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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1883)
. 5 ! 'I do not advert ,s I do ! Tela great Mreaa- NlH remedy nil nsre t.,ui- in h ltftUnt re sult of oysr twenty -ar of pteeUeal experience, and cure with untailirw eattalnty Nervous ana pkTStcel dsUllity, arm! nal weakness, spsrmsAof. shoes, p ratauthoai, -mtsaiotta, m p o tsucy, -hsusted vitality, pre- l lire decline and taaa of nut ... I,. t. . ana rroaa wmwtw kwA. Ttebrichee and imriftoa ihe WooU -i . muse lea. duraation, re- ..Man" prerenUac involuntary loeeae, dsblUtat nf i. .i.., - witK the urine, etc.. an de- tractive to mind and holy. It I a sure eUmloator of all kWney and nladdsr compla&ita. It eiuiUliia no iolurtousfraii Stints. To Uwee suSen.jrun. . Uta SUM youthful MMjAtjM g ouh and nertnane t euro i HV ARASTKBU, MM M par bottle, or five bottlea in caec, wttn run ui rectkma awl advice. 10. Sent secure from Wr . tkwt to any address upon receipt of price, or t. O. U. lo be had only of IDR. C. D. SALFIELD, t! Knnrj St., BM Prseleo. Cal. rvuuultAiimu tricUT confidential by tetter or at odka FREE For the oanvenience of patieuU and ir i., iamm m iw 1 hare addoited a pn vaiw address under which all package are lonrarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. awActent to show iu merits, will be sent to any applying by letter, stating h?s edniptonui and Communications atrivtly confidential. HI The Great English Reme dy iu never fadins cure lor iNerxoHs Uebihtv. Seminal Ctakneaa, Exhauaxen liir anenuatorrboja. enT MAMIOOU. In Imtencv. Paralysis, and Itorrihlo rffectS of Self Abuse, youthful foUiea,aud liniiniiir inaturer years leuch aa lo of Memory I Lassitude. Emiastnn, Aver Mod to Society. Uimn IVuuon, Noises tn the Head the vital fluid peasin unobserved into the urine, I il at liiiaiia lasalas to insanity and death mm'. MINTIK will agree to forfeit rive Maadrt for a fthia kind the Ital ttrmtera TC (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure or for anything impure or Injurious found in it. 1. Mintie treats all private Ma lasea successfully without mercury. Consultation free. Tr roueh ex amination and advice including analysbof urine. gS. Price of Vital Restorative, 3 a bottle, or tour times the quantity 10, sent to any address upon receipt of price orC. 6. D, ohaeure from observation and iu pri vate if desired, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, U Kemmey street, Saa Francisco, Cat bottle free. Sent on application by etter. aUtii strtctly tn. sex ana age. twraaniauw UaJ. Dr. Mia tie Kidney Remedy, XephreUcuia. cures ll Kinds of kidnev and bladder .mpimU.cim..rrh.i a. gleet, leoucborrtKia. For sale by all druggUts, SI a bottle or six ottles for ft. Dr. Mintie Dandelion Hills are the best and cheap est DyspeiM and Bilious cure in the nuul tt. or gals br ail drugvtsts. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. TVB. E. C. WESTS NEBVE AND BRAIN TKEAT 1 w meet, a specxSc tor Hysteria, Dizziness. Con TnhsVw. Nervous Ueadacfse. Mental Depression Loss of Memory, lSaSSUncy. In- veiontarr old age, caused by over -exertion, aeU-abuae or over indulk'eoce, which One box will cure i to misery, decay and death ittuess. Each box contains one nvmih one dollar a box, or six boxes for five by mail prepaid on receipt pnos We six Soxes to cure any case, "tin T cost red be us for six boxes, accempanied with Ave dollars, we will tend the purchaser our riKra guarantee to return the money if the treat meat dees not effect a cure Onarantees issued only bv WOODARD, CLAKKE A CO . Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEAKXY ST. all f arenir aad .Smeelal YOXJ1VCS- MEN iirse may be mwvEMKSG rmon cflcts of youthful foiliea or huiacratioo, will do well to avaB themselves of this, thegrsatast boon ever laid at the altar of snjfeting humanity. DK. gPLVNEY will guarantee to forfeit fj&OOfor every c fliaiwnilii weakaeas or private duaase of any kind or which he underlease and failg to cure. i are man v at the age of thirty sixty who ate troubled with too frequent eve cue tana of the Wad- oar, often accompanied by a slight smarting or annas lien aad a weakening of the system in a the Lialiaat cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be , r the color will te of a thin milkish hue, again iag to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause. which is the second stage of seminal wsaXness U. . will guarantee a perfect cure in all such eases, and healthy restoration of the gem to-urinary organs. Omcx Hocks 10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 toll a. a. Consultation tree. Thorough exminanar nd advice, ts. For private diseases of short standing a full course medicine sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, will he snt to any ad-lresb u receipt of 910 00. Call ai Jdressi SB. SPINXEY at C O., 71 No. 11 Keamv St. San Pranetoeo, Cat To the Unfortunate! DR- GIBBON'S Dispensary. 62: iO KEAKM ST., corner of Coranitr cial Street, 8an Francisco. , Kfttai.lished in IBM. for I the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such as Cioaorrtsea, Cilect, - HI rlct urr,y hll Is in aj 'its forms, luipafeary Sentlsuil Weakness, night losses by dreams, pirn pies on tbe face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. Tbe sick and afflicted should not fail to eafl upon hi in. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Kurot. and inspected thorourhlv the various nosni tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable mionua- uon, wnic-n he is competent to Irnimrt u tltose in need of his seryices. DK. GIBBON will make no charge unless tie effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY UK ( I RES AT HOME. All coi -tnuiiicaUons strictly confidential. You see no one bu , the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. 3. . GIBBON, Box 1957, San Francisco. vl6u43 A. GfOA pefday at home. Samples worth t) VKJ free. Adrets Rtixsos 4 Co. Portland. Maine. o Our Spring and Summer Price-last No. 33, has made kits appearance improved fand enlarged. Over 200 pages. Over 3,000 illus trations. Contains quota- lions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. Lsngtry. It costs us 25 cents for every copy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum. It makes our hair red to think of it. We should have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents; anything or nothing Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. SS7 m SSS Wabaea Asanas Cklearo, I1L PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Office attendeded to for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the IT. S. Patent Offic j, and we cm obtain Patents in leas time than those remote from Washington . bend niodle oidrawing. We advise ss to patent ability free of charge ; and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer her, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Div. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references tosctuai clients iu your own State or county, address, Ce Ae SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. THE J)ISSEMINATOR . Fubtfdfeed every Saturday j1 AT imc Or eg i t a i Settlement Notice la hereby given that the under signed lis filed in the County Court, of Unn county. Oregon, his final account aa administrator of the eat tte of A R Breeden, deceased, and said Court baa appointed Tuevdsy the Tth day of August 188S t the boor of one o'clock P M of said day at the Court House In Albany, Linn county, Oregon, for the hearing of objection to aid account and the nettUtuenl of the name, at which time and place all person nterested Iu said eetateare oereoy noiineu to appear and tile objections hereto, if any they have. July 3rd, 1883. J N Rick. Adinir. WKATHKRrORD A BLACKBURN, Atty a for Adinir. Administrator's Notice Notice it hereby given to all persons bavins claims against the estate of Har- bardShelton, late of Linn count v. Oregon, deceased, to present them with the proper vouchets. within six moutns front the. date hereof, to the undersigned Ad minis trator of said estate at his residence muea southeast of Scio, in Linn county, Oregon Dated this lMli da of June, 1SW3. AUVKV SlIKI.TON. Administrator. Administrators Notice. TCntk is herebv siren to all persona haying claims against the paytnershlp estate of W M aberer ami oaviu Mierer, nkvll NhAMtr. flrnaanrfll to nreseitt the same to W M SbereV at the oflloe of the Hon R S Straban in Albany, Oregon, the duly appointed admlnistnuor of the said partnership estate within six months from the uate 01 tots nouce. Dated thistfth day o.' Juno, 1883. W. M. Shkmr, Administrator of said estate. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County C ourt, or ldnn county, ure son made Mav 1st. 1S83, the undersigned was duly snpointetl Administrator of the estate of A j Allison, deceased. All per sons haviee claims sua lust the estate of said deceased are herebv required to pre sent them to the undersigned at Harris burg in said county, with proper vouchers witbrog six months from this uate. Dated June 22nd, 1983 J. OL Almson, Administrator. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. AU work is war ranted to rive satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but (leal prin oipaliy in Oregon City granite, cieanm;, reoairinir aad reeettinr a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purcba inK elsewhere as 1 wilt not be undersold Shop on west side of Broadalbin street, opposite telegraph office. G. W. HARRIS. Prop. KELLY, ENGLAND & CO, OP SAUUf, OK. Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, Have always on hand the best quality of their own make of FOUR SPRING WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. All made out of the beat second growth Hickory, and warranted. V. H. Gokrs, In Albany, handles the work of the above firm. The Pacific INCUBATOR. FATKKBD JAN. 3S, 1883. f-jTaian nf art u red in fnui aisra. Any special aisc man jfartured to For pwrtaralars send aUmp lot illustrated ctrniUr U GEO. B. BAI LEY Importer and breeder of cboke poultry. f 1771, ban Francisco. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tke at aaeecssral raaesly errr discovered, as it is certain in it effects and does not blister. Bead proof Mow. Kendall s Spavin Cure. BanaUton, No , June 14th, 1881. B. J. Kmmu A Co., Cents: -litis is to eertifr that 1 have used Kendall's Kpavin Cure and have found it to be all it is recommended to be and in fact more too ; I have removed by using the above : Callous, Bobs Spavins, King-bones. Splints, sod can cheerfully testify and recsmmend it to be tbe best ihinif lor any bony tuUaaocs 1 have ever used aad I have tried many as I have made th-it my atuiy for years. Respectfully yours, P. V. CRIST. FROM THE OKEONTA PfiESS, N, Y. Oneonta, New York, Jan. nth, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. i. Kendall ana Co., of Euosburir ratts Vt. made a contract with tbe nub- lishers of tbe "Press'' for a half column advertismitent for one year setting forth tbe merits of Kendall's spavin Cure. At tbe same time we secured from tbe lirm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall' Trea tise on tbe Horse and bis Diseases, which we an giv ing to advance paying subscribers to tbe "Press' as a premium. About the time the advertisement first anncared in this paper Mr. P. G. Schermerhoni. who resides near Si. It: 1 I C . .. a . , wnirera iuui a siiavioeu norse. Jie retui me aaver- tisement and concluded to test tbe efllcacy of tbe remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity ne nougni a oowie oi nenaan s npavin cure and ceen menced usiiiK it on the horse in accordance with the mrections, ami be inlormed us this week that it ef fected such a complete cure that an expert horse man, who examined the animal recently could find no trace of the spavin or tbe place where it bad been located . Mr. bebermerboru has since secured a eoov ct Kendall s Treatise on the Horse snd his Disease. which be prizes very highly and would be loth to part wit,!, at aoy price, proviucu i.e COUIU UOl OUtain an other copy . So much for ad ertising reliable Articles Kendall's Spavin Cure. Wilton, Minn , Jan. lltb, 1881. J. Kexoall and Co.. Oenta : Havitnr irot a orse book of you by mail a year ueo. tlio content of which persuaded ins to try Kendall's Hpaviu Cure on the hind ler of one of my horses which was badly swoolsu and could not be reduced by any other reme dy, I Kt two bottles of Kendall's Hoavsn Cure of Preston and Ludduth. Oruzifists of Waseca, which completely cured my horse. About five yars ago I had a three year old colt a ween led very badly. I used s our remedy as Riven iu your book without rowelling, and 1 must say to your credit that the colt is entirely cured, which is a surprise not only to my. self but sJho to my neighbors. You seni me the book for the trifliuK turn of 25 cents and if 1 conld not get another alikj it I would not take twenty-five dollar for it. Yours truly, Geo. Mathews. READ PROOF OF WONDERFUL CURES Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 25th, 1881. Ik. B. J. Kendall and Co., Gents : I think it my duty to render you my thanks for benefits aud profits which I have derived from your invaluable aud far famed Spavin Cure. My cousin and I had a valuable stallion, worth 84000 which had a very bad spavin and was pronounced by lour eminent veterinary sur- ;eons, beyond any cure, and that the horse was done tor ever. As a last resort I advised mv cousin to trv a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure. It had a magical effect, tbe third bottle cured it and tbe horse is as well as ever. lir. Uick of Edinbureh, the em inert t veterinary surgeon was an uncle of mine, and I take great Interest In assisting his profession. ours truly, Jaukh A. Wiltos, Civil Engineer Kendall's Spavin Care,. Is sure in its effects, mild in Its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavins, splints curbs, calous, sjsvains, swellings and any lameness aud en largements oi tne joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose tor which liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain iu its eftiw Send address for Illugt?Ct1 Circular which we think gives posiUye proof ofVu virtues. No remedy hub ever web wi kuuicu iuj:c uj our knowledge, totmmmmm Kian, Price SI per Bas tor All drug gists ha"-' itoassl till be sent to address ' iaaBBBBa i 4 tills klfcHIW m as lp m an mm mm m m uispeaaary, r reu 9uin sis., aa aclare. . milErlJ.KOK,NTfITI Tr: Om l the cure of all spnclal oom O fillatd and so-called ItirurabU I chronic dlKoesra. Ir l.lebla a tf t.rraunn let Isorstor 1 posl- y. utiaiBiitrcd cliu IllirMMI. Si and AsrsisM dfblHty. SStnlnal JD. wrsknesa, lot of manhood, sper iutoiih-s. low of energy. MiiKing ami dltslnsss In tin' hd. luclan choll.i, hoicls fsellnsS. 'oi torrbrn, anil iilltlio nuii)ui" fui Imprudence sSeMSJSJ of mature years. The doctor, a regu lar oollsii" phvalclan from Kurope will agno o foHsIt one Ihntiaaml dollars b.r srase Ihelnvlgorator will not cure under swclsl trstmcnt snd ad v tee. The reason so many ran not get cured of weakness and tho above dtwaava Is owing to a romplh-alloii. called IfiaitaUirrnsa, which rwpiires itociillar lrtatuient. r l.lriNt' luvlgnralor Mn S ta i i iiU positive mrs for rros- tatorrhca. PHce of ellbsr Invtgo raur. 81 per botUe ; alx for 810, Sent to any address on rooell of prU-e, orC O D. KesiMmslble jjrso.i can www. cured. Strictest seenwy malnUisetl. Patlenu cured at lr. Usblg DlsM9iiserv has. an sle gantdrug In Its .uldlng Thi rrciueni evacuaiioiis "i ----- , ledlment nal weak tin urine are symptoms oi atninmar, I pniataiorrhea. hswsbbjbwsbbi sbbbbbbj loeblg trealmsnt. yield to the Dr. Ordinary Caaes Any reouni rase oi apeeiai luivate diseaets cured for 810. ltone.n siimr eut to cure will be promptly ssnl, with full dlre.-tl..n and aatfiaa. on receipt of 810. All av kages are seeurely covered from olssorvation. Invlgoralor aamplra rrer. To prove Ute womlerlul power of the Ureal Herman lnvigoratoraS8U.ttleofelthornu'ulr 8fMM aen free of charge. Person orUerlng a iree nouie w. oalv liavs U pay cm1"" ag '-n dsiivery. mmt ixiwcrful electric nclis iree io umw. tiluUon. saamluatlon and advice free sou pnvaw. Call or write. Ur. LIIJIIK A t o . eo t.rary SI.. I'rl vafr Ksilraare, 40i Moi l , a l RUSSELL & CO S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM " SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. At t'lral Hands. T HB ABOVE will. KNOW N llul'sR HA VK opi-nrala HrancbtKB. and Supply Hue at w alia Walls, W. T. They will also carry a full atoak uf their celebrated improvei machinery with W II Mitchell, Agent, or. Front snd Taylor Sta., Port land. Or. Tbe better to ac-otuiiirdato their u.tomer. in llc Interior an I on tbe Coast. Write for Illustrated cirt-uUr and prU e llct ; amt free (naming this paper.) Addrees Ml M I I. A . nranch OflW, W alls W'alU, W T. NTISELL PIANOS ORGANS 10 000 Piano 1.000 Organ I... ' ! , of y, BBSBBJ I gnrtaSStSt.SBl Caa. Srtitae Ili.'.'.i.i.f.tA ANTTSELL - s.f.' arwab C. rn i r.m . C.K.PAItKI! ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (Sucoessors to C. C.-Cberry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Pounders. 7EHAVKOIK NKWKIIOFS ALL completed, snd srs tiw tirrtmrvd to handle a.l kiodn of heavy wrrk. We will manufacture Hteam Knrnea, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, anal all kinds of Iron and Brass Casting". PATTaTJtAf NttC Ml OKI ItrTUK. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Baker St. OfBrr a Lanibrr Tarsi. Albany, Gr.f Dec. 1, lb80. lHtf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS, BUC CIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. not, life i sweeping by. g and dare be fore you die, aomsthing mighty and nublnne leave be hind to conquer time, too a wek in your own town. 85 outfit free. No risk. verytiung new. Capital not required. We will furnUh you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Header, If you want business at whii-h you can make great pay ail the Ume, write for iartirulars to 11, Haliettk A Co.,Portlan Mains NEUTRALIZED. la what way a Prevaleat Evil may b fthera or Its rawer to Marin. . Malaria is a broad name for many diseases all orlg inatingin blood poisoning, lillious lever, tho tyihu and typhoid fevers and chills and fever are prominent members of the family. Malaria defies alike the builders, the plunders and the physicians, Uespar ing of ordinary treatment, the latter almost unani mously recommend ifcmaon'e Capcine Porous Plaster as the greatest antl -malarial specific of tbe age. These plasters act upon the liver, spleen, and kid neys. Worn over the region of the liver, aud uon the hak over the kidneys, they ward off malaria like an V" ... 1 1 . .... .l.t arill im:i ib u'l Wll. when you purchase, satisfy yourself that the word 'anr-iue is cut in the center of the plsster. ujtuuii st tiuiiiwiii, vutwiHi, .h i oik. uignesi W "'i"sssiisjsb1 sa I II II sis-tis-rt phi a J I I I I . J I J I I I I I I'i LRER V EICON 0UER0R1 " - w s s i i I r m aa. a n -m s -- i m The only known tpecific for Epileptic Flts.-Sft ay Also for Spasms and Foiling blckncss."wjft Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured . Equalled by none in dellrinm of fever." f t Neutralizes germs of disease and sickness. Cnre ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. CI ianses blood, quickens slnggish circulation. EHminatcs Boils, Carbuncles aud Scalds.Ta aS"Permanently and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It la a charming and healthful aperient Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing cause tJ Bouts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent aud matchless laxativc.fx It drives Sick Headache like tho wind. Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cores Ithcnmatisni by routing it.-a Ecstores life-giving properties to tho blood.- Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disordem.' y"Iieliable when all opiates fail.- Befrcshed the mind and invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. "ft. fEnuorsed In writing by over fifty thousand baaing pnysiciaua mi.s. ana jsnroiw.-wft reading dortrvmen in V. 8. and Entnne.-i peases of tbe blood own It a cxMimjeror.w & salv Viadiiu?lras:K:sts. il.5f),-tSa 4 'he Dr. S. A. "ichmond Mr J. Co,. Proor' i St. jocep; r . m i a a timonials an-1 ej-ciinrs send stompj i-TOy A V9 . a a r A i hc gctiiortt. i KUIDAY JULY 27, 188 PEttiONALft Tiih monamtnt to 'Blot .ifatiH' Wi liauiH will ho unvftltal t WhU land, Iml, on July 4. JoMoiih Cook say ho U 'Uhe product oi twonty-flvo yor of el ucatloii.J Includes foreign Irtvel." Another anrumont for keeping the boys at home on the farm. The New York Morning Journal says: Beecher earns $U0,0Q0 a your, and yet he never has any money, The good man probably has to do his own marketing. Alexender II. Siephons.of Georgia, never married. II. 11. Miepbeiif of tho same State, Is a grandfather at thirty seven, and is prouder than Alexander If, ever had a chance ot be lug. A collector of sutograph once wrote to Gen. Sherman for his autograph and a lock of his hair, and received the following reply: "Tho man who has been writing my autographs has been discharged, and, aa my orderly i.s bald. I eannot comply with either j w of your requests." (1 rand mother Garfield seldom sits a dinner through, and when the desert is served she takes whatever she fancies In her hand and adjourns te the library. Hho differs inone respect from many oeoplo we have seen at hotels, for instance. They remain at table aslong as any one, but they, neverless, carry away whatever they conveniently can without being di covered. It was obeerved that Sonator Bayard while addressing tbe Ya! aw students was above tbecommen height, of faultlessjproport Ions, neither too spare nor too refund, erect and lithe, with brown hair Just tinged with gjay, close shaveo, fair and ruddy in complexion, a genial, speak ingeye and mobile ; mouth, his expres sion animated aad winning and hh address simple, natural and graceful." Professor Alexander Agassiz has a laboratory on Castle Hill, near New pari it contains sinks and aquariums which are supplied with aalt water by a small steam pump, and is furn ished with work-tables which are covered with black and white tile-. To avoid jarring' the mauds used for mlcroseopicgstudy arojirrangedupon a disconnected floor, supported by brick piers and arches. Inside tho Garfield vault 1b Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, Is a tall silver vase which Mrs. Garfield keeps filled with fresh flowers. On the casket lies Mme. Modjeska's offering of Immortelles. Near by is a sheaf of wheat, and at the foot tbe large palm-leaf fan that was laid on the casket at Eloeron. On the fence out hide hang! a box In which visitors drop contributions to the monument fund, amounting to about t'2JtO a dab. waica Tai it tattauia co bit Special to the Cincinnati Coumercud Now that Generate Pope and Macken zie have been awarded the coveted major aud brigadier-general ahipa, those who were left out io the cold are busy figuring upon their chances for promotion when'the next vacancy occurs in the list of generals office .In tho natural course o( events the eleven general officers will retire from active service as follows: General Sherman, February 8,1884 Lieutenant -fteaeral Sheridan, June, 1894. Major-Genera! Hancock, March 1888. Major-General Schofleld, Nov., 1895. Major General Tope, July, 1886. Brigadier .General Howard, Jnoe, 1805. Brigadier-General Terry, 1892. Brigadier-General Augur, August, 1885. Brigadier-Geueral Crook, Jnly, 1893. Brigadier-General Miles,July,1895 Brigadier General Mackenzie, Au gust, 1894. Tne above statement will prove in teresting to the array, as tho records of the ages of officers are guarded as sacredly at tho War Department as if they were jewels. It will be seen that Brigadier General Augur, com mander the department of the south, will be first to retire, and General Miles the last If tbe system of seniority prevail, Generals Miles will assume the command of the array within the next twelve years and remain at the(hoad of it at least ten years. I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney trouble; was unable to get a medicine or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters, and they cured me iu a short time. A Distinguished Lawyer, of Wayne Co., N. Y. IN 1 14. OK ATI . FOOD. For tbe brain and nerve is what we need in theae days of rush aud worry, Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies and brings good health and joyous spirits quicker than any thing yon can use. Trijptne. Among the most f ftcacious ol reme dial agents are the mediealpreparationa from the liboratory of Mr p. Lytiia E, Pinkbam, Jynn, Mass.- The aite of llift tfOffmlZTj of Work i'.oji wai prenenlacl to tua harl of hrewnbiti y, "to lie held m capita bjr (be sttflnn at innt'i part of a koight'ri fee, and ly the royal aervlca of findiog tlie king a riffht hand glova at bia cot onation, and to support hia right arm on that day, no long an ho might bold tbeaoeptrr, paying, moreover, yearly tbe Hum of SI Cr 8d.'f Tbia manor li now held hy ihe Dukea of Norfolk, who pftfforra the due nervio at ooron- auonn A girl in Brooklyn apenda four hour a day akficthing the bridge from her roof. . Philadelphia haa two colored female buae ball olubi, and muv be said to be considerably ahead. Tbe Widowed Ilaroneaa HothacbUd taoradiied with tho intention of eatab liabing in Vernaillea a home for aged and deatitue author and journalist-, A Utice widow thinka it in wrong that she could not take back her maid nn name when her husband died. "It ia ao much more catcniog you know," ahe explainod. Sept. 14th, 1B80. Hop Itittrr Co., ToaoaTo: at .a I bnvn been aiok for the lwat atx year, Buffering from dyBfiejaiia and ffiinnral wfaknee. 1 have uaed three bottlea of Hop H.ttora, and they have done wondera for me. I am well and ablo to work, and eat and Bleep well. I cannot nay too much for Hop Bitter. SIMON 110BBINK, Unleaa It had great merit Parker's (iinger Tonic could not be so popular. Its aale haa spread remarkably every where, becauae Invallda find it given hem new llfo and vigor when other medicine fail entirely. Oftee FnrtneT, Waiga LAMB 4 HI ATTKACTtfR. All ladles know their facoa are moat attractive when fr?o from pirn, plea. Parker's (iinger Toole la pop ular among them becauae it banishes Impurities from blood and akin, and makes tho face glow with health. I. i Jack i Mo., Sept. M, 1H79. I have been uaulng Hop Bitten, and have received great benefit from tbem for liver complaints und malari al fever. They aro superior to all other medicine. P. M BAUNiiS. Aa attractive, youthful appearance secured by uaulog Parker's Hair a 1mm to all who aie getting gray. bWbsJss The very beat b ingle naado can be had ef J H Maine, joet aeruaa tbe river, forFJL85at tbe ml lb orgs delivered in Albany, ills ahinjclee have no up rior anywhere. They ean be obtained io tbl city at the mill of Tho Mouteltb k Hon. $ST For one dine get a package of Diamond Dye at tbe draggiat'a. Tbey color anything the viupleat and mot desirable colore. Ajlcock's Porous Piasters CI BE WMKSE OTUKat PsVASTEaS I AIL BVBM rm Take elber or yon will be disnppolnf rd, laalal est hating AT.LOOOK'S Phil ., 90S North Third St., Ksbnury 1, 1SKS. I have Iteen using Aixeoca's Poaots Plabtms for a number of years and always with marked benefit. I hare been much troubled with mueeulas rheumatism have been treated by Are of our boat physicians with out receiving any relief whatever. I then used Al loocs's Plastics on tbe parts affected and I can as sure yon ihe pain has almost cnUrely left me. lean recommend them to every one as the beet plaster made. I have tried other kinds but found them worth lees, B. P. aALLAOUKS. Weak Kidneys Cured. Coxtoocooe, N H. March 8, 1880. 1 have been greatly troubled with rheumatism and weak kidneys. 1 was advised to try Aucocg's Pcaoi Plasters (had used two other kinds of so-called Porous Plasters, which did me no good), but one of yours has worked liked a charm, giving me complete relief, and I have not been troubled with rheumatism and kldaey complaint since using them, aud consider myself cuded. Edward D. Hi hsham. Willamette University. Oldest Institution of Learning n the Coast. 836 STUDENTS AND 28 PROFESS OhS AND INSTRUCTORS. 1. C dlege nf Liberal Arts with four courses. 2. College of Medicine, Portland, Oregon. 8. Woman's College with Conservatory of Music and Art Department. 4. University Academy, in which diplomas are given for Business Course and Teacher's Course, also for Preparatory Courses. A young lady's tuition and board In Woman's Col leges school year costs only $189. A young man's board and tuition a school year costs only $160. First term begins September 3rd. Send for catalogue to THOS. VAN8C0Y, tsl President, Salem, Oregon. We have a 12 inch turbine water wheel, brass lining, in splendid condition, which we will sell cheap. ALMOST AS BAD. vt hiit tbe Perplexed Physician do Its Cases of Emergency. "Ill tell you the honest truth," answered the doc tor. "Brlght's Disease bothers the medical men almost as badly as cancer does. Having passed a certain stage, both point straight to eternity. It may be un. professional to let out ths secret, but whenever a patient comes to me with Briglit's Disease, or any kidney trouble acting like it, I tell him to put on BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER without delay." The doctor spoke by t?ie card. The Capcine goes right to the spot. It ydu can be helped, the Capcin" will do It. Look out foi frauds. Is the word CAP CINE cut in the muWiV of the plaster? If so you warn all riffht. Prise ?" 4cnts. Seabury A Johnson, ( hr mLti. 'm Turk. IflvtiMt awards. i' karrb tllrrrtery. V P.O. A Meet at their rooms in Poa. tt ' briok building on Saturday evenings At 7 i.TO o'clock, and on Habbath afternoons at 4. Batrineai meetings are held on the ven. big of the sooond Monday ia eaoh month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. CHcacH. Preaohing etery Sabbath, at 11 a. m., and 7 ml by Kev. T O. Ir vine, D. V. Habbath ftebool at 2:30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. KvAWoaiJrAL CifDitcH. Preaohing on 8ah bath at II a.m., and 74 r. M. Habhath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. HoUenbeugh, pastor. OHM a ten ATioa al Cm o ucn. latviata wavy Habbath at 11a. m. and a r. M. Habbath .School at 2:90. Prayer meeting Thuratlay evening of each week. f. on W. Harris, pastor. M. K. CKcaoH, Moot. Hervice 2od and 4th Habbath at St. Paul s M. K Church, South, at 11 a. M. Habbeth Hchool at 10 a. m. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. Joe. Kmery, pea tor. M. E. C ii ufu M. - Preaching every Habbath at 11 a. m, and 1 r. m. song aervice in the evening before sermon. Habbath School t 2 30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Kev. I). W. Cameron pastor. PaasBTTcaiAM Chcrch. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin ami Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2 .90 p, m. Prayer meeting every Thnraday evening. Itev. Iaao H. Coodit tats tor. KriatorAL Cut'B u.-Service every Hon day, morning at 11 a. m., evening at 7J p. m. Holy communion every Huaday morn ing at 9.45 a. m. VVedneaday 7.30 p. tn. Iloht. Ifc Htevens, paator. CiiKi.rriAS Cim ii. ii I'reaching every Sabbath at Y P C A Hall at 1 1 o'clock, a M., and 7:30 e. m. Pnlpit supplied ia order by Itev. Floyd, Whitney and lioty. t ie fev miivr DUST-PROOF Stem Winding Open Face Case. H S I AT I MI D at Tar. American Watch Co., WALTH AM, MAM. This case letnrmaalhi one solid pieee vHaoet Joint or ssaai, opstilnc in froat only, Una avoiding lbs usual cap, and assuring; jrur slrstifth and dura BffJ, Thaw Wslchsa are all om fare. Tbo beast. Into which aa ettra trtxig crystal is fitted with an aa psdally praparad water proof estnstit, Is attached U Uw ease by screwing It thereon, sad thus forme an air-Ugiit Jaoction with tbe body of the eses, which Is proof against dust and moisture. Tbe railroad man, travelers, miners, lumbal sasii and those who aro almost constantly sapoewl and who hare to melts freqoent rasareeee to Um watch, Uwsa ciuallUes ar f Dm utmost Importance. Tke Ulla w lag Irftrra teU Ihrlr ! VsMosU, OsyK Jely , "I mM one of jroor rsjstit Dwt Proof about Iso months aT, and Ihe athsr day a bark tn ms with ths rsauegi to sjaske a wind On et itneilon I fooed thai ths stem wee rusty, I Inquired Into Ihe canes of It. to taw thai be was starting ledge il In ths bend of the river, whoa hie chain caubi in a bosh sad threw has watch into about twslve fart of waUr, aad he wee about two hours oUins It, Whm ho gut it out II was running ami he thought all right. Io about throe months found that tho stem was bard to turn aad sent it to I can say Uat tho wmm all that the for it am it to ail mill 11. W. Htmi - CUntoo, iowo, April , 161. I wiab you WoMld SStki saa m sfwiag for tho W ISsry Watch By tho way thai Wisry Is a watch I sold in your Hcrww Wosol Chee to a mfsaer last fail. Tho first of January holost tho watch tn ths woods, and found it this wsok in shout ans foot of wator. It had lata thrws months end over ia aad wator, with but slight injury ft ths watch only a hair spring, C. a. Ramose Tbe above wore vary sours last, and beyead a doubt, that for any rssneaMi length of me Ouiii fcwhib a watch might be under water it would roost rs no injury whatover. We bvsJm Uavm ensse in both gotd sad ail vat, ami as s prrfsctly Oust Proof , Stem Winding Watch Cam. Um world to produce its equal. eaic by all arat-ctnaa -Irsteler ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. - Proprietor ALBANY, OREGON. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ajtx HEADS rONES Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. Alho, every variety of cemetery and other atone work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to order from all parte of this State and Washington Territory. jaTAU work warranted. 1 7:42 G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIO NEW BARBE M. JACKSON - Proprietor. Opposite Revere House Shaving and hair dressing done in first olaaa styje. First -class brth room. Bath for ladieaand gentlemen I 'all hours. Terms reasonable. NERVOUS DEBILITY! ISiai EAT M E I Da. B. C. West's Nsbvb ako Bbain Tbeat atSHT, a gnaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizti neea. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, HeaoaohSL Nervous Prostration earned by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of tbe Brain resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, decay snd death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex. Involuntary Losses, and bperroat orrhosa csnsed by over-exertion of tho brain, self abuse or over4ndnigenoe. Each box contains one month's t reatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for tS.UO, sent by mailprenaid on receipt of price. WK tliABAKTKK MIX KOxVm to cure any case. With each order received by ne for six boxes, accompanied with t&XSt, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by WOODAJRD, LARK A CO., suaA Rertskll CDxvsriertAv PORTLAND. OREGON. by maJwui reoeiv protrrt a Julius (jiradwohrs Store, CROCKERY, GLASS, SILVER AND CHINA W A i Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selenton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar. ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. GOODS SOLO AS LOW AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON- THi: HIGHEST MARKET PRICK PAIR I OR BiM Remember! What I Kay I Mean. Give Me a Call. HOFFMAN' k JOSEPH, PROPRIJTOR OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AMD DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco", Groceries, Provisions, Candies; Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, .... Oregon. ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BRIOGS' STORE. Styl AT THE OLD STAND. 72 FIRST STREET. HAS ON HAND AS FINE AN ASSORTMENT O? COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, A any bonne In the alley, lie TIN, SHEET IRON OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, ORESON. Repair work done at tavJI CLARK Indian ea 7 Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver. Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and BloocL Millions testify to its efficacy in heal- line the above named diseases, and pro- JSC A nounce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. tr ue made Gufirantrvtl to cure DysfH itsic UTAGENTS VANTED.-t Laboratory 77 W. 3d St. NowYor.; City. Druggists sell it ALBANY FOUNDRY AND uaciiim: shop. EITABLIMHED 1SS. Br il A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First Montgomery Street, Albany, Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engine. Saw and Grist Mills, Woed-worklng Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Canting of every description. Machinery of all Jtinds repaired. Spe cial attention give lift o repairing farm n:a chlnsry. Pattern Waking Sane la nil Its ft ran s. l&llyl A. F. CHERRY fc SO . iHCta a week in your own town. Terms OUU and 5, outfit free. Address H. Uallbtt A Co.. Portland, Maine. Ol K A WEEK Sl'iadjy at noaae eaaUy mad VP iO Cosily Outfit f re-.-. AiMnaas Tat Co AnfUsia,Maiii WANTED, AT ALL TIMES. LIVE, ENERGETIC men to asli Tunison's Clebrsted Maps snd Chan. No capital required. Siao month guaranteed to agents .bllow- our instructions. For particulars addess, JNO. DIXON, Sacramento, Cel. D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SXJBSOEIPTION DR. FELIX LE BRXTITS Preventive and Cere, far either Bex. This remedy beine- injected directly to the assst of those diseases requires no change of diet or nauseous, mercurial or poisonous meouctnee to ne taken internally, when taken an a nrevenllve bvntWm iaonous medicines to be taken internally. it is impossible to oontractany wanes sal diseases; but in the case of those already unfortu nately sJnleted with Grmnorbcra aid Gleet, we Guarantee S boxes to cure or we will refund the money. Price by mail, restate paid. ffjU per box, or. S boxes for a&XU Wrjtttn gt aracteee issued by all authorised agents. Dr. Felix Le Brnn t o. Role Preps. WOODARD. CLARK. A CO., Authorised Agents, W3a.clewea.lo A 3Zwtn.ll Xx-tairelsrbs. PORTLAND, OBRGON. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. J. L. BILL, M. D. E. L. IRVINE, M. D HILL & IRVINE. Physicians and Surgeons. ALBANY - - OREGON asjroffioe Peterson Bl French's Jewelry Store. -m 36m 3 Administrator Notice. Notice is hereby gfven that the under signed has been dory appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Homer Davis, de ceased, by order of the County Court, of Linn count, Oregon. All persona having claims against tbe estate of said deceased are berehVioiined and required to present the same properly verified wiUiin. sx months front the date hereof to tke under signed at her residence 3 mile nwth of Harris burg, Linn county, Oregon. Dated July th, 1883. Mart E. Da to T. J.Stitii Administrttrii Attorney) a ae I an porta auad naaaafacttirca AND COPPER WARE OR TO ORDER. ALSO. HE KEEPS ON reasonable figures. JOHNSON'S Blood Syrup RKEK'S This draaM mmU is pufana by ttuM ntaakarc csedk, soaay ar. . . ic, aa ac- It coctains matoz raw that arwawsseaxaal to tbe scalp uxi bam and mwijx mmh pssl saal asal ii Z wf the hair and to re- HntcoxACo.KY. PARKER'S GINGER TONiC sssMsaAeaAassl lsaVsesMNa aaaaTaal MeaaansnA --- wt assfsaw sOsB wMi MMHHNwMi MNNNN vsssTMSMHJflo PvCSaSaMe overwork, or a mother ran down by tanj bold duties try Panama's Cnccxa Tonic. If you arc a lawyer, laasiisn cc tnniauii I -aeU by mental stnop or aaxioa cares, do Tr. do n tike iBSfWs. JSiiigWswsilnatS,lsH mil Parker's CwaietT. Km, laocy Coaaplainia. or asiySorercf' stoovach.b.ucls bkjodcrncrrcvPASKsa'sC.iNGsa Toanc wU yoo.It j10"1 pun&fr If j oii ate wasting away sen age; dbaipati a or anS :-. cr tiknes and require a tu.-siu..r i tkc Cimckk Totucatewce: kwiBunrigarate anJ btck you tip imm tae ant noae Rat was i It bos saved hundreds of Hires; at CAUTION r-lLafatsan I aewawM f ta snSf &SWt Iran ii Hnsfi i. iiC,Xr. McASli CrXAT SAT1NO BCTINO IXXXsAl STiX. Itsncb and lawng (ieuhttia perfume et It not nine like It. ton- Caucus and look for botLW Amw Aim it., a. a. 5Bt4y rsa. SS xai ts ,,t mc. nBi up i a is i Jiy sk. l&RIDEN Cqm.U.SA "fj- " T'T '- FIXE POCKET CUIIaERY, Ladies' Scismml Ink Erasws, Tlace oateVd fAe ell aSnlst LMF a1 aH) r j m a tlHl I With StoakiOed swpariatewdant tn that A . wnylsmenteeT by extended existence ment, sa the worst siugoi dm sim, are are enabled to goods of unrivalled quality. To intraUuce our PATENT ADJUSTABLE Quill Action, Reservoir Pen, w e w, . -n ..a a ' a" "'. we snow oi ii, aim wiu nau a saipse gross to any Carries ss ssaek Ink as any Fsstataia ran. THIS P- .Jt P1T8 ANY nnini i .r whole MofPsni wttl he sold bv the tnis l'rtea JUsUfaiaisbed to dealers oa applic-tu. FREE foe TRIAL oi an Qt! c tin on t a . o PA HA JLK B ATS ntsmttVmYmmMUkrnitti Porker's Haw Bakarn SkvaaS SM,USdmhe save ycasa. a. 5sswrknasai .atasafanaiaran Sasanscs has ssede rtus KBashagry popular. There CV ',SBBaBBasaBBas,,S" gl ' i ?a s