The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 10, 1883, Image 3

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Ihc geawcrate
Oflhiil Canity Pap8P.
at the Pjet Offfoe at Albany, Or.
am moo nd class mall nsatter.
Milan aid
P. Nrrnvii. Local redder.
O. ft
Albany Station.
w.n mnu S Arrives!
&; A. M
t) A. M.
11:45 A. M.
.IMi P. M
1I.C6 ! M.
s ao p, m.
I Arrive! .
) DMHiait
All Tnlii dallr, except Sanata?.
Norica. On and after this data regular
tickets will be sold at oar ticket office for
following points on Columbia river: Upper
Cascades, Dalles. Umatilla, Wallula,
Walla Walla and A ins worth.
Will. R Rica,
Freight end Ticket Agent
O. A C. R. SL Co.
Albany. Jane 18th. 188.
Following ere the Dkjsocrat's dely au
thorised agents to receive subscriptions or
money for the eame i
Harrisburg !aru May
Brownsville O. F. Coehaw
Halsey T. L. Porter
Sriedds F. A. Watts
Scio W. K. Kelly
Jefferson S. A. IkVaney
Additional Loral on S d Pag
St. John's Lodge, No. 62, in Foster
Block, 2nd Saturday of each month.
Corinthian Lodge, No. 17, same place,
let and 3rd Saturdsys of each month.
Bayley Chapter, No. 8, 4th Saturdays at
eame place.
Albany Lodge, I. O. O. PL Wednesday
evenings at Odd Fellows Hall.
Orgeaaa Encampment meets every 2nd
and 4th Friday of each month.
Willamette, No 5. A. O. V. W., Monday
venings at O. F. Hall.
Pacific Lodge, A. O. TJ. W., Tuesday
evenings, in Petersons Hall.
Knights of Pythias, Thurtdsv evenings
at O. F. HsJl.
Chosen Friends, at O. F. Hall, 1st and
3rd Fridays of each month.
Ancient order of United Templars, at O.
F. Hall, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each
gfetnl mrretmrj.
U S Senators Hon J H Slater, Hon J
N Dolph.
Congressman II C George.
Supreme Court Judges J B Waldo, W
P Lord, B Watson.
Governor Z F Moody.
Secretary of State BP Ear hart.
State Treasurer-Ed Hirsch.
Supt of Public Instruction E B Mo
Elroy. Circuit Judge (3rd dist) R P Beise.
Disfc Atto ney (3rd dist) W H Holmes.
County Judge L Flinn.
County Comm. -John Xsom, S R Clay
pool Clerk C H Stewart.
Sheriff George Humphrey.
Treasurer -J H Peerj.
Sebaol Sops P A. Hoesa.
Surveyor-D V RekL
Coroner Dr J A Davis.
Assessor N C Doxier.
Mayor W M Ketch um.
Recorder N J Hen ton.
Marshal G V7 BurkbarL
Treasurer Fred Mailer.
a is
fr a Water Helen.
It eame, the first water melon, last
Saturday afternoon, and as the day was
hot and sultry its coming was timely, Mr
Wo Peacock accompanied it, being In
spired by our liberal offer of two weeks
ago. This was rushing the season, and
certainly speaks volumes for the fertility
of the soil of Mr Wm Peacock's form.
which, lying across the river in Benton
county, no doubt receives much of its
richness from the abundance of water
coming both from the clouds and the
Willamette. Certainly, Mr Peacock la
always one or the firs to appear in the
market, not only with water melons, but
produce generally, besides being one of
the best taxidermists in the state, and
withal a genial gentleman, and what
touches our heart always s wsrm friend
of the printer. Some men claim distinc
tion for getting the first wheat in market,
some for raising corn early, and others for
this and that, but greater than all stands
.-vnuuug, mio ucomeui, wnier-
meion inro toe sanctum or tnose who dish
up news for the masses, when the day is
warm and the tongue parched.
Bad slabbing Affray at CervaJMs-
Laat Monday night a subbing affray
occured in one of the saloons at Corvallis,
which was about as bad as the newspaper
often has to chronicle. Lu McVev. of
Newport, and another man, were sitting
beside each other talking, when Dora
vusnman, wen known in this city, enter-
eu tne saioon, ana as the story was told
a . a . .
us, went op so tne men, ana cum pea
ineir neaae togetner m a very severe
manner. McVey jumped to his feet and
drawing a long b laded knife rushed at
Cushmao, and stabbed him in the back,
reaching around behind him in some
manner and dealing such a thrust with
the knie, as to send it in fully five inches,
snd catting a gssh as long as it was deep.
A surgeon was called, and the wound was
sewed up, but the gash was so deep that
he bled internally, and at last accounts it
was thought that be would not live. Mc
Vey quietly left the city, no effott being
madt, at the time to capture him.
All Chinamen are not angels.
All white men are not eaten.
All Salem people do not attempt to put
on more style than they can carry .
All Portland men are not apposed to
th- mortgage tax law. Some believe in
paying taxes.
All of the Corvallis women do not have
big feet.
All is not smoke that obscures.
All dust and wind does not come from
Walla Walla. Albany is now afflcted.
All is not gold that glitters, The drug
gist has many a mineral that will do it.
Latter List.
in the Pom Office. Albany, Linn county. Ore -
Thfl fOunwirii. itt.h list. nf Ibti... .A.n . m.
gon, Auguw v, ibm. rentons eaiung lortnese
letters muit, give the date on which they were
Miller, Daafcl Q 2
Oniel, Wm
fflssna. aetxoca
wuDorn, Frank
Webster, Ssaan C
F M French, jeweler,
Times are lively ia old cheese
Bead the sew advertisements.
The County Court is in session this week .
Bnttericka patterns for August just re
ceived at Samuel E. Young's.
More attention should be paid to dairy
The sewer is now nearly finished to Third
The State fair begins on ths 17 th of
Our Knight Templars leave for San Fran-
next week.
Every paid np subscriber to the Democrat
is entitled to one of "Kendalls Treaties on
on the Horse."
We weald like some more wood on sub
scription at this office.
The next best thing to s poor circus is a
poor minstrel show.
Wells dng and cleaned. Leave orders at
the Democrat office.
Wheat is row coming into the mills and
warehouses regularly.
Bead Nolans big ad in another column.
He means business.
Tourists to ths Bay and other places hsve
bsgun returning to their homes.
Hipe apples have pat in an appearance, a
golden one ; $1.50 per bushel.
Mr W C Tweedsle is having his shop
painted. A T Arnell is the artist.
CoL Hawkins, who recently went to Port
land, has a ease on the Oregonia,
Mr C W Watts was confined to his hones
several days last week with some chills.
The Stmiard is about the only Portland
paper in favor of the mortgage tat law.
The total number of school children in
Walla Walla between 4 and 2 years is 1.113.
Interesting correspondence will be found
this week from Brownsville, rVio, Shedds,
Teachers should read the communication
from Superintendent Moses in another col
umn. The float of Ceo Harris's msrble shop has
recently been pointed and a neat sign put
en it.
Henry Ward Beecher will lecture in Reeds
Opera House st Salem, Wednesday evening,
Aug. 22.
A lie samee Cninameo happy now, steam
saw now saw am wheat in ths country. Lots
of work.
John L Sullivan whipped Slade in the late
sparring contest in New York in only three
Mr Chris Honck has been confined to bis
bouse for some time with an a bees is his
However great the wheat crop may be it
is certain that the infant crop is a success.
See "Born."
The Wolverine residence is now taking a
roll on Broadalbia street, after the manner
of the snail.
A Chinaman was killed near Jacksonville
by a stick of wood thrown by a bust nearly
half a mile.
We chronicle with a great deal of pleas
ure the fact that there are no printers in the
The Band of Hope will meet in Y P C A
Hall to-morrow, (Setsusiay) afternoon, at
2:30 o'clock.
The meat market ran by Joe Tyler
been moved to the place formerly oeoapied
by W H Hearst.
smoke in the mountains makes it
greeable for those desiring to
pounds of the very best peaonts, and the
boys all rejoice thereat.
Rev J W Hcilmheaga will preach at the
Millers Station school hease next Sunday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Considerable brick laying is being done m
the nothing bigger than walls have
been coostrscted.
The null of Montettb A 8 m is bsing
painted by Mr Robt Bowman. It will be a
great improvement to it
A lazy nun has no business in this county.
what we want here are workers, and there
is plenty for them to do new.
The saloon of M. Bsumgart is being im
proved, the store lately occupied by J. fired
wobl being united with it.
As soon as the bridge is built across the
Willamette, a woolen mill built, anew
school hease constructed and,
The oldest citizen says this is about ss
weather as they had when he sad
Noah started oat in the ark.
Rev I H Condit. of Albany will preach in
Geisendorfer Church near Knox's Butte,
next Sebr ath afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The price of new wheat will probably be
about 75 cents, although as yet there is no
settled market price in the Valley.
Continue to keep cool by calling on HoiT-
A Joseph for iced drinks, ice cream,
etc., as well as yoar groceries, tobaccos, etc.
The W. C.T. U. Will hold a meeting
next TnaaHav ffcrnoo t .1 nVWk .f v
P. C. A HalL All members should be
Henry Ward Beecher will lecture in Salem,
Aug, 22. He will not be in Albany, for
several reasons, which it is not necessary to
If subscribers would attend to their snb-
I amotion at the end of the year it would not
. . . . . . .
J em large a when slowed to run several
The man killed at Eugene last week bv
I w w
ligbtauag was named Richard A Robinson
.n.i hm wrrvin7 ak of Wt. and otit
1 w ear - - -
Horse back riding is one of the most
healthy exerceises indulged in, snd Dio
Lewis says will cure consumption if any
thing will.
Dayton. W. T., has had three fires in two
weeks, and still she is not completely happy
although her new steamier got ap steam in
eleven minutes.
A lady in this city bought some property
in Seattle a few weeks ago, paying f 1500 for
it. She has since been offeied 13000 for it,
Out refused it.
It is stated in Corvallis now that work
will be resumed on the O P, and those with
some insight into the business say it will be
rushed next yesr.
Crilmonr A Watkins are running two
threshers snd steam engines this year, and
already hsve enough work engaged ahead to
keep both going.
The Harris burg Bitvminotor kaa discon
tinued publication for two weeks in order to
give the editor and employees a chance to
rusticate for awhile.
The citizens of Newport applied for a life
saving service, it was answered by a rec
ommendation that one be established at
Gray 'a 'Harbor.
Bey Harris will occupy the pulpit of ths
Congregational church again next Sunday,
having put eft bis vacation until the smoke
1 hall have passed away.
Senders A Sternberg who advertised a
mule in the Dcmocrat two weeks ago have
sold the animal. There is nothing Baa
making an ad peculiar.
Tne gold spike will be driven the 8th of
September at a point about 00 miles west of
Helena. Gen Grant. Wm M Kvarts and
ether notables will be present.
Johnny Sehmesr has a genuine bunch
grass sow horse at his atables. It turns so
quiokly it looks some ss if were on a pivot
We went grouse hunting last Wednesday
evening this side of Miller's, but as we took
mo gun we did net succeed in killing sny of
ths festive birds.
Wanted 12 cords of oak grub wood int.
mediately for the College for whlok cash wilt
be paid. Call on Rev I H Condit. corner of
Ellsworth street snd the Ditch.
Several young men went from thia city to
hear Calendars Minstrels at Corvallis, last
Saturday eymin. They were not very well
atiatisd with the performance.
Ths premiums offered at the State Fair
thia year in ail departments are very good
ones, and it is hoped will induce s good dis
play as well as speed in horses.
Ths tint whest of ths season was receiv-
ad by Isom, tanning & Co. last Monday
morning at 8 o'clock, Mr Mart Miller, hav
ing the honor of being the deliverer
A pump was recently brought to Portland
that weighed nearly seven tons, and which
has s capacity for raising nearly 2,1)00,000
gallons of water in twonty four hours.
A quantity of ths list of premiums and
ograms for the State Fair have been receiv.
ed at thia office, and will be distributed up
on application to those desiring the same.
Chief Watkins, of Portland, proposes to
deal with vsgs and bad women without
glares. This will be quite a change from
lappena' course. He always wore gloves.
AuVi A Martin keep oonstsnty on baud
i endless variety of corsets. The "ever.
lasting." "unbreakable" and "corduroy,"
the three best corsets made, always in stock
:0.t0 n Northers Pecifto bonds haa
been transferred to the lUgenta of the State
University, an additional income of 83,000,
8400 of which is to be put in the library
each year.
Rsv J F Baker, of Salem, a son of Rev J
C Baker, who preached in the Congregation
al church last Sunday, will preach in ths
Presbyterian church nest Sabbath, morning
and evening.
Ths number of bushels of wheat stored in
the mills sad warehouse in this city will
probably be as great as last year, although
some farmers will keep their wheat until
tbsy aell.
A tailor for a San Francisco house is the
city. Deal with home manlscture, many
say is the proper rule, ft certainly is what
helps build np a community, but of course
this is a free country.
Wednesday tidxnour k Watkins threshed
B Tomer's wheat west of Albany. It jield-
ed 31 bushels to the acre on an average.
which was much more thsn wa anticipated
from appearances.
Kmory French, alias Joe Scott, who was
ted in this county last spring and taken
bank to Iowa, for horse stealing, has had
his trial, and been sentenced to a term of
four years in the penitentiary.
Rsv Baker preached in the Congregation
al church butt Sunday evening. Bev Bower
aox, of Salem, supplied the pulpit st the
Evangelical church, and Rev Berry, af
Seism, st ths Presbyterian church.
The prospects for a good sttendanco st
College this fall are very flattering. We
under aland an accornpliabed teacher for the
ore pars tor department has been hired, and
a first-daas assistant will be obtained.
The railroad will go through Colfax,
which would probably not have been the
case had not that place burned nearly down.
The radioed promised to go there if they
weald rebuild, and will keep its word.
Mr Cross, of WsAerseo lafeswas us that
there is no further danger from scarlet fever
at that place. It has been 12 days since the
person who had it was removed sad every
thing been renovated snd made healthy.
A gentleman from Halsey last Tuesday
noon at the depot got so excited in talking
politics with the editor of our contempo
rary that the train left without him.eo that
he did not go to Portland until the next
Going into a Chinese house say evening
one can aee by occasional glances behind the
curtains that opium is being smoked con
tinually. There is probably not a Cbtasse
establishment in ths city where it is not
D D Pretty man while in Eastern Oregon
found s spear of grass thirty-two feet mg
by actual measurement. We have fhia on
ths word of Mr Prettyman as well as the
newspaper reports from that part of the
Wednesday the County Court had its
hands full examining six applicants for
scholarships to the State University st
Eugene It was ss interesting session snd
kept Superintendent Moses, the county
Judge end Commissioners busy sevsrsl
Jas Bennett, a farm laborer living nesr
Portland, and said to be a bard drinker, was
found dead in a gulch in Portland. The
Coroners Jury were uncertain whether he
fell from a bridge running across ths gulch'
or had been foully dealt with.
On account of publishing s correspondence
for which it wss not st all responsible, The
Dallas Times Mountain er lost fifty to a
hundred subscribers ss well as their adver
tising patronage, but that paper should lose
nothing by it.
"Well, how is the Demur a at," some one
asks ss nearly every day, snd we till tbem,
thst it is getting slong first-rate consider
ing the times, getting new subscribers, sod
once in a while losing use who has been
politely invited to liquidate.
Capt Powell, in charge of the government
works in the Northwest, ou)y asks for ah
appropriation of 814, .'jOO to be used at
Yaquina Bay dnrifv mxt year. This it
is claimed will be woolly inadequate, and
much surprise is expressed that so amall an
appropriation was asked for.
We are informed by Mr L G Edcimau
living six miles south-west of Brownsvills
thst dming the thunder storm last week
lightning struck the bouse of Mr Breese
living one mile north of him. No damge
was done except to kill a est and mild!7
electrify several members of the family.
A boy called on os with a water melon
but Tuesday, but as some one had gotten
the start of him we conld not induce him to
leave the melon by any promise, of a small
puff. He was evidently after a 85 puff or
at all, but as two melons in one issue
would make matters toe coiicy we refrained
from offering any such price for it.
B D Murray reached down last Saturday
to pick np a 150 pound box, but be thought
. t a t m avA e
it oniy weignea scoot zu pounds, snd so
tufted it with the speed he would use in
handling such a box, in consequence he
caught something in bis hack, and for ae vera
days did not walk with his usual alacrity
Aaother mail stags was stopped at Wolf
Creek by two men, the first of the week, and
the treasury chest taken, bnt it contained
t as a T a. , i . . .
oniysiu. oust, previous to tms the same
snea attacked a Dr Smith and took 8159
from nun. He restated and grasping
knife one of the men had it was drawn
through his hand, nearly severing it.
Harvest will soon be over snd long even
ings will be coming on when every family
will want a good supply of reading matter.
Frank Kenton has worked up a general
newspaper subscription business, being able
to furnish nearly alt leading publications at
the publishers prices, thua aaving aubscri
hers the trouble and expense of sending
money to ths publishers. This is quite
convenience tn persons wishing to order
The manner in which some Washington
papers are praising np the resources of their
country ia not very commendable, when it
ia known that it ia done as an advertise
ment, and we are told on personal authority
is not hacked by facts. It is natural for the
iwonle of a section of country to desire s
large immigration to thair particular locali
ty, bnt it la a grand mistake for thorn to
think they can keep it even if they get it,
when it ia obtained by falsa representation.
Prof J I. Oil her I has been honored by
again being placed in chsrgs of Nautiain
Academy st Lebanon. He ia making that
school a success, snd this next year will
probably do more than sver before. The
Academy building is being repaired snd
placed in good condition. Thsre is s good
library aud studsnts will hsve the benetit of
a rtadiug room. Every effort will be made
to make this a good school for those desiring
s practical education.
MePhersuu, one of Cummins' murderers
was taken from the jail at Dayton, W, T .
last Sunday by a mob of maaked men, aud
hanged by the neck to the scaffold prepared
for Suoderly'a execution. It wae done with
out much demonstration, and when it was
tlniahed the city became ss quite as if noth
ing had happened. The reason it was done
at that time was because Mcpherson had
been granted a new trial and received a re
prieve from Governor Newell.
Following sre the demands of the tele
graph operators Who hsve struck, snd have
caused u much excitement throughout ths
United States: "(I.) That eight hours
hall continue a day's work and aeven hours
a night's wrk, instead of nine snd s half,
and eight snd a half respectively, as st
present. - ) That no Sunday shall be ex
acted without being fully paid for. (3.)
That an advance of 13 per cent shall be made
on current rates of compensation, snd thst
ths same wsges shsll be paid for the same
amount of work irrespective of sex."
Bst a Altbuuse have sold this year to
California fifty -six of their mounted separa
tors, snd will probably dispose of nine or
ten more, all that have been manufactured.
These were all built at their manufactory in
this city, and shows that we have at lesst
one establishment in Albany that is doing a
big bust sou. Besides ths disposal of these
separators Mr. Pt has taken orders for
three.ol their combined threshers and separ
ators, which will be manufactured during
the coming winter in this city, and be ship
ped in time (or nsxt years harvest ia Cali
fornia. Several separators aa well as one of
the threshers hsve also been sold in Oregon.
Wednesday forenoon while the boose of
Mr Chas Wolverton was being moved along
Broadalbia street an accident occurred
which fortunately did not terminate very
seriously, (ieorge Young, s nephew of
Ueorge Yeang, wss sitting on the capstan,
holding ths rope, while the koree was in
motion, when the capstan gave way, throw
ing him eight or ten feet in the air. He
landed on his shoulder and aitle, reoeiviug a
borough stirring up, but moat forts aately
not breaking a bone. As be has the kind
of spunk thst overcomes such accidents be
will come out of it all right.
The mortgage tax lsn- is the principal
ea tbo
of some of tho tnemmy lender it
is assy to aee what an injustice the lew in
working. Coder the old law they esly
paid tsies on shoot a third of their proper
ty, which waa proper, as meet of them can
Ul afford to pay more, but under this
"slab aided" new law they are obliged to
psy es what they actually own. The evil
enV-t ot this can be seen at a glance. An
other bad feature to the affair is ths fact
that it coats two bits in solid silver to make
an entry on a mortgage, money that should
go to buy bread. These facte alone sre eof
h ciest to convince any one thst ths mort
gage tax law ia sn injustice and only gotten
op in the interest of the grasping farmer.
A correspondent of s Portland psper has
tbs following to say in reference to the new
store to be bnilt for C B Montague st Leb
anon : "This will be s magnificent struct
ure. The main building will be 190 feet
long by 75 feet wide, and three atones with
s Mansard roof. Tne itrst floor will be seed
for ths retail trade of a general country
atore, and will be well stocked with every
thing that heart can wish. Mr Montagus
baa been engaged in thia business for years,
and his present prosperity snd lack of room
sbowa in what estimation he is held by the
community st large. Tbe second floor will
be 'for offices and private rooms, and ths
third for general storage, being reached by
The following communication wss receiv
ed by sn East Oregon atock rsiser from a
herder : "Sheep camp No. 26 Mr. D
dear air, i want grub forthwith t.mb must
ccroe immediately please send grub i muted i-
tely grub as follows i sac beings aom flour
aboulder bacon ken sirup 2 pounds cony,
sum shugar ami 2 pound Bales, yours sheep
ishly, Dulaudy Doolittle p. s. tbe aheeps ia
sll doing fins." Ex. It would be s good
plsn to hire the fellow to go with the rickety
affair called the Central School building.
He would be in keeping with it.
Last Monday K Piatt aad brothers, of the
orks of ths Saotiam. brought na a bunch
ef White Winter wheat that had eUty.tkrt
heads, sll from oae grain, as can be proven
by any doubter calling at thia office. They
hsd six acres of thia wheat, which stood the
freeze so well thst only about one-third was
injured. This is ahead of anything report
ed this year, beats Umatilla, and we doubt
if it can be surpassed even in Linn county.
Farmers have a chance to try it.
According to the following which we clip
rom a Washington Territory psper, farmers
can make more money sell tne wheat for
hay than for wheat : "Now air," aaid an
intelligent farmer to us, "I aaid to myaelf,
part of my wheat ia a failure and I'll cot it
for hay. 1 did so, and it yielded 4 tona to
the acre, for which I received $10 par ton
or $40 to the acre. The wheat, which I
thought would yield well enough for har
vesting, I cot and threshed. I sold tbe
wheat at 50 cents per bushel, realizing,
$15 per acre. Ont of the $15 I netted
$10.40, and out of the $40 I netted $35.
Now air, tell me where the failure came in
I wish I had cut all my wheat for hay. The
reason why, ia quite apparent."
The wrestling match inPortland IFednes
day night between Donald Ditaie and the
"unknown" was won by tbe latter, who
proved to be D A McMillan, of Bodic.
1 Si '
Cedar Shingles.
ssasanasaajaaa S
For ash) st Sam Cohen's, for $3.40 per
D. Monteith is back from the Bay.
Boas Char lay was in the oity Isst week.
F A Watts, of Hhedds, called on us last
Mr Jus Webber left for the Bay the first
of ths week.
Miss Csruthers, of this ajtji waa in New
port last wssk.
8 8 Train snd family, of the iHMiminntot
are at the Ray.
Mr Pete Callahan is nov clerking in ths
store of .) M Nolan.
Frsd Blumberg left for Portlsnd last Wed.
nasdAy. going by horsepower.
A B Woodin snd family relumed from s
trip to the Bay the first of the week.
Cyrus Westlake, of llolliater, Cel., ar.
rived in Albany last Tuesday evening.
Mr M Benders left for Han Praneieoo last
Tuesday, to lay in his fall atock of goods.
Thus Kay, Superintendent of the Browns
ville Woolen Mills was in Albsny last Satur
Hoi Baum, a son of N Baum, of Portland
is visiting with his many young friends in
this oity.
ant I. lotting returned from his trip to
Washington Territory aud British Colombia
lst week.
Mrs W A Cox, st present of Portlsnd, re
turned home last Monday aftor a visit litre
of a week.
Superintendent Brandt, of thu O ft C R R
reused through the city on his wsy South
Or Kd Usury, formerly of this plaoe ia
now located st Ashland, aud is working np
a good reputattou as well as practice.
Mrs J W Harris, and daughter, and Bev
J W Curtis, left Wednssdsy for thu moun
taioB. Mr Mart Payne went with them.
Wallace Maurey, of Newport, wss in ths
oity Tuesday, on his wsy to Portland. I
will not return to ths Bay for several months.
Mr Senders, of llarriaburg. of the firm of
May ft Senders, accompanied by his wife,
spent last Sun lay in this city, viaitmg
Mr E Q Clsrk, rsturasd from Cheney,
W. T. last Tuesdsy evening, hsving Wen
there severs! months closing out sn assigned
stock of goods.
Miss Bertis Knos, formerly of this city,
bat at present s coinpoaitor oo the .VAiir
is visiting in ths city. She will return to
Portland to-morrow.
Mr I M Wsite, ths veteran printer, of
Silem. accompanied by his wife, paased
through this city on their way home frmn
the ll'est aide, last Tuesday.
R D Wtleun, of Dallas, was in Albany
Tussday aod Wednesdsy. He with his
psrtuer, Mr flolmau, will oin rebuild their
mill, which was recently homed.
Alvah Arnold, who has been living is the
Wallowa Valley for six years, returned to
Albany yesterday noon, and will remain
hare for several months st least.
Mr. Isaac Fogel, who has been with J M
Noland several months, left for Portland
hurt Saturday. He is s gaud ne teaman, and
gave the beat of satisfaction -!e here.
J H Crooks, of the Risdsaj Hua, at
ilalaey, called last Monde) 11 . bag lately
tnkn charge of thia Hook-, h-t ref omened
ft with ail neceaaary furniture, ptan", bil
liard table, ec. card elahsre.
"Nat." Uiumih Issft last l'wsday y
Olympia, W, T . which b.i will make hi
future home. He will browe a etndettt of
medicine under lb- ntrand-r. Nst is a
good boy. seta while bis many r tends hero
will r-.'r. t his loss, thev sll heartily eon in
a bun e bond ant
N c Hawks, of sn Framisce, was in tbe
eity Saturday, s guest of Mr X II Allm
Mr Hswks is now opennteit.teitt of tbe i
bosiasasof Palmer ft Ksy, ef Haa Francisco,
and is one of tbe beet business men in the ;
hue of pi niters goods oo tbe coast. He is
thoroughly ndisble snd is uotrrsally liked
by the printers of this coast
Wednesday morning Mr Robert Brown
and wife and boy and T J Stites and wits
sad children, started for Yaquins Bay to be j more than a bone race and a catch
gone ten days. The senior editor of the ; penny for ftalem. A State fair is sup-
DaggOi itT particularly needed therip. his
face looking like this, 0. when he lift, but
we look for it to be transformed to some
thing like this i O. when he re tarns
Ted W Cnrran waa ia the city Saturday
en his wsy back to Southern Oregon from
Portland, where be hsd been summoned as
a witness in the stage robbery. Ted has
chsrgs of tbs forsgog department on the
extension st tunnel & under BUI Managan.
That tunnel is the largest of the tunnels and
will be completed in shout two weeks, when
the terminus of the road will be chsngeil
from Julia to about twenty miles beyond,
reaching almost to Jacksonville,
strark It Rich.
Mr J M Nolan, proprietor of Nolan's
Cash Store returned from Portland last
Friday nigbt. White in that city he made
a rich strike, which, we are glad to hear,
our citizens are to have the benefit of.
He purchased of ens of the leading houses
there a Job lot of goods, which our readers
need only to examine to believe that they
are ntsteotass. Getting them for consider-
sblo less than the wholesale rats he is
actually sblo to put tbem on tbe market
tor less thsn such rate aod still make a
srood profit. He bss a line of dress but-
ton of eplendld designs, which usually
sell for 50 lo 100 centa per dozen, but
which he will be able to aell for 10 centa,
and buttons selling for 15 to 9 centa be
will pnt down to 5 centa. This Is bona
Several lines of handsome silks be
ft aelliug at astonishingly low prices, those
galling for $1 In Portland being reduced
la boo. and 1 1.50 alike to 75c; There is no
excuse for s woman's uot wearing a silk
dress whsu silk can lie obtained aa cheap
thia. Dress goods of all kinds, l&ces,
flannels, sheetings, etc., are being aold
For the gentleman a good line of goods
ia found here, oonsisting of clothing, har
vesting goods, underwear, and notions of
all kinds, besides a first-class line of to
baccos, cigars, etc., all having been pnr-
ehased low will be sold st bottom prices,
the customer getting the benefit of Mr.
Nolsn's bargains.
Brick ! Brim !
itr. Cundlff of this oity has jest finished
burning s kiln dr 250,000 li rat -class
brick. They will be ready for delivery,
Tuesday, July 24th.. Call eaily if yon
want brick,
Boots sad Rosea.
At Allen fc Martin's is the plsce to find
boots anishoea in any quality you wish,
and at any price. Good goods in this line
Will be aold cheaper than at any store In
the valley and no old atock to work off.
"KsagJa sa Bats.'
Clears out rate, mice, roaches, flies, ants,
bed-bogs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c.
Mrs. fluids Hsncock Trimble, sged 7
years, 8 months and 3 days, was born
near Uarrlsburg, Kentucky, flho was ths
dsugbter of Mr Henry Orson, son of Osn.
Henry Green, of the Revolutionary wsr,
her father moved to Butter c jnnty, Ohio,
In 1900, and In 1816 she wss married to
j Mr John Hancock, of Illinois, a grand son
of fJsn. John Hancock. Tliny nettled on a
farm near Nbat voice, ill. Hhe snd her
husband made profession of religion In
united with the M. K. Church. In
Kt'i thev started a!ros the plains to Ore
gon and while on tbe wsy lt nearly
every thing they possessed, and the heart
rending loss to bar was tbe death of her
beloved husband on whoso manly arm
she leaned, be dying In Unsatills county,
leaving her bereaved and alone to inane
bar way to Benton county, where sbo re
sided ever since, twenty-one years of ths
tlms lit Corvallis. In 1H64 she was mar.
ried to Mr Samuel Trimble. In 1864 she
united w ith the Baptist Church and waa
baptised by the writer. Mho enjoyed the
services of the church aa a faithful, devot
ed member. Hhe anticipated her depart
ure, more than once requested too writer
If he should be living when death romov
od Iter to preach bar funeral sermon. Her
mind usually strong and clear, was well
stored with Bible truth, she enjoyed com
munion with Ood lu prsyer. Although
she hsd no ohtldren of her own she sup
piled the place of departed mothers in
raising twenty -one step ehlldroo, smelior-
sllng tholr diversified sorrow ss an An
plot mercy, soothing snd lioeriug tl
hearts of orphans with christian patience
and fortitude. During her last Illness
whloh resulted from a severe hurt receiv
ed bys fail she lingered mere than three
weeks in severe suffering, although kind
hearted,skillful physteianN.fsithful nurses
snd anxious friends of which she had
many rendered all tbo services in therr
power to soothe her suffering. Sbo fre
quently bore testimony of her nnshsken
fa) lb and oonndenoe and love for the
Kavi jr who bad taken away fear of death.
She realized that her wsy wss clear, she
desired to depart snd be st rest with
Christ. During the last dsy of bsr illness
she rested easily and about noon on tbe
Sabbath tho ISftb dsy of July mIio calmly
isned from the cares and tolls of earth to
enter the Sabbath of etsrnal rest with tbe
Lord in glory, thus removed from time
sit honored decendsut of the nobis do
eendants of tbo venerable, itevolittionary
fat hers, one of tbe pioneers of Oregon's
pioneer mothers, and a faithful mother In
Israel who hsd tbe respect end highest
esteem of sll who mods her acquaintance,
and the heart felt sympathy ot tbe Baptist
Church of which she wss a beloved mem
ber. Her funeral was well stionded by
the good citizens of Corvallis, conducted
according to her previous request by the
writer of this sitlcle, assisted by tho kind
nass of tbs resident minister of the M, E.
church. Peace be to the departed mother.
H. C If XIX,
raw asate Fatv.
aaMwen a
Iaat Saturday Mr. I). D Prettyman,
waa In tbe city In the Interest of tbo
State Fair, when we bad the pleasurs
of masting him, and ftuJingout some
thing of what ie being done this year.
Mr Prettyman has Just returned from
Southern Ongon. where lie ban been
cn'tectiug specimens of cereals to be
inhibited nt the fair and had boon
meet log with good suceee. In this
oouiity lie obtained some excellent
specimens which wo examined, but
tl iv should b" more ivrwaxaed from
this, ouuty, aud an effort made If ikissi
Ids to make the exhibit from this
coumy as flue aa that of any county In
the state, not ouly as far as cereals are
concerned, but aa to products generally
u is proposed by the management
,, the State fair to make the celebra-
i lion this year the best ever held In this
State, ami to accomplish it an endeavor
R being made to make it something
j posed to represent the resources of a
state, although In the past It ckn hard
lv be aaid that has been the object In
tills "date. Aa a now leaf ia being turn
ed over thia year every farmer in the
state ahould lend a helping hand. The
exhibits of each county, which will be
kept together advertises ihst part of
the stats, and it Is to be urged on all to
do their best In giving Linn county a
front rank this year, as aell as to do
something towards making the lair a
; TOmplete g,,
Specimens of cereals of all kinds left
either at this office, tf at the depot
with A. D. Barker, will be taken care
of, be properly labeled and sent to
Salem for exhibition.
An i;sss) mu Wees Spirited Hen.
It la a big thing to be a small man soci
ally, at least some seem to tbiuk so. It is
strange to notice tbe number of men who
prefer to be known an mean spirited and
keep thoir money ,than generous sue! pub
lie spirited, and spend some of it. There
SS ar sf
are men worth their thousands who had
rather beg their tobacco than pay for it,
and others who will live ou bread and
gravy at a cost oi sis otw a wees, ramer
m. a a a it . a .
j than spend a amall amount of money to
bnv something better. Fact. For our
part we would ralber be a wook chuck In
the winter, or a Cbinamau and eat rate
than a man so pusillanimous tbst he will
not buy the necessaries of life. If a men
ia going to be-so veiy small in all his busi
ness transactions, why should he not put
s qusne on tbe bsck of bis hesd snd be
what he really is, a Chinaman. It Is a
fact, that, as unpopular sa they sre, there
srs many Chinamen to be picked out ;
even lu our own city, who sre above some
men who claim to be white, whose only
recommendation is their money. Albany
is not unlertunste enough to be slone in
this, nor is it peculiar in it, for on the
other hand its cltlxens aa a olaas are not
surpassed by any city In the Northwest,
and we have business men as square as
can be found anywhere. The sooner the
olsss referred to are ostracised the better
of! will be.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
hriiiasas. an res. ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, ohspped hands, chilblains,
noma and all kinds of skin eruptions.
This salve la guaranteed to give perfect
satiafaoLinn in everv case or money re
funded. Price 35o per box.
For sale by Foahay fe Mason.
Far Rale.
One good second hand wagon 3J inch
spindle, light, price $65. Also one good
set double harness used only about two
weeks, coat $36, price $25. Also two
saaond baud threshing machine with
mounted powers, just as good as new
will be sold very cheap. Enquire of
Burkhabt Bros.,
Real Estate Agents
Ths side wslks aio uncommonly goo ,
on Hocond street beyond Lyon. This
should not be, ss good sidewalks came
broken limits and lawsuits.
Fears sre entertained that some one wi I
build s pnbllc ball. This should be pn -
I f ..u.II.Ia m.l.lls, t alt iml',i..l.
, wj HM7U ai prmiiiv i . ..WIS-.
that s oily Is dead.
Visitors coming to Albany are alwsys
shown o'tr magnlfbont school building
the first thing.
Horns moans should be taken to cloeo
up tho Ditch snd water works of tbe city,
ss they srs s tremendous drawback to it.
and If some of baft rronied men should
concluded to go Into the manufacturing
business would prevent their obtaining
any power.
it is to deplored that a sewer Is being
built on Broadalblii street, ss it will create
tnslaria and be s brooder of sgue, fevers,
Linn county Is fortunate In not ha ring a
fair this fall, as B would bring s great
msny people to Albany and advertise our
Buslnses men should uot sdvortlae
Such things show the outside world whaf
errrcity amounts to, snd wi I Injure sny
man business. Besides it ts not rigtit to
as(t In supporting a newspaper. They
only do It In such dead places ss Seattle,
New Taoonis, etc., wbeie tbey do not care
what bar their plsce grows or not. snd
sro ss tight ss tho bark on s birch tree.
Our citizens should be careful about en
joying themselves. It in not right to hsve
sny pleasure her.
T'iere are no gosslpers in Albany.
Oo to Portland for your goods. Ills
even better to buy your groceries there,
and by all means take a Portland psper
In preference to yout local paper,
' i a
Skat We Hsve Wamni
Wo have received the initial number
Of ''o 2''. 'a Monthly. It suits us. In
fact It is J not such a magazine aa we
have been desiring to so published.
The object af It I to popularize sanitary
science. It Is better titan a physician,
and by reading it one can learn that
by simple practices one can do more
than by tbe use of all the medicine to
be obtained. It illustrates the different
points in the most Interesting manner
by stories, &c. For Instance a short
story, an actual occurrence entitled a
"Klde for J.r; snowed now a young
lady wss cured of consumption by
horseback ridlug, which the author
insists is the very be-1 remedy for that
almost Incurable disease. 'I hen there
is -Out of Door Life for Girls." "The
Pnlv and Melancholy Young Man.'
I'ubalaiiced Circulaliou ." wlticb
shows the power of percussion for any
pain In the body. "The Function of
Sunsliluc, deserving of perusal by all,
etc. Head $2 50 far a year, or 25 cents
for single number to New York City.
A Care.
Forewarned is to be fo rearmed. As
Iboro is a bare probability that we may
have r visit from that diead disease chol
era, which hi devastating tne laieo
Egyptian towns snd which is reported to
hsve found its wsy to England, it m gbt
be well to' sll our people to know of some
reliable remedy for iU The following
cure bss stood tbe teat of years and 1ms
ths full endorsement of no less an author-
By than tbs New York "Journal of Com-
matin." which says of it, that "no one who
has tb's by him aud takes it in time will
ever have the cholera. The medicare is
ss follows : Take equal parte of tincture
of cayenne, tincture of opium, tincture of
rhubarb, essenee of peppermint and spirits
of camphor. Mix well. Doss, fifteen to
thirty drops in a wineglass of water, ac
cording to age and violence of tbe attack.
Repeat every flfassn or twenty minutes
until relief Is obtained. Even when no
cholera is snUcipatesf. this is undoubted
ly an excellent specific for the usual com
plsinte ot summer in the shape of colic or
diarrhoea. If the cholera should visit this
country, s remedy, which can do what it
ia claimed that this bss demonstrated its
ability to do ahould he ready for the emer
gency in every family, Ex.
A W amderfajl Woman
Mrs. Hulds lisnrock Trimble, who died
at Corvallis an July 29tb, was really a
wonderful woman, deserving more than
ordinary notice. She was the grand
daughter of the celebrated Oen. Green, of
the Revolutionary wsr, to whom a monu
ment was erected at Fort Mercer and a
sword presented by Congress, for bravery
and a noble career. Her first hnsbsnd
wss s grandson of the celebrated John
Hancock, President of the Continental
Congress, snd one of tbe signers of tbe
Deo 1 emtio ti of Independence. Few peo
ple now can boast of such an sucostry.
But greater than all wss her noble cbsr-
scter ; although childless she raised 21
children and gave them a mother's love.
Who can help lovlsg the memory of such
s woman.
Sea obituary in another column.
Iv lird TTawa
Ail over the land are going into ecstacy
over Dr. King's New Discovery or Con
sumption. Their unlooked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Saving
rented v, causes them to go nearly wild in
ita praise. It is guaranteed to positively
cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hsy
Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Ixms of
Voice, or sny affection of the Thro it and
Lungs. Trial Bottles tree at Foahay A
Mason's Di ug Store. Large size $1.00.
fOsM let's. Mask Mere.
Mr J H Daniel this week moved his
pianos snd organs into tbe store opposite
Langdon's, where he continues to keep
tbe Msthushek piano, no doubt tbe beat
constructed, lu tbe market, also the Shon-
nger Cymbells organ. These instru
ments are becoming very popular in this
county. Those desiring a splendid in
strument should call on Mr Dsnlel st his
new qusrters.
Hew spring goods In men's and boys'
clothing at Allen A Martin's. Their stock
is very complete and they make every
man hsDPV where price and quality is
concern od.
Alien A Martin have just received from
New York a large stock of laces. Call and
se them and enquire prices
HACKLEMAN. -On Ausust 5th, 1883.
ear thia oity, to the wife of D D Hsokle-
mana girl.
TRVIKE. On Tneadav moraine. Ana. 7th
1883 in thia citv. to the wife of Dr. E. L.
Irvine a boy.
FRENCH. On Wednesday, Aug. 8tb.l883,
in Albany, te the wife of Frank French
a boy.
BRYANT. r-Oa Thursday, Aug, 2nd, 188.
in Albany, to the wife ef Mr. Hubbard
Bryant ahoy.
A sVI i a I .
Strr'mUurn Htralit.
aad mwe and rose
trad Dps lor erseat,
and hare's my
ehin wlUi ti
pte in,
This ts my
iMk with
'Sits awek
ebb h doth Owaraootr.
leok ; mhI U.e la.-
d.rabh T 0 N. which eiris
all wear, like me; sod here' s
hsart, frrm Cupid' dart. -.hieided
Wy Uira an .
This ie oir waist too tgU
ly laced, on wUa
a htaaUe ate
to masse.
This Is s
ores. JUersS
I rues., did my
-t psp nracti 41
tress, because he slr-he.
Vhen iMuinie tried H oo
and seoldeaJ sn I i-rted.
nut mamma said I soon would
wad sod hey pa's clashes U.r
him, Instead. It's trimmed wi-n
laee net In this pieoe, 'fceath wsir-.i
two anklas h"w, with grace, in stlfcei
hose tn eatcli the treses who think t.y t ,
lovely, I ssesose
These are say feet
is slippers neat, snd
"-W if we aiviuld ehsnee to meet
we ll flirt a IK- tie s the ateeet
As a great many of ojr citizens w re
disappointed in not being able tn
tbe celebrated spot on tbe sun, we givt
a lifeilkepicture of the same as seen
by our artist through the mo- st
even o'clock in tbe morning, it is no
doubt the nearest correct of niy ajhaxr
vation taken in Oregon .
sense ef Ibe rrrmirsusa.
Among other premiums offered at tbe
late fsi r srs the following : Best thorough
bred stallion, 4 yoars old, $15; best work
horse stallion, : ; best draft horse, stal
lion or mare, 4 years snd upwards, $15 :
best fair of farm horses, $15; best pair of
'-image horses, $15 ; beat abort born bull
8 years old and over, $2 ; best short barn
cow. $10 ; bent Devon boll or cow, $lt ;
best Hereford bull or cow, $15 ; Ayrshire's
Jersey and Hcdsteins the same ; bestinilk
cow, $10 ; best Spanish, Fiench end Amer
ican merinos, each $4 ; bast Angers gomt
link or ewe, $4 ; best boars f : fo each
of Burkshisre, Essex, Chaster white, etc.
poultry $2 for each kind, beat snd lsrajaa
variety of field aad garden seed raised by
exhibitor in glass of uniform skee, $i;
same for grass aaeds ; for cereals of dif
ferent kinds, $3 best displsy of sbeav s
of winter and spring w beat sod oats each
f 10 : best plows, etc., $5 each and diplomas;
boat butter, cheese , etc., f3 ; home manu
factured goods, such ss flannel, etc., $2 to
$4 ; best bread, cakes, etc., $1 to $ snd
in ths millinery department, for girls
for boys, fruits, garden products, flowers,
natural history, works of art, etc, tbe
premiums range s boot the same way.
Parties wanting choice finishing lum
ber.rustic, and flooring, can tesnpp?id
by calling on E. Carter, at corner f
Fourth and Hail road c'traet
VI heal .
Farmers wantfng wheat sacks can
obtain them af E. L Pryai. at ware
house Rt Tangent.
In tht Ctrruit Cosrt, of the Sttt' oOiegmt,
for th. Coutti y of Lmn :
Retty U Breed en. Plaintiff, )
Ebjah B. Breeden, Defendant j
To Eliinh fi. Brtln the ooorw nmnnl
I) I'm htnl.
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of tfce above i amed
plaintiff, in tbe above entitled cause now
on file in the office of the Ouot v Clerk,
of Linn county, Oregon by the find day of
the next regular term of the above named
Court, that Is to say. by the twenty-second
dsy of October, WB And you are here
by noli tie I that ti van fed to appear aod
answer ssid complaint as above required,
for want of answer the ptaintitV will appl y
U) the Court for the relief demsntied lu
said complaint, w hicb is a decree dissolv
ing the mar:iage contract now existing
bet ween plaintiff and defendant herein and
for the care, nurture and education of tbe
minor child ttsuied in said complaint, ar d
also for judgment for her costs snd disbursement.-
of this auiu
K. S. SrnanaJt,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
This summons is published by order of
Hou R P Boise. Judge of said Court whieh
order is dsted August. 1st. I
e ban on. I. inn 'wuoty, Oftgji.
this school will commence Monday,
Ssntember 17th, 183, snd close Fridsy,
-March Zstn, ItHH sitweuiH wui nna n
very much to their advantage t be in at
tendance the firs of tbe term if possible.
Applications for rooms, board, or special
auangemente should be made soon.
The buildings sre being repaired snd
every effort will be made to render tbe
sahool pleasant and profitable to all stu
dents desiring tne sit vantages oi a practi
cal education
Students will have the free use of a good
libtary and reading room. For particulars
concerning tuition, course oi siuuy, uosru,
eta, Address
3sv J. L IflLBKKl,
The oldest and most reliable in tbe
market. For sale by
T ie Metropolitan fashion plates furn
ished free on application. Orders by
mall promptly attended to. 1-3
He other disease i so
ktecncUiene tne mxxmti iw
jvr ' as- U '
aU ktoCs cr TOSS ov-3
4nd modicuuahe
U- tsfilyounav
of thes tronBiea
oniCRBI.IUSE i DruccistsSel
9r9MMBBHHflHB HMflHflflMsKatfMsflaM I
e wSl!
a'oasttUissf ''vT m "Tc-iaas" K W
nil ere vsr cia-i msBs