. J. KuM'iu, aud Co., Uento : I think it my duty to render you my thanks for benefits and profit which I have derived from your invaluable and tar tamed Spavin Cure. My cousin and I had a valuable stallion, worth 84000 which had a very bad snavln and was pronounced by four eminent veterinary sur geons, beyond any cure, and that the horse was dona lor ever. As a last resort I advised my cousin to try a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. It had a ""fl.jfnl effect, tbe third bottle cured it and the horse is as well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary surgeon was an uncle of mine, and 1 take great Interest in assisting his profession. J ours truly, Jamkh A. W'tLToy, Civil Engineer t Kendall's Spavin Care fa sure iu its effects, mild in Its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and jxiwerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bon v erowth or other enlargements, such as spavfna, splints curbs, ealous, sprains, swellings and any lameness and en largements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the beat liniment for man ever used, actimr mild and yet certain in its effect. Send address tor illustrated circular which we think (rives positive proof of iu virtues. No remciiv has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man, Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. All dnnr. 'hits have it or can get it for you. or it will be sent to any address on receipt of- price by the proprietors. Dr. U.4. h-EHDALL aud Co., Enoeburgh Falls. Vt. LDBY ALL DRUGGISTS DR, LIEBIC llpMaftry. Car. Urar? Md Mft.oa Sla Maa t'rHitrUrtt, al. mUKC)I.I.KaK INTalTATR FOR X to oure of nil ftpeclal ooim I Dialed aud to called incurable .hri.til. dlaaaant. r. Ltehls's t.rrMimt Invlftornlor I- neaj. lively Hiiaraiitetd locuie norvoiw and ptiyeieal debllltv, eftinln.l weakneO, lost of manhood, Ser ntfttorrhea, lues of eiienry, rlnnlns; and dlMlneas III the head, liiMtan chiillo. twjielftis feelluits, proete i.rrhea, and all the results of youth ful Imi'rudoiiK ami etosases mature years. The doctor, a moi lar college physMau from Kumpe will agree to forfeit one thousand dollars for a case thelnvlgwrator will not cure under spevial tretment and advice. The reason so many an not gel cured of erealinees and the atxive diseases is owing to a nenplliatiou, lalleil lrutnrrheft, which requires iKH-ullar InalHieiit. Ir. Jena's lavtgaratar S is the only poeiUve cure lor Pn tatorrhea. lYlce of either Iuvlg' ...i.,. rt , r bottle I sit for S0. Scut to any address ott reeelt of ii. .lum.iiii.' iwrsons can ii wliru plea, or C O U. n t . . . w j..i..,.t..i i'.. i... itr Uabiir lUieiiasrv has. an ele v. u I I sea- h' ii.. , -a e ganl drug store iu IU building u , TT. . .1 - ... , I. . I.I..I.1... All. ,111,1 Too rmiuent evacuations "- --iv cdimcnt in urine are syniptotiaid seoondary ftsnil nal weakness and iiroatalorrhsft. CompbuntS readily yield to Uie lr. Uebig treaUnetit. ordinary aaes noj on i .. . VmiBMV ' - ll ...ill,.,..,,! private n less. us eurru i"r wiv. wwiv u.eurevrill be pnunpUy sei.t, with full direction, aud advice, on receipt ftl 140. All pseksge. are securely covered Iruin obasrvailou. In vlgoratur ftaaiplrs I rcc To nnive the wonderful power of the Ureal Unrmsn jSS - SjS&W .ml, h.,. i.t iii ii . i i n Uolivcrv. have to nay cmi Hsst iiwrful clettricbelu tree to patlenU IW .ulUU.ui, etaminaUou ana eavice iree anu pnTav. Call or write. Or. llfcBIK A t'O. AM Urmn St.. Private Kalraarr. 4ftd Ma.ua SI., M Vi'mi RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM" SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, IT6. At Elral iIubu. rMK Al.oV K WKI.I. KNOWN lltil sE HAVK .luo.1 I Irani Ii oitW-o.nd uil IImi l M all. Walla, W. T. They will also carry a full atoak of their celebrated Improved machinery with W II Mitchell, Agent, Cor. I'roni and Taylor bu., Tort land, nr. Yhe butter to accommodate their cu.timer In the Interior an I on I be tvat. Writs l.r lllutrall cirvuUr and prUc list , scnl free (naming Utis aper. ) AiblrvM Rl al I I A CSV, lion. ;, oil! . t,lU Walla, vt T NTISELL 10 000 Pianos PIANOS l. WO Or0J. ml Vwuhililkta astuai. ws t.t. ft.at ia l4linilK fatal aaaai r. AXTlSfLL C. C CHftRRV. c.s.rASK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERltY & PABIflS, rfliirrstaanra to C ('hnrrv.t Machinists, MiUwrighte, and Iron Pounders. WE HAVK OUR NEW .SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to nandle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Hteam Knsrlnea. Uriat and Saw Mill Machinery, an J all kinds of Iron and Brass Casting. FATTK MStSE OS SHORT S0TMC Special attention given to rejielring sll klu da of machinery. Will alao manufao lure the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Ifahep sa Raker SI. OfRre a Uawr YarA. Albany, Gr.t Dec 1, ISoO. Iltt W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG CIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. no, bis 1. awitrplng 1.. -.1 .1 fare you die, something mighty and aublima leave be mWWmWM "J . S" "". Il.l. vm hind to conquer time. SOS a week in your own town So outfit froe. No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything Many are making fortunes. Ladies make aa much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want rnisinasai at wnich yon can make great pay all tbe lime, write for parti m lam to II, HallsttkA Co.,PortUu Maine NEUTRALIZED. Ia what way a Frevaleaf Evil -may h Sfcara of lis Power to Harm. Malaria is a broad name for many disease all orig iiiJtmgin blood oioniiig. Bilious laser, the typhus and typhoid fevers and chills and fever are prominent members. o! tbe family. Malaria defies alike tbe builders, trie plunders and the physician., Despar ing of ordinary treatment, tbe latter almost unani mously recommend Benson's CaK.-ine Porous Plaster aa the greatest anti-malarial specific of the age. These plasters act u-,n the liver, spleen, and kid neys. Worn over the region of the liver, and upon the back over the kidneys, they ward off malaria like an .mur. No other plasters do this. When you purchase, satisfy yourself that the word ,,.liie is cut in the center of the plaster. n-abury A Johnson, Chemists, New York Highest ewsr-d at Interualioirtl Expositions Sw-rVt DC IlsVa MCjsa- "Yon claim too math for Saxaai- TAX KlBTIXi," saysaskaptic. "How- can one medicine bo j a specific for EpU lepay, Dyapepaia, Alcoholism . IM, or Seminal Weakness), and fifty other complaints'" We claim it a tpedjlc, aim ply, becstue tbe Tiros of all diseases arises from the blood. IU Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and Laxative properties meet all the conditions herein referred to. It's known world wide as jLM- . m JL OTEIfiRKTI J- -I I I l V. J I I I I I I I I I LNcKV EiUUNOUEROR -ail larssiasiss a a- - - - r It quiets and composes the patient not by the introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, hut by the restoration of activity to the stomach and nervous system, wherebv the brain t-1iav.i 01 moruia lancies, wnica are created by the causes above referred to. To Clcnrvmcn. Lawve chants, Bankers, Ladies a i - 11 ell. JILT' and all thoae whoan nod. entary employment causes nervous prostration. irresrularit lues or tbe blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys or who requiro a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Sajiaeitak Nebvirb is fnvaliiable. Thousands proclaim, it the most wonderful invig- TbaOr.S.A.RichmfiiidMsd.Co.StJoseph.Mo. Sr.teJ&Pnta,,loa circnlhrs send stamp, f KEDINGTON A CO., Af eats, Han PrOUcc. tfleCV V m bi aaaa II ff 1 imivMH. mm FlDY A tTCJUSjr 10, 1 88H. l l ttlfalS FACTA. The Corsioans novnr mention pork or s pig without an apology. Chinese law prohibits intermarriage between iMrsons of the same surname. Piccadilly takes its name from a hosier who onoe had a shop in the quar ter which it rum. It was the custom in Venice to head otMoial documents with portraits of the doges, and these ministures sre now very valuable. Prof. Goodo aays that there are 1 400 kinds of fish iu the waters of the Unit ed States, end 300 of these are useful ithsr ss food or in some other way. Herlio heard his requiem mass but thrice in his life j and it was years be St . a f aaaa. lore ine government tor wiiicn it was written condescended to psy him for it. Chinese thieves are capable of out ting a man s finger off in a crowd in order to steal a ring. They do tbia vfiih those broad knivee which have r sheaths simulating fans. The worshipful company of bsrU,rs in London has a gilt cup, given to ii by Henry VI II. 1 1 is ornamented with boHs, end every man who drinks out of it has to ring them by shaking the cup after he has taken the whole of its con tents. Ixng drilling is necessary for promo tion to any place of importance in the English railway service. A man be gins as an engine cleaner, then bsoossss s fireman, and stops there, uulees be m shows ability enough to become an gtne driver, lilunuorers sre never plsced in responsible positions. Among the drawings by old masters which appeared st the Dlenheim ssle wss a small (tainting on fine canvas which bad been (tasted in a scrap book for 150 years. It represented Samson lying on the ground with his bead in Delilah's lap, wss (tainted by Andrea Msntegns, and was sold for l.'iOgutn- Teachers iu wsnt of a prublom to j.ul the infant mind may And it In tli is from an old Egyptian papyrus : Seven scribes had seven cats ; each eat caught seven mice, every one of which would in a given time Lave eaten seven nitrastires of corn, each of which, if sown, would have produced seven bash- els. How much is tbe whole 1 Appar ently there were puzzles before the days of Boston school supervisors. Tbe phrase "to euiry favor' uas a m aa a singular origin. The general name for a chestnut horse ,IirW, which waa de rived from tbe French jartan, snd the original phrase wss "to curry favel." There is probably a story under tbia phrase, as in tbe case of that of "Hob son's choice," and "to carry few. probably meant to win the way to the master's favor by looking after the comfort of bis charger. In the town of .oar, Ohio, all tbe money earned by tbe inhabitants goes into one common treasury. Tbe (nec- eeeariee of life, including food, prov ions and garments, are furnished by the village officials, consisting of tb trustees and a committee of five, who sre annually elected by ballot. The village contains about 300 inbabitanta, which number has been the same since 1817, and never increases or deer to sny noticeable extent. There are no preachers, but all the people are devout, worshipping after the manner of tbe Friends. The Digger Indians believe that men are developed from coyotes. Gradually they beffsn to assume the ar W shape of man. but it waa a slow trans formation. At first they walked oh all fours ; then one and another would begin to put forth one human feature, one toe, one finger, one eye just like the Ascidian, our first vertebrate ances tor. Then, here and there, a being would develop a double set of organs, two eyes, two hands snd tbe like. Finally, these creatures acquired the habit of sitting up, snd so wore away tbeir tails, which tbe Coyote Indians unaffectedly regret, as they consider the tail quite an ornament. Delevak. Wis, Sept 24, 1878 flenU I have taken not quite one bottle of the Hop Bitters. I was a feeble old man of 78 when I got It To Ja I am as active and feel a well as I did at i0. T see a great many that need such a. medicine. D. Boyce. I KMOW WHKKEOr I HPEAk For I have uoed It extensively. I regard Parker's Ginger Tonic a most excellent remedy for kidney, lung and stomach disorders. It invigorates without intoxicating, J. Francis, lU'lifrio Pbllos. Journal, Chicago. A dressing to beautify gray hair everyjfaraily needs. Parker'? Hair Balsam never fails to satisfy. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT ment. a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness. Con vulsions, Nervous Headache. Mental Depression Loss of Memory, Spermatorhnea. lmpotency, In voluntary emissions, premature old aire, caused bv over-exertion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which lends to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent illness. Each box contains one month's treatment ; one dollar a box, or six boxes for Ave dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of pries. Ws guarantee six boxes to cure any case. WHn each order received by us for six boxes, acoemnejued ...1W 41 I II I k, . . . . win. tv uuiiurs, we win seao me purcnaaer oar written guarantee to return the money if tbe treat ment dees not effect a cure. Una ran tees issued only by WOODARD, CLARKE A CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon Orders by mail at regular price. SIOSSI HIS A WKAN tOIlT One of those good, riUl-faahloiied fathers born hih! reared on. a farm. but wlllinfr to st'e his children live an easier life, carae.down to "York" the other day to aee about getting hit ton Moses Into a bank. He went to a friend, and the frleud sent htm to tbe cashier, and the cashier said : "Is your ton quick at figure V 'Tolerably quick' "Ia be ambitious 7" y "Tea ; he wants to get on." "Ia he i hard worker ?" "Well, Moses can mow his three acres of grass r day." "Why does he prefer a bank to a store V "I awan 1 I never aaked him why, but I gueaa It's because he thinks there's a hotter chance to climb up. Moses is right on the climb." "He la per fiiri ly honest, of course." "Well, now, that's the only weak point Moaea has got, and I was going to say te you If you took him in that If you keep a wire feno between Moses and any money lying around ItQee, ami If you liavo rule utflu hose-trading, and If you don't allow shaking dice or card- playing, and if he will keep sobor, Moaea will make one of the most tremendous bankers this country ever saw !" 4 lKt OP SPASMS "I am well and happy again," says our fair correspondent, Miss Jennie P. Warren, 740 W. Van Buren St. Chicago, IU., "your Samaritan Xr x inr cured mo of spasms. Suppose we wish to know tbe largest square that can be cut from a circular sheet of given site. To ascertain with out measuting, multiply the diameter by .7071, and we have tho aize of the squats that will be contained in tha circle. This is a useful rule for all trades. Machinists very often hate oc casions to use it, so do boiler makers and lumbermen. A alPtERta ROM nsjaUSJATlsSl I limped about for years with a cane, and could not 1st down without excruciating pain. Parker's Ginger Tonic effected an astonishing euro and keeps me well. It la Iniatlible. M. Uollfoyle, Blnghamton, N Y. If you nave been using other plasters ofie trial of Aliened a Parous will eon vines you of tbeir wonderful su parlor it y. Take no other so celled porous plasters that claim lo be better, they are all frauds gotten up to sell on tha world-wide repu tation of tbe irenutnK article. BRANDKETH'S PILS. They are romnuwaded nf Kooia, Herts and G.aaa of the most heeling and beneficial kind. As a family medicine ther are unrivalled, rurtna; asss' srhs, isieatlpailna, liver eranetatet sun, dTapenate clearing the blood ef all ertln o the tlvwr, kidneys and other organs, rerouting the .waste tissue, sad adding years lo the lives of all bo ass lliaaa. for Sfty sears the, have keea used by the Atoeri eaa public, end their constantly increasing aalse how hoar lky are appreciated. A Perfect Remedy in 20 Diseases. Aiirtsu, Mass., I am verting oo eighty years, and Seem it my duly to euSerlng humanity to my that my long life ia uua to Baaseeem'e Itua which hare bean my sole medicine for bail a century, f know the Stat erty-tbree years of my Ufa is owing aoialy to tbeir use. Your Ft lie sated me many times after the host medical skill In several Stales had given dm op asbi llsss. I havs bad many ' onvrrU to purgation with HaasMKTH'a Pills, many Save esse them per form almost miracles of cure. Kor ckl 'drwn, a few dueee have cured measles, scarlet fever, and wboop- ag eougb. In alt female troubles sad waaewsss 1 Save never ItaoVn them to fail. In adult males 1 have known them to cure tbe woo cases of dyapep aia, rheumatism, kidney din net, dysentery and diarrhea, i even dropsy, paralyaia, and apoplexy have yielded to a pcraiet.nl course of HaASsami. Pills. la fact I hare found them the true Life Elixir. They set t continual preventives against tbe effects of tints , dlsoaee, and labor. JOHN II. MAJfJI. WiUamette University. Oldest Institution of Learning on the Coast. CJChe STUDENTS AND 28 PROFESS OOO ORS AMD INSTRUCTORS. I. C illege of Liberal Arts with four courses. a College of Medicine, Portland, Oregon. a Woman's College with Convservatory of Musi, and Art IiepartaiesA. 4. University Academy, In which diplomas are given lor Bustnsas Course and Teacher's Course, ahw for Preparatory Courses. A young lady's teltlon and board In Woman's Col legea school year costs only tlSft. A young assays board and tuition a school year casta on! SIM. First term begins September 3rd. Send for catalogue THOA. VAKACOY, tal President, Salem, Oregon. Final Settlem ent Not Ice is hereby given that tha under signed ha filed In the County Court, of linn county, Oregon, his final account aa ad ininiatrator of the eat tte of A R Breeden, deosaaed, and said Court haa appointed Tuesday the 7lh day of August 1883 at tbe hour of one o'clook P M of said day at tbe Court House In Albany, Linn county. Oregon, for the hearing of objections to -aid account and tbe settlement of tbe same, at which time and place all persons Interested in ssid estate are hereby notified to appear and filo objections hereto, if any they have. July 3rd, 1883. J N Rtok. Admlr. WKkTHERVORD t BLACKBURN, Atty's for Admlr. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform tbe public tbat he is now pre pared to do ail kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing ad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Broadalbin street, opposite telegraph office. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. The Pacific INCUBATOR. PATEN BD JAN. 30, 1883. AarManhfaotured in tout sixes. Any special stze man ofactured to order. For particulars send stamp foi illustrated circulars to GEO. B. BAY LEY Importer and breeder ol choice poultry. Box 1771, San Francisco. tr",ISSawi gBaHBaBBtnusAwr II t tenrrb Mtvrtnry. Y. P. C, U. -Meats st their rooms In Fos ter's brink building on .Saturday evenings at 7 :30 o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoons at 4. Business meetings are held on the even ing of tbe second Monday in each month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. CHCRriH. Preaching every Rabbath, at It A. M. , And 7 P. st. by Rev. f. fl. Ir vine, D. V. Sabbath fcchool at 2:30 r. si. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. BvaROBLICAL ( 'iiVKirti.- Preaching on Sab bath at 11 A H., and 7 P. M. Sabbath Hohool 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day e veiling. J, A. Hollenbangh, pastor. Oowa s koatior ALCSTcana. Services every Habbath at 11a. m. and 8 r. at. Sabbath School at 2:80. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. T W. Harris, pastor. M. K Onnacn, booth. Services 2nd and 4th Sabbaths at St Paal's M. K. Church, South, at II a. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. M. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Jos. Emery, pastor. M. E. CilCRCSL--Preaohing every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. M. Song service in the soaning before sermon. Sabbath School it 2.30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, its v. I). W. Cameron pastor. Prbnsvtkriar Cifuacif. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Hrosdalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2 'Mi p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Uev. Isaac JL Condit pastor. ErisoopAL Cm ri ii. -Services every Sun day, morning at 11 a. m., evenina at 7 p. m. Holy communion eyery Sunday morn ing at 9 45 a. n. Wed seed sy 7 JO p. m. itobt U Stevens, pastor. Christian Chi m h - Preaching every Habbath st V P C A Hall at 11 oolock. a. si., and 7i30 r. m. Pulpit supplied in order ipplied ii d Iloty. by itevs. Floyd, Whitney an t IE iiw mm DUST-PROOF 8tem Winding Open Pace Dm. NIMI IiriBI B BY Till: American Watch Co., WALTH AM, MASS. This case is formed in one solid pi so. without Joint or seam, opening In front uely, tiros avadlng the saaal rap, ami eet-urtng greater strength and dors bUity. These Watches are all open fare. Tbo bezel. Into which an extra strong crystal Is St led with aa aa perially prepared water-proof eeanent, is attached to the ease by screwing It thereon, and thus lonns aa air-tight jsattloe with the body el the eass, which is proof against dust and moisture. The railroad men, travelers, miners, lumbermen and thoae who are almost constantly exposed and who have lo make frequent reference la the watch. Owes qualities are of the uUnuat importanee. The foil wing Inter. 111 their ewa Vaieaeta, Oeorgte, July 10, 1SBL "I awld one of your Patent Dust Proof about tea moo tits ago, sad tha other day it back to me with the request to make it wind On esaaajasatten I found that lbs stem was rusty, and I inquired into the cease of It. The gwnUeme to me that be was starting some anw-kax that lodged in tbe bead of the river, when bis chain oaugbt in a busk and threw hla watch Into about twelve feet of water, and be was about two hours Boding U. When be got it out it was running be thought all right. In about three months he found that the stem was hard to torn and sent it to I eaa my teat the watch is all that las eseapany claims for it and n i nam nail U to all railroad a Ii. W. lUxTLr.- lowo, A veil I a lata you would send aw a spring I nary Watch My the way this CUery la a watch I sold in your Screw Ac set Case to a last fall. Tbe Bret of Jiaaary be lost the watch fat and found It this work ia about one foot uf It bad lain three nwmths and ever in aad Water, With Irut .light injury u to I watch only C. a. Ravaoan The above were very severe teats, sad d beyond s doubt, that for any resoinale length of me durii Lwhlb a watck might be under water to would receive no injury whatever. Ws make those cases in both goal and ail vet , and aa a pertecUy Dual Proof. Stem Winding Watch Cass, cballlenga the world to poJucc its equal. sale hy all arat-elaaa Jewel ra ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. Proprietors ALBANY. OREUON. MONUMENTS. TABLETS, Ajrr HEADS TONES Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble Also, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. JaVAU work warranted. 1 7 :42 G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSON - - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shaving and hair dressing done iu first class style. Flrst-olaaa brth rooms. Bath for ladies and gentlemen i all hours. Terms reasonable. NERVOUS debil:ty i Da. E. 0. Wrst's hint, a snarantsed NfcBVB and Krain Tbkat- spocifi Fits. ino for Hysteria, Disuu B. Kervoua Npnralaria. he. Nervous Proatmt ion mnaed hv I tin uui Of aloobot or tobacco. WakefulnMta. Mnnlal Ita. preastoo, uorionins or sanity and leadina to f .... mw . . w. . . . . . misery, decay and death. Premature Old Ace, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex. Involuntary Looses, and Hpermat. orrhoea caused by over-exertion of thr-brain, self, abase or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month, treatment $1.00 a box, or rix boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for bit. boxes, accompanied with $6.00, ire will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued onlyby WOODAJRlCciiABAL A CO., "Wh.aleaale ajad. XbatailX ZOxxegfiMtm, PORTLAND, OREGON. Orders hy ftsiJ will receive prompt attention. dimlaVlelHuBa. aWcg"H)j Julius tiradwohrs gtore CROCKERY. GLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WAR. A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar, ONE DOZEN CUP6 AND SAUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. GOODS SOLD AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON- . Till: HIGHEftT MARKET PRICE PAID FOR FMQ e Remember! What I Say I Mean. Give Me a Call. HOFFMAN' k JOSEPH, PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN- Imported find Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... Oregon. OWE DOOR BELOW AT THE OLD HTAND, 72 FIFOTT rtTRRET, HAS ASSORTMENT O'J COOK, BOX STOVES maty bouse lat the alley. As TIN, SHEET IRON Or EVERY DESCRIPTION IN ffTOC K HAND, A FULL GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at VJ CLARK Indian Or Cures all diseases of the Stomach, liver. Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Mill ion h testify to its efficacy in heal ing the above named diseases, and pro- a e mahmaa a 4e. 'jw uwuaiw ik vw uc buc BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. tuade mark G u a raritccd f o cure ZtyspepsUt ITAGENTS WANTED.- Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, Now York City. Druggists sell it ALBANY FOUNDRY M AC II lE SHOP. ESTABLISHED IH05. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of nrs and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the a bove named Worka, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Woed-working Machinery, Pumps, In in and Brass Castings of every description. Machine nr of all jkiml repaired. Spe cial attention gtveufto repairing farm a chiuery. ratfera UaaJas elaae la ail Its ferns. l&llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. XClCt week in your own town. Terms 9UU end Aj, outfit free. Address H. lAixarrr A Co.. Portland, Maine. Off A WEEK. tl3 a day at baaae essBv O I CoaUy outfit tree aaareaa Tars a Oo A uftiata, Ifaiae WANTED, AT ALL TIMES. LTVE, ENERGETIC men to sell Tunison'g Clebrated Mai and t'harla. No capital required. 8100 per mouth guaranteed to agent follow ine our inatruclions. For particulars addeaa, JNO. DIXON. Sacramento, Cel. D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSCRIPTION DR. FELIX ZsE BRUITS Preventive and ure. for either Sex. Tbia remedy beins injected directly to the anit or tnoae caaeaaes 01 tneuemto-unnary Uraana. requires ao chan or noisonous mo jange of diet or nauseous, mercurial isoncms m ecu cm en to be taken intern ally. When taken aa a areventlve hv iihr an It ia impossible to contract any veneresl dineewt'-, but in the case of thofe already unfortu nately afflicted withGo&norhaa and Gleet. We guarantee 8 boxes to cure or are will refund the money. Price by mail, roMaee I hid. $2.(0 per box, or, 3 boxes for AMX). V rittio guarautei a issued by all authorised agents, lir. Felix Le Brun A Co. Sole Prone. WOODARD, CLARK A CO., Authorized Agents, Wh.eleaale ar.d ICeto.il CrAasraraarta, PORTLAND, OREGON. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Administrator's Notice. Notice 4s hereby given tbat the under, signed baa been duly appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Homer Davis, de ceased, by order of the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified and required to present the same properly verified within sx months from tbe date hereof to the under, signed at her tesidence 3 miles north of Harris burg, Linn county, Oregon. Dated July 6th, 1683. Mart E. Davih T. J.Stttks, Administrati-i Attorney. We have a 12 inch turbine water wheel,, brass lining, in splendid condition, which we will sell cheap. Subscribe for the Democrat JOHN BRIOUS STORE. SSjl ON HAND AS FINE AN AND PARLOR AND RANGES, He at ao Imports and manufactures AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO. WR KEKPN OS ASSORTMENT OF DEFT reasonable figures. JOHNSON'S Blood. Syrup IVea 4-V.et PARKER'S HA I K BAIaSABE. This alaaSI dewing Is pufcui ej W these vaaslaaaaaedaaaaay astkle, ea ac- ct hi Ei:rri.r it to tbe scaip aad bair aadalij i, iraCrVvwFasatiaair aacw perbaaad and ia ax el rlir hsir sad to re. Uiscox&Co.N.Y. U aaaj i i la irvft ami arwi. PARKER'S GINGER TONiC A Ssasrlsnvs if you are a awrhamr or fanaer, worn cut wnh oeerwerk. or a mother tea down by faaauyor aeaa bold duties try Pakkzz's Ginger Tcsnk. If you are a lawyer, mrntwrr or business nan at baaastd by mental strain or aaxioua cares, do not take iatoxkatiagianulaata,butuse Parker's Ginger Tonic If too basa Oauumpuon, Dyspepsia, Kbetnaa. bm, KlneyCoaiplarali,orany ajiwifaof ihehwi, nomach. boweU. blood or nerees. Pakvbk's Gccra Tosac will cure yea. Itts the Greatest Blood Purifier AaA tas Best sad tarsst Cesajh Cars Ever aaaa. If you are wasting away from age, rliuipuiiei or Bay ihe-ie or weakness and reouiie a stimulant take Cincks Toatcatence; it wiU taricorate ar.d build you up from the first dose but wiO never i"t".fr. It has saved hundreds of fires; it may save years. CACTIOH !-BaweaB niaanai. reW'.Carr Toak b .. ... ... .. ..j uXkij aaswlfwii il ilni ef ttafwakae. IT alfn ill islii U lbo A Co., N. T. tec A 1 ti, at Seakn a 4rs;i. GREAT SAVING BITTING DOLLAR SOS. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made thrs delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There i aotalag like It. Insist open having Ftoasa. tcm CoLooaa and look far signature of betue. Aar a mm ha ar eJ. fc. w. '"fVlyy SSaaAttteaSaaw. LARGE PAVING BCTINi TSc. S!7: : -EUIDEN CqM.U.SLA. Having attained a national reputation in FINE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, Have added the waawbctare of mil tyUs of BWEMIa puns. With a skilled superintendent la tbat depart mcnt, supplemented bv extended experience) la the working of ana steel, we are enabled to ofler gooda of unrivalled quality. To Introduce our PATENT AIXJU8TABLK Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, "THE -A.CTsCE, In adranee of regular trade channels, we show art of It, and wilt mail a sample gross to anv aadn!. on receipt of 7 aaareaa Carries aa mark Ink as say Foaataia Pea. T;:iS 1 X FITS ANY BOLbgn Onr whale I : n of Pen will be sold by ik w ,b JV.cc Lists!-nished to deak-rs ou ap'pii' FREE for TRIAL An unfailing and speeds cere for .nervosa mbUiti aad -'ibi, tSjj w. . . . V r lyvr, suit of indien etran, work, ate., (orar forty tivecoraa.) rSTTUnii on trial box of KX)ptlla. Ur. M. W. BAOdSTa a&o UUaooa r fafl Parker's Hair Balsam VMiauSBQ to prevent Baa taovc daadra. sail arai Sasaa aasTi .-"jt' M g t'VTrBl.t . , Tbtbjbjbb ammmmmmmWRmmW1 saaaaaaaaBBW be a erairs- arSarOt